#exploring activities
art-sciencedesigns · 7 months
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Exploring Engaging and Educational Home-Based Activities for Children
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bixels · 4 months
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Posting a sneak-peak of this now because I'm about to be In The Shit school workload-wise, so this'll take me a while to finish.
Doing some character design exploration/expression sheets for Celestia and Luna. Figuring out Celestia's weird ass anatomy while I'm at it.
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 3 months
All I can think about recently is that there are three main career options for Grishaverse main characters:
A) Child soldier
B) Criminal
C) ✨Both✨
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to-boldly-escape · 7 months
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Husbandry would be quite efficacious huh?
First post here. Why is the app quality so sh*t lol :')
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abscondminded · 3 months
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Silly little comic, close-ups of panels below the cut
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hecksupremechips · 4 months
Akihiko becoming a cop is something that simply doesn’t happen in the coma route cuz Shinji would see that shit and be like Aki what the actual hell is wrong with you
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sga-owns-my-soul · 2 months
sg1: we're exploring :)
the goa'uld: fuck you eat shit and die
sg1: fuck YOU eat shit and die!!!
john sheppard: i'm here to fuck shit up
rodney mckay: i'm here to fuck shit up
carson beckett: i'm here go fuck shit up
the pegasus galaxy: oh fuck
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tygerland · 3 months
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The Motorcycle Diaries (2004)
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hitwiththetmnt · 24 hours
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Hey! This is TMNT: Children of the Sky Mikey and Leo from Cabin 16 with a survey: who's the most artistic member of your AU/iteration's family?
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Everyone’s got their own thing, but between Mr. Angelo’s stickers-crafts-cooking-and collecting…I think he takes the cake
But the other brothers have the artistic spark-just in their own way!
Cabin #7 (7 Wonders of the Turtleverse)
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yungxgoldin · 2 months
goldin hour 🌸
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Lmao Frank would absolutely keep a list of everything they tried to do to fix this situation. He has his work cut out for him with poor wally as well. Does he know what happened to Sally?
Frank does know what happened to Sally! ofc he caught his first glimpse of her when he sorta woke up, then after he Actually woke up, Wally made sure to sit him down and be like "she will kill you if you go near her <3"
still, Frank didn't really believe Wally. so Wally showed him proof:
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and Frank quickly changed his tune.
and honestly, it's more like Wally has his work cut out for him with Frank lmao. cause by the time Frank fully wakes, Wally's pretty much given up. and rightfully so, there's... not really anything he can do except protect his sleeping friends.
so Frank's initial attempts to make a plan kinda went like:
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Wally is very earnest about saying "that's nice". it is nice. it's refreshing to have someone around that still believes something can be done, however futile that hope is. Frank will catch on eventually.
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caitas-cooing · 24 days
Yes, not all aces and aros and not all aros are ace. Yes, there are ace people who still have sex and there are aros that still date. Yes, some aspec people will enter QPRs. All these things are true, but if I tell you that canonically a character is aspec and you say these things a lot of the time it doesn't feel like you actually want to explore the complexities of aspec identities and the relationships they form with other people, you just want to be able to write shipping and smut fics or fanart without getting accused of erasing a characters Identity. And it's hollow justification because again you don't really care about learning about our identities. And like I'm not gonna harass people for writing or drawing things regardless because frankly I have better things to do, but I do wish some people would be more honest about their intentions with certain things. Idk if any of this makes sense, I'm just writing down my almost 3am thoughts about things
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owobunn · 1 year
activity to heal the inner child ♡ ₊˚
i recently found a post that has really been helping me in my regression (which i will credit here !!)
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step 1: go outside and explore!
step 2: find any wrappers? shinies? bottlecaps? ribbons? put 'em in your pockets!
step 3: bring your treasures home and find a glass bottle, vial, or clear container to show them off!
🌷 organize them by color, texture, or material if you'd like. 🌷
♡ congratulations, you've made your very own color museum!! ♡
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here's mine so far!!
(thank you so much to @korva-the-raven for giving me this idea and allowing me to post about this.)
˙⊹ now get out there and go exploring! ⊹˙
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asteracaea · 2 months
thinking about the line "now you try on calling me 'baby' like trying on clothes"...
...even if you don't believe this song is about a professional model...
...what man 'tries on clothes' in the way she's implying here, like for fun...
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jils-things · 1 month
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happy mothers day to my first and best momma concept ever designed 💚💚
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psychopomparia · 4 months
Imagining Sunday when he got his wings pierced:
CW: Mature, erogenous zone, NEEDLE, suggestive. I...had thoughts and I wanted to write them; no proof read btw; wrote this on a whim. I hope this is not too OOC, we only know so much on Sunday so...
What if Sunday's wings were sensitive? A light touch to them causes him to flinch; those calm eyes widen for a split second at the interaction. Yet, Sunday wears those studs on his wings. Two spiky studs to be exact. If a mere graze of a hand caused his shoulders to stiffen slightly, how did those piercings make him react?
The sight of Sunday going to Halovian piercing studio in his youthful days. As a member of the Family, he ought to look presentable. Perhaps, an added accessory to his wings would increase his aesthetics?
Yet, a Halovian's wings are a bit..sensitive to say the least. They are one's pride and joy, but also one's weak point if messed around. If anything, it might seem like a form of masochism for a Halovian to even get piercing on their wings. As the representative of the Family, he is willing to endure all types of pain - even for the sake of the Harmony.
So, there he was, in a private lounge with his hands folded on his lap. He reclines back on the leather chair, and the smell of rubbing alcohol lingers around him. His gloved thumb fiddles with the satin handkerchief to calm his nerves. The man tending to him reassured Sunday that he was a professional. Any unsightly behavior from the Halovian would remain in this room; no one would hear of what happens in this room. This is a private matter.
As soon as the man started cleaning his wing, Sunday's shoulders tensed up. Cold liquid pouring on his wing meant to disinfect it, but all it did was send shivers down his spine. He bit the inside of his cheek to remain composed and his eyes remained shut. While the piercer searched his drawer for the needle, Sunday squirmed around in in chair. One hand rests on the armrest while the other rests under his chin -the handkerchief grazing his lips.
He knew the next step. He's had his ears pierced before with his sister. That needle would mark him and stab into his flesh. But, that was their ear. It lasted a few minutes and only felt a dull, sharp pain. No, this time it's his wings. A more erogenous area for him.
The area for his piercing is marked. He asked for two piercings, so double the penetration. Double the consequences. The hairs on the back of Sunday's neck rose yet his outward appearance seemed placid. Despite the lingering cold sensation on his wings giving him goosebumps, that signature calm smile bore on his face.
Would it change once the needle went it?
The needle's penetration into his wing causes the carefully crafted facade of Sunday to slip out. Now, his hand gripped forcefully on the armrest while the other clenches the handkerchief; the one he's currently biting into. It's difficult to suppress the whimpers, but muffling them is the least he can do. His eyes rolled back slightly while tears crept in. An overwhelming sensation of pain and arousal bubbled inside him. It hurt, but Aeons, it felt so good. The needle struck again for the second hole causing him to whine softly. His body squirms around like those origami birds stuck in cramped spaces.
"Too much," Sunday babbles to himself. It's too incoherent and soft for the piercer to notice. Dazed, Sunday didn't realize the piercer had already inserted the studs into the new holes. Soon, he began cleaning the area again. Sunday's jaw slacks as the liquid coats his wings for the second time. Any thoughts he had faded and only heat consumed him. Everything felt numb to him. He was unaware that the piercer completed his job and begun explaining the aftercare.
Sunday took the handkerchief loosely hanging from his mouth quickly and dabbed the corners of his mouth. He blinked quickly to regain his composure, even if his cheeks were flushed. The piercer jotted down a few remainders on a notepad to reinforce his explanation. He could sense Sunday's disoriented state. The man patted Sunday on his back and made his way to the exit. All Sunday could understand was that the man needed to attend to other clients, but he could feel free and calm himself down in the room. The room is a private longue after all. Equipped with soundproof padding and a lock. As soon as the man left, the words finally hit him.
His gaze peered at the hand mirror on the work table, and now he understood what the man meant by "calm himself down." Sunday looked absolutely debauched. His eyes were cloudy and watery from the impending tears. Mouth agape and lips glossy with saliva. His face was flushed, and small beads of sweat dripped past his cheek. He could clearly see and feel how horny he was. The blood flowing down south made itself present through twitching thighs. A gloved hand snakes down to palm his erection. A soft groan escapes him, and he closes his eyes to enjoy the sensation. A libidinous thought occurs to him. Perhaps, he could indulge in "calming methods."
After all, aftercare is essential in any piercing.
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