#exalted paladin
wearepaladin · 2 years
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Celestial Sisters  and Vampire Paladin Marina by  StarlightHavoc
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erzfreu · 7 months
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exalted witch of the obsidian flame doodle! she's pretty, until u know what lurks beneath
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farsight-the-char · 1 year
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Secret Lair for the DND movie leaked and this is the only actually good card.
It Does Aura-Voltron Things.
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i cannot stress how bad it would be if they killed ludinus and zathuda got ahold of the reins.
because with everyone cracking jokes about ludinus just being an annoying whiner that wants to shove all the paladins and clerics in a locker for having more spells than wizards and sorcerers... zathuda IS that. he's a spoiled brat angry he wasn't handed everything he wanted on a platter. he sexually coerced a woman into making him a superweapon and got pissed when she wanted nothing to do with him and fled with their baby. he tried to murder fearne and told her that she would only be good enough for him if she exalted and became a soulless husk for a godeater. he only wants to kill the gods out of jealousy and spite.
at least ludinus has trauma from what the gods did to aeor. at least liliana is there to try and temper what he's doing. at the very FUCKING least he thinks shit through before he does it. zathuda has no scruples, burning classist hatred for liliana, and the impulse control of a dead squirrel. if ludinus isn't holding the fey murdering harness over his head so he doesn't just backstab him and slam every red button he gets his grubby little fey hands on, they're fucked six days from sunday.
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shorthaltsjester · 2 years
fjord my beloved paladin sailor who accidentally ended up wielding a vestige of divergence that looks like water. a blade forged by the love and conflict of the wildmother and the moonweaver. who fell in love with a blue trickster cleric and found family in one of melora’s death clerics. who was saved in a dream by the image of melora and who helped save jester from the rule of the moonweaver. fjord who was given the last name stone out of cruel apathy that somehow spun itself into an affirmation of the path he chose to live, maybe for the first time as just himself with no mask. who earned the blade’s exalting when he killed avantika and affirmed his choice to protect the seas for the wildmother instead of maybe one day control them with uk’otoa.
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cloaksandcapes · 28 days
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The first artifact we ever did an illustration for, Radiant Sister, the Edge of Change is a Vestige of Divergence for our Paladin, Rosalind.
It was just a normal +1 Longsword, but through her arduous journey, the many hardships she overcame and with her deepening connection to Avandra and the birth of her faith -- Radiant Sister was born after enough divine magic and power was channeled through it.
What will be the story of Radiant Sister in your campaign?
Radiant Sister, the Edge of Change
Weapon (longsword), artifact (requires attunement)
“This powerful weapon was once just a magical longsword in the hands of a warrior far away from home. Through countless hardships and trials, overcoming misery and strife, with love, compassion and faith she triumphed. As the warrior grew stronger, so did the bond with her blade.
This longsword has a fine hilt made from wrapped leather, and a gilded crossguard.The blade’s edge wears a crimson sheen. Just above the hilt, embedded into the middle of the blade are three orbs; two of them golden, harnessing a blessing of Luck and the third blood-red, signifying the binding ties of family.”
Dormant State
You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon, and it deals an additional 1d6 radiant damage.
A Change in Heart. As a bonus action, you can trick an enemy into seeing you as an ally and its friends as foes. One creature of your choosing that you can see within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC (or 15, whichever is higher). The effect lasts for 1 minute or until someone it sees as an ally deals damage to it. If it succeeds on the saving throw, it is marked by you and must roll at disadvantage if it attacks any other creature. Once you use this property you must complete a long rest to use it again.
Awakened State
The bonus to attack and damage rolls increases to +2, and the additional damage increases to 1d8.
You may change the additional damage type of this weapon to either radiant or necrotic whenever you finish a short or long rest.
Dark Reflection. As a bonus action the red orb on this artifact sends maddening whispers into the minds of enemies around you. For 1 minute, if you are adjacent to 2 or more enemies, they all suffer a -2 penalty to their attack rolls, so long as they stay adjacent to you. Once you use this property you must complete a long rest to use it again.
Exalted State
The bonus to attack and damage rolls increases to +3, and the additional damage increases to 2d6.
The Sisters Pact. After finishing a long rest you can designate one creature as your bonded target. If you and your bonded are adjacent to the same target, whenever one of you makes a melee attack against it, the other may use their reaction to make a melee weapon attack against it as well.
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brotherbandarchive · 6 months
Ingvar & Edvin fluff
Stig & Jesper "trust"
*throws pot lids jubilantly up into the air, a cacophony ensues*
Doing the second one, because I love the Goldilocks Brigade forcing mental health into Jesper (they're called the Golden Paladins when Jesper is being Jesper the Magnificent, Grand Herald and Sovereign Arbiter of the Exalted Beryl Coronet, etc, etc.)
Anyway, here goes!
"She isn't going to like it." Jesper's grip tightens on his jewelry hammer. "Almost finished, Stig, I promise. Just give me a half hour."
"That's what you said this morning. Have you been here all day?"
Judging by the circles under Jesper's eyes, Stig is pretty sure he knows the answer to that question.
He leans forward, peering at the silver spoon on Jesper's worktable. Hannah's name is picked out along the handle in miniscule dents that sparkle when the light hits them, and her favorite flower- a daisy- is embossed onto the back of the concave.
"It looks great," he says honestly. "It's just what I wanted. And she will like it."
Jesper swipes a wayward lock of hair off his forehead. "This is my first commission. And it's for her birthday. It's got to be perfect."
"Jes, you've been working on this for two weeks. You know my mam will love anything I give her, even if it is ugly. Which-" Stig adds hastily, seeing a flash of uncertainty cut through the frustration on Jesper's face- "she won't. Think it's ugly, I mean. It's beautiful."
"But it could be better. I can do a better job."
Stig sits down on the bench beside his friend. "Maybe you can. But you don't need to. Trust me, she'll love it as it is."
"Not good enough," Jesper says shortly.
"The customer is always right," Stig points out.
"Except when he's wrong. Stig, you're rocking the bench. Stop it."
Stig stops rocking. "Sorry."
"Tell me what she thinks of it. I think it's all right, but... oh, and tell her happy birthday from me."
"Will do. You know, I have a feeling you'll be getting a lot more commissions once my mam shows this to her friends."
"Hope so."
"Oh, you will. Trust me."
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medievaljournalist · 1 year
the exalted order of yaoi paladins has pledged 6000 soldiers to your cause, my liege
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palaeophis-fr · 5 days
🍊A dragon you like based on looks
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I hatched Respite during NOTN last year and this look was too good to pass up. Blend is such a perfect match for the Pastel eyes here, and the Cyan Augment really pops against the pastels.
Her whole vibe is perfect for one of my worldbuilding projects that I've been collecting FR dragons for. Respite here is a futuristic ruined outpost that, with its magical life-support systems intact, became a populated city in the post-apocalypse.
🍋A dragon you regret exalting
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I had to kill off one of my starter dragons in my Kingdomlocke, and while it's very good for Plot Purposes, I am still so sad. I had them for like two years before they got got and they were one of my favorites til the end. o7
I really should work on that story. Especially with a whole new Water modern running around lol
🍌Three headcanons about how magic works in your lore
1- Since the Tidelord disappeared, Water mages can't draw power or get their prophecies directly from him. Currently, they have to rely on their own magic reserves and outside sources (such as artifacts and magic in the environment) to cast spells. (I've got a Water paladin who called upon the Tidelord directly for almost all her power before he vanished; she's not having a good time now. She misses dad)
In regards to prophecies, some Water dragons have enough of a gift to just get them airdropped into their heads. For all the other mages who have normal abilities, they now rely on various spells and divination rituals. These include cards and dice, hieromancy, interpretation of omens, and whatever else works. There's probably some weirdo out there with a literal Magic 8 Ball.
2- Dragons are magic-fueled creatures, and most of them have magic reserves big enough to sustain themselves and throw some spells around. Dragons can increase their innate magic supply by training, or temporarily with artifacts or other external magic shenanigans.
Some dragons are born with, or end up with over their lifetime, a severely reduced magic supply. These dragons experience chronic fatigue, weakness, and general malaise, among other symptoms.
The condition can be helped with things such as adaptive magic apparel intended to bolster the user's internal reserves, and (to a limited extent) the methods magically abled dragons use to train, but dragons with this disability will always have some limitations their peers don't.
3- In most of Sornieth there's not much advanced tech, but some lairs have magical equivalents of computers! Most of these can be found in Lightning, but there's been plenty of exports and similar inventions in Arcane and Light.
Since magic is Weird, sometimes these computers (or their programs) end up with a mind of their own. These sapient AIs can be created on purpose, but occasionally just pop into existence. They can be an immense help or an immense hindrance, depending on what they feel like doing to the network they live in.
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danco110 · 4 months
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“I’m going to miss our reading sessions together, Vecna.”
“As will I, Khathra.”
Khathra, the angel holding the Book of Exalted Deeds, proceeded to read from the tome in a loud, resonant voice. The words took physical form, in the shape of golden streams of light, and soared through the air to collide with shards of pure darkness mid-flight. Across the way, a tall, imposing lich read from his own records - the Book of Vile Darkness. Though the collision of magicks was undoubtedly violent, the two casters conversed like old friends.
“Do you think our successors, or whoever finds our books, will continue what we’ve been doing?”
“Fighting for the fate of the universe? Without a doubt.”
“No, I mean, will they…?”
“Will they be friends? Or, not friends, per say, but-”
Vecna tapped a bony finger against his chin. “I do not know. There seem to be too many factors for me to determine; will the next pair of fools after us to inherit our books have the same personalities? How will the world have changed in the interim?”
Khathra gave the lich a solemn nod. “I suppose only time will tell.”
“I cannot, insect.”
A filthy, unkempt lich read aloud from the Book of Vile Darkness in a voice dripping with vitriol. The words took shape, and flew across the hall to narrowly miss a human paladin holding the Book of Exalted Deeds. The knight fired back, with a biting recitation from her own tone, which the lich narrowly dodged.
“You…What…sorcery is this?”
The two combatants paused their exchange, each feeling a slight shiver as they warily eyed each other. The light from their respective books glowed brighter during the pause, but was largely ignored by their bearers.
“Stop…Stop this witchcraft at once!”
“It isn’t me…And I do not stoop so low as to take orders. And not from a whelp like you!”
And in an instant, the spell was broken, and the two readers were shouting enchanted words at each other once more.
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[I don’t play dnd, so I’m sure I’m butchering the characterization here…oh well. Par for the course, really.]
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bladesmitten · 7 months
10 characters | 10 fandoms | 10 a negotiable number of tags
tagged by @mathlann yay thank you!!
there may be a recurring theme with some of the characters but let's not unpack all of that. also after the 5th placement, they're all tied in my heart okay?
franziska von karma - ace attorney. THEEEE favourite character of all time ever since the first word she says: "revenge." i could write 10 paragraphs of everything i love about her but i'll save you all from that. but perhaps the best thing about her is that she breaks the cycle without even knowing it, and proves herself a better person than her father without compromising her identity. <3
childe - genshin impact. also loved this guy upon his very first appearance. a character who got into a traumatic situation when he was young and gained eldritch powers because of it? and nevertheless remained an optimistic person? but also wants to gain strength and power at all costs? say less!
wyll ravengard - baldur's gate 3. ummm need i say more? fine, fine. he's so charming and handsome and dork supreme and king of whimsy, but most importantly, he's kind, despite everything he's been through. it takes an enormous amount of strength to remain hopeful and kind, and a lot of people (unfortunately) overlook that. also his character trope--paladin-coded warlock--is so so interesting and--[gets dragged off the stage]
shiv roy - succession. she's so sucks!!!! i love you selfish and arrogant babygirl who not only has daddy issues, but has mommy issues too. i love you shiv who would do anything for power and is the most like her father and gets trapped in the cycle anyways!!!
azula - avatar the last airbender. azula did nothing wrong.
severa - fire emblem: awakening. i love you insecure babygirl who overcompensates for everything by being abrasive. who feels like she's living in the shadow of her perfect mother. who ends up just like her mother in a darker timeline, protecting the exalt in an (un)requited love (lucisev truther btw)
jinx - arcane. i like her in the game but i love her in this series. i was really astounded with her character, what happened to her as powder and her parallels with her sister vi, and how she became the jinx we all know and love
mako mori - pacific rim. i love her dynamics with stacker and with raleigh ;___; also her sparring scene was soooo gooooood. the entire movie is just great, favourite of all time
claire - fleabag. i love claire's entire character and her juxtaposition with her sister fleabag, who's a mess. eldest daughter energy. learns to be selfish and pursue what she truly loves instead of maintaining her reputation at the expense of her well-being. also i just really love ambitious over-achieving characters
eve polastri - killing eve. i'm ignoring season 4 but god, i love the way her character changes throughout the series. she's so enthralled with villanelle and she hides it under the guise of pursuing an assassin but really she's so fascinated by her and it leads to her ruin as she keeps pursuing her with no regard for anything or anyone else in her life.
tagging, if you like - @bladeofavernus @droodle-bug @landlordevil @katagawajr @courierseis @targaryeirene and whoever else wants to do this :3c
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wearepaladin · 2 years
I just finished a long drawing of my fav dnd character the Brave, Young Paladin King: Edward Greil! He’s a follower of Torm and briefly became an avatar for him once!( depicted in the second image) I hope you like him :)
(The sword light thingies are bought wholesale from Excalibur in Sonic and the black knight but like they’re so cool and no one talks about that game so I had to use em)
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nottherealskittles · 4 months
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I drew my main 4 tavs/durge! Here’s their blurbs from left to right:
Type: Tav
Pronouns: she/her
Race: Mephistopheles tiefling
Romance: Minthara
Class: Wizard (necromancer)/ paladin (oath breaker)
A former paladin of Kelemvor turned necromancer, she’s caught between feeling like she can’t become better because she’s fallen too far and losing what little she has of her morals furthering her skills in necromancy. Currently, she’s on her way to the goblin camp so let’s see how that goes. She hasn’t met minthara yet and no one seems to be overtly interested in her at camp so she’s alone with her bones.
Type: Tav
Pronouns: she/her
Races: Moon elf/drow
Romance: Shadowheart
Class: Cleric of Selûne (life domain)
A child born of an unusual pair, Sehanine struggles with the expectations of each part of her identity. She wants more than anything to be seen and exalted by her goddess, to know that she is enough. Currently she’s in the goblin camp trying very hard not to just romantically gaze at shadowheart instead of fighting — bb girl was really just smiling like an idiot when shadowheart was talking about Shar’s doctrine, she’s such an useless lesbian.
Type: Durge
Pronouns: He/Him
Races: Aasimar/High Elf
Romance: Astarion
Class: Cleric of Lathander/Paladin of Lathander
Born to an aasimar of Lathander and what was thought to be a high elf, Soltaros was tainted with the dark urge as a child and stolen from his aasimar father to be a pawn in Bhaal’s game to gain more power. He remembers nothing of his past but feels the pull to his god and hopes to be born anew under Lathander’s forgiving light. He is my first durge and I’m actually so into this whole narrative I’ve crafted for him I might have to write it out. Currently he’s in the gauntlet of shar being very upset at the lack of light but at least Astarion can get more critical hits. He’s trying very hard to resist his urge and so far so good! I’m rooting for him 🥹
Type: Tav
Pronouns: He/Him
Race: Drow
Romance: Wyll
Class: Swords Bard Cleric of Eilistraee (based on a build video by HoboZone on YouTube!)
Faithful to eilistraee, the good goddess of the drow, Arvandor was trained to be a swordsmith, providing arms for his community. He was born to a drow father who escaped lolth and found sanctuary in a seldarine drow settlement and wed a high cleric of eilistraee. He strives to do good and help those in need. The voice I chose for him is surprisingly shy in certain moments and I think that’s so cute?!?!?! He’s just keeping to himself and doing his thing 🥹. He’s currently in sorceries sundries trying to quietly shop for a gift for wyll whom he is absolutely head over heels for.
They are all so special to me and I hope you love them as much as I do. My blorbos 😭😭😭
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spiritfairer-clan · 3 months
🍋🍒🥕 for fr asks
Oh this'll be fun!
so a dragon i regret Exalting
my account is so fucking old i could fill this out for eternity so ill just do one of the more recent ones that i still regret. Sci, my transfem scene baby girl...i loved her so much i really only got rid of her bc I thought others would find her ugly. but i adore her and I want to get another egg of the same kind so I can have her back in a way :'I gonna be breeding for a long time
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A fodder rescue
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ISBADOOOOOOOO MY FISHY BABY GIRL!!! SHE MAKES SO MANY GOOD FISHIES!!! Shes beautiful and I love her. 3year old baby and I bought her dirt cheap out of fear of seeing her exalted as she was about to run out on the AH, and I have a need to rescue old dragons. I love them too much Dragon
and my- YESSSS my COLI STRATS (basically me gushing abt tweaked versions of peoples builds hghghghgh)
so here are my many children, a link will be provided for you to see their builds.
Golem Workshop Gauntlet and Glave Build
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Ghostlight Ruin Glass Cannon and Paladin
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Crystal Pools
Monk build (i think it's monk i tweaked a lot of these for the updates)
My absolute favorite of all time and the one I use the most! PANDORA MY BELOVED
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masterqwertster · 1 year
Bells Hells C1 Class Swap AU
Basically just giving the Hells the same class as their player's Campaign 1 characters and getting a bit different approaches to the plot beats.
Orym: Oath of the Watcher Paladin/Inquisitive Rogue
Started as pure paladin. Devotion to either elemental spirits or the Wildmother because Ashari
Fighting Style is Blind Fighting because ridiculous Perception or Protection because he's always got his shield and is a guard
Oath based on Ashari directive to hold the elemental rifts
Inquisitive rogue levels are form searching for clues about the attack on Zephrah in the hunt for Will and Derrig's murder(s)
Fearne: Light Domain Cleric
This subclass has got all the fire spells, and Fearne loves to burn
Her god is probably the Moonweaver, since she has a presence in the Fey Realm and the moon does reflect light from the sun. Also, the Moonweaver is one of the trickster-type deities, so that also fits Fearne's mischievous nature
Of course, devotion to the moon goddess does add some interesting layers/twists to the whole Ruidus/Ruisduborn deal
Laudna: Circle of Spores Druid
It's the undead druid, of course Laudna gets this subclass
She probably picked up the druid class from the whole Witch of the Woods thing, and was thought weird/creepy for liking mushrooms and other dead-ish things found among the detritus of the forests surrounding Whitestone as a child
Delilah is still around, but definitely more as a haunting spirit and unwanted advisor, since there's no warlock multi-class
Imogen: Fey Wanderer Ranger (reflavor)
This subclass is closest to Imogen's mindreader/Aberrant Mind skillset, so reflavor for her Exaltant Ruidusborn status in that her mystique is from that instead of the fey
Her Preternatural Blessing would be the lightning scars/marks
The ranger class is a result of escaping from everyone in Gelvaan by going out into nature
One of her favored enemies is undead because she wants Delilah to leave Laudna alone
Favored terrain is either grassland or mountain because that's where she lived
Fighting Style is Druidic Warrior, probably learned the spells from Laudna, and keeps with Witchy Bitches
Chetney: Path of the Beast Barbarian (reflavor)
Werewolf is really a blood hunter thing, but Path of the Beast includes a level of shapeshifting (and can have origin from a lycanthrope parent), so reflavor as Chet's lycanthropy is controlled through barbarian practices of this Path
Uses a giant wood ax as main weapon rather than wood carving tools
Fresh Cut Grass: College of Creation Bard and/or Alchemist Artificer
Sam had two characters for C1: Scanlan and Tary, so I'm making this open for either or both of their classes
None of the bard subclasses are very healing oriented. But Creation has some good support features
Instrument could be himself as like a percussion instrument drumming on himself. Possibly with mechanical beeps and whistles
When they finally learn Animating Performance, it's a weird day because of how Bells Hells came together, and because FCG always tries to get a response from the animated items, like he did with with other automatons in early campaign
Alchemist artificers are the most healing oriented, so that's the reason for that subclass
It's also a fun kind of irony that an aeormaton is also a creator of magical items/constructs
Ahston: Echo Knight Fighter (modified)
Uses dual swords. Milo made jagged glass blades, sort of like obsidian blades in shape, instead of the hammer
Has either Two-weapon Fighting or Unarmed Fighting for their Fighting Style. Depends on if you want to lean into the brawler bit or not
After galaxy brain set in, they ended up manifesting echoes. But his echoes are a little weird, because their weapon is random and they have more of a galaxy coloration than a shadow
Flavors are same dual swords, canon!Ashton’s hammer, dual pistols, and a long spear/halberd. Higher levels could lead to more random weapon options
Some Events/Points of Interest
Orym picks out that Ashton's echoes die the same way the assassins did in the attack 6 years ago. Finds that to be a bit of a dead end, though, since Ashton has no clue why or how they have such a skill. He does insist on practicing fighting their echoes, though, just to get a better feel for such enemies
Dorian and FCG would bond more if FCG is a bard. Like Dorian teaches FCG a bit about playing a lute, but not a flute because FCG doesn't breathe
Fearne could pick up clues about Ruidus by communing with the Moonweaver. Or got hints before meeting everyone, but never put them together until Bells Hells started uncovering shit
Laudna could puppet Paté with those zombie mushrooms (in a bit of hand-wavy-ness since there's no actual brain in Paté) or Find Familiar him to life for a few hours at a time as a fey entity with the optional Wild Companion feature of the druid class
Chetney might be into chainsaw woodcarving, except with a huge battle ax instead of a chainsaw. If he is, he definitely tries to get FCG into this kind of carving with their buzzsaw
Ashton only personally learned how to fight with swords. Knowledge of how to use all the other weapons his echoes use just came with them. Say "thank you, galaxy brain"
Imogen can use her Telekinetic Feat to make an arrow turn. I honestly wanna say go full Yondu from Guardians of the Galaxy, but that might be a bit much, if very cool
Orym's increased Charisma because that's the paladin spell casting stat means that he's better at arguing "fuck Ludinus and the Ruby Vanguard, they will build their 'better' world on a mountain of corpses"
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dailycharacteroption · 8 months
Class Feature Friday: Tyrant Cause (Pathfinder Second Edition Champion Cause)
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(art by johnsonting on DeviantArt)
One of the great things we’ve seen with 2nd edition is the reorganizing of the old paladin class into the champion, a warrior whose beliefs define them and are granted divine power to see them enacted into the world.
We’ve seen the three goodly options so far, but today we’re looking at the first of the three evil options! (No word on when if ever we’ll get neutral options, though it doesn’t look likely since they’re doing away with alignment in the upcoming Remaster, but never say never.)
In any case, the tyrant, epitomes of “might is right”, powerful divine warriors that believe that the world is ruled by the strong, and the weak must step in line with the will of their betters or be punished severely.
As you might expect from a lawful evil version of the champion class, tyrants are devoted to the ideals of power and hierarchies. The idea of authority being derived from the consent of the people is absurd to them. Authority is seized by those with the strength to do so, for the betterment of all, and by “all”, they mean themselves as their betterment is the reward of rule, and those beneath them should be grateful for what scraps they are given. After all, it’s their own fault for not proving their worth and rising through the ranks (but not so fast or high as to threaten the tyrant’s power, of course).
Of course, not all of these champions can truly be absolute rulers, and many serve powerful masters while seeking ways to grow their own authority, and possibly supplanting their masters.
The tyrant first appeared in 1st edition as an archetype for the antipaladin, as a way for fans of the evil class to be lawful evil servants of cruel order rather than divinely empowered vagabonds and vicious destroyers. Make no mistake though, neither that 1st edition version nor the modern champion tyrant are known for showing mercy unless is suits their plans to do so.
Indeed, as we will see, these warriors rule with an iron fist, and one way or another, they seek to bow all to their will.
Like all champions, tyrants have a divinely blessed reflex in combat. However, evil champions typically have one geared towards those that dare to strike them instead of bringing harm to others nearby, and this is true of tyrants. In their case, these profane warriors demand that the offending attacker prostrate themselves before the tyrant for daring to attack them, lest they be punished. The foe can refuse, but their dark power punishes them with pain and suffering for daring to disobey their better.
Their smite improves this punishing harm with continuous agony afterwards as well.
The exalted form also causes nearby foes to also be compelled to drop as well, but the punishment for refusing is not as severe as the primary target.
Naturally, there is a single feat tied to this cause: Iron Repercussions, which causes the damage of their punishment to become persistent.
Other feats that may be useful to them include Conceited Mindset, Lightslayer Oath, Aura of Despair, Cruelty, Sacral Lord, Corrupted Shield, Smite Good, Greater Cruelty, Sense Good, Litany of Self-Interest, Pale Horse, Divine Reflexes, Litany of Depravity, Sacral Monarch, Fiendish Form, Fiendish Mount, and Sacred Defender. Of course, your build may differ depending on exactly what you’re going for.
This is a fun cause to take if you’re wanting to play an evil character, especially with a reaction which lets you force foes to either take a not-insignificant amount of damage or put themselves in a compromised state, which is fun. However, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that as of the time of writing, there is only one feat tied directly to this cause, and it specifically and immediately makes one of the abilities you gain by level up obsolete as incredibly low level. What’s more, since their reaction does not buff the damage that their own strikes do, it leaves them unable to make use of several feats associated with the tenets of evil. With that in mind, I would focus on a build that seeks to hamper and strike down foes, applying constant pressure.
We’ve discussed this repeatedly on the blog, but an important thing to remember with evil characters is that they can absolutely work together with goodly characters as long as it suits their interest to do so. Tyrants in particular, with their interest in leading and control, will likely plan around having to work with their goodly “allies” until the time comes when they become to strong or well-connected to stop.
Resembling kites rather than ravens, the tengu of Alkaar Pass are said to be descendants of asuras, and like their ancestors, peddle false enlightenment that leads to power, but not wisdom. Fiercest among them is their leader, the faultspawn Sugoda, who rules with an iron talon.
Not every tyrant champion is a product of advanced civilization. Indeed, in the Eternal Lands, the leader of the Skullshatter tribe is every bit the avatar of tyranny and fiendish power as any other profane warrior, and his Warhammer shatters bones just as easily as the cranium of his pachycephalosaur mount.
Though he understands none of it, Svak the Breaker finds himself in control of a massive fortress full of ancient technology and magic from a forgotten era. However, he has done so at the behest of his master, whom he despises. Rebelling now would go against his beliefs, but soon, he plans to turn on his master and assume direct command of all of their forces, but first he needs someone who understands the wonders that surround him.
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