#excuse me while i cry forever
feral-sylki · 10 months
Just thinking about Sylvie going out of her way to tell Loki that she remembers home. Thinking too much about it like, how important it was to her, on Lamentis, by the lake, with the end of the world bearing down on them, before she died, to say I remember. She was just a child, but she remembers. They stole it from her, but she remembers. It’s lost to her, long since, but she remembers. My home, my people, my life
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phoenixwrites · 1 year
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I understand why it makes total sense why she didn't but it's also fucking sad because if Neal had known she was pregnant, there wasn't a chance in hell he would've left, even after August...
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radiowallet · 1 year
The Evermore album is so Din/Bo coded I want to throw up.
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singerin · 2 years
Holy shit Ellie.
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picklesanddough · 2 years
Y'ALL 😭😭
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clockwork-carstairs · 8 months
At last, he was no longer doomed, and she was still so lovely.
– jem about tessa, forever fallen
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When it came time for Shuri to take the herb Riri didn’t have to be there.
Yet she was…
Holding Shuri’s hand and rubbing her shoulder for comfort.
No I don’t think you understand…
Riri was solely there for COMFORT
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So... how do we feel about Miri's mother? I do think she's changed at least a bit
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and I do believe she wants to spend more time with Miri, but she can't just show up after a year of claiming she doesn't want anything to do with Miri at all and take her back as if Rei and Kazuki were just caretakers all this time. The only reason why she wants to see Miri again is because she's dying. But how do we know she won't just go back to her old habits? In episode 3, she made it explicitly clear she wanted nothing to do with Miri, and now here she is again asking for her daughter back. I don't know, but if I was Rei or Kazuki I'd find this to be extremely unfair.
But then again, Kyu is also right- if they kept Miri, they would be seriously endangering her life and possibly harm her while she's caught in the crossfire.
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canonically47 · 9 months
I love you so fucking much. Your posts make me so happy. I love the way you express yourself. I love the way you type. I love how, as an arospec person, who didn't feel connected to the community, seeing your posts made me remember that I am part of that community, no matter what I tell myself. It made me love that part of me so much more. I love following you. Everytime I see you post I want to hug you. You seem so sure of yourself, so certain, and that makes me more sure of myself.
Here's a cat gif if you want it. I would try to embed it but I can't. Thank you for being you.
oh anon 🥹 you 🥹🥹 you got me crying 🥹🥹🥹
this is genuinely the sweetest ask i have ever gotten & probably the most meaningful. i am so happy i can make you feel better about your arospec identity, as someone who just recently realized and came to terms with theirs, too. it’s hard for me to acknowledge i am valid sometimes and i am glad the part of me that loudly screams of my pride helped you. i am glad i could be part of that for you.
also, that cat gif makes me so happy - i used to post it all the time on twitter (back when i had the app) when replying to my friends, so you just sent me back to a good time haha. i was so torn about my identity then; i used to have a dozen of neopronouns and microlabels, and tried SO HARD to convince myself i liked men lol. i’m happy i am now comfortable in my skin as a girl, a lesbian, an aromantic person.
thank you for this ask, genuinely. you’ve made my day. sending you so much love, friend! 🩷💫
if you ever want to get off anon and shoot me a DM, please go for it, i would love to see who you are <3
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ywpd-translations · 2 years
Ride 710: Support, Sakamichi
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Pag 1
2: I see it
I finally see it! That's the peak, Kei-chan!!
3: Another 1km and we're there!! It sure it's hard, racing!!
Yeah, 1km is long, Kyou-chan
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Pag 2
1: I wonder if Roku-chan surpassed him
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Pag 3
1: Maybe
3: I think he chose “go”
4: “Go”?......
Ah..... I see
….. I guess so
5: It feels a little lonely
6: While saying things like “we'll make sure (that he passes Kinaka)”, maybe we were the ones who
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Pag 4
1: really valued the time spent in the same club as Roku-chan
He passed him!!
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Pag 5
1: In the end Rokudai caught the experienced Kinaka at the last minute on the peak!!
4: Da..... mn...
This race really
5: is super fun...!!!
He- he freed himself from the tape!!
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Pag 6
1: I did it.....
Kei-chan.... Kyou-chan....
2: I passed him
I kept.... our “promise”
3: Seriously!! Did you see that!? Imaizumi-san!!
Wa- Issa, don't push Imaizumi-san's head!!
Obviously, I saw it
Waa, Imaizumi-san is getting all serious 
4: Rokudai-kun!!
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Pag 7
1: Amazing
4: Rokudai's concentration when he passed Kinaka...
5: His feelings...
His resolution...
6: His full strength....
7: I felt them all while watching him from here....!!
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Pag 8
1: Yeah!!
2: You're right!!
5: Onoda-kun!!
6: Ah- but-but of course I fel Kinaka-kun's.... willpower and pride too!! Yes!!
…. you shouldn't be so stiff about treating them equally just because you're the captain, Onoda-kun
7: It's okay when it's the moment to support them
8: Ah
9: Telling them how you feel
10: It's a senpai's role
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Pag 9
1: Okay
4: Dammit...... really.....
5: He really passed me!?
6: The reason I lost is..... my lack of ability!!
Kinaka entered the downhill and, as expected, he passed him back!!
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Pag 10
1: From now on it's a long downhill, I hope Rokudai can still..... keep up......
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Pag 11
2: Here.....
3: Oi, you, Rokudai- pedal seriously!!
Ehi, Issa
You're falling behind! D'you want Kinaka to take the finish line like this?
4: Doesn't Rokudai look a little bad?
5: Rokudai-kun!!
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Pag 13
3: Rokudai-kun!!
Rokudai fell from his bike!!
4: He hit the curb and fell into those thick bushes
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Pag 14
1: He used up all his strength.....!?
A-anyway, thank god he fell in the bushes, thank god!!
2: Rokudai-kun
3: Onoda-san!!
4: He's here
5: Are you okay, Rokudai-kun?
Are you okay!?
Can you run? Go back to the race..!!
Don't be absurd, Issa
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Pag 15
2: Ah!!
3: My bike.....
4: W- what about Kinaka-kun!?
5: I.... I have to chase him.....
Yeah!! That's right!!
It's okay, Rokudai!! You can still catch up!!
Oi Issa, don't get too excited
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Pag 16
3: My right hand has no strength, teh....
6: But..... I have to go....
7: Kinaka-kun said that......
“If I win this first years' race I can go to the Inter High?”
“If you can pass all of us experienced riders and take the finish line”
8: He said that if I'm the very first one to reach the finish line....
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Pag 17
2: I can.... with Back-gate-slope-senpai....
I can run...... together with him..... teh.....
3: Otherwise
My goal is.....
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Pag 18
1: Rokudai-kun.... I received your feelings
2: So, it's alright now
You can rest now, you can retire from the race
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Pag 19
3: You ran so amazingly, so you must be tired
Ah, no-no-no
Thank you for supporting me*
(NdT.: the verb he uses here, which is the same as the chapter's title, has also the meaning of “hold up”, so “support” both physically and figuratively)
4: Ahhh, but I can't move either my hands and legs
6: Roku-chan!!
7: Kei-chan, Kyou-chan!!
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Pag 20
1: You passed him!!
2: Yeah!!
4: Good job!!
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mechsbrackets · 1 year
Y'all are determined to make me cry huh (joking!). A solid half of these quotes so far are really sad, and I'm going through and relisten in to the official albums to check accuracy
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radiowallet · 2 years
What happened was we reached the moon
But lost in space, I think we got there all too soon
But you know what? I'm comin' back for you, baby
I'm comin' back for you
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tutuandscoot · 1 year
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Me: “I’m fine”.
Narrator: She was not fine
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damnonew · 1 year
at the end of s1 when they think the bookshop is gone and crowley is all ‘you can stay with me if you’d like’
and then we start s2 with crowley living in his car because is apartment was paid for by hell.... 
aziraphale, why??????? 
let your boyfriend move in 
like he was willing to do for you 
goddamnit yall, it was foreshadowing for the heartbreak at the end and we were too distracted by the plants in the bentley to pick up on it 
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wayfaringstrangxr · 1 year
Dreams | @inquisitivelydamned
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Angels don't need to sleep, they don't need to lay down or rest at all, but when Aziraphale closes his eyes and allow his mind to drift away from this reality…
Crowley walks comfortably around Aziraphale's new office as Supreme Archangel, he is his second in comand and even that they had a good laugh about it, he is dressed in an off-white version of his usual clothes. But nothing different than that. His eyes are still the same yellow as before, the short red hair has a style that resembles the one he used along the 21st century.
And they're laughing, because the Archangel Michael had just walked away from the office, quite unpleased by the new managment, but it doesn't matter, because they're together and they'll make everything better.
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the festivities went off without a hitch! food was delicious, Tokyo episode was well received, everyone came very prepared to do the thing and be in the spirit of the day which was just so lovely?? happy Bourdain's birthday everyone 💕
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