#ezios family
evenina · 1 year
im not saying that ezio’s family is the best video game music to have ever been written, but thats exactly what im saying
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Another year and another birthday. You and me Ezio. You and me.
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Okay, we've all heard abt Desmond accidentally calling Shaun "Leo" or "Malik" and Shaun freaking out. And that's fun and all, but allow me to propose:
- A very tired Desmond called Rebecca "Claudia," and Rebecca's heart melted a little.
- Shaun brough Desmond some tea after a long session in the Animus, and he said, "Thank you, Shay." It took Desmond a good ten seconds to realize why everyone was staring.
- William was being Awful as per usual, and Desmond snapped in a perfect English accent. "Charles, control yourself or I'll have to ask you leave." The resulting explosion was heard from Abstergo headquarters.
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20timemachine12 · 6 days
Modern AU
Imagine Petruccio trying to play PokemonGo inside the Auditore house but can't find the ones he wants so Ezio and Federico take his phone out with them to find him better ones.
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isa-belle1367 · 4 months
People who ship desmond with any of his ancestors scare me....
I can understand if it's like a universe jump or smth, but most of the time, I see his ancestors as his family
In my mind, they would take one look at William and be like "ya no we are your family now"
But anyway, ezio would totally be an overprotective older brother. Altair and Malik would be like the parents (i know malik isn't related to des, but do you really think death could keep altair and malik separated). Jacob and evie would be the chaotic younger siblings. Edward would be the drunk uncle, and Connor would be the concerned cousin.
Edit: The only exception to this is Saberamane's fic
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mhsdatgo · 4 months
It's been said already but I am confident that Jesper Kyd knew what the fuck he was doing when he composed the soundtrack of Assassin's Creed 2. The way Ezio's family became the literal main theme of the whole franchise, just rehearsed and remixed in different ways based on the game and the theme.
The way just hearing it when I open the world map on Odyssey makes me eight years old again with Ezio and Federico helping each other up on a roof and then gazing at the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore with this dream of a soundtrack in the background.
"It is a good life we lead, brother."
"The best. May it never change."
"And may it never change us."
How do you expect an 8 yo to move on with life after THAT?!
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teecupangel · 8 months
Inspired by the Patron Desmond sends his ancestors to earlier points in time and fucks over half a dozen timelines: Desmond wishes all his ancestors had someone to support them through their worst suffering without - you know, getting betrayed by them or watching them die.
So Bayek wakes up in the prime of his life in Altair's time and adopts this child who just watched his father die. When Altair dies, he and Bayek suddenly appear, both in the primes of their lives, in time to see the Auditore get arrested. Bayek, Altair, and Ezio are there when Edward's protecting the Assassins of Tulum and take the piss out of him. The crew plus Edward are there when Ratonhnhake:ton's village burns. They all sail to France on a whim and end up recruiting Arno. All of them appear in London to help out the Frye twins. And when Desmond gets kidnapped... the Assassins have an entire historical legion show up out of nowhere to help bust him out of Abstergo's clutches.
Kassandra keeps showing up, nobody's certain if she's with them all or not, but just... all of the main ancestors glomming together as one hugely dysfunctional murder family forged across time and space who all have the biggest soft spot for Desmond.
Desmond as their Patron has no power over this. This is happening solely based on his wish and he has no control who gets transported and gifted with immortality so even he does not know if Kassandra is also part of his immortality gang.
It’s Bayek who believes Desmond is a god and their patron, giving them this power to protect the world. Of course, there are times when he misses Aya and he wonders if this immortality is a curse. But then he hears the laughter of Darim and Sef before they run after him, grabbing his robes and asking him to tell them another story, grandfather tells the best stories! And Bayek’s lips curved into a smile. Perhaps the immortality is a curse but seeing the people he cares for and loves grow up and take the future for themselves will always be a joy that makes this curse worth it.
Altaïr would be the one to try and understand this immortality that they had. Would be the one to realize that they do die after their life runs its course but they will always be awaken in the same place together, back in their prime, with the memories up to their death. His first business would be to find his Apple and, after the long road he had to take to find the seals to open his library, he decided to set it up so that the next time he needed to find his Apple, it would be in the most convoluted way possible that only he would understand. It’s because of the Apple that they got to Firenze just as the Auditores were being arrested (they saved the day but it was a close call). Then Ezio’s Apple was placed on the vault and Altaïr felt a bit annoyed of how easy his Apple was secured so… he just plopped the Apple there as well.
It is Ezio who first thought of naming the glowing god that appears before them before they are resurrected once more Desmond. There’s something about the god with no discernible features other that his entire body glowing that made Ezio think of Desmond for some reason. Altaïr is the one who tries to search for this Desmond using both his and Ezio’s Apples.
Edward was the one man out. He wasn’t an Assassin yet but he had the makings of one. So they trained him. Bayek had done this three times already, he knows Edward Kenway is the key. Perhaps the next brother that will be given the curse of immortality. They stayed with him until he started to settle down in London, focusing on his family. They visited from time to time but they were not there to save Edward.
When they are resurrected once more, decades have passed and they could only try and save as many people as they could as the fires had already started. Including the mother of a young child by the name of Ratonhnhaké:ton. They stayed in the village for a few days, with the boy’s mother talking to Edward Kenway for a long time, ending with Edward learning of his son’s fate. So they leave the village to find him, to confront him. When Ratonhnhaké:ton was 13, he followed his mother out of the village and they meet once more. Haytham remains elusive and they suggested that they stay with the mother and son for a bit to ‘relax’, only for this to end with them teaching Ratonhnhaké:ton (and sometimes even giving tips to Kaniehtí:io.
And after everything was done, they sailed to France to support Ratonhnhaké:ton who received a letter requesting for aid from Lafayette. There, they met Arno Dorian and took him under their wings, helping him with his missions but only three of them at a time, for they have their own agenda for going to France. (And if this ends with Altaïr taking a Sword of Eden, well… that’s not really surprising).
Helping out the Frye twins had been second nature. Arno and Jacob met by accident when Arno had been buying one of the pubs in London (a financial focused habit he and Ezio had developed through the years) and Bayek thought they needed support (and guidance, so much guidance). By the end of it, they were sure that the twins would become like them as well. (And if this ends with Altaïr taking the Shroud of Eden… at this point, everyone already expects him to take custody over POEs)
It all ends with them moving into the modern day where they used their knowledge and experience to have a partnership with a group called Erudito. From there, it became easier to find the Assassins but their focus shifted when they heard of Desmond Miles.
And Ezio just knows… that this was the Desmond they were all searching for.
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lilborealis · 1 month
Hi! If you want too of course, but do you think you can do some wholesome Auditore family headcanons? (before everything goes to hell). And I like your previous AC headcanons!
Oh my god thank you????
And sure, why not?
-Giovanni was a lot like Ezio when he was younger, getting into trouble and of course that lead him to meeting the pretty Maria Mozzi, who did not exactly like him at first
-of course Giovanni liked to say “his charm won her over” but in reality it was because Mario told her that Giovanni liked her because “his brother was being a wuss”
-Giovanni fainted when Maria told him she was pregnant with Federico
-and of course cried when his first son was born
-he was ecstatic when he got a daughter in the form of Claudia
-Petruccio was actually a surprise baby as his parents only planned for three (but still loved him nonetheless)
-I feel like Federico was the type of kid where as soon as Maria got him clean, she’d turn away for five seconds and he’d be dirty
-Maria loves feathers because on the day she met Giovanni, an angry eagle chased him into her bakery, leaving feathers on the floor
-Claudia would drag Federico and Ezio into dress up games when she was younger
-for a period of three weeks, pastries were mysteriously disappearing from the kitchen and Maria was confused and pissed off because they were for a friend’s wedding
-it was her sons
-and safe to say she was unhappy
-Claudia laughed as her brothers were grounded for an entire month
-speaking of Claudia, I’m still SO confused how the hell Giovanni betrothed Claudia to Duccio???? Even if it was seen as the norm at the time, Duccio was just…..ew
-Giovanni must have been wasted or something there IS NO WAY that Giovanni didn’t take one look at Duccio and was like “get tf away from my daughter”
-he definitely went to the De Luca home after Ezio told him Duccio cheated on Claudia and cussed out his entire family
-Claudia and Maria had gossip sessions, I know they did, and Maria would be like “it is rude to gossip” and Claudia is just “ok but did you hear about Isabella” and Maria is listening
-all out on whoever’s birthday it was in the family, no expense was too much
Sorry it’s a bit short but I hope you (and others) like it!
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navstuffs · 1 year
Her Old Man
Pairing: Revelations!Ezio x F!Reader
Warnings: harassment, some violence (some slaps), ezio gets called old, protective!ezio, angry!reader, non-canon compliance with revelations
Summary: Someone decides to harass you and insult your husband - without realizing who he is.
Author's Notes: heeey! i love me some protective trope so here it is. i have not played revelations but i have watched the video of Duccio hitting on Sofia (the idiot) 😂 so this fanfic is sorta based on that. enjoy your read!
requests for ezio are still open!
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You loved shopping with Ezio: he always got the best discounts and treatment from merchants in town. Your husband never rushed you or sounded uninterested in the shops. To be honest, you were a little worried about Ezio's spending. Ezio liked to gift you everything you showed a slight hint of interest in it.
"I want you to have everything you want," Ezio argued every time you opened your mouth to complain.
That warm afternoon, you casually stroll between the shops with Ezio behind you. When the vendors recognize you, they announce their products, excited. Most to you than to Ezio. You end up buying two new paints at the Art Shop. Next, Ezio decides to check the Weapon Shop. While your husband checks the new arrivals, you check a small dress shop just in front.
You are amazed by the dresses on display: they all look like expensive pieces of art. You look behind your shoulder, and Ezio still looks focused, so you touch a red dress with black details.
"Interested in the dress?"
You turn around, facing the happy face of a young man dressed in a very fancy outfit. Judging him to be the seller, you smile and nod.
"They are so pretty! But I am just admiring that is all."
The young seller smiles back at you. You turn back to the dress, admiring how rich the fabric is. You thank mentally Ezio has yet to notice you. If he saw you like this, he would already have bought it.
"Money is the problem?"
"Not exactly," Which isn't an actual lie.
"I could give him to you. For a very low price."
You turn to the seller and notice he has gotten closer to you. You shake your head, smiling politely and deciding to leave.
"I have too many dresses already. "
"Come on, no woman has too many dresses. I can give you an excellent deal! I could put two or three of those dresses on it for you for the price of one."
You shake your head, starting to get away from the young seller in Ezio's direction. He decides to follow you, grabbing your wrist. With your heart pumping, you try to pull away from him, but the man squeezes you harder.
"You haven't even seen all dresses yet!"
"Any problem here?"
A wave of relief washes over your body. Ezio. He had kept his eye on you since you left his presence, and when the young seller started following you, he made his way toward you. Ezio's eyes darken when he sees the hand on your wrist.
"I suggest you let go of her."
"Or what? What are you going to do exactly, Old man?"
You blink, confused. Did you just hear that idiot call your husband "Old Man"? Didn't he have any sense of danger? Did he have any idea who Ezio was? Ezio could have some gray spots, but he was still a very attractive man. He got hit on everywhere you went! With the anger boiling inside your stomach, you breathe heavily to calm yourself. You don't want to put Ezio into trouble in your peaceful shopping afternoon.
"This is your last warning," Ezio warns, his voice a falsely calming tone.
"Do whatever you want, Granpa-OW!"
Before Ezio could even move, you lost your temper. Turning with your hand open, you hit the man across the face with all your strength, attracting everyone's stares.
"You do NOT insult my husband like that!"
Too shocked to react at first, the young seller lets go of your arm. His expression becomes enraged as he pulls out a small knife. Ezio instantly brings you behind him, his whole body hiding you from the young seller, ready to protect you.
Before things get uglier, an older man runs in front of the younger man, his posture apologetic.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Signore Ezio!"
After hearing this, the young man's eyes go wide. His eyes go from the older man's back to Ezio, finally recognizing who he is. He lets his knife fall to the ground, hiding behind the older man.
"Ezio, please forgive my son! I will be sure to teach him a proper lesson after this," The father says while the son looks down, embarrassed. Or afraid.
"I will be happier if he apologizes to my Signora."
After the younger man apologizes to you profusely, without looking up, that he was an idiot and that he would never harass anyone ever again, his father still offers you three dresses of your choice for free. You insist on paying, the owner insists on not receiving, and you stay on this back and forth until you finally announce you can't accept the son's apology if he doesn't take the payment.
Finally, walking away from the store, you sigh while Ezio carries the perfectly packed dresses. Ezio is the first one to break up the silence, concerned.
"Are you hurt, tesoro?""
"I am fine, Ezio."
Ezio gently grabs your wrist, his eyes scanning it. When he finds nothing worrisome, he takes your palms to his mouth, giving a gentle kiss.
"That slap was rather impressive."
"I mean, how dare he call you Grandpa? Old man? He deserved even worse!" You declare, the anger coming back. When you hear Ezio's laugh, you cross your arms "What is so funny?"
"Nothing. I didn't care about the insult, mia cara. I was more worried he was going to hurt you."
"He wasn't going to," You reply, confident, and Ezio smiles back, satisfied. No other word needed to be said: You knew Ezio would never let anyone hurt you. You interlock your fingers with him, a sense of safety inside your chest.
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does the fandom even acknowledge the ac movie
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Codextober Day 1: Ancestor
It was a bright and sunny day in the marketplace of Firenze. A worn, old man with kind eyes sat in the city square watching his wife and daughter. The man watched as people walked around the city he had once ruled. He thought back to his younger days of scaling rooftops and fighting Pazzi boys.
A young man came to the elder one. He complained about the city and reminded the elder of himself back in his days of arrogant youth. After the boy had left, Ezio looked around Firenze. He saw Flavia and Sofia, his lovely family. Yet something else was appearing. His vision seemed to swim and fade as the present and past collided.
The old man saw a hawk fly and heard it cry. He saw the feather fall onto the ground and then he saw him... It was a boy. He was young with raven hair and fancy clothes. He had a handful of feathers. Ezio's eyes widen as he saw the young boy. He hadn't aged a day.
"Petruccio?" Ezio questioned. The man knew he was dreaming. His little brother had died decades ago, yet here he was just as he remembered. Ezio smiled as he recognized his younger brother.
"Ezio!" the boy called. He ran to his brother and hugged him. He was cold and weak, but somehow warm and solid. "I've come to fetch you, Ezio! Mother and Father said it's time for you to join us. We all miss you." He explained.
Ezio looked at the boy curiously. "We?" He asked.
"Sí, idiota! Now come on! We never finished our race on the rooftops." A new voice said. Ezio froze and his eyes filled with tears. He turned to see a brunette in red clothes that had only been a few years older than him when he had been executed.
"Federico? I... I'm sorry, brother. I tried to save you. I tried to save all of you." The old man was close to tears. He felt the immense pain and regret that he had carried all his life. Even as an old man he felt the pain of his family's death. He felt like the tragedy was his fault.
"Ezio, do not cry. You were not at fault for our tragic ends. If anything, you saved and avenged the Auditore. You were a better Assassin than Mario, Federico, or myself. Do not dwell on the past. We're proud." Another voice said. Ezio stood up and hugged the man.
"Father! It's really you. I.... I missed you. I did everything I could to carry the legacy. I hope I made you proud." He said through tears. He clung to the man like a child.
"Ah, there's my son. I see Petruccio listened well." Maria said. She looked at her son lovingly. "Come, Ezio. You're time is done. You've served your cause. Our family can be together. All we need is you and Claudia. Though she won't be here for some time."
"What about Sofia? Flavia? Who will care for them?" He asked worried. Maria smiled.
"They'll find their way. We'll watch over them like we've been watching you this whole time. Also, I would be wary of mentioning your wife. Your lovers might be jealous." Maria teased. Ezio was confused and then he saw two figures that were not the Auditore family.
"Leonardo? Cristina?!" Ezio gasped. He fell to his knees. "Mi caro. My loves." Ezio rushed to Cristina and kissed her. He spun her around and then he saw Leonardo and kissed him fiercely. He looked at his past lovers. Leonardo smiled. Cristina held Ezio's hand.
"Come, my friend. We have much to catch up on. Thankfully, we have an eternity to do it. Requiescat in pace, old friend." Leonardo said. Ezio nodded.
"Requiescat in pace. I think it's time for this old man to rest." Ezio agreed.
And so, Ezio Auditore da Firenze met his loved ones on the other side and entered the beyond with his family and his lovers. As he did, he was pulled into the Firenze of his youth with a younger body, so that he could do what he loved most: running on rooftops and being with his family.
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crab-crab · 8 months
He knew this was the end
He knew that he would never see his family again, that he would never see Zelda or Groose or Pipit or Crimson.
He knew that he would die here and he was overcome with serenity.
Sky held his sword, The Master Sword, up at the ready. He brought his shield up in front of him and he planted his feet, watching as the hoard drew closer. 
His younger brothers were in the village behind him, injured and unconscious from the portal. His older brothers had left to find help, to find fairies or potion ingredients. He was left to watch over the family.
Sky took a deep breath, then another to settle his heart as the monsters drew closer. Teeth flashing and weapons swinging as they closed in on the lone knight. Thunder rumbled overhead as the first drops of rain fell from the sky.
The villagers promised to get his brothers to safety, promised they would find the other members of his family to tell them the news. He knew they would do it because Time said these were good people. 
He could see the individual monsters now. Bokoblins, Lizalfos, and a Staldra from his own era.
Sky sent a quiet prayer to Hylia, asking her to protect them, to ease their grief, to see them to safety, and that he was sorry he wasn’t coming back.
He lifted his sword up, pointing it skyward as the rumbling grew louder and the clouds started to flash. His scars stung, the feeling traveling around his arm and up to his chest. Fi chimed as the blade glowed, a stalwart presence even during her slumber.
The monsters roared as they got within range, Sky could see the red of their eyes. 
Until his brothers returned, he would hold the line.
As the sword swung, lightning followed.
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vgtrackbracket · 24 days
Video Game Track Bracket Round 2
Ezio's Family from Assassin's Creed II
Megamix Mania from Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled
Propaganda under the cut. If you want your propaganda reblogged and added to future polls, please tag it as propaganda or otherwise indicate this!
Ezio's Family:
"It is a good life we lead brother." "The best. And may it never change." "And may it never change us." (AAAAAAAAAAAAAA *Unintelligible sobbing*) Right so this song is everything to me. It is comfort, angst, and stunning beauty rolled into one. It is moments to which you can never go back but must preserve in your mind so that they never die either. I have really bad nightmares somewhat often and when I wake up from something that's like, "welp, I'm not going back to sleep in case I have to experience THAT again," but then look at the clock and I've only been asleep for two hours so I don't really have a choice, I put the Slowed 2 hour Sistine Chapel version on in my room and it lets me actually sleep enough to be functional the next day. I owe soooo much to this song!!!! I even hum the chord progression to myself when I'm freaking out and it helps. This song is so good that it accidentally became the theme song of the series and most of the games that came after have their own remixes of it. None of them come close to the opening credits of two though.
This is one of the first game songs I truly fell in love with.
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theshippingpro · 1 year
Crack Assassin's Creed idea, it's about Desmond waking up after he dies. He goes around the country for a little bit, doing the whole lost soul thing. When he comes across a bar and makes friends with a guy there after a bar brawl. Des gives the guy a fake name. And the guy is from the local mafia and offers him a job in the mafia.
Des accepts, thinking he'll try it out for a while, and disappear if he doesn't like it.
The longer he stays the more he likes it there. The mafia reminds him of Ezio's Brotherhood. He likes it, and he gets along well with everyone. And the mafia is not just in that town, they are across the world. And set up quite similar to the Brotherhood.
Des is a little suspicious, but no one knows what he is talking about. So, he lets it slide, thinking he is just paranoid from the last couple of years.
Until one day the mafia brings some creates in, a fight breaks out. At the end of the fight, Des breaks the create.
Turns out the create had a chemical in there, makes someone tell the truth for the next 24 hours. One of the mafia people make a joke, and Des accidentally spills he is from the Brotherhood.
The mafia freaks out, because holy shit Fred, you brought one of the modern day assassins here!?!?! And Des freaks out, because wait you know what that is?!?!? What do you mean modern day assassin!?!?
Just about when they are going to 'take care' of Desmond. With everyone there spilt down the middle on what they should do. Des tells them his real name and curse Minerva and Juno about this fucking bullshit and something about his ancestors suffering because of it.
And everyone stops and stares at him. The guy that was about to kill him, looks at Fred and said.
"Well danm Auditore, looks like the famous Desmond does exist. And here I thought if anyone could find him, it would be Ezio or Altair."
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ff7-has-taken-me-over · 10 months
There’s a story from Ezio’s birth that his parents told him on his 16th birthday. They said that when he was brought into the world he did not scream. He did not cry. He did not even breathe.
They had feared he had died during the birth. A tragedy that many faced but one they had never even considered. They had worried for him, worried he wouldn’t pull through and breathe like he was meant to and they would lose him too soon.
But then something. Something his father couldn’t describe as anything other than divine, had made its presence known. Had swept into the room and breathed life into their son in a few short seconds.
And it had given him such a strong life. Had given him a strong set of lungs and a resilient body that had pulled through so many sicknesses and injuries through the years.
They had never felt the presence again but they had also never come that close to losing a child again. Ezio was the only one and his father had considered it a mark for greatness. Had told him that one day Ezio would do greater things than he ever could have imagined and that one day that presence would help guide him though it like it had guided him the day he was born.
Ezio hadn’t truly believed when they first told him. Had thought it merely the Auditore stubbornness that ailed all of them pushing him through what should’ve been his final moments.
But then he’s 18 and on a bridge antagonising his enemy, and something truly unexplainable sweeps through the area and sends shivers down his spine. And if Ezio had to describe it, he’d say it felt divine.
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teecupangel · 7 months
The Rio movies and songs got me in a chokehold. This gives me inspiration. In a cultural and historical aspect as assassins. They likely would create like mannerisms or superstitions or they would do dances to songs they made like https://open.spotify.com/track/4jq2VvGRwwtTDdvhnsXNAp?si=T5HZ1RzKSpWG5T9dHfIYpQ or
For some made up holiday they did. Just a thought
For anyone curious how the music was played in the movie, here’s Youtube clips of the two music linked in the ask:
It’s not such a big stretch for them to develop their own dance that is heavily influenced by their life as an Assassin.
It would be quite similar to Capoeira and we can even make this something that developed way before when they were called the Hidden Ones.
It would heavily be influenced by traditional Egyptian and Greek dances and no one can be sure why, at first, until they rediscovered Amunet as one of the founders of the Hidden Ones (probably Shaun would be the one to connect the dots).
A dance between two people interested in one another can take inspiration from the sky dancing courting ritual of eagles.
Maybe they would dance while holding each other’s left hand, a show of trust and vulnerability by having their Hidden Blade arm grasping each other. There’s a lot of turning and twirling for this kind of dance, paying homage to the sky dance courtship of eagles.
And, and, and!
This traditional dance is a bit different depending on which Brotherhood an Assassin came from. There are a few different steps or even the musical instruments being used changes.
The dance is influenced by the people of the Brotherhood with the Assassins in Alamut having the one closest to the dance of the Hidden Ones.
Levantine Brotherhood mixes in both Levantine and crusader elements to it, a show of the variety of people living in Levant.
The Italian Brotherhood adds in what was quite popular during Renaissance Italy as a show of how the heights of its power was during the Renaissance.
The American Brotherhood’s dance is a mix of a lot of other dances and tunes with a heavy influence of the traditions of the Kanien'kehá:ka.
But even with such changes…
An Assassin can still dance with an Assassin from a different branch.
Because, even if there is little or a lot of changes, the underlying tune of the dance remains the same.
Just like the Creed.
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