#everyone was still Big Mad about the love triangle
I just think it's completely reductive to have your leading lady go through several seasons of emotional growth only to plop her right back where she started - grieving one man and having to choose between two others, because all a woman is in this world is who she marries.
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what he deserves, chapter 1
Sanji x Reader, a bit of Law x Reader
Warnings: angst, one-night stand, not really a love triangle – law and reader are mature about the situation. Some implied smut.!!!! WANO SPOILERS!!!!!
a/n: this will be several parts. Leave comment for tags.
Summary: Witnessing all the suffering Sanji went through on Whole Cake Island, all you want is for him to be truly happy…even if it means not with you. Set after the fight in Wano, you go through the motions of an endless fight and end up in bed with the Hearts Pirates’ Captain to distract yourself from the one thing you want the most – Sanji.
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The events that happened on Whole Cake Island were imbedded into your bones; and while everyone mostly came out unscathed physically – the scars were still there. Even now that things were finally settled in Wano – people free of Kaido, the down time brought back the pain. Moreso with everything that happened while liberating Oden’s people, emotional things had piled up. So, as the crew relaxed for the first time in what seems like a very long time, you feel uneasy. It had been day three of celebrating and taking a long-awaited breath, your family, your crew were sitting around a fire drinking. Luffy was having the time of his life and he deserved nothing less; his bright smile was felt among the group as everyone recounted their version of things. Each person’s experience was different but oh, how grateful everyone was to be back together.
“You’re quiet.”
Robin nudged you gently and you gave her a small smile. You couldn’t bring anything to the surface, words were tangled on the tip of your tongue until a warm blanket fell over your shoulders; looking up to see Sanji standing over you. He asked if you wanted another helping of miso soup, but you said no, turning back to Robin. You could sense his hesitation, but then he walked away. Guilt riddled your body and Robin took notice, asking if you’d like to go for a walk. Music was playing from afar, crowds of people were walking around, conversing, getting drunk off joy as you stood up from your seat. Chopper asked where you were going, but you gave him a smile and said for a walk – giving him the blanket to keep warm.  Robin and you walked away from the celebration toward the empty streets of the Flower Capital. Passing the Heart Pirates captain, Zoro, and Sanji – the latter giving you a quick glance before going back to pouring drinks for the three of them. You walked quietly next to Robin until the music dulled and you could speak freely without anyone listening. The sound of celebration filled your heart but now things were stable…feelings were reappearing like ghosts in a mad man’s mind.
The two of you stopped in front of a clothing shop and you glanced at your reflection; the dark green kimono looked lovely on you. Robin appeared at your side and smiled softly. “So, is it Sanji?”
When is it not, is what you want to say but you just touch your face and stare at the woman looking back at you. “It’s everything I supposed, but yeah, it’s Sanji.”
Robin was the only person who you confined in about the cook, the prince, your friend. She was a good listener and most times, great at giving advice but after getting Sanji back there had been no room for secrets and talks. You had been so hurt when Nami had recounted the way Sanji had fought with Luffy and her anger made you angry. Then you were terrified of losing him for good – Big Mom, Pudding, his family. They all wanted him, but they never deserved him.
And he was willing to go along with it and that had made you furious because he had done it for all of you.
“I-I can’t get passed it, Robin.” Tears formed in your eyes, facing her with an anguished expression. She sighed and touched your shoulder, telling you it was all going to be okay. That everyone was back together, and things would go back to the way it was, but you refused to believe it. “I just keep thinking what ifs – what if we didn’t get to him? What if he had gone through with the marriage?”
The words felt wrong coming out of your mouth because your faith in Luffy was of the highest peak, but you were just human, who was in love with a man who was too afraid to see what he deserved. “Luffy would have never let that happen. You all were never leaving without Sanji.”
Robin’s words were true, but it didn’t change the fact that Sanji and you hadn’t said much to each other since arriving at Wano with Luffy, Nami and the others from Whole Cake Island. You had wished then that you had gone ahead with Zoro and the other half the group to Wano instead of staying to rescue Sanji. Maybe then you would have been saved the pain of witnessing Sanji in such a devasting state. You remembered the way his voice stuttered when Luffy and him were speaking through the mirror dimension, asking if you were with the rescue group.
“Is she there with you guys? Is she okay.”
Nami glanced at you and when you shook your head no, she understood. “She’s not here right now, but she’s fine.”
“Oh.” He sounded disappointment but you walked away, unbale to listen to Nami chastised the man for hurting Luffy, for hurting her. You knew how devastated she was when Sanji left the crew, but her devastation was different from yours. Your heart broke that day, and it still hadn’t been mended.
“You should talk to him.”
“Maybe. We should get back to the celebration, I mean – we helped free Wano.”
Robin studied your face for a moment but when you smiled, she knew it was genuine and she chuckled when your arm looped around hers. The two of you walked back to the party but you stopped next to Law and Zoro, Sanji nowhere in sight. Giving Robin a knowing look, you asked the two men if they were inclined to share a drink or two. Law blushed and you laughed, patting him lightly on the shoulder. Zoro handed over the bottle at his side and you didn’t wait for a glass. The three watched as you chugged down half of the bottle and Zoro grinned with pride when you exhaled, wiping a hand over your mouth. Holding the bottle to Robin, who declined, you handed it to Law.
“I have something to confess, fellas.” The men looked at you curiously as you twirled in your kimono. “I cannot wait to put on a pair of pants.”
Your movement brought out the smallest of laughs from the doctor of the group and your eyes gave a quick scan around for Sanji – who was found flirting with a gorgeous brunette in a fancier kimono than yours and confliction rose from your toes. He deserved happiness and real affection…even if it wasn’t from you. This single moment turned something off in you and your eyes glazed, locked onto Law. He caught your stare and looked away nervously, but he offered up the bottle, and you knew he would be yours. Even if just for the night. Just for relief. And he was.
The two of you drank well into the night, and sometime between exchanging battle stories and a proper introduction to his crew – you two ended up alone near a small fire. Your hands moved up against the flames and he removed his brown jittoku, placing it around your shoulders. Thanking him, you asked when he and his crew were leaving. Law sighed deeply. “In a few days, we need to regroup. We’re going to need some supplies. Maybe stick around to make sure everything is settled, but I guess your captain took care of that.”
“It was a group effort,” you offered a smile and Law…smiled back.
Heat, not from the fire, rose to your face and you quietly asked if he’d like to take a walk. He turned red, looked toward his crew but then said yes. He rose from his seat and held out a hand, you took it and when he pulled you up – your hand fell to his chest. “Only for tonight…”
He understood. “Let’s not waste time then.”
You laughed then and told him you wanted to get another bottle from Zoro, who had been hoarding them all night. He agreed and said he was going to let his crew know he’d be back…
“In the morning,” you advised, holding back a smile as his face turned maroon. Watching as he walked away, you laughed at how technical and cool he could be. Wrapping his jittoku around your chest, you made your way to your family. It seemed they all had gathered back around the same fire from earlier and Luffy grinned, shouting your name as you approached. Making a beeline to Zoro, you touched his shoulder and asked if he had any more bottles left. He grimaced but handed over a full bottle. Nami asked where you got the jittoku from and when you said Law, everyone’s eyes, including Sanji’s moved to you. Robin looked the most amused. Laughing nervously, you held up the bottle. “We’re celebrating, aren’t we? How about one last toast for the night? Just between us.”
This turned everyone’s attention from your newest and shortest flame, to Usopp handing out sake cups. Zoro passed around a bottle, and everyone poured a healthy helping. Laughter and jokes were traded, and tears formed in your eyes when Luffy stood up. Your chin quivered as everyone listened to him express his gratitude for the best crew he could ever ask for. When he held out his cup, each one of you stood up. Zoro nudged you playfully but as everyone cheered and toasted, Sanji’s eyes met yours. He looked devastatingly handsome in the light of the fire, surrounded by the sounds of familial warmth and all you wanted to do was go to him, but you couldn’t. Instead, you smiled, and he smiled back – and in that moment, it felt enough.
At least he was happy.
Drinking up the sake, you laughed when Luffy accidentally spilled some into the fire prompting Nami to yell at him. An argument over nothing broke out between Zoro and Sanji, while Franky laughed and laughed and as everyone was distracted, you slipped away. Only looking back to get a look at your family, not expecting anyone to be looking but Sanji was. He must have stopped fighting with Zoro because he stood in front of the fire, facing your direction, cigarette hanging from his lips. He was feet away, but it felt like miles and when Law’s hand came down onto your shoulder – Sanji didn’t look away, but you did. You turned to Law with the bottle of ale, and he smiled, asking if you were ready for that walk.
“I’ve never been more ready.”
Maybe it was your imagination or intuition or hope, but you could feel Sanji’s eyes baring down into your back but when Law slipped his hand around yours – you pushed away any thoughts of the cook and left them behind with the celebration. The music grew softer as Law and you walked back into the town, talking quietly about everything that had gone on. You asked how he was feeling physically, and he confessed he was very tired. You mentioned the inn that had been offered to house the crew and he agreed to go to it. He held your hand, like a nervous gentleman, the entire time and when you led him upstairs to your room – the two of you wasted no time. As soon as the door was closed behind him, he took off his hat and pulled you to him. His hands fell to your waist and when you kissed him, both your bodies melted.
How long had it been since you were touched?
Too long.
Law kissed you softly, hand under your chin as he led you backwards toward the bed. Your knees hit the edge and he slowly unraveled his jittoku that you wore, then the silk kimono. Your nerves faded into excitement, moving down onto the bed, his body on top of yours. Moonlight shined through the small window next to the bed and when he moved further into you – there was nothing in your mind but the man above you.
@stuckinthewrongworld @theyluvmesblog
@synchronised-beat @hi3431
@fandomsunited @ghostercy
want to be tagged in next part? leave a comment!
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lovebugism · 2 years
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summary: when steve and eddie fight, they leave you right smack dab in the middle of it pairing: steve harrington / f!reader / eddie munson warnings: the tiniest bit of angst, barely proofread word count: 1.8k a/n: one like and i turn this into a whole steddie series
Nobody ever said relationships were supposed to be easy. Actually, they were pretty fucking hard. Two different types of people, sharing one space, each with one half of their heart with the other — it’s bound to get a little exhausting at some point. But add a third person to that equation and ‘a little exhausting’ becomes completely cataclysmic. 
But that’s the thing about Steve and Eddie. It was rarely ever like that between the three of you. You guys loved and cared for each other equally and that was that. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Steve didn’t feel cramped when another man entered the relationship. Eddie didn’t feel less loved because he weaseled his way into the pair of you a little later than he would’ve liked. Neither of them felt like it was a burden to share you. It was just your own little thing and it was perfect.
That didn’t mean they didn’t annoy the ever loving shit out of each other, though. There was always lighthearted teasing between all of you, but it was different with Eddie and Steve. There was always a sense of competition, an air of dominance that one always tried to overshadow the other with. All this time later, they hadn’t yet run out of stones to throw, always equipped with some sardonic jab (or more) to pelt the other with.
But sometimes they poked too hard. Sometimes the stupid joke really hurt.
It wasn’t a rarity for them to get angry with each other, that came with the package of relationships, all wrapped up with a sparkly little bow. But they hardly ever fought like this.
Most times, stupid squabbles were all too quick to simmer.
Eddie would drive around with his radio turned all the way up until he blew off steam. You’d stress clean until the house was sparkling to distract yourself from your own mucky thoughts. And Steve would usually just linger around until someone finally bit and asked him what was wrong so that he could berate everyone with the speech he’d been prepping in his head.
Even when it was hard, it was still so easy.
But Eddie was strange. Anger washed off of him like water from a duck’s back. For a guy who spent seven years in high school, he was strangely mature — he knew people said shit they didn’t mean and that you and Steve sometimes just liked to push his buttons for the hell of it. It was usually insanely easy for him to let things go. He didn’t get mad very often. 
But when Eddie Munson was mad, he was fucking pissed. 
When he trudges into the bedroom that night, after spending the entire day absolutely fuming at Steve, he carries a thundering storm cloud with him. 
You’re tucked safely in the middle of the mattress, sitting in wait for both your boys, and watching silently as he makes a b-line for Steve’s side. He grabs his pillow and the spare blanket he always had to use because you and Eddie inevitably stole all of the covers. Like a child, he drops them to the floor at the foot of the bed on his way to his own side. And without a word, he sheds the shirt from his back and peels away the blanket to get into bed beside you. 
He’s radiating warmth like a space heater and he’s all tense like you’re lying next to a rock — a big, angry rock, with wild curly hair that somehow always gets in your mouth come sunrise.
“Eddie,” you start meekly, bringing your knees to your chest. Your eyes glimmer with uncertainty, as though you were poking a sleeping bear. In some ways, it felt like you were. He’s facing away from you now and you have to fight the urge to run a hand over the expanse of his bare, freckled back. You fear in some roundabout way that in stewing in his anger, he’s found a reason to be mad at you too.
“He can sleep on the fucking couch for all I care,” he grumbles into his pillow.
“He’s been apologizing all day,” you try and defend the lone boy downstairs. “Just let him come to bed.”
“No. I’m still mad.”
“…Do you even know why you’re still mad at him?”
“Yeah I do! Because he—” he lifts his face from the mattress to turn and look at you. You watch his anger ebb into a look of confusion, face scrunching as he tries to remember what Steve had done in the first place to get him so messed up. He comes up short. You bite back a smile. He turns away, mumbling, “—Doesn’t matter. ‘M still pissed.”
Steve doesn’t come into the bedroom for a while. You have your eye on the flashing numbers of the clock on your bedside table in anticipation for his arrival. He waits twenty minutes exactly after Eddie to come up. Maybe because he was waiting for the boy to calm down. Or maybe because he was waiting for him to fall asleep. Either way, he wants to avoid another argument.
But you — you haven’t moved an inch. You’re still propped up against the headboard, resting your head on your bent knees in wait for him. You know you’re not getting any sleep if he’s not beside you, there’s not a point in trying.
“He still pissed at me?” Steve wonders into the darkness as he lingers in the doorway. The silhouette of him is lit by the dim light in the hallway.
You nod, sheepish and shy.
“And I guess he wants me to sleep on the couch?” he asks with a breathy laugh, motioning to his pillow on the floor as he walks further into the bedroom.
Again, you nod.
“That’s okay,” he mumbles softly to himself. You can hear the hurt in his tone, like he understands why but feels like sting of it anyway as he collects his bedstuff. “I would probably make him do the same—”
You rise from your sacred spot and move to the edge of the mattress. You wrench the cushion in his hands in your fist before he can walk away. He turns to you, soft looking, a little sad, and in desperate need of a kiss.
He furrows his brows down at you, like he’s worried something might be wrong. Because, of course, Steve’s got his own inner turmoil to deal with, but he’s always concerned about you most of all. “Yeah?”
“You two are being childish,” you say to him and to the (fake) sleeping boy on the other side of the bed, staring up at him, trying your best to look stern. “And I get it, but it always leaves me in the middle, and it sucks.”
Steve deflates with a sigh. 
Fights were different when it was just the two of you.
Both of you were angry, both of you were sad, both of you were hurt. You could so easily fall into the cycle of selfishness in your heartache without having to worry that someone else might be affected by it. But here you were now, stuck between a rock and a hard place because your favorite boys were too stupid to make up with each other.
“Oh, baby,” he hums quietly, somehow more saddened by the crestfallen twinkle in your eye and the fact that he’s hurt not one, but two of the people he loves most in the world. 
He sets the pillow and blanket on the bed, freeing his hands so he can wrap them around you. He tucks his face into your neck and finds a refuge there, feeling stupid for depriving himself from such a gentle softness while he spent all day stewing in his rage.
You feel the deep exhale leave his nose and fan against your skin when you bring your hands to his hair, entwining your fingers between the chocolate strands.
“I’m sorry,” his apology is muffled against your shoulder. “It’s not fair to you—”
“Jesus, you guys don’t need to get all weepy about it. Just get in the fucking bed,” Eddie finally concedes from beneath the covers, though still in his grumbly thunder cloud mood.
It makes you beam anyway, knowing it’s partially because he was feeling left out.
Steve watches the grin form on your lips and the way you rush back to your spot on the bed, all excited like it’s the first time you three are sharing one. He can’t help but smile too as he follows in behind you.
A sigh spills from his lips when he’s finally beneath the covers and close to the both of you, settling his tired bones for the first time all day.
“Wait,” you complain softly into the silence, displeased at they’re going to sleep without having said a word to each other. “You guys have to kiss and makeup.”
“No,” Eddie’s quick to reject.
Steve smiles sadly when you turn your head to look at him. “He said no, babe.”
“But you have to! That’s the rule!”
No one moves for several long moments. Steve idles and waits for Eddie’s reaction because the whole kiss and makeup thing requires a second party, after all. And you’re waiting for both of them to come to their senses with an atmosphere of childlike doom and gloom radiating off of you. 
Eddie can feel it from where he lays next to you. He’s not even looking at you and he can see the pout on your lips and the worried frown settled between your brows. It makes him sigh because he couldn’t avoid you even if he wanted to, always so effortlessly in tune with what you’re feeling even in his annoyed stupor.
There’s no way he’s getting sleep when his best girl is upset.
With a rather dramatic huff, he rises. Steve tries to not look too smug when a grin pulls at the corners of his lips. He leans on his elbows and catches the boy’s lips halfway, sharing a brief but no less loving peck over top of you. 
You look like sunshine personified, practically lighting up the darkened room with your wide smile, as you watch them lock lips just over your own face. It’s like falling in love with them all over again. “I’m never gonna get tired of that,” you beam with hopeless adoration, grateful for the ebbing tension.
“We know,” Eddie quips. His signature grin returns, the anger all gone. It crinkles the corners of his eyes.
The two boys press their lips against your cheeks next, sprinkling wet kisses to the blushing apples of them most ardently, until your face is softly scrunched between them. You giggle with mirth and feel them smile against your skin.
This is how you want to be in the middle of them. Forever and ever and ever.
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have any more steve thoughts? or just thoughts about my writing/requests in general? leave them here if you want! ꒰◍ᐡᐤᐡ◍꒱
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Silver Springs - Jamie Tartt x Fem!Reader/Roy Kent x Fem!Reader
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Silver Springs - Jamie Tartt xFem!Reader, Roy Kent x FemReader!
Content - angst, flirting, friends to lovers, love triangle
Word Count - 3k
Summary - Whilst Jamie is in the throes of preparing for the Man City game, Roy tries to show the reader that he's noticed her past just being the coaches’ assistant, even if it makes him feel guilty. 
Read Part One Here
A/N - Part 2 of this love triangle fic, let’s gooooo. As always like and reblog if you enjoy and let me know what you think <33 
It had been about a week since Jamie had kissed you, and things weren’t official. You couldn’t say you weren’t disappointed, but you understood the mental stress he was under with the upcoming Man City match. Being able to be intimately close to him was enough, because you knew he needed the comfort. Sitting on your couch and stroking his hair as you felt his breathing become deeper made you more than content. 
You sigh slightly to yourself and open your laptop, your color coded calendar coming to life. You glance to the corner of your screen, looking at the time. Bright and early with plenty of time to move appointments and schedule other needed meetings. You sat at your desk in the small room off of Ted and Beard’s. Your deskmate wasn’t there yet. He actually grunted every time you called him your “deskmate”, but annoying Roy Kent was one of the perks of this job. 
“Hey, love.” You would recognize his voice anywhere, and you look up to see Jamie leaning on the doorframe. He crosses the room and gives you a sweet peck on the lips, then plants another kiss on the top of your head. He crosses through your office to the locker room and you smile to yourself. What a perfect start to your day, a kiss from the man you had wanted to be with for so long. You look back to your screen and start moving appointments, adding in the important dates Ted left on a football shaped sticky note, including the latest visit from Henry. 
A slight thud on your desk has you tearing your eyes away from your computer screen. You see a take-away coffee cup with the name “RAY” written in big, scratchy letters. You look up, greeted with a glowering, bushy eyebrowed face. “Can I help you…Ray?” You grin gesturing to the coffee cup. 
“Fuck’s sake.” He grunts. “I brought you coffee.” He scoots the coffee cup closer to you, and you raise an eyebrow, Roy Kent was bringing you coffee? 
“Thank you…but why?” 
“What do you fuckin’ mean why? Cause you’re nice and you’re always bringing everyone else coffee.” He says gruffly, dropping his iconic black leather jacket onto his own chair, revealing his tight fitting black tshirt underneath. You take a sip of the coffee to avoid gazing at him, you had eyes and knew he was fit. You were pleasantly surprised at your drink. 
“How’d you know my order?” You say, taking another delighted sip of your drink. You watch Roy’s jaw jump slightly and he shrugs. 
“Must have just picked up on it.” He says nonchalantly. In reality, he snooped around your desk the night previous, but he wasn’t going to admit to that. That sounded insane. He felt like a terrible person. He and Tartt were on good terms again, friends even, and here he was trying to win over the girl he knew Jamie was mad about. He was a prick. And a bad friend. But he couldn’t help it. Something about you drew him to you, and you made him want to open up to the possibility of being in a serious relationship again. 
You smile slightly at Roy’s back, flattered that he had done this for you. You were still a bit baffled as to why. It’s not as if Roy wasn’t nice to you, he was. But usually he answered you in growls, not full sentences. “Well…I really appreciate it. I didn’t have time to grab coffee this morning before getting to work.” 
Roy turns to look at you, one corner of his lips ticking upwards. “Don’t mention it.” He says. “Seriously, fuckin’ don’t.” You openly laugh at this and turn back to your computer screen. 
“What is all that shit anyway?” Roy asks, and you can feel him cross the tiny space to stand over your shoulder. When he leans over and places one hand on your desk and one on the arm of your desk chair, you feel your heart skip a beat. Which was dumb. Why would that be your reaction? You ignore the feeling and shrug. 
“This is how you get your extra physio appointments, how Ted has time to review game footage every other day, and how Beard knows when it’s time to exchange his library books.” You look up at him. “It’s all color coded for every member of the team. I’m pretty proud of it, if I do say so myself.” You give him a small smile and go back to typing in the extra appointments Ted had asked you to put in. 
“Fuck.” Roy says, watching you work the schedule around. “Now I understand why Ted said he didn’t know which way was up without you.” 
“Aw, you talk to Ted about little ole me?” You flash him a teasing grin and his heart wrenches. Fuck you and your stupid, pretty grin. 
“Uh…” Roy starts, coughing slightly to cover his embarrassment. 
You pat the hand resting on your desk before you continue typing. “I’m just kidding, Roy.” 
Roy clears his throat, but still hadn’t moved from his spot. He seemed content to watch you work, which was unusual for him, but you didn’t mind. He was a little close, sure, but if he wanted to watch you put in appointments and move Sam’s restaurant re-opening for him then who were you to tell him no? 
“Love?” You look up at the sound of Jamie’s pet name for you and smile brightly at him. 
“Am…I interruptin’ somethin’?” Jamie asks, pushing his hair back with his headband, looking from you to Roy. Why was Roy so close to you? That made him feel uneasy, but he wasn’t sure why. He knew that you had feelings for him, but he hadn’t made anything official. He supposed he couldn’t blame you for exploring your options. His eyes meet Roy’s, who clears his throat and straightens up, away from you.
“No.” Roy says gruffly. “I was just looking at the insane color coding she has in there.” 
Jamie nods slightly, looking to you, who he was relieved to see, only had eyes for him.  He crosses the room to you, kneeling in front of where you sat, and you look down at him, eyebrow raised. He grins at you. 
“I jus’ wanted to come see if you wanted to have lunch with me today.” He says, ignoring Roy completely at this point. You nod enthusiastically, pushing a strand of hair that came loose from the headband back. 
“Course I do.” You said, smiling at him. “Meet you at the kebab place around the corner?” You ask, to which Jamie nods. He glances at Roy, who is pretending to be preoccupied on his phone and presses his lips to yours in a sweet, soft kiss. 
“Great. See ya then, darlin’.” You smile as you watch him walk out, quickly turning back to your work. Next on the agenda, emails. 
“So.” You hear. 
You turn towards Roy’s voice. “So..?”
“You and Tartt, yeah?” 
You shrug. “Nothing is official yet.” You say nonchalantly, trying to hide just how giddy you were about Jamie openly kissing you and referring to you as “love” or “darlin’”. 
“Not fuckin’ official?” Roy says, incredulous. This was news to him. 
“Not yet.” 
“Why the bloody hell not?” Roy crosses the room again and peers down at you. 
You look back up at him and wave your hand absentmindedly. “Jamie is already stressed about this upcoming match, I can wait until his head is completely clear to have a serious conversation.” You pick up your coffee cup again, taking a sip of the delicious hazelnut latte. 
But you nearly choke when Roy leans down, one hand on each of your chair’s armrests, caging you in. His face is inches from yours. 
“That’s fuckin’ dumb, babe.” 
You lower the coffee cup from your lips, studying his face intently. Your heart was pounding. Babe? What was he doing? Never in the entire few years you had been here, had the Roy Kent paid so much attention to you. 
“Hm.” You say, quirking an eyebrow. “And why is that dumb?” 
Roy smirks slightly. “Because if I had you, I wouldn’t even fuckin’ hesitate to claim you.” 
You realized you were holding your breath and you laugh nervously. “O..oh.” You say, swallowing. “Well I don’t think Jamie is hesitating to claim me.” You look into his face, because he was making it impossible not to notice how handsome he actually is. Sure, you weren’t public with your relationship, but Jamie didn’t hide how he felt about you, at all. 
“Maybe not here. But I would be shouting from the fuckin’ rooftops if I had someone as nice as you smiling pretty at me like you do Jamie.” You can see him studying your face, and in reality, Roy’s heart is pounding. He’s getting a bit too carried away here and he didn’t know when or how to stop. 
“Maybe you could have someone with a pretty smile if you weren’t such a grouch.” You counter, leaning in closer to him, aware now that you were having some sort of effect on him. You watch him swallow, his eyes flicking down to your lips. You smirk at him.
He growls in response, catching you completely off guard that you had elicited such a sound from him but making you smirk even more. You press a single finger against his lips, standing up as you push him back. 
“See? Grouch.” You tease, moving your finger but before you can rest your hand at your side again, Roy looks down at you, catching your wrist in his hand. 
“Fuck’s sake, woman.” He says, almost breathlessly. You look up at him, fluttering your eyelashes innocently, but trying to deny the fact that you liked how his large hand had caught you. The look on your face was all it took for Roy to back you into a wall, his lips on yours. One hand with his fingers splayed across your hip, digging greedily, almost possessively, the other letting go of your wrist to yank you closer to him, if that was even possible. The kiss was sloppy, heated, needy. The heat of your body pressed against Roy’s was making your head cloudy. When he deepens the kiss, your breath hitches and a slight moan escapes your lips, causing Roy to smirk into your lips. 
You felt so bad that you kissed him back. When Roy pulled away, he immediately lets go of you. 
“I…I shouldn’t have fuckin’ done that.” 
 What were you doing? What about Jamie? “I..shouldn’t have kissed you back.” You whispered, wide eyed. Roy has stepped back and away from you, but he’s watching you with such a look of longing. “I’m the worst girlfriend ever.” You say. 
“Not his girlfriend, technically.” 
You shift your gaze and focus your eyes on him. “What?” You say.
“You’re not his girlfriend officially.” Roy grunts, before stepping closer to you again. “I get if you don’t ever fuckin’ speak to me again. Just don’t tell me you regretted that.” 
You gaze up at him. No, you’re not Jamie’s girlfriend. But Jamie is everything you ever wanted. And it made you feel horrible that you didn’t regret that little kiss-attack. You shake your head slowly, watching as Roy came close to you again, hovering above you, his torso pressing into you. “Please.” He says.
The gruff, broken plea in his voice makes your knees weak and you shake your head. “I can’t tell you that.” You say, clearing your throat and straightening up, your breath slightly heavy. 
“Even if I know you don’t?” He says grabbing your chin, looking into your eyes. 
Your eyes flutter closed and you breathe out. “Yes.” You hated him right now. How did he manage to get a rise out of you so quickly? You pull your face away from his grasp and push yourself off the wall. “I need to go.” You say bluntly, gathering your laptop and your bag. Roy steps back and watches you go, rushing out the door. 
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You cannot believe what had just happened. You were so distracted that you run smack into someone in the carpark, their arms grabbing you and steadying you. 
“Woah, love, what’s wrong? You look like ya’ seen a ghost.” 
Jamie. Because of course it was Jamie. You can’t even look him in the eye and he moves his head to catch your gaze. “M’startin’ to worry here, darlin’, what’s wrong?” He asks again, his grip tightening a bit on you. He had a horrible sinking feeling in his stomach. Like he knew what was coming next. 
“We can’t be together.” You say bluntly. 
Jamie blinks once, then twice. “What?” 
“You deserve someone better than me.” 
Jamie still looks dumbfounded, but was becoming almost desperate to find out what you were talking about. “Please tell me what you’re talkin’ about, because I’m gettin’ a little scared.” 
“I…” you look away from him again. “I kissed Roy. Or…he kissed me.” 
Jamie winces. “Y-what?…kissed Roy?” 
“It just happened. And we can’t be together because I’m a horrible person for doing this to you.” You pull out of his grasp, but Jamie grabs you again. “Jamie, please let me go.” 
“No.” He says, simply, grabbing your chin much like Roy had done minutes before. “I’m not pleased, but this is almost like karma for how shitty I’ve been in the past.” He shakes his head when you open your mouth. “Do ya care about me?” 
“Of course I do.” You almost sob, looking at him with the most pathetic eyes he’d ever seen. 
“I know ya do, or you wouldn’t have told me right away.” He kisses your forehead. “M’not happy about it. But I can’t say I blame ya for exploring options when I haven’t even asked ya on a proper date.” 
You groan, hiding your face in the crook of his neck. “You being so understanding is making me feel worse. I know we’re not officially together or whatever the hell -“ you pause and look at him. “But I feel so, so, awful that it happened.” 
Jamie shakes his head. “Stop that. M’not going to turn my back on you. I’ve cared about ya too long to let the messy beginning of what we’re tryin’ to figure out be the end of us. Besides, I did this same thing to Roy when he was with Keeley. Sometimes you just…like who you like.” 
You stare at him. “You’re spending too much time with Ted.” 
Jamie actually throws his head back and laughs at that, rolling his eyes once before pulling you in. “Now that you’ve kissed me coach I guess we’re even. Cause I used to be with Keeley and the two of you are thick as thieves.” He really didn’t blame you for any of this, but was making a mental note to maybe punch Roy in his face later. He couldn’t say it didn’t hurt, the thought of you kissing someone else. But he wasn’t going to let anything get in the way of what he knows is meant to be. He knew that was corny, but with you he wasn’t worried about any of that. He wanted it all, the house, the love, the kids in the future. 
“I’m sorry Jamie. I really am. All I could think about was how much of an asshole I was being.” You look up at him, realizing he’s already gazing at you. 
“Be me girl. Officially.” He says. 
You blink. “I thought you weren’t ready to have a serious conversation until after the match?” 
“Don’t care about any of that anymore.” He says. “Me dad, me reputation with Man City. Don’t matter.” He mumbles into your hair. “Only you matter to me.” 
“Okay.” You whisper. 
“Okay, ya believe me? Or okay, ya wanna make this official?” 
“I want to be yours, Jamie.” You catch the smile on his face and he leans in, cradling your face. The kiss he gives you is so different from what you had experienced with Roy. This was slow, sweet, and loving. Jamie pecks your lips, once, two, three times, and when he pulls back, he runs his thumb over your bottom lip. You sigh, contentedly. 
“That’s me girl.” He whispers, holding you close. You realize that this, with Jamie, was what you wanted. He kisses along your jawline, and you can’t help yourself, you smile. “Knew I could coax that gorgeous smile outta ya.” 
Jamie was infatuated with you, and if he was being honest, completely in love with you, and had been since you had been the only one willing to speak to him when he initially came back to Richmond. 
Jamie leads you to his car, and when you both get in, he pulls you across the center console onto his lap, sliding his large palm up to cup your face as he continues to kiss you. You were breathless, tangling your hands in his hair. 
When you both finally pull away, you smile. Jamie tucks a piece of hair behind your ear, just like he did that night in the bar. “I’ve waited so long to be able t’call ya mine, love.” Jamie murmurs, your noses touching. 
You stay like that, Jamie nuzzling you in his lap, while you think about everything that had happened. But you knew that nothing made you feel better than when Jamie held you. You stroke Jamie’s hair absentmindedly. You just hoped that you weren’t truly as terrible as you still felt. 
You close your eyes, reveling in the feeling of Jamie’s presence. This was more than enough.
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froizetta · 6 months
WIP Wednesday: Procrastination Edition
I told myself I'd work on (Love) Triangles this week, but instead I decided to impulsively write most of a borderline-crack superbatlantern fic. I guess that's just where my life is right now.
Excerpt below from the first scene, in which Hal and friends discuss their suspicion that Superman and Batman are fucking. (NB: It's just Hal, no-one else really believes this. (He's totally right though.))
“So what is up with them? They having another fight or something?”
“A ‘strategic disagreement’, Batman would probably say,” Barry said. “But yeah. A big fight, about plans for the upcoming mission. Superman was doing the whole paternalistic disapproval thing where he was really mad but trying not to act like it. And Batman was being all snarly and growly and throwing insults at him. It was, uh. A little more vicious than normal, maybe.”
“Yeah,” Hal agreed. “And they kind of looked like they wanted to kiss the whole time.”
Barry turned to him, mouth agape. “Dude.”
“What! I just say it like I see it! Is that so wrong?”
“You keep bringing it up! Why are you so obsessed with this?”
“I’m not obsessed,” he corrected with a frown. “Like sure, it’d be hot and all—” at this Barry made a face of mild revulsion “—but it’s not about what I want. I just don’t get how you don’t see it.” He looked consideringly between Ollie and Barry. “Maybe it’s just straight guys being oblivious? Dinah gets it.”
Barry, for reasons Hal couldn’t parse, looked deeply offended by this. Dinah just shrugged. “I mean, I guess I see it, yeah. Although maybe I’m biased? Bruce’s yelling-at-Superman voice sounds a lot like his sex voice.”
“Oh my god,” said Hal, delighted, just as Barry said the same thing with a tinge of horror. Which Hal didn’t get at all; this was fucking gold.
“I keep forgetting you actually slept with Spooky,” Hal went on, leaning forward conspiratorially. “What was it like? Let me guess: weird and intense, like everything else he does? Ooh! Did he try to suck your blood at any point, or is that something he saves for the fainting damsels he takes to his castle?”
She smiled. “Sorry, Hal. I can’t tell you or Ollie will get weird about it.”
“It’s fine, pretty bird,” said Ollie, “tell them whatever you like! As long as you also tell me later. Privately.” He waggled his eyebrows at her.
She jerked a thumb towards him. “See? Weird.”
“Aw, c’mon, Di! Look I’ll give you my cell number so you can just text it to me later. Ollie doesn’t have to know.”
“I definitely have to know,” Ollie corrected, eyebrows still waggling.
At that, Barry, who’d been looking increasingly uncomfortable throughout the whole conversation, finally snapped. “Ugh. What are we even talking about right now? Can we just move on, please?”
“Oh shit, Bar,” Hal said, “I’m sorry. I keep forgetting you’re a prude.”
“Jesus, Hal— It’s not prudish to not want to talk about our coworkers’ sex lives! Coworkers I respect. If anything, you guys are way too comfortable with it.”
Hal leaned back in his chair and shrugged. “I mean at this point, it’s not about the sex stuff for me so much as it’s a point of pride. They’re just so obviously horny for each other. I feel like everyone except Dinah is gaslighting me.”
“We’ve been over this, Hal,” Barry said tiredly. “People disagreeing with you isn’t gaslighting.”
“Whatever. Point is, I can’t move on with my life until I know for sure if I’m right or not.”
“You could, though, is the thing,” Barry said, now with an edge of desperation. “You could definitely move on. You could move on so easily.”
Ollie was watching this exchange with amusement. “So what, Hal, you wanna bet on it or something? Because I’d take those odds in a heartbeat.”
Hal snapped his fingers and threw him a triumphant grin. “Now you mention it? Yeah. A bet sounds like a great idea. You always have such great ideas. Have I ever told you you’re my favorite?”
Ollie grinned back. “Not often enough, I think.”
Dinah looked between them, frowning. “And how the hell are you ever gonna settle this either way? You’re gonna sneak up on Superman and Batman and catch them in the act? You?”
“What are you doubting me for?” Hal said, rising to his feet. “I’m the motherfucking Green Lantern. I’ll figure something out.” He held out his hand. “You’re on, Ollie. Fifty bucks says they’re doing the nasty on the reg.”
“Fifty?! That’s chump change. How about 500?”
Hal, who had $150 in his bank account last he checked, shrugged. “You can pay me that if I win, if that’s more interesting for you. But I’m still only paying you fifty if you win. We can’t all be billionaires.”
“Fine! Fifty,” Ollie said and clasped his hand in a firm handshake. “Actually, you know what? If it turns out they’re making out right now, I’ll actually give you that full 500 for free. How’s that?”
“This is so deeply inappropriate,” Barry muttered.
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showtoonzfan · 2 years
Okay time to rant about the Clone high episode but in a way some of y’all aren’t expecting. This is just me but some people are painting the leaked new episode of Clone High to be WAAAY worse than it actually is. Like…good god some of y’all are overreacting, I’ve even seen people compare it to freaking Velma like GOD no. While I personally enjoyed the episode, I can see why people may not like it. A lot of people are bummed about Ghandi, the cancel culture stuff, and maybe the comedy, though for the comedy it’s mostly a hit or miss, but for me it was a hit. As for the Cancel culture stuff, it didn’t piss me off like a lot of people are because I honestly expected this. Clone high has always been known to poke fun at whatever was going on in the world at the time, so like…yeah of course they’d do an episode regarding that, and I personally liked the idea of a fish out of water concept since the clones have been frozen for 20 years. Some people were saying that Abe felt out of character and OOC, but honestly? Abe’s character has always been that he’s a stubborn loser who constantly gets into trouble, so him getting cancelled and fucking up everything he’s saying felt in character for me, it was one of the reasons I liked it so much because everyone felt in character, even if you could argue it wasn’t as good. I will say that Abe saying slurs felt incredibly forced to fit the plot, but he’s still a loser like he was in the original so I can’t be mad about it yet. I certainly wouldn’t call the episode perfect, but I overall enjoyed it.
The only two issues I had was Joan and JFK. These personal issues was more of a nitpick, but I was expecting…I dunno, more out them? Don’t get me wrong, I was a huge shipper of the two and I’m happy they’re together, but at the same time I find it weird that they’re both….okay with being a couple. I was surprised that Joan was 100% on board, I’d predicted that she would act like the night they spent together was a “one time thing” and that she needed to figure things out. The beginning of the episode even hints at the drama, but there was really no drama around the love triangle at all, aside from Abe moping. It just…felt like kind of a let down, but I think that’s just me because I was expecting more or something really big to kick off immediately. Joan as a whole however in this episode felt …..off to me, but I can’t really explain it. She just felt….off, like kinda out of character? I dunno I was expecting her to be against the popular kids since her character in the show was more being on “the good side” of things, like I would think she would go “I don’t need to be popular”- but she wasn’t bad or anything. I was always expecting her to be annoyed by JFK’s entire vulgar personality but she seemed to have no mind. As for JFK himself, I was surprised he wanted Joan to be his girlfriend, since he was known for being the ultimate fuck boy, going from one woman to the next. I had really hoped that their relationship would be more of a slow burn, rather than them getting together immediately in the very first episode, since JFK still has a lot to learn about relationships. The scene they shared outside of the prom to me opened a new door for a good character arc and relationship exploration, it was the scene that made me ship them, because there was so much potential for them to become a really good couple, so now that they just start off immediately being one, it felt VERY underwhelming to me. However, this is still the first episode, so for now I’ll wait to see what the writers do with these two. I could care less about Abe moping because all my homies hate Abe, but not in a bad way per say, to me, he’s enjoyable to watch, but we acknowledge that he’s a loser lol.
Meanwhile, Scudworth is the same, he’s hilarious as always and I get a kick out of watching him, and introducing a female boss who he has fallen in love with solely because she’s trying to kill him is funny to me. I have no idea if she’ll legitimately be a love interest or not, again we’ll have to see, but I will say that these new board of shadowy figures ain’t it. I miss the old iconic guys, particularly the main one with the soothing voice because he was iconic and funny. I guess it makes sense on why Scudworth didn’t unfreeze them since they had planned to kill him and take the clones away, but I do miss them and it kinda is a downgrade. Then there’s Ghandi, who we all miss but for the people demanding that he be brought back and that the show isn’t the same without him, y’all need to chill because I highly doubt this is in the creators control. I’m pretty sure if it was, Ghandi would be in the show, but they were kinda forced to take him out due to the controversy, so despite me missing him, I can see why it had to be done, and I don’t blame the show itself. As for the new clones and characters, I’ll have to get used to them and warm up to them, but I certainly wouldn’t call any of them “bad”. Again, this is merely the first episode, and unlike the majority of people on twitter right now, I want to give the show a chance and see how this all plays out until I say it’s “god awful” or act like it’s the worst thing in the world. I will say this however, to the people complaining about the gore and even the comedy style, do y’all know what show you’re watching? Like…this is Clone HIGH lol, I expected most of this to happen since I saw the original show, so I will be honest and say I don’t 100% know why everyone is so pressed about it. I get that people are maybe bummed about the whole “cancel culture” thing since nobody likes that, so I can see why but like I said, this is what Clone High is known for so I wasn’t taken aback.
With all that said, I’m 100% confident about the show and have high positive hopes for it. To me, the show hasn’t changed at all, the spirit of the original is still there, the characters for the most part still feel the same, and so does the humor. I think it’s way too early (LITERALLY since this got leaked) to say that the show shouldn’t have been rebooted or the show in general isn’t good and will be a lost cause. For now I think we’re off to a pretty okay start, and I’ll have to see more in the future to see where things go before I can say my full opinions on wether I think it’s good or not. Keep in mind these are all MY personal opinions on the show so far. Fill free to disagree with me. We all need to keep in mind that there’s always room for improvement however, because I will admit that I think it’s unfair that a lot of people are already saying the show is going to suck. We have no idea yet and we’ll just have to wait and see. Thank you for reading, and I personally can’t wait to see more Clone High!
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svtellify · 2 years
the vacker legacy and their golden boy: fitz vacker
welcome to my new psychoanalyzing kotlc characters series! i thought i’d start with fitz because this particular reread of the series has brought up some interesting facets in his character i had previously overlooked. i’ll try to keep this objective (focusing on canon and what shannon has written) but i’ll also include some of my personal opinions about him in a separate section at the end, to keep my bias out of it.
(apologies for how long these are going to get, i’m having a little too much fun with them!)
fitzroy avery vacker.
it’s no secret that sophie is infatuated with him from the moment she meets him. but that’s sophie. this is about fitz (and while i do mention the love triangle situation and how it develops, it’s not really about the ships - that deserves it’s own moment to shine.) it’s also important to remember that the series is from sophie’s perspective. this is an unreliable narrator, and it shows us fitz through sophie’s eyes, but also through the other character’s eyes. 
from the start, we’re told that fitz is the golden boy, the youngest telepath to manifest in the elven world and an incredibly powerful one at that. he grows up as a part of the vacker family, which is quite possibly the most powerful family in the lost cities, regardless of who the councillors are. all the elves grow up with money, but fitz grows up with status. what sets him apart from biana is how this status evolves between the two of them as the vacker legacy itself unravels.
in the first book, fitz is, from a writer’s standpoint, boring. he’s too perfect, never making mistakes, and busy being handsome and smart. obviously, given that the series is from sophie’s point of view, it makes sense that her gateway to the world remain untainted, regardless of her feelings for him. where we really start to get to know fitz is in exile. we get to see that perfection shatter entirely, and as a writer, it’s beautiful. fitz is ugly when he’s mad, shouting and screaming and blaming everyone but himself - outwardly. it’s no secret that he thinks highly of himself as the golden boy of the vacker family, and it’s hard to imagine that he doesn’t place some of the blame on himself for not being his dad’s first choice - or being able to fix alden. 
still, his anger is a remarkable facet of his personality - and just what makes him a great foil to keefe. we’ve all seen his temper flare up in exile, blaming sophie for the memory break going wrong.
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fitz isn’t used to things going wrong - as i’ve mentioned in other posts, he’s a creature of perfection of habit. he’s used to being the best, and while he admires sophie’s powers and her strength, that doesn’t mean he necessarily knows how to accept it with grace. in other words, he’s never been second best. 
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despite all the kids being young, fitz is the oldest of sophie’s group at the time. and his reaction shows his age, but not his maturity. he’s quick to blame and reacts without thinking - his anger brings out parts of him that he normally doesn’t reach for. fitz is always the one who prefers plans and thinking things out, and rarely do we see him like this. as a reader, it’s easy to hate him for this reaction - because we know that it’s not sophie’s fault. and the rational fitz is supposed to know that too - and he does.
kind of.
fitz’s greatest weakness as a character is that he doesn’t grow from this outburst. it’s not the first, and it’s not the last either. he’s a prideful guy - and with reason, he has a lot to be proud of. he’s not the best at apologizing either - it’s a cycle, where he gets mad, has an outburst, and apologizes with gifts to fix things. 
this wouldn’t be such a big deal, i mean all of us have different love languages, right? but there’s a constant in the people he gets mad at (neverseen and related villains regardless. that’s justified anger, even at alvar, although that’s a little more complicated) and it’s:
1. sophie 2. keefe 3. dex
starting from the last, but not the least, dex. even after it’s revealed in (i believe) lodestar, that dex used to eat alone in his alchemy sessions and the vackers weren’t necessarily the nicest to him, snobby over their status in the elven world etc., we see him get mad at dex for hesitating over the situation with alvar. it’s particularly interesting, considering we never really see fitz bond with dex, just dex tell sophie that he’s going to be nicer to the vackers now that he understands them better. this is apparent to be a little more one sided in their interactions, and it gets worse with the reveal that alvar has “forgotten” his memories. fitz is ready to condemn him, but when dex isn’t, it upsets him. 
remember, alvar was a part of the group that kidnapped and tortured sophie and dex. his supposed crush and his friend. and yet, both of the victims are feeling a little more kind hearted than fitz, who is alvar’s brother, yes, but it’s also been made clear that he isn’t as close to alvar as biana is. and yet.
as for keefe, his reasons for hating keefe make sense. and they don’t. if anything, he should be able to understand where keefe is coming from, especially since he *does* seem to be aware of keefe’s feelings for sophie. and despite the fact that they’re supposed to be best friends, he’s the least sympathetic to keefe’s situation. he’s betrayed, of course, they all are, and he’s angry about it, because of course he is. that’s normal - and it all adds up. where things get weird is when we realize that fitz doesn’t know that much about keefe. sophie’s the first one up to his house and keefe even says he doesn’t bring friends home, but it’s clear that he’s never talked about it with fitz.
fitz also has a tendency to not take keefe seriously, which the other characters all do an extent, but they know when to take him seriously and when to not. but fitz misses a lot of keefe’s growth and he still sees keefe as this weird kid that skipped a grade and likes to play pranks. keefe’s a shell of the person fitz knows at this point, and this is something they both need to come to terms with.
fitz’s pride comes into the picture here, manifesting as willful ignorance. he doesn’t know about keefe’s situation because, quite frankly? he didn’t want to sympathize with dex either. he’s a proud guy and this is GOOD characterization but. he kind of looks like a jerk.
in regards to sophie, these scenes sum up both how he feels about her and why i think they’re not good together:
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i’ve talked a little about fitz and perfection and why he sees sophie as perfect even though it feels like he shouldn’t - and i don’t want to rehash all that so i’ll leave a little link to some thoughts i had regarding a scene in stellarlune, so you can check it out here. warning: stellarlune spoilers. the non spoiler version here: fitz craves perfection. his world was always perfect, and so was he. he’s the golden boy, after all, isn’t he?
what makes it so hard to have sympathy for him, after all i am an eldest daughter in an indian family with gifted kid burnout and a queer identity crisis - i know pressure lol it’s all i’ve ever known - is that he simply can not let go. he expects that painful level of perfection from himself, and it’s sad that they can’t have a little fun with the chandelier incident. he thinks that sophie would expect that kind of perfection from him, and for that reason, he thinks the problem is his levitating.
obviously lol, it’s not, but the boy  but he also expects that kind of perfection from others, and thinks that others ALSO want that perfection, as seen in how he handles the news that sophie has found out who her genetic mother is. 
more on THAT later. i doubt i’ll be able to stay objective on that scene so i’m saving it for the end of this little piece. (which is not as little as i was hoping, but if the people are interested, i could do a part two where i answer questions instead of just winging it!)
the second scene’s literally from the next page, but his pride and focus on perfection converge in on telepathy. sophie’s better than him, and there’s this undertone that this bothers him. he’s losing - and perfection always wins. here it is again - sophie’s ridiculously strong mental barriers. the point of trust. 
part of the reason the sophitz relationship was doomed to fail from the start is the emphasis fitz places on their abilities. but we’re cognates is a cry for the little boy who wants his place back as the best, and sophie is his return to greatness. it’s not a bad thing when done right, but fitz can’t see past that. his sense of trust is misconstrued and believes it means sharing everything, never mind the fact that sophie’s a part of a rebel organization with thoughts planted in her head that could change the world. literally. the black swan planted them there.
(is the humor helping? i feel like we’ve been bashing fitz a bit for his lack of growth and i would apologize because i do think he’s a valuable character and a well written one at that, but a bit unlikeable when it comes down to it.)
he’s had his trust broken and people have hidden things from him, but in the grand scheme of things, alvar’s betrayal is the one that cuts him the most deeply. keefe’s hurts, sure, but i could argue it’s for love triangle related reasons, more than their supposed friendship instead. (i will, actually. that’s a part of the love triangle analysis - and if you think this is long...) but nothing is really earth shattering in the sense that it deeply warps his sense of identity. he’s been hurt a lot, and he’s a traumatized kid, but he reacts with less maturity than his younger sister - and a lot of the other (younger) characters at times, which can be frustrating to see when the solution is right there.
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and here we are. the most painful scene for me to read - and i haven’t even gotten around to rereading legacy yet. so. legacy spoilers ahead.
this is my warning - i’m not cutting fitz as much slack for these scenes even if i understand where he’s coming from. he’s wrong. it’s as simple as that, and i *will* explain why, but if you still believe sophie and fitz should have ended up together and plan on reminding me of that, i respect you, but please just stop reading here. 
for context, this is right after sophie finds out that oralie is her genetic mom and fitz is waiting at havenfield and tries to guess why she’s so upset. or that she’s figured out who her parents are. it becomes apparent shortly that even he doesn’t know which he’s doing.
“I get why you’re not ready to talk about it YET.”
this is supposed to be a small sentence to show how understanding he is, and it would be, if it wasn’t for the glaring YET at the end. he still expects sophie to talk about the subject sometime, and with him. but it’s weird that he’d be so relieved about it - considering how UPSET sophie is at the moment.
i tried, you guys, i really did. did i mention i was a hardcore sophitz shipper when i first started the series? only the first three books were out and i was in middle school minding my own business and even got through exile mad at fitz but hopeful. 
it was my second readthrough before neverseen dropped that had me, you know, rethinking things. and now, at 19 (yeah okay that makes me sound old but you know the books have been out for a while now so), it’s easy to see why. sophitz is every little kid’s dream come true. your crush likes you back and it’s all as magical as you thought it would be. except it isn’t, because we tend to only see the good in people we like. sokeefe is the slow burn because it takes time to build up to a relationship and it’s not going to how you think it will. 
I DIGRESS. this next excerpt is where i get really upset because fitz just does not listen. he pushes and he pushes and he pushes and god, you would think he’d get it. 
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things he gets points for: not lashing out at her immediately and holding back on his anger
things he does not get points for: well, you’ve read the scene too, right?
sophie says it best: he. just. wasn’t. listening. 
and he also takes it upon himself to decide for her, who it is, even though sophie is clearly so very painfully obviously distressed. i mean, for anyone in his position, this is a major jerk move, but you know, it’s fitz, so he’s going to keep it perfect. 
and just when we think he’s finally understood, just as i was thinking he’s getting better at reading situations, he brings up the matchmaking thing. 
y’all, he acts like her not being matchmakable is a problem for both of them, even though it technically doesn’t affect her the way it affects him. she’s said it herself, that she has reservations about the whole thing, and it’s not even something she considers her future to be. 
“you don’t want it either - you know you don’t.”
they might both be telepaths, but fitz projects himself onto sophie a lot because of that. it gets worse after they become cognates because it’s an even greater honor and they’re doing it together. 
but they’re not the same. nowhere near it. it’s this scene that made me realize that fitz hasn’t been seeing sophie - he’s been seeing her potential and everything she could be, and that’s why he’s so fixated on the matchmaking lists. of course, matching with the most powerful elf the lost cities has ever known would restore his family name. it would be perfect, really, the most powerful elf and the second most powerful telepath the lost cities have ever known, matched together. 
i could say more about him claiming that sophie’s privacy is less important than her future, as if the two aren’t one in the same, but i’d like to overlook that and pretend it’s just his entitlement and his view of matchmaking as the be all end all creeping in and nothing more.
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that was a lie.
“I… don’t think you’ve thought this through. But of course you haven’t. It’s late. You’ve had a long day with lots of huge stuff. So… can we just agree to not make any decisions right now?”
the way he’s so sure she hasn’t thought this through is a double edged sword. not only does it show a kind of possessive edge over her, where he’s constantly speaking for her and OVER her, it also shows us how he’s convinced it’s still about him.
fitz. my buddy. my man. listen to the girl.
he doesn’t bother giving her reasoning a chance and steamrolls ahead with his own, which we know sophie hates anyone doing. i mean, look at her argument with keefe in nightfall - she’s not going to stand for people speaking over her or for her. she doesn’t want their protection.
what’s wrong with this scene is that fitz writes off everything sophie is feeling and saying, and the key word here is ruin.
instead of being understanding to sophie’s upbringing and her unique situation, he can’t look past his own return of the king (a lotr reference, shannon would you be proud even if i’m slandering your character?) to elven society. in fact, it says a lot that he sees her as the vacker redemption arc even when sophie herself has mentioned - to us and to HIM - that she doesn’t feel like she fits in with elven society but only if she plays by his rules. 
(feels a little like objectification, ngl, and that doesn’t sit right with me.)
he’s blinded by his status, his pride, and perfection, and that, right there, is his biggest downfall.
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not the conclusion gif i was looking for but y’all this is long enough let me keep this brief.
(HAHA YOU THOUGHT i am incapable of being brief)
fitz is an incredibly consistent character when we get down to it, and he’s not as complex-ified as the other characters are. well, not the way the other characters are. biana’s arc is about improving as a person and getting stronger, dex’s is about overcoming internalized prejudice, keefe’s is about chosen family and trauma, etc. fitz’s character arc is almost backwards - from a writing standpoint, this would be a really cool villain origin story. not that fitz is a villain, but over time, rather than his character becoming a better person, he starts out perfect until that perfection crumbles and we get to see the perfectionist that so desperately craves a return to his old normal, with everyone in this new normal. he’s trying so hard to fit into old clothes, outgrown shoes, and slip back into his old memories. 
as a love interest, no. i could go further about his “interest” in linh being driven by her same power, but i have no doubt that matchmaking would still be of great interest to him, so i’ll leave it at that.
I DONT HATE FITZ. not as a person, nor as a character. i don’t see him as the most likable, but you guys, he’s not a villain. he’s a teenage boy who needs to work through his issues before he gets anywhere near sophie, but he’s been through a lot so i’m trying to cut him some slack. he’s an incredible asset to the kotlc team and his need for a plan tends to keep them from getting themselves in more trouble. he’s helped sophie improve her abilities vastly, and indirectly, pushed her to become better. quite literally, the story would not exist without him. we need fitz as a character because he makes the story what it is, but as an individual i just think we wouldn’t get along.
(any questions are appreciated and i would love to have some canon discourse! i know in the quest for more diversity in the kotlc characters, discourse tends towards that, understandably, but i do believe there’s a lot to be uncovered in canon and i would love to talk about it more! yes, more than 3,219+ words about it LOL)
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elinoracia · 1 year
🐍Yule Ball🐍 // Sebastian Sallow x f!reader fanfic
"Hello everyone! This is my first ever fanfiction so don't hesitate to give me some tips on how to improve my writing (my first language isn't english). I also didn't really proofread because I wrote all of this at work (don't tell my boss pls)"
Warnings: Jealousy, Y/N putting herself down, fluff, a little cry session, swearing (censored), love triangle with Garreth (kinda), no NSFW.
Total of words: 3.5k, this is a very long fanfic so be ready ;)
Important informations:
- All characters are aged up to 18 y.o. or more ; 7th year - The reader's name will be "Y/N" = "Your name" and "Y/L/N" = "Your last name. - Y/H/C = Your hair color - Y/E/C = Your eye color - Y/H = Your house (Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff or Slytherin) - This fanfic includes a drawing / sketch of the dress! (Following the time period when Hogwarts legacy is happening = 1890s) TW: I drew it myself lol - You can vote for the next fanfiction at the end of this one !!!
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° The Yule ball is coming very soon and even if you don't want to admit it out loud, you really wish a certain someone would ask you to be his date...
But now that Anne is being taken care of at Mungo's Hospital and agreed to see Sebastian again, he can finally see what he might have missed before. He was so obsessed by finding a cure for her that he never SAW you for who you really were. His gaze towards you has definitely changed... °
You were walking in the long hallways of Hogwarts, lost in your thoughts as your were admiring the wintery decorations between two classes. The Yule ball was in 2 weeks and the students were visibly excited for this event. But you were worried. Nobody asked you yet to be his or her date for that very special night. Remembering all the requests for the ball your friends got makes your heart aches, not from jealousy, but because you felt the weight of loneliness weighing on your shoulders.
The anxiety of your thoughts made your heart beat faster until a familiar gaze get you out of your head.
Garreth: Hello Y/N, may I ask what seems to be on your mind?
Y/N: Oh! You surprised me! Hello Garreth. And well... this is quite embarrassing.
Garreth: What could be more embarrassing than making all of your potions blow up in front of Mr. Sharp?
Y/N: Come on, at least you're trying to create new concoctions. Not everyone has that courage. And my problem is far more embarrassing! Can you believe nobody asked me to be their date to the Yule ball?
Garreth, who became really handsome with the years, looked at you with wide open eyes. He looked really shocked despite your ironic tone of voice. He struggled to keep his voice down.
Garreth: WHAT? B-but... How is that even possible? Don't tell me you are not attending?
Y/N: Well, I shall not speak too quickly on the subject. There are still two weeks left.
Garreth: I could have sworn that...
He was mumbling something you could barely hear. Suddently, he looked up to you and grabed your hand.
Garreth: Hum... We could always... well...
Then, out of nowhere, someone else snatched your hand from his.
It was Sebastian. He must have seen you from down the hallway. He looked really mad. But you could only admire how tall he became since 5th year and how hot he was when he was pissed. Your eyes met his and it made your heart race. He was still holding your hand.
Sebastian: Don't bother her Weasley.
Garreth: Well, if this isn't Sebastian Sallow. I was just about to ask a really important question to Y/N. So, if you could just leave us alone.
Sebastian: No, I don't think that will be possible. She and I have to go somewhere. It's for... our Defense Against the Dark Arts class! Miss Hecat gave us a big assignment we have to complete.
While keeping your hand in his, he led you as far away as possible from Garreth. He kept walking until he was out of sight.
Then, Sebastian stopped walking and looked at you. His gaze softened and he let go of your hand. You could see a slight blush forming on his freckled cheeks.
Sebastian: Don't tell me this absolute fool was about to ask you to be his Yule date. He just can't stop bothering you.
Y/N: I am not sure Sebastian... But it would have not been that bad.
Sebastian: What do you mean? Do you like him? Do you want to-
Y/N: Calm down! I just meant that... nobody asked me yet and it's reassuring to know that someone actually wants to go with me. Besides, even if he asked, I am not sure I would have said yes to his offer.
Sebastian: Oh. And why not? You keep talking about that ball for days now. Surely you want to attend it?
Y/N: I do. But not with him.
The words slipped out of your mouth. When you realised what you said, you couldn't help but but your hand on your lips. You just can't help but think Sebastian doesn't want to go with you or just anyone. You instantly regretted your words and you felt sick to your stomach. You just could not look at him in the eyes.
Sebastian: With who you want to go with then ?
Y/N: (You take a deep breath) Can we... talk about it another time ? Besides, I really have to go join Imelda and Poppy for my next class. See you later Sebastian.
You turned around without even waiting for an answer. As you were walking to your next class, you kept wondering why he suddently looked interested when you mentionned your wish to attend the Yule ball with a certain person. Oh Merlin, this boy made you crazy. Nothing seems to make sense in your head.
After your last class of the day, as you were heading to the common room of your House, someone stops you.
Ominis: You seem to have made quite the impact on Sebastian for some reason. He could not stop talking about you for the last hours.
Y/N: Hi Ominis. And well, he just asked me with who I wanted to attend the next ball. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Ominis: I thought he was not interested by the Yule ball. How unusual.
Y/N: Yes...indeed.
Ominis: Y/N, I hope that even thought I am blind, you are aware that I can hear the tone of your voice. What did Sebastian told you ? I am sure he went too far once again.
Y/N: Maybe not far enough this time...
Ominis: Do you want to talk about it ? I would not dare repeat your confession to Sebastian, you can trust me.
Y/N: I know I can trust you. Thank you very much Ominis. But it really is not something worth worring about.
The truth was, you were too scared to ask Ominis opinion on that matter. What if he knew Sebastian wanted nothing to do with that ball? What if he knew Sebastian asked someone else already? You did not felt ready to take that risk just yet.
Ominis: I understand. Have a great night Y/N.
Y/N: You too Ominis.
The four followings days were like every others. You attended your usual classes, you spend a majority of your time with your friends and mostly Sebastian. But he was not like his usual self. Something was troubling him but you couldn't understand what.
As you were walking out of the school with Poppy to have some fresh air, you can see from afar a familiar figure. It was Sebastian but... he was not alone. He was talking to someone.
Suddently your throat closes, your breath stops and your chest starts to hurt. He was talking with another girl... but most importantly, he seems to carry flowers in his hands.
He was giving her flowers.
Poppy looked at you and notice you were staring at them, completely frozen.
Poppy: Y/N ? Are you alright ? What is the matter ?
Y/N: Sebastian... he...
You could not contain the tears any longer. They were just flowding on your cheeks. Of course he would choose someone else. You were such a fool to think he even wanted to the Yule ball go with someone like you. He was just waiting to ask someone as fun and exciting as him to attend with him.
As you stared with tears in your eyes at them, at him, at the boy you loved, Sebastian noticed you and started walking up towards your direction. Without even controlling your moves, you bolted inside the school, leaving the poor Poppy behind, confused.
You ran to the only place you could think of.
The Undercroft
You sat on the cold floor, in this dark cave, and cried.
Y/N: If only I told him earlier! Now I just have to stand there and watch them be together and even go together to that damn ball! On Merlin I wish I never saw them.
You stopped your rant when you heard somone else enter. You quickly dried your tears and got up as fast as possible.
Y/H: Ominis, I was just-
Sebastian: Y/N ? Are you alright ? I saw you run away and I thought maybe something happened.
Y/H: Oh Sebastian. Well I...
You hate how much you still love him. You hate how much you'll have to pretend to support his futur relationship with this other girl. You just want him. Just him standing there, in front of you, makes you suffer. You are shaking and your hands are cold. Sebastian took notice of that.
Sebastian: Y/N ? What are you not telling me ? Did something happen ? Is it that damn Garreth again ? Or did y-
Y/N: Sebastian, I just needed to be by myself.
Your voice was so cold and emotionless. That took the poor Slytherin boy by surprise.
Sebastian: Did I... do something ? If I did, I am really sorry. I never meant to hurt your feelings.
You wish he could stop talking and dissapear. It was just hurting too much. He took a step closer to your as a attempt to see the expression on your face to try to understand.
Y/N: I saw you. With the other girl. I was not expecting that but congratulations Sallow! It seems like you got yourself a date for the ball.
You were trying to smile as hard as you could and pretend you were truly happy for him. But why could you feel tears running down your face.
Sebastian: W-what? No she was just... Are you crying? Y/N why are you crying?
He could not understand why you were crying. He lifted up your head to see your teary eyes and gave you a warm hug. As tight as he could possibly hold you against him.
And you hugged him back. So tight. So close to you. You almost forgot why you were here, crying in his arms. You just wish he would never let you go.
As he took at step back to look at you again, he put his big hand on the top of your head.
Sebastian: Take your time. I am here.
Y/N: Thank you Sebastian.
Sebastian: Why would you ever think I would attend the ball with that girl? Utter rubbish !
Y/N: (you smiled gently) You offered her flowers. And you seemed very close. I just assumed.
Sebastian: Oh! Oh no the flowers!
Y/N: What about them ?
Sebastian: Well, they were for you but I think I asked someone to hold them for me as I was following you here. And I asked her to pick the best flowers for me so I could give them to you. She talked about Floriography. Apparently, a flower can mean something now.
Y/N: For me? What for ?
Sebastian: I guess I should just go for it then.
Y/N: Go for what ? I am confused.
Sebastian: Y/N, I know this might change everything. I might earase everything we built together since the first time I layed my eyes on you. But please, if I am making you uncomfortable by this confession, make me aware and I will never dare to bother you again.
But I love you. I love your soft Y/E/C eyes and your long and beautiful Y/H/C hair. But most importantly, I admire your strenght and your courage. You made me a better person. So, even if you decline my feelings, I shall always be grateful for what you have done for me. I know it was never easy to deal with me. But watching you grow and become a gorgeous and strong woman made me fall even harder for you.
You were taken back by his words. You struggled to find a good answer. Maybe you thought for too long about your answer because you saw Sebastian having a look of panic on his face.
Sebastian: I am so sorry, I should have told you in a better place than the Undercroft. I know this might be disappointing but-
Y/N: I love you too.
Sebastian: Y-you do?!
Y/N: I thought it was obvious. I am head over heels for you Sebastian Sallow. Since the day I beated you on that duel we had. Since the day you took my to Hogsmeade. Since... always. I wanted to go with you to the Yule ball. I only wanted you.
Sebastian: I... Oh Merlin! I understand now! I am so sorry I waited that long. Would you please make me the great pleasure to be my date ?
Y/N: I thought you would never ask.
As you were giggling, he cupped your face with his hands. He was so close to your face, you could actually count the freckles on his face.
Sebastian: May I kiss you ?
Y/N: Mh mh
As your lips touched, you put your hand on his chest. He was pulling you closer to deepened the kiss.
As you finally gently pull away from him, you watched his face. He was so red and obviously breathing really fast.
Sebastian: I...
Y/N: So...we shall see eachother at the ball then.
Sebastian: I cannot wait.
Some days passed and you were shopping with Poppy and Natty for a dress at Hogsmade.
As you were passing by Augustus Hill’s classy Gladrags Wizardwear boutique, you noticed the multiple dresses he was selling inside. You were so excited to pick the perfect dress.
Natty: I really want a red dress ! Or maybe a yellow one ! I really can't chose.
Poppy: I am wondering if they are selling purple dresses. I think I saw one on this hanger right there.
Y/N: I am still not sure about the color I want. Maybe one that represents the color of Y/H ?
Natty: Or maybe a dark green for you? So you could match Sebastian?
Poppy: That would be such a nice suprise! How romantic!
You giggled at the thought of Sebastian's reaction. Then, Natty looked at you with a sly look.
Natty: Soooo, you and Sebastian hu? Are you two together ? Is he finally your boyfriend ?
Y/N: Natty!
Natty: I am joking Y/N. Of course I know the answer. It is quite obvious.
Y/N: Well, to be honest he confessed and asked me to be his date but... He didn't ask me yet to be his girlfriend.
Poppy: Oh Merlin! No way!
Natty: Maybe he is keeping that special question for a special event.
You never really thought about it. You both were just like a couple. But he never officially asked you to be his lover. So, are you both really together ?
The followings days were really busy with all the preparations and the shopping you had to do. You were really happy with the dress you chose. It was green, like Natty suggested. A satin look with some really stunning matching gloves. Those were really expensive and it was showing.
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The day before the Yule ball, you received an owl from Sebastian.
His message said:
"My dearest, Y/N, This sheet of paper, though I should cover it with loving words, could never tell you truly how I long to see you again in your evening gown. I heard a lot about it from Natty and Poppy. Tomorrow, let's meet at the bottom of the stairs, after the big door. The room will be crowded but I will always recognize you among everyone. Unchangeably yours, Sebastian Sallow"
Y/N: How sweet of him. Maybe I should write something back. Let's see...
"Dear Sebastian,
Your affectionate letter was most welcome. I won’t tell you where I keep it, but I dare say you will guess that it is not very far from my heart. I need not inform you, for you know it well, that you have my entire and undivided affection, and that I look forward seeing you at the Yule ball too. I hope Poppy and Natty didn't tell you too much about my dress. I leave you the surprise of discovering it tomorrow evening. I love you. Ever yours, Y/N"
As you sent your owl on its way to Sebastian, you felt your heart speed. You wonder if adding "I love you" on your letter was maybe too much. After all, you were not officially a couple. But at least he knows how you felt.
The next day came very quickly and you could see all of the girls in your room jump out of their bed to get ready, apply their makeup and do their hair. Seeing them so anxious made you start getting ready early too. Some of them helped you to do your eye makeup.
As you were putting your heals on, someone taps gently on your shoulder.
Y/N: Anne!!!
Anne: I am so please to see you Y/N. It's been a while since the last we spoke to eachother.
You couldn't help but put your arms around her to hug her. You were so glad he was looking better.
Y/N: What are you doing here ?
Anne: What does it look like silly? I am attending the Yule ball!
Y/N: What a sweet surprise. Did you already talk to Sebastian? And with who are you attending?
Anne: No no, I'll see Sebastian at the ball, it's a surprise. And my date for tonight is Ominis. He asked me some days ago and I could not reject his offer.
Anne was already wearing her gown for the ball. It was a really beautiful yellow dress with puffy sleeves. She was wearing her hair down and a pretty red color on her lips. She looked very elegant and chic. You could see she curled her hair with rollers for the occasion.
Y/N: You are so pretty! I love your gown. Yellow really suits you.
Anne: Thank you. I heard you were Sebastian's date for tonight?
Y/N: Oh hum...well I-
Anne: Don't worry, I am really glad he chose you. He explained everything to me in his most recent letter. I am truly happy for him and for you.
Y/N: Thank you so much. It means a lot.
Anne: Do you want me to help you get ready? Do you need help with your corset?
Y/N: Yes please.
Anne helped you putting on your dress. As you were ready, she went on to join Ominis.
You felt really nervous. You were hoping not to trip or step on Sebastian's toes during the dance. You had to be perfect for your futur boyfriend !
You got out of the common room and started walking towards the hall. A few people were also on their way.
You arrived in front of the big doors, opened them and stood at the top of the stairs, admiring the crowd of people already there. You were trying to scan the room to see where Sebastian was.
There he was, at the bottom of the stairs, also scanning the room. You called his name and he turned his head in your direction. His eyes widened. He could not stop looking at you as you descended the stairs.
Y/N: Good evening Sebastian. You are really handsome tonight.
Sebastian: Wow
Y/N: *giggles* I'm guessing you appreciate my outfit.
Sebastian: You are shining tonight. You are the brightest star in the sky. I am at loss for words. You've never been more elegant. Y/n: Thank you so much Sebastian.
As the music started playing, Sebastian led you to the middle of the huge ballroom. He looked like he knew what he was doing. He was leading the dance.
Y/N: Where did you learn to dance? You are a very good dancer! Sebastian: I have my own secrets Y/N. And you are not bad yourself. *grins*
He had one hand on your hip and the other was in your hand. One of your hand was on his chest. He kept looking at you in the eyes and smiling. His gentle brown eyes in yours felt like you two were the only one in the room.
As the dance came to an end, Sebastian and you kept dancing until your feet hurt. After that, you went to join Ominis who was standing further away.
Ominis: Ah there you both are. Are you having a good time? Sebastian: The time of my life. Ominis: The night is still young. Something else might be happening tonight. Sebastian: What do you mean by that?
As he asked that question, a gentle hand tapped his shoulder.
Anne: Maybe I should have helped you instead. You didn't flattened your hair properly. Sebastian: Anne!
He turned around and hugged her. He looked like her was holding her a little bit too thightly because Anne's face turned a reddish color.
Sebastian: Would you do me the honor of granting me the next dance? Anne: Only if your date agrees. Y/N: Of course! Please do. I'm going to take some fresh air in the meantime. It's really hot here!
As you went outside, you noticed how beautiful the sky was. There were so many stars tonight. Amit would have loved it. You were the only one standing outside. You lost yourself in your thoughts remembering how handsome Sebastian was tonight.
Garreth: who would dare to leave his date alone on such a special evening?
You did not hear Garreth approach. You felt silly standing there all alone.
Y/N: Oh, Hello Garreth. You always catch me wandering in my thoughts. And I just wanted some fresh air. Now i'm starting to think it might be a bit cold outside. Garreth: Oh! Where are my manners, please take my suit jacket. I don't want this pretty face to catch a cold. *he puts his suit jacket on your shoulders* Y/N: Thank you very much. You look really dashing tonight by the way. Garreth: You really look like a princess. You know, I have to admit something. Y/N: I surely hope it's not about a potion again. Garreth: No, not this time. But to be honest with you, I really wanted you to be my date for the Yule ball. I guess Sebastian was just quicker to invite you. Y/N: Oh. Garreth I am so sorry. Garreth: Please don't be sorry. But I do have a question. Dare I? Y/N: Please tell me, it's the least I can do for you. Garreth: Are you and Sallow a couple? Y/N: Oh... well no. Not really but- Garreth: Finally something I could beat him to.
Garreth quickly turned his face towards yours and put his hand behind your head. Everything happened so fast but...
He was kissing you.
He was almost rough with the kiss. Your eyes were still opened as you were trying to realize what was happening. But even before you had the time to do so, the kiss ended abruplty.
Garreth didn't even have time to answer when Sebastian pushed him hard enough for him to fall heavily to the ground.
I was not good at all. You had to stop him before he starts anything he might regret later.
Y/N: Sebastian stop it! Leave him alone, it was just a misunderstanding. It's not his fault. Let him go! Please...
Sebastian turned around to look at you. I made you shake with fear. You had chills down your spine. The he looked at Garreth again.
Sebastian: Get the **** out of here before I make you suffer a fate much worse than being crucioed.
As Garreth went back inside, Sebastian got closer to you.
Sebastian: As for you, you have some explaining to do. Y/n: I sincerely apologize. I think I gave him the wrong idea but I never wanted to... I never wanted anything with him. Sebastian: I know. But what made him think he could kiss you? Y/N: Well... he asked me if we were together. I simply told him the truth. You never asked me to be your girlfriend. I was about to tell him we loved eachother but he just kissed me before I could explain the situation. Sebastian: Oh. So I guess it's my fault for not asking you to be entirely mine clearly. I apologize for losing my temper. And I apologize for this confusion. I'm not used to romance and relationships. Y/N: I'm sorry... I wanted to talk to you about it for some time but I didn't have the courage. Sebastian: You are the thing I dread the most in myself, Y/N, because I love you so much that I can’t trust myself. I’d die for you, give up all my power for you. I’d give you my soul in an instant, even if it meant I had to spend eternity in torment just for one moment with you as mine. So please, will you be my girlfriend? Y/N: In my eyes, nothing would be more precious to me than to be yours. Of course I want to be girlfriend.
The end.
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jemdeserveslove · 7 months
I read the ACOTAR trilogy years ago and liked it, but I was never interested in reading any of the next books. I remember that Lucien and Elain were supposed to be mates but she didn't want to talk to him(?) and it was left unresolved at the end of ACOWAR. After that I only know bits and pieces I came across online, and I often saw people saying Elain should end up with Azriel instead. So I'm here to ask: what's going on, what happened since then? What is her relationship with both men at this point? Is there a love triangle? Who is she more likely gonna end up with? Can you please tell me the tea? 👀
Omg this is like a big question that requires a big answer, so bare with me ✨
First things first, I wanna start by saying that I’m completely biased at this point, since I want Elain and Lucien to be together. I will present the facts and how I see them. I did this post ages ago discussing every ship! There are more details
So, since the end of Wings and Ruin, Elain and Lucien’s relationship hasn’t really improved. She still avoids him whenever he’s around and, as far as we know, he only shows up in Velaris when he needs to report something to Rhys and Feyre (since he works for them as emissary) or on Winter’s Solstice. He always gets her a gift and she ignores him, as usual.
Now, as for Elain and Azriel, we know due to Azriel’s bonus chapter that they spent a little time together, usually in the garden, with Elain going over her garden plans and stuff.
Idk if you read his chapter or not, I guess you must have seen it around, but if you want to get more context to this, I recommend reading it even if didn’t read the book. You can still understand lots of it.
But basically what happened is this:
It’s after the Winter Solstice party and Azriel and Elain meet after everyone left to their own rooms. In the chapter, we get Azriel’s pov so we get to learn a bit more about his state of mind and how unwell he is (and has been for a while). When they meet, Azriel intercepts Elain as she’s going downstairs to put a gift in his gift pile, so she hands him his gift. He then also gives her a gift, that he didn’t give earlier as well, a rose shaped necklace
They have a bit of a moment, with Azriel thinking about how they always had slight touch of hands and shared glances (not really conversations), but nothing else happened beyond that. Azriel thinks about how he has the hots for her and also how bothered he is about Elain and Lucien’s mating bond
Then, they almost kiss, BUT they are interrupted by Rhys, when he has a mental conversation with Azriel, who then tells Elain this was a mistake and she apologizes, and as far as we know, they haven’t talk since
NOW, Rhys basically tells Az to stay away from Elain, because she has a mate and if he saw them kissing (Lucien was just upstairs) he would have, like, the right to be really pissed off and call on Azriel the blood duel (traditional of the Autumn Court) and then fight to the death for Elain. Like, Lucien would never do that, but anyway
Azriel tries to reason with Rhys by saying that Elain is not interested in Lucien and that maybe the cauldron was wrong and that they were not supposed to be mates, which leaves Rhys all “what the actual fuck????”. To which Azriel responds by saying that there are 3 sisters and 3 brothers, so how come were 2 sisters given to 2 of those brothers (Rhys and Cassian) but the third one wasn’t???? Rhys gets all 😡 and tell Azriel that he should go to a pleasure house and leave Elain alone, to not jeopardize their relationship with Lucien, cause he’s a really important ally for them, as he has ties with many courts + the human realm
Az gets really mad about the whole thing, we know he always wanted a mate, so this whole thing is a sensitive topic for him. He then meets Gwyn, a new character to the series, he trains her on combat with Cassian, and she was overall a really important character in ACOSF. They have a moment, filled with playful banter and even a couple of revelations (we learned from their conversation that Az sings) and when he leaves her he was much more cool minded
As the chapter goes, we learn that Elain returned the rose shaped necklace, putting it back in his gift pile, without even talking to him. He then gets the necklace and anonymously gives it to Gwyn, thinking about how her eyes will shine upon seeing it, calling it “a thing of secret, lovely beauty”
NOW, everyone is entitled to their opinions, and even if I don’t agree, I see why people would ship Elain and Azriel considering some other moments they had during the other books. I for one think that the bonus chapter was a way of Sarah to put an end to them. I think his interaction with Gwyn was much more interesting and had that sjm couple banter thing, that she always writes, and honestly it just seemed healthier (considering how Az’s pov goes)
But even if we forget about Gwyn for a moment, during Silver Flames there were a couple of moments when Az just pretty much dismissed Elain, when she wanted to do finally do something and help everyone. Saying how Elain should not be exposed to such darkness and all. Which could be cute, like, “awnn he wants to protect her”, but he did it behind her back and she was really just trying to help and do more. And that didn’t sit right with me
As for Elain and Lucien, I’m not gonna lie, it’s looking very good for them lol. But, I think they will overcome their issues, cause they don’t have anything against each other. They don’t even know each other. Their issue is not personal, And I think that eventually they will know each other and things will work out just fine
So, answering your question, Idk who’s gonna end up with who. I have my personal beliefs and some people have completely different ideas. Not really sure who to blame for this, maybe we should blame Sarah for being a little ambiguous or ourselves for being maybe a bit too emotional about it 🤡
But I’ll tell you this: acotar 5 is next, so we’re gonna find out soon enough ✨
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subdee · 5 months
@ladycrescentvenus wanted to know about the BakuDeku drafts, and while it's not smart to share your outlines (it saps your motivation to write) it will realistically be years before I have the free time to actually do anything with these....SO ANYWAY:
BakuDeku omegaverse AU. Bakugou and Deku are contestants on a Big Brother style reality TV show somewhere beachy and tropical, like Australia or a Pacific Island.
In this world, everyone takes hormone suppressants all the time by government mandate, but there is a movement (not unlike the antivax movement) to get back to nature and experience your emotions as they were meant to be experienced, because everyone's been on suppressants so long they've forgotten WHY suppressants became mandatory in the first place.
So this TV show has the premise that the contestants are forbidden from using any suppressants while on broadcast, with doctors standing by so it's safe of course. Most of the audience has never experienced a 'natural' heat/rut cycle and most of the contestants haven't either.
Supposedly the show has educational value... but really it's mostly entertainment ("Docutainment" is the category I believe).
Deku is a conservation ecologist on the show to promote his work. Bakugou is a chef.
Typical mistimed first heat scene triggered by Smell that you get in all the omegaverse stories... with the twist that Bakugou smells BAD to Deku - like burned meat - because when you experience something very intense for the first time, your brain doesn't know whether to classify it as good or bad. Haha.
Anyway Deku's initial (over)reaction creates a BAD first impression that the rest of the fic then tries to resolve.
Second one!
Summer Camp AU, they are high school students at a sleep away camp in upstate NY (based on a camp I attended once). It's on a small wooded island in the middle of a lake.
The story is Bakugou POV and it is about how he's grown as a person - he's thinking about college applications now - and he's decided that how he bullied Deku was wrong, so he's going to apologize.
And this decision is not spurred on by anything in particular but just growing out of a middle school phase, you know? Like it asks the question, what if absolutely nothing dramatic happened, would Bakugou still grow up just by virtue of not being in middle school anymore?
The twist is that in the first part of the summer, Deku went through his own version of soul-searching and thinking about the future, and as a result he's been working out and HE GOT HOT.
And this makes Bakugou MAD because he'd ALREADY decided to apologize, but now it will look like he's only apologizing because Deku got hot.. in other words, he'll look shallow.
So to avoid looking shallow he doesn't apologize and instead he tries to avoid Deku... but they keep getting forced together for camp activities! Haha.
Of course they share a cabin... They'd probably murder each other or set the cabin on fire, BUT Shouto is also in their cabin and he acts as a buffer. Haha.
Anyway, basically a slow burn love triangle type situation. And I want it to be clear that Bakugou is TRYING to grow - he's a serious person! he's going to an elite school! - but he's not quite there yet.
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andrewthedeadly · 10 months
watching this show for the omegaverse I need to see how they portray this shit plss also Pavel phoom has been on my fine ass men list since I watched 2moons2 (I think it was the 2 one he was in) so I had to watch
they say that the senses are heightened and mention alphas okaayyy
says it was difficult to meet him when all he did was buy a ticket and lurk after hours for 5 minutes
Pit automatically being like "the stalkers are beautiful these days" is such an insane take LOL
Borrowing a car to race for sex ... well its as good of a starting place as any other
the turning away from the kiss ,,, yea, pavel u will forever be famous
the smelling scene is straight out of fanfiction the look he gave him yea
the potential sexual tension is crazy
the leather jacket omg did i mention this man is so fine
charlie just tagging along ikr king I would do it to for a check
omg omega verse discrimination naurr
randomly throwing charlie in the bet like ok????? you do not know him from a can of paint please and Pit just met him *checks watch* 15 minutes ago
ik this is a show abt driving but SKIPPPP
Nah ik he's mad asf how you lose every time and even in your bets with skills u picked.. LOSER ALERT
charlie still there like :)
ouuu gotcha on candid camera baby
little confused about the mob boss bit
big ass ad omg
the music is so off-putting god
giving him the door password on the 2nd day of the meeting is crazy, I would've robbed him BLIND Charlie better than me
ik I've been talking about Pit being fine but Charlie growing on me Charlie body TEAA like the shoulders mhmhmh
this kiss on the cheek .. the side eye .... THE SMIRK... yea that's why I'm here nobody does romance like thai dramas
calling charlie broke but when u met him he was dtf for a car please
this is a take on how capitalism is ruining the world in this essay I will-
the music is so jarring like can we please get sb else on the DJ stand
the bestie showing the most sense out of everyone he just met this man, now he in the house and at the races and training
okay mob boss is not a mob boss but instead is big scary businessman
GASP REPORT??/ ON WHO?? bestie has a chance to swoop in i knew sum was up
overall pretty good first ep def has some things I'm interested in seeing play out and actually not that much omegaverse just alpha name drop and pheromones w a lil enhanced senses thrown in
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same-name-supremacy · 11 months
I’m curious about Corey and Danika relationship here and Glenn and Trin too, can we know about them more?
Alright! I’m also gonna throw in the love triangle.
Glenn and Trin
It was love at first sight!
Glenn though Trin was so pretty, he never thought it was possible to see a girl that beautiful! Trin though Glenn was so cool, mysterious and well pretty!
It took awhile for them to actually get together and when they did, it was perfect! But sadly Total Drama Action happened. Their relationship while cute, was full of miscommunication.
Glenn never asked why Trin was acting so strange. Glenn never asked why Trin loved the number 9 so much. He just believed everyone else’s opinion on Trin
Trin never asked Glenn about his sudden friendship with Danika, Trin never told Glenn about her OCD.
It should have been expected.. their miscommunication started before they were dating. Glenn breaking up with Trin, broke her heart.
Danika told her it was expected of men to be like that. “Men suck Trin”.. still hurt though.
Danika and Corey
It wasn’t love at first sight, more of a slow burn.
Danika is a man hater, her ex boyfriend got her sent to juvie after all. But Corey was different, he was respectful, he did criticize but it was justified, or something going wrong. He was a good guy.
Corey thought Danika was well, eccentric. She did her own thing, broke the rules. She had an influence of him, Danika made him rebel and he liked it!
But Action happened. Corey wanted to change Danika, he didn’t appreciate her rebellious behaviour. Everything about Danika mist change.
Danika was upset, angry… angry with herself for letting herself fall for a man just to disrespect her. She broke it off, she is not dealing with this again.
But why is Corey still obsessed with her?
Love Triangle nonsense
When Danika came back to World Tour, Glenn and Corey’s friendship fell. Both Glenn and Corey thought Danika came back for them. She didn’t.
But Danika was mad at them. She saw how the ignored Jody when her stalker was harassing her. She saw how they blamed Jody for her stalker being a big baby during Paris. She needed to ruin them somehow. She knows Corey still thinks their dating, and she knows Glenn likes her and man was Danika was still mad at how Glenn ended things with Trin.
So.. she kissed Glenn. I mean he was kinda cute. But that’s not important a lesson is being taught.
Glenn and Danika
They dated for awhile. If it makes Corey mad, Danika will keep it up. But Glenn didn’t want to make Corey mad anymore.. but he also liked Danika. What’s he gonna do?
Danika ended up breaking up with Glenn. She was frustrated with him and man Glenn can not make up his mind on what he wants. So Danika sped it up for him. Beating up Simon was more important to her then boyfriends anyway
Name refreshers here
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phantomoftheorpheum · 4 months
PLL: OS (Summer School) 2x05 thoughts
*Spoilers for 2x01-2x05 of Summer School
I just finished watching 2x05 and I have SO many thoughts, I don't even know where to begin. I think I'm going to structure this episode analysis a little differently by focusing on each of the main girls in turn, then everything else after. So... let's get started.
It feels right to start with Noa, since this is her "test" episode and she has all kinds of screen time in this episode. There is so much going on with her... every time I think I get a handle on how they want us to feel, they do something that confuses me with her.
Shawn/Noa/Jen - Let's talk about the love triangle. The whole first half of the episode, I was thinking, "Okay, they don't want us to like Noa and Jen, or they wouldn't make Shawn so ridiculously, endlessly supportive and just keep shoving in our faces how much he does not deserve this (based on everything we know now)," but then when they had Noa "dump" Jen, it genuinely felt to me like we were supposed to feel sad for them in that moment, which like... Why would we? Why would we like them? And y'all brought this situation upon yourselves! I don't get it, man.
Noa is like, "Maybe it's just temporary and your problems will go away," (I am paraphrasing) and I'm like, WHAT PROBLEMS NOA?? We have seen literally 0 problems between you and Shawn this season, except for the fact that you're cheating on him! I am trying SO hard to give Noa any grace I can muster, but she just keeps going lower. All season we've just got Noa like-
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The smidgen of grace that I can find for Noa this episode is that she is finally feeling guilty. As she should. It took her long enough. But also, she's still handling everything horribly. I think it would be easier to relate to her storyline this season if we'd seen more cracks in her relationship with Shawn earlier in the season. Like... he didn't go to Mouse's birthday? His mom sucks, but he knows that and he doesn't excuse it? Or even if they'd just spent time showing Noa and Shawn's different interests making them spend less and less time together and maybe even Noa getting bored of their relationship. But we didn't see any of this. It was like Jen showed up and Noa suddenly did a 180 on personality and relationships. It's weird.
Shawn - Again, I don't need to spend a lot of time here, because I've talked about this at length & we don't really have any new info about Shawn, but he continues to be ridiculously supportive of Noa (I mean, this relationship is absolutely doomed, right? There is no coming back from this when it all comes out.), and if he is legitimately innocent, he is getting royally screwed. That being said, the fact that they are making him so supportive of Noa and constantly willing to do anything for her and choosing her over everyone makes me incredibly suspicious of him. I know he was like this last season (mostly), but it's just so in our faces. It feels like they're either setting up for a big switch with him, or maybe they're going to kill him off. This is not a sustainable character, imo. He is also conveniently never around when the BR stuff is happening. He's been MIA for all 3 tests.
Jen - I was trying so hard to give Jen a chance. I got off on the wrong foot with her (personally) when I realized she was going to be the inciting factor for a love triangle (which I hate) and infidelity plot line, but every single episode I like her less. Have I written her off completely? No. She hasn't murdered anyone in cold blood (as far as we know) or SA'd anyone (as far as we know), so I'm not saying I could never like her, but boy do I not like her right now. It's not just the obvious stuff (seeming to take delight in messing with Noa behind Shawn's back, the lying, the stealing, the actively trying to break up a relationship, etc.), the thing that really struck me this episode was the moment when Noa is mad at Jen because she intentionally inserted herself in the conversation with Shawn (and basically taunted him, though he didn't know it) and Jen's all like "Are you seriously mad at me? I just wanted coffee." (again, paraphrasing) just like fully twisting the situation around and gaslighting Noa about what was happening there. I DO NOT fuck with this kind of manipulative trash behavior. And she does that a lot, deflect blame (like with the stolen money) and then act all hurt that you would think badly of her. It's fucking infuriating. I want to give her the tiniest smidgen of credit for paying Shawn back (though it seems like her motivation is, "if you don't owe him anything, then you can break up with him,"), but I'm not even sure if I should do that, because it wouldn't shock me (considering she implies she got the money in a shady way) if she's setting Shawn up to get in trouble with the cash. Like that's how much I don't trust her atm. I will talk about this more in the next point, but also how the HELL did she know how to find Noa at the end of the ep? What does she know? That being said, Jen being so unlikable and suspicious (which I think is on purpose) makes me feel like she's too obvious to be a twist antagonist. But maybe she's still a secondary antagonist. I'm not sure.
Noa's test - I'm now fully convinced that the "tests" aren't about testing them at all. I mean, yes, obviously "Rose" wasn't playing fair, attacking Faran after she passed, but I originally thought the "tests" might be some sort of "are you worthy of redemption?" games, but now I think the "tests" are only a tool. I believe they're being filmed. The girls are being forced to do these things for entertainment purposes (we'll get to that theory in a bit), and that's why the tests don't really have much of a point and seem only designed to inflict fear, pain, or exhaustion.
Noa's test made her feet bleed (bloody feet reminds me of the Five Holy Wounds). Originally, I thought all the religious imagery was a clue for us, but now I'm starting to wonder if it's more about intentionally creating this imagery itself (Again, I'll get into this theory later).
I don't know what's next for Noa, but it feels like she's still got a ways to go before she scrapes rock bottom, possibly.
Okay, I'm actually really excited to talk about Faran because I love her. I think I relate the most to Faran out of any of the girls, and her character has felt so consistent in her characterization and I love that.
So, as I've been predicting from the jump, her relationship with Henry is over. It took longer than I was expecting, but here we are.
Faran: "Honestly, I'm not sure how much longer Henry and I are for this world." Me: Have you been reading my PLL posts?
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^^ from my 2x01-2x02 analysis post
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^^ from my 2x03 analysis post
Anyway, I just think it's funny that Faran and I used the exact same wording about this situation.
Faran's resilience and strength has been a huge theme for her character, so I genuinely really loved the way she struggled with facing the fact that she's not as invincible as she had been feeling. I love seeing Faran vulnerable, because she's a character that doesn't necessarily show that as often, and she's so confident and powerful, which I admire so much about her, but she's still a person.
Even though the situation was weird, I like that Faran got some well deserved apologies.
Henry - It does feel weird to me that Henry's gotten "converted" so quickly. He didn't seem to have a strong religious background prior to joining the church (which he initially did for the acting role in redemption house), and he's been so obsessed with Faran, him not being able to walk away from the church is weird. I'll be discussing the church itself in a later section, but this episode has pushed me away a little bit from some of my theories, but it genuinely does feel like there's some weird... almost hypnosis-like stuff happening? I'm not really personally all that suspicious of Henry at the moment, it kind of feels like this storyline was a good way to connect Faran to the church plot & destroy her relationship at the same time, and I don't know that it needs to be any more than that? (with Henry specifically, I mean).
Greg - For a minute, I thought he'd been fully "converted" like Henry, which would ruin my Faran & Greg grudging team up theory, but I think that may still happen. Faran is definitely the one out of the girls with the most ties to the church/cult stuff, and obviously Greg does, too. He is annoying, but watching him constantly get shown up by Faran is honestly very enjoyable to me, so I'm not opposed.
First of all, the fact that we've seen Imogen grab knives multiple times and nothing happens with that (except for in Tabby's film where she stabs Chet) feels very Chekhov's Gun of them. It makes me a bit nervous that Johnny is present for both of these scenes and is the one who de-escalates the situation. Is it foreshadowing that she's going to stab him in the finale?
Johnny - I know this is totally irrelevant to the character & I'm trying not to develop a blind spot for him, but ever since I finally realized Johnny is played by Antonio Cipriano, I kind of love him 😅. Have y'all heard this man sing? ANYWAY, I know that's not how I should be judging the character, and if he does anything suspicious, I'm still gonna point that out (spoiler alert- he said something that sent me into a spiral and I'll be addressing that in the upcoming theories section). But I want nice things for Imogen (I mean, after last season, I want her to have anything she wants romantically) and anyway I know I was very undecided about Johnny for the first half of the season, but now I really want him to be good. Also I love his voice. I mean, obviously the actor is a gorgeous singer, but I mean that I love his speaking voice. It's so soothing. But then that makes me nervous.
Rebecca - PLL loves a "let's connect these characters with a common letter" twist, so I think we are absolutely supposed to notice that Rebecca and Rose are both R names. We know basically nothing about her, but the fact that they're introducing a step-mother figure (soon to be) when motherhood is a central theme to Imogen's story is clearly not a mistake. I'm not sure where this storyline is going. Rebecca is inherently suspicious, but the fact that she hasn't been introduced until over halfway through the season makes her feel disconnected from everything we've seen so far. I'm reserving judgement on this point of this character for now.
Mental Health - It's not a surprise that Imogen has been struggling with her mental health throughout this season. Not only does it run in her family, but she also has been through so much trauma. It would be more surprising if she were fine. I don't know if her profile in Dr. Sullivan's office was supposed to make us suspicious of her (Imogen) in some way, but I am not. I do think we'll see her stab someone by the end of the season, though. But I expect it will be someone who deserves it.
Mouse is in a kind odd position this episode. Her grandmother feels more important to the episode than she does.
Speaking of- the consistent presence of Mouse's grandmother makes it feel like her character is more important than I thought she would be. Does she have some sort of connection to Bloody Rose (or regular Rose Waters?) from her past? What's going on with this storyline? Why are they devoting time to it? I feel like I've missed something important. Any ideas?
Mouse herself feels quite background in this episode. We don't really see much of anything that moves her storyline forward. She sees the Bloody Rose Cult (more about that later) stuff, and she has a nightmare about Rose, but that's about it. Idk what else to say.
Ash - He's basically not in this episode. I'm not super suspicious of him, but I'm also not not suspicious. It still bothers me that he's been upgraded to a main cast member, but we haven't seen him that much this season (like he and Greg were the two that got bumped up and Greg has been around a lot more compared to season 1), which makes me wonder if he has a LOT of screen time near the end, which would likely be due to him being involved in things. But there's also just... pretty much nothing to back this up? What would his motive even be? The only suspicious stuff we've seen from him so far- being MIA during Mouse & Faran's tests (but we know where he was during Noa's), MIA for actually finding Rose Waters (that split up was very weird), Red Right Hand playing over one of his scenes, He was wearing a shirt in 2x05 that looked like it had roses on it, and also his actor's credit in the opening sequence is laid over the bloody rose in the locker (Greg's actor's credit is also over a bloody rose). But why would he do any of this? How would they connect it? So... yeah, that's where I am with him rn.
Tabby's film festival plot line seems to be a lot more important than I originally thought it was. In fact, it is a major piece in my current working theory, and I feel like Tabby and film is a pretty central theme to this season of the show. Of course Tabby has always been a big horror film nerd, and of course the show has always made a lot of references. But I think they might be even more important this season.
Christian - I've generally been not so suspicious of Christian this season, but I'm becoming more and more so. I just feel like the whole plot line of him quite literally making a Bloody Rose mask (particularly when I think it's quite clear someone is dressing up like Rose. it's not actually Rose, and real Rose probably never looked anything like that anyway, so they got that mask somewhere and he is the most obvious source for the mask) should have come back around by now if he's 100% innocent. Instead, Tabby hasn't questioned this. That puts me on edge. He's also kind of suffering from the "too perfect so now you're automatically suspicious" characterization I've mentioned before. There is one particular reason that I've become more suspicious of Christian after this episode, but I'm going to cover that in the theories section.
Camp Millwood - When Tabby first mentioned this in the episode, I thought we might be getting the "secluded cabin/camp in the woods" plot line that I've been anticipating, but it's not exactly an abandoned or secluded location anymore. It does feel a lot like the Stab-a-thon in Scream 4, though. So that's interesting. I feel like there have been a lot of Wes Craven references this season (there is a character named Wes in this show).
Friday the 13th - There are a ton of film (specifically horror) references throughout the show, but there being such an emphasis on this series doesn't feel accidental. I've not seen the entire series, but I do know the famous twist of the first film (which I will not spoil here) and that feels like it could be related, considering the themes of this show. Scream references this twist, too, and I've seen a lot of Scream references in this season. But since I am not a Friday the 13th expert, I think it's possible the importance of bringing this franchise up may have gone over my head a bit.
Dr. Sullivan
I think I need to give this character her own section, since we learned a lot this episode.
I'm really not sure how much we're supposed to trust her. As I've said before, I don't think her being "good" in the original show necessarily means she'll turn out good in this one. I do think Dr. Sullivan's past & the fact that she has multiple quotes throughout the season that feel like they're implying she may have lost a child needs to reappear. I'm just not entirely convinced it's directly tied to our BR plot, or... that it means she's involved in an antagonistic way.
Okay, maybe this an unpopular opinion, but like... If you're telling your therapist shit, she's gonna write it down. I know that Dr. Sullivan was illegally recording the sessions, and that's obviously major malpractice (and seems like a weird risk to take, just to write a book) that could get her license taken away, so I'm not saying it doesn't matter. But I also felt like the girls were a lot more freaked out by it than I (a viewer) was. Like... your therapist is going to keep records of you. They are going to write down things you tell them. How the hell would they keep track of all their patient's issues if they didn't? This is a more extreme version of that, and if a therapist IRL was doing that (secretly recording you), it would be upsetting. I just think in the scheme of issues in the show, this one felt like they had a huge reaction, when there are other big issues they just brush off like it's nothing.
Now, whether or not Dr. Sullivan is being honest about what she was doing is an entirely different matter. I can't help but wonder if she's doing some investigating (illegally) because she thinks the events of what happened in Millwood (and possibly what's happening now) are tied to the loss of her loved one (possibly a child) and she's trying to solve it & she recorded the girls because she wanted transcripts to be able to review everything in detail. If she's trying to figure out what happened to her child, that would be a motive big enough to be worth risking your career, and could keep her from being a "bad" character, while still being shady. She wasn't surprised at being pushed down the stairs (if that even happened) and she said in this episode that she volunteered to work with the girls. So anyway, I think she may be investigating.
I do have another theory about the recordings (we'll get there).
Other Notes
Rose has a German Shepherd?? Listen, I'm probably not supposed to think too hard about this, but this (again) feels like an unnecessarily elaborate set up.
Kairos being brought up by name again still interests me- if you haven't read my earlier posts about this, I've pretty extensively discussed why this is interesting in my 2x04 analysis. You can find that tagged 'pll' on my blog.
Bloody Rose Cult - the online version of the cult kind of confuses me. I'm not sure how that's going to tie in, like it feels like it has to be there for a reason, but it also felt like a complication to the plot that we maybe didn't need. So what gives?
I'll just get the big one out of the way first-
Wes. I mentioned last week that just because Wes hasn't had a huge presence this season, I haven't forgotten that he is sketchy AF. I also theorized that the SpookySpaghetti BR films might be his (and might even be the rejected festival films he made). I also mentioned during my church (specifically Mrs. Beasley) theory that the biggest snag in that theory is the technological side of Rose, her online presence, the use of the term "final girls," etc. None of that really fits with Mrs. Beasley, even if she is working with kids from the youth group. So here's what makes the most sense to me at this moment. Wes is making a movie. He saw the events of the Millwood Massacre, realized he had five "final girls" right in front of him, is bitter about his plot with Tabby from last season, and is desperate to "make it" in the industry. The tests are weirdly convoluted and nonsensical because they matter only insomuch as the footage they capture for his film. Whether or not they pass doesn't matter to Rose, as long as they don't ALL die because there needs to be someone left for the finale. If they fail, gory death footage. If they pass, tense chase scene. If Wes is behind this, I think the church (cult) are the villains of his film. We see a BR cult in the most recent film on SpookySpaghetti, and they are doing exactly what we later see Kelly, Henry, and the church doing. I think it may be that all the religious imagery, the kills all being "sinners," the supposed "tests," is all designed to lead back to the cult (based off of Kelly's church) in the film. This is why "Rose" killed the teens in the cabin, and Sandy, no tests, but devised convoluted traps for the girls to escape. Those other characters aren't final girls; they don't need to make it to the finale. I suspect the "finale" is planned for Redemption House. Sooooo, that's the new big theory.
If someone is making a movie, this also ups my suspicions of Christian. Wes is the obvious choice (I mean, he's named Wes, he's a walking horror reference), but he's also already an annoyance at best, so it's easy to suspect him. Christian has as much horror movie knowledge and could also be working on something like this. The fact that he's NOT been a suspect basically at all (Tabby thought he was weird for like 5 minutes) definitely is a red flag for me. I also think this is a multi-person operation (at least two, possibly more).
I also think, even if the "Wes is making a movie" theory is correct, we have to have someone who has more personal knowledge (or access to it) of the girls involved as well. How does Rose know their secrets? As far as we know, only Jen & Noa know about their relationship, but Rose knew. Obviously the love interests are all in a good position to get info, but none of them have complete access to all the girls, so they could be pooling their info, or they could be stealing/checking phones, etc. OR it could be someone like Dr. Sullivan. She knows A LOT of the girl's secrets, and she might even know about Jen & Noa's original relationship if she has access to juvie records. Who knows? I haven't forgotten that all their numbers leaked and there aren't many characters who should have been able to do that. It's also possible (if she and Wes or she and Christian were working together) that she was recording the girls for dialogue/audio for the script of the film.
My big question about this is.... How would Wes (or Christian, if he's involved) think he could get away with this? If he makes his movie out of real footage, people will know. Maybe he doesn't care. Maybe he just wants the recognition, no matter the cost.
The Church - I'm not completely not suspicious of the church anymore, like I still like a lot of the analysis I did on it, but I think my current theory fits a little better at the edges. Still, I've got my eye on them.
Jen showing up to pick Noa up is weird. Since Noa was walking around in the woods for a while, it seems unlikely she would have been able to follow her very well. But I feel this could also be easily explained by Jen being tipped off in some way. It's weird, but I'm not ready to make a strong judgement on it yet.
Okay, okay, okay. This is me taking a ridiculous shot in the dark based on the tiniest shred of evidence (and honestly kinda hope I'm wrong), but I had this wild thought when Johnny mentioned his dad is an asshole. We know basically nothing about Johnny, but they give us this little tidbit. This show loves twin twists. This show loves its alliterative names (Karen & Kelly). And there's someone else who also mentioned their dad is an asshole. Could Johnny & Jen be twins? We get the impression that Jen is an only child because she mentions she and her mom were abandoned by her dad (however honest that is), but she never said she didn't have siblings. We've never seen Johnny and Jen interact (they were both at the skate party, but not interacting), and they're both possibly not from Millwood (Jen mentions she had to come to Millwood for summer school, implying she's usually enrolled elsewhere, and Johnny asked that girl on a date to Rosewood, meaning he may also not be a Millwood native). Once I thought it, I had to write it down. It seems like a stretch, but I would never forgive myself for thinking this and not saying it if it turned out to be true.
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seidooreiki · 1 year
I want to be diligent and put screencaps in this post but when I think about it again, I don't think I can so here we go.
Dojin's sudden death is such a big plot twist that I never think will happen-- now I'm kind of mad, I will prefer the cheesy and useless love triangle rather than his tragic death.
But at the same time, I'm kind of impressed.
I do think the script writer has planned it from the first season. It isn't the big plot twist just for the sake of it, but Dojin is destinied to die (for the sake of the plot). It left a big impact, it made me love and hate the script writer for doing it to me.
What you can say? I love angst. It hurts so good. It destroyed me in the worst way possible, I hate it but I love it.
I do love how the director directed this drama. The episode 3 is so... darn painful but very beautiful done, even though I'm reluctant to admit it.
Dojin's death is tragic, but at least, not stupid.
It is very Dojin like.
A noble death, kind of.
I cried my eyes off for the entire episode. It was unfolded in a neat way. In a memorable way.
And here, in the first season, I thought Doujin will get into the trope of nice guy second male lead who will get a heartbreak but find a new love in the second season. I thought for sure Sol will choose Detective Jin, because his trope as the loner and suicidal bad boy MC is too fatal. But, I never thought their love triangle will end in this way.
Not with how Dojin confessed his love in the 'afterlife'. Not with how Detective Jin, secretly, took away the ring from Dojin's finger and put it on Sol, because he just knows.
Not with how after Sol woke up from her comatose state, the first thing Detective Jin did was telling her about Dojin's death. Not with how Detective Jin accompanied her to Dojin's grave because she missed the funeral.
It is like how Dojin knows how Sol has a soft spot for Detective Jin, but Dojin never acted childish about it. Instead, he respects her feeling, and focusing at how he can win her heart without slandering Detective Jin. Detective Jin also knows how Dojin loves her and how Sol regards Dojin as an important person.
The triangle love turned tragic but wholesome, it was so far away from a cliche and toxic triangle love story in most kdrama.
Heck, in alternate story, I won't mind for them to be in a polyamory relationship because those three are wholesome together.
And beside the tragic love triangle.
I'm saddened of how Detective Jin missed his chance to have a good friendship with Dojin. Well, their friendship has improved a lot, but not enough, for me. Detective Jin is so broken and he functions solely on negative feelings, it was almost hard to see. The ones who noticed it the most are Sol and Dojin.
Sol is healing him with her kindness and love,
And Dojin is giving him a strange but understanding friendship, where Dojin can perfectly follow Detective Jin's crazy thought.
For someone as broken as Detective Jin, I can tell how Dojin's death broke something inside Detective Jin more. He didn't show it because he can't show it unless the case is solved. But Detective Jin was very shaken up.
And it was sad.
He is an inch away to have a better friendship with Dojin, in the first and second episodes, they become quite close.
The episode 3 is such a wild ride because it is shown how everyone suffered with Dojin's death. He is an amazing person and he left a big impact for so many people.
The coroner who has a crush to Dojin.
I cried so hard when she cried.
I felt her. She maintained her professionalism to the end and finally shed tears when no one watching. Similar with the comannder of the fire fighter.
The episode 2 is about how people are worrying about Sol, so Dojin's death flew under their radar, well, our radar. It was beautifully planned by the director and the script writer. I'm upset but impressed.
Still, now that Dojin isn't there with them, this drama won't ever be the same. Now instead of trio, it only become duo... and more romantic (but also very painful)? I don't know honestly.
And here I hope the drama will end with Detective Jin healing with Sol's help and Dojin become his best friend that he doesn't know he needed.
I don't think I can ever rewatch this drama again because then I will cry everytime I see Dojin on screen.
He is one of the best second male lead I have ever seen. His death broke my heart to pieces.
And even though it will be hard to watch this drama to the end, probably I will still will. Because I know Dojin will still appear in flash back or hallucination later. But only for this second season.
If this drama continues into more seasons like the rumors said, I don't think I can watch more of this. Especially if Dojin's role is replaced by someone else, I can't bear to see it.
This is such an underrated drama, but I think not everyone can stomach how the second male lead died before the season 2 reach the climax so yeah...
Maybe I will write a fanfic about this drama, about Dojin, later. But now, I need to heal because Dojin's death give me such a trauma now.
F*ck u with love, script writer
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itsdannysworld · 1 year
Sunkissed (Chapter 5)
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Pairing: Jake Kiszka x Reader, Danny Wagner x Reader CW: cursing, teeny tiny bit of angst, fluff, drinking, sexual innuendos, confusing love triangle stuff Summary: They both want you and you want them both....huh
Whose we?
You were internally panicking, you wanted to be left alone to wallow in your own self pity, but that obviously wasn’t going to happen. You unlocked the door.
“Can we talk about this all later?” You whispered, the music downstairs almost drowning your words out.
“We’re not mad baby, we just wanna discuss everything.” Jake spoke up. You opened the door and they shuffled in, the bathroom being big enough to fit y’all comfortably.
The moment everyone was situated you started rambling,
“Ok so Danny saw me leaving your room the other night and he drove me home and later like the next day we kissed but I really like both of you and Jake-” You gestured to him. “You and I aren’t exclusive but it’s still probably a dick move on my end and I’m sorry to the both of you.”
You knew none of that made sense, but it just kinda of tumbled out of your mouth.
“Y/n, we don’t mind sharing you.” Danny spoke up.
“I’m sorry?” Your mind was racing.
“Well in the 10 minutes it took us to find you we kinda talked about it, and for now we don’t really mind if you want both of us.” Jake said. At this point you were sitting on the sink/counter while the boys were in front of you. You were relieved, but knew that this mess was far from over.
“I mean-“ You took a pause. “I can do that, I guess.”
“Good.” Jake took a step closer to you, resting his hand on your thigh.
“Now let’s get back to the party before people start wondering where we are.” Danny made the move to leave the bathroom.
“I’m gonna clean my face up and use the restroom, I’ll see y’all downstairs.” You smiled. It wasn’t a big smile, but it was there. You were surprised either of them were ok with that, especially enough to propose the idea to you. As you hopped of the counter you splashed your face with water and analyzed your face. Your makeup was long gone, but you didn’t mind too much. You had no idea what you were about to get yourself into.
Balancing both Jake and Danny? That’s gonna be a lot to handle. Your phone dinged pulling you away from your thoughts.
Can I see you after the party? To just talk about everything…..and more if you want 😉
You replied with a thumbs up and told him you planned on heading out around midnight. You hadn’t drank enough to prevent you from driving, knowing you would probably want to be home after tonights events.
The rest of the night went smoothly and you were even having fun. You danced around with Josh for awhile, soaking up all of his positive energy. You checked your phone and saw the time, noticing it was 11:50.
“I should probably head out, I loved seeing everyone!” You shouted, directing it at Josh and Sam.
“Love you y/n! Get home safe darling!” Josh yelled back. You walked down the driveway and towards your car, starting the engine and heading towards your apartment. You got in the house and threw yourself on the couch, tossing your keys and other belongings on the kitchen counter. You were emotionally and physically exhausted, and as much as you liked being around Jake, your social battery was gone. You went to your room and took your shoes and jewelry off and throwing on some pajamas, hearing your doorbell ring just as you finished tying the drawstring on your pants.
You went and opened the door, and there stood Jake.
“Hey, come in.” You ushered him inside. He plopped down on your couch and you joined him, resting your head on his lap.
“Whatchu wanna talk about?” You asked.
“When were you gonna tell me?” He seemed slightly betrayed, which was a totally valid emotion in this situation.
“I don’t know to be honest. I wanted to figure out my emotions and feelings before I told you, but I guess I don’t get that privilege.” You dryly laughed. It wasn’t a humorous situation, but you didn’t know what else to do.
“Yeah I get that. Look y/n I know I should’ve told you this earlier and I’ve been avoiding it but I have to get this off my chest. I know we agreed not to fall for each other because us dating would be hard to deal with but I can’t help but love you. You make me happy and I like being around you. I like the look you give me when you need me.”
The shock must’ve been written on your face because his normally confident demeanor seemed to falter.
“Jake, I need to think about all of this. You mean the world to me and I do appreciate you telling me.”
You sat up and kissed his cheek, then the corner of his mouth, and slowly but surely his lips. This was sweet and slow, which wasn’t a common occurrence between the two of you. You got on-top of him and started to straddle him, his hands going down to rest on your hips.
“Let me show you how much I love you.”
At this point you couldn’t form coherent thoughts and just nodded. He picked you up and carried you to your room and gently laid you on your bed.
Shit this was gonna be a good night
The morning came to quickly. You turned over to look at Jake and noticed he was already gone. You partially expected it, but part of you wanted him there. You made the move to get out of bed when you saw his shirt was still on the floor. You smiled, knowing that he was still in the apartment. You walked to your dresser and pulled on an old tee shirt and left your room. You immediately saw Jake standing by your coffee maker, and noticed he was also cooking eggs. As much as you wanted to go talk to him and how sweet you thought he looked, you quietly ducked in the bathroom and sat on the floor. In a way, bathrooms were your anxiety cooldown spot. You were left super confused. You knew you didn’t have to choose between the two right now, but seeing Jake shirtless making you breakfast completely changed your emotions towards him. You liked him? You stood up and threw water on your face.
Seriously y/n? You caught feelings for both of them? Plus his confession from last night didn’t help anything.
“Morning baby” You had made your way to the kitchen, Jake noticing you immediately.
“Good morning.” You elongated the end of morning. “Did you sleep ok? I swear I need to get a new mattress.” You pulled yourself up and sat on your counter.
“Yeah I slept alright, and your eggs are now done.” He motioned towards the food he had just plated.
“Thank you hun, you didn’t have to cook me breakfast, especially since your the guest.” You smiled, grabbing the plate from his hands.
“Hey y/n?”
“Yeah Jake?”
“Can I take you on a real date?” He seemed nervous, which you found quite cute. You knew going on a date with him would add so many more feelings, but you really wanted to see what a date with him would be like.
“Ok.” You smiled.
Little did you know that this was all going to turn into one big competition.
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softpine · 2 years
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aw thank you!! i just gave them one outfit with cc, since it’s the outfit they wear the most often and i don’t want to overload my gameplay save with cc. i have a whole separate mods folder and everything to keep myself in check lol
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whenever i get the chance to retcon things and call this time period the 2000s, i take the opportunity 😌 even if it’s just gameplay
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we have the same eye color for sure and i can see the nose too! i wish i had his teeth tho 😭 the only picture i have of myself from this angle is when i was drunk off my ass FJSJDKSJ enjoy this cursed image
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@maturation​ hmmm not really :( i wrote some tips here for making teenagers look like teenagers, but it’s even harder to make them look like preteens 😭 i think the only time i pulled it off was with casper, and that was really just because he has a baby face without trying. i didn’t even try with asa because he’s so big, i just did a time skip to avoid the whole thing. i’m sorry i can’t help more!! it’s such a huge limitation of the sims :/
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hey! i thought i had removed everything by pandasama, but there was actually a file called “animation_injector_changingtable” in my mods folder that was causing problems. delete it, then delete localthumbcache, then reload the game to see if it worked :) otherwise my other problem was an outdated TOOL mod, i thought i updated it but i actually downloaded an old version! (btw, pandasama’s other stuff works fine now, i put it all back after i finished testing. just make sure to update the childbirth mod if you have that)
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@moresimming​ omg thank you so much 🥺 not to sound morbid, but making people cry because of my story is the biggest compliment fjksjds media that makes me cry is genuinely my favorite thing, so hearing that i can do the same thing for someone else is awesome. i’m so happy you’re enjoying it!! thank you ;-; 💖💖
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yes it’s a main blog!! i would 1000000% recommend creating a new account for your simblr! it’s huuuge for visibility. it would be really hard for people to follow you back if your main blog is the one whose url is showing up; most people won’t go to the effort of clicking on your blog to find out if you have a simblr somewhere else. i created a separate email so that i could keep my personal blog as my main blog, but still have a new account for simblr :) also if you use firefox (which everyone should tbh), you can use the containers extension so that you don’t have to log in and out of your accounts all the time, you can just open them in two tabs!
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↓ GHOST STUFF BELOW, trigger warnings apply ↓
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right??? that’s the first question i wanted to ask, but honestly i don’t know if i want the answer fjksjds i’ll just choose to believe that ghosts know the concept of privacy 😌
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okay it's kinda funny you said this because... well i don't want to give too much detail but i used to live between a historic cemetery, an honest to god abandoned psychiatric facility, and a building that's known to be one of the most haunted places in the state. but i still never felt or saw ANY ghosts. that's why i didn't believe for so long, because how can i be in the freaking bermuda triangle of ghost activity and never see one?? i'm still mad about it lmao, whether i believe in them or not, i've always wanted to see a ghost so bad. especially if they're just lonely! come to me and we can chill lol
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oh wow yeah it’s always freaky when people who don’t seem like the type to believe in this kind of stuff tell you stories like this; it adds a new layer of credibility if you can eliminate all other options. like when people are grieving their loved ones, it’s normal to see/hear/smell them everywhere, and when you’re living in that fog of grief, you can mistake a lot of things for ghost activity that are actually just a result of you looking for patterns to make sense of it all. and i still think this is the case most of the time. i remember when my grandma died, my mom was understandably a complete mess, and she was always misplacing things in that time. but to this day, she still claims it was my grandma who was moving her water bottle, turning the stove on, etc. i’m still (and always will be) a very science minded person, so i’m always going to look at the other explanations first. sorry that was a tangent lmao but my point is, it’s always weird when someone down to earth says stuff like this. that would be so sad, but at least he was able to comfort them a little bit :( what an awful way to go :(
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