#expecting perfect RP english
only-god-canstopme · 2 years
one of my fondest hc is that i truly truly believe that the hatfords are either scottish or northern english. and a much smaller gang than the moriyamas/wesninskis in general. it just makes more sense to me.
i like to think that the hatfords are more working class,not in wealth but culturally, and that mary wanted more than that. she grew up wanting to be amongst higher society, to be rich and boast about it too. and when she got the opportunity to leave with a man who offered that lifestyle, the glamour and shimmer and appeal of old dirty money, she jumped at it. she left her family behind, thinking she could do better than them. and she told them that too. she thought she’d be more than she was with her family, be an equal to nathan in his business and at home.
and she was, until she got pregnant. and then suddenly she was a mother, instead of a person. the one who caused a problem by getting pregnant. now nathan had something he had to deal with, to get rid of so he could continue his work with the moryiamas. the cruelty she’d been exempt from till this point was suddenly turned on her and her son. Neil became the only thing she had. and she had to risk everything for him.
and once it all went south, the shame and the guilt, and the belief that the hatfords couldnt deal with problems this big, ate away at her until she was on an island of two. her and neil. and while she loved him, she really loved him, neil had torn her away from the life she had made for herself. from the position she deserved to have, among the prestige and wealth. so she resented him.
what she didn’t know, was that for her, her family would’ve made themselves bigger. for neil, they increased their base and standings in uk and made themselves important to the moriyamas. they extended business overseas. they would’ve fought for her had she asked.
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thethirdromana · 1 year
What could Jonathan sound like?
I've seen a few posts going around that Jonathan could or should have a Devon accent, so I wanted to look into that in more detail. This is not to be negative about anyone's headcanons, but just to provide a bit more context.
Accents in the UK are complicated; the UK has a higher level of accent diversity than nearly anywhere else in the English-speaking world. Someone's accent is determined by their region, where accents can vary between towns that are less than fifty miles apart, and by their class - not just working/middle/upper but variations within those as well.
It was much the same in the 1890s. "Standard" accents have been promoted since the 17th century, and by the end of the 19th century, "received pronunciation" (RP) was "widespread among students at fee-paying public schools and universities by the end of the 19th century." (source)
So to figure out what Jonathan might sound like, we first need to figure out where he grew up and what his social class is. For where he grew up, I'm going to assume Exeter. Plausibly he could have grown up somewhere else, then moved to Exeter, say in his teens, to have "grown into manhood" working for Peter Hawkins. But to narrow down the options, let's go with Exeter.
Then there's his social class. That's trickier. As a solicitor's clerk, he was on the lower fringes of the middle class; as a solicitor, he is more solidly established in the middle class. But in the English class system, your job is usually much less important than your background; even in the modern day, someone with long-established family wealth who went to private school who falls on hard times and ends up working in a supermarket stays upper-middle class even if they're doing a working-class job. And we don't know Jonathan's background; he's an orphan.
OK. So let's listen to some options. These are all much later than the 1890s, but I've done my best, especially working with the limitation that the British Library Sounds Archive doesn't have a straightforward search by year option that I could find.
Here's a working-class man in from Plympton, Devon (38 miles from Exeter), born 1882, speaking in 1964:
And another working-class man from Blackawton, Devon (36 miles from Exeter), born 1888, speaking in 1964:
And I can't get the preview for this to display properly, but here's a final working-class man from Swimbridge, which is also about 35 miles from Exeter but in a different direction. He was born in 1885 and the recording is from 1963.
That gives some sense of what a working-class Jonathan might sound like.
But regardless of Jonathan's actual background, I don't think he would sound like that. Frankly, I'm not sure you would find many solicitors with a strong working-class Devon accent even in the modern day, let alone the 1890s.
(Which is a damning verdict on social mobility in the UK, but never mind that right now.)
Let's compare the accents above with that of an upper-class man from Exeter, Devon, born 1881, speaking in 1942. This is William Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury:
He's a perfect example of the RP accent I mentioned above - the one that was widely used by students at fee-paying schools in the UK by the late 19th century. I'd expect Jack, Arthur and Lucy to have this kind of accent. You can't easily identify which part of the country Temple comes from, but you can instantly identify his class.
Jonathan might not have naturally had this kind of accent, nor might he have grown up speaking this way. But for an ambitious young man attempting to solidify his position in the middle class, attempting to sound like this as much as possible would be a good career move. Personally, my best guess at his accent would be that he would sound like this most of the time - maybe with a little more Devon sneaking in when he feels emotional or forgets himself. The more privileged you imagine Jonathan's background to be, the more likely he would be to use RP.
RP has evolved a lot over the past century, so I think it's interesting to compare what this kind of accent sounds like in the modern day, since historic RP can sound quite strange to modern ears.
The current Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, comes from a relatively similar background to William Temple (there's that social mobility again), and he sounds like this:
(he's arguing here that the Church of England should do better on LGBT rights, in case the preview doesn't make that clear)
And that's pretty much the same accent as the fantastic Ben Galpin has in @re-dracula too.
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Hello people who found this craziness entertaining!
I made this blog because I was bored and wanted a place to lore dump about my ocs without bothering the few normal people that come across my main blog
‼️DISCLAIMER: THE ART IN THE HEADER ISN'T MINE! I got it from this picrew: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1473879‼️
You can ask my characters anything you want, just be aware I won't answer asks I'm not comfortable answering/are about upcoming lore that I don't want to spoil before I write it
Just state who the question is for, and if you don't I'll assume the question is for me and answer accordingly
Basic blog things:
Sorry Phoenix x Juniper shippers, my blog doesn't do that because I personally don't see it. But I support if you ship them and love to see stuff like that! I do ship Prism x Reginald though, and Prism x Fabby...
Basically I ship her with everyone except Phoenix and maybe John.
Also, I have no drawing skills at all, so please don't expect me to draw them doing anything 😭 (edit: I have a couple drawing skills now and plan to use all of them for this >:3)
My Phoenix!!!
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Codename: Agent Phoenix
Age: 22
Pronouns: They/Them
Height: 5'2" No fuck that I'm totally 6'3" and have large muscles
Joined the agency at: 18
Favorite color(s): Red and Black
Disability(s): Agent Phoenix is missing their right leg from a horrible car crash that claimed the lives of their parents at 14, forcing them to live on the streets for two years until they eventually got scouted by the agency. Miraculously, even though they've been in far worse danger and experienced far worse pain, they have not sustained any other lasting injuries.
Personality: Imagine if the Norse god Loki and a can of Monster Energy drink had a child who likes to commit arson as a hobby.
Random facts: Phoenix can read, write, and speak fluent English, Spanish, and Japanese because their parents moved around all the time and barely stayed in one place for more than a month. They're also pretty good at Mandarin Chinese, Portuguese, and Galic, but have absolutely no understanding of Italian.
They can do some basic martial arts, but they mainly excel at accidental stealth and all-out brawl style fights, for they are very fast and good at analyzing how exactly to take an enemy out.
They are diagnosed with autism and auditory schizophrenia, although they believe that they may also have ADHD because of how much stimulation they need to get their job done.
Lore posts
Here are the links (Oldest to Youngest by when I posted them) to posts that give you more lore about my versions of these characters
The Home Argument (Handler's perspective)
The Home Argument (Phoenix's perspective)
The Agency can Wait
Random Headcannons (self h@rm mention)
What became of Solaris (Radio transmission #1)
The Call
A Phoenix burns hottest when it's Born Again (Part 1)
The Most Perfect Name
I know I'm pathetic (angst)
Incident report 067 (more angst)
Can't cage a Phoenix arc
Brothers of the Stars (long ass RP chain with @the-one-and-only-043 )
Who's Trevor? (slightly angsty)
The most painful way to say goodbye (even longer RP chain with @the-one-and-only-043 and @wyvchard (sorry for the tags))
The Victim of a Basilisk (Part 1)
Agency file: The Basilisk & Dr. Vadas
The Victim of a Basilisk (Part 2)
Dream Cast ( @wyvchard version)
Dream Cast ( @the-one-and-only-043 version)
Screen Cast (right after the other two, some Agent Circuit lore)
Agent Ombre (profile)
Agent Circuit Board (image)
Rants (that may or may not contain lore)
Reginald Crane is a professional
John Juniper is known for his lies
A Reversal of Roles (ieytd au)
Random lore (doesn't really have a name)
Operation: Deluge (ieytd au)
How do you kill a Phoenix? (announcement post)
Random things you should probably know beforehand
Prologue: The Death of a Phoenix (This takes you directly to the Ao3 chapter, heads up)
Unconditional Love (Roxanix fic thingy, full of angst)
Part one (Prism's Perspective)
Part one (Phoenix's Perspective)
Part two (Reginald's Perspective)
Part two (Phoenix's Perspective)
A trip to the past (fic idea by @kayssweetdreams , thank you!)
Part one
Random ask things
Phoenix's text will be red
Reginald's text will be orange
Juniper's text will be green
Prism's text will be blue
Fabricator's text will be purple
We've also got Hivemind and his text is pink
(this does not apply to lore posts(usually(sometimes I add this system in because it's hard to tell who's talking)))
Thanks for reading! That's all for now :3
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bonafidecatladyrps · 3 months
Looking for RP Partners
So I just remade my blog into this. I used to be bonafidecatlady on all socials but it seems that it's starting to lose it's vibes so...
Please also refer to the 4 dots on my sidebar for my tags and pages.
• My name is Mary. 33 years old. Loved, lost and experienced shit.
• My OTP and wanted for ship (to no one’s surprise) is: my anya x your bill; I’m very open to others. This pinterest board has some of my other favorite face claims.
• Looking for partners 25+ ys old preferably. Very mature content. Smut involved. • My username is bonafidecatlady on discord. Add me away and say hi. Just let me know where you found me and your blog/personal server. • I’m Brazilian, don’t expect perfect English grammar or punctuation. • I 99% of the time will only play double ships {mumus}  (ill play a male and a female), unless ofc you’re a male only player. • plot twists give me life. feel free. • I don’t do long paragraphs. I usually do two tops so it gets the topic flowing and fast to reply. I’m a Vet irl so my time is kind of limited. • My favorite things to write: crime (bike gang, con artists, stuff like that), dystopian situations, fantasy (royalty based/witches), horror (vampires and werewolves) and lore based on tv/movies (pls don’t confuse this as me wanting to reenact them).  • I like me some good old romance but it definitely needs to have some bigger plot to aim for and I’m too anxious to play enemies to lovers for too long (but love it), fair warning lol • I enjoy adding random drama/surprises however big or small on both mine and my partner’s characters (w/ consent) • I enjoy being friends with the people I rp with, knowing just a tiny bit makes me more at ease to write as I like. • I love getting and giving excited messages, pinterests, playlists, quotes, etc and I love doing it too • I don’t mind fading to black but I like writing smut. • I like multiple plots in the same world/reality where the stories can interconnect. I also like creating “disposable/NPC” characters that make appearances just to enrich the plot.
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omgitsmimi · 7 months
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Omg hi! Im mimi, and im a roleplayer!
ok, it's been a while since i rp the last time, but i really, reaally want to start again so.. here i am!
im 18 years old, but i don't mind rp with minors, expect for nsfw. for that i want only 18+
i usually rp cc x cc (Only SakuAtsu -me as Atsumu- or BokuAka, KageHina and a few other) but i could try oc x cc or oc x oc!
i rp in third person, i will put an example! I can rp on discord, or on WhatsApp but I don't actually don't mind! Also, sorry ifmy english it's not perfect, it's in fact not my first language!
please, if ur interested, text me!
thank you all<3
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example rp::
The ball hitting the floor, a loud thud echoing through the gym as his eyes followed the ball, a satisfied smile on his face, eyes as alive as they ever were. Everyone knew how much Atsumu loved volleyball, and he made a point of reminding him every day, to his brother, to his friends, to the first person who passed by on the street. everyone had to know. Atsumu was perfecting his line, though, there was little to perfect into something already perfect. His thoughts were interrupted by the call of his brother who, in a brusque tone -as was usual with Osamu- who called him back to tell him (or threaten him?) to go home and leave that ball alone. as if it were easy mh? "'m coming, 'm coming"
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cursed-herbalist · 2 years
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𝓞𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓪 '𝓞𝓭𝓮' 𝓛𝓲𝓵𝓲𝓪𝓷 𝓐𝓿𝓮𝓻𝔂
Gryffindor • Pureblood • British/German • Aries • ENFJ • Investigative Journalist • Activist
Pinterest | Spotify
A/N: If your Ocs want to be friends with Ode hmu!
Name: Odessa Lilian Avery
Meaning: Greek origin meaning wrathful; Odessa is the feminine version of Odysseus, which has taken on the connotative meaning of wandering, travelling adventure in honour of the famous voyage in the Odyssey. Lilian is of Latin origin meaning 'lily' or 'purity'.
Nicknames: Ode, Lily
Birthdate: 30th March 1889 (4:18 AM)
Zodiac Sign: Aries Sun, Pisces Moon, Aquarius Rising
Personality Type (MBTI): ENFJ
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Gender Identity: Witch (she/her)
Blood-Status: Pureblood
Nationality: British/German
Residence: London, England
Hometown: Upper Flagley (Wizarding Town) / Doncaster, Yorkshire, England
Languages: English, French, Latin
Physical Appearance
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Face Claim: Carey Mulligan
Hair: brown (sometimes blonde)
Eyes: brown
Height: 160cm
Weight: 46kg
Body Type: fairly delicate, smol
Skin Tone: fair
Distinguishing Marks (scars, birthmarks, etc.): tbd
Accent: Yorkshire/RP British mix
What do they carry on them?: notebook, wand, a charming smile and witty words
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Father: Osiris Dorian Avery - Former British Ambassador to Germany, now a British Delegate in the International Confederation of Wizards. Very traditional and strict. Can get very angry and intimidating. Expects excellence and exquisite behaviour from his children at all times. His relationship with his children is rather complicated.
fc: Thomas Kretschmann
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Mother: Cynthia Avery née Silberstein - Housewife. German. Besties with Helena Enfield. Likes to gossip and is a bit judgy. Throwing lavish parties makes her happy. Always hoped for Melv and Ode to end up together and lowkey plotted things for them to get closer and interact. Loves her children dearly and really enjoys being a mother but doesn’t want to cross her husband. Was utterly shocked when Ode eloped with Kit. Was even more shocked when Melv still wanted to marry her after that.
fc: Michelle Williams
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Older brother: Lunas Griffin Avery (1887) - Outwardly plagued by a resting bitch face, Lunas does have a soft side – even if it's usually overshadowed by a bit of an attitude. Due to his job as an Auror (Infiltration Specialist), he has a habit of disappearing without notice. This is one of the reasons why Ode and her brother have a complicated relationship. However, they still care deeply about each other and more often than not she finds herself worrying about his safety, despite their differences. Lunas, in turn, is constantly torn between the wish to protect Ode and the urge to please his father. He, indeed, is his father's favourite but the fondness is not mutual and despite Ode's 'scandalous' elopement, he still kept in touch with her after it.
fc: Volker Bruch
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Younger sister: Ione Lumina Avery (1893) - Precious Ione had always been scared of their father. She preferred to keep her nose buried in a book, as it helped block out her surroundings. Even if she admired her sister Odessa for her uprightness, she much rather preferred to stay quiet about most matters. Gifted with a big imagination she liked to escape the world with art.
fc: Saskia Rosendahl
Born into a strict pure-blood family, Ode was raised to be a perfect, obedient girl. Her temper and wits, however, were not to be easily controlled. From a young age, she started questioning her family's values and behaviour, often getting scolded for her 'too lenient' yet 'rebellious' nature.
This, especially, showed when her best friend, Kit, was announced to lack magical abilities. Despite her parents believing it to be shameful and forbidding her from any contact with him, the two kids would sneak out to meet each other regardless. Merlin forbid, she would not abandon her best friend.
The disdain for her family grew bigger with each year that passed yet she still tried to keep up the facade in social situations. Desperate to get away and seek independence, she applied for a job at the Daily Prophet after graduating from Hogwarts and quickly found her calling in investigative journalism. She'd occasionally dabble in activism for squib and women's rights, sometimes, even getting in trouble because of it. Luckily, her childhood 'friend', Melv would always bail her out. To her surprise, they sometimes found themselves working together, even landing them on the front page of the newspapers once.
At the age of twenty, she decided to move to London—mainly to put a good amount of distance between her and her parents. Little did she know she'd run into her childhood friend Kit there after years of scarce contact. Despite her wrath about him not writing as often as she would've liked, they quickly rekindled their relationship and got married a few months after – twins soon followed.
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House: Gryffindor
Best Class: History of Magic, Charms
Worst Class: Astronomy
Quidditch: -
Clubs: -
Wand: Beech Wood, Pheonix Core, 13 1/2” Length, Slightly Yielding Flexibility
➔ The true match for a beech wand will be, if young, wise beyond his or her years, and if full-grown, rich in understanding and experience. Beech wands perform very weakly for the narrow-minded and intolerant. Such wizards and witches, having obtained a beech wand without having been suitably matched (yet coveting this most desirable, richly hued and highly prized wand wood), have often presented themselves at the homes of learned wandmakers such as myself, demanding to know the reason for their handsome wand’s lack of power. When properly matched, the beech wand is capable of a subtlety and artistry rarely seen in any other wood, hence its lustrous reputation.
Animagus: –
Boggart: her trapped in a golden cage
Riddikulus: bars turn into liquorice and she eats her way out
Patronus: Mockingjay
Patronus Memory: teenage Kit climbing up the trellis near her window to get to her room without anyone noticing and them staying up all night plotting their ‘escape’; later Melv and her waltzing through their living room
Mirror of Erised: tbd
Amortentia (what she smells like): white nougat, parchment, a hint of ink, irises
Amortentia (what she smells): tbd
Magical Abilities: -
11–17: Student at Hogwarts 18–21: Journalist/Reporter for the Daily Prophet 22-?: Investigative Journalist
Always: activist for social change
Personality & Attitude
Personality: Ode is energetic yet mild-mannered. She has strong believes and is quick to speak her mind and stick up for others – and often gets in trouble because of it. Despite her fiery temperament, Ode values kindness and integrity above anything else and certainly knows how to charm people. When her curiosity takes over, she often finds herself in precarious situations, yet she usually finds a way out of it, with or without the help of others.
Ode is incredibly confident, courageous and touchingly earnest yet not afraid of vulnerability. Although her conviction is strong enough to help her bounce back from setbacks and criticism, it’s impossible for her to hide her pain, bewilderment and disappointment. She can both aggravate people and win them over with ease, usually both at the same time.
Ode simply loves to absorb herself in her personal goals, fearing that if she allows others to distract her from her vision, she might never attain it.
Strengths: open-minded, empathetic, good with words/convincing, fiercely charming, observant
Weaknesses: emotional, sometimes too honest, stubborn
Stressors: mistreatment of others, her family, Mystie, injustice, big/heavy doors (has a hard time opening them)
Comfort: books, Kit/Melv, an interesting conversation, dancing, sitting by the window with a warm cup of tea, dipping her feet into water (/running along the shoreline)
Priorities: shaping a better world for everyone, honesty, kindness, her children, her siblings, Kit and later Melv
Colours: autumn colours
Food: White Nougat (nothing makes her happier XD) and Everlasting Syllabub
Drink: Chamomile tea
Flowers: Iris, Chamomile
Books: Anne of the Island; basically anything political and challenging the status-quo
Weather: sunny and warm, preferably with clouds to watch
Hobbies: reading, chess, discussing political issues, activism, researching/gathering information, writing
Style: normal upper/middle-class attire; does like to wear pants and look ‘business’ (le cool chic, if ya know what I mean)
Most valued possessions: Kit's not-too-frequent letters, more tbd
Significant Other/Love Interest:
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Christopher 'Kit' Enfiled @potionboy3 - Ode has had feelings for Kit since they were children yet Kit only started returning them after his break from serving at the front lines. After his return, the two quickly rekindled their relationship and got married a few months after—much to her family's dismay. Her family which believed him to be below her status (for being a Squib) was quick to abandon her because of it. Little did she know that Kit's heart belonged to someone else and would soon die a tragic death.
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Melvyn 'Melv' Enfield @potionboy3 - Melv is Kit's older brother and has been in love with Ode since their childhood. Unfortunately, she only seemed to have eyes for his younger brother. Despite their differences and frequent arguing, they made a good team. And, for some reason, Melv was always there when she needed him. Even if she hated to admit it, she was glad he was around.
The two got closer after Kit's death as Melv offered her support when she most needed it and it quickly resulted in growing feelings and happy marriage.
Friends: Open for friendships :)
Joel Mayfair @magicallymalted - Fellow (younger) Gryffindor. Relationship to be determined. They, at least, know of each other lmao
Mysteria ‘Mystie’ Charmworth - Mystie and Ode used to be best friends until Mystie broke off their friendship. Jealous of Ode and Melv’s feelings for her she makes life for both a living hell.
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Ottilie ‘Ottie’ Ariette Enfield - Kit and Ode's daughter. More tbd. fc: Zoey Deutch
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Oaklan 'Oak' Christopher Enfield - Kit and Ode’s son and Otie’s twin. More tbd. fc: Dylan Arnold
Headcanons & MISC:
has gotten in trouble for minor offences (in the name of activism or for research); luckily Melv always bailed her out (thanks babe <3)
*glares* 'fight me.'
loves men with moustaches
anonymously publishes papers every now and then, criticising social issues
Angry Ode ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
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heartsick-honeybee · 1 year
a Jervis Tetch AU background story.
Oqueso beforehand: I am a RPer.. I am not a writer and I am not good at writing outside of RP, so I am sorry if this isn't great or seems rushed or rambly.
It's because it probably is.
I just had an idea for an AU Jervis background story and went and wrote it. SO yeah
Basically a really long Jervis Tetch background trauma dump. Sorry about that.
Their life had been nearly perfect.
Henry Tetch and Winifred Beauden were both from privileged families.
Both of their families had made a significant contribution to Allied victory in the Second World War.
The Tetch family was well known for their involvement in high-level military intelligence, while the Beauden's family was renowned for their groundbreaking work in medical science. Both said to have saved hundreds of thousands of lives.
As a result, both were very prominant families.
After the war, fate had it that the two families (who had never previously been acquainted.) had found their respective home of their dreams each in the same beautiful English countryside. They became neighbors.
The wives of each of the families, Victoria Tetch and MaryAnne Beauden became fast friends, and eventually even became pregnant with their first children same time.
Henry and Winifred had been close ever since they were born.
Now, it was important to know that these two women, despite being the closest of friends, were two very different women.
Victoria, of course, being the proud wife of such an important militant officer, was a very old fashioned sort of woman. She kept things clean and organized. She felt a woman's place was to manage the househome duties and to support her husband. She wore high collared modest clothing, and her hair always pulled up in a tight bun, which MaryAnne always told her made her prominant overbite stand out far more than was necessary.
She was a no-nonsense type of woman, though she had her weakness-- particularly for gossip.
MaryAnne on the other hand was the entirely opposite sort of woman.
While her husband was still the more prominant doctor, she herself was a nurse.
Victoria often reprimended her for this. "It is at least a woman's job, but now that you're having a child, don't you think you should stop this "working" thing and spend your time in the home?" she would often tell her.
She would only lightheartedly laugh this off.
MaryAnne was a modern sort of woman. Besides working, she loved to wear her hair down, long wavy gold locks abundant. She loved the modern types of clothes.. much loser dresses, shorter, more low cut collars, often bare foot, happy to lie on the grass under their big willow tree-- the type of woman who'd eventually have earned the name "Hippie."
In addition to this, she was very lax with her household. She cooked and cleaned.. but simply not in the traditional way.. not formally.. not even all of the time. Instead of keeping the house,
She prefered to focus on her own hobbies-- Painting and reading.
Victoria always called MaryAnne a Romantic.
Maryanne always called Victoria a Square.
They were the best of friends.
They were, however, as said before-- very different women
and very different women raise their kids very differently.
Now when they were babies, it wasnt so different. THe two women would get together daily for tea, and the children would play together. As they got older, however, is where things diverged.
They remained close, however…
Maryanne raised Winnie just the way youd expect… a free spirit. a wild child, strong and smart and romantic. When she was young she had the freedom to explore, to learn, and to grow. She had really very little structure-- family dinners, for example, were unlikely in lieu of eating whatever was there and fending for herself. She could explore and play as she pleased, and was not overly bothered with school, only made to go as it was necessary, and focussing only on what she'd liked most-- much like her mother, finding herself absolutely in love with reading.
Henry of course was raised as you'd expect in a old-fashioned type of military household.
They were strict with his studies… strict with his bedtime. Strict with his cleaning and his schedule.
His duties came before all else. He would be reprimended for the smallest of things… dirty nailbeds, his books being out of alphabetical order-- The normal sort of military mindset, normal of the time, but simply never meant for a child.
Now, Henry did have SOME freedoms.
As their families were both neighbors with large amounts of acreage, so long as his duties and responsibilities were completed, and especially when his father was home, he was often encouraged to spend time OUTSIDE, away from the house-- so not to be bothersome.
These were Henry's favorite times, as he'd happily escape into the green lands behind their home, and off to the nearby stream.
This stream was one of Winifred's favorite places. From a young age she was allowed to wander-- to explore and grow. She was always waiting for him there.
"Henry~!" She'd always greet with a warm smile.
As they'd grown, Winifred had grown beautiful, just like her mother.
She was incredibly petite and pale… but she had the brightest blue eyes, and wavy gold locks that fell a mess everywhere. She'd be laxed, her bare feet dangling in the water, a book in her hands.
Henry was incredibly enamored with her, and she with him-- though he didn't understand it.
Henry was an average height, but ever so slightly overweight, which he was self conscious of, though his mother insisted he was "Well fed."
He had dark hair, deeply tanned skin, and dark eyes… he wore glasses, and had prominant large bulbous nose and his mothers ridiculously buck teeth. He was precisely what you'd imagine the sterotypical nerd of the time to look like. Always "Properly" dressed, often in dress shirts, with a bow tie and a pocket protector with pens.
He hated it. He felt ridiculous, but Winifred always reassured him.
"Winnie." He'd greet nervously in return. "You brought a book-- will you read to me again?"
He'd ask every day, despite him knowing the answer.. to which she'd always smile.
"Always." She'd agree.
"Mother won't ever let me read those sort of books. She says theyre nonsensical and I should be spending my time studying.." He'd tell her quietly, and she'd smile and shake her head. "Your mother is a codfish." She'd quote peterpan playfully.. patting the ground beside her. "Come sit, I'll read." She'd say surely.
She'd lay down a blanket she'd bring just for him-- the poor boy so afraid of getting in trouble for being dirty he'd never once sit on the grass.. unable to even bring his own blanket to sit upon for fear his mother would find IT dirty and he'd be in trouble. He'd always check, and check, and double check three times to make sure it was clean enough before sitting, and settling in to listen to her stories--.
It was his favorite thing in the world.
She would read him all kinds of stories.. from the classics to romance and anything she could get her hands on… her favorite books, however, were those Old Westerns and anything about the Americal South. Her favorite book, in particular, being "Christy" by Catherine Mashall. a Book about a 19 year old woman from the city who'd come to the Appalachians to help educate the people there, only to learn their ways and appreciate the beauty of the mountain people.
Since it was her favorite book, she had read it many times to Henry.. and it had become his favorite as well.
Today was one of those days, she was just finishing the story for what must have been the fourt or fifth time. He smiled warmly as she finished.. covering his mouth as he did.
"What are you covering your mouth for?" Winifred asked curiously.
Henry frowned. "Mother says that smiling is nonsensical. Besides.. I look ridiculous anyway with these.. teeth." He hissed as though they were some sort of curse.
Winnie only smiled warmly, sliding up and kissing his cheek, making him blush all over.
"I like your teeth, Henry.
Your MOTHER is nonsensical!" She declared surely, leaning into him lightly.
"When we are grown, we should move far far away.. where your mother has no say so."
"To the appalachians?" Henry asked with a warm laugh.
"Why not?" She chimed brightly.
Of course… they were only childish fancies.. but then. What separates a childish fancy from reality spare for action?
The two as they grew only grew closer. They were very much in love, and as soon as they were old enough, they were wed.
Winifred Beuden had become Winifred Tetch
And Henry and Winifred Tetch set off the exact same day for Elizabethton, Tennessee.
It was perfect. Everything they had hoped for. It was a historical town, and it looked just how she had imagined. Beautiful and at the base of the appalachians--
And Winifred and Henry, with their comfortable financial status' of their families, quickly found the perfect home as well. An old, quite large, wooden-and-brick two-story turn-of-the-century home.
It was Everything They'd dreamed of.
Their lives were perfect.
And their perfect life soon only came with more wonderful news… as only a few months after, Winnie was pregnant with their first child.
The two were ecstatic… and nine months later they gave birth to a baby boy.
"He has my nose." Henry IMMEDIATELY sighed in defeat, only making Winnie laugh warmly."
And its just as adorable on him as it is on you. He's perfect."
"At least he has your hair." He mumbled in defeat, but smirked softly.
"What are we to name him?" He asked sweetly, and she smiled softly.
"I like the name Jervis…" Winifred answered gently.
"Jervis..?" He repeated lightly, raising a brow in surprise. "You mean Jarvis? Gervase?"
Winifred shook her head surely.
"Jervis is a version of those. Like Jervis Bay in Wales-- but it sounds more… American. Like… he belongs here." She said surely, if not a bit dreamily.
"JER-vis." He quoted in an American accent-- causing them both to laugh.
"Jervis Tetch. I like it." He said surely.
"Tetch is SO unamerican." SHe sighed and laughed too, Kissing him sweetly.
And so.. Jervis Tetch was born.
As Jervis grew.. he was an absolute Mama's boy if there ever was one.
Winifred ADORED her little son. He was sweet and shy.. attached to her at the hip at all times.
"Winnie~" Henry would greet as he came home from work, kissing her own the lips. Only to have the small blonde boy sulk and crawl onto his moms lap, clinging to her with a pout.
"Mummy~" Hed whine.. making his father sulk.. to which Winnie would answer sweetly and patiently.
"He's only a boy, My Henry. Don't you pout so." She'd comfort warmly.
Any new family with a new child will know this to be true: When a child is involved, you simply dont have the same amount of time together as you'd had before….
When the child is clingy, that is even more true.
Jervis was the most clingy of children. The most sweet and loving of children.
He loved his mother more than anything in the world, and nearly never let her go. At least… until just after the boy had turned four years old.
It had seemed Henry at SOME point had at least got SOME time with his beloved Winifred.. because at this time is when they found out that they were having their second child.
Winnie Tetch was pregnant, and again, they were ecstatic.
"Mummy has a baby in there?" Jervis asked, touching her tummy.
The boy had the most impossibly high pitched voice, and the biggest baby blue eyes that gazed up at his mother like a pup.
"SHe does. Your little sister." She said surely.
"Will she like me?" The boy inquired worriedly.
"She will love you." Winifred assured.
And she did.
Later that year, Winifred gave birth to her second child:
Fairlight Tetch. Named after one of the main characters from her favorite book… the one that had originally inspired her, "Christy."
Jervis immediately adored his little sister and Henry found her to be perfect. She too had her mothers blue eyes and blonde hair, but also got her perfect nose-- which won her fathers immediate approval.
With this year, however.. came something else that was new.
Jervis's first year at school. With this came some issues, buried… and unexpected.
Sadly, the issue isn't what you may think.
Now… we know well Jervis had his fathers large nose.. well you'd well-to-know if you've ever heard of Jervis Tetch, you know well that as his adult teeth began to come in, he too, had the Tetch Family's large overbite.. so you may think perhaps the issue lies in bullying. Right?
Well. You'd not be wrong to think kids could be cruel-- but this did not bother Jervis. He was very much a Beauden at heart. A free spirited romantic, lofty and passive.
Their words didnt bother him much at all. Not really. Neither did the lack of friends.
He'd much rather sit under a tree and look at picture books-- Later read.
Or talk to the cat belonging to one of the neighbors that lived near the school that had often wandered to the playground.
He'd watch the caterpillars eat leaves, and keep track of the crysalises that formed.
He found happiness in his own interests. and so the other children never bothered him much.
No… the problem came in the form of. Henry. His father.
When Henry left England, he had done so entirely with the intent on leaving his Father and Mother behind. But unfortunately some things are harder to forget.
From the way he was raised, Henry had something that in modern times we now know well as trauma-induced OCD.
It manifested in many ways.
It always had shown in small ways. The way he'd check things for cleanliness, every time. WHen he was young, the blanket Winnie would lie down for him. As he got older he did it with dishes, with showering, with putting things away. It wasn't hugely problematic.. but it was noticeable.
If someone else, for example, a young Jervis, had put something away, His father would check it.. and check it again, and once more. He HAD to it seemed, or he'd stress himself into a frenzy.
But it didnt really become an issue until Jervis started school.
"He HAS to study more. He spends all of his time playing-- if he doesn't study his grades will fall."
He'd fret to Winnie, who'd quelm his worries. "And so what if they do, dear? We are well off. He is a smart boy-- He is fine. We are fine." She'd always assure him. But it was so ingrained from his parents and the words theyd always repeat to him as a child. "And what if there is another war, Winifred? Our money will be worth NOTHING. We will lose everything, and he's not the skills to survive!" "Henry!" She'd stop him over and over again. "He is only five, my love. We are in America now. And we will be fine. He will be fine.
He will be fine.
Jervis heard that every time his parents ever argued. They never USED to argue.. and why was it ALWAYS about HIM? He hated it so… he always felt like it was his fault..
Sometimes he'd apologize.. but his parents always told him it wasn't.
"It's not your fault, Jervis… go off to play."
Of course, as he got older, the compulsions seemed to get worse.. But Winifred helped Henry through it, calm and patient as she ever was. And He'd give into her as he always had. They'd come to a solution, and there was a compromise.
From Second Grade on, once grades did begin to matter moreso,
Jervis had to put his studies first every day when he got home. Appease his father by studying. But only within reason. and with plenty of time for him also to play and explore. It was not bad, not at all.
It was a very balanced sort of childhood. For the time, all was well.
Jervis was not an unintelligent child… not by any means. In fact, he was quite the opposite.
He was bright as could be. He was imaginative, he read very well above the expected level for his age, and he loved to make his parents proud. He worked hard, and for the most part succeeded…
Minus a very small issue.
It seemed that every now and again… Jervis would just sort of… zone out during class. He'd space at times, it was noticed.
It was especially surveyable when he was looking at picture books. It was noticed by his teachers that sometimes he would stay on the same page for far too long-- even perhaps hours if he were allowed..
He'd just gaze into the picture relentlessly.. almost unblinking.
Sometimes he'd twist his fingers, or bite his lip, or some other form of stim. But just… stare at it-- presumably daydreaming-- lost in his own head in some unimaginable concept entirely inspired by nothing more than the unmoving picture.
It was at this time his teacher had called a conference with Henry and Winifred to express their concerns.
Jervis was put through some tests and some observations following this point.
Eventually.. he was diagnosed with two things. Attention Deficit Disorder, or ADD, and High Functioning Autism.
Of course, back then, these things werent well understood. Henry was understandably distraught, worried about what sort of future he could have with such issues.
Winifred naturally comforted him, and the doctor they'd been refered to for the observations explained that the Autism wasnt some sort of death sentance… that despite it making him a little different, some autistic children even had some talents that "Normal" children didnt. Such as remembering dates and times with ease, or other languages. She recommended perhaps putting him into some extracurricular activities and seeing if any resignated with him. In addition the doctor explained that the ADD could likely be helped with therapy.. and if it couldnt… that they had medication that would help.
Of course, when they'd gone home, this once again had started a fight among his parents.
"He'll have to work harder, three, four, five times as hard as other children! He has to LEARN to act normal, Winifred! Its for his own good, for his FUTURE."
Of course, Winnie denied but comforted as she always did. "There is nothing wrong with the way he is, Henry. That is your parents speaking through you. The same parents we left behind…
It's such an archaic way of thinking. He is different-- there is nothing wrong with different. Different people are the future, my love. Give him a chance." She urged..
Henry of course was reluctant.. his own compulsions eating at him. But he loved his wife dearly, and gave in, letting it drop.
Jervis himself sighed, curling up in his room with his head on his knees.
Fairlight, however, giving him a push. "Jervy, play with me!" Fairlight chimed, her big blue eyes batting at her brother, her chin on his knees.
Jervis pouted.. not speaking.
This was something that was common for Jervis-- when he got upset he'd just go silent and not speak at all. Fairlight, four years old at this time, was used to this.
Over the years, Jervis's attachment to his mother, throughout his parents constantly argueing over HIM, had transferred to his little sister.
She was his best friend.
She was perfect. Just like dad said, she was everything he wasnt.
But he wasn't jealous.. not at all. He was just so glad. He didnt want her to ever be bullied like he was. He didnt want their father ever to be disappointed in her like he was with him. It would break his heart-- He wanted her to be happy. He wanted her life to be perfect. Just like she was.
His perfect baby sister, his best friend. The only one who never judged him. Never mocked him, never thought less of him.
She loved him unconditionally, and he loved her.
Fairlight pouted at his silence, and stuck her bottom lip out dramatically, just shaking him more. "Big Brother, please? Ill cry!"
Of course. that worked every time.. Jervis's face faultered slightly. "Oh.. no no, Dont cry, Fairlight. Okay… okay I'll play. WHat do you want to play? Blocks? Xylophone?" He offered a soft smile, tapping on her little toy instrument suggestingly.
"NO! I'm not a baby, Jervis!" She insisted, pouting cutely with her hands on her hips.
"I want to play Alice in Wonderland." She declared surely, with a bright smile.
"What? Alison Wonderland? Is… that a rock and roll band?" Jervis pouted a little disapprovingly. Despite getting many of his mothers traits, he held his fathers distaste for the modern music movement of the time.
"NO! Alice IN wonderland! like the Disney movie!" She pouted insistantly.
"Oh… is that… its the one with the purple cat, right?" He asked unsurely, Her lighting up.
"YES thats the one. and I will be Alice." She said brightly.
"Of course. and… I'm the cat?" He asked sweetly.
"Oh NO. You're the MAD HATTER." SHe said surely, Taking one of their mother's dressing-hats and plopping it on Jervis's head… which swallowed him entirely.
"The MAD HATTER? But I don't even like hats. and he was ENTIRELY unpleasant." Jervis frowned, pulling the dressing-hat up to where he could see.
"Now then. Alice is studying.. and she is sooo tired of studying cus its so BORING. so she falls asleep and wakes up in wonderland where everything is WONDERFUL and she doesnt have to study EVER again.
Jervis had to laugh. "Youve not even started school yet. What do you know about studying? Perhaps I should be Alice!" He teased, but always gave in at her sulking.
Of course… this was the beginning of it. He played pretend to appease his sister.
He didn't even LIKE the hatter. But he liked making his sister happy. and so they'd play, every day.
They'd go out into their mothers garden, and he'd let Fairlight lead, having adventures in the back yard, playing play-pretend--
And not too long later, it was in the library at school, Jervis discovered it.
"Alice in wonderland! It's a book? Just like Fairlight's Favorite!" He gushed happily running to the librarian. "Is this like the Disney Movie?" He asked innocently. The woman smiled to him patiently.
"Even better. It may be a bit difficult for your age, though--" "OH! I read very well for my age, madam." He insisted surely. The woman smiled in return. "Well then you should get "Through the looking glass" as well. Read both books. I hope you'll enjoy them."
And with joy, Jervis took both books, and got right to home.
He was happy to show Fairlight, who was delighted.
"You have to read them to me, you'll read them to me, right Jervis?!" She demanded, of course only met with a big buck-toothed smile.
"I would think of doing nothing else." He said surely.
Of course, Jervis had to do his homework and clean, but as soon as he was done, He and his sister curled up in the garden.. and Jervis began to read to her.
He read to her a little every single day-- right up into bedtime.
He found he liked the books MUCH more than the movie, and was happy to chat long after they were supposed to be asleep. Him leaning down from his bunkbed.
"Did you know, the librarian lady at school told me that Lewis Carrol wrote Alice in wonderland about a real little girl.. Her name was Alice Liddel. She said he'd watch her play.. and he was amazed by how imagintive she was. How she could always amuse herself and make something out of nothing. How she'd talk to the flowers and the caterpillars."
"Just like you!" Fairlight chimed happily."
"Oh no, YOURE Alice, not ME. I'm the Hatter, remember?" He laughed.
He always loved how much Fairlight would light up when he'd call her Alice.. she really did love it so.
"Goodnight, my Alice." He chimed warmly.
She giggled happily. "Good un-daytime, Mad hatter!" She said surely in return.
The two loved eachother very much. Unfortunately.. this didnt last.
They were nearly through the second book, "Through the Looking Glass"
When Jervis had hurried home as he did every day.
"Alice, I'm home! I'll get right on my homework and then we should finish the book this week!" He announced happily.. only to be paused as he slid in, looking around.
"Alice? Fairlight?"
He called out, Winifred shaking her head. "Shhh, Jervis. Fairlight is ill today. She can't play, she needs rest." She assured. Jervis nodded, and smiled. "Oh okay." He said thoughtfully.
"When she wakes up, can I still read to her?" He asked.. and Winifred of course agreed.
When Fairlight woke.. Jervis did read to her.. a little. She was fine just the day before.. but now she had a fever.. She could barely stay awake--. Jervis read a little, but hugged her and kissed her cheek.
"You rest, We can read later, okay? "
"Okay Jervy, I love you big brother. We will play tomorrow, okay?"
"For most certain." He agreed, I love you too, My Alice. Tomorrow then."
Tomorrow.. however… never came.
Fairlight had just gotten so ill so fast… they didn't even have the time to know what had happened.
Jervis was called to the principals office.
WHen they told him that his sister had passed.. he didnt react at all.
He didnt cry at first. He didnt ask questions.
He just went silent.
He was silent for a long time while they talked.
He felt like his face was on fire. He felt numb. It couldnt be real.
When he finally spoke, it was muddled.
"I should go home, I promised Fairlight we would finish the book today…"
The principal immediately looked concerned. "Jervis… Fairlight is… Shes gone. Im sorry."
"She isn't gone. SHe wouldn't leave without finishing the story. She's Alice." He informed them distantly.
Of course… she was gone.
She was gone.
Jervis couldnt believe she was gone.
They never even got.. to finish the book.
She was Alice.. she was the main character.. she couldnt be gone.
This is when the Tetches fell apart.
Winifred had fallen deep into depression.. losing her daughter just sucked the life right out of her… and she had turned this brokeness to Jervis.
She would lift him into her arms just as she had done when he was young, and just hold him for hours at a time.
She paid no attention to Henry anymore.. she couldnt bare to.
And Jervis scarcely was going to school. He couldn't leave her… She was becoming so frail and weak-- just like Fairlight had been.
If he left..
He knew she'd be gone forever if he did.
"Winnie, you need to EAT. You cant do this to me. I ALREADY LOST MY DAUGHTER am I supposed to lose my wife too?! And what about HIM? You think Jervis is going to get by without you?!
He's a freak. He needs his mother!"
Jervis had woken to his father yelling. He frowned deeply.. normally when they fought he'd lock himself in his room. But he just couldn't leave his mother… not now.
She didn't even argue… she just gave her husband a soft distant look.
"Winifred, its NOT romantic to be a Martyr. You need to go on with the LIVING. You can't just follow her!" He snapped, but left the room.
Jervis frowned softly, looking up at his mother.
"is it true…?"
She looked down at him slowly, taking a deep breath, before speaking far too slowly.
"Is what true, My Jervis?"
Jervis frowned a little. "Are you trying to die? Like Fairlight?" He asked with ernest concern.
But Winifred only smiled softly, in a foreign way Jervis didn't recognize.
"I am." She said slowly, but shook her head seeing Jervis's horror.
"Don't be so sad… Jervis. It's like that book you were reading…."
"Like.. our book?" He asked slowly.
Winifred nodded.
"Fairlight is in wonderland now… I'm just… following the white rabbit… to go and find her…" She whispered gently.
"To wonder… Mother, she's DEAD. She's not in wonderland! She died! You'll die!" He argued in a panic, stress in his voice.
She shook her head, however… "Death is just.. another way of reaching the other side of the looking glass. When you go this way.. you can't come back anymore.
I just.. don't want her to be alone."
Jervis frowned deeply.. to him-- it made sense. He knew what death was but.. his autism made him not completely grasp it.. not the way he should have-- and his mother was skewing it. She didn't mean to do harm… but the truth was. She did..
"You will help me… won't you, Jervis?" She whispered softly, Jervis looking up helplessly.
"You don't want to leave Fairlight alone, right? I just.. want to go take care of her… okay?"
Jervis thought about it, but nodded slowly. "Okay. … Just.. How can I help, Mum?"
She took a deep breath. "There are flowers… in the garden bushes… the Oleander.
Fetch them for mother… and we. we will have a tea party.
I will drink the Oleander tea.. and I will follow your sister into Wonderland." She told him surely…
Jervis looked down… he nodded, but looked up helplessly. "I miss her, mother… and.. I will miss you too.. so much. I want to come to WOnderland too--"
"No--" She said quickly, but sighed. "No, Jervis… when you find you way to wonderland… you have to find it through the looking glass.. the one with the way back.. so you can always come back to this world." "I don't need to be in this room if you and Fairlight are there.." he said quickly, but she shook her head. "You have to stay to keep our family alive in this world. You know we are from such prominant families.. You will inheret everything, you will be the one to make us proud. I have faith in you, Jervis. When you find your way through the looking glass.. you will see us again." She answered quickly and surely, stroking his cheek gently. "WHen I am gone.. I promise I will come back to you as the white rabbits, okay? They'll always be a sign of what you need to do, so you'll never be alone. I promise."
Of course… by all technicality.. this was Jervis' first murder.. though no one ever knew the truth besides Jervis himself.. who didnt understand it.
He did what he thought was right… He helped his mom go to find Fairlight… so she wouldnt be alone.
Of course.. Henry found them… Her unconscious with tea in her hand… and Jervis petting her gently, stroking her hair comfortingly.
He didn't think anything suspicious-- she was already in bad shape.. and Jervis-- he knew he was.. off. He just assumed he didnt understand.. he wasnt completely wrong.
He was DISTRAUGHT. and Broken. and from there is when things got… bad.
Of course without Winifred and Fairlight there anymore…
Henry's OCD and compulsions had spiralled out of control.
Jervis was all he had left.. He had to save him. He had to save the family.
What if Winnie's way was wrong? He couldn't take that risk.. not now.
Jervis was forced to study relentlessly. He no longer could play, He no longer had that freedom.
The only think he still was allowed to do was to read… only because his father would forever have a softspot for it-- thanks to his lost love.
As he grew older, of course the boy was praised as being brilliant. He graduated highschool with honors. Jervis had become a much more serious and diligent boy, just as his father had pushed him to.
Despite his electives and extracurriculars in highschool being largely focussed on Classic Literature and the history of such, when he'd gone to college, he'd chosen his Majors not to his own preferences, but instead at his fathers urging and pushing his responsibility to keep their family alive.
Medical Science and Biology, and Technology.
Of course.. it was mentioned long long before that many autistic children had a gift in certain areas.
Well, by matter of chance, they had found that area. Jervis absolutely was considered a genius in his work here.. He had a high ranking job right out of college and was considered unparalelled in his work. He was hired in the big city, in THE Gotham City, and quickly moved there to begin working for Wayne Enterprises.
But as seemed to be a pattern in this poor boys life-- the good couldn't last. Nothing was ever stable.
Jervis at this point, despite having been talented in this area, was overworking himself.
At this point he had been well brainwashed by his father, he had long since forgotten his previous hobbys, and had delved into only his work. He needed to be successful. and there was nothing else.
He was working day and night, constantly-- He would sometimes go days forgetting to eat or sleep, and that-- there inlaid the issue. Because that was what eventually lead to his first hallucination-- and eventually his full schizophrenic break.
Jervis had fallen asleep at his desk.. it wasnt uncommon. and it was quite late when he awoke.. everyone else was already gone from the lab… when he got up, and made his way downstairs, locking up and leaving.
As he was leaving, he was heading to walk home, as he was nearly tripped… by a white rabbit.
At first.. he didnt think twice…. and yet somehow, it hit him all at once. He looked back.. to see a little girl.. running after the rabbit.
The little girl looked-- so familiar somehow.. something about her blonde hair and blue eyes.. and little blue dress. "…Its… impossible… Fairlight?"
"Call me Alice, silly!" She giggled, before turning and running back after the Rabbit….
Almost mindlessly, he followed it. It lead him to a park…
It was late.. so there was no children.
But there was one person… a man.. and he was crying.
Jervis frowned, looking around. He couldn't remember quite how he got there. Wasn't he.. following someone? He was too tired to recall.
"Excuse me… excuse me!" Jervis spoke up.
"Are you alright?" He asked gently as he walked up to the man, he looked up.
"Im sorry.. I didnt know anyone else was here.." The man stood.
"Oh-- Oh nonono… you arent bothering me. Not even a little bit! But you do seem so very… distraught. You are in a park, crying! Perhaps… youd like to talk about it?" Jervis offered.
Ive no where to be-- not really.."
The man and Jervis sat and talked… they talked until daylight broke.
The man was heartbroken.. the story was all too familiar. He had lost his wife and child
This man, however… had lost a son.
"I am so sorry--" Jervis said, almost on impulse, but the man shook his head.
"If I knew.. I would have done things differently.
I worked him so hard. I was so concerned for his grades.. was so worried about school-- none of that matters now. all those straight A's amounted to NOTHING. Hes DEAD and GONE. And all that time I could have been spending with him-- I lost it. Its too late now.
I'd do anything to be with them now--
I just want to be with them."
Jervis frowned deeply. "Sir.. if you're feeling… suicidal-- there are people you can call.. Here you can use my phone--!"
The man shook his head. "Nah… dont worry. I know how it works… or how they say it works. If I off myself-- Ill never see them again-- Ya know? We wont go to the same place."
Jervis thought about it for a moment. "You wont… be able to go to wonderland?" He asked slowly, the man laughing sadly. "Sure. we can say it like that." He said plainly.
Jervis thought hard for a long moment. He was quiet for several minutes before finally speaking.
"Would you like some tea?"
The man looked confused at first. "Wha? I prefer coffee.." He laughed sadly, akwardly, but Jervis gave a soft smile.
"I am English afterall, im sure you can hear it-- I must insist. It will help." He said surely, offering the man his hand as he stood.
The man thought about it… but let him help him up. He followed the shorter man a small distance home.
That night… the small man was finally able to join his family in wonderland. Jervis had helped him.
"Do you understand now..?" Jervis heard a small voice, he turned to see the small girl again, giving him a soft look.
"Yes, Alice.. I understand. I will help him." He said softly.
Jervis packed a small bag… and headed home to Tennessee… Home to see his father.
His father was growing old.. he was a miserable man who never did quite get over the loss of the love of his life.. and though he was proud of Jervis' accomplishments. He'd never let it show… so trapped in "Tough Love"…
Jervis could now see the suffering. The man before had opened his eyes…
Alice wanted him to help him. He would help him. He missed his mother so well.
Jervis had of course made tea for him.. and they sat together and talked…
But he seemed to realize something was wrong.. it was different than the others.. he didnt just fall asleep.. his eyes seemed to have a kind of clarity.
"Jervis… what.. did you do?"
"Its alright father…" He smiled warmly, touching his arm, before hugging him tightly.
"You'll see mom again soon. Youll finally be happy. Alice told me so… Fairlights here to take you."
Jervis said so proudly.. he didnt understand the last look in his fathers eyes.
It would take a long time to truly understand it…
After this, nearly a decade had passed.
On one hand, for a decade, Jervis had been a normal man. He'd worked every day, he'd been successful. He'd not killed anyone-- importantly.
His life seemed to have finally settled into place, although-- his obsession… only grew.
Once he had "helped" his father, the small man was finally at peace. He didnt feel guilted anymore, nor obligation. He finally was free to find the joy in his life… to try to find the looking glass..
And he did.. when he could finally stop and look around him, he found it often, in every day things.
To him, Gotham truly was a wonderland.
The lights that lit the sky at night to him danced like stars singing to him…
The characters very much surounded them,
The flowers sang,
THe walrus was on the news… though for some reason he called himself the penguin? But Jervis didnt question it, he respected all peoples identities!
And in fact he'd just been promoted at work! Head of Hardware development. He was moved to a different department and paired with a new partner.
A snarky, unhappy, but very intelligent man named Edward Nashton.
"Hello, hello! Frabjous day, is it not?!" Jervis greeted with Delight, offering his hand.
The taller man looked him over with scrutinizing eyes, very VERY delicately taking just the tips of his fingers with gloved hands. "…Right…. Lewis Carrol, hm?" He sighed, as Jervis nodded in agreeance.
"OH, You know it?"
"I know ALL the classics. I can't say ive a preference for something so… ABSTRACT, myself. But-- to each their own." He sighed, cleaning his glasses and turning back to the computer screen where he typed away.
"Oh! Well, Its very much my favorite. My little sister introduced me, you know. She is Alice. She always helps me to find the wonderland in everything~" He chimed brightly, proudly bragging as though the girl were still alive, there with him.
Ed just shrugged passively.
"Right. Well. Good on you." He gave a thumbs up carelessly.
"And good luck when that falls apart too." He said back mocking the singsongy voice, waving his hand mildly.
"My well you ARE a sourpuss, arent you?" Jervis sulked.. but got to work.
Of course… as bleak as it may seem. This irritable man eventually came one of Jervis' two dearest friends.
It was not too long after this point the man had had his own break of sorts.. becoming a criminal himself, outright and well known. He'd been open and fearless, and been stopped by-- a man dressed as a bat. Even Jervis thought that was a bit insane. Even in wonderland men didn't dress as bats.
But Jervis admired the man greatly. He had fought for what he believed in, he was guilted into nothing, and he helped… HIMSELF, most importantly. THAT was something Jervis had NEVER done. He was so entirely impressed. Edward had not been arressted that day, but actually gotten away, despite being stopped from his rampage-- Jervis knew the white rabbit would lead him right to him.
He must be insane. What was he doing? Surely he'd lose his job. But-- this life. This was never HIS life. He wanted to follow Alice into wonderland-- Surely Edward's way-- Edwards way was wonderland. To live freely and indugently.
He knew the white rabbit would lead him to Edward.
Edward now called himself the Riddler, didnt he?
Well he would follow in the intelligent man's footsteps.
He was… he was---.
"The Mad Hatter." He heard the small voice, with giggles. which made him smile fondly.
"I am the Mad Hatter." Jervis repeated surely.. following the white rabbit into the night.
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n41r · 10 months
Sorting My "Love and Berry" Cards Collection
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So few days ago, for no damn reason, I suddenly remembers about my old obsession for "Love and Berry" and "Kitten Dance Channel"
I decided to open them and sort my cards collection out at that night
I'm only going to write about my Love and Berry cards tho, my collection for Kitten Dance Channel is not that impressive, since the game's machine kind of disappeared and I got busy with school at that year-
...I would love to be able to play either of this game again, tho I love them
TLDR; I have lots of cards, which some are bootlegs (but usable on the machine) and some are official Also, showcase of some of my favorite cards
So, let's start this long ass story
This album is already filled to the brim- I have more cards than it can hold, and kept the rest of the cards inside a plastic bag-
Which... is actually a good thing, because without young Ris knowing, this album is made of fucking PVC So most of the cards that are stored inside the album have become roughs and dusty-
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But, it didn't really saddens, contrary to expectations
Because most of the cards inside the album are bootleg cards-
Okay okay, hear me out- I don't know how it is outside of Indonesia, but in this country, we have some vendors who used to sell Love and Berry bootleg cards in boxes for about Rp 20k - 50k (I don't remember the exact price anymore)
But funnily enough, even tho those cards are not official ones from the machine, you can use them on the machine-
I am not lying- There are some bootleg cards that can't be used on the machine out there, but the ones that I have here are usable and very precious to me-
Anyway, back to sorting-
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The sorting started with dividing the cards' types and whether it was an official cards or not With the bootleg cards on the top row, the official ones on the middle, and another version of the bootleg ones on the last row
As you can see, my bootleg cards are a lotsa- As I have said before, I have unhealthy obsession with cards And even tho I never went out of my way to try to collect a complete volume like a mad man, this collection have a pretty concerning numbers-
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((Please ignore my horrendous English, I was hungry and out of focus when writing this-))
As written on the photo, I have a total of 165 cards, in which 128 cards are bootleg, and 37 are official cards from the machine
Also, I'm planning on buying sleeves for the official cards, that's why I wrote down the size of the card- I'll probably put them alongside my Oreca Battle card pages, because why not? Both are my precious collection after all
And now, I hope I won't end up looking like bragging, but I want to proudly present some of my favorite cards from my collection,
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First of all, the card I always use when playing,
The Magical Clock
This card add few more seconds at the dressing up part, which really help because my album is full, and it's kind of hard trying to scan through my collection because the lucky color is always random-
Here you'll notice I have two version of the card And it's because the yellow one is the bootleg one, while the pink one is from the machine-
And now, from the bootleg cards section,
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Cherry Sweetheart and Lemon-Lime Twist
And side-by-side nonetheless~ These two are the costume that Love and Berry used in some of their official art~ I also have their corresponding footwear, but I kind of lazy to pull em out of the sleeve to photo-
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Lace Lilac and Green Little Fairy
These two dresses inspires some of my OCs outfit, so they hold a precious spot in my heart~
Especially Lace Lilac, because my favorite stage ingame is the one with Blue Danube It was my favorite stage because,
Dresses and fancy gowns~
The arcade is noisy as heck and I remember Blue Danube by heart, so I always get perfect score at this stage-
And now, from the official cards section,
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On the bottom row, we have lotsa of purple adjacent cards, because it was my favorite color at the time- I especially loved the Comfy Sweater one, because it's so cute- I also have a platform shoes card that goes very well with this card
And on the upper row... I included these cards because they felt extra special Why? Because this set of outfit is worn by Berry on the back of Ver. 15 cards!
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I never get Love's outfit tho, but I do have her shoes Pretty funny, huh? I have a complete set for Berry's outfit, but only have Love's shoes-
And to end this card showcase,
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Fitted Tee Girl
The outfit that Love wore on so many official arts for the game!!! Never get the shoes or any of Berry's outfit tho, but I'm so happy to have this one card~
And that's the end of it! I don't know if the machine for this game still exit within my country or not, but if by any miracle I would have an encounter with it, I would love to immortalize the memory, whether by recording or just photos
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mickeymagpie · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @marypsue, thank you!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
106 so far!
2. What’s your total word count?
321,819, which is somehow both lower and higher than i expected.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
a whole lot; most recently Rise of the TMNT, my fandom on ao3 with the most works is Rise of the Guardians. lots of rises.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
The Gravity Falls trans dipper one-shot, the FMA Ishvalan!Elrics AU, an into the spiderverse fic, raven cycle pov outsider, and a star wars force awakens one-shot. i give all my fics long song lyric titles so that's all the info yall are getting lmao.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I always start out trying to respond to everything when i post a new fic, but then i get overwhelmed pretty quick. lo siento mucho.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't usually go for angsty endings tbh! I like a lot of angst in the middle, or i go for kind of bittersweet endings.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
probably that star wars one; force awakens had just come out and i was one of many kylo ren woobifiers who wanted him to have accepted han's invite to come home.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
The most hate i've gotten is on a Different star wars fic where i made Luke trans and some people were Not happy. luckily, i have a permit (i can do what I want).
9. Do you write smut?
yeah lol. i don't post a lot of it though; most of the time i just share it with my discord friends.
10. Do you write crossovers?
all the time all the time babey.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
yes i've been notified 2 or 3 times that someone copied my stuff onto wattpad or ffnet. i usually go report them but don't care enough to follow up.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so? not that I can remember. I've had one or two podficced though iirc.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nnnnot a finished one. my friends and i do a lot of half fic writing and half rp that usually doesn't turn into a polished product (but it's still fun <3).
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
ALL TIME FAVORITE FLYNN AND LUCY TIMELESS. i've never written fic for them and the show isn't even GOOD but god the way they look like "she fixed him" bs on the surface but really they're each so perfect to make up for the other's shortcomings. also i always wanted so badly for someone to tell her to get her dog on a leash <3
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
ahaha,,,, the good omens roleswap fic is burning a hole in my document folder. i have an outline i just have no inspiration/motivation :(
16. What are your writing strengths?
characterization; particularly I've gotten the feedback that i'm good at writing characters in different circumstances from canon while keeping their personalities both Intact and Logically Justifiable.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
ending things, both in the sense that i start a lot of stuff and don't finish it, and the sense that i usually have too many ideas and don't know how/where to cut off a plot.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
google translate always does me dirty so now i usually just write the dialogue in english and use a dialogue tag like "she said in *insert language*"
19. First fandom you wrote for?
iiiiii think it was Rise of the Guardians! before that i mostly did over-dramatic RP on the cricket magazine forums where i had characters like a half-dragon bounty hunter.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
probably the ishvalan elrics fic! fma is already full of a lot of meaty concepts, and it was fun re-conceptualizing the canon plot and character beats while keeping the arching plot intact. stuff like that is like a puzzle to me, it's very satisfying when i finish one and it gets positive feedback!
tagging anyone who wants to do it, because im. so sleepy rn
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wyrdify · 2 years
7 Things to Know About Kai
This post has been in my head on and off for the past few days, so I’m going to type it up to get it out. It’s sort of a “get to know the mun” thing, I guess, and it’s catered specifically to who I am as an RPer.
1. My physical and mental health comes first. I go to bed somewhere around 10-11PM Eastern Time every night for the sake of my health, and I try not to push that. I have epilepsy, and lack of sleep is one of those things that lowers the seizure threshold. I’m not staying up late to write replies. As for my mental health, I need breaks from the internet, and I am not going to be available 24/7. Expecting that of anyone is absurd.
2. I write my replies at my own pace. I refuse to be rushed. If I’m feeling a particular reply, then I’m going to write it. If I’m not, then I’m not going to push it. I want to have fun while I’m RPing, and I want to give my RP partners my best writing. This is a hobby of mine, not something I am paid to do. I give the same grace to my partners. I will never rush you. Ever.
3. I am neurodivergent. Professionally, I’ve been diagnosed with bipolar 2, OCD (with trich and derm), and generalized anxiety. I hypothesize I also have autism, but it has not been diagnosed. This means that I can hit highs with hypomania, making me super productive, super talkative, or super unable to focus. It means I can hit awful lows with depression, which causes me to disappear and stop talking to people for days at a time. It means I feel compelled to do things in particular ways to stop my brain from screaming. It means I have a tendency to take things you say to me very literally. It’s a mix.
4. I am queer. Specifically, I am asexual, gray aromantic, and nonbinary. All of my muses are queer in some way, shape, or form. I don’t have any interest in RPing with RPers who are queerphobic. I already have to hide my identity in parts of my personal life, so I’d rather not do it here. This is a queer-friendly space.
5. My English isn’t perfect. I make typos. I forget words. I use the wrong words. I make grammatical errors. Hell, I make up words from time to time, according to Google, and I will intentionally write fragments as a stylistic choice. I don’t like elitism when it comes to writing in English, especially when there are so many dialects, styles, et cetera. I give my partners my best writing, but I will make errors. English is hard enough for us native speakers, never mind those of you who learn it as another language. Let’s give each other some grace, all right?
6. I have squicks/triggers. There are topics I can write, but I need to mentally prepare for them, or I need a warning in advance that they’re coming. There are other topics that I will not write due to my comfort levels. Period. This tends to be why I plot things out with my partners. I want to avoid setting myself off, and I want to make sure my partners are comfortable as well. It definitely makes for the best RPing experience.
7. I have a life outside of RPing. I have hobbies I like to partake in. I have a husband, cats, and friends who I like to hang out with from time to time. This pings back to the first point I wrote. I need breaks from the internet to do other things I enjoy. I can’t write 24/7, and I can’t be available to everyone 24/7, especially as an introvert. Forcing me into conversation all of the time is one excellent way to get me to shut down on you.
These are my basic boundaries. I may add to this later, but yeah. I know this is basically what’s in my rules, but I like putting it here too in more of a paragraph form. Plus, this is one of those OCD “I’m compelled to do this thing, so I gotta” things. It’s annoying.
If you’ve read all this, thanks! It means a lot.
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katana-the-autobot · 2 years
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all had witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat. Long post!
AGE: 25+
CONTACT: Asks, IMs, Discord (given via IM)
CHARACTER(S): Katana (and Flicker on main blog @/flicker-bot)
CURRENT FANDOM(S): Transformers. (Known medias can be found in the mun section within Rules page - but other TF medias and crossovers work, too!)
FANDOM(S) YOU HAVE AN AU FOR: Apart from individual threads, there’s no set AUs at the moment.
MY LANGUAGE(S): English, Finnish (but rping only in English here)
IS REALISM / RESEARCH IMPORTANT FOR YOU IN CERTAIN THEMES?: YES / NO (These are alien robots we’re talking about so I think we can safely throw some of the realism out the window, but I tend to do plenty of research while rping topics that can be researched easily (e.g. what kind of injury character gets from X). However, I don’t expect the other side to do any research since rping is first and foremost for fun.)
DO YOU HANDLE YOUR DRAFT / ASK - COUNT WELL?: YES / NO / SOMEWHAT (when I’m not sleep deprived or busy lol)
HOW LONG DO YOU USUALLY TAKE TO REPLY?: 24H / 1 WEEK / 2 WEEKS / 3+ WEEKS / MONTHS / YEARS (May vary based on how busy or tired I am, but usually I’m quick to respond)
Plotting: IMs, Discord
RP: RP memes, asks, IMs
WHAT EXPECTATIONS DO YOU HOLD TOWARDS YOUR PLOTTING PARTNER?: I admit that I have much easier time interacting with characters that I already know in at least some level, which makes it easier for me to jump right into things with canon characters. So, while I do enjoy plotting no matter what character I’m going to interact with, it becomes especially important with OCs I don’t know that well yet. If there’s little to no information about your character, it’s even more important to me that you’re partaking in the plotting and voicing your opinions, explaining what you think would work best with your OC etc. It’s completely okay if your OC is not super fleshed out yet, but it can become a problem if I feel like I don’t have anything concrete to work with and am doing all the work coming up with a plot.
WHEN YOU NOTICE THE PLOTTING IS RATHER ONE-SIDED, WHAT DO YOU DO?: I understand if the other side is having trouble coming up with plot ideas, especially when we’re only starting, and since I’m often brimming with ideas, I’m happy to share them and help out with the plot! However, if this keeps going even after our characters have started to get familiar with each other, it can get really tiring and I may start to lose my motivation for our RP.
HOW DO YOU USUALLY PLOT WITH OTHERS, DO YOU GIVE INPUT OR LEAVE MOST WORK TOWARDS YOUR PARTNER?: I’d say it’s something from between. I try to come up with ideas (preferably multiple ones) and share them with the other side to see if anything piques their interest. If I’m having trouble coming up with anything, I try to at least offer what I think would work with my OC and see if it helps the other side to decide what we could try.
WHEN A PARTNER DROPS THE THREAD, DO YOU WISH TO KNOW?:      YES / NO / DEPENDS - AND WHY?: If it’s a loose thread that doesn’t have much to do with the main plot, I understand if the other side simply forgets it, doesn’t feel it anymore etc and wants to drop it. However, if it’s the main thread, I’d like to hear what caused them to drop the thread and if there’s something I should do differently or something new they want to try instead. I won’t get mad about dropping threads so please don’t hesitate to reach out to me!
WHAT COULD POSSIBLY LEAD YOU TO DROP A THREAD?: If it’s a loose/unplanned thread and I’m not vibing it anymore, I may drop it.
WILL YOU TELL YOUR PARTNER?: YES / NO / DEPENDS. I try to let them know, especially if it’s the only thing we had going on and don’t have any other threads left. Sometimes I may be so overwhelmed I fail to inform the other side about dropping the thread and I apologize for that.
IS COMMUNICATION IN THE RPC IMPORTANT TO YOU? YES / NO. - AND WHY?: I’m not expecting us to communicate about every single thing, but I feel like there should be a possibility to reach out to the other side when needed. A lot of things can be solved by communication and I’d rather talk things out than be left or leave the other side in confusion.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH ABSOLUTE HONESTY, EVEN IF IT MAY MEANS HEARING SOMETHING NEGATIVE ABOUT YOU AND/OR PORTRAYAL?: Yes, as long as it comes from a place of wanting to help the other side to improve rather than using it as an excuse to spread hate. Anon hate is never a valid option.
WISHLIST, BE IT PLOTS OR SCENARIOS: Nothing in particular, or rather, this kind of depends on who I’m RPing with.
THEMES I WON’T EVER RP / EXPLORE: All-out smut, some really dark themes.
WHAT TYPE OF STARTERS DO YOU PREFER / DISLIKE, CAN’T WORK WITH?: I tend to be pretty flexible so nothing comes to mind right now!
WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS CATCH YOUR INTEREST THE MOST?: Almost any kind of character, as long as they’re responsive!
WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS CATCH YOUR INTEREST THE LEAST?: When the character is so cool/distant/badass/etc. that they offer nothing to work with and turn down any attempt to interact with them. That’s no fun in a long run.
WHAT ARE YOUR STRONG ASPECTS AS RP PARTNER?: I feel like I’m flexible which makes it easy to match the other side’s length/writing style/etc, and I always try to include something in my reply the other side can react to, which hopefully makes it easier to reply.
WHAT ARE YOUR WEAK ASPECTS AS RP PARTNER?: I’m sure it’s sometimes painfully apparent that English isn’t my first language ;;; There’s also been times when I’ve tried to describe things to the point of overexplaining, like include time and place and weather and absolutely everything (a relic of the time when I still RPd in text forums), but I’ve slowly unlearned the habit to write longer replies just because.
DO YOU RP SMUT?: YES / NO / DEPENDS (it can be hinted that some bedroom action has taken place, as long as we don’t actually RP it in detail)
ARE SHIPS IMPORTANT TO YOU?: YES / NO / IT DEPENDS. If we’re talking about any kind of relationships, yes, they’re where my main motivation lies and character/relationship development is very important to me. However, it doesn’t have to necessarily be a romantic one (although I definitely want to have some romantic ships going on eventually)
DO YOU USE READ MORE?: YES (for non-RP stuff) / NO (for RP stuff - I’m trimming threads)
WHAT DO YOU LOVE TO EXPLORE THE MOST IN YOUR SHIPS?: The dynamics and what characters bring out of each other!
ARE YOU OKAY WITH PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS?: YES / NO / DEPENDS. It’s difficult for me to jump straight into “already in relationship” stage, especially if I don’t know the other character that well. I need some time to feel our characters out and get a better sense of what their dynamic is like. However, it’s something we can plan in advance so it’s not an absolute ‘no’!
WHAT COULD POSSIBLY MAKE YOUR MUSE INTERESTING TOWARDS OTHERS, WHY SHOULD THEY RP WITH THIS PARTICULAR CHARACTER OF YOURS NOW, WHAT POSSIBLE PLOTS DO THEY OFFER?: Katana is a serious and dedicated femme, yet she’s open to teamwork and not so cold or proud that she’d push others away which hopefully makes it easier to interact with her! She’s gone through a lot, yet she’s also overcome stuff, and it allows her to relate to others who have experienced traumatic events without being overly angsty or pessimistic about life in general. She also has other sides to her, although it takes some effort to draw them out of her, so there’s hopefully a lot of room for character and relationship development.
WITH WHAT TYPE OF MUSES DO YOU USUALLY STRUGGLE TO RP WITH?: I don’t have a lot of experience about RPing with Katana yet so no opinions here.
WHAT DO THEY DESIRE, WHAT IS THEIR GOAL?: Katana thinks all is fine and dandy now, but she doesn’t realize that she’s not happy. She’s been to the Earth for a few years now, but she has not really made it her home or built her life there yet.
WHAT CATCHES THEIR INTEREST FIRST WHEN MEETING SOMEONE NEW?: Are they an Autobot or a Decepticon, or a neutral? Are they even Cybertronian? Are they dangerous? Are they in danger? Katana approaches new faces in a very practical and cautious manner until she’s found some answers.
WHAT DO THEY VALUE IN A PERSON?: Loyalty, bravery, honesty, being true to yourself.
WHAT THEMES DO THEY LIKE TALKING ABOUT?: While Katana doesn’t care to do small talk, she’ll gladly listen to whatever others want to talk about. She’s the type who may remain silent for hours unless someone addresses her. When she does initiate a conversation, it tends to be about something practical.
WHICH THEMES BORE THEM?: Small talk like chatting about weather.
WHAT COULD LEAD TO AN INSTANT KILL?: Katana has been on the brink of death several times, but she’s survived so far, partly because she’s survivor by nature and partly because she’s driven by her loyalty to Autobots. If she was to be expelled from Autobots, betrayed by them or something similar, she might not have the determination to keep going on.
IS THERE SOMEONE /-THING THEY HATE?: Katana has mixed feelings about bots who change sides, but she’s not sure if she necessarily hates them. Other than that, no.
IS YOUR MUSE EASY TO APPROACH?: YES (hopefully) / NO. BEST WAY TO APPROACH THEM?: Have something to do with them. When there’s some action they can both participate in, their interaction doesn’t rely completely on talking.
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
TAGGED: stole it uwu
TAGGING: anyone who wants to do it (although it is kind of lengthy)
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olivieraa · 4 months
I'll get back to my normal schedule tomorrow since I've been lazy this weekend and this Monday (Tuesday's are my new Mondays so Tuesday I'll be normal) so I've just been casually re-reading a lot of the rp's like I said
I have a lot of thoughts
Like, I hate my partner. I hate my partner for what she did to me. I hate her for never having the guts to properly apologise and half-ass any attempt she made afterwards. And that's over and done with, I expect nothing from that. If either of us died, none of us would know. That's how it be.
But anyway, there was no questioning her skills as a writer. I know where her flaws were, and she was bad at certain things, like... real bad. But when she was good she was fucking good
I applaud that no matter how mad I am
I defo know my flaws too but as a perfectionist I always had an "aim to improve and better myself" approach so I feel like my flaws were more obvious at the beginning, and I continuously tried
Esp as a non-writer
I always tried to reiterate on that blog as often as I could that I was never, ever good at writing. I can spell, sure. But fuck me am I terrible at writing. I failed English. Its my weakest subject, and I made sure that was known and obvious lmao
But it worked well enough with Joey bc we're both not smart enough for it. One of the few things we share in common
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But anyways, yeah, re-reading, even the "beginnings" of his story, I was expecting to, idk, not cringe at it per say, cause I do remember how his love story started, but be more critical. And... I wasn't. I'm actually proud of it. Perfect start? No. But that was due to the circumstances. Worked around it quite well? Yeah. I'd say so. I think it flowed quite... naturally. More so than I was expecting during the re-read.
I legitimately thought I was gonna see Joey fall in love too fast and things become perfect too fast but no, this couple was so full of flaws at the beginning and sooooo aware of it. Constantly pissing each other off and arguing and telling each other to fuck off
So by the time I was at like, 500 followers and felt like people were questioning the realism behind the relationship and how these two could possibly work and why the fuck they were so lovey dovey by that point and obsessed with each other after months of development--
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I kept having to like, calmly breathe in and out and be like they've already done the hard part dammit, go back and read the beginning!
I remember Joey having to explain his relationship over and over and over and over and over again, and he got so bored of it lmao
It got to the point that both myself and Joey was just over it and he became way more unbothered about people's reactions and so he was just at the point where he became really shameless about his horny, in-love ass
Anyways, I didn't get that far (there's too much........ I didn't even reach the end of 2012.............. but one day............. maybe)
I had fun re-watching the show~
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stringed-erudition · 4 months
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"Number 83 of The Genius society, Herta. I'm very busy so this better be worth my time. I don't usually waste my hours on something as useless as this but Ruan Mei said It'd be a good source of inspiration. I'm expecting this to be interesting alright? This better not disappoint me"
Blog rules:
No NSFW blog ran by a minor
Ships are fine, as long as it's not illegal
Note that this blog has a bit of hcs that might go against some people's views, if you're interested check under the cut!
Ships with puppet herta are NOT allowed as it's a child version of herta.
Regarding the rule above any ship with the real herta is fine.
I do still attend school and have a life outside of Tumblr so please be patient with replies!
Some canon divergence may happen, I can't perfectly replicate how herta is written because she is a very complicated character.
Mod info under the cut
Hello everyone! I'm mod Miki, I am a minor and I speak English and Tagalog. Please note that this is my first rp blog and I'm not very knowledgeable in this sorts of stuff so bear with me- I use she/they pronouns but am fine with any!
This blog is the main blog but I do have a blog where you can talk to me, as me(aka the mod-!) it's at @mikimikumimi
// when ooc talking!
Hcs rn are:
Aromantic, Asexual, gender nonconforming using she/her or they/them; for the puppets It/its.
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sincerely-krp · 6 months
i need to get this out or i will break because it has been eating me inside for months. i'm an admin of my own rp and i have been feeling like i have let down all the members who believed in me. i couldn't bring new members, i couldn't provide good events, i made a mistake that might have caused them to lose their interest and yet they still stay around expecting for a positive change.
i am an incompetent admin and i don't want to bring my members down any more. i don't think i deserve these good members when they deserve so much more than i could give. (sorry my english is not perfect)
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pathofemblems · 2 years
Ship Bias for Louis and Pandreo? Henry too?
✶ anonymous › send ❛ ship bias ❜ & i will share up to 5 ships i have a bias for for my muse!
was the anon an accident? you don’t have to be anonymous for memes! 🥹
◦ pandreo ›
◦ louis ›
01.) zelkov — to be honest, i initially expected a goofy dynamic from them until i reached their a support, and then i fell down the angst rabbit hole… louis patiently waiting for zelkov’s walls to fall with no complaint hurts a little bit, but in a good way. zelkov deserves to be taken care of and find someone he can take care of in return.
02.) timerra — they don’t have supports together, but i feel like louis would be absolutely enchanted with how free-spirited and stunning timerra is. even if she’s trash at singing, he could listen to her all day. she’s, like… the worst siren ever, but she makes up for it with her strength, charm, and literally everything else. timerra might think he’s a little stuffy, but in a cute way. idk, IDK, i just think they’d work really well together.
03.) ivy — literally he made it his GOAL, his MISSION, to make ivy smile, and then she DID, and it was because of HIM. he made her LAUGH. screaming, crying, possibly throwing up, they’re perfect.
04.) amber — maybe i’m stupid, but i thought they had supports. it’s the mandela effect in action, or maybe i’ve just genuinely enjoyed my rp interactions because they felt a little natural to what in-game conversations would be like—to me, anyway. but yes, i find them very sweet and they’d fit the friends-to-lovers trope easily.
05.) alear — i mean, he bragged and gushed about alear to his brothers back home so much that they wanted to meet alear to see who louis was so infatuated with! and fun fact: the english voice actors for male alear and louis are married irl!
◦ henry ›
01.) tharja — it might be cliché, but it works so well, and the rivals-to-lovers dynamic is always a fun one. also, they’re both fucking toxic. tharja obsessed over her love interests and henry has complex abandonment issues, and mutually obsessing over each other is hot anyway.
02.) gaius — they’re like the couple who can never sit still and are always going on adventures. the life of the party. the idiots who do dangerous dares for fun and then go kiss each other’s booboos in private while making fun of each other. stupid.
03.) cherche — she took charge and forced him to open up properly, and their entire support chain’s cute. he takes care of her, loves her wyvern, and ultimately seems like one of the best husband options for cherche. that, and my gerome’s default father is henry, so… d=(´▽`)=b
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cxrnxticn · 7 years
✿ da rules ✿
Activity: The activity on here will be off and on; so don’t assume I disappeared off the face of the earth if I’m gone for several days. I have a life outside of this hobby, as we all do; so please be patient with me!
NSFW-ish: This is a semi-nsfw blog (tagged #❁ — n.s.f.w. and #❁ — n.s.f.w-ish) with brief mentions of bloody fights, childhood neglect, abandonment issues, and underage exploitation. Chances for naughty stuff are pretty slim compared to my previous activity. While Mari is sexually active, Mun is ace af (and 30+); so I’ll be limiting the dirty details to vague descriptions and fade-outs if it comes to that. Also, if there are any specific tags you need me to be aware of, let me know and I'll be sure to add it! Also also, minors: do not interact!!
Shipping: This is a multi-shipping blog where each one has their own verse separated from the other. Now, when it comes to shipping, chemistry is a thing that makes both romantic and non-romantic relations worthwhile. My muse is not a pro at handling in-depth emotions; so it will take a good amount of time for her to open her heart to someone; so unless we’ve settled on a pre-established relationship, don’t expect her to throw herself onto your muse right off the bat.
Length: You’re not obligated to match my writing length but again, effort matters. For instance, if I write a paragraph, please don’t fart out a single line of dialogue. That’s just poopy.
Initiation: Never hesitate to approach me if you wanna interact! Got any ideas for our muses that tickle your fancy? I offer you consent to invade my inbox, IM me, or just send in a meme. Hell, tag me in a random starter, and I’ll leap with joy!
Discourse: I’m very anti-drama and hivemind. It’s rare for me to take things personally, or get wrapped up in public discourse; so don’t feel like you need to walk on eggshells around me. I won’t bite your head off or use any forms of violence against you for being different from me but I also refuse to put up with harmful behavior. In the end, if it comes down to that, I’ll just block you. ✌
Following Conditions
Mutuals: I only follow mutuals for the sake of seeing their posts as they do mine vice versa. Simple as that lol.
Selectivity: I’m a bit selective. I welcome pretty much all muses as long as they have the necessary details down. The things I look for are clear and concise rules and bios for muses, as well as the consideration of how our muses will interact regarding verses and dynamics. Oh and I judge the Mun’s own character as well, whether or not I see any red flags popping up that could indicate any *sussy* behavior, that will determine my decision to follow or unfollow.
TMI: I will be discouraged from following those who regularly overshare personal information not related to their muses or roleplaying in general. If your rp blog resembles your personal diary, sorry but I’ll likely unfollow. Oversharing is an unhealthy habit; especially when you publicize it to a bunch of strangers. Please be careful with what you share!
Grammar: If you make constant grammatical errors and don’t bother proofreading your posts, I might find it cringe, and be motivated to unfollow you. Sorry but I treat the art of writing with dignity, and I hope you would put in at least some effort as well. If you’re ESL, I’ll be more forgiving but come on, native English speakers, try harder!!
Interaction: If neither of us even bother to reach out to one another for a good while, I don’t see any reason to continue following. Nothing personnel, kid.
F.U.N.: Above all, have fun! Don’t beat yourself up over a late reply or for not seeming as perfect as you wish to be. It’s called roleplay for a reason! Let’s enjoy it in the same carefree manner as the children we once were! 😊
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