#everyone my age i know has a career or is married or has their own place and idk i feel like all this time i shouldve been doing smth to
iridescene · 2 years
I turn 25 on Thursday...
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bananadramaaa · 5 months
Before I start screaming about your Alastor design and end up on their broken radio again (oops, my bad)
Do you have more headcanons on his siblings and/or on his father? Because your the first that I've seen with the sibling headcanon and I want to know more of what's going on in your head. :D
In my head there's chaos :D
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As I wrote earlier, Alastor grew up surrounded by sisters (it makes more sense to me for his character). There was one more child who died at an early age, so the family may have been larger.
As the majority in the fandom, I headcanon that one of the biggest threats was the father, who's basically just a loser who thinks everyone owes him something (and most likely one of those who blames his wife for the fact that they had mostly girls, their son's "soft" nature was also the wife's fault and that she turned their children against him).
I headcanon that the kids were pretty close in their childhood times. But after their mother's death (it happened when they were young adults; the youngest sister was already a teenager), each went their own way. The eldest daughter(Adelice) tried to make a career in acting. She was a part-time jazz singer at a bar, but was killed by a suitor she turned down. The second sister (Leonore) took the youngest (Bertilda) with her after their mother's death; much later they were both married and found out about Alastor's death through newspapers with headlines screaming, "The serial killer who terrorized the town for years has been shot dead".
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ninjaturtlemaniac · 8 months
Part 1 Trolls Headcanons/ Theories/ Thoughts/ Ideas
Part2 Part3 Part4 Part5 Part6 Part7 Part8 Part9 Part10
Trolls - in general Trolls are pretty rare outside their usual kingdoms and it's considered good luck to meet one.
Brozone - drastically changed their looks coz they hate that they used to dress the same.
Bruce - one of those dads who would get a new barbeque and show off all the cool features to the other local dads.
Bruce - "No kids, we're not keeping that stray animal, end of story, no way..." - 1 week later and he's giving it kisses and building it an over the top kennel with a heated blanket and a water fountain.
Bruce - (canon?) carried all their eggs, indirect reason why his hair is so big. (Side note - I read somewhere someone called all their kids 'The Bakers Dozen' and I frigging love that)
Floyd - solo career after he left Brozone - all his songs were PINK FLOYD SONGS! (Maybe that could've been his stage name?)
Floyd - his hair is naturally pink but JD made him make it redder because 'we're a boyband and pink is a girls colour'
John Dory - has embarrassing baby pictures of his brothers as leverage
John Dory - over-exaggerates his retellings of stories "I fought off 30 no no no 40 snakes with one hand behind my back."
John Dory - always casually asking Poppy, Brandy and Viva to marry him, over small things too "Brandy, these pancakes are delicious, marry me."
Clay - writes long and very detailed critical reviews of restaurants
Clay - has reading glasses. Probably the ones that attach magnetically at the nose ridge.
Clay - labels everything (labelmaker is to Clay as Gary is to Branch)
Clay - very into color coded itineraries and always know everyone's business "Poppy is currently at Smidge's pod doing her hair" "How could you possibly know that?" "I have my sources."
Clay - also a notary and registered marriage celebrant
Clay - hair was always naturally green but JDs hair was already green. JD said he had to be yellow for the band, they needed that color coordinated group vibe.
Clay - has drafts for his own book series
Clay - actually plays golf
Clay - gets clumsy when trying to impress someone he admires (imagine him meeting King Peppy and he just knocks things over)
Clay - competitive af - brothers know better than to verse him at anything - has an over the top victory dance
Viva - that concept art of tiny Viva is the age she was when they escaped the Troll Tree. So like 15 maybe?
Viva - wants to make up for all the missed holidays/birthdays/parties with Poppy so she is constantly popping out from places with gifts yelling SURPRISE!
Branch - for Pop Trolls - being in a famous singing group is the equivalent of being a recognized expert in your field. So the fact that Branch is in TWO famous boy bands is like he has several PhDs.
Branch - Kismet formed inside a group home for Trollings
Poppy and Vivas mother - my theory is that they managed to keep princess Viva a secret from the Bergens. They chose the Queen for Trollstice when they discovered what they thought was her first egg. The Troll Tree escape plan came about when Chef promised the new royal trolling for the young Bergen prince.
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
Don't mind me, everyone, just gonna slip on my Tedependent conspiracy hat for a bit...
Okay, for real though, can we talk about how Trent's backstory in 3x06 completely re-contextualizes his dinner with Ted in 1x03? Based on my own interpretation, the implied timeline is that Trent was married to a woman, attempted to come out to her and was dismissed (perhaps in large part because they were married: what do you mean you're gay? You can't be. You love me, etc.), either having his daughter forced Trent to become more honest about what he and his family needed, or they had her in an attempt to "fix" the marriage, she gets caught in the crossfire of all this, Trent comes out again, this time his wife believes him, they divorce, are still good friends, and their daughter is happier than ever because she has two loving parents who are now living their best lives.
Given her age - 3 at the start of the series, about 6 now - that means there's a decent possibility that Trent was still married at the beginning of the show.
And that his dinner with Ted is one of the things that pushed him to try coming out again.
As his core Ted is someone who is authentic and that authenticity is what catches Trent's interest. He's dismissive of it at first, literally thinking it's a "fucking joke," only to later end up with the revelation, "You really mean that, don't you?" - that Ted honestly enjoyed spending time with him. AKA, Ted says and does what he means, even when it seems completely unbelievable. How freeing must that be to see? I'm just imagining this interview-turned-dinner through the eyes of a man who is still unhappily married, mostly closeted, and struggling to help his daughter through the stress of that dynamic. Then he meets this sunshine of a coach who is so authentically himself that it initially comes across as an act, an exaggeration, a joke. But Ted never wavers, simply refuses to be anything other than himself. Soon he's doing even more than that, breaking down gender norms by characterizing the masculine, aggressive Roy Kent as the "little girl" from A Wrinkle in Time, burdened with the responsibility of leadership. He turns what should have been the end of a horrific day of shadowing into a dinner date and Trent finds himself answering the hard-hitting questions instead of his interviewee. Ted brushes off his accusation of greed with, "Wait, I'm supposed to be getting paid?" but Trent is completely caught off guard by Ted's "What do you love?"
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The textual answer is "writing" and the fun fandom answer is "you," but if this is a Trent who still hasn't fully come out yet that's! A hell! Of a question!!! A closeted, queer individual's mind is going to jump to their biggest secret and, when offered an out, they're going grasp at it, so Trent eagerly agrees with Ted's guess of "writing" the same way Colin eagerly pulls the 'This is a gay bar? Haha, my mistake' card and makes a run for the door. Reading this interaction as Trent not just being gay, but potentially being closeted and unhappily married makes it less about the journalism (this strange coach likes me and thinks I can be a good person despite my invasive career choice) and more about his sexuality. Oh, no big deal, just having an intimate dinner with another good-looking man who's questioning me on love of all things and slowly inspiring me to be the best version of myself, which would require coming out to my wife again. This is a totally normal and not at all life-changing night! I definitely don't need to run away now!!
Via this reading Trent's article feels so loaded. Ted is "out there in the community" either "bravely or stupidly facing the music." That sounds a hell of a lot like a parallel to literally coming out and facing the music of a community's potential rejection, with Ted's American background/inexperience/unique personality acting as a stand-in for sexuality; the reasons he's labeled a "wanker" before anyone actually gets to know him - as the pub trio does while those very words are narrated by Higgins.
And then we have this:
"If the Lasso way is wrong, it's hard to imagine being right.... and though I believe that Ted Lasso will fail here... I can't help but root for him."
There are other elements at play here, like the football's celebration of ego and the threat of the club being relegated, but underneath it really sounds like a still-cynical Trent wanting to see the kind of changed world that those like Ted could bring about, but not really believing that it's possible. Given his history, is he really just talking about football when it comes to "the Lasso way"? I doubt it. Trent is potentially feeling trapped at this point in time, pessimistic to the point where yes, he still thinks that Ted will fail at football and creating a more inclusive, accepting community... but even still, Trent can't help but root for him. Of course he can't. He wants what Ted is offering. He needs it.
But then, of course, Ted succeeds! Not just in doing well by the club, but by the community as a whole. He maintains that inspiration and hope until, potentially, Trent felt like he could do something about his own situation. He found the nerve and strength to try again. So he comes out to his wife, they divorce, their daughter is happy, he goes on a date with a mustached man at the local pub, ditches him to try and 'interview' Ted, blows up his career because he realizes that his job is undermining the very thing he's been rooting for and he can't not give Ted a heads up, begins shadowing Ted as he looks for something "deeper," and then comes out to Colin, gazing wistfully across the water as he imagines being able to kiss a man after a win...
I'm not saying Ted Lasso is going to go there - and I'm DEFINITELY not saying there should be ANY accusations of queer baiting if/when they don't, because we've absolutely built the majority of this ship in fandom spaces - but I AM saying that if Trent's potential intersection of his history with Ted's influence and Ted's desire to shake things up while imagining bisexual triangles actually led to something... it would be a damn well done setup!
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unluckyhoneybee · 1 year
I want you back (Auston Matthews)
His birthday party brought him an unexpected gift, but it was the greatest of them all. Fluff
Warnings: none, I think.
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Your eyes were on the floor. "Come in!" Alexandria called your name and quickly moved to grab your hand. "So long..." She hugged you tight and you smiled. "How is life going?"
"Good. I'm doing good" You forced a brighter smile to not show the truth. Your life was good, career, friends, everything... It was good. Love life? Never had been worse.
A bark called your attention. Alex laughed at your reaction. "The boy is excited to be back here"
You giggled.
"I'm sure he will love to see you" You wondered if she referred to Auston or Felix for a second.
Soon, the fluffy dog came running, caught you on his rear view and stopped on his tracks. He barked and started wagging his tail.
"Hey, sweet boy" You said and crouched down. Felix ran to you and started licking your face with both paws on your shoulders.
"Hi, sweetheart. Yeah, I missed you too, I missed you too" In your own bubble, you completely missed the way a couple of brown eyes were staring at you from the other side of the room.
Auston believed it was his mind playing games at first. It wasn't you who was talking to his older sister by the door. Why would you be here? Then he spotted Felix, who was staring at that person in the door and you smiled and called him. Fuck, you were here. His heart was beating so hard on his chest and the blood flooding through his ears. Willy's story was now background noise.
"Let's grab a drink" Alex told you.
"Bryana and your parents didn't come?"
"No, they were busy. We already celebrated in Arizona anyway. This is just his famous friends gathering" She said chuckling.
You felt that sour taste in your mouth again.
"Alex... Why am I here?" Your voice cracked a bit. She had called you with enough time to think, three days. She told you she would like you to come to the party. And that Auston would appreciate it too. You weren't so sure of that and for the moment he was nowhere to be seen.
Alex sighed and passed you a drink. "I think it would be good for him to see you"
You bit your lip and looked away. "Why?"
"He hasn't been... Himself. I mean. The summer has been weird" She told you.
It had, indeed. All the plans you had with him, the trips, gatherings... Everything had vanished the moment you broke up.
"How have you been?"
You shrugged. "It's not easy"
Alex pulled you in a hug. "Everyone misses you, YN. Even him"
You hugged her harder, feeling the tears pooling in your eyes.
"I miss him so bad" You whispered.
Alexandria cupped your cheeks and dried a tear that had fallen.
"I'm sure it has a solution, babe"
You bit your lip.
"Is that who I think it is?" A very cheerful Mitch Marner appeared in the kitchen, big smile and open arms ready to greet you. "Oh come here, it has been ages"
He barely noticed your tears, but shared a look with Alex that let him know that you needed a hug.
"Hey Mitch" You said hugging him. At the end, he was still your friend. You couldn't stop it just because Auston and you weren't together anymore.
"You look great" He said.
"Thank you, Mitchy. And congratulations. Can believe you are a married boy now" You said pinching his cheeks.
"Man, married man" He pointed out.
"Do you want to come and say hi?" He said. "Steph is out there too"
"Yeah, I'll go in a second"
"We'll be waiting by the pool"
"Of course"
When he left, you turned to Alex.
"I don't know if coming was a good idea"
"It is, I promise. But... You can leave, it's okay"
You bit your lip. "Everything is so... Familiar... I miss everyone here but this isn't my life anymore and..."
"Maybe you could go and see him"
"I don't know"
You sighed. During your time dating Auston, his family had become your family too, you trusted them as much as you trusted your ex boyfriend (then at least, you didn't know where you were standing now).
You stayed by her for a big part of the night while trying to grow the balls to go and talk to him.
Auston was confused. He couldn't pay the proper attention to whatever was going on around him. He couldn't stop seeing you here and there. With Alex, talking to Mitch, petting Felix. His brain was playing with him. It was as if you had never packed your things and left. It was as if he had never said those words.
The cake came and it was placed before him. They sang happy birthday and joked about how old he was getting. Willy tried to smash his face on the cake but someone told him it was too expensive. And after blowing the candles, Auston looked up. You were still by his sister. Your hands were folded close to your face and there was a smile in your lips. You seemed happy in that moment. And you were. You had missed his smile so bad.
"Okay, make a wish" Mitch said.
Auston took a deep breath and with a last look at you, he closed his eyes and blew the candles. You were shaking.
No one cared when Auston got up and tried to leave the table.
"Cake?" Alex offered. She hadn't noticed you weren't by her side anymore.
"In a second. I need to do something first" He said gently pushing her to the side.
Alex smiled knowingly and let him go.
You were by the gifts table, roaming in your bag, when Auston spot you again. He took some air and walked closer, you barely heard him arrive by your side.
"Hi, YN" His voice came out silky, a hint of happiness to have you close painting it but also higher pitched with nerves.
You froze for long seconds before turning around. You looked up at him. "H-hi"
He observed you closely for the first time in months. You were so pretty but looked so tired. He had missed you so much.
"Are you leaving?"
You were. An impulsive thought had told you to sneak out while everyone was distracted with the cake, no sad faces or goodbyes. But you wanted to leave your gift first, he would find it and probably never know it was yours, but at least would have it.
"Uh, no" You lied. "Just leaving my gift with the others, I almost forget" You nervously laughed.
Auston could see through you. He could tell you were lying.
"Can I open it now?" He asked hoping he could keep you here for a bit longer.
You stuttered. "Well, don't you want to wait to the others?" Maybe you could scape in the meanwhile.
"No, I don't think so" He grinned.
It brought a smile to your lips and the feelings abck to your chest.
"Let's go outside, yeah?"
And well, you could never resist to him. You forgot your purse on the gift table and followed him. Some curious eyes had caught on you two sneaking out together, some of them shared looks.
The air was humid that night and the backyard was empty. When Auston closed the doors, the music and voices from inside shut down. You were left alone with him for the first time since you broke up and you didn't know how to behave. Used to kisses, hugs, a hand on your waist on crowded spaces, a joke on your war when it was inappropriate to be told... There were so many things That you missed and so many thing you only knew you loved one you lost them. But Auston was there, as tall, big and muscular as you remembered him and you only wanted to sink on his arms for that comfort he could only bring.
"Sit with me" He say on the edge of the pool and rolled his trousers, the patted his side. Giggling, you sat next to him and grabbed your clothes.
"My gift" He lifted the small packages to your eyes level. "You didn't have to bring one" He muttered. First, he didn't expect you to come. Second, he thought that now that there was nothing between you, gifts were a part of the past.
"I wanted to"
"Okay, can I?"
You nodded and observed how he carefully ripped the package.
"It's not much. I barely had time to find anything" You excused yourself before he could see it.
He rolled his eyes and laughed. "I don't care, it's enough" It had always been enough, everything you had done for him. Then he opened the package and smiled so brightly. "You are so silly... How do you think it's not much"
You pulled your sleeves over your hands and shrugged. It was special, yes. It was yours. Your thing. That little secret you held with Auston and only him, the symbol that described one of the most special moments in your relationship.
Auston had the little charm on his hand, watching it and running his thumb over it. It had a little star on the middle. All the memories were flooding back. The soft smile on his lips showed how he felt.
"Thank you, YN" He sighed.
One night, after having a fancy dinner for your anniversary, Auston had taken you outside his house in Arizona. You were both feeling adventurous so you had grabbed lanterns and Felix. You had walked for hours hand in hand. It was dark enough to see the sky full of stars. You had talked about so many things, confessed so many fears and dreams and for the first time talked about a future together. You shared a view, you had the same needs and expectations and for the first time you felt that he was the one, your one. Stars. They would always remind you to that, they would bring you to that night. To both of you.
"Happy birthday, Auston" You said with a sad smile.
He looked at you and thanked with a nod. "Come here" He lifted his arm and you leaned in. With a kiss in your temple, Auston thanked you again. "I think about that night a lot"
You straightened your back to look at him. "Me too" His arm fell to your waist but didn't move from you.
Auston moved the charm between his fingers and when he noticed you were watching he smirked. The air was too tense between you two. So... A quick movement and he pretended to drop the charm to the pool.
"Aus!" You quickly reacted and grabbed his hand. As quick, you realized he was pranking you and you gasped. "You prick..." You slapped his chest and he laughed loudly.
Like he was used to, he pulled you again to his side with his arm around your neck and kissed the side of your head, leaving you tucked under his chin and pressed to his side. "I miss you" He whispered as if it was a secret you shouldn't discover.
You stopped laughing and grabbed his hand tighter. The charm was safe inside his fist. "I miss you too, Auston"
He gave you some space but only enough to be able to look at you.
"I don't feel we are over yet" He confessed for the first time. "When you appeared and Felix saw you? It felt like you never left"
You swallowed hard and looked at his lips moving as he spoke.
"People asked me were were you during the whole summer and I can count with my hands the times I told them we were done. It was always a back at home in Toronto."
"Shh. Me first" He chuckled. "I need you back. I want you to be back at home in Toronto. Not back at you friend's flat."
"I don't feel we are done yet either, Auston"
He side smiled and kissed your cheek so close to your lips and letting his nose brush yours.
"I came here and I hugged Alex, Felxi, Mitch, Steph... I sat with them and it was as if I never left"
"You shouldn't have. I shouldn't have let you leave"
You sighed and looked down at your joined hands. "Wanna hear something funny?"
"Of course"
"I don't remember why we fought" You simply said. "I do remember why it started, but not the rest"
He laughed. "Yeah, over my socks"
"Your socks" You giggled. "Why would someone leave the socks in the fucking sofa, Aus?"
Your smile was so bright that Auston had to kiss you. He couldn't stop himself, he leaned and pressed a kiss to your lips. You yelped surprised but opened your mouth for him. Slowly and deeply, Auston rediscovered your kisses and lips. There was nothing else, only you two, sitting by the pool and slowly making out like the first time. The butterfly, ticklish skin and needy gasps.
"Fuck" He pulled back after a long time panting. "I want you so bad. Back, I mean"
You laughed and nodded. "Yes"
"Want me too?"
"I want to work on us" You said.
"I can't fight about socks again, I don't want to go through that anymore"
"Let's try"
You nodded. "Let's try"
Auston pecked your lips and then your nose. "Is it too soon to say I love you?"
"Take me on a date first or something, Aus"
He rolled his eyes and pushed you.
"Okay, smart ass. Wanna help me with this?" He lifted the charm. "Or did you bought it for Felix?"
You gasped and slapped his thigh.
"Fuck, such a great idea. How can I be so stupid?"
He watched you with a smile, a silly lovey smile. "He's gonna be really happy to have you back, you know that?"
"My sweet boy"
"Yeah, your son missed you badly"
"And you?"
"Pretty much, yeah"
You nodded and kissed his cheek. "I missed you too, baby"
Auston felt like a kid again. He felt the happiness blooming back on his chest, he felt calmed now that he had you back.
"All those things we talked about that night" He said and grabbed your hand. "Are they all still up?"
You nodded and caressed his knuckles softly. "I don't want them with anyone else, Auston. It's you"
He brought you to him once more and kissed you head. "I love you"
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hotvintagepoll · 7 months
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Jenny Jugo (Victoria in Dover, A hopeless Case, Our Miss Doctor)—I just love her! She was an Austrian actress during the 20s & 30s & 40s who was among the big UFA stars. She was beautiful but still appeared to be natural and likeable. Often she played witty, smart, independent and confident (for the time) modern women both in silent and in talking movies. For example in one movie she's a maths teacher who has to prove herself to her male colleagues who doubt she is actually good at mathematics. And she ends up not only being successful at teaching the high-school graduates but even getting to lecture mathematics at university afterwards. (Our Miss Doctor) Or in A Hopeless Case she plays a young woman who is very superficial and spoilt at first but then decides against marrying the good situated man her father wants her to marry and instead is dedicated to successfully study medicine although everyone advises her to stop. She's really a great actress who I always enjoyed seeing in movies ever since I was a child. (Also she always appeared to have thick curly hair which was a great representation for little curly haired me because in movies you rarely see women with that hair type being considered beautiful as well.)
Mary Pickford (Coquette, Tess of the Storm Country)—"America’s Sweetheart”, “Queen of Hollywood”, her and Douglas Fairbanks were the og it couple, owned her own movie studio, had both a drink and a hairstyle named after her
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Jenny Jugo:
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Mary Pickford:
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She was a pioneer in early cinema! She acted, wrote, and produced numerous films and was one of the founders of the United Artists film studio, along with Charlie Chaplin and her husband, Doug Fairbanks. At the height of her career in the 1920s there was nobody more famous. She was widely known as "America's Sweetheart." She won an Oscar in 1929 for her performance in Coquette (1929) and then a lifetime achievement Oscar in 1979.
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She was an absolute pioneer in the very early days of feature films. She co-founded United artists and managed her career brilliantly.
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Mary Pickford wasn't just a silent star, she was a huge historical figure for film. I really cannot emphasize how involved she was in creating and shaping the film world. She was completely passionate about the theater world (from a young age!) and still revered even after she lost relevance. Her tenacity, her beauty, and her intelligence is what made her the first actress labeled as "America's Sweetheart." She just has this glow, a wonderful sweet disposition, and warm heart. She often introduced other women to motion picture and helped them showcase their talent. She was an astute business woman, although when asked about this she said "Well you know this business angle is much exaggerated, because most people don't expect much sense of a woman 5 feet tall. If I were 5 feet 8 they would say I was a very poor business woman!" She was friends with Amelia Earheart and had terrible luck in love. Please just learn about or give thought to my sad small sweet girl.
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sukunasdirtylaugh · 7 months
Addicted to the idea of an ex!convict geto who is on the run. You married him young at the fresh age of 19 in Vegas, only for him to ‘abandon’ your marriage never to be seen again. Nearly 4 years have passed and you’re now a moderately prestigious singer at mafia!gojo’s club, the blue dragon.
audiences stack up on weekends until Satoru introduces you to an associate of his called Kento. He’s tall, handsome, and mature in ways you didn’t know you wanted or needed. After a few visits to the club, he asks you out for dinner. A relationship instantly clicked with the businessman that suddenly everyone knew you were his. Until a mysterious letter appears on your doorstep one day. Attached is a familiar pink ribbon and all black lighter.
“My men wouldn’t do that,” your now boyfriend shakes his head. “No one knows about him but me.”
“Ken, you’re the only one to know about him. No one knows about him except you and Satoru. So please, if this is a prank, tell me.”
“I’m quite offended you think I would casually play with the emotions of the woman I have invested all my time in.” He says, “I’ll go talk to Satoru if he knows anything, but it’s for the best if you cancel tonight’s show.” You pull away from the protective hold he has on your waist and hiss. “I won’t cancel a show. Tonight’s the premiere, a lot of Satoru’s clients have invested thousands in tonight’s event.”
“Cancel it,” your blond partner whispers, “I’ll pay the difference, stay the night at my-“ but your agitated nature makes you turn him down.
“I said no! I’ll continue the show, and you can’t say anything about it. It’s my career, kento. And you can’t decide when to sing for me.”
He should have known it had to do with your hyper independence, your need to still depend on your own income after depending on what Nanami considered a reaction of yours after your relationship with a cowardly no good for nothing scum bag who left his wife.
After his disappearance, search warrants for him went on the national level until his presence was declared inconclusive 3 weeks later. Months later, it was rumored he was found dead.
But no body was found.
Now in tonight’s stage, everyone is dressed in the 9’s, with kento leaning against a wall with crossed arms, looking over the audience as you sing prettily. That is until you see a dark figure, long black hair with a familiar silver wedding band on his fourth finger. What sets him apart is the drink on the table.
(wrote this part one and this part two as a result^)
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pomefioredove · 5 months
Hi! not sure if u write for content that isn't a character x reader, if not, feel free to ignore this req!
but I'd like to req some timeskip hcs for the twst charas.. like what would they be after graduation? I could totally see Riddle being a lawyer but I'm not entirely sure for the rest of the twst cast 🤔
Thank you in advance! Take all the time u need !
ohhh actually speculation/analysis is something I write a lot of! I hail from a very literary fandom and these sorts of prompts are some of my favorites to do!
I could def give my thoughts, just based on what we already know + my own headcanons
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➼Deuce: Deuce, to me, is a hands-on learner type. I could see him getting really into mechanics, but... my heart says house husband. tells his kids bedtime stories about Cauldron Deuce (with... um, better morals, we'll say)
➼Ace: professional moocher hmmm Ace is kind of a wild card (pun) to me. I can see his life going in a lot of different directions depending on how the story goes
➼Riddle: definitely something prestigious. we know his parents are doctors, it's likely he'd feel pressured to follow in their footsteps, with other high-paying professions close behind (such as lawyer)
➼Cater: trophy husband(/influencer)
➼Trey: takes on the family bakery. I can see him getting settled down relatively fast compared to everyone else. he just needs a spouse whose as weird as he is
➼Leona: professional moocher (for real this time). In an ideal world he would get fed up with his family and move out, either to another palace they own (you know how it is with royalty and their real estate) or to his own place. but that freedom might get him to really apply himself to something he cares about, independent of his family. would get married if the opportunity presented itself, would NOT have kids
➼Ruggie: Leona's little buddy. Leona assured him a job after school, sooo probably not much different from what he's doing already, but paid. sends fat checks home to his grandma every month
➼Jack: whatever it is, he's committed to it. I can't see him working a dead-end job with no hopes of improving himself, so nothing too academic. the obvious answer is athletics... but he could just as likely become a sculptor. just something that he can apply himself to and continue improving in
➼Azul: businessman. he just has a thing for it. he's running multiple restaurant chains and dabbling in retail before age thirty, and always looking for more opportunities
➼Jade: Azul definitely guarantees him a job, but I think he'd be more interested in staying on land and doing field work. mycologist... or anything that really captures his interest
➼Floyd: cliché answer, he can't decide. likely bounces between working with his brother and working with Azul. may just stay within the "family business" which is implied to be. mafia?
➼Kalim: do we even know what the al-Asims do. besides be rich. well whatever it is, he's doing that. definitely gets married fast, probably has a bunch of kids already. they're just as loud and excitable as he is
➼Jamil: oh Jamil :( please please have a happy ending. I can see him really enjoying academics, especially in positions where he can publish papers and get feedback. good for his ego. may start some insane academic drama, though (nothing he can't handle)
➼Vil: actor/model. confirmed! probably waits a while to get married, he's put off his career long enough
➼Rook: the fact that he wants to go into archaeology is so cute... being an ex archeology (now religious studies) major myself I think it's just so... Rook of him to be interested in history. I would love to talk to him about the Minoans. Or the Xia dynasty. can I marry him while we're at it? he eventually settles down somewhere in the woods
➼Epel: eughhrrggg can I say farming. sorry. I'm from a family of farmers and kinda sentimental about it. the connection to the land is very real and very emotional. but he does other stuff, too
➼Idia: [cue book 6 angst]
diasomnia fam is up in the air for now considering... *gestures to all of book 7*
➼bonus rollo: judge. because it would be funny.
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devildogdemon · 5 months
Bracing myself for committing potential Everlark sacrilege here. Still, I’m curious: Does anyone else ever dabble in the What If/headcanon that Peeta made up his original crush on Katniss? That in the beginning, it really was all just part of his and Haymitch's plan to hype Katniss up, and help boost her favor as the super rare chance for a District 12 Victor? But in the course of the first games, and particularly while committing to the star-crossed lovers act in the cave, he ended up actually falling in love with her?
This was actually my original interpretation the first time I read the first book. That all the rest of the backstory is still true: Mr. Mellark pointing Katniss out, Katniss singing the Valley song, etc. But it was just how Peeta remembered her, not the beginning of years-long pining.
Quick disclaimer: I'm not trying to argue for this headcanon's legitimacy. In fact, I now know it's not true. While writing this post, I remembered that Peeta told Katniss during the Victory Tour he was jealous of Gale before he officially met her. So by his own words, Peeta's crush predates the first Hunger Games.
Still, reading the first book on its own, it’s a headcanon I always come back to, and I think works in its own way sometimes.
For one thing, it’s a bit beyond my suspension of disbelief that Peeta was reaped alongside the girl he was silently obsessed with for 11 years. It feels way more like convenience to me than destiny or anything like that. Not to mention, this is supposedly a crush that began and persisted long before Peeta hit puberty.
But it’s not just the realistic aspect that draws me to this hc. It's also because I love how much it contributes to the 'accidental soulmates' aspect on Everlark. The idea that these two were not meant to fall in love. That if their lives went the way they thought or planned, they never would have spoken. They would have rarely crossed paths, if at all. They would have married different people, if anyone when it came to Katniss, but Gale would be the sole candidate if she did. And they would have lived out their days and died as strangers. But through a series of completely unforeseen, bizarre circumstances in this cruel world that brought them together in the most horrific of ways, from it emerged a real bond between them. Even if it started as a charade for sponsors, it morphed into a real bond of love and care that was genuine, and beautiful, and selfless, and real.
My take is essentially that Peeta took his mother's final words to him about Katniss as bitingly true, not that that made them any less hurtful. And from that point forward, he figured if he was going to do something worthwhile before his inescapable death, it would be to help his District. And the way to do that would be to help the girl who could do that better than he ever could.
Sure, there are things like him keeping hold on Katniss' hand during the chariot ride, and teasingly prodding her for a kiss while she's treating him. But...ok, I hesitate to project onto a boy who was and is leagues above me in every way (feel free to flame me for this). But as a former 16-year old boy myself, who was roughly that age when first reading the story, I kinda figured he just wanted to experience a taste of romance before his inevitable death? Like the PG version of "I don't want to die a virgin."
Anywho, gonna whistle past that embarassing hot take lol. But I think this hc gels well too with all his actions Katniss finds questionable: telling her everyone was watching her during the chariot ride, the crush revelation, teaming up with the careers to throw them off her trail, and fighting Cato. He's doing it all for her to win, even at the expense of himself. Not because he has feelings for her (yet), but because he believes in her.
But it's at the point when Katniss finds him in the mud bank, and she does everything in her power from then on to keep him alive, that maybe his feelings for her take a turn for the real. She shouldn't be trying to keep him alive. It’s of no benefit to her whatsoever. But she refuses to let him die. She will not even discuss it. It makes zero sense to him. No one's ever valued his life this much, even his own family. Why is this girl he barely knows, who never noticed him before, suddenly sparing no expense to keep him alive? To the point of risking her own life for him?
This comes to a head when he tries to rebuke her for going to the feast:
"No! Just don't, Katniss! Don't die for me. You won't be doing me any favors. All right? "Maybe I did it for myself, Peeta, did you ever think of that? Maybe you aren't the only one who...who worries about..what it would be like if..." "If what, Katniss?" "That's exactly the kind of topic Haymitch told me to steer clear of." "Then I'll just have to fill in the blanks myself."
On that last line, I took that as Peeta seeing for the first time that Katniss actually does care about him. More than anyone ever has. That she wants him to live, just as much as she wants them to win. And that's when he truly falls for her. Sadly, he makes the mistake of presuming she feels the same way. That's the only blank he filled in incorrectly.
But did he, though? Because what follows that last line is the first kiss between them that makes Katniss feel "stirring in her chest" and "wanting another." This whole conversation made her want to shut the world out, because "whatever I'm feeling, it's no one's business but mine."
So maybe their feelings for each other kinda awoke at the same time? And deep, deep down, the two of them could sense that shift in emotion toward each other. Where performance became reality. For Peeta, much stronger. But for Katniss, she's not quite there yet.
Now yes, I'm aware Katniss gets Peeta to tell the story of his crush AFTER this happens. But as Katniss points out prior to this, he's the silver-tongued one. Not to mention an established good liar. So keeping with the idea this was when he first noticed her, maybe he blends the facts here a little, and decides to make this the point of where his crush began? He probably had it in the vault anyway since the interview.
Finally, I thought this better explained Peeta's anger at the end, when the mask is finally lifted for him. Because logically, why would he think what started as an established act would become real for Katniss? As Katniss says, they were strangers who'd never spoken before all this. Is it because he still thinks she can't lie? Well she proved him wrong there, if only for a moment. I thought the more likely reason he thought Katniss' feelings for him became real, is because that's exactly what happened to him. As I mentioned before, his presumption wasn't entirely off, and Katniss' words that "not all of it" was for the Games are true enough. But it doesn't make the revelation any less crushing for him.
I really do wonder sometimes what kind of story this would have made for if Suzanne took this approach in the sequels. I know now it's an incorrect headcanon, but I'm curious if anyone else ever shared it while reading the first book, and wonders the same.
If you read all my silly ramblings about a now-debunked headcanon, I am both eternally grateful and eternally sorry. Feel free to share, concur, roast, or do whatever in response. Thank you and may this ship be ever on your dashboard :)
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sweetbillwriting · 4 months
Love Just Happens
A New Chapter - Part 22
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Characters: The future's Bill Skarsgård and others close to him. The rest is my own characters.
Setting: This story is set in the future but because it's hard to say how the world is then (and it isn't that important for the story) the future is similar to our time now, even with fashion and so on.
Warnings: 18+, age difference, smut, alcohol, ageism, cheating, gossip, bullying.
It started to get cold in Sweden. The trees in their yard were dressed in yellow, while the sky looked sad and gray, like the sun had abandoned it. 
Bill looked at the yellow leaves falling slowly from the closest tree and how they landed in the grass. He stood in the kitchen, looking out over the depressing weather while listening to his mother-in-law. He had the phone on the counter with the speaker on while he stood and polished a big wine glass. It was just one; he was the only one in the house drinking alcohol. 
“So all of it is lies?” She said it skeptically with a harsh voice. She could be hard on him sometimes, honest, and a bit scary. She was, after all, his mother-in-law, and she was the one he needed to impress. That all of the world accused him of being a cheater and an asshole didn't impress her, and she was pissed. 
“Yes! I've never even looked at someone else!” He said and groaned in irritation. 
“The thing about you hurting her career, that you decide over her money and her wardrobe-” 
“No! All of it is bullshit!” 
“But Roxy? She did lose Roxy as a friend. She said it was a fight, but it wasn't about you then?” 
Bill was silent for a moment. Suddenly, she asked a question that wasn't as easy to answer. 
“Not because I cheated,” he said, and he put the glass on the counter before walking away to the wine fridge closer to the dining room. 
“But it was because of you?” Melinda sounded upset. 
“Yeah but… It was Roxy who-” 
“Just like that young actress?” 
“What are you saying?” He sounded irritated for real now and pulled out a wine bottle harshly. 
“Don't you hear it? You're the problem! You're the problem here!” 
“I know! Okay? That's why I'm fucking-” 
“Hey!” exclaimed Melinda by the swear word. They were maybe closer in age than many other sons and mothers-in-laws, but that didn't stop her from putting him in place. 
“Sorry,” said Bill quickly. He knew he shouldn't speak like that to her; he was just really upset about it all. 
“And Bill, yes, I heard your question, but no, I didn't tell Felix anything about you. I told him to stay away you and blocked him everywhere. I actually don't think it's him.” 
Bill poured up a big glass of wine in silence. He really thought it must be Felix, or he wanted it to be because the alternative would be horrible. His ex. The mother to three of his children.
To say she has had mixed emotions for Aurora was a really big understatement. Maybe she hadn't hated her, but she had shown her dislike towards her quite openly, and he had been forced to even tell her off. 
Bill could see why it was provoking and could sometimes feel so much for her that he felt bad for how his life looked. Aurora was twenty years younger than her, and because he was a man, he could also have more kids, even if he was middle-aged. He had accepted, worked through, and solved so many things with Aurora that he had just let be with his ex. Instead of hiding away his private life and his private self, he gave everyone around what they needed to let him be happy in peace—see his happiness. With Aurora, it was hard not to show it, and he had panicked in the beginning because he believed it would be more rumors, and intrusive questions but instead it was the opposite. People let them be a boring, married couple, until now. 
“I just want you to fix this, Bill. I just want the kids to be able to see you, and I just want you and Aurora to be safe and reliable for them again. I've never wanted to hurt you, and even if it doesn't seem like it all the time, I want you and Aurora to be happy. The kids love her, you have a child… I just want you to be happy.” 
His ex’s words were sincere, and it warmed Bill's chest. It had been hard that she had shown such dislike for Aurora, both for him and Aurora. He had been in love with his ex once upon a time and she had been his closest person. It had been sad to see how she seemed to begrudge him and his happiness with Aurora, but maybe this crisis made her realize she didn't want to be that person. 
“But the kids… I think it's better if they stay here, until you have solved that mess? I think it's the easiest for both you and them?” She continued without Bill being able to react to her earlier statement. He took a deep breath. 
“Yeah… Yeah, you're right in that… Thank you. Really, thank you.” 
“It's okay, Bill. Say hello to Aurora. And Isis.” 
He smiled a little. In the middle of the mess, he could feel another weight lift from his shoulders. 
“I will. I will.” 
He took a big sip of his wine after having hung up and left the kitchen for the TV room. On his way, he looked into the library, where Aurora sat and read. He wanted to stop, watch her play with her hair while reading, and see her small smiles and fluttering eyelashes, but it felt like he didn't have the right to that. He knew she was reading a super romantic novel about a hippie writer. Silently, he wondered if that was the only romance she needed now. He felt pushed away and left out of her pregnancy, but somewhere he knew it was his own fault. 
He took a larger sip of the wine, sat down on the living room’s couch, and scrolled through their streaming services. He spent a long time just scrolling, even if he knew he wouldn't be able to find something; it had been the same thing the day before. It had been two days since their fight, and they had just talked about practical things, mostly about Isis, and sometimes it felt like they were close to a split. 
He heard her light steps and turned around as a reflex. She looked like a scared deer as she stood in the door opening. 
“Ehm… I'm going to bed now..” she said with a small voice. Bill swallowed hard. He didn't want this. This wasn't like with the mother of his oldest children, or with Hilma. He still had the same feelings for Aurora, the only one he wanted to be with, but still, they started to glide away from each other. 
“Can I come?” He said it, but his voice broke a bit, like it was a struggle to ask. Aurora just nodded. They hadn't stopped sleeping in the same bed, so the question felt odd. 
“It's your bed too…” 
Bill nodded a little, even if he wanted to hear that she actually wanted him close. 
After having made himself ready for bed, he crawled down on his side in just boxers but sat against the headboard, and waited on his wife. She had chosen to get ready in the bathroom in the hall instead of next to him in their bedroom. 
Bill looked at her with big eyes when she came into the bedroom in just panties and a silky spaghetti strap top. Her hair was gathered in a long, thick braid. She was so beautiful, and the only thing he wanted was to be close to her. Still, he couldn't get a sound out when she crawled down next to him. 
“Good night…” she said with her back to him. He sat and looked at her with a pained chest and his pulse beating fast. He couldn't let this continue. He just couldn't, so carefully he crawled down behind her with his chest pushed against her back. He could feel her tense, even if it was just him, her husband. 
“I just want to cuddle a little…” He whispered, and he dragged his big hand over her smooth upper arm. “Just be close to my wife…” 
Aurora didn't say anything but let him lay behind her, smelling her neck and dragging his hand over her arm. He breathed heavily and calmly, soothing. At first. She had been close to him so much, so she could recognize every breath of his. They got even heavier and louder; he had opened his mouth a little, and when she could feel him growing against her bum, she wasn't surprised. 
“God, Bill!” She stood up in offense and looked at him with big eyes. He had laid his hands over his face in shame. 
“It's not like I can control it! It was a long time ago now!” 
He didn't even want sex; he just wanted to be close, but her skin was too smooth, the small of her back too curved, and she smelled too good. His body reacted in primal instinct. 
“You're unbelievable! You just disappoint over and over!” 
Bill looked at her in silence for a few seconds, watching her cry with her arms hugging herself. He was hurt, too. He didn't want to disappoint her. It hurt that she felt like that. 
“Babe…” He tried to take her hand and drag her down in bed with him again, but she moved away. She looked towards the door, and he understood she thought about walking away. “Babe… Please… I will fix this, I will… Please just… Please just don't…” he begged with panic in his voice. Aurora sighed and wiped away her tears. 
“So you’re not just saying that because you believe I will sleep with you then?” 
Now Bill looked at her in offense. He was not that kind of guy, and he thought she knew that. 
“Of course not! This-,” he said, making a gesture to his crotch, “is just biology. You're beautiful, you smell good, and my body recognizes yours… It's just biology.” 
Aurora looked at him, listened to him closely, and then sat down on the edge of the bed. 
“I get it… I know that… It's just… I feel betrayed. I feel so betrayed by you.” She said it with her back toward him but turned around when she had stopped talking. Bill looked at her face, reddened by tears, and swallowed hard. He knew what she felt, but it hurt hearing it again. 
“I know. But I will fix this. I want you to think about the pregnancy and take it easy. I’ll take care of this. I promised. I will do everything in my power, okay?” 
Aurora looked deep into his eyes and nodded a little. She took a few deep breaths and wiped her eyes again before crawling down into bed again. 
“I trust you to do that then,” she said, turning the light off on her nightstand. 
“I promise. I promise.” 
Bill took some stressed breaths and looked up at the ceiling. It was the truth, but he was stressed about what he should actually do. He needed to call his manager. 
In the middle of his stress, he felt Aurora crawl closer to him and lay a calming hand on his chest. 
“I love you, and it will take much, so much for me to stop loving you,” she whispered close to his ear. 
He thrust deep and slowly, listening closely to her sounds to know what she wanted. He just wanted that. Being close, being inside of her. Bill looked down at his wife while laying on top of her, and she met his green eyes with her brown. It was she who had searched after closeness when he woke up. Her kisses and touches were like a soothing balm. 
She moaned softly, already close to an orgasm. Bill continued in the same rhythm, holding himself up a bit to not lay on Aurora's belly. His deep breaths sometimes became grunts, and when she clenched around him, it felt like he would spill his seed too early. He wanted them to come together and share that moment of intimacy after period with a lack of it. He kissed her hungrily and thrust a bit harder, his right hand finding her sensitive clit. After just thirty seconds of rubbing it he could feel her clench around him harder than before and moan in his ear louder. He could feel her climax, hugging his member hard, and he moaned and let himself reach the same high. 
The both of them mimicked the silly sound Isis made while she played with a bear with several different buttons and sounds. She made many funny sounds but didn't say anything that could sound like a word yet. She looked at them with a silly smile, showing off her two small teeth. 
They laughed at her grin and moved closer to each other, with Bill laying his arm around Aurora's waist and pulling her closer to his body. He wished it could be this easy all the time. 
“So Mattias comes today?” He asked when Isis was busy with her bear again. Aurora looked up at him with Bambi eyes, the same as their daughter, and nodded a little. 
“Yeah, I want to work. I need to work.” 
Bill nodded with a warm smile and dragged his hand over her rounded belly. She laid her hand on his and smiled back. 
“I will ask him, but I'm sure he doesn't have anything to do with it all. You know how graciously he took our breakup.” 
Bill let his hand crawl in under the t-shirt she wore and patted her belly, skin against skin. He nodded a little. Mattias had taken their breakup with honor, even though he more or less stole Aurora from him, but they still needed to ask. 
“And I will meet Hilma today… It was okay around lunch, right?” He asked, obviously uncomfortable. The breakup between them had been harder, but he also knew she had a new boyfriend, so hopefully it would be cool between them. 
“Yeah, Mathias will come around three, and in the beginning, Isis can be with us. He doesn't mind.” 
Bill smirked. 
“But does she?” He nodded to their daughter, who looked up at them at the same time the bear exclaimed, “Dance!”. She looked confused and gave her dad an irritated look. They laughed softly at her, and Aurora shook her head. 
“I think she can muster an hour or so with Mathias. Lucky for her, it's not Hilma she needs to see.” 
Bill laughed and threw his head back. “You're right in that…”  
Bill had let Hilma pick a restaurant for them to eat lunch at; maybe it was some sort of hubris that made him get worried she would pick something with a romantic vibe, but she chose a bright, fresh restaurant by Stureplan. It was a bit too mainstream for his liking with their healthy, picture-friendly food, but he felt forced to say yes now when he had let her decide.  
Bill had chosen a table further into the restaurant and asked the server to wait for his company. He played nervously with his phone, even so much that he was close to dropping it on the floor. He had no idea what to say to her. The times he had seen her since he and Aurora got married, he had just given her a short hello, even if they had shared a bed for a year. Now he would also ask her questions, which she could see as accusations. He didn't know if she had gotten over his bad way of ending their relationship, if she had gotten over him, or if she was happy with her new partner.
Just when he put his phone on the table and fixed his black sweater, he saw her come into the restaurant. She was definitely over him. Definitely. She was dressed in a brown knitted dress and chelsea boots. Her face didn't have the same striking bone structure, and her cheeks were rosy, but the thing that stood out—literally stood out—was her big pregnancy belly. It looked like she could give birth on the restaurant’s floor.
Bill stood up with a surprised smile and waved a bit towards her. Hilma smiled brightly and wobbled over to him. She glowed in that way pregnant women just could, like they could feel the joy of life inside their womb. 
“Wow!” Said Bill and looked her up and down with a smile. Hilma giggled and gave him a hug. 
“And you know what? It's a girl,” she said, dragging a hand over her belly. Bill laughed, a bit uncomfortable because it felt a bit private to share with an ex you hadn't really spoken with for years. 
“That's, that's awesome,” he stuttered, pulling out the chair for her.
Hilma giggled again when they sat opposite each other. 
“How are you?” She still smiled so brightly, and Bill felt a bit weird about it. His life wasn't as easy; just a day ago, he had thought he would lose his wife. 
“Ehm, good, ehm…” He wanted to sound just as positive as her, otherwise, she would believe she had won. If it was a competition. 
“Oh right. I'm sorry. I heard about… The rumors?” She said it with big eyes. Bill smacked his lips and smiled uncomfortably. He knew he needed to talk to her, but it was still uncomfortable. Just as he was about to answer, the server interrupted him, wondering what they wanted to order. Hilma ordered a vegetarian option she had probably eaten before. Bill looked at the menu and thought everything sounded dry, like it would grow in his mouth. 
“I take the salmon,” he said, just to order something, and gave the server a quick smile. He needed to always smile; otherwise, someone would do a thing of it, especially now when the rumors around him were everywhere.  
“I know it's not true; don't worry. I think most of Stockholm gets that. You and… your wife, it's obvious you're really in love, and you… No one dislikes you. Everyone who meets you likes you. No one believes that shit,” she said comfortingly. Bill looked at her and lifted the corner of his mouth. It was nice to hear, even if he didn't know it was true. He had heard the same things from others, but he couldn't be sure they were completely honest either. 
He scratched his eyebrow and then turned his attention to Hilma instead. He could ask what he wanted to know when she had been able to talk about her life. 
 While eating, she talked about her boyfriend, the retired soccer player who worked for an organization for kids' health. He sounded like the perfect guy to handle her sons, who now spend the majority of their time kicking a ball. She was pregnant in week 38 and so ready for a baby girl. It had gone fast for her and the soccer player; her ovulations didn't seem to be a problem at all. 
“I guess we were just really compatible,” she said with a pointed smile. He understood she didn't mean anything towards him because he and Aurora also had a child fast. That she was pregnant with child number two was still a secret for most; only a few in his family and her mom knew. 
“Yeah… Probably,” he said with a smile. “Ehm…” he took a deep breath and looked down at his empty plate. “I need to ask you something, even if I'm quite sure of the answer, but… Do you know anything about the rumors? The person knows things that… Not everyone knows?” He gave her a fast look before he looked towards the restaurant's desk. Hilma gave him a crooked smile, then sighed. 
“I kind of knew you would ask that, and… I don't know anything. Bill?” She made him look her in the eyes. “I was hurt when I heard about you two, but that was then. A lot has happened since then, and contacting an American gossip magazine? I don't even have time for such things. I wish I could help you, but I haven't heard anything in my circle. I'm sorry.”  
Aurora laughed with Isis while she walked against the coffee table, holding herself up with the help of the table edge. 
“You're such a good girl!” She said it with a silly voice, which made Isis smile even bigger. 
Mathias cleared his throat, a little irritated. They tried to write new material for her, even if she didn't have a record deal, but Aurora seemed to be busy being a mom. He had never been amused by babies, even if Isis was cute and, most often, quite quiet. 
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry, she's just so cute!” Said Aurora with the same silly voice. Mathias looked at her judgingly. She was far from that sexy girl he had gotten to know. The whole mom thing was a turn-off.
“Mm…” he said uninterestedly. He had better things to do than this. Aurora turned towards him and waited for him to start playing the guitar again. Mathias gave her a fast look. She was dressed in leggings and a big burgundy sweater. He guessed it was Bill's, and he silently judged her for her comfortable outfit. What he didn't know was that she was dressed like that to hide the bump that seemed to be getting bigger every day.  
They continued to work again, with Isis staring at them with the biggest eyes. The fact that both her father and mother had big eyes had made her eyes almost cartoonishly big. Aurora couldn't stop herself from smiling towards Isis, who then made a high-pitched sound, and Aurora laughed. Now Mathias couldn't stop himself from laughing. Not at Isis but at Aurora. 
“You're such a mom,” he said with a warm smile. Aurora turned towards him and smiled blushingly. 
“I know. Shit. So much has changed,” she said with a dreamy sigh. Mathias nodded with a smile. He hadn't acted interested in her since she and Bill got married and had helped her with her music generously. 
“But it suits you. You're good at it.” 
Aurora put her long hair behind her ear and looked at him with big eyes. 
She and Bill had decided she would be the one asking Mathias, even if he had the responsibility to fix this, just because it was easier. 
“Mathias,” she said carefully. “I can trust you, right? Even if we have history?” 
Mathias looked at her, examining, seeing that it was something. 
“Of course.” 
“So you don't know anything about the Page Six thing?” 
Mathias gave her a sad smile. 
“No. And I would never do such a thing. I'm over us.” 
Now it was Aurora looking at him examining and made Mathias want to show his innocence even more. 
“Promise. Fuck no, like, why would I? I really care about you. As a friend. No. I would never.” 
He looked her deep in the eyes. Aurora never believed it was him, but it was nice seeing his honest eyes. She gave him a light hug, which he answered, but then pulled away, looking down at her belly and then up to her face. Aurora smiled a little and nodded. She knew what he had felt. 
Mathias laughed and nodded. 
“Congratulations. You really are an amazing mom. I hope you know that.” 
Aurora giggled and looked at her daughter, sitting down on the floor, a bit clumsy.
They continued their work, and suddenly the songs got a bit more hopeful than they had been before their talk. 
“That's great, Bill! Shit, you're like a detective!” Bill's manager was impressed for real, but Bill laughed at his way of expressing it. He made him feel like an eight-year-old. 
"Yeah, and we both feel that their answers were really sincere. And Felix doesn't really know anything about us.” 
It was early morning the next day. Bill and his American manager always had a problem finding a time that worked for their different time zones and schedules. This time it was the evening for his manager, while the clock was 6 a.m. for Bill. He had accidentally woken up Isis, who now sat with her head against his chest, drinking gruel. 
“I guess it could be Roxy but, but…” Bill sighed; it felt far-fetched. 
“No, no. There were headlines about Aurora and her friendship being over. No one would see her as a believable source, and also, I heard from a source on Page Six it was a man.” 
“A man?” Bill furrowed his brows. Was it Mathias anyway? Had Aurora been naive again and believed him too easily? He sat in silence and helped Isis get the last from the bottle. 
“Oh…” said suddenly his manager and Bill looked at him confused. The manager looked at a spot behind him, and he turned around. Aurora stood behind him in the kitchen and waved a bit awkwardly. Her nightgown was tight, and it was obvious what his manager had said “oh” about. 
“I have cravings… Where is the granola?” 
Bill looked at her, a bit amused. 
“So that's why we run out of it so fast. Do you eat it at night?” He said it with a smirk. Aurora gave him an irritated look. Her cravings for granola were not funny in her eyes. 
“Where is it?” 
Bill sighed and stood up, irritating Isis in his arms. With one long arm, he took it down from the top of the pantry. Aurora didn't say thank you; she just looked at him, a bit irritated, and walked up with the jar to the bedroom, much to Bill's annoyance. It would crumble on the bed. 
He walked to the laptop again and started to rock Isis in his arms. She would fall asleep in just a few minutes. 
“Ehm… Yeah,” his manager laughed a little at the drama on the other side of the screen. 
“A man?” Bill said to get them to talk about something else, the important stuff. 
“Yeah. A younger man.” 
Bill made a confused face. Mathias was his own age, and he guessed they couldn't mean him. His own friends weren't younger either. 
“They never saw him, just heard from others; they believe he's Swedish.” 
Bill sat in confusion for a while, but then his face fell, and he closed his eyes. Of course. Now it was so obvious. Of course it was the person he would have suspected first of all a few years ago, but somewhere he'd have gotten stuck in that this was someone who he had contact with, who wanted to punish him just because the source had talked mostly about him. 
He didn't want to be right but he was so sure he was. Aurora's best friend in Sweden. The guy they believed was more than everyone thought. 
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madalice31 · 5 months
It’s annoying that I keep seeing articles talking about Aaron Taylor Johnson and his wife and how they’re so flabbergasted by everyone’s “fascination” with their age gap.
Like literally she was 42 and he was 18 when they met and started dating. Hell he might have been 17 going on 18 but i can’t remember. On one of his first movie projects I might add, like this was before Kickass. And she directed him in that first movie. In fact, by the time kick ass two rolled around I think they were already married. She married him before he even turned 21.
You can’t tell me he was not groomed. That’s just point blank. There has been a power dynamic imbalance since they got together. I mean seriously, he was a year older than her oldest kid.
The white media won’t drag her like the black media dragged Draya tho. They’ll just smile and nod and say it’s okay now that he’s in his 30s.
But let’s not sit here and act like this shit is normal. Notice how she’s had a grip on his career ever since? She’s literally a director and producer in the industry. She has weight. This man barely does anything with a romantic interest and I guarantee he would be in a lot more movies if he wasn’t married to her. And most likely he would have much larger parts in the films too. Like aside from bullet train, he’s had such a minute part in every other movie. My bf and I would get excited to see his name attached to a film, only to watch it and realize he has such a small role. It’s like they use his name for clout. Like I’m still trying to remember when he pops up in Tenant. And his name is never top billed when it should be.
I think Kraven will be the first movie he leads since the A Million Little Pieces movie, and he was directed by his wife in that as well! She overly involves herself in his career. She claims they “take turns” on projects so they’re not apart from each other for too long. But it seems his career suffers the most from that arrangement because again, it’s not like he’s off for months and months on a project. He’s not the lead! So he’s there for maybe a few weeks and he’s back home. Hell in a recent interview she was complaining about being away from him for 6 weeks (the longest they’ve been apart) and how they were “never doing that again.” This man is doing press tours for a project she has nothing to do with and and she’s coming with him to every interview. Like why? Ain’t you supposed to be home with the kids bitch? While he’s doing his own thing for a few weeks? Oh yes, that’s right, she needs to control everything he does. God forbid he’s away from her for long enough to realize maybe he’s not actually happy with her.
He likes to defend her by saying he pursued her but it’s like dude, you think so? You know what that sounds like? The 12 year old student who was raped by his teacher and defended her by saying he pursued and wanted a relationship with her. He grew up, married her, and got her pregnant all while she was in prison for being with him. Guess where they are now? Divorced. So just because Aaron thinks the relationship was his idea doesn’t make it right. She had the responsibility to say no, you’re entirely too young for me. Instead she decided to just “go with the flow” and let “a good thing happen” to her after two kids and a divorce 🙄.
Please. 8 or 10 years apart, I’ll give you that. But 20 to 30 years apart AND you met the person when they were still a teenager? I’m not tryna hear that age is just a number bullshit.
Smh. He’s so far gone tho, I doubt he’ll divorce her. He might pull a Hugh Jackman years from now, but at least Hugh was in his 20s when he got with his much older wife. I don’t think she was able to brainwash him the way Aaron’s wife has done. Plus Hugh and his ex never had kids. I’m sure kids being involved makes it harder for Aaron if he’s even thinking about or thought about leaving. So I guess we’ll just see how the cookie crumbles.
I like him as an actor, but I’ve always found their relationship disturbing. So I wish they would just shut up about it and be low key. Cause one thing they seem to steer clear of talking about is the actual beginning of their relationship and the fact that he was a vulnerable, 18 year old first time actor when they met, literally just as career was starting. And he’s never mentioned about how his family feels about him being with her. Never even made a passing comment saying that they love her or anything like that. Just saying, the signs are there.
The quiet on the set documentary clearly shows how young actors are not protected. In this case he was legal, so she got away with it. Smh. I wish him the best.
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agendabymooner · 1 year
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NOTE: THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THE 400 FOLLOWERS! Oh my god. As I said, this was just some sort of self-indulgent blog but I am so glad to share my work with you. Thank you all so much for being there and to everyone who likes them so much they were more than willing to engage in my fangirl phase/behaviour/whatever. I am so glad I've entered the F1 realm all those months ago lol!
To remove all of the confusion to my work, here's a character directory 😭 I'm really sorry for that.
Letting you guys know that some of them may be in the same universe but they are not as heavily connected to each other (the only ones who are connected to each other more are The Alessandros and The Hearth Sisters - Trish is only connected in one thing and that's the Rush Wedding Special)
LORELEI HESTER ALESSANDRO-RICCIARDO: Måneskin bassist. Also known as Lester Allie. Has her own set of fans in F1 as she’s an ambassador for Scuderia Ferrari. Is the middle child of the five kids. Daniel Ricciardo’s other half.
MC from Rush Series and its other extras (9 To 5, Wedding Special, Mrs. Ricciardo Special)
KARA ELEANORA ALESSANDRO: Second oldest sister of Lester. Also known as Nora. A businesswoman. She has a fashion brand. Has two children: Gabriele, 4 and Maris, 2 as of 2024. Divorced before Maris is born. Has been dating George Russell since February.
MC from His Family and Her Lover
JACQUELINA ALESSANDRO: Also divorced and has two sons: Franco, 8 and Andreas, 6. Also known as Lina. Is a model in Italy. She’s quite content being a mother.
NICOLA GRAZIA ALESSANDRO: born in 2000. Known as Cola or Grazie Nichols. An author who works for Tilly’s publishing company as an editor. Recently moved to London and is currently dating Lando Norris.
MC from London Boy and its other parts. 
MATEO ALESSANDRO: The only boy and second to the youngest before Cola. He lives and breathes with his equally unhinged in-law, Daniel Ricciardo.
THE HEARTHS (rushverse)
TILLY MARIE FORD WOLFF: 39 Y/O as of 2024. The eldest Hearth sister. CEO of the Hearth Automotive Groups and the founder of The Wolff Publishing. She was previously a journalist and communications liaison but had abruptly made a change in her career path after purchasing half of the Red Bull Racing. She owns 20% of both Scuderia Ferrari and McLaren Racing, as well. She’s married to the owner and general manager of Mercedes team, Toto Wolff, and has three kids with him: Soren (age 8 as of 2024), Tia (age 5), and Adelmo (age 2). Her company does not fully associate with the FiA as to avoid rumours of bias and corruption within the Formula Racing community. Her net worth increased to 5.5 billion after her company sales skyrocketed. 
Main character from Colour Me Your Colour series and its extra features.
STEVIE MARLENE FORD HAMILTON: 31 Y/O as of 2024. The second to the oldest Hearth sister. Head of Communications in Scuderia Ferrari and a supermodel with little to no time. Owns 10% of the said team with shares purchased under her investment company, The SMF Association. Married to Mercedes Driver Lewis Hamilton and has a daughter named Lottie. Has a net worth of $164.1 million as of 2024.
MC from Thick and Thin fic
SYLVIE EDSON FORD-VERSTAPPEN/HEARTH: 27 as of 2024. Executive Director of Red Bull Racing’s non-profitable kids/charity programs. Also known as the Wild Mustang or simply Blue for doing a donut in her mother's 1985 blue mustang convertible at the age of 10. Could have been F1’s first female driver since Maria Teresa de Filippis had it been for her expulsion in the academy. Known for her slight dislike for Christian Horner. Max Verstappen’s demise. Net worth is currently at $196.1 million.
MC from To Loathe and to Love series and its extra features.
AIMEE YAEL EDMUNSON: 25 as of 2024. Media Communications Officer of McLaren Racing. The half-sister of Tilly, Stevie and Sylvie. The only Hearth sister who doesn’t enjoy being in front of a camera. Works hard alongside Charlotte to keep Oscar Piastri and Lando Norris in line instead of wandering off. Had to leave from the 2024 season early due to her pregnancy. She’s currently dating Charles Leclerc and has two kids with him: a set of twins named Hervé and Jules Leclerc. Net worth is currently sitting at $91.2 million.
MC from Of Long Lines and Names
AMARA LOUISE EDMUNSON: Aimee’s mother. Businesswoman and owner of several businesses all across the globe - including luxury stores such as Harrods and Selfridges. She raised Aimee alongside Blanche and Aimee’s half-sisters. Much like a family, Amara would take the four as a whole when it comes to trips and thinks that Julius Hearth is a sad excuse of a father. Amara is Tilly, Stevie and Sylvie’s second mother.
BLANCHE CHRISTIE FORD (formerly Hearth): the youngest daughter of William Clay Ford Sr. and the mother of the first three sisters. Owns 30% of Ford Motor Company but doesn’t act as an executive chairman. She, much like Amara, is a grandmother to Soren, Tia, Adelmo, Lottie and the Leclerc twins and would rather be a stay at home Nan to them. Amara and Blanche co-parented for the four and spent nights drinking wine whenever the girls were out. Some had assumed that the two were “very good friends” but who were they to judge or assume? 
TRISH ALONSO: Is a professional wrestler who was caught up in the F1 and WWE drama back in 2000s because of a certain Fernando Alonso. Now has kids with the said man. 
MC from Heaven and its other parts.
NOTE that she is not as heavily connected to the Hearths and the Alessandros !!!
THE SAN PEDROS (rushverse) !
MAGDALENA SAINZ: Married to Carlos Sainz. A bit unhinged. 
MC from Ride Home and its other parts.
PALOMA SAN PEDRO: Magda’s cousin who happens to be crushing on a certain Oscar Piastri (or the other way around?)
MC from Jollibee, Madrid and all the Romance Fiasco
NOTE: These lots are in the same universe as The Hearths and The Alessandros but they are NOT heavily connected to them.
VERA COPPOLA RAIKKONEN: Is married to the Iceman, Kimi Raikkonen, all while she had given birth to the loudest versions of him (and not drunk loud)
MC from Stop the World I Wanna Get Off With You
NOT heavily connected to the Hearths and Alessandros despite being in the same universe. 
BELINDA HELENA ONG-VETTEL: 34 as of 2024. Also known as Bel Vettel. A billionaire who happened to be a celebrity, artist and a wife to a retired Formula One driver. She is considered a “Crazy Rich Asian” for growing up with money and her endless collection of Hermes bags that she seemed to treat as a fragile canvas. After years of trying and failing, she and Sebastian adopted a son named Kimuel, who was immediately addressed in the grid as Kimi Vettel. Some say that Kimi is a quieter version of Sebastian for his meekness and the sudden switch to cheekiness. 
MC from Crazy Rich Wife and its other parts.
BARBARA ELISANDRA BLANCO: 25 as of 2024. Also known as Barbie. She happened to be 15 when Bel and Seb took her in as their foster child and continued to raise her as their own even after she turned 18. She moved to Switzerland with the Vettels after she was guaranteed a better life and opportunity to become a chef. She’s currently enrolled to study in Cesar Ritz College in Le Bouveret - which is a short drive every day so that she’ll have more chances to babysit Kimi, her two year old toddler adoptive sibling. Everyone thinks that she is dating Mick Schumacher, who would often make a visit to the Vettels home whenever he gets the chance. Mick obviously likes her, but does she?
MC from She’s Everything… And He’s Just Mick and its other parts.
ADA ABBOTT-BUTTON: Jenson Button’s wife who definitely made him work for two years straight for her attention. Is the founder of the organizations Arts for Youth and Arts for Kids 
MC from the Mr. Darcy Type.
CARMELLA AYALA PEREZ: Miss Universe 2018 winner who happens to be married to a certain Sergio Perez and has two kids with him. Ambassador of Arts for Youth and Arts for Kids Mexico and Philippines. 
MC from She’s Beauty, She’s Grace.
THE OTHERS (doesn't have any direct connection)
ALBERTINE PHILIPPA FRANCES SPENCER: Royally rebellious. She was born in 1996, months before her parents got divorced. She’s also married to a certain Mr. Esteban Ocon. 
MC from the Royal Wildcard and its other parts
ENSLEY ZARA SOLEIL: Equally in love with Pierre Gasly despite having to make him work real hard for things.
MC from Newsflash and its other parts.
BORA McKINNON: Lance Stroll’s ex who happens to be a Kpop idol. Would probably get back together with Lance.
MC from Gotta Be You
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2willowlane · 10 months
i'm genuinely very neurodivergent over harvey, and i'm very new to stardew. i just want to share my rants/rambles about harv here, just because i adore him. <3
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at first, i actually didn't recognize him as a bachelor, even? i thought he was just like, purely an npc like pierre or whatever. i remember being on call with a friend of mine, and i asked who was the easiest character to romance—and my friend mentioned that harvey loved coffee. and... yeah, that's where it all started.
i love him, genuinely, and even though i may joke around with how goofy he can be at times, there's multiple things that make me grab onto him and want to just appreciate. in general, i love stardew's character diversity! harvey isn't the only one that's a victim to my affection (mainly emily, but i LOVE elliott too).
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i think it's mainly how he reminds me way too much of myself. how he speaks matter-of-factly often, and with a bit of a mellow hint to it due to his age and occupation; i can relate to that. him being a doctor also reminds me of my more empathetic nature, and how i want to take care of others, and i've seen and been through various different experiences throughout my life due to that endeavor. him dreaming to be a pilot reminds me of how i want to indulge in other interests, but i have set limitations.
i don't romanticise him being a doctor; it's a genuine hard profession, and even if i do nor have any professional education on it, i do like his attitude on it. iirc, in one of his dialogues, he talks about how it makes such a difference in someone's day by just talking to them. i do wonder what a younger harvey would be like; considering with how he talks, it's obvious that he's been through different situations that have then built onto his maturity.
him being busy and all, i feel like harvey does love his work, and i also like (actually, i don't. he should take care of himself, but y'know what i mean) how he is TERRIBLE at following his own advice. harvey talks about using vegetables in a healthy diet, but he often eats microwave meals/convenience food. i LOVE how he finds life on the farm whenever he moves in with the player to be much more rewarding, considering he's able to actually use fresh produce (well, there's pierre's), have the time to do it all, and have someone to cook for.
i do like to believe that living up in the lil apartment in his clinic does get to him from time to time. i like how he doesn't talk about his loneliness a lot, and he opens up more about his vulnerable side on that whenever you do get closer/begin to date him. i think, to some people, it makes him sounds a bit needy—but i like to imagine it as if he has a relationship with everyone in the town, sure, but never got to the point of having a close friend. either it's just due to his more anxious nature, schedule, interests, etc.—he is simply the pelican town doctor, after all. i think he'd appreciate a little small talk now and then.
i do beleive he is anxious, but not outright shy or anything. i'm probably sure he was whenever he started out in his career, but i think he enjoys pelican town, since he knows what to expect from the townsfolk. i think with that predictability, he does seek a bit of comfort in just due to him liking a solid schedule (hc, but feel free to put your own interpretation on it). i think he can get very caught off guard by things he doesn't expect, like how everyone does, but it takes him a moment to get on track again if he's distracted.
i love his interest in planes so much. one of my favourite lines of dialogue from harv over here has to be whenever you're married to him, he talks about he's had a good day so far—he fiddled with his radio, worked on his model plane... i've forgotten the exact words (he only talks to me about daydreaming about the circulatory system anymore, but it's okay), but i think it's just me projecting—but i like to believe he simply likes to show affection by chatting about his interests!
harvey's grown comfortable with you to talk about something rather niche, and it just shows he thinks your safe to talk about the small things that make him happy. especially with how he does talk about everything, and wants the player to look at some of his work on models and the such. i dunno. i just live for the fact he views a "good day" to be indulging in his interests. literally me.
i don't believe he outright HATES his job as a doctor, however. i think it does make him feel important that he's able to provide for the people that he's able to feel at home with here in the valley, but what i've said earlier, i think it just kinda eats at him with the whole clinic business. i think him going up to his apartment with no one to really talk to about his day; no one to look forward to seeing—it's just something that's been at the back of his mind. i feel like it'd break his heart if he's learnt that someone wouldn't want to ever bother him due to his work. he'd want someone to understand that due to him being a doctor, he does get stressed easy, but he'd always try to find some time in-between all of those appointments for a chat.
i'll talk more, but i'm tired, and i don't know about what to exactly go on about. anyways, live laugh love harv. please tell me if i'm just silly and feeding too much into my headcanons, and i'm actually deluding myself from canon harv.
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deepfriedtrout · 8 months
Cooking up this one modern au that wouldn't probably turn out to be something, but it is fun spinning it around my head.
bodyguard!sonetto, celebrity!vertin au.
They were childhood friends but due to life circumstances, both of them got separated, with nothing more but letters and gifts being exchanged over the years. The years go by and the correspondences grow less and distant as the two of them pursue their own careers and grow into their own persons. Sonetto turns to working as a bodyguard after realizing she's pretty good at it, Vertin works in the line of... something, i guess, feel free to throw ideas at me, that shoots her into stardom.
After years the two of them finally cross paths, in a formal reception where Sonetto's working as a bodyguard to some person and Vertin's there because she was invited. Something something they meet, catch up a little, on what's been up to them.
Then at one point Sonetto becomes Vertin's bodyguard and then after all these years she gets to know things about Vertin's life that isn't blared through the media, and somewhere along the way she kinda gets integrated into the little (massive) circle of friends and found family Vertin has picked up along the way. Everyone knows Vertin and she practically knows everyone lmao. She's the guy who knows a guy that knows a guy. Vertin also gets to know what Sonetto's been up to, and finds herself also quickly integrated into Sonetto's own circle.
Pretty fun thinking about what the other characters are doing in this world. Maybe i'll put a list here or something.
Pavia and Lilya are Sonetto's coworkers. Pavia teaches her italian/sicilian on their free time and Lilya's the one to keep nagging her to loosen up
And being coworkers for years Sonetto has been dragged to numerous gatherings courtesy of Lilya that she's a pretty common fixture in the Lilya-Druvis househould. Druvis' younger cousin Sotheby adores her.
Vertin and Sonetto were both orphans in the same orphanage, hence why they know each other.
i'm thinking the incident that takes Sonetto and Vertin away is some fuckery happening with the orphanage (cough cough constantine) causes it to be investigated and dissolved, with the orphans being sent to other ones. This is where the two part ways.
Though some time after that, Vertin gets adopted by everyone's favorite foundation parents, Miss Z and Tooth Fairy. something something the toffees Vertin sends to Sonetto on the mail is courtesy of Tooth Fairy.
Vertin Zhang-Campbell rolls of the tongue nicely.
Sonetto, unfortunately, does not get adopted and ages out of the system, but manages to get a good foothold into adulting by being... Sonetto, ever the diligent overachiever.
I need someone to give me last name ideas for her oh god
Verneider are married. The way they first met is as probably as whirlwind and chaotic as canon verneider, but less... murder and death. They have been happily married for a while : )
Feel like Schneider would be an actor. She is the embodidment of a femme fatale lmao
Anyways verschnetto endgame in my head. idk how it happens but the buildup of the three's dynamic is something like "hey my wife saw you from across the bar and we really dig your vibe. can we buy you a drink?"
I kinda want Blonney and Horropedia to be a brief fixture here. Both of them are horror afficionados that have made a name for themselves in their specific crafts (movie director and writer) and Sonetto has once bodyguarded them. She did not have a good time (had to sit through a horror-specific awarding ceremony type thing and had to listen to them talk each others ears off. she is forever traumatized.) also a scene im thinking off is that Horropedia off-handedly mentions Vertin, to which Sonetto of course focuses on, but all in all the scene goes like the one tweet about a dentist mentioning their son is captain america's actor but its Tooth Fairy and Vertin lmao
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General scarecrow background
I never got around writing headcanons for my general Scarecrow and I figured it was about time :) As always thank you guys for reading my interpretations! I had the compulsion and I hope you guys enjoy.
TW: child abuse, murder, distorted audio, mind fuckery
Jonathan Crane was born loved to two young and unprepared parents. His father was heir to the family business, a local funeral home in a small southern town. His mother worked a town over as a server. They weren't married yet, but they were happy.
That is, until his father was killed in a hunting accident in the woods outside of town. Granny Crane insisted on getting custody of the child. It was apparent to Jon's mother that Granny would use her influence in the town to paint her as a harlot trying to get into their family for money. Being young and feeling trapped, his mother left town.
Being the result of a "filthy" coupling, religious Granny made sure young Jonathan Crane's life was a living hell. His meek grandfather merely stood by until his own death due to heart attack. Because of Granny's pull in the community, everyone would turn their face to the child's suffering.
At the age of six, Jonathan was tasked with assisting Granny with preparing his grandfather's corpse. He "needed to grow up."
At the age of ten, Jonathan was locked in a coffin for hours on end because he spoke back to Granny.
At the age of thirteen, Jonathan was forced to kneel and pray on broken glass because she caught him reading "Dracula."
Even as an adult there are still scars from the physical abuse along his face and body. It would continue until he got a scholarship for a four year university. On his way out, he made sure to leave the gas in the old heater of the funeral home leaking. May the old bat burn in hell.
As soon as he was in the city, he began to hide his natural southern accent. Too many people making assumptions about him through it. It still comes out when he's either angry, drunk, or very tired.
Even as a young adult, he was constantly picked at and mocked. He'd already survived hell. Now all he had to do what put his head down and work. Through years of dedicated study, he got a degree in psychology and became a well-respected and renowned professor of the subject. His specialty was in phobias.
However, he had to leave this position due to [Incident Redacted].
Prototype fear toxin in tow, Jonathan goes to what he knows. He opens and operates a funeral home. This serves as a perfect cover for his more... illegal works. The coffins serve an additional purpose of laundering money, chemicals for fear toxin, bodies, etc.
Several members of senior faculty at that college go missing. One is found when a body was exhumed during an unrelated incident. Autopsy revealed the professor had been buried alive in the coffin. Cause of death officially was a heart attack. The others were never found.
Related to his career, he drives a 1919 Sayers and Scovill hearse. Not all original parts and the paint job is faded to hell but it works for him. He can drive stick shift!
He has a pet crow named Dolly after the beautiful and incredibly talented Dolly Parton. She loves to sit perfectly still until people come too close and then scare them. She does an impression of Jonathan's mocking laugh when this happens. Also bird safe crunchy peanut butter :)
Until his identity eventually becomes public due to the nuisance that is Batman, Jonathan Crane is a funeral director by day, the Scarecrow by night.
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mike-haters-dni · 11 months
oh boy here we go time to dig through my adopted oc's lore
The first thing you notice about post-coming-of-age Mike is that he holds his face a lot more softly. The teenage angst has burned away and revealed the tender, affectionate (and sometimes vaguely sad) core it was protecting. Make no mistake, the judgy bitch will still come out if the situation calls for it, but he no longer approaches every social interaction assuming the other person is going to hate him. Turns out he can actually be pretty charismatic when he doesn't feel the need to be a dick in preemptive self-defense.
The low self-esteem never completely goes away but it does diminish to the point where he can occasionally believe people actually like him and maybe he deserves to be happy. He even gets to the place where he can accept most compliments, except if you specifically imply he is either kind or attractive, which he will reflexively scoff at. The two things he can never truly believe about himself 😔. El finds this endlessly frustrating ofc.
During high school, Mike is the first one to get a car (birthday present from his rich parents) so it becomes his job to carpool everyone to school, as well as drive El anywhere she wants to go at any time. idk anything about cars but its black and pretty nice (Karen is absolutely treating her kids after they almost died in a monster war) and Mike lowkey mostly agrees to favors because he likes driving it around so much.
Actually no one else but Lucas gets a car bc why go through the hassle when you can just barge into Wheeler residence at any time and guilt Mike into driving you. He does have a driving toll however, and that is maintaining full control of the stereo, which he uses to blast hair metal.
(El fucking hates hair metal but she's too nice to admit that to Mike, who eventually figures that out on his own after seeing her visibly tense up whenever he plays it. She never fully admits to hating it but she also doesn't really deny it when he says that she obviously does. This also applies to 90's Mike getting into grunge)
The only reason El graduates high school is because Mike absolutely insists that she can and acts as her personal (unrelenting) tutor for the last half of 12th grade (love her but she's really not good at school), despite her best efforts to persuade him to just let her give up because "Did you know that you can legally drop out of school at 18?" ("Yes, but having a GED is really important if you want any opportunities in life." "…See I don't even know what that is." ":/") Luckily, Mike is a talented and very passionate Explainer of Things and took all the classes she's in last year (he's in AP classes now obv) so it all works out, though after she passes her last final she makes him swear to never ask her another math problem again.
After high school he tries to go to college for writing but ends up mysteriously losing the ability to focus on anything or be creative, which causes him to not do any assignments so he starts avoiding going to class out of shame. He rationalizes this as him being tired of school and not needing to go to school for a creative endeavor anyway haha (true), and he ends up dropping out. (Unfortunately, this is just the start of the college/post-college plot line, which is the gang all getting hit full force with the ptsd induced by the Everything upon entering adulthood but uh we don't have to get into that here hehe)
After (attempting) college, Mike and El (who get married at 18 ofc) move to Chicago and Mike gets a boring job as an editor or something just as an attempt to get a career going, but soon quits that as well bc if you're keeping up with the lore you'll remember that El is getting paid restitution by the government so neither of them actually have to work and he really doesn't like working a boring job just to attempt getting a career going. He then spends the next few years working ("working" sometimes) on personal projects, the main one being a sci-fi novel and, eventually, dming at a local game shop, where he becomes a bit of a local geek celebrity for his excellent dming skills and being a generally cool guy. His original campaigns and one-shots are particularly popular, and people keep suggesting that he start distributing them or maybe even sending something to TSR? Hmmm... not something Mike ever thought about doing but he does have the easiest time and most fun coming up with dnd stuff...no way that could be a real career path could it...hmm.....
Seriously tho Mike is like a master dm. You can ask him any obscure question about anything in the game and he can answer instantly with perfect accuracy. And like any passionate gamer he has many Opinions about the editions and a whole set of house rules he runs his games by.
I wasn't originally going to have him and El have kids but then I imagined Mike telling interactive bedtime stories to his 5-year-old daughter and idk man I think that has to exist. Its not until they're like early 30's tho. Also her name is Ava.
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