#fabulous glitter fish
ronkoza · 5 months
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more merfolk au. Tor belongs to @littleulvar
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punkpandapatrixk · 1 year
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✨THAT GIRL ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
‘I know everything has its time and you cannot compete with destiny, is what I say. What I thought I wanted when I was younger, it wasn’t my time to have. I wanted to work with Calvin Klein—I did the fashion shows but I never did the ads. So it took me 34 years to do an ad. And, I said, “Okay. It’s okay. That’s my time.”’ – Naomi Campbell
Hey, Gorgeous~♥︎
Why do I get the feeling your fabulous era is coming fast? There’s this thing with Divine Timing, you know. As you work daily on yourself to become a vibrational match to your D E S T I N Y✨ the time will come when the world is ready to witness your S P A R K L E S✨
Your Light is needed by this world, in whatever capacity you feel a resonance with and in whatever fashion you find most exciting! We each have our divine time to be seen and heard. We can’t rush the caterpillar to grow into a butterfly, right? Often, there’s a painstaking process there. So what to do in the meantime? Become THAT GIRL you’ve always known yourself to be🌷
Who are you at the core of your being, Girl? Basically, if you nurture aspects of yourself that feel natural to you, you’ll discover that the key to your Destiny has always been in your hand. You just need to explore your potentials, experiment with yourself, test your limits and expand your horizon until you find the DOOR that’s the right fit for your key🚪🗝️
Live for yourself. Do whatever you wanna do and find yourself in the midst of novelty and temptation. So that you find your UNIQUE strength from within.
All in Divine Timing. Your fabulous era is coming~🦋
SONG: ♥︎Lonely in Gorgeous♥︎ by Tommy february6
SERIES: Paradise Kiss (2005)
[PAC Masterlist] [Part 1] [Part 2]
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Pile 1 – That Happy-Go-Lucky Girl
VIBE: Hot Summer by f(x)
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the most UNIQUE thing about you, babe – 8 of Pentacles Rx
ADMIT IT. You loathe the idea of ‘hard work’. Gosh, the world is full of wonders and humanity has found a way to invent boredom and be depressed! You are definitely a Faery Soul. You have a unique, more sensitive point of view which causes the whole notion of ‘hard work’ to get over your head. Why work and not just play? Why is it so impossible for people to embrace lightheartedness and just, BE, happy? You just want to dip yourself in pastel glitter all day long.
For one, you’re definitely a rebel—whatever your style may be. You have so little regard for rules if you’re being honest. If anything, you make your own rules after careful testing and experimentation. That’s what you do with fashion as well. Fashion is fickle, but style is forever. And to you, there can be more than one style that you can call your own. You don’t like to limit yourself when it comes to things you can do, try or wear.
You can be like a chameleon and you love that fluidity/flexibility of yours. But on top of that, you’re also transformative. You’re a highly creative soul who has a penchant for reinventing your personal brand over and over again. You’re the brazen type that can rock ANY style and people still say, ‘That’s totally THAT GIRL’S style no matter what she does/wears!’ You possess a really strong, magnetic, energy signature.
path of least resistance – 8 of Wands Rx
Your aenergy is reminding me of famous rebels of Harajuku. Harajuku is a tiny, tiny, tiny patch of the entire fabric of Japanese society, but the creative souls who dwell there exude such POWERFUL aura. Exactly because they have a rebellious energetic signature that they express rather unapologetically😊
These are the rebels who know they’re meant to carve out a lifestyle of their own in the midst of Japan’s disgusting policy of conformity. The 8 of Wands in reverse here is literally representing the notion of a koi fish that swims upstream to become a dragon… or something like that. This is a Kafkaesque energy! You go the other way, baby—don’t follow the crowd because even they don’t know where they’ll end up!
The more you try to conform and follow what everyone else is doing, the more miserable and unlucky you become! Because doing so is against the policy of your Faery Soul’s authenticity. Whatever line of occupation you are interested in—genuinely interested in—I just know you’re meant to do your ‘job’ playfully, creatively, lightheartedly, passionately, and BEAUTIFULLY. Whatever you do, it’s pointless if you’re not surrounded by BEAUTY.
accept yourself glamorously!♥︎ – King of Swords Rx
Ay ay, don’t use too much logic, babe. You’re magic🧚🏻‍♀️Your intuition is more reliable than your intellect, trust yourself on this one. You possess this peculiar type of intelligence that is fuelled by passion from your heart. That said, your gut instinct is also that much stronger than your capacity for cognitive calculation. Hope that makes sense. You are essentially an otherworldly being. Though you may often feel like you’re a chaotic pile of confusion because of that.
Actually, you have spidey senses that help you notice a lot of things all at once and you don’t always know how to explain that. You just, absorb so much information from visual cues, auditory cues, and other invisible cues you pick up from the collective or aether. There’s always so much going on inside you because of this. But you’re just processing all of that information, so don’t worry, you’re not as chaotic as you think😆This is a SUPERPOWER!
You just need time to learn to accept this superpower and use it to your advantage. Didn’t Peter Parker also go through some hardships in the beginning? Before he knew how to use his new mutant powers? Yeah, something like that. Go do your weird shit and be a maverick. That’s how you become a vibrational match to your SPARKLY DESTINY🌟
the Hand of Destiny – Priestess of Enchantment
tick tock tick tock VOILA~♥︎ – Priestess of Divination
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Pile 2 – That NU IT Girl
VIBE: LA chA TA by f(x)
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the most UNIQUE thing about you, babe – 10 of Wands Rx
With you, there’s a strong energy of a debutante girl who kinda just popped out of nowhere, springing forth from obscurity. The reality though, is that you worked really hard to grow into this new IT GIRL in town. Your hustle tends to be unseen by others. I’m guessing you have significant placements in the 8th House and 12th House; or those energies ruled by Scorpio/Pluto and Pisces/Neptune.
I think you genuinely like it that way though. Keep ‘em guessing, is your motto. It’s entertaining to you when people can’t figure out how you’re, YOU. Let the mystery of your growth keep ‘em speculating. You love it when people can’t stop talking about you. You don’t even mind the gossip. As long as all attention is on you~ You’ve got the whole world wrapped around your fingers~
You gravitate towards luxury and you love trends. It’s like, following trends is the only way you feel like you still belong to the Human Race. Unless you do so, you feel left out because you’re a real hustler HAHAH You tend to isolate yourself to study and work on building your empire. Though you may seem shallow to those who just know you on a surface level, I think pretending to be normal like this exhausts the living shit out of you.
path of least resistance – IX The Hermit Rx
You’re probably more spiritually attuned than you let out. Especially if you have significant 8th House/Scorpio or 12th House/Pisces qualities to you. Because of this, you tend to be a hermit, enjoying doing your own thing at your pace. Your inner world is more interesting than the outer world full of shallow and stupid people. You can’t stand that their ambitions are so tiny LMAO
However, it does seem like you can sometimes get obsessive with your studies or work. This is giving me that vibe of someone who’s become so comfortable in the darkness they get blinded once the curtains are lifted. You remind me of Sherlock Holmes played by Robert Downey Jr. A smart, calculating, strategizing weirdo who isn’t that great at social settings🤣
Of all the Piles, you seem the least in need of this kind of reading—because you already have a strong sense of self. You seem to me like you have your identity established already. You’re clear about your likes and interests and these aren’t going to change easily. I think this is partly why you can be into trends—all for you to feel like you’re less boring. Hahah I don’t think you’re boring; you’re timeless, babe✨
accept yourself glamorously!♥︎ – 7 of Wands
With your heightened sense of class and timelessness, you could be prone to envy and jealousy, right? You’re essentially someone who’s incredibly blessed, on top of that, you’re hard working. It’s only natural so much good fortune is bestowed upon you. You’re a go-getter. You aren’t afraid to claim your prizes. And I think you should honour and protect this with your life.
Having said that, I still get this feeling that your Higher Self wants you to share your burdens with someone trustworthy. If you could surround yourself with a tiny inner circle of Soul Friends, that’d be more than enough. It’s good to have a few friends you can count on. But if your trust has been broken and your faith wounded, this could take some time to heal, so that’s also understandable.
The most important thing is that you never settle for less in your friendships and even business relationships. You don’t have to ask for much; you just need to ask for what’s true. I have a feeling when you’re older you will be blessed with amazing rendezvous with a bunch of your Soul Family. Until then, enjoy shining on your own terms. You’re IT~
the Hand of Destiny – Priestess of Prosperity
tick tock tick tock VOILA~♥︎ – Priestess of Faith
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Pile 3 – That Transcendent Alien Girl
VIBE: NU ABO by f(x)
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the most UNIQUE thing about you, babe – 5 of Pentacles Rx
As per usual, Pile 3 often carries an alien vibe—in this case, almost robotic. You’re futuristic and avantgarde in the way you think, do or say things. With two Major Arcana, I can’t help but mention that you’re likely a Starseed or a Lightworker. Being one usually means you’ve had to face many oppositions in Life to get you all prepped up for your Destiny! What are you gonna do about it? Refuse your tasks and let the whole rotten world kill your Light? Hell nah.
What’s incredibly interesting about you is your morality. You have a super strong sense for justice and you carry yourself with high standards of morality. It’s just…because you’re an alien, what is moral to you might not always agree with the convention. You’re the type of person who notices how justice in this world is totally broken. I’m not even talking about a nation’s justice system—I’m talking about the general sense of what’s right and wrong for reward and punishment.
You’re the type that on the inside could be like Genghis Khan, Joseph Stalin or the Joker and Harley Quinn. You aren’t afraid to blow a damage to someone or a situation that’s been unfair. Your being chaotic, destructive, or simply disruptive as a punishment, is what’s JUST in your book of morality. I’m reminded of the story of the German Revenge Mother, so yeah… That’s real justice because this world’s moral compass looks terribly like a joke to you.
‘I am the punishment of God... If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.’ – Genghis Khan
path of least resistance – I The Magician Rx
Because your energetic signature is very alien, you’re a born eccentric. No matter what you do, you’re just…abnormal. Different. Depending who sees you, you’re either an inspiration or an eyesore. You can’t help it. You stand out too much. Those who see you as an inspiration though, usually feel so because your example (or your stories) gives them a sense of validation.
You clearly don’t belong; but you’re carefully doing your own thing; carving out your very own existence; establishing your place in the world through sharing and flaunting your unique talents. THAT is incredibly validating for other rebels, eccentrics, and outcasts who are similar in vibe to you. You are a powerful creator—a Magician—whether or not you’re aware of this at present.
Have you ever had this crazy feeling on the inside, that sometimes, you’ve felt like your moods affect the local weather near you? Or maybe you’ve caused electricity to go haywire when your emotions are heightened? Have you felt like your hands sometimes cause batteries to run out faster? Do you get electric shocks a lot even when the thing you’re touching shouldn’t be a natural conductor for electricity? Wood or even plastic?
Bitch, you possess a crazy amount of creator energy in you. Sometimes it leaks as sparks of insanity in the physical realm because that amount of potent energy needs to be moved. Remember: energy can’t be created or destroyed; it can only be moved or transferred. You were born with this insanity because you’re an alien. You’re more than capable of handling it. All of that is just needing you to learn to channel IT properly into passionate pursuits that can benefit Humanity~♥︎
accept yourself glamorously!♥︎ – VI The Lovers
I know you get shy sometimes. Thinking that your dreams and visions are too cringe or too wild, too crazy. But you wouldn’t even be able to perceive those visions if you weren’t capable of manifesting them. So, there’s a reason for that. And more likely than not, you’re meant to see it through that those visions become Reality. As for the cringe part…
Aish, your imaginations just need polishing. They’ll get better as you refine your senses and develop your tastes. Your Reality is bound to be more high-quality eventually LMAO Trust yourself for that! All great artists also started out quite pathetic if you compare their masterpieces to their pre-debut, or even debut, works. The manifestation of your desires is also a form of Art like that.
The more you merge with your Higher Self the more this will make sense. In the meantime, what you’re meant to be focusing on is your Lower and Higher Selves integration. The Human and the Spirit, ah I mean, the Human and the Alien merging as one navigating existence in this Earth Matrix😉
the Hand of Destiny – Priestess of Ritual
tick tock tick tock VOILA~♥︎ – Priestess of Beauty
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[PAC Masterlist] [Part 1] [Part 2]
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kit-williams · 4 months
Controversial Mermay Opinion
So I got struck with this as I've just been playing around with what the Primarchs (Pri-mer-chs) would be and Sanguinius... our lovely fabulous hawk boy.
See that's the problem he is so tied to his wings that it makes picking a fish HARD for him and his sons since they have that Vampire and Angel motif. A very heavy sky motif... so what would be a way to give him what he deserves... to not be tethered to his trope.
To bind him to another
Might I propose this... his motif relies on the heavens and to some degree fire/the sun you force his motifs to be the abyss and the water/the dark
I makes sense to me! Because he is so inherently tied to his wings of being near divine in appearance that you have to make him near divine in this too. Of course, he will still be beautiful and easily bound to his hunger not much has to actually change about Sanguinius just I had to fundamentally remove him from his wings and what better way then to make him something fundamentally OTHER.
Still have the glittering golden locks... still be kind... still hungers for blood... still Sanguinius more or less... just don't ask another person what his tail was... don't question how he swims through the water as if it was air or even not there... just don't question... he can hear you think... your thoughts are so loud...
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ddymarie · 1 year
1:25 am
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"When met you in that hotel room I could tell that you were so bad news"
Waring: smut, oral sex ( m Receiving) interrupted sex
An: second chapter!!!
September 12th
Location: Hero Gala
I exited the car to be unwelcomingly greeted with flashes from cameras and phones, screams from fans , photographers and reporters.
" H/n Look over here! "
" look at little to the left... Perfect "
" are you having an affair with shindou?"
" arch you back further more out "
" how would you describe working with the former no. 1 hero endeavour "
" do you plan on taking any interns? "
" H/N "
I swear I'm gonna go deaf from all the noise. Trying my best to walk up the carpet to the stairs.
I wore an elegant black dress with chunky diamonds on my cleaveage that pushed my boobs up, tight enough to squeeze my figure making it known. The dressed shaped me nicely highlighting my abs and ass. I was accessoried with black sparkley gloves that were covered with millions of dollars worth of diamond bracelets all up my arm. Diamonds of all sizes. I wore a black 6 inch heel the underside being the a glittered black bottom with a dark red hue. I looked back once more with a closed eye smile. After that my vision was filled with nothing but white.
I turned back around carefully walking up the carpet covered stairs with one side of my dress in my hand as I held onto the railing. As I made it up the stairs unaware of a certain pair of Ruby eyes on me. I stopped and looked in the direction where my hero name came from.
It was a young blonded hair reporter wearing a red silky materialed dress.
" n/n, hello there im Victoria, I'm a reporter here on my internship. " she spoke up
" hello, " I looked at her before glancing at the camera while sipping my champagne I was handed.
" do you think... I- I can um, interview you? " she asked shyly
" oh, sure no problem I have time " I responded politely.
Her smile brightened
" how would you describe the transition from being a student to a hero? "
" well, it was pretty easy as a student I already felt like I was a pro hero. But um mentally I guess that means I was prepared. I was trained for this in U.A. they trained us heavier than we needed to be so everything was easy going for me. "
"As a intern I still feel nervous even talking to you. But any words to help encourage that mindset? " she asked
" yea mostly, stay ambitious , be competitive, always do your best, show out. But most importantly Breatheee.Also brand yourself. It'll definitely help with that big transition " I replied
" okay, favorite thing about your quirk ? " she looked curiously at me
" I glow after using it " I answer while shaping my face in a posing matter
" slay~, you look sexy as hell tonight what do you have on" she asked eyeing me up and down with a pleasant smile
" the dress is innovation of storenvy's black mermaid dress , the diamond on my cleaveage area was to highlight the dresses shape which is why it's curved in a little more in the center. The diamond decorated gloves were custome piece from Donatella Versaces ghetto fabulous collection. The shoes are from LV. Make up and body glitter done by the Mia jay herself " you beamed as you slid your hands down you slimmed waist where you curved .
" ahhh, I can't wait to get bigger,you are definitely an fashion icon this look will go down in history!! Now this hairr" she you looked hungry tryna get the deats on it
" yes the big look of tonight" you look up ( imagine this but more textured and longer like a fresh blow out)
" wow you look amazing but that's all I have tonight, good luck with your nominee's "
I thanked her before walking away heading towards my room mate and best friend alien queen/ mina ashido
While walking further into the building I looked around and made eye contact with a certain hero..
Walking past him I awkwardly smiled and waved
I apporched mina and we both got to complimenting and gossiping. A few minutes later the lights dimmed 3 times alerting us that the award ceremony was about to start. So I headed next to my table which I was accompanied by Momo and Mina
" WELCOME ALL " shouted the man himself...
" tonight will be a night to remember not just because of fashion"
*the camera panned to my table facing me and my girls *
" -but because of the nominations! " HE SHOUTED
*everyone cheered*
" now for our first nominee of tonight"* he opens and envelope*
" for the most influential hero... Congratulations Deku! " he announced
I saw Midoriya get up from his seat and accept his reward
" thank you so much this means a lot. " he started and continued on
About 5 minutes passes by when you get an reward.
" and for our next nominee of popularity.. Issss H/N! " the crowd roared as you got up trying not to trip, once you get to the stairs you pause tho looking around.
I need help up the stairs...
Denki aids you up the stairs
The crowd stared in awe
You held his arm as he guided you to the microphone
You whispered a thank you
"Oh, shit- oop. Oh my god. Um I don't know what to say. I'm impressed and thankful. I was a nominee alongside the top 3 and won, holy. This unbelievable. I'm also the first female hero to receive this award... " you said your final thanks and headed off stage
An hour or two passes when you are finally released with 3 trophies in your hand
I walk to the red carpet to take my final pictures and walk back to my Limosouine, just before the door is opened pro hero dynamite had approached me . He and I both chatted it up some and he asked for my which I gave to him, then entered the fancy car and head back to your hotel where you carefully got undressed and took off the wig
Only to be met with an text from who you now address as katsuki.
Katuski: we're in the same hotel right?
You:yeah, why?
Katuski: my manger left, come over
And just with that you exited your room in pj's room 306....305....304...303! You knocked on the door and right then and there both of your lips crashed into each other. Devouring each other, tongues battling for dominance.
Closing the door behind him with his foot he carries you to his bed sitting down with you on his lap. Hands reaching the hems on your shirt as you take it off . Taking your bra off. He's taking his tank top off along with his shorts. You do the same. You pull away from the kiss so you both could catch your breathes
" shit, I think we should slow down-" he started " shh, " you interrupted.
You climb off his lap putting your hair in a pony tail. You look up at him while in between his legs on your knees.
He nods " go ahead- " he started before he cut himself off with a groan. You had already gottten to work sucking his while massaging his ball sack. You moan at the stretch as you go down taking of only 5 inches in. He hit the back of your throat causing you to gag repeatedly. He pulled you off of him. Looking in his eyes with a smirk as you take him in again sloppily. His thick veiny dick covered in your saliva. You go down again licking his tip before sucking it in your mouth. Hollowing your cheeks as you go down further. His hands behind your head guiding you. Mouth shaping around his length as you deep throat him now with no problem. His moans are non stop and his groans are loud. Thrusting into your mouth at a steady and fast pace
" ah shit, ah~" he was about to cum
You remove your self from him and start stroking as you kiss him up and down his length while massaging his balls
" fuck" his eyes roll back at the sensation
Just then white squirted from his tip into you hair and forehead. Whiles he's Cumming you went from kissing his length to sucking his balls
He's stroking his own dick helping you help him ride his nut out. A few seconds later he's laided backwards on the bed as you clean your face scooping the access cum up with your fingers, before sitting over his wet length you look him in his eyes and lick your fingers and moan "more".
Climbing over him and lining him up with your entrance before sitting on him taking him in one go.
"Fuck- Y/n you are magical"
You began moving your hips In a Circle motion whining him. Realizing it wasnt doing much for you, you stood on your knees before bouncing on him driving him crazy
"Mmm~, you like tha-" you say only to be stopped by a knock at the door
You hurry off him wiping yourself down before pulling up your clothes back on. Katsuki does the dame
"Sir-" " I'M COMING DAMMIT! " he irrupted. Looking at you with sorry eyes
You didn't cum...
You hid in the closet by the door waiting for the person present to walk in. Just as they did you snuck out..
Damn near a week later and you haven't contacted him. Until..
On a Saturday night at 1:25 am 💋
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Heyy yall
This is chapter 2 it's not a lot but I'm new here🤩🤩
This when they first ig "fuck"
Chapter 3 will be out later his week it's gonna be long starting from the ending of chapter 1
Feel free to send writing tips or small request 😗
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yassifiedbible · 2 months
Genesis 1
Alright, darling, let’s serve up Genesis 1 with all the glamour and sass of RuPaul!
Hey there, gorgeous! It's time to get into the origin of everything with Genesis 1. Honey, this is the ultimate creation story, and it's more fabulous than a glitter-covered runway!
1. In the Beginning:
First up, in the very beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Picture it: total darkness, a blank canvas ready for some divine creativity!
2. Let There Be Light:
God said, "Let there be light," and BAM! There was light. God saw that the light was good, honey, and He separated it from the darkness. He called the light "day" and the darkness "night." And just like that, we have the first day, full of sparkle and shine!
3. Sky High:
On the second day, God said, "Let there be a vault to separate the waters," and He created the sky. Talk about high fashion – this was the ultimate sky-high look! Evening and morning came, and day two was fierce!
4. Land and Sea:
For day three, God gathered the waters to reveal dry land and called the waters "seas." But He didn’t stop there. God said, "Let the land produce vegetation," and suddenly, the earth was sprouting with fabulous plants and trees. It was good, darling, real good!
5. Lights, Camera, Action:
On day four, God turned up the drama with celestial bling. He created the sun, moon, and stars to light up the sky and separate day from night. These heavenly bodies were serving looks and marking seasons, days, and years. Day four was all about that stellar sparkle!
6. Sea Creatures and Birds:
Day five came with some aquatic and aerial realness. God said, "Let the waters teem with living creatures and let birds fly above the earth." Suddenly, the seas were full of fabulous fish and the sky was alive with birds. God blessed them to be fruitful and multiply – filling the earth with life!
7. Animals and Humans:
On the sixth day, God said, "Let the land produce living creatures," and it was a menagerie of wild animals, livestock, and everything that crawls on the ground. But the grand finale was yet to come. God created humans in His own image, both male and female. They were given dominion over all the earth, tasked with ruling and multiplying. Honey, humans were the crowning jewels of creation!
8. Rest Day:
After all that fabulous work, on the seventh day, God took a well-deserved rest. He blessed this day and made it holy, setting the standard for a divine day off. You better believe even God knows the importance of self-care!
So there you have it, darling! Genesis 1 is the ultimate creation runway, with each day bringing more fabulousness than the last. From light to land, seas to skies, and all creatures great and small, God’s creation is a masterpiece of divine proportions. Keep serving that faith, and remember, you were made in the image of the Ultimate Creator. Now go out there and shine!
And that's how Genesis 1 slays the creation game, honey! Sashay away with some cosmic inspiration!
If you need more biblical breakdowns or any other divine insights, just let me know, darling!
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qnewsau · 5 months
Torremolinos: Spain's small city with a big LGBTQIA+ heart
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/torremolinos-spains-small-city-with-a-big-lgbtqia-heart/
Torremolinos: Spain's small city with a big LGBTQIA+ heart
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On the sun-drenched southern coast of Spain lies Torremolinos – a small city with a history of LGBTQIA+ liberation.
It has long been a haven for travellers seeking sun-soaked adventures and acceptance.
A long queer connection
The town went from a sleepy fishing village to an international destination in the 50s and attracted artists, musicians and of course, a healthy dose of queer visitors. 
This saw the first gay bar Tony’s open in 1962. This happened while homosexuality was still a crime under Franco’s conservative regime. More venues popped up and the town developed its own gay village called La Nogalera.
It thrived until it was raided during Franco’s rule in Spain’s version of Stonewall. After disappearing for some years, it has again found its glory and is very much a top LGBTQIA+ destination.
Current day Torremolinos
But what exactly makes this coastal paradise of just 68,000 residents a must-visit destination?
For starters, Torremolinos boasts a calendar brimming with LGBTQIA+ events that cater to those particular into the hirsute.
There is Gay Pride in May, Torremolinos Bear Week in July and Mad Bear Beach Festival Torremolinos in August. 
  View this post on Instagram
  A post shared by TORREMOLINOS BEAR FEST (@torremolinosbearfest)
But bear and pride events are just the tip of the iceberg in Torremolinos’ vibrant LGBTQIA+ scene. 
The village plays host to a variety of drag shows, cabaret performances, and themed parties throughout the year, ensuring there’s never a dull moment for visitors looking to let their hair down and embrace their true selves.
What else is on offer?
Yet, amidst the glitter and glamour, Torremolinos remains grounded in its natural beauty, boasting pristine beaches, azure waters, and breathtaking vistas that provide the perfect backdrop for sun-soaked escapades.
Add in the Spanish food and wine plus a vibrant nightlife and this is a small place that covers everything you need for a holiday.
In Torremolinos, diversity isn’t just tolerated; it’s celebrated with open arms. Whether you’re a burly bear, a fabulous queen or anything in between, you’ll find a home away from home in this coastal paradise.
So, pack your swim trunks, dust off your dancing shoes, and prepare for an unforgettable adventure in Torremolinos—a town where bravery acceptance, and bear hugs reign supreme.
2024 events
Torremolinos BearFest 17-21 July
MAD.BEAR Beach 9-19 August
Make 2024 your year to visit Spain! Visit spain.info to find out more, down the LGBTQIA+ brochure or speak to your travel agent.
Read next:
Spain: The top five LGBTQIA+ places to visit 
The Spanish pride events not to miss in 2024
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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harvardfineartslib · 2 years
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Read with pride!
“Something of a living legend, Daniel Nicoletta (born 1954) has been the leading chronicler of the LGBT civil rights movement in San Francisco over the last 40 years. This is the first book dedicated to his powerful photographs from the burgeoning lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender mecca that was San Francisco in the 1970s and its journey to the present. Nicoletta is best known for his iconic images of Harvey Milk, one of the world's first openly gay elected officials, who was assassinated by a homophobic colleague in 1978. Nicoletta portrayed the glittering drag queens, the fabulous costumes, the alternative theater world and the quiet bravery of same-sex couples trying to live their lives. Today, Nicoletta continues to document the reverberations of Milk's legacy. He serves as a key point person for LGBT civil rights and Milk-related research. In 2014, one of Nicoletta's photographs was used on a Harvey Milk Forever stamp. 'LGBT: San Francisco' is an essential gay history and a stunning photographic work that is not to be missed.” – from the publisher’s note.
Image 1: Images from the endpaper
Image 2: Left page: Haight Street Fair, May 18, 1980. Miss X, Tippi, Freda Lay and Dorish Fish. Right page: Haight Street Fair, May 18, 1980. Doris Fish and Tippi.
Image 3: SF LGBT Pride, June 28, 1992. Cirrus and Frederick.
Image 4: Left page: SF LGBT Pride, June 25, 2000. Randy P. Burns (Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe and co-founder of Gay American Indians in 1975) and Bambi Raven Littlefeather (Tlingit Nation, Takdeintaan Raven Clan). Right page: SF Dyke March, June 24, 2000. Ruth Villasenor (Chiricahua Apache and Mexican Tribes and Bay Area American Indian Two Spirit member).
Image 5: Castro Street Fair. August 1976. Leon Lott, December Wright and Larry Williams.
LGBT San Francisco : the Daniel Nicoletta photographs Attribution Photographs, Daniel Nicoletta ; foreword, Gus Van Sant ; introduction, Chuck Mobley ; editor, Tony Nourmand ; art direction, Joakim Olsson. Author / Creator Nicoletta, Daniel, 1954- [photographer]  London, UK : Reel Art Press, 2017. 304 pages : chiefly illustrations (some color) ; 31 cm English 2017 HOLLIS number: 990150582040203941
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lebenspurpur · 3 years
Hi there!Hope you are feeling good y'know?If not, them hope you get better then!! :))💖
But can i ask(If it's not problem) for Jason Voorhes with an S/O who is a Brazilian Girl?like, She got an accent And Brazilian features?And he get flustered with her flirting with him in Brazilian like.. "você e muito gostoso 😎"="you are really hot 😎" but when he try to flirt back she's shy?it's ok If you don't want to!! (Sorry for Bad english, not my main language ^°^)
I feel pretty stressed but that's alright, so here you go, hope you are doing wonderful <3
Also, your English is really good!
Jason Vorhees with a female, Brazilian significant other:
AN: I took the Portuguese from Google translate, I am very sorry if it's incorrect. I'll gladly change it if it'swrong.
(Also I hope you don't mind that it's a tiny story instead of headcanons, I felt inspired to write something more self-indulgent.)
Warnings: None :)
Wordcount: 625 words
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The forest was unusually quiet. In fall, all the birds disappeared into warmer regions, leaving the woods with silence. You understand why, you too fear the cold, harsh winter out here at the lake. Jason always seems to be immune to it, running around in his usual clothing, fishing, hunting, as if the temperature isn't cold enough to make one die from it.
You already look forward to the spring, when all the sounds and flowers will return to the surroundings.
The tranquility of it all does add wonderfully to the mystical ambiance though. Sometimes, especially in the winter, the lake and the woods look like a fairytale. The trees covered with snow, the lake frozen, and the bright winter sun scorching down, making it all glitter.
You sigh and tear your gaze from the small window and back to the dishes you're washing. Jason cooked dinner for you today, one of the many adorable little things he loves to do. He once told you that he loves the way your eyes sparkle when he does nice things for you. That it makes his heart swell with pride.
You chuckle to yourself as you finish the last plate, drying your hands with the towel next to the sink. Your hands fly to unwrap the apron you are still wearing.
Behind you, a door opens. Smiling, you turn around, already knowing who just walked in.
You're correct, it's Jason who softly steps inside, his body seems huge compared to the small room. His eyes light up a bit when he spots you, standing next to the counter.
"Hello, querido.", you call out and open your arms, a huge smile on your features. Jason smiles as well and steps forward, wrapping his arms around your frame as a greeting.
"I finished cleaning up." you tell him, still smiling, as he steps away, "Are you ready to go?"
The two of you planned to walk a little. The sun is about to set and you don't want to miss it.
Jason nods as he takes your hand, leading the both of you out of the door.
Soon, you're strolling along the lake, setting sun painting the surroundings in orange and red. Jason stops every now and then, checking a trap he set to see if it's still functional.
You can't help but admire his body every time he does that, muscles flexing beneath the shirt he's wearing, tall body deliciously muscular.
Right now he's fixing a trap next to the water, the sun illuminating his kneeling body like a halo. You squint your eyes as you look at him, smiling when he stands up and walks back to you.
"You look good like this.", you coo as soon as he's close enough to hear you, "Gostoso."
Jason lifts an eyebrow, obviously not understanding the word. Smiling cheekily, you take one of his hands in both of yours.
"Hot.", you explain, a little blush taking over your cheeks, "It means hot."
Jason grins widely at your sweet words and, though he's blushing, quickly pulls his hands from your grasp so he can sign.
'You look fabulous too.', his fingers move fastly. You're about to thank him as he interrupts you with another movement of his hands, 'Hot.'
You freeze as your cheeks slowly turn a darker shade. Jason smirks and then starts laughing at the blush on your face. His arms wrap around your middle and pull you to his chest, your face still painted in pink.
You recover, hands punching him lightly as you bury your head in his chest.
"You can't just say that.. without a warning!", you scold. Your voice is muffled against his shirt and he laughs again, the sound vibrating deeply in his chest.
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monstersandmaw · 5 years
Leyil’s Christmas (nsfw)
Edit which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me.
Hello! Happy Christmas folks! I hope you’re having wonderful days, whether you’re celebrating or not, and I’d like to offer you a little thank you for being such a fabulous bunch of people.
Content: fluff, a chilly and grumpy merman, and some nsfw Wordcount: 2112
Also check out this stunning artwork by the immensely talented @ilustrariane​ of Leyil
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( Part One | Part Two (nsfw) )
You heard the distress call way before you realised that it was snowing.  
Bolting out of your door into the late morning light, still wearing your pyjamas (because hello? It’s Christmas Day?!) and a long coat, you rushed to the lake shore to find Leyil lying out on the ice, looking like a landed carp, howling miserably at you.  
“What? What’s wrong?”
“It’s so cold,” he whined. His claws scratched and scrabbled pathetically on the thick ice as he stretched out towards you, the tiny circle of his breathing hole visible just behind him.  
“You’re lying on your belly on bare ice, of course it’s cold!” you scolded him. “What did you expect? And I thought your kind hibernated for the winter anyway? I haven’t seen you in weeks.” And you’d missed him too, and all his shy but somehow still sassy humour. He’d recovered well, and had nearly fished the little lake dry while he’d been recuperating, but things had calmed down now that he was healthy again.  
“I… I should be hibernating,” he grumbled, rolling over onto his back and whining. “I just… You were talking about Christmas and snow and you seemed so excited about it…”
Your eyes went wide and you sank your hands onto your hips, astonished. “So you waited up for weeks just to see if the hype was worth it? You’re worse than a kid waiting up for Santa.”
He fixed you with his deep green eyes and shrugged. “I suppose. What’s Santa?”
You ignored his question, a plan already forming in your mind. “Well? Was it worth getting frozen on ice like a market-day catch?”  
“Not so far…”
You rolled your eyes. “You want to come in and warm up?”
He blinked slowly, his third eyelid raking horizontally across his weed-green eyes. “You’d be ok with that?”
With a nod, you sighed. “Stay there. I’ll get the wheelbarrow.”  
He’d been in the wheelbarrow a number of times before, exploring your tiny smallholding as you’d showed him the chickens and how to plant artichokes, but the metal of the barrow would be cold against his back so you nipped inside and flung a lurid, red tartan rug over it and then hurried back to where he lay on the thick ice of the pond.  
“Tell me you’re not actually stuck to it,” you said and he shook his head.  
“’M just cold,” he slurred. His skin was pale as the snow on the ground, and his black hair stood out in stark contrast, sticking pathetically to his scalp and his shoulders. It had grown even longer since you’d rescued him that summer, and somehow it made him more attractive to you. His body had filled out a little after the months of starving homelessness he’d suffered since his shoal had been forcibly moved from the lake, but his frame was still birdlike in its delicacy.  
You’d got the hang of hoisting him up by his armpits into the wheelbarrow by now, and it was never elegant but it worked well enough. His siren’s tail was long, but he grabbed hold of the iridescent fluke and hoiked it out of the way while you wheeled him towards the house.  
“I’ll run you a warm bath if you’d like,” you said. “Now that I’ve got the boiler running reliably, I’ve got more hot water than I know what to do with.”
“Really? Hot water?” he asked, practically wiggling out of the barrow in his excitement at the concept.  
“Keep still, you overgrown eel,” you laughed and he dutifully promised to behave.  
Leaning to one side, he trailed his clawed fingers through the six inches of snow, raking four furrows in the perfect whiteness, and he sighed. “I’ve never really seen snow before,” he said dreamily. “Normally we just sleep at the bottom of the lake until the water warms up enough for us to start hunting again…”
“The novelty wears off after a few days,” you muttered. “I’m fed up with scraping it off the truck so I can drive into town. You’re going to have to haul yourself into the house,” you added as you neared the steps. “I’m not sure I’m strong enough to push the barrow up the steps.”
“That’s alright,” he smiled before slithering out of the barrow like a fresh catch into a soft bank of snow, which made him yelp, but it had to be warmer than the water and the ice back out on his frozen lake. Using his powerful torso, he dragged himself easily up the steps to your little farmstead and you shoved the front door open for him.  
He’d been inside before, and he immediately made for the sofa, curling himself up on it with a luxuriant sigh. It was only as he lay back and opened his eyes again that he spotted all the decorations. “What… What’s this?” he asked, pointing at the tree covered in baubles and glittering cut-glass decorations.
It took a while, but you explained the concept of decorating the house to celebrate the festivities, also showing him what Santa was, and he gasped when he saw the cut-glass mermaid’s tail you’d bought at the market the week before.  
“Let me see it,” he begged, holding out his long-fingered hands until you brought it over to him. He turned it over and over in his hands, grinning dangerously until he finally asked, “Why do you have this?”
You shrugged, embarrassed. “I thought you’d never come indoors in the winter, so I wanted something that would make me think of you while you were asleep in the lake…” you admitted.  
His pale cheeks flushed, the scales darkening in colour on his shoulders too, and you grinned.  
“You like it?”
“Mmm” he hummed, offering it back to you.  
Feeling brave, you leaned down and as you took it from him gently, you left a kiss on his cold cheek. His hands flashed up and grabbed you, drawing you close until you toppled down onto the sofa with him. It took a bit of adjusting, but finally you lay practically on top of the entire length of his body, and he grinned, nipping playfully at your neck. “It’s still strange to me that you have no gills,” he murmured after he’d raked his dangerously sharp teeth over your skin, following the gesture with a broad lick of his tongue. “And your skin is always so salty…”
“Hey,” you complained, but you realised it was probably true in comparison to his.  
“I like it,” he smiled. “And you’re so warm…”
After a while, however, he started to shuffle. “What’s wrong?” you asked.  
“I’m drying out…”  
His fear of drying out again was completely understandable after having spent so much time begging near the chlorinated fountain in town. “Let me run that bath for you…”
His face did something complicated before he hid it behind a smile. “Thank you,” he said.  
“I asked you here,” you said as you stood and headed towards the little bathroom next door. Your farmer’s hut was a very simple shack really, with an open plan living room and kitchen on the ground floor, and a bathroom at one end, and the staircase that led to the rafters on the second floor, where your low bed sat. And that was it.  
Lying back in the tub a while later, Leyil let out a deep groan of pure joy. “This is wonderful,” he said, humming softly. Your ears began to buzz as his music filled your mind, and you remembered then that he was no ordinary merman, but a siren.  
As if he too recalled that, he suddenly stopped, apologising.  
“It’s ok,” you said as you sat on the floor beside him while his tail flopped out at the other end of the old tub. “I know you’re not going to lure me into a stupor and eat me by now.”
He surprised you again by taking up your hand from where it rested on the edge of the bath, and pressing a soft kiss against your knuckles. “Not everyone is so generous to my kind, you know?”
“I know.” Letting your fingertips play along his glacially pale arm, up to his shoulder, you watched as he shivered and then rolled his head back against the curve of the end of the free-standing bathtub.  
“Leyil,” you breathed. “You’re so beautiful…”
His breath hitched visibly and his chest heaved once. Taking that as an encouragement, you worked your way down his white marble torso, playing lightly over the base of the fins at his hips until he whimpered and gripped the rim of the bath in a white-knuckled grasp.  
“You want me to stop?”
“Never!” he gasped, his face flushing swiftly with embarrassment, right down to his prominent collarbones.  
“Never?” you asked playfully and he groaned.  
“You know what I mean…”
You did. You watched as the slit in his tail began to swell slightly, and as you ran your fingers inside the rim of the opening, you discovered a slickness that had nothing to do with the warm water.  
“Ohhhh,” he sighed, and water sloshed over the side onto the tiles and into your lap as he bucked.  
You didn’t stop.  
In a few minutes, his slit began to pulse beneath your touch, and the tip of his pale blue cock began to emerge. Leyil was gasping and moaning, not holding back the power of his voice, and you began to touch yourself in a matching rhythm.  
“Leyil, look at me,” you hissed as he arched his spine powerfully, fins flaring, neck on show as he tipped his head back again with a loud moan.  
Leyil’s eyes rolled open dazedly and he fixed you with an unfocused look. “What?” he murmured. “Oh spirits, look at you…” he added when he took in the sight of you touching yourself. “Let me sing for you? Let me… please?”
You nodded and his cock slid all the way out, writhing idly in the warm water. It was ridged and slick beneath your fingers, and so hard that every time you slid your hand up to his arrow-head tip, he let out a panting whimper. “Sing for me then,” you murmured.  
His song was like nothing you’d ever heard. Sure, you’d caught snatches of the refrains he sung to himself out in the lake as he hunted or patrolled the edges of the body of water that was now his own, and he’d even sung gently for you that time you’d nearly drowned wading out to apologise to him for some empty words spoken in anger, but he’d never unleashed the full power of his siren’s voice, and never just for you.  
As you worked him harder, your fingers gripping him firmly, working him from base to tip, he called a wild, ululating song, part chorus of moans, part love melody, until your vision blurred and your chest felt like it was going to explode.  
“Leyil, I’m close,” you said, still with your other hand tending to your own body, even as you worked him closer and closer.  
All his fins fanned wide again as his back arched and he yelled. His cock broke through the surface of the water and you came hard at the sight of him, his song filling your head like a summer day. As your concentration was broken, so your attentions on his painfully-hard cock slowed, and he choked something in disappointment, but when you recovered, you found him watching you, his voice silent now but his eyes still speaking volumes.  
With a trembling finger, you ran your touch around the inside of his swollen, slick slit, and he jerked wildly again, more water slopping over the edge of the bath onto the tiles. You repeated the gesture, leaving his cock untouched for the time being, and as he began to tremble, shake, and almost convulse, you wondered if you could make him come from this alone.  
After the fifth time stroking his sheath, you felt it contract and pulse, and he bent forwards, his abs tensing, almost folding himself in half, and he screamed his pleasure so loudly that your ears almost hurt. He covered his chest in his release as he twitched and flailed, voice cracking with the force of his orgasm.  
When he finally slumped back into the half-empty tub, he was spent and exhausted, his eyes closed, his mouth open, and his cheeks flushed pink.  
“Happy Christmas, Leyil,” you smiled when you saw the state he was in.  
“Definitely worth it,” he slurred without opening his eyes. “Happy Christmas…”
Don’t forget that I’m doing 12 full length stories - a new one every day between now and 6th January - over on my Patreon, which is the equivalent of a whole year’s worth of stories in just 12 days!! The first one went up today and is a whopping 10k words long!
I really hope you folks enjoyed this one! Don’t forget to let me know if you did enjoy it by leaving a like and/or reblogging it!
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fairy-writes · 4 years
Congrats on 400 omg!! Could I get a male matchup for Jujutsu Kaisen? I'm an aries sun / leo moon and my mbti is INTP.
Looks: 5'2, very thin and have lots of tattoos. Love doing makeup and always wear some crazy sparkly makeup look. My aesthetic would be: pink, beige, gold, faux fur, glitter, roses, kitties.
Positive traits: feminine, intelligent, protective, polite, intuitive, excitable, friendly, sensitive, caring, open-minded, good with animals.
Negative traits: hotheaded, snappy, awkward and weird but like...not in a Cute way lmao, insecure, kinda bratty when I'm mad, stubborn af. I'm highkey a loner bc I have a super hard time opening up and trusting people and I also just have trouble with socializing in general lmao.
I love design and gaming and computers, I'm a computer science major. I do well under pressure and always try to act logically when things are bad BUT at any other time I'm a crazy anxious person. It definitely annoys people just how anxious I get lmao. I do well with kids and animals tho and I think cats are the best thing ever lol. Tysm again xo
I pair you with… Itadori Yuuji!
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I know he said his type was tall girls but I feel like his personality matches yours and compliments it!
He would be suuuuper intrigued by your tattoos and also your talent with makeup! He would totally let you put makeup on him 100% (I personally hc as him not really caring about ‘feminine’ or ‘masculine’ titles on things like makeup is for girls, sports is for boys, etc.) aaaand I think your aesthetic of pink, beige, and gold would go really well with his aesthetic of dark colors with pops of red. Just from my perspective as an artist; the softer tones of your aesthetic would mash really well and bring out the darker and more bold colors of his!
With you being more of a loner and also good with animals, I can see you guys bonding over something kind of quiet and peaceful like feeding ducks and fish at a pond or maybe volunteering at a shelter to play with the cute animals. Another activity you guys could totally bond over would be movies! I think his go-to date would be something like dinner and then a movie marathon with snacks (which sign me up pls, I want a movie marathon date)
A way you would balance each other out would be with your sensitive and open-minded and protective nature. Itadori is so used to having to take care of others so you being there would help him ‘share the load’ so to speak. He’s also super outgoing but also understanding which means that he knows and understands you’d need time alone as an introvert.
Another way you would balance him out would be your logical side in battle vs his more impulsive side. You would bring a different outlook to things and find new ways of bringing down cursed spirits.
Overall, he would be the light to your dark I think, the sunshine to your cloudy day. He would bring out the best in you and you in him.
I hope you liked your matchup nonnie! Have a fabulous day!
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adrenaline-roulette · 5 years
Absolute Beginners
Chapter one: Breaking a few egg heads
Years after running the Labyrinth, and rescuing her baby brother. Sarah finds herself forming an unlikely friendship with the Goblin King himself.
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Sarah Williams was well and truly done with life. Not in a, ‘Oh what a cruel, harsh world!’ sort of way, but more of a ‘If Jareth shows up in my home one more time uninvited, then I may be forced to commit a crime’ sort of way. Don’t get me wrong, the company Jareth provides is rather excellent, a pleasant change from the goblins who she constantly found ransacking her kitchen cabinets and fridge, and he certainly made for intelligent conversation while her university friends were away during the semester break. The only issue with the King of the goblins continuously showing up unannounced, was the sheer amount of glitter that he left behind during each visit. Now Sarah likes glitter just as much as the next girl, but trying to vacuum it out from her carpet, and washing it from her hair was a nightmare! So much so, she now found herself simply leaving the apartment as it was, covered in glitter. Though she had to admit, that in the right lighting (Usually around 5:13 pm) the rooms took on an almost magical look, what with all the glitter…. And dream catchers, and wind chimes.
 With a groan, Sarah shouldered her front door open, dropping the heavy grocery bag onto the tiled entrance way, a sickening crack filling the empty apartment. “Shit.” She muttered, looking down at the fabric bag, which was slowly becoming wet at the base, “There go the eggs…” She kicked off her shoes, and frowned down at the bag, knowing full well that it wouldn’t clean itself up, though she damn well hoped that maybe, just maybe if she scowled at it long enough, it would. A familiar gust of wind caught her attention, though not enough to cause her to look up, she knew exactly what it meant, and the sound of the patio doors bursting open only confirmed her suspicion.
“My dear Sarah, I’ve brought you a gift!” called the clipped English accent of the one and only goblin king. Sarah remained staring at the ever-growing pool of shattered egg, that was slowly creeping closer to her sock clad feet. “Hi Jareth.” She smirked, looking up at the ever-glittering king who now stood in the apartment entrance with her. “Any chance you could, you know.” She motioned her hands in what she called, her best magic impression, which was more or less a vertical rendition of jazz hands. Jareth rolled his mismatched eyes, muttering under his breath about not having to wave his hands to perform magic, instead he used crystal balls. With a flourish of his black leather gloved hands, one of said crystals appeared between his fingertips, he twirled it there a moment, watching as Sarah grew impatient, her eyes following the egg yolks as they neared her big toe. With a small chuckle, he lunged the crystal at the mess on the floor, the puddle and shattered egg shells all disappearing in a grand display of glitter. Sarah glanced down at where the murder of twelve innocent individuals had just occurred, nothing was left at the scene of the crime, no one would ever know what had happened.  Her eyes travelled up to Jareth’s, a smile playing on her lips. “Remember that chat we had the other day?”
“You mean the one where we discussed whether pork was really a type of vegetable?”
“No, not that o- Wait, when did we have THAT conversation?!”
“Perhaps that was with my advisor Garret, not matter, please continue.”
Sarah shook her head in wonderment, the things that man said were a mystery sometimes. “I meant, the chat we had about you coming to the door like a normal person. I don’t care if you glitter poof outside of my home, just not inside, it takes too long to clean up afterwards.” Sarah watched as Jareth visibly scowled at the use of the word ‘poof’.
“Sarah, precious, I do not poof anywhere. I appear, there is a difference. And besides, I simply had to arrive as suddenly as I did, as I announced when I arrived, I have a gift for you.”
Sarah manoeuvred herself around Jareth, having collected her grocery bags once again, in order to deposit them on her kitchen counter.  As she made her way around her kitchen, she found herself trying to recall how this had all started. The whole, Jareth appearing in her apartment and presenting her with gifts.
The 25th of March seemed to spring to mind when thinking about the beginning of this all. It was three years after Sarah had run the labyrinth to reclaim her baby brother Toby from the Goblin King. She had been out with her friends at a house party, where everything was served in a red solo cup, and no one really knew what they were drinking, but it was obvious that whatever it was, it contained copious amounts of alcohol. By the time Sarah had stumbled home, it was past 3 am, and even in her drunken state, she knew to be grateful for her father, Karen and Toby being away for the weekend. She made her way upstairs, after finally managing to unlock the front door, she could’ve sworn she felt small goblin sized hands helping her steady her own shaking hands, to open the door, but they seemed to disappear just as soon as they had appeared. Her typical evening routine was abandoned that night, instead she opted for stripping her rather revealing dress off, and throwing on a pair of sleep shorts and shirt, she could take her makeup off in the morning… Or afternoon, depending on what time she managed to drag herself out of bed. She sat on the edge of her bed for what felt like hours, but was in fact no longer than twenty minutes, her eyes focused on the mirror of her old vanity table, contemplating whether she should call on her old friends again. Ludo, Sir Didymus and Hoggle had always been happy to talk with her, but perhaps not at such an ungodly hour. She shook her head, and sighed. “Goblin King, Jareth, I need you..” She whispered, as tears slipped from her eyes. After such a great night, the last thing Sarah expected herself to be doing was crying, especially over something that had occurred over three years ago!
“Sarah, have you called to wish away another child….” The sneer in His voice fell short as Jareth peered down at the young woman sobbing on her bed. This certainly wasn’t how he had imagined their next meeting, especially not with Sarah looking as she did now, the makeup running down her face was not an appealing look.  “I… I’m so sorry Jareth!” Sarah cried out, her wide green eyes seeking out his own, there was such vulnerability there, one he had not seen during her run of his labyrinth. “Sorry for what Sarah?” He smirked slightly at the way she shuddered lightly at the sound of her name from his lips, perhaps there was hope for him yet? His mind danced away from the scene playing out in front of him, paying only a small amount of attention to the blubbering Sarah, explaining why she was sorry. In his mind, Jareth Saw himself and Sarah dancing, which seemed like such a novel idea, especially seeing as there were far more things that were less polite that he would like to picture himself doing with Sarah. Though something caught his eye about their dancing, at first it had seemed like any other ball Jareth would host, or attend in the underground, but this was different. Not different in the layout, or the guests who smiled politely as the couple danced past, but in what Sarah was wearing. It would have meant nothing if the shade of her dress was slightly darker or light, but no, this particular shade of red could mean only one thing. The image playing out in his mind was of their wedding day, more specifically their first dance, and if Jareth had it his way, one day it would no longer be a dream, but instead a reality.
He suddenly found himself jolted out of his dream, by the sound of Sarah blowing her nose, it looked as if she were finally getting to the point of all of this crying. With a deep breath, she launched into a grand speech. “Jareth, I forgive you. All you did was what I asked for. You took Toby to your castle because I wished for you to do so. For years I tried to convince myself that you took him under different circumstances, but I can’t lie to myself any more. Everything I asked for, you did. If anything, I should be thanking you, not hating you!”
Now this took Jareth by surprise, and very little did these days. After living for over a thousand years, it was hard to find anything truly shocking, but this was certainly unexpected. It was as if his brain had stopped working, he couldn’t think of any witty response to Sarah’s sudden change of heart, come to think of it, he couldn’t think of anything to say at all! So instead, he opted for standing in front of the mirror he had appeared through, his mouth agape and nodding along, like some sort of stunned fish. A very regal looking fish, with fabulous hair, but a fish none the less. With one final half smile from Sarah, she fell to her side, head resting against the pillow, and slept.
“That was…. Unexpected.”  Jareth murmured, raising an eyebrow down at the sleeping woman. He did not envy her of the headache she would undoubtedly have in the morning, he only hoped she would remember what she had revealed to him. Leaning down, he pressed his lips against her temple, chuckling softly had she hummed happily in her sleep. “Take care Precious.” He whispered, before vanishing through the mirror, leaving the first of many clouds of glitter behind him.
 After that first night, Jareth found various reasons to visit Sarah, though he always made sure she had the house to herself before he appeared, knowing full well that she may have found it rather difficult to try and explain the dashingly handsome King in her bedroom. Or as she put it, ‘If my father finds out there has been a man in my room, he will murder me.’  But Jareth much preferred his variation of the story.
As the years passed, Jareth found himself having fewer excuses to visit Sarah, especially after she moved out to her own apartment. There were only so many times he could simply pop over to reclaim one of his goblins, who he most definitely had not sent to her home himself. Besides, if he used that excuse too many times, he feared Sarah may think he was negligent of his care to the goblins… She was right of course, but he would never let her know that! So, instead of taking some time to think of decent excuses to visit her, he began appearing almost daily, with some of the worst reasons imaginable!
“Oh, hello Sarah, I’m so sorry to intrude, but I wanted to offer you this lovely feather duster to replace the one my goblins ran off with the other day. It is of course made of pure chicken feathers.”
“Sarah dear, I wonder if you have any of that mortal pain remedy. Paracetamol I believe it is called? The goblins have given me a terrible migraine.”
“Precious, I was just about to cook myself up a delicious omelette with these fresh eggs, would you care for one?”
“Sarah! I don’t know what to do! The goblins, they…  They’re trying to build a catapult! Do they know something that I don’t? Should I be preparing for war? Sarah help!���
“Are you any good with political negotiations? No, don’t ask questions, just give me a yes or no answer. “
    “Dear Lord, Sarah! The goblins, they’ve set the bloody hedge maze on fire. It turns out the catapult wasn’t for an upcoming war, no instead they’ve used it to fire burning barrels of ale at the labyrinth!” (This particular instance was followed by Sarah coming home from classes the next morning, to find Jareth seated in her patchwork armchair, elbows resting on his knees, with his chin planted firmly on his interlocked fingers. Without so much as a question asked, Sarah had made her way into the kitchen, leaving Jareth there for thirty minutes, before returning with two bowls of steaming hot pasta, and a glass of wine for each of them. After this occurrence, Sarah found herself no longer dreading Jareth’s impromptu visits, and instead she simply worked around them. Jareth also realised, that perhaps he no longer needed an excuse to visit her any more, and soon found himself inviting himself over whenever he pleased, just for a chat.)
 “Sarah? Is there any particular reason you are holding onto those biscuits with such force?” Jareth chuckled, as he smirked at the brunette beauty before him. She had been standing in the same position for the past five minutes, her only movements those of when she breathed, and blinked. She had that far off look in her eyes she often adopted when thinking of particularly fond memories, or dreaming of somewhere she would rather be. Jareth found himself hoping for her to be thinking of memories, and prayed she didn’t despise his presence enough to dream of herself elsewhere. She blinked her eyes slowly, before returning to the kitchen, where her body remained despite her brain being a million miles away. “I… Sorry, I was just thinking about what to do now that I have destroyed all of my eggs. I was supposed to be making a cake for work tomorrow.” She blushed, knowing full well that Jareth knew that was the last thing she had been thinking about. Even though he had no actual clue of what she had been remembering, it doesn’t take a scientist to know that no one spends that long thinking about eggs.
“Well dearest thing, isn’t it just an amazing coincidence that my gift for you, just so happened to be goblin city fresh eggs!” Jareth grinned at the exasperated sigh that came from Sarah. She was onto him! He had used that excuse before to visit her, he had hoped she wouldn’t remember!
“Thank you, Jareth, I do appreciate it. But don’t you want to keep them? Either for yourself or the goblins?”
“The goblins don’t particularly like eggs. They prefer chickens as an animal, alive and clucking, and terrorising my throne room. Not chickens pre, all of that. As for me? I never have a shortage of eggs in the kingdom.”
“Are there really that many chickens in your kingdom, that you have enough eggs to keep you in stock?”
“You have seen my labyrinth love, surely you registered how many chickens there were just hanging about?”
“Well, uh, you see… I had always assumed you had put them there, thinking they were some sort of scare tactic…”
“I… I genuinely do not know how to respond to that Sarah. After setting the cleaners on you, you thought the chickens were there to frighten you?”
Sarah felt the blush creep up her cheeks at hearing how silly it all sounded now that it had been said out loud.  And that damned look Jareth was giving her just made her want to scream at him. Instead she threw the pack of biscuits at his head, smirking as it hit him square in the forehead.
“Now that was just rude.” Jareth muttered, and he picked up the biscuit packet off the floor, feeling the broken cookies inside the wrapping.
“That’s two casualties this evening! First the eggs, now the biscuits? When will your murderous spree end Sarah?” Jareth cried in mock horror, his lips curling into a smile as Sarah rolled her eyes at him.
“It will only end when I have murdered the greatest threat this world has ever known!” She declared, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
“Oh? And who is that my dear?”
Read chapter two here
My Masterlist
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ragewrites · 5 years
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HELIANTHA : The Myth of The Sun-Flower on wordpress   |   chapbooks   |   buy me a coffee?
wordcount: 2099 genre: fantasy / mythology / romance rating: PG-13
What greater pleasure is there, thinks the girl to herself, than letting your body brown softly in the naked eye of the sun, until the skin matches in colour and in honey the heavy sugar ground from flutes of fragrant rum-grass, the kind that yields also a golden, heady wine, prized so high by the sailors?
Hers is a family of pearl-divers; their village sleepy, coastal, hidden in the cleft of basalt cliffs. Bare, often, like the bones of a carp that has been suckled clean of its lovely pink flesh, left to bleach on the fine sand when it had given all it had to give.
There are never many people around during the day, as half the villagers leave together with the low tide in their curved fishing-boats, the prows adorned with chicory coronets — this for good luck, as it is said in heavy mist the delicate blossoms will light and cut a bridgepath through the fog. They’ve never seen it, but such is belief: a seed in the heart, rooting strong. Unpluckable.
Of the half that is left, most are weary mothers with children too small to be weaned off the teat; few are the ancient elderly, and perhaps fewer still the divers, themselves quick as fish.
Quicker, maybe. Her mother always says she’s bodied like a snake.
Just like your father, Side says, smiles grimly, shakes her head. She’s afraid she’ll lose her daughter like she lost her man: the girl’s already too sure of her lungs, too comfortable in violent waves. Someday a shark will come along, your name in his teeth. Be careful, my girl. Be mindful. You’re only blood and meat, try not to forget.
The one that had worn her father’s name on his teeth had tore into him like scissors tear silk: she’s hated their lot since, our girl, though she respects their might in the way we all come to respect that which repulses and enfears, and therefore fascinates us. She wonders how they taste — those supple bodies, taut muscles rippling under the smooth of their skin as though disposed in one long, uninterrupted cut. They were made for the blade, warm veins and white meat.
She dreams of that when she light-bathes, sun low in the sky like a half-opened eyelid. Dreams of a banquet, oysters and carp and octopus legs, the shark with her name in its teeth set as the centerpiece, served with all sorts of melons, with pale wines as well as reds.
It’s morning, and soon she will have to work, abandon the warmth of her rock-bed; after, when she will have scavenged enough shells, she will be free to return to her cove, the sun again low in the sky like an eyelid touched by the lips of Sleep. She will let its kiss harden the salt the brine will have in her peregrinations washed her body with, until she herself will glitter quiet, like a pearl — or more boldly, with the many fires of the opal; and the sun, that red, royal sun, will make her beautiful, the way she’s heard talk grooms make their brides.
It pleases her to think this. It makes her flush.
“You shouldn’t spend so much time lying around,” Side says one night over dinner. Oyster stew is brothing quietly in the iron pot between them. “It’s ill luck.”
Ania purses her lips. “Why? There’s never anyone around when I do it, so don’t say it’s improper, or I swear—”
Her mother smacks her arm with the back of the wooden spoon, lightly. “Stupid girl. Even if there are no men, there are always the gods. Always. Do you want to end up like Semele, beautiful and burnt?” She stirs the stew, counterclockwise. “Besides, if you tan any darker, you’ll look like an Egyptian. People are going to start saying I stole you, or that I dishonored your father.”
Another smack. “Eat,” Side says. “Stubborn girl.” Then, softer: “Don’t make me mother to a bride of Death, will you?”
After that night, she takes fewer baths, and always in great secret; and the secret thorns in her, grows to be pleasure. It pricks at her heart like the teeth of a mad hound.
I’ve found my shark, she thinks, and coppers for him. Oh, how sightly is the sun! How beautiful this Death, this groom!
“She’s lovely, your girl,” the women tell Side, one festival night in May. High fires are cracking all around and between them. To her they sound like bones. “Cheeks like dark roses, and that hair…Smart, too. She’ll make a wonderful wife.”
“I wonder about that,” Side says, and sips bitterly at her cup. By now her girl’s on her rock near the cove, no doubt thinking she’s so sly.
As if you can hide a lovebite when it’s in your every pore. Gods, Ania. You’re breaking my heart.
But what can you do? The girl’s in love, and Side remembers being sixteen and thinking that the world, stretched as it is between its two great waters, is still no larger than a pearl you can with ease hold in your palm when the right teeth are offering it to you.
If only she’d picked herself a less troublesome lover, she thinks, and feels like burying her face in her hands to spare herself the scene. Oh, Ania. You’re breaking my heart, you’re shattering it.
In her dream-banquets there is now another partaker seated at the altar: a man with eyes like fire, like bronze when it burns, clothed in such fine and costly purpure as you can only buy in the east. She may be but a humble pearl-diver, but she’s heard plenty talk of the Tyre, that fabulous city where even the molluscs are dressed in royal garb.
He looks at her across the table, those green-gold eyes lidded heavy, each its own low sun. “What is your name, girl?”
He sucks an oyster from its shell with delicate lips. “Do you love the sun, Ania?”
The thorn in her gives to his voice: pleasure is made passion, now, and passion is a whip. Her heart fringes, bleeds. Everyone knows him by his eyes, but she realizes she knows him by his teeth. She’s known him all her life. “My mother thinks we’re all born with a death,” she says, toeing the question, “And that for each of us it has a different shape. She thinks my death is bodied like a shark.”
“And you?”
“I think the sun is a shark,” she says, and her sincerity makes his mouth etch a smile.
“So you despise it, then?”
If she could see herself in silverglass, she’d see her eyes burn bright enough to be his match. “Hardly. I just wish it would hasten its bite. There’s nothing worse than that shiver before a wave hits, before a blade stabs — I hate suspense. Meals are the only things one should draw out.”
At this he laughs, and it is like rum-honey, like a balm on the wound of her heart: “Is that so.”
“It is.”
His teeth are gleaming, saying, As you wish — and oh, how she wishes. How she wills.
Side notices a change in her girl: she doesn’t bathe in light anymore, but rather seems to bask in it: she moves her cot so that it’s opposite the window, the first thing to be touched in the morning by the rising sun. She eats less. She’s gaunted, like a consumptive, like one who is sick in the liver or the lungs. She shudders to think of the reason. Shudders to know it, and in her bones she does.
But what can you do? Nothing may untie what the Fates have tied. It’s sinew-string, that knot. It can’t be torn or cut.
“Ania,” she says one night over dinner, fish browned in a skillet, cast all around with green olives, like a laurel wreath.
She takes her girl’s face in her hands and weeps. “Stupid girl. Didn’t I tell you not to make me mother to a bride of Death?”
Ania’s face softens, but the eyes don’t lose their fever. “Mom—”
She hushes her with her thumb. “My heart’s broken, but all the same it blesses you: may you have days. May they be happy.” She sobs. “My stupid girl. May you be happy, so stupidly happy, as it befits the holy fools.”
What terrible thing, she thinks, to be wed to a god. To have your nuptials with your pyre, to smile like that as it melts the flesh from you, as it ashens the hair and hollows the bones of their marrow.
O, Demeter. I know you don’t watch over seamen, but I know you watch over mothers. Give me strength, Goddess. Give me heart.
“I think I’ll die soon,” Ania tells him, breathes it soft into his chest. They’re lying on her rock, entwined like a pair of freshwater fish; from a distance, you’d think them sculpted in metal, or jeweled in some secret amber washed up from the depths.
He rubs circles into the small of her back. “I can ask Zeus to make you immortal.”
“That’s sweet,” she laughs, “But you’d bore of me one day, and then I’d have an eternity to stare at either the moon or my own misery, too in love with you still to bear the light of day.”
“I wouldn’t,” he says, and it is the first time she’s ever heard him forlorn. “And I can’t bear to know you in Hades, away from my eyes.”
“Selfish,” she says, kisses the sharp of his jaw. “Not that I mind. I’d hate to meal more than one shark. Too tedious.”
He turns them over, laughing, and the disc of the sun above is now nimbus for the one below. She touches her hands to his face, marvels at her god. “I won’t make you immortal if you don’t want to be,” he says when he sobers, trailing a finger down her body. “But I won’t let you leave me, either. Gods are jealous. Even straining ones.”
She pulls her bottom lip back between her teeth and thinks. “Let’s compromise, then.”
He listens.
At nineteen, Ania’s a woman who has known the world in ways the clergy may only ever dream of.
At forty, Side’s a widow burying her only child.
But something strange happens, something the undertakers in those parts still hush among themselves in whispers reverent, reserved usually for the Orphic mysteries: a brilliance fills the burial-chamber, and when it fades the cleaned body is nowhere to be found.
“Rapture,” one of those present calls it, and without meaning to thinks of the ways in which husbands hometake their new brides.
Side, shattered of heart, tears her veil from her head and laughs. It was one like Hades who stole her girl, alright, but unlike Kore her girl demanded herself the pomegranate sacrament.
Oh, Demeter, mother many and same-sorrowed; keep me. I beg you, keep the earth firm ‘neath my feet.
A single golden flower sprouts from the soil around her hut, turning its head gently as the day waxes and wanes, tracing the movement of the sun with its lone, dark eye.
Side holds onto it and weeps. “Stupid girl. My stupid, stubborn girl.”
“Heliantha,” Helios calls, many years therafter, wandering aimless through a field of sunflowers. He has aged, and sickened, and his skin is now as the bronze on an old church-bell, green as if kissed with seasalt for many a storming year. The Old Gods, once thought immortal, are facing burials: Zeus was usurped by a Son, but not his own; and isn’t that the cruelest joke?
Ah; how fair the Fates are in their punishings of hubris, even divine.
He calls again: “Heliantha, sun-lover, dear wife.”
The flowers rustle gently, although there is no wind. Eurus has long since silenced his reed-pipe, and for Pan only the lady-beetles and the spiders remember to weep.
“The gods are dying, Heliantha,” Helios says, seats himself on a jut of stone with a sigh. His whole body aches. His whole soul. “I am dying.”
Slowly, her arms embrace him, the warmth of them near-real, near-there. “Are you afraid, my shark? Does Aion make you fearful?”
He touches his lips to the inside of her elbow, turns the question over in his hands. “No. Not anymore.”
She sings, then, a soft, all but forgotten sailor’s tune. He closes his eyes.
Drifts, dreaming, dreaming…
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leora-strauss · 6 years
A Winter in Uldum
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[After a good few months away, I’m back! I have a bit more time and can start RPing again, so I thought I’d try and write something up to at least show what Leora’s been up to over the past few months!]
“I swear we’re almost done. Just a few more lines and I’ll let you go for the day.”
February in Uldum was always cool and crisp. Fresh air would come down from the mountain ranges in the north and sweep across the sunbaked deserts; making the late-winter months almost cool enough to feel comfortable wearing a light coat. Some days, even, the winds would bring with it a cool rain that would leave Ramkahen glittering with wet—it’s foliage brighter and more vibrant than before. The rainy, early months would also bring the spring much earlier than other parts of the world—the scent of spice and flowers filled the air like you’d just popped into the flower shop along the Stormwind canals. Each breath filled with the scent of freshly blooming dahlias and saffron.  
Leora hated to admit it, but she was starting to prefer Uldum over Kul Tiras. At least in the winter—she’d be singing another tune by the time summer rolled around, she was sure.
You said a few more lines a few more lines ago though! Please, I swear we’ll be extra attentive next lesson if you let us go early this time!”
Above the gentle din of merchants and adventurers in the Ramkahen square, Leora sat amongst a pile of pillows and silks in a large, spacious chamber. She adjusted the chalkboard in her lap as she leaned back into the couch. She looked down at her two students; two wide-eyed tol’vir children—one speckled and constantly fidgeting and the other a golden tawny colour, with gaps in between her fangs. “Hmm...I don’t know,” Leora began softly. She danced the piece of chalk across the backs of her fingers as she flashed a grin, “Your father did say I ought to be stricter with you. Perhaps a few lines will keep you inside and out of trouble. I’m sure the merchants could use a few more hours of peace and quiet before I loosed you to on the city.”
The speckled Tol’vir groaned loudly as he fell backward onto the pillows. “It’s not our fault people don’t know how to stack crates—how were we supposed to know that they were going to fall over?”
“You weren’t! You’re just supposed to not climb on other people’s things, usually.”
“Well what were we supposed to do?!” The tawny one said, “Hespu and me were playing. If they didn’t want their crates climbed on then they shouldn’t have had them out! Weren’t we good today though?”
Leora laughed loudly, “You’re not helping your case, Mehi.” She sat back up and placed the chalkboard down on the pillows beside her. The tol’vir leaned in closely, eyes up at her—anxious for her answer as she rubbed her chin. “So…” she mulled loudly, humming dramatically, “If I let you out then you’d be behind on your lessons, go and probably rile up the poor Quartermaster Abasi and Tidemother knows who else, or...I could make you do more Common exercises and Abasi won’t march up here and chew me out...decisions, decisions.” She couldn’t help but grin as her two students squirmed and groaned. However, just as she was about to answer, she noticed a figure who stood in the door behind her students—a dark pelted, looming figure of a tol’vir who was dressed in glittering plate and armed with a vicious looking sword.
The man was Shakir, Medjay of the Northern Frontier. More importantly, Leora’s employer. He was a tall, imposing man—which fit the needs of his post like a glove, though even Leora found herself sputtering in his presence. The man was remarkable rigid at times, it still caught Leora off guard from time to time.
“I’m sure Abasi could use something to liven up his day,” rumbled Shakir. The two children brightened as they turned to the figure.
“Can we, papa?” Hespu leapt to his little paws, putting out his speckled hand for Mehi to take. “Me and Mehi were extra good today! We did all of the boring things today too, so you should be extra impressed!”
Leora stuck out her tongue, “Rhetoric isn’t boring. Neither is mathematics if you pay attention.”
“You said they were boring yourself!”
Leora waved a hand, “Details, details! I’m just making you do all the boring things now so you can have fun with it later.” She rose to her feet and gently dipped her head toward the figure, “Good afternoon, Medjay.”
Mehi rolled her eyes, “It’s still boring now though!” Her little head snapped back to her father, “So can we? Please, please, please!”
Shakir chuckled and waved his hand, “Lucky for you, I have to speak with your tutor. Stay out of trouble.” He stepped out of the doorway and let his squealing children thump loudly down the hall and toward the stone stairs, “Or at least don’t let me catch you!” The Medjay turned back to Leora, “I hope I didn’t just dismiss them from anything important.”
“Nothing I can’t teach them tomorrow, sir,” Leora said. She rose to her feet and began to slip her things into her bag. “I do hope that you’ve been pleased with my work so far—they might be loud and a bit energetic but they’re fabulous students.”
“I’m sure,” Shakir nodded. “I always thought a foreign-born tutor would work effectively with them. More so than a local scribe. It seems I was right. I want them ready for the outside world. That, and I think knowing that you’ve been on adventures makes them more likely to listen to you.”
Leora nodded,  “I appreciate it, sir. It certainly keeps their attention when I can tell stories in between boring lessons. Keeps their attention a bit longer,” she chuckled as she slipped the textbooks back into her satchel. “Though thank you for being so open to letting me teach. I understand that you were...apprehensive about having someone with a...less than fully legal history—”
“I was worried about a criminal teaching my children, yes.”
His words hit hard. They made her wince. It was still difficult to hear the word; a criminal. An ex-criminal, at least. As much as they hurt, it didn’t make it any less true, as far as Kul Tiras was concerned. All she had to do was look down at her wrist; the stenciled letters SC-538 would look back up at her. S for “Saboteur” and C for “Conspirator”
“How do you plead, Citizen Strauss?”
It had been in a cold, dark room—up in the mountains where the air felt dank and stagnant like it’d begun to rot as it sat in the lowlands. The air always felt sticky and noxious in Boralus, industry mixed with the salt and blood of fish being sent to market. But that day it’d felt even stickier...purely toxic.
The trial had been held in a small courtroom near the dockyard. Pale morning light shone in through the large windows, still creased with frost and snow greyed by the smog from the night before. The light sent the judge’s—a portly man with a stern, weather-worn, face—silhouette across the floor in front of her. On either side, two others—a twitchy, nervous-looking woman with straw hair and freckles and a heavy-set man. The air felt as stiff as the judge’s movements. Across the far wall, Leora noted the Kul Tiran flag had been pulled down and replaced with the Alliance coat of arms.
“All three of you are accused of the sabotage of noble farms, the theft of property, and the conspiracy to smuggle serfs off of the land in which they are bound to. How do you plead?”
Leora had kept her head high, she remembered that. The two other, twitching and their breath short and nervous, needed the support. “I deny all of them,” she’d barked back to the judge, her hands clutching at the other behind her back. “People are not property and no person can be tied to the land against their whim. It’s an abomination!”
“Your opinions don’t change the law,” The judge had hissed back. “You have countrymen who are willing to testify that you’d offered your home to runaway slaves and serfs as a place of safe harbour even when you were away...running an illegal mercenary ring in Alliance lands, mind you.” he sneered at her. “Those we captured in your basement only weeks ago are now willing to testify in return for us stopping…” he’d licked his lips as he’d stumbled for the better term, “interrogation techniques deemed necessary.” Torture. He’d meant torture. “In a time of war, you would help rob and sabotage the nation by stealing the very labour it needs to function. You’re a traitor!”
“A traitor? I’m a patriot!” Leora had snarled back, “These people are Kul Tirans; born or brought here, and they deserve the dignity of a free life! War or no war, it doesn’t excuse bonded labour and serfdom!” She swallowed, “I had to do what was right...is that truly a crime?”
“A litany, yes. Crimes that you just confessed to.”
The air felt like mud in her lungs. Her spit had turned to syrup in her mouth; hard to swallow as the judge had shifted his weight around in his chair. “Seeing, however, your connection to certain...noble families...you will be spared execution,” he’d blustered. “But I assure you, that you will make up for the trouble you caused for Kul Tiras and, more so, for the Alliance by sabotaging a perfectly legal matter.” He adjusted his glasses, his lip pulled back into a sneer. “A few months in the penal battalions shall do. Afterward...exile. If you survive, of course.”
The last words stuck with her. The judge had leaned forward, as the other two had stayed mousey and quiet—shrinking into the background of her memories. “I pray you don’t,” he’d growled softly, a threat and a prayer mixed into one. Then, the sharp clack of the gavel and cold shackles digging into her skin.
“I understand the worry,” Leora said with a nod, “But I assure that my crimes were nothing violent. I did what I thought was right and that was something that the Kul Tiran authority was less than pleased with. I have paid my time, as well, nevertheless.”
“Well whatever it is, it’s certainly made you take to writing,” Shakir remarked. He pointed a thick, sausage-y finger over toward her desk in the corner. Atop itwase piles of pages; manuscripts that had yet to be sent off, mixed with the books that had already been printed.
“I took to writing, seeing how I’m away from home. It’s better to have something to do, yeah?.”
Essay after essay, manuscript after manuscript. Life in exile had given Leora a lot of time. With the Adventurer Society collapsed nearly five months and her having been free for a forty days, life had been slower than she’d been used to. It was nice to be able to write, more so without the censors and the threat of SI:7 or some local secret police looming over her. Every thought she had about slavery, every argument she could think of against the evils of serfdom, they’d all been written amongst poems and songs. In a way, it was a nice change of pace. Being exiled made her feel...free, in a strange way!
“Oh, I’m sure. Though speaking off…” Shakir moved for something at his side. “I read some of your writing and—coincidentally—something came across my desk this morning. Something I thought you’d be interested in.” He slipped out a folded map and a few pages tucked inside the fold. He handed them to Leora, who opened the wax seal.
A small marker had been placed somewhere in Tanaris. “I received word that some slavers have been travelling along the frontier toward Gadgetzan for the markets there,” Shakir said. His hand gently rested on the dagger that rested at his side, “Now, I understand, my duty as Medjay keeps me from doing anything myself—no matter how vile and evil the things they do, I am vowed to think of Uldum first.” A soft glint twinkled in the Medjay’s eye. “But..it certainly would be a shame if something to them, wouldn’t it?”
Leora glanced down to the page and furrowed her brow. Was this...was this him offering. “I…” She glanced back up to him, “I don’t know what to—”
“Say nothing then,” Shakir remarked. He moved for the door, lumbering across the room. “However, if you happen to go on a...hunting trip, of sorts. I’d be happy give you the time off,”
Leora flipped the small map in her hands for a few moments. She glanced back to the Medjay and smirked, “I’ll be sure to leave a lesson plan for the substitute then.”
It seems like she was about to have something to do with all her new “free time”.
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lazaefair · 6 years
17, 26 and 9 for the fanfic ask thing ^^
asks for fanfic writers
17. favorite AU to write
I seem to return to cyberpunk a lot, even if I never finish those fics so I don’t actually have any published. But my writing folders are littered with cyberpunk WIPs.  Some of it might be because I read so much science fiction and space opera as a kid, it’s a setting that’s very comfortable for me, I don’t have to do much research or obsess over getting details accurate. And it’s a hella cool aesthetic.
Couple specific AUs have been taking over my imagination lately, though, and both the creators have seemed amenable to my rambling about in their sandboxes, so I’ve spent a fair amount of creative time just commentficcing and world-building in these super niche yet fascinating universes:
GI Joe/Mag7 AU by @northstarfan - picturing LBH as Storm Shadow and Ethan Hawke as GI Goodnight is just hot, tbh, but their story together also pushes just about every trope button I have for “I shouldn’t want you, but I do, so damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead.” Bonus: it’s the perfect ensemble setting for transferring the rest of the Mag7 characters into some truly badass roles.
Forest spirit/mermaid AU by @poemsingreenink. My favorite kind of fractured fairy tale - how Tolkien would look after you tilt your head, cross your eyes, spin around three times, and then throw a fabulous rainbow of flowers and glittering fish scales over everything. And then there’s that ravishing instant infatuation between Billy the forest spirit and Goody the Mer. Poems has been doing lashings of additional world-building over on Pfio and I’ve been extremely honored to aid and abet in the process.
26. story you’re most proud of
I’ll Have All These Things, Star Wars, The Force Awakens
As usual, I was trying to write something else, and then got a kernel of an idea that I thought would make a good character study ficlet, 500 words or so. I’ll just dash it out in an evening, I said, get it out of my system so I can return to my Grand Idea. Of course this turned into three months of laboriously grinding out 6,000 words of contemplative introspection and Conflicted Feelings (I never did finish the other fic) - but the response I got made it so worth it. 
9. do you set yourself deadlines?
Heh. No. ADD means having an interest-based nervous system, which means deadlines leave no impression on me whatsoever! Time doesn’t exist! There is only the Now and the Not Now!
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kjhworldtravel · 2 years
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It’s graced by fabulous beaches, year-round sun and numerous opportunities for deep-sea fishing, diving and surfing, but there’s far more to Puerto Rico than suntans and snorkelling. Beyond the glitzy veneer of San Juan the coast remains incredibly raw and unspoiled, lined with miles of glittering white sands. Dig deeper and you’ll see the influence of the island’s rich stew of cultures – African, European and Taíno – in an exuberant array of festivals, tantalizing criollo food, gracious colonial towns, world-class rum and a dynamic musical tradition that gave birth to salsa. The scenery is similar but this is not the West Indies (think baseball not cricket), and despite its links with the US, Puerto Rican identity – like Cuba – remains proudly Latino. Contact KJH World Travel today and let us plan you a beautiful trip! 🌴😎#visitpuertorico #VisitSanJuan #kjhworldtravel (at Puerto Rico) https://www.instagram.com/p/Chayf3bPkuB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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