#explosion born reptile
gigglygloatinggremlin · 4 months
I don't know if anyone's still alive here, but way back when I still cared about OUAT, I had a little AU cooking where Rumplestiltskin adopted Zelena.
Do I have your attention? Good. So remember when Cora swindled Rumpel into changing her payment in the contract from HER first-born to THEIR first-born? What if he DIDN'T though?
Cora's first-born is not Regina.
So he's standing there absoltely baffled when a ginger toddler appears in his castle. He checks what's up. Is this thing working? Why yes, his magic mumbo-jumbo responds. That's your payment, Cora's first-born. Take it or leave it. So he takes her in.
Zelena proves to be a promising witch anyway, so it's cool, but still stings.
What this accomplishes for Zelena as a character is that her whole thing with Rumpel is no longer projecting her daddy issues onto him, it's her BEEFING with her actual DAD.
Because surprise, surprise, you stupid reptile! You are still the most important person in her life, thus, for the curse to work she has to take YOU out.
I mean he tries to prevent that, he really does. But her mother did sell her to Rumpel even if she had actively tried to prevent that. Her actual father is probably dead in a ditch. Her previous adoptive father hates her. And her sister is a literal princess being raised by both of her parents. Even if it isn't Regina's fault she seemingly had it better from the start (it's very hard to write this with a straight face, but as far as Zelena's concerned, that's the truth), in Zelena's heart, her sister can't compete with the man who raised her.
So Rumpelstiltskin does what Rumpelstiltskin does best and drops her like a hot potato. And on the next day Rumpel starts coaching Regina.
Great, now she's green.
Also, Zelena knows why her dad needs that stupid portal, in my mind she's grown up on stories of her older brother, lost and alone in a cruel magicless (gasp!) dimension, and how they need to find and save him. And in all her teenage overcompensating glory, Zelena decides to look for Baelfire herself. Then Rumpel will see how great of a daughter she is, and that she totally won't have to commit patricide, and she, her dad, big brother and magic will all live happily ever after.
Zelena goes to the different worlds she does have access to, which leads her to Oz, because why is it that they can hop between these worlds and not to the one Baelfire is in? Maybe if she goes to Oz this time, from there she'll find a path to another world, and from that one to another, and if she keeps hopping between different dimensions, she'll come across the right one. After all, the wizard of the Emerald City is from there. He got there somehow, if she could just figure out how, then she's golden.
But then the whole thing with Glinda happens, and it is not pretty. Zelena's had eighteen or so years of direct exposure to magic and Rumpel's rancid vibes, she should have grown up absolutely vicious in this AU. I want her to drag Glinda and read her for filth. Like, what do you mean "Dorothy must have powerful magic to have defeated an evil witch?" When a house falls down on you, you die, it's basic physics! This is a child that is lost, she is not interested in your sorceress secret society, she wants to go back to Kansas, lady! So you always wanted to get rid of the Wizard, huh? Well, why didn't you?
(Glinda in this show to this day makes me so irrationally mad. What on Earth was that storyline?)
The obvious parallels between how she was treated by Glinda and has been treated by Rumpel give Zelena a reality check and upon returning to Rumpel's castle, no closer to finding Baelfire than she had been before leaving, Zelena has an explosive argument with her adoptive dad. Zelena takes out the RECEIPTS that have been piling up throughout her teenagehood. The argument ends with her yelling that Baelfire is so hard to reach now, because he just wanted to get away from Rumpel that badly.
Zelena’s officially disowned, but still alive, so that's cool.
Zelena takes permanent residence in Oz and stews in her misery. The only thing that can make her feel better is making her dad’s life harder. She probably meddles in his relationship with Belle a lot. Maybe she even gathers the courage to try and connect with Regina.
Speaking of vulnerable young women who lost their safety net and are at the mercy of powerful geriatric men.
Hades enters!
Now, you’ve lasted this long, but I’m gonna ask you for some more patience.
Hades in this AU is just a Little closer to the source material.
And by that I mean he asks a woman’s father for her hand and then kidnaps her.
You cannot tell me Rumpel wouldn’t have agreed immediately. Zelena can be and has been enough of a nuisance and an outright obstacle to his plans that he’d want her OUT of the picture no matter what means he has to take.
Now she’s trapped in the Underworld, tricked into eating the pomegranate seeds, biting her tongue lest her dear husband has the bright idea to spike her wine with Lethe water. His family is SO WEIRD, her sister-in-law offers to adopt her because of a loophole that would let her see sunlight for half a year, but her brother-in-law WILL try to seduce or rape her if they’re ever left alone together and her father-in-law keeps moaning in her and her husband’s basement. “Sure, honey, I will help you overthrow your creep of a brother. Of course, you’ll take the throne. Who else? Your bajillion nieces and nephews that have been eyeing the position for millennia? Pfft, you’re so funny, darling.”
Speaking of family. Sitting side by side, they judge her birth mother and her adoptive brother she’d never got to meet. Both leave her unmoored and emotional, but in completely different ways. Maybe she gets closure with them, maybe she doesn’t. Time goes by, and Zelena dreads there won’t be any familiar faces left to see at the trial.
Finally, she sees her father there. And her husband thinks she’s excited to punish him, but, in reality, Zelena knows Rumpelstiltskin. He will not be staying dead for long. This is her chance to escape. Then she can kill him again.
In conclusion, Zelena obliterating Hades with a lightning bolt is less of a sacrifice and more of a divorce in this AU. I want her to be a mirror to Regina after the gang rescues her in a way that Zelena is a great sister, but she’s still evil. I know that’s basically canon by the end of the series, but imagine the opportunities of this dynamic if it had only 15% of its canonical emotional baggage. The absolute chaos of it. Wait, does that make her Henry’s aunt times two?
Do you see the vision now?
Did the vision come to me when I was re-watching St Trinian's and heard the snootiest, brattiest, most British "Daddy" in all cinema history? Yes, it did.
Edit: Y’all, I just remembered Baelfire would be alive in this actually! Can you imagine the drama of him coming after Rumpel? Him trying to convince Zelena to return their father to the world of the living? Like Orpheus? And succeed? And Rumpel has to live with the knowledge that had the roles been reversed, he would have failed and Baelfire would have been stuck in the Underworld forever? Can you imagine that?!?!
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Master Jacob terms
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In addition to all that we know from the show itself, there are terms in my AU that mean anything here. Here is a list of them (the list will be updated):
Air Guitar Unikingdom Championship. One of the annual events in Unikingdom where participants play the air guitar (imitating guitar playing). It was founded by Princess Unikitty and organized jointly with the main member of the Jury, Big Bean.
Bricks. One of the first races created by unicorns as intelligent beings. Many races have descended from them. They are distinguished by hard work, high life expectancy and a solid body, so they can pass through walls.
Brock's Yacht. This is the Brock's improved yacht, which he originally received from his father as a gift. Later, the yacht acquired the mecha mode.
Bunny Island. An island inhabited exclusively by rabbits. For a long time they led a rural lifestyle, but Easter Bunny solved this problem and the people became more civilized and they began to live better.
Candycornkingdom. A kingdom that was previously captured and destroyed by Master Hazard, which is still being rebuilt. Its founder and ruler was Prince Dunklecorn.
City Council. The official name of Doom Lords in Frowntown.
FrownBank. The only bank in the whole city that provides all financial services. All ordinary citizens have to stand in line, except for the authorities and other city celebrities.
FT. The abbreviation that was used to designate the Dr. Red's project "Future Town". After the disappearance of Dr. Red, the President took advantage of the fact that he used an existing abbreviation and deciphered it as Frowntown. Now this abbreviation applies only to Frowntown.
Future Town. The past name of Frowntown.
Kiley Babydoll. Robots that were originally created so that future parents from Future Town could practice on them in. But since the dolls had the behavior of a President, sales declined and production stopped. But one of these babydolls is still "alive", and perhaps not even one.
Magicals. Magical creatures that people believe in. They have a special magic that they have obtained (or improved) themselves through their efforts. The term itself is not widely used, but it is applicable to Santa, Father Time, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny and so on.
Magic Explosion. This is the kind of explosion that occurs as a result of strong sincere feelings with a loved one. It is considered a rare phenomenon. An explosion can also form when a new life is born.
Magic Reptiles. An ancient race and descendant of most races of birds, reptiles and even amphibians. They are the best friends of unicorns and thanks to them there is a lot of magic on the planet.
Matful Frown. The fake name of the biological father of Former Master Frown. This is a fusion of the name Matt and the word "fool".
President. The title of the head of Frowntown.
Princess. The only title of the ruler of Unikingdom. With rare exceptions, the monarch may bear the title of Prince.
Sensei Macho. The President's fighter name when he became a fight teacher in Action Forest.
Stork Service. A service where stork scientists painlessly produce children regardless of the gender of the child's parents. For a long time, before the change of government, it was impossible to use this service in Frowntown.
Tiger Shark. The founder of Action Forest and the very first Sensei.
Tombstones. A hereditary race of bricks that are distinguished by physical strength, increased endurance and a special connection with the people. That is why it is important for them to have relationships with representatives of other races, so that after their death their kindred spirit or a good friend is buried under the Tombstones.
Unicorns. Creatures created as a result of people's good mood and good weather. It was they who spread a lot of magic to the planet and created new races, such as Bricks and Tombstones.
UniOn High School. Or High School For Everyone. This is High School on the planet, designed for all high school students, regardless of region. The founders are Unikitty and Puppycorn Royal. The Principals are Richard and Coco Paperclip.
Uniplanet. The name of the planet where most of our characters live. Contrary to popular belief that the planet is named after Unikitty, it is actually named after unicorns.
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falconfate · 5 months
you mentioned temperature based hatching and some sort of affect of sunlight on nightwings in your sunkiller post and I'm intrigued; can we hear about those headcanons?
YES yes excellent I have Many Thoughts
So here's the thing: I've always had at least a minor interest in astronomy, not to mention several fields of science in general (several scientists in my family) and I was incredibly spoiled by Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn trilogy that heavily bases its magic system on actual science--in that particular case, electromagnetism. Basically, this all adds up to me Getting Ideas whenever I'm introduced to a magic system because I always want to push the boundaries of it in a very scientific experimentation way; so, of course, being someone who Knows Some Things about how light, heat, and the bare basics of how some reptilian species' egg hatching works, I Have Some Thoughts On NightWings.
First of all, the fact that moons generally do not generate their own light--it is entirely reflected sunlight. Unless Tui comes forward and announces that some ancient animus dragon enchanted the moons themselves, or there's some other magical property specific to the moons (not outside the realm of possibility imo, considering there's a Sentient Plant now), I think it is reasonable to assume that the NightWings' abilities may not actually come from the moons themselves, but rather the light they reflect. This, of course, leads to the question: what would happen to a NightWing hatched under direct sunlight?
In my personal opinion, I think they would be 1) bonkers powerful, 2) possibly possess abilities equal or similar to an animus, and 3) Extremely Unstable, both physically and mentally. One of my favorite astrophysics theories is that of the origin of today's supermassive black holes--they are literally too big to exist with our current understanding of how black holes are formed; the universe is not old enough for a standard black hole to have gotten as large as many supermassives are, and even if several black holes collided and merged, the statistical probability of enough of those collisions happening to produce the many supermassives we know about is extremely unlikely. So, the theory is that when the universe was much smaller, and everything was denser and closer together, there were black hole stars: stars so huge, so massive, and so dense, that at their core, instead of standard fusion, they actually had black holes. Kurzgesagt did a video about it and they explain it very well, and it's one of my favorite videos of theirs. My headcanon about NightWings hatched beneath full sunlight is a bit of an embellishment and inversion of this concept: full, undiluted, direct sunlight would grant them abilities and power so extreme, so violent, that it would constrain against their physical form and seek escape--at first by being used, but eventually exploding from them in a dragon-shaped supernova of psychic or magical power, possibly with physical effects as well. Not to make NightWings too important, but this could even be a possible origin of magic among dragons at all.
But, if NightWings hatch at night, how could this happen at all? Here's where my idea of temperature affecting NightWing eggs comes in (and, weirdly enough, it would even possibly support that last idea about sun-born nightwing explosions being a source of magic). Several species of reptile are influenced in the egg by surrounding temperature; specifically, it affects their sex. With this idea in mind, I think NightWing eggs don't necessarily know whether or not it's night, and thus time to hatch, but rather will prefer to hatch in the cooler part of the daily temperature cycle--which is night. This could potentially be tricked, encouraging an egg to hatch in the daytime instead, by placing the egg in a much colder climate... perhaps even one subject to a polar summer, or even a midnight sun.
Say, for example, a NightWing egg somehow ended up in IceWing territory in the height of summer--perhaps stolen as ransom, or left as an experiment--and hatches in full daylight, receiving the raw, unfiltered power of close proximity starlight; wielding fearsome power and perhaps not even looking like a NightWing, as per @otiksimr's headcanon; eventually erupting with a blastwave of raw magic and creating IceWing animus dragons, their genetic code rewritten by cosmic radiation. It could also have been a similar situation with the SeaWings, with a NightWing egg placed in or near cold water to be tricked into hatching during the day.
Not to say that canon NightWings are boring by any metric, but anything can be made infinitely more interesting if you know the science behind something as mundane as how moonlight works. :)
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operation redesing 1
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finally i finished this...
with some luck the information is still readeable and i hope it is,but if its hard to read,just zoom into the image.
but asuming and knowing my horrendus hand writing dosen't let you read i will traduce what is writen.
still i cant promise something better as my english sometimes fails since is not my born language.
Loading data...
Personal status
name: mis
age: 22 irken years old
species:geneticaly mutated irken
gender: male
height: 6'3 feet|1,95 cm
weight: not confirmated|lower than average
category: defective
actual profesion: archivator|mail man
actual rank: supervisor of defective quarantine station delta
Militar status
>used to be an assassin|spy|pilot
Familiar status
-explorer ikarus|mother| <deceased>
-scientist viridis|father| <alive-working>
-elite soldier take|brother| <alive-in service>
Fisical health status
blood: usual reddish fuchsia,but due to an blood transmision illness is slowly turning to a sky blue tone.
scars: over the 78% of his body,including an enter one in the back and the out one in his chest.
missing limbs: none
another problem:
>half blinded,almost lost his right eye in a figth with an elite
>half deaf,the explosion of a plasma grenade burned his left antenna and blow his left side inner ear due to proximity
>has some problems breathing and regularly coughs,in bad cases coughing out blood
>suffers bad fisical pains he usually reassures with strong pain killers
>insomnia and sleep deprivation
>sometimes will ramdomly faint or fall asleep out of nowere whithout knowing why
>will trow up his own blood at least once in the day in consequense of the illness he has
>has a very bad dust alergy
PAK status
>broken and malfunctioning
>refuses to fix it afther a long while with it in that state
>either way PAK tecnicians refused to rapair it since he is an defctive,and with that statement he dosen't have the privilage of them rapairing it
Mental health status
>has an severe non treated ptsd he somehow hides
>has an mild dissociative amnesia over certain events of his live
>conpulsive obsession disorder
-usually centered on cleaning and having things in order
>has an very severe case of DID |dissociative identity disorder| with 3 registered identitis
|sensitive,nervous 24-7,calm and shy
|cries or gets scared easily
|passionate historian,knows a lot of idioms some even forgotten
|to tell apart the right eye will turn to an very dark blue and the pupil will turn into an water drop form,while the left one shift into a bright green.
|inpulsive,prideful,strong headed and aggressive
|has a very short pacience and gets angry very easily
|fight maniac,likes to pick up fights to find an 'worthy oponent' and usually or more likely always wins
|to tell apart the right eye turns into an bright red with some sort of diana kind of form as the pupil,while the left one turns to an indigo kind of color
|unpredictable,misterious,bromist and problematic
|sociopath kind of behaviour,has no self preservation
|insane medic,knows almost everything on the medic field but usually does very unethical things just for his entertainment
|to tell apart the right eye turns into an fuchsia kind of color with an X as a pupil,while the left eye turns into an sort of minty-green color
>slight scopophobia
>slight claustrophobia
>mild thalassophobia
>mild hafephobia
>bad arachnophobia
>Strong cathisophobia
Extra information
-can and will sleep in the most weird and awkard places or poses ever,even hang upside down from celing is a way to sleep for him
-loves animals especialy felines,canines and reptiles,has a pet called honey wich is an slimy kind o cat-ferret creture made of an yellow orange goo
-can be considered a good baby sitter for smeets since he dosen't mind them
-it's an absolute workaholic and caffeine adict,prefers working for hours than relax and drink 30 cups of coffe before sleep
-his horns and tail tip are in reality stings as well his fangs wich can be detached afther biting,theyhave an strong paralisys poison that is not lethal unless the person attacked is alergic
-his usually calm and cold but sometimes can be inpulsive or a bromist trickster depending on the situacion
-tends to show cat or bee kind of traits,like purrings or feline conducts like hitting porpusly something at the corner of a table,make unconcius buzz like sound during some sentence or eat flowers
-knows how to cook but is usually doing something else and dosen't have the time or money for ingredients,he also loves eating having no preference in food
-can lift up to 8 times his weight being able to pick up the tallests on his arms,is also incredibly fast both runing or fliying,especially while fliying
also curious thing i got inpired by this kind of bee for this redesing
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they are australian blue bees also known as amegilla cingulata :D
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cattstarr · 3 months
Felinia "Catt" Starr - snow colored cat anthro. Often wearing loose fitting clothes. Despises the fact that their body is feminine but doesn't want to be masculine.
Mental illness: Cluster B, Schizophrenia, Agoraphobia, Social Phobia, ADHD, autism, PTSD, grief, suicidal
Gender: agender/nonbinary
Pronouns: they/them | æth/aether
Sexuality: aromantic/asexual (sex-repulsed unless it's with Flickie)
Catt's Soulspace consists of the following characters:
Desdemona "Bloo" Li - an anthro dragon that can shape shift into most other reptiles for seemingly no reason other than the aesthetic. Views all beings as a threat. Hostile. Volatile. Explosive. Violent. Diabolical.
Mental illness: ASPD (sociopathy), Bipolar
Gender: agender/nonbinary
Pronouns: they/them
Sexuality: pansexual/autosexual, aromantic
Cherrie Bomb - a small gremlin with distant fox features. Designed when Catt and Flickie fell in love. Very kind, albeit unpredictable and hyper.
Mental illness: ADHD, autism
Gender: n/a
Pronouns: they/them
Sexuality: asexual (unable to have sex due to lacking genitals), panromantic (only for her counterpart, Filament)
Innocence - a child cat anthro. Often seen wearing baggy men's shirts and colorful socks with no pants. The shirts usually cover her knees. She appears 6 years old. She is deathly afraid to be alone, afraid of the dark and afraid of Bloo.
Mental illness: ADHD, BPD, PTSD
Gender: unspecified
Pronouns: she/they
Sexuality: unspecified - doesn't matter to her as she doesn't engage in sex or romance.
Dirge - the same species as Cherrie Bomb because they're born out of their undying love for Flickie, who perished before Catt's eyes. Dirge is often seen nude until Bloo and Flickie quell their spiral. They exist as an echo to Cherrie.
Mental Illness: Grief, depression, suicide ideation
Gender: n/a
Pronouns: they/them
Sexuality: n/a only has romantic feelings for Flickie.
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newstfionline · 7 months
Sunday, February 25, 2024
At the Florida Man Games, tank-topped teams compete at evading police and wrestling over beer (AP) They rose up by the dozens from across Florida, caricatured competitors in tank tops and cutoff shorts, for a showdown that treats evading police and wrestling over beer like Olympic sports. Promoted as “the most insane athletic showdown on Earth,” the Florida Man Games poke fun at the state’s reputation for bizarre stories that involve brawling, drinking, gunfire, reptile wrangling and other antics carrying a risk of time in jail or intensive care. Several thousand people paid real money to come cheer a dozen teams at the debut event set for Saturday in St. Augustine, with contests and sideshows inspired by real events from America’s most surreal state. Events involve contenders wrestling sumo-style while holding pitchers of beer, or running from actual sheriff’s deputies while jumping fences and avoiding obstacles. Some signed up to duel with pool noodles over a mud-filled pool, while others faced a scramble to grab cash flying in simulated hurricane winds.
The next generation of influencers are here. And they’re less than 10 years old. (NBC News) Koti and Haven Garza have half a mouthful of baby teeth and can hardly pronounce the word “influencer.” But the 7-year-old twins are already sharing their skin care routines and fit checks to 4.8 million followers on TikTok. “Get ready with me to go out to dinner,” Haven Garza says to the camera in a TikTok video that has amassed 2.6 million views. The “Garza Crew” first went viral on TikTok in 2020. In about a week, the family’s first-ever video had racked up more than 100,000 views, and the then-toddlers were on their way to internet fame. The sibling duo are part of a new wave of Gen Alpha influencers—creators born between 2010 and 2024—who are building followings online for videos posted on their parent-run accounts.
Colombia will send deep-water expedition to explore 300-year-old shipwreck thought to hold treasure (AP) Colombia’s government announced plans Friday for a deep-water expedition to explore the mythical galleon San José, sunk in the 18th century in the country’s northern Caribbean and believed to contain cargo valued at billions of dollars. The first phase of the scientific research into the deep waters around the shipwreck will collect information to determine which pieces are suitable and possible to extract. The wreckage is 600 meters (almost 2,000 feet) deep in the sea. Colombia located the galleon in 2015 but it has since been mired in legal and diplomatic disputes, and its exact location is a state secret. The ship is believed to hold 11 million gold and silver coins, emeralds and other precious cargo from Spanish-controlled colonies, which could be worth billions of dollars if ever recovered.
WWII-era bomb safely detonated at sea after one of the largest peacetime evacuations in UK history (AP) A World War II-era bomb whose discovery prompted one of the largest peacetime evacuations in British history has been detonated at sea, the Ministry of Defense said on Saturday. The 500-kilogram (1,100-pound) explosive was discovered Tuesday in the backyard of a home in Plymouth, a port city on the southwestern coast of Britain. More than 10,000 residents were evacuated to ensure their safety as a military convoy transported the unexploded bomb through a densely populated residential area to a ferry slipway, from which it was taken out to sea. Plymouth, home to major naval bases for centuries, was one of the most heavily bombed cities in Britain during World War II.
Huge apartment block fire in Spain kills nine people (Guardian) Spanish police have said the final death toll from a devastating fire that tore through a 14-storey block of flats in the eastern city of Valencia is nine, with one person thought to have died now considered missing and all others accounted for. Experts said the block was covered with highly flammable cladding, possibly—along with high winds—accounting for the rapid spread of the fire, which broke out on the fourth floor at 5.30pm on Thursday and engulfed the building within 30 minutes. In dramatic scenes broadcast live on TV on Thursday night, firefighters used a crane to lift a father and his daughter from a balcony where they were trapped, and a man was seen jumping several floors on to an inflatable mat to escape the flames. About 100 soldiers from Spain’s military emergency unit and 40 firefighting vehicles were deployed to the scene, where crews used drones to search the building for bodies and survivors once the flames’ initial ferocity had subsided.
Unpredictable Strongman? Two Years Into War, Putin Embraces the Image. (NYT) After President Biden called President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia a “crazy S.O.B.” this week, the Kremlin was quick to issue a stern condemnation. But the image of an unpredictable strongman ready to escalate his conflict with the West is one that Mr. Putin has fully embraced after two years of full-scale war. At home, the Kremlin is maintaining the mystery over the circumstances of the death last week of Aleksei A. Navalny, preventing the opposition leader’s family from reclaiming his body. In Ukraine, Mr. Putin is pressing his army to maintain its brutal offensive, boasting on television that he stayed up all night as the city of Avdiivka fell to Russian forces. And in outer space, American officials warn, Russia may be planning to place a nuclear weapon into orbit, aboard a satellite, which would violate one of the last arms control treaties. In power since 1999, Mr. Putin, 71, is set to extend his rule to 2030 in Russia’s rubber-stamp elections next month. As the vote nears, he is feeding his conception of himself as a history-making leader carrying on the legacy of past rulers who were willing to sacrifice untold numbers of lives to build a stronger Russian state.
Land mines return to Europe as front-line states fear Russian invasion (Washington Post) With former president Donald Trump encouraging Russia to attack NATO territory and U.S. support for Ukraine flagging, some of the nations that border Russia are looking for ways to harden their defenses, considering land mines and other technologies from ancient wars in a bid to blunt a Kremlin attack. Two years after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, countries such as the Baltic states and Finland warn that a threat to their own territory may be just over the horizon, with some intelligence agencies saying the Kremlin could make such an attempt within a decade. Now they are taking lessons from their enemy’s robust defense lines in Ukraine, noting that Russia’s system of minefields, concertina wire and trenches made it all but impossible for Kyiv’s forces to advance last summer. European states are still clamoring for F-35 fighter jets and space-age weapons, but the renewed interest and investment in century-old tactics is the latest example of how Russia’s war in Ukraine is upending long-held assumptions about how to defend NATO territory, with a revived focus on stopping tanks and mobile artillery.
Many in Myanmar consider fleeing to Thailand to escape conscription into an army they despise (AP) Thwel, a 25-year-old schoolteacher, saw very few options left to her after Myanmar’s military announced it is implementing conscription to fill its ranks. “As a person living in this country, I only have two options: to go abroad illegally or die here,” Thwel told The Associated Press by phone while traveling to a border area to try crossing into Thailand with a small group of like-minded people. Some observers believe a mass exodus of young talent is taking place and could become a social problem, with their exit heightening the instability that followed the military takeover that now amounts to a civil war. According to the Thai Foreign Ministry, some 7,000 Myanmar nationals have applied for visas, Thailand’s Bangkok Post newspaper reported Thursday.
China says it aims to ‘contain’ foreign interference over Taiwan this year (Reuters) China aims to “contain” foreign interference over Taiwan and “resolutely combat” any efforts towards the island’s formal independence this year, which is the sensitive 75th anniversary of the founding of communist China, state media said on Friday. China views democratically ruled Taiwan as its own territory, ignoring the objections of the government in Taipei, and has ramped up political and military pressure to assert those claims. Taiwan last month elected current Vice President Lai Ching-te as its next president, a man Beijing has called a dangerous separatist. Lai, who takes office in May, has repeatedly offered talks with China but has been rebuffed. China’s official Xinhua news agency said the ruling Communist Party’s fourth-ranked leader, Wang Huning, held a two-day meeting on this year’s Taiwan-related work which ended on Friday. China “must resolutely combat the division of Taiwan independence, contain interference from external forces, firmly support the patriotic and reunification forces on the island, unite Taiwan compatriots, and maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait”, Xinhua cited Wang as saying.
As Gaza War Grinds On, Israel Prepares for a Prolonged Conflict (NYT) As the war in Gaza rages on, the situation in the battered enclave is one of devastation and despair. More than 29,000 people have been killed, according to Gaza health officials, the majority in a relentless Israeli bombing campaign. Neighborhoods have been flattened, families wiped out, children orphaned, and an estimated 1.7 million people displaced. While global scrutiny grows over Israel’s conduct in the war, the Israeli military, by its assessment, has delivered a major blow to the capabilities of Hamas, killing commanders, destroying tunnels and confiscating weapons. But Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s goal of destroying Hamas remains elusive, according to current and former Israeli security officials. An Israeli military intelligence official, who spoke on condition of anonymity under military protocol, said that Israel was engaged in a comprehensive mission to unravel Hamas’s military capabilities. “Is it possible this mission will be left for my children?” he said. “The answer is yes.”
U.N. experts urge embargo on Israel for arms that would be used in Gaza (Washington Post) More than two dozen U.N. rights experts on Friday urged countries to halt the export to Israel of arms that would be used in Gaza, saying such transfers of weapons and ammunition could violate international humanitarian law. In a statement, the experts—who are part of the “special procedures” of the Human Rights Council, a body of independent experts in the U.N. system—said the need for an “arms embargo on Israel is heightened by the International Court of Justice’s [preliminary] ruling on 26 January 2024 that there is a plausible risk of genocide in Gaza and the continuing serious harm to civilians since then.” Francesca Albanese, U.N. special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories and one of the signatories to the statement, said on social media that sending weapons to Israel that may be used in Gaza “may amount to complicity in atrocity crimes.”
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legokisser · 1 year
😘😍 (for the ask game?)
😍: Name your three favorite things about your f/o
1. literally everything i mean where do i even start how can i possibly quantify it like that we were made for eachother and we are destined to be together everything about him is perfect ever because it's him and im me there's no other option really. hes so cute hes doing his best hes a funny little bird reptile hes so full of love hes an absolute dork and its adorable. he was born in a wet cardboard box all alone. hes definitely autistic. hes soft and squishy and sharp and explosive and smart and stupid hes nothing and hes everything. to me
2. his FAT TITTIES‼️‼️‼️‼️
😘: What’s your f/o’s favorite thing about YOU?
hes captivated by my funny silly little autistic guy freak swag. and how i can bite through sheet metal with ease
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yessadirichards · 1 year
Indiana JonIndiana Jones: Six things to knowes: Six things to know
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Indiana Jones turned archeology into a swashbuckling adventure of snake pits and lost treasures.
As 80-year-old Harrison Ford dons the beat-up fedora and ever-trusty whip for a fifth and final outing in "Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny", premiering at the Cannes Film Festival on Thursday, here are six facts about one of the world's best-loved movie heroes:
Born in Hawaii
Fittingly for the globetrotting Indy, whose escapades have taken him from the Himalayas to Shanghai nightclubs, the project was born in Hawaii. It was there, lounging on a Maui beach in 1977, that George Lucas and Steven Spielberg mulled ideas to follow their respective hits, "Star Wars" and "Jaws".
The beach brainstorms would make movie history.
Produced by Lucas and directed by Spielberg, 1981's "Raiders of the Lost Ark" was a triumph at the box office and scooped four Oscars.
Two sequels -- "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" (1984) and "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" (1989) -- built a legend that has inspired theme parks, video games and mountains of merchandise.
A fourth outing nearly two decades later, "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" brought the combined box office takings to nearly $2 billion.
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Dog's name
The inspiration behind the character came from both real and imaginary sources.
There was the archeologist Hiram Bingham who discovered Machu Picchu, Tintin creator Herge, and Clint Eastwood's Westerns.
As for the name, Lucas first chose Indiana Smith -- changed to "Jones" by Spielberg -- taking the first part from his Alaskan Malamute pet dog, already the inspiration for Chewbacca in "Star Wars".
Bond without the gadgets
Although Spielberg dreamed of directing a James Bond film, Lucas insisted part of Indy's appeal was that this hero would be a "Bond without the gadgets".
There would be no explosive watches or Aston Martins with ejectable seats -- Indy would triumph with ropes, knives and ingenuity.
He bore all the hallmarks of a classic Lucas-Spielberg character: a geeky hero with a comical, ironic side, whose affairs with women were more complicated than any Bond-style conquests.
Spielberg's comeback
While the Indiana Jones project was brewing, Spielberg was on the back foot after his film, "1941", flopped.
He was also gaining a reputation as a big-spending director who ran overtime and could be tyrannical on set, even leaving two days early from the filming of "Jaws", fearing his team would try to drown him, such was his unpopularity.
Lucas's project marked a career turning point for Spielberg -- proving he could work fast, on time, in budget, and with big success.
Ford not first choice
Spielberg wanted Ford, but Lucas was reluctant to re-use his lead actor from "Star Wars", from which he wanted a break.
Nick Nolte, Jeff Bridges and Bill Murray were considered before the spotlight settled on Tom Selleck, but the mustachioed charmer had already signed up for TV detective show "Magnum, PI".
Later, thousands of actresses tried out for the role of Willie in the second film, including Sharon Stone, but it finally went to Kate Capshaw.
Capshaw did not go on to a glittering Hollywood career, but she did become Mrs Spielberg in 1991.
Eye of the cobra
Indy's extreme fear of snakes, or ophidiophobia, has been a frequent plot point.
For the classic scene in which Indy falls into a pit full of the slithering reptiles, Spielberg did not hold back on the props: 6,500 live cobras, plus a few bits of watering hoses.
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starlitorthodox · 1 year
Chronicles from the Ages
The Birth of Time (Chapter 1) 1. In the beginning, there was nothing but darkness, cold, unforgiving darkness. 2. Then from the quiet, there was an explosion, and from that explosion, Time was born. 3. She arose with grace, calm and awe as the universe unfolded before her eyes. 4. She was young, but she already saw the mass expanse as it would become. This she would call the Future. 5. As she began to pass, she realized all that behind her would need a name as well. Experiences that had gone by, she would call the Past. 6. And as for the now? The very moment she was experiencing for herself, as all of Time's expanse became known, and as all things came to be? 7. The Present, for this was a gift of beauty none could foresee, nor could they relive it. Yes, here and now, the Present, was what made the Future bright and the Past nostalgic. 8. It would be millennia before she saw the first stars, before she saw the first nebulas. Time thus decided, she would be known as Nebula, in honor of the firsts she saw coming into being. 9. She would continue to observe the universe, watching it's beauty as the first planets formed, as solar systems gathered and as galaxies came into being. 10. She would witness the balance between matter and anti-matter as black holes grew and stars glittered across the cosmos. 11. Until many millions of years ago, her attention drifted. Yes, this vastness was fascinating, but it lacked details that she could get lost in the intricacies of. 12. That is when she saw Earth. One of the first planets to develop Life. Others like her, who breathed into existence and could witness the beauty of such a vast universe. 13. Staring down, she witnessed the glimpses of the first plants growing, as animals began to roam. 14. Time, or Nebula as she found herself becoming accustomed to calling herself, did not interfere with Life on Earth at first, fascinated as many creatures began to populate it's surface. Reptiles, Fish, Birds, Mammals, Bugs, Plants - all things, she kept watch over. 15. None was greater than the other, though they began to fall into the castes, humankind rising surely to their apex. 16. But humankind would not stop there, they would create many things that baffled Time. 17. And so, this awe of what one could create, Nebula decided to shed her form, and live amongst humankind to observe them, as they observed her with that same awful stare. 18. Time has been said to have created curiosity in humans, just as they have now inspired a unique curiosity in her. 19. Though she chose not to intervene on a larger scale, this does not mean she was not present in history. Quite the contrary, every time you have seen history made, she watched, fascinated by humankind and how they have changed. 20. So thus, Nebula, the Matron of Time, continues her observations, and watches as humanity shifts and grows with her passing.
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iknowdino · 5 years
Episode 273: The "Reaper of death" Thanatotheristes
I Know Dino #Podcast Episode 273: The new tyrannosaur Thanatotheristes, the "Reaper of death." Plus some brand new dinosaur fossils from the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show.
Episode 273 is all about Ekrixinatosaurus, the “explosion born” abelisaurid from Argentina.
Big thanks to all our patrons! Your support means so much to us and keeps us going! If you’re a dinosaur enthusiast, join our growing community on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/iknowdino.
You can listen to our free podcast, with all our episodes, on Apple Podcasts at: https://itunes.apple.com/…
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pocketramblr · 3 years
Ask game: BNHA winged AU in a hero setting, please.
Ah you make me make a second wing au, I see how it is
- Wings emerged with quirks. The first child born with one was considered an angel. Awe and fear of apocalypse in general spread, new religious movements created, old prejudice movements continued with "china is trying to pull a babel tower and genetically modifying themselves to be more powerful," being a cry in the states... Until oops quirks and wings all over! More widespread panic either way a child was born- either a freak and maybe curse or maybe miracle to protect, or normal and possibly not good enough for the rapture??? I cannot emphasize enough that this made the social unrest worse. Probably lasted longer too.
- to AfO's displeasure, he has a delicate pair of white wings. Beautiful, admired by his followers, but too angelic. To his further displeasure, wings and quirks aren't linked- he can take someone's quirk, but their wings and flight remain. He can give someone a quirk, but they won't grow wings with it. This somewhat complicates his rise to power, but he gets there eventually. (Yoichi was born with a larger set of white wings. Gangly and heavy, too awkward to walk with comfortably. He never could fly well, it made his asthma worse. Whether OfA helped or not...)
- With vestigal mutations come vestigal wings. They're there, but they can't be used, and a little too small, molt a little too slowly. Izuku's got green hair and pigeon wings like his mother, but he's quirkless. He can't fly. He doesn't think he ever will, and that impacts his life enough as it is- with such a social fall, the new rebuilt one really wasn't for people who can't fly. But he still wants to be a hero. He still tries, desperately, to save everyone. When he falls from All Might's leg after trying to grab hold, All Might realizes he's quirkless and dives to save him. They end up under a different bridge, not on a roof, while they talk. Sorta talk. It's more All Might insisting on Izuku's name, saying he can try to help, and then rushing off with a promise of sending a ride for him. Izuku ignores this and leaves, Villain Attack pt 2 explosive boogaloo, and suddenly All Might is back, saving them, and rushing him off before collapsing in a terrifying display
- after the skeletal man assures his All Might, signature wingspan that lights gold included, he apologizes for rushing off earlier and says they he intended to talk with a friend about the required wing prosthetic additions that would allow izuku to fly. Izuku figures that the past tense there means he blew it somehow, but has a million questions about that. All Might then reassures him they can still do that if he wants, but he's offering his quirk now. Izuku has two million questions
- Toshi never intended on altering his wings, just not using them while he fought with OfA- didn't really need them. Dave pointed out the risks and four years later, he could sorta fly. If absolutely needed. It was a secret, no one knew why All Might's wings had glowing bits between some of the feathers, but there it was. Toshi realized, watching izuku fall, how worse things were now. It would take a while to start a whole program to offer flight to the quirkless who wanted it, but a single boy would be easier to help quickly. Izuku's training is part strength, part sessions to slowly build and get used to the wing additions so he can kinda fly by high school.
+1 inko and Izuku live in an older apartment because it's more manageable without flight, which means some discomfort for both with their wings hitting narrow doorways. Touya's feathers aren't fire proof and he hasn't flown since he was twelve.
+2 animal based mutations are far more likely to be bird or reptile based than mammal based
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docgold13 · 2 years
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
March 29th - Tigra
Greer Grant had been an adventurous young woman who married quite young yet was sadly widowed when her police officer husband was killed in the line of duty.  In order to support herself, Greer took a position as a laboratory assistant to an experimental biology researcher named  Dr. Joanne Tumolo.  Funded by a health-obsessed tycoon, Tumolo was working on a means of artificially augmenting physical attributes.  
Greer ended up a test subject for the process and was bestowed substantially enhanced speed, strength and dexterity as well as highly amplified senses.  Wanting to utilize the successful results for nefarious purposes, the project’s benefactor planted a bomb that killed Tumolo.  Greer discovered what had happened and decided to use her newfound abilities to bring the villain to justice.  She donned a cat-themed costume and, calling herself ‘The Cat,' was ultimately successful in taking down the murderers.  
Greer chise to continue on as a costumed hero and had a number of adventures, one of which saw her teaming up with the Amazing Spider-Man.  Greer would later discover that Dr. Tumolo had not perished in the explosion but had actually managed to survive.  Furthermore, Tumolo was secretly a member of ancient race of beings known as The Cat People.  These were cat/human hybrids who were created by magic some time in the middle ages and had continued on in isolation.  
Tumolo sought out Greer after she had been mortally wounded battling a cell of Hydra agents.  To save her life, Tumolo and the Cat People mystically transformed Greer into the legendary half-human, half-cat warrior they called the ‘Tigra.’  Greer was imbued with even greater physical and sensory abilities and was transformed into a cat/human hybrid, with orange fur, sharpened claws and a tail.  Taking on the mantle of Tigra, Greer helped the Cat People defeat the Hydra agents.  
Greer would have further adventures as Tigra, ultimately joining The Avengers for a brief period of time before relocating to San Fransisco where she had adventures alongside Jessica Drew.  Tigra was later recruited to serve as a member of the West Coast iteration of The Avengers.  
During her time with The West Coast Avengers, Tigra began experiencing increasing difficulties controlling the more primal, animalistic nature of her hybrid form.   This ultimately resulted in her devolving into a four legged cat-like creature.  She was eventually cured thanks to the help of the sorceress, Agatha Harkness.
Later, Tigra joined Iron Man pro-registration forces during the superhero Civil War.  She also became an instructor for the Avengers Initiative Program at Camp Hammond, taking special interest in her student Reptil.  
Around this time, Tigra entered into a romantic relationship with Hank Pym, unaware that he had recently been replaced with a Super Skrull imposter.  Following the Secret Invasion event, Tigra discovered she was pregnant and she was quite frightened over the potential ramifications of her baby being half-Skrull.  As it turned out, the Skrull imposter had duplicated Hank Pym on a completely genetic level and, as such, Tigra’s son was born without any traces of Skrull DNA.  The child, whom Tigra named William, did however possess the properties of the Cat People and, like his mother, is a half human/half cat hybrid.   The circumstances of the child’s conception notwithstanding, the real Hank Pym was happy to be a part of his genetic son’s life and offered to support Greer and the baby in any way she liked.  
Following Hank Pym's apparent death, Tigra introduced William to Hank’s daughter, Nadia Pym, who was overjoyed to meet her half brother.  Both Tigra and William have since participated in the adventures Nadia has had as the Unstoppable Wasp.  
The heroine first appeared in the pages of The Cat #1 (1972).  
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myth-lord · 2 years
In Mortal Kombat!
Something entirely different from me, if you are only here for creatures, I’m sorry, I have more interests!
Mortal Kombat has many characters, and while most have cool powers already, I think it could be MUCH better, these are all the powers I give the characters as they are in my own Version of Mortal Kombat.
(Needs *****) = This character can only use these powers when in possession of this item, without the item/weapon they can't use this power, they aren't born with it.
I hope you like this list! Let me know in the comments what powers you would add/remove or give the characters yourself!
My entire roster is different and have different storylines like:
Raiden / Fujin / Bo Rai Cho / Shujinko / Johnny Cage / Nightwolf / Ashrah
Liu Kang / Kai / Li Mei / Siang
Sonya Blade / Jax / Kurtis Stryker / Cyrax / Kenshi
Kitana / Kotal / Jade / Reptile / Sheeva / Ferra
Sub-Zero / Smoke / Scorpion
Evil Characters:
Shao Kahn / Sindel / Reiko / Ermac / Baraka / Kollector
Shang Tsung /  Kung Lao / Erron Black / Mileena / Kintaro
Shinnok / Havik / D'Vorah
Quan Chi / Bi-Han / Nitara / Drahmin
Daegon / Kano / Mavado / Kabal / Kira / Tremor
Rain / Tanya
Sektor / Frost
Neutral Characters:
RAIDEN (God) (Lighting Staff)
- Electricity Control
- Lightning Control
- Summon Portal
- Lightning Absorption
- Electricity Form
- Flight
- Shocking Gaze
- Lightning Immunity
- Healing Touch
LIU KANG (Immortal Human) (No Weapon)
- Control Fire
- Create Fire
- Spirit Dragon Familiar
- Dragon Merge (Become a dragon by merging with the familiar spirit)
- Fire Form
- Fast Fighter
- Heat Immunity
- Emotional Control (Self only)
SONYA BLADE (Human) (Force-Field Bracelet / Force Gun / Force Wire)
- Forcefield Items (Needs Bracelet)
- Forcefield Walls (Needs Bracelet)
- Forcefield Control (Needs Bracelet) (Much like Unuscione from X-men)
- Force Rings (Needs Bracelet)
JOHNNY CAGE (God-Bred Immortal Human) (Cage Knuckles)
- Green Energy
- Energy Armor
- Energy Ball Bombs (Much like Boom-Boom from X-Men)
SCORPION (Undead Revenant) (Kunai Spear / Demon Chain / Katana / Tanto Blade)
- Hellfire
- Summon Demons
- Infernal Teleport
- Demonic Chains (Needs Demon Chain)
- Flame Breath
- Rage Gaze (Anyone looking too deep into Scorpions eyes will be overcome by rage)
- Fire Immunity
- Hellfire Regeneration
- Lava Blood
BI-HAN (Shadow Demon) (Shadow Sickles / Shadow Scythe)
- Void Portals
- Void Teleport
- Shadow Control
- Shadow Duplicates
- Absorb Duplicate (Regain health)
- Duplicate Switch (Switch places with any of his duplicates)
- Duplicate Explosion
- Darkness Regeneration
- Fearless\
KANO (Human) (Magnetic Glove) / Butterfly Knives / Bionic Eye / Elbow Blades / Magnet Bombs)
- Fast Creator (Like Forge from X-Men)
- Laser Eye (Needs Bionic Eye)
- See Through Objects (Needs Bionic Eye)
- Control Magnetism (Needs Magnetic Glove)
SHANG TSUNG (Immortal Human) (Book of Souls)
- Soul Fuel (Using them in his other abilities and magic)
- Soul Fireballs
- Summon Souls (Needs Book of Souls)
- Shapeshifter (Can only use their powers if he killed them and absorbed their souls)
- Open Portals
- Soul Rebellion Gaze (Meeting his gaze will turn your own soul against you)
- Absorb Souls
- Soulnado (Needs Book of Souls)
- Aura of Voices (The voices of his victims)
REPTILE (Saurian) (No Weapon)
- Acid Blood
- Acid Spit
- Acid Sweat
- Venomous Bite
- Poison Skin  
- Control Poison (Only his own poison)
- Regeneration
- Long Strong Tongue
- Reptilian Empathy
- Chameleon Skin
- Acid Mist
- Gecko Climb
- Heat Vision
JAX (Human) (Bionic Arms)
- Very Strong
- Arm Cannons (Needs Bionic Arms)
- Shockwaves (Needs Bionic Arms)
- Vibrations (Needs Bionic Arms)
- Absorbing Arms (Needs Bionic Arms)
SUB-ZERO (Cryomancer) (No Weapon)
- Ice Control
- Icy Weapons
- Ice Slide
- Summon Blizzard
- Hail
- Cold Stare
- Cold Immunity
- Aura of Cold
KITANA (Edenian) (Steel Fans)
- Summon Wind (Needs Steel Fans)
- Hover (Needs Steel Fans)
- Disable Kiss (Lock-down powers)
- Empowered Kiss (Turns powers stronger)
MILEENA (Half Edenian/Tarkatan Clone) (Sais)
- Etherealness
- Regeneration
- Blink (Needs Sais)
- Animalistic Senses
- Ball Roll
- Kitana Telepathy
BARAKA (Tarkatan) (No Weapon)
- Regeneration
- Bone Growth Control (Much like Marrow from X-Men)
- Bone Shards (And arm-blades)
- Animalistic Senses
KUNG LAO (Immortal Human) (Razor Hat)
- Hat Control (Needs Razor Hat)
- Hat Teleport (Needs Razor Hat)
- Human Tornado (Needs Razor Hat)
KINTARO (Tigrar Shokan) (No Weapon)
- Spit Fireballs
- Extreme Strength
- Jumping
- Tough Skin
- Animalistic Senses
SHAO KAHN (Immortal Outworlder) (Wrath Hammer / Spear)
- Feed on Souls
- Enlarge Body
- Extra Strong
- Tough Skin
- Soul Ammunition
- Open Portals
JADE (Edenian) (Boomerang / Floral Bo)
- Plant Control (Needs Floral Bo)
- Summon Plants (Needs Floral Bo)
- Plant Reincarnation (Needs Floral Bo)
- Plant Form (Needs Floral Bo)
- Tree Teleportation (Needs Floral Bo)
- Nature’s Guard (Needs Floral Bo) (Plants will sacrifice themselves to protect Jade)
SMOKE (Enenra Demon) (Shurinkens)
- Control Gasses (Smoke, Mist, Gas ect)
- Summon Gasses
- Gaseous Forms (Any type of gaseous stuff)
- Gas Portals
- Burning Smoke
- Smog
KURTIS STRYKER (Mutant Human) (Nightstick / Handgun / Taser / Grenades / Machine Gun)
- Weapon Knowledge
- Explosive Expert
- Explosive Touch (Much like Gambit from X-Men)
- Kinetic Punch
- Explosive Burst
CYRAX (Cyborg) (Mines / Bombs / Robotic Beasts / Saw-Blades / Cyber Net)
- Extreme Intelligent
- Cyber Nets (Needs Cyber Net)
- Robotic Minions (Needs Robotic Beasts)(Create all types of animalistic machines to do his bidding)
- Helicopter Head
- Fast Repair (Also his own body)
- Very Strong
NIGHTWOLF (Immortal Human) (Tomahawks / Spirit Bow / Spirit Dagger)
- Spirit Wolf Familiar
- Werewolf Form
- Beast Empathy
- Summon Beasts
- Spirit Lightning (Needs Tomahawks)
- Talk to Spirits
- Dream Invasion
- Spirit Portal
- Spirit Touch
- Spirit Walk (His spirit can leave his body)
- Spirit Homing Arrows (Needs Spirit Bow)
- Exorcize Spirit
- Healing Magic (Great knowledge of herbs)
SINDEL (Edenian) (Kwan Dao)
- Animate Hair
- Banshee Screaming
- Control Sound (Turn the volume louder or remove it entirely)
- Sound Balls
- Flight
- Absorb Sound
SHEEVA (Shokan) (Blade Shield)
- Throw Fireballs
- Strength
- Jumping
- Aura of Command
- Tough Skin
KABAL (Mutant Human) (Hookswords)
- Super Speed
- Energetic Touch
- Drain Energy
SEKTOR (Cyborg) (Laser Gun / Force Sword / Bat Missiles / Flamethrower)
- Cybernetic Body
- Shoot Lasers (Needs Laser Gun)
- Force Sword (Needs Force Sword)
- Flamethrower (Needs Flamethrower)
- Homing Missiles (Needs Bat Missiles)
- Very Strong
- Suicidal Explosion
- Transform Body (Much like a Transformer)
- Jetpack
- True Seeing
ERMAC (Soul Puppet) (No Weapon)
- Telekinesis
- Soul Healing
- Multi-Souls (This isn’t always a handy ability as the souls fight for dominance)
- Telekinesis Flight
- Psychic Solidification (Think Psylocke from the X-Men, creating swords from psychic-energy)
RAIN (Half-God Edenian) (Jamadhar)
- Water Form
- Control Water
- Create Water
- Control Weather (No wind or cold weather)
- Water Healing
- Water Immunity
- Change Currents
- Water Teleport
FUJIN (God) (Wind Sword / Crossbow)
- Flight
- Control Winds
- Summon Tornado’s
- Windy Messages (whisper into the wind and bring the message far away)
- Wind Vengeance (When harmed the wind will turn hostile on the attacker)
- Energetic God
- Strong Lungs (Blow enemies away)
KAI (Immortal Human) (Nunchaku)
- Spirit Byakko Familiar (Giant magical White Tiger)
- Byakko Merge (Turn into Byakko by merging with the spirit)
- Extreme Acrobatics
- Calming Aura
- Spiritual Fireball
QUAN CHI (Half-Demon Outworlder) (Skull Wand)
- Speak with the Dead
- Animate Dead (Create all types of undead creatures)
- Zombie Puppets
- Summon Portals
- Control Bones
- Weakness Gaze
REIKO (Half Edenian Half Outworlder) (Hammer / Giant Axe / Spike Knuckles)
- Blinking
- Strength
- Strategic Mastermind
- Destroy Portals (Close Portals)
- Redirect Teleports (Also big portals destinations)
- Switch Places
- Create Portals
- Teleport Anchor (Nobody can teleport anymore)
TANYA (Edenian) (Kobu Jutsu)
- Illusionary Environment  
- Invisibility (Also turn others invisible)
- Extreme Balance
- Magical Fireball
- Illusionary Copies
- True Seeing
- Vertigo (Much like Vertigo from X-Men)
SHINNOK (Elder God) (Amulet Staff)
- Flesh Shaping (Much like Masque from X-Men, he much touch the flesh)
- Summon Demons (Needs Amulet Staff)
- Demon Transformation (Needs Amulet Staff)(Turn others into demons)
- Demon Form
- Summon Portal
- Regeneration
- Explosive Minions (Needs Amulet Staff)
- Create Diseases (Any disease)
BO RAI CHO (Outworlder) (Staff)
- Immune to Diseases
- Gravity Control (Turn others / objects heavy or very light)
- Flight (Using gravity control)
LI MEI (Immortal Human) (No Weapon)
- Spirit Kitsune Familiar
- Kitsune Merge (Turn into a Nine-Tailed Fox)
- Extreme Cunning
- Extreme Evasion (Almost impossible to hit with ranged weapons)
- Cursed Tails (9 different types of curses, each tail another curse)
- Swiftness
KENSHI (Immortal Human) (Katana Sento)
- Mind Reading
- Telepathy
- Empathy
- Sword Familiar (Needs Katana Sento)
- Mind Blast
- Blind Sight
- Mind Track
- Gaze Immunity
FROST (Cyborg Cryomancer) (Cybernetic Drill-Hands / Ice Grenades)
- Ice Control (Not as powerful as Sub-Zero)
- Removable Hands
- Frost Bombs
- Cybernetic Body
- Ice Slide
- Cold Immunity
MAVADO (Human) (Bionic Whips)
- Bionic Whips (Needs Bionic Whips) (These are the same weapons as Takeda had)
- Drain Energy (Needs Bionic Whips)
NITARA (Moroi) (Clawed Gloves)
- Control Blood (Every ability Skarlet has)
- Shape Blood
- Blood Magnet/Draining
- Blood Regeneration
- Blood Tracking
- Flight
- Charming Gaze
- Charming Voice
DRAHMIN (Demon Oni) (Iron Club / Ball N Chain)
- Aura of Pain (Pain is enhanced in his aura, old wounds re-open)
- Painful Touch (His touch will leave burning hand-prints on the skin)
- Pain Immunity
- Emotion Regeneration (When you fear him he heals his wounds)
- Emotion Size-Change (When you fear him he will grow in size temporarily)
- Summon Fear (Summon your worst fears for limited time)
- See Fears
- Fear Immunity
- Fear Gaze
- Voodoo Mask (If his living mask attaches to your face he has a voodoo link with you)
- Mirror Flesh (Doing damage to him / himself will share the damage with everyone he tags with this ability and which is close to him)
SHUJINKO (Immortal Human) (No Weapon)
- Copy Powers (Mimic powers of anyone who is close to him)
ASHRAH (Holy Demon) (Holy Kriss)
- Light Control
- Blinding Lights
- Blinding Gaze
- Holy Aura (Needs Holy Kriss)
- Light Form
- Light Explosion
- Regeneration
- Burn Evil (Needs Holy Kriss)
KIRA (Half Human Half Chaosrealmer) (Venom Teeth Blades / Whip)
- Cause Luck
- Drain Luck (Cause misfortune)
- Lucky (Luck is always on Kira’s side, much like Domino from X-Men)
- Poison Immunity
- Poison Expert
- Hallucination Poison (Needs Venom Teeth Blades)
HAVIK (Half-God Chaosrealmer) (Chaos Star / Chaos Blades)
- Elastic Flesh & Bones (Mr. Fantastic)
- Extreme Regeneration (Only destroyed when brain is crushed)
- Pain Immunity
- Fear Immunity
- Chaos Ball (Random chaotic effects)
- Scrambling Touch (Powers go berserk)
- Separate Body-parts
- Chaos Aura
- Chaotic Possession (Needs Chaos Blades)
DAEGON (God) (Dragon Glove / Dragon Sword)
- Absorb Energy Attacks (Like Sebastian Shaw from X-Men)
- Redirect Energy Blast (Like Bishop from X-Men)
- True Seeing
- Future Sight
- See into Past
- Black Dragon Pet
KOTAL (Osh-Tekk) (Magic Totems / Osh-Tekk Sword / Osh-Tekk Sickles / Aztec Knife)
- Solar Power
- Solar Healing
- Solar Empowered
- Panther Form
- Bird Form
- Magic War Totems (Needs Magic Totems)
- Hexing Totems (Needs Magic Totems)
- Blood Connection (Must drink the blood)
- Beast Respect
- Solar Eye-Rays (Much like Cyclops from X-Men)
- Imbue Weapons (With solar energy)
ERRON BLACK (Immortal Human) (Revolver / Sniper Gun / Traps / Sand Grenades)
- Extreme Aim (Rarely misses his targets)
- Trap Expert
- Eagle Eye (Sees very clearly and far away)
- True Seeing (See through invisibility and illusions)
- Feather Fall (Cannot get damage from falling)
D’VORAH (Kytinn) (No Weapon)
- Pain Immunity
- Living Hive (Summon insects and swarms from her own body)
- Insect Control
- Extreme Regeneration
- Insect Reincarnation
- Flight
- Sonic Drone
- Venomous Bite / Stinger
- Bug Transformation
- Control Bug Shape (Turn harmless insects into giant monsters)
- Spider Webs
- Exoskeleton
FERRA (Chaosrealmer) (Hand Claws / Boot Blades)
- Mind Control-Touch (while in contact with the victims skin she can control them)
- Psychic Link (with anyone she ever “rode” )
- Empathy Control (Force her empathic feelings onto others)
- Mimicry
TREMOR (Half Elemental Half Human) (No Weapon)
- Control Earth (Earth, Rock, Crystal, Sand, Mud, Lava, Metal ect)
- Animate Rock
- Sandstorm
- Earthquake
- Quicksand
- Earth Regeneration
- Earth Swim
- Earth Merge (Much like Mondo from X-men)
- Earth Form
GERAS (Time Golem) (No Weapon)
- Revive Himself (Cannot be destroyed, only locked-up)
- Pain Immunity
- Sand Form
- Time Travel
- Stop Time
- Slow Time (For himself and others around him)
- Haste Time (For himself and others around him)
- Sleep Gaze
- Ageing Touch (Can also turn them younger, this is a temporarily effect)
- Strength
- Kronika Mind-Connection
KOLLECTOR (Naknada) (Bolas / Chakram / Mystic Beacon / Chained Mace / Magic Knives / Bag of Holding)
- Bag of Holding (Needs Bag of Holding) (The sack has its own dimension for endless storage)
- Greed Aura (Forces feelings of greed upon his victims)
- Track Items (Needs Mystic Beacon)
- Object Form (Turn himself into lifeless objects to hide)
- Transmute Touch (Transmute any material into another for a little while, this effect wears off after some minutes/hours)
SIANG (Immortal Humans) (Moon Blades)
- Body Merge (The two twins can merge together to become one being)
- Size Change
- Merged Strength
- Merged Speed
- Fireball (Left hand, or Sang separately)
- Lightning Bolt (Right hand, or Sing separately)
- Living Fireball (Much like Cannonball from X-Men, only when merged)
There are also other characters in my Canon, but they are minor characters or they died.
Jarek - Was a minor member of Black Dragon, Jax killed him.
Tasia - Was a minor member of Black Dragon, Sonya killed her.
Hsu Hoa - Was a spy and member for the Black Dragon, commit suicide and killed himself, Cassie and Jax arms.
Cassie - Not the daughter of Johnny and Sonya, but a member of Special Forces until Hsu Hoa's suicide killed her.
Kung Jin - Together with Liu Kang, Kai and Li Mei was a student, he was lost (and probably died) in the spirit realm, where they traveled to find their spirit animal.
Jacqui Briggs - Is a background character in Special forces, still Jax daughter, but she doesn't like combat, she is a love interest of Cyrax and she is just as smart, she mostly works with computers and does inventions.
Meat - These are actually minions (many) of Shang Tsung,  they work and guard in his flesh-pits.
Mokap - A former friend and stunt-double of Johnny Cage, he is murdered by Kira for one of her assinment for joining the black dragon.
Onaga - At one time Reptile was turned into this monster, but after being beaten Reptile turned back into Reptile.
Skarlet - This is another name for Nitara. It's pretty much the same character in my MK World.
Jerrod - Kitana's real father, killed by Sindel and Shao Kahn.
Delilah - Kitana's real mother, killed by Sindel and replaced her as Kitana's stepmother.
Argus - Taven, Daegon and Rain's father, God of insight and vision of Edenia, killed by Daegon.
Omegis - Taven and Daegon's mother, Goddess of fire in Edenia, killed by Daegon.
Taven - Daegon's brother, tricked and killed by Daegon, his powers stolen by Daegon.
Goro - Prince of the Shokan, was killed in battle by Liu Kang, and replaced by Sheeva, who brought the shokan to a peaceful (yet violent) alliance with Kitana. His body (parts) was used in the creation of abomination Kintaro.
Cetrion - A plant and nature-Goddess of Edenia, after she was fatally wounded she gave Jade her staff and powers over plants.
Kronika - A titan and Elder Goddess, while still alive she is locked in a terrible prison, she controls Geras with her mind and acts through him.
Moloch - The former demon Oni of Pain, until Drahmin destroyed him in battle and took his powers.
Motaro - A powerful centauric minion of Shao Kahn, until Sheeva killed him and banished his race into the deserts.
Sareena - A demonic minion of Quan Chi, killed by Ashrah when she found her Holy Kriss. (Ashrah takes her entire redemption role and even love interest with Sub-Zero)
Kobra - A recruit for the Black Dragon, had to prove himself, while he didn't failed in any mission, the last mission was to fight Kira to the death, he lost and died.
Khameleon - A vile creation of Shang Tsung, he used the blood of Reptile to clone him and create a "better" version of him that is more loyal. After Khameleon was destroyed by the good-guys (with the help of Reptile), reptile joined Kotal's gang and became a "good"guy.
Hydro & Khrome - These were two experiments and minions of Sektor, both Cybernetic, they were destroyed by the Special Forces with the help of Cyrax.
Hotaru - These are actually multiple persons, they are the prison guards on the prison realm, as order realm doesn't exist in my MK verse. All these Hotaru-people look the same, much like a clone-army ,but they aren't clones or brothers, people born on this prison-plane just look all the same.
These Characters Never Existed in my MK World:
Dairou / Darrius / Takeda / Blaze / Chameleon
I don't hate Takeda, just don't use him as I don't like real-children of other characters that much, the others can f-off, they are sooo boring.
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sunfloweroranges · 3 years
Can I request a barbarian bakubabe x gn!reader or f!reader (the most u feel comfortable writing) + beautiful sunset?
‘Love was something the explosive boy never knew, after facing war and deaths he was sure it never existed or that it wasn’t made for someone like him, until he met you. ‘So this is what it feels like falling, huh ‘ ‘
𝔹𝕖𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕚𝕗𝕦𝕝 𝕊𝕦𝕟𝕤𝕖𝕥
𝓑𝓪𝓴𝓾𝓰𝓸 𝔁 𝓷𝓫!𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎!! 𝚆𝚘𝚘! 𝙰𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝟸𝟻 𝚏𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕!!! 𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚊𝚜𝚔 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚒 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚗𝚘𝚠- 𝙼𝚘𝚗 𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚎, 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚐𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚎 𝚊 𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚏 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚗𝚋 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝙸’𝚕𝚕 𝚒𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚐𝚘 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚗𝚋 𝚘𝚗𝚎- 𝙰𝚗𝚢𝚠𝚊𝚢 𝙸 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢!!
𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜: 𝟷𝟶𝟺𝟷
𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚍; 𝚐𝚘𝚛𝚎; 𝚞𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚠𝚊𝚛/𝚋��𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚜𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚜
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Steel dripping in crimson blood, heads stuck on sharpened fence poles, war roars, explosions, trenches, digging graves for the lost ones… These were just a few things that for most were horrible aspects of warpath, for Bakugo these were everyday things to witness or take part in, the cries of mercy, the cusses of ones that stood till they fell dead on the kicked up dirt with the bodies of enemy, intertwined in forever grip of death.. Every day did he face these, as a barbarian, paid to kill and sometimes guard things the kingdom refused to guard, or the companies working on the other side of the coin requiring protection to do their not so pretty deeds.
This all changed after a while, when Bakugo and his troop were paid to work, guard around L/N farm because of an increase in draconic appearance, and how could he refuse to work around something he was hunting for? Katsuki had something to prove in his head, and to reach his goal he wanted to hunt down a certain red scaled dragon called by legends Red Riot, appearing near war zones and boarders. L/N farm was just by one, Bakugo jumped on the occasion to grab a hold of the reptiles scales once and for all.
How did this, a simple employment to guard a bordering farm lead to a change? It all happened because of a certain h/c person, a child of the farm owner, one that somehow kept appearing and annoying the blond when he was on a shift within the farm gates, the same person that within moments had all his attention.. “Dragons are superior beings: more powerful, more intelligent, more worthy of wealth and territory, and more important than any other mortal creature. To them, this conviction is more than a dogmatic belief; it’s a fundamental fact, something they are born knowing, and a cornerstone of their personality and worldview.”
The way they spoke, the words that surprisingly, as much as he didn’t want to admit, made sense and opened new doors he didn’t consider, his strategy so far was following, hunting the dragon down, but he’s done it mindlessly, if this person knew as much as they just hinted on, the peak into psychology of a beast is just what he would need, but his interest wasn’t all that made his reality change, no far from it, but this little event, this first sentence that dug into his mind was the first pebble rolling down the hill leading to a whole landslide of events.. · · · · ·
That’s how he found himself here, sitting on the edge of a cliff, looking over a giant landscape, mountains, fantastical creatures flying alone or in groups, a giant sun sinking behind one of the snowy peaks of a tall mountain, he looked to the crimson sky, it didn’t remind him of the blood no more, rather of the draconic skin, of ruby riches, of the red gem embedded in a golden ring on Y/n’s finger, the same one they wore when Bakugo first met them, the same one they had to retrieve multiple times during this ‘adventure’ that Y/n tricked Bakugo into.
The blond was traveling with a troop, he did, a year ago, when after the farm guarding employment finished and he broke off having learned so much about draconic psyche he made a new strategy and decided to rush after the Red Riot having spotted a pattern Y/n taught him about within the dragons behavior. How did he sit here now, with Y/n leaning on his shoulder, sleeping peacefully his hand in theirs? He never paid attention to feelings, unless they were rage and determination.
He didn’t notice how quickly his behavior changed when he found Y/n in his carriage luggage, hidden from the barbarian, secretly tagging along into the ‘adventure’. Bakugo had grew fond of knowledge, interest, passion they had for dragons and life outside of ‘That rotten farm’ as they said. The blond just now had noticed how the things that reminded him of death, gore and every day monotony of mindless slaughter, now meant so much more, how this Beautiful Sunset was unlike any other, how every one which he watched with them by his side he remembered clearly, it wasn’t a curse of another day closer to death, no, not anymore.
Katsuki looked to the h/c figure by his side, feeling safe enough to fall asleep on him, the calm breath, the soft fingers hooked around his calloused ones, how they fit perfectly. He glanced to their face, gently brushing back a stray hair away, just now noticing how kind and gentle he was, of course these acts were usually hidden beneath huffs and puffs but here, where Y/n wasn’t aware, he let these gentle sides slip, he let his hand linger over their skin as he thought for the first time ‘Is this what love feels like?’
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@ryosmne​ @love-amihan @falling4fandoms​​ @sukisangel
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mayhaps-a-blog · 3 years
The Natural History of the Ysalamir: Part 4 (a)
Look, these guys do have to be able to move at some point
Biologically, it just doesn’t make sense for an animal to be perfectly stationary its entire life. It just doesn’t work. For one thing, genetic health is a thing- if your ysalamiri aren’t moving, they’re either reproducing via some kind of traveling spore (more of a plant thing), the nearest ysalamir (inbreeding is going to be a problem), or parthenogenesis (possible, and very cool, but not great for a population). They’re also laying eggs, we know- so unless those somehow stick to the branch, there’s a nest being build somewhere. Furthermore, any living species- animal, plant, whatever- has to be able to spread its offspring. If all your ysalamir are being born on the same tree, that tree is going to be overwhelmed and die, and the ysalamir with it. How would they have spread across the planet? How would they have survived as a species?
So we have two topics to cover in terms of ysalamir movement: reproduction (a), and juvenile dispersal (b).
To me, what makes the most sense is the ysalamir going through a breeding season in which they detach from their branches and go find a mate, lay eggs, and return to their tree. There’re a few different modes this could happen. For instance, a male could control a territory with females, perhaps one tree or something, and chase off rivals. Personally, my favorite and one that I think makes sense for the species design is explosive breeding- when both males and females gather at a mating territory in large numbers, quickly compete with each other for mates (“scramble competition”), and then go home. There’re tons of fun ways competition for mates can work, from fighting off other males to female mimicry to other forms of trickery. Explosive breeding is mostly seen in frogs and salamanders but seeing as ysalamir are much less mobile than your average reptile, I think it’s quite plausible as a mechanism.
Notably, since ysalamir draw in nutrients through their claws from their trees, when not attached to their tree, they’re not eating. And moving, mating, and laying eggs takes a lot of energy- it could take the whole year for an ysalamir to build up the energy for the fast, and those without the energy may be forced to skip reproduction… or starve midway through.
Once mating is done, the female is going to have to go lay eggs. Reptile eggs generally need some amount of water, being softer-shelled than bird eggs, so they’re probably being laid in damp crevices, buried in the soil, or in rotting logs and the like. A good strategy could be to lay the eggs at the base of a suitable Olbio tree, either in a cavity or buried in the soil.
Continued in Part 4(b)!
(Part 4b)
(Part 1- fur)
(Part 2- claws)
(Part 3- mouths)
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cryptidwriterdotcom · 4 years
Feral Child/Naga Izuku
From the day of his birth, he had been cast out by his family for something he had no control over. He had been born half human and half snake, the die he had been cast weren't in his favor but weren't out of his favor.
Inko had always been terrified of snakes, and with her heart condition, Hisashi knew that they wouldn't be able to keep their son. They never even named the child, not wanting to get attached, and left him in the woods. They would both turn out to be amazing parents, they weren't bad people by any means, Hisashi was just misguided in his attempts to keep his wife's heart from giving out.
The couple would have a second child a year later, forgetting all about the kin they left in the woods. This child had been wanted, had been blessed with a name, it was a boy. The moment the "Hokaido" tumbled from the mouths of the parents, the second child's dice were rerolled in their favor.
The moment the first child had been left in that forest his instincts awoke. A pack of stray dogs came across him pathetically trying to slither across the leaf mulch, one of the dogs immediately taking to him. He was raised by them until he could hunt on his own, in which he parted ways with them.
From ages one day old to five years old he lived in the forest, he would never know his true kin. Not that he gave them any thought, blood was nothing more than the leaves to him. He was found at age five when a family discovered him hibernating in a cellar next to the boiler. They decided to grace the unnamed child with open arms.
The family that found him was made of two parents with a son. The kanji that was supposed to read Deku had been read by the parents as Izuku, who decided to not curse the half snake half human child with a name that would forever haunt him. It was the son who chose the name, for Izuku had been in hibernation and thus "useless".
Izuku found himself in unfamiliar surroundings when he woke back up, a boy about his age sharing the comfort of his vibrant green coils with him. Despite his panic and fear, the warmth of his companion was intoxicating to the cold blooded boy.
The first thing Mitsuki taught Izuku was "Welcome Home, Izuku." He picked up reading and writing fairly quickly, but was homeschooled by Mitsuki because of his fear of people.
It's only by the chance that Mitsuki knew about Inko having a miscarriage, she had marked the date, and she found it strange that instead of giving her body a rest Inko decided to conceive almost immediately after.
Izuku looked suspiciously like Hisashi and Inko, and that's when she connected the dots. Mitsuki decided the moment she saw him that he was her son, so she never told them about Izuku or let them ever have the chance of coming into contact with him.
Mitsuki tells Izuku about how his birth parents abandoned him and had a replacement child a year younger than him. Izuku takes the time to tell her that they might've brought him into this world, but his real family is the one that took him in and cared for him.
Even though Izuku was born July 15th, he and Katsuki celebrate their birthdays on April 20th. Izuku and Katsuki are practically inseparable, especially when Izuku was enrolled into middle school with Katsuki.
When Izuku wasn't in lessons with Mitsuki, he would save up bags of bottle caps before selling them. He would also do yard work for the neighbors, or help keep any unwanted vermin out of their houses.
With his money he buys several reptiles, mostly lizards and snakes. They go with him to UA.
Even at UA Izuku and Katsuki still sleep together, as Izuku can't make his own heat, he depends on Katsuki or heating blankets to stay warm. He prefers the comfort of having a companion, but he'll take both.
Izuku refuses to go anywhere near Todoroki, because of his quirk and his body temp. When he fought Todoroki in the sports festival he nearly died from freezing to death. His brother was the one to wrestle through the stands and avoid the teachers to blast through the ice and get Izuku.
Katsuki is stopped by Midnight, who holds him back. She tells him that he can't interfere with the fight when he explains that the cold will kill Izuku because he doesn't produce his own body heat.
It's then that Todoroki realizes that he might kill a classmate because of his power, but he can also save them, so Todoroki uses his flames to melt the ice and bring Izuku back from the brink of death. It's only then that he drags Izuku out of bounds.
It's then that Izuku is transported to the hospital for treatment of his wounds and frostbite/frost burns. Both Bakugou boys, and Iida, drop out of the festival. Iida decides to ride to the hospital in the ambulance with his classmates, telling his mom that it'll be faster if she doesn't grab him from the school.
Hokaido, Hisashi, and Inko end up watching the UA sports festival. Inko had been put on medications and had sessions with therapists and psychologists to help her with her fear, so when they see Izuku on the TV they all pause. Hokaido had been told that he had an older brother who they had to get rid of because he was part snake.
They immediately turned off the TV after hearing that he was a Bakugou, and they called Mitsuki and Masaru Bakugou. They hadn't known that Izuku was being transported to the hospital, and with Mitsuki being worried out of her mind, she became livid when they called asking about Izuku.
Izuku was so cold, the ice he had been encased in dropped his body temperature. Hypothermia set in almost immediately, his body going into shock as his heart pumped the ice cold blood through his veins. All this succeeded in doing was making his heart slow down rapidly.
He lost consciousness almost immediately as his heart began to beat slower and slower. His blood froze in his veins, causing painful frostbite all over his body. Where he was in direct contact with the ice he developed frost burns.
"My ice is so cold that only my fire can melt it." Todoroki had stated matter of factly to his classmates after the "battle" he had with Ojirou and Hagakure. Izuku hadn't been present for that, he and Katsuki had been pitted against each other and Izuku ended up in the infirmary after he lost consciousness. Katsuki went with his brother to make sure he was okay.
Meanwhile, Katsuki was nearly sobbing as he fought against Midnight, trying to get to his brother. The buttercup yellow backpack that Izuku always kept emergency heat packs in was on his back.
"Katsuki, you can't get involved in other people's fights." Midnight chided him, not understanding the situation.
"SHUT UP! IZUKU IS COLD BLOODED, THE ICE WILL KILL HIM. WE HAVE TO WARM HIM UP, I NEED TO GET TO HIM! LET ME GO, TODOROKI IS GOING TO KILL MY BROTHER IF I DON'T DO ANYTHING!" Katsuki yelled, tears beginning to run down his face. Midnight froze just long enough for Katsuki to dash forward.
He didn't notice the rest of the world as he used his explosions to propel himself towards the ball of ice encasing his brother. It didn't take much for him to break through the thick wall of ice and get to Izuku.
The sight of his brother nearly made him shatter, he fell to his knees and scooped his brother into his arms. It takes a lot of effort but he manages to get Izuku out of the ice dome of death.
The words that Katsuki yelled impacted Todoroki immensely. Never had it occurred to him that his ice could kill, he had only ever seen his fire as a means to end.
When he saw Katsuki pulling Izuku out of the dome, his entire world had come crashing down on him. If Izuku were to die because of his ice, then he'd be worse than his father ever was. Izuku was injured because of his power, not his mother's, and only his power, not his father's, could save the reptilian boy.
Todoroki rushed forward and pulled Katsuki to an open area directly in the sun. "Put him down here." He directed, not giving Katsuki an option.
As soon as Izuku was laid down on the concrete, Todoroki used his fire with care to help warm up Izuku. Katsuki tore the backpack open as he rapidly cracked the disk in the hot packs and laid them on his brother.
As his blood became warmer, Izuku's heart began to beat stronger. His blood dethawed quickly and color returned to his skin as warmth was pumped through his body, his eyes fluttered weakly as he regained consciousness.
Izuku was whisked away on a stretcher afterwards. Katsuki thanked Todoroki before he went with his brother, the school called Mitsuki to tell her that Izuku would be transferred to the E.R. or I.C.U. immediately for his injuries.
Recovery Girl couldn't do anything, Izuku was barely stable and all of his stamina was being used towards keeping himself alive. Then Iida came bursting into the room, he was on the phone with his mom.
"Mom, it'll be faster if you go directly to see Tensei. One of my classmates is heading to the hospital now for treatment on his injuries so I'll ride in the ambulance with him and his brother. Just go see Tensei with dad." He spoke into the phone, Izuku stirred at the sound of the new voice. His eyelids blinked as he tried to focus on where the voice was coming from.
"Kat… who's that? It's hard to see." Izuku croaked out, his eyes struggling to focus as his eyelids fluttered. His eyes luckily weren't damaged in any way, but the sedative he was put under to help with the pain made him feel fuzzy, and he was finding it hard to be aware of what was around him.
"That's Iida, he's gonna ride with us to the hospital." Katsuki explained, his usual angry and arrogant attitude gone. Izuku nodded in response as he began to zone out.
The trio of boys each zoned out for a while, their bodies and brains on autopilot. It wasn't until they arrived at the hospital that Iida was shaken from his daze. Iida split ways with the Bakugou siblings, his mother was waiting for him in the lobby.
Katsuki went in after Izuku, where he found his parents waiting in the lobby. He went and sat with them and as soon as he sat down he began to explain what happened.
"Our classmate, Todoroki, was pitted against Izuku. The moment the match started, Izuku was encased in a ball of ice. He didn't know that Izuku was cold blooded because most people assume that he's warm blooded just because he's human.
The teachers tried to stop me from getting to him, saying that it would interrupt the match even though it says in his file that exposure to cold without proper equipment will be fatal.
Finally I got to him just barely in time after the teacher that was holding me froze. I was able to blast through the ice and get him out.
He was so cold when I got to him, his skin was blue and he was literally freezing to death, he had burns from where his skin was directly in contact with the ice. I got him out into the sun where Todoroki helped me warm him back up.
Recovery Girl said that he had severe frostbite and that his heart nearly stopped because of the cold. She couldn't use her quirk on him because all of his stamina was going towards keeping himself alive."
Katsuki sat in silence after he was finished explaining, the family was still in shock. Hours went by before they were able to go see Izuku in the I.C.U.
Izuku ended up in the same room as the Iida family, Katsuki and Tenya only figured this out because they recognized each other's voices. They ended up pulling the diving curtain back so that they could all interact.
Then Mitsuki's phone rang. She picked it up and put it on speaker when she recognized the phone number.
"Hello, this is Mitsuki Bakugou." She spoke politely into the phone.
"Mitsuki, this is Hisashi! Inko, Hokaido, and I would love to meet Izuku so that we can catch up as a family and bring our son back home. Inko is on new medication and taking therapy sessions to deal with her fear." The response came, the voice clearly belonged to a male. Mitsuki became livid after she heard his words.
"Izuku is MY son, he stopped being yours when you left him to die in the woods! I've told him all about the Midoriya family, how you and your wife decided to execute him and have a replacement child just because you couldn't handle the idea of alternatives.
To him he's been abandoned because his blood wasn't thick enough. He became mine the day that I named a five year old who never had the chance to know what his birth parents were like.
I know you Hisashi, you never named the boy. The only proof you have is his DNA, but there's no paper trail saying he's yours. You know what it does say? He's mine, legally." Mitsuki snapped at Hisashi as she practically growled. Katsuki and the Iida boys fell silent as they awkwardly waited for his mother to stop yelling.
"Alright, alright. I get the idea, but we'd still like to get more in touch with you." Hisashi responded. The entire room could practically hear his sweat drop through the phone.
"No, I don't even have to think about it. What do you not get about the fact that he is in the hospital. Next time message me first before I shove my foot up your ass for calling when I made it very clear that you are not to have contact with him." Mitsuki stated, before hanging up and turning her phone off. Izuku stirred as the drugs wore off.
Izuku moved his arm, feeling the I.V. pull on his skin, "Ma… there's a weird snake stuck to me, I don't think it's mine." He mumbles.
The moment those words left the drugged naga's mouth, Tenya had a gay crisis. Never did he think that Izuku being drugged up after surgery and barely lucid would make him want to marry the man on the spot.
"Well yeah dumbass, it's an I.V. tube not a snake." Mitsuki responded to Izuku, getting a very astounded look from her son.
"Hey ma… how did I wind up with an I.V. tube in my arm? I… I don't remember anything about today. Besides being really really cold, like I was stuck in a freezer, but worse. I think… I think my heart almost stopped beating, like I was being frozen from the inside by my own blood." Izuku mumbled, looking for reassurance. Nobody said anything and he paled considerably, he pulled as much of himself into a tight bundle as he could without ripping the IV from his arm.
Shinsou and Izuku became friends the moment they both realized the other had been rejected by society for something they couldn't control. It was the second they were matched up against each other that they became good friends.
Izuku is good friends with Iida and Shoji, as they're willing to let him absorb their body heat while he's in scarf mode, and he's helpful for carrying things. His enhanced scenting ability comes in handy during combat when pursuing a target.
Izuku prefers to be a scarf for Iida though, the two keep having gay crisis' every time they see each other, so it's natural that Izuku likes to be a scarf for his crush more.
Tensei was never injured by Stain, the Stain incident doesn't happen until Hokaido gets into UA and goes after the hero killer himself with some friends.
(stay tuned, more to come)
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