#fake pep is better about sharing than pep is
softersynths · 1 year
For absolutely no reason, what does pep give fake as a treat and what would be fake's favorite?
It’s more like, “Peppino tries to give himself a treat and ends up accosted by The Beast because they have a lot of the same favorite foods”
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technically-a-kiwi · 13 days
I'm so sick of this, IT'S SHIT 😭😭😭
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Sigh, okay I calmed down... Thank you to all people who gave suggestions and ideas... I'll take a break from this pile of flesh... It's driving me NUTS 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫.
If you have better suggestions for colors or design please share them... I'm all ears. I think you'll be better at it... I'm not as much as a fake pep fan than some of you... You know more than me...
Here's the original sketch
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Every scar/opened wound is a mouth. His bird like wings aren't actually made out of feathers, it's just a huge blob that's meant to be shaped like a wing. Those weird wings that aren't bird like are meant to look like insect wings (kind of like a dragon fly). He's meant to be a weird pile of flesh, he doesn't glow, he somehow managed to break the laws of physics and fly. I'll expand on his story when I'll finalize the design.
He's not friendly at all, REALLY not at all... everything in him is nightmare fuel (I'm sure I'm gonna have nightmares about designing him 😵‍💫) he casually turn people into tomato paste and absorbe them so he can look more angel like (don't ask me how it works), he's kind of a sadist, and he destroy pizzas for fun. I let you guess if he has beef with angel pep.
Dear god... I spent all day on this... I want to go to bed 😭
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iliveiloveiwrite · 1 year
By My Side // A.B.
Request: Could I have something fluffy? I’m think maybe the reader is from a lower class and is married to Anthony and she’s worried about not being a good enough viscountess. They’re getting ready for their engagement ball and Anthony gives her a pep talk? You’re the best!! - @whovianwholikesgirls
A/N: I’m sorry it’s taken so long to get to it, my love! But here it is, I’m sorry it isn’t longer - I hope you like it!!
Warnings: feelings of insecurity, worries, anxieties, lots of fluff and comfort, kissing, established relationship,
Word Count: less than 1k
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Your hands couldn’t stop shaking. The nerves that had risen steadily all day were finally making themselves known in the tremor affecting your hands.
Exhaling shakily, you do your best to fasten the clasp of your necklace. A gorgeous piece, given to you by Anthony’s mother. The emeralds are only further accentuated by the champagne of your gown.
A further sigh of frustration leaves you as you fail once more in fastening the necklace.
“Let me,” A gentle voice cuts in, taking the necklace from your hands before you launch it across the room in despair. You meet the kind and caring gaze of your soon to be mother in law; her smile is comforting as she fiddles with the piece of jewellery.
“I thought I could do it,” You murmur, “But I can’t get my hands to stop shaking.”
“Nerves,” Violet says, smiling wider as she clasps the necklace and smooths her hands over your shoulders.
“I think it’s more than that,” You whisper, feeling the familiar burn of tears clog your throat. “I don’t think I can go out there and face all those people, whispering about Anthony’s choice in bride.”
Violet frowns. “My dear, whatever has brought this on?”
You blink against the rush of tears. “The closer we get to the wedding, the more it becomes clear just how lacking I am in class politics, gossip and graces. I don’t want Anthony to regret his choice in bride.”
Violet nods, taking the words to heart. “My dear, I shall not be a moment. Stay here and try to calm yourself whilst I make it all better.”
A watery but grateful smile crosses your face as you watch the beloved matriarch leave the room, the door clicking gently shut behind her. You stare at your reflection in the mirror, doing your best to calm yourself by trying not to think of the gathering crowd in the ballroom downstairs. Each one of them waiting to catch a glimpse of you - to make their judgement; to be judge, jury and executioner all in one.
You aren’t alone with your thoughts for long. The door opens once more, however it isn’t Violet that walks through the door.
It’s Anthony.
“Darling,” He greets, his voice concerned as he crosses the room to you.
“Mother told me. Darling, how could you think those things?”
Tears cling to your lashes as you face your beloved fiancé. Anthony kneels before you; his hands gripping your knees, his face the perfect picture of worry.
You sniffle. “It’s all I’ve heard since we announced our engagement. In the modiste, in the tearooms, when we promenade… It is so tiring. I love you beyond all reason, but I cannot help but worry whether this is a decision you’ll come to regret.”
The words leave you in a torrent; rushing out of you so quickly you barely have time to take a breath. The words get stuck in your throaty as you catch the devastation that passes over Anthony’s face.
“My love,” He whispers, “Had I known the full extent, I never would have organised tonight.”
“No,” You argue. “I’m glad you have, I love any moment I get to spend with your family but I worry for the impact on you.”
Anthony’s hands leave your knees to grasp your face. His eyes fix onto yours. “I don’t give a damn about the impact on me.” He all but spits. “That out there? It’s all pomp and fake, but what we have… the love we share and the adoration, that’s what’s matters.”
“I love you.”
“I know you do,” Anthony breathes. “I love you too… endlessly. You are who I want; I want my future to be utterly entwined with yours. I want the mornings and the evenings and the nights. Your class status means nothing to me. You will be a perfect wife and an incredible viscountess. I don’t care about the ton, I only care about you and how you feel and what you think.”
The man you love so entirely pulls you into his arms, holding you tightly. His lips seek out yours, kissing you thoroughly, pouring all of his emotions into the kiss. There was no denying his love and adoration for you now; there was no denying how well you fit, how perfect you moulded to the other. There would be no-one else for him as there would be no-one else for you.
Anthony pulls away, leaving you breathless as he places kiss after kiss to your cheek.
“Thank you,” You whisper, “Thank you for loving me.”
“Thank you for loving me,” He responds in earnest. Anthony kisses you again; a short, sweet kiss that has a smile crossing your face. His thumb brushes your cheek, relieved to see a genuine smile on your face.
“Do you feel ready to face the crowd waiting downstairs?” He asks quietly; lips brushing your hair.
“With you by my side, I can face anything.”
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azazelangel5 · 8 months
The Clever Snooper!
Here’s snipes’ new reference sheet, people! Complete with some sketches of her and some trivia!
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Some Trivia!
Snipes is a part of Pizzahead’s test subjects. Originally, he created her for the sole purpose of torturing Peppino after finding out he’s terrified of snakes
One of the few fake pep clones to be successful!
The nicest but not-so polite of the group, as well as the tallest.
she was born neither male nor female. she’s mostly comfortable identifying as a girl
She is fairly intelligent than most clones, as well as self-aware of who she is. She takes the time to snoop and steal personal documents containing recorded info one clone or fake one at a time. She may know who they are, but that’s for you to guess as they hasn’t figured out all of them yet.
Her tail is the most powerful part of her body as the scales are firm and thick, making them tough. It’s mostly used as a weapon to defend herself from. Otherwise, she has almost the same moveset as fake peppino
She can talk backwards, but mostly fluently forward
She is 100% aware who Peppino is, and is mostly interested in sharing with and giving him the documents for each clone she learned about. She wants to keep him aware of them but has no idea what personality he has besides grumpy and anxious
She’s willing to be your friend and is fairly sociable with humans if they don’t run away screaming
I love this big dumb cunt so much! She needs more attention around here as she’s my more better PT OCs
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 3 months
Ari AU - Part Two
This is Part Two of my popstar Grian AU! Part One is is here! Part Three is here! Part Four is here! Part Five is here!
CONTENT WARNINGS for this Part: discussions of past attempted SA, physical assault, hospitals, briefly mentioned drug abuse, suicidal ideation, mental health crisis.
please consider reblogging if you liked this and want others to see it :D feel free to send me asks, comments, etc. about the au!
Martyn’s Radio Show
The response from Grian’s fans is overwhelmingly positive. While some are disappointed that the last shows were cancelled, most are just happy to see Grian okay and alive, even if she looks worse for wear. Online, the fanbase supports Grian’s claims. Online, they feel empowered to share their own experiences. Online, they believe her.
The tabloids continue with the addict line. They claim Grian is unstable and manic. They claim he’s lying about the night out. Pearl suggests Grian go on the radio. Talk more about her experiences, because it really is helping people, and if she makes a professional, live appearance on air, the accusations of her being on drugs will seem less credible.
Grian agrees, so Mumbo and Pearl get him booked in with Martyn, of Faction Isles Radio [a pirates smp reference? In my angst fic?] for a live interview and casual discussion about Grian’s life and career. 
For someone used to live performances, Grian is absolutely terrified. What if he says the wrong thing? What if she messes up her story and people think it’s fake? What if this Martyn guy is mean, or unfair, or things are awkward?
This is where Impulse steps in. He offers Grian a spot on his hobby podcast with his friend, Skizz. A pre-recorded semi-interview with people Grian is more comfortable with, in preparation for the “real thing”. Grian accepts, and they record the episode together. She tries not to freak out every time she stumbles over her words and Impulse says they can cut it. 
(Eventually she snaps that they can’t cut anything when it’s live, so why are they acting like her mistakes are okay? Impulse takes it graciously, helping her calm down. Skizz offers a few words of advice that Grian doesn’t even remember. Something about going for it, even if she’s scared? After the pep talk, she does feel better. More confident...)
Then suddenly, it is time for the “real thing”. To his credit, Martyn is lovely. A natural on-air, well-researched about Grian’s career, asking all the right questions and never seeming judgemental. Grian recounts her rise to fame, her love of music, and then, finally, the tour.
They get to a rather emotional point and Grian thinks he might be about to cry. How embarrassing would that be? But Martyn seems to understand, and there's a break for one of Grian’s songs. Turning off his mic to let the music play, Martyn looks over to Grian with a laid-back but kind smile, and asks if she's okay. 
Grian is not okay, but if she admits that, they’ll never get through the interview, so she lies. Martyn gives him a look like he knows he’s lying, but it isn’t judgemental.
The show is a success. Grian feels a little lighter. 
The radio show does not help with the tabloid problem. As the media does, they try to get more out of Grian’s story, spinning it into either support or negativity. Theorising that she lied about why she was in the hospital- wild stories ranging from drug use to secret pregnancy (she is not about to explain why that's impossible). 
With news trucks and paparazzi hanging around outside her house, she has to keep the curtains closed constantly. Every time she steps outside she's hounded again. On the one hand it's good that he's being kept in the public eye, but he wants his privacy more than anything in the world. 
So, Scar offers to open his house to her. Grian accepts, moving in with him in secret. They manage a few blissful weeks with each other before the press finds them again. It’s awful. They're still trying to explore their relationship and what it means, trying to figure it all out. Grian's still trying to come to terms with what happened to him and how Scar saved him. 
The flashing of cameras is starting to give Grian anxiety. More than usual. She has half a mind to make another statement, but knows that'll only make things worse. In the meantime, Grian officially moves in with Scar.
Even Grian’s self-expression is criticised to no end. Suddenly the press is snapping pictures of her, in Scar's home, in jeans and sweaters and no makeup. She cuts her hair short because it’s starting to make her itch with discomfort, and boy does that cause an outcry about her 'mental breakdown'. Grian never had many issues with dysphoria or dysmorphia before, but once the papers picking apart her image start flooding in, looking in the mirror makes her a little nauseous.
Of course, the real fans still support her. She has a good, loyal fanbase who do care about her wellbeing and understand why she's hiding away. But the tabloids can build a story out of anything. Kind stories just don’t sell.
Album Two: ‘Land of the Viscera’
Things calm down a little bit, enough for Grian to master a new album. This time it comes from a place of anger and frustration, at the media and the stalkers and herself. She spends a lot of time working on the tone of the album, not wanting to fully alienate her fans but not wanting to stick with the preppy pop of her biggest successes. 
In the end she goes for a mixture of femininity and something grungier, less pretty, less polished, a little more unhinged and rock-inspired. Think female punk bands, mixed with the warbling parasitic sound of bjork. The album is titled Land of the Viscera and follows the story of a character named Mother Spore as she explores a wonderland of twisted nature and decaying landscapes.
The aesthetic goes hard, basically. It feels blurry in terms of genre and more obviously queer, the Mother Spore metaphor openly criticising the tabloid news cycle and addressing the struggles Grian has faced in hand with fame. Still, her music holds a range of appeal, keeping within a pop-type structure while shifting into gothic, punk and rock. 
The music videos are dark and edgy, full of rot, blood, and decay. They reference the stalking and attempted assault. Grian keeps her feminine costumes, trading the sleek red dresses for dark grey layered gowns. More severe makeup remains stylish, but drifts further away from Grian’s real preferences, as if he’s trying to separate himself from his persona. 
The fans call it an ‘era’, immediately scrambling to figure out the “lore” hidden within the videos and lyrics. While critics suggest Grian will lose some of her audience by adopting a harsher sound, the album is regarded as an overall success.
Taking One For The Team
It takes a while for Grian to feel comfortable going ‘out’ into the world again. After the release of the album, the paparazzi take a moment to calm down, and public appearances seem less scary than before. 
That is, until he starts making public appearances again, and remembers why he tried to go into hiding. Grian starts flipping off cameras or walking straight through the reporters, whenever she goes anywhere. Scar, ever one to do his job, isn’t sure he likes the attention, especially as the tabloids start to shift their reporting back to him. At least it fits Grian’s new image to be snarky and mean towards the cameras, bringing some of her private defence mechanisms from the tour back into the foreground.
New threats start coming in. It was fine, before, when the fans were satiated by the tour and Grian’s relationship with Scar seemed like a crazy fling. Now, with no new tour announced (thank god), the papers focusing more on Scar, and their relationship going public, things look more serious. This upsets all the people who think they are entitled to Grian’s life.
Once online threats start coming in, Scar gets jumpy and nervous. He asks Grian if they can stay at home, get their groceries delivered, etc. Grian appreciates Scars worries, and doesn't mind taking a few lazy days, so she agrees. At least they get to cuddle some more. But they both feel cooped-in. Trapped, within Scar’s house, constantly on the look-out for hidden reporters.
Grian decides she can’t live her life on hold forever. As much as it scares her, she loves performing and she wants to reignite that passion somehow. She agrees to attend a small local gig, an exclusive thing which doesn’t get announced on social media. It’s meant to be her stepping stone back into the world of performing. It’s meant to promote the new album, really. That’s all.
Scar stands backstage, watching from the wings and doing his job keeping Grian safe. Also admiring her with heart-eyes. There are other bouncers in the crowd, but Scar is the closest to Grian, confident in his ability to protect her.
In the middle of the set- and it all seems to happen quite suddenly- Scar feels a tap on his shoulder. He turns to see two young men and a young woman, all dressed in black. He’s about to ask them how they got backstage when one of the men punches him in the face, sending him to the ground.
Now, Scar is a strong guy, and the stranger seems kinda shocked at himself for throwing the punch at all, so Scar has enough time to recover and stand. Instantly, his heart is racing. Adrenaline rushes through him. One thought comes to mind: he has to protect Grian.
Scar assesses the situation. The attackers have no visible weapons. Good. As the second man goes to swing a punch, Scar grabs his wrist. He's much stronger, clearly. Twists the man’s arm around and pushes the guy back until he's tumbling onto the floor. 
The girl goes to scratch him, but Scar dodges at the last second. He can hear another security guard, somewhere nearby. If he screams, Grian will hear. She'll stop the set and come to find him. She will be closer to the danger. She could get hurt.
Scar holds his tongue. The first guy tries to come in again, and again Scar blocks the attack, but he doesn't see the second man getting back up. He’s one against three. It’s a miracle he made it as long as he did.
He's on the floor before the pain of the hit even registers. This time, they're quicker than him. He receives a kick to the chest. Something snaps. For a stunned second, the attackers pause. The breaths catch in his throat painfully.
He thinks they might kill him. It's a horrible thought, but it's not an unrealistic one. The three assailants all land hits and kicks, never giving Scar enough time to stand.
They finish their assault as suddenly as they attacked. With horror, Scar thinks they're going to go onstage. They're going to hurt Grian. But, no. They turn back the way they came. One of them says something. About stealing, or deserving, or... 
Scars ears are ringing. 
As they walk away, he blacks out.
Hospital Visit Two
Grian is the one who finds Scar, coming backstage during a break. Her scream is enough to alert the crew. Obviously, the show is cancelled. An ambulance is called for Scar and a search takes place for the attackers, but no one can find anyone suspicious. Later, more anonymous posts on social media brag vaguely about how they showed that bodyguard that he doesn't deserve Ari. 
When Scar wakes up in hospital, Grian is right there waiting, looking like a mess. The rest of the tour crew are there too, glad to see Scar awake. Grian's hair has been cut even shorter, in messy, jagged clumps. Scar briefly wonders if he did that in the hospital bathroom. 
He asks if Grian is okay, to which Grian breaks down crying. She practically screams at Scar that he should be worried about himself. He broke a rib and has a head injury, for goodness’ sake! Scar says that’s not his job. Grian freezes up. She tells him quietly that his safety should always come before Grian's own. Scar repeats that his job is to keep Grian safe, no matter what. 
Grian realises that Scar would do anything for her, and that's terrifying. He could have died, today, and he didn't call for help. Grian knows she would have heard him if he had called for help. So she asks Scar why. Scar tells the truth: he wanted to make sure Grian wouldn't come running towards the danger, because that's his job. 
He’s so sure of himself, it’s agonising. Grian knows that Scar's contract isn't the only reason he's so willing to get hurt defending her. Still, she fires him. Right there, on the spot. 
The hospital makes Grian feel anxious. The lights flicker, almost like the flashing of cameras. She cut her hair with tiny scissors in the hospital bathroom, to keep herself grounded, and to keep herself from doing anything stupid. She thinks about how she brings pain to everyone around her- how she took Scar away from a normal life.
They are only in the hospital for a few more days. Scar and Grian go home together, and make no announcements to the press. Grian gets Mumbo to call Scar’s boss and make sure he’s fired. Not out of malice- they talk about it, of course, and she has enough money for both of them- but because she isn’t sure if she can handle Scar taking on any more dangerous jobs.
A Break, A Breakdown 
After Scar is out of the hospital, Grian decides to take another indefinite break, pulling back into isolation, even becoming more distant from Scar. Scar obviously knows something is wrong, but chalks it up to Grian being upset with him about his own recklessness. A rift grows between them, despite living together.
Moving house to escape reporters and cameras doesn’t help much with the growing tension, either. Not for the first time, Scar realises just how complicated his life has become.
Grian becomes increasingly closed-off, no matter what Scar says or does. Jokes don't land. Conversation runs dry. She just doesn’t seem happy. Scar starts to grow irritable, too, not enjoying being stuck indoors and left with frequent nightmares surrounding Grian and their various attackers. It all seems rather bleak.
Until, one day, Grian is happy. Carefree. Better. Scar isn’t an idiot. He knows what's happening. He doesn't want to believe it, but he's heard enough stories from friends and family to know what's about to happen. For lack of better words, Grian has been depressed, now suddenly she’s joyful again? Yeah, no, Scar doesn’t buy it.
He calls the crew. It's an emergency. Grian isn't well. As the day goes on, Scar doesn't let Grian out of his sight. Once she starts an argument about needing to use the bathroom in peace, Scar tells her what he thinks is going on. He has reason to believe she's actively suicidal. 
A shocked silence. From the look on Grian’s face, Scar knows he was right. Grian mumbles something about it not being Scar's job to protect her anymore. Scar tells her it is. It's his job as a partner to make sure Grian stays alive. He doesn't expect Grian to break down crying in front of him, but that's been happening a lot lately. Or, Scar has heard it a lot, through closed doors. 
This time Scar is able to offer comfort, to hold her somewhat awkwardly in his arms and whisper that it'll be okay. Even to Scar, it sounds like a lie. He was never really good at emotional things, always more helpful with the physical- sharing honey tea for a sore throat, or putting himself between Grian and the cameras. 
The thing about Grian, is that once he starts speaking, it’s hard to get him to stop. As soon as Scar opens the door, she’s off on a rant. Of course, he listens, but it hurts to hear. Grian’s so sick of it all. His body, his art, his relationships, his life. They’re all objects in the eyes of the press and the fans.  She’s not even safe to just be with Scar- her existence puts them both in so much danger. And she's not perfect anymore. She's corrupted and wrong and they can smell it on her like bloodhounds. Every imperfection is amplified or ignored in favour of viewing her as this untouchable idol that Scar is selfishly taking for himself. Grian just wants it to stop.
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crabonfire · 2 years
unsure if it’s been done before, or if you’re comfortable with it, but mercs as parents ? :]
the way I gasped when I saw this bcs omg yes!!!! mercs as parents babeyyy B)
Mercs as parents!
characters: all mercs!!
warning: none!! some are a tiny bit sad but still hapy
NOTE!!! sorry this is very...long overdue. when exams came out I just got writers block, I had to focus on exams...thank god they are ending in a couple days GAHSHHDHDHFHF
also some are shorter than others...m very sorry bbg :(
• aw
• I don't know this is honestly really cute
• he has some... Doubts. Like any parents do, but seeing the happiness on your face and your child(ren) s face whenever you talk to him? that makes all the worry go away baby.
• such a good dad. he smothers them with love and affection, definitely pretends to be santa claus on Christmas (if you celebrate it) and teaches those kids to be tough.
• DEFINITELY takes them out to play baseball. your kids are baseball fans take it or leave it.
• I really don't have much to say other than the fact he'd be a great dad, I think this will teach him a lot about himself and make him a better person, I love dad scout.
• I feel like he'd be a bit too aggressive on the child(ren) at first, not understanding how fragile they can be until he really sees them.
• he's much more gentle and quiet around them, trying his best not to scare them.
• I think he has some gender role problems to deal with, so talk through it with him.
• but anyways, he's a great dad honestly. he cradles them and plays with them everyday, making sure that they are always happy.
• he may not understand much of a child's need or their limits, and you two may fight about that. But understand that he will definitely learn, give him time, he is trying his best.
• he's not good at comforting, but he's great at pep talks and hyping his kids up!!!
• he teaches them to be brave and strong, telling them stories from when he was in war. Its all fake, but who cares honestly.
• overall decent dad, just needs to change some of his habits.
• Super understanding parent.
• I feel like he went through a ton as a child, explaining why he acts childish sometimes, so I think he's be a very understanding parent when it comes to his kids.
• very patient, and fun!!
• I bet for a fact that the kids love him, spoils them a shit ton.
• he loves to draw with them, putting their drawings up in your shared bedroom so he can admire them when he wakes up.
• he's a bit doubtful of his ability to parent, he thinks he's a bit too unprepared. But as long as your here, he's not too worried.
gosh I love pyro
• this guy was SO PUMPED when you two decided to have kids
• but oh boy is he anxious.
• he will not drink ever around them.
• he's quite sweet to his kids, calling them lad or lassie, along with cute ass nicknames because he just loves them so much.
• loves to hug them and carry them whenever you go out, piggy back rides, princess carry, whatever it is, he loves it.
• he likes to mess around with them a lot, and probably the type of dad to go with their kids dumb ideas even though they might go horribly wrong or are just stupid.
• he loves his family. does he think he's a bad parent sometimes? Yeah, but every parent does. You just give him a hug and he'll forget all about it.
my man fr!
• i love misha :( my big mercenary man misha:((( I love him sm....
• gosh I'm smiling as I'm typing this ok
• he's the best dad ever.
• he's strict, of course he is. but you've seen this man in the comics, he knows when to let loose.
• he cooks for them everyday, making them school lunches, teaches them Russian, and teaches them to defend themselves if it needed to be done.
• he's also so sweet, and he tells you and his kids he loves them everyday. Heavy is not embarrassed, why should there be a need to be embarrassed? He loves you guys.
• he loves to read them stories before bed, and he loves to give them bear hugs and carry them.
• when the kid(s) saw him, he was scared that the kid(s) would be scared of him. But when they hugged him and gave him a bright smile, he melted into a puddle and chuckled, giving them a forehead kiss.
is the reason I love heavy because my dad left me for 7 years of my life and even as he came back he still didn't give me affection till this very day? maybe. but we'll never truly know.
• Hshdhdhjfjfjfj men. I LOVE. MEN.
• ueeuueue....ue...:(...ueue,,,uee!!! ;(((
• so...so sweet. MAN.
• calls them all sorts of nicknames.
• this man has never had any doubt in his life.
• he will kiss, hug, carry, cradle, comfort, just smother them with so so much love.
• makes inventions for them, and if any of them are ever interested in engineering his heart will explode due to happiness.
• he spoils those mfs so much you gotta tell him off sometimes. He's honestly so sweet it hurts.
• he will take so many pictures, and have them on both a physical album, and one he keeps in a camera he made himself. So that incase one is lost, he still has the other.
• I...I don't know man. He's the perfect dad. I genuinely don't know what else to write.
engie..kiss me challenge? UM...sir why do you as a man have cute lips? for me to kiss them? whore
• hell nah.
• he probably just wants one kid, he thinks more than one is a mistake LMAOOOO
• he's not very affectionate, not that he doesn't want to be, but he's scared to overwhelm the child.
• overall tho, he's actually quite sweet.
• he'll leave the affection up to you, but of course he will spend time with the kid...its his kid too after all 💀
• he likes to call them nicknames too, and likes to ruffle their hair a lot.
• probably will only bond with their kid over scientific stuff or whatever the kids into, he has to tone down the insanity a bit, but they are sweet together. The kids a bit messed up like he is to be honest, and he finds that endearing.
"Papa look!! I drew an anatomically accurate heart! Do you like it?"
"Oh mein gott, zhis is quite beautiful! The detail... Amazing work mein schatz :) ruffles their hair "
• he doesn't understand or relate to children much, but he tries, he really does. He will spend days trying to find a solution to make your child feel better if they were ever sad. He's a good dad, and he will try to be the best if he can.
aww he's so baby girl
• aw baby girl
• definitely has a lot of doubts, but he's happy.
• like medic, probably just wants one kid.
• if it was a girl he'd definitely call them "daddy's little girl"
• he's always smiling around them, they just make him so happy.
• he's honestly struggling every day, having to ask you for comfort or advice on if he's doing it right. Doing what right you ask? Parenting.
• but just be there with him through it all, he's a great dad just anxious.
• he talks to his kid about how to survive in the wild, showing them his collection of cool yet a bit weird stuff from his past work experiences. Some are a bit...too weird. Remind him to not show the kid the animal eyes he has in a jar from that one time he fought off a radioactive iguana.
• him and the kid get along pretty well, to be honest...he's starting to change his mind about only having one kid.
• sobs
• he doesn't want to...at first.
• well,,,he doesn't want to mess up like he did before. How he left scout, left his past behind, he doesn't want to do that to you because of his cowardness.
• but in the end, he loves you, and he loves the child, so he will try his best.
• he's a great father, have you seen him in that one Christmas comic?
• he will smother that child with love and gifts, and will train them to be kind at a young age.
• he's still extremely doubtful of his ability, but just comfort him. he's doing great, he just can't seem to understand that right now.
• but he's sweet, he loves them, and you, and isn't embarrassed to admit it (like misha!!!)
• he's a bit distant from the child at first, but as time goes by it'll all be fine. he doesn't want to hurt his child, not again.
sobs. Great dad, major issues.
YAY!! sorry I haven't written in months,,exams.
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onstrangerthighs · 1 year
👑 After Billy encounters a demodog while on his way to pick up Max from a sleepover, Steve takes a walk to Cherry Lane with a flashlight to check on him, and it soon becomes an unintentional routine. Billy has yet to call him out on it, so Steve isn't sure if he knows (he does). Steve doesn't know how to bring up what he's seen through Billy's window. He's starting to understand what Billy meant when he said that he's no stranger to monsters. He also starts leaving a light on in his house to let Billy know he's always welcome. Steve may be facing a different kind of monster, but they're all the same in the end. They thrive in the dark and prey on the lonely. Billy won't be lonely anymore; he'll make sure of it.
📸Jonathan sees the bruises that Billy's jacket can't hide. He follows Billy whenever he can, like a friendly shadow. If Billy notices, he doesn't say anything. He does, however, walk around with a small smile and a pep in his step. He's a walking masterpiece that sticks out from the drab background plaguing everyone else in Hawkins.
🤝No one understands Billy better than Patrick and Jonathan when it comes to his life at Cherry Lane. They just get it. Patrick has a curfew, so he can't stay up late, and both Jonathan and Billy have work, but they find a way to meet up whenever they can. Patrick and Billy are partners in lab and in pranks. Patrick calls Neil regularly, pretending to be a scorned ex-lover. Billy calls Patrick Senior at his job (accountant) just to annoy him. They're also on the basketball team together. Patrick secretly enjoys watching Billy get under Jason's skin. Jonathan occasionally stops by to watch them. Billy asks him if he wants to join the team. Jonathan looks at he and Patrick, all sweaty, and goes right back to his sketchbook.
📔Nancy meets Billy at the library every night at a certain time, so if he doesn't show then she'll know something is wrong. She also gives him Murray's address just in case he needs a place to go. She and Billy have a book club with Patrick and Eden, where they suggest different books to read every Wednesday. Sometimes they read to the little kids.
📢Heather covers for Billy at work if he can't come in. She'll stay with him at the pool after closing times. She helps him with his injuries and doesn't ask questions. When he's ready to talk, she'll be there. She switches shifts with him so he won't have to deal with Karen and the other creepy mothers.
🍍Argyle is always up for talking with Billy. Most of the time, it's just Argyle going on about the first thing that pops into his head. Billy chimes in whenever he feels like it. Argyle always has a story about annoying customers, and of course, everything is funnier when they're both high as hell.
🫧Carol lets Billy borrow her makeup. She takes him to the mall and they try on clothes together. Sometimes, they sit in his car, and she tells him he can let it all out.
🥋Tommy takes him to their favorite diner. Whenever Billy is filled with extra energy, Tommy lets him use his punching bag. They watch cartoons and throw chips at each other.
📣Chrissy fixes his hair into braids and ponytails. Billy reminds her that Neil doesn't like that, and she replies, "You want it. Do you really care what he wants? I don't." If he wants a hug, then she's more than happy to give him one (or three). Chrissy is also kind of a cuddle bug, and Billy is her favorite person to cuddle with because he's warm. They both talk shit about their parents. "Neil's mustache looks fake," or "Are you sure your mother's hair isn't a dead skunk?".
She drives Billy to her safe place, a hill under the stars. She says they can share it. She tries teaching him cheer routines and even gets out a uniform for him whenever they sneak into the gym. Patrick occasionally joins them to practice his free throws.
🍨Robin lets Billy into Scoops Ahoy, and they eat ice cream. They talk about crushes. They have inside jokes about their fellow classmates. Sometimes, Robin brings alcohol from her mother's stash and puts some in the ice cream for them to enjoy.
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beatcroc · 1 year
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@midnightcityx0x0 I'm not reblogging that fuckmassive post AGAIN but this got too long for a reply so. On its own post now
Anyway i actually have so much trouble thinking of anything for gustavo ever lmao. Everything i have for him I've adopted from other people; rem [brickattack] as mentioned on the big post, and @synthlet/softersynths for a lot of other things. [and a couple others too but iirc synths was the one who started those ppl on it as well gfjdjds] which is to say, you'd probably get better/more interesting answers from those guys :p but yeah, fp and gus are pretty close. It's the general exposure/familiarity, the fact that fp is just a happy/pleasant and easy-to-like dude personality-wise, and for gus specifically there's also a level of "he shares a lot of traits with peppino, without peppino's Baggage™"
that last point is very very interesting but i dont know if i'd Actually get to doing a lot with it bc i typically make fake pep His Own Guy, with his similarities to peppino being almost sort of coincidental. i really really really like coming at peppino and fake pep from the "equals and opposites" angle, which like, that Can still apply for that last bit abt gus, but it's not something i've put a lot of thought into. it's also just fuckin hard to articulate outside of just showing it lmao. [i mentioned like, predator/prey animal nervousness + their reactions to fear vs aggression on the other post but to pull one for here: fake pep still has his own brand of Baggage to deal with too--different stuff than peppino's--but fp is way more open about it when it comes up as opposed to peppino having 50 fuckin walls about everything.
besides that, i also see a lot of general banter about gus being a very Nature Guy™ who likes to find beauty in all the weird fucked up shit nature does [especially in a world as cartoony as theirs], which i enjoy a lot bc girl same. fp may be the farthest thing from natural, but i certainly think there is a lot of beauty to be found in his fucked-up-ness. and i'm sure gustavo sees it too.
and then a fun one i've come into pretty recently for them is that they both care abt peppino a lot, but peppino is very bad at...being cared for. so because you can rarely approach pep directly about anything if it involves vulnerability [again: 50 fuckin walls], and because they both know him very well in different ways and can get through to him about different things, they end up working together a lot in sort of a conspiratory way. plotting scheming etc. 'have you noticed anything wrong lately + how are we going to help this guy out today', that sort of thing. the idea there can go a lot of ways but i'm partial to them using like goofy cartoon antics to set him up for something that'll be beneficial to him. [also brick is in on it too technically but brick is a rat and therefore only sapient when it's funny.] peppino rarely realizes what theyre doing until it's too late. get loved idiot
TANGENTIAL. DONT even get me started on the angst oh my god. you. i am pointing at you you made me think about this. i am not usually one who likes doing angst or making things excessively bad for the hell of it but. a bitch may be considering. under cut bc its unrelated to gustavo stuff but this is as good an excuse as any to share. [+ also extra thoughts on it bc of COURSE]
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so i said that at the end there but then a few hours later i found myself toying around with a script and getting a good way to set it up.... im hoping i hit a roadblock on it and drop it because if i DO end up getting it all the way written i will definitely end up drawing it at some point and that would be uh... a big undertaking. it would also be one of the last ones i do bc there's other stuff i still want to build on, so IF, i cannot stress enough IF i go to make it a thing for real, it won't be this year.
for the bits i have so far though it's interesting how much it's shaping up to be like. a showcase of just how well peppino knows fp. which is surprisingly well? even better than gus, despite gus' being WAY more emotionally perceptive. peppino doesn't engage with fp more than necessary and rarely acts interested in his business, but i do think he spends a lot of time just... observing him. if only because pep is neurotic and anxious and fp is weird and freaky so it is a constant thing of "ok what the hell is this. is this something i need to be worried about?" whenever fp is doing shit, and the answer is always ''no'', but it's the sort of instinct that never leaves you yknow. so he's just very familiar with all fp's mannerisms and reactions and whatnot, even if he doesn't really use that knowledge much.......except when things go south. he's a lot more perceptive of fp acting 'wrong' or 'off' compared to gus, who would just be seeing it on a more normal 'aw he looked upset' kind of level.
i talk a lot abt fp's nervousness but the other negative thing that's just as strong with him is frustration. it doesn't usually get to him too bad, and he doesn't really show it around people outside of the occasional eyeroll; but it's stuff like not being able to communicate properly with anyone and getting constantly [negatively] misinterpreted; knowing he's Kinda Shite at his "purpose" [i.e. being 'better peppino' or whatever] and not being able to do anything about it [i don't think he cares about that much any more but i imagine it's still gotta be a bit annoying to remember]; not getting closure for like Anything that happened at the tower, etc... and while i DON'T think this would be the kind of thing to make him go berserk [i still don't really have any idea or framing for that lol; the script starts off a couple weeks in the aftermath and i pointedly don't do flashbacks], it's definitely the kind of thing that would get exacerbated by isolation. the kind of thing that's easy to focus on and spiral about without anyone to ground him; the kind of thing that could keep him from thinking clearly and he might just need to Take It Out on something after awhile.
peppino remains a terrible mediator but he is wildly resilient and tenacious, and if you need a guy to slap some sense into you... i mean he can very literally do that, and do it better than just about anyone.
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quiet-hypnotist · 3 years
A Touch Of Science
“Ready?” His voice was mild. No pressure at all.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” They grimaced, both confirming the unspoken truth behind that. Sure she felt ready. But what did that mean when you were about to take a leap of faith into an experiment?
“It’s going to be fine,” the soft words cheered her on. “Just a tap, right?”
“Right. Um, or y’know, better make that two or three. Gotta have some scientific comparison.”
Science? What the heck? Who was she trying to fool? She knew better than anyone that she wasn’t in this for the research. Rare neural transmitter condition or whatever, her paper was the furthest thing from her mind when she looked at the way his hands wrapped around that mug so tenderly…
Damn it, focus!
“Sure. For science.” Was that nervousness in his eyes? Or… or arousal? No way, right? He wasn’t like her.
Not like she got horny from imagining the effects of this ‘experiment’, of course! Just… right, just tension being released as an excited high, that was all. That would surely make her body feel like it glowed with needy desires. At all the wrong times, but still.
Even after all that pep talk though she still shuddered when his fingers moved near her face.
“Shhh, it’s okay,” the whisper was so gentle that she found herself relaxing a split second before processing his words, “It won’t hurt.”
Her head was still nodding when those pretty fingers gently brushed over her cheek and zapped her brain with a flood of pure sensation.
Eyes growing wide her head tried to make sense of the impossible overload that it experienced, yet all she could understand was how little she understood. Every nerve in her body seemed to soak up twice, maybe three times the amount of information as usual.
“See?” No change in his voice. As if nothing had happened he soothed her, an unspoken way out open for her in every sound he made. “Though it can be a bit much at once.”
“No worries...” God, she wasn’t panting, was she? How long had skin contact lasted? Seconds? An instant? Fuck, it couldn’t have been longer than half a minute. Yet it felt like hours must have passed since her senses last worked normally. The room suddenly seemed dull. With a resolute headshake she brushed the effect off. As best as possible, anyway.
“Totally fine and dandy, see?” It was meant to come across as confidence. So long as he didn’t see her shaking. How was it so intense?
“Fine”, he echoed but kept his doubts at that, “So… You wanna stick to the plan?” “Sure! We gotta make our sacrifices for science, right?”
“Right. For science...” There was no time to worry about the hesitation in his tone, The second his hand was back on her skin she mewled. The difference was unbelievable. Every colour seemed brighter, every light warmer, every sound downright mesmerizing as it overwhelmed her brain.
“I’m really trying to hold back, just for the record”, his voice flew past cognitive ability straight down into her nerves, making them sing in pure, painfully arousing pleasure. “It’s just… whatever this is, it doesn’t come with a dial.” She was vaguely aware that the carefree smile she’d tried to fake was growing brighter and sillier on her face as her tongue dropped out. If he talked he deserved a reply and replies needed words and words needed her to use her mouth, right? But she couldn’t remember how. And moments later the thought had already been wiped from her head, scattered by the torrents of sensation pulsing through her at every breath.
“So this always happens.” With an exhausted sigh he took his hand from her face, For a dangerous second those magical fingers hovered in front of her, like he fought with himself to not nudge her tongue back behind her lips. Instead though he just dropped the effort, waiting patiently as she tried to regain her composure.
“Wow.” Whatever she had expected coming into this, already their experiment had surpassed it all. She tried to share that impression. But all that came out of her mouth was a strangely high-pitched, vacant: “More...”
The doubt was obvious on his face. Even in her addled state she knew she shouldn’t push him further. And yet in lieu of words she gave him her best, most irresistible pleading expression nodding towards the notes for her papers. No way to miss those with how much of the table they occupied, even if he tried to pretend that he overlooked them anyway.
“Third time’s the charm, huh? Just making sure, this is why I insisted on having a signed agreement first.”
“For science. That’s, like, obvious!” Even if the tingle that came with anticipating his next move felt highly unscientific. “It’s gotta be, like, some form of bio-electric signal. There’s only so many ways our bodies can be stimulated after all. And even if you’d have, like, pheromones or stuff, this still would be the only explanation why your touch is the trigger.”
He blinked, clearly trying to look like that made sense to him. “But… doesn’t that just mean the longer I touch you, the higher the chance I fry something in your brain?”
Why was that so hot?
“Mhmmmm! But don’t worry so much! It’s not like we’ll carry on that long. ‘Just a tap, right’?” “How am I supposed to deny you if you use my own words against me? Fine.”
This time she felt ready. Weird, in a way, but ready. The dizziness was blinding but she tried to let it all go. The rustling of their clothes, the scratching of his mug being pushed a bit on the flat table, even his muttered assurance that he tried to make this easy on her all blurred into a peaceful white noise as she allowed herself to relax into the moment. What was left of her vision grew pink as her eyes fluttered and rolled, like trying to watch in real time how her mind got scrambled and rearranged. Like from far a way there was a soft, utterly unrestrained giggle that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at once.
Beautiful. What could be better than listening to this all day?
She sagged into her seat, unbothered by keeping up appearances. Feeling that supple body jiggle as if shaken by laughter was mildly amusing at best. Each breath took her eons while it seemed like hours flew by in a heartbeat. And yet the onslaught of sensations only ever increased. Something like a concept flickered within the white noise that filled her head. Something about pro… proport… about the relation between exposu… about getting touched making her head all fluffy. Fluffy enough that anything resembling a word began to fall apart around the seams if it took too long. That tickled a long squeal out of her.
Which the silly guy took as a sign to pull back, of course. “That’s got to be enough data for - ” “Never!” With a fierce hunger standing in for polished rhetoric her gaze focused just long enough to freeze him. “We said, like, three! That was just… um… ” “The third?” He wanted to help out but was brushed off. “Nu-uhhh! One. That’s, like, just one time. The first one and the next one didn’t count at all, duh!” Like a vice she gripped his arm by the sleeve, pulling him closer: “For science, take twOooohhh!”
It hit differently, but she had no wiggle room to figure out why. Not when there was so much wiggle room for his hand to sink into as her breasts framed it on either side. Where before it had been a tingling, blissful whiteout in her head, this time the effect raced through her with a jolt. It was like her body for the first time remembered what lust was supposed to feel like. And now it hammered the point home with with a vengeance to make sure it stuck. Reasons, pretenses, even him… it all took a backseat somewhere in a corner of her brain that wasn’t yet in the process of evaporating. Which left less and less the longer her grip pressed his hand against her supple flesh.
“That’s quite enough, isn’t it?” Her protest was a vapid giggle, but only the distraction from her shivers was what allowed him to shake off her hand. Minutes passed as the two of them just silently stared at each other. Him with a clouded, almost petrified expression, while hers seemed stoned in a very different way.
“Shorrie ‘bout dat,” she drawled while trying to get her tongue back into her mouth. Surprisingly difficult, as it turned out. “No, no, it’s fine.” Was he resigning himself to his fate? “You did mention it would be better to run a series of tests instead of just one. Did you at least figure anything out?”
“No… um, I mean, gotta, like, anal… oh, fuck. I mean, analyze the tests first. Though, like, more samples would help.”
“More?!” Judging by the way he rubbed his wrist he still had the last one in bad memory.
“Like, umm… difference in the body parts that touch?”
“You don’t say.” With a sigh he grabbed an empty paper and a pen, moving both closer to him. “Fine, but this time let’s make sure there’s some data afterwards for you.”
She barely listened as his free hand hovered just inches in front of her face.
“Oh, and,” just in the nick of time he stopped her from lounging forward, “I decide where we test.”
For a second she considered protesting. Wasn’t this experiment suddenly no longer hers?
Then his fingers pushed past her lips into her wet mouth and none of that mattered.
* * *
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
pleeeease write a blurb where the girl's a member of little mix and they do an award show performance, so tom keeps hyping his girl up and recording stories, just being a supportive bf 🥺
Thank you so much for requesting!! I’m so sorry it took so long, but I hope you enjoy it💞 I know you said you wanted a blurb, but I could never write short things, I’m always too damned detailed and shit, I’m sorry😭 Happy reading🥰
#1 Fan
Based on Little Mix’s 2019 BRITs performance of Woman Like Me, I suggest watching it to understand Tom’s insta story💞
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“You’re going to absolutely smash it. All of you are.” Tom encouraged you. His large hands grasp onto yours comfortingly. The two of you were currently backstage at the BRITs in your and the girls’ shared dressing room. Tonight was a big night for you all, as you and the girls were nominated for two awards: British Artist Video of the Year and British Group of the Year. Additionally, the five of you were going to be performing your latest single, “Woman Like Me”.
To say that you were jittery was an understatement. You were terrifyingly nervous, it made you feel nauseous. Your stomach was a jungle of butterflies, fluttering nonstop as the time to perform grew closer and closer. You glanced at the clock and took a deep breath. The pink latex bra you had on felt as if it were getting tighter and tighter around your chest. Tom notices your slight discomfort and glances at the time, “How about we sit? You’ve got plenty of time to relax before you all go on stage.”
Tom wraps his arm around your waist and leads you to the couch in the dressing room. He settles beside you and moves his arm to rest across your lap, his hand interlocking with yours. You leaned back into the seat and watched the girls make last minute touches to their hair, face, and costumes. Tom squeezes your hand, bringing your attention to him. Your eyes shift to meet his warm chocolate brown ones. A soft smile grows on his lips, “Hey.”
You reciprocate his smile with a smaller one, “Hi.”
“What’s wrong? You rarely get jitters before going out on stage.” He asks you quietly so only you could hear. You stare down at your lap and fiddle with his fingers.
“I-it’s just different from what we’ve been doing lately.” You start, glancing at Tom. He nods for you to continue, “We just haven’t been doing live performances for such a long time. Like on tour, we’re usually performing in front of our fans. Not the entire British music industry or live television.”
Tom brings your hand up to his lips and presses a gentle kiss on it. “There’s nothing to worry about, darling. You—and the girls, are going to do amazing as always. You guys are the best at live performances. The amount of work and dedication you girls put into this is going to pay off, I swear, it’ll be a standing ovation. Everyone’s going to love it.”
You smile at your boyfriend’s support for you and the girls. You couldn’t help but peck his lips, to which he replied with a lovestruck grin.
“I’m just nervous that I’ll mess up. Like what if I miss a step of the choreography—or stumble on my words while I’m singing? Oh god, what if I forget the lyrics—“ Your eyes widen in horror as your head generated all the worst case scenarios that could happen on stage. Tom shushes you and gingerly cradles your jaw, being careful of the makeup on your face.
“Listen to me.” He levels his eyes with yours to make sure your attention is on him. “You’re not going to mess up or forget a line—none of that nonsense is going to happen. It’s a load of bullshit. You wanna know why? Because you’re (y/n) (l/n), a member of one of the biggest girl bands of the world, you’re my girlfriend, and you’re the most beautiful and talented girl I’ve ever met. You’re just overthinking. I know you, (y/n). Once the music starts on stage you get lost and start singing your heart out, the crowd just disappears from existence. It’s only you and the girls up on that stage and you’re going to make one hell of a performance. I just know it and so do the other people waiting in that audience.”
You stare at him, stunned by his sudden motivational speech. “Since when did you get good at pep talks?”
His mouth gapes at you, “Uh—stan Twitter? The fans? Is that seriously what you got from all of that?” You shook your head and wrapped your hands around his wrist. “No, I heard every single word. I guess I’m feeling a bit more better now, so thank you, Tommy.” You peck his lips again, despite the fact that your lip gloss was getting on his lips. Though he didn’t care, as long as he was kissing you.
“Still got some nerves?”
“Just a little bit. But I’ll be fine, especially with you in the crowd.” You interlock your fingers with his and glance at the clock. Only 10 more minutes till you were all going to perform.
Tom’s face lights up, “Front seat babe, I got the best seat in the house. I swear, I’m recording the whole performance on my phone. I already got Harrison to help me take Instagram stories for me at the same time. I need every angle.”
Jesy takes that as her cue to join the conversation, “My goodness, you’re such a dork.” She reaches her hand out for you to help you get off the couch.
Tom fakes a dramatic gasp, knowing Jesy didn’t really mean her jab at him. “I don’t know what you’re taking about, I’m just being a very supportive boyfriend. AND Little Mix’s number one fan.”
You dust your pink pants off and take a look at yourself in the full body mirror. You did a little shake too loosen your limbs out and did some breathing exercises. Tom lets you do your pre-performance ritual while he talks with the girls.
Perrie crosses her arms, amused at the younger Brit, “Are you seriously competing against a bunch of teenage girls to deem yourself as our number one fan?”
“Well are they dating one of the members of Little Mix? I don’t think so. You know who is? Me.” Tom gestures to himself sassily. “I even get to hear all the new music earlier than everybody else and get good seats at concerts.” He bragged while one of the members on your team helped you place your in-ears.
Jesy rolls her eyes before gesturing to the door, “Right, I’m calling security. Apparently we’ve got a crazed fan in our dressing room.” Jade and Leigh-Anne stifle a laugh at the bickering.
“You can’t kick me out, I have backstage access.” Tom defended himself with crossed arms.
“No seriously, babe. We’re about to perform in five.” You join the conversation, finally feeling your anxiousness start to fade away. Tom blinks at you, “I’m being kicked out by my own girlfriend?”
Jesy laughs at Tom, taking the piss out of his offended expression. A sly smirk grows on your face. You hold your hands out for him to help him off the couch, “If you want to record every second and angle of our performance, I suggest leaving now.”
Tom straightens out his suit before interlocking your fingers with his. He leans forward and pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “You’re gonna be great. I love you.”
You giggle, eyes beaming up at his warm brown ones, “I love you too. Now get back to Harrison, you’ve left him alone for too long.” Prior to leaving, he stops in his tracks and manages to gather you and the girls into a group selfie. He wishes you all good luck and leaves, making his way back to his seat in the audience.
While he walks back, he posts the selfie you all took onto his Instagram story with the caption, “Good luck to these beautiful ladies! Tune into the BRITs to see their performance, you don’t wanna miss it!”
He gets back to the table designated for you and the girls to see Harrison with an unamused face.
“What?” Tom asks him, confused at his friend.
“You left me here by myself, you div.” Harrison quips. Tom cringes and apologizes to his friend.
“You’re still gonna help me record the performance, right?” Tom sheepishly asked gesturing to Harrison’s phone.
“Yes, Tom, I’ve told you multiple times that I’ll record it.” Harrison held his phone up getting his camera ready. Harrison was about the rant about Tom and how whipped the boy was for you, but was sushed by his best friend.
“SHUT UP IT’S STARTING. HARRISON START RECORDING!” The lights dimmed while someone announced you and the girls. Harrison had his phone already filming while Tom held his phone up, ready to start recording things for his Instagram story.
Tom’s Instagram Story:
“HOLY SHIT!” Tom screamed behind the camera as he recorded the opening of the performance.
You and the girls were stood up while the dancers were on the floor thrusting up at you all. The camera flips to Tom, who’s mouth was agape, “THAT SHOULD BE ME.”
The camera is back to the stage, where you and the girls are doing the choreography with the chairs. Tom whoops loudly in the background and yells, “THAT’S FUCKING SICK—HARRISON LOOK AT THEM.”
“YESS! THAT’S MY GIRLFRIEND!” Tom screamed, thrusting his finger in your direction when your part of the song came on.
Tom zooms in on you as you strutted alongside the girls on the stage, he flips the camera back to him and a smirk is on his lips. He nodded before telling the camera, “That’s my girl.”
Tom forgot to turn his camera around and ended up recorded himself reacting to the performance. A proud smile is on his features while his eyes lit up as they followed you on stage. He leaned closer to Harrison and says, “She looks stunning, mate, my god.”
The stories cut to him and Harrison dancing and singing along to Woman Like Me.
The camera cuts back to you. You’re singing your part in the chorus and you hit a certain note that stuns Tom. He flips the camera to himself, a shocked expression on his face while he hyped you up.
The colored lights reflect onto Tom’s face, his mouth widens when he realizes you and the girls included a dance break in the performance. He flips the camera back, making sure all five of you were in frame.
Tom cheers in the background along with the audience when you and the girls finish your performance.
An unbreakable smile is on Tom’s lips, “There you all have it, I tried to record some parts just in case you all missed it—But that was probably one of the greatest performances they have ever done. I feel so honored to be here.”
Tom leans over so him and Harrison are in frame, “What did you think of the performance, Harrison?” Harrison grins, “I thought it was out of this world, I wasn’t expecting that.”
Tom’s face is hovered above the camera, “I just wanted to let you all know, that after tonight, I am officially becoming a Little Mix fan account. Follow me for more insider updates on Little Mix.”
You come back to the table to see Tom, Harrison, and the girl’s dates beaming at the five of you. You’re all greeted with congratulations and hugs. When you finally reach Tom, he crashes his lips onto yours and lifts you up.
You giggle against his lips, “Hello to you too.”
He pecks your lips twice more before placing you back down, “You were—I don’t even know how to describe it. You were fucking amazing up there.”
You whine, the blush growing on your cheeks while you hid your face in his neck, “Well, I couldn’t have done it without your little pep talk. So thank you, lovey.” 
Tom waves you off while helping you into the seat beside him, “That was all you, darling.”
You and the girls settled down as the awards show continued on. You were drinking a glass of water and reached out to check your phone. Tom stops you, grabbing your wrist. You shoot him a look.
“No—just, don’t watch my Instagram story. Please.” He asks you with a sheepish smile. A loud roar of laughter is heard from across the table, making you all look at Jesy. She simply holds her phone up, screen facing you all, with Tom’s story playing on it.
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discocactusblogs · 3 years
Heather- Jason Todd x Chubby Reader Pt.1
{Author's Note: _____ is a blank to put your name}
"Girl, just tell him!" Barbara whispered and nudged me towards my best friend, Jason Todd aka Robin, the boy wonder.
I had found out about him being Batman's sidekick when we were 13, shortly after he became Robin.
"Easy for you to say! Look at you! You're gorgeous! You're fit and thin and redheaded! Just look at me… I'm...not so fit... I'm chubby. I'm a plain bagel. I'm not ugly but I'm not exactly pretty either." I sighed and gestured to my chubby body.
" ______, I know what I'm telling you. Just tell him." She sighed. "Besides, you're gorgeous too! And very intelligent and mature for a fifteen-year-old!" Barbara smiled, holding up a banana like a wand.
"As if. What guy my age sees a girl and goes, 'What a lovely personality?' Get real Babs, no one wants a plain bagel." I shrugged.
"Welp, I gotta get going or I'll be late for work. But trust me, he won't turn you away." She turned away, obviously knowing something I didn't.
"Hey _____!" Jason spoke as he walked up to me from the curb of the grocery store, I had gone to buy some fruit my mom had told me to get.
"Hey Jay." I sighed with a slight blush on my cheeks.
"Are you okay? It's kinda cold today… Where's your jacket?" He asked, tilting his head to the side slightly.
"My jacket!" I gasped. "I forgot it at school!"
"School's closed now. They just locked the gate." He replied with a shrug.
"My mom's going to kill me. That's the only jacket I have!" My eyes watered, knowing my mother was going to be furious with me when I got home.
"Take mine then. I have others at home." He unzipped his hoodie.
"N-no. It's fine. I can get it Monday from school." I spoke softly while staring at the ground.
He draped his jacket over my shoulders. "I said, take it. Besides, it looks better on you than me. It goes well with your hair color. Here, let me hold your stuff so you can get it on." He smirked, knowing I wouldn't refuse if he spoke sternly with me. He took the bag from my hands and I looked at him. "Zip. It. Up." He frowned.
"Yes sir." I put my arms in the jacket and zipped it up. He was bigger and bulkier than I was, so the jacket fit me rather loosely and was down to my mid thighs but it was comfortable and warm. Much warmer than the jackets and sweaters I had before.
"Hm… keep it. I know your dad hasn't been working a lot lately. It gets pretty cold so you can keep that one. Bruce got me some others at home. Just don't tell anyone, got it? I only share with you because I've known you since we were kids. You took care of me so I'm taking care of you." He looked at me, handing back the bag of fruit. "Now, don't think I'm getting soft or being a gentleman. You're still carrying your stuff." He smirked.
I smiled and chuckled. "Thanks." I took the bag and walked down the street with him.
"Hi Jason!" An annoying voice called out from the ice cream shop.
"Hm? Oh, hey Heather." Jason turned around and seemed slightly irritated.
"Are you going to the pep rally tonight?" Heather asked with fluttering eyelashes. She was Jason's girlfriend.
Dark hair, slim figure, bright eyes, how could I compete with that?
"Uh, no." He replied flatly.
"Why not, I'm going to be performing!" She countered.
"I'm just not feeling it. I don't like pep rallies." He shrugged. "Not my thing."
"Okay then. Wanna get some ice cream?" She asked.
"Go ahead and go home ______, I'll catch up later." He looked apologetically at me and walked across the street.
I nodded and kept walking.
I watched as Heather smiled and hugged him.
It hurt.
He was dating her and she was so sweet. Everyone loved her so, I can see why he did too. She always had a smile on her face.
I kept walking, tears stinging my eyes. There's no way I could ever be like her. He liked her more and would run to her at the drop of a hat.
Arriving at home, I stepped inside. "Hey mom! I'm back!" I set the bag on the counter.
"Oh good! Make sure you do your homework!"
"Yes ma'am!" I sigh and go up to my room, closing the door.
Out of instinct, I called my friend, Valerie.
"A simple solution to your problem is to play spin the bottle or something." She teased.
"Why would he ever kiss me? I'm nowhere near as pretty as Heather!" I clutch the sleeves of the hoodie before taking it off and throwing it onto my bed.
"He gave her his sweater." My eyes watered as I told her what had happened at school that day.
"The black one or the fake polyester one?" Valerie asked.
"The black one."
"Oh dear. I'll be right over." She hung up.
"Is it wrong to wish she were dead?" I chuckled softly when Valerie came through my bedroom door.
"Yes. It's your jealousy and I'm gonna chop off your legs if you continue on this path, Anakin." Valerie smirked.
"Dude, I was kidding." I turn in my swivel chair.
"Yeah, it was a failed attempt at a joke. I'm sorry about Jason. If it makes you feel better, Bradley dumped me." She looked at the ground.
"Here's the plan, I drive the car and Jason shoves him into the road and we make it look like an accident." I spoke whilst drawing out the plan.
"Don't worry about it."
"Worry about what?" Jason walked in.
"Oh, you came!" Valerie smiled.
I looked at her, what a traitor.
"So, I heard you gave Heather your sweater!"
"This one?" He held up said object. "Eh, we broke up. She liked someone else and so did I." He sat on a beanbag chair.
"Wait what? But you really liked her and she's so nice!" I exclaim in shock.
"Relax ______, it was mutual." He chuckled. "There's actually something I came to talk to you about." He seemed nervous, his cheeks tinting red and so were the tips of his ears.
"What is it?" I asked.
"I'll go get water." Valerie got up, stretched and went downstairs.
"I don't know how to say this. This is difficult for me but… I'm sorry. I don't want to be your friend anymore." He sighed.
My eyes widened. "W-what?"
"Yeah. I'm...tired of it." He stood up.
"But Jason, you're my best friend!"
"I know. Hey, do you know what material this shirt is?" He checked his shirt.
"Jason, now's not the time-"
"I don't know! Cotton, maybe?!" I was growing panicked and my eyes were stinging with tears.
"Wrong, it's boyfriend material. And so is that hoodie." He smirked.
I stood in silence.
"What?" He asked.
"Jason Peter Todd, are you...asking me to be your girlfriend????" I stood, mouth agape in shock.
He smirked and nodded. "Sure thing buttercup! I... love you." His face turned beet red.
"Why? I'm not pretty. I'm not slim or fit or anything-"
"Because you're smart, and cute, you're kind and brave. You're so cool too and geek out with me. We both nerd out over science stuff and books. What's not to love???" The look on his face was one of pure confusion, as if the answer was as clear as day.
"Jason, I love you too." I spoke in a hushed whispers as a few years fell from my eyes.
"Don't cry! Why are you crying???"
"I'm just happy! I've liked you for so long!"
"So have I but I'm not crying!"
"I didn't think you'd like me because I'm chubby!"
"What?! You think I'm that shallow? I'm offended!"
"Jay and ______ sitting in a tree~" Valerie teased from the doorway.
"Val!" We exclaimed in unison, Jay pulling me into a side hug.
"Fine! I'mma head out!" She grabbed her backpack and left.
A few days later, Jason was going to leave for a mission that I didn't want him to go on. I knew how dangerous it was for him to go alone.
"I'm leaving...for Bosnia. Bats needs my help." He looked at me sadly.
"Jay, please. Don't go. What if something happens?" I pleaded, clutching onto him tightly.
It was only a few days ago that he confessed to me and we were trying to figure out where to go with our relationship, which led to this argument.
"I'll come back. I promise." He kissed the top of my head. "Love ya." He smirked. His forest green eyes shone in the sunlight like an emerald.
He seemed so confident that he would be okay.
"Jason, no! I have a bad feeling you're not coming back!" I pleaded harshly, grabbing his wrist and asking him to stay.
"I'm just going to meet my birth mom, I'll be fine!" He assured me. "Here, hold onto my jacket for me." He took off his leather jacket and handed it to me.
I nodded with tears escaping the corners of my eyes. "I love you Jason…" I said as I watched him hop into the car and leave. Little did I know that would be the last time I ever saw him.
I kept that jacket with me at all times after that.
A few weeks went by without a word from Jason and the pit on my stomach only grew, the only thing keeping me sane was the scent of his cologne on his jacket that lingered still.
Finally, I mustered up the courage to go to Wayne Manor and ask if anyone's heard from Jason. It was then my heart shattered into pieces.
"Miss ______, I am so terribly sorry. I thought someone had already told you… Master Jason died last week." Alfred sat me down at the kitchen counter for tea.
My eyes widened and the porcelain teacup fell from my hand, shattering onto the tile floor. Tears flowed from my eyes like a cerulean waterfall. "No one told me!" I shouted, falling to my knees to clean up the mess with blurry eyes.
"Miss ______, I can get it." Alfred stopped me, only to realize I was bleeding from a deep cut from a glass shard on the top of my hand, a cut that would leave a scar for years to come.
"He can't be dead… he promised he would come back." I whispered, not even flinching from the cut.
"Here, allow me to tend to that." Alfred took out the first aid kit and cleaned the wound, giving it a few stitches.
"How…?" I asked, flinching from pain.
"... The Joker. Master Bruce didn't make it in time." He replied, the sorrow evident in his tone.
I nodded and thanked him for the help and the tea.
"Send a car to take her home." I heard Bruce from the doorway.
"Right away, Master Bruce." Alfred excused himself.
"His funeral is this Saturday if you'd like to come." Bruce turned away from me.
"I'll be there. Time?"
"See you then."
When the funeral finally took place, the reality of Jason's death set in. He wasn't coming back like he promised. I left a rose on his casket and bawled as I watched them lower the casket with my best friend and love of my life, into the dark, cold ground and with it, my heart.
"You promised." I whispered to myself, looking away from the scene. It was then I decided I wanted to be a nurse to help heal people.
Five years later, my dream of being a nurse was nearly achieved. I was two years away from graduating and I went to visit Jason every day on the way home from work. I still lived with my parents since I was a student at the local university, thanks to Bruce.
When I approached the door, that's when I saw it. A single rose on the bench outside the door along with a cryptic letter. 'Hang in there.' it said with a happy face at the end.
I was stumped but the notes and roses kept happening at least once a week and they soon came every day. At least, until the night that would change my life forever.
(Part Two)
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unholyhelbig · 3 years
Triple Treble High school AU??
Read on AO3 | Request prompts here
The darkroom wasn’t originally in the blueprints for the high school. It was a small space that was wedged between the back stairwell, something that still smelled so thickly of drain cleaner, and sawdust, that the developer only added a twinge of vinegar to the mix.
Beca had pestered and persisted until the school board agreed to convert the unused storage area into a place for the yearbook committee to soak and hang their film. It could fit about four people at a time and left her blinking away the red light when the bell rang, load and enough to vibrate the whole room.
She leaned against the table that woodshop had constructed, mindful of the surface that could splinter at any moment. She was putting the finishing touches on her book report for Mr. White’s third-period English. She was cutting it close, but the photos from the pep rally the day before still had a good three minutes left of the egg timer.
She twisted the dial and listened to the satisfying click that accompanied it.
Beca had learned a long time ago that it was better to be unseen than seen by the whole world. There were no standards that way, if this batch of photos didn't turn out, or darken fully, that would be okay- because it wasn’t like they had noticed her, other than the small flashes of light, or the click of her Nikon.
She scribbled the finishing touches on her interesting take of “To Kill a Mockingbird” and shoved the crinkled lined paper into her backpack. She hadn’t put much thought into it- having read the novel more than once and never finding it as moving as it was intended to be.
The timer sounded off and her heart caught in her throat. It always did, even though she was the one that set it. She knew it was going to hiss eventually, and her hands moved before her mind could catch up. She peered over the edge of the basin at the photo that developed fully.
Chloe Beale beamed charismatically, her arm around Kaylee Eli, brow glistening with sweat. The logo of the cowboy shining under the lights. Beca was a damn good shot, but Chloe was an even better model. She stared right into the lens like she actually saw Beca- she noticed and posed and smiled with the same type of vigor as always.
The second warning bell sounded off and Beca fished the photo from the solution with her tongs. She shook it once, then twice, before clipping it on the line. She shouldered her bag and then emerged into the hallway, breathing in to clear out the sharp acidic scent from her lungs.
She nearly collided with a warm body, also trying their hardest to get through the hallways and into homeroom in time for the third and final bell to sound. Her sneakers squeaked against the floor, and her shoulder did make contact with something soft, and hot, and she stumbled with an apology before even realizing who it was.
Posters, and buttons scattered across the floor with a deafening clatter, and a pile of books were soon to follow. They were obnoxiously red, white, and blue. And Beca was on her knees, very suddenly, scrambling to pile them into a stack that they had once been.
“I’m so sorry,” She said, her own backpack forgotten.
“Were you in a supply closet?”
Beca glanced up, meeting hard and ripe green. The girl in front of her was a mass of blonde hair and lip gloss. She shoved her bangs back and gave Beca an inquisitive look. The posters were stacked now, and the two raised to a standing position.
“No, I mean, yes.” Beca frowned “It’s not a supply closet anymore, though. It’s a dark room. For photography.”
The girl studied her. She looked vaguely familiar. Those posters did too- Aubrey Posen for Student President. She realized she was still gripping them, reading them. She flushed and handed them over.
“I’m afraid I’ve made you miss the final bell.” She said.
“Don’t worry about it. Have a fantastic day.” Beca replied, even if she didn’t’ mean it. She grabbed her bag from the floor and maneuvered her way around the girl and walked off towards her first class- one that she wouldn't be paying much attention to.
Aubrey glared down at her posters. The word Fantastic was outlined in blue and slanted in a way that screamed desperately. She swallowed back the suddenly queasy feeling in her stomach and pulled her shoulders back. It didn’t’ matter if the candy-cane stripes and the blue lettering were tacky. It would win her the vote.
She felt disheveled, the pink late slip in her pocket burned like dry ice. She hated breaking the rules, and even this, even having the permission to skip the first half of the morning to work on her campaign, made her feel like some kind of common criminal.
Aubrey walked all the way to the gym.
She was meant to set up the ballot tables for the three lunch periods. She hadn’t thought that many people would skip out on the greasy scent of fried chicken and the brothy greens that were slopped next to them to vote for student council. Not many people cared about the election, and sometimes Aubrey questioned her own dedication to the cause of no cause at all.
The gym always smelled thickly of sweat and floor wax. It’s bright lights seemed to be the only thing in the school that ran on an automatic timer. The last moments of morning cheer practice had just concluded, and Aubrey waited dutifully by the double doors for the girls to clear out.
Most of them- she knew cordially. She was nod at them and say hello, and even give them a button to strap to their bags. So they smiled kindly as they exited past her, and wished her luck on today's vote. She figured she needed it.
“Are you nervous?”
“Huh?” Aubrey had started to study the sound system in the corner, but her focus was suddenly on the one remaining cheerleader in the gym. Her voice echoed, and her smile radiated. “Oh, uh, no my opposing candidate is a gerbil so.”
“he’s got a solid campaign.” She replied, walking across the seal in the center of the floor. “For what it’s worth, I think you’re going to do great. You’ve got my vote.”
Aubrey hadn’t been this close to Chloe Beale. Not in school- they usually avoided one another after Bumper’s Halloween party, two semesters ago. She didn’t remember, much- the fowl taste of beer, the flashing lights, a kid in a skeleton mask, and Chloe Beale’s lips on hers. Cherry, and tart with alcohol.
Her cheeks reddened at the thought, all-encompassing. “Right, I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to tell me that.”
Chloe took a few steps backward before turning completely and walking towards the double doors. Aubrey struggled to avert her eyes, knew that she had to, but couldn’t find a way to do it. Chloe could feel them on her- swinging her hips intentionally.
She found herself letting out a trembled breath once she exited into the hallway. Her arms were burning, and so were her cheeks. Aubrey M. Posen had always been intimidating; in her fancy blazers and thick reading glasses. Her lips tingled, and she pressed two fingers against them to quell the sensation. The girl probably didn't even remember her on Halloween night, that stupid skeleton kid, drenched in fake blood, and the flashing lights that spurred her drunken stupor.
Chloe pressed her back against the painted brick wall and let the coolness drip through her sweaty t-shirt. She hadn’t slept well the night before, and practice before the day had even begun made her bones ache and her stomach turn.
She was going to be late for class, she knew that before they had even finished listening to coach Morris reminding them (for the third time that morning) about the pep rally on Friday. She peeled herself from the wall, blinking away the light from the trophy cases, before slinking into the locker room. It was empty now, the remaining scent of body spray and lotion clouding her lungs.
Chloe quickly changed and pulled her bag over her shoulder. She didn’t’ have a pink slip, not as she should, but figured that Mrs. Gordon would excuse her this once. She would slide into first-period Chemistry and try her best not to disturb the room more than she had to.
“Miss Beale,” She felt her heart seize, Mrs. Gordon’s eyes on her, lifting from the workbook that she was struggling to flip through. The rest of the room had taken to staring at her too, roaming eyes and giddy for a distraction, no matter how small. “Take the nearest seat.”
It would certainly be easier than working her way around the room, through the bags and the lab stools. She glanced sparingly at the empty seat closest to her. Beca Mitchell lifted both of her eyebrows and shifted the camera bag to the floor, allowing her to take a seat.
“Flip to page seventeen, The building of Electron’s and Neutrons”
Chloe reached for her bag, but before she could Beca shifted the textbook towards the middle of them, letting her scan her eyes over the annotated version of the paragraphs. She had never expected Beca Mitchell, resident outcast and photographer, to go through the nightly reading and actually absorb it.
She smelled thickly of cloves and chemicals. It was earthy but comforting. It almost relaxed Chloe from the morning, brought her down to a familiar buzz after sharing a conversation with Aubrey in the gym. She blinked through her lack of focus and tried to concentrate on something other than how close the alt girl was, and how their knees almost met under the lab table.
Beca reached up and turned the page, Chloe realized she hadn’t read a single line.
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the-silentium · 4 years
A story of shirts
Masterlist - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 -  The survivor - Part 4 - Epilogue
Pairing: Bad Batch x Reader, Hunter x Reader, Crosshair x Reader
Words: 2774 words
A/N: Reader’s native language is *roll drum* French! Really original, I know! Translations will be at the end of the chapter ~
Taglist: @haloangel391​
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"You gonna eat that?" Wrecker asked from your right, his chubby pointer finger signaling to your half-eaten piece of bread. 
"Yeah." You confirmed, taking more of the ration pack, reaching for the bread to illustrate. 
"Too bad." He stole the piece before you got a hold of it, hurrying to stuff it in his mouth as soon as you reached forward to take it back. 
"Wreck! It was mine!" You whined, hitting his shoulder multiple times in retaliation. 
"Cut it out." Hunter called from his spot on the other side of the fire, shooting the both of you an unimpressed glance over his water canteen. 
"But he-!" You cut yourself, not wanting to pout like a baby, instead taking a deep breath in and planning your revenge like a petulant child. 
You've been with the Batchers for a good year, flying them around different systems, perfecting your flying skills as well as developing some basic medical ones to help them when needed. 
So far, no one from the GAR noticed that you were a fraud among the army, letting you enough time to read about the GAR and become more familiar with the whole system and chain of command. You had now all the knowledge necessary to keep the lie going without a hitch. Hell, even Cody never connected the dots. 
Over time the relationships between you and each of the boys improved to the point where Wrecker would call you his vod'ika and you'd call him your frangin. 
Tech exploited his extended knowledge to gain a serious advantage over his brothers once a month. He would generously share his secret stash of candies with you whenever the first day of your period started (you were sure he did that to stay in your good favors and keep your irritation away from himself - which was working, fortunately for him). 
Crosshair would share some of his precious secrets blackmails so you could use them when the others were being annoying shits and kindly taught you how to properly shoot with blasters so you could defend yourself better.
Hunter used you as his personal enhanced senses painkiller, meaning that he'd requisition you for an hour when his head felt like it was on the verge of exploding from overstimulation, sit on the floor facing you, lean his head on your chest and listen to you singing a soft lullaby in your native tongue. 
Out of the corner of your eyes, you noticed Wrecker getting up from his seat on the ground beside you to get to the ship, passing right behind you to get to his destination. Swiftly, you straightened your hand, turned around and pushed the back of his knee forward to bend it with ease. 
Smirking, you admired your handy work when Wrecker yelped in surprise that his knee just gave up underneath him and crashed to the ground. 
You laughed wholeheartedly, covering Crosshair's snickers who watched you the whole time because he knew you'd serve his brother a good payback for taking your precious food. 
"You want to fight vod'ika?" Wrecker asked jokingly from his kneeled position a few feet away. 
"Bring it on frangin!" You replied, pushing your dry rations down your throat with a big gulp of water. That was something else that took some time to get used to. Tasteless water meant good water. Don't spit the good water. 
"Here we go again." Sighed Tech, rolling his eyes at banter. 
"Don't be a grinch, Tech. That's Crosshair's role." You flicked his shoulder and ignored Cross glare to get up and meet the big man who instantly went to poke your side. 
He'd learned his lesson a while ago when he punched your shoulder playfully and let you a gigantic bruise on your skin that lasted for weeks. Hunter genuinely thought that he'd hit you hard (he did, but Wrecker was excited, so you weren't mad) leading to the 'no hitting your teammates' rule. Wrecker felt bad for a while but soon you got him to cheer up and instead of fake fights, you'd do poking fights. 
Jumping to the side, you moved your foot behind his knee to repeat your previous trick, effectively making him fall on one knee and pushed him on his back with all your strength. 
As soon as he was on his back you poked his stomach, not too hard to make him sick, he just ate after all, but enough to mark your point. 
"That's for my bread!" You laughed, dodging his hands trying to grasp yours to stop you from assaulting his abdomen. 
He finally got a grab of your wrists, joined them in one of his hands and attacked your sides with his free hand, poking to the right places to have you yelp and trash around. 
"Stop! Stop!" You shrieked, pulling on your arms to free them. 
"As you wish." He grinned, opening his hand when you pulled with all your might, your elbows hitting your own abdomen and emptying your lungs from their precious air. 
You groaned for a few seconds, recovering from the blow sprawled over Wrecker's chest unceremoniously. His laugh resonated through your body, the vibrations shaking your bones and making your teeth clash together. 
"Still wanna fight?" He teased, head lifted from the ground to meet your unimpressed gaze. 
"Enough for tonight." Hunter cut you off as you opened your mouth to sass him back. 
Closing your mouth without another word, you rolled your eyes and got to your feet, following Wrecker inside the ship to retrieve an extra layer to keep you comfortable under the stars. 
You walked past Wrecker who stopped at the fresher, to enter the barracks to rummage under your pillow for Hunter's top blacks he threw at you the night prior. 
He noticed that you often stole his blacks whenever you felt cold at night in the ship, sliding under the fabric only when you thought they were asleep. You always made sure to replace it before he woke up, always neatly folded like it never left. But he knew. Your scent lingered on the fabric, a fact you forgot to think about, not that he minded. After a couple of times, he started to simply throw the blacks at your face before laying down on his bed. He knew you never got used to the cold of space, your skin remembering the constant warmth of the jungle, letting you vulnerable to any change of temperature. 
You slipped the blacks over your head, the fabric covering your three-quarter sleeve shirt without a hitch and offering you the extra warmth needed for you to be able to find sleep instead of chattering teeth for the whole night. 
Now ready to go out and bury yourself under your blanket near the fire, you walked out with a pep in your step, eager to lay down and relax for the remaining hours before a new assignment arrived and forced you all away on some dangerous mission. 
"Acceptin' the markin'?" Wrecker appeared from the fresher, wiping his hands on his pants. 
"What?" You stopped, confused at his question. Did you have ink on your face or something? 
"He means this." Crosshair answered for his brother, walking further into the ship to pinch the shoulder of the blacks on his way to his bunk where he retrieved an extra blanket for himself. 
"What about it?" 
"You're only wearin' Hunter's." He remarked, toothpick dancing between his lips. 
"Wrecker's are way too big and you'd strangle me with the sleeves if I took yours." You pointed out, a hand moving to your hip. What was his point?
"Why not Tech's?" He approached closer, clearly trying to intimidate you. It may have worked in the beginning but this era was long gone. 
"Last time I did he started hiding them so I wouldn't do it again. What is this about?" The two of them shared a look and you knew they had information you didn't, and the mere idea of it made your heart speed up a bit. 
"It wasn't Tech who hid them." Crosshair faced you again, his arms crossing at his chest, the blanket folded over one of his arms. "It was Hunter." 
It took you seconds to connect the dot and make sense of everything. Hunter started throwing you his blacks the night after you borrowed Tech's and after that, you couldn't find his anywhere again. You'd accepted the gesture and never questioned it afterward, simply thinking that he cared about your sleeping habits or something. 
He did care. But for a totally different reason. 
"He's jealous." You whispered, eyes widening to Crosshair's delight. 
At the back of your mind, a part of you was melting, the sergeant's possessiveness flattering you to no end, although another part of you found it was stupid to be jealous of his brother. You noted to talk to him about that later, but you were sure that the subject would arise rather sooner than later if the mischievous glint in the sniper's eyes was anything to go by. 
"He is. So you'll wear this instead." He took a top of his blacks from within the blanket and shoved it onto your chest until you picked it up. 
"Your blacks? Wait. Are you angry at him or somethin'?" You eyed the fabric in your hands, rolling the hem between your fingers. This wasn't a good idea. There were ulterior motives to his actions. Always. 
"Just wanna see him boilin'." He replied, rolling his head on the side a bit. 
"You wanna call him on his bullshit." You pointed out, one eyebrow slowly lifting in the air, unimpressed.
He didn't respond but his smirk told you enough, and the longer he held your gaze, the wider the grin creeping its way onto your lips became. Yes, you had feelings for the dark-haired clone, but you were fundamentally a prankster. Always in for a good laugh. Plus, what problems can a shirt do? It's a shirt!
You removed Hunter's blacks, keeping a hold of your undershirt so you wouldn't show too much to your brothers and quickly slipped into the new shirt. Sadly, the sleeves were a bit tight so you had to adjust your undershirt sleeves but you manage to replace them easily. 
You rolled Hunter's black into a ball and throw it onto your bed. 
"Don't be mean." You threatened Crosshair with a finger under his chin.
"And you don't drool all over it." He took his toothpick from his lips to poke your fingers with it. You hissed and he threw it away. 
You walked out with Cross at your side, Wrecker choosing to walk before you so you would all be close enough to see the shift in Hunter's expression. If the boys were right, that is. 
Unfortunately, Hunter seemed too engrossed in his conversation with Tech to notice your shirt so as soon as you all sat onto your respective blankets, yours placed between Wrecker's and Tech's, you leaned slightly forward toward Crosshair. 
"Thanks for the shirt Cross!" You smiled at him. 
In the corner of your eyes, you noticed Hunter straighten, head moving to you despite Tech still addressing him. Cross grunted in acknowledgment, already watching Hunter and was clearly enjoying what he saw. 
Your eyes moved to the sergeant's, who was now deeply frowning, too concentrated on analyzing your shirt that he didn't notice the four pairs of eyes scrutinizing his face, three playful, one confused. 
"What's wrong?" Tech asked, head-turning to you to see what disturbed him that much. As soon as his eyes fell on you he knew. And you felt stupid for being the last one to notice that this was happening. "Ah." That you've been stupid enough to let yourself fall into a territorial fight. 
"Not to your liking, Sarge?" Crosshair sassed, enjoying the tightness in his brother's jaw.
You started to feal really bad. And confused. Was Crosshair really interested in you too? You knew Hunter cared about you, the kisses, the hugs, the moments of vulnerability shared with one another, they all told you that you meant something more. But Crosshair’s behavior really started to contradict everything you thought you knew about him.
"What's that?" He turned to confront his brother, catching on to the fact that he'd been played as soon as he registered the smugness coating Crosshair's face. 
"Cut the crap. 's just a shirt." He rolled his eyes at Hunter's barely concealed annoyance. But it wasn't just a shirt. Not to them. 
It started to dawn on you that this was a terrible idea and that you've been played and that- oh shit Hunter's fingers closed to form a fist entangled in his blanket.
"Stop right there." You hurried to cut Hunter's words that you just knew would start a bickering war. You had to stop it before it could deteriorate to something bad because you didn't trust Crosshair to not put oil on the fire and hit every single one of his brother's nerves. To top it all, he was the one right next to Hunter. This was getting dangerous.
" 'm not wearin' anyone's shirt." 
You removed the blacks, ignoring the concert of grumbles telling you not to, rolled it in a ball, switched the ball with Tech's and used it as your personal pillow. You laid down on your back and pulled the blanket tightly around yourself, eying the stars above like you used to on Fors. 
You seemed to have done the right thing, because the rest followed your example, Tech's head burying itself in his new pillow inches from yours. A yelp from Crosshair soon followed by a smack in retaliation made you sigh, effectively cutting short their childish behaviors. 
It took a couple of minutes until the sergeant heard what he was waiting for, a soft clattering muffled by the blanket covering your mouth, the sound of your hands moving up and down your arms in hope of creating warmth and your irregular breathing that you controlled enough to keep it down but not enough to keep it steady. 
The boys had fallen asleep, Wrecker's snores echoing between the trees around, Crosshair's and Tech's soft regular breathings were easy to distinguish. 
"Y/N." He called softly to not wake his brothers, his eyes already on your subtly shaking form. "I know you're cold." 
You turned your head in his direction, frowning. 
"So? I won't get the shirt back on." You whispered, gaze moving to Tech to make sure he was still sleeping. 
"Good. C'mere." He lifted the corner of his blanket, to which you raised an eyebrow. 
"Sharing your blanket to prove yourself better, now?" 
"Just…" He pointed to the spot next to him with his head. "C'mere." 
You huffed while sitting up to look around, the three remaining clones were still out, their peaceful face illuminated by the dying fire in the center of your circle. Carefully, you got up with the fabric tightly wrapped around your shoulders, stepping over Tech's hand and reached the offered spot. 
Immediately you felt the warmth radiating off him and like a moth to a flame, you wrapped yourself around him without shame because you needed this. And because it was so unfair that he could regulate his temperature while you couldn't, so you decided that he had to share. 
Clearly, he didn't mind, his arms sneaking around your waist to keep you close and offer you more of his body heat, his head leaning down a bit to breathe in your bewitching smell and place a kiss onto your hair just as you snuggled closer and leaned your head onto his chest, one of your legs sneaking between his to get more comfortable. 
"Better?" His chest rose and downed slowly, unlike the beating of his heart beneath your fingertips. This was the first time you had this much contact with each other, the feeling not lost on either of you. 
"Yeah." You moved your head to place a kiss under his jaw and reposition yourself. "Didn't know he even liked me." You whispered, finger moving in circles over his heart, asking yourself how did this happen?
"He liked you after our first time on Fors. He was a goner after the second time." He explained truthfully, the memory of the second trip onto this godforsaken planet made him shiver in dread. How people could live in this hell was beyond his comprehension. 
You noticed his reaction and automatically reached up to dissipate the trauma with a slow movement of your fingers over his cheeks. 
"But I was there first." He smirked, arms tightening around you somewhat.  
"Don't start." You smacked his chest softly to which he quietly laughed.
Frangin = Brother
Next part here: A story of having each other’s back
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bitchin-beskar · 4 years
I have to do it, 29. "Sharing a bed" for the fanfic trope prompts. With whichever of Pedro's characters you would like and whichever other tropes you'd like
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Unavoidable Consequences
Rating: M (sexual situations, cursing)
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: This is a Javi x Reader fic, with what is probably my favorite trope of all time. I don’t care how cheesy/cliche it is, the sharing a bed trope always leads to god-tier fics, and I’m so excited to finally get to write Javi!!! (Sorry this took so long @din-damn-djarin, but it’s finally here!!!!!) I may end up doing a part two, eventually, if people are interested in that! Let me know!
Tagging: @theocatkov, @cosmicbug379, @marydjarin, @mxndoscyarika, and @perropascal 
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in any of my future works, or if you’d like to be put on a permanent tag list!
There is now a Part 2!!! Read it here!!!
Well shit.
You stared at the lone bed in the middle of the hotel room, feeling a pit form in your stomach. You knew before going on the mission that you’d have to share a bed with your partner–after all, the two of you were going undercover as a married couple–for the duration of the assignment, but actually seeing the bed the two of you were supposed to be sharing really put things into perspective. 
Javi made a soft, questioning noise behind you, and you moved out of his way, your eyes never leaving the bed. You’d tried your best to mentally prepare for this mission, but preparing and then actually doing were two completely separate things. 
You’d been partnered with Javier Peña ever since Murphy had gone home to the states and the bosses had brought Javi back from the states to help deal with the Cali Cartel. The two of you had butted heads at first, but you quickly realized that the reason Javi had an issue with you wasn’t because he didn’t think you were capable, but because he’d seen what sicarios did to women, and he didn’t want that to happen to you.
It had taken the two of you time to trust each other as partners, but just when you were sure the two of you were finally getting a good routine down, your bosses had to throw this assignment at you.
It wasn’t overly complex, but it was dangerous. You and Javi were posing as a couple, tourists coming to visit beautiful Colombia, all while trying to get close enough to the cartel to identify some of the newer players in the cartel. The more people the two of you identified, the easier it would be to take them down later. 
Tonight had been the first night the two of you had actually had to act like a couple. It had been awkward to say the least. You were attracted to Javi, sure, but you had a thing against sleeping with co-workers. You hadn’t noticed if Javi felt similar feelings for you before, but tonight, it had become painfully clear how bad the two of you were at acting. 
You’d jumped every time he touched you, and he could barely look you in the eye. Somehow, the two of you had managed to fool people that you were a couple, but you knew it wouldn’t last if the two of you couldn’t get your acts together.
“Let me shower, compañera, and then I’ll take the floor.”
Despite your inner pep-talk, you still jumped at Javi’s voice. Once you absorbed his words however, you turned and frowned. “Javier, if you think I’m going to let you sleep on the floor when there is a perfectly good bed right there then you don’t know me very well.”
He opened his mouth to protest, but you raised your hand, cutting him off. “No, Peña, you’re not sleeping on the floor. We’re both adults, plus it’ll be a bitch for your back to sleep on the carpet all week.” 
Javi looked like he was going to protest, but decided not to, instead grabbing a change of clothes from his suitcase and striding into the bathroom. It was only once the door shut that you slumped on the bed, burying your face in your hands. What the hell had you just signed up for? 
Having showered earlier in the day, you just changed into your sleep clothes. They were actually some of your more modest pajamas, some leggings and an old, baggy, t-shirt, but it was still a lot more casual than anything Javi had ever seen you in before. 
When Javi stepped out of the bathroom, you tried really hard not to ogle. You’d never seen your partner in anything other than a suit, so to see him in a pair of boxers and a ratty t-shirt was striking, to say the least. 
You were pretty sure you managed to hide your embarrassment at seeing him, but you still rushed into the bathroom to brush your teeth, suddenly anxious about being in the same room as him for any length of time. 
You stalled as much as you could, but there wasn’t much for you to do, so you finally exited your safe space, stepping back into the darkened bedroom. Javi had turned a lamp on and was reading the case file, but other than that, it was dark. Setting your stuff down, you awkwardly shuffled into the bed, on the left side, closest to the wall. It didn’t escape your notice that your partner had placed himself very deliberately between where you’d be sleeping and the door–the only entrance into the room. 
Laying down with your back to Javi, you pulled the covers up, almost cringing at the awkward silence that settled like a thick fog over the room. You listened as Javi flipped through a few more pages before sighing deeply, flipping the folder shut and dropping it on the nightstand. The room went dark, and you could feel Javi shuffling behind you trying to get comfortable. 
You weren’t sure how much time had passed, but one thing was bugging you. “Javi?” You whispered. “You still awake?”
There was a pause.
“Yeah, I’m awake.”
“Do you have your gun with you?”
There was another, longer pause.
“Yeah. Does that bother you?”
“No. It makes me feel better, actually.”
There’s a quiet snort. 
“Get some sleep, compañera.”
Something woke you up. 
It was pitch black in the room, so you knew it was still night, but you couldn’t figure out what had woken you up. You were usually a pretty heavy sleeper, so for something to have woken you up, it had to be more than just a little noise outside. 
You lay there, silently, still groggy, trying to figure out what was wrong. Just as you were about to give up and try to go back to sleep, you were startled as what you thought was just the blanket around youe waist tightened, and you were pulled across the bed until your back hit a hard chest behind you.
Your eyes flew back open, and you held your breath. Suddenly, you were wide awake. You quickly figured out that it wasn’t the blanket around your waist, but instead Javi’s arm, slung across your body, his warm palm resting on your stomach–thankfully, over your shirt. 
He was pressed against your back, clearly still asleep based on his breathing. His face was buried in your neck, his lips pressed against your bare skin. You could feel his breath against your skin, and goosebumps erupted down your arms. 
Still holding as still as possible, your mind raced, trying to figure out what exactly you should do. You didn’t want Javi to think you were taking advantage of him or anything while he was sleeping, but you also didn’t want to wake him up by squirming around. 
You had to admit, it was kind of nice being held by Javi. Peaceful, comforting even. You thought the two of you might have even entered into a relationship, if you hadn’t been partners and co-workers. But you’d been determined to keep your interactions professional. Your current position certainly wasn’t helping matters.
Resigned, you closed your eyes. If you couldn’t get out of Javi’s grip, then you’d have to just try and sleep. You needed to be well rested for tomorrow.
“Psssst. Compañera, wake up.”
“Wake. Up.”
Your eyes flew open, frantically searching the pitch black for what woke you.
“It’s okay, it’s just me.” 
You finally saw the silhouette of Javi leaning above you. You couldn’t make out all of the details of his face, but you could tell it was him. You were on your back, and Javi was next to you, propped up on one arm, his body looming over yours. 
Opening your mouth, you went to ask him what was wrong, but suddenly, Javi’s warm hand was over your mouth, stopping you from speaking. 
“Shhh. Just listen to me.”
Javi waited for you to nod before he removed his hand. You unconsciously licked your lips, your mouth suddenly very dry.
“I got a message from our contact inside the cartel. They said there are some sicarios staying in the rooms near ours.” 
Your eyes widened. That really, really wasn’t good. 
“According to our contact, there’s been some chatter between the men. They were, um...” Javi paused, and your brows furrowed. He sounded almost nervous, which certainly wasn’t a good sign. “They were making comments about how strange it was they hadn’t... heard anything from our room.” 
You shook your head. “I don’t get it. What were they expecting to hear, Javi?” It was dark, so it was kind of hard to see, but your eyes had adjusted enough that you could almost see a blush spread across his cheeks.
“They were expecting to hear us having sex, compañera.” 
Your mouth dropped open. Shit. You certainly weren’t expecting this. You’d never expected that you’d have to pretend to be a relationship at night as well as during the day, and you had no idea what to do. 
“I told them that we’re done. We’re leaving tomorrow. I can’t ask you to–” 
It was your turn place your hand over Javi’s mouth. “Javier. Listen to me. This assignment is too important. We can’t just leave. Is there any way we can, I don’t know, fake it?” Already Javi is shaking his head, dislodging your hand.
“No, no way. These guys are too good, they’d know if we were faking it. Our only options are to leave, or–” 
He cuts off, but you know what he was going to say. Your only options were to leave, blowing the operation completely, or to have sex, just to maintain your cover. 
Well, there was really only one thing you could do.
You use the hand that had covered Javi’s mouth less than a minute ago to tangle in his hair, pulling Javi’s lips to yours. 
He doesn’t react right away, and you feel a bit of pride at being able to catch him off guard. But when he does react, he takes control immediately.
He presses his lips harshly against yours, his fingers wrapping around your wrists, yanking your arms up and pinning them above your head. Holding your arms with one hand, his other hand cradles your face, tilting your head so that he can deepen the kiss.
You let out a quiet whimper, trying to keep up with Javi’s near-frantic pace. He manages to tear away for a brief moment, whispering “Are you sure?” against your lips. You’re barely able to nod before he kisses you again.
His hand trails down the front of your shirt, creeping under the fabric and brushing over your bare skin. You arch your back, encouraging his wandering touches.
He keeps distracting you with kisses, but when his warm palm cups your breast, you pull away from his lips, a soft gasp escaping your lips. You bite your lip, trying to stifle the noise, but Javi pinches your nipple, leaning down to mutter in your ear.
“Don’t. I want to hear you.”
Another gasp escapes you, slightly louder than before as Javi toys with you.
He continues to murmur in your ear, his voice dripping with arousal, his tone dark as he explains what he wants to do to you.
“God you have no idea what you do to me, do you? Fuck, I’ve wanted you for so long, compañera. I’m not letting you leave this bed till your legs are shaking and the only word you can say is my fucking name.”
You’re already gasping for breath and he’s barely touched you. “Fuck, fuck, Javi, please–”
You can’t even finish your plea before his lips are on your neck, sucking at your pulse point. You’re writhing in his grasp, but his hand around your wrists is unmoving, and his lips are relentless.
“‘M gonna mark you up, make sure everyone knows you’re mine, baby.”
Your hips are twitching, searching for something, any kind of friction to bring you relief. You cry out when Javi drops his own hips, pining you down to the bed, but also providing pressure where you need it most.
“Javi, Javi please, I can’t–!” You gasp, hooking one leg over the back of Javi’s thigh, keeping him pressed against you. “I need more, Javi I need–”
His hand leaves your breast and instead works it’s way down the front of your leggings, fingers immediately giving you the friction you so desperately desire. As you moan his name, loudly, you find yourself grateful that your bosses didn’t see fit to give the two of you different first names for your undercover work.
“More, pleasepleaseplease–”
You’re almost sobbing, but Javi’s fingers are relentless, bringing you closer to your climax. He presses his lips against yours right as you peak, swallowing your cries as you reach your release.
Slumping down on the bed, your entire body tingling, you blink up at Javi, his dark eyes roving hungrily over your face as he watches you come down from the high.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful, compañera.”
You feel your cheeks heat at the praise, and his heavy gaze. You watch as he brings his fingers to his lips, sucking your release from his skin. It’s one of the hottest things you’ve ever seen, and you know right then and there that you’re completely and utterly fucked.
“Javi, that was–” you trail off, words escaping you when you try to describe the feelings you just experienced. You’re surprised, however, when he chuckles.
“Baby,” he chuckles, ducking his head and kissing you, letting you taste yourself on his lips. “You didn’t think we were done, did you?”
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Pepperony Gift Exchange
Title: Like It Never Happened Pairing: Pepperony Word Count: Almost 13k TW: Implied/referenced Alcohol Abuse Rating: G Summary: When Tony and Pepper get stranded alone in Colorado after a long (mostly) working weekend they learn more about the other in one night than in the five years they spent working together. Not only that but they discover there may be the possibility for more for them in the future. What started as the weekend from hell blossoms into something unexpected and life changing. OR There was only one bed. - "Hey, Pepper. Want to make out?" Notes:  I wrote this for the Pepperony Valentine's Gift Exchange via @dailypepperony for  @river-bottom-nightmare. I am so sorry that this is so late. Life has kicked my butt this last month but I hope the nearly 13k in content is a good apology. I had a lot of fun with this one even as it grew from just a funny little idea into something with actual plot. I hope that you enjoy it!! Sorry again for the wait. <3
Read it on AO3 Here
They were supposed to have gone back to Malibu on Thursday night after the conference. Instead, here Pepper was on Saturday night, trekking through one of the worst blizzards in Colorado history because her boss just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to take a mini vacation and go snowboarding with a gaggle of busty sycophants. 
She’d been working for Tony Stark for almost five years now, so she wasn’t sure why she was still sometimes so surprised by his need to go off script and wildly alter all of their plans, but at least when he did they were normally in California where it was warm and sunny, not this frozen tundra. 
She almost left without him, sure he would never notice or care she was gone but even though she and Tony had a good back and forth relationship, she had less of one with the CTO, Obadiah Stane and knew that Obadiah would be less thrilled if she left the wild child CEO on his own to get into trouble. 
 By the time that she had been able to finally convince Tony that they needed to leave and then to check out from their hotel and make it to the airport, the storm was already in full effect and all planes had been grounded, even for America’s premier billionaire weapons developer. So, they had to turn around. Or they would have if they could have made it past the airport parking lot but the snow was falling so heavily that their driver wouldn’t even attempt it, and he was a Colorado native. 
This left Pepper with the unique challenge of now finding lodging nearby because she would be damned if she was going to sleep inside the airport. There were several hotels and motels that were airport adjacent at least, so now she was mostly left with the issue of them all being fully booked by other stranded flyers. 
The concierge at their latest chain hotel was being very polite and understanding of their dilemma, however there was only so much they could do and apparently the Stark name meant nothing in the midst of a blizzard. 
Pepper pinched the bridge of her nose and then massaged her aching forehead as she parsed through her options, not that there really were any. It was almost midnight, she was tired, had been working all day when she wasn’t corralling Tony. This hotel would have to do. Tony only had himself to blame if the room wasn’t up to snuff. 
Speaking of which…
She turned around from the front desk, eyes scanning the mostly empty lobby until they zeroed in on her boss, leaning against the wall talking to another guest, female of course, with a wolfish smile on his face. 
“Mr. Stark?” she called out across the room to him, a fake pleasant smile plastered to her face and a thin veneer of exasperation lacing her words. 
“Yes, dear?” He responded automatically without so much as even a backward glance. 
Breathe, Potts, breathe.
“I think we are just about set up over here, just need your signature as always,” she replied, proud at how in check her temper was at the moment.
For a moment she thought she’d have to physically remove him from his conversation until a tall, buff looking guy came in the door carrying several suitcases, dropping them at the feet of the woman Tony was talking to, and he did not look pleased. Tony quickly gave a wink and a smile before he strategically retreated.
“You got it all figured out, huh?” he asked, as he made his way to the desk.
“I always do.”
He smiled genuinely at that and she felt just the slightest bit of her anger melting away and instead the butterflies she’d sometimes get in her stomach stirred to life instead. It was ridiculous really how nice of a smile her boss had, so she was allowed to be a little weak internally. From the looks of the young concierge, she would seem to agree, as well.
Tony reached across the front desk to grab a pen, and Pepper slid the forms over to Tony. Technically, her job did give her the power to sign for him but early on she had deemed it entirely necessary to make him put forth at least the bare minimum of effort, especially when situations like this would arise and it was all his fault. 
Tony signed his name with a flourish, only the ‘T’ and ‘S’ distinguishable on the line. As he did the lights in the lobby flickered.
“What’s up with that?”
The concierge kept a smile on her face as she took the information from them. “The blizzard might be causing an issue with the power. We have emergency lights and fireplaces in each of the suites in case it were to go out.”
Tony raised a brow and looked sideways to Pepper. She raised her hands in mock defense.
“We wouldn’t even still be in this state if you weren’t pursuing your...extracurriculars.”
“Pepper, I’m insulted.”
“No you’re not.”
“No I’m not,” he agreed with another one of those smiles that made those butterflies start fluttering again...until he turned his head back to the concierge, his hair flopping to the side. “So, what time do you get off work?”
Tony definitely knew how to clip those butterfly wings in a single instance. 
“No, no. We have to share a room and this is definitely one of those things that is not in my contract to have to deal with.”
“Aw, Pep you’re no fun. Besides, I’m sure she has her own room,” he said winking at the girl who let loose a nervous giggle.
Oh puh-lease.
“Tony,” she finally stated in her no nonsense voice that cut through all of his bullshit.
He looked at her then, really looked at her she thought, and saw something, probably her extreme exhaustion and distaste for him at the moment and he straightened his stance from leaning against the desk and turned back.
“Do you at least have a bar around here or in the room?” 
“They closed at nine.”
“What in the prohibition is wrong with this place?”
“I’m sure we could have something sent up for you?” The girl asked entirely unsure if that was even possible, Pepper was sure, though seemingly willing enough to risk her job to earn another grin from her boss. 
Thankfully Tony spared her from much more flirting and they were finally handed their room keys and directed to the elevator down the hall. They were on the third floor with a view overlooking the mountains which the concierge promised was a sight to behold in the mornings. The only sight Pepper was looking forward to was the back of her eyelids. 
She leaned heavily against the rail in the elevator and let her head flop back against the wall.
“You okay, Potts?” 
“Nothing a good night of sleep won’t fix,” she mumbled automatically.
Tony shrugged and went back to looking at his phone but every now and then she could feel the weight of his stare on her, even with her eyes closed. 
“There must be some kind of a mistake…”
Pepper dropped her bag in the doorway even as Tony shuffled around her to see what the problem was. 
The room was definitely much smaller than either of them was used to, and certainly a downgrade in quality but that was to be expected from a chain airport hotel. Still it wasn’t exactly a slum either. There was a mini kitchenette with a coffee pot and microwave on one end of the room, what he assumed was a door leading to a bathroom, and then at the opposite end was the fireplace that was boasted about, along with the balcony overlooking the mountains. A small desk and couch was also wedged up against the wall. 
“What’s wrong?” he asked, finally coming up with nothing out of the ordinary, aside from the horrific beiges and generic prints lining the walls.
That must have been the wrong answer because Pepper turned to him with the most unamused face in her arsenal. 
“There’s only one bed,” she finally pointed out. “This was supposed to be a double. I’m calling down to the front.” 
Tony didn’t consider that the end of the world but apparently Pepper did, as she stormed over to the old looking phone and dialed down to the front. He just shrugged and entered the room more fully, dropping his bag in front of the wardrobe/tv stand combo and instantly went to get a better look of the view, occasional snatches of Pepper’s conversation drifting to his ears.
“...no you said there was a room available you did not say that it was a single…”
Tony would almost be insulted by how vehemently his assistant was fighting against the hotel staff if he didn’t already know that she fought equally hard in all of her endeavors. It was one of the many reasons that he had hired her on in the first place. 
“Okay, so they don’t have any more rooms, it’s this or nothing,” Pepper finally said, slamming the receiver down. 
Tony turned back to his exasperated assistant and just grinned at how flushed she was. “It’s not the end of the world, I’m sure we can manage.”
Pepper was still not amused or comforted. “Sure, you can say that because you are literally inhuman and can fall asleep anywhere, but I have been chasing you around for two days, while also keeping everything caught up with SI and it's cold and I’m tired. I don’t exactly relish sleeping on a couch after everything that has happened.” 
Tony flinched and scrunched his face up. “Why would you sleep on the couch? C’mon we’re adults, it’s a big bed, there’s no reason that we can’t just share it. And if you’re cold, then I’ll get the fireplace going.”
Pepper paused and looked like she was considering his words, her eyes roaming over to the bed, probably calculating the amount of space that they would each have between their bodies. He could probably seal the deal if he could just keep his mouth shut for the next two minutes and swallow down the flirty retort on the tip of his tongue, alas though, he was Tony Stark and he had never been good at not saying what was on his mind.
“Besides, I have been trying to get you in bed with me for years.”
He could see the exact moment that the light left her eyes and all considerate notions of bed sharing were instantly quashed. 
Oh, well. Maybe next time. 
“Orrrrrrr,” he dragged the word out and at least had the decency to be mildly apologetic in tone and features for his joke, “I can sleep on the couch. I’ll still build you a fire though, cause I’m such a swell guy.”
Pepper rolled her eyes but he could see some of the tension drain from her shoulders and knew that he had made the right choice, chivalrous even. And to be honest, she really did deserve the very least of which he could give her in this instance. She was right, he could sleep anywhere. He had once fallen asleep standing up at his drafting board and Rhodey could probably write a book about all the weird places he had found him dozing while they were at MIT. Some of those naps might have been more alcohol or drug induced than by choice but the sentiment remained the same. And as Pepper so angrily stated, she had been running after him like his mother for the past few days. He’d make sure to give her a raise too. He liked to do that anytime he knew he had been particularly burdensome. Pepper got a lot of raises. 
Pepper didn’t say anything else but she went back for her bag and rummaged through it for a bit, pulling out night clothes and toiletries before disappearing into the bathroom, so surely she had agreed to their new terms. 
Tony wandered his way over to the fireplace and realized it was just an old electric thing. He turned a few knobs to get it going and by the time that Pepper had exited the bathroom, it was at least putting out a pleasant warmth and Tony had already mapped out ten different ways in his brain to improve the energy efficiency and output ratio. He liked finding new ways to fix old age problems. It was often a welcome relief from building the next big weapon, often saving him from his creative stifle. 
“Check it out, Potts,” he said over his shoulder and then turned his head to face her from where he was crouched beside the fire. When he looked at Pepper though his brain may as well have shut down entirely.
He had seen Pepper in all manner of power suits and business attire. Had seen her on the rarer occasion in her ‘off the clock attire’ containing various jeans and t-shirts. However, he had yet to see her in any kind of nightwear, the past few days they had had separate rooms and any time she may have crashed at the mansion before that she was always hidden behind closed doors and in fresh clothing by the time he was pulled out of his bed. 
Seeing her now...well it wasn’t quite what he would fantasize, no fantasies were just that and really there were no practical reasons to sleep in sheer lacy lingerie when one had no intentions of seduction, no this was right. This was very Pepper. Practical. Comfortable. Still surprisingly sexy?
She sensed his eyes on her as she stuffed her folded clothing back into her bag and slowly turned to him, her toothbrush still hanging out of one side of her mouth. 
“Nothing just you look…” he held his hands up as if lost for words and he kind of was at the moment. He felt that strange churn he’d sometimes get in the pit of his stomach when he would sometimes zone out in the middle of an all nighter and think about Pepper, really think about her, not just the curves and the pretty face, but all of her, and how he never smiled more than when he was with her. That feeling was back, gnawing at his gut as his eyes swiped over her one more time.
Pepper was instantly on the defensive. “They’re my winter pajamas. I never get to wear them in California, leave me alone,” she said, smoothing out any of the wrinkles of her pink flannel set. 
“No, no, I didn’t mean anything bad about it. It’s just…” he started to correct, “very you. It’s cute,” he shrugged.
Pepper softened at the recognition of one of his real admissions, dropping her guard back down and allowing a smile to creep across her face. “Not the lace and silk you were hoping for, huh?” she teased him back and he knew they were good again.
“Nah, this is better,” he admitted to her again. It could have been the light from the fireplace or just her body warming from the cold, snowy night but he thought he saw a flush of pink spread across her cheeks and tinge the top of her ears. It was adorable.
A knock at the door broke the moment and Tony took it upon himself to answer. It was the hotel general manager, a tall, balding man in his forties with a bushy mustache. He apologized about the inconvenience over the room and the bar being closed but offered Tony a bottle of, “their best wine,” free of charge. Tony accepted it and the man scurried away like a mouse.
Tony turned the bottle in his hand, reading the label.
“We’re rolling in luxury now, Pep.”
“Oh yeah? Did they bump some poor couple from a double room?”
“I thought we already solved the bed issue?”
“We did, but I could still hope,” she shrugged, and went into the bathroom to spit and rinse her toothbrush out.
Tony knew no boundaries though so he followed behind her and leaned into the doorway as she went about removing the days make up. Now that he had seen Pepper without, so it didn’t phase him to watch.
“No, they did apologize though with their best red wine, vintage 2004.  A whole year. We should be honored.”
“Not everyone in the world has exclusive access to their own family wineries in Italy, Tony,” she said, blotting at her face.
“Okay, I’m a snob,” he admitted. “You like wine, right Pepper? Let’s crack this bad boy open.”
“Tony,” she started in that tone that usually ended in a solid ‘no.’
“C’mon Potts, a quick nightcap. Live a little.”
“You live enough for the both of us.”
“That wasn’t a no,” he pointed at her and fled the room in search of cups before she did say no.
No glasses had been provided by Bill the general manager, nor the kitchenette, so Tony had to settle for the paper cups that were meant for the coffee pot. He’d just rinse his cup out when he was done and reuse it for the coffee in the morning. No big deal. 
The wine wasn’t the type that needed a corkscrew, nor was it the type that he thought needed to breathe after being opened but he went ahead and waited a few moments anyways. It certainly couldn’t make it any worse...he hoped. 
After further thought he flipped off the lights then glanced at the bed and pulled off the four fluffy pillows and sat them around the small fireplace, two of them he propped against the wall and leaned back against, the other two he left for Pepper to decide what to do with. 
He then grabbed the wine and the two paper cups and poured himself a measure. It smelled just like your basic, cheap, supermarket wine, and after a taste he knew that he had definitely had worse in his life but that wasn’t exactly a ringing endorsement. Satisfied that they at least wouldn't be poisoned tonight, he filled his cup the rest of the way and then Pepper's and waited.
“What is this?” Pepper said, haltingly when she finally emerged from the bathroom makeup-less and ready for bed. She looked Tony up and down, the way he was sprawled out on the cheap carpet, propped up only by the wall and the bed pillows beside the warm fire with suspicion. It felt like a cheap seduction attempt.
Tony however never faltered. “It’s our nightcap,” he said with a grin and raised his paper cup. “It tastes like shit but I figured maybe some ambiance wouldn’t hurt.”
Pepper hesitated again. Tony had always been flirty and he knew better than to try anything further with her. She had made it very clear from day one exactly where he could go if he tried to treat her like a one night stand. He had surprisingly been very respectful of her boundaries, testing the limits on occasion, but he never made her feel uncomfortable or anything. 
This whole situation though had been wearing her thin. The aggravation of what occurred and why mixed with the fact that there was a part of her that was  singing in glee at being confined to a single bed room with her good looking, charming boss who despite all the bravado she had put forth about leaving her alone, she had still managed to harbor a crush on. Maybe even could develop genuine feelings for. This was neither the time or the place for those kinds of thoughts.
Tony sighed loudly and drew her attention back to him after she must have zoned out for a decent while. “C’mon, Potts. We can pretend this is a slumber party and exchange gossip and paint each other’s nails. If you’re really good we can even end with a pillow fight.”
“Is that what you think happens at slumber parties?” Pepper asked. She gave the bed a longing glance but Tony just looked so damn earnest, so she ultimately gave in and grabbed the two pillows Tony had left for her and fixed herself a spot a respectable distance away from him and plopped down on the pillows with a groan. It felt so good to finally be sitting down.
“I mean that’s the Hallmark version of what I think happens. My only other experience is with porn and I have a feeling that would be even less accurate,” he smiled cheekily.
Pepper rolled her eyes and accepted the Styrofoam cup from his outstretched hand, their fingers brushing against each other ever so slightly, sending a pleasant tingle up her arm. “I haven’t had nearly enough to drink for any of that kind of talk,” she said, taking a sip. 
“Well, we do have this bottle all to ourselves…”
This time Pepper laughed a real laugh.
“It would take more than a bottle for either of us to be drunk. I’m pretty sure this is the same brand that my Mom used to buy when I was in high school and it’s pretty weak. Sometimes I’d still steal a drink or two when I was feeling particularly rebellious though.”
Tony gasped and clutched at his chest dramatically at the revelation. “You mean to tell me that the Pepper Potts was an underage drinker?! And here I thought your soul was completely pristine.”
Pepper snorted. “Please. Not that pristine,” she said, taking another drink. 
“Ohhh. I am liking this darker side of you, Pep, I have to say. What else did you do? Shoplift bubblegum? Forget to tip your waiter?” he teased.
“I’m sorry my criminal history is not living up to your expectations. Not everyone grew up with a lawyer on retainer and parents that could bail them out.” As soon as the words left her mouth she gasped lightly and covered her mouth, her eyes wide as she looked to him for his reaction. “I’m sorry, I was just teasing, and that was unprofessional…” 
It was an unspoken rule to not speak about Howard and Maria Stark literally ever, if one could help it. Sometimes it was unavoidable due to press members who thought they were clever comparing the son to his father or if it were related to Stark Industries business, but never as a joke. 
Pepper didn’t know the full story why the subject was so touchy, she’d always just assumed it was due to the tragic nature of their loss. She knew that they had passed years back in an auto accident, Pepper had been a senior in high school, and could still remember the headlines splashed across her father’s newspaper for weeks with photos of the wreck or the elder Starks. There was just one photo of a young Tony that she could remember taken from the funeral. He was all alone and even in black and white she could see and feel the sadness and vulnerability that had been radiating off of him. It was the first time she was cognizant of who he was. Sometimes she could still see the hints of the sad, lonely boy in the man before her and it made her heart ache. 
When she looked at Tony he didn’t seem offended at least but the sadness was there. His eyes grew a little more haunted and the smile on his face became a little more downturned but in the blink of an eye the smile was back, a little more cautious now, as he waved a hand at her and filled the cups back up.
“You’re fine,” he reassured her as he poured the wine, “I’m a snob and sometimes I forget how normal people live. And I’ll have you know that there were a couple of times when my parents were out of town that my Aunt Peggy let me cool my heels and sober up in the luxury of a jail cell overnight.”
“Is this Peggy Carter?” Pepper figured she was safe to ask about since she was still alive and well and she knew they were still in contact. She’d seen her flowing script occasionally on the mail she would bring to Tony and had always been a little curious. The woman was an icon.
“It is. You been checking up on me?,” he said, a genuine smile taking over his face again. She loved those smiles.
“It is part of my job,” she shrugged.
“I'm surprised you two haven’t met before, compared Tony-wrangling notes. I’m sure she could provide you plenty of pointers. On second thought--scratch that. Maybe you should never meet,” he laughed. “She’s a great woman though. You would really like her. You’re alike in a lot of ways. Strong, beautiful, capable women who don’t take anyone’s shit.”
Pepper’s heart fluttered a little erratically to be compared to a woman like Peggy Carter, but especially at the word beautiful. She was starting to feel flushed and she knew it had nothing to do with the wine. Time to deflect and redirect, a tried and true Tony-wrangling method. 
“You don’t talk about her very much.”
“I don’t?” 
Pepper shook her head.
“That’s too bad. It’s not intentional. She’s gone her own way with her family and I suppose I’ve gone mine. That’s life right?”
It sounded like there was more to it than that but Pepper wasn’t going to press her luck any further. Tony though became a little antsy, shifting his body around into several different positions before resettling and drinking the remnants of his cup. He refilled it again and they sat in silence for a moment. 
Pepper watched him stare into the fireplace contemplatively, the fake embers casting warm shadows across his face. In this lighting his eyes were a warm, honey brown, and she couldn’t help to be drawn to them as he clearly fought some internal fight.
Finally, after what felt like forever he spoke again, his voice soft and serious.
“Aunt Peggy isn’t too happy with me at the moment.”
Pepper frowned. “Why not? The stocks are the best they have ever been.”
“It’s not the company. Me in general. She thinks that an almost thirty-five year old man shouldn’t still be behaving like his twenty-one year old counterpart,” he said, trying for a wry grin that came off more painful than anything. 
“She thinks I need to settle down, have a family like she did. Cut down on the alcohol. Well, not just cut down but check myself into Betty Ford or some shit. I told her to mind her own business, we had an argument and I haven’t heard from her since,” he finished with a deep sigh of regret.
Pepper couldn’t say that she disagreed with Ms. Carter’s assessment and honestly, looking at Tony now, she didn’t think he disagreed now either, if he ever really had. There was a difference between knowing you have a problem and accepting it and seeking treatment. It was clear the woman had meant well, but Tony could be so guarded and so bullheaded.
She mentally fought herself over what to say next. She didn’t want to overstep her bounds, she was still his employee, no matter how friendly they could be off office hours, but he was clearly in pain and seeking a little direction, clarity even.
“Do you disagree with her?” she asked, cautiously.
Tony didn’t blow up at her or fire her. His eyes narrowed as he continued to stare at the dancing light in front of him, engaged in his own mental struggle. Slowly he shook his head, the strands of his overgrown hair that had started to curl, waved back and forth slightly.
At least he could admit it to himself even if he wasn’t necessarily ready to do anything to change it. 
“Call her when we get back. I bet she would love to hear your voice,” she smiled, encouragingly and scooted closer to him so that she could rub her hand down his back in a comforting manner. It was something that she had done a million times before but something about this moment just felt different.
Tony turned his head to face her then, and she felt her heart begin to beat faster in her chest. His eyes traced over her face even as she stopped her ministrations, slowly coming to a stop at her lips before darting back up to her eyes. His tongue darted out just for a second across his own lips and that was when she realized that he was thinking about kissing her. Actually kissing her!
“Hey, Pepper,” he said, voice soft and velvety.
“What?” she squeaked out, a little terrified.
“Wanna make out?” he asked, and was that longing she could detect in his otherwise nonchalant delivery?
Was he actually serious? 
For a moment she let her mind wander, let herself give in to the possibility of actually sharing a kiss with Tony Stark. She couldn’t lie and say she hadn’t imagined it before, she was only human after all and Tony was good looking and could even be quite charming when he wasn’t entirely self absorbed. She wondered if she would be able to taste the cheap wine on his full lips…
There was no way that Tony was actually being serious. 
She had just caught him in a vulnerable moment and he was deflecting the only way that he knew how and that was via flirtatious behavior. He didn’t want to kiss her because he liked her. Well, like he really liked her, as in he wanted to be with her for longer than a single night, where they were trapped together in a cheap hotel room with only one bed, her as his only option.
She couldn’t do it no matter how much she wished to know what he tasted like, no matter how alluring he looked in the flickering light of the fireplace. She would regret anything that happened in the morning, and knowing herself she would end up resigning, if Tony didn’t just outright fire her. She may have been his longest lasting PA so far but that didn’t mean she wasn’t still expendable once he got what he wanted.
“Mr. Stark, you are being entirely inappropriate right now,” she answered him, adopting the most detached, work voice in her repertoire and immediately scooting away from him. 
He frowned at her but didn’t try to close the gap between them again as he rubbed his eye.
“Back to Mr. Stark now, huh? I thought we were outside of office hours?”
“And sometimes I have to remind you of your boundaries.”
“Why? Do you have a boyfriend or something?”
“Why? Because you’re my boss, it’s inappropriate!” she reminded him, though she still felt a little flustered, even more so when he looked at her again the way he had before he asked her to make out, eyes intense and longing.
He smirked then leaned back up against the wall, his face and mannerisms melting away back to the normal facade of her cavalier boss. He raised his eyebrow to her and spoke. “I can’t help but notice that you didn’t deny having a boyfriend, only that it would be inappropriate given our working relationship.”
“Oh, please,” she groaned. She drained the rest of her cup, then stood up and tossed her pillows back onto the bed and pulled back the duvet.
“Where are you going?”
“To bed.”
“Aww c’mon, Pepper, I’m sorry.” 
He stood up and reached for her, just brushing his hand against her flannel shirt before she pulled away. He actually looked a little hurt by the rejection.
“I’m really tired, Mr. Stark and I’d really just like to go to bed now, please. I had your nightcap with you.”
“The slumber party was just getting started. We were having cheap booze, I told you a deep dark secret, there was an almost kiss. You owe me a deep dark secret, Ms. Potts.”
“Don’t count on it,” she said, sliding between the sheets and facing the opposite direction.
For a moment the room was silent except for the sound of the wind and snow outside the room and she thought that Tony might actually have given up. Then she listened to the sound of his shuffling feet and felt where the bed dipped in as he sat down at the very end, almost falling off the edge entirely as if he didn’t want to offend her by getting any closer to her.
“Look I really am sorry. You’re right, it’s been a long day, which is mostly my fault and then I just went a little too far. I didn’t mean anything by it and I am sorry if I offended you or hurt your feelings or whatever. I appreciate all you’ve done for us tonight. Are we good?” At that he did ever so carefully reach out and place his hand on top of her covered foot, a gentle weight meaning to convey his sincerity.
She appreciated the apology, and really had it been that big of a deal? Tony was just being Tony, it wasn’t his fault that she had started to get swept up in the moment. She sighed lightly against her pillow and lifted her head slightly to look at him. He had his head down but met her eyes when she looked at him.
“Will that be all, Mr. Stark?” she smiled after her customary phrase to let him know that all was forgiven.
His lips twitched up into a half smile. “That will be all Ms. Potts,” he returned the gesture and patted her leg before standing up. 
Pepper had just laid her head back down when he spun back around. 
“Actually, no, that’s not it, I’m sorry again. Can I at least get the top sheet? I’m a naturally hot-blooded male but even I need something to keep me warm at night,” he grinned and offered a mischievous wink.
She rolled her eyes but couldn’t keep her own face neutral, a small smile slipping across her face as she sat up and pulled back the duvet again, grasping at the top sheet underneath and pulled it free from where it was tucked in at the end of the bed. She balled it up once it was free and tossed it into Tony’s waiting arms with a little more force than was strictly needed.. 
“Thank you, Ms. Potts.”
“You’re welcome, Mr. Stark,” she said, her smile completely uncontained now and snuggled once more under the warm blanket, waiting for sleep to claim her.
Or at least she would have if Tony wasn’t so loud as he moved about the room, placing his pillows on the couch and spreading out his white sheet. 
Next came the thunk of his heavy snow boots coming off and being dropped on the floor and she said a mental apology for whoever was stuck beneath them as she kept her eyes screwed shut, desperate for him to finish whatever he was doing and be quiet.
Then came the distinct sound of his belt clanging together as he undid the fasten and Pepper’s eyes shot open in disbelief. 
Tony unabashedly stood beside the couch, the direction she happened to have been facing, and was actually undressing. It wasn’t like she hadn’t caught more than an eyeful before when she’d come to collect him in the mornings and he certainly never seemed to care about any level of nudeness. However, she thought he would at least attempt to have some modicum of decorum while they were sharing a room. Apparently not.
She could have looked away. She should have looked away. Alas, she watched him undress through squinted eyes in case she were caught, sleep would be easier to feign.
He pulled his green sweater up over his head and she watched as his white t-shirt beneath was caught up with it, revealing the well defined muscles of his back before he corrected the mishap and the t-shirt fell back down to cover it. 
When she heard the zipper of his pants being undone she did squeeze her eyes shut, what was she even thinking spying on him like that, even if he was doing it right in front of her.  She was ogling her boss in the same manner that she always got onto him for. 
“Do you really have to do that right there?” she asked, frustration laden in her tone.
“I thought you were sleeping,” he said with a playful tease, like he knew exactly what she had been doing. 
She just huffed and turned around the opposite direction, lest his dark chuckle tempt her to look again. 
“Your virtue is safe, Ms. Potts, I had shorts on under my pants.”
“Why were you wearing---I don’t need to know.”
He laughed again. “Goodnight, Pep.”
“Goodnight, Tony.”
Tony really tried to fall asleep after that. He spread out under the sheet, across the couch, his legs just hung over the edges where he was a little it too tall. It wasn’t uncomfortable, he was used to curling up anywhere he could to sleep. However, like most nights, he couldn’t seem to be able to get his brain to shut off.
His mind was racing with thoughts, ideas, calculations. How if he adjusted the processor chips for one of Stark Industries missiles he could make it that little bit more accurate. Schematics came and went as he did the mental math and how long it would take to adjust versus the cost and if it was even worth it to tweek or just create a whole new line. 
He had other ideas too. Ways to improve the intellicrops. An electronics line that could put Apple to shame. 
Sometimes he thought about Pepper. Nothing dirty surprisingly. Just about her. The way she looked in the Malibu sunlight, her hair flared out all around her, or even here in Colorado bundled up in snow gear or her ridiculous flannel pajamas. The way that he sometimes caught her staring at him the same ways he knew she caught him staring at her. She took care of him. Listened to him when she clearly didn’t understand half of what he was talking about. Helped him keep the company going. Put up with his whims. Just thinking about her, even her scolding him could put a smile on his face.  If he believed in love then he would definitely equate love with Pepper.
Thinking about love would make him think of his mother, then his father. Jarvis, Ana. What they all would think if they could see him now, spending every free moment drinking or chasing after the only version of companionship he could accept. 
Wonder what the world would have been like if he had been in that car with his parents, if he’d told them that he would come. Or what would have happened if he would have spoken to them a little longer. 
Hell sometimes he still wondered what happened to Shannon Dorman who gave him his first kiss in second grade when his father wasn’t able to make it to parent weekend at Andover. 
The only difference in all these thoughts from a  normal person is most people thought about them one at a time. For Tony it was everything all at once. Like someone had left a bunch of tabs open on a computer and they all were playing different music. It was hard to focus and distinguish one thought or emotion from another when he was left idle like this. 
He thrummed his hand against the back of the couch, the sound echoing loudly in the otherwise quiet room, so he stopped. He bounced his foot instead and turned his head to look out the window and watch the large chunks of snow as they continued to fall, not as heavy as before but still steady. 
In lieu of counting sheep he tried counting snowflakes. He made it to nearly one thousand before it became just another tab running in the background of his mind. 
He needed a drink. Or sex. He didn’t think Pepper would be offering though and he was well mannered enough that he would refrain from slinking away to the bathroom for some self love. 
That left Tony with a drink. 10% alcohol content was a drop in the bucket for him but perhaps it would at least let him close out some of those tabs for a while. At least enough so that he could catch a few hours sleep. 
Making up his mind, he threw back the covers and walked back over to the fireplace and retrieved the forgotten bottle. There was still a little over half left, it should theoretically do the trick. 
He collapsed back against the couch and haphazardly strew the sheet back across him as he took a long pull straight from the bottle. He didn’t figure that Pepper would be wanting anymore tonight so there was no one left to be considerate for. After a couple more long pulls he could feel that little tingle start working its way across his body, warming him from the inside. Whiskey did it better but it was still a pleasant start. 
“Tony...” Pepper’s tired voice called out to him and for the first time he noticed her blue eyes watching him.
“Don’t drink anymore tonight.”
He tried not to bristle against the perceived admonishment. “Why not?”
“I’m sorry. It’s really none of my business what my boss does,” she said.
“Okay...as my friend then. Why?”
Pepper was quiet for a moment before she shifted around on the bed and clicked on the bedside light and sat up. Her hands were almost hidden by the cuffs of her pajamas but he could see how she twisted them together nervously, one of her only tells of discomfort.
“If you’re serious about what you said earlier, about agreeing with your Aunt...why not start now? Just little steps. You don’t need to drink, you don’t even like that stuff,” she finally spoke, her voice steady and sure despite her earlier nervousness. When Pepper committed to a decision she always went all in. 
“Look, I’m sorry that I woke you. I just needed something to help me to sleep. This helps.” 
“Well, what normally helps?”
He smiled. 
Ah Pepper. Ever the problem solver. 
“Normally, I have a glass of whiskey and well, company with me, to tire myself out. That helps usually. When I’m home I can work. Right now I have none of that,” he shrugged. 
“Have you thought about taking a sleeping aid?”
Tony scoffed. “Uh. Yeah. That’s not going to work. You missed the early nineties with me so I forgive you, I just try to stay away from anything in pill format these days.”
Pepper brought both of her knees up to her chest and pulled the blanket back over her, one arm resting against her knee and propping her head up as she racked her mind for alternatives. “Is there nothing else that helps?”
“Working out, but I’m not sure you want me doing calisthenics while you’re trying to sleep.”
“What about talking?”
Tony thought it over. He remembered more than one night where he and Jarvis talked until he fell asleep. It was worth a go. At the very least the conversation was a distraction and he had a good partner to speak with. 
He nodded his head. “Talking helps.”
“Then talk to me.”
“Aren’t we already?”
Pepper rolled her eyes. “Tell you what, you can try and dig for slumber party gossip if you think it will help.”
“Ohhhh I knew you would warm up to the game,” he said, and took one final sip of the wine before standing and putting it on the bedside table beside Pepper so it would be out of his grasp.
“So, tell me about Virginia Potts. We’ve spent every day together for five years and I feel like I don’t know anything about you aside from your remarkable ability to keep my ass in line, your acumen for business, and your minor shoe addiction.”
Pepper shrugged and to his surprise took her own little drink from the bottle, seemingly nonplussed that he had been drinking straight from it like a heathen. “Well, I’m from a small town in Ohio…”
“Riverbend,” he finished.
She smirked back at him. “So you have checked up on me too.”
“Just your resume and the standard background check when you were originally hired. I did have to make sure you weren’t actually a crazy person you know after the pepper spray incident, you know? Happy wouldn’t let me breathe until I did.”
“And that’s why he is a great bodyguard.”
“Eh, jury is still out on that one. He did let you get by after all.”
There was another genuine smile.  Maybe it was the wine, maybe it was her smile. He could already feel his mind slowly beginning to calm, just with the little bit of banter between them.
“Anyways, my Dad used to run a farm with my Uncle Morgan but my Uncle was always a little flighty. When that was a bust my father started his own handyman business and then became a contractor. My mother was an elementary school secretary. I didn’t know what I wanted to do, I just knew I wanted to get out of there.” 
“Well, yeah. The land of corn and astronauts. There’s gotta be some reason all those guys wanted to leave Earth after a stint in your state. Nevermind the biography let's just get to the fun stuff.”
He could honestly sit and listen to Pepper talk about her life forever. She could be as detailed as a Tolkien novel and he’d never complain. He just wasn’t sure when he would ever get this opportunity for questions again, and while young Virginia fascinated him, he wanted to know more about Pepper now.
She raised her brow questioningly. “Like what?”
“What do you say to a fast money round? Favorite color?”
She laughed a little, surprised perhaps by the simplicity of the question. “Blue. You?”
“Red. Favorite food?”
“Pad thai.”
“Not bad. Mine is pasta carbonara. My mom…” he trailed off a little bit, suddenly struck by a memory of cooking with his mother in the kitchen. So much for forgetting. Pepper looked at him with concern as he mentally regrouped. “She made the best version of it. Authentic.”
His words hung thick in the air until Pepper broke the silence.
“Least favorite food?”
“Caviar. I know I’m probably destroying your elitist view of me but I had a terrible experience as a kid. Never again. You?” he said, grateful for the continuation of their game. 
“Really? You have a whole strawberry-blonde aesthetic going on,” he said pointing his finger at her hair.
“Yeah, I’m allergic. Like deathly allergic, so it’s a no go for me.”
“Bummer. There’s some irony for you. Do you want me to ban strawberries from the entire Stark Industries campus? Because I will.”
“I don’t think that is necessary.”
“Well, at least from the house. I’ll have Jarvis erase anything strawberry related from the grocery list.” 
“It's really not-”
“Please?” he insisted. He could think of at least ten different running items off the top of his head with strawberry in them. She was in his home just as much if not more than he was, he wanted her to feel comfortable there. “You’re at my house more than your own and the least I can do is make you feel safe. Mi casa es su casa, y’know?
“I hardly think that I need protecting from the big bad strawberries but if it really means that much to your chivalrous pride then yes, delete strawberry related items from your grocery list,” she teased, but her soft smile let him know how it was appreciated.
“Done deal.” 
“Thank you, Mr. Stark.”
“You’re welcome Ms. Potts. Now where were we? Oh yes, searching for your deep, dark secret. Do you have a boyfriend?” he asked, raising his brow expectantly.
Pepper groaned. “Didn’t you already ask that?”
“You didn’t answer the question. Look, it doesn’t have to be a boyfriend. Girlfriend maybe? You know there’s no judgement from me. It'd be like the pot calling the kettle black because you’ve seen the array of company I keep.”
“No, I don’t have a girlfriend, Tony, sorry to disappoint, and no boyfriend either.” 
“Why not? This may be crossing a boundary but you are smoking hot. You can’t tell me you haven’t left a trail of broken hearts from Ohio to California.”
“Like you?”
“No, that’s coast to coast. Global even,” he said with a wink that he knew would draw an eye roll from her. 
“Not that it is any of your business,” she predictably began with the eye roll, “but I really haven’t. There was someone in college that I thought maybe...he didn’t want a partner though he wanted a trophy. The people I have dated in between have never lasted very long and I don’t have the time for that right now anyways.” 
“Because of me?” he questioned.
“No. I’m just focused on my career and I have been since college. It’s hard finding a person who isn’t intimidated by a powerful woman who knows what she wants. You’d be surprised by all the fragile egos out there.”
“I’m really not. You forget about the people I’ve been expected to mingle with my entire life?”
She smiled at his words and took a few moments to collect her thoughts, her face pinching together in a frown. “I don’t want to compromise my goals just because my partner thinks barefoot and pregnant is a more appropriate title for a woman.” 
Tony thought her feelings were perfectly understandable. He couldn’t ever imagine Pepper relegated to taking a back seat in her own life. Not to say that being a mother is less than a corporate business woman, but that idea that someone would want to repress who Pepper was just to fit their own outdated ideals of what a family and relationship should be.
“I agree, Pep, that’s ridiculous.”
If she was shocked by his response she hid it well. Maybe she wasn’t though. He always thought he was a progressive guy, even if sometimes he could be a bit contradictory in his actions. That was mostly for show though. The carefully crafted Tony Stark persona.
“Besides, when would I ever really even have the time to date someone seriously with our schedules? We’re in a fast paced world, where plans can change on a dime…”
“Like spending an extra couple of days skiing, snowboarding and getting caught in a blizzard?”
She held out her hand towards him. “Exactly. Who would understand that? I feel like I’d spend more time justifying my work than actually having a relationship.”
“So, it is my fault then?” he asked sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.
“Ugh. Maybe a little. Don’t feel too bad,” she said, waving his feelings off. “The last time I did have a semi successful date, the guy ended it with what I’m sure he thought was an earth shattering kiss but he literally kissed like a fish. It was disgusting and ruined the entire night.”
Tony actually cackled at that anecdote. “So, no second date?” 
“Oh my god. Definitely not. Completely turned me off of the concept for the foreseeable future,” she laughed with him.
“When was that?”
Pepper thought about it a moment. “About a year ago.”
Tony flinched. “Oof. You sure you don’t wanna make out? You shouldn’t let that be your last kiss.”
“Thanks, tempting but no.” 
“Ooh I’ve gone from an outright no to tempting, huh?” Pepper opened up her mouth to protest but he immediately cut her off, pointing his finger at her. “No, no, don’t take it back. You said it. That’s going to be tattooed on my brain for a very long time.” 
“You’re ridiculous.”
They both fell silent after that, just enjoying each other’s company. Tony shifted on the couch folding his arms behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling. Pepper shifted to lay back down on her pillow, she still laid on her side facing him though, he felt her eyes watching him.
“What’s on your mind?” she finally asked.
“Do you ever think you’ll have a family one day?”
“I’ve really never thought about it, to be honest.”
“I find that hard to believe. Even  I have thought of it.”
“You have?”
“Hard not to when there’s a new paternity suit every year.”
That was the truth. He had thought of family in the traditional manner of course. Settling down like Aunt Peggy said with a wife and 2.5 children like the American dream dictated. He didn’t see it ever happening, but sometimes it was a nice thought if he didn’t think he would turn out just like his father, cold and neglectful. 
The paternity suits were another beast. None ever panned out and he expected none ever would. He may be promiscuous but he wasn’t an idiot. Still, it was always an interesting couple of weeks wondering what if. He wasn’t the type that would pay the mother off he knew that much. He would take an active part in any child of his life, fears be damned. 
“I guess it’s not something I’ve ever pined for. Maybe someday in the far off future where I’m the CEO of my own company. Maybe then.”
He turned his head to face her. “You gunning for my job, Potts?
She smiled tiredly back at him. “Maybe I am. I have to keep you on your toes somehow.”
“You’d probably do a better job. You like all the boring details of the job. I just want to be left alone to create.”
“Please. Don't sell yourself short. Creating is your passion, but you have an eye for business. If you didn't then I don't think this company would have survived the last decade and don't say it was all Obadiah either. You're way more progressive than he is.”
“While I appreciate the vote of confidence, weren't you already concerned with how you'd fit my ego in the room though? I don't want to suffocate you.”
“I think I can manage this once. Tony, can I ask you something?” she asked. 
Something in the tone of her voice made him look over at her. She was chewing at the bottom of her lip in indecision so he had a pretty good idea that like earlier in the night, whatever she wanted to say was probably something that he wouldn’t like. 
“Prying for the deep, dark secrets again?” he asked, going for levity and turning his attention back to the ceiling.
“Why did we stay here after the conference?” she asked softly. 
Of course she asked that.
“Just wasn’t ready to go back.” 
“You didn’t even want to go to the conference and then you stay here longer? You hate the cold and snow.” 
Tony shifted into a slouched position, one arm curving across the back of the couch as he drummed his fingers against the material again. He could feel his heart begin to race as he debated whether he wanted to tell Pepper the truth or not. This was one of those things that had been floating along in his myriad of thoughts and ideas, keeping him up at night the closer that the date approached. 
Pepper had shown good faith in him all night, humoring him even though he knew she had to be exhausted. After his behavior he supposed an explanation was the very least that he could provide her.
“I didn’t always hate it,” he began gingerly.
Pepper seemed to make a decision then, sitting back up and moving herself and her pillows to the opposite side of the bed. She left the duvet upturned and patted the empty space beside her invitingly. 
“I trust you,” was all she said.
He stood up from the couch and let the sheet fall away as he stretched out his limbs. He wasn’t a very tall man, but he was way too long to be scrunched up on the couch and was thankful for the reprieve. Tony wrapped the sheet back around his body as he slid beneath the warmth of the duvet and flipped the cover up over them both. He turned on his side to face Pepper, propping his chin up with his arm and she mirrored his movements. Tony tried to use the quiet moment to gather his thoughts and not to think about how the warmth he felt from the mattress was from where her body had lain. 
“Today...well, yesterday,” he conceded given the hour, “was my mother’s birthday.”
“I didn’t know,” she whispered and shook her head.
“You wouldn’t. I keep my parents close to the vest as much as I can these days,” he shrugged and absolved her from any guilt she might be feeling. Pepper hated not knowing important information. 
“I grew up in New York as you know, and she used to love it when it snowed. When I was younger we would build snowmen, snow angels, we made ice cream out of the snow and shared hot cocoa. Whatever you could think of. When I was older, the week of her birthday my parents would take me out of boarding school, and since it doesn’t usually snow in April, we would go to the Alps or Aspen or wherever else and ski, snowboard, whatever. It was one of the only times I ever remember feeling like I was really a part of the family. When she died…” he trailed off softly.
“It was snowing that night?” Pepper inferred. She always knew what he meant to say.
He nodded slowly. “The snow and cold didn’t bring me any kind of joy anymore.” 
“So, why now?” she asked gently.
He had come this far. May as well go all in.
“If we’d gone back to Malibu I would have done my best impression of drinking myself to death, like I do every year. I don’t know. I guess something Aunt Peggy said struck a chord and I wanted to try and honor Mom a better way. I still drank but when I’m in public it’s easier to stop. To control it. There’s no control when I’m alone.”
He ducked his head in shame not wanting to see any kind of judgement on Pepper’s face. She knew he had problems. How couldn’t she? She was always one step behind him cleaning up his messes and he had even admitted his problem to her tonight. He just wasn’t sure she knew the full extent. The reason why he was on full lockdown and unavailable on certain dates because he would rather drink himself to death than have to remember. 
“If you needed someone to keep you company, all you had to do was ask,” she answered him quietly and he dared to lift his head and take a peek at her face from beneath his hair, trying to gauge the sincerity behind the words. 
“I don’t pay you enough for that.”
She immediately frowned. “I don’t need you to pay me. I am your friend, Tony. If you’re struggling, I want to help.”
He wanted to believe her. Oh how bad he wanted to believe her. He could see the sincerity on her face and hear it in her words, He had just had so many experiences that told him the opposite. That everyone had a motive to be close with him, no one really cared. Until Rhodey and Happy. And now Pepper. 
He smiled sheepishly and wiped a tear that he didn’t know was there away with the back of his hand. “I guess I don’t know how to ask for help.”
“We’ll work on it,” she said and reached out and brushed the stray hair from his face, her hand lingering as it softly caressed his cheek.
“Hey, Pep,” he began hoarsely, his eyes downturned to the pattern of the duvet, ”in the spirit of asking, I guess I should start learning now.”
“Anything,” she replied honestly and that made him grin for the ghost of a moment.
“Do you think maybe when we get back you could put together a list of some, uh, outpatient facilities for my, uh...you know,” he stumbled.
She moved her hand from his cheek down to grasp his free hand and squeezed it in hers. “Of course.”
“Maybe keep it quiet from Obie and everyone else in case it doesn’t take.”
“It’s a process, Tony. You’ll get there in your own time, but yeah. I can keep it quiet as long as you’ll at least tell Rhodey. He’d want to support you too. And Peggy.”
He clutched her hand in his and ran his thumb across her skin soothingly. “You drive a hard bargain, Potts. You sure you aren’t trying to take my job?”
“Not today.” 
“Then I accept your terms,” he said squeezing her hand again. 
“Good. Do you think you can sleep?”
“Maybe. I feel a little better.”
“Well. Just try. I’m here if you need me.”
He wanted to tell Pepper that being in such a close proximity to her was part of what was keeping him awake now but he didn’t. Instead he carefully turned and clicked the light off before settling back into his pillow. He wasn’t about to give up this moment for anything, even if he didn’t sleep a wink.
Pepper couldn’t believe that she actually was sharing a bed with Tony right now. It had been awhile since her declaration to get some sleep but even though she was dead on her feet she couldn’t seem to get relaxed enough to drift off. Maybe that also had something to do with the fact that Tony was still loosely holding her hand in his and every time he took a breath she could feel it tickle against her skin. 
What did all of this mean? Did it even mean anything? She had always prided herself on enforcing boundaries and making sure Tony always stayed on the other side of the invisible line but tonight she felt like they both had leaped over it hand in hand. Skipping over the line between professionalism and friendship right into something more. Just what she could not say yet. Not even in her own mind. It wasn’t able to be defined yet. All she knew was that this little detour in the snowy mountains of Colorado had been a turning point in their relationship, seemingly for the better.
If Tony was comfortable enough now to tell her about such intimate information about his family and his drinking, reaching out to her for help, then that could only be for the better. He didn’t have many people he could trust like that and she was proud to be counted among them.
Were they still just friends though?
“Pepper, I can hear you thinking from over here, what’s on your mind?” he asked groggily, his hand closing around hers once more, causing her to flinch in surprise.
“I thought you were asleep?”
“The room is only big enough for one loud thinker not two. So spill it, what’s going on?” he asked, his eyelids fluttering open to reveal dark brown eyes.
Oh, nothing, just thinking about how distracting it is to be touching you and sharing a bed.
“Just the usual. Wondering if we’ll be able to fly out of here tomorrow. Thinking of everything that will need to be pushed back if we’re not.”
He didn’t buy it for a second she knew but he hummed in assent and kept his eyes locked on her own. 
“What?” she chuckled nervously under his gaze. 
“Hey, Pepper, now do you want to make out?”
There was something different about the way he asked her this time. Tony wasn’t teasing, he wasn’t vulnerable any longer. Enough time had passed that he had seemed to come back to himself which made this even scarier than all the other times. This time she didn’t doubt the sincerity as he held her gaze, jaw locked firmly in place in anticipation of her response. She was finding it harder to find reasons to turn him down.
“Tony…” she began, hoping for her brain to come up with something. “I know today has been difficult and we have had some really hard and emotional conversations…”
“You wouldn’t be taking advantage of me if that’s what you’re thinking. I’m not that compromised,” he grinned, his face lit up only by the moonlight pouring in from the window.  
“I just don’t think that’s going to happen,” she finished lamely. 
“Why not?”
She had to give him something real or he would never stop. She slowly pulled her hand away from his, instantly missing the warmth he had provided and hid it beneath her pillow. “I can’t be just another one of those girls, Tony.” He would have to understand that.
“Is that what you think, Pepper?” he asked, unable to mask the small amount of hurt from creeping onto his face and in his tone. He actually looked like a wounded animal. 
All she could offer was a shrug in response because it was exactly what she thought from the moment that she had met him until this evening when she finally started to see that other side of him. 
“You’re not, Pep,” he reassured her and reached back out and found her hand beneath the pillow anyways. “God you’re not.”
“What’s changed?” she dared to ask.
“You have always been different than everyone else. You’re not someone that I could or even want to throw away. You mean more to me than anyone else in my life. I thought it was obvious by the way that I am a complete and utter disaster without you. I have been wanting this since you first came through my office doors and until tonight I wasn’t completely sure, but I know you like me too. Don’t you?” he asked so earnestly, his eyes opened wide and his eyebrows raised. He looked like a literal puppy, begging to be let in from the cold. 
“Tony…” she started to deflect again but he cut her off.
“Look, it’s okay if you don’t, I’m not going to fire you or anything. I don’t want you to ever be worried about that because like you said, we’re friends right?”
She nodded her head gently. 
“Good. I just want to know that I’m not crazy, Pepper. That I’m not the only one that gets these weird little butterflies in the pit of my stomach whenever we’re together. You feel it too, right?”
Pepper hesitated a long time, instinctively chewing at her bottom lip again. She had another choice to make. Another boundary to shatter. Should she do it? She let loose a deep full body sigh, ignoring how shaky the exhale really was before she looked him in the eye.
“You’re not crazy,” she admitted.
His face lit up like a Christmas tree.
“Then what’s the problem?”
“You’re my boss,” she simply offered. Another truth. It was inappropriate. The press would always talk about the power imbalance and trash her for falling for it like all the others. 
Tony had the nerve to scoff at her  words. “Please, if anything you are my boss.”
“Okay then. You don’t do relationships,” she tried again.
“I could try. I want to try. With you,” he clarified gently, his voice lowering to that honeyed timber she loved. 
Her heart wanted to sing with his admission. In fact it was. She could feel how quickly it was pumping, the adrenaline sending shockwaves all across her body as she thrummed with anticipation. Her mind however knew otherwise. There was always a but. 
“Tony...you’re not ready for that yet.”
And he wasn’t. Her brain knew that even as her heart rebelled. Tony was a mess. On this trip alone he had been with at least three different girls. He was slowly coming to terms with being an alcoholic and what that meant for his personal and professional future as he started to seek help. That was on top of his already full work plate. He didn’t have the time or the mental capacity right now to try and begin a new  relationship and to do it the right way. He had no idea the work it would entail. Maybe someday in the faroff future, but not tonight.
His face dropped as his eyes flickered across her face, his hand going loose in hers so she could pull away but she didn’t. “Okay. Yeah, you’re right. I’m a bit of a mess aren’t I?” he asked, flashing a pained toothy smile. “It’s fine.” 
“Look, I’m not saying no forever,” she clarified. She was helpless against that face. 
“So, there’s a chance?” he asked, hopefully.
She squeezed his hand. “Perhaps.”
“Well, in that case I will do my best to become the kind of man you deserve.”
It was probably the most sincere declaration of affection she had ever received and she tried to hide the dopey grin in her pillow. That made him smile back and this time it was him who pulled his hand free to run the back of his hand down her face almost reverently, taking his time and just soaking the moment up. 
“Hey, Tony…”
“Want to make out?” she asked, coyly.
His eyebrows disappeared into his hairline as his head shot off the pillow. “But you said--”
“On one condition,” she continued unperturbed.
“What would that be?”
She waited until he settled back down and then looked away from him nervously. “After tonight...we pretend like it never happened.” 
“Never. Can you do that?”
“I can.”
“We can count this as an experiment. Maybe we won’t even like it, maybe it will be too weird,” she shrugged.
“You know me. Always willing to sacrifice anything needed in the name of science,” he teased and scooted closer to her. 
She held her breath when she felt his body brush up against her own as he tentatively leaned in closer to her. He brushed a strand of her hair back behind her ear and searched her face seemingly for any sign of doubt of discomfort. Anything saying that she was uncomfortable. Aside from her heart beating like a freight train inside her chest though she felt perfectly normal.
“You’re sure?” he asked again. He liked to play the field but she knew that he was always all about consent. 
“I’m sure,” she spoke so quietly she could barely even hear her own words. 
Pepper met his lips halfway and only had half a second of panic that this was really happening before his lips met hers and with it threw out any sense of logic or reason. Instead her mind was flooded with the happy influx of endorphins as her heart continued to pound away, the fluttering of the butterflies in her stomach melting away into something hotter as it spread across her body. 
Her hand reached up to tangle itself in his hair, gently pulling and encouraging him. When he opened his mouth to hers she almost giggled like a school child when she realized she could taste that cheap wine on his tongue like she wondered earlier and also knowing that it had never tasted better than it did right now. 
It was like a spark had been lit between them and nothing else existed. 
All that she knew were his lips, the smell of his aftershave and collage blending together in perfect harmony, some kind of leather and sandalwood type smell, not his usual expensive brand and she found that curious. His hands rove from caressing her cheek to burying themselves in her hair as well, or running up and down her back softly. It made a shiver go down her backside and he only pulled her closer for it. 
She actually whimpered when he pulled away, mouth still parted and wanting as they both were left breathless.
“Weird?” he asked, after a moment, his sweet breath tickling her nose, he was still so close. 
“No, I don’t think so,” she immediately shook her head. 
“Good, once more for science?” he asked, but it was rhetorical and she never got the chance to respond. 
Oh, how she wished that this never had to end. That it was the future already and Tony’s life was put together the way that they both hoped it would be. That the endless parade of booze and women was over and he was celebrating his sobriety and they were away celebrating. But it wasn’t. And this did have to end before it got too far.
Pepper pulled away from him slowly, letting him chase her and kiss her softly a couple more times as he came back down from the rush. She put a finger to his lips to prevent him from anymore but he just kissed her index finger instead.
“I think that’s enough for one evening,” she said, regrettably. 
He looked as disappointed as she did but also satisfied in a way that she had never seen him except maybe after some breakthrough on a project. His hand stayed buried in her hair, brushing and pulling at the strands.
“It will never be enough. But I think we have collected sufficient data for the future,” he grinned dopily in the waning light of the moon.
This time Pepper did giggle and she blamed it on the swell of emotions mixing with her utter exhaustion. 
“You could say that,” she agreed when her giggles subsided.
He gazed at her longingly and licked his lips, her attention instantly flying to his tongue. She knew what he tasted like now, and she didn’t ever want to forget it.
“Since this night never happened, might I trouble you for one more thing?” he asked hesitantly.
She clenched her teeth worried about what kind of favor exactly he had in mind and if it was going to put a damper on their evening.
“What is it?” she asked cautiously.
“Can I hold you tonight?” he asked, his voice barely coming out in a soft rumble that sent more shivers down her body.
Of all the requests she wasn’t expecting that one. Not something so innocent.
“Well, since it never happened,” she simply said with a shrug of her shoulder and moved in closer beside him. 
The hand that had been in her hair moved as he laid on his back and let her tuck herself in against his chest comfortably, before encircling her, the reassuring weight of his bicep against her back. She tentatively let her own arm creep across his torso and gently fist into the fabric of his shirt as she inhaled his scent beneath her. She heard more than felt when he kissed the top of her head.
“Goodnight Ms. Potts,” he said, his voice already thick with exhaustion. She thought he might actually be able to get some sleep tonight.
“Goodnight Mr. Stark.”
They missed the brilliant sunrise the next morning, and the gentle rapping at the door of the nervous general manager checking in on his guests. When she woke it was with the comfort of Tony’s arms still around her as he snored softly in the morning light.
They made it back to Malibu of course. Back to Stark Industries and deadlines and projects. Tony did start at an outpatient program and he did make that call to Peggy Carter to apologize and to his best friend to let him know what he was doing. 
They never spoke about that night.
Whenever, she’d start to feel like it was all just some strange, exhaustion induced fever dream though, she would catch Tony looking at her. Not the way that he always had with what she figured was nothing more than base lust. No, now he looked at her almost lovingly. Reverently. Hopefully. Like she hung the stars and the moon and nothing else existed in that moment. Then she was reminded of that moment. How he looked, how he felt pressed against her. 
If she ever did start to forget though and his gaze was not enough to remind her, she would come and find him. At home, at work. She’d slip away to where they could be alone and he could remind her once more, that what happened was real. What she was feeling for him and he for her was real 
They could never talk about it just yet.
Instead it was like it never happened.  
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jackidy · 3 years
To Be Struck
Rating: T Pairings: EnnoTana Characters: Various, focus on Karasuno and Ennoshita.  Universe: Canon Summary: “He has no idea, does he.” Yamaguchi states, having waited with the third years and Tsukishima for the captain to show up only to bare witness to him be accosted by a group of boys. They can’t tell for sure what’s being said only that Ennoshita seems to be surprised, hands up in mock surrender before a relaxed, more apologetic pose takes over, the tell-tale sign of nervousness as he scratches the back of his neck.
“Oh no, theres not a single thought of how handsome he actually is behind those big old brown eyes.” Narita states, earning a grunt of agreement from the other third years and something akin to a laugh from Tsukishima. “The boy is oblivious to how handsome he is.”
The shirt fits better than he thought it would, taking the quiet moments before the rest of the team would show up to simply get used to the new found feeling of confidence that he had gained over the school break but also seemed to multiply as soon as he’d donned the number 1 shirt. Would Daichi be proud of his progress? Probably, Sugawara? Definitely, smile tugging at his lips in memory of this morning’s phone call, the former Karasuno setter clearly running late for university but still making time to give Ennoshita a fairly out of breath pep talk about he’s got this.
He offers good mornings to Ukai as their coach yawns past, followed by the team who seem to be either the same level of tired or overly excited to either be back with the team after the long break or the potential new players who would be joining. More had signed up this year than ever before, the team’s success at nationals having attracted more attention than Ennoshita had, truthfully, expected, hating that this would happen during his tenure as captain and not to another.
But then, would he really want to inflict this on anyone else?
“We missed you at lunch today, not avoiding us now that you’re captain, are ya?” Kinoshita teases, Ennoshita laughing at the over dramatics as the tawny haired man launched into an over dramatic spiel, leaning against Narita as he lamented over being left behind on the benches, beckoning Yamaguchi in to join him only to be rejected by the second year. “Our boy gets promoted and now he’s too good for us mere bench warmers.”
“No, no, I had to go see Takeda senpai and sort out club stuff, more so since they’re planning a Miyagi based training camp this year.” Ennoshita laughs out more than speaks, pulling the team fleece on, pushing his locker closed only to pause as everything goes quiet. Staring at the team in mild confusion, they just stare back, a few slacked jaws and even a few rosy cheeks amongst them, turning to Kinoshita and Narita for help only to find them in a similar state.
“What?” He asks the silent room, looking with increasing confusion and anxiety between his teammates, hoping one of them would give in and explain just why everyone had gone quiet only to find nothing to cure his nervous curiosity. “Alright then, I need to talk to coach so I guess I’ll see you in the gym.” Ennoshita adds after a few more moments of silence, sighing and dismissing himself from the locker room.
He’s only somewhat confused and mostly annoyed when the talking almost immediately picks up again after he leaves, the team speaking in hushed whispers over something that would undoubtedly cause trouble for him later.
The constant giggling confuses him more than anything, Ennoshita frowning as another group of first years pass him in the corridor, the group breaking into hushed whispers, giggles with one or more cheeks flushed a pale pink. He’d assumed it was in response to one of the others, his fellow third years nothing short of attractive, his thoughts lingering on the teams ace a little too long before sighing and shaking his head.
Tanaka Ryuunosuke was a subject best not dwelled on, least he end up losing himself to a train of thought best not considered. The ace wasn’t interested in him beyond friendship, Tanaka’s romantic interests focused on cute dark-haired girls with striking features, the only part of that list Ennoshita could be associated with was the dark hair.
“Hi, Ennoshita.”
“Umm…hi?” He’s confused, more giggling before the group of third years is gone, Ennoshita’s frown deepening as he headed for the back of the class where everyone was waiting for him, food in various stages of being eaten. They hadn’t waited for him and he’s thankful for it, sliding into the chair between Kinoshita and Tanaka with a groan, sliding further into the seat as hands fumbled with his bag for his lunch, still frowning as he dug in without a word.
“You keep frowning like that and your face’ll stick.” Noya speaks around a mouthful of food, both Narita and Kinoshita grimacing before Narita smacks his arm with a comment to stop being gross. It works for the most part, the libero chewing and swallowing with such vigour the rest of the group is surprised he doesn’t choke. “What’s bothering you, cap?”
Ennoshita pauses, trying to find the words to accurately describe his issue before sighing. “People keep giggling when I walk past them, I have no idea why though.” He replies honestly, oblivious to the looks the others were giving him as he continued his train of thought. “At first I thought it was because I was with one of you guys but they continued even when it was just me.”
The shared look between Kinoshita, Narita and Nishinoya only adds to his ever growing confusion, head turning to the left with hope of getting an answer from Tanaka only to be met with a flushed yet mystified look. Why was he looking at him like that? What was he missing that everyone else was apparently so clearly aware of? Snapping his fingers in front of the others face, Ennoshita bites back a laugh as Tanaka jumps, nearly spilling his drink on himself.
“Wait, why did you think the giggling was down to one of us four?” Narita pipes up after a moment, Ennoshita looking over to him whilst the group focused on the captain once more. Ennoshita shrugs, faking a thoughtful look before grinning lazily, something teasing and mischievous in his tone.
“Because you’re all a bunch of clowns.”
The trip to Johzenji is by no means quiet but the din of Nishinoya and Hinata hyping up the nervous first years isn’t enough to break him from his thoughts of the incident a mere thirty minutes ago. A second year, from Yamaguchi’s class if memory serves, had confessed to him. Face flushed, voice stammering and a love letter clutched so tightly in her hands Ennoshita was surprised she hadn’t ripped the letter by accident.
He wasn’t going to return her feelings, he only just recognised her never mind the fact he didn’t know her name, but he didn’t even get a chance to politely reject her before Tanaka had come from seemingly nowhere, taken his wrist and dragged him away with a gruff comment of how they were going to be late. The girl had just seen the look on Tanaka’s fae, looked at the tan hand clamped around his wrist and just profusely apologised saying she’d misunderstood.
What had she misunderstood? There wasn’t anything to misunderstand! Sure, Tanaka had perhaps been a little more gruff than usual but hadn’t his last class of the day been maths? It wasn’t one of his stronger subjects, maybe it had just put the vice-captain into an irritable mood. But doubts had only began to settle in when the other had spent the majority of the ride sat next to Haruka, the team’s new libero, who had made it his life mission to cheer the Ace up.
“Gummy for your thoughts?” Yachi asks, voice a hushed whisper as she offers the bag of gummies to Ennoshita, looking around the seat as she checked to see if the rest of the team had heard her at all. He takes one, mulling over if he would tell her anyway, the team manager hastily shoving the sweets back into her bag as Kageyama stalked past to ask Coach Ukai something.
“This is the part where you tell me what’s troubling you.” Yachi teased when Ennoshita remained silent, Ennoshita laughing before shrugging. He’d grown close to Yachi since she’d joined the team, more so after Daichi announced him as the next captain and they started working together more frequently once the year began. It had earned no short amount of teasing over his ability to talk to girls easily from Kinoshita and the question of if they were dating from one of the overly curious first years.
“It’s nothing, I’m just a little confused about somethings is all.”
“Such as?”
Ennoshita clicks his tongue, elbow against the window frame and jaw resting in his palm, silently wishing the vibrations caused by bad suspension would perhaps shake the thoughts out so he could finally focus on things more important than everyone’s new reactions to him. “People keep paying attention to me and, just now, had a girl confess her feelings for me. Only to apologise when Tanaka grabbed me and dragged me off so we could go, saying she’d misunderstood.”
“I don’t get what there was to misunderstand.” Other than the fact she had feelings for me, he adds silently, a troubled look on his face, accepting another gummy when Yachi offered it to him, the younger blonde seemingly lost in her thoughts as he continued. “He just took my wrist and said we were running late.”
He doesn’t confess as to how he can still feel the ghost of that touch on his wrist, that he humoured the idea that Tanaka was so annoyed about the interaction because he was jealous and not because they were going to be late. That the concept of her misunderstanding was that they were dating any not something else that was more trivial than the idea of them dating.
“Maybe she thought you two were, you know, together.”
He chokes, wheezing and waving off the hand of Narita dangerously close to hitting him in the back, waiting for the middle blocker to sit back down and resume conversation with Kinoshita before turning his attention to Yachi. She looks concerned for the most part, a hint of underlying smugness so reminiscent of Kiyoko when she made an all too correct assumption about something that, for a brief moment, Ennoshita feels like he’s sat with her instead.
“Okay, even if she did think that, it doesn’t explain everything else.”
“No but I’m sure you’ll figure it out, captain.”
It takes only five seconds of knowing Terushima Yuuji for Ennoshita to realise the man is tenacious if not a little bit odd, leaning away as the fellow captain leaned in, the feeling of being observed by a predator becoming increasingly more present. Pregame handshakes weren’t supposed to last this long, remembering how even the tense ones between Daichi and Kuroo the year before had never seemed to be endless.
Should he be the one to let go first? The want for the contact to be over already battling against his will to not be seen as weak, the handshake finally coming to an end when one of the coaches, the Johzenji one, shouts for Terushima to stop antagonising him. Was it still antagonising someone if it felt like Terushima was wanting a reaction from him that wasn’t annoyance? Ennoshita didn’t know and wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to find out either.
“I look forward to see you play, Ennoshita.”
Hand finally free, Ennoshita wipes it on his shorts leg with theatrical disdain, snorting in vague amusement at the just as dramatic gasp from behind him as he walked back to his team. What game was he playing at? Why had he pronounced his name like that, too much emphasis on the shi that he’d drawled out for far too long for it to be anything short of annoying.
He hates that his mind goes immediately to how it would be less annoying coming from Tanaka.
The practise match goes better than expected, the boost of adrenaline in his veins from being on the court only seemingly nullified during breaks when Narita and Kinoshita began their lament of being Ennoshita leaving on the benches, managing to drag Yamaguchi into joining in, even if the second year could not keep a straight face throughout the entire thing. They win, by no means a crushing victory but enough to know what needs to be improved upon with the new team dynamic, thinking over ideas he could go over with the Coach when they got back to school when feels the arms slink over his shoulder, smells the marker and feels the hand over his shoulders take hold of his forearm almost too gently.
Strong body spray and an obnoxious shade of yellow. The feel of a sharpie against his skin as it scrawled ink and numbers across his skin, Ennoshita stood like a deer in the head lights at the hum in his ear, the pop of lips as the writing was finally done. “Call me whenever, it would be a shame to not know you better, Chikara.” His arm is released, Terushima leaving without any further contact, Ennoshita only breaking out of his stunned state when someone yells at the Johzenji captain.
What…what just happened?
His state of being is nothing short of catatonic, walking in his bemused stupor to where the rest of the team are waiting, staring at the number signed with a heart scrawled across his skin. Why had he said his name like that?! A low drawl, the rolled and extended a at the end of his name, the fact it had made his face flush rosy like he was a first year. He had no interest in the other captain in both terms of friendship and relationship. So why, why was he reacting like that?
Forgetting to pull down his sleeve has never had such dire consequences, helping Takeda to gather the team and attendance to make sure nobody was left behind, most having the wherewithal to stay quiet at the number scrawled on his arm. All bar Kendo, the would-be wing spiker’s eyes lightning up before practically yelling. “Yo, Captain! Whose number did you get?”
The drive home is too rowdy, Ennoshita wishing Ukai would wake up and bellow at them all to shut up as question after question is fired at him. Whose number is it? Terushima’s. Are you dating? No. Do you like him? Not really. Would you date him if he asked you? No. Does Tanaka become captain if you fall for another captain and die? No, Haruka, but thank you for the concern.
Perhaps it’s the sap in him but Ennoshita finds he doesn’t mind the questions so much anymore, when he notices Tanaka is no longer in a mood but laughing along with the fellow third years as Ennoshita wilts under the sheer number of questions thrown at him about his supposed affair with Terushima.
“He has no idea, does he.” Yamaguchi states, having waited with the third years and Tsukishima for the captain to show up only to bare witness to him be accosted by a group of boys. They can’t tell for sure what’s being said only that Ennoshita seems to be surprised, hands up in mock surrender before a relaxed, more apologetic pose takes over, the tell-tale sign of nervousness as he scratches the back of his neck.
“Oh no, theres not a single thought of how handsome he actually is behind those big old brown eyes.” Narita states, earning a grunt of agreement from the other third years and something akin to a laugh from Tsukishima. “The boy is oblivious to how handsome he is.”
He’d always been handsome, Tanaka thinks, it just became more obvious over the end of year break, bewildered as to how in the span of a month he had seemed to bloom in confidence and lose the stubborn bit of baby fat that clung to his cheeks and body. It’s bothersome, annoying really, how Ennoshita believed through this metamorphosis that he’s still something not worth looking twice at, Ennoshita haven’t never stated it but it was all too clear from the way he confusedly pointed out how he couldn’t understand why their fellow students seemed to linger on him.
“Also oblivious to Tanaka’s pining.” Nishinoya adds on a little too cheerfully, the libero cackling with laughter as he used Tsukishima as a shield as Tanaka attempted to grab him before running behind Ennoshita as the captain finally joined them with a humoured confused look. “Save me, captain! He’s gone feral.”
“Oh please, Noya, he’s a big puppy at worst.” Ennoshita remarks, giving the vice captain a pat on the head as he passed by, ducking past Narita to get to the gym doors before unlocking them, throwing Yamaguchi the keys so he could unlock the changing rooms with a smile. “Go get changed and help me set up the gym before the actually feral children get here.”
Tanaka is the first one back, finding Ennoshita in the middle of setting up the nets, silently thankful that the rest of the team had shown up just as he was leaving the locker room, giving him a good 5 minutes alone with Ennoshita before they were interrupted by each coach, Yachi or someone from the team announcing their arrival with utter dramatics and a slammed open door. “So, what did they want?” He asks, holding the net steady for Ennoshita as he tied it, somewhat distracted by the look of concentration on the others face. Furrowed brows and a slightly screwed mouth, he’d be ridiculous if he thought, even for a moment, that it was adorable.
“I think he was trying to confess his feelings but it came out sounding like he was asking me to marry him.” Ennoshita mused, checking how secure the knots were before moving to the other side and repeating the process there. “Rejected him, was informed he would win my heart before I graduated and his friends were very enthusiastic about this prospect.” Ennoshita seems strangely fond over this, though as to why Tanaka did not know.
“Do we have a name for your future beloved?”
“Oh, heavens no, never told me it in the time it took him to propose to me and declare he’d win me over.” Ennoshita laughed, Tanaka finding himself unable to not join in, finishing with the first net before starting work on the second one. “I named him mini Ryuu though, he reminded me of you with Kiyoko during the majority of first year.”
He flushes at that, muttering shut up under his breath and earning another laugh, wishing he had the confidence he had with Kiyoko to approach Ennoshita with the same enthusiasm. But they’re different, the same yet different. Kiyoko was an obsession, an undignified act of teenage love that he never bothered to subdue, taking some form of pleasure out of every rejection. He had the same thing with Ennoshita but he kept it close, kept it more subtle, for no other reason than the uncertainty of what would happen when he ultimately got rejected because, for the first time, he sees no weird joy in it.
“Are you planning on growing your hair out?” He ask, tying the last knot, the first few members of the team stumbling into the gym, Kageyama snapping something at Hinata and the first years as the setter is more or less shoved into the gym by the rowdy bunch. Tanaka blinks, reaching up to touch his hair, feeling fluff instead of the usual buzzcut, wondering when the last time he’d asked Saeko to cut it for him even was.
“Nah, I keep forgetting to ask Saeko to cut it for me.” Tanaka shrugs in his response, tugging at his hair gently and contemplating if he should cut it off or not, the thought of Ennoshita’s hand on it earlier halting his train of thought far too quickly for his liking. He knows it’s a crush but it was just a touch, an innocent if not somewhat patronising pat to the head, it shouldn’t have this affect on him. Shouldn’t make him wonder how it would feel if they were running through it instead.
He wasn’t dwelling on the thought of calloused hands weaving through it when he’s had a stressful day, it being ruffled with amused affection whenever he was sulking over something trivial. Of fingers gripping it tight and pulling when he…
“Sorry, what was that?”
“I said you should keep it longer; it looks good on you.”
He was never cutting his hair again.
If Tanaka sits closer to him during the study session, neither of them mention it, Ennoshita leaning in to Tanaka’s side to read over what he’d written and smiling. “You got them all right, Ryuu.” He’s not sure when he switched to using just his first name to refer to him, believing it to be around the time the member of the baseball team more or less vowed to win his heart by years end. It seemed to make sense to do as much, he had referred to the kid as mini Ryuu as opposed to mini Tanaka after all.
“It just makes more sense when you explain it.” Tanaka mumbles, scratching the back of his head bashfully, Ennoshita letting out a hum in response before looking up and at the ace when he feels eyes on him. Oh, how had he not realised how close they were? His lips were so painfully close and if he were a stronger man he’d lean forward and kiss him but, for all the confidence he had gained between the end of his second year and the start of his third, he’s not confident enough to close that gap and find out just how unrequited his crush was.
He’s all too happy to let Tanaka take the lead as he takes the initiative, warm fingers sliding between his perpetually cold ones, eyes flicking down to their linked hands before back up to the ace, swallowing thickly. Maybe he should, maybe, just maybe, it wasn’t as unreachable as he first thought, so close to kissing him when a door slams open.
The distance feels like miles, the lingering warmth on his hand from where Tanaka was holding offering only little comfort when the ace refused to look at him. He wants to ask, wants to ask what it meant, why he’d looked at him like that, if what he was feeling and what he assumed Tanaka was feeling actually aligned and it wasn’t just a fool’s folly to long for something more than friendship.
“Hey, Ryuu! Did you-” Saeko makes her presence known with a shout and the door opening, looking between the pair and going silent. Did she know? He knew Tanaka’s shared everything. Meals, food, lesser secrets about crushes and friendship dramas. Was she aware of whatever was going on between the pair of them? The panic begins to build up in his chest as he continues to overthink the situation only to let out a choked noise as he’s grabbed by the elder Tanaka and pulled to his feet.
It’s a similar situation to Terushima, Ennoshita feeling more and more like he’s being stared down by a predator only it’s welcomed this time, Saeko gripping his chin and observing his face before she turns to look at Ryuunosuke who seems to be on edge more than Ennoshita was. “I know you said he got hot over break but damn, Chika, you’re fuckin gorgeous.”
“Umm…thank you?” He doesn’t take compliments well, he never has, laughing nervously as he’s spun, her hands gripping his shoulders, feeling like he’s being presented to Ryuunosuke as a prize that he had just won. I know you said he got hot over break. What did that mean? Was that a Ennoshita thing or a Tanaka thing? Ennoshita focusing on his teammates face, noticing the familiar look he got whenever he felt Saeko was about to embarrass him.
“You gotta snap him up before someone else does, look at those cheek bones.” He feels the nails of Saeko’s right hand brush against his skin and he shudders despite himself, face still enflamed from the shared moment before and the endless compliments. “That jaw line, those sleepy brown eyes of yours. You are still single, right?”
He chooses to not mention the plethora of confessions he had received the past few months, looking at Ryuu in hopes of a rescue only to find him shooting a look brimming with annoyed daring, baiting Saeko into continuing her commentary. Ennoshita knows the look well, one he’s been on the receiving end of from his own little brother whenever he learnt something he shouldn’t and threatened to hold it over him for the foreseeable future.
Saeko just grins, dangerous, like she is aware of something Ennoshita should be, hands clapping his shoulders, giving them a firm squeeze before she lets go and leaves. He watches he go, a thumbs up thrown in as a goodbye before she closes the door much softer than she had when she opened it. There’s a tension in the room, Ennoshita fumbling with his fingers as the silence leaves him to focus on those words.
I know you said he got hot over break. You’re fucking gorgeous.
You said he got hot. You’re fucking gorgeous.
You’re hot. You’re fucking gorgeous.
He’s ashamed as the voice morphs from Saeko’s to Ryuunosuke’s, the constant repetition of ‘you’re fucking gorgeous’ setting his cheeks aflame and his heart beating faster than a drum. He should leave, shouldn’t he? His confidence having melted away, Ennoshita feeling once again like a first year, unable to find his voice and on the brink of panicking as he over thought every possibility now laid out before him.
“Chikara,” his voice is soft, all to calming to hear, Ennoshita looking down at the other only to be met with a face of mild confusion and concern. “I’m stuck with problem ten.” Settling back down, Ennoshita goes back to helping, hoping for any distraction from the thought of Tanaka finding him attractive and the growing disappointment that he wasn’t brave enough to take Tanaka’s hand is his own again.
Its never brought up again but it changes their dynamic, Tanaka meeting him at lunch time, the welcome relief from being bothered by strangers with confessions. The hilarious moment of Tanaka fighting with his miniature self until Ennoshita dragged Tanaka away by the hand, the younger boy by someone Ennoshita guessed to also be on his team. It’s never brought up again but Tanaka doesn’t shake off his hand until its time to eat, despite the teasing looks sent his way by the other third years.
They sit together on the coach to practice matches, Ennoshita almost always waking up with his head on Tanaka’s shoulder, Tanaka’s head leaning against his and hands not quite touching but it always feels a little too intimate for just friends. Its how they end up travelling to the Miyagi summer camp, waking up as they pull onto the Shiratorizawa grounds only to find their fingers linked this time, it making up for the lack of head resting against his.
It’s three days before something snaps. Ennoshita in the middle of talking rotation with coach Ukai, mentioning his own anxiety in suddenly being thrust onto the court during an important match, making a joke at both Tanaka’s and Daichi’s expense as he brings up the Wakutani South match the year before. He excuses himself as he hears the arguing behind him, sighing at the sight of Tanaka and Noya shouting at a group of younger players, Karasuno’s own first years seeming to only encourage their behaviour.
Daichi had made this seem too easy, Yamaguchi was going to despise him for leaving this team in his capable hands when the year was through, Ennoshita feeling a migraine beginning to build as he made his way over. Where was Yahaba or Shirabu? He’d pray for even Futakuchi to show up to offer at least some form of assistance in dealing with the would be fight between their teams.
He more than well aware he’s not as intimidating as Daichi, Kenma having pointed this out when the teams met for a practise match a month prior, Ennoshita having simply laughed in response and returned the favour by pointing out that Kenma didn’t quite carry the same presence that Kuroo did. Any remaining tension between them had dissipated as soon as they had spotted Tanaka and Taketora, both huddled in a corner whispering conspiratorially, matching statements of “idiots” slipping out as sighs.
He’s not as intimidating but he can still command presence, hands clamping down on the shoulders of Tanaka and Nishinoya, squeezing tightly as he smiled a little too softly at the gathering who seemed to slowly sink under the weight of it. “I believe you were all returning to your teams, yes?” His tone leaves no room for argument, at least that’s what he hopes, watching with baited breath as they disperse, waiting until they had gone before finally allowing himself to relax.
“They were-”
“You don’t need to tell me.” Ennoshita sighs, cutting off Noya, already knowing that whatever reason they had to get into the fight was, it didn’t need explaining. He trusted his team enough for that. “Just…Just try not to do it again, please.”
It’s late on a Tuesday when everything is finally addressed, thirteen days since the incident in Tanaka’s home and thirteen days since they’ve danced around the subject, Ennoshita looking up when he feels someone sit next to him on the bench, surprised to find Tanaka sat there but not at all finding it unwelcomed. “What brings you out here?” Ennoshita asks, dog earring the page he was on and closing his book, cheek resting against his brought up knees and his hand on offer on the chance the Ace wanted to hold it.
“Was looking for the love of my life.” Tanaka states, voice subdued and its unsettling, too used to the confident and boisterous side of him that bellowed across courts and ripped his shirt off in victory. Tanaka is loud, headstrong, a focal point made flesh, he didn’t do quiet moments often, didn’t let his voice drop so low in volume it could barely be considered a whisper. It’s strange but he loves it all the same, a small selfish part of him wishing he’d be the only one to ever here the other like this.
“Did you find them?” He doesn’t try to hide the hope on his voice, too wrapped up in the idea that he might just be what Tanaka was into, be good enough to be the object of his affections even if just for a brief time. He had gained confidence since becoming the Captain, had grown into himself and learnt to become more assertive but the other was able to reduce him back to the shy mess he had been when he was younger like Tanaka was flames and he was made of matches.
Hands find each other, cold and pale meeting warm and tan, the grip loose enough to be comfortable yet firm enough to know it couldn’t be broken that easily. He would have been happy with that, cheeks flushing pink as a hand gently pried his cheek from his knees, calloused thumb brushing over his cheek before lips meet.
It’s brief but that’s all it needs to be, first kiss pressed to the corner of his lips before the second one captures them, the grip on his hand tightening briefly as they pull apart, Ennoshita admiring the flustered look of Tanaka’s cheeks, knowing full well he was in a similar state if not worse.
In his fantasies, he’d pictured Tanaka making any confession into a big affair, loud and unabashed, proclaiming his love for all of Japan to hear like he had with Kiyoko at any given moment. He’d thoroughly embarrass Ennoshita, grinning proudly without a care in the world. He hadn’t pictured it would be quietly, sat on a bench by the school gardens at Shiratorizawa, a fond smile tugging at his lips as he realises that he wouldn’t have had it any other way.
“Yeah, I think I did.”
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