#faith and sexuality
existennialmemes · 6 months
I'm just over here, being Bisexual and having immense overwhelming love for my Pansexual comrades, because the words other people use to define themselves are not about me <3
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angelsdean · 4 months
tapping the sign that says: IF the confession / dean reciprocating is going to be something further explored in the revival then jensen / anyone involved cannot make definitive statements abt dean's feelings or destiel's reunion until it's actually shown. it would be spoiling future arcs or getting ppl's hopes up for a specific outcome that they don't have the authority to promise yet.
of course jensen is going to continue to give vague / deflecting answers. the only thing they CAN canonically speak on IS the confession because that's what's already happened. jensen can also speak on his acting choices in that scene, like how he's previous talked about where dean's headspace was at when he was sitting on the dungeon floor after.
but they literally can't be making Official Statements abt if dean reciprocates or how their reunion will play out bc we likely will be seeing that on screen and to speculate or talk abt it would potentially spoil what they're planning (since the revival at this point is pretty much a WHEN not IF scenario)
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batrachised · 19 days
forever enraged that it is a friday evening and I am curled up and so cozy, and yet the only lm montgomery shows available to watch are
aogg 1980s - classic, worth it, then they go off the rails
kevin sullivan fanfiction based on short stories - hashtag not my lm montgomery, goes off the rails
jane of lantern hill - first five minutes are superb, then it goes off the rails
AWAE - need i even speak. goes off the rails
emily of new moon tv series - goes of the rails. have a cousin jimmy who looks like a serial killer
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various hallmark-y aogg, none of which look good nor am i willing to try
aogg/emily of new moon animated series- tumblr is going to roast me alive for this but i am not a cartoon person
WHERE ARE MY FAITHFUL ADAPTATIONS. at the last, having a adaptation that didn't go off the rails batshit crazy with murder plots, adultery, and kidnappings would be nice
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squidfreak · 3 months
twirls around
smooches my gf
twirls around again
smooches my reflection in a mirror
twirls again once more
smooches my silly objects
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hualianisms · 10 months
camilikha on twitter posted with mtl the part of the TGCF Audio Drama production team's talk where they discussed hua cheng's character concept, and i love what the AD team said so i attempted a rough translation of the CN text:
"The core of Hua Cheng's character: Ultimate beauty, ultimate danger, ultimate devoutness The simultaneous contradiction and balance in his feelings: On one hand, he has a yearning desire that is blasphemous; on the other hand, he sees Xie Lian as sacred and inviolable, so he simultaneously possesses a devotee's sense of worship and sacrifice [1], and restraint [2]. His love is akin to a fire in the abyss; on the surface he approaches everything with effortless skill and ease, but in his heart he is always simultaneously suppressing and yet burning with fervour and zeal."
*translation notes:
[1] "献祭 worship and sacrifice" here refers to the religious act of a worshipper making sacrificial offerings to their god. the sacrifices offered to the god can be other people/things, or oneself.
[2] for the part about "restraint 禁欲", the CN phrase used refers to religious asceticism or abstinence (the AD team used many phrases with specifically religious connotations in this description of HC). however, "asceticism" felt to me like the wrong eng word for HC as he is not ascetic at all, nor is his devotion or love chaste. I struggled to find an eng word that fit here, but this is what the AD team was likely referring to (his abstinence during the centuries before he met XL):
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(I think the AD team may also have been referring to how HC initially attempted to hold himself back early in Book 1/Arc 1 for fear of overwhelming XL at first (during the period before they started kissing and HC realized XL fully reciprocated his attraction and desire).
and just my thoughts but i love how the AD understood HC as character so well! i love how they highlighted how he is simultaneously the concept of the most faithful devotee, and the most ardent lover. whether it's his religious devotion or his romantic/sexual love for XL, it's intense & passionate to the highest degree
i also love how they described the juxtaposition btwn HC's effortlessly calm & competent exterior, vs the intense passion he holds within. i really love how well the AD understands his character and allows HC to be as layered, multi-faceted and gorgeously romantic as he's meant to be
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godslittlesadge · 8 months
bro why are the asoryuu methaphorically foreplaying every single interaction. first the "you think i cant get you off" then "we both know you cant last even a minute". now in 2-5 ryu tells kazuma to "sheate (his) sword right in front of all these people's gaze" ??? Your Honor why are the two attorneys doing humiliation play during my trial (van zieks probably)
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bthump · 1 year
I just have to say this. You have this big analysis on how Guys and Griffith are gay for each other but there's something that really disturbs me about this. Both Guts and Griffith are based on Moira and his best friend Mori. So reading them as gay has really uncomfortable implications. Like I'm not denying the homoerotic tension between them but actual sexual attraction? That's a bit too uncomfortable for me
lol then you're not going to enjoy my blog I guess
but quick good faith respose:
it's not real, they're extremely loosely inspired by that friendship to the point where Miura has said he swaps who he identifies with more based on how successful he's feeling, and Miura has cited many other inspirations as well, including bl manga and some of his gay friends, fun fact.
but most importantly idc lol, they could be named Miura and Mori and I'd still ship them. And if Miura didn't want that, he should've made them less homoerotic.
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squidfreak · 2 months
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Much more "crisp" versions of @/dollcide's Sapphillean flag!
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fraudulent-cheese · 1 month
Ok genuine inquiry since i've seen two seperate posts about this on my dash and it's got me wondering - do people actually headcanon in canon female characters as lesbians because they don't like them in some way?? Because that sounds both insane and really fucking awful
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moonmoonthecrabking · 11 months
"i love lgbtq people, i just don't support them" yet the fruit of what you call love is death.
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vampitsm · 9 months
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[FLAG ID: Two identical rectangular flags that are next to each other with 6 equally shaped stripes going from top to bottom. The colors in order are duqqa brown, brown bramble, hot hibiscus, jaffa orange, purple opulence, and schiava blue. / END ID]
[PT: Black Lesboy / END PT]
A flag for lesboys who are black!
Made by me, requested by anon.
Pinterest Archive Post
[PT: Black Lesboy. A flag for lesboys who are black. Made by me, requested by anon. Linked is a post to the Pinterest post of this flag. / END PT]
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niqaboy · 3 months
these fetish blogs are getting discouraging. i understand you have a right to your kinks and whatever i am not trying to take that away from you, but i have made it clear repeatedly that there is NOTHING sexual or fetishistic about my veiling, my faith, or my online presence. the fact that i cannot openly be a queer niqabi without people sexualizing me against my will is upsetting. and it makes me doubly upset that so many of these people are using islam itself as fetish content. your "mnwo" stuff is disgusting and explicitly sexualizes people who are trying desperately to separate themselves from that, not to mention that its colonialist bullshit.
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gotyouanyway · 3 months
“if you don’t identify as aro/ace, then aro/ace people make assumptions about your relationship to sex and romance >:(” right unlike adopting or refusing any other label, which famously prevents people from doing this
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redandfranticfeelings · 7 months
questioning being asexual and/or aromantic (or along the spectrum) on this site is hell but Not just for the obvious discourse reasons. but also because so much discussion of asexuality on this site seems to be framed around either appealing to allosexuals or putting them down rather than discussing the experience of just Being asexual / aromantic, and i get that because it's hard to discuss the Absence of a feeling without referencing the alienation you feel compared to everything around you.
but a lot of the jokes and memes (and this goes for the entire queer community on tumblr especially) boil down to this strange competitive attitude among sexualities, this belittlement of anybody who has a different experience, jokes about how ace people are better than others because they don't have sex, this overcompensation that forgets that, actually, most forms of sexual expression are already heavily scrutinized for the same core reason as asexuality (the push for heterosexual sex for the sake of procreation). posts agreeing with literal conservative talking points about censoring sexual expression (even inexplicit) at spaces that allow it because of their personal distaste. so much of the discussion reads like spiting romance and sex rather than spiting amatonormativity and finding joy in not having it yourself.
and then on the flip side, you'll have the discussions about the spectrum of asexuality, and how many ace people are okay with some things and not others, which is great! but sometimes it feels like talking about one experience invites people to assume you're excluding the other (this post explains it well), and as someone whose questioning stems from Genuinely Not Knowing What The Fuck Sexual Attraction Feels Like, i find it hard to find spaces actually describing it, rather people just explaining what it isn't. (there's a good chance i may experience sexual attraction but not arousal, but i only ever really see people defend the notion of having sex but not feeling attraction, not the other way around, but i genuinely don't know what constitutes sexual attraction, it just seems to Exist as a concept everyone is supposed to immediately recognize and distinguish from other forms of attraction!)
i think a lot of the chase for "validity" in the community makes it difficult for me to find resources on what it's like to just be ace rather than what it's like to argue with people about asexuality, because even bringing up these issues was difficult for me, and i spent over a year as a teenager going along with toxic exclusionary views i didn't fully believe because i had these concerns, but the only people voicing them were trying to exclude discussions about asexual oppression entirely. and i think it's worth having these discussions in a fair way, and maybe people are and i just don't see enough of it. even when trying to ask about things that genuinely confuse me, things i might recognize in myself if i could have some questions answered, people assume hostility and/or just give a cyclic explanation.
idk i just want to feel like it's possible to be asexual and be comfortable with the prospect of never having sex while also not caring about whether other people would rather have sex or not. because the whole point of this fight should be that sex should be a morally neutral act.
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violentdick · 3 months
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-source: Batman (1940) #12-
Weapon of Choice: He is not beating the biseaxual allegations.
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bettsplendens · 4 months
What do you think gay men are attracted to in men that they can’t be attracted to in women?
It can’t be anything about femininity or masculinity obviously. That’s both sexist, and cultural so can’t be what drives men-only attraction.
It can’t be anything about stated identity because someone could lie just as easily as they could tell the truth in such a statement, and it makes no sense because homosexuality and heterosexuality exists in other species with no stated identities. It’s not like other animals without gender are all pan.
Saying idk it’s the vibes or some indescribable trait men have that women can’t but “I can’t explain” is a nonanswer.
Soooooooo what is it? Or do you think any sexuality but bi/pan is just cultural performance or an identity rather than an inborn orientation?
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Why are we asking about gay men specifically? Is that a random example pulled out of the hat, or are we questioning whether gay men actually exist?
How 'bout this: you tell me why straight men are attracted to women.
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