#exocolonist fic
redrocketpanda · 2 years
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I've been very slowly working away at my Exocolonist fic, which started as a "I want to bang Rex and Cal at the same time, thank you very much and if you won't let me do it in game I will write it myself" fic and then morphed into something bigger about interpersonal + planetary abundance.
I've got the romance scene with Cal to tackle, the Cal/Rex/Sol scene, and fix up the intro then I think it will be *finally* ready to share?
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full---ofstarlight · 5 months
thinking of sol saying goodbye to dys before he leaves to join the gardeners (again) and she's somber about it but not sad because the two of them know that they'll meet again (in the next life, and the life after and the life after) and maybe it won't be the same the next time but they both know they're not ever going to be apart and it was always going to go this way, but it is always going to go this way, and no matter what they'll find each other (again and again and again(and again and again and again)) even if it's not the same (it's never the same (it's always the same))
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moonbugs9058 · 2 months
I wrote. A fanfiction!!
to my recent followers who followed because of recent psych obsessions: I wrote a fic! Everybody cheered!
Two in a million, twice in a lifetime -> A Shawn/Abigail focused fic that explores my take on their relationship and how it changed both of them before its end. There's a tiny minuscule amount of shassie at the end, and this is mostly a character study and a way for me to dip my toes into writing Shawn (because I can't seem to get his character right at all for some reason. usually it comes so naturally with magnus chase and exocolonist but apparently psych is where the line is drawn)
I don't plan out my fics before I write them, I kind of just go with the flow, so if there's any inconsistencies that you notice, please let me know! Forgive me if it's OOC, again, I'm just trying to explore how to write these characters in the first place :) By now, it's 4 in the morning and I def have not proofread the fic (stars only know why im awake in the first place) and I finished it up at around 2 AM so if it's scattered at all just know that that's probably why
Happy reading!
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piratespencil · 3 days
Holoposters and Hopeyes
Fandom: I Was a Teenage Exocolonist
Rating: Teen & Up
Relationships: Sol/Vace
“You know,” Sol says softly, their eyes taking on that strange and dreamy look they sometimes have. “In all the times I’ve known you, I don’t think you’ve ever told me what happened to your arm.” Sol says things like this, sometimes. Weird turns of phrase. All the times I’ve known you, not time. Vace has tried to ask them about it, but they always brush it off. He’s learned not to ask—it’s just another one of Sol’s quirks, something else that makes them seem… different, in a way that made Vace hate them just as much as all the other Strato weirdoes so many years ago, but that makes them so intriguing now. Endearing, even. A quiet moment of vulnerability between Vace and Sol.
Read it on AO3
(I just finished my Vace run—which I went into mainly because I wanted to know more about Vace and I knew I’d never befriend him in a normal run—and came out of it with a lot of thoughts about this guy. I thought it was strange that the game never really brings up his arm or how he feels about it, so I threw together some headcanons...
This is definitely set after several years of Vace going to therapy/growing as a person, but I think he could get to this point. I like to think he could. 😊 I’ve only done a couple runs, so apologies for any inaccuracies or inconsistencies!)
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squiddley-feeterson · 10 months
Au where Sol’s memories are perfectly clear. Like maybe this is either post the transcending time ending or they died in the wormhole or maybe their augment is just photographic memory and it affects this. How it happens doesn’t matter, just that their memories don’t have that dreamlike “wet paint” quality they mention in-game. And since Sol knows their past lives have never been able to see this clearly, they realize this is their chance to finally save everyone like Ancient Sol is always saying.
On the Stratos they’re a fairly normal child (though the other kids think there’s something slightly off about them) but as they get closer to the wormhole they start gaining their memories back. Though it’s only after waking up on Vertumna that they remember everything. And though they try every possible thing to prevent disaster and prove that they could at least see it coming, only the kids believe them. And honestly it’s really only Dys at first.
The others need some convincing, but as Sol gains the trust of more and more of their friends, the adults become more convinced that they’re sick and, as they get older and more insistent, more rebellious, more in tune with the planet itself, that they might be a danger to the other kids. Especially once the Helios land and Lum learns about their burgeoning “cult”.
So yeah is this anything? I just like the idea of a Sol with basically all of the knowledge of the player and, yknow, someone who’s been in a time loop so long that they’re starting to get really desperate
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You're telling me I've been playing this game for at least about 30 different runs AND I'M JUST NOW DISCOVERING THIS IS A THING???
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penguin--person · 1 year
she makes puns. shes had stickers on her for years and never taken them off. shes a catgirl. shes transfem. she can grieve. if you befriend her as a child she gives you +10 reasoning and +10 engineering. she likes to play tricks on children. shes the best ever. shes an ai. she can feel compassion. shes invaluable. shes the only thing keeping the exocolony together. i didnt say her name but she popped into your mind didnt she
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lartedale · 1 year
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4 - Some sols. The one on the right is based on Chapt. 14 of this fic that lives rent free in my head.
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brainicusrotticus · 6 months
Got any Vace headcanons you feel like sharing? 👀
oooo boy i’m definitely digging through my brain to put some to paper now!
touch starvation
• he’s touch starved. like, this probably isn’t even a headcanon, you can’t look at that man and tell me he’s not
• he has a lot of general physical contact when it comes to training.
• but friendly, kind touch? like a hug from a friend or a joking shoulder squeeze?
• he’s always held himself apart from the other soldiers, a bit. especially when they started looking up to him. he needed respect, not affection.
• but he’s also touch-averse.
• there’s a gentleness that kind touch brings out in you
• and he is afraid of it
• for this reason, he naturally tends to lead with his left arm, the metallic one. it keeps other people’s warmth distant, and leaves them with the impression of him as something cold, hard, and made for function
• it’s just easier that way
• (but not better.)
people pleasing
• he used to be a people pleaser.
• it’s an easy habit to develop, when you’ve got abandonment issues and would do anything to get the parent who stayed to stop
• and he wasn’t strong enough to fight back, anyway
• if he got the impression that someone would even bother to look at him twice, he would practically build his whole personality towards them
• he’d pick up shared hobbies even if he hated them
• shared likes and dislikes, attitudes, world views…
• he just turned himself into a mirror, because that’s what he thought he was supposed to do
• this is what led to rex bullying him
• it’s pretty easy to see when someone’s doing this, and even easier to think it’s just them being fake, or mocking you
• after he broke rex’s arm, he stopped
• but he swung like a pendulum in the complete opposite direction
• he started intentionally scaring people off, because they never did him any fucking good
• he’d intentionally become everything they disliked if someone tried to get close
• for a while, it was a total personality shift, too
• he’d make his whole life about making them want nothing to do with him
• as he got older, he became more of a person for himself, though he still tends to mix and match quirks and interests to shrug people off
• he actually didn’t hate xenos when helios first landed
• he was wary of them, but he found them… interesting
• one of his first days out of the colony walls, he came across a hopeye that was just hanging out, making cute hopeye noises
• vace made sure there was no one around who could even possibly see this
• and then tried to pet it
• but the helios? didn’t really have animals
• so vace? didn’t really know how to handle animals
• and he startled the poor thing, which chomped down on his hand (metallic one) and then bolted
• it didn’t hurt, but it did fuck up one of the finger joints a little, and he had to fix it in engineering
• (but he did fix it himself, because he wasn’t admitting to anyone what happened)
• he admits that to solane one day, after they’ve grown close
• and solane is trying so hard to be proud of him for sharing this, because it’s hard for vace to admit anything
• but he also just desperately wants to tell vace that he’s a dumbass, of course it bit him
• (and is also so glad it was the metal hand. he’s read about rabies. he hasn’t seen anything similar on vertumna, but…)
• vace doesn’t like the cold
• it makes him put on layers, it makes the metal on his arm feel weird, the parts it connects to ache… anytime he has to go into a room where the AC is kept running, he’s grumpy
• but he also used to watch a weird amount of winter holiday movies as a kid
• (he once got lum with a home alone style trap, when lum was a teenager)
• so he’s always found something kind of magical about snow
• but real snow is freezing
• (supposedly)
• (he’s never actually seen any)
• his favorite vertumna season is quiet
• sometimes, when he goes out of the colony during the snows, he just finds a quiet spot to stand and let it fall on him. it reminds him a little of stars
• he doesn’t like alcohol. the flavor is awful, and his augment makes him a heavyweight. so trying to actually get drunk isn’t even worth it.
• but he refuses to avoid it
• he thinks it’s the only way to prove he’s not as weak as his father
• to stare the same temptation dead in the eyes, and refuse to give in
• and—he doesn’t. he doesn’t experience the change in brain chemicals, doesn’t become dependent on it.
• that doesn’t mean it’s healthy, though. especially not mentally. he’s still letting that ghost haunt him, control him
• and it takes a few years for that to finally get a mention in therapy with congruence. and even when she explains that to him, it doesn’t really… take.
• but congruence and sol share records, when necessary for the good of a patient.
• so eventually, sol sits vace down. in his office, in an appointment, completely professional setting.
• and he lays it all out for him.
• you see, alcoholism is partially influenced by genes. and if vace’s dad had the genes for it, it’s possible vace does too. but the way vace’s augment works, it’s harder for things to affect him. it would take a genuine, concerted effort to get him addicted to something. like, medical intervention.
• but if he ever has children… they might get the genes.
• but it’s not the be-all end-all. it’s also influenced by environment. strongly by the examples they see as they grow.
• and if one of his kids sees his attitude, that alcohol avoidance is some challenge to be conquered, and adopts the same attitude, without the same augment…
• vace stops drinking, then
• it does take a while, because it’s kind of habit at this point. if there’s alcohol, drink it. suffer through the nasty taste. prove you’re better. he doesnt even usually consciously decide to drink.
• but he does get there.
chronic pain
• it’s his arm
• it’s hard to hurt him in a way that leaves a permanent mark
• so to damage his arm to the point that it comes off, or needs to be removed?
• that fucks shit up
• and it was weird to him, for a long time
• he’s not super used to feeling pain, not on a scale similar to other people. he doesn’t know if his pain tolerance is high because he can take harder hits, or if he genuinely feels pain differently.
• (it’s a bit of both, really. he is harder to damage, but pain isn’t nerves being damaged. it’s nerves saying “hey, something dangerous is happening”. but, what is considered “dangerous” to his body is a different level. and that’s the level his nerves are used to. if someone else were given his augment later in life? it would take a while for the nervous system to adjust. and that while would suck.)
• but, chronic pain? it’s his nerves trying to say hey this is wrong, we should fix this, but no one listens because really, there’s not a whole lot more to do?
• phantom pain, too. it’s hard to rewire that, once the path has been made.
• but pain medication?
• well… chemical-altering substances don’t affect him nearly as easily. so they don’t help.
• he just… brute forces his way through it. refuses to let it affect his day to day life.
• he doesn’t let himself have “bad days”.
• which really just means he overexerts himself until something happens that makes him take it easy.
• (for a while, it’s rhett coming up with an excuse. or implementing a rotating system for soldiers to have a week off)
• eventually, therapy helps him start to change that mindset, too
thank you so much for sending this ask! i enjoyed digging around in my skull and pulling out headcanons like potatos, lovingly and obsessively cradling them like a goblin. i’m sure i’ll have more to share, once ive crawled into their burrows and lured them out with… i don’t know, tea? cubes of sugar? apple slices? something.
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wilting-fl0wer · 5 months
I'm genuinely disappointed at the lack of nsfw content in this fandom
like it has so much potential for that its unreal but the spice department is SO DRY
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hydelovessparkles · 6 months
God I’m in such a mood to talk about my Star Trek DS9/I Was A Teenage Exocolonist fic.
Someone who knows both pleaaasssseeee talk to me about it. Let me discuss it. Bounce ideas off me. Someone who knows one, get into the other one. They are both so good I cannot STRESS how much I recommend them
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vergess · 2 years
Literally my favourite thing about this game is when people write fics or make art of a scenario they wanted to have but couldn't in the game, and then I get to tell them 'actually! If you do this collection of unrelated absurd nonsense, you CAN!'
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popcornapocalypse · 11 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: I Was a Teenage Exocolonist (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dys/Sol/Sym (I Was a Teenage Exocolonist), Dys/Sol (I Was a Teenage Exocolonist), Dys/Sym (I Was a Teenage Exocolonist), Sol/Sym (I Was a Teenage Exocolonist) Characters: Dys (I Was a Teenage Exocolonist), Sol (I Was a Teenage Exocolonist), Sym (I Was a Teenage Exocolonist) Additional Tags: Polyamory, Polyamory Negotiations, Miscommunication, they figure it out though don't worry, Established Relationship, Getting Together, First Kiss, Mutual Pining, Love Bites, Not Actually Unrequited Love, POV Third Person, They/Them Pronouns for Sol (I Was a Teenage Exocolonist), Nonbinary Sol (I Was a Teenage Exocolonist) Series: Part 3 of Dishsoap Symulator 3000 Summary:
What to do when you find out that your alien boyfriend has been dating your crush without telling you. Featuring conversations with said crush about the fact that you apparently share a mutual boyfriend.
Dys/Sol/Sym polyamory negotiations <3
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moonbugs9058 · 2 months
A list of stuff I've written
Because I'm having trouble finding my own shit sometimes so it'll be nice to have it all in one space, also, shameless a03 plug: MoonBugs9058 on AO3
From my "Tales Of Empty Cups" series (Magnus Chase):
Cost of Living -> Mostly blitzstone, follows the plots of SoS and HoT, ~27k words
Tales From The Five And A Half (six if you round up) -> One shot collection with loosely connected plots (not in chronological order), connected to Cost of Living, currently ~16k words
From my "In Vertumna And Time" series (Exocolonist):
Prince Charming -> Focuses on the Tammy/Cal relationship but also has Cal/Sol in it, ~2k words
Spider Web of Guilt -> Focuses on Sol (it's also in second person), ~2k words
Don't Call It Abuse (i can't handle another tragedy) -> Focuses on Anemone/Vace, ~3k words
Love is hard to unlearn -> Focuses on the Tammy/Cal relationship but also has Tammy/Sol in it (companion piece to Prince Charming), ~3k words
Without All The Nuance -> Focuses on Sol's deterioration and has a little bit of everything in it, pretty angsty though, ~42k words
Other works not in a series (Psych):
Two In A Million, Twice In A Lifetime -> Psych fandom, is a bit of a relationship/character study for Shawn and Abigail and follows them through different parts of their relationship up until S4 E16: Mr. Yin Presents, and a little bit after that, ~4.5k words.
Happy reading! I have a chapter come up for Tales Of Empty Cups (the long-awaited SOTD chapter except I've kinda hit a wall with that so we'll see how long it takes.)
This post updates as I write more stuff!
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hedgehogoftime · 1 year
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brittlebeast · 1 year
Fandom: I Was a Teenage Exocolonist Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sol/Tangent Characters: Sol, Tangent Additional Tags: Trans Character, Trans Female Character, Canon Trans Character, Break Up, Fluff, Time Loop, Aromantic, Friendship, Ambiguous-Gender Sol, Peace on Vertumna Ending, POV Second Person, Trans Sol, Amicable Breakup, Established Relationship Summary: Sol and Tangent have found each other a million times, and will find each other a million times more. She always leaves, there's always still love, and it always happens all over again.
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