#everytime you say something its just so true and right
thedrotter · 4 months
I have a gift for y'all today !!! 😊 Ever wanted to find a line in Re:Kinder in a single place for the sake of reference?? How about multiple chunks of lines. how about all the little variations that arise in the text with it's many endings, item descriptions, text that comes from interacting with the enviroment, and character info from the menu without having to boot up the game and go through it at long minutes!!???
well i sure did😊 Since I do a lot of fanart and think up my own silly theories and thoughts that need me to reference the game lines a lot, i have made a transcript for it for convenience's sake. A weirdly thorough transcript handwritten and proofread by me including all character lines available in-game. And I'm sharing it with you all today for anyone that wants it !!! :3 To use as a reference for creative fanworks or a quick search for a line in-game, whatever you wish to use it for!!
It uses the english translation of the game by vgperson. So naturally all credit for the game lines available in here is to her and Parun who made the game.
I did my best to organize it in a way easy to digest. Do note that I'm still human, and there's still the chance for mistake in it no matter how much I've proofread it, since I'm not even an english native speaker ^^. But I hope it serves you well nonetheless if you wish to use it.
That's my gift for today!!! Not the usual art, but still a project I'm proud of. Enjoy!!! 😊
#re:kinder#rekinder#not art#now goofy commentary for those who read my tags#i may have spent at the very minimum around 35 hours on it 😁 because thats what my pomodoro timer got to count in sum#but then again i spent more time without timing it as well so. we'll never know how many hours in total I've put into this#no regrets it was fun because shocking fact of all i enjoy this game🫣 (/s)#you could say but michael there are long playthroughs available on YouTube#couldnt you reference that instead of making a transcript#to that i say... they don't play the game like i do im picky as hell they dont show me every nook and cranny possible#and also i dont like scrubbing through those i thought just pressing ctrlF on a script would be easier. AND IT IS JAJSJSJSJSJS#but thats personal preference all in all#and im used to using transcripts for fanworks coming from earthbound. like there's one for the main game dialogue online and i love it a lot#for this game to not have any felt like some sort of crime considering how cool the story and the lines it has are#its also plenty useful for a game you're writing the spanish wiki for#yes i am doing that apparently my hobby became community work since i got into this game#gotta put that free time before turning 18 and getting a job onto something why not make resources just because i can#anyway fun fact while proofreading i noticed that everytime yuuichi was on scene there was a typo because i got too excited or emotional#either i was laughing because of how evil he is or i was getting unreasonably angry at the treatment he recieved in the past#in section 9 which is true end confrontation i was doing mistakes left and right until the fabled princess line scene#there i was bawling like a baby but THE ERRORS STOPPED ABRUPTLY LIKE I WAS FIGHTING FOR MY LIFE ALL UNTIL THE SCENE ENDED#THEN THERE WERE A BUTLOAD OF MISTAKES ITS INCREDIBLY FUNNY😭 i was fighting for my life holding in all those typos because i couldnt see#so this transcript was made with a lot of emotion laugh and tears and now you know#now i can get bagk to drawing this is the thing i mentioned i was doing fot a while#content feeding schedule crazy rn
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Knowing Pen lied to him was truly Colin's nightmare come true in many ways, because of his past experience, but it's deeper because he actually truly loves Pen and she wouldn't lie to him because she's Pen, and Pen is special, but the the more you watch, the heartbreak shapes more clearly. Colin's expressions and his questions, the many times he's asked Penelope if she's sure of her feelings, if she regrets getting engaged, if she doesn't return his feelings for now...everytime Colin notices she has something to tell him, that he can feel it, he's expecting her to say she doesn't love him, that he indeed is not enough on his own, not worthy. When she's 'sick' and he wants to be near her..."perhaps she's trying to keep me at distance and is regretting", he's so unsure. Her confession at the church, that follows him once again asking her, telling "if you'll still have me?" and clearly bracing himself for some type of rejection, gives him a bit of peace, he starts to believe and is so giddy. At the Mondrichs ball, he's so happy when she tells him he's worthy. It breaks my heart for what's to come. His world came crashing down, because if she lied about that, if she - even if deep down he knows it's true, and that's why it hurts more, because she sees him negatively, she knows his mask and what's hiding - said those things about him in her Column, then she likely doesn't love him, not really, not in the way he loves her. It's hammering in his head: "Why would she love me?, and then, everything that happens make it worse, because - to him - he doesn't seem to be able to show to her his value, to prove to her he deserves love, because she seems to not need him, he's unable to help her in an effective manner and he feels like a failure as her husband, unsure of himself and mistrustful of her loving him. That's why Pen's words to him at Francesca's wedding makes me so emotional. I am in love with her words, how she tells him her needs and how his love is important to her on its own, and how can he show her that love the best/the best way to show it, what she doesn't need, what he doesn't need to do, that he actually excels at loving her when he simply loves her. It's in his special smiles to her, in their little jokes together, it's in the way he made love to her, in the way he gazes at her, how he makes her feel beautiful, in the way he dances with her, how happy it makes them to be together, how they can be silly together, how he kisses and holds her. It's curious because Penelope doesn't seem to doubt his love is there anymore, their dynamic here has shifted ( until ep5, she was also very insecure) , despite their issues, have you notice that? She just wants him to allow himself to show, she wants him to want to love her, she knows it's there, she wants him to act on his love and show her, in the many ways he's so perfect in showing her, so that she can show him back and make him feel loved too. Her offering the annulment was about protecting him and his family and a way to tell him: You don't have to keep on loving me, to be by my side, if i don't make you happy with my love, if you don't want to, if you are scared, in pain. But of course he wants to. He'll always want to and seeing her being so brave, makes him brave too, brave to let himself believe, to accept and let his heart melt away the protections he built with his hurt, makes him understand, deep inside of him, she loves him, that brilliant woman loves him and her light, as he said, will never hurt him, it was never meant to hurt him, instead it will always brighten up his path. She exposed herself out of love, for herself, for him, for his family and he exposed all his feelings right back to her, his insecurities and his love, he finally felt with certain how much he is loved, and it's every bit as much as he loves her. And he knows how vast that is.
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lorre-verie · 18 days
random Megumi Fushiguro headcanons
꩜ includes: dating headcanons with gn!reader, general headcanons ft. mentions of yuji, nobara, gojo, maki, panda & indirect mention to toji. w/c: 900-1k
written by both lorre and jude, proofread by jude. (❦) is a comment from lorre, (✧) is a comment from jude 
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‧₊˚✩ » he’s clingy. but not clingy clingy, he’s clingy in the way that he always lingers around you, always wants to see your face or just be close to you.
he doesn’t even have to touch you. your presence is more than enough for him.
(❦: awww, basking in his sunlight! his sunlight being his s/o, i mean) (✧: i wouldn’t go that far.) (❦: shhhhh, let them be delusional) (✧: 🤐)
» you know he cares when he asks you if you’ve eaten lunch today, what you ate and if you liked it.
or when he passes you a water bottle without even looking at you during training cause he knows you're thirsty.
or giving you a snack he knows you like from the vending machine without even so much as a word, walking away immediately after. (❦: that’s so cute)
» has a little notebook in his drawer which he fills in little things he’s learned about people he cares about, like their likes and dislikes, or something he's observed.
there’s pages for you, nobara, yuji, maki and...i realise now there are very slim pickings.
there’s even half a page for gojo hidden near the very back.
don’t ask why it’s only half.
» probably wants to do cheesy shit like interlocking your pinkies together while walking, or sharing a milkshake with those curly red straws but feels like throwing up whenever he thinks about mentioning it to you. (✧: you’ll have to be the instigator for this one)
» i’m not even sure what to say about his hair. does he brush it? there’s no way he uses gel to get those spikes right?
they’re so unnatural that there's no chance he does that on purpose. what's up with that nest on his head? does he even know whats going on with his hair??? oh well, doesn't matter. he likes it when he gets to lay down on your lap after a tiring day and you run your fingers through his hair and on his scalp absentmindedly.
he closes his eyes and he feels like he’s achieved true bliss and happiness. 
» if you take your hand away suddenly, he won’t protest.
but his eyes will open ever so slightly, and he’ll just
why’d you stop??? don’t stop!!!
if after a while you haven’t returned your hand to its rightful place, his bottom lip will just barely jut out.
what? he’s not pouting. don’t be childish.
you hang around itadori too much.
you should spend more time with him instead. 
» he’s protective towards his s/o.
he’ll ask where you’re going and who you’re hanging out with, but he’ll let you go wherever.
but if you’re going somewhere dangerous he’ll come with you.
if you don’t want him to come, take a shikigami with you.
if you don’t want the shikigami to come, well. just be careful.
did you bring everything you needed? an umbrella in case it rains? water? charged your phone?
remember to text him if you need anything.
do you need some cash? take this.
what about pepper spray? or better yet, a hammer?
you have to laugh and stop him from following you straight up to your destination. 
» yeah. he knows he can’t stop you from doing anything you want to, but he just gets antsy. he just doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you, especially if you’re going on a tough mission. 
» sensitive to strong smells. i just know it.
I can imagine him turning his head away in silent disgust everytime he smells something thats too strong, good or bad.
even if its the just air freshener in a taxi, food thats been out a bit too long or, get this, "the smell of fresh leather".
he just seems like the kind of guy. (❦: pack it up, sensitive sniffer)
» notices everything, even if he doesn’t mention it.
oh, you’re hungry? he’s already reaching into his backpack and giving you a snack.
hm, you looked at that plushie a little longer than the other ones. oh?? whats it doing on your bed a few days later??
» insanelyyyyy touch starved but will NEVER admit to it (✧: unless you two are dating, but even then)
» thinks the big spoon and small spoon shit is stupid.
why can’t he hug you and you hug him back facing each other??? why do people do that???? do you just hate being happy and seeing your loved one facing you????
» hates cucumbers. need megumi to leave an area? throw a cucumber at him. he says 'they have a smell' and that 'it's horrid'.
» will add like a buttload of ginger in his food and insist that its not spicy and you should try it if you dont believe him. (❦: dont do it just dont)
» emotionally constipated in terms of communication. he’s good at sorting through his own emotions himself, he just has trouble communicating that, but he tries his best. 
» not a headcanon but i hope we can all agree that he is THE nepo baby
» looks up to maki a whole bunch
» swore to never smoke ever
» isn’t judgemental, but thats just because he doesn’t gaf
» the reason he doesn’t feel comfortable using playful cloud is because he gets this feeling he can only describe as weird whenever he holds it, making his hairs stand on end.
its almost as if he has this connection to it, but it freaks him out.  gojo noticed, but kept silent. 
» pretends his music taste isn’t mainstream but it totally is. but not summery pop mainstream, more like alternative ‘what do YOU know about donald glover/kendrick lamar/tyler the creator’ mainstream
» really liked pandas as a kid but after being enrolled in tokyo jujutsu high he felt somewhat....conflicted.
» changed his favourite animal to wolves soon after.
» he totally has a type! he just didn’t want to tell todo.
OR alternatively, after the fight with todo he thought about it a bit more, and realised he does have a type, but will take that to his grave
(or so he thinks to himself before yuji eventually milks it out of him)
» really patient when a situation needs him to be. he’s very strong mentally because he's needed to be since he was a kid.
» prefers non-fiction books over fiction books. tried to read fiction books but they just didn’t interest him all that much. but, if his s/o liked fiction books…then perhaps he'd consider some.
» had like 6 people confess to him in one year in his previous school but he was weirded out and rejected them over text
» he's a visual learner but its mainly because if someone's telling him something he has a tendency to just space out and not listen or be able to process half of what they said. but sometimes he just does it on purpose LMAO
» He HAS to sleep at least 8 hours. He will not have it if he has to sleep less. Gets extremely irked, but will not say a thing if there's a good enough reason that he has to stay up/wake up early.
» has to fight back a smug smirk whenever nobara mentions his naturally long eyelashes
(❦: its not fair! advocate for equity in genetics!!!!)
(✧: it's definitely not a smile nor smirk, but saying ‘smug corner-of-his-lips-twitches-up-for-0.1-seconds’ doesn't really roll off the tongue)
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feels so good to be writing again, you could not believe. these are so incredibly random LMAO but thanks for reading till the end <3 much love, lorre.
© lorre-verie on tumblr. do not translate, modify or plagiarise my works, nor repost it to other sites.
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iheartmapi · 30 days
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Alexia Putellas x Reader
Summary: After Spain’s match against Germany, Alexia injuries her knee. Having to take a health break from playing irritates her, Y/n tries to cheer her girlfriend up to no avail, they fight and Alexia leaves…she’s gone for a long time so you go looking for her.
Angst with happy ending.
TW: crude language, degrading language about oneself, ACL injury
Word count: 1,691
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The sun was setting slowly behind the city landscape, the warm tones slowly turning into various shades of violet and dark blue almost reminded you of the way Alexia’s mood drastically changed after her ACL injury.
You stood in the kitchen of your shared house, occasionally looking behind you to see your moody girlfriend sitting on the couch in the living room, her injured leg perched up on a small stool, you were making some tea, the electric kettle buzzing, two cups were on the counter, for Alexia’s tea you had went with a blend of chamomile and lavender, it was advertised as “calming” and that’s one thing she definitely wanted right now.
As the kettle got done with heating the water up you swiftly poured it into the cups. You carefully put them on the coffee table and finally sat down next to your girlfriend. The silence went on for maybe like two minutes..during the few past days it felt as if you were walking on eggshells around her, you turned your head to look at her and smiled even though she wasn’t even glancing in your direction, only looking into emptiness with her brows furrowed and arms crossed almost like a small child that didn’t get its candy. “Hey, don’t worry so much I’m sure you’ll heal quickly, why don’t you drink some tea-“ You were about to finish your sentence but Alexia opted to cut it short “I don’t want tea right now” Well that was rude…but you shouldn’t be so hard on her, after all you knew how difficult dealing with this injury was for her, so you kept on trying, trying to cheer her up. “Oh…well how about we see what they’re playing on the TV? We can always watch some show or movie or anything really-“ Alexia sat up straighter, irritation clear in her eyes “Can you quit it with the tea and TV? Or better, just quit trying to cheer me up, it’s annoying” she barked at you, “Alright, Jesus…sorry for wanting to be nice” you answered calmly but it was evident that you were offended and perhaps getting annoyed with how unapproachable she was being lately.
“”Nice”? For fucks sake Y/n! Do you see my leg? I’m useless, and I’m supposed to be a ball of sunshine just because you want it?!” She waved her hands around like a maniac “But why would I expect you to get it” she scoffed, you turned to look at her again your eyes narrowing “Seriously? Am I some subtype then or something?“ Alexia looked away, running away from your gaze that was demanding an explanation “I didn’t say that” she answered more quietly now “You kind of did though” you argued, “Oh my god can’t I just live in peace for one goddamn minute?! Here you go again, making a problem out of nothing, it’s like this every time something isn’t in tip top shape…it’s tiring Y/n, I swear you’re so difficult for no reason” that kind of hurt, you were appalled by her outburst “It’s not my fault, don’t you think it’s hard for me as well? Especially when-“ You bit your tongue before you could finish that sentence, maybe it was true and you were really making a problem out of nothing..but you had your emotions too, and Alexia shouldn’t be expecting you to be fine every time she gets enraged like this.
“Especially when what?” She repeated your words, her tone sharp, you took a breath not wanting to answer that, “Especially when what Y/n!” She said once again, this time nearly yelling, “Especially when you’re such a vicious bitch everytime you’re mad!” Quietness fell upon the both of you, before Alexia suddenly got up from the couch, slowly though as to not make her leg worse..but even for her it was clear how hasty she was trying to be with her moves.
“Where are you going?” Your eyes were trying to run after her, she waddled towards the front door “Doesn’t matter” she fumed, you didn’t follow her at first, but as you heard the sound of jingling keys you stood up as well and rushed to the front door, surely Alexia was leaving.
“Alexia?” Confusion crossed your face, and then worry and regret for your earlier words “Alexia come on! I’m sorry I didn’t mean it!” She didn’t answer your pleas, and just left…you sighed as the door closed.
She was a grown woman, you couldn’t just stop her from leaving the house if she wanted to..you sulked onto the carpet beneath you, hands covering your face, why the hell did you say that? You were definitely too rough on her..but at the same time what were you supposed to do? There was nothing you could do now, you were just going to wait for her to come back home, after all she couldn’t be out for too long, especially with a leg like that.
So here you were now, sipping on your tea as you sat and welled in your own sadness, eyes glancing at the empty cup on the coffee table that was supposed to be Alexia’s..It’s been probably three hours now, and there were no signs of life from Alexia, you picked up your phone; the lack of messages or missed calls from your girlfriend was no surprise to you, you picked your best friends number, Mapi, you had to talk to someone when there was no one in this empty house filled with bitter tension.
“¡Hola, tía!” Mapi’s voice echoed from the other side, “Hey” you answered, a small smile on your face, which was heard in your tone but the overwhelming sadness took it over, Mapi could easily recognise that, “Is everything alright? You sound very down in the dumps” you weren’t sure how to answer, eventually you just sighed and told Mapi about what happened earlier with Alexia.
“And then…she just left the house, it’s been three hours I’m starting to worry, I mean- what if she like fell down and hurt herself even more or something?” You said “You know how she can be, I’m sure she’s fine, she can’t stay mad at you forever Y’know?…especially not you” Mapi said with her cheery voice “I have to go and look for her” you answered seriously “Have you seen her? Do you know where she can be?” You then added, looking for any kind of answer for someone in reasonable humour “Nah…sorry, just be careful ok?” The girl attested “Yeah..I promise I’ll be” the two of you said your goodbye’s and you hanged up..you grouched, trying to think of ANY place Alexia could be right now.
Then one thought came rushing to you like an arrow, what about a specific football pitch she always went to after lost matches? You figured; if she was gone for so long, and you didn’t know where she was then it wouldn’t hurt to drive there and see for yourself.
You literally bolted to your car, and just drove…fifteen minutes passed and you arrived at the spot, the football pitch was set in the outskirts of the town, here it was quiet for a change, the sky was now dark since so much time has passed…as you looked around the place you could understand why this place brought a sense of comfort to Alexia.
Through the tall fence you noticed a figure sulking on one of the benches, as you entered the pitch, it became apparent to you that it was Alexia..thank god you thought first, at least you knew she was safe.
You sauntered over to the bench, the melancholy, regret and anger all mixed together into one confusing combination hanging in the air.
The two of you didn’t say anything for now, instead you just sat yourself next to her on the bench, once again Alexia’s gaze was far and blurry she was just simply staring nowhere. “Alexia…” you kept it quiet not wanting to cause any more arguments today. Finally, your girlfriend looked at you with something else than annoyance and silent resentment.
“Please, let’s go back home” you asked half-whispering, her chest rose as she took a deep breath, it’s like she wanted to but didn’t at the same time, maybe going straight to the point wasn’t the first option, there we’re definitely some things the two of you needed to say to each other. “I’m sorry…I know it’s hard, I know how useless you must feel right now..I really just wanted to make you happy, I hate seeing you like that..that- that I’m just willing to try anything to make it better” you started, Alexia turned to you at once her eyes almost glassy “I’m..I’m sorry too Y/n I just don’t know what came over me..I guess the irritation took over me, I shouldn’t have taken it out on you” she answered “I don’t know why I did that, but I just…I don’t know, it’s my whole life, and now with this stupid knee I’m just stuck home, and I just feel like I’ve got no other purpose” she almost teared up, you wrapped your arms around her, pulling her into an embrace “Alexia…you know that’s not true” you whispered “Injuries happen, you’ll get back to playing in no time I’m sure” you added, a quiet sob was heard, it was unlike her to be so vulnerable…but you appreciated that she was able to show that side of herself with you.
Pulling away, you placed a kiss on her temple, “You’re right, let’s go back home” she said wiping the traces left behind by some tears with her sleeve.
You got up and offered her your arm, she took it and the two of you slowly made your way towards the exit of the pitch.
“I’m sorry I called you a vicious bitch”
“No, don’t apologize, you were right then…I guess I was a bit of a bitch” she smiled
“I’m sorry for calling you annoying” she then added more seriously
“You were being honest then too” you grinned as well and the two of you chuckled.
“I guess we’re a good match together”
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(Thanks to @kshvue099)
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junhanner · 2 months
heyy can you write a ot13 svt reaction to you wearing a miniskirt just like this one? pleaseeeee thx 💖
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hihi!!! yes , i can ^_^ also this skirt is very pretty i love it !!
a/n : pls ignore any grammar mistakes💔 english isn’t my first language
𓎢𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟 ౨౿ seventeen’s reaction to you wearing a 𐄹 miniskirt. ౨౿
✧ ꒰ঌ seungcheol ໒꒱ : #1 ass smacker in his group and also in the world . the SECOND he would see you come out of the bathroom/closet with this skirt he would actually lose it but in a good way ?????? would say something along the lines on “what did i do to deserve to be with the most beautiful thing in the world lord” (it’s unclear if he was actually talking about your ass or you but hey let’s say he was reffering to both)
✧ ꒰ঌ jeonghan ໒꒱ : would have the biggest smirk on his face everytime he would see you in something revealing . “wore this for me today hm??” wait till this mf sees u in this skirt. his face would literally be UNREADABLE excluding the fact a tear would roll down his cheek (he lowkey (highkey) liked that skirt too much)
✧ ꒰ঌ joshua ໒꒱ : “oh wow …” would be standing there like “🧍” just staring at you for a good 5 minutes . after contemplating his entire life goes up to you and compliments you like the gentleman he is duh (bonus part , would say something along the lines of : “thine fleshy posterior , like the rolling hills of the countryside and the elegant arc of a rainbow is a masterpiece to all” shakespeare ass comment)
✧ ꒰ঌ junhui ໒꒱ : that night he would actually sleep with his eyes open dreaming about that skirt on you. would and WILL get on his knees for you because are you even real??? hi??? hello????? “tian xin youre gonna wear this more often right? right??? Right??? RIGHT??” theres a slight chance he can actually die from it
✧ ꒰ঌ hoshi ໒꒱ : he seems like the person to actually drool .. sorry not sorry i will not regret dropping this information because its TRUE . hoshi would like to grab your ass so much because he claims it’s like doing the horanghae but like grabbing your ass while doing it??? creative i guess ..
✧ ꒰ঌ wonwoo ໒꒱ : raises a eyebrow and says “is this what you’re gonna wear today??? interesting…” he says readjusting his glasses ^_^ funny enough the whole time you two are out his eyes would be glued on that skirt …. “why are you staring” “excuse you , im actually not staring im observing. get your english right”
✧ ꒰ঌ woozi ໒꒱ : woozi would actually treat this as new song material so get that bag, i guess .. BUT he would jump on you the second you’re out of the closet wearing that skirt because it’ s criminal to think you can wear that skirt and not get your ass smacked by him the milisecond he spots you
✧ ꒰ঌ minghao ໒꒱ : would judge you but he would actually love that skirt so much .. “why ru staring like that leave the herbal teas alone man” “you should be ashamed saying that, your ass is literally staring at me” “ru sure those are herbs” once found out that hoshi thinks that grabbing asses looks like the horanghae (no wonder he actually grabs his members asses) and has stopped grabbing your ass ever since but would still give you playful ass smacks from time to time
✧ ꒰ঌ dk ໒꒱ : screams . yes. he will scream. does not care if you will scold him because how can he not scream?? in the end y’all just went to get icecream cause the restaurant dk was taking you out on closed but for him its okay as long as hes with you (and that skirt) ^_^
✧ ꒰ঌ mingyu ໒꒱ : would eat that skirt UP . will giggle and say “babee why didnt i know about that skirt before😇” next thing he knows hes actually tweaking and this is a CANON event. he would probably say “my ass is bigger anyways 🙄🙄” like we see sir ..
✧ ꒰ঌ seungkwan ໒꒱ : imagine surprising him at badminton practice with this skirt .. OH.MY.GOD the look on his face would be worth millions😭 “you wore this for me?????” part 2 but this time sounding like hes on the verge of having a heart attack. THE PEOPLE AT HIS PRACTICE WOULD 100% START TEASING HIM LMAAAOOO. prays to the lord every night starting from that day for you to start wearing that skirt more often .
✧ ꒰ঌ vernon ໒꒱ : no reaction. like no reaction at all. would say “cool” before going back to whatever he was doing (vernon i love you but 😞😞)
✧ ꒰ঌ dino ໒꒱ : jaw would hang open. down bad is actually a understatement right now, when he saw that skirt i swear he would actually be on the verge of tears . “dino are you okay??” “HOW CAN I BE OKAY??? YOU ARE MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY KILLING ME WITH THAT SKIRT”
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deformedcat · 6 months
The 5 love language
pairing: artist male y/n x childhood friend oc
warning: vomiting, stalking, obsessive behaviour, gore, open ending, not proof read, v rushed 📣📣
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Valentine's Day, a day to spend with your loved ones, something you didn't have.
Forget spending Valentine's day with anyone- you had work at the convenience store. Sure, you're an artist, but money won't magically appear onto your kitchen counter.
Despite that, it didn't bother you as much as the sight you saw around you that day. (though bother might not be fitting, more like envious) There were couples everywhere on dates, holding hand and showing their affection towards each other. Bleh. (translation: when is it my turn?)
Either way, you could complain all you want but life still goes on. Sighing, you walk towards your apartment, staring down at your phone to avoid the sights of couples. It wasn't until an envelope at your door caught your attention.
The envelope had a simple yet design with a heart shape sticker on it, you hesitantly take it and enter your apartment.
After sitting on your couch for abit, you cautiously and gradually opens the letter, wary of any potential pranks, but nothing happened.
"Dear y/n
Happy Valentine's day, well, it's not Valentine's day yet but it will be soon.
I've always had a big crush on you, but i never gotten the chance to confess to you directly. Truth to be told, i'm not a courageous person, but you give me the strength to do so today :).
You are the most strongest, admirable person I've met. Whenever i listen to your music, I'm hit in awe with how talented you are. I fall even harder everytime i see you. Your presence is already enough for me to keep going.
Do you know the saying "the 5 love language"? They are words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch. I would love to know which one is your love language, but instead of asking, I want to let you experience all of them. I aim to make you feel loved in every way possible, starting with words of affirmation!"
A secret admirer,,?
You honestly didn't know something so cliche that would be done in a high school romance movie would happened to yourself, in real life.
The rest of the kettle had you fuming like a kettle, was this person a fan of poets? They sure had their way with words.
As sweet as the letter sounds, you couldnt help but feel crept out by this, how much does this person knows you? Do you even know this person?
You could only hope that it's not someone creepy, like a stalker.. You opened your phone and take a picture of the letter, sending it to your childhood bestfriend.
what's this?
love letter,
saw it in front of my
does someone have a lil crush on little y/n :0?
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Daniel's got a competitor 😄
im forever loyal to daniel
why are you showing me this?
felt a lil crept out
dont u think its weird??
how did they know where i lived? idfk who they are
hmm, thats true.
maybe it's a neighbour? they mentioned they could hear your music, they might be living around your area ?
that make it even worse
lock your doors and windows, you wouldnt want to entice your little 'admirer' to break in do you?
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gtg, bye
i was just joking D:!
I'll be back from Russia soon, i promise <3
mm, maybe dont.
take care tho
A few days went by and nothing happened, you were beginning to wonder if the letter was just a prank from the kids around the area.
Regardless, you didn't care, you were to tired from your work ealier. Getting yelled at by your manager in front of the customers, for something rather silly. (you looked really tired but manager took it as "mf u dont like ur work isit) This was far fron the first time, and not the worst thing that had happened, but it didn't make it less draining.
you went into your apartment, turned on the light and fell right onto your couch. Rent was due in 3 weeks,, you were mentally preparing yourself to starve for the next few days to be able to have a roof under your head.
everything was tiring you out, and you just want a car to come running into you already, but the house isn't going to clean itself. You had to do chores because you have been putting off chores for a few days now. It's going to pile up the more you tell yourself "i'll do it tomorrow." so you pushes your body off the couch to start.
maybe you can start by taking out the trash.
problem was, the trash was missing. you stared at the empty, new plastic bag over the trash you didn't remember replacing. are you hallucinating?
you went over the sink to wash the dishes, to find them cleaned and kept neatly inside the cabinet. huh.
you must be going crazy, you were sure you did not wash those dishes nor keep them. even if you did, you wouldn't store them as neat as this.
are you going insane?
you quickly check the laundry, and sure enough, they were all done up. the dirty clothes were washed, the one that you didn't bother folding was folded and put away in your bedroom. Neatly.
was your landlord here this morning? Even if he was, he wouls never done something like this. He only ever told you to stop being so lazy and clean the messy apartment. He even once demanded you to clean everything up while be watched but thats it.
you hit your head against the wall, hard, to check if you had not actually fallen asleep on the couch and this was all just a dream. you winced at the pain on your forehead, that sure gave you an answer that youre not hallucinating.
maybe you're just overworked..?
you sat on your bed, noticing a familiar envelope with another sticker on your pillow.
what the fuck.
you opened the envelope, which in it read,
"dear y/n,
Surprise, it's an act of service this time! you're so hardworking that you tire yourself out,, so i decided to do somethinf to lighten the load for you. Remember to take a break when you need it okay?
I also cooked dinner for you, it's your favourite :). They're in the fridge, please enjoy, it's not healthy to starve yourself.
Eternally yours,
Your secret admirer 💌"
you wanted to kill yourself.
your stalker is in fact, a stalker.
how did they get in your house?
how did they know your habits?
you didn't even bother eating the food in the fridge, letting it sit there as you spend the night searching for cameras in your house.
they broke in
the mf that sent the letter broke in
broke in?
how? didn't i told you to lock the doors and windows?
idfk hyeon
they broke in and like
did my chores
and even cook dinner for me
saying its an act of service
are you safe?
i dont know am i
i know this sounds weird af but im
not joking
i dont feel safe in my house rn
call the police.
with what evidence
tell them that someone sent two envelope, broke into my bouse, did my chores and cooked a meal for me??
ill sound like a maniac
then they'll send me to a mental hospital
you'll never know unless you try,
y/n, this sound dangerous, your life could be on the line bere.
please just call the police and see if they can do anything about it.
do you still have that previous letter with you?
show that to them, including the new one.
ill try
i wish i wasnt in russia right now.
im so sorry, please wait a bit more, ill come back soon.
update me whenever you can.
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dont be sorry,
thank you.
you never had a peaceful sleep for the next few days, the only thing keeping you sane is messaging hyeon everyday.
you have been so worn out from what happened that night. you had gone to the police, but after they didnt found anything suspicious in your house besides the two letter, they then left and told you to contact them if anything happened.
useless. you texted to hyeon.
neither did the police nor you could find any hidden cameras around your house, but that didnt mean you were safe. they could missed them, or not search at the right place.
you were sitting on your couch, scrolling down your phone to distract what had happened. suddenly, someone knocked on your door.
you groaned, thinking it was your landlord, you got up, walked to your door and peek from the peephole. nobody was there.
you opened the door slowly, immediately notices the stench behind the door. sitting on the floor in the dark hallway were two boxes wrapped like gifts with a gold ribbon.
crimson liquid was seeping through the boxes, on top of one of the box was an envelope, the one you had received a few days prior.
you suppressed the urge to throw up as you felt your breath getting quicker and shallower. you opened your phone and called the police and messaged hyeon
when the polices arrived, they opened the boxes and envelope. one of the polices seems panickes and quickly rushes to you bringing the envelope, making you read it.
"Dear y/n,
Two, the number of hands one would need to do a heart, i thought it would be romantic to give you two gifts. After all, what's Valentine's day without gifts?
I've seen the way those two treated you, i couldnt stand watching them mistreated you. How prideful that human trash must be to push all his mistakes onto you then punishes you? Just because he's a manager? You don't deserve that, dear, so, this is for you.
And that bastard landlord of yours, the way he stares at you and put his hand at you is so disgusting. If he's gonna look at you like that, he don't deserve his eyes. Just because he's your landlord, does not mean he can put his hand on you like that, so i cut them off.
i hope you enjoy the gifts, dear. I guess this can be considered to be acts of service too? I look foward to spending some quality time with you. I can't wait to finally have you in my arm.
ps. inside the hand of your manager is a necklace. <3
Eternally yours,
Your secret admirer 💌"
you glanced at the content of the boxes, puking at the side after seeing the blood hand of your manager and your landlord's head with his eyes gouge out.
you felt helpless.
you had nowhere to go.
you didnt wanna stay here anymore, you dont feel safe anywhere.
you just want to die.
as the police patting your backs and gives you a bottle of water, you receives a text message on his phone.
hey, i'm here now.
i'm sorry i couldn't reply to you earlier, i just arrived in south korea.
hyeon thank god
can i stay at your place for a while
i cant stay here anymore
Of course, i'll pick you up.
when you finally met hyeon, you collapsed into the taller man's arm, letting the tears out you have been holding in as hyeon holds you close, embracing you in much needed warmth and comfort.
"here," hyeon placed down a plate of fried rice in front of you, coincidentally it being your favourite food but you dont have any appetite after what happened.
"i can tell you havent been eating well, it's all i have at the moment, but its better than nothing."
you appreciated him, but didnt wanna eat anything at the moment, the sight of your landlors was still fresh in your mind.
"thanks, but i feel really sick right now." you felt bad for putting hyeon through the trouble, only to turn it down in the end. "i'll heat it up and have it tomorrow."
"maybe you at least drink some water?"
"sure." Hyeon was already pouring a warm cup of water for you, you were glad you at least had hyeon to come to.
you two spent a while in an awkward silence, it was like hyeon would not ask what had happened until you were ready to talk about it yourself.
"do you have work later?" you asked to distract yourself.
No, hyeon had alarms around the house. He would be notified of any suspicious activities detected.
"no, my manager said he'll take care of it."
then the silence were back again, until hyeon opened his mouth.
"are you going to sleep now?"
"I.." you were sure you would not be able to sleep tonight, you do not know where that stalker was, what if they too breaks into hyeon's house? will you put him in danger as well?
Even so, you're still on edge.
"do you want to share a room?"
"you don't have to sleep alone when i'm right here for you to cuddle with!"
you sighed, "hyeon-"
"no really, maybe im just overprotective but i really dont want to leave you alone. We can catch up on the past month, and maybe if i talk enough, it might put you to sleep?"
you cried into his arms for the second time that night.
you could not remember the last time you was help to sleep, you didnt think there was ever a time actually. when he slept besides hyeon, the latter would always wrap his body around you like a koala.
not that it surprised you, hyeon had always been handsy with you ever since the two was young, but only around him.
whenever they ate together, hyeon would reach his hand out to wipe a grain of rice or a drop of sauce off your face.
whenever they play fight, hyeon would always hug you as a way to "immobilize you". when hyeon suggested decorating the house for Valentine's day to take your mind off of things, he would hold your hand and guide you through tying ribbons and hanging decorations.
And when you still couldnt stop the anxiety from rising, hyeon would hold you so close, no matter what time it is, he would remind you to breathe, and prepare plastic bags for you in case you pukes.
Heck, he even made sure that you had fallen asleep first before he would.
you felt safe by hyeon's side.
On the morning of Valentine's day, hyeon was still asleep which was expected, he had waited for you to fall asleep the night before.
You carefully and quietly slipped out of hyeon's tight hold, and headed towards the washroom, you decided to clean hyeon's office then cook a meal for him.
walking toward hyeon's office, you noticed a few paperwork on his table. It seems like it was the paperwork hyeon's had been doing last evening.
His handwriting was exceptionally neat, it had been quite some time you last seen it, but you could remember envying the man for having such a neat writing.
you noticed a half opened file on the floor, you picked it up and read the content of the files out of curiousity
they were mostly a bunch of statistics and numbers, percentages and whatnot. you wanted to stop reading but you felt drawn in his handwriting. To you, it looked familiar, like you've seen it before.
you stared longer at the words until you realized,
realized why he found it familiar.
you flipped to the next page, why did hyeon have your landlord personal informations?
you felt arms hugging you from behind, "what are you doing, snooping around my work like that? what if it's confidential?'
you didnt answer.
"y/n?" hyeon seemed to noticed you tensing up, "sorry, did i scare you that badly? you just seemed so focused on those papers, i just had to-"
You didnt know what to say, you did not know what to ask. You didnt know how to ask him.
you wish you were just dreaming.
Because.. wasnt hyeon in russia all this time?
Hyeon couldnt have been in south korea. He couldnt have went into your apartment. He couldnt have place those.. letters abd boxes in your apartment if he wasnt even in the same country as you
"y/n, are you okay?"
"hyein,, can i take a look at your passport?"
"my passport? why?"
"i just want to.. confirm something."
Hyeon looked at you for a while, before letting go of you "sure, let me go get it."
As he went back to his room, you held ontobthe table tightly to avoid collapsing.
its okay.
you just had to look into his passport, then you would realize how dumb you are to suspect hyeon, the person that sheltered you when you had nowhere to go. the man that's your childhood friend who would sacrifice anything for you-
Hyeon returned, with his passport in hand. "here you go." you were about to take the passport from hum until you saw it
or more like the lack of it.
instead of handing the passport to you normally, hyeon had flipped it to the latest page. Hyeon had supposedly flew to russia first of december last year.
The last time he travelled, according to the passport,
was back in june.
"you were wondering about this, werent you?" hyeon stepped closer towards you, "when did it click?"
"your handwriting you bastard."
"ah right, that was my mistake, but dont you think it took too long for you to notice?"
Hyeon took the papers one by one, putting them together neatly, as if he was having the most normal and mundane conversation.
As if he wasnt the one that sent you all of that letters.
As if he was not the one who broke into your apartment.
As if he didnt sent that severed head and hands to you..
"i guess i should expected that, after all, i'm never the one whom you'll ever have eyes for, am i?" he smiled bitterly.
"Hyeon.." you wanted to be proven wrong, you wanted to be wrong so bad.
you wanted to believe hyeon was not capable of this.
you wanted to believe him, your closest friend, would never do such thing.
instead, you received a hug that felt so cold.
you wanted to strangle hyeon so bad. you wanted to strangle yourself.
you just felt so weak.
as much as you wanted to avoid it, the clues were all right in front of you, mocking you.
there was no one in the world who had heard and appreciated your music, who observed and knew so much of your lifestyle and habits besides ivan.
when the puzzle started coming together, you could feel yourself falling apart.
"so y/n, please tell me:
what is your favourite love language?"
you just want to die.
[draft messages]
thanks for taking me in
im glad i hv u in my lufe
you better not tell anyone i said this,
but i dont think theres anyone else i trust
anyone else more than you
thank you.
a/n: zzzzz goodnight (disappears)
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venbetta · 2 months
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Okay so everytime I play security breach, I always have to trigger some bits of Freddy's dialogue cuz I just love how he says things.
Example of this is in the beginning, it's very mundane, but when he's carrying Gregory in his hatch and you try to enter any of the other doors backstage and he says
I would love to do a tour, but this door is locked.
It's just cute because he's just.. "Aww, this kid is really curious about exploring. It's too bad we're on scrapped for time. Also, those areas are inaccessible." That's how I interpreted it.
Most of these are based on how I personally interpret, just letting you know before I go too deep with rambling. If you have any different interpretations, drop them, I'd love to see it.
Anyways, one of the dialogue bits that make me giggle every time I hear it is during the Prize Counter mission. Gregory accidentally sets off the alarm and is panicked by it. Of course, we enter the mini game, trying to keep Monty and Roxy out for 3 minutes.
Honestly, despite playing the game so many times, it's one of the few missions I kinda dread. It's just nerve-wracking less than scary. Especially if it's later in the run with one or both of the bots shattered and you can't save right away.
But what tops it is after you survive the 3 minutes, probably having few near death close calls and stressing (Gregory definitely was), Freddy simply says:
All done! See, that was not so bad!
And it's like... Freddy? What do you mean?? I almost fucking died. You weren't even there! He sounds so cheery about it.
You spent nearly 4 minutes fighting for your life, and you're met with Freddy's lackadaisical attitude. It kills me. Freddy, when I catch you-
Don't get me wrong, what Freddy did was helpful, even if he just turned off the alarm. And he's been helpful for most of the game... (for the most part, maybe conceptually)
And I feel that he only says that as a way to soften the blow of the situation, like he usually does when something goes wrong. Always trying to find the bright side.. like a true optimist. It's like when a kid is about to do something scary and the adult can't do much, letting the kid be independent, and simply watch (and step in if they have to).
Once the scary situation ends in either the kid succeeding or maybe injuring themselves, the adult then steps in either praising or comforting them. "See, it wasn't that bad. You did it!" Or "Oh, I'm sorry, you did your best. There's always next time/maybe I can help you."
While it's annoying that Freddy responds in a causal way (again, it makes me chuckle), it adds something to him that gives him that paternal role Gregory (or the player) needs. He deals with kids all the time, and I'm sure he probably tries his best to be hands-on. Praising them when they do something, whether its minimal, like retrieving an item, or huge like winning a game and whatnot.
There's countless times Freddy graces Gregory with praise, no matter how treacherous or simple the task is. And that's adorable.
Of course, I'm still beating his ass though (affeftionate), cuz what do you mean you can't come save me 85% of the time? What else are you doing when you're not around me?
I love this dumb bear, but so help me-
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star-girl-05 · 9 months
The Bet
James Wilson x Reader
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He thought there was no way he’d lose, it seemed like a sure thing. That's the only reason he agreed to the terms, he should have known better. Never bet something you're not willing to lose, yet he did and now he has to go to work like this. Gosh House is going to ream him when he sees him. 
“Come on out James” your sing-song tone just made him want to lock himself in the bathroom forever. “Would you stop being a baby its not even that bad I could have made you do something way worse”
You weren't wrong, you could have made him do something long lasting like shaving his head. It was still bad though. He heard you call his name again, he was going to have come out or he’d be late for work. So finally after gathering all his courage he opened the bathroom door. As soon as you saw his face you were laughing. Wilsons' face lights up like a Christmas tree and he's covering his face in hopes you'll stop laughing. 
“Oh James, I’m sorry it's just” you find yourself laughing again “Don’t hide from me James I want to see your pretty face” That just made him want to hide more. He’s been in love with you for almost a year, always dropping hints he's in love with you, yet you never seem to pick up on them. House says it's obvious the two of you like each other but Wilsons isn’t so sure. 
“James” god he loves when you say his name. You pull Wilsons hands away from his face you do your best trying to hold in your laughter. “Wow you look..hm” your eyes study his face or more importantly the glued on mustache that now rests on his upper lip. 
“Don’t, it looks horrible” he was right it was bad he looked much better clean shaven. Though even with the ugly mustache he was still pretty. 
“It’s just for one day” it is true its just one day but Wilson didn’t just have to wear a fake mustache, every time someone asks about said mustache he owes you ten bucks. Easy money since you know every one he talks to today will be focused on it. 
“Maybe but I’ll be paying for weeks” that's true you're going to make quite a profit off today. 
As soon as Wilson enters the hospital eyes are on him even patients that have never seen him give him a funny look. House is the first to say anything, throwing a file on the nurses station and staring at Wilson with his mouth comically open. “Wilson, I think you got something there. ” He gestures at his face. Wilson rolled his eyes today's going to be a long day. 
“It's a really interesting story” you egg on trying to get House to say the golden words. 
“Okay I’ll bite what’s with the fake mustache” Wilson cursed under his breath pulling out his wallet and handing you the first ten of the day. House eyes the exchange getting even more curious about what's going on. “Hold up, what was that?” 
“Me and Wilson made a bet he lost and now everytime someone asks about his mustache he owes me ten bucks, I’ll give you two bucks if you help” House was agreeing instantly, happy to mess with Wilson in any way. Wilson on the other hand was anything but thrilled. He was objecting right away but it fell on deaf ears.  
Wilson spent the rest of his day getting paged to the clinic where patients asked about his mustache. At the end of the day Wilson owed 780 dollars. 
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xoioel · 7 months
EXCUSE ME DO U WRITE FOR XG???? can i pretty pls request something w mean dom gp!jurin??? there's literally no content for her it's insane she's so hot 😭😭🫦🫦🫦
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parings: Jurin x 8th! Member Reader
genre: SMUT and Fluff
warnings: SMUT, mommy kink, semi-public sex, fingering, creampie, spanking, crying, overstimulation, edging, humiliation, mirror sex
synopsis: You never know when enough is enough and Jurin teaches you a lesson ;)
authors note; jurin is so sexy, i just want her to use me till i pass out. I made sure jurin was just evil and her not giving 1 fuck about things… sorry this is like so late!! also ive been looking for some xg moots on here too
see you tonight, its a bad idea right?—
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It was a Saturday evening and all of the girls decided to play truth or dare. The game was going smoothly until Chisa asked a question that made you reget even playing the game in the first place. “N/n, truth or dare” Chisa asks you, and since youve picked dare a few times already you decided to pick truth. “Is it true that your the top and Jurins the bottom of the relationship” Chisa questions you and you could just feel Jurins eyes buring into you.
It was either you admitting your a bottom or admitting Jurins a bottom which was a hard choice because your a switch but sub leaning and shes fully a top so it was difficult. “Yes,” Thats all you said which left everyone confused. “Yes what? Your a top or a bottom” Harvey says to you. “Im a top” You could just see that Jurin was pissed. She knew that was a lie and you did too. “I would of never thought that Y/n is a top” Juria said as everyone agreed but Jurin. She just stayed silent but nobody questioned her silence at all.
“Cocona! true or dare?” Jurin says to change the topic. “dare.. i guess” She says as she’s second guessing herself. “i dare you to do a one breath challenge” Jurin replied as Cocona prepared herself to do the challenge. She lasted about 1 minute before backing out.
The game continued for another 20 minutes before everyone basically said everything before everyone agreed that the game should come to a end. “Guys what should we eat for dinner?” Chisa said. As everyone suggests something that they would like to eat, Jurin gets up and sits next to you instead of her sitting across from you.
“Just know that Ive had enough with the act youve been pulling.” Jurin whispered in your ear before going to scroll on TikTok. You stopped breathing for a second to process what she just said. But you know exactly what shes talking about too, how for the past week youve been testing her.
How you would would flirt with the other members right infront of her. When practicing you would wear either very short shorts or very very tight shirts just to show your tits. And you did that just to see her reaction. And she never did anything to you since you all had to preform the day after so she just told you to stop and you would give her the same answer everytime.
“N/n what should we eat.” Cocona said since you always have the best ideas which took you out of your thoughts: “Maybe we should have pizza and hot wings with whatever else you want to eat” You replied. “Yeah we should have that for dinner” Juria added before they all agreed on who would go and get the food.
Cocona, Harvey, Hinata and Maya all went to get food, which left Jurin, Chisa, Juria and you in the dorm. You got up to go get something to drink but you where quickly pulled back down to sit on the couch. “What was that for?!” You say raising your voice at Jurin.
“Dont yell at me,” She said, “Why not!!”
You snatch your hand from Jurin’s grip before getting up to go into your room that is shared with her. You hear foot steps behind you signaling that she’s following you.You opened the door and in seconds, Jurin has you pinned to the back of the door. Her long fingers grab your ass and your tits as you bite your lip trying not to moan.
You only hesitate and become aware of your action when you hear Jurin sigh in your ear. She’s told you time and time again not to hide yourself from her, and you shouldn’t be testing her patience right now. “Y/n. So you think you can talk to me in that tone?” She questioned you. “N-No I-“ You couldn’t even speak since you finally realized your mistake, you’ve pushed the limits and now karma is coming back to you.
She crashes your lips onto hers as you hands go into you hair, pulling and tugging at it. Your whining and moaning into the harsh kiss as Jurin bites your lip to push her tongue in your mouth. A few seconds you pulled back to get some air. “Sit infront of the mirror. Now.” Jurin said to you in a very demanding tone.
You sat in front of the glowing floor mirror patiently waiting for her. “You better be undressed when I come back,” Jurin says before leaving the room. You began to undress and you were dripping wet. You never realized how turned on you were just from Jurin making out with you. So you began to slowly touch yourself.
You put your hand over your mouth to silence your moans since you didnt know when Jurin was going to come back. Getting close to your orgasm your moans start to get significantly louder as you cum all over the floor as you didnt even notice that Jurin walked into the room and sat down behind you. Thats when you feel someone grabbing your wrist making you whine from the lack of your fingers. “So have you forgotten about the rules, Y/n? Because i think i need to reteach them to you” Jurin questions you.
“I haven’t forgotten..” You replied to her looking down at the floor. She didnt like that you weren’t looking at her. Thats when you feel a vibrator turn on and its directly on your clit. “Jurin.. please-” You moan out. “Look at me as i make you a mess, you slut,” She says forcing you to keep eye contact with her through the mirror. She grabbed your right hand and made you hold the vibrator on your clit.
Jurin begins to pump her fingers in and out of your needy cunt, each thrust punctuated by the wet squelch of your gratuitous arousal. Heat spreads under your skin under her thorough exploration of your narrow, saturated channel, gingera curling to meticulously stroke a spot that has you gasping her name. Legs slowly began to shake since you haven’t got to calm down from the orgasm you just had.
Your hand quickly cover your mouth from your porn like moans. She removed her hands from your cunt for a second, “I want to hear your pretty moans,” She whispered in your ear before you removed your hand from your mouth.
And the moment you do, Jurin decides to put the vibrator on the highest speed and you can feel yourself on the verge to cum. “Mommy~ i-im gonna cum!!” You whine out to her. You didnt even realize that you called her mommy, Jurin had expressed that she had a mommy kink a few weeks ago and you never used the term until just now.
“Fuck—soon, m’ gonna—” You croak, scratching your nails into Jurin’s thighd and the pain makes her groan against your back. “p-please, please oh my god i’m gonna cum, please—” You cry to Jurin.
Thats when she turned the vibrator off and took her fingers out of you. Whining from the lack of sensation. “Do you think you deserve to cum?” Jurin says into your ear. “Y-yes..” You say as she turns back on the vibrator and went back to fingering you.
Even after Jurin stopped for a few moments, you continue to twitch and whine under her touch, squirming from the sensation. “F-fuck Jurin, fuck m’ so, hngh!” You groan, “Please, more, s-so good.”
Jurin’s lips detach from your marked-up neck and you mutter against her skin, “You sound so pretty for me, what a good girl.” Her voice is hot against your skin, yet it makes you shiver.
Your panting gets heavier and now your reaching your climax again not so long after your first. She thrust in and out again, circling her thumb on your clit and one last pump pushes air out of your chest; you cum all over Jurin’s fingers and vibrator once again.
instead of giving her a little break, your fingers continue to thrust in and out. she’s overwhelmed and still trying to recover, but you don’t give her a chance. with the added stimulus of you sucking on her tit, with your free hand that isn’t fingering her massaging and pinching the other breast, her vision starts to blur again. “f-fuck, baby w-wait, ngh— so much—” you cry, tears welling up in your eyes. “p-please w-wait,”
"Mommy! I-Its t-too much" She ignored you but kept going faster having you cum in no time. But anyways she kept going not stopping one bit, leaving you overstimulated.
"I c-cant take it anymore~" You whine at her. "You can and you will. Shut up and keep still." Jurin spits out as youve reached your third orgasm in a row and she finally stopped. She gave you a sloppy kiss and said "That was just the beginning. Don't you think you deserve a punishment for lying to me?”
She didn't like what happened earlier, not one bit. Her brown eyes narrow as she pins you beanth she, her cock teasing your entrance. "Think you're cute huh? Telling the girls that you can top me? because it seems to me you on getting dicked down right?" You try to explain yourself but before you can speak, Jurin pushes her hips forward, entering you fully.
A gasp escape your lips, eyes rolling at the back of your head as she starts to thrust fast. Her cock slides in and out of you, her hands gripping onto your hips, lips marking your neck, you're her and only her. That's what she showing you now.
"Levi! Mhhhh why are you mad?" Your hips buck slightly as he fucks hard into you, hands gripping his hair. It's clear that he is pissed, she doesn't know at who she is and more exactly.
"Shut up, you know what you fucking did." She mumbles leaving open mouthed kisses on your jaw, his hands go down to your thighs spreading you wider for him as his hips snap into you. Those gray eyes of his stare at your face, your mouth is wide open, moans of her name fill the room. "That's right, hear that? My name off your lips, but im a bottom right y/n” She questions you.
Her voice is at a higher tone but is still very harsh, Jurin doesn't let many things go to her but even the slightest thought of you lying to the girls about something you both know isn’t true and right to her face makes her blood boil. She moves his hips even faster which makes your hands go to his back, nails digging into his skin. Smacking your ass when you realized you didn’t reply to her. But you know better to not answer her.
"Fuuuck....y-your not a not a bottom" You say moaning loudly. She isn't goiong easy on you but you love every second of it, especially when she gets possessive. "Yeah? You love this don't you? Getting fucked like the naughty girl you are." She takes your jaw into her hands and opens your mouth spitting in it, your eyes go wide slightly.
"Swallow." You do as she says, swallowing her spit as her cock thrusts roughly into you. "That's my good girl." There's a slight spark in her eyes, she loves seeing you this way. Loves making you moan over and over again.
Your pussy starts to clench around her dick, a burning sensation start to build up in your navel, you're close and by the look on Jurins face, she knows it too. "You gonna cum for me? Gonna show me who owns you?"
You nod your head, your nails draghing down his back leaving scratches behind. Jurin starts to fuck you ruthlessly, her cock pushing deep into you making you sure you feel all of it. Her thruths are unforgiving as she feels your warm and tight walls clamp down on her.
"Cum all over my dick." She demands, her tone as of when she uses her leader card. "Cuming Jurin....shit...." Your back arches and you cum all over her making her cum together with you. Her head falls onto your shoulder and she bites, leaving another mark behind as proof that you're hers, her cum fills you up.
Panting you groan feeling her teeth on your skin. "Ow....it hurts Jurin.." Jurin pulls back, a string of salvia connecting her lips to your shoulder. "Good, now..."
Jurin switches the position, her cock still inside of you, she rolls your bodies so that your on top of her, she is still hard inside of you. "You better ride my cock, show me that you're my bitch,"
You turn you head and kiss her on the lips before you starts to move your hips on top her. Jurin grabs your ass as you ride her, moaning into your mouth while your tongues dance with each other.
The room is filled with sounds of skin slapping as your body moves on top of hers. Pulling back from the kiss, you lean back enjoying the feeling of her inside of you but Jurin doesn't like the pace so she takes your hips into her hands and starts to fuck up hard into you.
"Mhhh yes! Harder! Mommy!" You beg for her but she instead stops moving, cockwarming you. "Do you think you deserve it? You don't...." Her eyes rest on your beautiful breasts. "...but because your pussy feels too good, I'll give you what you want." She restarts her fast pace, your tits bounce with her rough thruths.
"Mine...Mine...Your're fucking mine." Her hips snap faster and faster, her cock pushing deeper into you. Despite the fact that you're on top, it's clear that Jurin is the one who is in control, she pulls you against her body, your back and her tits are pressing together.
You move your hips in sync with hers, her lips passionately kissing your own. She into your mouth, her cock twitching inside of you. Jurin stops you from moving, grips your hips even harder and starts to move in and out of you in a relentless pace.
"Oooh~ Mommyy!" Your back arches as your feeling her hit your cervix with her hard thrusts. "My pretty girl, my little slut, say your mine," Her cock hits your sweet spot repeatedly making you almost scream her name. "Yours Jurin, I am yours!!" Jurin pushes your legs apart, her hips snap brutally against yours. Her hand reached down to tease your clit.
"Do you think another woman can make you feel like this huh? Can they make you this wet and desperate?" Tears starts to roll down your face from the intsese pleasure your feeling as your stomach starts to feel tight. “Ohh! im cumming!”
You squirt all over her and Jurin began to play with your clit even harder as she feels herself cumming. Your hands grip Jurins thighs tightly, she leaves a couple of hickeys on your neck as her cum fills you to the brim.
After she is done coming, her head falls on top of yours and she breaths heavily. "Don't pull another fucking stunt again or I'll make you cum twice as much next time.." Jurin whispered into your ear before you both hear the front door close and voices fill up the house…
“Oh? the girls are back, how would you like them to see you like this,” Jurin says to you. “Them seeing you all fucked out by me” She continued as she ever so slightly thrusted up. “Dont do that,” You say as you try to get off of her cock.
Looking the mirror you see the amount of marks Jurin left of you. Fuck. Thats all you think as you now as you told them you were the top and you look most definitely not top looking. “Why did you leave so many marks..” You ask Jurin as you go and put on some different clothes.
“You look so much like a top now, pretty” She said very sarcastically. You flip her off as she starts to laugh at you. Knock. Knock. “The foods here”
Tumblr media
© xoioel — do not copy or translate my work.
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little-star-bun · 1 year
⋆。‧˚ʚ 𝘽𝙤𝙨𝙨𝙖 𝙉𝙤𝙫𝙖 - (𝙖。𝙖。) ɞ˚‧。⋆
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ a/n: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA this was so ahskjhskhsj to write I love abby also if its wonky just pretend you love it;; as requested by the lovely @cottoncandytomu ;;
warnings: 18+ lesbian fanfiction!! Men and Minors DNI!! situationship between r! and abby, f!reader, jealous!abby, modern college au i guess, Abby is slightly emotionally unavailable but its hot, drinking (of age), actual sex, porn with plot, strap usage (cock, dick), oral (r! receiving), groping (r! recieving), kind of drunk sex? very slight mommy kink, overuse of commas, author procrastinated writing the smut part, ending is kinda rushed;
"ʸᵒᵘ ᵇᵉᵗᵗᵉʳ ˡᵒᶜᵏ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵖʰᵒⁿᵉ… ᵃⁿᵈ ˡᵒᵒᵏ ᵃᵗ ᵐᵉ ʷʰᵉⁿ ʷᵉ'ʳᵉ ᵃˡᵒⁿᵉ… ʸᵒᵘ ᵇᵉᵗᵗᵉʳ ˡᵒᶜᵏ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵈᵒᵒʳ.. ᵃⁿᵈ ˡᵒᵒᵏ ᵃᵗ ᵐᵉ ᵃ ˡⁱᵗᵗˡᵉ ᵐᵒʳᵉ…" ~ ⤹˚˖ ♫ ୭
She had you wrapped around her finger. And she knew it. She loved it, the way you tried to pull away, avoid her. A cat and mouse game, really. The mouse always came running back..
Yours and Abby's relationship was.. rocky to say the least. You wanted a real relationship, something with depth, a true connection with someone else. Abby was ever afraid of commitment, fucking you and then shutting off her emotions. You never knew what was going on inside the blonde's head. You couldn't allow yourself to be in a relationship with someone who wasn't vulnerable.
But it was all her fault. It was her fault you couldn't get with other girls despite your attempts. It was her fault that everytime you were by yourself, your mind drifted back to her. Her and her stupid pine scented soap, her and her stupid blonde hair that always looked effortlessly good, her and her stupid warm grey eyes, her and her muscular physique that felt just so good under your hands, the way her strap fit into your pussy and she fucked you like no one else could.
Everytime you tried to end it, you ended up coming back. God, she really did have you wrapped around her finger. And she really did enjoy it. Everytime you ran off on your own, claiming to be done with her. She sat back, let you have your way, let you have your freedom. You weren't committed, so who was she to hold you back? She knew it was only a matter of time before you'd had your fun, gone on a date or two, maybe had a hookup. And then you would call her, sobbing and begging her to come over and comfort you, show you who really loved you.
Of course, the thought of someone else's hands on you, touching you, their lips kissing you, you screaming someone else's name made her blood boil like nothing else. She'd grind her teeth, her mind filled with jealousy and a strange sense of betrayal, an almost animalistic state, wanting everyone to know what was hers.
Oh, but she knew you were hers. No matter how pissed off you made her by running off to find someone you thought better, she knew that at the end of the day, it was her who truly had your weak heart.
Not that everyone on campus was always invited to the same parties, but it always ended up that 9 times out of 10 you and Abby both were there. Some rando's house, drinking and partying and hooking up. It had become a pattern, a cycle, an essential part of your back and forth.
This time was no different.
You walked into the apartment where the party was allegedly. Upon entering, the music hit your ears and the flashing lights told you this was the right place. You walked in, finding your friends and quickly grabbing a solo cup, filling it with whatever alcohol was there. It was always a surprise.
Making meaningless conversation about classes, work, and studies with your friends. But your eyes were scanning the room, almost instinctively, looking for the tall blonde who took over your waking days. More and more people arrived. Women in short dresses and men who put in no effort as usual. Just might hookup with one of em, you thought to yourself.
Trying to pay attention to your friends was tasking, the music pounding in your ears, drowning out their conversation anyways, your mind completely clouded with the possibility of Abby. You shook your head. You really were pathetic. It hadn't been even a week since you said you were over (again) and yet here you were. Hoping she would show up, just so you could see her.
Taking a swig from the solo cup, the pineapple juice and vodka stung your throat, but you played it cool, swallowing a few times before walking into the main room. Fuck it, you thought. If she shows up, she shows up. If she doesn't, I'll be too drunk to even notice.
You held onto your cup, seeing the makeshift dancefloor of students grinding on each other, groping, swaying, getting totally shitfaced. This was your time to shine. You soon joined the mass, rocking your body to the music that played, finding the nearest girl who let you press against her. You downed the solo cup, tossing it on the floor. You hummed to the music, hips moving, sweat forming on your forehead. You closed your eyes, the alcohol taking over as you moved rhythmically, letting hands roam over your stomach, neck, thighs, hips. Someone's lips grazed your shoulder and you only pressed into them.
This was the feeling, this was what made Abby leave your mind, even temporarily. Alcohol and desperation making your head feel full of cotton, your body sweating and hot, everything felt slow and fast and you forgot where you were, lost in the bodies.
Abby had arrived sometime after you had left your friends by the door. When she walked in and saw them, she knew you had to be here. She already knew how this night would go. You'd get all drunk, desperate and hot, needing a fuck. And she would be there, your vice, to fulfill that desire. To fill every cavity and ache, to make you whole again.
The thought of it propelled her forward towards the sounds of the bass and synths. Her eyes immediately found you, almost trained to do so.
The way you got under her skin was impressive, her eyes squinting slightly as she watched you and your mini black satin dress that you just didn't wear a bra under, your flushed cheeks from the heat and the alcohol, the hair sticking to your face. The way you let any and every girl on that floor grope you, their undeserving hands touching your hips, your ass, your shoulders, pulling up the dress to just reveal more of your thighs as you shamelessly grinded on them, any inhibitions out the window.
She continued to watch you dance, the way your body moved smoothly and sensually, as if lost in a trance. Her brows furrowed as she leaned back on the wall, taking in the view before her.
You were so fucking easy. And that's what made Abby the most pissed off. That everyone knew you were easy, desperate, that they could get with you if they just got a little vodka in your system and whispered a sweet word or two in your ear. Everyone thought they could touch what was really hers.
It was obvious you really hadn't noticed her in your drunken horny state, so, in her confident and Abby-like attitude, she walked over to you in easy strides, pushing through the crowd. The almost 6' jock didn't need to be any more intimidating, but she still glared at anyone surrounding you. They were sober enough to know messing with Abby wasn't a good idea, and they backed off.
And you whimpered, the loss of contact causing you to open your eyes. But just as soon as it was gone, it was there again. But stronger, better, familiar.
Through your haze, your eyes focused on the blonde, whose arms had come to hold you around the waist, a hand pressed against the small of your back, her signature cocky grin on her face.
The way you gasped her name, and your lip puffed out into a pout told her everything she needed to know, everything she already knew. You'd drank the vodka and juice like water, and now your pussy was throbbing, your judgement clouded and desperate.
She had you right where she wanted you.
"Miss me, baby?" she whispered right into your ear. Despite the loud music, she was loud and clear.
You shivered, hands coming to grasp at her varsity jacket, your grip needy and wanting. You wanted her. You always wanted her. No matter who you took home, no matter who you kissed or flirted with, you wanted abby.
"Why you here, Abby?" You slurred, the crowd pushing you closer and closer to the woman in front of you. She didn't mind, pulling you closer and moving a hand down to grab your ass.
"Oh, you know why, don't you, pretty?" She chuckled, a sound that went straight to your cunt. You did know why, she had gotten invited, she knew you would be here, she knew you'd want her. She always knew.
You didn't respond, letting Abby start to guide you out of the crowd, back to the entryway. She leaned down, pressing a kiss to the spot behind your ear. "Come on, pretty girl, let me take you home."
Home. Abby's place. Abby's room and Abby's bed. Musky and dark and everything you needed.
Your head bobbed in agreement, and Abby took your hand, the way it fit around yours making your knees weak, and led you out of the apartment door. Your friends weren't there to see it, and you made a mental note to tell them where you'd went later.
Out on the sidewalk, your heels clicking as you made your way to her Jeep. Ever the charmer, she opened the door for you, helping you climb inside before buckling your seatbelt, pressing a kiss to your neck.
A gasp left your throat as you tilted your head, wanting Abby to keep going. Here, now, you wanted her.
Abby rubbed your exposed thigh, smirking at you. "Oh baby, you missed me, yeah?" She whispered, her voice full of desire for you. You knew what you did to her, nodding as you pried your eyes open, gazing at her with an almost fond look.
She let out a small laugh, pulling away from you and closing the jeep door, walking to the other side to open hers. She climbed in and soon you were making your way to her apartment, her hand holding yours tightly as she drove.
She stopped in front of her apartment, parking and then shutting off the engine. She unbuckled herself and turned to you, her hand coming up to brush the stray hairs out of your face.
"Hi," you smiled drunkenly, looking into her grey eyes. Oh how you could get lost in them, cold and comforting.
She smiled back at you, the smile that tugged your heart strings and played them like a violin. "Hi, sweetheart."
She paused for a moment, looking into your sweet eyes, the way you looked so at peace when you were beside her. She wish she could take a picture, permanently etch it in your brain. Beneath the alcohol and hormones, you truly felt better around her.
"You want me to take you inside, babe?" She dropped her voice down, a husky whisper as she cupped your cheek, stroking it with her thumb. She always wanted to make sure that this was what you wanted, especially with the added influences. "Want me to fuck you?"
The ache in your legs took over your mind, anything you would have said going out the window. You nodded pathetically, and soon you were laying in Abby's bed, the familiar scent of the woman filling your senses as you were pressed down into the mattress by her body weight.
Her lips were working hungrily against yours, pulling whimpers and gasps from your puffy lips. One hand on your neck, holding you in place, the other one gripping your thigh so hard it would leave beautiful bruises later.
You struggled to kiss back, her lips pressing against yours as her tongue slid deliciously against yours. It was clear how much she missed you, pure jealousy fueling her actions.
Drool slipped out the corner of your mouth. She was truly making a mess of you, but this was what you loved. She finally pulled away from your lips, leaving you gasping for air. She moved her hands behind your back, unzipping your dress and sliding it off your body.
She was right, you didn't wear a bra underneath. Your tits were on full display, nipples perky and eager for attention. She quickly latched her mouth to one, pinching and rolling the other, moans leaving your mouth, forgetting about Abby's neighbors. Your hand latched to her blonde hair, pulling out her braid and tangling your fingers in the free strands.
She groaned, feeling your hands working as she sucked harder. She missed this. She missed you. As much as she seemed like a brick wall, she was just afraid of losing you. Having other people even being around you was difficult and you drover her crazy playing your cat and mouse game.
"A-abby~" you whimpered, trying to pry her lips off of your throbbing nipple. She had gotten distracted, lost in the feeling of sucking, licking, kissing your pretty boobs.
She broke contact, holding herself up over your lips. "Say my name again, baby," she breathes, one hand gripping your jaw.
A buzzing sound interrupted you, the screen of your phone lighting up. Text after text after text. You had forgotten to tell your friends where you went and now they were looking for you. you turned to your phone, going to answer them, but Abby used her free hand to pin your wrists to the bed. The one on your face tightened, forcing you to look at her.
"Fuck them. right now, you only need to look at me. Focus on me. Say my name again, darling," she said, peppering your cheeks with kisses. You whined, the buzzing growing louder.
"Abby... But they're gonna keep bothering us..."
Abby huffed, letting go of you and grabbing your phone. She turned it on silent and then tossed it to the floor where it landed face down.
"There, now you can pay attention," she muttered, her large hands coming back to massage and paw at your tits. She almost love your boobs more than she loved your pussy, the way they squished and fit perfectly in her hands. You just enjoyed the massage, little sounds of pleasure leaving your lips, as Abby continued to rub the soreness out of the fatty tissue.
"God, you for such pretty tits, babe. Can any other girl touch em like this? Make you feel good like i can?"
"no, abby! Only you, only you can m.. make me feel this good..!" You whimpered, the heat growing in your pussy. You needed her, you needed her so badly it hurt.
"Damn right," she sighed finally looking down to the red panties you wore, the wet spot that darkened the fabric right over your cunt. "Mhm, all wet for me per usual, baby.. i know that all those other girls probably need to use lube to fuck you. They can't get you this wet, darling..."
And she was right. It was almost irritating how often she was right. No other girl made you feel the way Abby did. Abby could just do everything right. She knew your body more than you did, every soft spot, how to make everything just feel so much better.
Abby moved her big thumb over your clothed clit, rubbing small circles that drew a loud whine from you. "No teasing! no teasing, Abby, please!"
"You tease me all the time, bun. Running away from me like you're scared..." she continued to rub circles, a sadistic smirk on her face as she added more pressure. "Dancing the way you do with other people in your whore dresses.. knowing I'm watching the whole time.."
She rubbed her thumb over the wet spot which was growing by the second, the outline of your folds tempting and teasing. She could practically feel the throbbing in your panties, the way you clenched around nothing, your pussy begging to be filled.
"Abby.." you breathed, bucking your lips against her hand. The heat was getting too much, the second heartbeat of your cunt becoming unbearable. You could feel the way your panties stuck to your pussy, and you wanted so desperately for Abby to take them off.
"If you want something, babe, you know you just gotta ask," she whispered in your ear, nipping at your neck and sucking a bright purple hickey on the spot. She was reading your mind, knowing exatcly what you wanted.
"Take em off Abby... Please take em off... jus wan you to touch my pussy..." you begged shamelessly, so drunk on Abby's touch (and the alcohol).
"That's my girl," she muttered, tearing the fabric off of you, nearly ripping them as they were yanked down and off your ankles. Her hand quickly returned to cup your glistening cunt, feeling you grind on her palm, the desperateness in your pretty moans making her own clothes feel a little too tight.
She pulled away her hand from your cunt, moving both of them to either of your hips, pulling your exposed pussy to her crotch, watching the realization in your eyes as you felt the strap underneath her jeans. You wiggled your hips, trying to get some friction on the thing you needed most.
Abby watched as you made a wet spot on the front of her jeans, the slick of your pussy coating the bump. "Need it that badly, huh?"
"Yes, yes Abby, need it! N.. Need it!" you pleaded, eyes screwed tight, trying to focus on the friction. It was taking everything in you to not cry of frustration.
"Fucking look at me, darling," she groaned, her grip tightening, God you were going to have so many bruises later.
You managed to open your eyes, meeting her hungry yet somehow adoring gaze. "There you go, good girl. Keep your eyes on me if you want to cum tonight."
She quickly undid her jeans, slipping them off and throwing them somewhere on the floor. Her black strap lined up with your pussy and Abby could still feel her own hot, throbbing cunt. Her clit practically twitched in anticipation of the harness's friction.
Abby drug the top of the strap along your pussy, the schlick sound it made when she parted your folds to rub against your hole, not pushing in yet. You whined, pleading for her to put it in already.
She loved how needy you got for her. She didn't need to see anyone else fuck you for her to know you'd never be this way for them. This was the version of you that existed for her. This was hers.
She slid the tip in, pushing her hips. She didn't need to pretend the strap was real, she swore she could feel the way you tightened around her and your wet, hot cunt that was formed so perfectly to her cock. She adjusted your position, putting your legs over her shoulders, pressing a soft kiss to you lips as she bottomed out.
"Shit, you're so tight, bun," she groaned against your mouth, looking into your eyes. The cock fit so deliciously in you, pressing that spongey spot that made your toes curl, breathless whimpers of please and Abby leaving your lips.
She wasted no time, pulling out and pushing in again, fucking you into the bed as she held onto your hips, pulling you onto her dick just as fast as she was pushing it in to you. Her oace was rough and brutal, but you didn;t care. You did as you promised, keeping your eyes on abby's face as you moaned pornographically, pleasure making your head feel like cotton.
Abby slowed for a second, repositioning you on the strap to hit at a better angle before she resumed her pace. Your back arched on the back, a loud cry of Abby coming from your throat as Abby's dick pounded into your cunt.
You felt the heat in your stomach start to grow, a coil getting ready to snap. "C-close, abs m so close..." you cried, tears streaming down your cheeks as she continued to fuck you, bruise your cervix and claim you as hers as she had done countless times before.
"Come f'me, baby, come with mommy," she muttered, feeling her own high creep on her as the harness continued to rub her clit.
A few more thrusts was all it took before you finally let your eyes roll back, you r mouth forming an 'o' as your orgasm washed over you, Abby following suite with her curses and groans of your name.
She tapped your side to tell you she was pulling out. She slid the strap off and got down on her knees, pulling your sopping cunt to her face as she greedily licked up your milky white cum like a woman starved. The overstimulation of her rough tongue had your reeling, trying to push her head away.
She couldn't help it, she just adored the way your pussy tasted, the scent of it washing over her as the tip of her nose rubbed against you mercilessly. She sucked on your sensitive clit for a second before pulling away with a pop, your slick coating her chin.
After she finished cleaning you up with her mouth, she laid down next to you, pulling you into her arms as you trembled from the way Abby had fucked you.
She stroked your hair, kissing your forehead. "Did so good, you always do so good for me, sweetheart," she murmured, rubbing your back.
You sniffled, tears welling in your eyes. "You're... you're not gonna tell me to put my panties on and go...?" you asked, knowing that she had done it so much previously that being in her arms was a shock. She hated being vulnerable after sex, which was what always pushed you away. But not this time.
"No, baby. I want you to stay. I want you to stay with me forever," she looked into your eyes, using her thumb to wipe off your salty tears. "I don't want you to run away anymore..."
And you agreed, teary-eyed. You wouldn't run from Abby anymore. She was devoted to you, and you would always be hers.
Moments later you were showered, with a glass of water in your hands as Abby rubbed lotion into your hips and thighs, blue bruises blossoming over the skin. She put you in a pair of her boxers and one of her t-shirts, gently holding you in her arms as you drifted to sleep.
'ⁱᵐ ⁿᵒᵗ ˢᵉⁿᵗⁱᵐᵉⁿᵗᵃˡ ᵇᵘᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ'ˢ ˢᵒᵐᵉᵗʰⁱⁿᵍ 'ᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ʷᵃʸ ʸᵒᵘ ˡᵒᵒᵏ ᵗᵒⁿⁱᵍʰᵗ.. ᵐᵃᵏᵉˢ ᵐᵉ ʷᵃⁿⁿᵃ ᵐᵃᵏᵉ ᵗʰᵉᵐ ʲᵉᵃˡᵒᵘˢ, ⁱᵐ ᵗʰᵉ ᵒⁿˡʸ ᵒⁿᵉ ʷʰᵒ ᵈᵒᵉˢ ⁱᵗ ʰᵒʷ ʸᵒᵘ ˡⁱᵏᵉ…'" ~ ⤹˚˖ ♫ ୭
bun's taglist: (I hope you don't mind) @m-3-ijiworld @elliephobic
like always, my requests and asks are open ☆૮꒰•༝ •。꒱ა
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darlinguistics · 9 months
'its just IMPOSSIBLE to not be addicted to your phone nowadays its UNREALISTIC-'
heres some advice to being less chronically online. for gen z (and younger??) who dont even know how to start thinking about it and have only heard shitty advice from older adults who just genuinely do not get it, from a fellow gen z and my experiences so far.
*these are personal and may not all 100% resonate but its still good prompting to start thinking about things! PLEASE feel free to add your own stories/advice in the notes! support your fellow humans, dont gatekeep what youve learned, lets have these conversations! and no negativity/pessimism please <3
first thing is to make it a less scary thought, a more concrete idea and not a hypothetical. it doesnt have to be all-or-nothing, cold turkey, a huge announcement and a fundamental shift in your personality. the internet will be in your life for the rest of your life, this is an ongoing relationship you are trying to make healthier thats all! and it takes one step at a time and some self-compassion, but a true effort nonetheless. 'dont you think thats a bit too serious-' if youre my age you quite literally grew up and developed online, it is literally part of your psyche the way your childhood is, it IS serious, you deserve to treat it seriously.
dont save your login info/dont stay logged in for social media accounts, having to manually log in when you want to go on like youre on some elementary school chrome book is a really healthy and clear boundary to have between being logged off and logged on.
-> bigger challenge - uninstall it on your phone in general, only log on on your laptop/pc if applicable for you!
if youre motivated to, try to work on your posture too. i only say that because most of our bad posture is at least partially related to being on our phones a lot, and when i started wanting to fix my posture, completely separately and unrelated from trying to break my phone addiction, it made it easier to lose interest in my phone since i didnt want to ruin my progress with my posture. it made me start to have a mindset like 'well if you cant do this on your phone with good posture then dont do it' and 'if youre on your phone so long your posture starts to cave in, youve probably spent too long on your phone anyway'
listen to music more. its easier for me to kinda write off my phone and do other things if i just open music or a podcast or long youtube video on it. i know we all love long video essays, but i recommend music more specifically for me at least because im less inclined to pause music or scroll while listening to it for some reason? whereas using a show or video or podcast for white noise, im way more likely to also be scrolling on my phone and that is my activity lol. music for some reason i dont want to interrupt and instead of being on my phone i can clean or do something productive on my computer etc
this one is sooo hard but try to fall asleep with some distance between you and your phone, even just a couple feet. mine stays on the desk next to my bed which isnt that far but its better than on bed like it used to be. when you wake up you probably wont feel like reaching for it right away if its far and even better if you have to get up for it because then at least you stand and move your body first thing instead of looking at your phone first thing. and try to get more and more of your morning routine done before touching your phone over time.
-> for me, i started by just trying to at least wake up a bit in bed before touching it, then stand up before touching it, then stand and stretch, then going to the bathroom first, making coffee first, feeding the cat first, etc. its surprisingly helpful to have a specific chore/task in mind that is The requirement so that everytime you do it you get a lil dopamine rush for unlocking your phone from yourself lmao. when the weather was nice i used to make my Requirement being outside first before going on it and i LOVED that. esp as it got easier and i started doing more and more before going on it and finally walking outside with coffee and my phone felt like such a pleasant little reward.
find a hobby that uses your hands. example: i really need to get back into knitting because when i did it regularly so much time that wouldve been on my phone was spent knitting with music/podcasts/shows/(even online lectures! when i felt productive lol) playing. its the same amount of physical relaxing - barely moving lol - but uses a longer attention span and a much better dopamine hit than scrolling, i literally MADE things.
-> you might be thinking, 'but mindless knitting isnt better than mindless scrolling is it?' but that mindless feeling on your phone is just that, mindless. the mindless feeling you get when doing something like knitting is actually closer to a flow state, which is actually incredibly good for you, like a fulfilling nutritious meal as opposed to 'empty calories' or whatever
get a widget for your homescreen that shows your screen time. i have one and of course it doesnt always stop me but seeing that time go up all day the more i use it and the pride of keeping it low is really helpful
practice grounding. in general.
spend more time on anonymous activities and have more privacy and less attachment with your 'persona' - what i mean by that is, i consider things like scrolling through tumblr (for me personally!) to be relatively harmless because i dont try to like,, brand myself here. if youre a tumblr regular you know the jokes - 0 follows, 0 notes, screaming to the void, moots you dont talk to, blorbo pfp and urls, fake names everywhere, and we're having fun! basically targeting the 'everyone is famous now' thing with this one - embrace being a nobody with no personal stakes here
-> personally ive never kept up with having social media accounts that are actually just, me irl - like a facebook or main instagram, like a locals account yknow? but i think it goes for that too - stop spending so much time trying to further personalize your online presence in the hopes of it representing you perfectly - because it never will, and it shouldnt, and you shouldnt aspire for that. your social media presence is lighthearted and incredibly surface-level, treat it like that! thats not me bashing social media either, having that mindset will make it more enjoyable bc youll be using it as it should be used!
do following/followers or camera roll/files or app purges. this is also a soft launch type of way to practice easing into a better mindset. aside from just literally getting rid of junk, the process of trying to judge whether or not you need something is good practice in mindfulness! even if you dont delete everything you feel like you maybe should, thats fine, youll do other purges in the future too. eventually youll get better at parting with things and realizing when things that feel good in a moment are actually bad for you. and it forces you to regularly check in on your more long-lasting parasocial relationships online and how theyre serving you or not
speaking of parasocial - for actual friends, if theyre irl, think about how much you interact with them online vs in person and why you think that is and how it affects you. maybe youll wanna see them more irl if possible (i promise its better for your friendship), maybe youll realize you dont need to keep tabs on them anymore (old high school acquaintances lookin at you). for celebrities and fandom things - try to think about the bare minimum content from them you could do with. you dont have to unstan all your faves and stop enjoying things - but do you need their notifications on? do you need to have a stan account? do you need them on all the platforms? do you need to have all that saved content of them? are there aspects of this that you love that could be found elsewhere?
if youre of the genre of online where you just cant help yourself from getting involved in big discussions or discourse and arguments - i recommend journaling when you get upset by something online, articulating your feelings without the idea of someone ever reading it and without the goal of 'winning' or being the most correct and logical or even the most sympathetic and morally good. take away every audience aspect of it. what is this really about for you, and why would strangers online deserve to hear your personal well-thought out opinions? why would your thoughts deserve to be simplified and misconstrued and underappreciated the way they would be in this discussion? is there even an outcome to this where you feel truly satisfied? are their people who are more worthy of hearing your thoughts who arent part of this audience? is this a conversation that is best held online where so much communicative nuance is inevitably sacrificed?
in the end these are all just practices in remembering how in control you are. and that goes for if any of these are scary or too difficult sounding too! these all become less scary if you remember that as soon as anything becomes too uncomfortable or painful, you have all the power to stop doing it, make a change, and try again later. so much of advice for quitting bad habits can be intimidating because the pressure and the shame that would come from failing scares you out of the possible benefits of trying - just go ahead and kill that shame from the jump. of course youre going to fail! you are going to have setbacks! thats part of it! you have agency in this, always. the internet is not inherently or completely evil nor good. build trust in yourself to make the calls on when it is serving you and when it isnt on a case-by-case basis, and then give yourself permission to learn through trial and error.
and remember you are worth all of this effort. i believe in us <3
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smoooothoperator · 5 months
hiii lauraaa!! im just gonna say first things first and once again, Congratulations on writing an amazing series!!🥳✨️🫶🏼💗
I've been dedicated in reading and catching up and heads up, i may spam you with imagine plots soo sorry not sorry hehe😅😭
diving head first: I'd love to know abt the proposal + wedding details like whether lando proposed or violet proposed or maybe both🤷‍♀️😉 (like one of the tiktoks where the couple proposed at the same time), whoever proposes, what was their THE MOMENT when they knew 'this is it' (context: like jake and amy from b99 if you have watched), etc and etc.
i may have ranted in more detail but just wanted to share my pov of the idea. I'm sooo excited to see how this takes place! (ps: no pressure on writing asap!! take your sweet time pleasee! its always worth the wait to read😭😭😭)
okie now! byeeeeee loveee youuuuu mwaaahhhhh take care and happy race weekend!!🫂😉🫶🏼✨️ xx
Sorry it took me too long! Right now I'm very very very focused on reading that I really forgot that I had to write this HAHAHAHA
But I hope you like this!
He always knew he wanted to marry her. At first it was a joke he used to tell himself or his friends, that he was going to marry Violet no matter what, that he would put his last name next to hers. But it was only that, a joke and he barely though about it as something more.
But the day he had her, the day she said she loved him, he immediately knew he had to make that come true, that he was going to love her until his last breath. Days with her were like a new adventure he was dying to explore.
Lando started the search of a ring for her during the honeymoon phase of their relationship. He was so naive, so on love. He found himself countless times looking at rings everytime he walked in front of the jewelries Monaco, making screenshots on his phone of the ones he liked, picturing Violet with that ring on her finger.
But then the crash happened. He had to focus on her, on her recovery and making sure she was comfortable. And during that time with her, he came to the realization that he has to love the present and enjoy every second with her, enjoy life with her. But it made him realize, too, that he wanted to be next to her forever, now for real.
A year turned in two, two in three, and their love never stopped growing. They filled their house with souvenir of every places they visited, and their dogs were like their kids, always going with them to Lando's races.
It was a day he went out around Monaco with Max when he stopped right in front of the jewelry he always looked at. Max looked at him and smirked, nudging him and walking inside of the store. That day, he held Violet close to his chest, and while she was sleeping peacefully, he was staring at the ring inside elf the box, smiling widely.
He planned it, he kept the ring for months, and even if sometimes he decided to not wait and propose right in tbe moment, he waited for the day.
They went back to that city of snow, the city their favorite writer got inspired to write their favorite books. He thought it was perfect, Max and Pietra were with them, as well as their dogs.
"You know she will suspect if she find us recording, right?" Pietra sighed, looking at him.
"She won't" Lando nodded. "I have it planned, don't worry guys"
Lando had it pictured in his mind, he has been thinking and dreaming about this day since he bought the ring. When he's going to kneel, what words he's going to speak.
But it wasn't as easy as he thought.
His first attempt ended up with a fail. He wanted to go for a walk with the dogs and making sure that Max and Pietra were some meters away, with their phones in their hands making sure to record everything. But it ended with them screaming in a panic attack because one of their dogs decided to go explore to the wood. Thankfully they found the dog, covered in snow and the day ended with them cuddling the black dog in front of a fire and making sure he didn't freeze.
His second attempt was planned while they slept. It had to be something simple, no surprises. He has to make sure that their dogs are near, that the ring is in the box.
But at morning, when everything he wanted to do was cuddle her, he found Violet already in the living room making lunch for the day that was planned on the ski resort. So maybe that was the perfect moment to ask her.
He made sure he had the box with the ring in the inside pocket of his snow coat, sometimes having the need of patting his chest to make sure that the box was still there.
"Babe, you okay?" Violet asked worried, watching how he was always rubbing his chest. "Did something happen?"
"Oh? No, no! Why do you think that?" he frowned confused.
"Well..." she smiled looking him. "You can't stop touching your chest. Are you nervous because we're going to the red zone?"
"What?! Me?! My second name is danger" he scoffed, talking with a high pitched voice.
"Sure" she laughed, kissing his cheek.
Lando swallowed thickly and turned his head slightly to look at Max and Pietra, somehow panicking and moving his hand side to side under his chin.
"Abort plan, abort plan" he mouthed, making his friends chuckle.
He never thought that proposing to hercould be that hard without making her suspect.
He normally has a lot of patience, he had to get high levels of patience to love with two puppies and train them. But this? This is ending his patience levels.
The four of them spent the day skiing while their dogs were at a dog daycare place. And once they finished and got back with their dogs, Lando was too quiet on the way back to the house. And when they were finally there, he went immediately outside, grabbing his phone and texting Max.
Lando: Okay, this is the last chance. I'll stay out for a while, if she goes outside to talk with me, follow her.
Max: I never imagined proposing would be this hard...
Lando: Try it, then we'll talk 😩
Lando stayed out of the house, looking at the ring inside of the box. It doesn't have a big stone, in all his hers dating her he discovered that she doesn't like big jewelry. And the ring is the perfect definition of what she would wear everyday.
Rhysand and Feyre, their dogs, walked out of the house and stayed with him, cuddling him and trying to keep him warm, or trying to give him a reason to go back to the house.
"Hey, what are you doing outside? It's getting cold" Violet smiled, leaning on the door frame.
"Oh-" he wasn't ready. "C-can we talk?"
"There's something wrong?" she asked worried, walking towards him. "Lando, are you okay?"
"Well, I'm nervous" he sighed.
Violet started to panic. Nervous? Why would he be nervous? Is he going to break up with her?
"W-what?" she mumbled, swallowing thickly.
"I just wanted to do it before, but everytime I tried to talk with you, something happened" he said.
She could feel her vision getting blurry, not noticing the confusion in Lando's face.
"Baby, why are you crying?" Lando asked, holding her hands.
"You are going to break up with me, it's that?"
"What? No!" he laughed, pulling her close to him. "No! I'm actually going to do another thing"
She didn't feel him kneeling in front of her, grabbing the box inside of his coat. But when she finally understood what was happening, he didn't even need to say a word before she threw herself into his arms.
"You gave me a heart attack!" she exclaimed.
"I'm sorry, baby" Lando chuckled, holding her.
"But... Yes" she whispered. "I will marry you, idiot"
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longliveao · 2 years
AgedUp!Neteyam x afab!omaticaya!reader
Warnings: its mostly smut, nsfw, MDNI!!, oral (m receiving), unprotected sex (be careful!)
Summary: Neteyam always scolds you and Lo’ak for your mischief, what happens when you give him a bold ultimatum?
Word Count: 1.8k
Note: I’ve never written on here and I feel like I could’ve done this way better so I’m nervous. My mind is gross asf but I hope you enjoy lol
As Lo’aks best friend, he felt the need to have you come on every single expedition of his. You guys were double trouble, something you had gotten scolded for many times throughout the years. When you were not learning in the healers hut or exploring with kiri, you were off causing mischief with your right hand man. Neteyam hated this, not just because you allowed Lo’ak to drag you into these situations, but because of you in general. You had a habit of teasing him about everything, whether it be mean or sexual. He couldn’t stand you for it. No other woman in the clan would even dare to diss him half as much as you do. The two of you slowly but surely causing him to reach his boiling point. As you stood with Lo’ak in the forest to get lectured by him for the millionth time, Neteyam was nothing short of fuming at your nonchalance. “I swear everything I ever say to the two of you goes in one ear and comes out the other” he said raising his arms in frustration. “Bro its not even that serious for real” Lo’ak said equally tired of this conversation as you were. You kept silent watching them argue, Neteyam can’t argue if you don’t argue back. You and Lo’ak had snuck out of your tents in the middle of the night to go exploring again but Neteyam followed. It’s like he has a radar for when you’re doing something you’re not supposed to be doing. “They could’ve been hurt Lo’ak” Neteyam said strength to his brother. It was true. Right when Neteyam caught up to you two, you had gotten stuck in a tree. A vine was wrapped around your leg and arm, suspending you in the air. Lo’ak only laughed, swiftly cutting you down the moment his brother came into his view. “Why the fuck do you care so much about what we do?”, Lo’ak asked in frustration, “we’re adults now, we can do what we want”. While that was true, we directly disobeyed Jakes curfew order. Neteyam was very over this conversation that they were having at 2am. “Go home” he said to his brother. “Whatever” Lo’ak huffed, walking off into the forest towards High Camp. You turn to follow him, only to be stopped by an arm pulling you back. “Not you”, turning you see Neteyam with that familiar flame of anger lingering in his eyes. You groan loudly at this. His grip on your arms tighten, “watch it”. “Or what?” you ask amused, “you gonna run and tell Daddy how bad I’ve been”. His face hardens at this. “Stop” he says evenly. His arm pulling you closer. At this point you were inches apart, the height difference between you two becoming obvious. “Neteyam” you begin, “you can either fuck me, fight me, or shut the fuck up”. At this, his eyebrows relax and his arm grip falters. Taking this opportunity, you pull your arm from his grasp and walk off towards home. Leaving him as he stood dumbfounded at your sentence.
After the argument in the woods, you had gotten yet another scolding from your Olo’eyktan and Tsahík the next morning. A few days of training went by but a certain someone  was nowhere to be seen. Neteyam had taken to avoiding you after what you said in the woods. Honestly, you were used to it. Everytime one of your insults got under his skin, he’d disappear from your life until the next time you and Lo’ak needed to be told off. You found this funny. It was so easy to get under his skin and honestly, his reactions made it so much funnier. You had gone on another forest trip with Kiri a few hours ago. Night had fallen as you made your way out of another healers tent after they had patched up the nasty gash on your bicep. Most, if not all, of the Omaticaya population was asleep already. Taking a peak outside, you swiftly walked towards your own, hoping that Neteyam wouldn’t be awake to notice you. You realized you were not so lucky after you heard the opening to your tent swish behind you. Sighing you turned around to face an angry Neteyam. “What did you do now?” he asked pointing to your arm. “I fell” you said rolling your eyes. “Why are you so careless?” he asks, already frustrated. “If you came here just to yell at me again, you can find your way out jackass” you say turning your back to him, beginning to walk towards your sleeping mat. Suddenly a hand wraps around the front of your neck, yanking you back and turning you around to face neteyam. “wha-“ you exclaim, his hand tightens. “shut up” he says through gritted teeth, pulling you closer. “I’m real tired of that mouth of yours” he growls. 
You stare at him in shock. You’ve seen him this angry but this was more than that. You could see another emotion swirling in the gold of his iris’, one you didn’t recognize. Before you could even begin to compose yourself, he smashes his lips against yours. Although you were taken by surprise, you kiss back. The hand on your neck slides up to grip your jaw. He breaks the kiss and tilts your head up to look at him. The emotion in his eyes registers at this point. Pure lust. “Get on your knees” he states firmly. You listen immediately and get on your knees in front of him. From this angle you can see how hard he is in his loincloth as he unties it. “You always have something to say, should’ve shut you up long ago” he mutters as his loincloth hits the floor, his dick slapping his stomach. Gripping it between his fingers, he begins stroking himself. “Open up” he says. Once again, without a word you open your mouth. He rubs his tip on your lips, the salty precum lingers on your tongue before you begin to take him in your mouth. He’s bigger than you thought he’d be. All those nights spent touching yourself at the thought of him led you up to this point. You gag as his dick hits the back of your throat and he groans at the feeling. Gripping your head, he begins to thrust himself into your mouth. You gag as he assaults your throat, hands on his thighs trying to steady yourself. His head falls back, deep, loud groans leaving his mouth. His pace picks up making it harder for you to breathe, tears falling from your eyes. “Isn’t this what you wanted My Love? For me fuck your throat raw?” he teases. You only can only hum in response. 
You reach your hand down into your loincloth to circle your clit. A sharp yelp falls from your lips as Neteyam growls, gripping your hair and yanking you away from him. Your throat praises the breaths of air you take in. “Did I say you could touch yourself, slut” he barks, anger clearly evident on his face. “No sir” you mutter, staring at the floor of your tent, still perched on your knees. This seems to ignite something with him. Suddenly, he’s pushing your shoulders for you to lay down. “Mine” he says from on top of you before leaning in to kid you roughly. Your mouths move in sync, his touch pushing past your lips. His hand moves down, untying your top and loincloth as he kisses you. He runs his finger through your labia, up to your swollen clit. He pinches it, causing a moan to slip out and be swallowed by his mouth. Pulling away, he whispers in your ear, “so wet just for me huh baby?”. Leaning back, he positions himself between your legs. You moan as he runs his tip up and down through your folds. He lines himself up at your entrance before leaning down to capture your lips with his once again. He takes advantage of the distraction and pushes himself all the way in with no warning. You yell out in pain. “Shhhh it’s okay” he whispers again your lips, “I’ve got you”. He waits for you to adjust before he begins moving. The stinging slowly turning into deep pleasure, you begin to lift your hips to meet his thrusts. Neteyam takes this as a sign to speed up, pounding into you. His long fingers grip your hips roughly as he plunges himself in and out of your pussy. You can already tell it’s going to leave bruises. His braids fall around his face as he breathes obscenities.
 He lifts one of your legs over his shoulder, the new angles causing you to lose your breath. He’s hitting right where you want him too, and he can tell by the moans that leave your lips. You lean forward to press your hand against his abdomen only for him to slap it away. “Move your fucking hand” he growls. “Teyam- too much” you manage out. “Take it” he says speeding up, causing you to throw your head back onto the floor. A familiar feeling builds up, you clench around him. “Gonna cum” you say as the feeling begins to build up, causing your eyes to roll back in your head. “Not yet” he moans. The lewd sound of your hips meeting his echo through the tent. You close your eyes as you try your hardest to hold it in. It’s not long until his strokes turn a little sloppier. He places his thumb on your clit and begins running fast circles. “Neteyam!” you exclaim placing your hand on his as your legs begin to shake. “Cum for me baby” he says, out of breath. With that you allow the feeling of your orgasm to overtake you, eyes rolling back into your head as your vision turns white. The feeling of you clenching around him has Neteyam throwing his head back, pressing himself against your cervix. “Ah fuck” he says as he shoots his load into your womb. His hips stutter as his head falls back once again. Your legs shake as he fills up your overstimulated pussy. He gives a few languid strokes before he’s pulling out. Your head lay back onto the floor, catching your breath. You begin to feel the warm liquid leaking out of you onto the floor. Neteyam sits on his knees in front of you, admiring his work. “We should settle disagreements like this more often” he says smiling, as you cover your face in embarrassment, “don’t get all shy on me now, you’re the one who gave me an ultimatum”. You only sigh as he grabs a cloth and wets it with water before coming to clean you up.
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aisclosed · 1 year
Match Found ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ - 18 . Match Found ʚ♡ɞ (finale)
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Synopsis: Jungwon is sick of his friends' constant teasing over his lack of gaming skills. Determined to secretly improve and prove enha wrong, Jungwon sets out to learn to play, except he has no clue where to begin. Luckily for him, y/n is a girl with too much time on her hands, a desperate need for distraction and is more than happy to indulge him. Only, things are never that simple and Jungwon soon finds it difficult to explain exactly what the pair have become. college Student! Jungwon x gamer! Reader
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(5.2k) written work :: warnings: cursing
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It had been going so well. 
Jungwon had woken up to the song of birds chirping outside, he had opened the window to warm rays of sun and clear blue skies. It felt like the stars had aligned to present him with the perfect day to finally make his move. 
Jungwon should’ve known better. 
It had been four days since he had seen you last. Four days since you had showed up at his doorstep and dropped the equivalent of a nuclear bomb in his lap and left him with nothing to defuse it. True to your word, you had given him space to sort through his thoughts and feelings. 
So it had been up to Jungwon to make sense of the jumbled mess that you had left in your wake. Luckily for him, his friends had taken it upon themselves to guide Jungwon through his existential crisis.  
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“Fuck I think I’m in love with her,” Jungwon whimpers into his palms. His hands doing little to hide the red flush that had crept up his neck to his cheeks. 
“You just figured that out?” Niki questions, looking at Jungwon’s crumpled figure incredulously. 
Jungwon lowers his hands slightly to look up at his friends with wide eyes. At the sight of each of the matching disbelieving looks on their faces, Jungwon’s eyes widened further. “You all knew I was in love with her? And no one thought to tell me?”
“How the fuck did you not know?” Sunghoon scoffs, “It's been extremely obvious to everyone that’s been forced to hang out in the same vicinity as you two.”
Jungwon lets out a strangled noise as he mentally reviews the last months with you and he realizes that he indeed, had been in love with you for an embarrassing amount of time. 
To be entirely transparent, there was a part of him that already knew. How could he not when you consumed every waking minute of his thoughts? But with his intense will to convince himself that his feelings were unimportant in the grand scheme of your future and happiness, Jungwon had neglected to consider what those feelings exactly were, much less identify them as love. 
But now Jungwon was face to face with the extent of his adoration with nowhere to hide. It was overwhelming, he needed to do something, anything. 
“I gotta go,” Jungwon stands with shaky legs, looking around hazily for his phone and wallet. 
“Go? Go where?” 
“To tell Y/N I love her too! Before she changes her mind and decides she’d rather be with fuck ass Na Jaemin,” Jungwon blabbers spinning around in place, “Where the hell is my phone and wallet, I need to go.” 
“Woah. Okay, slow down Romeo,” Jay laughs, clasping Jungwon’s shoulder soothingly, “ I think both you and Y/N need some time to process everything.”
“Not to mention, you need to do a lot more than just say you love her to make everything better,” Sunoo voices with a raise of his brow, “You literally ghosted her publicly for two weeks and ignored her confession.” 
“Oh,” Jungwon slouches back down onto his bed in defeat, “I guess you’re right.” 
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Day One 
Jungwon wakes up the next day feeling like death personified. Everytime he had finally felt himself slipping into his slumber, the memory of your kiss had his eyes flying open and his heart thumping painfully in its cavity. 
Some time during his sleep-ridden haze, Jungwon’s mind had started to wander again to darker territory. He revisited the same insecurities that had gotten him into this whole predicament. His mind ran to a thousand scenarios where you had chosen him and it had only ended in bitter words and regret. And in the darkness of the night, with only his thoughts for company Jungwon began to dig himself into the same insecurity ridden pit he had just gotten himself out of. 
It had been Niki who had picked the lock to his room, promptly entering and dragging the blankets off of Jungwon’s huddled figure. “Alright Jungwon the fuck is your problem now?” 
Jungwon merely turned, his voice muffled as he buried his face into the pillows, “You’re gonna think it's stupid.” 
“Probably because it is stupid,” Niki snarks, trying to pull Jungwon away from where he clung to his pillows pathetically. 
Giving in, Jungwon gives Niki a rueful pout, his eyes ringed with the evidence of his turmoil. “What if she regrets choosing me later on and she resents me for everything she missed out on? What if we don’t work as well as a couple like we thought? What if she loves me as a friend but not as her boyfriend-oW what the fuck Niki” Jungwon rubs the side of his head tenderly, shooting daggers at his exasperated friend. 
“You’re right, you are being stupid. Look, what’s the point of lingering on all these what ifs, you don’t even know that half that shit will happen. What if it’s the alternative, what if she realizes it’s the best decision she’s ever made? What if you both end up being perfect for eachother, platonically and romantically? She said she loves you, and you love her. Is that not enough for you to take the risk? Is she not worth it?” 
Jungwon stares at him slack jawed, before chuckling to himself, ruffling Niki’s hair affectionately. “When did you grow up and get so mature huh?”
“I’ve always been mature, if anything you’re the one who’s dangerously close to losing your hyung title if you keep moping around like this. Have some confidence Jungwon, there’s a reason Y/N has chosen you over and over, even when you haven’t given her a motive to.” 
Jungwon nods resolutely, setting his shoulders back in determination. It didn’t matter that he might not be the best choice, for you he’d make sure he was the right one. Now that he had a glimpse of what it was like to have lost you to someone else, even if only for a night, Jungwon was dead set on never giving anyone else the chance again. 
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Day Two
Jungwon chews on his lips, his fingers drumming against his leg as the call rings obnoxiously. Please pick up pleaseeee pick up.
The ringing stops abruptly and for a second Jungwon thinks he’s been declined. 
“Hello? Jungwonnie?” 
He breathes a sigh of relief, mustering up his best saccharine tone. “Heyyyyy Haechannie hyung, I’ve been dying to catch up with you.”
“You’re gonna have to do a lot better than that if you want to get back on my good side, Jungwonnie,” Haechan scoffs into the mic, “Y/N might have forgiven you but I certainly haven't forgotten just how upset she was when you were doing your little ghosting.”
“Yeah, I know hyung I’m sorry I really am,” Jungwon winces, rubbing the back of his neck, “I just thought I was doing what was best for her, I didn’t mean to hurt her.”
“Yeah, well you did dumbass. And you better not be calling me to tell me you’re gonna break her heart again.”
“No! No, the opposite actually,” Jungwon says hurriedly, taking a deep breath, “I uh- wanted to ask her out, properly. She deserves it after everything I put her through. I was wondering if you had any ideas as to what she might like.” 
“Well I’ll be damned, I thought you’d never grow the balls Jungwon,” Haechan cackles, his tone softening into something more familiar and honeyed.
 “Look lover boy, Y/Nnie likes you a lot, almost as much as she likes me; trust me that's a lot . And you two have been through a lot of shit that was way more complicated than it had to be. I think what Y/N would appreciate and love most of all is just your honest feelings and having you back again. She’s not really one for big gestures and obnoxious gifts. I know it's not the answer you were looking for but it's what makes sense to me. I hope it kinda helps.”
“It actually does, thanks hyung. I promise I’ll take good care of her from here on out. No more complications,” Jungwon states firmly.
“I’m glad to hear it Jungwonnie. I like you, we all do, and we’ve been rooting for you and Y/N through all of your melodrama. Good luck and don’t let anything fuck it up.”
Jungwon accepts the blessing gratefully, a satisfied smile stretched across his lips as the call ends. He flips back onto his bed, looking up at the ceiling feeling the buzz of anticipation warm his chest. For once it felt like everything was slowly clicking into place.
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Day Three
“What about this one?” Jay holds up a white shirt with a ruffled collar, waiting for Jungwon’s verdict. 
“Ew no hyung, what am I? A vampire?” Jungwon scrunches his face in distaste, turning back to the racks of clothing. 
Sunoo sighs next to him, taking a loud slurp of his nearly emptied milk tea. “I still don’t get why we have to get you a whole new outfit, is this really such a big occasion?”
“Of course it is!” Jungwon gives him an affronted look, chin jutting petulantly. “You saw how pretty Y/N looked when she came over, how well she was dressed. I have to make a good impression on her too when I ask her out.”
“Yeah but that was because she came straight from a fancy date, it's not like she was dressed up for- what are you hitting me for hyung I’m right,” Sunoo rolls his eyes dodging another one of Jay’s swats.
“Ignore him Jungwon, I think it's sweet that you want to look nice for Y/N,” Jay pats Jungwon encouragingly, “Do you know what kind of look you want to go for? Maybe something that Y/N likes on you?”
“Uh…. she likes my shoulders and collarbones. And one time she said that it's unfair that I have a slutty ass waist?” Jungwon offers up with a helpful shrug. 
Jay deadpans, dragging a hand down his face wearily, already regretting his defense of you two. “I was looking for more like colors or types of shirts but yeah I guess that works. Let's go with a slightly loose button up tucked into some fitted cigarette pants then.”
With that Jay walks off in search of his desired items, and Jungwon turns to give Sunoo a smug smile. “I’m gonna look so good, Y/N won’t be able to resist me.” 
Sunoo waves him off with a tired exhale, “As much as I hate the idea of inflating your ego, knowing Y/N you’re probably right.” 
Jungwon’s smirk morphs into a dopey smile at the simple affirmation. The slightest reminder of his reciprocated feelings turning him into complete putty where he stood. 
It still felt a bit unreal, to know the full extent of your feelings, and Jungwon was itching to just be able to do the same for you. It wouldn't be much longer now, everything was going to be perfect. 
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Day Four 
“Do you have any Barbie movies? Maybe a collection set?” 
To the employee’s credit the commercial smile she’s plastered on barely falters, the only indication of her surprise being the slight twitch of her eye. “Barbie movies sir?” 
“Yeah,” Jungwon beams at her, fingers tapping on the counter in excitement, “Like the animated American ones? You know, Barbie & the Diamond Castle, Fairytopia, Barbie of Swan Lake, all of those.” 
“Ah, those Barbie movies, of course,” she responds with the thinly veiled irritation that could only belong to a highschool part-timer who definitely did not get paid enough to deal with these oddly specific requests. “Let me go check in the back sir.” 
Jungwon hums in acknowledgement, taking the opportunity to look around the quaint video store as the worker walks off. When she reappears from the backroom she’s holding a pink box set shaped like a chest, fit with a latch boasting a bold Barbie logo in gold. “Here you are sir, the 19 movie collection dvd set of the classic Barbie movies,” the worker slides the chest over to Jungwon. 
He gives it a once over, his fingers trailing over the edges and checking the details to make sure all of your favorites are included. The employee watches in amusement as Jungwon straightens with a satisfied smile. “It’s perfect, I'll take it! Thank you so much for your help.” 
She nods, ringing his purchase up, “So, are you just a big Barbie fan or is this for a younger sibling or something?” she asks as she takes his credit card. 
“For my girlfriend actually,” Jungwon grins before faltering slightly, “well she’s not my girlfriend, yet. But I’m hoping after I give her this and I ask her properly she will be. I’m kind of in love with her.” 
The worker gives a small laugh handing over his bag and receipt, “That’s cute actually, good luck I hope she accepts and it works out.” 
“Me too,” Jungwon smiles giddily, ducking his head in a quick bow before exiting. Tomorrow. It was finally time. 
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Jungwon should've known better.
Everything was going so well up until 30 minutes ago. Jungwon had woken up feeling amazing, his body filled with vitality, his mind was clear and his skin glowing. Sunoo had helped him style his hair, running it through the straightener until it fell perfectly across his forehead the way you liked it. 
He had gotten his outfit from where it hung after Jay ironed it for him, it fit him perfectly accentuating his frame in all the right places. He had even sprayed some of the cologne Sunghoon got him, his nose only slightly wrinkling at the fumes. It would be worth it, for you. 
Jungwon finished by swiping some chapstick across his lips, definitely because they felt chapped and nothing to do with his wishful thinking that maybe today he could seal the deal with a kiss. As he gave himself one last look in the mirror, Jungwon was extremely satisfied with the reflection that looked back, he looked good and he felt good. Today was the day. 
Heeseung had offered to drop Jungwon off at your building but he had declined, for sentiment’s sake. Jungwon wanted to stop by Taeil’s PC bang, where you had first met, and pick up some snacks. Yes, he knew he could easily get them at any convenience store but he would know it was from Neo Tech and you would know it was from Neo Tech and that was enough for it to be worth the trouble.
The wind had picked up slightly as he arrived at Neo Tech, causing Jungwon’s brows to knit in worry but he had looked up to see clear skies and shrugged it off. Taeil had greeted him with a warm welcome and a hearty clap on the back. After shyly sharing his plans for the day, Taeil had gladly packed up some snacks, pushing them into Jungwon’s arms with a refusal to accept any payment and whisper of good luck. 
Jungwon left the pc bang with his hands full. The bags filled with snacks and your gift swinging gleefully from each arm as he walked down the familiar streets to your building. As he retraces the steps to yours, Jungwon thinks of the first day you had taken him to your home, the first day he had truly stepped into your life. How differently would everything had turned out if he had just accepted a rain check? 
Jungwon thinks of the way your eyes light up when they find his, the way you fit like a key in a lock in his arms, and how it feels as if the only breath he’s ever really taken was the one against your lips. It's enough for him to be sure that one way or another you would’ve found your way to him. 
With a mind clouded with thoughts of you, Jungwon fails to notice the actual clouds that rapidly darken the sky, until a wet droplet hits his nose. He looks up startled, only for another drop to land on his cheek, and another in quick succession until suddenly, it’s pouring. 
Fuck. Jungwon breaks out into a run, there’s only two blocks left until he reaches your place with his only possible solace from the rain until then being the meager cover of the trees that decorate the road. He vaguely remembers Jake rambling about how scientifically you’re more likely to have more raindrops land on you if you run opposed to walking in the rain, but how can he heed Jake’s advice when the rain beats down on him, his shirt already darkening under the weight of the water. 
So he runs, he runs until he finally reaches shelter under the awning of your building. Only then does Jungwon stop, hunching over as he tries to catch his breath, his lungs protesting as they strain to fill with air. 
He looks up to make contact with the concerned gaze of Na Jaemin, who stands awkwardly with his umbrella at the ready as he gets ready to leave the building. “Are you alright?” he voices again. 
Jungwon quickly straightens, “I’m fine thanks,” he voices, trying his best to steady his breath. 
Jaemin nods silently, smiling politely, “I’m Jaemin by the way, it’s nice to finally meet you, I’ve heard a lot of great things. Are you heading up to see Y/N?”  
Jungwon should say no, he’s a sopping wet mess and the food is probably a mess after being rattled with the force of his movements. It’s only logical to go home and recuperate and just try again tomorrow. He’s spent far too much time making everything perfect to let it go to waste.
 But he’s here now and Jaemin’s standing in front of him with an expectant smile, leaving your house looking put together and polished. So Jungwon can’t back down, not again, he’s missed you far too much and prepared far too much to lose his nerve now. 
“Yeah I am,” Jungwon gives a firm smile and Jaemin breaks into a wide grin. 
“That’s great, she’s been missing you a lot. I hope everything goes well, I’ve got to head out but we should definitely catch up another day.” It’s a bit unnerving, how genuinely sweet Na Jaemin seems. Jungwon nods hesitantly in agreement and the elder seems satisfied and takes his leave with a wave.
Jungwon turns to face your building, and before he can lose his nerve he enters. He draws a few curious stares from the reception desk and passing residents. Normally Jungwon would flush under their gaze and hurry his steps, but each step he takes he can only register as a step closer to you. 
And so, unabashedly, Jungwon’s feet squeak and squelch and carry him across the lobby, into your elevator and up all 42 floors until he’s back at your front door. He can hear his heart thumping in his ears matching the rhythm of the code he punches in, the steps he takes until he can hear your voice carrying through the open slit of your bedroom door. 
Jungwon takes a last shaky breath and raps lightly on the wood, pushing into your room. It’s been four excruciatingly long days since he’s last seen you and the sight of you knocks the air out of his lungs. You blink at Jungwon’s sudden appearance before your eyes soften into the familiar crescents that accompany your smile, “Hi Wonnie.”
“Hey Y/N,” Jungwon exhales breathily, his eyes glued onto your features. He had a confession planned, feelings he wanted to express and promises he wanted to make. Feelings that were currently betraying him, rendering him dumb struck and speechless. 
Jungwon was usually good at things like this, suppressing his feelings to get what he needed to do done, it came easier to him than breathing. He was good at things like this, but not when it came to you. 
You bite back a laugh at his dazed expression, raking your eyes down his figure, pausing momentarily on the bags in his hands. You meet his eyes with a stifled laugh, “You’re uh dripping, Jungwon.” 
He snaps out of his stupor looking down to find his clothes waterlogged and plastered to his body, a small puddle forming at his feet. Jungwon rubs his neck sheepishly, “Yeah I got caught in the rain.”
“I can see that,” you smirk, sliding your headphones off and rising to your feet. You make your way towards Jungwon and for a second his heart stutters, thinking you were going to pull him into another impromptu kiss. 
He swears he’s not disappointed when you walk by him, instead rifling through your drawers to pull out some clothes and a towel. “Here, you should get out of those clothes before you get sick.”
“What? No, I mean- yes I will, but first I want to talk to you. I uh got you something as well,” Jungwon lifts the gifts slightly. 
You roll your eyes fondly, unfurling the towel and draping it over his head, rubbing it gently to drain some of the water out of his strands. You take the bags from his grip, instead pressing the clothes into Jungwon’s hand. “You’ve already made me wait this long, I think I can wait a little longer. Go change Wonnie.”
Jungwon sends you a wounded pout which you ignore with a pointed glance at the bathroom. He gives in with a sigh, disappearing to change his clothes. The sweats and shirt you’ve handed him are foreign, probably Haechan or Chenle’s, but the hoodie is suspiciously familiar. 
He’s still examining the hoodie when he walks back out, “Is this mine? I swear I have one just like it and I haven't seen it for a while.” 
You pause slightly at his words, twisting in your seat, “Uh yeah, I kinda stole it the last time I slept over,” you admit in the most off hand tone you can muster but Jungwon doesn’t miss the subtle reddening of your cheeks. 
He doesn’t bother hiding the smug grin that splits his face, walking over to pull you up out of your chair and into his arms. He sways you slightly in his embrace, leaning down to whisper cheekily, “You’ve been stealing my clothes to wear when I’m not around? You miss me that much Y/N?”  
You roll your eyes, pushing Jungwon away from you, he lands on your bed with a playful yelp. “If you weren’t busy being a delusional jerk then I wouldn’t have to miss you in the first place. I think you owe me at least one hoodie as collateral for emotional damages.”
“Yeah, I guess I do,” Jungwon chuckles, sitting up on his elbows, “thanks for the clothes, I didn't realize how cold I was until I got out of them.”
Taking a seat next to him, you brush the damp strands of hair off of Jungwon’s forehead, “No biggie, why were you so dressed up anyways? Are you heading somewhere after this? I can put your clothes in the dryer if you need.”
“No,” Jungwon says hurriedly, flushing when you look at him inquisitively, “I’m not going anywhere, I just wanted to dress up and look good, since it’s been a while since I last saw you.” 
His eyes are trained down on the floor, the tips of his ears turning red and you can't help but giggle. “You always look good Jungwon, no need to try and impress me,” you nudge him playfully and he bats your hand playfully with a whine. 
“Yeah, but I wanted you to see me in some nicer clothes,” Jungwon meets your eyes carefully, “because today’s important, I wanted to dress accordingly.” 
You hum in acknowledgment, trailing your hand against the edge of his sleeve, smiling when Jungwon’s fingers capture yours. “You looked nice, it was different. But I like you like this, sweats and a hoodie. Makes you look cozy and comfy, like my Jungwon.”
Jungwon stills, staring at you with an unreadable expression and you tilt your head in silent question. Jungwon had a plan, a script for how this was going to go, but when those words fall so effortlessly from your tongue he can’t help but want to abandon his plan. And when has he ever known self control around you, so he does. “Can I kiss you?” he asks calmly. 
It’s your turn to fluster, “what?” you splutter. Jungwon sits up fully, leaning closer until the tip of his nose is lightly grazing against yours. His hand releases yours, snaking up your neck to rest against your jaw, his eyes burning unwaveringly into yours. 
“Can I kiss you? Please?” his breath ghosts over yours and you barely nod before Jungwon’s lips brush faintly against yours. 
Jungwon pulls back slightly, glancing quickly to assess the way your eyes flutter shut and you instinctively chase after his mouth. It’s enough of a final confirmation for him to truly throw caution to the wind and he captures your lips in a proper kiss. 
His fingers and cheek are cool to the touch, but every bit of skin they graze against blazes in response. You’re sweltering, melting in his hold, your arms curling around him , clinging to his shoulders desperately for any purchase to keep you from falling apart. 
Jungwon grips you with equal intensity, he releases his hold on your jaw to undo the claw clip holding your hair, tossing it to the side. His fingers slink back up your neck to tangle in your hair, pulling you even closer. 
It isn’t until his lungs burn insistently against his ribs that Jungwon finally parts from you. It’s silent, save for sharp inhales as you both gasp for what little air is available in the junction of your lips. Jungwon rests his forehead against yours and whispers breathlessly, “I love you.” 
You’re still lightheaded from the pressure of the kiss and his words do nothing to quell the way your mind reels and your stomach flips incessantly. Giggling, you knock your head against his playfully, “Took you long enough idiot.” 
Huffing in mock annoyance, Jungwon grabs your face bringing it to his, “Say. It. Back.” he mumbles against your lips, pecking them insistently with each word. 
You smile into the kiss, your rising cheeks squishing against where Jungwon holds you firmly. “I love you,” you plant a final peck onto his lips and he sighs in satisfaction, nuzzling into your neck.
“I’m sorry for avoiding you.” Jungwon murmurs gently, his hands sliding down to wrap around your waist, “I’m sorry for trying to push you away without even giving us a chance. I thought I was doing the right thing for you, and I let my ego and insecurities cloud my judgment. I was scared, you’re everything I could ever dream of having, and yet for some unfathomable reason you wanted me. It felt too good to be true honestly, and the whole situation with your dad and Jaemin just confirmed every negative outcome in my mind. I just didn’t want to fuck up and become a regret, you know?” 
Your brows scrunch together in a frown and you open your mouth to refute him but Jungwon is already shushing you with a swift kiss. “I know what you’re gonna say. I just wanted to properly talk you through my thoughts. I’m done being stupid now, seriously I am. I’m far too in love with you to give you up. You make me want to be selfish. You deserve everything in the world Y/N, and if it means I can keep you by my side I’d rob the sky of all its sun and stars. I want to be better for you, I’ll be better for you, so that one day I can truly say I deserve to be yours. But for now I’m going to be greedy and ask you to be mine. Officially.” 
You chuckle breathily, reaching up to cup Jungwon’s cheek with shaky fingers. “I meant what I told you before Wonnie, I’ve always been yours and I always will be. When I first met you I already knew I was in for it. You were the perfect distraction, my little sanctuary to escape all my worries and sorrows, an escape from reality. But then you crossed that line, you became a part of my reality, and you changed it into one that I wanted to be in. You’re my greatest comfort and my uttermost happiness Jungwon, and that’s something that no one else will be able to give me.  I’d choose you in every reality and that’ll never change.” 
Jungwon beams, his dimple in full display and he pulls you in peppering kisses all over your face, not leaving a single stretch of skin untouched. “I can’t believe everything literally went the opposite of what I planned and yet it somehow still worked out. Look, I even prepared a present for my proposal to convince you to say yes.” He leans over you slightly to pull up the bag sitting at the foot of the bed, placing it gently in your hands. 
“You prepared this for me?” you shake the bag curiously, and Jungwon nods, gesturing excitedly for you to take a look. “Holy fuck, you got me the Barbie Movie Collection?” you gape at the pink box, tracing the letters in awe, “Jungwon I love it.” You grab his face, placing an exaggerated smooch on his cheek. 
“Yeah, I’m kind of the best boyfriend ever, I know,” Jungwon shrugs smugly, observing your enthralled expression with a small smile. “I was planning on showing up looking dashing and all, and you would be caught off guard by my adverse charms and fall for me. Then I was going to give some spiel about how I don’t deserve you but these movies are a token of my dedication to you. And you would be extremely touched by my thoughtfulness and immediately start begging to be my girlfriend and telling me how I have unmatchable rizz. But I guess I can settle for how it went down,” he teases, pinching your cheek impishly. 
You swat his hand away from your cheek with a roll of your eyes, “you’re insufferable Yang Jungwon.” 
This only fuels Jungwon further, and he leans in, tilting your chin up to meet his mischievous gaze, “but you loveeee me, don’t you baby?” 
You scoff, ignoring the way your cheeks heat at the pet name, “unfortunately for me, yes I love you Wonnie.” 
Jungwon grins broadly at the admission, planting a warm kiss on your waiting lips. “I love you more,” he says sweetly.
Jungwon’s still not quite sure how he ended up here. How a simple desire to best his roommates had culminated into him sharing soft kisses with the love of his life.
 And Jungwon’s still not quite sure what the future will hold for the two of you. But as he pulls you into his lap and you lean into his touch happily, pink cheeks and bright eyed, Jungwon can’t help but feel that no matter what the pair of you end up pursuing, at the end of the day your nights will always end up looking a little like this. 
match found :) <3
prev masterlist next
a/n: hi <3 well!!! That's it hehe!! i hope u liked the finale and it wasn't too underwhelming :(
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this is the barbie dvd set wonnie got for y/n lmfao. very romance we love.
This is the official last chapter plot wise but I'm going to be posting some bonus SMAU posts in a day or two :) but here's a taglist form for my upcoming works!
ok now that I got those out of the way i rlly rlly rlly want to take the time to thank everyone who read match found up until now. This series is my very first time writing literally anything so to think that people actually enjoyed it is mind boggling. I'm incredibly lucky to have readers that are so sweet and supportive and so interactive. I appreciate and think about every single comment and reblog and i truly truly adore you all so much. I hope I can continue to be able to talk and interact with you all <3 Thank you for being here for me throughout everything and being so patient and kind with me MWAH!!
most of all i rlly want to thank kat, lela, celine, angewa and my subak for being there for all my crazy rambling, mental breakdowns and jungwon delusions. you've been the biggest part of my creative process and the series wouldn't have been the same without you <3
i honestly am really worried about this chapter and if I could meet the expectations of you all and I really hope i didn't disappoint ajhdjk. let me know what you loved and what you hated, about match found about this chapter, anything :)
special thanks to my garden :) for being the greatest inspiration i could ask for <3
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taglist: open! send me an ask to be added! <3 / taglist google form
@woncloudie @itsactuallylina @ifearjwn @fadedluvv @mangowonyo @shinsou-rii @aki1e @makiswrld @jaehaki @criyiy @ilovewonyo @zeraaax @climbingmandevillas @pkjay @flower-lise @haodnd @beomgyusonlywife @dimplewonie @lacimolela @enhacatalog @llama-lyna @ahnneyong @coalalalinha @cupidsheqrts @curly-fr13s @jungwonsgfnameyukie @sserafimez @run2seob @luvlee1313 @strwberrydinosaur @sweetjaemss @kimipxl @simp4jakesim @chirokookie @astrae4 @mimisamisasa @w3bqrl @captivq @rindomo @aylauwon @positivelyinlovewithjungwon @shinrjj @deadgirlwalking3 @dearremmy @esther-kpopstan @hoonsunivrs @ttalgi @cieluna
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mamiya-a · 1 month
Playing dangerous - Mother Miranda/reader
Warning for explicit content.
Chapter 9: Desire
You spent some quality time with the girls, then you decide to finally make a move on Miranda. Things definitely don't go as planned.
The constant, aching pain throbs sharply in the back of your head, threatening to break your skull. It gets worse by the minute, or more suitable to say the second, as the feeling is compared to millions of tiny needles burning inside your brain.
The headache that has been bothering you all morning is not caused by the wine from yesterday, by all means. You've had drunken mornings much worse than the current and you're sure that such pain is born by something completely different. Or someone. 
You groan weakly , smashing your palms in the heated skin of your face , cheeks still burning from embarrassment. Your back hit the mattress beneath you while your eyes stare at the sealing, from behind the barns that you call fingers, which limite the space for a complete view. 
You're devoid of desire to see , hear or interact with anything at all. As there's only one thing possessing your mind currently. You don't understand it , she's been almost insignificant for you until now, so why can't you get Miranda out of your head? 
She's alluringly beautiful, of course. She's gentle and kind, only sometimes, in her own twisted ways. She might be the most interesting yet mysterious woman you've ever met. And despite Miranda clearly having something against you, since her rude behaviour continues to shine through her fake  smiles during the days , which you find out to not bother you as much as it did before, she can actually show sympathy. She cares , that she cannot hide. 
However, is that everything that makes you this... obsessed  with her? You don't think so , the attraction you feel towards her is something much bigger and important , coming from somewhere deep inside Miranda . As if your feet are buried in the ground while your souls are tied together. Chained, that is. Because you can't say that connection is entirely based on free will. 
You can't help but wonder how she feels. It's true she's not completely indifferent to you in the matter either. But you can only wish to understand her. Everytime you find yourself alone with her she just makes you more and more confused. However she did kiss you, with little to no hesitation. Such an act could...possibly  mean something, right? 
You bite your lower lip , curling up to side on your bed in the meantime. You tightly hug your pillow, still lost in thoughts about the older woman. You're still very much questioning yourself, yet one thing is certain. You like her.  And with a little bit of luck , the universe might decide to grand you a wish and make her like you too. Judging by her odd behaviour towards you, the desired star gift is already sent. 
Or...Miranda is just used to wandering around, trying to flirt with everybody around her. You shake your head. It doesn't sound like her at all. She's definitely fond of you, in what way exactly is yet left to be discovered. 
Your phone screen lights up, triggered by a new notification, just as you were about to grab it , determined to text Miranda and ask her if she's willing to go out with you, on a date , perhaps...
However your mouth swings open as you observe your phone more closely. And you quickly understand that you've been too late , because it is Miranda who is texting you. You've never unlocked your phone this fast. A part of you stays disappointed when you see that she hasn't said anything,  instead a picture file pops up in your new messages. 
Miranda isn't home. You note that first, because the background of the picture doesn't match with any room decor in the mansion. Yet , it's not the white flooring and silver desk , covered in documents which peak from its edges,  that thrills you. 
Snow colored shirt covers her chest way too nicely, few top buttons are purposely open , in order to slightly show the beginning base of her breasts, however for you It's different - since she has taken the picture in an  upper angle, the access you're granted is much larger and you can actually see the edges of her dark bra , that veils over her fair skin. 
Your eyes dare to linger lower and you do not regret it. The tight, tarred , short lengthed skirt she's wearing embraces her thighs with perfection, and with the way she has pressed them together you're given a good reminder of how gorgeous the curves of her body can be. Her legs below her skirt, covered in long, black stockings, definitely don't help you out neither.
The last thing you manage to take a glance in that photo is her pointy heels which peak from the bottom of the image, adding to her whole outfit , before shutting off your phone and slamming it into the pillow next to you. 
You hide your face in your palms yet again, breathing sharply in and out , unable to process the picture fully, to process her. You grab your phone after a few seconds of thinking, opening the chat immediately, glaring at her status. She's still online, she's waiting for your response. You curse while sitting up, your mess of a hair falling around your shoulders as you cross your legs on the bed. 
Your imagination is already picturing her grinning like a vicious witch while calmly sitting on her office desk , with her fingers briefly refreshing the chat , eager to witness  your reaction. You roll your shoulders back , cracking your back in the process, then your thumbs begin to unsurely type an answer. 
I think you're sending this to the wrong person. 
Miranda knows you've seen the hidden chats with Mia, and her provocatively alluring pictures. Though you didn't expect to receive one as well , you're not complaining, however you're sure she's doing it in order to punish you again, in some sort. The last thing you're going to do is fall for her tricks. Her response is quick to arrive. 
Am i , darling? I'm sure i checked twice if it's you who's receiving this. 
She almost makes you question the purpose of the picture, almost. You stop yourself right before you can  type 'Why?' . That's probably what she wants you to ask , so instead of doing her bidding you stop to think for a moment. Then you send your reply. 
Maybe try a third time next time , Miranda?
Her answer is a little bit delayed. Good , you've managed to get her thinking carefully before texting you again. Now you're both at the same level. You can't help the urging smile that appears on your lips. You're hoping she's smiling too, you'd hate to bring her mood down. 
Maybe. Or perhaps i should think more wisely before deciding to honour you for being so good for me yesterday. I could have given you something much worse instead of that nice treatment. 
You gag out a laugh after reading the last words of her finished sentence. Truly it wasn't the worst experience in your life but it was definitely humiliating. 'Nice treatment' isn't a word you would use to describe last night's events. Miranda is the last person you wanted to see you in such state. Yet the past is unfixable. 
I'm a grown woman , i can take a punishment. 
Your thumbs ghost over the screen, patiently waiting for her reply. You tug a piece of hair behind your ear just as her next message pops up. 
I'm not keen on that matter. Punishments, that is. 
So last night was for her entertainment only? You don't have enough time to think about it because she adds another sentence to her previous one. 
Perhaps a video shall do it for you, darling? 
You blink once, then twice. Your fingers dig into the fabric of the pillow. Is it possible for the effect of the alcohol to appear on her hours after she has consumed it? Because there's no way she's texting you this sober. Just thinking about Miranda returning the favour from yesterday is enough to sent thrilling shivers down your spine. You'd love to see that and you're even more excited knowing that she's the one asking, meaning she'd probably do it. 
Yet you behave yourself, an inner voice in your head telling you it's completely wrong. Even your thumbs feel disappointed with your response. 
I'm pretty sure both of us have much more important things to do right now. 
She quickly begins to type a reply but she hesitates and for a good two minutes you're left to wonder what exactly she's going to do next. Then you have it. 
Pity. I'm in a good mood. 
In an excellent mood you might add. However, before you can say anything back to her , she goes offline and you throw your phone back on the mattress, determined to ignore any further notifications from her , for now. 
Then your attention shifts to the footsteps caused by tiny legs in the corridor outside of your room. You stretch out with a yawn, your headache  long forgetting,ready to take care of the girls for the day while Miranda is away.  
And in the meantime to carefully think of your next approach to the older woman and the conversations you wish to have with her. 
As always, the breakfast awaits both you and the girls on the table. Your job is only to reheat it before Eveline and Eva can come downstairs. Just as you wait for the microwave to stop it's countdown, you hear almost silent steps behind you. 
You've spent enough time in the mansion to know that every resident here likes to sneak up on you and do their best to scare you. That worked, you'll give them that, for a while. But now you're absolutely used to it , you're even sure you can also try to return the favour if you desired to.  One of the girls is trying to sneak up on you, but a question remains. Which one? 
A squeaky noise echoes through the room, making you smile. Wrong step , wrong plank in the parquet. Eva and Miranda move flawlessly along the floor everytime they walk around you , as if they are floating over it. But Eveline is a bit more careless , though she tries her best. 
You swiftly turn around, ready to suprise her. Your smile fades in confusion while you observe the emptiness in front of you. Eveline is not there. One single tug on your sleeve makes every hair on your body stands up. Your heart begins to race , as the sudden rush of shock tenses your body. 
The black haired girl's laugh hits your ears before you can spot her next to the kitchen counter on your left. You also smile ,  though your hand dashes towards your chest, in attempt to calm your heart. 
"Got me" - you gag out a laugh, running your fingers tightly around your throat - "unfairly, but you got me." 
"You're just easy to scare" - Eveline explains , while taking her usual seat on the left side of the table, she gives you a thankful smile when you put her plate in front of her, as she takes her first bite she murmurs - "Predictable..." 
You roll your eyes. Truth is , you've grown very close to the little girl. In fact, at the current state of the mansion, she seems like the most trustable person you can talk to. That doesn't stop her from being sassy from time to time. 
"Where's Eva?" - you ask, ignoring her previous sentence. They usually come down together, or shortly after the other does. But it's been a good five minutes without the blonde girl making her way downstairs. 
"Oh, don't wait for her" - Eveline advises you, so you nod your head and sit down on the table next to her , still carefully placing utensils for Eva too - "one of her... butterfly pets died, so now she has to mourn it. It will take her a while." 
"Is she going to be okay?" - you don't understand her connection with the butterflies very well but you respect her interest and love for them. And it bothers you when the little girl is grumpy. 
"They die all the time. She's used to it" - her sister reassures you - "another butterfly will reincarnated soon, it will make her forget the death of the previous one. Just let her do her stuff , she'll join us when she's done."
You nod your head to show her you understand. As you begin to feed yourself as well ,though, the idea of asking Miranda on a date pops up in your head yet again. You're certain you need to know more about her in order to make the time you're about to spend with her enjoyable. And with her out of the house, Eveline is your second best option to get that information. 
"In that case" - you interrupt the few minutes of silence that happened to materialise between you, making the girl look up to you - "Can i ask you a few questions?" 
"Sure." - the girl seems happy to give you answers. You count that as a victory, a little step closer to knowing Miranda better - "What for?" 
"It's Miranda" - it's not only her name but the way it rolls off your tongue that requests more serious discussion. You nervously bite the inside of your cheek while careful observing the shock, which runs through Eveline's face , as if that topic is the last thing she expected. 
"Mother? What about mother?" - she asks in genuine confusion, hands placed around her now empty plate. You also shove yours to the side , as your appetite disappears. 
"Can you keep a secret?" - you whisper, leaning closer to the black haired girl. Her pupils dilate in curiosity, as she's eager to learn what secret you have about her mother. She nods her head up and down, giving you the green lights to tell her. 
"She kissed me last night." - you really shouldn't be this proud while saying that, especially when you literally begged her to do so. 
"She kissed-" - Eveline exclaims , slamming her palm on the surface of the table, her head shifts from side to side , probably checking for more curios ears around the two of you, then her voice goes down to a whispering tone - "mother, my mother kissed  you?" 
"She did." - Miranda did and Eveline doesn't need to know how or why. Nor will you tell her. You cross your arms in front of your chest while you try not to laugh at Eveline, who's still pretty much trying to process what you just told her. 
"Willingly?" - the girl asks , eyebrows lifted upwards, eyes widened wide. 
"Of course." - well almost, if you only count the second time. Still you wave your hand in the air as if it's a stupid question to ask - "How exactly can I force her?"  
"So that means..." - Eveline grabs the end of the table, nervously dragging her nails along the surface, making a noise that rings in your ears and you try your best to ignore it - "She loves you, so you do. And you will...get married and live together?!" 
Her guesses are way too bold and rushed. And with the way she speaks , fast and messy, you almost don't process what she has just said. Then you repeat it one more time in your head before you burst out laughing. 
"Evie you... that's a lot." - you hate to see her excitement evaporating from her face , but you can't leave her with such fantasies in her head - "love is a strong word, you know?" 
"But she kissed you?" - a hint of confusion in her voice. 
"That doesn't define love, sweetie" - you extend and arm to  brush her hair behind her shoulders and gently caress her head , trying to calm her as obvious sadness overtakes her - "it's more complicated, and a kiss doesn't solve it." - you pause to look at her now furrowed eyebrows - "That's why i wanted to ask you what she likes. I plan to ask her on a date." 
"A date?" - the shining excitement is back on her face within seconds, it makes you smile - "Ask all you want then, I've got you." 
"Well for starters...if i decide to take her a restaurant" - Eveline listens carefully, fully devoted into your problems - "For what kind should i go?" 
"Oh, that's hard" - she sighs , grabbing the side of her face and tapping a few times on the table with a sharp nail, trying her best to think of a solution - "Mother hates to be around many people, so make sure it's more private." 
"Noted" - you give her an encouraging smile. 
"Also, the food" - she points a finger at you - "be careful, choose wisely, she's a very peaky eater. So if the food is not to her liking then...I'm not sure how that date will go on." 
"What food should i go for , then?" - thinking about it now, you've rarely even seen Miranda eat anything. You beg the gods to not completely allow this to fuck everything up. 
"She only seems to enjoy her own cooking" - Eveline shifts up her shoulders in unsurenes. And you blink slowly in desperation. Of course, you're fucked. 
"Should i mention that she's very keen on fancy restaurants as well?" - Eveline gives you a mocking smile - "don't even bother if you think of taking her to a  pizza place or something similar." 
"That's not much of a suprise actually" - you clear your throat, before beginning to play with your fingers - "Does she likes music, dancing?" 
Perhaps a club will be the key for her locked door. 
"Oh, gods no" - Eveline sets you up at zero again - "Well dancing, i don't think she hates , however when it comes to music...she's weird. She only listens to calm melodies with no lyrics. She hates people's voices singing absurd things over the pretty notes of music." 
"So she listens to what?" - you throw your hand in the air - "Classical music?" 
"I have no idea" - the black haired girl scoffs , locking her eyes with yours - "It's not the genre i like , that's certain." 
So definitely not something you're fond of either. Because judging from the car trip from yesterday, you and the girls have pretty much the same taste in music. But of course, Miranda has to go fancy with it. 
"Well with only knowing she's obsessed with reading and is a science freak" - which you like and it's definitely helpful when it comes to your own personal struggles with university, she's truly a good teacher - "what else do i have left to acknowledge so i can discover her completely?" 
"You're a bit wrong" - Eveline corrects you - "Mother has many interests, hobbies as well. But I'm not sure they're fit for a date." 
You both grow silent, as you loose yourself in thoughts about Miranda and what exactly you can do to romance her. Eveline tells you about her interest in fashion and a funny story from years ago when she tried learning how to produce her own clothing but she failed miserably, so now she pays extra for designers , as she feels hatred towards fast fashion and cheap, not aesthetically pleasing garments. No wonder her chosen outfits are always so well styled. 
"I say it's the best if you just ask her" - the girl speak out loud her final advice for you - "And then let mother decide where she wants to go." 
"Let mom decide to go where?" - now that's a sneak up that's up for a reward, because it doesn't only manage to scare you but it also makes Eveline jump in her seat. You both turn around to observe your unexpected visitor. Eva has a boring expression on her face. When none of you greets her normally, still in shock from her presence, she gets angry. 
"What are you two talking about?" - she asks , annoyed, while taking a seat next to her sister. She's determined to get an answer, because she doesn't even give her plate a glare, instead she focus her attention on you. 
"Nothing important, Eva" - you wave her off , exchanging worried glances with Eveline. You know the blonde haired girl is protective of her mother, so telling her your plans now might ruin your chances. 
She scoffs with a disgusted look occupying her face. 
"Fine. Don't tell me." - her curiosity abandons her just as she plugs her hand in and out of  her pocket and quickly throws a list of paper on the table, perfectly landing it in front of you, her little finger points at you and you get the idea that it is, in fact meant for you. 
Miranda's handwriting is very recognisable, you have no trouble finding out it's hers as your eyes carefully scan the little paper in your hands. A grocery list. 
"Your mama wants us to go shopping?" - you tilt your chin towards Eva with an urging smile. Every opportunity to leave the mansion is a blessing you don't plan to ever ignore or miss out. 
"She's quite busy today, so yes." - the younger girl  finally decides to start eating her breakfast after answering your  so obvious in her eyes question. Your smile doesn't drop from your face even after you put the shopping list in the case of your phone, in order not to loose it. 
A new car trip awaits the three of you right after breakfast.
"How many stores left?" - Eveline asks weakly from the backseat of your car , her hand gently pushing on Eva's shoulder to keep her awake, as the energy of both of them is long gone, along with yours. 
Why does Miranda have to be this peaky? About literally everything. You've been to several different stores just to get her needed groceries. That kind of work is more intense and exhausting then all of your babysitting adventures till now merged together. 
"I think this is the last one" - you say , unbuckling your seat belt lazily, then grabbing the now scrambled shopping list in your hands to read the finally reached end - "we just have to buy..." - you make a pause, because what's written on the bottom confuses you - "Hair dye?" 
Miranda bleaches her hair? You always thought she's a natural blonde, judging by how good the colour suits her. 
"Since when does your mother dye her hair?" - you turn around to the girls, unexpectedly greeted by confused faces , as if you're asking the obvious. 
"Since forever?" - Eva raises a brow in your direction. 
"She used to do it at home" - Eveline tries to clear out the picture for you, almost immediately making you imagine Miranda sat patiently, waiting for her crafted hair dye to do it's magic - "but she couldn't quite make the colour she desired, which is Eva's, so she gave up and started going around shops for it , only the best, of course." 
Well that explains the nice colour of dripping gold her hair posseses. Your gaze shifts to Eva, the little copy of Miranda. Looking closely you can almost spot the difference in the shades of blonde between the mother and daughter. 
"Interesting" - you note out loud, caughting the younger girl's attention - "I always assumed you got your colour directly from Miranda, and not the other way around." 
It's kind of cute. Maybe the woman just wanted to match with her daughter? You don't have a of time to think about it because Eva interrupts the wandering thoughts from forming in your head. 
"This hair colour is the only thing i inherited from my father" - Eva grabs a few locks of honey between her fingers, gently twisting before releasing them back in their original place - "mommy was never very fond of it..." 
So instead of changing Eva's hair she bleached hers? So she would resemble more of her and not her...
"Father?" - you ask in surprise - "I thought Miranda was..." 
Not that much into men. But then again, she did say Eveline is the adopted one so it's not impossible for Eva to have a real father, which Miranda liked , at least a little, in order to have her. You're more than confused. Something it definitely not adding up. 
"Was what...?" - Eva's question reminds you of the two girls who are way too eager to finally get home and rest , as most of the day was spent in many , many different shops.
"Nothing." - you're quick to wave it off and the girl is too tired to care , yet your curiosity stays and you can't stop yourself from asking - "Where's your father now?" 
"Long dead and forgotten." - voice as cold as winter, it's clear the man is not a happy memory to the little girl - "i doubt mommy even bothered to bury him. It was so many years ago." 
It's been a long day. Maybe you didn't hear her correctly, or maybe you did. But you know you have no desire for her to repeat the sentence she just murmured, nor to try and understand it , to make it make sense. You give up, too exhausted for that. 
"Alright. Let's get that hair dye and get home." - the girls are more than happy to follow your given request. 
You manage to calculate the exact time to come home just as Miranda's black jeep also parks in front of the mansion. Next to it your tiny car looks miserable insignificant , copying the feelings that sometimes hit you when you stand too close to Miranda herself. 
The two girls in the back seat immediately wake up from their half-sleeping half-being awake state , in a hurry to unbuckle their seat belts to get out of the car and run to their mother, who is already standing gracefully in front of the grand  entrance. 
And while she bends down her knees in order to get to her daughter's height level , while she hugs and occupies them with loving kisses , as the woman hasn't seen them all day , you can't stop the burning feeling of her gaze falling upon you. Your hands grip the steering wheel impossibly tight as you swallow. 
You have to get out of the car, sooner or later , regardless of the woman that you both hate and love to see is still standing there or not. You  sigh , remembering that you also have a few very heavy , very full of groceries backs you need to somehow drag in the mansion, alone. 
Your eyes shift one final time back to Miranda's direction. She's gone , along with her two daughters. Just perfect. 
The sad grumbling of childish frustration pours through the open-doored rooms on the lower floor of the mansion and you manage to hear the girls' displeasure before you can get to the kitchen ,ready to deliver  the groceries. They stand with angry faces and crossed arms in front of Miranda, who is slightly curled over them,  smiling comfortingly. 
The moment your feet take the first step into the room, the blonde woman looks at you and her eyes light up. It's as if you are her comfort after a hard day, a salvation from her children, who continue to try  to get  her attention in every way possible. Miranda has to stop Eva from pulling the edge of her shirt as she clears her throat and points at you. 
"Why don't you go watch the movie with her , loves?" - there's a pleading hint in her voice, that matches perfectly with the vulnerable tension that curves her eyebrows - "I'm sure she'd be delighted to spend more time with you." 
"But you promised!" - this time it's Eveline who makes Miranda roll her eyes in annoyance, as she takes a deep breath, shifting her head in the little girl's attention. 
"Sweetheart, I'm exhausted from work" - she gently brushes the rivers of dark hair , that hoover over the girl's face , then she cups her cheeks - "and by what I'm hearing your own day wasn't very short either." 
"That's okay" - Eva tugs the sleeve of Miranda shirt again, demanding her attention, there's a large , proud smile on her face - "I can prepare the snacks if you're tired , mommy." 
"There's no need for that , Eva" - with her free hand she pats her head , before she can continue speaking, however, Eveline interrupts her. 
"And i can fix the paper screen for the movie!" - you can clearly notice the moment Miranda starts to question her decisions, heavy influenced by her daughter's eager demands. 
"How about I do all of that?" - your unexpected intervention causes all three to turn to you, their faces expressing such shared surprise that they could pass for twins, you sink your heels more firmly into the floor with your next word - "So you can go ahead, get changed and then we can...watch the movie together?" 
Miranda blinks a few times , her lips slightly part , as she's ready to argue, however she hesitates. Without any further discussions she breaks free from her daughter's grasp and takes a few steps closer to you. 
You think she's going to stop and maybe brings matters to crazy levels, as she usually does. But instead she just brushes her fingers carefully over your shoulder as she walks completely past you, her heels dragging lazily on the floor, a large smile on her lips. 
"It's a date, then." 
Eveline giggles right after Miranda leaves the room. Part of you also finds it hard not the curve the corners of your lips upwards. 
The big, red sofa in the library is perhaps even softer than Miranda's bed itself. It buckles under the weight of from the  four of you above it. First you sit, somewhere in the middle, so you can look at the paper screen at the best angle. Eveline finds her seat on your left, a small pillow in her hands. Miranda settles on your other side, Eva is  following closely after her , carrying a thin blanket to cover herself with as she stays calmly in her mother's embrace. 
You start the film not long after. The fact that it's not an animation surprises you because you expected it to be one, after all Eveline and Eva are children, but no, instead all of you happen to  enjoy a comedy  together, for about a quarter of an hour ,before you feel the weight of the already sleeping body of the black haired girl falling on your left side. 
Ten minutes follow quickly and as you shift your eyes to the side , you catch Eva sleeping soundlessly next to her mother as well. You give both of them a genuine smile, completely understanding their exhaustion. You also hate going in circles through different shops. And Miranda didn't exactly make it easy for it. 
Speaking of the blonde woman, you can't help the goosebumps that awaken in your body as she places her head on your shoulder, giving into sweet slumber along with her daughters. With all of them practically using you as a pillow you force yourself to stay completely still, not wanting to take the risk is disturbing their sleep, in any way possible. 
However, as the movie reaches its end you manage to relax. And as if enchanted your hand moves up, face tilting in Miranda's direction. You shouldn't touch her , yet your fingers brush against her forehead only a second after they reject that thought. 
You slowly drag your thumb downwards, below her eyes , past the hill of her cheekbones , along the valley of her cheeks, down to the base of her slightly parted lips. You loose the battle with your conscience , allowing yourself to drag the soft pads of your fingertips over her bottom lip. 
Your breath hitches the moment her eyelashes twitch gently, one , then two times , giving you enough time to retreat your hand back. A few seconds after her eyes snap open and she lazily yawns. 
"Has the movie ended?" - she dares not moves, not wanting to wake up Eva as well. Though her eyes stay focused on you. 
"Do you want me to play another one?" - your face is intimidatingly close to hers , as both of you try to stay quiet around the two  sleeping kids on the sofa. 
"Oh, darling" - she whispers - "it's charming you still think i care about that film."  
Miranda does not allow you to answer. Her lips press against yours , silencing you before you can form a reasonable sentence. The kiss she's currently gifting you has nothing to do with the one from last night. She's so gentle, angelic, almost as if she's afraid of the possibility to break you. And you give  completely into her. 
Suddenly you feel hot , her body heat so close to melting your skin. With each perfect curve of her lips pressing against yours, she manages to light a new and successive fire in your soul. You would willingly throw yourself into that fire if it meant you could kiss her like that whenever and wherever you wanted.
Her teeth tenderly scratch on your lower lip , however before you can open your mouth more , in order to give her wicked tongue further access, she parts away. Your fist goes to tug on her nightgown.
"Miranda..."- you whisper her name in a warning, low tone. 
"I'm tired..." - she murmurs back to you, placing a single, swift kiss over your lips, her nose brushing against yours. Then you cross your arms and carefully observe her every move as she shakes Eva's shoulder. When the little girl opens her eyes , Miranda assures her it's time for bed , and gently picks her up, disappearing into the darkness leading to the upper floor. 
You leave before she can return to grab Eveline as well. 
This cannot go on like this. You don't want to be a toy in Miranda's hands for her  to play with whenever she express her desire to do so. It has maybe been half an hour, in which you've rolled in your bed from side to side , trying desperately to get that bloody woman out of your head. Yet , she stays there like a parasite. 
That's why you're currently standing in front of her bedroom door, determined to have a serious talk with her. You're in luck, because no matter how tired she might have looked in the library, she's still pretty much not asleep, as the golden light from an inner lamp shines under the crack of the door. 
You don't bother to knock, you know she's going to invite you in anyway. The door shifts open revealing the room ahead of you. Miranda sits calmly in front of her rich vanity ,  various cosmetics, mixed with makeup and many nice smelling creams placed all over it. The simple oversized, white shirt she's wearing looks almost funny on her , since you're used to seeing her in her fancy outfits. Even her nightgown could pass for an evening dress , if she was wearing it right now. 
You quick acknowledge the reason of why she changed her clothes. Because you manage to catch her right in the middle of her hair bleaching process. Her hair is carefully sectioned and supported by many little clips , part of it already covered in the light coloured dye. 
You give her a faint smile, closing the door after you. After all she never told you to leave. 
"You know, I would never have suspected that you dye your hair" - you stand closely behind her , your reflection in the mirror in front of you towering over hers - "to think that instead of naturally blonde you're..." 
You're not sure what her real hair might look like actually. 
"A brunette." - Miranda helps you out - "I'm not fond of that colour ,though." 
You've never gotten the chance to observe her this closely, this precisely. Currently you're able to spot the darker shades in her roots. She allows you to wrap a string of her hair around your fingers. 
"Why not?" -  you sharply tug on that single, golden piece, imagining her hair suddenly switching to a dark , brown colour. She wrinkles her nose - "I'm sure you still look amazing." 
"It has nothing to do with me , darling" - she assures you, amusement ghosting over her face. 
"How so?" - you don't realise when your fingers break any contact with her hair and instead they linger over the skin of her nape , around the side of her neck. She doesn't mind it. 
"When Eva was younger, she spent... quite some time away from me." - Miranda stops to rub the base of her throat, as if she has trouble breathing. You hesitate to grab her hand in yours - "i was afraid by the possibility of me forgetting how she looks like." 
"So you dyed your hair to reassemble her more?" - they truly look like twins , one is a complete copy of the other , but hair can change the appearance of a person a lot. Miranda nods at your next words - "So you wouldn't forget her." 
"I tried to go back to being brunette when she came back to me..." - Miranda waves her hand in the air , making you notice the awful ring she's still wearing. You wonder if she takes it off even when she sleeps - "But I could not like myself with that colour anymore." 
You dare not ask why Eva was away from her. Miranda seems tense enough just by mentioning it, you don't want to spoil her mood completely by forcing her to tell you more. 
"Allow me to help you with that , Miranda" - you take the brush she has been adding the bleach with till now from her hand and begin to work it on your own way. 
"Go ahead, darling" - she doesn't complain. In fact, she's quick to relax under your skillful fingers. 
You've dyed your hair a few times in your teenage years, so the activity is a  child's play for your hands. And it doesn't take long before you manage to cover the length of Miranda's hair with the bleach, including her roots. Now all you have to do is wait, which gives you the perfect chance to ask her about the planned date. 
"Miranda, would you consider..." - you start unsurely, carefully observing her face in the mirror - "...going out with me , for dinner perhaps?" 
She scoffs. That's not good. 
"I consider that very unprofessional" - she speaks with a mocking tone , which lights up a different fire within you , one born by anger - "along with the things you feel towards me." - she pauses for a moment - "After all I'm your boss-" 
Miranda hisses in pain when you grab a large portion of her hair and twist it around your hand , then you roughly pull it backwards, forcing her head to follow that direction. Only  her deliciously looking ,bare neck is left to reflex in the mirror by this new angle.
"That's unprofessional?" - you spit out, bringing your frustrated face closer to her own , though a hint of playfulness shines behind her dilated pupils - "I didn't hear you complaining about being my boss last night. Or  when you kissed me nearly an hour ago." 
You don't even want to mention the picture from early this morning.
She tries to stand up but your other hand pushes hard onto her shoulder, forcing her back down. She growls while the grip you possess her golden locks with tightness. 
"Ruin my hair and you'll have to start all over again" - she warns you. 
"If that means I'll spend more time with you..." - you whisper dangerously close to her ear - "...then I'll do it." 
Miranda laughs at you again. Making fun of you is another secret hobby of hers , it seems. You cut her off by  granting her another harsh tug on her hair. This time she bares her white teeth at you. Both of you know you're walking on thin ice. But in your defence she has crossed the line long ago. You can also play games. 
"I want you, Miranda" - you have the awful desire to be with her , almost all the time , the idea of her makes your head feel heavy and chest full of inexplicable happiness - "Please don't make me say how badly." 
You're willing to beg her. You're sure she would love that. 
"Tell me darling" - her hands move up to cup your cheeks in an uncomfortable for both of you position, yet none of you moves away , her lips are perfectly ready for kissing from this angle - "Did your desire come before or after seeing the pictures meant for Mia?" 
For Mia, and not for you. Curiosity truly kills the cat. 
"Before..." - you whisper, it's not a lie. You definitely had something going on about her in your head before going through that chat. You were just denying the attraction you feel towards her. 
"And you want me for what i am..." - she gets a hold of the hand that has been pushing on her shoulder till now and you can only watch, barely breathing, and feel  as she guides your fingers down the curves of her chest, it's when they reach the edges of her shirt that she whispers back to you - "...or my body." 
"I want all of you, everything you got" - your left hand finally releases her hair, while your other stays at the end of her shirt, unmoving, with a wrist still locked between her slender fingers - "I'm not the selfish woman Mia is-" 
"You know nothing about Mia." 
"I know enough to say she's treating you like a mere mistress." - a pause - "and nothing more." 
Within seconds Miranda manages to not only stand up but somehow push you backwards until your back hits the wall behind you and she grabs a hold of your collar. 
"I loved her."  - her face is deformed by anger, mixed with the salty feeling of sadness - "I've spent ten years of my life loving her." 
"Loved." - this particular word you decide to repeat it enough to hint to Miranda that Mia is in the past. And you can be her future. 
The woman releases you, as she speaks again you shiver. Her voice is cold as ice , and it's as if she's spitting venom at you. 
"What do you want?" - she takes a step back to her vanity, it's sickening to see her this distressed - "What do you want from me?" 
A single voice crack convinces you  Mia is a very , very forbidden thing to discuss. As the blonde woman in front of you is at the verge of tears. The dislike you've had towards Mia shapes into hatred. Because you hate to see Miranda upset. 
"Let me take you on a date." - you shallow when you take a step closer to you and she lifts a hand to hold you in your current place - "Let me treat you right, Miranda I want t-" 
"Fine" - she urges to say , licking her dry lips as her fingers find the safety edges of her vanity - "Fine , fine. Just...tell me when so i can choose a place." 
"This Friday?" - you try to move closer to her again but she shakes her head. 
She agrees without further ado. And you obey her when she asks you, begs you, to get  out and leave her alone. Neither of you bid the other goodnight as you silently close her bedroom door behind you. 
You feel a strange feeling in your chest as the sound of her locking her door almost immediately after you're no longer in it makes its way to your head. And you look down at your hair dye covered palms, sighing deeply.  
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panjakes · 1 year
Let me request a lil sum sum........
Idol! Jake x Model!reader
He goes to a fashion show which she will be opening and closing. (Meaning the reader will be the first and last model to walk the runway)
Let's say the brand is Mulger or Prada. Ouuuu maybe Chanel or Versace. Whichever you like.
This would be a dream come true if you could write it.
Omg not you requesting something from me!!! I love your blog!!(ps ion know shit about fashion shows so I’m just winging it🧍🏽‍♀️)
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Jake took his seat next to the runway nervously. He had never been to a fashion show. He didn’t even know what to do. Should he clap for all the models? Should he just sit there? He was very conflicted
“Dude chill. Your visibility sweating” sunghoon says making Jake sigh
“I don’t know why I’m so nervous. What do I do?” He asks sunghoon in a worried tone
“Just clap for all the models when they walk” he responds
“Dino have to clap even if I don’t like their outfits?” Niki asks with a frown
“Yes now sit back the show is starting” Sunghoons whispers as the lights go dim in the crowed. The lights went to the entrance of the run way as a women walked out waving to the crowed as the screamed and clapped
Jake awkwardly looked around before slowly joining in on the clapping. The women explained that the brand would be Chanel and the name of the line.
Soon she moved out the way and music began to play. Jake sat up in his looking towards the entrance of the runway.
The spot lights pointed in its direction and it was as if everything stopped. A women stood at the entrance with a smirk on her face. She blew a kiss before she started walking.
She walked with a natural cat walk and her head held high. Her sharp eyes stayed forward never once looking to the side of her. Her long dark literally shined with every step she took.
She got to the end of the walk way putting a hand on her hip doing a quick spin before continuing her cat walk to the back.
Jakes jaw dropped to his lap as he watched her walk. He clapped with the rest of the crowed still in Aw. Who was she?
“She’s really good” jay says making the rest of his band mates nod
“Who is she?!” Jake asks causing sunghoon to whip his head in his direction as if he was offended
“That’s THE Yn. Chanel’s TOP model” sunghoon says
“She’s also his bestfriend” Sunoo says rolling his eyes while clapping for the models that came after Yn
“Bestfriend?” Jake whispers
That smirk still engraved in his mind as he just clapped for the other models. He wasn’t nearly as interested in them as he was Yn. He wanted to see more of her.
As the night went on Jake only really paid attention to Yn. Everytime she walked he wanted to stand from his seat to applause and cheer for her. As of right now he had to be her biggest fan.
As the last articles of clothes were announced jake noticed Yn wasn’t in the line up. He peeked up and down the runway waiting for Yn to come out.
“Where’s Yn?” Jake whispers to sunghoon only for him to shush him.
Just then the music got louder and that’s when Jake knew Yn was coming out. Jake smiled as everyone including him, started clapping.
The outfit was cute. Simple. It was a black and grey skirt blazer set with a cute black beret with a Chanel pin. She wore black sheer stockings that were paired with black platform boots.
She strutted down the runway, one foot in front of the other. She put a little switch in her hips as if she knew Jake was watching.
Once she got in front of him she looked over her should at him before smirking and winking at him. Jake felt a little bold and decided to return the smirk and wink.
His band mates all smacked his shoulder and ooh’ed at him.
She got to the end of the runway standing there looking for the cameras before putting both hands on her hips. The crowed gets louder as she hits a quick spin before walking towards the back
“She winked at you!!” Heeseung says to Jake
“And you winked back!” Jungwon says giggling
“Don’t get your hopes up she winks at everyone” sunghoon says
“Your such a stick in the mud” jay says sticking his tongue out at sunghoon
Just then all the models come out to the runway and stand next to each other with Yn in the middle. She owned the show. It was her show.They all took a bow at the same time and came back up clapping.
The host thanks everyone for coming before ending the show and leaving backstage with the models. Jake frowns as he watches Yn disappear. He had to see her once more.
“Jake stop looking lost and let’s go”
He shakes himself from his thoughts and follows his group mates backstage. Once the reach backstage the host thanks them for coming and asks for pictures
Once they were done the host had let them know they were invited to the after party she was throwing which They agreed to go too.
“Sunghoon!!” All seven members turned around seeing Yn run towards them with a smile.
“Ynie!” Sunghoon says meeting her halfway engulfing her in a hug.
“Oh hoon I missed you! How’ve you been?” She asks
Jake too the chance too look over Yn as she and sunghoon talked. Her hair now flipped to the side in its wild curls. Her make up was now simple. Her outfit was very chic and it fit her. Jake assumed she was going to the after party.
“Bro stop staring!” Jay whispers knocking Jake out his thoughts once again
“He’s been staring at her all night” Sunoo says rolling her eyes.
It goes quiet as sunghoon and Yn’s attention turns to Jake.
“It’s okay, I’ve noticed his stares” Yn says smirking
“I Uh sorry about that” Jake says nervously
“Don’t apologize, I like when you stare at me” Yn says smirking even more
Everyone ouu’s and look over at Jake who couldn’t help but get as red as a tomato. Jake didn’t even know what to say.
Yn goes into her purse pulling out a black pinned that was outlined in gold.
“Here” she says grabbing jakes hand. She begins to write down what Jake hopes is her number
“Call me sometime,I’d love to get to know you” she says winking at him
“I- Uh…yeah sure” Jake says laughing nervously
“See you boys at the party” she says waving before walking off with her heels hitting the ground
Even off the runway, she had that natural catwalk.
Jake let’s out a breath he didn’t know he was holding before looking down at his hand
“She gave me her number” Jake says excitedly
“Yeah yeah yeah! Whatever you better call her” sunghoon says pointing a finger
“Oh trust me, I will” Jake says going to lock Yn’s number into his phone
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