#ew ew ew ew ew ew
danshive · 6 months
I was looking up information on “pickup artist” (ALL OF THE AIR QUOTES) tactics for character writing purposes (with the intent of accurately writing behaviors for certain character types).
I had expected to start with some (relatively) tame bad advice about dating and seduction when I searched the YouTubes (basically, Sam from Cheers nonsense).
I accidentally started in the deep end with a critical takedown video of a book with really, REALLY creepy, pathetic, abusive advice. Blargh.
Seriously, if I wrote a character based on the book being criticized, I’d get chastised by some people for making a hyperbolic mockery of men, and portraying them as unrealistic cartoon villains.
Which I know, because that already happened when I had some fictional characters do and say things that were way tamer >_<
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mjshortformcjesus · 5 months
ew guys dont eat soap i just took a bite out of a large bar of soap and i almost threw up and now im dying because i drank water and the inside of my mouth feels bubbly and it burns
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bloodyraremedium · 3 months
Pinterest. Pinterest please. Why. What in the actual fuck makes you think I would like this. I'm going to fucking self-defenestrate rn. Wwwhattttt the fffuckkkk????
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technorot · 3 months
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an actual entry on the forum........ what loving family???? i want to scream
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takeariskao3 · 6 months
What if Dobnny is your husband and he wants to role play
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Oh my dear fucking god it’s officially cannon
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The full image
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There’s no lines away from the nightlights, this literally implies that the first generation immediately went to incest oh my god. They couldn’t even do a SINGLE generation past the nightlights to show that there were more Furies how do you fuck up this bad
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hesontherun · 2 years
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part 2 of me making my silly little headcanons :) this time with that one guy
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parme-san · 2 years
i'm no longer lonely i need to live in a cave alone for the next 5 months at least
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georgedontdothat · 2 months
he has too much power
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drakenathan · 5 months
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lonely-crescent · 20 days
Hitting a new lw then immediately inhaling the entire kitchen is the kind of behavior to be expected of me, the family disappointment
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starry-eyed-slime · 1 month
Why does the idea of sex seem so fun but then the moment I think of any actual person it suddenly seems really gross and ew and no
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hofudlaus · 1 year
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also posting these two on their own :-) based on This post by @outpastthemoat
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valtsv · 1 month
this is entirely petty and personal but i cannot stand the word "whump" it's like unalive to me. just say you enjoy torturing your favourite character so that you can nurse them back to health again like a sickly baby bird they're not real it's okay.
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FNAF movie Vanessa’s thoughts when meeting Abby..
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mightaswelljxmp · 4 months
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hm ok so interestingly, bdubs’s courthouse is built on an odd number of blocks. note the roof of the facade coming to a point, but more importantly, the nine pillars….
you don’t use an odd number of pillars. like ever.
let me get this out of the way first: i get why you’d build with odd numbers in minecraft. i usually do it myself, to not run into problems like double doors or two-wide pointed roofs or frustrating spacing/symmetry between decorative elements. however. to not even out the design of something so unequivocally done in every other example of columns and pillars…. fascinating implications…
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every other example guys. every other building with columns like this has an even number of them.
doing so sets the line of symmetry at an invisible point between two pillars, an even number on each side. but an odd total number of pillars makes the central pillar itself the line of symmetry. this does a couple things.
one, it upends the sense of community and equality. which i know sounds crazy, but really, a group of columns are all put there to hold up a structure. there’s no focus on one because they are all are working as supports.
symbolically, at least when first used in ancient greece, pillars represented people. and it makes sense for courthouses, especially, to want to show an even, fair, equal number of people on each side. no focus on any one, no inherent bias right off the bat just looking at it.
with an odd number of pillars, though, one will always be placed front and center.
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and THEN. and then you walk in the courtroom itself (also odd-numbered blocks) and you are immediately opposite the judge, bdubs, located exactly centrally. and true, courtrooms are often set up like this anyway. but bdubs ups the ante and reaffirms that no, focus is on him by staging it all as a daytime court show, boom mic just over his head, cameras pointed in, spotlights on him.
literally by design, it was not built for justice. it’s built for show, for entertainment. and just look at the credits to know exactly what sort of message you’re supposed to be getting from this show.
the biblical story he used, with king solomon. it’s about king solomon. isn’t really about the trial itself, or the babies, or the women. it’s about showing (off) how wise and just he is. that’s the point. hm. interesting.
now, getting to the second point that etho also picked up on: it feels like a prison.
it’s not just the color palette. when your eyes naturally draw to the center point, you aren’t seeing an open space. instead of feeling like an arch or gateway or otherwise some kind of opening, the pillar there makes it feel closed off. the overall effect is that of prison bars. not pillars lining the entrance to a place of order or a temple. bars of a cage, a cell.
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imagine the lincoln memorial were set up with 11 or 13 pillars. he’d look so much more trapped in there.
having a central pillar blocks the entrance. it’s not welcoming. you have to go around it; it’s immediately inconveniencing you. and when you go to leave, it’s there blocking you again.
this courthouse was not designed and built to be fair, nor accomodating, nor equitable, on any terms. even if unintentional, i wouldn’t call it so much coincidental as i would… subconscious.
after all, y’know. form follows function.
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