#experiencing this sucks man. it SUCKS
goldlightsaber · 5 months
oh man i am going through it
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starryjoy · 15 days
It is clear that to allos "being aromantic" is just something whacky some asexuals do, instead of it being an actual identity that stands on its own.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
So often, twink death is framed as a bad thing. However, the "twink death" for trans men* is frankly one of the most healing things you will bear witness to (pun intended).
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d3adbr3inc3lls · 5 months
Tom!Peter Parker x Reader | Headcannons + Oneshot
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A/N: I don't know how to write confession scenes, (I'm a hopeless romantic if you remove the 'romantic' part because I've had no experiences with romance) but I tried my best.
Peter is a hopeless romantic.
He'd always steal glances at you whenever you were in class, turning away when his spidey senses told him that you noticed him.
He had a whole list of date ideas if the moment ever came.
Peter knew that it may not happen, but he still liked to update the list whenever he saw a cool place where he could take you.
If he wasn't going to use it, he could always give some of the places to Ned if he needed them, but he mostly kept them to himself.
Especially any places little people knew about.
10/10 thinks of scenarios that would most likely never happen (not unless one of you actually make the first move)
When he does confesses, he has everything planned out.
Sitting down next to him, he lifts his hand to the sun, checking how many fingers fit under the it to give him a rough estimate of something.
“5 more minutes until the sun sets,” He breathed out.
How he knew this was beyond you.
Perhaps he learnt it whilst being in extension something?
Yeah that’s definitely it.
He flicks his gaze at you. He had come here early to make sure the two of you didn’t miss the sunset.
This had to be perfect.
The silence between the two of you was comfortable as you gazed at the waters, the warm oranges of the sun being reflected below.
Hearing Peter sigh, he shifted closer, not enough to invade your personal space, but still closer.
It wasn’t long before the sky was painted with vibrant pinks and oranges,
"There's been something-"
Peter pauses, closing his eyes he lets out a soft exhale, trying to pull himself together before opening them, his chocolate ones meeting your vibrant ones.
"I've wanted to tell you something."
You couldn't help but stare at him, the warm tones of the sunset kissing his face, making him look like an angel sent from above.
With the amount of lives he's saved, he might aswell be one.
He holds your gaze, taking something out of his pocket, only glancing away as it almost slips from his hand.
You freeze as you watch him quickly snatch the object, not giving you any time to process what it is. You've always known his reaction speed was quick and sometimes you swore that he wasn't human.
"I- It's-"
He stammers a bit, his awkward personality seeping back in as he looks at the sunset, only sneaking a glance when you follow his gaze towards the blazing star.
"It's okay if you don't feel the same, but-"
Another deep breath escaped his lips. His chocolate doe eyes meeting your gaze as he fidgets with the object in his hand.
Taking your hand in his, he turns it so the palm is facing up and places the object in his hands into yours.
Closing your hand, his eyes flicker to the object, which you could feel is packaged in something,
"I like you- I've liked you for a while now, and- are you free this Saturday,? We could go to that one Cafe you always talk about-"
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Though in think tank:
It's just the two of us (three actually, its a tricycle now)
harringroveson, metalsandwhich
just the two of them wanting the same guy and finding each other
while said guy is trying to be filling. they're having the feels and steve is horny. he's fine though. I'll decide if I can keep this going. they will fuck nasty. in like, the next parts.
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Billy Hargrove and Eddie Munson are hooking up. They've got a good thing going on.
They're into each other, they have stuff in common, be it music, the fashion, their preferences. They're fast and quick. Furious and sharp, all teeth when they're together. Get a thrill and kind of comfort with how consistent and similar they could be. They bounce off and work each other to heights. It feels like it's only the two of them, like steel sharpening steel. In this small hick town.
Billy's always felt a lot, even more now he's stuck here. Always ran hot now he's stuck in a chilly, dreary town, used to feel like he could breathe slow and easy out there but not when he's stuck here. And with Eddie. Well, Eddie always wanted more, knows he's made for more. He's flagging half-heartedly in a small town, and now Billy has to tuck himself in. They both always feel bigger on the inside. No one is like them. Not in the way they know.
No one else feels jagged or rough. Neither Eddie nor Billy know anyone who can stop the itch, the aches in their jaw, the tightness.
Enter Steve Harrington. Just, not really.
Now, Steve seemed exactly nothing like either of them. Yes, he's masculine. A man. But he's not.. like them. Not dark or sharp, probably not what either of them would experience, probably doesn't feel like a whirlwind in his body, doesn't scratch. But it doesn't stop either of them from ogling. Shooting the shit with each other, letting out comments and thoughts on guys the've seen. And even if Harrington was open, or experimenting, or anything that would lead preppy jocks astray, he probably wouldn't be any good. Wouldn't be fun, no matter how pretty. No matter how soft.
Billy and Eddie's standards on the anyone in Hawkins, any man they might think of in the sense they'd think of each other. None for now, just them. Clocked each other so fast and collided with each other like a car crash. But both can agree, yeah. Steve's hot.
Billy's been knowing about it, having been hanging out with Steve. Knowing who he is, mostly on the court. Gets a kind of satisfaction being able to push this boy around.
And Eddie, who's there with his comments as they talk, will also have assumptions. He's known the guy longer. (If he ever really knew him. What more do you need when everyone else knows some.)
"Bill, he's just the usual, man." He takes a drag out of his cigarette, leaning on the side of his van. "Harrington. He's just a dude. I mean we're in Hawkins. Pretty boys like him got to be repressed. One way or another."
He scoffs, turning his head to him, eyebrows raised and hands waving vaguely in front of him, "have you seen him with Tommy? Before you came around those two were—" he puts up a tight fist and shakes it, like it would mean something. "Y'know? Tommy boy's been trailing after him since eighth grade."
Billy let's out a sharp laugh, stealing Eddie's cigarette, "calling me a homewrecker, Munson?"
"Is it homewrecking when you 'wreck' both parties? You ensnare Tommy away from the King and then you come round to have a chat with Harrington in the showers?" He let's Billy have the cigarette, crossing his arms as he leans in closer, "which, what was that about?"
(Eddie's been in this town, longer than the fresh meat Billy was supposed to be. Has seen the King parading around, stuck in his own little world. Head up in the clouds and not bothering to look down and check if his feet were even touching the ground. Til '83 that is.
It was weird. After Nancy Wheeler, sometime in November with all of them being gone for a while after two people go missing —one was Byers' little brother he remembers, he wasn't sure who the other one was, a girl?—only to come back with Wheeler on Jonathan Byers side of all places. Sweet and looking at each other like they've found someone who understands. Found someone who knows life outside. As if they knew there'd be more out there.
And Steve. Steve looked settled. Looked normal and still moving even when he looked at either of them, the couple. Like he knows he's small in this stupid town but doesn't feel tight in his own skin. That even though he hasn't found anyone like that, and even lost something he's still fine. That he's seen more and knows better even when he stood still. He's found out about the same things Byers and Wheeler had. Went through the motions. Was just waiting for a pin drop to be able to live. It fascinated, Eddie. He envied it. He scoffs in his mind, what would Steve Harrington know?
Will he ever get to know? The boy and the why?)
Billy rolls his eyes, taking one last drag from his cigarette before putting it out, dropping it on the concrete for hi to stomp, "fucking nothing, Edward."
Not nothing. He heard Eddie and his 'normal dude' rant. But he can't fool Billy. He knows the guy saw the same thing in Harrington he did. He was different and radiant in this stupid town while also fitting in perfectly. He was fucking lame and didn't know a single thing. But. He also knew some things. Makes it seem like the things he knows were life altering
Harrington was an enigma. A person with thoughts and feelings and in some kind of state. He was your average fucking prep. Image obsessed, vain, and so impossibly normal. And a flea who only knows the jar can't jump over the cap. But Steve. It's like he doesn't care. He doesn't know why he only knows this side of The King's rebrand. How he only knows one side to the story. How he knows Tommy and his weird obsession with Steve and how he left, and turned fucking bitch. Acted like he was now bottom of the barrel. But the King (although Billy has a feeling he isn't one anymore) is fine. Acted like dropping his nuclear friend group and demographic was nothing. Which in the grand scheme of things, maybe it wasn't. But it's supposed to be something, to boys like Steve Harrington. He doesn't know why he cares.
"Ouuh, fucking nothing, Edward, blah blah. Also, don't call me that." He huffs. "You're not the only one thirsting, William. Everyone wants, envies, covets at a piece of Steve Harrington. But again, he's just a dude. Hell, I had the hots for him too. Besides," he knocks shoulders with Hargrove, finger going up to flick at his piercing then to loop around a blonde curl.
"Ya got me right now."
Billy looks at him with considering gaze, before smirking. He straightens up off the van, "you wish, freak." He goes round to the back of the van, opening it up, before crawling in.
Eddie grins, scampering off after him. He pushes the both of them obssesed with Steve Harrington bit away from his mind. He's hanging with Billy.
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Steve frowns a bit as he sees both men hop into the back of Munson's van. He was just passing by the parking lot. He sighs, scratching his head. He needs to go to another fucking bar. His nightmares are acting up again. Who knew the eerie light of the pool and his own house lights would make him twitch? What a life. He's okay though, pretty sure.
He smiles as he hops in the car. A night in Indy will fix him up. Surely. It always does. (And although Nancy –and Jonathan suprisingly– were worried, he assures them both as sweetly as he could that it was definitely not alcoholism. It's either more or less better than they expected. But he's glad his new friends slash two wheels he third wheels slash co-monster fighters were worried.)
As he drives off, he takes a glance at the rear view mirror, before shaking his head. Why would they hook up out in the open, in that back of the guy's van in a parking lot? Sure they could be hotboxing or some shit and smoking the weed in that dweeb Munson's lunchbox but Steve doubts that. With how hot the both of then are and how intensely they were looking at each other they were for sure fucking. He thought at least Hargrove would know better.
"Shame, shame," he shrugs, even though no one can see him, his expression set in 'it is what it is.' He wonders what he should wear and what he should order. He licks his lips and hums happily. He gets to feel alive for the weekend.
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elv-arts · 1 year
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Redraw time! Nearly a decade between these.
The first one is the first art I posted on the internet, as soon as my parents let me make a deviantart account. I was thirteen and used to draw this kind of thing a lot.
The second I drew last night at 2am because I wanted to make 13yr old me happy and also i got possessed by the sleepy art demon.
[ID: Image 1 - a coloured pencil drawing of an "anime style" girl taking a selfie with takanuva from bionicle. The girl has pale freckled skin, long brown hair in a low ponytail, and a slim green vest top. One arm holds up the camera, and the girl and takanuva each have one arm around the other's back. They're smiling with their eyes closed and the background is a sunny view of the sea and a beach with a sand castle. There's some sun glare in the corner of the picture, wispy clouds, and the sea has sparkles on it.
Image 2 - a digital drawing of a person taking a selfie with takanuva. The person has pale freckled skin, an underbite, long brown hair with growing out buzzed sides tied in a ponytail, and a black tshirt with the sleeves cut off. They have chipped black nails, an ear cuff and a couple bracelets including a rainbow one. They are grinning and are making a peace sign. Takanuva's eyes are making a happy expression and he is also making a peace sign (or perhaps failed bunny ears) behind the person. The background is a blue sky with wispy clouds and a beach. End ID]
My art has changed a lot, and I've grown so much, but some things have certainly stayed the same lol
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obstinaterixatrix · 10 months
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this was pretty funny
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immediatebreakfast · 1 year
All of the sensations, and feelings described by Adam in his first moments of living seem to be a mixture of "being born" and "being resurrected" which is a very interesting.
We still don't know what happens after we die, but for this novel Mary Shelley decided to go for the "we become nothing" option. Adam was resurrected, and instead of remembering his past since Victor used someone's brain, he tells how he needed to spent a really long time getting used to his new (old) senses, and practically re-learn how to use them again.
So, in a way after dying, Adam's brain went by a "reset" that left him without all of the learned knowledge that a person collects in life because that knowledge is no longer needed when you die. I wonder if Victor thought about that possibility while making Adam.
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forestshadow-wolf · 9 months
Ew what kinda moron schedules english and histiry together at the same time <- a person who is both bad at history and english classes and has infact scheduled them at the same time or their own accord
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lesbianshepard · 2 years
i once heard a someone praise the LIRR as a fantastic example of what public transport should be like and it was at that moment i fully realized exactly how pathetic and broken public transport in the usa really is.
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
truly detest how pcos tags/forums/etc are absolutely crawling with terfs
#(okay to rb but stay in your lane)#maybe i just want to look and see if anyone else has experienced what i went through today without seeing someone going like#'you'll never be a REAL woman because you DON'T HAVE OVARIES#and will NEVER understand the TRUE WOMANLY EXPERIENCE of having A VERY DISRUPTIVE AND COMPLEX ENDOCRINE AND METABOLIC DISORDER'#like i think there are more important (read: actual) targets to direct our frustration at here than#[checks notes] getting mad at a trans woman for saying she relates to some of the problems caused/faced by having pcos#like. idk. the fucking medical system and lack of research/treatment options#(also. christ. reducing every person w pcos into the 'woman' category automatically bc 'ovary'.#even though it's literally an intersex condition. yikes.)#also i don't know about y'all but i don't wish this on anyone? regardless of gender??#i actually don't want trans women to have to experience this in order to be considered a True Woman#because i don't want ANYBODY to have to experience this. it sucks! it's not fucking fun!#i just wanted to try and see if other people have gone through the same thing i have. not expand my blocklist by half a mile tonight.#i wanna talk about me#even though i didn't exactly find what i was looking for (😔) and i had to play fucking whack-a-terf while searching#if there's any bright side to be found it's the number of posts/people affirming pcos as an intersex condition/identity#i saw someone say 'if you don't want the [intersex] umbrella for yourself you don't have to take it#but it's nice to have in the closet for a rainy day'#and. man. yeah.
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but why does Arkham Knight Jason have the sexiest voice of all the Jasons
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laminesyamal · 2 months
spain to win the euros but none of the black english boys to make a mistake
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2pen2wildfire · 13 days
Hot take? Maybe? A lot of things that people call men gross for are actually just normal things but women are being held to a higher standard so they get mad about the unfairness of it. Like farting? Normal bodily function. Spitting on the ground outside? Bitch I don't want phlegm stuck in my throat I'm not gonna swallow it. Peeing in the shower? It's literally a shower you are actively cleaning yourself as you go (peeing in the bathtub is a different story, I don't wanna marinate in piss). Like I'm sorry but these are literally just normal human things to do and I'm sorry that you're being held to an arbitrary inhuman standard but holding other people to the same standard is not the solution here.
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girlbob-boypants · 4 months
Oh party. That person's blog is full of mediocre takes and they're obsessed with the 'I have bad media literacy' red flag of a character in 14.
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cannibalise · 2 months
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