chriscdcase95 · 2 years
Is it weird that I hope Doctor Doom isn't the Big Bad in the MCU’s Fantastic 4 ?
Like I’m not saying exclude him entirely - I have no doubt with the right writers, they could introduce Victor and build up his presence for Avengers: The Secret Wars...but he doesn’t necessarily need to be center stage in F4.
Let me explain. Doom has been the Big Bad of three of the past live action F4 movies. He was the secondary antagonist in Rise of the Silver Surfer, and even then they pull the “Hijacked By Ganon” card.
And I’m just sitting her like “Why not give the Mole Man a shot?”
Plus with the Skrulls being built up to in Secret Invasion, the Skrulls and Kree were also recurring antagonists to the Fantastic 4, and I doubt they’d wrap up that arc in a miniseries. So perhaps they’d be the main threat in F4 ?
And it’s not like they could exclude Doom entirely. MCU’s Fantastic Four isn’t meant to be an origin movie, so they could establish Doom as being a villain they fought in the past, in some unseen origin story. 
Maybe they establish Victor as being someone of importance, especially to Sue and Reed, without him being the threat they’re up against. Doom could be the Greater Scope Villain, someone who has/had an effect on the, but little to no direct presence in the story. 
Or he could be a supporting character, put into an Enemy Mine situation, so they could directly build his relationship with them, but unlike Rise of the Silver Surfer, he doesn’t betray them by the end of the film...they’d still plant the seeds setting up a villain role in Secret Wars.
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thecollectorsbase · 1 year
Un hito en la historia de Marvel, con la 1° aparición de estos personajes, allá por 1961 😎
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isaqueareas · 7 months
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What a F4ntastic day! 💙💙💙💙
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damnfandomproblems · 5 months
4764 If you're going to hate critics who do that, you might as well hate me and countless other people too. I don't care how much corporate meddling happened when I still can't stomach the movie. F4ntastic still sucked balls.
Posting as a response to a previous problem.
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daylightcommand3 · 2 months
That line in F4ntastic could’ve been saved if he said: “say that three more times” instead.
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the-wolfbats · 5 months
I want to see Deadpool and Wolverine take a CLEAR potshot at F4ntastic.
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fantastic4 · 6 years
hey do you think if we ever get the council of reeds in the MCU the fantastic four 2005 & 2015 reed richards would be there just for a cameo
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firstpuffin · 6 years
Changing elements of existing characters; race, sex etc
I remember when the F4ntastic Four movie came out in 2015 (and seriously, F4ntastic? What is this, the 90’s again?) and we saw that the new Human Torch was… different. There was some concern, admittedly even from me, about this change. I mean, Johnny Storm is white, right? Why cast a black actor?
  Well I could have let that slide without issue as long as they explained, even with just one sentence to not take up too much time, why his sister is white and him black. Yes, there could be a hundred-score reasons why, but it is unintuitive. Since then I have grown up and don’t mind nearly so much, but this “issue” comes up again and again. The new Doctor in Doctor Who is a woman and there has been rumour about a black James Bond floating around for a while. My favourite superhero died and there was a fuss when he was replaced by a black kid; Tony Stark let a black girl replace him as Iron Man (or whatever name she went by) and there was a fuss both times. Are you seeing the pattern?
  Established heroes are being replaced by children!
  I’m kidding.
  But there is always a fuss when a beloved character is changed and I must admit, a black James Bond would bother me. A female James Bond would bother me; the first and least important reason is that James Bond is an established white male character and a lot of his stories would be different if he wasn’t. The other characters in his stories would treat him differently, he would have had different experiences and would not be the same person.
  More importantly though, it’s kind of insulting (not to me mind, I’m a white male) that people seem to think that the James Bond brand is what’s needed to carry a black or female lead. Seriously, we already know that’s not the case, so make a brand-new character who fits your criteria. If you have the rights then put them in the same world as James Bond, sure. That could be fun.
  A female Doctor doesn’t bother me because it works in-world; they established long ago that it was possible to regenerate into a different sex so it’s cool. It works.
  It’s just a shame the writing was crap. Fingers crossed for the 2020 series.
  There were rumours for a while that Spider-Man, no cross that, Peter Parker was going to be gay in an upcoming movie. This didn’t happen and I’m glad. I probably shouldn’t be but I am. See, I let a lot slide in comic book universes because there is the multiverse and as long as we don’t know which universe exactly the story is based in, there is nothing wrong with Peter being gay. But again, why not make a new character who happens to be gay?
  Isn’t it offensive to think that a gay Spider-Man has to be the original?
  This is where Miles Morales comes in. He’s not a black Peter Parker, he’s a brand-new character. And yes, you could say my above argument should apply here, after-all it’s still the Spider-Man brand. But Spider-Man is pretty unique in that there has generally only been Peter Parker. Yes there is Miguel O’Hara in the future and similar variants but many superhero mantles have been picked up by other characters, but Peter Parker is usually Spider-Man and no-one steps up to take his place if he dies or vanishes.
  Except maybe Ben Reilly, Peter’s clone.
  But even if he wasn’t unique, it wouldn’t matter. Do you know how many Spider-Women there have been? Including another of Peter’s clones?
  So when the Peter Parker of the Ultimate universe dies, Miles Morales comes along and tries to pick up the slack. This is just comic book tradition, and it works. I like Miles Morales. He brings a freshness to the Spider-Man story; seriously, screw Uncle Ben I want to see more Uncle Aaron.
  Speaking of Uncle Aaron, I was a fan of Prowler when it was still Hobie Brown under the mask, but multiverse so whatever.
  So changes thanks to the multiverse is cool, as is taking up another hero’s mantle. What else am I okay with? Well for starters, if something is done well.
  It seems a lot of Iron Man fans weren’t too happy with the Mandarin but, and maybe this is because I didn’t know a whole lot of Iron Man lore, I thought that the twist was amazing. That is how you do a trailer. They set up this mysterious terrorist (yawn) who was dominating the Middle East, only for that to be a façade for the real villain. As a twist this is not only amazing but was set up incredibly well.
  And then there is Michelle Jones from Spider-Man: Homecoming who we discover is MJ right at the end. She is quite possibly as far from the MJ we know as is possible but then again, she isn’t Mary-Jane Watson. I really like what they are doing here, using an established character whose relationship with the hero pops up in nearly every iteration, to hint at future sub-plots without actually being the same character.
 So I’ve been pretty positive about the idea of “changing” a character, so why am I bringing this up? Because it doesn’t matter how justified the change is, the execution can ruin it. Doctor Who is a prime example of this.
I was pretty excited to see a woman portray the Doctor because there is a lot in his (I use the male pronoun for a reason) character that you don’t often see in female characters. Matt Smith was amazing at portraying an old man in a young man’s body; he was a treat to watch. Tennant, Smith and Capaldi were all very good at showing a character who was old, who knew, and had experienced, far more than any human could match. He took the lead, got angry when he needed to and had a fire in his belly, a sliver of ice in his heart, usually hidden by a cheerful and possibly forced optimism.
  To see that kind of female character would be new and awesome.
  Instead we had infantile episodes more focused on preaching than actually telling a story. I don’t know if Whitaker can act, I don’t know if she is up to the job of being the Lonely God, because we didn’t get to see it. I’ve been watching the old episodes, by which I mean 1963 onwards and I’ve just revisited the 2005 onwards series’; two companions really has to be the maximum number of companions and if there is a third then they should be the Doctor’s equal. Otherwise the Doctor gets ignored.
  River Song was never just a companion and while you could say that her presence detracted from his, it was in a good way that allowed the characters to bounce off of each other. In series 11 with Whitaker we saw more of Ryan and Graham’s relationship than we did the Doctor herself, that is when they don’t pause the episode to dump exposition onto the viewers (I’m looking at you, episode 3).
  Of course as far as I’m concerned, the greatest sin occurred in the second episode: she gives up. The Doctor gives up. For no good goddamn reason. Okay so there is a reason. Her time-machine, which has been coming and going for centuries isn’t there at that very moment! She didn’t see it disappear, not to return for another hundred years; it just wasn’t there yet and she knew it was due any moment. What the fu-?!
  Who is this woman? Certainly not the Doctor who chases away fleets of spaceships with a speech.
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-what a speech- 
  How about another example? You may have heard of Spider-Gwen (don’t worry she doesn’t actually go by that name, that would be stupid), her series is based on Earth-65 as opposed to the mainstream series which is Earth-616 (who numbers these?). I don’t want to talk about her, although I totally could. I like her and what they wanted to do, even if the execution was poor. No, I’m bringing up the Earth-65 Captain America: a black woman called Samantha Wilson.
  The agenda behind that can already be practically tasted but I prefer not to whine about such things and she seems okay as a character. My problem is that if she went through the same process as Steve Rogers, which she did, then why isn’t she ripped like Steve? Seriously, that guy is jacked in virtually every incarnation so why isn’t she? Because she’s a woman and thus her biology is different? I think it’s safe to say that that is BS and the only reason she isn’t covered in rippling muscle is because it wouldn’t look sexy.
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-seriously? Trump is Modok? He’s even quoting Trump! Urgh, the taste of agendas-
  Men can be huge but women? Nope.
  I don’t mind Gwen not being massive, depending on the artist then Peter can be pretty skinny too. But double-standards much?
 I’m going to close up here. I don’t mind changes to established characters so long as it makes sense: taking up the mantle of a superhero, an alternate universe or possible in the established canon; I do however think that rather than changing an established character, a new character should be made. But while I often like to see these new (or sometimes “new”) characters, I will not force myself to like something if the execution is poor.
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Like as far as “worst comic book movies ever” go, I think on many levels WW84 is genuinely the worst of them all because it makes you wonder if the first film was decent by accident. Like with F4ntastic, there was never any genuine hope it would be good, and with ASM2 it’s at least shitty in a funny way (not to mention the first one didn’t inspire much confidence). But WW84? This was supposed to be the sequel to the first big female-led superhero movie of the modern age, a film that holds up pretty well despite an awkward finale, and they just did absolutely everything as poorly as possible.
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spam-1997 · 3 years
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@biigsh0t​ sent: ❝ * * "THERE^S [[Another One]] OF ME- ME- ...US(?) [[Somewhere Out There]]. NOT- NOT- NOT A [[FRIENDLY]] [[I Repeat, This is NOT a Drill!]] NOT A [[Friend Request Accepted]] HE ALM0ST F-[[***!NG]] KILLED ME [[THIS IS NOT A TEST!!!]] ❞
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⇨  “ * GREAT!!! F4NTASTiC... YOURE TELLiNG ME THERE’S A [ Psycho Killer! ] OUT THERE WEARING MY [ mug ] ??? “ .... Maybe this is karma. Maybe this is his fault-- maybe this is what he gets for planning to help ice a whole city  maybe it was dumb to think this whole   murderous tendencies  wouldn’t bite him in the rear one of these days! Bite all the hims.
“ * AND LET ME GUESS.    THEY HATE--H4TE--HATE THE [ All we do is advertise! ]? ”  That’s bad. That’s REAL bad.... Oh, he hates himself sometimes, he really does...
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margokesses · 4 years
Say what you will about F4ntastic (and there is .... a lot, including not letting Sue be Black and whitewashing Ben), MBJ absolutely NAILED it as Johnny Storm, and Disney has some huge shoes to fill when they cast Johnny. I hope they rectify the mistake F4ntastic made by also letting Sue be Black, showing Ben's Jewishness and by giving Wyatt Wingfoot a central role with a Cherokee actor. I'm not optimistic but... I can dream, right?
No you're right!!
Send me your marvel hot takes
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iainwrites · 5 years
On the “2019/2020 School Year” watch list, we have:
-My Hero Academia S3, Pt 2.
-F4ntastic Four
-American Gods S1 & 2
-Ace Ventura & Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
-Letterkenny S1 - 6
-Wayne’s World 1 & 2
-Summer Wars
-The Boy and the Beast
-Mythbusters S1 & 3 (the only ones I have handy)
-And the big commitment: Smallville, the complete series.
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the-wolfbats · 5 years
replied to your
superdogbiter replied to your post: ...
it was probably comic verse because no one is lusting after any actor who played doctor doom in any of the films
I mean besides myself and I know shit all about the comic verse.
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thesuburbanerd · 5 years
Saw Endgame. I won't spoil it.
But I just wanted to take a moment to reflect on what an achievement it is, along with the whole MCU just as a ten year experiment in storytelling.
Other than Christopher Reeve Superman and Michael Keaton Batman, comic book adaptations were almost all terrible. They didn't respect the source material and the character never shared a universe with other characters. Dolph Lundgren's Punisher didn't even wear the skull. It's pretty much the easiest one to adapt and they couldn't even do that.
I just kept thinking, "Just take the stories from the comics, use the characters from the comics, and let them meet other characters from their universe. People will like it." And for years, you couldn't get that. I'd read interview after interview with directors who kept saying, "I can't make this thing that is essential to the character work so I'm gonna change it." So you get Halle Berry Catwoman. Or F4ntastic.
So the MCU tried something. They built a universe with the characters they had the rights to. And it worked. Well cast, great effects, good stories and they all linked up.
You're spoiled today kids. You never had to watch David Hasselhoff as Nick Fury.
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magicamethyst80 · 5 years
Over on Reddit, the dudebros are saying that Thor 4 should be titled F4NTASTIC TH4R.
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vintage1981 · 6 years
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@FlorenciaSofen with swimsuit by @geekskin_net, inspired on this rare Sue Storm suit.
• Left pic: Paul Ryan (1992-94)
• Right pic: @JScottCampbell (2018, Weapon-H #6)
• Photography by @fali_ruizdavila 
#cosplay #Fantastic4 #FantasticFour #InvisibleWoman https://t.co/aMa5yJXwrN
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