#everyone is dorks.
jadeinretrogrde · 4 months
that one trope where the teen gets mad at his friends for thinking his mom is hot except the friends are the dimension 20 art department and the mom in question is Riz and the teen who's mad is Brian Murphy who lost control of the plot
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mizzarh · 9 months
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Couldn’t stop thinking about what would've happened if Matt actually answered the door, when Karen and Foggy showed up at his place completely wasted. So I made a few excerpts
[TRANSCRIPT: PANEL 1: Karen is laughing. Foggy bangs on the door: “Open the door Murdork!” PANEL 2: Matt opens the door: “You’re really making a lot of noise, Foggy”. Karen is giggling to herself. Foggy is excited: “He’s alive!" PANEL 3: Karen hiccups. Foggy puts his arm around Matt, visibly drunk: “Listen! Did I ever tell you that my mom really wanted me to be a butcher?”. Matt smiles to himself: “You don’t say” PANEL 4: Karen grabs Matt excitedly but stumbles over her words: “MATT! We HAVE to go to Mexico to pet.. the d-donkeys”. Matt humours her : “Right, what are we even doing here?” PANEL 5: Foggy has crashed on the couch and snores loudly PANEL 6: Matt supports Karen: “Let’s get you to bed, miss Page”. Karen is losing her balance: “sorry” PANEL 7: Karen lies in a bed while drifting off to sleep: “…the donkeys though..” PANEL 8: Matt looking softly at her: “get some rest” PANEL 9: Foggy is hungover on the couch: “Oh I’m so not drinking again. As in ever”. Matt is carrying two coffe mugs and smiles smugly: “rough morning?”. Karen is struggling next to Foggy:”I swear to god, Murdock”]
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*dabi felt kinda bored and lonely so he decided to commit a little arson hoping that some handsome wing hero would fly here to arrest him*
dabi: *waiting for hawks to come* all right... play it cool. play it cool.
hawks: *lands in front of dabi* the fuck are you doing in my patrol area? put it off hot stuff, you could’ve just called, you know?
dabi: *playing it cool* AHAHAHAHAHAH *laughing maniacally and throwing more fire* i broke my phone.
*meanwhile hawks waiting for every arson report*
tokoyami: hawks-san why are you always going on fire missions? isn’t fire your biggest weakness?
hawks: yes, it is my dear intern. in many ways.
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opikiquu · 6 months
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these 2 gonna drive me insane
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Remus Lupin with the bent nose that’s a little too big, with the soft tired amber eyes, with the soft jawline, with the slightly crooked teeth, with the spattered freckles all over his face, with the knobby knees, with the lanky limbs, with the skinny and completely un-muscled body, with the fluffy curly and inexplicably tangled tawny hair, with the awkward and hunched posture.
Remus Lupin who is so strange and weird that no one really understands why/how he’s friends with James and Sirius, and everyone is even more confused when he and Sirius get together and this literal god of a man is with such a dweeb (then you see them together and they’re so sweet and in love that it makes sense). He has to have a hand on Sirius at all times because, if he doesn’t, he’s scared that Sirius will leave and he won’t know where he is. He always wants to be in Sirius’ lap because he’s freezing cold constantly and Sirius runs hot, so he clearly needs to be cuddled, because why else would they be the way they are. He always has to be held and reassured that he is loved because he’s an insecure little baby.
Remus Lupin’s first kiss was Sirius, he lost his virginity to Sirius, his first relationship was with Sirius, because he’s scared of everyone else finding out he’s a werewolf. The only time he was ever called a Casanova was when his friends poked fun at him for so much as talking to someone outside of their direct friend group (Sirius, James, Peter, Lily, Mary, Marlene, etc.). He was an antisocial weirdo that shied away from conversations, and panicked and ran if any confrontation occurred.
Remus Lupin was not an active problem solver, his fight or flight response was permanently set to flight. He lived on chocolate and tea and whatever snacks his friends brought him when he was studying. He wasn’t a natural straight-O student, he had to work his ass off to get Es in most classes and Es and Os in his best ones. He couldn’t work for the life of him because he had a bad back and hips and knees and once hurt himself trying to lift a stack of books the wrong way (with his back not his legs). He’s allergic to pollen and dust and peanuts and he’s lactose intolerant and his stomach is super sensitive. He doesn’t smoke because he’s got asthma and is too scared he’ll get lung cancer or something because he’s drop-dead terrified of literally everything.
Loser kinda-ugly nerd Remus John Lupin needs to make a comeback because he is so cute.
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mamawasatesttube · 1 month
it always gets me when ppl try to paint timkon as nerd/jock. like i mean you could, but here's the thing. tim is the jock. kon is the nerd.
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conjuring-ghouls · 1 year
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He has no business being this dorky and cute
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jeeaark · 8 months
If Greygold was a companion, what would be the best way to initiate a romance with them? Would they go for the “L” word early or an Act or two later?
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The "L" word was lube, right? Right? Else showering Durge/Tav with kisses Gomez-Addams-Style is the alternative.
Maybe the Nat 20 romance isn't the best way for Tav/Durge, but it sure is for Greygold. You just know Greygold scared that Dream Guardian away the first time and has been low-key obsessed with that armor since
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vhvrs · 8 months
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fyi this is what c137 looks like in the animatics for s3e1
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percyposting · 3 months
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This has to be one of my favorite exchanges in the books. VERY BADLY.
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starleska · 2 months
oh my God guys!!! the joke Maxime makes at the start of the movie, i couldn't quite hear it before...he says, "Kids can be so cruel—but Maxime can be even crueller!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~!"
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gin-juice-tonic · 1 year
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im shocked to hear there isnt a lot of it. Theres so much potential
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diamondsheep · 7 months
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Happy Valentine's Day !!!! 💖💕💞✨
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tartarusknight · 2 years
Eddie Joins the Family
Eddie didn’t think that he would get a big family when he pulled Dustin, Mike, and Lucas into Hellfire. He didn’t think it would happen but it did. One day, after school he’s stopped short at the sound of his name. He stopped and glanced back to see a redheaded girl. She looked familiar but he couldn’t place her. She had a skateboard under her arm and a determined look on her face. “You’re Eddie Munson right?”
Eddie frowned, “I don’t sell to kids.”
Her nose wrinkled, “ew. I’m Max, Lucas’s girl- we’re friends.” She stumbles a little and his eyebrow raised. 
She rolled her shoulders back, “can you give me a ride home? I missed the bus and we’re neighbors. I can give you embarrassing stories of any of the boys,” she waves her hand but he can see her nerves. 
“Sure,” he shrugged and she brightened. However, she was definitely trying to hide her emotions. “Our chariot awaits, milady.” He opened the door for her a swept his hand towards his shitty van. However, it didn’t stop there. Suddenly he was driving her more and more. Even though she didn’t even join his club! Okay, but she was quickly becoming one of his favorite freshman anyways. 
But Max wasn’t the only one. One day he ran into Nancy Wheeler and she actually stopped him. “Eddie, right?” Her eyes were hard and he shifted nervously. He gave her a small nod and she cleared her throat. “Mike’s really looking up to you lately.”
Eddie grimaced, “he could’ve picked someone better.”
She nods in agreement which stings only a little. He knew it was true. “You’re going to meet me twice a week. Give me your schedule.” She ordered and he stood there dumbfounded. “It wasn’t an option, come on.” She waved her hand. 
So he took a moment and wrote it all down before handing it over. She frowned, maybe at his shitty hand writing or the way it was kind of jumbled. “We have study hall the same hour. I’ll get a pass and I’ll meet you.”
“Uh, why?”
Her glare was terrifying, “because if he’s going to look up to you than you can give him a good example. I’m not going to let you keep failing all your classes and show him what it’s okay.” She snapped and Eddie wasn’t sure if he’s ever been this shocked before. “Understand?”
“Aye, aye, captain.” He gave her a weak salute before she turned and walked off. 
Then suddenly he and Nancy were working together often and in the few classes they shared she offered to be paired with him. It was freaky and his friends were just as weirded out as he was. But he had to admit that as they met after school a few times, that maybe, just maybe they were becoming friends. It wasn’t confirmed until one day she was painting his nails as he rambled about an idea he had for a campaign. Except she wasn’t just listening, she was giving him tips and helping him develop it even better. 
And with Nancy came Karen Wheeler. The woman would give him baked goods and thank him for all he was doing with Mike. It was weird but she made amazing cookies so he dealt with it and fucking Ted who didn’t deserve Karen. However, it got even worse when he made a comment that he mostly cooked for himself and his uncle since Wayne worked the worst hours. That had him in the kitchen with Sue Sinclair, Claudia Henderson, and you guessed it, Karen Wheeler. 
The three moms taught him all their tips and tricks, telling him he could impress any girl with his new skills. He didn’t say he wasn’t interested in any girls. Instead, he grinned and took all the information he could. It became a weekly thing and he got all the good gossip that wasn’t high school bullshit. And he gave them all the high school bullshit they wanted. 
And suddenly he became a babysitter for his younger friends. The freshman were annoyed at the development and Eddie got paid to hang out with them so he was fine with it. It didn’t happen often, since apparently Eddie was the back up babysitter. He didn’t care... that much, he was just curious. But being the back up babysitter gave him Erica Sinclair who quickly became his arch enemy and favorite. They didn’t do much but when he was in charge of her they would argue back and forth before retiring to painting mini figures with music playing in the background. 
However, that wasn’t even the end of it. Because suddenly Dustin was introducing him to Robin Buckley. Apparently Dustin had been trying to get her and their friend together but since they didn’t seem to get their act together, Dustin believed him and Robin would work together. Eddie and Robin took one look at each other and saw the fruitiness of the other. Which gave him a friend to talk about all the shit he dealt with that no one else did. No one else but Robin. 
Robin was a beauty and became one of his closest friends. They often spent time at his trailer and she started eating lunch with him and Hellfire. Of course Dustin was being a little bitch about it but Eddie and Robin claimed their were completely platonic. Which had the young members echoing, “with a capital P.” 
That one comment brought in the last of the party that remained in Hawkins, Steve Harrington. Steve was someone he knew from school but this Steve wasn’t what he expected. The first interaction after all the bragging the rest of the party did for him didn’t match up with his old vision. Eddie was leaving Hellfire and noticed Robin standing next to the man, waiting for the kids. “Eddie!” Robin waved like he wasn’t walking towards her already. 
He grinned, “hey Buckley, fancy meeting you here.” Then he glanced over at Steve and god dammit, he was still as pretty as he had been back in high school. 
“Harrington,” he drawled and watched Steve’s face grow pink. Which was curious...
Steve smiled and it wasn’t a smile Eddie had seen on him before, not really. This looked completely real and a little dopey. “Hey, Munson, I heard I’m missing out on the Munson friendship train.” He tilted his head a little and his hair flopped. The kids were already getting into Steve’s car but neither Steve nor Robin looked to be in a rush to leave. 
Eddie laughed a little awkwardly, “Yeah man. You don’t know what you’re missing.” He waved at himself and watched Steve’s eyes drop to follow his hands up and down his body. Which was... it was... Eddie didn’t really understand what he was feeling. 
He cleared his throat, “welp, enjoy driving these gremlins home.” He waved at the back seat. However, when he looked at Steve the dude look upset at the idea. Which was weird because he’s been told over and over how much Steve loved the kids. He waved and jogged off to avoid anymore of that. 
But that wasn’t the last he saw Steve. No, in fact, suddenly Steve always picked them up. Nancy no longer took time out of her schedule nor did any of the parents. And when Eddie went to his weekly dinner session with the moms they all laughed and said Steve was a good babysitter, always so caring about their time and kids. 
And well... Eddie didn’t hate it. Not one bit as Steve got there about 30 minutes early each time and watched the end of the session. Then he’d help Eddie clean up and they’d talk until they parted ways. Some times Robin was with him and most of those nights they’d meet him at the trailer after dropping the kids off with a movie for the three of them. Except soon, Steve would stop with or without Robin. 
Eddie loved and hated his time with Steve. Because the more time they saw each other, the more Eddie fell for the straight boy. He was done falling for straight boys so it pissed him off. But it didn’t stop him from putting his legs in Steve’s lap during a movie. Or letting Steve play with his hair. Or letting Steve kiss-
Okay the kissing was knew. And Eddie wasn’t sure of anything anymore. Not when during Grease Steve got up from the couch to sing and dance along. Eddie had laughed and when he was pulled to his feet, he stumbled into Steve’s chest. It was just the two of them but even if they had been in a crowded room, Eddie was sure the only thing he would’ve seen would’ve been Steve. 
Steve had cupped his face and smiled, “You’re the one that I want, o o oo honey. The one I need,” Steve had sung so soft and Eddie blinked at him, shocked. “Eddie,” Steve whispered as he leaned in closer. “Can I kiss you?” Eddie had made some noise that he’ll never claim and nodded frantically. Steve kissed like it was a sport that he never got less than gold in. Eddie pressed in and they moved in sync. 
And when they dropped next to each other in Eddie’s bed. Eddie didn’t think Steve might be as straight as he previously thought. “You know,” Steve started after they both regained their breath. “All I heard for weeks was Eddie this, Eddie that. Suddenly even the moms were in love with you. And it was so god damn annoying. Cause I knew they were all right. I remembered you from school, how free and open you were. When Dustin and the others mentioned you befriending them I knew they’d be okay. But I was jealous.”
Eddie looked over at him, “You were jealous? Of me?”
Steve snorted and Eddie didn’t think it was fair that even that was endearing. “Of you, of them. I don’t know... but I saw my shot and I took it.” He shrugged and Eddie raised an eyebrow. “Dude, you were like my gay awakening! I serious!” Steve had a big smile on his face and Eddie grinned back. 
“Really? Little ol’ Eddie Munson was King Steve’s awakening?”
Steve smacked him and rolled so he leaned over Eddie, “yeah. You were.”
They grinned at each other, “so you were checking me out when you first picked up the kids.”
“Hell yeah I was,” Steve winked and it was so dorky. He was flushed pink but still trying to stay confident. “To be honest, I lied when we started talking.” Eddie raised an eyebrow, insincerity rising up in him. But then Steve flushed more, “I didn’t want to join the Munson friendship train. I wanted to see what you’d be like as my boyfriend.” Steve wiggled his eyebrows and Eddie couldn’t stop the laugh.
“Yeah?” He flipped them so he was on top of Steve. Steve looked pleased as he did so. “Get ready, big boy. I’ll show you what you’re missing.” He promised and kissed him just because he could. 
Steve broke it though, “so, you, Eddie Munson agree to go on a date with me?”
Eddie rolled his eyes, “yes. I Eddie Munson, will date you, Steve Harrington. You can pick me up tomorrow at 7.”
And Eddie would swear that Steve’s eyes fucking twinkled. “It’s a date.”
So, yeah bringing Dustin, Lucas, and Mike into Hellfire was one of the best decisions he’s ever made. Maybe one day he’ll thank them for giving him the best year he’s ever had. 
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avoidghost · 1 year
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My DTIYS is officially over! Thank you everyone for participating — there were so many amazing pieces that I’ve literally just been sitting and staring at for the past 3 days 😭💖
I’ve announced the winners over on Instagram, so congrats to them and I hope I can do another one of these events again soon 🥳💖
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jq37 · 6 months
it’s really important to me that Oisin is not evil and adaine dates him i just think she deserves a nice dragonborn buff loser boyfriend
OBVIOUSLY I say this with the caveat that if Siobhan/Adaine aren't interested that's totally valid.
But also COME ON. How cute would it be?
-She gets another wizard in her social life who will actually understand when she says stuff like, "Abjurative grammar is prescriptive."
-Summer Nights "Tell Me More, Tell Me More" energy from the other Bad Kids and Aelwyn.
-Hot, dorky nerd who thinks she's really cool (because she is) to hype her up.
-She gets to shove his defection to their side in Kipperlilly's face which she'd love because she is a petty bitch first and a wizard second.
What's not to like? Also, Brennan is behind a lot of super cute romantic content in D20 (he's gotten lines I really love as Ayda, Esther, Hob, and Dale just off the top of my head) and I think Adaine deserves some of that as she's in the midst of her third potential apocalypse.
As a treat.
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