#everything last night put me in a bad mood and made me upset but I don’t regret the post
bueckers-babygirl · 3 months
I Need You (Paige Bueckers x black!fem!reader)
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Summary: You and Paige go through a rough patch, you only see one solution
Warnings: Just a lot of cursing
word count: 1346
I was tired. I was tired of the constant arguing, silent treatments, and petty comments. The most tiring thing of them all was trying to keep up the picture of a happy couple when I knew we were the complete opposite at the moment. 
I woke up around eight in the morning, feeling around the bed for Paige’s warmth. When I was met with a cold part of the bed, the memories from the night before came rushing back. The screaming, the insults, and the words that could never be taken back. Which then led to Paige sleeping on the couch. We have had some pretty bad arguments, but this one definitely takes the cake. I rubbed my burning eyes, which were dry from the tears, and made my way out of our room to the kitchen. As soon as I opened the door, I was met with Paige, making coffee in the kitchen. Our eyes met, but we didn't say a word to each other. I hesitantly made my way to the kitchen island and took the coffee that she slid in front of me. We sat in an uncomfortable silence, which was considered normal at this point, waiting for the other to say something. Anything.
 As we sat there I wondered to myself. I wondered how everything went to shit after a beautiful three-year relationship. I wondered how such a loving apartment that felt like home soon turned into a place you dreaded waking up in. I wondered if I had the opportunity to go back in time, what I would have to do to prevent all of this from happening. 
With a deep breath, the first word in five minutes is spoken. “Paige…we need to talk” I say with a shaky breath. Paige’s head shoots up, her eyes filled with concern. “All we’ve been doing for the last month is arguing. It’s literally draining the life out of me” I say as I move my coffee away to make sure I am more focused on the conversation. “I know. I'm sorry but I've just been stressed, babe. You can’t get mad at me for being stressed” Paige scoffs and turns away. “Did I fucking say I was mad at you for being stressed, Paige? No, I didn't! So don’t put-” I take a deep breath, not wanting to start another draining argument between us. Paige noticed that I was more frustrated than usual. “Look, I'm sorry. Can we just lie down and watch a movie? I just wanna forget last night happened” Paige suggests as she takes my hand in her’s. This is the bullshit that makes me so mad. I don’t want to ignore the issue. That's all she ever wants to do.
“No, Paige. We have to talk. We can’t keep ignoring this. If we ignore it all the time it just gets worse and worse” I stand up and walk around the small space of our apartment. “I don’t feel like talking about it. I just wanna sleep and lay with you. The couch wasn’t the most comfortable” Paige laughs, trying to soften the mood. “I understand Paige. However, what happened last night was just…it was a lot” I sigh, rubbing my hand through my tight coils. “ Oh my god. Are you seriously still upset about that? I told you about eighteen times you have nothing to be jealous of” Paige's voice gets louder, as she remembers how ridiculous she felt the conversation was. “You constantly telling me ‘Don’t worry about it’ and ‘You're overreacting’ doesn’t ease my fucking nerves, babe. It makes me feel like I'm delusional and I know I'm not” I say, becoming more and more frustrated with every word that leaves my mouth.  “I never said the you were delusional, babe! I’m telling you that you have nothing to worry about. If you don’t believe me I don’t know what to tell you. What do you want me to do” Paige rubs her hands over her face as she makes her way over to the couch. 
“I don’t know Paige! I honestly don’t know but you don’t understand. The way you say these things makes me feel…like I'm this weird insecure girlfriend who needs you to coddle her all the time” I say walking over to stand in front of her. She slightly, but noticeably rolls her eyes. I scoff and walk into the bedroom, just needing to get away from her. To my misfortune, she follows me. “Baby! I am trying my best to figure out what you want. You're acting fucking weird and I don’t know what you want” Paige exclaims. I stood and looked at her for a while….what did I want? 
Why were we always having these useless arguments that felt like they were going nowhere? Was I trying to prove something? Were we trying to keep something alive that just wasn’t there anymore? What the fuck was going on.
“Hello? Seriously what is going on with you” Paige asks as she annoyingly waves a hand in front of your face. “Paige” I pause, not exactly sure what to say. “I think we need to take a break” Tears finally fall from my eyes. Paige’s entire demeanor changes, shock filling her body. “What the fuck are you talking about” Paige asks with a shaky voice. “I just feel like we should take a break…this relationship needs a break” I walk over to the closet, packing a bag full of enough clothes until I can get the rest of mine. “Why would we need to take a break Y/n? Because we had a few arguments? That makes no sense” She exclaims, following me into the closet. “Paige! We have been constantly fighting for a fucking month now! Im fucking tired” I yell while clapping my hands, hoping to get my point across. Paige’s eyes fill with tears, both of us motionless. It felt like someone had just stabbed me in the heart.
 I would never in a million years have guessed that I would be packing my clothes to take a break from the love of my life. Paige all of a sudden takes my hand in hers, staring into what felt like my soul. “Y/n…please. Don’t leave. I'm sorry” Tears fall down the blonde's face as I drop my duffle bag to the floor for a split second. Every bone in my body was telling you to stay, to forget everything that had happened. They were telling me to just sit on the couch like I usually would and brace for the next argument that would ring throughout the apartment. However, my heart was telling me that you needed time apart so that we could get better. 
I take the girl's face in my hands, looking into her beautiful blue eyes. “It’s not forever Paige. I promise,” I say, trying to keep a strong face on. “But we need some time apart so that we can get better…I need you to understand” I whisper. Paige is hesitant but nods her head. I finally let out a shaky breath as she sniffles and leaves the room. As she closes the door I let out another shaky breath that turns into a sob. 
As I calm myself down I finish packing my bag with enough clothes to keep me through the “break”. Once I finished, I walked out into the living room to see Paige curled up on the couch, eyes red from her tears. With a shaky breath, I walk over to her, giving her a passionate kiss before making my way to the door. With my hand on the handle, I hesitate, turning to Paige to look at her for the last time in a while. “I love you, P,” I say, with a smile and salty tears falling down my face. “I love you too, Beautiful” Paige sniffles and laughs. With those last words being said, I close the door to our apartment, ready to see what life has in store for me until I see her next. 
This was my first REALLY long fic! I hope yall enjoyed and I MIGHT make a part two cuz I hate when some angst don't have a happy ending <3
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slutforleeminho · 1 year
Here is a cute little Bangchan drabble i thought of last night while trying to sleep:)
warnings: marking, hickey, jealousy, suggestive
you walked into your boyfriends room after showering and putting on one of his hoodies that was so big on you that the sleeves hung past your wrists and the hem reached your lower thighs, almost to your knees. today was the first time you and bangchan properly spent time together in weeks due to his busy schedule. but he made sure to show you just how much he missed you by fucking your brains out and sending you off to shower while he changed the sheets, so that when you got back you two could cuddle.
he was now sprawled out on the bed mindlessly scrolling through his phone. he noticed the slight click from you closing and locking the door and raised his head to meet your gaze. you flashed him a big smile and giggled, just so happy to be with him.
“that’s crazy” he smiled back at you while hitting the button on the side of his phone to power it off.
“what is?” you questioned
“you were in such a bad mood earlier and now you’re like a ray off sunshine. it’s crazy how a little bit off dick can change you.” he laughed as your jaw dropped and you approached the bed.
“i’m literally gonna kill you!” you swatted at his arm but he swiftly dodged it.
he gasped and slapped his hand over his heart as if he was hurt by your words. you crawled across the bed until you were right next to him, wrapping your arms around his waist and laying you head on his chest. “i’m just kidding chan! i wouldn’t kill you. who would fuck me if you weren’t here?”
“i’m sure the other members would love to” he scoffed.
“oh i know they would”
“what do you mean?!?!” his voice was high pitched as he asked you.
“i’ve seen the way they look at me. but it’s fine cause i’m looking too.”
“you’re what?!”
you lifted your upper body to lean on your elbows. “ oh come on chan. you know i love you and would never do anything but they are attractive.”
he didn’t respond.
“chan? baby?” you cupped the side of his face, making him look at you. you were met with a quiet “hmm” “please forgive me?” you knew he wasn’t actually upset, he was just being playfully dramatic. he never cared if you looked at other people or not, as long as you always came back to him.
“promise you won’t look at the other members”
“i promise” you inched forward until your lips met. it was nothing to much, just a few soft and sweet pecks to his pouty lips. “do you wanna leave your mark?” his eyes widened and a big smile grew on his face. “can i?” he was already so eager. “of course you can”
he hovered over you and brushed your hair out of your face and leaned down to your neck to scan over his favorite place to mark you— right behind your ear, where most people wouldn’t see it unless you wore your hair up, and he knew you only really wore your hair up when you were at the dorms— it was like his signature.
he started licking and sucking, trying to make sure it was dark and would last awhile. “it tickles” you giggled and started to jerk away from him but tried your best to sit still for him. once he deemed it was good enough he sat back and admired his work.
“does it look good?” you asked teasingly.
“of course it does. everything looks good on you”
“no i think it looks good cause these pretty lips put it there.” you ran your index finger across his bottom lip.
“nonsense” he replied
“oh shut up and cuddle with me, idiot” you pulled him down on top of you.
“now that i won’t argue with”
@yumiblogs @fawnpeaks
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lovejosephquinn · 1 year
Hi! Can I request one of the fluff prompts with the “This is probably a bad time, but marry me?”
thank you! 🥹🥹
You frantically moved around the house turning everything upside down to try and find your bank card, retracing your steps of where to go and what to do to find it before having to make the dreaded, long phone call to the bank on which you would probably spend at least an hour on hold. You were in sheer panic, hoping it would be in the safest place possible as lost things often were but to no avail. You skidded downstairs and out the door to your car, heavy panting from using all the energy present in your body to try and find it. Hands shaking, eyes darting from side to side at each corner and crevice that it could possibly be.
You were brought to a stand still just in the middle of the downstairs hall way by your boyfriend. Putting a hand to your shoulder, your body turning into a statue as you eyed the wooden floor feeling in the worst mood possible. "Where the fuck is it Joe?"
Joe pulled you into a hug, that was his answer every time he saw that you were annoyed, upset or something had caused a chaotic moment to your day. Except this was hours was of dramatized infuriation that had been building up the longer you went without recovering the expensive piece of plastic.
His hands hugged just underneath your shoulder blades, fingers massaging through your baggy t-shirt in an attempt to calm you and bring you back to some form of tranquillity at least for a second. "I don't know love. You need to get it cancelled though, even if you did it find it, at least it wouldn't be the end of the world you could always just order a new one."
You were on your period, which enabled you to make a mountain out of a mole hill about it, any sane person in the right mind would have just called the bank by now instead of fettling around every nook and cranny you possibly could. Your tears ran down your face, soaking the material of Joe's t-shirt, quiet sobs could just be made out through the muffled space you had to breath through.
"I'm fed up, we were meant to go out tonight and now it's all ruined and I've ruined our night and I-"
Joe pushed your chin up to meet his sorrowful eyes, one finger stroked against it whilst the other remained around your back. "Ruined? Worst case scenario we have a night in darling, it's not the end of the-" You interrupted him a little bitter that he had just done the same thing to you.
"It is the end of the world." Joe stepped back, taking his phone out of his back pocket, taking off his phone case he wavered your bank card straight toward you. Your eyes grew wide with annoyance.
"I didn't want you insisting to pay tonight so I took it away." You huffed, shuffling past him, not wanting to say another word and just needing to be left alone at least for the next hour. Joe slowly traced your steps upstairs and into your bedroom where you sat at the edge of your bed with your head in your hands.
"So... Night in?" Joe sluggishly cowered against the doorway, you know he meant no harm but he had obviously taken it too far by watching you struggle for the last couple of hours.
"You are such a dick you know that?" You purposely rolled your eyes over to your boyfriend in disgust, Joe playfully marched his way over to you.
"And you're beautiful." You felt like calling him a creep, he knew he felt guilty but just when you furrowed your brow toward him, feeling immensely pissed off yet the cutesy attitude of him didn't allow you to stay that way for long, it was inevitable that he could be the cause and the reason to make you feel better all in one.
"So this is probably a bad time seeing as I'm in the dog house." Getting down onto one knee and taking one hand into his, he took a deep breath and looked straight into your eyes reaching through into the depths of your soul. "I wanted to do this differently but..."
You opened your mouth as if you wanted to say something but the four words he blurted out next would shut your lips together like glue instantly. "Will you marry me?"
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lovechrissturniolo · 1 month
reading & answering
"weird" fan questions leads to more
* friends with benefits *
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built up & foreplay
ends before the actual sex
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short review
Y/N and Chris had been close friends for a while, but a week ago they had - by accident - become intimate: Y/N had spent the night at the Sturniolo's place after a party because she couldn't get a cab.
They both had been longing for physical contact. In Chris's cosy bed, cuddled up under the covers - the desire for each others touches had overcome them.
They agreed afterwards that it should remain a one-off incident. Their friendship meant a lot to both of them and nobody should get hurt.
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Chris had just posted a story on Insta when the two of them were on the couch, Y/N lay on her side, her head resting on his shoulder.
"Can't wait to see the weird shit." Chris smirked, stretching and making a growling noise.
Y/N enjoyed the view as his body tensed:
his upper body in a black tank top
his stomach briefly to see
the waistband of his boxers peaking out
the outlines on the grey sweatpants
"I can't believe you're up for this right now." Y/N yawned, trying to distract herself from staring at his lap. "It's been such a long day!"
Chris slid a little deeper into the sofa and sighed deeply. "I don't know. I have so much pent-up energy in me - and my head's all over the place right now."
"Maybe I should go soon, it's pretty late." Y/N murmured as she saw the time on his lock screen.
"Nooo, you can't go now!" he replied, jokingly upset. "You have to go through this with me!"
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Chris always became very cuddly when he was exhausted and hyper. It brought him down to feel her so close.
Y/N unconsciously put her leg over Chris' lap as she tried to find a more comfortable position. It was not unusual for them to lie cuddled up together, but Y/N immediately realized that it was risky now.
The tension between the two became more intense every day since they slept with each other a week ago.
"Look." he murmured, pointing at the screen. "I knew it wouldn't stop at one!" and pointed to a fan's question:
Favorite position sexually?
"Well, answer then!" Y/N said jokingly and looked up at him. "That's a fair question!"
"Pah," Chris felt a little awkward and rubbed his eyes to avoid eye contact. "I wouldn't even answer that to my friends!"
Y/N smirked. He looked so damn cute when he was a little bit irritated. "Maybe I already know."
Chris eyes got back to hers. "Because we had a drunken quickie once, you think you know everything, huh?" Her eyes being fixed on his lips as he spoke made him slightly nervous.
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"Can I take a guess?" Somehow she liked it to tease him a little right now.
"Go for it."
"Regardless of my personal experience with our 'quicky' - I'd say you're the doggy kind of person?"
"Not bad!" he replied in a hoarse voice and cleared his throat. Their faces were so close together that he could feel her breath on his neck. "What's yours?"
"I like the way we did it the other day. Spooning cuddle sex-" Y/N realized that her teasing had the price of becoming increasingly aroused herself.
She lay her head back on his shoulder and took a deep breath. "But it depends, you know?"
Chris swallowed a lump in his throat. "Depends on what?" and wondered why he was even asking. He hadn't been able to think about anything else since they fucked last week. This conversation certainly wouldn't make it more bearable.
"To the mood, the situation, probably?" she mused. "I mean, I love cuddle fucking, but for harder sex, doggy style is wonderful. So rough and animalistic somehow..."
"Fuck yes." Chris rasped, leaning his head back and exhaling deeply, trying not to get too worked up.
"You should pick a new question." Y/N suggested to break the tension a little and leaned on her forearm.
"You pick!" he replied quickly and held the screen in front of her face. Y/N should be in charge of where it would lead, what she started.
It was only fair!
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Y/N surrendered to the fact that she was dying to sleep with Chris again since they did it last week and chose another one of the "weird" questions:
Oral - giving or receiving
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"Jesus, Y/N!" Chris groaned with a flustered laugh and put his forearm over his face.
Her squirming around, with her leg on his lap, while asking these questions started to make him crazy. "How about you start this time?"
"The questions are for you, not me." Y/N smirked and bit her lower lip.
"Alright." Chris returned somewhat desperately. "Hold on." He took a deep breath and his hand subconsciously reached for her leg to hold it in position.
Y/N's mouth went dry with excitement as she felt his clearly hardening member against her thigh.
"That's actually easy. I love both," he whispered, looking her straight in the eye.
"Same for me." she replied husky and glanzed at the screen again.
Tits or ass?
"That's a shallow question!"
"Because I don't look at tits or ass first."
Chris licked his upper lip with the tip of his tongue. "A nice neck is hot for me." and ran his finger along her neck.
"Waists are sexy, too." he added, tracing hers with his fingertips.
Y/N's pulse began to race and she got goose bumps from his gentle touch.
"Your mouth is beautiful." he added in a quivering voice and pressed his lips to hers.
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Y/N put her hand on his chest and pressed herself against him while their mouths opened and their tongues met.
Chris pulled her on top of him and moaned softly from the pleasant feeling of her abdomen on his lap.
"Tits or ass?" he groaned between their kisses, put his hands on her breasts and pressed them gently. "Whatever I can reach..."
Y/N moaned from pleasure burrying her hand in his hair.
length of your dick?
she added breathless, "was one of the questions!" while her free hand wandered between his legs.
"Fuck, Y/N!" Chris moaned as she gently grabbed his cock and tilted the head in his neck from pleassure.
"One more exception wouldn't hurt, right?" she moaned in his ear.
"Fuck, you don't even have to ask!"
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I love describing the built up/foreplay part more than the actual act, so I leave the rest to your imagination.
Hope you like it! 💕
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⬅️ more
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sinkingnotsoslowly · 2 years
Cuddle deprivation♡
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Pairing: Gender-neutral reader x Felix
Warnings: slight angst, fluff, workaholic reader, like one curse word
Autumn's sighs- little soft thoughts about our favourite boys
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Felix was in a bad mood. First, he was deprived of his morning cuddles because you left early for work. Then you missed the heart emoji in your good morning text. The final hit was when you cancelled movie night because you would be home late, which meant no movie time cuddles for Felix, again. He tried to put himself in your shoes and be understanding, he really did. Felix knew your work was important and he didn’t want to look like a needy boyfriend all time. Even he always had a busy schedule. But it was difficult when it was your sixth time cancelling a movie night. You were always going to work early and coming home late. It was clear that you were overworking yourself and Felix was not happy about it. More importantly, his cuddling privilege was taken away. 
He dragged his feet all day, and even during practice, he was not as energetic. “Why so gloomy Felix?”, Chan couldn’t help but ask, after all the sun wasn’t shining. “No cuddles”, Felix mumbled making Chan look at him weirdly. 
He came home early and decided to make some brownies for you, obviously not as a bribe, Felix would never do that. But all hell broke loose when he took out burnt brownies from the oven. He was absent-minded and he set the timer wrong. Tired and upset Felix let out a frustrated groan and slumped on the couch.
When you finally came home, you expected Felix to be asleep. He gets very tired after long hours of practice so you never ask him to wait up. But you found a very much awake Felix on the couch, hugging a cushion and pouting like there’s no tomorrow. “Why are you still up?”, you asked but Felix wouldn’t look at you. You sat down beside him and gave him a little nudge, “Everything all right?”
“You don’t love me anymore”.
You blinked once. Twice. What could’ve made Felix think that? You ran through everything in your mind trying to find something that you had missed. Did he find out that you ate the last piece of cookie? Or maybe Minho snitched on you about those toothpaste oreos, it was very likely. 
“This is the sixth movie night you cancelled”. Shit. Sixth? It was true that you had been spending way too much time in your office lately, much more than what you spend at home. You hadn’t been giving time to Felix but the gravity of the situation did not dawn on you until now.
“Forget movie night, you’re not even taking care of yourself (Y/N). What if- what if you collapsed? Do you know how worried I get? If you loved me, you would have taken care of yourself at least for me” Felix was really upset. His hands were in tiny fists and he was still not looking at you.
“I’m sorry”, you climbed on his lap and koala hugged him. He hugged you back, he could never stay mad at you. “I know sorry doesn’t cut it but I would really like you to forgive me. And thank you for the wake-up call Lixie, I mean it. I got too much into my head and lost sight of you, the love of my life. I’m sorry”. “It’s okay”, Felix mumbled in your hair. “I will forgive you but on one condition”, you looked up to see Felix smiling mischievously, “You pay me back with all the cuddles you deprived me of”. You were glad to pay him back.
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novankenn · 10 days
More than meets the Eye
Joan was a nervous wreck as Coco escorted her to the small cheap motel she would book a room in every time she needed to be in Vale to relax. Now Joan was relieved that Coco had stepped in and ended the situation with the pair of drunks... but terror still filled her. A terror of being outed. A fear of being harshly judged and ridiculed.
"So I want to say I'm sorry, about earlier." Coco spoke up breaking the silence as the pair continued down the street towards the motel.
Joan gave her a questioning look.
"About upsetting you when you were dancing." Coco expounded. "I just wanted to met you and... well... I know I over stepped and made you uncomfortable."
Joan shook her head and gave Coco a weak smile, before mouthing "Okay."
"I appreciate that." Coco returned the smile.
Silence once again settled between them and the last couple minutes of their journey passed by without any further interactions. Once at the pair was standing outside the Motel's office Joan gave Coco another smile before waving and heading off to her room. Coco bit her lip as she watched Joan's pert derriere sway, but the fashionista was also taking note of the room the young woman stepped into.
"Well it's late, so I should let Vel, Yats, and Fox know I'm camping out for the night." Coco commented to herself as she pulled out her scroll and walked into the Motel's office.
Jaune was tired when he awoke the next morning, and after a hot shower he took his time carefully repacking the components that allowed him to create his 'Joan' alter-ego. As he finished putting everything back in it's proper place, he checked his scroll. If he didn't hurry he would be late in meeting his team for breakfast.
"I need to get this fixed." Jaune mumbled as the latch to the carry-on sized case that contained 'Joan' wasn't securing properly. Knowing he was getting short on time he placed the case on the floor, pulled out the extendable handle and made his way out the door.
"HEY WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?!" came a loud voice from behind him just as he started to make his way for the stairs. Startled Jaune tripped over his own feet and was sent sprawling to face first to the floor.
"I ASKED YOU..." the voice stopped shouting as Jaune rolled over. His blue eyes going wide as he saw what he could only conclude would be the end of his existence at Beacon... Coco.
Coco's eyes narrowed and she started to take a step forward. She had seen this guy sneaking out of Joan's room with a bag, probably Joan's bag and... she knew him. He was from Beacon. He had tried to help her teammate Velvet. Then she saw the mess of items that had spilt from the case.
Jaune scrambled to his feet, and set about to as quickly as he could gather up the few items that had scattered when he tripped over himself. He wished he could take more time and place everything back properly, but he needed to get away while Coco was hesitating.
Coco's hand lashed out just as Jaune was starting to move away from her. It clamped down rather forcefully upon his wrist. Blue eyes rimmed with fear and centered with a growing rage looked at her.
"Let me go." Jaune spoke slowly. It was all over if Coco talked, but regardless of that. Jaune was in no mood to continue interacting with the fashionista. He hadn't wanted to when he was Joan, and he sure as hell wasn't going to now.
"Explain. I want to know..."
"Why the fuck should I?" Jaune retorted. "This has nothing to do with you."
"It does now."
"Does it? Why is that?" Jaune asked back as he finally was able to yank himself free of Coco's grasp. "Because I sure as fuck don't see how any of this is of any concern to you."
"You're coming into Vale to be a girl. I would like to know why?"
"Too bad. I need to go." Jaune commented as he started to take a couple steps away.
"If you do, I won't mention this anyone. I'll keep your secret." Coco offered.
"You're no better than Cardin." Jaune snapped. That simple phrase hit Coco like a slap to the face, and before she could recover, Jaune was down the stairs and climbing into a cab.
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cupidjyu · 1 year
hii could you write an angsty younghoon scenario?? i just some of my most important final exams and uh its not looking great for me💀💀 needa cry my guts out to feel better😭😭 how r ur finals going?
i need you
younghoon x reader (request)
genre: light angst, hurt/comfort, hugging, apologies notes: i wasn't sure if you wanted like sad angst?? but i figured that hurt/comfort would work more since you aren't doing too well with exams :) and my finals went okay! word count: 0.8k
You heard the familiar click of the door unlocking and so you jumped up from the couch to greet your boyfriend. You were very excited to see him, just like you are every day. You absolutely adore the sight of his pretty face and the feeling of his warm hugs.
When the door opened, you smiled. “Hoonie! I missed you.” You approached him to wrap your arms around him like you usually do, but his response gets you frowning. He doesn’t necessarily push you off, but he kind of blocks you from hugging him with his arm.
Your smile fell as you looked at him with worry. “Everything okay?”
“Mhm,” He hummed, blinking with exhaustion. You stared as he walked around the room to put down his things and take off his coat. Immediately, you knew that he was in a bad mood and you couldn’t help but feel uneasy.
And even though you knew you shouldn’t, you kept on pushing him for answers. It wasn’t to bother him, you just wanted to take care of him.
“Younghoon.” You appeared behind him. He was currently eating the leftover dinner from last night, slightly slouched over the counter. His eyebrows were furrowed already.
“Yeah?” He didn’t even look at you.
“Are you sure everything’s okay?”
“Yes, I’m sure,” He sighed. “Everything’s fine.” But, his tone was harsh. Not convincing at all.
You stared at him, trying to figure out what to do. You’ve never seen him so upset, with his usual calming nature. “You know…” You placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, making him flinch. “If you need someone to talk to, I’m–”
“I don’t need anyone.” He suddenly snapped. Your breath hitched. And what really felt like a sharp needle in your heart, was the fact that he looked directly at you when he said “anyone”. It was as if to say he specifically did not need you.
“Oh, I–” You could already feel the tears pricking your eyes. “I’ll just go then.” You awkwardly pointed at the bedroom, feeling like you would burst into cries right then and there. As you turned around, you didn’t see the way his face immediately formed regret as his hand reached out for you.
About an hour later, you were sitting in bed, scrolling through your phone. You haven’t made any move to leave the room because you didn’t quite know how to act if you faced him again. He really isn’t always like this, the only other time this has happened was when there was an issue at work. 
You were startled when he walked into the room, like a miserable puppy in the rain, his head hung low. You stared at him with surprise.
“I’m sorry.” He gazed at you with sad eyes. Hesitantly, he went to where you were and sat in front of you, his legs crossed. He slowly took your hand in his, almost fearful that you would pull away. But instead, you looked at him with curiosity.
“Are you going to tell me now?” You asked, skeptically.
He nodded his head slowly before sighing, “It’s just that people were mean at work today. They said some stuff behind my back and it sort of hurt my confidence.” Tears pricked his eyes, making your heartbreak. “I’m sorry for lashing out at you before. I really didn’t mean to.” A single teardrop fell from his eyes. “I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. I didn’t mean to hurt you.���
“You didn’t hurt me.”
“I did.” He looked at you. “I can see it in your eyes. I’m sorry.”
You stared at him, your eyes softening when you noticed that he truly looked guilty. His lips were pulled into a pout and his eyes were watery, threatening to spill over. 
“It’s okay, we all have our bad days,” You whispered. You opened your arms and pulled him in. Immediately, you felt tears stain the back of your shirt and small noises from his throat. You held him tighter. 
“Please don’t misunderstand,” He mumbled, his voice wavering with cries. “I do need you. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
You froze for a moment before relaxing and nodding as you rubbed your hand across his back soothingly. 
“Just be sure that you don’t hide anything from me anymore, okay? I’ll always be there to help.” Your hand came up to stroke his hair as he melted into your touch.
It was silent.
And then he whispered again, “I love you.”
You smiled. “I love you too.”
“Can you…” He pulled away, sniffling. You stared at him intently. “Can you hold me for the rest of the night?”
You giggled, “Of course, handsome.”
Younghoon smiled for the first time that night.
It’s in these tender moments, that they might hurt. But then again, it can also bring you just that bit closer. 
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yeowangies · 1 year
PAIRING: Raditz/GenderNeutral!Reader RATING: Everyone CONTENTS: Little Angst, Comfort, Established relationship WARNINGS: Mentions of mental illness. WORDCOUNT: 1440
But it was like piling up a bunch of emotions you pushed back, suddenly floating up to occupy your mind at once. 
Luckily Raditz wasn’t there to witness it.
I meant to finish this small piece last weekend, but well, I didn't. I was feeling bad and writing things like this from my own experience is hard.
I have a love hate relationship with this kind of confessional fics. It feels good to put my own feelings into words, but on the other hand, I spend almost all the time it takes me to write it crying, but it's also a way to have catharsis, though I feel exposed, but then again-
Anyway, I don't go into anything specific about mental illness and stuff, but it's there. I also barely proof read this.
It was one of those days. You weren’t exactly sure why you’d randomly felt like that even when nothing really happened; you even woke up in a good mood. But it was like piling up a bunch of emotions you pushed back, suddenly floating up to occupy your mind at once. 
Luckily Raditz wasn’t there to witness it. While you hated that he spent so much time training with Goku, sometimes being gone for weeks and months at a time, at some point you were glad he wasn’t around much. He had rarely seen you when you were down, and if he had, he noticed enough to try and make the day easier for you (which usually just involved more kisses and attention during sex, and you appreciated it).
This time, it was different, and you were glad he wasn’t home. You’ve been on the edge of tears for half the day, and after dinner, you couldn’t help but cry a little. Or a lot. It was uncomfortable to do it, eyes puffy and stuffy nose, but it was worse to try and hold it in, so you were basically sobbing while washing the dishes. Even after taking a shower and washing your face thoroughly, you couldn’t help it, and you wonder if there even was a point in putting on night cream if you were going to keep crying your eyes out once you went to bed. 
You were startled when you heard the front door open. You could tell by the sound alone that it was Raditz. He had come home sooner than you expected. 
Trying to wipe your tears as quickly as you could, pressing your fingers to your eyes to will the puffiness away magically. He was going to notice, no matter how much you tried, but maybe the shower would have made it not so obvious. 
“Hey!” Raditz greeted you with a grin as he walked into the bedroom. 
You smiled at him from your seat by the vanity, and he didn’t even give you time to greet him back, standing by you in the blink of an eye as he leaned down to kiss you at once. You made a startled noise, returning the affection before he pulled away. 
“I wasn’t expecting you tonight.” You commented, wondering if your voice sounded even right at that moment. 
Raditz kept his smile on his face as he looked down at you but it soon flattened, and you blinked, confused. 
“You’ve been crying.” 
So it was noticeable. 
Unsure of what to say, you didn’t reply to his comment, your eyes going elsewhere to avoid his gaze. 
“Have you eaten? I can make you something quick.”
“No, I ate.” 
“You should shower before bed then, I know you must smell bad.” You said, standing up and walking past Raditz towards the bathroom to get everything ready for him. 
The frustration on his face was more than obvious when he walked into the bathroom a minute later, still keeping his eyes fixed on you until you closed the door so he could clean himself up. He must have known you weren’t angry or upset with him; you made it painfully obvious for him when you were. But he must still be confused about your sadness, and while you knew well that he wasn’t human, sometimes you forgot about it and what it implied. 
Would he even understand your heartache?
You were settled on your side of the bed when Raditz walked into the bedroom a few minutes later, completely dried and wearing only his boxers. You tried to meet his eyes for a second, taking all of him before you averted your gaze. Too much distraction to see him like that, so you turned around, facing the other side of the room as he laid on his side. 
He was close enough that you felt warmth radiating from him, but when you tried to move to turn off the lamp by your nightstand, he pressed his body to yours, his chest against your back, and sneaked a hand around your waist. Under any other circumstance, you would have relaxed into his touch, but knowing that he had seen right through you so easily, you felt more vulnerable than you would like, so you stiffened immediately. 
“Are you going to tell me why you’ve been crying?” Raditz asked softly, his face buried in your hair. “Was it me? Was I gone too long?”
“No, it’s not you.”
Sometimes it is you. 
However, you didn’t want to say it. It wasn’t his fault you felt like that, but when a haze of sadness creeped up on you, you doubted everything, even his affection. 
You remained quiet, wondering if or how you should even voice what was currently going on inside your head. Putting your emotions into words was difficult, and while it might help, you knew you were going to spill tears, even after spending the last couple of hours crying before he arrived home.
“I feel like a failure.” You finally confessed, very quietly.
“A failure?”
“Nothing I do matters.” Your voice wavered, and you tried to keep yourself together, breathing in deeply, as you spilled everything out. “It’s like never enough. But at the same time, I feel like I might explode from doing too much. Like every single emotion will break me into pieces. Everything overwhelms me and… I wish I was normal…”
It had been naive for you to think you could hold in the tears, and they ran down your nose and cheeks, wetting the pillow. It was a surprise you could still make sense while you spoke, but you didn’t know if you could speak again after that, and your heart weighed heavy on your chest when Raditz didn’t reply while you sobbed as quietly as you could.
Would he understand, though? He was a warrior, and he had faced death more times than you could count, and that had surely left scars on his body and his soul. But would he understand that your feelings had nothing to do with that kind of trauma? Surely he thought you were just being too dramatic and feeble. What has even happened in your life that you were unconsolable?
“I understand.” Raditz murmured gently against your neck. 
“You do?” You snuffled, wiping your face with your hand. 
“Yes.” He sighed, and you noticed the slight trepidation in his voice. “Our lives have not been nearly the same, but the frustration you’re describing… I know that too well.”
You pondered on his words for a moment before he urged you to turn to him. Reluctantly, you rolled over, wiping the rest of your tears away as you faced him, carefully lifting your eyes to meet his. 
Raditz had shown sides of him you never even imagined during the time he had spent with you; he had shown kindness and empathy and even silliness. The softness he had in his eyes then, however, you wanted to engrave it in your mind forever. 
He didn’t say anything at all, only looked into your eyes for an instant before holding you as close as he possibly could. You buried your face in his chest willingly, wrapping your arms around his waist as tears began to spill once again. It was still embarrassing to cry in front of him, but the strong hold he had on you, one hand patting your head, the other resting on your waist made you feel secure, more secure than you ever felt. And it shattered you; if there was even a wall left to keep you intact, his arms around you had made it come down, and all you could do was weep. 
There was only a certain amount of tears left to cry after spending half the day lamenting to yourself, so you calmed down after a couple of minutes, pulling away only a little to once again wipe your tears, realizing you had wet his chest (and the sheets). 
“I’m sorry.” You sobbed, moving your head to nuzzle his neck. 
“You have nothing to be sorry for.”
Raditz buried his face in the crook of your neck, dragging his nose along your jaw. That was usually an erotic gesture; he did it before initiating sex. But this time he only held you close, keeping a firm grip on your body, as if you were going to slip away at any chance. 
You wouldn’t, obviously. An entire new feeling overwhelmed you, even making tears well up again, but you didn’t feel like bawling anymore. Just being there, in his embrace, was enough to feel safe. 
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sariahsue · 1 year
Let Me Count the Ways
Chapter Ten - Movie Date
[Ch 1] [Ch 2] [Ch 3] [Ch 4] [Ch 5] [Ch 6] [Ch 7] [Ch 8] [Ch 9]
Adrien was in a foul mood by the time patrol rolled around.
He hadn't slept well, which made his early morning photo shoot and the punishing akuma that followed all the more grueling. That didn't even count the math test he was sure he'd bombed, plus the ton of homework he needed to do over the weekend. Who knew if he would even finish it all? Another long shoot was scheduled for tomorrow, and Hawk Moth would probably send extra akumas just to spite him. His mood was so bad that he wasn't even excited about patrol, but he hauled his sorry self out his window and trudged across the rooftops anyway.
When he was just two blocks away from their meeting place, Ladybug sent him a text on his baton. He checked it more for the excuse to stop than the desire to see what she said.
The message read simply: Bring the blanket.
He shoved the baton roughly back to its spot and turned around, bristling at the terse order. With his luck today, she wanted him to return it.
Stomping all the way back to his house, he yanked back the duvet and revealed the blanket, which he wadded up in his arms, leaving the bed unmade. He didn't feel like putting in the effort to make it look nice for no one.
It only took a few minutes until he was close enough to see their meeting location. A flat section of roof sheltered on one side by a taller portion of the building. Ladybug was kneeling there, in the middle of a pink blanket and taking something out of a bag. A few jumps closer, and he could smell the chocolate and sugar.
"Cookies?" he asked when he landed next to her.
"Sorry for making you turn around." She stood, holding the overflowing plate out to him. "I needed more time to set up and panicked."
He stared at the plate, hands still full of crumpled blanket. Ladyfingers and lemon cookies and macarons and lots of ganache drizzled over everything.
"Oh," she said. "Here." She shifted the plate to one hand and grabbed the blanket from him so they could switch. Then she turned back to her setup. At the head of her pink blanket, leaning against the brick wall, was a giant black pillow. It was shaped like a cat's head, with large ears and a hand-stitched face made with green thread.
Ladybug shook out his black blanket, folded it in half and sat with it across her lap. "Well, if you're not going to eat them, can you bring them over here?" She patted the spot next to her.
Did she make the pillow like she had his blanket? It matched the color scheme. The cloth looked like the same type. He put the cookies between them and sat down, only to have her immediately pick up the plate and slide in close to him.
He really loved the blanket she'd given him, and how cuddly she was whenever she and it were both near him. He barely managed to stop himself from leaning into her warmth. To distract himself he asked, "Did you make the pillow, too?"
"Yup, finished it last night. It's for you. Isn't it cute?"
His voice felt suddenly too heavy to use, so he just nodded.
Balancing the plate of cookies on her knees, she pulled out her phone. "You seemed upset this morning, and I wanted to cheer you up. So, movie night?"
Huh. Some time between his arrival and now, she'd managed to clear his bad feelings without trying, and he hadn't even noticed. "Sounds good," he said.
"You want to talk about it?" Her hand hovered over the screen.
His mouth twitched. He did want to. "Can't. It's mostly what I've been doing all day."
Ladybug chewed the inside of her cheek, like she was actually… considering? But she shrugged, and the moment passed, and the faint sound of opening music spread out over the silence between them.
After thirty minutes, Chat Noir wasn't sure what movie they were watching, even though he'd been staring at the screen for all he was worth.
Because Ladybug was touching his hand.
It had started out so slowly that he'd thought it was accidental, just a light brush of her fingers against his wrist, so he dutifully moved his hand out of the way (but still close enough for it to happen again - just in case).
And it did happen again. After just a few minutes, the edge of her hand slid right up against his.
He frowned at the screen, unseeing. She'd been doing a lot of touching like this lately. He'd thought it was unconscious at first, but there had just been too much - it had to be on purpose.
He just couldn't figure out why. His Lady was many things, and indecisive was not one of them. If she wanted to hold his hand (or do anything else), they would be doing it already. And she wasn't coy either. She wouldn't be playing with him. So what was she doing?
Ladybug's hand started to move again. An explosion on the tiny phone screen was nothing compared to the explosions that were happening in Chat Noir's brain as she started mindlessly playing with the tips of his fingers and stroking his knuckles.
Every muscle in his arm clenched with the effort of holding still. He shouldn't react. She might pull away if he did. So he chanted don't, don't, don't as he imagined grabbing her hand and kissing it, the back of it, the palm, every fingertip and knuckle, dragging his lips around her wrist, and up to the soft hollow of her elbow, and higher and higher until he reached her mouth.
But he kept himself very still, not even a twitch, until his arm ached with the effort, and she finally pulled her hand away.
Author’s note: The next chapter will probably be the longest one. :)
Tag list: @clawsout83 @trippingovermyfeet @tbehartoo @yoonjae20 @random-cartoon-fangirl
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isaysorryverysoftly · 1 month
my good experience
even though everything seems bad right now, that's not true. I dont really think that intentionality works in such a way that really affirms the concreteness of moods...
No matter how sad you are you can still think of something good that is happening/has happened and watch as the focus on that 'happening' produces the joy demonstrably inhering within it.
Last night I got upset because I came across some porn on this website. It just really gave me the idea that people were sort of treating other actual people like instruments for their sexual fantasizing. It kind of made me freak out so i went to my housemate and knocked on their door and they let me in. They talked about it with me, we both described the heterosexual-male-gazey thing (Idk whatever you call that weird zheitgheist of like, everyone just being randomly ok with taking photos and videos of real people and sexually pleasuring themselves to a person who did not give consent for them to do that) as being like the eye of Sauron that can like see you from any location and just make you feel shit and like self-conscious and scared of your own body being percieved. That was funny/good because Lord of the rings metaphors are like my main source of comfort ab initio.
Anyway, then they suggested we go to the shops and get some yummy food. We began walking out into the rain and to the shops confidently without realizing that it was already past midnight and the shops would be closed. We then resolved to go to the service station. We got there, and it was closed but there was this burger truck there instead. Now usually this wouldn't present much fanfare as it wasn't a vegan burger truck but then i remembered chips existed and then i rememebred that the other night i had rediscovered my love for mustard. So then i got like a bunch of chips and i asked for them with mustard. And then there wasnt enough mustard, so then i asked for some more, and then there still wasnt enough. So i worked up the courage and asked for even more mustard after awhile and it was only really enough to supply me for the walk home, while we ate our chips as we walked. There is a photo my friend took of the 'not enough mustard' that exists but there is no photo of the 'idk... i guess good enough amount of mustard'. I was really stumped as how i was supposed to explain to the guy serving me how much mustard i needed, like he basically doubled my initial amount when i asked for more but like, what i meant was like 'the most mustard you've ever given to anyone else in your life is a joke compared to how much i need.' I think he got it by the end cause i just sort of kept saying 'i need like, so much mustard, like you dont even know how much mustard i need, its like ridiculous how much mustard i need.' And he was like alright, and he went to the other guy and it was weird, like they needed two people to do it, cause one had to hold the container and one had to do the pouring, and you could like, hear the bottle going empty as this dude squeezed. It still wasnt enough but that was fine i planned to get more when i returned to the house, to steal some from a housemate. I couldn't find any though so i had to use someone's mustard base salad dressing and some tomato sauce.
Then we hung out some more but my friend said that 'they had to go to bed soon, not that i had to leave or anything but just that they wouldn't be as energetic really.' Then they went to their computer and started searching up a live gig by a band. I asked them why they were doing this and then they said that they always put the live performances of this band on as they sleep, because the music is not too hyper and the visuals are nice. I was like ok sure...
it was like really hard to comprehend and it sort of was the best feeling ever. To just be like, in this room with someone trying to sleep while i was upright further down in the bed, like watching these shrimp people, and their like hype-person and their like army of different instruments and their amazingly excited dancing. AND ITS PART OF SOMEONES BEDTIME RITUAL EVERY NIGHT!!!
I was completely transfixed for like a good 30 minutes, I just couldnt stop laughing or trying to explain what i was feeling into the words, both the band and hte fact my friend actually sleeps to this band every night and thats how i was being introduced to this band. Eventually i got it, its kinda like if ur fish bowl had a party while you were falling asleep. It's hyper but in an adorable and small and irrelevant and non threatening way that just sort of seems sleep worthy and dream like. Anyway
That's my story i guess.
This is tagged car seat headrest cause im listening to joe goes to school right now
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pacifymebby · 1 year
Hey Layla! I’m curious.. who is a fictional character you find yourself identifying with? And why? I feel like it says a lot about a person 🥰
Hiii <3 i love this question but omg its difficult.
Here me out on this one but
Mole (Wind in the Willows)
🌿 He starts off so quiet/reserved and isolated, he lives his quiet underground life minding his own business and well, i guess staying in his comfort zone... But he does have the desire for adventure, later whenever ratty is shaking his head and not wanting to go along with toads plans, its moley who is like "oo but it could? Be fun" like he's uncertain but he has this kind of want for excitement. Which is very much me as i have been my whole life, im really shy, and I'm anxious about things, but i have a curiosity that means whilst i do prefer my comfort zone and my little house with all my little things, theres still something inside me that craves the excitement and draws me to the wild wood. Like i too would have heard ratty say "we don't go there" and immediately been curious as to why.
🌿He's so anxious but so fiercly loyal to his friends that he faces his fears and puts himself in harms way to save his friends and I'm like that too, anxious, terrified to talk to people, but the moment a friend needs me, i find my voice for them. Also there's like a level of stupid to his loyalty, like when he goes into the wild woods on his own, doesnt even know where he's going but he just goes because he feels he has to for toad, so he just stumbles on in, knowing its a bad idea but doing it anyway. I do that alot haha
🌿 He's younger that badger and ratty and he really looks up to them in every way, like theyre not father figures but theyre older, wiser friends who moley looks to for protection and to learn from too, they show him the riverbank and all these new things like Messing about on boats!! And he really admires them but also trusts them immediately, almost naively, just trusts them and I feel like thats very much what i am like when i make friends with any male my age or above. I look for friends with that "take you under my wing" nurturing side to them. (like how me and B became friends, it was because he really did just keep me tucked under his wing)
🌿He's so earthy (yes i know he's a mole) but hes so earthy and he loves his dark damp mole hole with all of his little things, its his home and he loves it even though it isnt much and then when he's with Ratty and he realises that he can't remember where it is, and he cries and gets so sad. Like hes so me for real, i love my room, i love making myself a little home, a sanctuary kind of place thats mine that feels totally safe and cosy and comfortabke. And i will quite happily stay in it forever and ever like its my little nest if I get things just right.
Unnamed Narrator/second mrs de'winter (Rebecca /daphne du maurier)
🌿 Shes so young and she falls head over for a sophisticated older man who is more well educated, higher class status etc than she is and she is so taken in by him and like, naively swept off her feet. She's desperate for his approval and giddy whenever she gets it and what can I say... Reading this book made my daddy issues ten times worse because it normalised them haha
🌿 She really is like, an over emotional, naive little waif and she spends the whole novel feeling too much about the smallest of things. There are times when Max is a little sharp with her and she gets overwhelmed with sadness and guilt and shame ans humiliation all at once and sits there trying not to cry but crying anyway and like, literally last night i was overtired and sulking and B made a passing comment about me being in a foul mood and I waited until he'd left the room and then burst into tears with the intention of getting it out my system whilst he was gone (but he came back into the room unexpected and saw me and was just like oh...) like idk i feel like im a super dramatic takes everything to heart, really easily upset kind of girl? And also like happy things, people showing her basic kindness also sets her off and i too cry at the smallest kind gesture towards me.
🌿Here are some bits i took photos of when reading because i identified so hard haha
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🌿 Shes also just deeply anxious about pleasing other people, living up to expectations, she thinks so much about everything and she spends so much time deeply embarrassed by her own perception of herself, whilst like, biting her nails over whether or not she is doing things right. Shes so aware of her own naivety and yet also not at all.
🌿Max is constantly calling her a silly little girl, B is constantly saying similar to me, for similar reasons (like he acts a little distant once, or forgets to be soft with me once and i become convinced he hates me haha)
Thank u for this it was fun, i do think ive basically revealed myself to be even more whimiscal and pathetic than we already thought though haha <3
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slayingstan · 2 years
Rebound, Part 2
Shuri's POV: 
She had already left the dormitory before Riri woke up. Now she was in an aircraft on her way back to Wakanda, she already knew she was going to hear a lot as Ayo and Aneka were the ones flying her back. 
"We received a telephone call last night." Aneka stated.
"Maybe leave me the fuck alone about that." Shuri was already is a stressed mood, and combined with her hate for the early morning, she was mean.
The Dora were taken aback by her sudden use of profanity. Ayo sighed.
"Come now young warrior." Ayo commanded Shuri.
She sighed, following Ayo to a room within the ship. Knowing Ayo wouldn't give up.
"What is the matter?" Ayo raised an eyebrow and questioned. 
"I'm ruining everything, and I can't talk to Riri about it because now things are going to be awkward between us. I was drunk and pursued her anyways and we had sex, and now things are awkward. And I'm losing my best friend all over again! And I thought this was going to make everything better but it somehow made it all worse and I just can't bare to lose another person in my life like this." Shuri seemed to talk for hours, by the time she finished her rant tears were rolling down her cheeks.
Ayo couldn't respond quickly, but she embraced the young royale. Comforting her.
"Everything is going to be okay. You're not going to just let her slip away. You love that young woman, so you are going to do whatever you need to do to fix anything that went wrong. From the looks of it this situation isn't all that bad. Yes things may be awkward for a bit but that's okay. It's all going to be alright." Ayo spoke.
This was going to take a while.
Riri's POV:
She woke up, cold. She thought she had left a window open, nope just the emptiness from 3 days before. Everything was ruined. She had taken advantage of something good, now here were the consequences. 
She checked her phone for a notification, nothing. Not even a note. She needed to get up and go to class, she couldn't put her life on hold. So she began to get ready for her class. Differential Equations was an hour away and a 30 minute walk so time to get going. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ She had made it to the on-site Starbucks outside of her lecture hall. Suddenly there was a bit of home, she had received a notification.  Shuri: Please come outside. No emojis, No Slang, Nothing Cute. This was serious, but so was her lecture, but so was this so she decided to grab her coffee and go out the door. As soon as she stepped out, there was a tall figure waiting for her.  "Hey." Shuri said wait a deep breath.  Riri had to make her point quickly so she cut Shuri off.  "You left me you know? But I also took advantage of you and that wasn't right, but you ghosting me for half a week wasn't right either. And we are both wrong here, but we both really like each other so what's the point of even being upset. I missed you so much and not talking to you for so long was so tiring and-" Riri went on a rant but was cut off by a strong embrace.  "I'm sorry Ri, I was being irresponsible and pressured you. And I'm sorry I didn't talk to you I was just scared, I didn't want to scare you away either. I just want things to go back to normal." Shuri said softly.  They needed things to be how they used to. The tension ate at the both of them for days, now everything was going to be alright.  However there was one small problem, all the press release. There seemed to be some club footage released as well and they would have to work through that situation, but for now things were alright.  "But enough of that, I'll here to ask you something." Shuri pulled away as she spoke and Riri felt her heart drop.  "Will you go on a date with me?"
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yuriko-mukami · 2 years
🌙 last night
"I just love those Sinday asks~"
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nights headcanons!
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"Umh... You know, Ruki... yesterday I was a bit upset. Or a lot, I think, blaming myself for everything that has happened recently. I know I said some stupid stuff... and I'm sorry for that."
Yuriko sighed. Things had been tough for a while now.
"So... yeah... after I left the living room, I went to the kitchen to get some water. I didn't know that you all continued the conversation... but then... umh... I walked past the living room again and I... I actually heard you and Kuron..."
Nibbling her bottom lip, Yuriko glanced at Ruki. The talk wouldn't probably have been meant for her ears and she wasn't quite sure if she should repeat the words.
The soft mumbling made Yuriko stop in the hallway. She couldn't quite gather the words but the purring voice was easy enough to identify.
"I heard you and I will do that." While Ruki's voice was stern as if he would have wanted to send a signal to not mess up with him, Yuriko could almost hear the smirk that probably followed. Even if she was in a lousy mood, Ruki was clearly getting better. "I wanted to do that last night but I was too angry. I needed to calm down... but tonight..."
"So she can focus on getting flustered and stop thinking about the stupid stuff."
Recalling the conversation painted Yuriko's face with heat. Yesterday she hadn't had a clue what the words had meant but now... she was pretty sure she had put the puzzle pieces together. She glanced at Ruki again.
"Umh... what did you want to know about last night? I... I... Even though I heard you two I just went to bed to read and eventually fell asleep. Haa... I guess you know all this... since... umh... you woke me up in the middle of the night..."
Yuriko turned to her side, sheet crinkling under her, and let her fingertips travel along Ruki's side as faint morning light peeked into the room between the jet-black curtains. The air was still thick with the scent of their shared moments.
"Actually... I'm glad that you did..." Yuriko yawned but right after a tiny smile curled onto her lips. "That was... umh... quite a way to wake someone up, I would say..." The heated feeling on her cheeks was turning into flaring. "Oh gosh... I would never need an alarm clock if you... Okay... maybe it would be too much to wake up like that every day... but... I... I... truly loved every moment of that... I don't know how did you do it but you practically sent me flying. It was almost too good to handle..."
Once again, Yuriko gazed at Ruki. Did he still wish her to continue about the topic?
"And... everything that followed... Oh gosh... It was... it was... You made me feel so good..." Yuriko inched closer, pressing her body against Ruki. She lifted her leg over his waist and laced her fingers with his hair before pushing her lips on his. "You truly made me forget all the bad stuff... so thank you, Ruki. Last night was amazing~"
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lovejosephquinn · 2 years
Okay let’s do something fluffy? I mean you *can* make it smutty, I wouldn’t be mad about it heheheh
But I’m wondering how a situation would go where we are upset with Joe cause we had a dream where he cheated on us 😒 cause how could he do that to us?? He’s so wrong for that.
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I could have so much fun with this. Okay let's go @mybffjoe I'm ready for this 👀
A fluff and smut combination because why not bye. Under 18's DNI. x
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You know when dreams feel like reality? That shit hurts, especially when they aren't good ones. You woke up to your alarm blaring at the side of your bed, gladly leaning up to turn it off, you looked to the side of you, Joe stirring and dragging you back down so that he could spoon you from behind. You wriggled out of his grasp in a huff and shut your eyes to try and rid yourself of the heartache that had overcome you in such a short space of time.
Joe spoke up in a dazed tone, still half asleep and just wanting that little extra longer next to you; he had no idea. "Everything okay, beautiful?"
You ignored him. You knew you were being childish, but a dream like that would have you in a mood for the rest of the day if it wasn't resolved quickly, although it was apparent you weren't quite ready to speak to him just yet.
"Y/N?" He slid himself further along to reach you again, you were almost rolling off the side of the bed the closer he got but you didn't care about comfort in this moment in time, especially from the likes of him, you were too busy being mad.
"No." you replied bluntly, your mouth pressed into a firm line, no emotion into the entirety of your features, you folded your arms against your chest, curling up into a ball.
Joe leaned up propping against his elbow, staring into the back of your head. "I figured. What's the matter? Our day only started two minutes ago, you were fine when we went to bed last night."
You pouted. "I was fine until I found those texts on your phone."
"Excuse me?" Joe's voice raised in surprise.
"Those texts and then that blonde girl who you told me you were leaving me for, that she'd be able love you more than I ever possibly could, then after you'd left you text me telling me you'd come back for your stuff."
Joe shook his head at you, realising quickly that you were referring to a dream, or rather a nightmare. He attempted to pull you towards him, to turn you onto your back so he could at least get a look at your feeling sorry for yourself state but your body turned into stone, you wouldn't budge.
"Baby. Did you by chance have a silly bad dream?"
"Wasn't so silly when I was crying for you on the floor." You protested highly against his words.
"It wasn't real." He decided to put his full weight on the side of your arm, leaning over to you so he could just see yours.
"Felt real and little miss blondie certainly made it feel real."
Joe sniggered at you a little, knowing full well it wasn't the time to laugh but he couldn't help but feel like you were being a little bit over dramatic in your absolute childlike behaviour.
You turned over onto your back in the instant you heard his breathy chuckle. "Joe it's not funny! You cheated on me."
"Correction, dream Joe cheated on you. Again, it wasn't real. You know I only love you, I would never do anything like that."
"Well I don't like dream Joe." You muttered, your eyes finally meeting his and he could immediately see the heartbreak in your watery eyes.
"How about I go into your dreams tonight, sort of like a parallel universe and I give dream Joe a telling off and make him apologise and force him to understand what he'd be losing." Joe cupped your face with his hand, it fit perfectly around your jaw and cheek, his thumb stroking away the stray tear that fell from your eyelid.
"That would be fantastic. Still hurts though."
"It will hurt. It's not my fault though so don't hate the real me."
"Make it up to me for him for now then." You stuck your bottom lip out at him, your eyelashes wet from beginning to sob.
"Gladly." Joe tilted inward, planting a few small, slow kisses onto your lips. His other hand holding onto your hip as he tilted over you slightly more, almost caging you between himself and the bed.
"Better?" He kept himself inches away from your face, taking in every skin cell on your face admiring the way it shimmered from the tears.
"No, I need a few more."
Joe cracked an award winning toothy grin, he wouldn't say no to that. "You got it, pretty girl."
He pushed his lips further onto yours this time, the pressure between you felt desperate and needy, but the way he could make you feel desired just from that one gesture, made you feel all the more better. You began to smile a little into the kiss, taking your hand to the back of him, gripping onto his messy, untamed bedhead.
Joe broke the kiss, pressing his forehead against yours, slightly out of breath, soft lips feeling puffy from the heated moment.
"I think I detected a smile out of you my love, was that better?"
"Much. Are you sure there's no blondie?" You were kidding this time.
Joe pondered your question quite theatrically, staring up to the wall as if he had to think about it. "Wait I'm sure she had shaved sides and a bright pink mohawk." You slapped the back of his head a little harsh, your heart rutting from his sarcastic demeanour snapped your smile right away from you.
He scrunched his face at the sting from the palm of your hand. "Baby! I'm joking."
"Better fucking be Quinn. Now you've really got to make it up to me." You showed a sulky face,
"How long have I got?" He questioned quickly.
You reached up to glance at your phone. "20 minutes."
"Perfect." Joe peppered kisses from your forehead, down to your nose, both your cheeks, onto your lips - stopping there a little longer just so because he was dying to get another taste of your tongue dancing around his, then moving down to your jawline and eventually leaving sloppy tongued kisses on your neck. The wound up feeling had disappeared, what a surprise. That's just the hold Joe had on you, especially when he embraced you this way. You began whimpering slightly when his hand left your hip to caress your nipple in-between his fingers.
"And what are you going to do for those next 20 minutes?" You muttered, biting down onto your lip as you watched him move his mouth down to replace where his fingers were busy. It was pretty clear what he was up too. Taking a slurp onto your hardening bud, his brown eyes watched your face mirror his, falling into a state of both lust and love for one another.
"I'm going to show you how much I love you with one of the many ways I know how."
"Which way is that?" You knew, you just wanted to hear it.
"Honestly?" He he smirked.
"Yes, honestly. Which way?" Your eyes burned into his skull.
Joe didn't reply, he was just ready to show you. Kissing his way down so he laid at the bottom of the bed in-between your thighs which obeyed to open up as if by magic by the time he'd got to them. He gripped at your waist vigourously, pulling you up and shoving his face straight into your cunt, shaking his face and slurping against your slit. A loud moan erupted from your mouth, the mix of your juice and his saliva had him humming into your folds and his cock raging to be inside of you. Latching his lips straight onto your clit, you felt him suck relentlessly at it, his tongue flickering over it, making every ounce of your body twitch.
Coming up for air, Joe licked his lips slowly, savouring the taste he enjoyed so much. "This way and then when I've made you cum all over my tongue; once I'm done with that maybe once or twice, we'll see what my cock has to say."
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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I feel a lot better right now but man was I miserable this morning. I hate that my moods can swing so hard day to day. I was so happy and at peace yesterday. And then today I am a crab apple. I feel better now. A lot of it was I slept so bad it was terrible.
My nose started whistling again last night. Thankfully it is not right now. But I was super uncomfortable and couldn't get it to stop with any of my normal tricks. I eventually went and tried nasal spray that just made me sneeze. I did fall asleep but it was not good sleep. I woke up when the sun wasn't up yet and gave James, who was playing a video game quietly in their room, a hug, used the bathroom, and went back to sleep for 2 hours.
When I woke up I was alright. I was happy but I was okay. My hair felt weird. I got dressed and tried to be alright. But I didn't like my outfit. And changed three times because my arms hurt. I would eventually end up in my favorites and things felt a little better. But before that I just had a sweatshirt dress on and was super unhappy.
James was so sweet though. They had set the bread maker up to make fresh bread this morning. And was finishing the laundry. They are the best house wife.
They made me avacado toast with a fried egg. I was confused why they put cheese on it but I actually loved it. 9/10. The only reason it loses a point is because it was really messy.
I was still a crabby patty though and got back in bed to work on my embroidery and try to cheer up.
James went for a bike ride. And honestly it was good for me to be alone for a bit. I was just having a bad time.
I would finish my embroidery and then went to work on my website. Which was stupid hard because the website builder I use is not intuitive and has always been annoying. But it's fine. I was able to get it half way decent. I still want to make a new background and change some colors but it's getting there.
James got home while I was in the thick of being upset about the website. But they said we should go for a walk and go get my prescription. And they were correct. So I finished up publishing the site and then we went out.
It was surprisingly cold. I am glad James told me to wear a jacket. We talked about what we would do for the rest of the day. And we decided to go get groceries after we got my medication.
And we did just that. I was pleased when the pharmacist checked in with me about the medicine because no one else has. And then we walked back home to get the car and go to the grocery store.
And honestly we did really well. A little cheaper then what has happened lately with how crazy everything has gotten. I was excited about a new mini cereal. We got fancy black cherry soda. I got nice yogurt. And then we went home.
I had gotten a little upset because James ate something I had been saving. But it was fine. When we got home James made us a little lunch. And I chilled in bed. I had some darning to do on my tights. So I sat in bed and did that while my food cooled down.
Eventually James said it was time to go. We were going to lush so I could get my argon oil face bar and then to port discovery to meet Anne and Charlotte.
Lush went very quick. Didn't get samples and I was only slightly disappointed. And since we had some more time to waste before we were to meet them we walked to Marshalls to look for the Valentine's dress I wanted. And they did have one but it was to small. I was only slightly devastated.
We would get to port discovery as Charlotte and Anne were rounding the corner.
And it was fun! It was smaller then I have pictured in my head, and apparently they have taken a lot away and aged down the demographic they go for. But it was fun getting a tour and I loved hearing about what James and Charlotte did and liked when they were kids. It was also just neat getting the behind the scenes tour.
It's awesome that Anne's been promoted and she was very sweet with the kids we encountered as we went around. I had a good time.
There was a pretend diner and gas station. A big boat (which was my favorite part) and a whole shipping container part. There was an adventure of egyptologists in the 1920s. And it was a cool place. I get why people have such fond feelings and memories of it.
We were there for about an hour. And at the end Charlotte and Anne climbed to 'the cloud' and went down the 3 story slide. I don't like a big slide so I did not go. And James felt they were to tall to climb (plush their arm would probably hurt after) but it was fun seeing them go down.
We would all leave after that to go back to the Fulwiler house. Where we ordered Chinese food.
Now I don't usually eat Chinese but I tried stuff I was unsure about but I loved it. It was great. And it was just nice talking to everyone. Things didn't feel weird or anything like they had around the wedding. I told them about the medications I'm on and Anne also has arthritis so we were able to commiserate. And I showed her and Tucker my embroidery project. And that was just really fun. And then we had grasshopper pie and it was really nice. I liked the crust a lot.
We played a silly game where I read a phrase and you had to guess if it was from a listing for an adoptable dog or a haunted doll. And we had big laughs. But soon enough Charlotte had to go home. So we left as well. We all went out together.
Me and James got back here and I decided that I should lay out all my crochet squares to see how many I had left. I thought it was 5 but it was actually 2?! So I spent the next hour or so finishing those and James helped me lay all the pieces out so we could make sure no colors were touching and the black and yellow was balanced. And I'm just so thrilled. It's going to take a while to put all togethr but I'm so excited!!
Once we got those stacked and numbered I went to take a shower. James says I smell super nice. My body wash is mango. My lotion is strawberry. My hair cream is lemon. My deodorant is spiced cider. I'm like a little fruit salad.
And now me and James are getting ready to sleep. I have a little bit of an earlier day tomorrow. And I'm apparently with prek. So that's interesting. We will see how it goes I guess. Hopefully they like story books because that is a lot of tomorrow. I just hope the teacher has a handle on them because that is the make or break.
I hope you all sleep well tonight. And that my nose doesn't act up. Wish us luck. Goodnight everyone!
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boricuacherry-blog · 7 days
Marvin was ingesting larger and larger quantities of cocaine, turning love into hate, purity into perversion, trust into jealousy. In spite of it all, he held out hope. "Once my man wins the crown," said Gaye, "everything's going to be all right." He was referring to his fighter, Andy Price, who, on September 28, 1979, in front of a national ABC TV audience, took on welterweight champion Sugar Ray Leonard.
Marvin had Big John drive Mother, Marvin III, and him to Las Vegas on the bus. Diana Ross was headlining at Caesar's Palace, the same locale as the fight. Berry Gordy flew in for the festivities. Gaye viewed the proceedings as a moment of personal triumph; this was his comeback.
"I'd trained two other fighters," the singer said, his left eye still puffy from the cop's punch on the beach, "and they both got whipped bad. Each time I'd put my heart into them - they were really me up there fighting - but now I was sure that with Andy I'd found a winner." The night before the bout, Marvin and Mother attended Diana's show, which was taped for a TV special. Ross introduced Marvin and Mrs. Gay and, during the audience sing-along section of 'Reach Out and Touch,' Diana asked Marvin to croon a couple of lines. He did so reluctantly. "Actually," he told me later, "I was dying for her to ask me on stage and do a duet on 'All for One,' my all-time favorite Ashford and Simpson song. But Diana's funny about sharing the spotlight, especially with me." Considering the trouble they had recording duets, Diana had good reason to be cautious with Marvin.
Minutes before the fight the next night, Howard Cosell told a nationwide audience that expectations for Marvin Gaye's fighter were high. This could be the surprise upset of Sugar Ray's otherwise remarkable career. Marvin was feeling anxious, confident but concerned about sitting in the front row next to Berry, an ex-boxer who had proven himself in the ring, and Diana, a fight fan herself - they, the very people, who needed to know that Marvin Gaye was still a champ.
Beyond ego, it was also a question of money. "If Price could win," said Gaye, "I was looking at millions of dollars in future revenues. With one blow, I could win the world's respect and clean up my whole financial mess. People said I couldn't do it; well, that night I was going to show them I could. This was going to be my knock-out punch."
The punch came, but from Sugar Ray, not Price. "Andy was lost out there," said Dave Simmons, who as Marvin's guest, sat next to Price's mother during the fight. "All the lights and glitter and glamour of Vegas got to him. He was in shock. Sugar came out there and hit him and hit him and hit him and kept hitting him until he crumbled." Leonard made it look easy, knocking out Price in two minutes and fifty-four seconds in the first round. Marvin absorbed every last punishing punch. He was devastated, depressed beyond hope. The $40,000 purse for Price - as 0pposed to Sugar Ray's $300,000 - didn't come close to solving Marvin's financial problems. It was hardly compensation for the blow to his ego. In the midst of this mood, he had to perform. He had promised to sing before the main event - the Ernie Shavers-Larry Holmes heavyweight championship fight - which followed Leonard-Price. On national television, his dress shirt open at the collar, his tie pulled down, his sloped eyes half-closed and filled with disappointment and hurt, he delivered a soul-searching rendition of the national anthem, turning a hymn of hope into a cry of despair.
Cosell complimented Marvin's pipes, but no praise could mitigate Gaye's blues. His best bet had been beaten down. This was to be the turning point, the miracle. Instead, in Marvin's mind he had experienced the most visible and spectacular fiasco of his public life. The final blow, though, didn't come from a boxer, but from a singer. "Jan ran off with Teddy Pendergrass," Marvin told me. "I set myself up for it, just like I set myself up for getting beat by Sugar Ray. But I didn't realize what it would do to me. I couldn't take it. I became sick, seriously sick. This was supposed to be the end of a long, bad period, but it was just the beginning."
-David Ritz
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