#everyone is entitled to their opinions
And how would you guys feel if I said I'm a Christian? And how would you guys feel if I said my possible lovelessness was a struggle for me because God is love so what does that mean for me? That I had to redefine love and come to terms with the fact that the biblical connotations of love are way different than the societal ones? That I'm only comfortable with one of those?
Um, yeah. Basically. Queer Christianity (Aromantic edition!) that im too scared to put my name to. I have sent asks before but... as I said. Too scared to put my name to it here.
Of course, I don’t speak for all arospecs, but I know I have nothing against Christians. Believe what you want to believe, as long as it’s not hurting anyone :)
you are always welcome here, and your experience is valid.
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getvalentined · 11 months
This is going to sound unnecessarily mean, but I feel like I need to make something clear.
I am done trying to explain anything lore-related to people who seem to genuinely believe that An/ge/al is a 100% good person who never did anything wrong and was forced into anything he did that seemed to be wrong, because that opinion makes it excessively clear to me that they have absolutely no capacity for even the most basic of media literacy, and every time I try they prove it by insisting that contradictory meta is "more canon" than the actual canon from which that meta is supposed to derive.
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Hope this helps!
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theharlotofferelden · 10 months
“Gale is so boring” he had a emotional and sexual relationship with a goddess and was so down bad for her that he tried to reclaim a small aspect of her power just to please her and in doing so ended up with a magical bomb in his chest yet that doesn’t keep him from being a kind, slightly condescending, enthusiastic malewife nerd who thinks your dirty ass smells good GET OUT OF MY HOUSE
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tripleaxeldiaz · 4 months
i think the collective 911 New Season Resolution should be to give the show room to breathe. yes sometimes things happen that don’t make sense, or characters make decisions that are annoying. but in almost 100 episodes of this show, rarely has there been anything done for no reason or something that wasn’t circled back to at one point or another. maybe we can just trust the writers with their own material for like a minute. and maybe if we don’t like it we can just stop watching and stop making how upset we are everyone else’s problem
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fortheloveofexy · 8 months
nothing will get me to block you faster than saying shit like "everyone who read aftg agrees that the series is awful."
like please for the love of god at least be original if you're going to be fucking annoying.
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torchflies · 29 days
 Hi TG Fandom! 
Okay, so I’ve seen a couple of posts about Bradley calling Maverick “Dad” or not and I just wanted to throw my own two cents in — as someone who lost their own biological parent at about the same age (2-5). 
Yes. He would absolutely call Maverick “Dad”. But he would never do it in front of Maverick, if that makes sense? And he’d probably never do it in front of his Mom, or Ice or any one of the flyboys. 
But in conversation with his friends, his teachers, in casual interaction with the public and on documents? Yes, 100%. 
In his own mental dialogue? Yes. 
But, I think he would stick to Mav with the people who knew Goose and the man himself, for their benefit and not his own. 
Goose isn’t a person to Bradley as an adult, Goose is someone else’s memory. His father that he tries to emulate from Polaroids and bedtime stories, but Goose isn’t his Dad. His Dad is Maverick. But he loves Maverick enough to refer to him as Mav where the man can hear him. 
Just my thoughts 😉💜
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buglordsupreme · 1 year
Also for the peeps that are saying that Huntlow was left ambiguous or not canon because there wasn’t a kiss or a greater display of affection.
Are you sure we all watched the same finale???Because when I saw those ending sequences all I saw were two idiots in love <3
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universe-of-peoples · 4 months
I’m just like. Genuinely baffled by the people who think that the PJO movies were better than the Disney+ show. Like, did we read the same books? Did we watch the same movies? Did we watch the same show? I guess not idk :/
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klausbens · 2 months
if i hear even just one more person say buck and tommy have no chemistry it's on the proverbial sight fr
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fredwkong · 5 months
Hi, I just wanted to say I really enjoy/appreciate the diversity of guys/characters you use in your stories! I'm a white guy who's into racial change as a kink, but I often feel weird about it because so much of the content dives headfirst into uncomfortable stereotypes/outright racism. When really for me the important bits are 'guys of all types are hot and it'd be fun to be a hot guy of another type', and imaginining a complete change like 'what if I suddenly woke up in South Korea as a Korean guy, what would my life look like?' Imagining becoming a new person, inhabiting a new culture etc. is something that's just fascinating to me. I'll admit I particularly like Asians myself and I enjoyed reading you writing about Asian immigrant experiences as it's not something you see much in these type of stories! I'm rambling a bit haha, just wanted to let you know I appreciate what you do in this area.
I think this is one of the sweetest things anyone’s ever said about my work. Thank you! You’re awesome <3
I really do think all guys are hot (yes, even you reading this) and it’s all about presentation and confidence. Some of the things that are hot about diverse guys fall into racial stereotyping, and that’s more than okay. However, there’s more to you than a stereotype.
What do you mean, you’re white? That’s ridiculous, you’re clearly Chinese. If I’m not mistaken, you’re from Hong Kong. I love the bustle of Central myself, but with your build and more rugged masculinity I bet you hike Sunset Peak every weekend. Yeah, it’s an incredible view, I’d love to see pictures.
You must live quite a regimented life if you work in finance while maintaining that incredible body. Ah, you’re the type who walks into the gym at 6 AM, aren’t you? Any later, and the heat would be unbearable, even though you love to feel the sweat drip down your perfect muscles. Still, you aren’t quite a cookie-cutter Asian finance bro, are you? You keep a bit of stubble, and your muscles are just a bit too pumped. Don’t tell me, you love going to the club to tear off your shirt and dance, right?
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Well? You have a whole city to take on. Don’t let me stop you ;)
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irisesforyoureyes · 5 months
I personally like the changes in episode 6 because we have seen what happens in the books and the movies but with this new take even hardcore pjo fans get to experience suspense i mean we get to experience something new! idk why some people are mad they are taking creative liberties with the show like why would u want to watch the same thing take place for the third time?? and especially when the creator of the series is the one altering the plot to have it better suited to this gen
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deadtiredghost · 1 month
SO I just wrote a massive post about Raph and what I think of his character across the various itterations, and I mentioned that I see myself in Raph - especially 12!Raph. But also 18!Leo. So I made these.
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queerofthedagger · 3 months
I just think that there are many reasons why one can go back and forth on whether Ygraine's spirit is really Ygraine in s2e8, but judging her and/or the situation one way or another over the fact that she is for once someone who tells Arthur the goddamn truth really just ain't it. Like. of course he would be furious! maybe because - and hear me out here - the truth is something to be furious about! Everyone constantly fucking lies and lies and lies to Arthur, to spare him, to stop him from being angry, for one million supposed reasons of knowing better, so maybe yes a sign of actual love is to not put yourself into the line-up and be honest, for once in his goddamn life
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bylertruther · 2 years
i feel like a lot of ppl forget tht max is not a mean person. she was a bit standoffish at first, but that's because a group of boys were "stalking" her (lol) and she was struggling with her new situation. once she realized they were cool, she warmed up to them, wanted to be in their party, and got upset when she felt like they were playing hot and cold with her. and yes, this includes mike, too.
she wanted and tried very hard to be mike's friend. she repeatedly tried to find common ground with him, impress him, talk to him, and extended, like, 9384030 olive branches even though he refused them, lashed out at her, and pushed her away every time.
the same is true in season three. when lucas and will are poking fun at mike, max takes mike's side and defends him. it's only when she becomes friends with el and learns more about their relationship that she changes towards him a little, but that's not even entirely true. her behavior towards him is entirely reactive. once again, he's the one lashing out at her because he's jealous of their friendship, and max is swift to "give him the medicine" every time he tries her. still, that doesn't mean she doesn't like him lmao. she's just not gonna take his attitude without giving some back. that doesn't make her bitchy or mean, though.
like... the jokes are funny, yeah. but with every fandom joke it seems, this joke ends up turning into fanon character interpretation that eventually becomes what people think canon!max actually is. and it's, like... whoa. max? you think max mayfield of all people would be mean for no reason?
max, who didn't give up on mike even when he was mean to her? max, who told lucas that she's angry and sorry but doesn't ever want to be like her brother? max, who stood up to her brother for being a racist, abusive piece of shit because no one else would or could? max, who accepted the risk and showed up to help people she'd only just met even though it was dangerous? max, who never held el snubbing her against her? max, who defended her and mike despite everything? max, who took el in, listened to her, helped her, and immediately became her bestie and heart? max, who defended el all the time and always believed in her? max, who goes to help a stranger crying in the bathroom stall despite having a supremely shitty time herself? max, who refuses to let anyone else take her place in their battle plans? max, who accepted the risk, knowing that failure meant a painful and sadistic death, and sacrificed herself anyway to save the world?
that max?
yes, she's sarcastic. yes, she can be hotheaded. yes, she can be snarky. yes, she absolutely will serve you some attitude right back. but for fucks sake, dude... that doesn't mean she's mean and definitely not unprompted. :/
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“oh i prefer perarachel or whatever tf bc annabeth is an evil conniving little bitch who never grew, changed, and stresses percy out too much💃”
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pls shut up pls shut up pls shut up
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rouxlsthestaars · 9 months
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i love alex milne's art but WHAT is this shit take. you're telling me that RATCHET is abusive? to DRIFT??
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i know he's not the writer but what. going by your ridiculous headcanon you're saying ratchet is just. lying here??? HE MADE A MISTAKE WITH PHARMA OF THAT WE CAN AGREE BUT TO GO SO FAR AS TO SAY HE'S AN ABUSER?
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the face of an abuser, according to alex milne
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