girafeduvexin · 9 days
L'AU de Gravity Falls (Fraternité Falls ?) avec Ford et Stan en vieux militants de gauche français, ça va me faire ma semaine.
D'un côté, t'as Ford qui était militant au PCF dans les années 70, ancien soixante-huitard (il a tellement fait ses études à Nanterre), limite trotskiste, le gars expert en théorie marxiste, tu débats avec lui et il te sort 45 textes de Marx ou Benjamin qui te contredisent, l'intello de gauche avec ses pulls troués et ses millions de feuilles volantes, mais qui, contrairement à tous ses camarades, ne fait pas de la socio mais de la physique ! Étonnamment, il a cru au programme commun en 81, il a voté pour Mitterrand, et paf en 82, Stan le pousse dans le portail. Il revient en 2012, sous la présidence de Hollande "ah mais le PCF est encore là?" "C'est mort" "c'est à cause du PS, ces sales social-traitres !", il apprend a posteriori la trahison de Mitterand et le tournant de la rigueur "on peut vraiment pas faire confiance à un socialiste", il fume des clopes en rageant devant le Mystery Shack à chaque intervention télévisée de Hollande et il cotise toujours au PCF, malgré tout.
De l'autre, t'as Stan, peu politisé dans son adolescence, et qui passe à côté de mai 68 parce qu'à la rue à ce moment là, qui vit de débrouille, de galère, qui ne vote pas, ne s'intéresse pas à tout ça pendant longtemps parce que bah, ce qu'il veut c'est survivre jusqu'au lendemain et c'est tout. Et puis, il pousse par accident Ford dans un portail, et le voilà bien malgré lui installé à Gravity Falls. Et maintenant que la survie n'est plus un enjeu, sa conscience politique s'éveille et elle est évidemment marquée par ses années de galère. Ces hommes politiques qui parlent d"assistanat", qu'est-ce qu'ils connaissent à la misère ? Stan est pas très cultivé politiquement et il a pas le temps pour ça, il a un portail à réparer et un frère à sauver, mais les mecs en cravate qui parlent sans rien connaître, ça l'enrage. Et ils ont le culot de dire que c'est à cause de l'immigration qu'il y a du chômage en France ! Stan vote LO, NPA, il vote pour des gens du peuple sans jamais adhérer à un parti (mais il a quand même failli être sur une liste électorale locale !) et il emmerde les fachos, par principe, sans vraiment trop creuser derrière. Il entarte des politicards, il fait des manifs sauvages et il tabasse des fachos dès qu'il peut. Au Mystery Shack, à certaines heures, on peut entendre les Béruriers Noirs gueuler "LA JEUNESSE EMMERDE LE FRONT NATIONAL" et Stan corrige "la VIEILLESSE emmerde le front national".
En 2012, Ford revient, Stan et lui se disputent etc, y a l'apocalypse, ils se réconcilient. Ils discutent de tout, de rien, mais pas de politique, parce qu'il y a tellement plus important à ce moment là.
Et puis un soir, alors qu'ils regardent la télé, on annonce au 20h que Hollande va faire une intervention ce soir. Les deux frères sifflent entre leurs dents, sans se concerter :
"Sale traître"
Regards surpris l'un sur l'autre, puis sourires : évidemment. Évidemment.
Stan fume des roulées avec Ford devant le Mystery Shack. Il râle en disant que les hommes politiques ne comprennent pas le peuple, Ford l'accuse en souriant d'être populiste, Stan rétorque que Ford est un "sale coco de merde". Ils rigolent. La vie est belle.
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ben-the-hyena · 28 days
Hoshie is probably THE most tragical character out of the franchise and nobody ever speaks about her and only about the men. She too lost her son, was forced too early to have to move on from him because her husband's grief worked like that and he imposed it on everybody, yet she truly grew to love his replacement for being his own person and lost him too when it turned out it wasn't enough for her husband's mourning process after all and died without seeing him again after having seen him being a slave and being unable to do anything about it and getting disgusting by the man she loved. She died alone, believed to be crazy and delirious, and heartbroken, maybe literally if her heart attack was due to broken heart syndrome
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And I'm so fucking mad Atom the Beginning makes her an afterthought to just focus on original characters and the guy scientists, that was the opportunity to develop her and her romance with her husband further and make her outcome even more tragic, but noooo we can't have nice things
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dareall0ve · 2 months
Would you ever go back to an ex, just because she had pretty feet?👀
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cabeswaterdrowned · 3 days
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Crazy Ex Girlfriend Appreciation Week Day 7 Free Choice: (my other favorite CEG character) Maria [Valencia] Perez
“Ghosts are obsessed with me.”
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zephyrwrites2 · 1 month
Alright so, if you saw my last reblog you might have deduced that I've seen The Count of Monte Cristo with Pierre Niney today (or well yesterday actually for me lol)
It was fantastic! The music, the photography, the costume, the actors <3
But also I had a very funny moment with the friend I went with and I want to share my thoughts with you.
Am I the only one who thinks that The Count is very similar to Anakin?
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purupurple · 7 months
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the new update is good actually, except i cant pose reuniclus with ingo and emmet so im sad about it...
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macden · 1 year
this is what I’ve been saying about rob being too rich and famous now. the only person who should be spreading misinformation about who he’s fucked is me on tumblr dot com promoting glob trutherism
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the-woods-call-me · 1 year
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Drove up north to visit a big lake. Sadly, there were no walking paths, but the breeze was nice, and it reminded me quite a bit of my Auntie's place in Starnberg- which is always a plus. <3
Azone Picco ExCute "Moi Lumi" Raili
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piquingduck · 1 year
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lovesuplex · 1 year
can’t believe a kink party made me realize my hyper independence…
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jezatalks · 1 year
Va vraiment falloir que je bonk à fond mon ex parce que là il est quasi inarretable.
"Franchement, tu me lances le feu vert, je t'envoie mes meilleurs nudes quand tu veux."
Uskzlskdjzk au moins il respecte mon consentement mais ??? Mec ??? Je comprend que tu es emplis de luxure mais me dire ça a moi son ex, je trouve ça osé quoi
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ninemccartney · 2 years
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Smile 😊 👺
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ben-the-hyena · 11 months
I love it when a franchise tries to convince me to ship the main canon couple
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But I end up preferring at least one of them with someone else
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(I have others but sadly 10 pictures limit)
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thisthisthisandthis · 2 years
kazu let me. let me just. &:&:-&$.>\%|#* oh my god
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hagfishviperfish · 25 days
eieudururururuffggh… it’s definitely along the lines of limerence. u think its fine when ur sitting together, it’s actualized that this is someone you could never be together with, and really he’s not all that glittering attractive in terms of someone you would want to be in a relationship with anyway. but then there’s the twofold dream of living with him, then wandering around a city aimless with the thought resounding “i love you so much please text me back”
i think it’s a sign of needing to reconcile something in myself but i don’t know what. i am left with these feelings that i do not know how to deal with. i desire him so much but he is not present. he never will be. it’s just how he is. i don’t know why he’s worth it in terms of my brain/heart. as i said, there are so many things about him that are extremely unattractive in terms of a relationship. This is a consequence of coming back into his life, but really this was happening anyway, in the past two years. it was so nice to just sit with him and not want for more, except i feel bad drawing him to speak to me but that’s fine
i don’t trust him with anything in the world, i feel that i don’t really know who he is, if he’s even a real person — but also that it’s so simple and he’s much more simple than i think. except it’s just that i don’t know. i can only assume and assume and theorize because he’s never around. i don’t know why i wish to know him specifically. Maybe it’s an ego thing. Maybe it’s an issue.
I had a dream that i think was a sequel to an existing dream but i dont know. It was like. I was adopted by the queen and king of england, they looked over me and raised me for a bit. And eventually i had to go back home to my mother. This dream was the sequel where I come back to see them again and see how every influence I had on their castle and lives and everything was stripped away and muttered about as ill-fashion— “oh, that old thing.” whereas i looked up to them so much, i was devoted and dedicated so much to them. they taught me how to dance, i taught the king jokes, things like so.
upon seeing all the ways i meant nothing to them I proceeded to have a breakdown in the dream, taking it out on them, everyone around me, tearing things down, playing into the ill worth they regarded me with by giving them something to be actually disgusted by.
My ex was there— he was there because he heard it was me, on the news, in the rumors, and came to witness. he was talking to people about me, telling them who i was and who he was, *defending* me. Which was crazy. So fond. but when i really think about it I think he was there because ultimately being the child of the queen of england and then coming back to see i meant nothing felt like what it was like to be in a relationship with him.
Why i am drawn to people i mean nothing to. I dont know. why their validation in my worth means so much. i dont know. why i see my worth through others. i dont know. this is what i need to reconcile in myself but. i don’t know. How. I even feel like its fine most of the time, but then i look up to someone and it all comes back.
I just wish he cared about me enough to come by. But he doesnt and i need to find someone who does. Thats the path i’m trying to take. It’s just sorrowful. What also overtakes me sometimes is that when he’s not there, he claims to be thinking of me. Stalking my twitter. Watching what i’m doing wherever. Songs that make him think about me. Which kind of makes it worse. All of that and it’s still not enough to draw him near. He was right in saying I am someone that needs someone to be there for me and it was hardly a kindness that he let go of me when saying that, especially considering the circumstances, but at least he could admit he was not that person. it’s this wish i have that i need to reconcile. the fact that it exists at all. I wish it could go away, I’ve been trying to make it go away, forcing it to by looking at all the facts and realities, but yet its still here, I don’t know how to change, I need to be strong
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fandom-fae · 6 months
in retrospect, i should’ve ended the friendship the first time she lied to me and i caught her. but that was so small, it would’ve felt like an overreaction. the next thing was bitter and still didn’t end it. it took months until we actually did part ways. and yet here i am, still thinking about that first one. how she couldn’t even live up to that. i didn’t trust anything she said anymore afterwards, no matter what it was. i should’ve ended it. trust can’t regrow on ruined ground. it never did. i don’t miss her and i’m glad she’s not in my life anymore, but damn i can’t stop thinking about her. it should’ve ended differently. maybe in an explosive argument. idk. i wish i could’ve gone out with a bang instead of playing dumb like i did so often with her
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