#experiment sun
rainfallnightmare · 8 months
Chapter 6
Deadly Mistake
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(Experiment Sun, Moon and Eclipse x Caretaker Y/n)
Genre: Angst to Fluff
Warning: Shocks, Swearing, character death, Blood
word counts: 1257
July 22th, 2087
Sunny’s POV:
Y/n has been staying with us in the facility for almost 2 days now. I was both happy and worried since this Marcus human has been a problem to Y/n. It was both a good and bad thing since when Y/n is here. Cause the good would be that Marcus littles helpers won’t be bugging us very much but it’s a bad thing because Y/n can still get hurt because of these helpers.
It was around midday and Y/n was away for a little bit cause they mentioned getting something from home. Now I wouldn’t be worried if Simone was there with them to get whatever they needed. But with Marcus out there and Y/n was alone to retrieve their belongings worries me ten times more. “Sun I know you're worried about Y/n safety but you got to believe in them” Moon said as he placed his hand on my shoulder as he and Eclipse were by my side.
“I know Moon” 
Letting out a soft sigh. I changed into my “Ghost” form that Y/n called and floated in the air for a bit. As we waited for Y/n to get back. I heard a door open as both Moon and I turned to see Marcus co-workers were in our chambers. Both Moon and I hissed that the humans since they always caused us harm when Y/n not here. “Oh quit your hissing you freaks” Marcus’s right hand man said rudely making Moon and I even more defensive. Soon as the humans got closer, I didn’t see that they had their stun sticks with them til I heard a zipping sound.
“Be gone you humans, before you ask for a quick death!”
The Humans just laughed as the right hand man walked even closer. “Not going to happen” Before I could say anything, all of us heard a door open and saw Y/n walking in on time.
When I got back from retrieving my laptop and a few books. I stopped when I entered my celestial astral’s chamber to be met with Marcus' crew. Seeing Anna, Marcus's right hand man/gal, I had a bad feeling that she was trying to do something with the subjects.
“Why are you here? You guys were told multiple times to not be here as they are no longer your concerns!” I glared at Anna who just let out a sarcastic laugh as she turned towards my direction. “Like we were gonna listen to you or the director, you of all people should have been the one to have left but as these freaks were nothing more then experiments to test and kill” Anna said holding one of the stun sticks that caused Sun and Moon to growl at. Eclipse was watching as two of Marcus' men were keeping him at bay while the rest was with Sun, Moon and I.
“Like I would let you do that to them, now leave or else” I tossed my belongings to the ground as they were in a secure case so my laptop wouldn’t get broken. I looked to see that Moon and Sun were ready to attack Anna or the others if they made a wrong move as I walked over to her. “Or else what you monster lover, you have no power over me or my crew” Anna pointed the stun stick at my torso as she was ready to press the button to shock me.
“Their not monster’s unlike you and Marcus, Now call your crew back and leave before you get them killed”
Anna was itching to do some kind of harm whether it was towards me or to the guys. She does like taking orders from anyone who is lower rank than her but I didn’t give a damn since she was no better like Marcus. “Be careful sunstar” Sun said worryingly as Anna quickly turned towards him and Moon. “Shut your mouth experiment!” Anna growled as she turned to me.
Before I could have said anything. All of us heard screaming as Anna and I looked to see two of her crew were slaughtered by Eclipse. Anna then got trigger happy and turned on the stun stick that gave me a painful shock to my system.
It was so painful. Anna smirks and shocks me again til I drop to the ground. “Pathetic” Anna turned off the stun stick but then gasped when she got tackled down and was held by her throat. "Wrong move human" I heard as I painfully opened one eye to see that Sunny was ready to kill Anna.
Before I could say anything. Sun picked Anna up and threw up to a wall that caused her to die from the impact. "S-Sunny" I called out to him while I goran at the pain that was inflicted onto me from the stun stick. The rest of Anna and Marcus' crew quickly booked it as they didn't want to die. I felt someone picking me up and had me against their chest.
"I got you comet" 
It was Eclipse as he had me in his arms while Sun and Moon chased out or killed any person that was in Anna’s crew that stayed behind. I tried to move my arm but the pain only got worse as I gritted my teeth and my arm just went limp for now. “Fuck it hurts” I laid my head against Escipse chest as he just holds me in his arms that was covered in blood.
“Are you alright Star” Moon and Sun came over to us once everyone was gone or dead. I wanted to move but I didn’t know how long the pain from the stun stick would last. “In pain but alive” I gave the trio a painful smile as Sun slightly cupped my cheek against his large astral hand. “Only if they would have listened to your warning sunstar, now you're in this condition because of their foolish act” Sun lightly caressed my cheek while moon carefully took my limp hand in his and Eclipse just held me and gently ran a claw lightly against my hair. “People are just selfish and ignorant here, sometimes I wonder if I am the same as them” I closed my eyes and tried to relax to let the stun pain ease up a bit.
“Your not like them comet”
Eclipse spoke as Moon and Sun agreed with him. I open my eyes to look at the three. “How do you know that?” I ask even tho it was a very dumb question for them to answer. “We know because sunstar, your heart glows with care, sympathy, love and bravery to us astral beings” Sun said as he gently tilted my head towards him. As I was about to comment on his statement, I was silent by sun pressing his astral lips against mine in a kiss.
This took my breath away for a moment as Sun broke the kiss. I was speechless yet happy as Moon took his turn and kissed me. After Moon had his moment of kissing me, Eclipse had his turn when moon broke away. I was warm both inside and out when all three of them showed me this side of them. “Hope you understand that your ours comet” Eclipse mentions once he broke the kiss. I chuckled softly and nodded my head since I chose this fate of mine.
“I know”
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o0kawaii0o · 1 month
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0ffisially0ll0 · 10 days
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this was the experimental doodle lying in my folders for quite a while lol
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tojisun · 8 months
thinkin about simon smokin while you’re sitting on his lap, all pretty and docile, playing with the loose threads of his sweater. he taps your thigh and you turn to him because you know what he wants – he made sure you know it well, after all.
you part your pouty lips open, batting your long lashes as simon leans in before blowing the smoke into your mouth. you inhale it slowly, having been taught by him how to properly shotgun, and simon groans at how good you are being. then, he finally leans in to kiss you because you deserve to be rewarded <333
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peaceandlove26 · 5 months
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the sun is my girl
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benevolentcannibal · 2 months
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divine madness☀️
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deeva-arud · 2 months
So, about that one AU that's been marinating in my mind for years
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strayingsocks · 3 months
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i don't know what to caption angst posts i feel too silly
+ base colours bc i rly like them
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martyryo · 3 months
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Need to draw them being stupid at least once a month
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meagancandraw · 23 hours
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Petition to give Sun a hug because oof
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rainfallnightmare · 8 months
Chapter 1:
The problem
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(Experiment Sun, Moon and Eclipse x Caretaker Y/n)
Genre: Slight angst to Fluff
Warning: Shocks, injuries and Swearing
word counts: 1578
June 19th, 2087
You were doing your report for today's work. 
It was a long day so you didn't mind it at first. That was until you heard a loud roar like scream from down the hall. Worried about what was happening, You stop and quickly enter the room where the noise was coming from. It was a horrible sight as one of the scientists was shocking the subjects Sun, Moon and Eclipse. This wasn’t the first time that these experimental subjects been torture by the scientists cause the government allows it.
You knew that if you didn't stop the scientists. They would have ended up killing poor creatures. Dangerous as they are, You happen to intervene in the process causing the scientists to almost shock you. “Are you fucking insane, what were you thinking?!” One of the male scientists as there were four of them around. Three of the scientists were holding long stun sticks to keep the subjects away from them in case they tried to attack. The fourth scientist was just writing stuff down on their clipboard as he was the one that yelled at me.
“Insane or not, you're gonna end up killing them if you don’t stop” I said while gritting my teeth in anger since these scientists don’t seem to give a damn about these subjects. I’m just a regular office worker/caretaker. I was assigned to take care of the three being behind me so they can stay healthy and alive tho they don’t trust humans one bit.
Subject 220 Sunlight or Sun in what I call them is an astral like creature with a solid form that could change into its ghost like form. Sun mostly had two colors on them which were yellowish or gold and white. Is like 10 ft tall and a bit shy when not being threatened.
Subject 221 ShadowMoon or Moon is Sun twin astral. Moon is the opposite of the Sun and likes to be in its astral form but when they are in their solid form. Moon has three colors which are black, blue and white. Again like Sun, Moon is also 10 ft tall but is more aggressive and will attack someone who is threatening to them.
Subject 222 EclipseRise or just Eclipse is one of the deadliest beings out of the three. Unless Sun and Moon, Eclipse astral being that is just fully solid and extremely hot to touch like the actual sun. Eclipse is a foot taller than Sun and moon, has red, orange and yellow with a little of black on its markings for its color. Eclipse is aggressive and very much not shy at all and would kill a person on the spot if they were threatened.
All four of the scientists glared at you before they just left you alone with the subjects. Letting out a sigh and carefully turning to see the three being behind ya. You could see the three were exhausted, in pain and hurt. You want to help them but with their current situation that was caused by the scientist. You know the most you could do is let them rest and keep an eye on them.
The three astral beings know you're not a threat to them since you were the only one that actually cares about their well being. Seeing that you nearly got shocked, they did get worried for a bit since you could have been in their condition. “Why did you get in their way? You could have gotten hurt!” Moon said as Sun frowned and Eclipse looked annoyed but was relieved that you didn’t get hurt. 
“I did it cause, I care about you guys”
Moon POV:
“I did it cause, I care about you guys”
Hearing those words from this human. It’s not something the three of us get to hear a lot because of Y/n being the only human that was decent and kind. Y/n keeping their distance from us was respectable but there was a time we wished that they would be a bit more brave and come towards us a little more. Humans were confusing and curious things but for Y/n. They were curious but it was when they first started to work here as our caretaker.
Sun was the first to move towards our human as he picked Y/n up in his better condition arm and held them close. Y/n didn’t seem bothered by it since it wasn’t the first time Sun had done this to them. Y/n being gentle as they were. Lightly pat and stroke Sun cheek as it was one way to calm him down.
Y/n POV:
Sun being a sweetheart and gentle. I smiled and lightly pat and stroke his cheek which makes him purr softly. I always find it cute as Moon and Eclipse also get like this when I give them some kind of affection. While I gave the sun some light affection, I did examine to see how all did he and the others have that needs to be treated.
“I know you guys hate that I have to treat your wounds but it has to be done or you’ll get worse”  I said to them softly as Sun looked at me with scared eyes. “D-do you have too little comet?” Sun whined at the thought of it but I nodded my head. “I know you don’t like it sunny but I promise to give you guys affection and treats if you behave for me” I gently cup Sun cheeks as Moon and Eclipse come over and surround me between their bodies.
The three looked at each other when I pulled my hands back a bit. I hated seeing the three of them injured because the scientists and the government wanted their blood sample and such. Eclipse was the first to speak up which caused me to look at him.
“We’ll let you treat us, we won’t be able to do it ourselves because of how exhausted and sore we are”
Eclipse softly said as he took one of my hands in his and gently held it. Moon took my other hand and placed it against his cheek that was cold but nice. I was glad that they were gonna let me treat them since this was something rare they allow to happen. “Alright, I need to go get the supplies so mind letting me down?” Sun nodded as he set me down on the ground when both Moon and Eclipse let go of my hands. 
As I went to go to the first aid closet that was next door. I felt someone grab my arm as I turned to see it was one of the scientists. “What do you want?” I said bluntly and harshly because I nevered the person.
“Why do you care so much about these stupid and idiotic experiments? You're just a regular worker here?!” The scientist looked at me all annoyed and confused. “If i didn’t stop you guys from torturing the subjects, All of your sorry asses would have either killed” I said with a growl as I turned back to grab the large first aid kit. I wasn’t gonna let them do something stupid to get themselves killed because of their carelessness. When I was about to leave and head back over, the scientist again grabbed my arm and slammed me against the shelf behind me with all the other supplies.
“Don’t test my patients rookie, your will stay out of my way or I’ll make you”
I started to get pissed off by this person. Not only did they lay their hands on me, slam me against a supply shelf but also threatened me. I slammed my head against the person causing them to back off in agony. "I don't give a damn about what you want me to do, if you keep this up then I won't save your asses the next time" I hissed at the scientist as I felt the room and went back over to start trying the astral boys.
"I'm back guys"  I said while giving them a forced smile to hide my irritation. Moon turned to see me as he came over and picked me up in his arms. "You alright little comet? I sense some anger in ya" Moon spoke softly as he brought over to the others. I let out a sigh and leaned my head against Moon's cool chest.
"One of the scientists tried to overpower me by rank and threaten me when he slammed me against one of the supply shelves because he didn't like the idea that I was being caring to you guys" I said honestly since lying to the guys wasn't the smart idea.
I felt Moon boy tense as I heard him and the other two starting to growl. "The nerve that humans have" Sun said as he normally tries to stay calm. Eclipse kept quiet but knowing him, he would be trying to kill the scientist the next time he sees them.
I lightly knock on the first aid kit to get the three attention. "I'll be alright, right now I need to focus on treating you guys first" I looked at each one of them before carefully getting on Moon's hands. I held out my right hand to the guys while holding the first aid in my left.
"So who wants to go first?"
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mocha-illustrates · 1 year
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[ID: The first image is a digital sketch of Y/N holding Sea Butterfly!Sun in a large fishing net. Y/N stands to the right of Sun wearing a wetsuit. They are facing slightly right, with their right hand on their hip and the other hand supporting the handle of the net that rests over their shoulder. They are looking back at Sun with an amused smirk. To the left of them, Sun is slightly larger than human-sized. His whole body is inside the net besides his arms and head which are leaning onto the handle of the net. The net bends with his weight, and his crossed arms cradle his head as he looks at Y/N with an amused smile. The lineart is orange and the background is white. The artist’s signature in the bottom left follows the curve of the net and reads, “MOCHA ILLUSTRATES”.  The second image is a digital sketch of Y/N holding Firefly Squid!Moon in a large fishing net. Y/N stands to the left of Moon wearing a wetsuit. They are facing slightly left and are looking down curiously at Moon in the net. They have their hands up as they hoist the handle of the net above their head to hold Moon up. To their right, Moon is slightly larger than human-sized. He is upside and his tentacles are spilling out over the rim of the net. His arms are cradling his head as he looks up at Y/N with an annoyed expression. The lineart is blue and the background is white. The artist's signature in the bottom right follows the curve of the net and reads, “MOCHA ILLUSTRATES”. END ID.]
taking a break from drawing fish to draw more fish
anyway here are some quick sketches of my mer boys at their original sizes (?) I may ink and render these later but no promises <3
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sanchensky · 1 year
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"You’ve met the Fools of Fate"~
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@pure-plum Latest Weal and Woe chapter was so sweet I swear my soul melted a bit from reading it :'3 Honestly Eclipse seems so nervous there, I genuinely just want to hug that anxiousness out of him xD
Tho here I made him look a little more malicious. Gotta think twice about that hug hehe :>
And some process under the cut cuz why not x)
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venomous-qwille · 1 year
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[ID: An inkbrush style image of Virus!Sun standing with both hands splayed looking at the viewer, he is bisected by a diagonal slash of shadow. The colours are heavily saturated with purple, yellow and red that clash in an unnerving way. /End ID]
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puppyeared · 1 year
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midnightfrappe · 7 months
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