#fake educational certificates
navinsamachar · 1 year
नैनीताल: दो जनप्रतिनिधियों ने खोले एक-दूसरे के राज, दोनों के शैक्षणिक प्रमाण पत्र पाए गए फर्जी, गई कुर्सी (Farji pramanpatron se gai kursi)
नवीन समाचार, नैनीताल, 2 जून 2023। कहते हैं चोर-चोर मौसेरे भाई। शायद इसलिए कि दोनों की चोर होने के वजह से वह एक-दूसरे के चोरी के राज छुपाए रहते हैं। लेकिन यदि उनमें से एक दूसरे का राज खोल दे तो दूसरे का राज खुलना भी तय होता है। ऐसा ही कुछ हुआ है नैनीताल जनपद के ओखलकांडा ब्लॉक की ग्राम पंचायत बड़ौन में। यहां पहले क्षेत्र पंचायत सदस्य की ओर से ग्राम प्रधान के शैक्षणिक प्रमाण पत्र फर्जी होने के साथ…
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budgetdiploma · 30 days
Get Your Authentic Replica Degrees and Diplomas Fast and Easy at ExpressDiplomas.com
Get Your Authentic Diplomas Fast and Easy at ExpressDiplomas.com
In today’s fast-paced world, having the right qualifications can make a significant difference in your career prospects. Whether you’re looking to enhance your resume, replace a lost diploma, or simply want to own a replica diploma of your hard-earned achievements, ExpressDiplomas.com is your go-to solution. This website offers a wide array of services tailored to meet various needs, from novelty diplomas to high-quality replicas that closely mimic original documents.
Home Page
The Home Page serves as the central hub of ExpressDiplomas.com, providing a comprehensive overview of the services offered. The site is designed with user-friendliness in mind, making it easy to navigate through different sections such as Replica Diplomas, Diploma Replacement, and Educational Certificates. The homepage also highlights the ease of obtaining various types of diplomas, from GED diplomas to BTEC certificates, ensuring that visitors can find what they need quickly.
Wide Range of Services
Express Diplomas takes pride in offering a wide range of services to cater to the diverse needs of its clientele. Whether you’re in search of a replica degree, fake diploma, or novelty certificates, this platform has you covered. The Shop Certificates section is clearly defined, allowing users to browse through various categories and find exactly what they need. For instance, if you need a GCSE diploma to replace a lost one, or perhaps a BTEC certificate to enhance your credentials, Express Diplomas makes it easy to locate and order these items.
Quality and Authenticity
One of the standout features of ExpressDiplomas.com is its unwavering commitment to delivering high-quality diploma replicas. These replicas are crafted with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that they are nearly indistinguishable from the originals. The website’s Samples page is a testament to this quality, showcasing examples of diploma replicas, GCSE diplomas, and BTEC certificates. The samples page also includes detailed images of the novelty diplomas, giving potential customers a clear idea of the level of craftsmanship involved.
Express Diplomas also excels in diploma customization, allowing customers to tailor their documents to meet specific requirements. Whether you need a particular seal, signature, or watermark, the customization options available ensure that your authentic-looking diploma meets your expectations.
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For those looking to get the best value, the website offers a Deals page where customers can find discounts and special offers on a variety of novelty diplomas. This section is particularly appealing to budget-conscious individuals who still desire high-quality replicas without breaking the bank. Regularly updated, the deals page ensures that customers can always find a good bargain, whether they are purchasing a fake degree for display purposes or a replica diploma to replace a lost one.
About Express Diplomas
The About page provides insight into the company’s mission and services. It highlights the dedication to producing high-quality replicas that meet the unique needs of their customers. This page also delves into the advanced technology and secure methods used to ensure the authenticity and integrity of the documents produced. Whether you’re in the market for a fake diploma for novelty purposes or a detailed BTEC diploma, Express Diplomas is committed to delivering products that uphold the highest standards of quality.
Customer Support and Contact Information
Customer satisfaction is a top priority at Express Diplomas, and the Contact page reflects this commitment. The page provides multiple ways for customers to get in touch, whether they have questions about an order, need assistance with diploma customization, or require more information about the services offered. The contact page includes a form for inquiries, as well as an email address and phone number, ensuring that customers can reach the support team easily. The company’s emphasis on secure diploma orders further enhances customer confidence, making Express Diplomas a reliable choice for those seeking authentic-looking diplomas.
ExpressDiplomas.com stands out as a comprehensive platform that provides high-quality replica diplomas, certificates, and degrees with a focus on authenticity and customer satisfaction. The website is well-organized, making it easy for users to navigate through sections such as the Home, Shop Certificates, Samples, Deals, About, and Contact. With a strong emphasis on quality, security, and affordability, ExpressDiplomas.com is a trusted source for obtaining authentic-looking fake diplomas. Whether you need a diploma replacement, a replica degree, or educational certificates for novelty purposes, ExpressDiplomas.com offers solutions tailored to your needs. The availability of fast diploma delivery and affordable diplomas further solidifies its position as a leader in the industry.
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townpostin · 2 months
Education Scandal Rocks Kolhan Schools
Hundreds of teachers found with fraudulent credentials State-wide investigation uncovers widespread certification irregularities among para teachers, prompting official action. JAMSHEDPUR – Kolhan division authorities are grappling with the aftermath of a shocking revelation in the education sector. A recent probe has exposed a disturbing trend of fake certifications among assistant teachers in…
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ms-demeanor · 5 months
??? are you going to a fake/scam school??
nope, it's a fully accredited state community college in california. It's just a really bad one.
I actually attended this school for a semester in 2005 and I'm still on academic probation there because I failed all my classes that semester and never bothered coming back to fix it, but then in 2021 I wanted to go back to school and it was the closest one to my house if I needed to go to the library or anything (all my classes are remote).
I spent five years at a *wonderful* community college (Fullerton College I love you so, so much, go Hornets!) in the process of getting my BA and there's another local CC that has much more comprehensive programs and a larger student body and notably more modern classes this is just the one that is physically closest to my home and that happens to be garbage. The plan is to take two more art classes here to finish an associate's degree then start taking classes at the better local CC in the fall for certification in computery bullshit. (maybe also nutrition. They have a better nutrition program than my current school even if I won't be able to transfer and get a BS I'd still like to continue expanding my education in that field)
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misscammiedawn · 1 year
"Your mind makes it real"
So I was watching the new Folding Ideas video on meme stock and how a cult formed around a number of ideologies regarding financial systems and short selling.
I like watching videos like this. Dan Olsen does a number of good videos on different online conspiracies such as Flat Earth and NFTs and then you have HBomb doing the same thing with anything from Colecovision to the war on christmas and alt right grifts.
And whenever I research these sociological trends I become uncomfortably aware of the fact that I exist within one of these little closed circles. (Well, more than one given the communities and support groups around psychology and mental health, but I'm here to talk about Kink today)
Hypnosis, especially within our community, is entirely held up by a series of beliefs with an internal language that creates a massive divide between those in the know and those out of the know and it literally only works because we believe it works.
In many ways what we do is as much sociology as it is psychology.
And I kind of that it's okay for that to be true so long as we all occasionally remind ourselves of that fact and never abuse the power we each possess as authors of that shared narrative, because much like under hypnosis our hypnotees are suggestible and need to have care in what we provide to their open mind, educators within the community have an eager and open audience that stretches further than we know and regardless of intent, our beliefs and teachings will become their facts and reality as surely as had we have programmed a hypnotee to believe them as they wake on the count of 1--2--3!
Okay. Let me break this up a little.
Does this mean I think hypnosis is fake and we're all just going along with it?
One of my partners and I have had conversations about subjectivity in both hypnosis and mental health spaces before and we hate that one of the most approachable quotes comes from an author that leaves a bad taste in our mouths.
"Of course it's all happening in your head [...] why on Earth should that mean it's not real?"
One of the big differences between the online erotic hypnosis community and the NGH (National Guild of Hypnotists) who rue our existence is that we do not require legitimacy to function when they themselves exist in a half-truth state where when receiving both of my certifications it was impressed that we needed to perform an uneasy dance of providing services without practicing medicine because hypnotherapy is not licensed psychology in the same was that chiropractors are not performing medicine.
Within *certain portions* of hypnokink we are perfectly okay with the idea of being wrong and of sharing ideas.
Wiseguy said it best in his class "The best induction is the one that works" and what works works because it is effective in that moment between that particular hypnotist and that particular hypnotee.
Likewise, the more educated a person becomes, the more effective hypnosis becomes. Understanding trance is a tool to achieve it faster. Even a cold hypnotee who is being introduced for the first time receives an education via pre-talk which we tend to believe is more important than the induction itself.
You know what I mean when I talk about pretalk, right?
"We all go in and out of hypnosis multiple times a day" "Highway hypnosis" "Flow state"
These are all real and observable things and we can view hypnosis impacting a mind on an EEG.
Hell even Oh No Ross and Carrie (a podcast where they join insular communities with intent to learn if they are cults/grifts) did an episode on hypnosis and conceded that the principals of suggestibility, hypnotic state and conditioning are all just... how the brain works... and that you can't really dive into fact/fiction when it's essentially telling a person to do something and they either do it or they don't.
It's not mind control. It's suggestion and even within our circles we all agree that mind control is a fantasy.
So I guess... it's as real as we all agree it to be.
The issue is that group agreement of all the little elements is held up by The Community as a whole and... maybe we should talk about the vulnerabilities at play there.
What do I mean when I talk about insular communities?
Recently I read a REALLY good line on a quote on Twitter that speaks to what I mean here:
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And this is what I mean when I talk about belief systems inside and outside of the community. It's a good post as I firmly agree with what it communicates.
The Online Hypnosis Community is a term with no specific borders. In my reality it's the orbit that happens to take place around those who are known, trusted and teach at the primary US erotic hypnosis convention circuit.
However I know that in reality the online hypnosis community contains multiple pools and factions that I either strictly ignore, such as ones surrounding dangerous figures like NeuralNets and Nimja or ones I am not close to, like local kink scenes for cities across the world including those where English is not a first language or mlm communities where I do not really have a place, to niche pockets such as the furry hypnosis community, dronekink and even the tiny little subniches such as Empty Spaces and HDG which have splintered off into entire little separate universes with their own language and core beliefs.
For the most part this is a beautiful thing. What I'm describing is no less a divide between interests as being a member of the "Video game horror" scene and not visiting the niches of Indie Game Horror, Japanese Horror, creepypasta mods and such.
Every community has pockets like this.
But the more specific and tight a community becomes, the more "insular" it is. Language and widely held beliefs begin to gather in tighter pressurized windows. One need only look at how brainwashing and conditioning are viewed collectively in darker corners to see the difference and this is to make nothing of things like political and social beliefs in certain corners.
In those dark corners "You can't be hypnotized to do anything you don't want to do" is an essential lie WITHIN their insular community so that they can maintain a degree of plausible deniability and power over their people.
So what's your point?
That is the question, isn't it?
I guess the answer to that is... "always question what you believe, why you believe it and don't assume everyone around you does or should think the same thing."
When discussing red flags in the community on Discord and Twitter with other educators, I've always said the biggest red flag an educator can have is teaching that there is believing they have all the answers.
ALL OF US are working in this space from a belief system. An organic and living one which is impacted by our interactions with the kink, with one another and with the world around us.
No one individual in our community holds all the answers. Not me, not the authors of the manuals that we push, not Richard Nongard, Milton Erickson.
It also means we need not be defensive about our hobby and beliefs. Many will never accept what we do as actually having any basis in reality and that's okay. We're making spaces for play and some will just see us as overactive roleplayers who are tricking ourselves into believing things and to that I always say:
"You're dang right we are. That's the point."
It's not magic. It's not hard science. It's just belief, confidence and a willing to play along.
I could bust out the EKG studies or describe the altered states of consciousness and I will ALWAYS preach how suggestible a person is in and out of hypnosis and the dangers of what we do because those dangers are real and present. But at the end of the day, I want to take a moment and evaluate "what if I'm wrong?"
And the correct answer to that is "will I or someone else be hurt by my ignorance or misaction" and act accordingly.
But that's me. That's my belief system and I am aware of the fact that what we do is entirely built upon our belief that it works and that we are being safe and sane and fun.
That doesn't make me right. That doesn't mean I didn't learn some bad lessons.
It just means I want to keep doing better and I trust that the people around me are all doing the same. With hope of growing. Learning more about individuals and the community as a whole and trying to make this place better.
Because... if I stand in front of a room and teach a class that carries some bad ideas. They'll take seed.
And let me tell you something...
This community is FULL of bad ideas
I've been here since the early days. I was there when Warp My Mind and Wendi.com were the two sites that popped up when you went searching for files. I was there during the implosion of Inraptured and the transphobic meltdown of Isabella Valentine. I have witnessed hypnocon board after hypnocon board fall apart. I've seen scandals and dramas and chaos.
I was there when Bimbopolitic was outed as a CIA plant for fucks sake. Please don't ask follow-up questions. My head is still spinning from that saga of events.
and that inevitably means I have internalized some dumb shit in my day. I've been unlearning it as much as I can over the past 5-6 years. But it's there.
Likewise a lot of the books I read and grew up on are based on the beliefs of less than wonderful human beings. Milton Erickson is no rolemodel, but damned if his theories aren't worth looking at.
This is one thing I respect about sleepingirl's NLP Book. The conceit was to study what PUA instructors taught and see what could actually be used from an objective standpoint. Actually interrogate the beliefs of NLP from a "I don't know anything" standpoint.
If I have any point in my whole ramble of a post it's that. Approach learning things with the curiosity of someone who is willing to learn and doesn't know any better but with the wariness of someone who has been burned too many times and knows that there's bad actors all over and everything needs to be turned over a few times to examine.
At the end of the day I just want a safe community full of positive ideas and if there's one thing I've learned about hypnosis it is this "positive associations stick, negative suggestions are harder to ground"
Both in the good way and the bad. Unlearning things is hard.
Let's just be aware that we're all playing in the same sandbox. Share our tools and try to build something beautiful.
and never stop asking "...am I sure about this?"
*Shrug* Or don't. It's just a suggestion <3
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verdemoun · 3 months
Reading your timewarp AU helped me get through my college transfer student orientation so now I have a timewarp question:
How much of an education do the gang try to get? Like of course Lenny went to school and had the time of his life, but what about the others,, who’s studying for a GED and who’s surviving off of YouTube tutorials?
honored hope you enjoyed the brainworms also congrats on college!!
not american but will attempt to answer with vague understanding of american education system
jack went for his GED with the bare minimum of studying but aced it he's still a nerdy little bookworm under all that angst. goes onto university just like his parents always wanted. it is definitely not an excuse to spend more time with isaac and his little gang of anarchists. well maybe it was a little but he can't help doing well at university he loves literature and being surrounded by people who want to talk about books at the same level as him actually being challenged he's ascending
abigail my queen studying hard she's getting the chance to be an educated woman and she's taking it. it does not come naturally to her at all and is very overwhelming and frustrating but she wants to be able to help her daughter with homework and also trying to learn how to learn
arthur's interests change too often to actually study anything long-term but he got his GED, enrolled in a college course, got bored, dropped out and now just bounces around those 1-3 day micro qualifications and short courses. has a binder of random certificates there are too many to frame them all as much as hosea would like to. will watch youtube tutorials as he's doing a thing
john got into an adult apprenticeship in carpentry based on a very faked resume as recognition of prior learning. googles all the answers has not learned a single thing
charles also had to get some qualification to work in construction but much more bare minimum like OSHA or safety card to be allowed on construction sites (not entirely sure if that's a thing in america but go with it). this did lead to the hell week of arthur and charles both trying to study for different exams and drinking way too much while studying and going to their tests hungover.
jenny got her GED easy she is easily as smart as lenny just less passionate about education. she would much rather work and get paid opposed to nerd husband chronically in student loan debt
sean will always find a youtube tutorial meanwhile karen has a 'how hard can it be' approach and has broken many, many things. jenny and lenny are the only reason they are still alive my fav poly quartet
dutch loves studying online but is far too argumentative to actually enrol in any formal course he does not tolerate being challenged and will escalate to violence over any criticism of Evelyn Miller
hosea is constantly going to work with bessie (womens history professor at generic university) because he hates being away from his wife and is passively learning from sitting in on random lectures when he is bored
bill attempts to study for the GED but is yet to actually sit it because he gets too frustrated and angry studying but he'll get there eventually
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strange-calathea · 24 days
However I should give a warning, there is a lot of horrific imagery & animals being mistreated. That part is not funny.
So these chimps are not being taken care of properly and peta gets involved and has them taken away from the bad situation, but one is missing when they take them. And the missing chimp is also a famous actor, so they really really gotta find this animal! Naturally eyes go to the woman who has an unhealthy bond with this animal (she has said MULTILE TIMES that she loves the chimp more than her kids.) but she claims that he died before they came & she had him cremated (btw the certificate of his cremation said the body was burned at 170 degrees,,, um okay sure lmao(ALSO she shows the ashes to the documentary crew and it's so obviously chocolate cake mix!)) and obviously this sounds like bullshit. So they go to court n the judge asks if the animal is alive or dead, cue the waterworks. At this point she starts stumbling over her words (which she was not doing at all previously!) and coughs up some fake story about finding the animal dead. They have to take MULTIPLE RECESSES because of her crocodile tears, but eventually we get to the judges ruling! And she just says it as it is, that she is CLEARLY lying & making things up and there's really no way to prove that the animal is dead or alive at this point. That's that, she closes her laptop (it was a digital court session), declares that "WE WON" to her friends, and then brings the documentary crew to her basement, where there is an ENCLOSURE WITH THE FAMOUS ALLEGEDLY DEAD CHIMPANZEE IN IT. I AM NOT KIDDING OR BEING DRAMATIC. THIS CARTOON VILLAIN ASS WOMAN ABDUCTED A CHIMP AND HID IT IN HER BASEMENT ONLY TO SHOW IT ALL ON CAMERA AND GIVE THE COURT THE PROOF THEY NEED TO GET HER. I cannot fucking wait for the next episode. This is my reality tv I'm so invested
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geddy-leesbian · 1 year
at long last, I present my headcanon about Luis's education/career timeline + why he kept working for Umbrella while knowing how fucked all of it was
First off there's enough 16 and younger high up Umbrella scientists that it's easy to just accept that shit in the RE world is just Like That and a 12 year old Luis rocking up to enroll in university just makes sense within the logic of the world, but my personal headcanon is way more expansive than that. I like to imagine him actually going to a school operated by Umbrella. The Umbrella boarding school in the Arklay Mountains was shut down, but I headcanon that it wasn't the only one. Umbrella having boarding schools for child prodigies just makes perfect sense- I mean just read a file about the Executive Training School. 
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Going after/investing in younger kids is a logical thing to do because they're so much easier to manipulate and brainwash into being exactly what Umbrella wants. 
And since Umbrella Europe had that rivalry where they were always trying to compete with their sister branch, I can imagine them seeing what happened to the Executive Training School as an opportunity: Umbrella US fucked up the concept, so they can outdo them by simply running their own competently, without it completely falling apart.
Now you're probably thinking there's a hole in my headcanon, the fact that Hunnigan's report mentions Luis enrolling in university and working for Umbrella after graduating. 
My counterpoint is that Umbrella is sketchy as fuck. The whole "James Marcus being a crazy person and performing fucked up experiments on his own students" shit show happened when Luis was just a toddler. So I like to think that inspired them to get a little more cautious when it came to their fucked up child prodigy shenanigans, in time for them to have a solid system worked out by the time Luis is orphaned. And by that I mean they'd find a university to bribe into giving them cover. A new child prodigy graduates from the Umbrella school, Umbrella coughs up some cash, and suddenly that kid attended a university they never actually stepped foot in, and has a diploma with no direct ties to Umbrella. They 100% had the resources and pull to swing some type of arrangement like that. 
And Luis is literally the most perfect target for a school like this. He's not just young, he's from an extremely isolated place, making him even easier to manipulate. He also has nothing. They can single him out and crack the whip and push him harder than any of his peers, and he'll just accept it, because what else can he do?
It's Umbrella, or the streets for him.
And I think he probably caught on to the fact that he had made a deal with the devil pretty quickly after starting on the Nemesis Project, but he had made his bed and had to lie in it. Because even after he graduates/becomes a legal adult, they have him completely locked in. There's literally no paper trail or anything official supporting the fact that he's a person who exists. The only thing is the university records Umbrella paid for. Umbrella can hand over some chump change and make those go away too. He wouldn't even be able to start from scratch without a degree, because they could go after him for fraud too. Claim he showed them his degree when they hired him, but discovered it must have been a fake, because the university has no records of him. Who would the courts side with, the kid without a birth certificate, or the pharmaceutical giant that can afford an army of lawyers? It's probably not enough to be all that life ruining, but threats don't necessarily have to be true to work. With Luis's unique life, he's most likely going to be scared of any threat like that, he just doesn't have any experience or context to help him get a grip and really think about it, he's just scared shitless at the thought of going to prison.
And ending this with a point that's independent of my other headcanons in the post and can work on its own. When discussing why Luis stayed for years, we can't forget about Rockfort Island.
On the island, there is also a prison camp and an airport. The prison camp especially, represents an especially dark side of Umbrella. Potential industrial saboteurs and traitors to Umbrella are captured and sent there to be used as human guinea pigs in biological experiments. Once inside, prisoners are held there indefinitely.
(emphasis mine)
I think the common assumption is that Luis fucked off back to Valdelobos because of Raccoon City and being afraid of governments/law enforcement coming after Umbrella, but I really think it was actually Umbrella he was running from. Umbrella would have seemed untouchable at this point, they had the blessing of the government to do what they did in Raccoon City, I doubt anyone there genuinely thought there would ever be legal consequences for any of that. Legal consequences were maybe a far-off possibility that wasn't guaranteed, while Umbrella was very much a real, present, active danger.
But if he got to a point where he couldn't handle the guilt of what he was doing anymore, his options were to disappear completely, or risk being captured and taken to a concentration camp. (Even just resigning normally, without taking any actions against Umbrella, would leave him terrified. A well-liked rising star like him just suddenly resigning, and offering no explanation, likely would have seemed suspicious, and given that Rockfort inmates were a resource for experiments, I can't imagine the bar for what makes someone a "traitor to Umbrella" is very high.)
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dear--mars · 1 year
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Academic rivals…? Pt 5
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Synopsis: You hated Alhaitham. From his arrogance to his grades. Even looking at him made your stomach turn. But then why were you two embracing each other in the broom closet intertwining breaths together…?
Notes: Fem reader, OCC Alhaitham, Kissing, Graduation Ceremony
[Translations at the bottom]
Taglist: @sharkiestory
900+ words [not edited]
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4 years. You endured 4 years as a student in the Akademiya. It was your graduation ceremony. 
“Please put your hands together for the valedictorian Alhaitham!” claps were heard throughout the gymnasium. You rolled your eyes at him before zoning out of his speech. That was until you heard your name being called.
“As for my dedication, I’ll be dedicating my speech to [Name].” Your head shot up. 
“And that concludes my speech.”
“...” Everyone was silent. The sage fake coughed before he asked.
“Are you not going to elaborate as to why…?”
“I don’t feel as if I need to.” was the last thing he said before he walk off the stage.
“Well, now we will be moving on to the awards.”
It was safe to say that people were getting annoyed at the fact that the only people who were getting any awards were you and Alhaitham. 
“For the creative writing certificate: [Name] and Alhaitham!”
“The mathematics award: [Name] and Alhaitham!”
“The science award goes to [Name] and Alhaitham…”
“Geography: [Name] and Alhaitham… Wait. I’ll be right back.” We watch as the announcer walks off to the back only to come back shocked. 
“Well, I’ve been told to call out all at the same time. Art, history, music, physical education, biology, chemistry, physics, social studies, technology, philosophy, graphic design, literature, algebra, and geometry will all be awarded to [Name] and Alhaitham.” 
“...” The gym was silence. No one said anything. 
The rest of the graduation proceeded as usual. 
It was only when the afterparty started when things got weird. 
The party was going fine but someone had spilled some juice all over the floor, so like a good person, I volunteered to get a mop not knowing what your friends had in mind. 
“Yeah, the mop should be in the broom closet!” One of your friends yelled as you made your way down the halls. Just as you opened the door you felt the sensation of hands pushing you. You collided with someone. Just before the door closed, you heard one of your friends say “Have fun!”.
“What's that supposed to mean?-” You were cut off be a deep voice.
“Could you stop pushing against me?” You let out a small yelp at the sudden voice.
“Why are you here?”
“I came to get a mop but someone pushed me in here and locked it.”
“Wait. Was it because someone had spilled juice?”
“Yes and I’m guessing they got you too?”
“Why would they do this to us specifically?” He questioned before you gulped. 
“Probably because you like me…” You feel his breath hitch before he let out a scoff.
“There’s an error in your logic. I’ve never stated I’m romantically interested in you.” You think very carefully before blurting out that you knew what he said in Zulu.
“Hey, Alhaitham!” You called out to him.
“Hm?” He turned around to face you.
“I heard you can speak over 7 languages!”
“Yes, I can.”
“Wow! Tell me something in a different language.”
1 “Ufuna ngikutshele ini?”
“What did you say?”
‘They don’t understand me…?’
2 “Ngiyakuthanda. Ngikuthanda kabi ngaso sonke isikhathi uma ungekho kimi, kungenza ngifune ukukhipha inhliziyo yami. Ngiyakubamba kakhulu, noma ukhuluma nentombazane kungenza ngibe nomona ngoba udonsa umoya kangangokuthi ngisho netshe lingawela kuwe.” 
“That was so long. What did you say?”
“Figure it out by yourself.” he said before walking away.
“Wha-! Come on! You can’t just leave! Tell me!” Unfortunately, he was out of earshot.
“How long have you known…?”
“I found out a week afterward. People had heard you and spread rumors… Someone came up to me and congratulated me on dating you…” You said as you tilled your head down, hoping he didn’t see your face growing red. Fortunately, he didn’t but that was because he was looking away so you weren’t able to see his ears growing red. 
“How long do you think we’ll be trapped here..?”
“Knowing them, they’ll probably forget. Let’s wait for a little bit and if not we can just break the door.”
“Whoa! This is someones house! We can’t just break the door down!” You said as your head shot up. 
“It’s their fault for locking us in here…” he said tilling his head down only to meet eyes. Silence overtook the closet as your eyes lock with his. Your eyes scan all over his face and you ultimately land on his lips. It wasn’t long before Alhaitham started leaning in. 
You started leaning in too but as soon as you wrapped your arms around his neck a shock ran through your body and you pulled away. Alhaitham raised an eyebrow. 
“A-are you sure you want this?” You asked. His eyes widened.
“You have no idea what I want.“ He said, snaking a hand to the back of your head before pushing your head towards him. The kiss was a lot more tender and passionate considering Alhaitham. It was a long, deep kiss that left you breathless. You pulled away trying to catch your breath. But Alhaitham followed your lips, wanting more. Your chest swirls at the feeling of care and affection behind the kiss. Warmth spreads throughout your body as your knees get weak. 
You finally break away. You huffed heavily as you try to catch your breath. You looked up at Alhaitham who was as red as a tomato. Your eyes widened before giving him a smirk. 
“Oh~? Is the all mighty Alhaitham blushing?“
“Shut up.”
“Wow. We literally just made out. Don’t tell me to shut up, bro.”
“Don’t “bro” me. I just had my tongue down your throat.” 
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1 ”What do you want me to tell you?” 2 “I love you. I’m so madly in love with you every time you’re not with me, it makes me want to rip out my heart. I get so possessive of you, even if you’re talking to a girl it makes me so jealous because you’re so breathtaking that even a rock would fall for you.”
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[Pt 1]  [Pt 2]  [Pt 3]  [Pt 4]  [Pt 5]
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stackthedeck · 7 months
I've probably thought about Rip Hunter's childhood more than anyone employed by DC comics but like.... he was basically home schooled right?
So like in Time Masters: Vanishing Point gives us a ton of information about Rip's childhood. They move around through time a lot for safety so like there's no way that Rip was enrolled in 21st century school or like any kind of formal schooling! and they move to the end of time when Rip is like 12-ish or something? Like he is incredibly smart and between all the history and science lessons he gets from Booster taking him through time travel adventures there's no doubt in my mind that he got a good education. but like god he must have been so poorly socialized, no wonder he's kinda off putting to people who don't already know him
but also Rip does have a doctorate from MIT and he probably got it somewhere between 1975~85 so did they have to fake high school records for him so he could get in? When Rip was born he must of had a birth certificate, but like they'd have to make a new one for him—for Rip Hunter specifically—for when he's briefly living linearly while inventing time travel. His life is truly insane
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degenezijde · 4 months
So I finished my "empowering educators for the next digital decade" mooc and I am disappointed.
There's a lot to be said but I mostly have beef about how the entire mooc revolved around another exhibition the organisation set up. And it didn't go much in depth beyond that. So I'd get a poster from that exhibition, aimed at pupils, and then a little padlet question like "how does this make you feel". I didn't learn anything beyond the comprehension level of a teen and I only got to swim in my own brain soup. Not great.
But to get the certificate I needed to prepare a class and grade three other people's classes. I don't care about the certificate and I don't need it, but sure, I'll bite. Oh, my class also has to revolve around that exhibition. Sure, I'll follow the rules. Submit. Time to grade three peers.
Peer 1: did not use the exhibition. Is extremely vague. "We start with an interactive and engaging presentation" ...yes and is that interactive and engaging presentation in the room with us right now? Can I see it? Then a 20 minute (!) role play in which pupils take the role of journalists and advertisers and discuss the ethics (!) of online marketing. THEN the pupils "research fake news online and use creditable sources" (how???? tell me HOW you put this into practice!) for 20 (!) minutes.
I failed him. I felt bad. It says next to the button: "keep in mind that this may mean your peer does not recieve a certificate". But I used the rubric they provided and he failed.
Peer 2: a document about bird poop in Turkish??
Peer 3: I think a copy paste of the Armenian wikipedia page on cyber bullying???
Now I feel bad about guy number one! Is there an unspoken mooc rule that you just pass your peers??? I don't know how this works!
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budgetdiploma · 30 days
Get Your Authentic Diplomas Fast and Easy at ExpressDiplomas.com
In today’s fast-paced world, having the right qualifications can make a significant difference in your career prospects. Whether you’re looking to enhance your resume, replace a lost diploma, or simply want to own a replica of your hard-earned achievements, ExpressDiplomas.com is your go-to solution.
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fcble · 6 months
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Inwang jesaekdo, Jeong Seon (1751)
OUTTAKES — A collection of bits and pieces of ideas I had and posts I was going to make that never made it to completion
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I wanted to do posts of miscellaneous trivia and headcanons around certain themes. The only one of these I completed was one on their names. I forced the explanations of Mingeun and Andrew(‘s stage) names into “Double A-Side,” but I do have the rest of them HERE.  
I also have some other trivia facts that I think more people should know.
Mingeun keeps a diary in French. He was very strongly encouraged to start one when he was a trainee, and he’s stuck with it ever since. Except he doesn’t want anyone else reading it, which is why he writes in French. It’s also made him a lot better at the language.
The worst-kept Fable secret is that Jaeseop has been in a relationship with his girlfriend since 2016. The best-kept Fable secret is that Jaeseop moved out at the end of 2022 to live with said girlfriend. I am hoping this will have bearing on the story soon other than mentions that Jaeseop doesn’t live with them anymore.
Solidifying the degrees for once because I feel like I’ve said Jaeseop has three different degrees. He does not. His degree is in marketing. Kiyoung’s is in political science, and Andrew’s is in music. Haksu dropped out halfway through but he was studying business administration. His heart was not in it at all.
On the topic of education, Intak went to a technical high school and is a decently qualified fake civil engineer. Eunsu attended SOPA in the Department of Practical Music. Mingeun is the only member without a high school diploma.
The lore-relevant reason for the education is that Taein believes in back-up plans. It’s part of the reason he doesn’t like Mingeun very much. On a tangential note, Neon Nights was the backup if Fable’s debut fell through.
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Exactly what it sounds like. Also the failed post that inspired this one. It was so cringe I couldn’t go through with it. I wanted to write this like a script. Thinking of the dialogue did me in completely. HERE are the only two scenes I finished.
Other things I had planned on were Haksu’s constant enabling of the boyfriend stans (signing fake marriage certificates at in-person fansigns, barking/meowing/whatever in fan calls), Jaeseop chivalry moment (didn’t think farther than that), and an extra terrible group Imagine Your Korea ad.
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This is the title of “Great Things” in my docs. When I made the doc, I was going to write it as moments in a confessional booth. The problem with that is that he’s rationalizing all his actions in his head and he would not have confessed at the level of honesty I needed for the piece. So the other half of the piece was going to be entries in Mingeun’s diary because he’s the only one that works like that, and it would have been two perspectives on the same events. There were two problems with that. One, I wanted to die writing first person. Two, he didn’t know the extent of Haksu’s actions. 
The last scene of this piece is also a couple of days before the Haksu segment of “Form is Emptiness.” One of the first iterations of this was actually from Andrew’s perspective. It was part of a different Haksu piece which was perspectives on Haksu.
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the eunsu departure novella (but mingeun is also everywhere???) — “Form is Emptiness.” Mingeun is everywhere. I can’t explain it. I guess in this context it makes sense because they’re besties.
mingeun wooseok era (probably not he’s not even flopping) — The Shooting Stars drafts doc. You can find it HERE.
andrew han moment — The write-up of In Full Bloom, the YouTube documentary accompanying their second full album. This helped me realize he’s a main character more than I would like to admit.
andrew mingeun parallels (emotionally constipated man discovers talking about your feelings helps) — The working title of “Not Enough.” In hindsight this is funny because they don’t even work through anything here. They were supposed to. Also I spelled impostor correctly once and incorrectly once in the same sentence 👍.
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byeonghwi time!!! (how he became a trainee) — “First Love.” Exactly what it sounds like. 
mingeun hwajung bi4bi — “Live Wire.” They don’t talk about it in the piece but they are both bisexual. 
intak anniversary piece that is actually andrew's identity crisis in disguise — “Double A-Side” was originally going to be from Intak’s perspective because he thinks about a lot of things but doesn’t say a lot of things. I realized pretty early on that this had to be an Andrew piece and so that changed.
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walk the line — The perspectives on Haksu piece. This was also going to do the same event from multiple perspectives thing. I got as far as three paragraphs into Mingeun’s 2019 Mass experience, which is canon and did happen.
jaeseop at the shareholders meeting! what will happen to him? — Jaeseop attending his first meeting as a Zenith Entertainment stakeholder <3. Since the Fable concept scandal happened, I have to mess with the timeline. This is a thousand words long but I’m going to revisit parts of it in another piece I think so I’m not posting any of those words.
fable! but i don't know where i'm going — A rewrite of one of the very early Fable pieces where Taein told Mingeun to lie about his identity but I never finished it. Actually kind of important now that I think about it. It’s how he ended up the way he was in “Not Enough.” He should know that it’s Taein’s fault. But he was young and angry and desperate and just moved across the world and it was a lot easier for him to take his anger out on Andrew rather than his boss. This was also going to be accompanied by the interlude in which Jaeseop fights for Mingeun’s life, which is what changes Taein’s mind. This is very much missing from just Mingeun’s perspective. Maybe I’ll finish this one. It’s got some great bits like
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and also
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What was the main conflict for every Fable member in November 2021?
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anyablackwood · 11 months
Other things to consider when writing about a country/culture not your own:
Maybe it's obvious, but there are some things that I think people might overlook when writing a story that takes place in another country or culture that can actually be very important to look into. I might make this into a series, but as I mentioned in the tags of my last post, one of the most common things I seen people overlook in stories about other countries is the education system.
As I'm only really familiar with American and Japanese school systems, I'm only going to be speaking about those. However, I think this is worth looking into for any culture that you're unfamiliar with!
Unlike the American school system, wherein the school year starts in August/September and ends in May/June with some breaks in between, Japan's school system ends and begins in spring. The first term ends in July, with summer vacation going for just over a month (about 40 days), then continuing into the next term of the year. They have winter, spring, and summer breaks, but none for fall/autumn (at least not for public or international schools; I'm unfamiliar with private schools, but I understand that they operate a bit differently).
The school week is also different. Most schools operate on the standard Monday-Friday schedule, but with the addition of classes every other Saturday. This can vary to some extent depending on the school, but for the most part, this is standard for most high schools and middle schools. On top of that, many students from middle to high (and some elementary) schools are in "cram schools" or extracurriculars (which are technically not required but socially kind of... expected??), which take place after usual school hours and/or on weekends.
Speaking of grade levels, those are also different. "Kindergarten" students are 3-5 years old (this is not considered part of elementary school; more like Pre-K). Elementary school spans from 1st to 6th grade, middle school is 7th to 9th, and high school is 10th to 12th. Which is why many anime/manga will refer to "third year" as the highest high school grade level; they are not graduating younger, the grade levels are just shifted.
So if a character is referred to as a "first year" in high school, they're actually about 15-16, not 14-15. And unlike America, skipping grades or testing into classes isn't allowed. Not that it's rare; it's genuinely NOT allowed, no exceptions given. So regardless, there is no explanation for a 14-year-old to be a high school first-year in Japan unless they've straight up faked their birth certificates/were adopted and didn't actually know their correct birthday until recently. And considering how rare adoptions are in Japan and how difficult it is to make edits to the registry in city hall... those are both unlikely. This is why testing into schools/getting into the "good schools" in high school matter so much in Japan; they're not talking about private schools, they're talking about getting into a school with a more rigorous academic system so that they aren't bored out of their minds in a class too slow for them (also because it looks good to colleges and universities, but that's another post).
That being said, up until recently, the age of adulthood in Japan was 20; this changed a few years ago to 18, but it is worth mentioning, as that would affect characters who have graduated/reached adulthood prior to this change. Side note, the drinking age has not changed; it is still 20. This would affect things such as college applications and the decisions around those, since applicants weren't (until recently) considered legal adults. Especially since most schools don't allow their students to have jobs while in school without their permission (if the family is financially struggling, the parents might tell the school, which would give them special permission to work part-time). This affects things such as financial autonomy, social expectations (it's considered embarrassing to have a job in this context as it implies you're extremely poor, and most teens don't tend to be proud of that). There's much more to be said; uniforms, the extent of control the school/staff have on students off school grounds, social expectations, etc. but this isn't meant to be the essay that it's become so I'll just leave it here.
In conclusion, make sure to look it up! You'd be surprised how much you'd find from such a seemingly innocuous, seemingly unimportant topic. This barely scratches the surface on the differences in these two school systems alone, as well as the many socioeconomic strings attached to them. There's likely way more differences with cultures that are especially on the other side of the equator, with different weather patterns etc. causing differences in schedules!
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itsbansheebitch · 9 months
How are there not riots in the streets?
Looking back on 2023:
We know our education system is bunk and that NASA was started with help from a literal 1940s Nazi. We know this country was built on genocide, bigotry, and the backs of immigrants & slaves.
We know we're colonizers, we know our first President's teeth were made of a combination of his slaves' teeth and wood. We know the last President ran his campaign off sexual assault jokes.
We know the first time the Confederate flag was ever in the US Capital was on January 6th, 2021. We know approximately 50% of white medical trainees think black people have higher pain tolerance (especially black women).
We know black people are more likely to get bitten by police dogs and are more likely to get death sentences instead of life in prison like their white counterparts committing the same crime. We know you can predict if you'll be a victims of police brutality based on where past lynchings have happened & the amount of money a you make in a year.
We know that America helped cover up Unit 731 and gave the "scientists" immunity. We know that America has been at war for more time than not and we know school shootings are so "old news" that the news doesn't even cover most of them anymore.
We know the United States has an unusually high homeless population and that 40% to 60% of homeless people in the United States have jobs. We know the United States isn't opposed to human experimentation and we know that slavery is illegal unless you're in prison.
We know prisoners are used to fight fires for free, we know some prisons have cotton farms for the prisoners to work on for free. We know 1 in 5 people on death row are innocent and that police are known to fake/plant evidence and to assault witnesses & suspects that don't give them what they want to hear.
We know judges are more likely to give death sentences than life in prison when they're hangry (I'm NOT joking) and police were originally militias paid for by rich people to get their runaway slaves black. We know we are one of the most, if not the most, dangerous "developed" countries in the world.
Why do we perform non consensual surgeries on (intersex) babies right out of the womb without the parents' permission, but we make consensual surgeries (gender affirming care) illegal? Why is gender affirming care (plastic surgery, masculine voice classes) only legal and normal for cis people?
Why do we let people who are one foot in the grave sign our death certificates? Why do we let people who clearly have dementia run one of the globe's superpowers? Why are we letting the oldest bigots in the country decide our future?
So why are there not riots in the streets? When did we become so complacent to our own demise? Why do we deny the ship is sinking when we are up to our knees in water? What is wrong with us? Are we pathetic or broken or wrong in a way that is incomprehensible to us? Why are we pretending everything is normal?
Why are there not riots in the streets?
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nikhatahmed · 29 days
How to Switch Careers to Digital Marketing?
Today we will discuss Digital Marketing. What is Digital Marketing and its Scope?
Digital Marketing is the blend of traditional marketing principles that uses internet and online based digital technologies such as desktop, computers, mobile phones, and other digital media. 
After COVID-19, Digital Marketing has bloomed to a great height. Digital Marketing has been a crucial element in helping businesses recover and grow after the major hit of pandemic. 
As the field of Digital Marketing is growing rapidly and provides flexibility and diverse opportunities across industries, more and more people are being attracted and making their career transition to Digital Marketing.
There are many ways to pursue a Digital Marketing career even without a relevant degree. Success in Digital Marketing depends on many factors such as practical skills, online certifications and real time experience rather than formal education.
If you enjoy communication, creativity and technology, then Digital Marketing is the right career path for you. Particularly it suits those who have interest and are passionate about content creation, data analysis, and continuous learning and who enjoy working in a fast paced environment.
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5 Steps to High Paying Digital Marketing Career Guide:
Step 1: Ask yourself ‘’Is it the Right Fit for me’’ - if YES - How to Start?
Access AADME’s Free Digital Marketing Training and Subscribe to its Free YouTube Channel to watch 500+ videos on Digital Marketing and learn how Digital Marketing can help a Business. 
ALERT: Don’t over-spend your time on so many different channels as there is a high chance that you may be misguided with false information and fake dreams by those who may offer you Quick Rich Schemes.
Go for Live classes and avoid any recorded material because recorded materials are often not updated as per industry trends
Learn Marketing fundamentals
Check the experience of the Trainer on LinkedIn and other Social Media channels
Check for any Internship Program with Live client Projects
Invest at least 3-4 months of Learning and Implementing
Get Certificates from Google, Hubspot etc.
Step 2: Build your Social Media Profile - A Personal Brand is the Best Attention of Premium Recruiters
Build a Blog to showcase your write ups
Work on a Beta Project such as SEO, Paid Media, Copy Writing etc.
You may start an YouTube/Instagram Handle
Build an attractive LinkedIn Profile
Step 3: Build a Quantified CV and Practice Mock Interview:
Go through the Demo CV
Start pitching your profiles to your Dream Companies
Update Profiles in Job portals
Step 4: Soft Skills:
Writing Skills
Researching Skills
Persuasion Skills
Analytical Skills
Step 5: Biggest Myth: Shall I learn Everything or just Master only one Module?
Dont narrow down your skills
Be an expert in all areas of your domain
Learn T-Shaped marketing
Master in One Specific Discipline; however, you must have broad knowledge in various areas of Digital Marketing
There are various training programs available in the market; however, AADME’s Premium Business Leadership Program can transform your dream career into a BIG reality.
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