#everyone has to be freaking nice and I'm so done
ayakashibackstreet · 2 years
It just hit me, of course I like Eichi, I'm a professional Lanzhu apologist.........
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ursaspecter · 5 months
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⬜️ moon-moon4w00-deactivated
It's super problematic and you should be ashamed for ever liking it. Humans asking their lycan partners to turn them because they think it'll help them "bear the curse" is just disgusting and a gross misunderstanding of what being a werewolf is actually like. No one would ever choose this life. I've literally never met anyone who has, and I'm convinced anyone saying otherwise is a liar. If I had the choice I would have never done it.
🍖 roadkill-meatloaf Follow
That may be true for early iterations of the trope, but in recent years lycans using it far outnumbers the humans using it. Also last time I checked some of the first writers to use the trope are werewolves now. I think one is a werebear actually. And they love it. We don't live in the dark ages anymore. There are resources to help us now and we don't have to hide in shame. I think anyone who genuinely wants to be in this community should be allowed to.
Source: My girlfriend turned me because I did my research and I asked her nicely because I'm sexy like that.
⬜️ moon-moon4w00-deactivated
You're a freak and a degenerate and bring a bad name to all lycans.
🐾 superhowllock Follow
What about when you doxxed knotexplosion for the crime of *checks notes* being a fursuiter. Did that not bring a bad name to lycans?
🌜 impawssible Follow
Anyway, part of lycan acceptance is also accepting if and when people want to become one. No one bats an eye when humans say they want to be a vampire, so why should being a lycanthrope be any different? Both have their pros and cons obviously but so does being a human. Everyone has problems now let's go get you some fruit.
🦴 pupperoni Follow
Wait we can still eat fruit??? I've been avoiding it like the plague because I thought it was bad for us.
🌜 impawssible Follow
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In all seriousness, in my experience just follow guides on what's safe to feed dogs and you'll be good. Now go eat a pineapple.
🌜 impawssible Follow
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yandere--stuck · 1 month
Bad Idea, Right? (Yandere!Stanley Pines x Reader)
Stan was stupid. Stupid, irrational, impulsive, selfish, arrogant, aggressive. A liar, a traitor, a cheat, a thief. Everything everyone has ever said about him was true, and he had the gall to try to convince anyone otherwise. The town, his family, you, even himself. 
But this, this right here, had cemented the facts. Stanley Pines was a monster who didn't care about anyone but himself. Not really. He'd finally fucked up bad enough. Dug a hole so deep that even he couldn't crawl out of it.
God. He had his face in his hands, rubbing the skin in frustration. How would he get out of this? Could he? Was it really too late?
With a sigh, Stan looked up. He sat in Ford's underground laboratory, having taken a seat in front of the desk overlooking the portal. He turned to look at you - still asleep in the bed Stan had dragged down here long before he'd enacted his plan.
The guilt made his stomach turn. The guilt in knowing that, really, this wasn't impulsive. This was planned.
He couldn't help it. Or maybe that's what he told himself so he could go through with it. He should've kept his boundaries up. He should've chased you off. He should have never hired you in the first place! 
Ugh, but it wasn't like Stan wanted this to happen! How was he supposed to know he'd end up falling for you? Look, maybe if you hadn't been so chummy and sweet to him, trying to make him come out of his shell and lower his guard, acting all cute and like you knew you had him wrapped around your little finger and… No, no, this was all wrong. This wasn't your fault. This was all on him.
You were just a nice person. You had been a good and helpful employee, and then, as you grew to know each other more, a good friend. He just found himself magnetized to you. He loved cracking jokes and just talking with you, drinking in your affection and attention like a man dying of dehydration. And not to mention how good you were with the kids! The fact that they liked and looked up to you only further instilled his fondness for you.
It was almost embarrassing how smitten he was with you. God, it made him feel like a young man again, even long after he should've called off love for good, considering all his failed marriages. He could only hope it wasn't obvious, especially considering what he'd done now. He at least couldn't recall a time when he'd referred to you as a honey-wasp-kitten-baby.
Stan found himself wanting you to depend on him. To be your hero. To take care of you. And now look at what he'd done. You were an innocent victim of an obsessive freak. You had opened your heart to him and found it in you to care about this old scumbag, and this was how he repaid you.
Dipper and Mabel had gone off doing something with Wendy and her friends in the evening. He'd been able to push Soos out of the shack early enough after closing. No witnesses. Anything could have happened on your walk home, after all.
It had been easy to insist you stay for dinner. And it'd been even easier to mix all sorts of shit into your drink with you none the wiser. There was a reason he didn't bring up his past around you.
A sudden whimper startled him from his thoughts, the man’s posture going ramrod straight for a moment before scrambling to your side. Concern was etched into his features as he watched your face scrunch up as you came to.
Your vision swam, the room above you was spinning as you awoke. You could swear at least four Stans circled above you, just as unfocused as everything else - so much so that it hurt just to keep your eyes open.
Your eyes fell shut as you let out a groan. “...Stan?”
You wouldn't know how Stan's heart nearly leapt from his chest, hearing you say his name like that.
His hands immediately closed around yours, giving them a squeeze. “Yeah, yeah, it's me. I'm right here. I'm right here, sweetheart.”
The pet name tasted like bile in his mouth. As if he deserved to call you that. 
“Wha’ happened,” You slurred. “I feel sick…”
A hand clamped over his mouth. His stomach did a flip. God, he was gonna be sick himself. First, he ruined his brother's life, then his own, and now he was ruining yours. That's so like him. This was so like him.
“Yeah,” Stan started, almost breathless. “You're sick, honey. But, I'm gonna take care of you, okay? Everything’s gonna be alright.”
His heart skipped a beat when you didn't reply. Pressing a finger to the pulse point on your throat, he held his breath and listened to the frantic beating of his own heart. Then, he exhaled in relief. Just sleeping. Of course.
Stan stood above you for a moment, looking over you. He could turn back now. He could bring you back upstairs and let you sleep on the couch. In the morning, he could fake being ill and blame it on his cooking. You could go home, he’d give you time to sleep it off and everything would go back to normal and you'd have no idea!
Then, Stan sighed. He could do all that. He could do it right now. But, he wouldn't. Because he didn't want to. He had wanted you right here, and he had you. No amount of guilt would ever make him give you up.
Stan leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
This was just who he was. And it may be his fault, but you needed him now. He needed to be responsible for you. He needed to take care of you. He needed to be your hero. He needed to be needed by you.
And that's just what he'd do.
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etanow · 2 months
Do you have any showtime monster labs headcanons? 👉🏻👈🏻☺️
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Caine was the last to realize Pomni was in his residency (He was,, otherwise preoccupied), and was absolutely flabbergasted that Jax did such a thing as raising the dead. Caine has a strict policy on not letting humans(dead or alive) that far down in the C&A facility unaccompanied considering how many monsters reside there.It was one of the few times anyone had seen him properly upset at something Jax had done. Pomni was rightfully freaked the fuck out at a giant pair of floating teeth and eyes saying he's a long-forgotten God, needless to say, their first introductions were confusing on both ends LOL
Understandably, Pomni has a LOT of issues with herself appearance-wise. She avoided mirrors for weeks, and tried her best to keep distant from the others. Caine didn't walk on eggshells around her like the others did as she adjusted and that was something she appreciated, at least provided a little sense of normalcy. He was easy to talk to and remembered EVERY little detail.
Caine can change his form at will, but Pomni prefers his big ol' toothy head because he said he was most comfortable appearing that way.
Everyone has their own unique smells; Zooble smells like brimstone, musk, and campfire, Jax always smells like hand sanitizer and chemicals that make your nose burn, Kinger like old earth and soil, Ragatha smells comforting like your favorite old plushie, and Gangle didn't have much but she liked occasionally putting perfume on her ribbons. But Pomni always has a hint of the smell of death following her. She tried Gangle's perfumes and all sorts of scented soaps but nothing could truly mask or make it go away. It was only when Caine gifted her a bouquet of flowers that the smell was almost forgotten. Hell, maybe the plague doctors with their floral and herb-filled masks were on to something. Since then, Caine often surprised Pomni with fresh flowers, herbs, and plants to the point of her shelves overflowing with vases and pots of flowers in all states. Eventually, she gets to pressing flowers between books as a memento for every flower he's given her.
Pomni sometimes needs blood transfusions as her body doesn't make blood anymore but still needs it- she hates needles. Caine and Ragatha alternate sitting with her during it since it can take a few hours at a time and distract her with books or idle chatter until it's done. Caine is an amazing storyteller, he's existed a long time as both a noncorporeal and corporeal being and has countless stories of battles and moments long lost to time. He hasn't really had anyone to share these stories with, and the only other being who was around during all of it, well he doesn't get the chance to talk with him much these days...
Ragatha and Pomni got together first, they spent a lot more time together in the beginning since Caine only popped in once or twice a week usually. He started hanging around longer after a while and I'm getting sidetracked now I'm just imagining Pomni bursting into Ragatha's room sobbing with a "I'M SO SORRY I JUST KISSED CAINE PLEASE FORGIVE ME-" And Ragatha doesn't miss a beat, totally unphased and unbothered, "Ooh nice! Was he any good?" And Pomni's just standing there like "Wait What"
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They are all very bad at communication lmao but they're TRYING THEIR BEST OKAY
Caine is not used to the concept of resting, meanwhile, pretty much all Pomni does in her free time most days is nap or laze around- it took Caine a while to not see it as a waste of time and now loves it when Pomni rests her head in his lap. He likes playing with her hair and watching her sleep peacefully.
Pomni keeps her gloves on often because she doesn't like the sight of her skeletal fingers but absolutely MELTS with palm and backhand kisses.
Caine is very touchy-feely, he rubs backs when talking idly or loops arms together, floats a little closer, and matches their pace when walking together (even imitates walking itself with little bobs in time with whoever he's walking with). On some bad joint days, Pomni has a bit of a limp from her exposed bone leg and Pomni finds it absolutely hilarious when Caine unintentionally matches that movement.
Pomni misses facebook memes a lot :(
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kimhargreeves · 1 year
A Flashy Act part 2-Buggy x Reader (smut)
Summary: Buggy has decided to question you behind curtains in his private room, which leads you both to share an intimate moment together.
(A/N: The people have spoken and I delivered!! Enjoy this spicy Buggy smut for all you weird clown fuckers like myself. Special thanks to everyone who liked my post! I didn't expect it to become popular in just a day. Anyone enjoy cause this is nasty..or spicy however you want to look at it. A part 3 may be done once I finish the show since I'm on ep 3.)
(Tag list: @pookiesnatcher @alejandro0-0 @ghostlycrystobalove @lenu-i
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"Don't worry, I got this!" Luffy shouted when Buggy had grabbed me and began to pull me away from the stage, where Luffy was now held. This fucking clown, I swear if he harms that boy. I frowned when the clown began to now pulling me away.
"Quit giving me such a hard time!"
"Hey! What do you think you're doing pulling me into this room-" I was immediately quiet when Buggy grabbed my shoulders dipped me a bit and he unexpectedly began to kiss me.
I started back at him surprised as he lifted me back up on my feet. The first thing I did was slap his across the face and I hid my face.
"I-I'm so sorry! What..why did you-"
Buggy began to chuckle to himself as he held onto the spot I had hit him. His lipstick was smeared around his lips, and it was a bit hard ti tell if I let a mark on his face.
"You're still annoying and hard to please. You haven't changed quite much, (Y/N). Now..Where is my map?!"
I furrowed my eyebrows and leaned closer to look at him. All of the sudden Buggy took a step back and froze.
"Buggy…sorry I don't know what you mean-"
"Ugh I knew it! That damn Shanks probably told you to forget about me. He always does things like this."
I crossed my arms over my chest and tilted my head. "Shanks you know him?! Wait…" I thought hard and suddenly remembered a certain memory of myself, Shanks and Buggy.
"Now I remember! You took a few punches once when-"
"When a guy threatened to toss you out into the sea." Buggy ended my sentence and sighed.
I started up at the clown and wondered how I had forgotten about him. "We used to hang out didn't we? The three of us."
"Yeah until I was left alone! Shanks returned one day without you, saying how he wanted you to have s nice and decent life, not a pirates one which I thought was bullshit."
"Language." I warn and smirked afterwards.
Buggy sighed and now looked at me up and down. "You really grew up, (Y/N)."
"Flashily I suppose?" I said giving a twirl and giving a wink. "But seriously, did you kidnap us just so you can have the map?"
"That map belongs to me! Not to some prepubescent boy who doesn't know what it's like to be a pirate. Why are you with him anyways?" He asked leaning his back onto the wall and crossing his arms.
"I made a promise to my brother, Shanks. That I would look after him."
"So you're a babysitter then? That's great." Buggy rolled his eyes as he said that and started to take his gloves off. "Really suits your character." He laughed.
I squinted my eyes at him and looked at him from head to know. "Never thought you would go with the whole creepy clown look. You look like you would eat children." I joke.
"I eat others things… I let the whole raw meat thing to my buddy you met back on stage."
Great. So not only are they all supposed to be freaks, but he has a cannibal among them. What else has he been up to for these last couple of years?
"Gross. How many times have you taken advantage of some poor girl..or boy."
"Don't be ridiculous. I would never take advantage of someone if they were against it. And those who accept?"
"Well, let's say we have a pretty good time." He grinned pulling himself back up straight and seeing me fake throwing up.
"Ew.. I did not need that image in my head."
"Don't tell me you're still a virgin! Someone like you? Traveling the sea?!"
I looked around at where he had taken me. Making sure to look well even if it was kinda dark, only a few candles here and there with a vanity mirror and a few makeup scattered around, a small bed with the same lights messily clinging above the room.
"Where's Luffy?"
"Now you're avoiding the question!"
"Just tell me where he is with his ginger girl and broccoli guy!" I said trying me my best to not seem nervous, but really wanting to know if they were safe.
"I'll gladly tell you, once you tell where my map is!" He shouted and seemed to quickly compose himself and curse under his breath.
Buggy dramatically sighed and sat down on the edge of his bed. "Rubber boy is fine, he's entertaining my guests. Other two are with Cabaji."
My eyes looked back at the entrance and worried about the people being held hostage, I even spotted a poor dog with an older man, probably the owner saving the last thing he has, "What about the people?"
"What people?"
"The towns people, you idiot. You have to let them go." I said hoping he'd listen.
Buggy jumped up and began to laugh. "Sure! I'll do it right now, wanna help me?"
I frowned looking at him and was thinking if there's some way I can somehow release some of them. I really need Luffy's help…I decided to be straight and harsh with him.
"No matter how many people you hold captive. You'll never make people love you."
I felt a bit intimidated by his stare when Buggy took steps closer to me and cornered me against the vanity mirror. I looked to the side and felt his stare on me.
"Don't think you'll get a pass out of this, sweetheart. You're doing this so I can let your little friends go." Buggy lowly spoke as he took his ungloved hands and wrapped one around my neck.
"You seriously think that I would take advantage of you?" I question looking back up at him and saw a cold stare on his face.
"I think you're the one wanting to take advantage of me. You want to know where the map is. Well, I won't tell you, because I don't know. Thanks to your bombs I collapsed before I got the chance to see where or who got it."
"And why should I trust you? We don't know each other well." He sang being sarcastic as ever.
"You like playing games don't you? Maybe I can show you that I am telling the truth." I said and smiled.
Buggy frowned and gave me a harsh stare. I reached my hand down to his pants beginning to unbutton the first few buttons. His breathing hitched and I could feel him freeze when I touched him.
"It's been years since I saw you. We were kids..I'm sorry I forgot about you. Shanks only wanted what was best for me-"
Buggy instantly grabbed my wrists making me stop and look back at him when with his other hand he grabbed my face.
"Shanks being selfish as ever. Did he ever wonder what was best for me? He's taken everything from me, and now I have you back." He grinned and now grabbed the back of my head.
He placed his hand under my chin and I could see his blue pupils darken. I closed my eyes when Buggy leaned down to kiss me again. I felt him move my hair aside and leaving quick kisses down my neck and collarbone.
I gripped onto his shirt tight and began to kiss his lips again, ignoring how I would end up stained in his makeup. Quickly it began to deepen with me slipping out a moan when I felt his hands on my stomach and felt his pants getting tighter.
I moaned into the kiss when I felt him begin to get rid of my upper half clothes and began to palm my chest. Buggy's kisses began to lower until he reached down my breasts while his other hand played with my other one. While he was busy I started to reach my hand down to his pants beginning to unbutton the first few buttons. His breathing hitched and I could feel him freeze when I touched him.
"It's been years since I saw you. We were kids..I'm sorry I forgot about you. Shanks only wanted what was best for me-"
Buggy instantly grabbed my wrists making me stop and look back at him when with his other hand he grabbed my face.
"Shanks was being selfish as ever. Did he ever wonder what was best for me? He's taken everything from me, and now I have you back." He grinned and now grabbed the back of my head.
He smiled as he placed his hand under my chin and I could see his blue pupils darken. I shivered when I felt his hands beginning to move lower into my pants, until his fingers started to tease my nub.
My breathing hitched and a moaned almost escaped from my mouth, quickly I covered my mouth which made it seem like it was irritating Buggy. With my mouth still covered I saw him beginning to lower himself down on his knees. Quickly he got rid of my pants quick and slowly pulled down my underwear.
I've never been this exposed to someone. I began to cover myself but Buggy held my hands back and he began to leave a few bits down along my thighs until I saw him begin to part my legs. I leaned my back against the vanity mirror making all the things that were on it fall to the ground.
"You are so beautiful, (Y/N)." I heard Buggy say when he saw me naked before him.
Buggy began to lick his smudged lips and I gasped when he grabbed my thigh and placed it on his shoulder. I threw my head back when I saw stick his tongue out and gave a slow and long lick to my entrance, he followed it with another lick until Buggy was swirling his tongue. I loud moan escaped from mouth when I couldn't hold it it anymore.
His nose would occasionally brush against my clit, causing my body to twitch and strain against him. Buggy's other hand continued to thrust his fingers inside me while he pressed his thumb against my nub. "Buggy..” I moaned lowly. My hand continuing to grab his hair tugging at it slightly, causing him to growl right into my cunt again. "I'm gonna-" I squeezed my eyes shut when he thrusted his fingers faster for me to come.
I began to buck my hips forward and continued to tug onto his blue hair which has been tied up. I squeezed my eyes tights and cried out in pleasure when I felt something build inside of me, and when I finally came, I felt my legs about to give out.
Buggy quickly wiped his messy face and quickly stood up and held me close to him. Holding me so I wouldn't fall.
"Not so fast, sweetheart. It's my turn." I was still coming back to reality when Buggy pushed me down on my knees and I was met with his long and big- "There's no way its gonna fit." I thought looking at him.
"Why don't you use your pretty mouth, (Y/N)?" Buggy hummed slipping his thumb into my mouth before pulling it away. I looked down at him and my entire face got red seeing him completely undressed now. What would people say if they saw me about to fuck a clown.
Suddenly I began to feel nervous as I watched him begin to stroke himself a bit until he began to guide his member closer to my mouth, his other hand running through my hair lovingly.
I did what I suppose I am to do, I opened my mouth sticking my tongue out. Buggy wasted no time and he began to gently fuck my mouth. I hummed when I tasted him and heard him groan above me as I took in more of him and took him out with a pop.
I reached my hands out to pump the rest that couldn't fit in when I took him back again and began to gag when he began to fuck my mouth faster. Buggy gripped my head tight and suddenly pulled be back leaving a string of saliva connected to him. I shrieked when he suddenly began to carry me onto the bed.behind him.
Buggy quickly getting rid of his remaining clothes and grabbed my ankles to part my legs when he got on top of me, his hands gripped my hips as he guided his dick between my folds. I shivered when I felt him toying with me and kept on teasing me before he grabbed himself again and began to slide in.
Both of us moaned when he slid deep inside of me. Buggy cursed a few words and he stayed still for a minute, before he began to thrust into me at a rough pace. He slid deep in me with ease as my juices coated his cock. I moaned out and looked to the side feeling shy again, my breasts bouncing with every hard thrust he did as I felt his fingers rubbing my clit harshly.
Again I felt that familiar sensation returning I clenched around his cock as I interlaced my fingers with Buggy when I felt that snap again and my vision got blurry for a second. I began to feel overstimulation when his hands buried into my hair again until one of his hands reached down my neck. His pace became even rougher and faster, making me come closer to my climax again
I began to cry when he learned down to whisper dirty things into my ear, his playful self no longer present in the room. Tears streamed down my cheeks as he continued to fuck me. Buggy reached down to rub my clit harshly, making me come again and stain the sheets beneath us. And just when I thought we were done, Buggy flipped me so my stomach would be facing the bed and my back facing him.
Another moan escaped from me when I felt a harsh smack against my ass and felt his hands grab my ass and stretching me to take him in better. At this angle I could feel him closer.
I shut to eyes shut and continued to moan and cry every time he would thrust into me. I bit my lips tight as I felt his harsh thrust inside of me. I reached down myself and stated to circle my finger over my clit, the friction along with this man's rough thrusts making my mind go blank as I rested the side of my face onto the bed.
"Buggy..I-I'm.." I cried out when I felt Buggy holding onto my hips tighter pulling me back against him.
I heard Buggy softly laughing as he watched the faces and moans I made. One last moan and cry came out of me when I came hard. I still felt extremely sensitive when I felt Buggy holding onto me tight until we both gasped, I grasped onto the sheets when I felt forward a bit and felt him getting closer
Buggy gripped onto me tight and moaned close to my ear when he came inside of me. I fell forward and began to shake at what happened. Slowly, Buggy pulled himself out.
I got myself comfortable laying on my side and felt something still slowly dripping out of me. I was too tired to speak or to even look back at the blue haired clown.
Last thing I felt was Buggy rubbing my hips and planting a kiss a quick kiss on my head before I watched him leave the bed. Too tired to question anything, I decided to shut my eyes for a quick nap and felt something warm being placed on top of me.
"(Y/N)! You're safe..where the heck where you?!" Luffy questioned seeing my tired face. "Where you kept locked up? Buggy didn't hurt you did he?!" Luffy grabbed my shoulders and began to shake me.
"Luffy! Now's not the time!" I said not wanting anyone to touch me at how sore I felt. I looked at the young boy and smiled, "…I-I'm fine. None of you got hurt?" I asked genuinely concerned for them.
Though I have no idea what had happened since I had blacked out. I only remember falling asleep and well, waking up alone and pulling away from some curtains and making my way outside of the huge tent. That bastard clown. How dare he leave me.
Everyone of the towns people were set free and thanking Luffy for his help. Everyone genuinely seemed happy and very grateful. That way they know that not every pirates are bad.
"Nothing we couldn't handle." Zoro calmly replied walking past me.
"Kicking the clowns ass was fun. You should've seen it." Nami told me after.
They defeated him then? I sigh and smiled looking at Luffy and pulled his straw hat down and chuckled. There's no way he can't know what happened between that clown and I. That fucking clown will pay if I were to see him again.
I looked over at my friend and smiled at him. "You did great Luffy."
I followed Luffy to the ship and saw him waving at everyone where the ship began to sail. We all got busy and I sat down rethinking what the hell I did back there.
Luffy came over and smiled sitting next to me. "Are you sure you're fine? I swear I heard you crying."
My blood ran cold and I grew pale. I noticed Luffy's worried look and he quickly placed his hand over my forehead.
"Are you sick? Don't tell me you're getting sea sick all of the sudden."
"…Nope. I'm sorry I shouldn't worry you. Nothing happened." I lie straight at his innocent face.
The boy smiled and nodded his head. "If you say so! Let me know if you feel any better."
I nodded my head and saw Luffy run over to the front of the boat. I turned around and spotted Nami and Zoro shaking their heads at me.
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astrophileblogs07 · 6 months
Astro Observations pt.21
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Back with some very random Astro observations 😁
⚫ Saturn aspecting the 7th house actually can dislike 9 to 5 jobs or corporate office jobs. They are better with freelancing. Its coz they can't take orders. Sorry not sorry. 💀(Ig that's a Saturn 7H thing 😆)
⚫ An interesting thing I observed: Among two siblings, the elder one has Leo rising which means Scorpio 4H and the younger one has Scorpio moon. And their Mom is a Scorpio moon too. She's a nice lady though but is such a control freak. (I know I am one too, but like when I met her the second time that "controlling" vibe just hit me like a big yellow school bus 🚌😭😭). That was so funny lol😂. -All the more her birthdate is a single digit 1.(these people are the alpha type, always lead and never follow and hence are dominating, one to have the last say) which is cherry on top. -She is fiercely protective of her kids. Can't emphasize enough on "fierce" part. Very strict. Rules are to be followed very religiously. {She can't stand any one of them doing anything without her knowledge. She even monitors whom they interact with what they do on their mobiles etc.(from what I suspect)} (obv Scorpio moon mom traits) (sometimes Leo moon moms too){nothing unhealthy here, just Mom's way of showing they care 😂}
⚫Saturn and Workout: -Workout 🏋️‍♀️requires CONSISTENCY. Saturn LOVES consistency. -In fact the best remedy for Saturn is sweating. JUST SWEAT by hard work. No matter what it maybe: workout, walking, jobs, cardio, sports etc. 🤸‍♀️🚴‍♀️🏋️‍♀️
⚫ Whilst on the topic of Saturn, people who follow a time table for literally everything the planet doesn't harm them much during its Dasha (even if its your worst one). I mean obviously you played by the rules 🤷‍♀️
⚫ Magha is the only nakshatra for which you don't need in depth compatibility match. They get along with everyone.
⚫Scorpio Venuses/8H Venuses are paranoid. They notice and suspect everything (sometimes things which are not there/imaginary). (For eg, me, who thinks that someone is peeping thru my curtains even when nobody is there and all my curtains cover my windows properly. 🤣).
⚫Also as a basic Scorpio Venus behavior: while writing chats/texting, I always think- "what if someone else reads it?"..so I just don't give much details in texts. (Gosh, sometimes I think somethings wrong with me 😭😭)
⚫The proven way to hurt a Leo moon: compare them with any other person and tell them that the person is wayy better in a certain thing esp if it's a triat that the Leo is proud of. 🤣 (P.S don't do that, its mean and the Leo will hunt you, which you don't want 😀.)
⚫Why do Aries moon men have a bunch of good friends for life and Aries moon women struggle with having at least one good genuine female friend for life? (I'm jealous)
⚫ Maybe its becoz they get along more with guys than gals so the girls are jealous of them...so hence no good female friends. 😢🤡 Aries moons are the best-est people for friendships you'll ever get.
⚫ People born on a Saturday look melancholic.
⚫ You can NEVER mislead a Leo rising. They study litreally everything: what you say what you do, and why you do so. Similar to Scorpios
⚫If you see a person having graceful and "royal" way of walking or behaving, they're are sure shot to have a Magha Ascendant.
⚫Connecting the dots here: as I said in one of my previous posts that Maghas get framed even when they have done nothing, what I interpreted is that Maghas are actually the definition of royalty. They literally have that ✨grace✨, that kinda magnanimous personality and similar struggles to a monarch. Totally King/Queen typa energy here. So with that, the usual consequences in a Kingdom is conspiracy against the king, which the Maghas face. (Enough with Maghas ig, started observing them recently so..✌🏻💀)
That's it for today, until next time! (like,comment and reblog loveliesss❤❤😘)
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harringtonstilinski · 29 days
Armageddon It - Eddie Munson (Smut)
Author: @harringtonstilinski​ Characters: Eddie Munson x Reader Word Count: 6,537 Warnings: fluff, squint super hard for angst, mentions of a jealous chrissy, Requested: no | yes; i'm gonna say yes on this. it's really a challenge i'm doing with @stevesxyellowxsweater! Smut (Minors DNI): no | yes, 18+; oral (f receiving), protected m+f, let me know if i missed anything A/N: Hi, friends! After about 4 or so months of writing, SHE'S FINALLY HERE!! Also, The Upside Down doesn't exist in this, bye! If you like this, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
eddie munson masterlist
eddie munson playlist
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“Edward Wayne!!”
A smirk crossed your friend's face, his eyes never leaving the neck of his Sweetheart, his guitar. “Yes?”
Your body stood in the doorway of his room, a boisterous laughter coming from the living room. “You’re in fucking trouble.”
“Why is Wayne laughing?” He won’t lie, it was nice hearing his uncle laughing like he was. Eddie hadn’t heard him laugh like that in a long time.
“Because you’re in fucking trouble.”
Chuckling, he set his guitar down. “Okay, sweets. What’s up?”
“Can you please tell me why the hell everyone at that godforsaken video store has asked me about your hips?” Crossing your arms, you gave him the most seriously stern face you could muster, leaning your weight on one of your legs, an eyebrow raised.
Wayne laughed harder, which made Eddie cackle, his head thrown back. “And how were my hips?”
“Eddie!” you chastised. “What the fuck?” Holding your arms out to the side, you scoffed. “Do you realize what people are insinuating?”
“That we’ve had sex?”
“Hey now!” Wayne said. “Let’s not talk like that.” You heard a small squeak before the front door opened. “I’ll sit on the porch if you wanna have that talk.” He chuckled on his way out.
Sitting on his bed with your back facing Eddie, you sighed and dropped your head into your hands. “Eddie! We can’t have people thinking we’re fucking. It’s not right.”
A sort of sad look crossed Eddie’s features, his eyes casting downward, looking at a random spot on the back of your shirt. “I’m sorry, sweets.”
Sighing again, you removed your hands, turning to bring your leg up on the bed, bending it at the knee. Looking at Eddie with a somber look, you took his features. Bringing up a hand, you cupped his cheek, his eyes casting up to look into yours. “It’s okay. I wasn’t expecting it. It literally took me by surprise.”
“Just so you know,” Eddie said, seriousness in his eyes. “I didn’t start that rumor. It had to have been someone else.”
Thinking it over for a moment, you wracked your brain about who could’ve started the rumor, coming to the conclusion with a sigh, dropping your hand to a hard but soft surface as you closed your eyes. “Fucking Cunningham.”
“Chrissy started that rumor?”
Standing from his bed, you started pacing the length of the mattress, hands in your hair. “Jealous fucking ex is what she is. God, I can’t stand her. We’ve been out of school for, what? Two years?”
“You’ve been out for two, I’ve been out for one.”
“Whatever! Gah- I can’t believe she’d want to spread a rumor like that! Who does she think she is?! Miss fucking Priss, is what she is!” You were ranting so fast and almost way too loud that you didn’t notice Eddie standing in front of you until you felt hands on your shoulders, stopping your pacing.
“Hey. Sweets. Calm down. She’s just jealous. She broke up with me because I was apparently spending more time with you than her, remember?” Eddie said, bringing up his hand to brush some hair behind your ear. “No need to freak out.”
“I’m trying,” you sighed. “It’s just hard because I’ve done nothing to her and she’s just… her.”
“Hey, kids!” Wayne called out. “You two hungry? It’s almost dinner time.”
Looking off to the side, you thought about it for a moment, realizing that you haven’t eaten in a while. “Yeah, I could eat.” You looked at Eddie, shrugging before turning to walk back down the hallway to the kitchen where Wayne was now standing. “What’cha cooking up, Wayne?”
“Oh, I was thinking of either some burgers or some tacos,” Wayne answered, looking into the refrigerator.
Lightly gasping, your eyes went wide. “Can I help make whatever? I mean, I can actually make whichever one for you.”
“Oh, darlin-”
“Nope,” you said, stepping up to him, placing a hand on his back. “You do a lot for Eddie.”
Wayne grabbed the pack of ground meat from the fridge, placing it on the counter. “You too, darlin’. Don’t forget that.”
“When I’m here. Let me help. Please? You can kick your feet up, watch some tv, drink a beer or two. Just relax, Wayne, please. For me?” You gave him your best puppy dog eyes, bottom lip poking out.
The older Munson man just chuckled, reopening the fridge to grab a beer, tilting it at you with that Munson smirk. “You got it. Make whichever one you want. I’m good with either one of them.” Smiling, you said, “Okay,” as your eyes watched him walk to his chair, kicking the foot rest up and deeply sighing. “Eddie!”
Jumping at how close his voice was, you turned to face him, hand up at your sternum. “Don’t do that.”
“Sorry,” he quietly laughed. “What’s up, sweets?”
“Hamburgers or tacos?” Not waiting for him to answer, you turned on your heel to the cabinet where you knew the spices were kept, humming when you didn’t see any taco seasoning. “Shit. We need taco seasoning.”
“I was gonna say hamburgers, but tacos works, too,” Eddie said, Wayne holding up his beer to add, “I was gonna say the same thing!”
Grabbing your keys from the small kitchen table, you sighed, “You Munson men. I’ll be right back.”
“I’ll go with you. Wayne, care if I go with her?”
“Nope. Just don’t get into trouble,” Wayne replied, eyes glued to the tv that was already on when you had arrived.
“Awesome,” Eddie smiled, turning his head to watch your retreating form move to your car. “Thanks, Wayne.” He quickly walked out of the trailer, calling out your name, your head turning at the sound of his voice. “Let’s take the van. I feel like a giant in your tiny ass car.”
Shaking your head, you snickered, moving around both your car and his van to reach the passenger side door, finding it already open for you, Eddie standing there with his hand out to help you in.
“You’re such a dork,” you softly laughed. Once he closed the door and moved around the vehicle, you buckled yourself in, looking at his collection of metal tapes lying everywhere on the van’s floor. When you found one you knew he bought for you, you picked it up and held it up.
“I’m not listening to Pyromania again.”
“It’s not that one. It is Def Leppard, though.”
Eddie sighed, taking the tape from your hand to read the title of the album, looking at you with small distaste. 
“Oh, come on! It has like three of my favorite songs on it!”
“Name them,” he said, turning the case over to look at the track listing on the back.
“Love Bites, Hysteria, and Pour Some Sugar On Me.”
He looked at you for a moment before sighing, “Fuck,” and putting the tape in after ejecting the Dio album he was listening to. Once the songs started to play and you were happy, he backed out of the small front yard to the small bit of road the trailer park provided to drive toward town. “So, I was thinking about something.”
“Shut up,” he chuckled. “About this rumor. Maybe we should… I don’t know, put it to bed and make it true?”
If you were drinking something, you’d for sure either choke on it or spit it out all over your part of the dashboard. “What?”
“Let’s do it! Let’s make the rumor true.”
“Well, damn, Munson, now every time we hang out, I’m gonna anticipate it.”
“Good,” he said, smirking to himself. He pulled into the parking lot of the local grocery store, the both of you getting out and walking side by side into the store.
As you walked through the aisles, you picked up what you thought you’d need for your meal; taco shells, sour cream, tomatoes to dice up, green onion to chop for garnish and cheese. Once everything was in your arms, you both dropped them onto the conveyor belt at the checkout counter to pay.
Eddie insisted on paying for everything with his ‘business money’, but you told you got it and for him to not worry about it, that it was your treat. When you paid and got your paper bags from the cashier, you both loaded back up in the van and drove back to the Munson trailer.
“Wayne! We’re… back,” you said, looking at Wayne’s sleeping form. You felt Eddie’s chest crash into your back, a hand on your shoulder.
“Sweets, wha–” Eddie started.
“Shut up, Wayne fell asleep.”
Eddie looked at his uncle, seeing that he was indeed sleeping. He walked into the kitchen as quietly as he could, setting the bags down on the counter to take the items out of the bag. Just as you set the bag from your hands on the counter, Eddie had turned toward the fridge, taking the pack of protein from its spot on the cold shelf to set it on the counter.
“If you’re gonna be in here with me while I cook, I need your hair up and out of your face,” you said, taking half of your own hair to secure it with a hair tie you always had on your wrist. After tightening the hair tie, you gave Eddie a stern look as he perched himself onto the counter.
“Alright. Do you have an extra hair tie?” he asked, lacing his fingers together to rest them in between his knees.
“Eddie, you have a million floating around here.”
“Yeah, but none of them are yours.” He gave you a cheeky grin with a wink.
“Oh my god,” you muttered, turning on your heel to walk into the shared bathroom. Right there on the counter was the hair tie you had left a couple of days prior. Sighing exasperatedly, you grabbed it and exited the bathroom, only to be met with Eddie’s hair being tied into a low bun at the nape of his neck, the younger Munson man moving around the stove. “Wha– I was gonna do that!”
“Quiet, love,” he murmured. “Don’t wanna wake Wayne up.” At the mention of his uncle, you both heard a small snore coming from the living room, quiet snickers coming from both of you once you looked at each other.
“Okay,” you said, quietly. “We need to try and be quiet. Which is gonna be… a challenge considering that when you cook ground meat– Eddie!”
As you were trying to explain to him about being quiet, he went ahead and started cooking, the sizzle from the meat growing louder with every passing second.
“It’s okay, sweets. I do this all the time. He’ll wake up when one of two things happen; I wake him up by simply saying it’s ready, or he’ll wake up on his own accord when the noises die out.”
“So, you’ve done this before?” you asked, generously curious.
Eddie looked at you, his eyes softer than what you’ve ever seen. “Every night.”
“Wow,” you whispered. “I never knew that.”
“You always dip out before when I ask about you staying.”
Following your instincts, you walked over to him, wrapping your arms around his middle, your cheek pressed to his back. “That’s amazing of you, Eds. But I like this side of you.”
He turned his head over his shoulder, letting you know that he was still engaged in the conversation. “What side?”
“Domestic,” you replied, slightly smiling. “Super kind, even though I knew that. Always thinking of others, putting them before yourself.”
“And how do you figure that last one?”
“Putting others before yourself?”
“You just… put their needs before your own. I can’t describe it. You’re just… not what people say you are.”
“A freak?”
“Well,” you said, moving to stand beside him, your arms still around his waist as his own arm went around your shoulders. “You are a freak, but… they say you’re mean and scary, but you’re just… not. You’re kind and thoughtful. You’re always willing to help those who need it, even if other people can’t see that. You have an amazing heart. You’re helping Wayne out with money, even if I don’t totally agree with it.”
Eddie snickered, neither of you realizing that your soft voices roused Wayne from his small sleep, the man unmoving as he listened in. “Yeah, well, I’ve had help in that department.”
“No, no. You’ve always done that, even before I came along.”
Hugging you tighter to his side, he slightly smiled at you, looking into your beautiful eyes that he always got lost in. “You’ve made me want to be a better person.”
You smiled and looked at the cooking meat in the pan, taking the spatula from his hand, breaking the meat up a little more while flipping and stirring it to make sure all the pink was gone from it. “Tell me more, Eds. This soft side of you is one of my favorite sides you show.”
“What’s the other?” He was more than curious about this turn of conversation.
“Your Dungeon Master side.” You reluctantly removed yourself from his hold to grab the strainer from the lower cabinet, placing it inside the sink before taking the pan from the stove to pour the meat into it. Waiting just a couple of minutes before putting it back into the pan, you gathered the other ingredients for the meal, mixing the seasoning packet with the amount of water it needed.
Eddie leaned against the corner of the counter, crossing his arms, watching you work this time. “You like it when I play Dungeon Master?”
Nodding in response, you placed the meat and seasoning mixture back into the pan, the sizzle sounding through the trailer once more. “Yup. That’s part of your element and I love seeing that. I love seeing–”
“Go to Benny’s with me.”
Looking at him with furrowed brows, you were utterly confused. “Now? Eddie, we’re cook–”
“No, no, not tonight,” he said, shaking his hands. “Saturday. Let me take you–”
“On a date?” you asked, your eyebrows shooting into your hairline. “You wanna take me on a date?”
“Yeah, why not? Let’s start putting that rumor to bed on Saturday.”
Thinking about what he said previously about putting the rumor to bed, your brows softened, a mischievous smile crossing your lips. “Alright. Let’s do it.”
The both of you finished cooking the tacos, as well as cutting the toppings up in sync with each other. It amazed you how well you both danced around each other, almost as if you choreographed it yourself.
Once it was done, you told Wayne it was time to chow down, which he gladly but slowly got up from his chair to sit at the table with Eddie. You opted to perch yourself up on the counter that was closest to the table, being able to engage in their conversation, laughing when they said or did something that you thought was hilarious.
When the three of you were finished eating with absolutely no food left over, you told the Munson men to sit back and relax so that you could clean up, which wasn’t much. Eddie tried to help you dry the dishes, but you just smacked his hand away, telling him to sit his ass down.
Eddie had grabbed himself a beer, as well as another one for Wayne, handing it to him before going into his room, laying down on his bed, his back resting against the wall behind him, watching as you walked in.
Trying to figure out where to sit, you looked around his room, seeing it was a little askew.
“Don’t you think about it,” he said. “It’s organized chaos.”
“But can you find the heavy stuff?” you asked, raising a brow at his silence. “That’s what I thought.” You busied yourself by tidying his room, putting his dirty laundry in a pile to be washed, folding the clean clothes and putting them in his drawers… after folding them up. “Am I gonna have to come over once a week and tidy up for you?”
Eddie chuckled, setting his beer down on the table beside his bed, the contents almost gone before he moved to the edge of his mattress, mimicking your position from earlier. “Come here,” he quietly said, holding a hand out for you.
Taking it, you couldn’t help but feel the sparks shoot through your arm, but you elected to ignore them as he guided you to sit in from him. 
“I just wanted to say thanks,” he said, softly. “For helping make dinner, cleaning up the dishes as well as my room.” He chuckled at his own statement, your own chuckle mingling with his. “You’re really the best person I could’ve ever asked to be a friend.”
“A best friend?” you asked, smiling wide with your brows raised.
“Yeah,” he lightly laughed. “A best friend.”
After that conversation, you and Eddie cuddled on his bed, something you always did after you stayed for dinner, the two of you talking about anything and everything for a couple of hours. At the sound of the shower running, you sighed. 
“I guess that’s my cue,” you whispered, subconsciously drawing random circles on his shirt.
Eddie held you tighter, groaning in protest. “Noooooooooo! Don’t go.”
Laughing, you balled his shirt in your fist, your cheek squishing on his clothed chest.  “I have to! I have to work in the morning.”
“Tell everyone that comes in tomorrow that you're putting the rumor to bed.”
You chuckled a little, trying your best to sit up. “Will do, boss.”
It was Eddie’s turn to reluctantly let you go, the both of you sitting up and getting off the bed. Like a true gentleman, he walked you out of the trailer and to your car. “Thanks for staying for dinner, sweets.”
“I enjoyed it,” you replied, looking at him with a soft smile. You could feel the tension between the two of you, wanting to just plant your lips on his, but knowing you couldn’t. “Well, I, uhh, I guess I should go.”
Eddie groaned in protest, making you giggle.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be back tomorrow after my shift for a little while like always.”
“It’s like you live here.”
“I might as well. We all know that my home life isn’t what I enjoy.” 
You grew up like your other best friend, Steve Harrington. Rich parents, big house, always by yourself. On those days or weeks that your parents were off with Steve’s, you’d both switch off between staying at each other’s houses.
Just like with Steve and Robin, you and him were strictly platonic, if not just as platonic as they were. You liked the relationship you and Steve held. No expectations held between the two of you, other than… being best friends.
“I know, sweets,” Eddie whispered, bringing a hand up to your cheek, holding it in his palm. “Call me and let me know you made it home safe?”
“Wayne’ll be fine,” he interrupted. “He’s working nights at the moment, remember?”
Closing your eyes with a squint, you remembered what his shifts were like; a few weeks on day shift, a few weeks on night shift. You felt bad for Wayne’s sleep schedule, the man getting sleep where he could.
As if he sensed his name being mentioned, Wayne walked out of the trailer, lunchbox in hand. “Well, kids, looks like I’m heading off for the night. You two stay out of trouble.”
“Eddie? Getting into trouble? Never,” you joked.
All Eddie could do was give you a deadpan expression. “Oh, ha ha ha. Very funny.” He looked at his uncle, softness in his eyes. “Don’t worry, Wayne. I’ll be fine.”
“Same words, different day,” the older Munson chuckled. “I’ll see ya in the morning, boy.”
Eddie just smiled and patted his uncle on the shoulder, watching as he got into his rundown car and drove off to work. He was always worried about his uncle and that shitbox he drove, but at least it got him from Point A to Point B. Sighing, Eddie looked back down at you, seeing the somber look on your face.
“He’s gonna be okay,” you softly said. “He’ll get there fine.”
“I know,” he sighed, again, wrapping his arms around you. “I just worry.”
Releasing a deep breath as you wrapped your arms around his middle and pressed your face into his chest, you responded, “It’s okay to worry, Eds,” before moving your head to the side, your cheek pressing where your nose just was. “But you’re gonna worry yourself to death. He’s a grown man, he can take care of himself.”
Perching your chin on his sternum, you looked up at him as he looked down at you. “I know. Thanks.”
“For what?”
“Being here for us. He’s not very good with words, but I know he appreciates it.”
“Who knows, maybe one day I’ll move in and cook dinner for you two all the time, and make sure your laundry is kept up.” You were joking, but something in Eddie’s mind told him that didn’t sound like a bad idea. “Listen, I would love to stay and keep you company, but unfortunately, my parents are home for the next few days. They’d be pissed if I wasn’t home to greet them.”
Eddie raised a brow at you. “Can I level with you?”
“They wouldn’t be pissed, and I think… you’re just telling yourself that… to try and make yourself feel better.”
He had a good point. Steve had said the same thing about his own parents at one point when you all were at a party together.
“Okay, fine,” you groaned. “I really don’t wanna go home.”
“Then don’t. Come back inside. Let’s put–”
“I swear, if you say let’s put the rumor to bed one more time, I’m gonna pluck every single strand of hair from your hair.”
Eddie chuckled, rubbing his hands up and down your back. “I was gonna say, rude ass, let’s put on a movie… and if we happen to put the rumor to bed, we put the rumor to bed.”
“Edward Wayne, you might just be a genius,” you smiled. You couldn’t deny that you had a small crush on him. I mean, who wouldn’t! Everyone in town sees him as a freak, but to you… he’s just Eddie. Sweet, fun-loving, guitar playing Eddie who adores his uncle and Hellfire friends more than anything.
You were already feeling a little tired, so agreeing to Eddie’s offer of watching a movie seemed like the next best thing. As you walked back into the trailer, you set your stuff back down on the small kitchen table before walking to the couch, plopping yourself down while releasing a deep breath before yawning, “What did you want to watch?”
“None of that rom-com shit you like to watch,” he chuckled.
“Well, none of that horror shit you like to watch,” you retorted, smiling at the end to show him that you were joking.
He chuckled, sitting down next to you after he popped a movie into the player, the remote in his hand. Putting his arm around the back of the couch, he smirked, the trailers playing on the screen, the brightness of the screen lighting up his features.
Looking from him back to the tv, you groaned, a small bit of fear crossing your features. “Eddie. I hate this movie. Why would you pick this movie?”
“What’s wrong with this movie?” he asked, tapping his heels on the floor, his legs having been spread since he sat down.
“It’s fucking creepy!” you whined. “And I feel bad for the little piggie!”
“Well, I, for one, like the Horned King.”
“Of course you would. The Black Cauldron is right up your freaking alley.” Crossing your arms, you scrunch your brows, wallowing in your discomfort causing Eddie to lightly chuckle to himself.
Not ten minutes into the film, and you were burying your face into Eddie’s shoulder, your hands up by your cheek. “Oh, fuck!” you exclaimed. This made Eddie chuckle, his arm wrapping around your shoulders, making your face go from his shoulder to his chest, your eyes peeking out from between your fingers. 
“Turn it off, turn it off,” you whimpered as the Horned King spoke on screen.
“How I’ve thirsted to be a god,” the Horned King said.
“You’re fucking creepy as shit, man! You’re no god! You’re just a devil with horns!”
Laughing, Eddie tightened his grip on your shoulders. “That’s the point, babe.” He didn’t mean to use the nickname, it just slipped out. Not that it didn’t feel good rolling off of his tongue.
You looked at him, the movie long forgotten in your mind as you looked at his profile. Bringing your hand up to cup his cheek, you moved his head to cast his eyes down at you, which he did after seeing the screen from the corner of his eyes. “Call me that again,” you whispered.
“What? Babe?” he asked just as quietly.
Nodding, you sat up a little straighter. “I think I’d rather put that rumor to bed now.”
“It’s like you read my mind, sweets.” Without missing a beat, Eddie leaned his head down just as you were sitting up a little more, your lips connecting in a searing kiss that had fireworks and butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
The kiss was everything you had dreamed it would be as you moved to straddle his hips, your hands cupping his cheeks as Eddie’s hands went to your hips. Capturing his bottom lip between yours, you let out  a soft breath before pulling back.
At the same time you moved your hands to his neck, Eddie’s hands moved from your hips to your cheeks, his big palms cupping your face as your foreheads pressed together. “Damn, sweets,” Eddie breathed. “You know how long I’ve been thinking about that?”
“Forever?” you asked, softly. Lightly rubbing your thumbs on his neck, you pulled back just a little to look into his chocolate brown eyes. “Because I’ve been dreaming about this for a long time.”
“Dreaming about what?”
Well, you can’t turn back now as you decided to just lay it all out on the table. “About you being slotted between my legs, your cock buried so deep inside of me that I could cum just from that alone. I’ve dreamt about your face between my thighs–” 
You felt yourself being lifted from the couch, your legs going around Eddie’s waist as the man in question walked towards his bedroom, making sure the door was locked beforehand as you continued, “- as your tongue and fingers work on my wet, aching core to the point where I have push your face away from how sensitive you made me.”
Eddie groaned as he kicked his bedroom door shut, laying you down on the bed to hover over you. “Keep going, princess.”
“I’ve dreamt of you fucking me from behind, me riding you, us laying on our sides facing each other, you buried to the hilt inside of me. Even me laying on my stomach with you hovering over me, making me feel so fucking good.”
“Shit,” Eddie whispered, working on the buttons of your jeans while his lips worked on your neck.
Quietly gasping at the feeling of his hand working its way down the front of your jeans, you kept up with your words. “I’ve dreamt about making you feel good, Eddie. My mouth around your tip, hollowing my cheeks as I take all that I can into my mouth, wrapping my hand around what I can’t fit - shit.”
Your words were cut off by the feel of Eddie’s finger sliding through your already wet folds, teasing your entrance. “So wet for me,” he muttered against your neck. “You always this wet when you think about me, princess?”
Moaning, you answered, “Yes. Always.” Burying your head into the mattress beneath your head, you moaned again, feeling a rush of pleasure surging through you at the feel of his slender digit finally making contact with your aching bud. Needing something to hold on to for the moment, you reached your hand up, lightly grasping Eddie’s curly brown tendrils. 
“Eddie,” you breathed. “Need you.”
“Need me where, princess?”
“Mouth. Core. Now.”
A light chuckle sounded from Eddie before a sad whimper through the air from you at the removal of his touch. Before you could protest, he placed a kiss to your lips, working on the button and zipper of your jeans. “Oh, don’t worry, princess. I’m getting there.”
Feeling his body being removed from your own, you looked at him, a pout on your lips as he sat up straight, taking your jeans with him. Eddie looked at you, a smirk on his face. “Don’t worry, m’lady. I’m getting there.”
A sigh fell from your lips as you watched him remove your panties from your hips, dropping them to the floor with your jeans with a soft thud. Gliding his hands up your calves to your knees, you closed your eyes, softly moaning with your bottom lip trapped between your teeth.
The next sensation had you gasping and looking down, seeing nothing but the top of Eddie’s glorious hair as he started his feast on your core. “Fuck, Eddie,” you whispered.
He leaned back just a tad to look up at you as he worked his magical tongue over your sensitive bud. Pulling off of your core for just a second, he brought his fingers to where his mouth was, softly working his fingers over your core to continue the sensation his tongue had brought. “You like that, babe?”
Nodding, you hummed your agreement, bringing a hand to his hair to thread your fingers through them softly. “Yes,” you whispered. 
Eddie leaned his head against your inner thigh, smiling up at you softly as he inserted one finger into your entrance. “Ready for your fantasy to be brought to life?”
“Fuck yes, Eddie, please,” you groaned before he chuckled. 
Without saying another word, he brought his mouth down on your clit, gently sucking on the bud as he worked his finger in and out of you at a delicious pace. Halting his sucking for just a moment, he watched himself as he brought another finger to your entrance, inserting that finger into you as well, your moans like music to his ears.
No words were exchanged as he worked his fingers in and out of your core and his tongue and mouth on your clit, groans coming from both of you; your groans and moans of pleasure, his groans at your sounds.
“Fuck, Eddie, I’m gonna cum,” you said, using your free hand to grab at his pillow. He saw that and didn’t like it, so instead, he adjusted himself before reaching for your hand that was on his head and laced your fingers with his as you brought your free hand down to his head.
Your breaths quickened as Eddie worked his absolute magic, working you to your release. With your head digging into the pillows, you let out a loud moan as your climax hit. While it felt glorious, you wanted to see Eddie’s face and the smug grin that you were sure he was wearing.
When you looked down, you smiled and chuckled, seeing that exact look on his face. “Enjoy that, babe?”
“Uh-huh,” you mumbled. “I think you’ve got me tongue drunk.”
Chuckling, he placed a kiss to the top of your clit before moving his lips back up your body, taking your shirt with him. As he brought it up over your head, Eddie lifted your arms, holding your wrists in place as he looked down at your breasts, reaching behind your back to unhook your bra.
“Take it off,” you whispered, watching him push it up to reveal your skin to him, his eyes having landed on your perky nipples. Before you could say or even think of any other words to say, a moan escaped your throat, your head digging back into the pillows at the feeling of Eddie’s mouth around your nipple. “Eddie!”
With a soft pop, he released your perky bud, looking you dead in the eyes. “How do you want me?” he asked, reaching towards his jeans button and zipper, the latter sounding as he unzipped his pants, pushing them down his legs the best he could.
“Inside. Now. I can’t wait any longer. I need you, Eds.”
“Shit, babe,” he muttered, standing to rid himself of his clothes and to retrieve a condom. He started to climb back up his bed to hover over you at the same time you rid yourself of your shirt. Lining himself up after rolling the condom down his shaft, he looked at you. “Ready?”
“More than ready.”
He nodded slightly, looking back down at your entrance to guide himself to your aching core. As soon as the tip of his cock touched your pussy, it was game over. You both moaned at the feeling of him inserting himself.
You gasped and looked down at where the two of you were connected as soon as he buried to the hilt as he groaned in pure pleasure.
“Fuck, you feel incredible,” he muttered. “I’m not even sure I’ll last that long.”
“I don’t care if you last the next four milliseconds,” you said. “I love the way you feel me up.”
With that, Eddie slowly pulled out before all but slamming back into you before doing it again… and again and again and again and again causing you to be a writhing mess under him. Eddie did all he could to hold himself above you, his arm muscles growing the tiniest bit weak.
“Fuck,” he whispered. “You feel so good, I might cum in the next three pumps.”
“Fuuu–” Your words were cut off with a small yelp at Eddie’s fingers rubbing your clit, your walls starting to flutter around him. “Eddie, I’m gonna cum! Don’t stop!”
And he didn’t. He didn’t stop rubbing at your clit until you came around his cock, and he in the condom. Eddie didn’t move for a good minute or two, panting above you. “Shit, babe.”
When he pulled out to dispose of the condom, the both of you hissed, your core feeling like he fucked you absolutely raw. “Don’t move,” Eddie whispered. “I’ll be right back.”
Nodding, you watched as his form retreated from the room, calling out Wayne’s name just to be sure he didn’t come back home early. When neither of you heard his voice, Eddie looked at you and gave you a curt nod before exiting his bedroom, a small laugh playing on your lips.
As you heard the water in the bathroom running, you sighed and closed your eyes, content with how things were playing when an overwhelming thought crossed your mind; what did this mean for the two of you? Were you two together; like boyfriend and girlfriend, or were you two just now friends with benefits?
Those thoughts scared you, as did Eddie when he came into the room, a warm wash cloth in hand. “Spread ‘em,” he said, softly. You did as he asked, gasping at the feeling of him cleaning you up.
Once the cloth was discarded, he crawled up the bed to lay beside you with a smile on his face, but when he looked at the expression on your face, his smile immediately died. “babe, what’s wrong?”
“Just–” you sighed. “What are we now?” Looking at him, you couldn’t help but feel bad at bringing this up right after he fucked you into oblivion. “I just– I wanna be with you, Eddie, but that stupid, annoying voice in the back of my head is saying that you don’t want to be with me, too, which I know wouldn’t be the case if you just fucked me like a damn god.”
Eddie chuckled, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. “babe, I’ve wanted you since the moment I laid eyes on you.” Cupping your cheek, he continued his words. “When I saw you, I said to myself, ‘damn, I want this girl. She’s perfect, even with her nose stuck in a book.’”
Laughing, you covered his hand with yours, looking into his eyes with all the adoration in the world. “You still want me even though I still have my nose books?”
With a soft smile, he replied, “Always.”
As you walked into Family Video with Eddie a few weeks later, you spotted Chrissy in the rom-com section of the store, her head tilting up from looking at the second shelf. When her eyes locked with yours, she rolled hers and looked back down for a moment before casting her eyes upward, looking at you and Eddie once more.
Eddie saw this and wrapped an arm around your shoulder, kissing your temple before walking over to the horror section, which just so happened to be right behind the rom-com section.
As Chrissy turned to look at the shelves behind her, what she saw made her let out a deep, annoyed breath; you and Eddie were locking lips, not in a high school makeout session, but more of a sweet kiss.
The two of you only broke apart once you heard a throat being cleared. “Can you two please move this somewhere else?” Robin whispered. “You’re going to scare away our customers.”
“Remember that rumor from a few weeks ago about Eddie and I hooking up?” you asked, to which Robin nodded. “Well, Chrissy started that rumor, so Eddie and I put it to bed and… well, now we’re together!”
“Nice, but please, keep it to a minimum,” she asked, turning to walk back to the front counter.
Smiling, you shook your head and turned to look at the selection of tapes in front of you.
“Listen, I know horror isn’t your thing, but I brought you over here to just kiss you in front of Chrissy,” Eddie said, softly.
“So, does this mean I get to go look at comedies now?” you asked, looking up at your boyfriend with a smile on your face. 
Chuckling, he said, “Sure thing, babe.”
Walking away, you groaned, “God, I love it when you call me that.”
As Eddie walked behind you to the comedy section, he started humming one of your newest favorites songs off of Def Leppard’s Hysteria album. “Gimme all of you lovin’, Gimme all that you got, Ev’ry bit of you lovin’, Never want it to stop, Yeah but are you gettin’ it? Armageddon it! Ooh, really gettin’ it? Yes, Armageddon it!”
Hearing Eddie humming that song had you bursting out in laughter, head tilted back. The second, third, and even fourth time the two of you had rolled around in the sheets, that particular song played. Every. Single. Time.
So, Eddie being Eddie, hummed or sang it every time he wanted take in that particular activity, and you would always respond with a lyric from the song, just like you did now.
“Yes, Armageddon it!”
A/N 2:  hi, friends! let me know what you thought! again, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox.
Additional Notes: idk how i feel about writing for a non-henderson!reader, lol. i'm so used to writing henderson!reader, lol
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Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24 @stixnstripesworld @fandom-princess-forevermore @quanticobae @mischiefandi @kellyashcroft @lauren-novak​
If you’re tagged and didn’t want to be, please let me know.
Italics wouldn’t let me tag!
*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski​.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from y/n and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of The Duffer Brothers.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on August 23, 2024
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feefivefoe · 26 days
Please can we hear your thoughts on what Bruce does/thinks when being confronted with his neglect by Jason (and maybe the other boys too)??
Thank you, and have a nice day!
Bruce is the one I have the hardest time characterizing tbh.
I think his first reaction would be denial? He hasn't been the best father, but even he wouldn't go as far as to forget his own chi...
Oh my god he doesn't know how old you are. You were...you were older than Tim but younger than Dick, he thinks.
When was your birthday?
Did he ever give you a birthday party?
What wing of the manor did you sleep in?
Where were you right now?
Unlike Tim who starts the unofficial search, Bruce heads right to the batcave to find your official records. Social security number. If you worked anywhere or has anyplace legal to stay, you'd have to input that. He's ashamed he has to go through a government database to find it, rather than simply knowing it.
And just like Tim, he finds nothing. Which scares him beyond belief. Had he lost you already? Did he actually forget about one of his children and then unknowingly replace them? Was he actually guilty of what Jason had accused him of years ago, albeit to a different child?
In reality, you're living solely through cash. Plenty of individuals are eager to avoid paying all their taxes, and are thrilled to accept cash only payments on your rent, or paycheck. Legally, you haven't done anything since graduating high school.
Not necessarily hiding from them, per say, as you don't think they'd go looking, but just because you don't want to be known as a Wayne.
And god, there is so much guilt, fear, and anguish rolling around inside that man. He needs to find out where you are, and if you're okay, and if anybody had done anything to you.
He swears if they have, he'll rip the motherfucker to pieces-
No. That isn't going to help. So instead he checks every reported death within not only Gotham, but any city within a 50 mile radius. For the last 10 years.
As well hidden as you are, nobody can hide from Batman while he's concentrating every effort to find you.
He's hesitant to bring you home at first. How can he call himself your father after forgetting you for your whole time living with him? But his regard for your safety eventually wins out. Until then, you just get a concerning amount of money just...stashed in your apartment??? What the fuck??????
Dick also feels a lot of guilt, but he somewhat subconsciously channels that into abundant overeagerness. Instead of focusing on how many important moments he missed...that he can never get back with his first baby sibling...
...ah, he should focus on all the memories you can make going forward! He has to take you to all his favorite spots, and you take him to yours!
What interests do you have? Are you a go to the aquarium person? Family movie night? Spa night? Just having fun with everyone at dinner? He has to do these things with you! And then you'll be his family again, and he'll love you, and you'll love him-
In spirit, he shows up outside your door like Damian. But he is self aware enough to know that'd freak you out, so instead he 'coincidentally' shows up at your work...in the bad side of town...and his attitude definitely gives away it was planned.
He messes up your "I'm a nobody like all of you" persona you'd spent years cultivating, and by the time he leaves, all your coworkers and customers know that you're Dick Grayson's sibling...which means Bruce Wayne's child, but he likes saying you're related to him more.
Tim doesn't give a fuck at first, like I established. It really is a game to see if he can find you before anybody else does. When he loses that to Bruce (damn it-), he decides he'll just know you BETTER than the others to win.
So he starts literally stalking you and making a psyche profile, like you're a case rather than his sibling. Any interest you've ever listed in your social media is cross checked with any belongings of yours. Merch or posters? Songs you listen to? Any of that content, he consumes as well. He's going to need conversation topics with you.
I'm not entirely sure if he actually loves you as family, or if you're just a hyperfixation that's consistently buzzing at his brain. It's like he wants to dissect, then digest you. Pick you apart piece by piece so he sees every last skin cell, then make that information a part of him
Though, he'd claim it's the former. To him, there's no discernable difference.
He's the one who meets you at your hobbies. Claims an online friend brought it up, but hey, it's crazy to see you again!
Even though it's your first conversation...maybe ever?
He's chatting to you like you haven't been estranged your whole life.
And the look in the eye is...a little unnerving.
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sidekick-hero · 5 months
the unparalleled and precious @flowercrowngods tagged me to post some lines of an unpublished wip with no context
The sound of someone inserting their key card into the slot is followed by the handle being pushed down. Then the door to the room opens, revealing the lucky guy who will have him for the next two hours.
He’s pretty, is the first thing that comes to Steve’s mind. Tall and slender, with a small waist and very nice arms decorated in black ink. Most stunning, however, is his face. The pale skin a tantalizing contrast to his pink lips, dark hair framing high cheekbones and deep brown eyes that look at him like a deer in the headlights.
Then, the door closes with a bang.
“Guys? There’s some dude sitting on my bed, you might wanna call security. I’ll hold down the door but you gotta hurry.” Eddie’s voice trembles slightly and Steve’s torn between worry and amusement.
Faintly he can hear the other men laughing and Eddie's indignant squeak. "What the hell are you laughing at? There`s a crazy stalker in my room! Probably armed and dangerous!"
"Oh yeah, I bet he has a big gun," Garrett/Gareth snorts, and Steve rolls his eyes at the very obvious, very bad joke. The guy probably thinks he's really funny.
Eddie seems to agree with Steve, even if unknowingly. "Har-bloody-har. Jeff, c'mon, tell me you at least take this seriously!"
This is one of those nights when Steve wishes he was smart enough, or at least ambitious enough to go to college, so he wouldn't have to make money on the side dealing with shit like this. At least most of his clients were easier to deal with, if not as easy on the eyes as this Eddie.
"Eddie, trust me, you can open the door. He's harmless."
"How do you know?"
"Because he's your birthday present!" Freak interrupts, clearly losing patience. "Gareth's right, we should have just made him put a bow on his dick and be done with it. At least then we wouldn't be standing here arguing."
Steve wonders if they know he can hear every word they say. Like everyone else in the surrounding rooms, because they're not exactly quiet. He just hopes nobody calls the cops.
"He's... What the fuck? You can't just give someone a person, that's human trafficking!"
Obviously tired of making a scene outside a hotel room, Jeff just opens the door and pulls Eddie inside, trusting the others to follow. They do, closing the door behind them, and then they all look at Steve, who is still sitting on the bed, regretting all his life choices that led him here.
He gives a little wave with his fingers. "Surprise."
Eddie blinks at him, speechless, his mouth slightly ajar. Despite the situation, he remains unfairly attractive, his wide eyes stirring something in Steve that he hesitates to explore further. Steve's knowledge of Eddie is limited to his questionable choice of friends, yet he feels an inexplicable urge to shield him from the world, to keep him safe. The urge is unexpected in itself, but even more so in the intensity with which it hits him.
"This is Steve," Gareth introduces, stumbling over his words. "And, uh, well, he... yeah. Guys?" Gareth glances around, hoping for support from the others, but they remain silent. Steve rises from his spot on the bed and approaches Eddie.
As he stands before him, Steve is enveloped in a mixture of clean body spray, shampoo, and a faint whiff of cigarette smoke. Eddie's eyes, even larger up close, hold a warm hue that is captivating. Steve flashes a smile, aiming for a blend of reassurance and flirtation.
"I'm Steve, and for the next two hours, I can be whatever you need," he declares, though technically, twenty minutes have already elapsed. Nevertheless, for Eddie, Steve is willing to make an exception.
tagging with no pressure, only appreciation: @starryeyedjanai, @thefreakandthehair, @hbyrde36, @runninriot, @just-my-latest-hyperfixation, @steddieas-shegoes
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cuubism · 2 years
Dream makes Hob Prince Consort in the Dreaming, but does not tell Hob because why would he ever communicate anything. It's just ceremonial anyway. Right? Right.
Anyway Hob lives in blissful ignorance for several years. Sure all the Dreaming denizens are super nice to him but that's just how dreams are, right? It's cool. Nothing weird here.
Then Dream goes missing. Hob's freaking the fuck out -- the last time Dream went missing was fucking Not Good after all -- and as if that wasn't bad enough, Lucienne comes up to him and is like, so... Lord Morpheus left you in charge of the Dreaming in his absence.
Hob: this better be a fucking joke
Lucienne: no, you're prince consort so according to the royal scriptures of the Dreaming you're in charge.
Hob: hang on I'm WHAT so I'm WHAT
Hob: was Dream AWARE of this when he made me consort
Lucienne: *derisive look*
Hob: but I'm just a GUY I can't run a dream realm *shakes fist at absent Dream* my beloved asshole you can't just drop this shit on me oh my GOD
Lucienne: well someone's gotta do it. To be honest I'm still tired from last time.
Hob: well. Uh. *shrugs* guess I'm running the Dreaming now?
A year later Dream returns. Hob's been looking for him the whole time but it was kind of fucking difficult when he also had to run a whole REALM.
Turns out Dream was fine he just went on like, a jaunt to another galaxy for dream inspiration and forgot about time dilation in space travel. No big deal. Anyway.
Dream gets back and he's like oops hope Hob hasn't struggled too much, that was only supposed to be three days... lol...
So turns out Hob is not very good at being a King in the way Dream is but he IS very good at just bringing major Dad Energy to all the little dreams and nightmares, just being like the Cool University Professor of the entire Dreaming. So Dream gets back and Hob has managed to befriend EVERYONE in the Dreaming. He's hosting "family dinner" at the palace? He's doing Forums where people can bring their complaints? He instituted set work hours to create work life balance?
Dream is like What In The Democracy Is This. What have you done to my realm.
Hob's like We're Vibing! :) Come on we're having a blast!
And drags Dream to a fucking party going on at the palace? There are drinks? They're doing karaoke? Is Dream having a stroke?
It's all so foreign that he almost calls down a tornado and just obliterates the palace. But Hob pulls him close and makes him dance to the music, and leans in and says, "You know it doesn't have to be all fire and brimstone and seriousness all the time. It's okay to show them you love them."
And Dream is like "I DO love them they're my creations."
And Hob is like, "I know but it's also okay for them to SEE it."
Dream looks around at the ridiculous party. True to Hob's words, the dreams and nightmares look more relaxed and happier than they've been in a while-- at least, when Dream's been around. He wonders what else he doesn't get to see. What they're afraid to show him.
He says, "I went to the Andromeda galaxy for new dream inspiration, but perhaps I should have been looking in you, Hob Gadling."
Hob's like "aw that's sweet-- hang on you went to the WHERE???"
Dream just chuckles and doesn't elaborate, and Hob gives up and pulls him close again, holds him and dances them to the beat of the swing music one of the Music Dreams has just put on. Dream says, "I see that while your leadership skills are... unconventional... I made the right choice in leaving you in charge of the Dreaming."
"Yeah, about that, next time you're gonna spontaneously make me Prime Minister of some place can you let me know in ADVANCE??"
"Well, you wanted fun. Where would the fun be in that?"
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agentmaxa · 1 year
Late to the Game (Uswnt x Reader)
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Not Requested
Sorry for any mistake, please enjoy.
"Kelley I swear if you don't-
"Sorry Y/n, I can't hear you from all the way down there."
Kelley teased the youngest player of the national team by resting herself on Y/n while propping herself up.
The 17-year-old let out a huff, as the teammates around them laughed at Kelley's antics. Only a handful of them had seen the look in Y/n's eyes that told them this was about to take a turn.
Taking a large step to the side Y/n caused Kelley to fight gravity which was a losing battle.
O'Hara basically face-planted it on the turf and everyone burst out laughing.
Y/n chucked along as Kelley got up.
"You think that's funny?" Kelley teased.
Y/n replied, "Absolutely hilarious."
Causing O'Hara to purse Y/n while shouting, "Get back here shortstack!"
Y/n went to get a ball from off the sidelines, picking it up in hopes of doing a few tricks to pass the time during a small break in practice.
Until O'Hara bumped into Y/n by accident. "Oh, sorry L/n-"
"It's fine-"
"Guess I just didn't see you from all the way down there."
"It's one freaking inch," Y/n said exasperated, over the fact that Kelley kept pointing it out.
Kelley chucked to herself, "That's what she said."
On any other day, Y/n would have found that humorous as well.
But not today.
"That's it!"
Y/n tackled Kelley to the ground, putting her in a headlock, and attempting to give Kelley a noogie.
They tossed with each other for a few minutes gaining the attention of most of the team.
"Hey look, they're starting a new line of mini WWE Wrestlers for the national team."
Sam and Sonnett joked as they saw Y/n and O'Hara's roughhousing had turned into a little bit of a wrestling match.
Unfortunately, for them, Kelley and Y/n had also heard the comment.
Partially out of breath, Y/n looked at Kelley, "Truce?"
The two grinned and Sonnett and Sam soon realized their mistake.
"Nonononon- wait!"
Nothing was stopping Kelley as she tackled Sonnett to the ground while Y/n pursued Sam.
Chasing her, Y/n gained enough speed to leap onto Sam's back dragging her down to the ground the two laughing as they stayed there for a little.
Only interrupted by the whistle calling the whole team to circle up.
Y/n and Sam got up but saw Kelley had sat on Sonnett's back keeping the woman down.
"O'Hara, I'm warning you."
"I'd like to see you- AAAHH!"
Kelley tried to grasp onto something but Sonnett managed to throw Kelley off and get up.
"How's it feel being down there for a change?" Y/n teased.
"Pretty nice actually, maybe move to the left a bit. You're not blocking the sun enough, mini."
Getting ready to leave for the plane, Y was packing some final things.
"Ready to leave already squirt?"
Letting out a heavy sigh, Y/n turned to O'Hara.
"I'm still not sure how you're okay with this."
"Do I have a choice?"
Kelley shrugged her shoulders.
Y/n wasn't going to the World Cup. Reason being there were more players with more caps under them to choose from. Y/n had done the camps and games but just didn't make the cut.
"I mean I know it's not the worst thing possible for you but just saying you've proved your spot more than enough."
"Let's be real here Kels you just need me so you have a headrest."
"That too."
"Just don't lose too badly out there."
Kelley dawning a hurt expression, "I see how it is."
The woman took Y/n by surprise, taking them both down, and roughhousing ended in fits of laughter.
Y/n was woken by the blaring alarm, "Nnnnooooo."
As tempting as the snooze button was Y/n knew being late wasn't an option.
Gathering some belonging and packed luggage Y/n heard a familiar voice from just beyond the bedroom door.
"Sweetheart you up?"
"Yeah, I'll be downstairs in a few Dad."
Getting everything ready, Y/n left a few things by the front door and headed into the kitchen to see Dad and Papa.
"Ready for another camp, sprout?"
"Yeah, although I do wish you'd stop calling me that. The sprouting has stopped in case you haven't noticed."
"And did I ever say anything when you called me Pop-pop?"
Y/n laughed, "I haven't called you that since I was like eight."
"Your point?"
Y/n let out a chuckle, "Okay Pop-pop. I need to get going, don't want to miss my flight."
"Wait, I packed you a small snack."
"Dad small or normal people small?"
Y/n teased Dad knowing sometimes he over-packed.
"Har-har. I just want you to have options."
"Love you too, old man." Y/n kissed his temple as he drank his coffee grabbing the bag that had the 'snack' in it.
Y/n looked down a little as Papa could kiss the top of Y/n's head.
Hurrying out of the house Y/n heard one of them say, "Call us when you land!"
"Always do!"
Y/n walked into the hotel lobby, not seeing anyone else yet Y/n just checked in with the receptionist.
Heading up to the room, Y/n double-checked for any messages left by the team.
Hearing the elevator open to the room floor Y/n walked out and then did a final check on messages from anyone and saw one from Ash.
'Do you have a tall twin by chance?'
Not even replying Y/n looked to the elevator to see Ash and Ali already trying to figure out who just walked past them.
"Hey, guys."
Ali and Ash both said the nickname they personally had for Y/n, shocked that this was the same person.
"A few inches taller but yeah."
Ash, without warning, ran towards Y/n, clinging to Y/n like a koala to a tree.
"No growing up anymore!"
Y/n lightheartedly chuckled, thinking about how Dad and Papa nearly had the same reaction when noticing the very late and sudden growth spurt.
"Don't worry, I think this is as tall as I go."
Y/n put Ash down. Ali was looking at Ash and Y/n with a smile, noticing Y/n must've only been an inch or two taller than Ash.
"It better be." Ash acknowledged that Y/n was the tallest out of the three.
"Alright, come here bubs." Y/n smiled at Ali, not used to leaning down while hugging the majority of the team.
"It's good to see you guys again."
"I didn't know Sam was here." The three heard Crystal's voice, the hug ending.
Y/n turned around, "Hey Dunn."
The woman just put a hand on her hip, "Well if this isn't a surprise."
"Believe me, I'm still getting used to it myself."
"I'm gonna miss my short buddy."
"I mean I'm pretty sure that just means I give better piggybacks."
Giggling and laughter were heard through the hallway to the cafeteria.
Everyone turned to see who was making the commotion.
Suddenly Y/n came through the doorway with Dunn piggybacking. Both laughed at the situation.
Nearly every person froze. Not seeing Y/n since the last camp before the World Cup.
Dunn got off of Y/n's back, giving the young player a pat between the shoulder blades.
"Hey, Kels," Y/n said nervously as Kelley's jaw went slack.
"You're.... you're..."
"Tower of Power 2.o?"
As Kelley continued to fumble Sam walked up to Y/n, "Damn, yeah. Welcome to tall people club."
Sam smiled seeing Y/n was still around an inch shorter than her.
While everyone went back to what they were doing before the chaos, Sam and Y/n sat together with Kelley, Sonnett, and a few others.
"Hitting your head a lot?" Sam inquired.
"Not as much, mainly when I just don't think about it."
"Don't worry, you'll learn to auto-duck."
Y/n chuckled, "I think I'll just miss the lost bed space. My bed feels so small now."
Sam nodded in solace.
"The price we pay."
"Were you bitten by a radioactive spider?"
The whole table kind of froze and slowly turned to Kelley.
"Not that I recall?" Y/n answered a little confused
"I'll find out soon enough."
"You wanna tango with my extra muscle, O'Hara?"
While not the most notable change in Y/n, the growth spurt caused Y/n to eat more and in turn, needed to work off more food. It also meant more time in the gym to work out some muscles.
Kelley thinking Y/n just meant the height difference mumbled, "The bigger they are, the harder they fall."
Y/n shrugged the woman off.
"Well, none of that matters because now I get to ride all the grown-up rides!"
The enthusiasm caused the room to erupt in laughter.
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sigcorp · 7 months
bg3 characters as retail managers in my boyfriend's* educated opinion
(*he refuses to post this so i'm doing it for him)
wyll - i think wyll would be a really chill manager, he'd let you goof off sometimes But after a while he'd still make you go do something productive. probably would have some random assignment like dusting the fucking lights or something if there's nothing to do but he's not too strict.
would get mad at a customer once and you'd be thankful you never have faced his fury (he'd never get that mean with you though)
basically the "haha yeah okay okay guys seriously go zone we can't all be standing here you're gonna get me in trouble" type of manager
lae'zel - insane workaholic. you'd dread working with her and she'd make your shift exhausting, but you also can't deny the place would go to shit without her because she's so on top of things.
you'd feel immense joy having her come up for a stupid item return that is against policy because she would absolutely never bend for it no matter how bitchy the customer got. not because she cares about you really but she'd be damned to go against policy for literally anything
karlach - literally so chill that you forget she's a manager until she has to call you to her office which freaks you out because you know you've been extremely lax around her and you forgot she actually has to do shit about that but it's actually just to give you your next raise. you love her and she loves you
shadowheart - when you first work with her you find her insanely intimidating and a little bitchy but after a few shifts you kind of get Why she's like that. wouldn't be a favorite manager but you'd probably sympathize with why she buys wine after her shift every night. if you're lucky enough to hang with her out of work you get special privileges (as in she doesn't scold you for standing still for 3 minutes like she does the others)
gale - nice, but unlike wyll who has a balance between pleasant chats and doing work, gale will literally stand there and accidentally force you to actually stop focusing on what you're working on to have a conversation with him. that can be a good thing, but then you're behind and another manager gets grumpy about it. chill guy but you never actually see him do much for his job. how did he even get to this position???
astarion - call HR.
halsin - dude knows how to run a place. he schedules everyone perfectly and there's always a feeling of harmony as you work together to get projects done. he's friendly but focused. he doesn't care if you don't finish your projects he assigns you so long as you were trying your best, but he would be a little disappointed if it happened too often
i feel like he'd definitely be the manager who actually gives the customer whatever they want even if you said you couldn't though 💀 he wouldn't be mad at you for saying no but he'd make you look like a jackass to the customer
minthara - i actually don't know her so idk but from what i gather i would say also call HR
withers - he's been with this company so long that he knows where literally everything is and every single specific policy and how to solve everything. he doesn't talk much and he doesn't really tell you what to do, he expects you to figure it out and leave him alone unless you need to ask where the most obscure item of all time is to help a customer. genuine lifesaver in those circumstances though
jaheira - the mom manager. checks on you when she notices you're clearly not feeling well. will cover any shift without complaints. you feel safe with her. she handles any difficult task because she doesn't feel like explaining to you how to do it, which is nice but as soon as you have no choice but to do it on your own you don't know how
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vodika-vibes · 3 months
Congratulations on your 650 followers Vodika! I bring you a request. May I please have a fairy tale AU with Jango Fett. Jango is the king of Mandalore and he hires you as his son's caretaker. As you spend more time with Boba and Jango the two of you fall in love with one another and even though you are just a commoner and Jango can have any woman he wants all Jango wants is to marry you and make you his queen.
Once again congratulations Vodika! I look forward to reading all of your requests once they are finished ❤️
Cin Vhetin
Summary: After losing your well-paying career as an in-home nanny due to a lie, you’re forced to move in with your older sister just to make ends meet. You’re about to give up on ever finding another job when your sister brings you an opportunity that you can’t turn down.
Pairing: Jango Fett x F!Reader
Word Count: 2958
Prompt: Fairy Tale AU
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Alright, I've had this mostly written for days now, I just couldn't get the final section to come out right. But I'm finally happy with it! So I hope you like it!
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“I’m home~”
You look up from where you’re putting the finishing touches on tonight's dinner as your sister waltzes into the kitchen, a broad grin on her face. “Welcome back,” You greet tiredly, “You’re in a good mood, Rayne.”
“Of course I am, I got to see my future husband-”
“You mean the one who doesn’t know you exist? That future husband?”
“Hush, stop raining on my parade.” She spins around the kitchen, as though she’s still a teenager and not a woman nearing forty. “Anyway, I saw my beloved. And we had a conversation.”
“He asked me if I wanted two loaves of bread or if one would be enough for tonight.”
“Sis, that isn’t talking, that’s him doing his job.” You counter with a roll of your eyes, “But continue.”
“It’s a step up.” She huffs as she stops spinning and flings her arms around your shoulders in a tight hug, “But, much more importantly. I signed you up for an interview at the palace tomorrow.”
“You what?!” You spin and glare at her, “An interview for what?”
“Don’t freak out,” She says as she jabs her finger in your face, “I’m doing you a favor.”
She rolls her eyes, “As you know, King Jango now has an infant son, and he needs a skilled nanny for Prince Boba. And you, my darling baby sister, are a skilled nanny and governess.” 
“Yeah, aside from the fact that I was fired from my last job.”
“Okay, so you weren’t fired because of anything you did, first of all. Those people lied about you and ruined your reputation, and this is an excellent way to repair that.” Rayne says as she places her hands on her hips, “Also, I know you’re doing your best to get a job and everyone is denying you because of the rumors, but I really think that this is the way to go.”
“If I get denied because of this lie—”
“You won’t,” Rayne reassures. “Your skill speaks for itself. And the King is rumored to be a discerning man.” She places her hands on your shoulders, “Will you go?”
You sigh, “Yeah. Okay.”
She squeals and flings her arms around you, “Oh, you won’t regret this, I know it.” Rayne releases you and claps her hands in front of her face, “Now, your interview is at the end of the day tomorrow, do you have a proper outfit to wear? I know you prefer your tunics, leggings, and boots. But do you have any skirts?”
“You know I don’t.” You say with a sigh, “I have a nice tunic and leggings that I can wear tomorrow. It’ll be fine.” Rayne opens her mouth to say something, but you cut her off, “I know you’re worried, but my clothes will be fine.”
She sighs and folds her arms, “I know, I know. I just…you’ve been so unhappy since you lost your last job. I’ve been worried.”
You make a face, “Well, the rumors weren’t kind to me, Rayne.”
“No, they weren’t.” She takes your hands and squeezes them, “I’ll leave you to your cooking, alright? I need to tend to the garden and then get cleaned up. Call me when dinner is done?”
“I always do.”
Rayne smiles at you and turns to leave the room, and then she pauses and looks at you, “Vod’ika,” you start at the familiar word falling from her lips, “Our buir’e would be proud of the woman you’ve become. I know I am.”
Your face heats and you avert your gaze, “You think so?”
“I know so.” Rayne hurries over to you and presses a light kiss to your temple. “Now, I do have to tend to the garden. Are you good?”
You smile at her, “Yeah. I’m good.” You watch as she leaves the room and then turn your attention back to the meal you’re preparing. You are so lucky that your sister is such an amazing person.  You’re never going to be able to pay her back.
The next day, your sister walks you to the palace, where you join the veritable army of other women who have applied for the position. “Are you sure you don’t want me to wait?” Rayne asks as she tucks some hair out of your face, “I don’t mind.”
“I’m sure. You have better things to do than wait hours for me to finish my interview, Rayne. And I know you have some things you need to do.”
“Well, yes-”
“Don’t worry about me.” You reassure her, “I’ll be okay. I’ve done this before after all.”
Rayne sighs, “Alright. I’ll see you this evening then. I love you.”
“Love you too.” You watch as Rayne hurries into the crowd and you settle back to wait for your turn. You know it’ll be a long wait.
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King of Mandalore, Jango Fett, leans back in his chair as the most recent interviewee is escorted from the room. He pinches the bridge of his nose as he tries to stem the growing migraine.
“Well, this is going splendidly,” Miles notes dryly, “Half of those women have never seen a child, and the other half would be bad fits for living in the palace.”
Jango grunts, and then drops his hand, “You heard the woman who claims that children need a firm hand?”
“Oh yes,” Miles’ smile isn’t nice, “I made a note of that.”
“How many more?”
“Just the one,” Miles replies.
“And what do we know about her?”
“She’s quite the talented nanny,” He replies, “Has been caring for children since she was a child, used to Nanny for the Kryze clan.”
Jango lifts his head, “Used to?”
“There were some allegations of inappropriate behavior. Rumors and hearsay, mostly. Though, there are quite a few notes here, from a lot of people, indicating that those rumors and allegations are nothing more than lies.”
“Shocking, someone from the Kryze family lying.”
“Hm, if only we could power your kingdom with sarcasm-” Miles counters, just as sarcastically.
“Yeah, yeah.” Jango glances at the peacefully slumbering Boba, and then looks at Miles, “Well, we might as well get this over with. Call her in.”
Miles nods, once, and leaves the room.
He’s gone for almost five minutes, though Jango knows that’s because Miles is doing his pre-screening. Something that he started after the second woman let slip that she was looking for a title and a crown.
Honestly, he’s never going to get used to these leeches. Being a member of the royal family is hardly worth all that.
He sits up when the door opens, and Miles steps into the room, looking very smug. Trailing behind him is a young woman. Her hair is neatly pulled out of her face, and her clothes are neat, but don’t hang overly loose.
And, unlike most everyone else, her gaze skips right over him to focus on Boba. 
That, by itself, moves her to the top of the list.
“The last applicant, your Majesty,” Miles says with a gesture towards the young woman, and then he bows and leaves the room.
“His name is Boba,” Jango says, “He’s only a couple of weeks old.”
The corners of her lips turn down thoughtfully, “Forgive me for saying so, but having such a young baby around so many people is not safe for him.” 
Jango leans back in his seat, and a small smirk plays on his lips. Negative reputation or not, his estimation of her is going higher and higher. “I haven’t been allowing anyone to hold him.”
“Well, that’s something I suppose.” She finally turns her gaze to him and offers a shallow, but respectful curtsy. “I apologize, then.”
“There’s no need for that.” Jango scans her thoughtfully. She is young, but she looks tired. And her clothes hang on her, as though she’s recently lost a lot of weight. Or the clothes used to belong to someone else. “You were looking out for my son.”
He picks up her resume and motions for her to take a seat, which she does.
“I have your resume here,” He says, “And, honestly, I have a hard time believing that you don’t already have a job. Nannying since you were a teenager. A qualified governess in your own right. You’ve nannied for some very big names over the years. The most recent being the Kryze clan.”
“That’s all accurate, yes.” She replies, though her lips tighten at the mention of her previous employers. 
Jango sets the resume down on the table, “Based on your qualifications, you’re more than qualified for the job.” he says lightly, “But, understand, Boba is my only son. So I have to ask about these rumors-”
She winces and her shoulders curl in on her, “What would you like to know?”
There’s something like resigned defeat in her voice, and Jango finds himself not liking it. “What happened?”
Absently she rolls the hem of her sleeve between her fingers, “I was hired as the Nanny and Governess for Korkir Kryze three months before he was born.” She explains quietly, “I prepared the nursery, made sure that the house had everything it needed, and when he was born, I was the first one to hold him. I don’t think the Duke or the Duchess ever held him.” 
“Go on.”
“I can’t remember a single instance of his parents ever being in the same room as Korkie for longer than it took for a photo op or a meal.” She continues, “When he started talking, he called me mom. The Duchess…” She trails off, “She wasn’t happy about it.” She finally says.
“They fired you.”
“And spread rumors that I was a Noble Hunter and that I tried to seduce the Duke.” She bristles slightly, “I would never. I have enough self-respect to not try and poach from another woman-”
Jango holds up a hand, “Peace.”
She quells, though she still looks very unhappy.
“What happened after you were fired?”
“I moved in with my sister, it’s where I’ve been living.”
Jango nods thoughtfully, “This position comes with a series of rooms in the palace,” He explains, you also get two days off a week, days that you can set. You will be responsible for Boba during the day when I’m working, but you’ll only need to take him in the early mornings, evenings, or at night if I’m indisposed for some reason.”
She blinks at him, “Wait, you mean-?”
He smiles, “The position is yours, we’ll work out the rest of the hard details a bit later.”
“Thank you!”
His smile widens, “Would you like to hold Boba?”
She immediately walks over to the infant and allows Jango to place him in her arms. He watches as she adjusts his weight with the ease of someone who’s been caring for children for a long time.
“Time for the grand tour,” Jango says, “Follow me please.”
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You settle into your new routine with ease. King Jango is a fine father and an even better man. He never treats you as if you’re less than him, and he listens to you if you say that there’s something wrong with Boba, or if you note that something needs to be changed.
In the 6 months that you’ve worked for him, you come to realize that you’ve never been as comfortable working for a family as you do when working for the King.
And yes, there is something of a small crush there. But you would never dream of risking your job in the hopes of catching his eye.
At 6 months old, Boba can roll over in both directions, and he babbles, though he still isn’t quite at the talking stage. More importantly, he’s learned stranger anxiety. Luckily, you’re not a stranger and he reaches for you as often as he reaches for his father.
Right now, though, Boba’s asleep in his crib and you’re organizing his nursery.
It’s one of the few nights where Jango isn’t able to put Boba down for the night, though, knowing the King, he’ll pop in as soon as he’s done in his meeting.
And, true to your expectations, half an hour later the nursery door opens. 
The King offers you a tired smile, and then walks over to the crib to peer down at the baby, “How was he today?”
“A little grumpy.” You reply, “But he settled around noon time.”
“That’s good.” You watch as Jango smoothes a curl off of Boba’s forehead, “I’m sorry I wasn’t able to put him down for the night.”
“It happens,” You reply lightly, you slip a couple more diapers into the drawer, and then you glance at him, “It’s been happening a lot these last couple of weeks.” You note, almost absently.
It’s an offer for him to confide in you if he wants.
Jango sighs, “It has, yes.” He falls silent for a moment, “I know I only hired you to take care of Boba, but it’d be nice to have someone to talk to. Someone who’s not involved.”
You finish folding Boba’s clothes and put them in the dresser before you turn to look at him, “I’m always happy to listen, Jango.” You make sure the baby monitor is on, and then follow him out of Boba’s nursery and into Jango’s suites.
You sink onto one of the plush couches as he offers you a glass of juice, before he sits next to you, “The Council, and Miles, are pushing me to get married.” Jango says.
“I wasn’t aware that you had a partner,” You note thoughtfully as you take a sip of the juice and set the cup on the table.
“I don’t. That’s the problem.”
“You’re the King, if you want them to stop just tell them.”
“Sadly, it doesn’t work like that. They have lists of women who might be interested in marrying me, but—” He shakes his head.
“But you’re not interested.”
“I’m not blind, I’m well aware that I could have any noblewoman that I wanted. The problem is that I don’t want any of them.”
“May I ask why not?” You ask, curious.
You exhale slowly, “Okay, that’s fair.”
“Plus, I have no interest in firing you. And the last thing I want is to put you in another situation like the Kryze situation.”
“That’s kind of you, Jango. But I really shouldn’t be a consideration in this.”
“Why not? You’re basically Boba’s mother at this point.”
You laugh softly, “That’s going to get me in trouble, I know it.”
Jango leans back for a moment, his dark eyes scanning you, “I lied.”
“Not wanting any woman specifically.” Jango clarifies, “There’s one woman I’m interested in.”
“Okay, so you should talk to her.”
“I am.”
“Oh. Oh!” Your face heats and you press your hands against your cheeks, “Me. You mean me.”
Jango chuckles softly, though there’s nothing unkind there, “I do mean you.”
“But I’m just a nanny.”
“So? My parents were farmers, it was my adoptive dad who made me King.” Jango shifts on the couch so that his knees are almost touching you, “Boba loves you. And you’ve managed to keep me sane these last six months.”
“I don’t know anything about ruling a kingdom.”
“You don’t have to, that will remain my job.” Jango’s warm fingers brush against your cheek, “Tell me you’re not interested, and I’ll never mention it again.”
You stare at him, “I just…why me?”
“Because you’re you. Because the idea of you not being in my life makes me miserable.” Jango’s fingers slide across your lips.
“People will make assumptions—”
“Let them. So long as we both know the truth,” Jango leans in, his lips hovering just over yours, “You are the one I want. The only one I want.”
A soft sigh falls from your lips, “Jango—”
You’re not able to finish your thought, as his lips catch yours in a gentle, almost chaste, kiss. Your hands come up to lightly press against his cheeks, and then one of your hands slides to card through his curls.
Jango releases a low groan, the kiss deepening as he leans you back, so you’re lying on the couch and he’s supporting his weight on his elbows. He lightly nips your lower lip and then soothes the sore spot with his tongue.
You don’t mean to release the breathy whine at the feel of his teeth against you, but you do, and Jango practically collapses on you with a deep appreciative moan.
His lips move to your throat, and you gasp when he bites down on the sensitive skin located there, intent on leaving a mark.
You know that he would keep going and that you would let him when the baby monitor releases a little noise, and you both still at the sound of Boba waking up. 
He stares down at you, and you blink up at him, “I need to go get him,” You whisper. 
“Yeah.” Jango kisses you one more time, “We’ll have to continue this later. If you want?”
“Well,” You smile at him shyly, “I wouldn’t say no.”
He flashes an eager, and boyish, grin. “I can’t wait,” Jango murmurs as he climbs off of you and allows you to grab the baby monitor to hurry to the nursery.
And, when Jango joins you in the nursery half an hour later and wraps himself around you to watch you take care of Boba, you’re really not surprised. Just like you’re not surprised when his arms slide tightly around your waist and he holds you tightly.
You know that it’ll be a change, being in a relationship with the King. But you find yourself excited about the change, rather than anxious.
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wordstome · 11 months
now that we don't talk
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I cannot be your friend, so I pay the price of what I lost And what it cost Now that we don't talk
alpha colonel König x beta ex-lover reader
2nd person, no y/n, she/her pronouns, reader's callsign is Eden, reader speaks French, omegaverse, exes to lovers, fraternization
2.2k words
tw: none
I swear to God one day I'll write something that doesn't involve that big hooded freak. But today is not that day.
Shoutout to loganlermanstanaccount here on Tumblr, who I won't tag. The bullet point headcanons with written parts interspersed format is from their excellent college roommate Miguel O'Hara post, which became their fic Rigor Mortis. I highly recommend both!
Also, excuse the absolutely butchered military content. I'm sure none of this is how it works in real life, but alas, this is fanfiction, not a research paper. Reader serves a Laswell-like role, but I refrained from labeling her as CIA even though I do call her a station chief. For the purposes of this fic, she's the voice in the operatives' ear during ops. We're playing a bit fast and loose with the terminology here.
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You’re a highly skilled intelligence agent and operative handler.
You’ve spent most of your life dedicated to your career: moving through the ranks, proving yourself, refusing to let anything stand in the way of your ambitions.
You’ve done some things you aren’t proud of, but always for the right reason. Or the reason that made the most cold, logical sense. Even when your heart tells you otherwise. Nobody in this line of work has clean hands, after all.
You’ve always done what needs to be done. For everyone’s best interest.
Today marks the first day of your collaboration with a PMC called KorTac. You’re hunting down a homegrown cult turned out-of-control terrorist cell.
You haven’t had much experience working with mercenaries, but in terms of hardened war criminals, KorTac’s people are quite well mannered.
Not that you had expected them to be rude and discourteous, but, well. You are an outsider. They haven’t necessarily embraced you, but their reception was nice enough.
You’ve got a meeting with their commander, but you can’t quite find the room you’re supposed to be meeting in. Not a great first impression to make, but luckily, someone takes pity on you.
He introduces himself. Korean. Callsign Horangi.
“You’ll get used to the layout of the base,” he says as you follow him through winding hallways.
“I hope so,” you reply. “I’ll be here for a while." You study the walls, the signs and numbers on the doors, trying your best to memorize everything.
"Do you know your commander well?" you ask. You're not the world's biggest fan of small talk, but you may as well know what you're walking into.
"König? Yeah, we've been close ever since he joined up." Horangi says, leading you into a long hallway. "He's a good guy. A little intense, but don't let that get to you. He's just getting the job done."
"We'll get along if he's competent." You can respect a man who forgoes pleasantries for making sure the shit gets shoveled.
"You don't have to worry about that." Horangi stops and holds the door open for you. "After you."
You study him for just a moment before entering the room. He's curt and to the point. Not bad-looking, either. Hopefully you'll get more chances to—
Your heart nearly stops.
KorTac's commander is facing away from the doorway, shuffling through some papers by the looks of it. But you would know him from any angle. The set of his shoulders, the way his stance is at ease but never truly relaxed, the way his hair curls at the nape of his neck.
You have to force yourself to step into the room. And when you do, he turns around.
You're vaguely aware of Horangi stepping around you to get into the room, but that's happening somewhere far away from the headspace you occupy right now. By the way König's eyes widen as they meet yours, he's in the same place too.
He hasn't aged so much as he's gotten more tired. He never did sleep enough, but now he looks like he hasn't gotten a sound night's rest in a long time. He's put-together, but there's a haggardness to him that probably wouldn't be noticeable to anybody but you. Someone who knew him when he was younger, and in the prime of his life. Someone who used to know every scar on his body, every crease of his brow, and now hasn't seen him in more than a decade.
The man who broke your heart stands on the other end of the room, staring at you as if he's seen a ghost.
The two of you stand there for a while before Horangi's voice shakes you back to reality. "Brought the station chief, sir."
"I...see." König—you suppose that's what he calls himself nowadays, the arrogant prick—clears his throat. "Thank you, Hong-jin."
"No problem." Horangi takes a seat. "The others will be in soon."
Horangi seems like a perceptive enough guy. Can he tell that the room feels several degrees colder? You pull a chair out, the furthest one from König's position possible, and ignore the hurt that briefly flashes across his face as you sit down.
The meeting goes well. It's just an opportunity for you to formally introduce yourself to the KorTac operators you'll primarily be working with for the next few months.
You can tell they're a close knit group by the easy way they interact with each other: they've worked together for a while.
König, too, is part of them, which must be how they pick up on the chilly dynamic between the two of you. Some of them are just puzzled. For most of them, it raises their hackles.
It doesn't matter to you. You can barely focus on getting through the meeting without feeling like you're going to faint.
It's absurd. You're not some delicate Regency-era lady. You're a hardened military officer. But it makes no difference.
It doesn't matter how long it's been, it seems. He's still the only one who can make you feel like this.
You can't get out of there fast enough after the meeting has concluded. Not only are the others shooting you suspicious looks, but you've spent too long in his presence. Any longer, and you don't know how you're going to keep your composure.
But you can't escape him. Of course not. Why did you ever think otherwise? You hear him call for you, and you walk faster. But it's futile.
This hallway is smaller, narrower, less open. Nobody's around to watch when he slams you against the wall to stop your hasty retreat. Nobody's around to see the way you sway in his hold, overwhelmed by the smell of him all around you. You're bathed in it, the overpowering presence of him.
"We need to talk." he demands.
"We just did. Meeting's over," you shoot back, making a paltry attempt to wriggle out of his grasp. He loosens his hold on you, but you're still trapped between him and the wall. No exit.
"I didn't plan this, in case you're wondering."
"That much was obvious." He's let his hair grow out longer, you notice at the most inopportune time possible. It suits him, you think.
He sighs in frustration. "If we're going to work together, we have to be civil."
"Don't worry. I wouldn't expose how much of a scoundrel you are in front of your precious squad," you bite.
You feel a twinge of smug satisfaction as regret settles into his expression. Too little, too late.
"I don't want it to be like this, either," he murmurs. "Ignoring and avoiding each other."
"You don't get to tell me how to act."
"You're right. But it's been a long time. Can't we try to get along? Not for my sake, but...yours."
"Well that's not condescending at all."
"That's not what I meant. I know my team. If you're walking around resenting me openly like that, they won't trust you. And they need to, if you're working with us."
He's right, and you know it. But there's that deep instinct inside you, older than your bloodline, waking up after a long slumber. It wants him, snapping at the bit to give into him and do whatever he asks of you. The urge will consume you if you don't fight it every step of the way.
You glare up at him, hoping you come off as brimming with resentment instead of desire. "As long as you and your team stay professional, I can too."
He's not satisfied with that answer, but it's all you're going to give him.
"Fine." He steps away from you, and you pour all your willpower into commanding your body to stay still. To not chase after his closeness. You sway on the spot, dizzy with his scent after having gone so long without it.
"This hallway is a dead end, by the way."
You try, you really do. But it's hard to be around him without feeling the urge to touch him, to press yourself against him and inhale him like the most destructive drug possible.
Your only recourse is to stay as physically far away from him as possible.
You do your best to ingratiate yourself with the other operators. You and Calisto are fast friends: she's got a breezy confidence to her that's quite refreshing. It also doesn't hurt that you speak French, as well. There's a bit of kinship felt whenever the two of you are holding a conversation none of the others can understand.
Horangi's a different story, though. The initial courtesy he showed you is a bit more clipped, now that it's clear something is up between you and König.
You can't believe you missed it the first time, the way König's smell is all over him. It really has been too long.
The two of them must be pretty close. You give up trying not to fixate on the idea.
You didn't mean to eavesdrop on them, but you were curious. Even more curious when you hear your name mentioned.
"It's pretty clear you and Eden know each other. None of us are stupid."
You freeze in your tracks. The door is closed, but you can hear Horangi's voice, loud and clear in the room behind it.
"It's not relevant. She's just here to do a job."
"I think it's pretty relevant that she gets up and leaves whenever you enter a room, regardless of what she's doing. She can't get away from you fast enough."
You give a surreptitious look at your surroundings, then lean down slightly, pressing your ear to the door.
"You're not going to give this up, are you?"
"Hell fucking no."
You hear König sigh. "Fine. We knew each other before I joined KorTac. Back when I was in the Jagdkommando."
Do you want to hear this? Your painful history, relayed to a near stranger? Horangi's not a stranger to him, that's for sure.
"We were...involved."
"You and a beta? Never took you for the type."
"Well, neither did I. But she was...special. Smart, pretty, deadeye with a knife. Wouldn't give me the time of day, of course. I was obsessed with her."
"Give me a fucking break, okay?"
"Can't wait to hear how this ended."
"Not...great. I was a total dick."
You can say that again, you think.
"I was young. Real dumbass who thought he was hot shit."
"You still aren't."
"Shut the fuck up." Something twinges inside you at the hearty laughter the two of them share. You missed that laugh.
"Despite everything, it was the most stable relationship I've ever been in. We looked out for each other. She knew me better than some of my family does."
"How did you fuck that up, then?"
"I got too comfortable. Started thinking I could do better. God, what a fucking idiot I was. I loved her like crazy, but I didn't realize how good I had it until it was gone."
"She left you?"
"No. I was the one who ended things. In the worst way possible, too. I told her the relationship wasn't going to go anywhere, that we were never going to be a serious thing."
"Ouch. Why not?"
You squeeze your eyes shut. You remember that night, like a shard of glass buried in your chest. As hard as you tried to forget, you'll never forget the way you felt. Like the world was ending.
You'll never forget the decision you had to make.
"I told her I couldn't see myself with a beta long-term."
"...that's fucked up."
"I know. I know. I was too caught up in that shitty macho alpha mindset. I was fucking ravenous back then, and I thought only an omega could give me what I needed."
"I get it now. If I were her, I would have quit on the spot seeing you in that meeting room."
"Yeah. She's a better person than I can ever imagine being."
Well. It's nice to know he regrets it, you think. Not that it does you much good now. Quiet as a mouse, you make a quick exit before you can get caught.
You make it back to the the room you've been assigned to. They were nice enough to give you your own private quarters, something you deeply appreciate when you need to be alone with your own thoughts. Like right now.
It's a strange feeling, to sort of get closure like this. Not at the end, but at the beginning of something new. You still have to see each other. Does it help that you know how he feels? Maybe, but it doesn't ease your own guilt. In fact, it makes it worse.
You're not mad at him for telling Horangi. You're glad he did, actually. There are some secrets that cause more harm to keep than not.
You open a drawer and pull out the pill bottle, hidden underneath your other possessions, and stare at the label.
You would know.
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BOOM! There you have it. (In case it wasn't clear, the suppressants are for omegas.)
@sprout-fics's omegaverse 141 headcanons series inspired me to write something based off the idea of an omega disguising themselves as a beta in the military. Please check out her series, it's great.
I was really into exploring how omegaverse dynamics can make complicated relationships even messier. I did consider writing this story without the omegaverse, but I think now it's kind of an essential element. (I also just. Want them to have crazy nasty omegaverse sex. Sue me) I can't picture König ever breaking up with someone he deeply loved and was obsessed with, unless he had a reason like that. Still not a great reason, but a little bit understandable. Eden being a disguised omega also adds a bit of spice to the exes-to-lovers arc, too: she could have just come out and told him she's not actually a beta, but she chose not to for the sake of her career. Oof. Ruthless judgement calls were made on both sides.
I put this out because this idea had me in a STRANGLEHOLD, and I just had to get it out before I burst. Hopefully my writing's still up to par 😅 As for Kingdom Come, part iii may take a little while longer because a lot is going to happen in it, so I hope this can tide you guys over until then.
As usual, comments and feedback are always appreciated! I would love to talk about this au more. And again, if you'd like to be tagged, drop a reply. And if you're in the taglist and would like to be removed/only tagged for Kingdom Come, please let me know!
@crowbird @poohkie90 @cumikering @iytatsworld @papaver-decervicatus @anxietyrain @riotakire @ax0lotly @cookiepie111 @kacchasu @no1runawaymilkdad @chthonian-spectre @backwards-readings @yxllowtxpe @garbau @hexqueensupreme @queenthorin1 @violetstyless @her-majesty-theking @vegan-peppermint @peonytarian @ghostslittlegf @euuuuuuun @e1x03 @kokonoiwife @deaddainish @dragonfang @teehee-47 @catluvwr @keiva1000 @waves-against-a-cliff @channelsoph @cutiecusp @itsagrimm @dins-riduur-anthe @mantishymns @lexuria
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jo-harrington · 1 year
On-the-Job Training (A Store Manager Verse Story - Steve Harrington/Reader)
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Summary: Steve has a crush on the Dippin' Dots cashier.
Warnings/Themes: AU where the Upside Down doesn't terrorize Hawkins. Late Summer of 1985, Steve and Robin work at Scoops, Reader works at Dippin' Dots, Mutual Pining, Flirting, Enemies to Lovers(sort of?), Tie in with the Store Manager Verse
Note: Ok what started off as a silly little conversation about what flavor chapstick each ST character would use turned into this and I typically don't write Steve...but I had to give him some love.
Tagging my loves who were integral to that convo to thank them for inspiration especially Drac who started it all. This is for you bb. @dr-aculaaa @mopeymopeymouse @chestylarouxx @somnambulic-thing @fracturedarkness @br0ck-eddie
Technically slightly anachronistic because Dippin' Dots didn't open until 1988 but I'm a stickler for accuracy in the regular series. This is just a fun little do-dad.
You can find my masterlist here for more fics featuring pretty much exclusively Eddie Munson content but also a little Steve.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
Largely unedited; I didn't even re-read it. It's might suck. Enjoy!
"Ahoy! One U.S.S. Butterscotch!"
Steve never thought that this would be his future after graduation.
This summer he should have been living it up before he went away to college and made something of himself. Lifeguarding at the pool, going to all the parties, hanging out with his friends.
Instead, his life went to shit, Nancy Wheeler had broken up with him, he had gotten rejection letter after rejection letter from the schools he had applied to...and instead of working at the pool like he had every summer since he turned 16, he had a crappy job slinging ice cream at Scoops Ahoy of all places at the new StarCourt Mall.
"Thanks so much," the sweet lady who had placed the order smiled at him and handed the sundae to her son. "Look at that Frankie, your favorite." The little boy shot Steve a grin complete with his two front teeth missing and Steve melted a little bit.
Alright, it wasn't so bad. He got to make people smile, he got some spending money--which was nice since his dad had pretty much cut him off, although his mom was sneaking him some cash on the side.
"Look alive dingus," Robin called from the window separating the front of the ice cream parlor from the backroom. "Your schmoopsie poo is here."
"Shut up Rob!" Steve groaned through gritted teeth.
One of the perks of working at the mall was that he got to interact with people of all shapes and sizes and yeah...Steve had tried to use it as a means to get over Nancy. He'd had little hours-long crushes on fellow mall employees, customers, Robin--although working with her made that difficult--hell there was even a manager that had caught his eye towards the beginning of summer except he'd seen Eddie "The Freak" Munson of all people hanging around her.
Although after a few months of seeing Eddie around StarCourt not being a wastoid menace, Steve had to admit...well he wasn't that bad either.
The one who'd caught his eye the most though was you, and yeah...he'd developed an actual big little long-lasting crush.
You, who came around for a root-beer float most afternoons.
You, whose smile made his heart skip a little.
You in your pink polo, teal apron, and white visor with the words Dippin' Dots emblazoned on the front.
The enemy.
And you never let him forget it either.
Steve had been heart eyes over you the first time you had entered into Scoops territory to order your float. Undercover in casual summer clothes a week after the mall had opened. There was just something about you, your smile, your laugh.
Robin teased that he said that about everyone; Steve ignored her.
Then you opened your mouth and said the float was good but the service could have been better. That Steve should stop by Dippin' Dots sometime and see how it was really done.
Shots fired.
It really hurt at first. This was his first real job outside of the community pool, one he had been excited to get. He was really nice, tried his best; why didn't you think so?
"It's called flirting," Robin insisted. "God, you really suck, you know that? How can you ask people out willy nilly and then miss someone flirting with you right in front of your face? Flirt back next time."
So he did.
Every so often he'd mosey across the mall to your kiosk, order a small vanilla cup, and throw a little insult of his own your way. Usually something about how tiny balls of ice cream could never beat an actual scoop. Or about how you didn't count his change the right way, or that your visor was on crooked.
You wouldn't hesitate to get your own comment in. Especially about his choice in flavor.
"You work at an ice cream parlor and you order vanilla?" you questioned. "A hundred flavors to choose from at scoops; do you only get vanilla there too? Vanilla...is good but when you have variety? Order something exciting one day, and then we can talk business, Stevie."
Oof, it steamed him.
But not enough to stop playing the game.
And it left you both grinning so who was he to end the fun.
So when you showed up at Scoops today after not being around for a few days and your smile didn't reach your eyes like it usually did...Steve was suddenly overcome with...well he didn't really know.
"Ahoy, uh, sailor," he greeted and tried to put on his biggest award-winning, tip-earning smile.
"Ahoy," you replied weakly.
"Root beer float?" he asked, already heading over to the case to start scooping ice cream into a cup.
"Uh," you hesitated. "No, just...just a small vanilla cup today."
Steve froze and looked at you. Your shoulders were slumped, you had your visor in your hand, and you were pointedly avoiding eye contact with him.
What was...what was wrong with you?
Where was your fight? Where was your fire? Why, all of a sudden, was your game over?
"Hey, uhm," he coughed awkwardly. "Is everything ok?"
"Yeah, Steve," you nodded absently.
"You always get root beer."
"I just want vanilla today."
"The special is salted caramel? I can give you a sample if you're--"
"No, I just want vanilla," you cut him off and rolled your eyes. "You always get vanilla. Why is it a problem if I suddenly do? Vanilla is good too. Maybe vanilla is just...what we both want ok? Nothing else."
He was shocked. That wasn't playful annoyance in your voice; you were just...annoyed.
"Sure," he agreed. "Sure. One small vanilla coming right up."
He got your ice cream and rang you out, and as you were about to leave, he called after you.
"See you in a little while?" he asked.
"If you want." You waved goodbye and headed out of the ice cream parlor.
Steve turned and looked at Robin who simply rolled her eyes and shook her head.
"What just happened?" he asked.
"You're hopeless," she sighed and slammed the shutters on the window closed.
Steve roamed around the mall on his break.
Typically, he'd make his way to Dippin' Dots but...that just seemed like a waste of time today.
He'd fixated on your visit for the rest of his shift until his break, analyzing everything he said, everything he did. Everything that could have made you mad at him.
Once he got Robin out of her hiding spot in the back room, he monologued all of his thoughts to her.
She watched him pace back and forth, called him a dingus a few times, a loser a few other times, and then finally sent him on his break with some last words.
"I know you're hearing everything they're saying Steve," she began. "But are you really listening? You just keep...ordering vanilla."
"Uh. Yeah. That's the game."
"It's not a game you...ughhhhh! GO!" She pointed to the exit. "Before I throttle you."
Why couldn't she just tell him? What had he done?
In his rumination, he'd been chewing at his lips. A habit he had pretty much done his entire life when he got nervous.
Shit, and he'd left his chapstick in the car; it was hot, it probably melted by now.
That was one of the little ways you made his life a little better...through your teasing. You had told him, once, that his lips looked dry.
"Maybe invest in some chapstick or something."
He'd gone to Melvald's that same night that you told him and got a 3-pack of strawberry chapstick. All the while wondering if it meant you had been looking at his lips for a while or...
But it was...just another little jab right? Another little flirt? Another part of your game?
Still, he never knew when you might show up so the chapstick became a constant--something that soothed him even, gave him courage--and he always had a tube tucked into the pocket of his shorts, or on the register, or in the cupholder of his car. To swipe on if he knew he was about to see you...or hoped he was.
And now...he desperately needed it, needed his strawberry chapstick--needed you--and it was nowhere to be found.
Steve stopped in his tracks and looked at the stores around him.
WaldenBooks, Regis Salon, JH Camera Repair.
He'd seen little kids with their play makeup and sparkly plastic jewelry post up in one of the booths at Scoops after they spent their allowance money at Claire's. He had to find strawberry chapstick there. He'd even take cherry. Something.
Steve crossed into the pink-and-purple-and-pop-music-filled oasis to a melodic "Welcome In" from the employee helping a little girl by the ear piercing booth. And as out of place as he felt, he was immediately relieved to see a wall full of eyeshadow palettes and glitter hairspray.
He closed the distance and frantically searched the wall, but it was all novelty makeup. There was one package of Dr. Pepper lip smackers, but the package was half-ripped and the cap was missing; he was a little worried but he figured it was better than nothing.
He was about to snatch it off the hook when that voice sounded behind him.
"Did you need help finding anything?" He immediately turned on his heel to find the employee--the manager, Eddie Munson's girlfriend--standing there in a flourish of tulle and fluorescent colors. "Oh! That's a customer favorite...looks like it's damaged though, let me just..."
She reached out to take the package but Steve reacted instinctually. He quickly grabbed it and clutched it to his chest.
"I don't mind," he tried to reason. "I don't care if it's missing the cap."
"Listen, I can't sell it to you if it's damaged," the manager explained. "It's just not safe. Is there anything else I can help you find though?"
She reached for the package again but he held it back.
"I need this," Steve tried again.
"Because I messed up and this...you know the cashier down at the Dippin' Dots kiosk? Well...I don't know...I pissed them off or something and I just need to...go down and talk to them and I can't."
"So the lip balm is a gift for them? To make amends?"
"No...it's for me because my lips are dry." Steve sighed. "I...ok I know it sounds crazy, but I swear. It's...they got me to start using chapstick because they said my lips were dry and it's this thing we do. We go back and forth and we tease each other.
"But they're mad at me now, and they didn't...I mean they ordered vanilla. They never order vanilla. They hate it when I order vanilla."
"Uh huh." The manager's eyes went a little soft. "I'm not...really following the logic...but I get it."
"You do?"
"You like each other. But you're just...going back and forth. And no one has really...admitted it," she observed. She suddenly burst into laughter and Steve cocked his head to one side in confusion. "Sorry, sorry...it's just...whatafuckincoincidence.
"So are you the one who's afraid of being rejected? Or...are they...or..."
Cue the record scratch in Steve's head.
All summer...all year actually...Steve had been faced with one rejection after another. First Nancy, then all of the college applications, his dad and now...all of the little fleeting mall crushes that he'd asked out that had said no.
Robin had even made a scoreboard that sat in the back whenever someone turned him down.
He thought all this time...he'd become immune to it. But with you...it was easier to think it was just a game than to possibly face the reality that if he asked you out...you'd say no and then the little game would be ruined. And his hopes would be dashed.
He didn't realize that all of his waffling could potentially be hurting you too.
"Why don't you," the manager continued when Steve hesitated to answer, "go down there and talk to them? Even if they're mad at you. Communication is very important. I'm sure if you explain everything, or even...just show that you're willing to bridge the gap, they'd be willing to listen. The worst they could say is no, but if they're already mad, you have nothing to lose. See if they'll give you a chance."
"So I...shouldn't order vanilla this time?" He looked up at her and asked, recalling your words.
Order something exciting, and then we can talk business.
The door had been open for him to ask you out this whole time.
And that's why you ordered vanilla earlier. Because Vanilla meant...meant that this...flirtation...this game...wasn't going anywhere. He hadn't made a move, so you didn't want to wait anymore.
God, he was so stupid.
"Uh, no...don't do that," the manager smiled kindly. She reached out for the broken lip balm and took it from him. "I'll just...damage this out."
"Wait...but my lips are still dry," Steve floundered. "I still need chapstick."
"Do you think there's gonna be some kissing happening?" the manager's eyes narrowed. "I said talk to them, not...plant one on them."
"I just need...something," he begged. "Strawberry...if you have it."
"I think we have strawberry flavored lip gloss by the register."
"I'll take it."
So there Steve was, in the concourse by JCPenney, patiently waiting in the line for Dippin' Dots with sticky, strawberry-flavored lips tinted a very nice shade of pink.
As soon as he had swiped the gloss on...as silly as he had felt...he had been reminded of you.
"Next!" your voice sounded every so often and the line got shorter and shorter, and Steve's courage got weaker and weaker. The Claire's manager had been right though...communication...the worst you could tell Steve was "no."
"Next!" You'd be just another tally on Robin's scoreboard. And she could call him a dingus again. She really enjoyed doing that. So some good would at least come from his failure.
"Next!" He'd also get...a cup of Dippin' Dots which...if he had to admit, he kinda enjoyed. He got all the Scoops ice cream he wanted for free but this was different. Ice Cream of the Future and all that. He sort of expected Henderson to come up with something like this, the little nerd; well, if he could never show his face here again, he'd ask the kids if they could figure out how to make some kind of futuristic ice cream for him.
"Ne--oh!" Steve finally got to the front of the line and saw your shocked face. He smiled and waved as he approached the register.
"Hey," he greeted. "I told you I'd see you around."
"You did," you said flatly and scrunched your nose. "So...the usual? Small vanilla cup?"
"Uh no..." Steve said hesitantly. You raised an eyebrow in question. "I uh...can I get a large..."
"Large vanilla?" You sniffed.
"Large Rainbow Ice," he recited after squinting at the menu board. "It's time for something new."
You stared at him silently and Steve couldn't help but doubt himself.
What if Rainbow Ice was the wrong answer? Should he have gone with Banana Split? Shit he should have just stuck with Strawberry. It was his favorite. Strawberry chapstick, strawberry gloss, strawberry ice cream. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
"Yeah," you finally answered with a beaming smile and Steve's heart soared. "Yeah it is time for something new, isn't it?"
Next Part: Incremental Planning
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" Bunny bunny bunny, your ears are funny: they're too big for you.
Bunny bunny bunny, though you're funny, everyone loves you."
Summary: After rescuing you from a failed escape attempt, Jervis reads you a bedtime story.
This story has a scene showing a description of blunt-force murder. Viewer discretion is advised
An: Gotham Jervis pt.2-Electric Boogaloo
It had been about a week and a half since you had been kidnapped by your next-door neighboor: Taken away from your family and to who knows where.
You weren't allowed to go outside. The only way would be if you snuck out.
You had done it successfully once before, and only once. And never agian since it didn't turn out well for you when you did.
It was dark when it happened, late at night. You were all alone and still in your new Pjs that Jervis had gotten you.
You were in an unfamiliar part of Gotham. A place that was known to be uch more dangerous than the area you lived in.You knew Jervis would be back home any second, so you ran to find someplace you could hide.
And just in time, too.
Not even a minute after you had hid behind a corner, you saw a van pull up to where your neighbor had been keeping you.
Jervis was expecting you to be in your new bed that you had been staying in. And why wouldn't he? It's what you had been instructed to do, and you had been following his instructions all week.
As you watched Jervis walk inside with a few of his goons, you waited for a moment to make sure they were gone. Then, you quickly hurried down the nearest ally.
This was a bad idea.
" Why Heya there, kid . . ." You froze as a figure walked out of the darkness. He was a rather tall and big man you had never met before. " You lost or something? I can help you. "
The man didn't seem at all friendly; a crooked smile holding malicious intent. " N-no," you blurt out. " I'm good . . . thanks."
You hoped the man would leave it at that: Leave you alone and be on your way.But as you tried walking past him, he roughly grabbed your arm, making you back towards him.
" Aww, cmon kid. Don't leave me hanging." The man chuckled out. " Let's go to my place, yeah? We can play games: have some fun!"
" NO!" You yelled out. You were terrified now: eyes swelling with tears asylum tried to free yourself from the man's iorn grip. You honestly didn't care if Jervis could hear you. You needed to get away from this creep. " L-LET GO! LET GO OF ME!"
" Excuse me, my friend, but just what do you think you're doing?"
You stopped struggling when you heard it: the ticking of a silver pocket watch. The man looked away from you, annoyed as he turned to see who was talking to him.
And there Jervis Tetch stood with his nice clothes and fancy tophat. His silver watch was swinging back and forth as he stared into the eyes of the man who was harrasing you.
" Hey!" The man spat out. "Mind your own business, ya fancy freak!"
Jervis had a smile on his face, but he wasn't happy; far from it, actually.
If you looked closer enough into his dark eyes and strained smile, you would be able to see the burning rage and murderous intent running all throughout his body. It didn't matter if this man let you go willingly or not.
This man was about to die.
And you were going to see every single moment of it.
" Actually, this is my business. You see, you are currently touching my child. So I would appreciate it if you let them go." Jervis requested. Although it wasn't a request and more of a demand.
" Hah! And why . . . Would . . . Do . . ."
Jervis just kept on smiling as he swung his watch " Tick,tock, tick,tock. Just keep your eyes on the clock. . ."
The man was stiff as a boar now, standing up straight and not moving a muscle. " Now then, my friend, I will ask agian: Please do be polite and let go of my child."
This time, the man obliged, letting go of you. You fell down to the floor with a thud. Looking back up, you could see the eyes of Jervis piercing into you.
" Bunny." Jervis said sternly. " Come here."
You sat there, frozen for a moment, as you quickly tried to think of what to do. Maybe you could run?
" Y/N!" Jervis snapped. The slight raising of his voice made you flinch.
Jervis quickly calmed himself down. "My dear . . . I told you to come here. . . "
Taking the hint, you quickly got your trembling body off the ground and made your way over to him. Quietly dreading whatever was about to happen.
When you got there , he quickly grabbed you and hugged you tightly. You let out a small squeak as he did so.
" Everything is okay now, bunny," Jervis cooed. His voice sounded almost sickly sweet. " Papa's got you."
Using both of his hands, he gently cupped your face, lifting it up to reveal your puffy little eyes and cheeks.
" Did the bad man hurt you bunny?" He asked. Nervously, you gave him a small nod.
He pressed his lips together and made a little humming noise " Well that just will not do. . . "
Ungrasping your face, he gently bent down to reach your level. Grabbing your left shoulder with his left hand and your chin with his right: Forcing you to face the stranger who had tried to take you.
" Now, my friend, please do not stall. . ."
Jervis' smile was fully back now. But this time, it was full of bludlust. Pure and utter bloodlist: Obsession and Possesvie instincts.
" Bash your head in agianst that wall."
Doing as he was commanded, you let out a chilling shreik as you watched the man walk up to the brick wall of the allyway before chucking his head agians the bricks.
Then Agian, and agian.
His head became more mutilated by the sceond. Before toppling over into a bloody, bashed-in mess.
You sobbed as it happened. You tried to pull away from Jervis.
To run.
But his grip was much too strong on you.
Jervis, in the meanwhile, tried soothing you with little shushing noise in your year. "It's okay, bunny. It's okay. He deserves this, just keep watching . . ."
After it was all over, you were a trembling, sobbing mess.
You were much more scared of Jervis Tetch than ever now. Because if he could simply hypnotize and make a man brutally murder himself, the just what on earth could he hypnotize you into doing?
Was he going to make you brutally murder yourself as well?
You looked at the corpse with tears trickling down your eyes. The man was basically unrecognizable now: A body with erupting brains, blood, and bone from the top of it.
" See bunny . . I'm never going to let them take you ."
Thought the words were supposed to be comforting. They were anything but. Jervis then gently placed a kiss on your forehead before picking you up.
You let out a trail of frail little 'no's, but he just shushes you. " It's okay, bunny. I know, I know. You must be so tired, my dear. Let's get you back home. "
Immediately, your heart dropped. You knew that you were going to just his home: Not your home.
Jervis kept you in his arms as he walked towards your bedroom. Making his way to the door, he opened it and stepped inside.
It almost felt magical and surreal there. Like it was something out of a fairytale.
Walking over to your bed. He lifted the covers with one of his hands before gently placing you gown and tucking you in underneath a soft, warm quilt.
" Im sure a story will put you right back to bed." Jervis states in confidence. " How does that sound?"
You just give him a little 'ok'.
Although you hated in there, a small, tiny part of your body wanted to admit just how soft and comfy the bed was. And there was no doubt that Tetch had been spoiling you.
But the much more rational ( and louder) side of you kept making you remeber: This man is a literal supervillain who hypnotized and kidnapped you, took you away from your family, and literally just killed a man in front of you.
As you were in your thoughts. Jervis grabbed the copy of Alice and Wonderland with a caterpillar bookmark from your bedside table.Sitting down on the big bed beside you, he pulled you in closer before opening the book and taking the bookmark out.
" Now let's seeeee. . . Ah! Here we are. Alice was . . ."
You didn't listen. Not this time, anyway.
You were much more focused on the fact you might just not survive, let alone escape the phycotic, obsessive eyes of your neighbor.
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