#except he's not verbally abusive to lunar
i just noticed (thought that has been plaguing me for two weeks) that I accidentally made witch eclipse too emotional and now I have to rewrite (reverse thought process cuz the only thing written was a timeline) his personality to make him a little less uh that
#random#witch eclipse#i think with all the silly stuff i've been drawing with him i kinda just forgot that he's supposed to be cold and cruel and volatile#cuz the way he's coded at the moment means that he's not going to get the pendant by any means necessary so uh#that's gotta be changed somehow#i do like the way i've characterized him tho#in the witch au he's not really as...explosive? as the og eclipse?#like yea he's like that but also he's kinda just? there?#i dunno how to explain it#he was angry and lashing out and everything in the beginning#but after realizing that no one was around to comfort him for his outbreaks#he kinda just. stopped experiencing emotions#he repressed a lot of stuff#that's kinda where his current personality stems from#where he always has to be doing something to prevent his brain from thinking about things he doesn't want to think about#i dunno how I'm going to incorporate lunar into this tho#because his relationship with lunar is similar to how it is in cannon#except he's not verbally abusive to lunar#he's not really physically abusive either#well at least not directly#he doesn't really view lunar as a person#he sort of just sees him as an extension of the pendant and a way to figure out its secrets and whatnot#kc-as caring as he was with eclipse-sort of established the fact that eclipse was just a project to him#this feeling increased greatly after the Argument#but that's where eclipse's behavior towards lunar stems from#anyways#rambles#in the tags specifically#wonder how much of this is gonna save#witch au
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ikamigami · 3 months
I've given this some thought, the various points about trying to figure out Moon's behavior
One point is that potentially Moon's madness was caused by all the pressure to be better than Old Moon, with Solar being the exception in having no expectations, and then he died I can sort of get this but there's some problems with it, mainly that for one, being better than Old Moon isn't hard, its just not being an abusive jerk, and for a while he did it well and didn't have a problem with it, he seemed to enjoy being doting with his family and them returning the love by goofing off and having fun, being nice like that seemed like something he got a lot of satisfaction out of doing and it didn't seem like an act or a burden
Solar was an acceptation in that he had no expectations and Solar was very close with Moon, but Solar was also close with Lunar, who became friends with Solar first, and Solar encouraged Earth to advocate more for herself, Solar was special to most of the family, not just Moon, also notice how the one most frequently making the New-Old comparison after Sun got over that issue was Moon pinning it on himself
And maybe Monty a little since they were still missing their best friend and didn't bother as much making friends with New Moon, the negative comparisons between Old and New Moon started happening after Moon had spiraled far enough to where he was willing to verbally hurt them
Another could be the above pressure combined with the expectation to bring back Solar, or other expectations Earth and Lunar said it best in the most recent episode, because back then yes, everyone wanted Solar back, but as Earth said that might've been grief talking, as she and the others slowly came to terms with the idea that Solar wouldn't be coming back and the pressure was eased off, Moon was told he didn't have to
The only one really putting the heat on Moon was arguably Puppet, who showed up demanding him to fix it like "So what's YOUR plan? What are YOU going to do to fix this?", one could also argue Moon was putting the pressure on himself because he was struggling so much with grief, which is understandable, and again I'd like to point out at any point he could've opened up about that
Sun kept him from shattering bottles and took care of him when he broke down without question, and I bet he and Earth(not Lunar since he's too short) would've taken care of him when he cries a thousand times over to comfort him, and besides that, the expectation that he alone must fix everything was a complex he developed, where he was the one making comparisons to Old Moon, calling himself a failure, and his family told him he wasn't one
If he had asked them for help with figuring out how to bring back Solar imagine how much quicker Solar might've come back, or at least he wouldn't have driven himself mad trying to find a solution since they would've come to one faster
Another is Moon feeling like he can't open up to anyone about his problems or express his real emotions Again, there's more there, Earth created a space where Moon could talk about his deepest insecurities, about not matching up to Old Moon, and she told him he doesn't have to, he can just be himself, heck, when Moon confronted Sun on the problem where early on Sun couldn't distinguish New and Old Moon because of grief, he was listened to, Sun didn't try to gaslight or deny it like Old Moon would've and apologized, and after the falling out Earth helped the two come to a healthy understanding and that issue was resolved, Sun stopped comparing him to Old Moon and started connecting more with New Moon
Moon is capable of confronting his family on what is hurting him and they would've taken it and listened, Earth kept saying they would've helped him if he told them he was struggling at any point, he even told Monty to not tell anyone about his hallucinations even though if Earth, Lunar, and especially Sun were made aware of that they would've immediately dropped everything to help him, I could easily see how this arc could've gone better if Moon told them about this issue with expectations or even shouted at them for it, because his family actually does care enough that they would listen, and as I previously mentioned above he fully broke down in front of Sun and was immediately taken care of, Earth no doubt would've done that too if she was there, and Lunar would probably try his best
His family abandoned him after he made some mistakes His family didn't abandoned him even now, they've moreso been swept along this wild ride and have no idea what to do, right up until Eclipse tipped her off with the recording and then she confronted him and he dropped the pleasant face Earth had no doubts in her brother, she might've been worried but she had faith in him, they were so close, she let him be vulnerable and when everyone was struggling in the early days Earth regularly defended and advocated for Moon's position when it came to speaking with Sun
Imagine having that, and then you hear him say some worrying things and you go to ask him, not even accuse him necessarily, but ask, and he drops all of that love and kindness and becomes vicious and snarling and takes your darkest secret that you shared with him and uses it to hurt you, it would certainly stun me, it would stun most people, even if she was warned I doubt Sun or Earth would've expected him to go straight for the throat like that after how close they were, and she was going to forgive him for it, she made it clear that before he made the choice to kill her Moon had a chance to mend things, his family had not abandoned or disowned him, even after he burned her
When Monty suggested they cut ties with Moon neither Earth or Lunar actually agreed, Earth was hesitant, Lunar didn't acknowledge that as an option, and Sun would never, I will admit Lunar not talking to him and blowing it off is annoying, though what would he actually say to Moon? If Moon was already ready to throw "you're not a real therapist" at Earth and "you're Eclipse is showing" to Sun, he might've said something to Lunar to trigger his powers which Lunar can't risk right now with Tauros barreling towards the planet, and its going to be FUN to see how they handle Moon recklessly blasting people when the astrals pull up
Sun never even considered abandoning, killing, or changing Moon, considering all the trauma he's been through and how this just feels like a severe relapse into what it was before, how could anyone expect him to react rationally? Locking Moon in a cage was not smart or in-character I will admit that was very strange, but at the same time he knew Old Moon like the back of his hand, and with New Moon now exhibiting the same reckless drive towards a goal what can he do? Moon literally told him and Earth "You can't stop me" in a sort of "you are not smart enough or strong enough to stop me" kind of way, what is he to do? He told Puppet he refuses to make a choice on Moon's fate, his family did not abandoned him, they were completely shell-shocked by his sudden heel-turn and didn't know how to react, also I would like to point out Moon ending up in space was not something they agreed on, they don't know where he is and Monty may be the only one who can fly a ship and they're busted up
Another other than that is saying Bloodmoon and Ruin deserved it I have no issue with this point because yeah they did, Bloodmoon is a rabid serial killer who murdered hundreds of humans and kept barrels of human chum in a basement, and Ruin…over 5000 dimensions culled and likely many more, the body count from that is unquantifiable, it is not the fact that Moon would've killed them that is the problem as those two needed to be dealt with, the problem was how, mainly that his plan could have horrific consequences
And him lashing out at his family and saying "now I get to do what I WANT", like, I am sorry, but since when has Moon NOT done what he's always wanted? Old Moon was always doing what he wanted regardless of the consequences and no matter what anyone said edge-wise, New Moon was a lot better until now in that he consulted his family, didn't act rashly, tried to look for the best option, and besides that he still often did what he pleased and nobody stopped him, and part of that was because unlike Old Moon, most of the stuff he was doing was harmless, and he was more careful when getting his hands dirty, but this plan he has now, he's been told by many people it is going to go wrong for many reasons other than just "don't kill them"
He was given Eclipse's alternative to revive Solar that has no consequences attached, if he was thinking straight(and considering he pushed Eclipse into therapy and even apologized for abandoning him) he probably would've taken this option as its faster and had no consequences, but he became obsessed with the idea of killing Bloodmoon and/or Ruin to the point that it wasn't about Solar anymore, it was just about causing hurt
Another is the talk with Old Moon messing with him mentally This I fully agree with, because most of what Old Moon said to him was absolutely screwed up, as one would come to expect from Old Moon, Old Moon telling him to die for his family, being jealous of New Moon despite the fact that Old Moon chose to make this sacrifice and he during his own life at any point could've chosen to be less of a jerk and had what New Moon has, and bringing up New Moon's insecurities about not being as smart or clever, my problem with that is that again, New Moon could've brought this to the table with his family, and considering whenever he previously compared himself to Old Moon they were there to tell him he was doing okay as himself, there is no doubt if he told them what Old Moon said they would've validated him as just being himself, it is also a pretty tall order for any one person to try to fix any of the problems in this show because every villain is a radioactive cockroach
This isn't to say that there isn't some room for sympathy here, having such strong self-imposed expectations of perfectionism can damage a person, and the severe grief over the loss of a loved one he had to watch die in his arms is very hard, it is not that that is the upsetting part, him experiencing hallucinations is also not the problem, the problems were the choices he made, him and him alone, when there was no need to make them
Especially the big episode recently, as all he needed to do was give Earth five minutes, either break her out himself or order Ruin to do it, and let her walk out of the blast radius and he could've taken the two(or just Bloodmoon) out, it still wouldn't have been great, but him so casually trying to kill Earth and not pausing once after severely burning her is crossing a line, a line that notably has NOT caused his family to abandon him despite that, but one where things might not be the same, and it didn't have to be that way, he chose all of this
Overall for me personally this arc feels weird, there's so much nonsensical angst derived from OOC interactions, especially from Moon, and lots of miscommunication and characters just not opening their mouths and speaking plainly, but I wanted to address these issues because it is so painfully clear how one choice would've prevented things from becoming worse, one can only hope Moon makes a right one
You have many good points here, dear anon 👏
Thank you. It's a good look on things from Moon's perspective because I mainly focus on Sun's perspective (hence why I don't see that Sun ever pressured Moon to be better than Old Moon and I also don't see him comparing Moon to Old Moon - in the sense that of expectations, it was more so due to grief and a bit of shock to see that this Moon is so different than Old Moon and well Sun was very traumatised by Old Moon's abuse so it's not surprising that he had harder time to actually believe and feel safe around this New Moon (we can't say that Sun was at fault when no one ever helped him to deal with that trauma) and I think that it was bad that no one allowed Sun to grief properly and no one wanted to listen him talking about his past cause this is what caused Sun to be closed off and not talking about his issues that much despite what trauma from Old Moon's abuse caused already).
I still think that Moon pressured himself so much and he later became so obsessed with bringing Solar back mainly comes from him being selfish.. maybe people don't see that but I sadly dealt with too many selfish people in my life and they all act as they're always right and everyone is immediately against them when in fact they just simply try to point something out and they make a fuss over the smallest of things just like Moon with "others told me not to do (bringing Solar back)" so he had to had a tantrum like typical egoist 🙄
And him being selfish is what caused him to make these awful decisions (becoming a villain and doing whatever he wants as if his family ever forced him to do anything).. though I agree that with how little to none he struggled with decision to kill Earth it seems very out of character for him to do so.. hence why Sun couldn't believe this and thought about virus.. same as me..
But who knows what is showrunners plan actually.. it's really hard to say..
Though thank you for sharing with me and us your thorough analysis of Moon's situation, I really appreciate it and you really did a good job with that 👏
Have a nice day or night, dear anon 💗
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joltyflare · 6 months
(Sun and Moon Show Rant #3: Poor Eclipse (AND WTF SUN AND MOON?!))
Wow, since my last rant, it has been proven that Ruin is indeed up to no good but his reasoning I had was partially proven to be correct and I never got to even post that theory here so I'm sobbing... (Not as hard as Solar's death made me sob LMAO). Also, Moon apologized to him and I loved that!
Last time I was going on about how I didn't like Moon's treatment of Ruin during the arc where they were looking for who made Eclipse (before he was proven guilty, I mean). Well his treatment of ECLIPSE is even worse! I should've also been going "POOR ECLIPSE!"
But, like, seriously man...poor Eclipse. Like actually. I get that he did some bad things about two lives ago and that he's very prickly and snarky but, like, Sun and Moon's family (except for Earth and Solar) have proven to not be the better people during this arc!
When given the opportunity to prove that they are above Eclipse, they've immediately taken the plunge to show they are lower than what you'd come to expect of them. Sun, who was starting to actually have an arc where he realized how screwed up it was to kill others and how he wanted to redeem others, told Eclipse to kill himself! Since waking up Eclipse has only, what, kidnapped Ruin and forced Solar and Moon to do a puzzle? Oh, and he has said a few salty things, though those aren't worth mentioning since none of what he has said to anyone has been as bad as telling someone to off themselves. They also mentioned hoping he'd killed himself when he had been caught in Ruin's little trap.
He's constantly being told that nobody loves him and the world would be better off with him dead. The people telling him this are supposed to be the people we're rooting for...but every time they interact with Eclipse I find myself wishing he'd stand up for himself and not take the verbal as well as physical abuse (on Moon and Lunar's behalf with the shocking and killing things) that he has been given.
Everyone has proven that they are no morally superior than he is. He hates them because of a grudge he has and they hate them because of a grudge they have. He has acted on his grudge in the past and they didn't like it much and constantly pointed out how evil it was but now they are doing the exact same thing! It feels like they are now the villains and he is the hero. Heck, he even pointed them in the right direction that could've saved Solar and Moon treated him like dogshit for believing it was him in the first place!
Moon felt guilt when he found out that all this happened due to Old Moon abandoning Eclipse in his eyes and he was even going to apologize to Eclipse but he told him to kill himself in today's episode so he must not feel that bad about it.
On the bright side of things: Only Earth treats Eclipse with kindness. feel like this will be important to Eclipse's redemption arc. She is kind to him and feels sorry for the things he's been subjected to and the fact he is all alone. She doesn't hate him or wish him harm and I think he's warming up to her slowly, realizing she truly is different from the others (even in his own words!). I really, truly hope she is going to become an important part of his redemption arc.
I would like there to be a scene where Earth catches wind of the things people say to Eclipse and just loses it. I mean she is very emotionally vulnerable at the moment and she seems to be on the verge of snapping and shouting at someone. She was distraught when she saw Lunar kill Eclipse and admitted that she felt a sense of closure when he came back to life and she got to see him in person again. I feel like she'd not be pleased to hear that people have been telling this guy to kill himself when he has simply been nothing more than a harmless, spicy dude hanging around this arc. This, coupled with the fact she actually lost someone, makes me feel like she wouldn't have it if she heard someone tell Eclipse these things or even hear someone say "nobody loves you" as an insult when he's just there!
He has died a few times now. His last death was one of the most painful ways someone in this series has gone...and he came back to life immediately with the memory. His death before that was actually him trying to warn Sun and Moon of the dangers of Lunar and the Astral Bodies and he had been tricked. It had been the one time he'd tried helping someone and he paid the ultimate price because he couldn't get them to trust him due to his snarky personality still being prevalent.
He has suffered so much this arc and even Lunar's trauma can't compare anymore. He killed and hit Lunar, right? Well, Lunar electrocuted him to death and admitted he fantasized about killing him. He made others dislike Sun and Moon and somewhat contributed to the death of Old Moon, right? Well, he has died twice since then and now everyone hates him and tells him the world would be better off without him. He was also used as a pawn to distract them because their hatred of him was so strong that Ruin knew he could use their hatred as a distraction.
His simple existence now causes people to verbally abuse him in heinous ways. He can't just stand somewhere without someone being absolutely awful. Yet he never loses his temper or uses the magic he was given against them. He just says some snarky things and brushes off their words. What he did in the past was bad but he didn't exactly intend on returning and he's just stuck here. People can deal with it as they will but them saying to kill himself doesn't make them better than him, that's for sure.
Thankfully, Earth treats him like a person. She's the only one who does. I really, really hope that this is important for his arc. I hope they have more interactions and I hope he can actually become closer to her. It's wishful thinking on my behalf to think that she will witness him being verbally abused and step in but you never know. She knows he feels abandoned as well.
I also theorize he's bringing back Solar. I might save that for another post. If he does, I hope it makes everyone realize that he has changed and that they were out of line with the things he said. I really hope they do realize that they have mistreated him as bad (if not worse) than he has mistreated them, especially Moon in particular, who knows he feels abandoned by his former self.
This leads me to something that I'll save for another rant but Moon keeps feeling guilty for things and then repeats them without thinking about it after. Like, he says he feels bad for how his past self abandoned Eclipse or he feels bad for how he keeps being a dick to others but he keeps mistreating them. So uhh yeah.
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heybabybird · 7 months
i absolutely can not post this anywhere else because my brother follows me on twt and ig but the ao3 writer curse finally descended on me but i just needed to tell somebody before i start going crazy lmao
if you are reading this there's 5 points you should be aware off:
the men in this family and extended family doesn't do shit
mother is single handedly raising 2.5 household
i can't move out i have been assigned the pseudo-caretaker role
i'm sick, i haven't been getting help, i don't have time
i'm fine
honestly i don't even know where to start except my home life is a MESS but anyway my uncle's(who i never really know but is my mom's few remaining relatives) on his death bed and even though it's lunar new year the whole week have just been funeral planning. it's depressing. also we just pre-bought an urn i didn't know they're /that/ expensive what the heck
i alsooo maybe perhaps have the only daughter in an asian household forced to be the pseudo-caretaker curse! yay! anyway i am guilted to not being able to move out or go very far because i'm always needed on 'stand by' in case anything happens. i work a business(two actually; family's food business, my own business and some times odd jobs here and there. i'm tired) and my salary?
"oh don't spend it, the family's in a Situation, you better have money on hand just in case(we need to pay for anything)! :("
my uncle have no one(mom and her siblings are adopted, majority passed away during covid) so we are the ones paying his hospital and funeral bills. mom is frantic and visiting him daily while waking up at 4-5am to start the business(we have NO employees, just me and mom. she doesn't want to hire anyone)
my mom's tired. i'm tired. for very different reason.
also last year? found out i have a rare blood disease! :) i'm sick too, very! but i can not afford the time to get checked up! i've been missing my appointments since year June :( i also haven't taken my antidepressants since April :(
that aside, i 100% understand why my mom is Like That, but it's very mentally exhausting for me, a grown adult teenager, to be obligated to throw away my entire life just because I have to take care of family that i barely know. i barely have any hobbies or life goals anymore! i wanted to move out so bad! but my mom would overwork herself if i'm away.
my thoughts are all over the place i'm aware i sound like an asshole but please please keep in mind while my heart aches with loosing family i'm also going crazy and i barely know this uncle(he just... pops up suddenly, but i UNDERSTAND, he's important to my mom)
also my dad's verbally abusive and controlling and downright exploding with anger issues @ mom sigh he throws tantrums a lot
i'm doing my best but i'm so tired. i missed hanging out with my mom. i haven't since i was 15. since dad stopped working and she throw away her life to raise us. now i'm earning and i can't even spend it on her and it makes me so depressed. she barely have any personal belongings because she doesn't spend on herself! and it's lunar new year(still is). but we haven't celebrated in so so long. every year i do the cooking and it's the one time of the year everyone's home and i put my entire heart into making a meal but... you know, it doesn't matter i am going to lie down for a bit thank you for reading if you got this far sdfsgdfg
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bittyfromquotev · 2 months
Hi, I'm the same person who ranted about the D*hmer thing. Decided to send another "confession", and it's about why I stopped watching the TSBS shows entirely:
I stopped because I got tired of Davis making Eclipse a "Torture Porn" character for the fans that disliked him and killing him for the THIRD... F*CKING... TIME!
And it doesn't help that during that time, they had Eclipse V3 being isolated in what I think WOULD be a claustrophobic space for an animatronic, verbally abused by literally EVERYONE (except for Earth, bless her soul) around him, despite the fact that it was VERY CLEAR that he wasn't V1 or V2.
And then they just had Lunar kill Eclipse, not only RUINING him for me, but also traumatized Earth, who I think should have just stayed away from Lunar longer than I heard about.
This was also triggering for me because I've suffered from verbal abuse from my "parental figures" (AKA my biological father and his girlfriend) for TEN YEARS.
I just couldn't stand how Davis was treating his OWN ORIGINAL CHARACTERS, and it didn't help that in the episode where Eclipse was honestly trying to tell New Moon that "Ruin" was the "real threat", Davis just had Reed, as New Moon, just shout a bunch of death threats, which again triggered a flashback to my preteenhood.
Also, there was NO POINT in making Ruin a bad guy. Davis just HAS to have characters that are either "Good" or "Evil". Clearly "Neutral" doesn't exist in his head and sees everything from a "Black and White" point of view.
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alexandraisyes · 2 months
Hi, I'm the same person who ranted about the D*hmer thing. Decided to send another "confession", and it's about why I stopped watching the TSBS shows entirely:
I stopped because I got tired of Davis making Eclipse a "Torture Porn" character for the fans that disliked him and killing him for the THIRD... F*CKING... TIME!
And it doesn't help that during that time, they had Eclipse V3 being isolated in what I think WOULD be a claustrophobic space for an animatronic, verbally abused by literally EVERYONE (except for Earth, bless her soul) around him, despite the fact that it was VERY CLEAR that he wasn't V1 or V2.
And then they just had Lunar kill Eclipse, not only RUINING him for me, but also traumatized Earth, who I think should have just stayed away from Lunar longer than I heard about.
This was also triggering for me because I've suffered from verbal abuse from my "parental figures" (AKA my biological father and his girlfriend) for TEN YEARS.
I just couldn't stand how Davis was treating his OWN ORIGINAL CHARACTERS, and it didn't help that in the episode where Eclipse was honestly trying to tell New Moon that "Ruin" was the "real threat", Davis just had Reed, as New Moon, just shout a bunch of death threats, which again triggered a flashback to my preteenhood.
Also, there was NO POINT in making Ruin a bad guy. Davis just HAS to have characters that are either "Good" or "Evil". Clearly "Neutral" doesn't exist in his head and sees everything from a "Black and White" point of view.
I think that you're taking the lore too seriously. It's a silly youtube channel about fictional robots. I don't really know what to say to this without going on a massive tangent about why the things they did were important for character growth and story progression. The characters have never really been "out of character" and if you understand how to craft a narrative then you can see what angle the VAs are going for.
Also, sue them for doing what they want with their characters, I guess. I hope you live a happy life where you never consume any fictional media ever because every novel and comic and show starts with a handful of OCs, and creators love their angst.
I'm sorry that you feel triggered by the show, but maybe instead of insulting the VAs you should go talk to a professional and take a break from the internet.
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lxstbxyscave23 · 2 years
Harsh Meetings ~ Billy Hargrove x f!Reader~
Currently punching the air rn, just forgot to save this draft after I finished it! It came out so good and now it deleted!! Rewriting this so I hope you all enjoy<3
Part two here<3
Reader goes out to Starcourt Mall for self care and treatment when she is verbally and physically assaulted and bullied by the teenage jocks and nasty girls from Hawkins High, only for Billy to step in and defend her.
Foul language, physical assault, fluff, aggressive Billy, soft Billy, words such as “Slut” and “Whore” are used and more. Mention of abuse. Brutal fighting. A bit OOC
If I missed anything for Warnings please let me know!!
Requested? No.
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The sun was still high and bright. The last two weeks weren’t the best for you. Same ol’ bullying from the jocks and their girlfriends. It was now Friday and you were heading to your car, sun beaming on you. Billy was parked right next to your hot rod. His Camaro and your 1976 red and white Ford Mustang. You saw him leaning on his car waiting for his stepsister Max/Maxine.
You’ve met her before hanging with your little brother, Alex. Your whole family has gone to Hawkins high. It was now your turn and you were on your last year. Senior year. Prom was coming up, Tina voting to be Prom Queen. Chrissy as well. Tommy H, her boyfriend was voting to be prom King. You sometimes thought about being prom queen with the hottest guy in school. Billy Hargrove, who was currently staring at you with a smirk. You made it to your car and unlocked it.
“Nice ride, doll.” Cigarette in his mouth, puffing here and there. “Thanks.” You said shutting your door in his face. He chuckled to himself and let you ride off blasting Mötley Crüe. Your favorite, or at least Vince was. He was hot, his voice was gorgeous. And he had a killer bod. You may or may not have a poster of him on your ceiling, right above your bed. You’ve been to one concert of theirs and you absolutely loved it. He would look at you from time to time and wink.
Best day of your life.
You were speeding down the street right now. People staring. You reached home and ran up your stairs plopping onto your bed. Staring up at Vince..
“Today was hard Vincent..Tina and Carol..” You groaned rolling over and putting on your head phones, this time listening to Joan Jett.
“Midnight, gettin uptight. Where are you?!” You yelled as you sang her song. Getting up and dancing. “I hate myself for loving you!! Can’t break free from the things that you do!” Shaking your hips and kickings your legs while nodding your head. Whipping it every which way with a stank face. Her music is the shit!
“I think of you ever night and day!” You shouted earning a laugh. You spun around seeing your oldest brother, Lunar. Odd name yes but he was actually pretty cool. You took off your headphones with embarrassment spread across your face. “What?” You asked setting them down and staring at him confused. “Danny wants you to help us with the car.” He shook his head still laughing a little.
“Okay fine.” You nodded as he walked off and you shut your door, getting ready to change. This was gonna be messy. You shedded your clothes and threw on an old Led Zeppelin shirt and put on some baggy overalls. Leaving one strap hanging you put on some converse laying on your floor. You tied your hair up a little and jogged down the stairs and out into the front yard. Seeing Danny with the hood popped and a roller on the floor.
“What’s up?” You asked concerned about the car. It was a Mustang convertible. Your family are huge car people. All of you had your own hot rods except for Alex he rode his skateboard. Speak of the devil. Alex came riding down the street with Max and Lucas. Dustin riding his back a little behind trying to catch up. Where was Mike and Will? Whatever. “Okay well I was driving and heard something blow, the hood started smoking.” “Radiator?” You questioned. “Didn’t think about that..” He pursed his lips and laughed as he avoided eye contact knowing you were giving him a sharp glare.
You walked over as Alex’s friends came up the driveway. “What’s up Y/n.” Dustin gave a toothy smile as he raised his eyebrows in a funny way. He had a little thing for you but you never payed mind to it. “Hello, Dustin.” You smiled at him. “Your hair looks amazing today.” He complimented. “Dustin stop hitting on my sister!” You chuckled and patted Dustin on the back as you took a look under the hood. Touching a few things and taking close looks you finally figure out the problem.
“Yeah it’s the radiator.” You shrugged grabbing the rag that sat on the car and wiping your hands from the oil. “Can you fix it?” “Hell yeah I can.” You rolled your eyes and got to work. “I love a girl who can fix a car.” Dustin breathed out and fanned himself as if he was gonna faint. “Let’s go Dustin, we need to get him out of here before he decides to ask my sister out.” Everyone laughed and they ran into the basement. Mike and Will finally showed up.
“Hey, Y/n.” You waved to him with a smile still working on the car. You gave Will a generous smile in which he returned. “They’re in the basement.” You said and they thanked you before running into the house. “Wrench.” You said as Danny handed you a wrench making sure you knew what you were doing and not just messing his car up even more.
He turned on the radio as Quiet Riot started blasting for most neighbors to hear. You and Danny laughed when a neighbor came out and shouted at you guys, yeah your family wasn’t the most liked of the town. “Pliers and a screwdriver.” He handed them to you. “I heard about that Billy kid.” He said looking at you. “Yeah? What about him?” You asked really not caring just making small talk. “I heard his father abuses him.” He said with a straight face. You looked over at him with disbelief roaming your eyes. “No shit. Really?” You asked concerned. “Yeah man, Heard Max mention it to Alex when she came over one time.” Your mind was racing and your heart ached for him. “Who knew such a tough kid had that going on at home.” He said shaking his head.
“Poor Billy” You mumbled as you thought about the times whenever someone bumped into him he’d clutch his side. Man, everything’s coming together. You tested the radiator making sure it was good and started the car, giving it a few revs. Danny came around as you both grinned at each other seeing as the car looked and sounded badass. “Alright man, thanks!” He high fived you and pushed the hood back into place.
“Alright ima head out to the mall” You said as you ran inside rinsing your hands off with oil free soap. You ran downstairs and into the basement. They all looked up at you. “Anyone wanna come to the Mall with me?” Dustin was first to raise his hand smiling. “C’mon buddy.” You smiled as he stood up and grabbed his radio that they all had except Max.
“Anyone else, I have room for two more.” You asked. Max and Lucas raised their hands their hands. “C’mon.” You motioned your arm and jogged up the stairs together. “I’ll drop them back off here don’t worry guys!” You shouted from upstairs to hear them say okay. El came walking through the house looking for the basement. “Hey El.” Everyone said and she smiled and waved. “Hi guys, where’s the basement?” You pointed to the door and she opened in jogging down the steps.
“Alright kiddos.” They weren’t that younger than you but you liked seeking them as your younger siblings. They were the same age as Alex. 15.
You hopped in the driver seat as Max and Lucas got in the back. Dustin of course sitting next to you. “How was your guys day at school?” “It was okay until I saw you.” Dustin said giving a cheeky smile. You rolled your eyes and laughed. “You’re such a flirt.” You never saw Dustin that way, and never will. “Stop flirting with Y/n, Dustin.” Max said defending your honor. You chuckled and arrived at Starcourt Mall. Quickly parking you got out letting Lucas and Max out from your side.
“What store are we going in first?” Max asked low-key pumped to be here. “Well I was going to go into the beauty care store if you’d like to join? Dustin and Lucas can tag along or head to the arcade or something?” You looked towards them. “I’m down.” Max said as you guys headed to the store on the second floor. Lucas got distracted and walked off towards the food court. Dustin stuck by your side looking at everything in the store. “Whatever you’d like you can get Max, everything’s on me don’t worry.” You smiled at her in which she returned. “Thank you.” She looked around the store. “So what’re you doing after this?” Dustin asked looking at you. “Was planning on hanging out with Eddie, maybe have a “Girls night”.” He chuckled. “Can I join?” You nodded your head and continued on looking around. “Isn’t Eddie like your best friend?” You asked him as he picked up a face mask and quirked a brow at is causing you to laugh. “Yeah pretty much, we always play D&D together.” “That’s cool, he talks about you a lot y’know?” You looked at him to see he was smiling like a mad man.
“Really? What does he say?” You thought to yourself, he definitely looks up to him like an older brother. “That your his favorite in the group, he couldn’t imagine having any other friend than you.” Dustin smiled to himself looking at the ground. He was really thinking hard about your words. Did Eddie really say that about him? Eddie was like his role model, he wants to be just like him.
You nodded your head and picked up four face and lip masks. You grabbed some lip scrubs that smelled appetizing. Anything really related to skin care you grabbed. Loud footsteps heard- behind you. You turned your head to see Tina and Carol. Great. “Look who it is..Freak one and Freak two .” Tina said laughing with Carol. “Don’t talk to him like that” You defended Dustin who didn’t look phased by the words. “Look who’s finally taking action on her ugliness, honey these won’t do nothing for you.” Carol laughed out. “Leave her alone!” Dustin seethed out.
“Oh look the freak is getting mad.” Max came over and defended both of us. “Get out of here plastic bitches.” She said with an angry face. “Whatever.” They both said walking off. “Thanks Max.” You smiled at her. “Anytime, I always hated those skanks.” “You and me both” You laughed.
“You good Dustin?” You asked him concerned as you saw him look a little down. “I’m good.” He said smiling. “Okay bud.” You patted his shoulder and began getting ringed up. Max placed what she wanted on the countertop and smiled. You payed and grabbed the two bags heading off to look for Lucas. You found him at the food court sitting down eating a hot dog. He’s been quiet the who day, wonder what’s gotten into him.
“What’s up Lucas.” You said sitting down across him setting the bags down. Max and Dustin taking a seat as well. “Nun much, You guys hungry?” He asked pulling food out a bag. “I’m good thank you though.” You said with a smile and he nodded offering them food in which they took. “Do you think girls will be into me?” Dustin said. “No.” Lucas joked laughing. Max laughed a little. Dustin rolled his eyes. “Not with that thing you do.” Max joked.
“What thing?” You questioned, they all looked at you and laughed. “Lemme work my charm on you” Dustin said spreading his lips showing off his teeth. Making a sound that sounded like Chewbacca was here. “What in the what?” You laughed watching as he laughed too. “Don’t ever do that again!” Max said. “Why not? Don’t the ladies dig it?” He said smiling cheekily. “No!” Lucas and Max said at the same time. “I think it’s cute! Leave him alone.” You said rolling your eyes laughing to yourself. Dustin blushed and Max gave Lucas a look. Oh no. They probably think you like him!!
“Told you she was here!” Carol said from behind you guys. Timmy and his friends were behind you. “Such losers.” Tina said rolling her eyes. “What are you doing with these losers Lucas?” Tommy questioned. “Uh..Nothing.” He said defending himself. “Really Lucas?” Max said in disbelief. Lucas was a wanna be. Everyone knew that. “Come with us, leave these weirdos.” He said making Lucas stand up and walk over to them.
“You’re lost Lucas, you need to find yourself.” You shook your head telling him. He looked at the ground with saddened eyes. “Shut up bitch.” Carol said to me. You stood up and turned to them. “Watch what you say to me Carol!” You said to her making her roll her eyes at you. “Don’t threaten her” Tommy shoved you causing you to hit your back on the table. You just knew there was going to be a bruise. You rubbed your back a little and gritted your teeth.
Billy was sitting far behind you guys. He didn’t know what he was doing there just staring at how hot you looked. He always wanted a girl who could fix cars and you did just that, to be honest he had his eyes on you for a while now. He saw the way your voluptuous hips swayed when you walked. The way your thick thighs jiggled and looked so silky in your bathing suit when you came to the pool with your brothers.
He was dying and itching to get his hands on you. To make you his. He wanted to be able to sneak into your window at night and you two have make out sessions that got a little too heated. He wanted you. So so bad. He continued to look your way as he saw his step sister and her friends with you. You were always great with kids. His heart jumped and his blood ran cold when he saw Tommy push you backwards. He never stood up so fast in his life. It was like a fight or flight moment and he of course took fight. He always did. Dustin and Max stood up and helped her back up. Making sure she was okay.
Tina slapped you in the face causing you to immediately sock her right in the jaw. You had three older brothers, of course you knew how to fight. No little smack was gonna hurt you. “Go Y/n!!” Max and Dustin cheered for you. You could even see Dustin trying to hold back a smile. She grabbed her jaw and fell to the floor on her knees, that’s when Tommy leaned in and punched you in the stomach, it was the hardest punch you have received in a while. Not since you and your brother Danny would fight. You knew it was going to leave the biggest and purplest bruise.
No two piece bathing suits for you.
You fell backwards again and Dustin helped you stand as you bent over out of air.
Billy was furious, how dare they lay a hand on you! He lunged at Tommy and socked him right in his nose, everyone heard a loud crack and a groan from him. You were dry heaving, he had just knocked the wind out of you..Literally. Max was looking after you and she sat you down checking on you. Billy was now on top of Tommy, punching his face in. Blood was on his knuckles. Tommy’s friend grabbed Billy from behind and landed a blow to his back. That didn’t stop Billy though, he’s too tough for any of them.
You heard people shouting for security and that’s when you took it as your sign to round up all the kids and get the hell out of there. “C’mon let’s go!” You shouted to them and they started running. Lucas staying back a little and just staring at the mess. Tommy’s face was beaten to the bloody pulp. You handed Max the keys and told them to wait in the car. They ran and you went back for Billy and Lucas. Lucas ran up behind Tommy’s friend and ripped him off Billy as you ripped Billy off of Tommy. “C’mon let’s go before you spend the rest of your night in Hoppers office!” You yelled to him and grabbed his bloody hand. He finally moved back from Tommy.
“Touch her again and I’ll end you!” Billy yelled at him. You could see security rounding the corner as Robin and Steve walked out the ice cream shop to see what happened.
Holy shit Billy had just beaten the crap out of Tommy H.
You pulled his hand with you as you two bolted down the escalators pushing past people, you excused yourself and ran outside the building towards your car. Billy stopped you and turned you around to face him. His face inches from yours just ready to be kissed. “You okay, doll?” He put a hand to your face and rubbed your reddened cheek. “Yes..Thank you for what you did back there.” Lucas came running out of the building, towards you guys.
“Of course darling.” He said making you blush and look away, his finger bringing your face back up to look into his vibrant beautiful blue eyes. He leaned in, you felt yourself wanting to. But Billy wasn’t good for you, and you knew that. So you pulled away and turned on your heel. Opening your door you got in and Max handed you the keys. Dustin and Max in the back Lucas opening the door.
“You coming?” Max asked him shouting through Lucas’s open door. He shook his head with a chuckle and walked over to the car. Lucas pulled the seat back and Max scoot over. “Max sit on Lucas’s lap.” You said looking at her. She stared at you blankly. Then looked at Lucas who nodded slowly. She pushed herself up and sat on his lap. Me and Dustin made eye contact in the mirror. Giving a knowing smile.
You pulled the seat back for Billy, who jumped in and shut his door. He looked over at you and smiled. You started the car as he looked into the backseat. “Fuck no!” He said trying to turn in his seat and grab Lucas. Max yelped when he missed and pushed her back into Lucas.
You grabbed him by his wife beater and pulled him foreward so he sat right in the seat. “Don’t touch them Billy, or i’ll have to deal with you myself, trust me I have three older brothers.” You glared at him. He snarled before staring out the window. The snarl was hot but we needed to get the hell out of here. You revved your engine and skirted off, drifting down streets to get to your house. Billy gave you a smirk as he challenged you.
“Race me sometime.” He said giving you a flashy smile.
“I might just have too..” You winked at him and continued driving.
Part two, different day?? LMK if you guys would like to see this as a story continuing on in parts<3
Please enjoy, I honestly liked the first one better but it deleted and so I had to write a different version..
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the-cookie-of-doom · 5 years
Morally gray characters don’t really exist. What Sterek and Steter shippers mean when they say morally gray characters are amoral characters – characters who don’t understand or are completely unconcerned with right and wrong.
You could argue that, for example, Stiles Stilinski is an amoral character. He’s unconcerned with the moral dimensions of many of his actions as long as it protects the people and relationships he values. I think this is most clearly shown by the joke in Illuminated (3x16) where Scott asks Stiles if copying the sheriff’s station’s key cards is worse than stealing them, and his befuddled reply is “It’s smarter.”
I would argue that Derek Hale is a very moral character, even when he’s fucking up big time in Season 2. He’s not abusing those kids for personal pleasure. He’s doing it to salvage his family’s legacy, which he considers the right thing to do and resisting predatory Argents, which is also the right thing to do. He’s still wrong – so wrong that he’s a villain – but when he shouts “I can’t let her live!” he means it, and he’s doing it because he thinks it’s the right thing to do.
I think it’s pretty obvious that Peter Hale is an immoral character. He’s completely motivated by self interest, rage, and greed, but he understands that what he is doing is wrong. If killing his niece was the right thing to do, why did he try to pass it off as an accident or madness? He knows that Scott didn’t take anything from the Hales, that he’s simply jealous and greedy, but he tries to cover it up by nattering on about his family’s legacy. Peter’s different from Stiles in that he has chosen to do the wrong thing to get what he wants.
It’s why I always laugh at Left Hand stories. For all his verbal bullshit, Peter’s actions always and only benefited himself. Killing Laura damaged his family forever. Biting Scott and ravaging Lydia served no one but himself. Where was the Left Hand when they were trying to rescue Erica and Boyd (”You think I really care?”) or when Derek tried to kill Deucalion in the abandoned mall? (It’s always telling that for all his blandly-moral self-righteousness, Scott helps Derek in that fight, while Peter is nowhere to be seen). He argues constantly that Derek should take their familial relationship into account and vanishes when it’s not in his interest to be familial.
The reason they don’t like Scott’s ‘black-and-white world’ or ‘bland morality’ is not because they don’t think it’s effective, it’s because they wanted the white family on top, and Peter Hale provided them ammunition. Scott is moral, but he is hardly black and white. He doesn’t believe in killing people, but he makes exceptions all the time – in Party Guessed (Scott: Ugh, I get it. We can’t save Jackson.), in Fury, in Master Plan, in Frayed, in Lunar Ellipse, in the entirety of 3B, in Muted, and in Monstrous – and that’s not black-and-white morality. Scott expressed dismay when Stiles breaks the rules, but he doesn’t get angry with him.
Lies of Omission is an excellent case because not only did Stiles kill someone, but he killed a victim of the Doctors’ experiments. Scott had watched Tracy murder the people who loved her, and he had heard Corey’s description of Lucas’ change in personality. In addition, Stiles lied to him. He told Scott that he had gotten hurt by the hood of his jeep, when it had been Donovan. Why would you believe someone who lied to you – who’s lied to everyone he’s ever cared about?
Peter Hale (and parts of the fandom) paint Scott as self-righteous because they don’t want to recognize that the people in the show need someone like Scott McCall to fight for their right to life. Imagine if Scott decided that Peter was right, and that the true survivors live in Shades of Gray. What if he decided to protect only his pack and not to care about the rest of the supernaturals of Beacon Hills? What if he decided, after dying at Liam’s and Theo’s hands, that someone else could stop the Beast? That would be the immoral thing to do. That is what Peter would do, and did do.
What fiction writers try to do is paint amorality and immorality as a different kind of morality, and that’s a definist fallacy. They are not alternate versions of the same thing.
It’s most clearly seen in stories where Stiles excoriates Scott for not killing threats, even defeated threats such as Deucalion or Gerard, or for not executing those who hurt or killed their friends and allies, such as Theo or the twins, but Peter is standing next to Stiles whispering “Left Hand, Left Hand” in his ear like a deranged parrot. The inevitable malfunction there is so huge it can be seen from space.
If Scott McCall was going to abandon his moral stance on second chances and the possibilities of forgiveness, if he was going to become a “survivor and live in shades of gray,” if he was going to kill defeated threats and execute killers and villains, why not start with Peter Hale? If he’s no longer concerned with right and wrong, what’s Scott’s motivation for allowing that monster to take one more breath? He wouldn’t have any.
“Peter Hale and non Scott/Posey fans don’t like Scott McCall and paint him as a self-righteous coward because they don’t want to recognize that the people in the show need someone like Scott to fight for their right to life” Tyler Posey is that you?
“Stiles Stilinski is an amoral character. He’s unconcerned with the moral dimensions of many of his actions as long as it protects the people and relationships he values.”
That’s.... that’s literally what morally gray means. 
Morally grey characters do what’s right for the people they love, regardless of the consequences. They will do something Bad if it means getting a good outcome. They are the  literally definition of the ends justify the means. 
“I think this is most clearly shown by the joke in Illuminated (3x16) where Scott asks Stiles if copying the sheriff’s station’s key cards is worse than stealing them, and his befuddled reply is “It’s smarter.””
This is adorable. PEW is seriously taking things out of context here, isn’t he? I love how he neglects to mention that Stiles copies the key card for Scott. Because Scott wanted to break into the Sheriff’s station to impress the new girl he likes (shocker), and made Stiles is accomplice, because Stiles was the obvious in. That’s not a moral choice, PEW. No one was in danger. They weren’t protecting anybody. They weren’t even protecting Kira, when anybody who saw the picture of her would assume it was a damn Instagram filter!
Also, who the fuck uses “befuddled” anymore? You’re showing your age again, PEW.
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princeescaluswords · 5 years
Stiles, Sterek and Steter shippers: We luv ~morally gray~ characters and narratives. Not everybody has to like ur fave Scott! Their fanfictions: Anybody that doesn't worship the ground Stiles walks on is unrepentant evil and must be annihilated (seriously, that's literally a ~giveaway~ in so many fics that a character is bad: they dislike Stiles and it's often portrayed as this crime akin to murder)
Morally gray characters don’t really exist.  What they mean when they say morally gray characters are amoral characters -- characters who don’t understand or are completely unconcerned with right and wrong.  
You could argue that, for example, Stiles Stilinski is an amoral character.  He’s unconcerned with the moral dimensions of many of his actions as long as it protects the people and relationships he values.  I think this is most clearly shown by the joke in Illuminated (3x16) where Scott asks him if copying the sheriff’s station’s key cards is worse than stealing them, and his befuddled reply is “It’s smarter.”  
I would argue that Derek Hale is a very moral character, even when he’s fucking up big time in Season 2.  He’s not abusing those kids for personal pleasure.  He’s doing it to salvage his family’s legacy, which he considers the right thing to do and resisting predatory Argents, which is also the right thing to do.  He’s still wrong -- so wrong that he’s a villain -- but when he shouts “I can’t let her live!” he means it, and he’s doing it because he thinks it’s the right thing to do.
I think it’s pretty obvious that Peter Hale is an immoral character.  He’s completely motivated by self interest, rage, and greed, but he understands that what he is doing is wrong.   If killing his niece was the right thing to do, why did he try to pass it off as an accident or madness?  He knows that Scott didn’t take anything from the Hales, that he’s simply jealous and greedy, but he tries to cover it up by nattering on about his family’s legacy.  He’s different from Stiles in that he has chosen to do the wrong thing to get what he wants.   
It’s why I always laugh at Left Hand stories.  For all his verbal bullshit, Peter’s actions always and only benefited himself.  Killing Laura damaged his family forever.  Biting Scott and ravaging Lydia served no one but himself.  Where was the Left Hand when they were trying to rescue Erica and Boyd (”You think I really care?”) or when Derek tried to kill Deucalion in the abandoned mall?  (It’s always telling that for all his blandly-moral self-righteousness, Scott helps Derek in that fight, while Peter is nowhere to be seen).  He argues constantly that Derek should take their familial relationship into account and vanishes when it’s not in his interest to be familial.
The reason they don’t like Scott’s ‘black-and-white world’ or ‘bland morality’ is not because they don’t think it’s effective, it’s because they wanted the white family on top, and Peter provided them ammunition.   Scott is moral, but he is hardly black and white.  He doesn’t believe in killing people, but he makes exceptions all the time -- in Party Guessed ( Scott: Ugh, I get it. We can't save Jackson.), in Fury, in Master Plan, in Frayed, in Lunar Ellipse, in the entirety of 3B, in Muted, and in Monstrous -- and that’s not black-and-white morality.   He expressed dismay when Stiles breaks the rules, but he doesn’t get angry with him.  
Lies of Omission is an excellent case because not only did Stiles kill someone, but he killed a victim of the Doctors’ experiments.  Scott had watched Tracy murder the people who loved her, and he had heard Corey’s description of Lucas’ change in personality.    In addition, Stiles lied to him.   He told Scott that he had gotten hurt by the hood of his jeep, when it had been Donovan.  Why would you believe someone who lied to you -- who’s lied to everyone he’s ever cared about?
Peter (and parts of the fandom) paint Scott as self-righteous because they don’t want to recognize that the people in the show need someone like Scott to fight for their right to life.  Imagine if Scott decided that Peter was right, and that the true survivors live in Shades of Gray.  What if he decided that he couldn’t save Stiles and let the Oni get him?   What if he decided to protect only his pack and not to care about the rest of the supernaturals of Beacon Hills?  What if he decided, after dying at Liam’s and Theo’s hands, that someone else could stop the Beast?    That would be the immoral thing to do.  That is what Peter would do, and did do.
What fiction writers try to do is paint amorality and immorality as a different kind of morality, and that’s a definist fallacy.  They are not alternate versions of the same thing.   
It’s most clearly seen in stories where Stiles excoriates Scott for not killing threats, even defeated threats such as Deucalion or Gerard, or for not executing those who hurt or killed their friends and allies, such as Theo or the twins, but Peter is standing next to Stiles whispering “Left Hand, Left Hand” in his ear like a deranged parrot.   The inevitable malfunction there is so huge it can be seen from space.   
If Scott was going to abandon his moral stance on second chances and the possibilities of forgiveness, if he was going to become a “survivor and live in shades of gray,” if he was going to kill defeated threats and execute killers and villains, why not start with Peter Hale?  If he’s no longer concerned with right and wrong, what’s Scott’s motivation for allowing that monster to take one more breath?  He wouldn’t have any.
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themattress · 5 years
Rewatch: My Bride is a Mermaid Ep 25 - 26
Woah. Shit got real in these final two episodes!
Episode 25: The Family Game
The start of the episode reveals that Akeno and her superior have been getting their orders from Lord Yoshio Minamoto, a mer-noble who has a fearful grip on the mer-government and can use it for his own benefit...in this case, to break up Sun and Nagasumi so that he can take Sun for his bride. But because his government subordinates have failed to deliver, this spoiled frat boy is stepping in personally with a scheme to make sure he gets what he wants. 
Akeno is to seize on a moment of friction between Sun and Nagasumi to invite the whole Seto Gang to his palace, allegedly for a party full of important merpeople. That moment comes when a basic argument over Nagasumi putting his socks in the laundry while they’re inside-out escalates to the point where Nagsumi and Sun have to confront the fact that their engagement is based on coercion: it was the only way either of them could stay alive. This creates a new emotional distance between the two, especially when Nagasumi stubbornly refuses to apologize. And then....Sun and her family disappears from his life entirely.
While we know that it’s due to Yoshio’s invitation, Nagasumi doesn’t. The whole montage where he goes to various locations he and Sun have been together in the past only to find her absent now, culminating when he enters her empty room and breaks down crying, apologizing to Sun and begging her to come back...damn, that was powerful. The last two episodes already amped up the emotional sincerity, and these two just run with it, with the actual jokes being few and far between when compared to the drama, which intensifies once Yoshio’s so-called party is revealed to be a trap and all of the Setos are knocked out.
Kai and Lunar manage to find out what’s going on, with Lunar’s horrified reaction and her description of how many girls have gone missing while attending Yoshio’s “parties” selling the fear of the situation, while also being heartwarming in how her immediate response is “Sun is in danger!” and dashing off with Kai to mount a rescue. She loves her rival so much. And speaking of rivals who care, Kai doesn’t hesitate in seeking to include Nagasumi in the rescue mission, with his response to Nagasumi’s later vow to go out and get Sun back being “Those are the exact words I’ve been waiting to hear!” Like I said in the last post, Kai has truly grown into a more honorable person (as has Chimp, who is helping him as always).
And if all of that wasn’t heartwarming enough, Nagasumi’s vow only comes after he gets encouragement from Mawari, who tells him that he needs to be honest with his feelings and act upon them, to not give up on his true love. It is also hinted again that Mawari is well aware of the whole mermaid factor at play, but says nothing out of love and respect for everyone. Mawari Zenigata truly cannot have her praises sung loud enough, she is just that awesome.
The ending montage gets you ridiculously pumped to go straight into the next, and final, episode, with the music playing being the most epic the show has ever had as it plays over shots of every character in the show in their current positions. Let’s end this with a bang!
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Episode 26: The Place You Go Home To 
Right off the bat, we’re ending it with several bangs, as Kai’s submarine must navigate a minefield set up to defend Yoshio’s undersea lair. The awesomeness kicks in immediately when Lunar uses her siren scream to decimate the mines, declaring “I’m the songstress of the Edomae! DON’T UNDERESTIMATE ME!” She, Kai and Nagasumi will stop at nothing to get Sun back, and their true love of her is contrasted perfectly by Yoshio’s repulsive lust. In the manga, Yoshio was a very different character and his desire for Sun had more to do with a religious factor and a hunger for power. But the anime version of him is the most vile kind of guy possible: a sociopathic frat boy who sees women as objects whom he mind-wipes with a magical artifact before having his way with them and grooming them into his loyal slaves. He is a misogynistic rapist and a person with power who gleefully abuses it, and it makes him the most loathsome character in the show without question. You really want to see him go down.
Once the heroes invade Yoshio’s lair, they are met with an army of guards who clash with the army of Mikawa Conglomerate workers Kai brought along. Lunar assists with her song of war, which again turns things into a bloodbath but one that Nagasumi can easily slip away from to reach Yoshio. Yoshio sends Akeno to face him, since her swordsman’s code says that she cannot disobey a mer-noble’s orders. But ever since she discovered the truth about how Yoshio “woos” the women he lusts after and that he intends the same for Sun, Akeno has been struggling to keep to this code, and it only takes Nagasumi reminding her about the reason she first became a swordsman to get her to switch sides and fight alongside him.
Yoshio unleashes both his trio of giant pet eels and his entire fraternity, but then we get a sequence of awesomeness upon awesomeness as everyone comes in to get a badass moment. First it’s Gozaburo and the rest of the Seto Gang, a moment that concludes when Gozaburo knocks down an eel and, seeing the fierce determination Nagasumi has to save Sun, tells him “you’re a Seto now” and throws him a yakuza jacket as he urges him to go rescue his daughter. Then it’s Lunar, Kai and Chimp catching up, with Lunar using a siren scream to blow the frat away and an injured Kai (supported by his faithful Chimp) also urging Nagasumi to go save Sun. Then it’s an injured Akeno using the nature of the Morning Star blade to her advantage and having Ren (who is the one supporting Akeno because Ren is a fucking goddess among women) use her siren scream on it, which magnifies it enough to knock down another eel. And then it’s, out of nowhere, Papa fucking Edomae (still in the schoolgirl outfit because he’s grown comfy in it) dropping from the sky and taking out the last eel, then tag-teaming with his daughter to take on the reconvening frat. It’s just amazing, and it leads into the climax of the episode when Nagasumi finally reaches the room where Sun is being held and confronts Yoshio, who is ready to kill him with his superior merman strength.
Nagasumi stands no chance against Yoshio in a straight 1-on-1 fight, but he doesn’t care, all he cares about is snapping Sun out of her trance. Yoshio brags that nothing can accomplish that, but Nagasumi pours out all of his feelings for Sun, shouting how he loves her and can’t imagine ever living without her. This does it, and with her mind restored, Sun verbally eviscerates Yoshio for being the pathetic third-rate scum that he is. Full of misogynistic rage and toxic masculinity, Yoshio aims to shoot Sun dead, but Nagasumi takes the bullet. And yet he is unharmed, because just being with Sun, simply standing by her side as lovers and as equals, fills him with unlimited power - the Power of Love! With Sun now intentionally directing her love as energy to power Nagsumi up, Yoshio gets the beatdown he deserves.
As awesome as this is, I still have one minor quibble about translation issues in this scene. Sun’s altered catchphrase comes back to bite the show’s butt when Nagasumi tells Yoshio what it is that makes a real man - in Japanese, it’s ninkyo, aka chivalry, which is displayed on screen as text when he says this. But in the dub, it’s “Honor Among Thieves”. Huh!? So all real men must be thieves? Things get more absurd when Nagasumi gives Yoshio his final beatdown, the text of the Japanese title Seto No Hanayome appears with each punch for some reason, and I guess that reason got lost in translation because we instead get Yoshio screaming “My! Bride is! A! MERMAAAAAAAID!” to get the same effect of a title drop in this moment. There is no reason in context why he would say this, as he had already given up on Sun as a bride and had attempted to kill her, so it just ends up as a huge “WTF!?” moment.
Anyway, Yoshio is defeated and his true form is exposed: a lowly catfish. All of the fear he inspired and thus the power he had is instantaneously gone with this revelation, allowing Akeno’s superior to legally indict him for his crimes. Nagsumi finally apologizes to Sun for the argument and says that from now on he wants their engagement to be something they chose for themselves. And so, taking out the ring he got her in episode 2, he asks Sun if she’ll marry him. Of course Sun says “Yes”, and as the original ED credits song plays, they embrace.
There’s a gag scene before the credits of life returning to normal except for Nagasumi now insisting on remaining in “buff mode” which makes all the routine interactions with the other characters more ridiculous, but after the credits we get a still-frame of Sun and Nagasumi’s earlier embrace, so for all intents and purposes that’s the note this show ends on: two kids from two different worlds who, against all the many, many obstacles, found true love together.
There’s one more post about the series to go, but my experience of actually rewatching the show is over with. And let me tell you - it’s been a great revisiting that I do not at all regret.
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abwardplatform · 3 years
A Brief Guide to Ramadan and Fasting 🌿
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What is Ramadanand How Do Muslims Fast?
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, throughout which Muslims around the world spend the daylight hours
(from dawn to sunset) in complete fast.
During the daylight hours throughout the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims all over the world abstain from food, drink, sexual enjoyment and physical or verbal abuse. In fact, fasting is much more than just refraining from eating and drinking.
It is a time for the purification of the soul and the development of God-awareness and self-control.
Abu Hurairah narrated: God’s Messenger said, "Fasting is a shield. So, the person observing fast should avoid sexual relation with his wife and should not behave foolishly and impudently, and if somebody fights with him or abuses him, he should tell him twice, ‘I am fasting.’ " The Prophet added, "By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, the smell coming out from the mouth of a fasting person is better in the sight of God than the smell of musk. (God says about the fasting person), 'He has left his food, drink and desires for My sake.
Fast is for Me. So I will reward (the fasting person)
for it, and the reward of good deeds is multiplied ten times. ’"(Al-Bukhari)
Is FastingObligatory throughout Ramadan?
Fastingthroughout Ramadan is the fourth of the five pillars of Islam. Therefore, it is obligatory for each adult, sane, responsible Muslim to observe fastingthroughout Ramadan. Talhahbin `Ubaidullah narrated: A Bedouin with unkempt hair came to God’s Messenger and said, "O God’s Messenger! Inform me what God has made compulsory for me as regards prayers." He replied: "You have to perfectly offer the five compulsory prayers in a day and night (24 hours), unless you want to praynawafil(voluntary prayers)." The Bedouin further asked, "Inform me what Godhas made compulsory for me as regards fasting." He replied, "You have to fast during the whole month of Ramadan, unless you want to fast more as nawafil(voluntary fasting)." The Bedouin further asked, "Tell me how much Zakat Godhas enjoined on me." Thus, God's Messenger informed him about all the rules (i.e fundamentals) of Islam. The Bedouin then said, "By Him Who has honored you, I will neither perform any nawafilnor will I decrease what Godhas enjoined on me. God's Messenger said, "If he is saying the truth, he will succeed (or he will be granted Paradise). ”(Al-Bukhari)
What if a Muslim cannot Observe Fasting throughout Ramadan?
There are few temporaryand permanent exceptions to the rule. The Muslims who cannot observe fastingfor temporary reasons,like menstruating, pregnant, nursing, and confined women, as well as sick and traveling people, mustmake up for the days during which they break fasting any time after Ramadan. Those Muslims who cannot observe fast for permanent reasons, like the elderly and the ill people, must pay ransom as represented in feeding one poor person by giving him/her a filling meal to eat as an atonement for each day of Ramadan on which fastingis broken. As for a Muslim who does not observe fastingduring Ramadan though he/she can observe it, he/she is to make up for the day(s) on which fastingis broken and, in case ofsexual intercourse,even make expiation (freeing a slave, observing fast for two successive months without break or feeding sixty poor people respectively)
A Muslim who does not observe fastingthroughout Ramadan or does not believe that fastingis obligatory cannot be deemed to be Muslim.The following verses deal with the rulings on fastingduring Ramadan:[Fasting for] a limited number of days. So whoever among you is ill or on a journey [during them] –then an equal number of days [are to be made up]. And upon those who are able [to fast, but with hardship] –a ransom [as substitute] of feeding a poor person [each day]...So whoever sights [the new moon of] the month, let him fast it; and whoever is ill or on a journey –then an equal number of other days. Godintends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship...(Al-Baqarah : 185)
What are the Benefits of Fasting?
Fasting can reduce some risks for heart disease and diabetes and maybe even cancer. Fastingactually improvesinsulin sensitivity. When your cells are sensitive to the effects of insulin, they do a much better job modulating your blood sugar levels after meals and this makes life a lot easier for your poor old pancreas. Loss of insulin sensitivity is a risk factor for both heart disease and diabetes. Fastingalso reduces oxidative stress and inflammation in cells. Many theorize that this helps prevent and repair DNA damage that could otherwise develop into cancer. There’s even some research suggesting that fasting slows the little clocks that tick inside our mitochondria and trigger senescence, or aging. In other words, fasting might help us live longer by keeping our organs youthful. In the Qur’an, Godsays: But to fast is best for you, if you only knew.(Al-Baqarah 2:184)
Is Fasting a Purely Islamic Act of Worship?
Fastingas an act of worship was not invented by Islam. It was rather enjoined by the previous divine messages. In the Qur’an, God says: O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous.(Al-Baqarah : Fastingwas ordained in the Old Testament. We read: “Yet even now,” declares the Lord, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.”(Joel 2:12)Not only fastingbut also sincerityin fastingis ordained in the New Testament. We read: “And when you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you,they have received their reward. But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, that your fasting may not be seen by others but by your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” (Matthew 6:16-18)
Is Fasting the Only Act of Worship to be Done in Ramadan?
Though fastingis the most notable act of worship to be done in Ramadan, there are other acts of worship to be done in Ramadan, which, to the exclusion of the other months, may be called “the month of worship”. Unlike the other months of the year, Ramadan involves all acts of worship that can be done anytime during the year. It encompasses, among other acts of worship, all pillars of Islam after the testimony of faith. It comprises prayer, alms, fasting, and voluntary minor pilgrimage which is equivalent to major pilgrimage. Other acts of worship to be done in Ramadan include the recitation of the Qur’an, feeding the hungry, supplication, frequent remembrance of God, and i`tikaf(religious retreat).
Why Do Muslims Fast?
Fastingdevelops our powers of self-control, self-restraint, self-denial and self-improvement, brings a Muslim closer to God by boosting his/her God-consciousness and God-awareness, inspires charity, generosity and sympathy with the suffering of the others and reminds of the greatness of the blessings of God.
What are the Merits of Ramadan?
Unlike any other month, the holy month of Ramadan has many exclusive merits, which include but are not limited to the following:
(1) It is the month of fast, i.e. it is the only month where fasting is made obligatory.
(2) It is the month during which the Qur’an was revealed.
(3) It is the only month where the gates of Paradise are opened, the gates of Hellfire are closed and the devils are chained up.
(4) It includes Laylatul-Qadr (the Night of Power) which is better than one thousand months.
(9) It is the only month where the rewardfor feeding a fasting person can be got.
(5) It is the month where good deeds have infinitely multiplied reward.
(6) It is the only month where the Qur’an is frequently read from memory and/or from cover to cover.
(7) It is the month of charity for which certain obligatory alms are given and voluntary alms are lavishly given in general.
(8) It is the only month where Tarawih and Tahajjud prayers are offered.
(10) It is the only month where `Umrah
(minor pilgrimage) has a very great reward which is equivalent to Hajj (major pilgrimage).
(11) It is the only month where I`tikaf(religious retreat) is highly recommende
What is the Reward for Worship throughout Ramadan?
The reward for observing fast throughout Ramadan is the forgiveness of the past sins. Abu Hurairahnarrated that Prophet Muhammad said: "Whoever observes fastingduring the month of Ramadan out of sincere faith, and hoping to attain God’s reward, then all his past sins will be forgiven."(Al-Bukhari)The past sins can be also forgiven if the Night of Power is passed in Prayer. Prophet Muhammad said: "Whoever passes the Night of Power in prayerout of sincere faith, and hoping to attain God’s reward, then all his past sins will be forgiven."(Al-Bukhari)Ramadan conduces to Paradise. Abu Hurairahreported that Prophet Muhammadsaid, "When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of Paradiseare opened,the gates of Hellfireare closed and the devils are chainedup."(Al-Bukhari)
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koscheyyy · 8 years
Fiddleford appreciation month Day 6
Enjoy this trash!
And a heads up Fiddleford's subconscious is rather verbally abusive, just wanted to warn everyone.
Fiddleford awoke to the blaring beep of his alarm and groaned when he sat up. He rubbed the crusted sleep out of his eyes and turned to see the other half of his bed empty except for a sticky note on the pillow. He looked quizzically at the note before picking it up.
Gone to the institute early See you later. —Stanford
Fiddleford felt angry for a reason he couldn't quite put his finger on. Maybe it was the lack of an 'I love you' or the fact that Stanford had left early, well he's done that before. The reason for his anger was still unknown and he sat for a long while in bed trying to think of why until he scanned over the calendar hanging in the wall. He checked the date. Wait, today was the 29th. Today was his birthday. Fiddleford had found the root of his anger. His boyfriend had left him on his birthday with not even a happy birthday message on the sticky note. Fiddleford then caught himself, took in a deep breath and calmed down. "Come on Fiddleford, this is Stanford. He'd forget his own head of it wasn't attached ta his neck, plus I know he loves me cause he tells me every day" Fiddleford stated to himself, punctuating his sentence with a nod of his head and a justifiable smile. He then got out of bed and prepared for his day at work.
Five. Five people had already wished him a happy birthday and three of them didn't even work in the engineering lab. If three strangers could remember or take the time to know his birthday then why couldn't Stanford? That annoyed him. His assistant even bought him a gift. A very thoughtful gift, banjo polish. How could Stanford forget.
Wait. Breathe. Calm down. Focus.
Fiddleford thought of his reasoning from that morning. "Stanford's a very busy guy, he can't remember everything, right?" He questioned to himself as he walked into his office.
'If he really loved you he'd remember' a nasty voice in his mind stated. "That's true" he muttered as he set his bag into the desk. "But Stanford once forgot to shower for a whole week" he reasoned and sat down on his chair.
'But if he really cared he would make it his priority to remember' the voice hissed. Fiddleford thought about it for awhile. "But Stanford does care for me, he loves me" he said aloud to the non-existent voice.
'But does he really? Who could really love a clumsy hick that can't remember right, huh?' The voice snapped. His words cut through Fiddleford like a knife. Is that how everyone saw him? 'See you know it's true, I bet he left early this morning to spare him the image of waking up to your face and the only reason he stays with you cause he pities you' the voice spat, it's words burning in Fiddleford's head like snake venom. He began to cry know, listening to the fat lies of this evil voice. He whimpered into arms as he rested his head on the table.
'See you know it true!' It hissed, causing Fiddleford to snivel. Then he heard a knock against the door. "Go away Henry! I'm busy at the-" he was interrupted by someone coming through the door.
"Happy birth-Fidd what's wrong?" Stanford asked in a concerned tone. He was holding a bouquet of Fiddleford's favourite flowers from the Altzabar dimension. Fiddleford looked up at him with puffy eyes trying his best to wipe away the tears. Stanford rushed over to his desk and set aside the flowers before comforting his distressed boyfriend. "Fidd what's wrong?" He asked as he pulled him into a hug. "I-i thought y-you forgot" he hiccupped. His tears of sadness soon turning to tears of joy as Stanford pulled through and proved that horrible ingrown thought bubble wrong. "Me, I could never forget someone as important as you Fidd" Stanford stated before kissing him on the forehead. Fiddleford smiled and leaned in closer to Stanford's chest. "I love you" Fidd whispered. "I love you too" Stanford replied and stroked Fidd's back before reaching for the flowers. Fiddleford's eyes widened in surprise and glee. "The lunar flowers from the Altzabar dimension" he chimed in a surprised tone. "Well I knew how much you loved them" he smiled. Fiddleford took in a small wiff of the beautiful flowers fragrance. "We had out first kiss there" he grinned as he reminisced in the old memory.
They were sitting in a field of these flowers in the moonlight. Stanford was recording the strange behaviour of there plants. A gentle breeze drifted through the field causing silver dust to fill the air. Silver speckles floated on the wind, shining in the moonlight. Fiddleford glanced over at Stanford, who was jotting notes down in his book and let out a loud sigh "Sure is beautiful huh? It's a lot nicer if you watch it and not write about it" he giggled and pulled the book free from Stanford's lap. He took in the stunning view then glanced to the man beside him. Fiddleford did look especially beautiful in this moonlight, silver glitter falling in his hair. The man then looked at Stanford and their eyes locked. "Yeah, really beautiful" he whispered. They shared a gaze for a long time, slowly leaning closer and closer until their lips met. It was short and sweet but was just enough for them to feel like they were on cloud nine. Stanford blushed a deep red and looked down at his hands. "Does this mean we're dating?" He asked innocently. "I don't know" Fidd replied, he too was blushing a rather deep shade of pink. "D-do you want to?" He stuttered. Stanford swallowed hard at the question before nodding "Yeah, what about you?" he mumbled before looking almost hopefully up at Fiddleford. "Yeah, I'd like that too" he smiled. They both then looked up at the sky, watching the silver glitter descend slowly from the heavens above and somehow during the moment of serenity a six fingered hand entangled with Fiddleford's five fingered hand.
"Yeah, I remember" Stanford smiled and they shared a small kiss, feeling like they did that first night. Like everything around them didn't matter and they were floating in a endless river of weightlessness. What a way to feel on your birthday?
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