#everyone i thought cared about me has just sort of floated away from me and now they're all doing better
humbleanger · 1 year
wishing it was all different but also not having the means or the bravery to change anything
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solarmorrigan · 7 months
A scene I spent too much time thinking about in the Bob Adopts Steve AU [more on this idea here and here]. Takes place during s2, sometime after they all convene at the Byers house, but I know not exactly when because I don't remember the whole timeline
cw: hurt/no comfort
Steve refuses to break. Not now, not when the whole night is ahead of them, the problem of the demodogs and the gate and the mindslayer or whatever the fuck the kids keep calling it. He can’t break, not when they need him.
But he does just need to– take a minute.
Take a minute to breathe, to process the information that Bob had been at Hawkins Lab. That Bob had been involved.
That Bob is–
When no one is looking his way, he steps out onto the porch, just for a minute, to get some air.
He sort of expects it to be Nancy who’s followed him out there when he hears the door open behind him (he sort of hopes it’s Nancy; that even if she doesn’t love him, even if she’s angry at him, maybe she still cares enough to at least make sure he’s not self-destructing out here).
He’s surprised when it’s Joyce Byers who sinks down onto the steps next to him.
She doesn’t say anything for a minute, and Steve wonders if he should speak first. He should probably apologize for her loss or something, shouldn’t he? But he can’t get any words to come out; all he can do is clench his fists more tightly in his lap to hide the way his hands are shaking.
Then Joyce speaks; her voice is still husky, like it was when they’d first gotten into the house, like she’d been crying (or screaming), but it’s steadier now. “I didn’t realize that you were the Steve that Bob was always talking about.”
Steve’s head comes up, turning to look over at Joyce. “He talked about me?”
Joyce offers Steve a tiny smile. “So much that I thought maybe he’d somehow gone and had a son without anyone knowing. He eventually had to tell me that he met you when you were helped him out with his yard.”
Shame prickles in Steve’s stomach, and he looks away. “Yeah, and I was helping him out with his yard because I destroyed part of it when I probably shouldn’t have been driving after getting into a fight with… pretty much everyone I knew, actually.”
“He did say you had a little… hiccup, is what he called it,” Joyce says, sounding fond, and not at all as judgmental as Steve thinks she probably has a right to be. “But he also said that you came right over to make amends, and that you’re a good kid. He always sees – saw. He… saw the best in people, always.”
“Even when we didn’t deserve it,” Steve says.
“I’m sure that’s not true,” Joyce says. “You deserve to have people see good in you, Steve. It’s there.”
Somehow, that just makes Steve feel worse.
“I yelled at him,” Steve blurts out. “The last time we talked, I… I yelled at him.”
Joyce is quiet, and Steve knocks his fist against his forehead, because she’s just lost her significant other and he’s over here whining about how he said something petty to a guy he has no right to be upset about losing. Fuck, no wonder Nancy had dumped him. No wonder Bob had gotten sick of him.
“What did you yell about?” Joyce asks, pulling Steve from his spiral. She sounds genuinely curious.
“I…” Steve freezes; if Bob hadn’t talked to Joyce about moving away, then he doesn’t want her to find out that he was going to like this. “He said he was going to talk to you about something, Halloween night. Did– did he get around to that?”
“About moving out of Hawkins?” Joyce asks, and Steve nods. “He did. I wasn’t sure what to say at first, but… well, I’m sure you can see why there’d be some appeal.”
Steve lets out a choked laugh. “Yeah. Well, he floated the idea past me first, and I kind of flipped out on him.”
“Why?” Steve chances a glance at Joyce and she’s looking at him with a soft kind of concern. “Did you not like the idea of leaving here?”
“What do I have to do with it?” Steve asks, brows furrowed. “He said that he wanted to get you and Will and Jonathan out. And, like, I don’t blame him, I just– I reacted badly, and I wish–”
“Oh, sweetie,” Joyce breaks in, her hand coming up to cover her mouth. “He didn’t– Didn’t he get to tell you?”
More confused than ever, Steve shakes his head. “Tell me what?”
“He… I mean, he said that he wanted to wait until summer to move, not just because he didn’t think it would be fair to move Will and Jonathan in the middle of the school year, but also because he was hoping…” Joyce trails off for a moment and takes a breath, like what she says next is going to hurt; Steve stops breathing at all. “He wanted to wait until you graduated because he was hoping to convince you to come along.”
“Oh,” Steve says, completely on automatic.
For a moment, the information doesn’t compute. It doesn’t even sink in.
And then it does.
And that’s when Steve breaks.
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
I wanna try something different this time around.
I’ve started to grow an interest to Eyeless Jack, I mean I haven’t read the story but the character has intrigued me.
What’s some fluffy headcanons you can think of for him with a partner in general?
General hcs for Eyeless Jack x Reader !
ehehehehe welcome to the ej fan club!! evil laughs >:) gotta admit my take on ej is only loosely based around the original story (guy waking up to find one of his kidneys missing is the TLDR version) but a lot of my hcs are based around a fic (?) reimagine (?) of ej that i remember seeing floating around yeeeeears ago back in middle school and im unsure how many people follow the "jack used to be a human but got dragged into a cult/human sacrifice unwillingly" idea since i admittedly dont interact much with the fandom outside of writing these lil hcs and making fanart TToTT
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after everything that happened to him jack ran off to the woods to be away from prying human eyes, and as far as he knew he was viewed as (albeit unwilling and you could argue it was in self defense) murderer.... kind of puts a stop into your plans of finishing school and going into your dream career.. oh and also the teeny tiny detail that you now rely on human flesh as sustenance with no hope for being able to physically accept alternatives and as more time goes on you start to resemble something.. not human... theres that, too
if you want to see him during the day you're likely going to have to visit him in the woods, but fear not hes not homeless, hes found refuge in an old cabin; slowly hes been patching it up
dont expect him to make you do any work on the cabin, he views it solely as his responsibility and he'll likely deny any actual work helping rebuild it... though i dont think he would be against any tools and decoration (ex. stuff for a generator so he can have power, means to wash his clothes, basic supplies that arent food ectect)
i think overtime he would even get a little mini fridge for you so you can store snacks and drinks at his place, since he doesnt. have food
sometimes visits you at your place, but he only does this during the night so he doesnt get caught wandering the streets by other people... usually enters through the backdoor, to avoid anyone seeming coming from the front
very quiet and reserved, not very high energy... so most nights hanging out with him are calm... usually him asking you how you've been doing... you /could/ ask him the same, but he can only talk about patrolling his area in the woods for hikers straying too close so many times, and he doesnt want to bore you
thats actually another thing, he has traps set up around; mix of a means for hunting without having to go out and pick someone, and to make sure no one gets too close to the cabin
so i think, in the beginning he would ban you from coming to him without him guiding you, at least not until youve had ample time to get used to the traps and how to look for them and remember the general locations of them
teaches you how to forage, him being alone for so long has forced him to pick up new hobbies to keep him from going insane, so you now know how to do that sort of thing as well as identifying plants and fungi... fun!
on the very rare occasion you can convince jack to walk around town with you at night when everyone else is asleep.... its nice, i think.. kind of gives him a chance to just sink back into what his old life used to be and feel like hes normal again; though he tends to be quieter than usual on these walks
i dont think hes particularly possessive, dont get me wrong he cares about you and he does have the passing thought of you just up and leaving him one day (and he doesnt blame you, he holds a lot of self loathing for himself nowadays) but hes not going to be breathing down your neck and watching your every movement... he has enough trust in you not to get hurt or stuck in any situation
blunt, he doesnt beat around the bush and sometimes he doesnt sugarcoat things when the blow needs to be softened... mix of jack just being a little insensitive to others but also because hes gotten so used to thinking so logically and straight forward and numbing his own emotions over... who knows how long, probably even before he got all messed up..
can be a little sarcastic at times, so he might come off as an asshole every now and then, especially when you mix in the bluntness
i dont think he would actively try to be mean to others though, he'd try to understand and fix something if his habits upset you because he doesnt want to lose you
very cold, physically, so be sure to bring blankets and stuff when you want to cuddle into him
very careful with you, he has claws and teeth... and sometimes shedding blood around him can be really dangerous (he feeds on human material, he tends to push off eating for as long as he can since the fact hes eating people meat messes with him.. argument between survival of himself and survival of others; but due to his curse he can go into 'frenzies' and momentarily lose himself to his hunger. think how in finding nemo the sharks went nuts when dory cut her fin on accident, its like that but he doesnt go nuts all the time) so hes very very gentle even when he has a strong hold on himself
speaking of his forced diet, he doesnt eat often.. only really needing to do so every now and then, but i like to think he would still sit at the table with you to keep you company while you ate dinner
though he wouldnt want you to do the same when he DOES eat, might prefer you not come at all on those days actually
him and reader remind me of the "its rotten work"/"not to me, not if its you" audio
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variousxreader · 7 months
(Haven’t watched that far into One Piece, I’m at like episode 500 so sorry if these are ooc at all)
- Doesn’t like coffee, no matter how much sugar or creamer he puts in it’s always not quite right or to his liking, he’s the same way with some teas.
- Keeps a pocket sketchbook or some sort of small notebook hand, sketches or writes about things he sees or thinks about.
- Favorite animal would be otters, I feel like he would see them frequently while sailing and overall likes them for their smarts, such as using rocks to open shells. Though, he absolutely adores how they hold hands or hold their kin while they sleep or float to not get lost.
- Morning person, definitely. Almost always the first one up and awake, walking around and already doing things while everyone else is still in bed.
- While he has grown up and became stronger, he’s still an easy crier. He gets emotional over things and while he can shove down the need to cry, he finds some place private to let his emotions go. He doesn’t like it when people see him cry publically, he feels like that wouldn’t make him “strong” to anyone anymore, especially with everything he has to go through.
- Struggles with anxiety, and I mean this man is brimming with it. His habit of overthinking can lead him to peril, while he has been scolded for “not doing anything and risking lives” due to it, some of his decisions after that could seem reckless, as he wouldn’t even give a second thought to the first thing that comes to mind.
- Definitely sleeps hugging a pillow, cannot sleep without hugging or holding something.
- Personal headcanon (I don’t know if we ever learn about his family or not) I think that while yes he truly did mistake the Alvida pirate’s boat for a fishing boat, he really was trying to sail away for good that day. People in his life would always tell him that he cries too easily or was too skittish about literally everything, overall bringing him down for years of his life. Yes, it was ok when he was younger, but while this behavior continued, people yelled at him more about how he needed to “not be such a crybaby” and not be so afraid of everything. Even now, he has issues dealing with people yelling or raising their voice at him.
- Another personal headcanon, this fella is so trans masc coded to me. When he found Luffy he was scared at first of course, some random ass stranger popped out of a barrel. But what really sold him is that Luffy didn’t question him at all about how he sounded or looked different, but to be quite frank, Luffy doesn’t seem like the type of person to bring that up anyway. Yes, Luffy saved him and he’s happy about that, but he also saw how he was? How he actually wanted to be? AND inspired his dreams?? The boost of confidence he got from that still fuels him to this day as a captain, that’s why he still looks back to that day, the first day someone saw him for who he actually was and didn’t question him. Still questions to this day if he’s valid or even passing for that matter, but that memory always helps him with dysphoria.
- Loves spooning, he doesn’t care if he's big or little spoon, he’s perfectly content either being held or him holding you. Though, he does have the habit of being mostly big spoon since he wants to protect you and keep you safe.
- His love language would definitely be quality time, especially with how long he has to be gone for sometimes. When he comes back after whatever duties he had, all he wants to do is spend some time with you doing whatever. Could be something as little as just sitting and holding each other in silence, or something more like going shopping or on a date. Though, his favorite thing to do would probably be being able to snuggle up with the person he cares the most about and rest without having to worry.
- Love hugging his s/o from behind and resting his head on their back or shoulder, depending on his height.
- This man is all green flags, will absolutely pamper his s/o if they’re feeling under the weather and sooth them if they’re not feeling 100%.
Sorry for any spelling mistakes btw :3€
AAAAA GOD TIER HEADCANONS!!!! I love them all!!!!!!
Don't you worry, im crawling through Impel Down, dreading 482 and what comes after 🙃 Ace girl things™️
This man has abused golden retriever energy, like rescued and bounced back and is the healthiest boy now.
He is a literal cinnamon roll!!!!!
God he'd cry over every animal he sees because its so cute. Like "S/O! Look!!!!! At them!!! Can we adopt them?!" Its so hard to say no
I loveeeeeeee the idea of him falling for a Pirate. Man is so upset about it too at first, like he is so in denial about it. Till a silly fanfic esq situation gets them alone and he can't deny the attraction, physical and emotional anymore?! Chefs kiss the drama!
I also love the idea for Trans masc Koby, that Garp is just like Luffy in his acceptance, like hes so confused as to why people would be upset that Koby identifies as a man. "You say you're a man so you're a man. " simple as that.
Also, forehead kisses on his scar!!!!!
Steal his bandana to tie up your own hair, the mans heart nearly stops and he clutches his chest.
Also i love the idea of his S/O trolling Alvida in subtle ways. As petty revenge on Koby's behalf. Like just any chance they get, they fuck with her. Steals her hat or something just goofy shit that you know would drive the unhinged woman mad.
Koby would 10/10 write little love poems in that notepad/ sketch book for his s/o or crush. Not that he'd be brave enough to share. He could be convinced. Lol
Hes a precious little Peony
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retrowave-racer · 4 months
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Coaster Maynia 2024 Day 22 - Oblivion the Black Hole
“Odin, don’t. It’s not worth it. She’s one of the worst cases of someone affected by the anomalies that I’ve ever seen.” Eve hissed through her teeth, her hand gripping firmly around Odin’s arm.
Odin effortlessly shook her away. “She’s family. I need to speak with her. You said yourself. Everyone affected by the anomalies needs to be handled with care, patience, and kindness. They are adjusting to abilities and powers and changes to their bodies they didn’t have before. So many people under your training have been able to use their powers to help not just themselves but others too!”
Eve winced. “I know. I know. It’s just. I never seen a case this bad. Her powers are aren’t stable, she is not stable, physically. The world warps around her and she cannot control it. She sees everything and everyone as a threat to what she is. It’s best to just let her be, if she feels antagonized or threatened I don’t know…”
“Eve I cannot abandon family.”
“And I cannot stop you. Just don’t let anyone else know what you are planning, they will follow. I will not forgive you if anyone else gets hurt because of your reckless actions.”
“Reckless, I was reckless, at one point. I know you’re anxious Eve. But you need not to worry about me. I know what I’m doing.”
“I know you do. I just wish you’d think about this before rushing in.”
“I have thought about it.”
Eve fell silent.
“Right. I should go find her now. She can’t be far.”
“If you must do this, take this, its tech Erica has been developing to stabilize one’s body in a warp dimension, it may help you stay stabilized yourself when in her power’s radius. It’s in early stages but it’s something.”
Odin nodded, taking the device as he opened a portal beneath his feet and dove in….
It wasn’t long until he found his cousin stood before him, or should it be said she was floating, her body twisting and glitching, the world around her seeming to be pulled right into her. He knew this would difficult, already he struggled to stand and even breathe. He could feel the very world around him distort and stretch. He couldn’t do this alone.
Been so excited to share this one! Always like to develop characters I’ve previously designed, I’m sure some of you remember my oblivion the black hole design from a few years back! She was always meant to be a character sort of trapped between worlds and was meant to constantly be battling staying in one but that causes everything around her to warp. Wanted to show that in this illustration. And her dynamic with Odin as well!
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eponastory · 7 months
Well, now that the Tylenol and other pain meds have kicked in, I want to talk about war.
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Yeah, yeah, cut the crap Dai Li. Your lies are boring.
Many of you know that I have a thing for history. Well, I know for a fact that as long as man has walked this spherical (shut up flat earthers) rock floating in space, there has been some kind of conflict with one another. Over things like religion, politics, resources, women (looking at you, Troy), etc... it's a bloody business.
I'm going to give my grievances about Aang and his role in the war.
1. He really isn't there for all of it.
Remember, he ran away the night of the Air Nomad Genocide. That was the true start of the war. War is complex. You sometimes have more than one side playing a part, and then you have the antagonistic side. Aang did not have any part in the war for one hundred years. He was a child when it started, and he was still a child when it ended.
2. Growing up in war time is going to change your perspective.
Psychologically, trauma shapes a person into thinking a certain way. War is trauma. People who grow up in war time are shaped to either fight or flight. Since Aang was only there for the very end of the war, his separation from that war time trauma is there.
Think of it as witnessing 9/11/01. If you were alive to see it, then it really shaped you. It did for many people I grew up with, who did end up enlisting into the military to fight in the War On Terror. I was twelve years old, and I remember that day very well. It definitely made me see things a lot differently. Those who were born after that often joke around about 9/11 because they didn't witness it as it was happening.
It's an absence of understanding.
3. Aangs role in the war and how he is unprepared.
First off, when he is woken up, he has no idea what has really happened in the last hundred years. That's okay. Then he, as a child, has been put into this role of life or death, but he still acts like a child. I can understand that. It's anxiety and a whole bunch of other things he has to face in a world that moved on without him. He isn't irrelevant, but he missed a good deal, and now he has to live up to expectations.
So how does this affect relationships?
Oh, it does. It heavily impacts relationships. Which is why I'm going to get into this little debate here.
Aang is infatuated with Katara because she represents an outlet for his anxiety.
There, I said it!
That is also why this relationship is... not good. That and he doesn't seem to put her feelings into thought because she is a soothing mechanism. He relies on her for comfort and relief because, well, she is the Heart.
Remember what I said about Katara having to bury her feelings to take care of everyone else's BS? Yeah, that's what is going on here but in a much more selfish way. Aang can't let her go because she is his balm.
I cover this in my story by the way.
But yeah, let's say we stray away from Canon and Katara leaves him...
Yeah, he would likely lose his shit.
Just an opinion, but the way their relationship is set up is just... it screams that sort of dependency from Aang.
But this is because he missed the majority of the war and had to all of a sudden save the world... as a twelve year old. You know what my two younger brothers were doing at 12?
Playing with freaking Legos. (And still do to this day)
Okay I'm ranting now, but this topic came up while I was working on my story.
You can ignore it. It's probably all over the place like my ADHD brain is right now.
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Peace and ❤️
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Making Space - Part I
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❣ I am still very new at writing these! I know I am long-winded... I could probably edit even more and make small moment high-intensity fics, but this is sort of my style ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and I have decided to make this story more of a chap book. Note: I leave some details in brackets when I don't want to associate a real name/place/thing, fill it in madlibs style ❣
This first chapter is mostly fluff and angst!
Pairing: Dave Mustaine x f!reader
Summary: Y/n is a musician--well, sort of. She is getting back into it when she meets Dave who has a practice space she can use. She wasn't looking for a muse... just a spark to ignite her creative passions. But falling for another musician is like playing with fire–falling for the frontman of Megadeth, that's like playing with an a-bomb.
𝓦𝓐𝓡𝓝𝓘𝓝𝓖𝓢: power dynamic/mentorship, size, fluff, smut, angst
read Part II here
.・。♪.・゜✧・.♬・☆・゜・。. • ✧ ♪ . ° .• °:.♬ *₊ ° . ✧.・。♪.・゜✧
It was 1am. Not quite the witching hour… especially on a Tuesday… especially at this bar, the Diamond Saloon. But that’s what I needed–a moderately empty dive on a weeknight at an hour way too close to when my alarm clock would be going off to consider any of this a good idea. I was desperate to get out of my apartment… After all, it was summertime in the city. But it felt like everyone was traveling except for me. And everyone I wanted to be friends with was in a band… except for me. I needed to take the dive and get back to working on my music, yet somehow, being at this bar was the first plunge, dusting off of my leather pants, shaking off of the rock and roll attitude I had put on a shelf. Like lighting a candle, it was a ritual for my own confidence to be around other people, people who were actually creating.
I didn’t particularly like beer, but I cared enough to enjoy myself (...so I didn’t particularly like cheap beer either…). I took small sips from the stout that I had doubt I’d finish, letting my head bop, quietly singing along to the throwback dance hits playing in the background that painted the paneled bar room with a warmth of analog haze. 
“You sing?” asked the bartender.
“Yeah. But I’m mostly a guitarist.”
“You in a band?”
“...on hiatus.”
“Oh? Maybe I’ve seen you guys.”
He hadn’t. I averted my gaze. “I’m working on new stuff… I promised myself I would take lessons with my favorite guitarist–I’ve been saying that for 10yrs… I finally got it set up but money got unexpectedly tight last month. I’m just working on writing songs right now.”
“Have you met Dave?” The bartender pointed to a guy about 6 barstools away, “He gives guitar lessons.” I had noticed him when I had first walked in. He was hunched over the bar, long strawberry blond hair waving around his shoulders obscuring his face in a bit of a chic mess.
“Hey, Dave! She is looking for guitar lessons–” The bartender turned back to me, “what’s your name?”
Dave turned his head ¾ of the way, his eyes down for a moment before they awoke with such focus. He was beautiful–his sharp features framed by the waves of apricot around his face, curving red lips–I felt my cheeks flush a bit as I tried to suppress a stupid grin. “Actually I’m not looking for lessons–I mean, I am but–I mean, maybe I am–I mean I wanted to study with this one person.” 
He raised an eyebrow at my babbling, his hazel eyes catching the light of a disco ball floating in its own universe towards the back of the bar.
“I am looking for rehearsal space though. Do you know of any available right now?” I added.
“Yeah.” Dave said, smirking, I couldn’t tell if his eyes were curious or laughing at me. “What hours are you looking for?”
“Preferably a fixed time weekly. Preferably weekday mornings… 8am-12pm?” I responded, regaining my tongue as I acclimated to his piercing, confident gaze.
He looked down for a moment, making a slight frown as he thought. “How are Mondays for you?” he asked.
“Yes. Yeah. Mondays are great!” I smiled, trying to match his confidence as my stomach recoiled wondering if I sounded ridiculous. Ugh… I must sound like such a poser. Or worse, vapid… I reigned in my smile to a slight curl of the lips, matching his.
“I mean, if you want… we can walk over and I can show you the space now… if you don’t mind walking to a soundproofed room with a stranger at 1am, that is.” Dave replied with a smirk.
“I’m down.”
Dave closed out his tab and nodded goodbye to the bartender.
We walked down the empty street without chatting. Fluorescent lights from the 24/7 laundromat communed in the darkness with the glow of neon lotto signs from the corner deli as the hum of air conditioners fell around us. I felt the butterflies in my stomach awakening as I listened to the sound of our steps. 
There was something about Dave that seemed so laid-back yet so energetic–we had only exchanged a few words but the heat building inside me was already fueled by the hunch that he was going to be one of the smartest people I’d meet here–he knew just what words were required and his eyes spoke for the rest. I wrestled my lips to stay shut, fighting with my desire to ask him asinine things just to hear his voice and learn its inflections.
We came halfway up an industrial block to a door where he stopped, punching in a number passkey on the lock, the faint beeping of trucks backing up in the distance blipped away as a cool breeze passed us by. The door groaned open. “Ladies first.” His demeanor seemed almost as if it was a dare, as if he was observing me–I couldn’t quite figure him out but I couldn’t help but feel the electric pulse of desire, like flipping a switch that made me want to pout my lips a bit and walk a little sultrier, if only I could capture his eyes once more.
Entering the dark corridor Dave realized maybe he better lead the way. “It’s on the 3rd floor–hope you don’t mind stairs.” 
I nodded, though he was already ahead of me.
Passing a few metal doors, he finally stopped at one, fishing for his keys before opening not 1 but 2 doors back to back and disappearing through them. 
Stepping through the doorway, a wave of calm washed over me, the warmth of string lights and incense wrapping around me and softening the few strewn and crumpled beer cans littered around the floor. 
“We are pretty limited with space, but you are welcome to bring gear if you can find a spot to fit on that rack.” Dave pointed over to the side. “We’ve got a JCM800, a twin reverb, a bass amp, a kit, ummm… some mics–they hook up to that preamp, the mixer is over there. Monitors obviously… you should try it out.” His eyes floated around the space before resting back in my gaze.
Dave handed me a guitar. Grabbing the cable resting on the amp I plugged in and hopped up on the high stool to sit. I felt like I was home. I started playing… tuning… playing… for a moment I forgot Dave was there–it just felt so natural, like I belonged here. I started playing the run I had been trying to learn–I had been playing the record over and over inevitably wearing the most important part a little thinner–the one I had hoped I would learn from the man himself, [jazz guitarist]...
“[Jazz guitarist]?” Dave asked after a moment–his gaze somehow softened and attentive at the same time.
I could have gasped but instead I grinned, keeping my cool. It wasn’t often that I got to talk about this stuff with people, certainly not [jazz guitarist]’s music. “Ughhh I love his playing so much… he’s actually who I was going to take lessons with…” I replied, trying not to word-vomit my excitement.
Dave nodded slowly. “I recommend it. I took a few lessons with him and… yeah. I would not talk you out of that experience.” He replied with a warm, soft smile, his muscular arms folded across his chest.
“Really?! What was he like?” I asked, unable to contain my excitement despite the immediate embarrassment for my exuberance.
“Intense. Nice guy… but the type who will sit in front of an amp for 8 hrs and then corner you to show you this thing he is excited about, something he’s been working on… and it’s always something mind blowing.” Dave chuckled. His smile was a little goofy but I never wanted him to stop smiling.
“That sounds amazing.”
“Like this one time…” Dave turned, hand in search of another guitar before getting himself plugged in, “it was this gnarly thing…” he leaned against an amp to sit in his tight jeans, starting to play and explaining the riff to me. He was good. Like good good. “Try it–it starts on the 8th fret…”
I copied after him as he played it slower. He leaned towards me, hesitating, getting permission with a glance before delicately curving my fingers into a daunting chord shape with his own hands, which dwarfed mine. His hair tumbled down his shoulders a bit. I played the end of the riff again, the notes now more perfectly in reach.
“That’s it… oh then–you got it.” He watched my hand on the fretboard intently.
I felt the warmth that had been welling inside me start to pour over, tingling on my skin, his magnetism pulling on me so strongly now, I was desperate to feel his skin on mine again.
I needed this space. I needed to see Dave again. I looked down, breaking our mutual gaze as I felt his eyes still on me. “...how much per month for the Monday mornings?”
“Um, how ‘bout $50?” He replied.
“It’s yours.” He curled his lips.
I explored the crevices and textures of the cluttered room, reading the scribbles on the wall like it was an archival truth, a history I could absorb. There were some stickers and graffiti around, flyers for drum lessons and gear for sale.
“Goatmouth… Weather Friend? …Do they practice here?”
“Yeah. Warren is a friend.” Dave replied, “Um... They’re playing Friday night, we are too… um… come by, it’ll be a great show.” He rustled through the nest of papers that had collected in a corner, handing me a little black and white flier.
“It’s at Sally’s Place–dunno if you’ve been there–great rock venue.” He replied.
I nodded, “Yeah, um… totally, I’ll try to stop by.” 
He bit his lip for a moment. “Uh, are you going back to Diamond?” He asked.
I shook my head… It was about time for me to get home. “I gotta head out actually.”
“Cool. Um… Do you want me to walk you to the bus or something? It’s kinda late…”
“Sure.” I said with a light smile. “Also, I need to pay you for this month.”
“Just get it to me the next time you see me… I’ll be around.”
Standing at the bus stop, I wished it would never come. For all I could tell, Dave could have lived at Diamond Saloon–he was going back there for yet another round and his five o’clock shadow was coppery on his jaw–but my mind was as desperate to know what made him tick as my arms were to wrap around him and thank him for being at the right place at the right time, helping me get what I needed while the universe felt to move against me this summer. We took turns alternating between looking down the street to see if a ball of light was finally growing towards us down the street to then looking at our shoes. 
“This is me.” I said as the bus approached. I paused, imagining him pulling me into a passionate kiss with hungry need… I gave him a parting smile and waved. He nodded, as if searching for the words, but instead pressed his lips together into a line, waiting for me to board and disappear into the night. The hiss of the pneumatic risers punctuated my departure, leaving me wishing I had grabbed him by the hand and pulled him onboard with me, without any clue as to what I would have done next had I done so. I just wanted to feel what it would be like to be close to him, to know what he was thinking about.
All I could think about was his show. I had to go. When it was finally Friday night, I decided to wear something simple that would stand out without trying too hard–a white silk mini skirt, a white halter top, black fishnets, and patent red gogo boots–I figured most people would be wearing black. I made my eyeliner super smudgy and sultry and let my hair down. I was determined to be noticed without screaming for Dave’s attention from the front row.
The club was flowing with people, people chatting out front, in the doorway, at the bar, on the dance floor, by the stage… everyone seemed to know everyone… or at least someone. I kept my eyes down until I got to the bar. “Gin and tonic. Thanks.” Scanning the room the cacophony of revelers shifted as I turned my head, but I just wanted to see red, Dave’s gingery hair somewhere in the crowd. Suddenly the crowd started to shift and hush momentarily before an even louder chorus of awe came across the room. There Dave was, adjusting the height of the mic a bit higher. The bass blared out. The show started. 
My breath caught in my chest as I saw him begin the first song–it was like the guitar was part of him. His brooding eyes looked somewhere and nowhere as he curled his lips at the mic. His t-shirt had the sleeves cut off, his biceps flexing as he moved around the stage, scanning the room and making faces as if arguing with the world. The band was heavy. Loud. I had craved to know his voice and this was perhaps its most honest, raw form. It was inspiring to see him perform, but I was not going to be one of those fans jumping up and down at the front of the stage, flashing him like a groupie. Yet deep down I wanted to scream his name, entranced by his glistening body, his intention, his control over the music–he had a grip on me and I felt my own wetness envelop my heat.
Looking on from the bar, I sipped my gin and tonic. They were between songs when finally those deep hazel eyes scanning the room came to mine and stopped. I smiled. For a moment he paused, smirking and looking down before capturing my eyes once more with his. The moment felt like an eternity but the next song was already starting when the feeling of satisfaction finally landed. 
Soon the show was over and they sauntered off stage and through a nondescript door. Shit. Who knew how many girls were back there. In fact–maybe I was silly to think Dave could possibly be available at all. Maybe I should try to hit Diamond Saloon late at night again tomorrow–he would probably be there, right? I swirled the ice around in my glass as the next band finished setting up for their set and checking levels. The rock songs playing at the bar sounded so frail compared to Megadeth’s set, song after song melted into one as if it was AM radio.
“Can I buy you another?” Dave’s voice was soft behind me.
“Oh, hey. Yeah, sure. G&T” I said, turning to face him. I needed to see him with my own eyes to believe it–that Dave, frontman of the hour, got off stage and came to find me.
“Two gin and tonics.” Dave told the bartender, as he leaned between me and the guy at the next bar stool.
“You guys sounded really good.”
“Eh. The monitoring was all fucked up. All I could hear was Junior’s bass… vocals were nonexistent.”
“Yet it worked out–at least from over here.” I smiled.
“I didn’t see you right away–I mean–I–you were easy to spot.” He blushed and looked away as he let his eagerness slip. He sipped his drink.
I averted my gaze coquettishly. “So… what are you doing next?” I asked.
“Next show? Tuesday at Marz Bar. Tonight? Gotta load up my gear, but then… Um… Maybe we could get another drink somewhere else? Somewhere… quieter–if you want?”
I smirked. For the first time I felt like I was the cool one, as glints of his nerves showed through his confident facade–he must have been tired from performing. I lifted my gaze to meet his, my doe-eyed poker face holding my cards back as his searched mine for an answer. “Yeah, that sounds nice.” I replied. He smiled softly nodding as he sipped on his cocktail. 
Once Dave was ready to head out he came back to meet me where I was finishing my drink. “I know a place only a few blocks away–I think you’ll like it.” We filtered out of the crowded club, his hand placed lightly on the back of my arm sending shock waves through me. I couldn’t help but lean into his touch.
“Dave!” Junior called out, catching us by surprise. “You’ll never guess who’s here, man.”
I felt Dave’s touch tense a bit. Junior acknowledged me with a nod before continuing. “Y’know that dude whose car you pissed on because he was talking during the set but he ended up being from Capitol a few months ago? He actually came to see us tonight. He’s inside–”
Dave smirked. He was about to say something. He must have remembered that I was right there. He looked at me, looked up, looked back at me, for once he didn’t have the words nor the piercing gaze. “Hey… do you mind waiting for a moment? I’ll be right back.” He turned to me and asked. I nodded–he had to take his opportunity… maybe they would make it–maybe we would be–they were gone.
I leaned against the standpipe. People filtered in and out, some taking one smoke break, then another… I felt the time in my feet as they started to ache in my gogo boots. It was like I had traded my opportunity with him for his own–maybe I never had it in the first place… I could have been the girl of the day, I guess… and on Tuesday who knows. Feeling empty, I walked painfully to the bus stop.
.・。♪.・゜✧・.♬・☆・゜・。. • ✧ ♪ . ° .• °:.♬ *₊ ° . ✧.・。♪.・゜✧
…to be continued... read Part II here
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Sometimes Yuanzhi wonders if someone will notice if he disappears. It's probably just one of his bad days but the loneliness is choking him.
Ziyu is fooling around with Zishang and Jin Fan under the loving eyes of his wife.
Shangjue is glued to his wife and their stinky and noisy kid, Jin Fu protectively following them.
But him? He has no one, the servants don't like him, his brother doesn't care anymore about him. And for romantic love... he doesn't know if he is even capable of that, the whole idea of letting someone touch him in that way disgust him.
He's better alone after all, or, at least, that is what he is constantly telling himself.
He has his work, that is enough.
A/N: I took some liberties with this one Nonnie, I hope you don’t mind x
It’s quiet.
Why is it quiet?
Sluggish gossamer thoughts flit and slips through his fingers. It’s life holding on to fine grains of sand. Flashes of emotions and images flicker in front of him.
The scene of Ziyu kissing Jin Fan as he is expounding on the merits of a particular sword oil during a family dinner while Zishang jie and Yun Weishan are chatting on their own, unperturbed by the way their husbands are practically sucking each other’s face.
A short sliver of Elder Yue smiling at Elder Xue and Xue Tongzi while they discuss matters about medicinal research.
A sun drenched scene of Gege with his son astride on his shoulders, laughing and playing while Shangguan Qian looks on with her hand rubbing her very pregnant belly.
The whispers of his residence’s servants who scurry away at the sight of him.
An absolute and soul crushing loneliness.
Yuanzhi is exhausted. Bone deep and gnawing at his heels. He’s tired of being left behind. Of being the one that everyone forgets about in moments of happiness. He’s so sad. Breaking apart at the crudely sewn seams with the sheer enormity of the waves that threaten to take him whole.
Yuanzhi relaxes into the nothingness.
He just wants to be done with it.
In the floating darkness, he thinks he can taste the tang of salt on his lips.
There’s something he did. Or didn't do? It is hard think when—
Another flash of memory.
One that leaves him bereft when he realised that it’s the sight of him sitting alone just a half a step behind everyone while they’re cuddled up together in pairs and groups while they’re watching the winter moon.
Yuanzhi has a fleeting sense of… something. An emptiness that gnaws at him. A sort of haunting that rattles around in the empty rooms of his soul. Because that’s what he is, isn’t it? Empty.
He is poison personified.
A bane on everything and everyone he has ever loved. A venom with no cure. The thing everyone leaves behind the second they can. He has no place in the happiness of others.
How work is his last lifeline.
If he can prove his worth, if he can somehow make himself useful, maybe… maybe someone could love him back?
“Didi, please…”
Yuanzhi feels so sleepy. He just wants to rest. He wants everything to stop and be quiet just for a second. Just long enough for him to think.
He just—
Waking is anything but a peaceful event.
There’s a flurry of activity around him. Doctors who are shouting about him waking up and pressing their fingers to his pulse point, servants who are running in and out of the room with basins of water and medicinal supplies.
Then, there are hands on him and voices calling his name. An ache in his belly that burns. He vaguely thinks he should remember this.
Yuanzhi closes his eyes.
He remembers none of it.
Sunlight is the first thing he registers when he opens them again. He groans, throwing his arm over his eyes.
“Let me get that.”
Yuanzhi jolts a little at the voice.
Gege returns a moment later after pulling down the blinds, gently coaxing his arm away from his face. The sight of him is hazy and distant. Yuanzhi doesn’t have the energy to do anything more than whimper quietly when Ge checks his temperature with the back of his hand. Satisfied with the results he finds, Gege moves to hold Yuanzhi’s hand between his palms.
Neither one of them speaks and Yuanzhi soon feels his consciousness swim a little.
“We almost lost you,” Shangjue gege says, voice dense with an unnameable emotion. Yuanzhi blinks his eyes open. Mouth shut, he tilts to face to him.
Shangjue squeezes his hand. “Do you remember what happened?”
Yuanzhi exhales slowly. There’s a huge chunk of his memory that moves through him and his mind swims, but eventually he seizes on a singular moment.
“I… Was in my workshop…”
Gege nods, rubbing his thumb over the back of his hand. It’s soothing and feels a lot like how he would sit by Yuanzhi’s side when he was a child and less able to withstand the poisons he was testing.
He’s not a child now, but this still feels nice.
“I was running an experiment and I—“
“Second Young Master, Young Master Zhi.”
There’s a wince on Jin Fu’s face that he can’t quite hide in time as he bows. Yuanzhi feels Shangjue’s touch still.
“Did I not say I wasn’t to be disturbed while I’m with my brother?” Ge says slowly, resuming his comforting arc on Yuanzhi’s skin.
“My apologies, but it’s from furen,” Jin Fu replies. “She says that the little master is seeking you.”
Yuanzhi’s heart stops beating at that. Biting the inside of his cheek, he pulls his hand out of Shangjue’s. Tucking the blanket around his shoulder, he turns himself to his side, facing away from Gege.
“You should go,” He whispers. Curling into himself, he ignores the way Shangjue gege calls his name.
Feigning sleep becomes real sleep, and when he’s back to the land of the waking, it’s nighttime again and Yuanzhi thinks that he has about enough of being unconscious.
There’s no one in the room with him but the lamps are lit. Mentally running through a checklist of his well-being, he deems himself healthy enough to not need another second in the sick room.
He’s in the middle of tugging a coat around him when there’s a rustling of robes coming into his space.
“And where do you think you’re going?”
Jin Fan is frowning, crossing the room to take him by the arm. Looking him up and down, the divot between his eyebrows deepens.
Yuanzhi tries to wrench his arm out of his hold but he’s still too weak, and it does little more than make him stumble forward into Jin Fan.
“Let go.”
“Let go of me!”
“No,” Jin Fan repeats, tossing him over his shoulder and stalking to the bed. Yuanzhi braces himself to be thrown unceremoniously onto his back. Just as he stiffens his body, he is surprised when Jin Fan carefully, and perhaps a little preciously, lays him down. Dark eyes search his own before the Jade Guardian steps back, expertly stripping him out of his half worn coat.
“Young Master Zhi, you’re a very difficult fellow to love, do you know that?”
Bristling, any budding warmth in Yuanzhi’s chest is immediately extinguished and he grits his teeth. “I’m very well aware of my failings, thank you very much.”
“That’s not what I—“ Jin Fan sputters, sighing deeply before he moves on to take his shoes off. “I meant no offence.”
“You didn’t say anything wrong, so there was no offence in the first place.” Yuanzhi tugs his collar tight around his neck. Shuffling until he is pressed to the far side of the bed.
Dimly, he is aware of Jin Fan muttering something to the effect of, “I’m really the last person who should be doing this.”
Yuanzhi just keeps to himself, choosing to wallow in his failed attempt at escaping. He turns his mind to plotting another one. Maybe through the window, though he’s concerned about getting winded if he does. It wouldn’t be a long trek back to his quarters to barricade himself in. No one would look for him then and he doubts any of his brothers and sister will even be bothered to care.
Yes. That could work.
He just needs—
Jin Fan has his hand around Yuanzhi’s wrist, the warmth of his palm making him shiver and gasp.
“If you’re thinking of jumping out the window, you should know that the Zhiren has a net trap set outside to catch you,” He placidly says.
Damn it all!
Yuanzhi huffs, flicking his sleeve and hugging his knees to his chest even though that just makes things hurt a lot more.
The bed makes a creaking sound. Jin Fan is back again, tugging him by the ankles until he is laid up. Without a second word, he bundles him up under the blanket.
“Alright,” He sighs. “Apparently I’m the man for the job, so here goes.” Jin Fan pinches the edges down, effectively trapping Yuanzhi under his weight and gaze. “Your family is worried about you.”
“I’m fine,” Yuanzhi sullenly snarls. He’s going to be difficult about this, damn his health. “So you can just—“
“In what version of the word fine are you, because from what I’ve seen, you can’t even hope to match me now!” Jin Fan raises his voice before exhaling with a short groan of misery.
Good, Yuanzhi thinks viciously, be fucking miserable.
“I keep going about this the wrong way. What I meant to say is that your family has been worried about you for the longest time and no one more so than your Gege.”
Yuanzhi does stiffen at that. The blanket is hot over his body and it’s starting to be uncomfortable. The room is starting to swim again.
“There’s nothing to be worried about,” Yuanzhi says, affecting his most nonchalant tone. “I’m perfectly fine.”
“Oh heavens, they can’t say I didn’t try!” Yuanzhi has barely any time to register that shift in his voice before he is picked up and thrown over his shoulder again.
“What are you—!”
“You want to leave the sick room so bad? Fine! I’ll bring you out myself!”
Yuanzhi squeezes his eyes shut. Pursing his mouth tightly shut as he is bumped and carried, all while still in the rolled up blanket. He breathes as shallowly as possible, scarcely daring to even do anything other than focusing on not vomiting all over himself.
He feels it the moment Jin Fan kicks open a door.
“Tell him yourself. He isn’t listening to me.”
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chaotictarlos · 1 year
🤍 white 🤍
ship: Tarlos | fandom: 911 Lone Star | author: chaotictarlos and paperstorm | read on ao3
Tumblr media
Rating: Explicit | Warnings / Tags: Canon Compliant, Bottom TK Strand, Lace Panties, m x m smut, TK Strand in panties, m x m smut,
Summary: He sets his breakfast down, taking a sip of coffee before he gently pulls the box closer to the edge of the table. He lifts the lid and finds himself a little breathless, for a moment, as he sees what’s inside. Laid out neatly against white tissue paper is one of the most beautiful and delicate things Carlos has ever purchased for him. The white lace seems to glow up from the box, taking TK’s breath away as he reaches out and ghosts his fingers over the material. It’s soft, with that slight roughness that Carlos knows TK loves so much. It’s perfect, a beautiful piece of clothing that for a moment TK doesn’t think he deserves to own but that thought is quickly replaced by how lucky he feels to have a fiance who buys him pretty things like this. It’s perfect for TK in every meaning of the word. TK lifts it; the bodysuit unfolds as he does so that he can see the full length of it, in all its softness and delicately stitched patterns.
Part 5: Wedding night
Author's Note: Writing with Andie has been such a joy. There is something that is so elegant about her writing that pushes me to write on another level and I think this series has helped me to become a better writer. This series was something I needed and I've had the most fun writing it and getting to chat and become friends with Andie. We wrote this fic together, you'll see touches of both of us throughout the fic and I am so excited to see what everyone thinks about it. @paperstorm I can't wait to see what we create together again. Thank you for the joy of writing and thank you for writing with me.
Read: Turquoise | Pink | Yellow | Purple
TK stretches as his eyes slowly open. He inhales deeply, pushing his arms down and rolling his shoulders and then relaxing back into the mattress. He’s warm and still half-asleep, and for a moment or two he floats on that cloud. Then he inhales again, and a little more with it, he notices he’s alone in the bed.
Mid-morning sunlight streams in through the windows, creating patterns on the quilt, and TK lifts his head enough to catch a glimpse of the clock radio on Carlos’ side of the bed.
It’s almost 9:30. Carlos had to work today; TK didn’t, and TK is a heavy sleeper but not that heavy. Not heavy enough to sleep through Carlos’ entire morning routine. Carlos must have taken great care to be quiet as he showered and got ready and ate breakfast and left the loft, so that TK could sleep.
TK is stuck halfway between grateful and disappointed. Grateful because he’d worked overtime yesterday and needed the extra rest, and it’s sweet that Carlos hadn’t wanted to wake him. Disappointed because every moment he doesn’t get to spend with Carlos still feels like a waste, and he would have liked to have been kissed goodbye. TK can’t believe, after all this time, how much he likes his fiancé. How much Carlos is still, unwaveringly, the person TK would rather do absolutely nothing with than do the most exciting thing in the world with anyone else.
He stretches again and feels a pleasant ache of his muscles. They’d made a deal. No sex the week before the wedding. Carlos had laughed in his face when TK had pointed out some people abstain for weeks or even months, just to heighten their desire and anticipation so their wedding night is one to remember. Carlos bet TK couldn’t last one week, let alone more than that. TK had grinned at him and made that bet. It doesn’t really matter. Either he loses, and he gets sex sooner, or he wins, and their wedding night is spectacular. TK feels like they both come out on top either way.
The night before, Carlos had made such tender, passionate, thorough love to him that TK sort of does think he’ll be able to make it to the wedding, because he thinks he’ll carry those memories with him in every step he takes for the next seven days. He smiles to himself, blushing even though he’s alone and momentarily burying his face in the soft cotton pillowcase, and the phantom memories of the way Carlos had looked at him as he fucked TK through three orgasms. There haven’t been many in TK’s life who can make him blush. Carlos can. But TK returns that favor.
It’s then that he notices the little piece of paper folded and resting in the center of Carlos’s pillow. TK presses his lips together and reaches for it, propping himself up on his elbow and unfolding the page. In Carlos’ characteristically neat handwriting, it says Morning baby. Hope you slept well. One week – ONE WEEK!!! – until I get to call you my husband. Enjoy your day off. Pamper yourself for me.
tags: @strangefurychaos @sapphire11 @first-kanaphan @noxsoulmate @rangergurlgleek1211 @detective-giggles @tarlos-spain @lonestardust @bubblesandroses8 @thebumblecee @mooshkat @importantbailiffpaperpony @cowlos-reyes @meditating-honey-badger @paperstorm @otter-love-asl @kiloskywalker @angeltk @firstprince-history-huh @brouill3r @sanjuwrites
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ask-a-wooper-n-mew · 3 months
...Father's Day?...
Athena gazes down upon Matie... About ready to pounce... She glances real quick to Anew. Her expression lightens, but swiftly returns to normal...
Athena was about to make a dash for Matie when all of a sudden, her mind went blank... She couldn't move her limbs, and her eyes weight heavy...
She shuts them for a brief moment, only to be in the prescene before a large, blazing light... The light dims as the true creature forms...
The creature's silhouette becomes clear to Athena... Arceus.... Her creator, her Lord... Her father...
"Athena," Arceus below to her. "I was worried something happened to you there... I never heard a happy father's day or anything from you... I expect nothing less of the sort from your siblings, but I expected you to always wish me good graces on that day of Fathers..."
Lord Arceus chuckled as he opens his arms to Athena, hoping she would embrace him... His smile grew yet Athena remained silent... Gazing upon the Lord himself with an abnormal frown.
Arceus sighed. The familiar light shone once again- Only this time Arceus had transformed instead of disappearing or reappearing somewhere else... Now Lord Arceus stands face to face with Athena, but instead is now a mew. He reached out his paw to Athena, and his expression worrisome.
Athena glared at Arceus before tuning her back on him. Arceus let's down his lath to his side. His expression remains, as Athena crosses her arms...
"I do not understand you AT ALL father..."
Athena spits out. Tears trying to make their way out with every breath she takes.
"When Keade was born- When she was taken... You weren't there. When Bubblegum was born- When SHE left me... You weren't there. However wjen Cookie had Zevinn, who is banished now might I add... You WERE there- For HER. When she was never there for YOU. And Sa- ... Brother. You watch over him, even though he is a TRAITOR. Yet I, your eldest, who has been there a many for you... You, NEVER were there ONCE for me, other than my first few moments of being created... And now- All you come here to tell me after ALL this TIME- After ALL these YEARS... Is that you want me to tell you how "good" of a father you are. Shameful..."
Arceus expression shifted- He wpuld try to comfort Athena, but she pushed him away...
"Athena- Please hun... I was just kidding around, alright? That's why I'm really here- and you know that!"
Arceus tone had shifted... Athena tried to remain calm, and keep her emotions in check...
"No... No- No- NO! You only care about YOURSELF, Mayota- Pieces- Taurus- HECK EVERYONE ELSE- But, me... Your first born who has been there for you... You have left me hanging even to this day- THIS particular moment where you could do me of great help- But no..."
Arceus tone shifted again- But this time to a more guilty standpoint.
"Athena, I- I... I went through your thoughts- Alright! A- and that's why I'm here... I'm here to tell you- That that feeling, that protection, that love that you desire to share your... Your perhaps last chance with... They lie right under your nose. I see it- I can see the future of it... And even if you don't wish to.beliwb me as it may be... They will understand- and they will listen, and will give you that feeling you desire... All you have to do, is open up to them, Athena."
Athena shakes her head- Tears race down her face. She couldn't believe her father would have stopped so low as to go through her memories after the oath of the gods, and after everything else...
"All you have to do- Is tell Anew the truth and open up to them, Athena..."
Athena remains silent...
"Do me just this favor- Will you, father? Leave me BE... For eternity till death may succumb."
Arceus goes silent. He turns his back from Athena, and floats into the distance some. He snaps his fingers, causing the bright light to shine for a final time. Athena's back still turned as she closes her eyes shut- And reopens them to see Matie still below on the ground, and Anew beside her...
"I- I am sorry. I do not know what- Came over me bra-" Athena pauses. "I mean, Anew... Let us continue now with our quest, shall we?"
(@sendinganew) 👀
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Writing Share Tag and Last Line(s) Tag
Thank you for the tags @paeliae-occasionally (x2) and @the-golden-comet! That's three so the first two will be random chapter from the old manuscript and the third will be the latest line I've written from the rewrite.
Excerpt 1: Chapter 40
Context: Grown-Up Ninma and Old Dati chat while Narul sleeps.
Narul’s snores soon joined the chorus of birds flitting around the treetops, Dati and Ninma struck up a fire and sat on either side, watching the moths flock to its flickering light. “I know you don't want to hear this from me. But it could be much worse.” Dati sighed. “What do you mean?” “Narul. I know how you feel, trust me we all see how skittish he is. He can be an ass, but he is an ass who everyone can see cares very deeply for you.” Ninma looked into the coals and frowned. “ I know he does but sometimes I feel like it's just too much. It's as if he thinks I’m an idiot, or made of glass.” Dati snorted. “That’s because you used to be a little idiot.” Ninma frowned. “Hey! I was not.” “Oh yes you were, and its a very recent change. Stowing away on the ship, running around like a wild animal in a demon’s lair, not to mention how many broken toes and fingers from falling out of trees have we had to deal with? Hold up fingers, I want to see if they’re crooked.” Ninma rolled her eyes. “Oh please, those were all when I was a kid.” “Sneaking off in the middle of the night to see some pretty lights with your boyfriend while everyone else was drunk? All while you were the most wanted person in Kishetal? I can’t think of anything more idiotic than that.” Ninma laughed and watched an ember float off into the twilight sky. “Maybe you’re right. But I’m not that way anymore.” “I am.” Dati grunted, “Right, that is.” The old sailor had become gruffer and more irritable in his old age, his shoulders hunched, his body stiff, including his tail which no longer swished and flicked with its former fluidity. Ninma thought about Narul, Jani, and the future. “Why did you never have children, Dati? With Sihunu or someone?” Dati raised an eyebrow, taken aback by the sudden change in conversation. "I did. Lat may have come from Istek’s nethers but he was a son to both of us. Sihunu did most of the raising of course, us being at sea and all, but when we were on land we both cared for him. Istek and I share everything, a ship, a wife, and a bed, why not a son too?"
Excerpt 2: Chapter 13
Context: Narul and Ninma meet a strange spirit.
As they entered the clearing the two spirit children melted into the moss and vanished. As Narul crouched to inspect the patch of green into which they had disappeared, Ninma carefully climbed off of his back. The moss was soft and springy beneath her feet. Under the soft surface, she could feel roots and stone, and other things swallowed by the forest. “Where are we?” She said as she stumbled towards the magnificent tree.  “I don’t know, Ninma. Don’t wander off.” Narul muttered. He pulled a small sheet of metal from the moss, a plaque of some sort, cracked and rusted. The same mysterious language which graced the pillars was engraved there on the pitted surface. Narul thought of stories, of ancient kings and heroes, and of an age of metal and glass. “Welcome, it has been many years since I was blessed with a visitor.” Narul jumped and clenched his fist, crumbling the metal plaque into a ball of rusted scrap. Ninma ran back to him and clutched his leg, her eyes darted around the clearing. “Do not be afraid. I mean you no harm.”  The soft melodic voice seemed to emanate from the tree itself. As they turned to it, the knotted trunk undulated and quaked, and thus split open to reveal a hollow. Ninma watched as a column of golden pollen and leaves vaguely swirling in the form of a person, stepped from the tree. Narul could only stare at that strange being which emerged. They were tall and thin, with skin like the bark of the oak from which they had emerged. Its head was perfectly round, with no indication of a chin, nose, or brow. Their lipless mouth was flush with their wooden skin. Where one would expect to find hair, instead sprung long branch-like protuberances which twitched and curled, seemingly of their own accord. And the eyes. Seven of them arranged like a crown around the being’s head, each a different shade, they blinked and swiveled, Narul could hear them, like rolling marbles. “Please sit. I mean you no harm.” The being said softly, as it itself sat, long spindly legs crossed. “What are you?” Ninma said, her voice little more than a squeak. “I am a spirit, I have been called one of the Jalbaba, the great spirits. If you ask for my name, that which I was first given, I cannot remember it. But there are those who have known me as the One Who Watches or simply the Watcher. I was young when men and his kin rose from the common animals and the cycle of mortal souls began, and I was already ancient when the gods laid waste to the impious and made the world as it is. Who are you?” Ninma looked at Narul and then back at the spirit. She took a deep breath and puffed out her chest, and tried to rekindle that royal bravado. “ I am Ba Ninma Asherdul Ninjali, daughter of King Hutbari of Labisa” Ninma rarely gave her full noble name, it wasn’t of much use in non-noble circles. But she was hoping to impress the spirit with her royal pedigree. It meant Princess Ninma of the line of Asher, third of that name of the Eldest line.
Last Line
The princess slipped between the trunks of the olive trees of with the silence and grace of a cat. On bare feet she leapt over the wicker baskets and padded over the pit laden ground. Silvery leaves festooned her bushy hair and dirt blackened her fingers and toes, and yet her crimson tunic and mantle remained miraculously spotless. The slaves, busy at their task of harvesting, paid the young girl no mind, save to clear her way. Her eldest brother was deep in conversation with the Apunian stranger, or perhaps conversation was not the correct term. For while Bazus spoke enthusiastically, his hands a blur with wild gesticulations, the Apunian said nothing, merely nodding his head. Then his eyes met hers. Ninma froze, she was meant to be with her tutor, learning about some useless old king or poet. If she had to hear about Tudilya this or Hiru that again she was going to eat her wax writing board. The stranger had no reason to report her tardiness to either her brother or her father, but then again you could never quite tell with adults. Akarat’s brow raised over so slightly, but he did not question her following them, nor did he point out her presence to her elder brother. He turned his attention back to Bazus and the rapidly approaching gates. Taking his indifference as permission, Ninma followed as they passed beneath the stony gaze of the gate guardians.
Tagging @aalinaaaaaa, @illarian-rambling, @sabewebb, @winterandwords, @noveldivergence
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excessive-vampires · 6 months
Dealing With Demons Chapter 6: Sad as Hell Part 2: Cee
Masterlist with CW
Taglist: @demyxdancer @softvampirewhump @d-cs
This playlist is really good. And by that I mean sad as hell.
Avi put down their book for a second. "We could listen to something else."
No, sometimes you need to feel sad.
"That's the least in-character thing I've ever heard you say."
If you don't feel down sometimes you get numb to the highs. And it's better to be sad about music than about something that actually happened.
"Hmm." They didn't pick the book back up and for a moment we just listened to the song. "This makes me glad I'm not alone right now."
Me too.
"You're still worried about Cliff, aren't you?"
What if he comes after us?
"I doubt he has the means to. And if he does then I'll kill him. I am very powerful and scary."
I wished they'd take this more seriously. Yes. Yes you are. But between him and the Bureau... we might need to... take a vacation somewhere far away.
"Once a runner always a runner, huh?"
That's a low blow.
"Only if it's true. Look, if I'm wrong and we get into some sort of trouble I'll make it up to you. But I don't think I'm wrong."
Okay. I trust you to know your own strength.
"Good. Glad that's settled."
They picked the book back up, but I didn't pay any attention to it, instead focussing on the sad, forsaken voices coming from their phone's speakers.
Then we heard something that chilled me to the bone. It was my phone's ringtone. Avi stopped the music, walked over to the bedroom, and unlocked the drawer in the nightstand. There hadn't been much I'd had the desire or the right to take with me when I left besides some of my clothes, so my collection of personal worldly possessions was pathetically small. But there was a little box of sentimental trinkets in the drawer, as well as a framed picture. And beside that there was a phone that Avi kept charged at my request. They took it out of the drawer and we looked at the message.
When I gave my sister my new phone number before I left I knew it was probably a bad idea. But I also knew I could trust her not to tell anyone, and what if there was some huge emergency involving me that she needed to let me know about? She hadn't tried to contact me once in five years. That was something I had mixed feelings about. I stared at the words on the screen.
"Aunt Bev is sick again. If you care."
"Hey, are you—"
Block me out.
Block me out, Avi. Wake me up in the morning.
And then the world went away. It was like being half-asleep unless I focussed, and I didn't want to focus. I just let myself drift.
My mind floated back to the scene immortalized in the picture frame next to where my phone had been. My young smiling face, Bev's tattooed arm around my shoulders, a plate of christmas cookies stolen from the kitchen in the background.
I knew that Avi would take me to go see her and let me say goodbye if I asked. I wasn't going to ask. I couldn't. I made my choice a long time ago and burned every single bridge I had in the process.
But out of everyone, Bev was the only one I'd almost said goodbye to in person when I left. I knew I'd outlive her, hell I'd outlive everyone now barring outside intervention, I didn't age while possessed. I thought I was ready. I thought I'd already let everything from that life go.
I was wrong.
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erstwhilesparrow · 2 months
watched more 3rd life it's time for another list:
it fucks me up so bad that right up to the end martyn is careful and suspicious and ready to get the hell out of dodge at a moment's notice: when skizz -- someone who has already sworn his loyalty and thrown himself wholeheartedly into Being On Their Side -- brings him and ren down a staircase in skizz's base to a secret resource stash, martyn hangs back with his sword out and his shield raised. when martyn and impulse get ambushed by grian et al in renchanting's basement, martyn immediately bolts and blocks off the exit staircase behind him so they can't chase him. and then the way he dies is charging at scar for killing ren. could he have survived and gotten away by playing it safe and booking it? maybe. would he ever have? not in a million years. i know people have talked about this to the moon and back but that doesn't mean it doesn't fuck me up. he'd follow his king anywhere....
i love ren repeatedly being concerned with infrastructure even as they get into the endgame of the season. they don't know how fast things fall apart after a certain point!! they've never done this before!! ren complained about not having time for building things up, and i immediately thought about limited life. and i know this one's also been talked about to death, but really. the way some of them sort of try to build some nice things but it's their fourth go at this by now and really what do they need but the stripped-back and unadorned sky bridges, the half-burned ruins that are still standing enough to put chests and crops on? the... unravelling. the breaking of everything down to its bones. i was watching with a friend and said to them something to the effect of, like, dogwarts is so sentimental. martyn goes to absurd lengths (including straight up dying) to get the banner back. ren decides that since they're all going to die anyway, they should do it at their castle, take it back and make a final stand there. and by the finale, there are uncovered explosion craters everywhere, sky bridges and pillars made out of incongruous blocks, platforms supported by nothing, quick two-block-tall barricades, everything in ruins, but that's not until the finale. renchanting has decorative buttons on its roof. at one point during either his finale or his penultimate episode, martyn is quietly replanting dogwarts' crops while they all talk. they try to build things for the longterm. they try to build them pretty. and then limited life dispenses with all the pleasantries. god.
at one point scar runs past a bunch of floating items and going "oh, somebody's dead body." i LOVE dropped items as corpses…. here's what the game leaves you with: weapons, armour, resources. here's what the game never gives you: the actual body, hands and voice and face. but they DO leave something.
sometimes i think to myself, "surely i am exaggerating how much martyn is Like That about ren," and other times i am listening to martyn chase scar down saying, "when my lord wants something, he gets it." !!
hey kind of a weird note but martyn just Says this like it's something everyone knows: apparently green names with invis just fully can't be seen by red names?? is that true. why hasn't this ever come up. why did i forget he said this.
i love names. i love how they get used and when. thinking about etho going, "major?" to himself when ren's trying to tell dogwarts who to target, and then later, discussing battle strategy during the finale, picking up on calling him major instead of scott. ren never not calling scott 'major'. scott in his pov deliberately calling jimmy 'solidarity' when he's talking to impulse because impulse wouldn't know who 'jimmy' refers to. martyn swapping from calling him 'jimmy/timmy' to calling him 'solidarity' when they wind up on opposite sides and he needs to tell the rest of dogwarts what their enemies are up to. all of dogwarts taking up calling [impulse and his villagers] 'the war machine' after impulse gets found out. who they all are to each other, the network of relationships and understandings that gets laid out in who calls them what. man!!
i love prox chat. faint noises that might be movement while ren and martyn hide in a cave, and then extremely clearly scott going "joel, they're under you." bigb apparently only hearing scott going, "hi, bigb!" before dying is SO scary i love it so much. martyn overhearing impulse calling "eyes" to desert duo when he spots dogwarts trying to sneak back into the castle and the extra sliver of betrayal that that is, that he turned on them and stole their vocabulary for his own ends too.
i forgot martyn loses his green life within sight of dogwarts. i forgot martyn doesn't even see the actual moment ren loses his final life. absolutely fuck me, i guess.
speaking of "absolutely fuck me, i guess" moments: i hadn't noticed until this watch through that martyn's video description on his finale is "A hand to hold until the end. A hand to hold because we're friends." ;-; ???? i'm so tender about this. they were playing games and telling stories and having fun with it and they're FRIENDS. ;-;
entering the mean gills zone, in which i think about mean gills a truly unreasonable amount:
martyn chasing scott through the trees, scott yelling for martyn to back off and telling him off like a misbehaving dog. even after a rift has opened between them, there is still a degree to which scott reacts to martyn like martyn is someone/something he can boss around.
also: scott taunting dogwarts saying he has the red winter axe. martyn noticing while searching through some chests that he has what he describes as the rabbit foot scott gave them (initially a gift from ren to scott). setting this next to the lengths martyn has demonstrated to almost everyone on the server that he will go to to get the dogwarts banner back. setting both of these things next to the fact that martyn proposes stealing the pufferish of peace, saying, "i think [scott] would do horrible things to get it back."
this exchange from the middle of martyn chasing scott: "i wanna cuddle before you die. we were the last two yellows, can we cuddle? [...] hey i never wanted jimmy to die, okay, i said from the get-go--" / "you let skizz get him."
(note: it is demonstrably not true that they're the last two yellows? i think martyn might've meant last two greens; he and scott were both yellow at this point.)
martyn claiming to dogwarts that he knows where scott's nether portal is and that he can show them how to sneak into scott's base from the nether. (i say claiming because they do then get very lost trying to find scott's portal, but. yknow. this is knowledge martyn kind of has on scott. even the bridges over the valleys of the nether are bridges martyn built with scott.)
scott loses his yellow life trying to fight ren, because martyn charges in and scott nearly does kill martyn but ren shoots him at the last minute.
exiting the mean gills zone to instead enter the [whatever the fuck desert duo has going on in martyn's pov]:
an exchange you could have fun with: "Why do I keep letting Scar live!" / "Oddly we have respect for him." (i forgot to make note of who the first person was, but the second speaker is martyn.)
you could probably Do Something with the fact that scott, scar, and grian show up to attack martyn, and while grian's yelling, "revenge!!" martyn says, "you gave me this [golden apple], grian, i'm gonna use it!"
at one point in martyn's pov you can hear grian go, "scar, where are you?" and then increasingly forlornly going, "scar? scar?" i don't have anything additional to say about this, i just am vividly remembering how much i like desert duo and how interesting they are from martyn's pov.
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j2zara · 2 months
thinking about. the day after wedding night roleplay w/ porter and j2. j2 comes back to the other clones and he's still wearing the tiara, the ripped veil, the stockings and gloves. he's got a lacy cover-up on. he looks so wrecked. and he's sooooo happy. floating on air. hes giggling at nothing. "j3, h4, you'll NEVER guess what porter and i did <3 <3" and j4's like. trying to keep j3 from strangling poor j2 like "its not j2's fault he's hard-wired to crave affection, just let him have this, he'll settle down in a couple of days. maybe sooner if jaceprime finds out"
cries bc. I genuinely think like. J3 is very easy on j2 a lot of the time like j3 doesn't like being so jealous especially when he never asked for what j2 has with porter he always acts like that was something he would never want but also like, was he ever given a choice when everyone decided he was the spare? And he KNOWS J2 is the one who takes on the most and is that fair to be angry that he is the one who gets to be the favorite.
But i do think despite all this this is probably the nastiest J3 has ever been to J2 in his life. And like. It starts off very just like. Curt and whatever and he's trying to be cool about it. but. J2 is like. Did i do something wrong? to j4 b/c i think J3 is mad at me.... He hasn't looked me in the eye ONCE since we got back. And i apologized about the shoes and thanked him and everything! And told him we could get new ones. Porter said it was ok. They'll be even nicer than the ones i broke. And j3 won't even say it outright, he just teases J2 about how stupid the whole thing is and how schmaltzy and also is like. a huge huge bitch about j2 ruining his shoes which is fair enough i guess but even he knows they were cheap and one outing away from snapping anyway. This whole idea was so trashy you look like a wreck (you look like a whore, like hypocrite much?) you better clean up before jaceprime gets back. We had to pick up the slack while you guys were away so you have a lot of shit to do.
and poor j2 doesn't even understand. Because J3 doesn't unpack his shit w/ j2, he always runs to j4 about it. and j4 is honestly kind of tired of being his therapistgirlfriend who he happens to fuck when she's also in a ton of pain and keeps it all to herself but that's not even the issue right now. I mean. It's kinda the issue. And like. He won't even be direct to her about what is bothering him and that pisses her off even more. Because like. It's obviously about how he's in love with porter and wont admit it. It's obvious that he's jealous. But don't take your shit out on me. I didn't ask for that. And even she like. Even she's kinda unfair about it tho bc like she can only really rationalize this as like. In this kind of demeaning way of. well J2 can't help himself he is hard wired to crave porter's affection. And like. She's kinda right but she also just can't conceptualize why anyone would EVER choose to stay in this kind of situation, how they could choose porter, how they might even be happy at least sometimes, when its so fucked. (Why would you stick around in something that doesn't make you happy? Why would you choose to stay? Even if there was some sort of reprieve, could it justify the rest? She is not ready to look her self appointed obligation to j3 in the face is she)
But yeah j2. As far as j2 is concerned. He's like. I thought you guys would be happy for me.... I mean. J3, you've been making fun of the schmaltzy romance thing from the very beginning, why do you care if there were rose petals on the bed, you don't even LIKE flowers (actually in my head j3 does like flowers just not bouquets, you didn't hear that from me) and J4 i get that you see this as some sort of pathetic tragic pitiful thing, like i knew you would never see it my way but can't either of you at least pretend!!! It was one day! One day! And I never complain about anything! i'm a bad person for even admitting any of this bothers me ok! (He's honestly terrified of what's gonna happen with Jaceprime and he's worried he's gonna get dispelled for real and. maybe if that happened he would deserve it). It's just like. Why couldn't you just say you're happy for me and then bitch about me to each other behind my back like you always do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And then he surges so bad he nearly sets the house on fire.
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night-dark-woods · 3 months
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ID. photo of a whiteboard with bullet points written on it, titled "Stocking Reminders."
Top stock goes in the same 4' section as the stock.
Each SKU's overstock should be all in one spot. (below this point there is a diagram of a shelf with colorcoded boxes, one mixed up and one with the colors together)
Don't overfill hooks/shelves. There should be one straight line of product! If it won't hang nicely that is too much.
End ID.
end of my fucking rope tuesday. this won't stop my coworkers because they can't read but the amount of topstock i found in fucking random aisles today was truly absurd. like we've graduated from putting it in the same aisle 16ft away on the opposite side (annoying but at least line of sight) to putting it in topstock in its unlabeled cardboard shipping box, three aisles away, in a different department.
other highlights of today:
i asked this kid to downstock One Aisle and he spent 3(?) hours standing over there doing, as far as i can tell, nothing. which dgmw i can respect. minimum wage => minimum effort but my man that wasn't even CLOSE to the minimum and you are actively making everyone else's lives more difficult!!!
hardware mgr tried to have someone else (the aforementioned kid who can't even put stock in the right spot!!!) do counts on stock, BEHIND MY BACK, AGAIN. so i started off the day with an argument with him. bc if im not shooting outs regularly enough for you fucking TALK TO ME. and i will tell you what i need, which is you to do your fucking JOB and MANAGE YOUR PEOPLE. and get on their asses to actually maintain their sections!!! i could do the whole fucking store in an hour if literally anyone else did their jobs!!!
got a new rope assortment in from a new vendor, hardware mgr packed up the old stuff for buyback but ALSO managed to pack up a bunch of the NEW stuff with it despite the packaging being a completely different color AND saying the new brand name, so i had to go digging in 15 different taped-shut boxes to find it back.
just some truly atrocious and annoying customers. girl if youre in a hurry that is YOUR problem for not planning. i cant read your mind and i cant give you an answer if you cant explain your problem to me.
got called "ladies" collectively about 8 times today by my coworker who a) does ABA as his other job b) asked me if ozzy was my "real name" and c) said he used to be a liberal but he thinks there are more important things than peoples' identities. we're mostly copacetic now though bc he sees how much work i do and also we've commiserated about the state of the educational system & when he was talking about how "boys and girls learn differently" i very lightly floated the "well, i don't think that's inherent necessarily, you know, like we're raised and taught certain ways to be from SUCH a young age, and kids pick up on stuff pretty fast," and he was like huh ive never thought about that. ill have to think about that. so not unsalvageable! just a particular Kind Of Guy.
they're doing work on the roof and they fucking broke the ancient drainpipe that runs through our upstairs backstock area, so theres like three totes worth of roof-water-soaked merchandise that i have to take out of inventory tomorrow. and everything else in that backstock area has a fine coating of rust flakes from the disintegrating ceiling. and i was paged up there to help sort thru the stock and like. there are THREE PEOPLE here today who actually have a manager title, which I DONT!!! so why cant the three of you take care of it!!! and i KNOW its bc im good at problem-solving and don't really say no and would do it faster than anyone else but god. come on. its putting wet stock in totes.
also in the last 30 min of my shift (in the hardware dept!!! doing inventory counts!!!) my coworker walkied Me, Specifically, even though i knowww they were fully staffed in cashiers and housewares today, to pick up a call from a specific problem customer ABOUT A HOUSEWARES PRODUCT. bro i know FULL WELL you are doing fucking nothing but online shopping on the work computer, you fucking handle it!!! im on a DIFFERENT FLOOR and im busy doing other shit!!!
and its only tuesday!!! yippee!!!
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thestarwarslesbian · 11 months
Time to rewatch star wars.
I will be writing down my thoughts as I go along. First up:
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I love the classic yellow writing into a shot of a planet, the planet the main character is on.
R2-D2 and C3-PO who doesn't love them.
The Orgianl corriodor secne, I love it.
Secret message, hell yeah.
Also Princess Leia - how I didn't know I was gay before I have no idea she always was my favourite.
I love how Leia is seen weak at first until towards the middle of the film.
'Fowl stench'
'you are a traitor and part of the rebel allience. TAKE HER AWAY!' One of my favourite lines.
Going sepreate ways, a bad idea.
That's no transport
'Look sir a droid' - dang they are idiots.
LUKE! My tattoine boy!
I love Lukes hair in ANH. He should have kept it how it is. Din wouls have gone feral.
Do you think Owen would remeber 3PO or not. He would have gone 'Fuck not his droid again'.
'I was going to tochie station to pick up some power converters' - and you never will.
R2 is a murder now.
'Help me Obi-wan Kenobi. You're my ownly hope.' - Classic, amazing, beatuiful - That one was directed to leia.
Owen realy be like 'who is this obi-wan? An old drug dealer like your father.' And Luke belived him.
Look at the sun's Luke. That's right look staright into them. I LOVE THAT SHOT.
R2-D2 proffesional of running away into danger.
Luke now is not the time to sleep.
What a powerful man. Waving his arms in the air like he just doesn't care.
I would have triped down that hill.
The origanl Hello There.
'Of course I know him he's me.'
C3-PO is dramatic.
THE CLONE WARS - where you meet your husband Obi-wan. He's probely out shopping right now.
Luke you idoit don't look at it like that, you may acidently sab your eye out.
It is in everyone Luke. That's what the force is/
Served you mean severd his limbs.
Yes go with him Luke don't go home, it will be the begining of a long line of trauma and I don't want that for my sunshine boy.
bye bye senate
Don't make fun of your boss.
'These are't the driods you're looking for'
Gambling is not good for my sunshine boy.
Han shot first.
Yeah R2 watch your language.
Spy's are everywhere.
Jaba in CGI!! I have the special editions on DVD.
Han is in dedt and will be for a while.
Blast them.
What a peice of junk
dramatic music that turns into a melody.
'Recognised your foal stech when I was brought on board' reminds me of hannibal when he insultes Will's colone.
Bail is obvisoly still alive with Fox and Breha as the heads of the allience.
Oldman thinks friend is dead when he is really off planet with wife banging the oldman's husbands brother who is thought to be dead.
I love Han and his sas.
Obi-wan is probely laughing because Han has the force not luck
Classic Jedi traning.
I'm suprised there is no bodies floating around in the space.
'That's no moon.'
Very bad. I would think so.
Didn't you fight in two wars mr 'alternatives to fighting'
FACT: The meinelimun falcon was built not far from where my mum grew up.
That is a slow lift.
Vader is agitaed - it's funny to see the helemet move this his head but nothing else it sort of boops around.
FACT: David Prowse who is the body of darth vader lived a 20 minute drive from where I live.
Well those compartments were convient.
Han and Luke could have been making out down there - just saying.
On star tours when the driod is going through baggage in the queue, it says TK-421 why aren't you at your post.
Wookies they look cuddly but turns out they are dangerous.
Money, money, money - that is all Han can think about.
Do you think Obi-wan had to learn to sow to get the prefect fiting jedi robes?
I think the mouse droids are cute.
My sunshine boy can't see a thing.
'How are you?' - That whole bit is why I love Han in the origianl trilogoy, Luke is still my favourite.
'Aren't you a little short for a storm trooper?'
'I'm Luke Skywalker. I'm here to rescue you.' - Look at this cinimon role!!!! My sunshine boy has seen to much darkness in the world.
Leia is a badass and I love her.
Trach compactor.
It's not that deep is it.
Tell your number to the world - you may need to change it after.
That Poor trooper who hit his head.
Their not dying.
big walking carpet out of my way
I would have fallen off that, that doesn't mean Obi-wan has skill. I'm just very clumsy.
Luke's hair is perfect again and he just happened to bring his clothes with him.
yes spilt up that's always a great plan.
Of course you conviently have a graplaing hook.
Luke is so sweet throught the whole trilogy but is pure cinimon role in ANH.
The classic lightsaber fight.
He just disapreaed.
Vader is probely like WTF where did he go?
it's like space invaders with the guns.
That small ship can be a big danger.
Thank you Mads Mikkleson for that weakness.
Should be easy if you have the force and grew up on Tattoine.
Why don't the empire just use hyperspace to get to the rebal base?
I think Luke really considered leaving with Han but decided not to becuase he wanted to help everyone.
Leia is like 'the guy we both like is an idiot'
Luke can suddenly understand binary.
Yavin IV is my dream planet to live on, it's green and has loads of history.
RED 5 - it's the best of course.
Luke is like are you sure?
Uncle Kenobi to the rescue.
Here comes vader.
Tarkin is in denial - I would be gatting out of there if I could.
Vader is picking them off quite quickly.
Luke in the trench run on his own.
'Use the force Luke.'
That music is perfection.
I love the whole score of the movie.
This is cutting it close Luke.
Han to the rescue!
Ping Pong with Vader's ship.
What a great shot.
And in the nick of time as well.
Luke honey, my sunshine boy, your twink is showing.
The hug between all 3 of them.
R2 will be fine.
Big event.
Luke is in Han's clothes.
I loev the jacket but it is quite big on my boy, it makes him even cuter.
Where is Luke's briad.
R2 is all shinny.
Chewie is probely complaining about not having a medal.
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I love this star wars 9/10.
ESB will be the next on.
Let me know if you want to be tagged when I bring these out.
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