#fallout new vegas all roads
I know we all love Benny as a cringefail loser but does anyone else kinda wish his ingame counterpart was more like his All Roads counterpart? Like the way everyone describes him before you actually meet him is more on par with his All Roads counterpart like yeah he ambushes you in your suite and leaves after you sleep with him and was intended to come back and try to kill you after you free him from The Legion but he's honestly a cringefail loser about it all and every NPC describes him as if he was the spawn of Satan when he's actually so pathetic you can't even consider him a threat when in All Roads he was a slimey sneaky evil bastard like there's times where I forget ingame Benny and All Roads Benny are the same character given how widely different they are from each other
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amarithecat · 1 year
So I read All Roads for a class assignment. Based on the glimpses I got of it, I was expecting to see Benny a bit more fleshed out in the sense of what makes him so evil and threatening. Throughout the game we're told to look out for him and watch our backs, and while he will 100% back stab you if given the chance, he's still kinda...lame. Between the flat voice acting and the anticlimax of it all, Benny is just a dude and it's hard to see him as an actual threat, so I went into All Roads thinking it would expand on him a little more.
It DID, and it definitely showed him as a traitorous, evil scumbag, but he's still lame as hell. Any time he tries to take control of a situation all it takes is a look from the Khans for him to IMMEDIATELY back down and do things their way. This combined with the knowledge that he goes on to fail to kill the courier despite shooting them point blank in the head just makes it worse. If cringe-fail was in the dictionary, he'd be the definition. It's astounding that the Khans didn't just mug him and move on with their lives.
Other takeaways:
Getting a more fleshed out story behind the Great Khans was nice.
I had seen fanart of Chance before and didn't know where he came from, so this was a nice surprise.
I wish that Benny's tactic of poisoning (?) people was brought up in the game. Just seems like something that could be expanded upon in an interesting way.
Why does Benny's face change every couple of panels? Truly no one knows what this man is supposed to look like.
I am in the process of making a PowerPoint presentation to present this book to my class and failed to realize just HOW MUCH of the game's context I'd have to explain in order for the book to make sense. I have to cram half of the FNV lore into a 5 minute presentation, wish me luck.
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bakedbeanz · 7 months
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King of Vegas got a nice view, don't he?
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wtftaylr · 2 months
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I'm working on some character busts for Sadie's toyhou.se profile and,,, hello mister benny.............
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nukashine · 1 year
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he's so fucking goofy
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beantothenighe · 5 months
I'm going to need Norm to show up at the end of episode 1 in season 2 outside of the Vault with a little backpack, his pit boy and an army of hacked roboc robots ready to join the team to kick his dad's ass cause he deserves to get a hit in.
Lucy asked how and why he's here. Jump cut to Norm in the Vault 31 considering his options, telling Bud "Yeah, No. Ima go find my sister, and clean this mess up." And he just straight up hacks his way out. He found her by tracking her pit boy signal.
Ghoul asks about the Mr. Handys, Norm shrugs. He's not a fighter and he knew he wouldn't make it out in the wastes alone so he found an old map of the old world and located a Robco factory and got himself some muscle. He's named all of them.
The Brotherhood gang of Maximus, Thaddeus, and Dane join too cause I need this found family road trip.
Norm shows Maximus and Thaddeus how to play the games on the pit boy and Lucy starts a new books club with Ghoul and Dane when they find a library. Everyone is determined to prove Dogmeat loves them more than anyone else by giving him bribes.
Cooper gets attached to these two stupid Vault kids and three moronic Brotherhood brats and one stinky dog. It isn't the one he was looking for, but it's a family he's found none the less.
Then they get to New Vegas and take turns beating the shit out of Hank destroy Vault Tec, then go home to 33 and clean house before settling down. Give the Brotherhood gang clean water and all the oysters they can eat.
The End.
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w98pops · 6 months
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dead men walking
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fnvbennygecko · 2 months
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sft-haze · 10 months
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cathartic-crypt · 3 months
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doodled the three chairmen. wanted to draw benny and his weird gold tooth.gave him two for the funsies.and then drew the rest of the gang just because
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bellonathedragonborn · 4 months
Here’s a link to the Fallout: New Vegas prequel comic.
To be honest I think it’s neat that Benny isn’t portrayed as a coward like he is in the game.
I also like how it explores a bit on the Bootriders. If only a bit.
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matchbet-allofthetime · 5 months
Sobbing in bed because I'm writing a Ulysses fic and I'm caught between him killing the Courier because they are willfully giving up all the people they love and all the good they've done in the Mojave and he wanted them dead and gone-
And him just telling them they don't belong in the Divide with him. Not them, not their soft heart.
"You need to go home," Ulysses would say.
The courier would just laugh.
"Go home, Courier," they mumble. "Your signs. I have them all marked on my Pip-Boy. I don't even know why, but I mark all of the ones I find."
They traverse the Divide KNOWING Ulysses will kill them.
They take off their armour and keep only their finest, best combat knife and a gun on them with enough ammo to get them to Ulysses and to give him a third bullet to put in their skull alongside the two from Benny.
They offer him their knife, their gun, and the option for him to kill them with his bare hands.
Willingly. Selflessly. Painfully.
"I could never hate you, Ulysses. Not for this, never for this. I will never be mad at you for this."
And he's caught.
They're a godsend to this place, so much good they've done.
Does he kill them? Or does he bridge the Divide?
Maybe they go home. Maybe he kills them.
And maybe, after everyone back home knows they're okay... Maybe they do belong here, in the Divide, with Ulysses.
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simplegenius042 · 3 months
Which of my Favourite Fictional Characters Is the Worst One?
Tagged by @icecutioner and @voidika
I'm just catching up on tag games that I'd been tagged in. There'll be one more today.
I'd also like to hear your thoughts on why you think any of the characters above that you think is the worse are in fact the worst out of the lot; whether in the comments or the tags in reblogs. Not mandatory of course.
Tagging @inafieldofdaisies @shellibisshe @socially-awkward-skeleton @derelictheretic @shallow-gravy @direwombat @strangefable @rhettsabbott @josephseedismyfather @josephslittledeputy @imogenkol @cloudofbutterflies92 @skoll-sun-eater @cassietrn @carlosoliveiraa @adelaidedrubman @g0dspeeed @wrathfulrook @afarcryfrommymain @strafethesesinners @aceghosts @turbo-virgins @raresvtm @softtidesworld @starsandskies @ladyoriza @la-grosse-patate @florbelles @titiagls @minilev @yokobai @thewanderer-000 @omen-speaker @justasmolbard @alypink @thesingularityseries @nightwingshero and @noodlecupcakes + anyone else who'd like to join.
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asliverslicedthin · 1 month
benny's hideous suit jacket originally belonging to house is soooo. sooo. [broken carburetor noises]
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chestnutroan · 2 years
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sporkberries · 1 year
Dead money makes me so insane its the perfect DLC. Like on premise alone, a heist on a mysterious pre war casino? Sign me up. but no it couldnt just be a heist its a fucking horror game. Elijah straps a bomb collar to your neck and forces you to run through saw traps and poison gas to form a crack team to get into the casino.
It’s got everything it has a cool heist, it has a lesbian, its a horror game, its a stealth game, its super fucking annoying holy shit i keep exploding myself
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