#except that one video
wampabampa 2 months
Grrr me when I had idea for new sona mlp
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This is twinkle hoof she鈥檚 a goof 馃様
Twinkle hoof is an earth/magic pony (earth mom magic/unicorn dad) so she鈥檚 built a little different compared to full bred unicorns at her school (goes to different school of magic in canterlot. Unlike unicorns who I like to think are more lean and tall, she鈥檚 more sturdy and fuller because of her mom being an earth pony and her dad being the same as her (earth/unicorn mix).
Attributes that she has:
- curly beard, horn, long tail (stubbed because of earth pony), gradient coat, colorful mane/hair (in my head unicorns have the stripes in hair naturally)
Earth pony
- sturdy build, short, physically stronger, bigger hooves, fluffy coat, markings (not many unicorns have markings, it鈥檚 more of an earth and Pegasus thing), fuller hair
Her horn is thicker and shorter because of the earth pony instead of skinny and long
And she鈥檚 half vampiric (eyes, ears, fangs, and strong desire for fruit but that鈥檚 it) because she had a spell go wrong </3 due to her mom being an earth pony her magic is weaker compared to others so she can鈥檛 do much like transformation and teleport, though she does have a strong sense of fighting magic and levitation! Her magic (in relation to her cutie mark) looks a lot like stars/glitter when she uses it and her best attack (and only good transformation spell) is turning her opponent into a pile of glitter/stars
HER CUTIE MARK she got when she did her first spell that was star related. The spell was to create a star and when she did she made 3 that looked more like glitter with how they twinkled and shined. Ever since she loved making everything sparkle and shine and as an adult she runs a business where she makes anybody or anything glimmer and shine permanently (removal is hard because you technically have stars/glitter permanently into your coat, so even if you shave it off it will always come back as sparkly).
And funnily enough that specific spell is actually why she herself sparkles and shines, not because her mane has the same texture of a unicorn (soft and silky) but the thickness of an earth pony, but because she used that spell so many times that she accidentally made it permanent on her 馃様馃様
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inkedberries 2 months
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have you met my goth gf daniil dankovsky????? he has a medical degree
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house's little laugh as wilson openly flirts with him through an MRI microphone is Doing Things to me
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ilottthepilot 4 months
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most relatable carlos sainz moment since "Where's the fajita mix? It's not here? I'm gonna be depressed"
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amphibianaday 4 months
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day 1547 and day 4 of amphibiuary prompt list
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copepods 17 days
feel like asking questions about music based habits again
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dnpbeats 5 months
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Phil tweeted this october 28th 2010. Proof that he was ahead of the curve w/ the photobooth challenge 馃敭
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hamofjustice 11 months
nemona feels like an obscure blorbo instead of the main rival character from the latest pokemon game because to get to her really good content from people who really get it, you first have to wade through the ocean of yandere pervert obsessive stalker annoying punchable bimbo amazon goddess interpretations of...
... a neurodivergent and possibly disabled high schooler who's desperately trying to make any friends or get any support from her rich neglectful family - while everyone in her school is jealous of their own imagined version of a privileged asshole version of her they made up - who deeply and platonically loves and supports the one new kid who agreed to take the time to get to know and respect her and her special interest without having to hold back her true self
unlike her, it's not great!
kinda feels like she has the same problem in our world that she does in hers.
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rusty-courage 7 months
Out of sheer curiosity, are you planning on making a design for yourself on Woven Life? Like a specific design for it- yknow
[and would it be ok if I make one for shits and giggles despite knowing nothing-]
My Woven Life design is just this character, but the flowers, scarf, and eyes change color depending on the life amounts, and on red the scarf will be tattered and torn.
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vesperione 12 days
Starkid is its own thing, as is tin can bros, shipwrecked and pulp musicals. They shouldn鈥檛 be being mistaken as being a collective because they鈥檙e their own thing
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ffc1cb 2 years
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addicted to drawing him. he is so funny to me
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yourhighness6 3 months
Just finished rewatching sneezypeasy's video again and I think it's safe to say that zutara is the mango boba of ships
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pinkman-isms 5 months
ahh they never change
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originalartblog 8 months
your skk is so real and true to me. like its Them
this is such a great thing to hear I'm 鉁煡衡湪
I like to think I can mostly keep them in a permanent "status: ????". is it romantic? is it platonic? could it be both at the same time? perhaps queerplatonic would be a better term? I don't know you're the reader you tell me. The important part is that they got each other's back and can be stupid together and perhaps get their dose of cuddling while they're at it because they need it. Whether they kiss or not is so secondary to me but I NEED them to yearn for each other's company in big and small ways both.
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diesoonandsuffer 2 years
sorry kirk and spock鈥檚 love for each other is written into the narrative. as if it鈥檚 my fault.
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dragoncarrion 1 year
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Tiktok and it's consequences
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