#falsetto fic
understance · 1 month
falsettos wip alert ‼️
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frothingbeerbottles · 2 months
Whizzer and Marvin would totally do that corny thing where they slow dance to music on the radio in their living room while trying not to laugh, I don’t make the rules, sorry buster.
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milolovesbmc · 23 days
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Art for @understance 's fic "More racquetball"!!
Hi Sammie!!! Sorry for making you wait so long to find out what I was making, finally here it is though!!! Hope you like it :3
I seriously love this fic so much, it made me sob, so obviously I had to make myself sob EVEN MORE by drawing my fav part from it!
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dyke-ulaura · 2 months
I’m thinking about a post i made a while ago about the differences in the way Cordelia and Charlotte are often depicted online. I can’t find it now but I wanted to add something.
Because it’s often written as if Marvin was just a complete pathetic mess until The Lesbians (also kinda weird that the fandom talks about them as if they’re a single unit, it was a funny joke in the show. I get it. shut up now) swooped in and mothered him until he was a decent person. As if he was some snivelling child with no independency whom The Lesbians had to teach right from wrong and not an adult who fucked up and is trying to fix his mistakes. The way some of you write their relationship makes it hard to understand why either Charlotte or Cordelia want to be his friends. And it’s a disservice to Marvin’s character because this is exactly what he did in his relationship with Trina — treating her like a mother. Writing it this way doesn’t give him any growth at all, it just doubles down on the same issue.
Yes, they helped him a lot, but by being there as friends, as examples of a healthy queer relationship. Not by treating him like a fucking baby.
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meovinn · 7 months
daily reminder for all of the "whizzer is a twink" people,, i hate you
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phierecycled · 7 months
me when fanfic writers remember that the falsettos characters are in fact jewish
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dance-like-an-idiot · 11 days
HAPPY FALSETTOS DAY!!! congrats trina and mendel falsettos on your 45th anniversary 🙏‼️
i would do something because im hyperfixated so here's whizzvin i wrote yesterday
writing under cut :D
"I'd love to be somebody's "The one who got away"," Whizzer said for the millionth time since they've been together. And it's been 10 months, —Not 9 Whizzer stop smelling the damn roses.—
Marvin rolled his eyes and he knew by proximity alone that Whizzer saw the action. Whizzer slouched from where he sat in Marvin's lap and pouted with a huff that blew on Marvin's stubble. Marvin could barely stand him. "Ever thought of monogamy? It's a joy, I'm sure you'll love it," He drawled, repeating words of his own. 
"I'd love to leave you, ever think of that?" Whizzer quips mercilessly, but still it's repeatitive. He's smiling now, though, testing Marvin. They both know where this leads. 
"I'd love for you to love me, or want me, or need me even." 
Whizzer scoffs, "Don't be so foolish, Marv. You know you'll never get what you want from me." Whizzer's smirk is wide, Marvin wants to kiss it off. 
So he does, because he always gets what he wants. 
"Marv, did I end up as your "One who got away"?" Whizzer asks off handedly one afternoon on the weekend. Which means Jason is quite literally a room over and Cordelia will likely be busting down the door any second now, Charlotte in tow. 
It's been years since Marvin's heard that phrase, and every time Whizzer would bring it up they would fight. Marvin hates those fights now, and that phrase is so negative in his mind now that he freezes up. 
Whizzer who is sat on the chair in front of him notices —of course, Marvin couldn't be discrete about it— and he seems to perk up. What? "You okay?" Whizzer asks simply... But could it ever be that simple? Two years ago Whizzer would have never showed that kind of care however simple. Instead Whizzer's mouth would form a familiar insult, whether it be about his clothes or rightfully calling out the sack of shit Marvin was. 
So hearing such a simple question fills the burnt pit in his stomach before he feels the words finding their way up his esophagus and out of his mouth. "I am. I am so much more than okay with you." 
Whizzer smiles and his face scrunches together like he's trying to surpress it. He looks uncharacteristically bashful. Whizzer stands from his chair and walks to Marvin, causally taking a seat beside him, so close their knees touch. Marvin responds by placing his hand on Whizzer's thigh. Whizzer lowly chuckles and takes Marvin's hand in his own. He traces Marvin's knuckles, rubs circles into his palm, and Marvin had never thought he was a touch starved man until now. Until Whizzer. Whizzer had flipped his entire life upside down. Whizzer indirectly made him better. Whizzer was constantly on his mind for the last two years. Whizzer speaks, "You still didn't answer my question."
Marvin snaps out of his trance and looks at Whizzer's eyes which are fixed on their connected hands. "Shit, what was the question?"
"Oh, it's only the question i brought up pretty much everyday for nine months straight," He lightly teased and Whizzer connected their hands fully, tilting his head to return eye contact. His smarty smile is beautiful. 
Luckily the hint lands and Marvin squeezes Whizzer's hand and smiles faintly, wanting to return his joy but still the thought of that question... "Yes... But you're here now, aren't you?" 
"I am," It's a finality. "I just remembered how often I would ask that and got curious." He leans into Marvin and their hands never part. 
Marvin preens at the contact but takes a finger to guide Whizzer's head up again. Their eyes meet and Whizzer must be the most beautiful thing in the world. Marvin has never felt so lucky to be loved, to have Whizzer again in his arms and in his hands. Marvin pecks the tip of Whizzer's nose before saying softly, "Then that makes you the one who stayed."
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touretticeddiemunson · 4 months
“Be Careful” | Angst, Hurt/No Comfort, Hurt/Some Comfort
TW: mentions of HIV/AIDS and character death
This is a Steddie/Stranger Things & Falsettos musical crossover! This short fic does not necessarily match real time in either show.
Wayne Munson led a simple, quiet life. He was never really one for all the hustle and bustle of big city life that his best friend wanted growing up.
Whizzer was obsessed with getting out of Hawkins. It was all he talked about.
“I’m too good for this town, Wayne. I know I am. You are, too. You could go with me, to New York. Where we can be open, find guys that will actually love us, instead of wanting quickies in bathrooms. I want to finally be happy,” Whizzer had said.
“My whole life is right here, Whizz. I can’t just leave. My brother, he’s got a girlfriend who’s pregnant. He’s not gonna be there for the kid, and she’s gonna need help. I can’t just leave. I can’t just let that kid grow up without help,” Wayne had argued. They were in their 20s around this time. The perfect age to just get out.
But Wayne couldn’t bring himself to do it.
So, Whizzer left. He went to New York, found a guy. He kept Wayne updated, told him all about the man’s kid and how wicked smart he was.
“He’s so sweet, Wayne. Eddie would love him. They could play together, if you ever came to visit,” Whizzer had said over the phone one day. It had been 6 years since Whizzer left.
Wayne had gotten custody of 5 year old Eddie a couple months prior.
“You could always come back with Marvin. I can’t just pick Eddie up and leave to New York. That city is no place for a youngin’ like him.” Wayne made an excuse. He was just too scared to leave Hawkins, really. He didn’t like that much change.
“You know I can’t come back to Hawkins, Wayne. I just…can’t.” Whizzer relented, his hurt emotions panging Wayne right in the heart through the receiver of the phone.
“I know, Whizz. Just…be careful, alright? I’m hearin’ some things about shit going around. Don’t get sick. Love you, bud.” He warned before hanging up with a soft affirmation of love for the boy. He’d always quietly loved Whizzer, the boy who was loud and unafraid to be himself. Wayne always felt too small, too afraid to love Whizzer as loud as he deserved to be. So Whizzer never knew.
Eddie grew up hearing stories and watching Wayne talk to “Uncle Whizzer”, the sweet boy his uncle once knew who ran off to New York to chase his dreams of love and passion. He would hear about him every day, about Jason, the little boy two years older than him. About Marvin, his stubborn and bitter lover. They had broken up for 2 years, but gotten back together after getting over their bullshit.
Wayne slowly got more and more bitter talking to Whizzer on the phone. The more Wayne heard about Marvin, the tighter he’d grip his coffee cup in the morning as Eddie got himself ready and watched him from the counter eating a cold bagel.
Until one day, when the calls just stopped. They just…stopped happening. Wayne shut Eddie own every time he asked about “Uncle Whizzer”.
9 years later, Wayne came home to hearing giggling and seeing shuffling in the living room. He hopped out of his truck and walked up to the door, making sure his keys jingled in the lock as he entered.
He half expected Eddie to be cuddled up with some girl, so he mentally prepared himself to make the “use protection, not on the couch, I’m always here if you need anything” talk.
To Wayne’s surprise, he walked into the trailer see his Eddie under another boy, their lips connected and hands wandering to places they definitely shouldn’t be. He felt his heart thump, his stomach twist, and his eyes prick with tears.
Not his boy. Not his Eddie. He walked right out the door he came through, slamming it shut. He heard curses, something knock over, followed by the calling of his name from inside the trailer.
“Wayne, we weren’t— I’m sorry, please come back in. We’re decent, it’s fine. Let me talk to you,” Eddie pleaded through the door.
Wayne huffed and managed to go back inside, meeting Eddie’s eyes with a firmness he didn’t usually have.
“Eddie, I need you to know I’ve got no problem with this. Just…I didn’t think I’d have to give you this talk so soon.” He sighed, his hands being shoved into his pockets. Eddie and Steve audibly groaned, moving to sit down.
“We were being safe, Mr. Munson, honest.” Steve reassures, hands coming down to anxiously rub at his knees.
“That’s just the thing, son. I just…you have to make sure this is what you want. Sex is…dangerous for you boys. Anything could go wrong at any time. A rubber could break, one of you could get cut, anything could happen. You have to be careful.” Wayne explained, avoiding saying the word. It hurt too much. That was when Eddie said it, so casually. So…desensitized.
“God, Wayne, we know about AIDS. We’ve been exposed to it almost our whole lives. We know how to avoid it.” Eddie groaned tiredly, not wanting the disease explained to him by another adult who was worried about him.
“Eddie. I know you know. But you’re not hearing me. You have to be careful. I don’t want to lose you like I lost your Uncle Whizzer,” he admitted, his eyes falling to his lap.
“Uncle who?” Steve asked, but Eddie didn’t respond.
Oh, god. He remembered. He remembered the day like it was yesterday. The clattering sound of the phone hitting the wall when Wayne dropped it. Remembered hearing his sobbing. Remembered seeing Wayne crumpled on the floor, hitting the floor with one fist and clutching his shirt over his heart with the other, like it was shattering and he was trying to hold it together.
Wayne had never cried that loud, that hard ever in front of Eddie.
“Oh, shit. That’s why he stopped calling?” Eddie asked, his voice breaking as Wayne gave a solemn nod. “And…Whizzer’s boyfriend?” He asked. Wayne sniffled and shook his head, watching as Eddie inhaled sharply and let out a sob.
“God…Wayne. I’m so sorry. We’ll be more careful. You won’t lose me. I won’t let you lose anyone else.” Eddie promised, leaning forward and grabbing Wayne’s hands.
The older man looked at Eddie with tear-filled eyes and gave an affirming nod, getting up and kissing Eddie’s temple.
They never talked about that night again.
Over the years, Wayne watched their love grow. Witnessed them get too intimate to stay in that little trailer with Wayne. Soon enough, Hawkins became too little for their big “six little nuggets” plan. They agreed to move to New York. A more accepting place, where they could easily find others like them.
Helping them move into their city apartment, it was here that Wayne got a chance to visit Whizzer for the first time in years, and meet Marvin.
He entered the cemetery on a Thursday afternoon, sniffling upon seeing two faded chess pieces on their headstones. Jason loved chess, Whizzer had said years ago. This must have been his doing.
He knew now that this was the perfect place for his Whizzer all along. Hawkins wasn’t enough. It wasn’t Wayne. It was the place. He should have gone with him, but he was just too scared. He fell to his knees, touching the headstone of his friend, his first love.
“Hey, Whizz. It’s Wayne. I’m here. I made it to visit. I’m sorry I’m so late. It’s about time, huh? God, I love ya. I love ya more than anything, Whizzer Brown.” He murmured to the grave, breaking the silence in the air.
Within a second, he felt the wind brush his cheek. It wasn’t a normal gust. It lingered and felt almost like slender, soft fingers brushing the skin. He noticed a leaf fall on the grass in front of Whizzer’s grave, watched it twitch as the wind tried to pull it free from the grass.
It was then that he knew Steve and Eddie would be safe here. Whizzer and Marvin would watch over them.
His boys belonged here. They’d have two strong gusts of wind pushing them along, keeping them together.
He was sure of it.
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i thought it was time for a new intro post!
hi, i’m allie
very very multifandom
i have two sideblogs, @musical-spam and @songs-summarised
personal tags i use:
art: #aaaaaart
writing: #wriiiiiting
fic recs: #allie’s fic recssssss
asks: #allie answers askssssss
non-fandom stuff: #allie is taaaaaalking
my interests change a lot but some things i’ll be eternally into are:
my musical obsessions are the fastest to come and go, but probably expect falsettos, be more chill, 35mm and a lot of others
along with the musical theatre obsession comes the mandatory 20+ hour playlist so here it is
-animated shows!
i love love love the owl house and dead end paranormal park!! also helluva boss and hazbin hotel, but more helluva than hazbin
-other things!
a rotating cast of video games, right now i’m loving hades, stardew valley and terraria, i don’t post about them much though
trying to get into fiction podcasts probably expect a bit of that
other other things i like are PJO, HOO and TOA, greek mythology and geology (i will most likely never post about this but we’ll see)
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sunachilles · 6 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Falsettos - Lapine/Finn Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Whizzer Brown/Marvin, Dr. Charlotte/Cordelia (Falsettos) Characters: Marvin (Falsettos), Dr. Charlotte (Falsettos), Cordelia (Falsettos) Additional Tags: Grief/Mourning, Found Family, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Canon Compliant, Act: Falsettoland, POV Marvin (Falsettos), HIV/AIDS Summary:
It's been two months since Whizzer's death.
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understance · 1 month
HI FALSETTOS FANS so i write fics and have a little list goin’ of falsettos fic ideas! if you have any ideas you’d like to be added to the list that will eventually be turned into full fledged fics, send them my way!
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dogwhizzer · 1 year
marvin w a dad bod: :)))
his weight loss being one of the first symptoms that he's sick post canon but no one notices or even worse people see it as a positive: :(((
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jdsmineralwater · 25 days
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Falsettos - Lapine/Finn Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Whizzer Brown/Marvin, Jason & Marvin (Falsettos), Marvin & Trina (Falsettos), Jason & Whizzer Brown Characters: Trina (Falsettos), Marvin (Falsettos), Jason (Falsettos), Whizzer Brown Additional Tags: Hurt No Comfort, HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS Crisis, POV Trina (Falsettos), Mentioned Whizzer Brown, Phone Call, Bad News, trina has to tell jason about THINGS, more raquetball, post more raquetball, set during/before holding to the ground, canon complaint, whizzer brown is a good dad, no beta we die like whizzer Summary:
Trina gets a call from Marvin about Whizzer.
Title from:Moving On (the Mad Ones)
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gay-little-axolotl · 9 months
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fanart for the Falsettos fic ‘Crazy Notion’ by writedontfight on AO3
and here’s the author’s Tumblr blog (go follow them rn, I dare you)
(I haven’t actually been in the Falsettos fandom in months but please check out that fic, I’m begging you it is literally a masterpiece, it’s my favorite fic of all time)
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acourtofladydeath · 9 months
@erisweek2023 AU Teaser
The latest production by Prythian Productions at the Court Theatre, founded by Aurelia Vanserra-Spellcleaver. Director Helion Spellcleaver is excited to announce casting calls for his latest show. Do you want to be one of the jews in his room bitching, or maybe even a lesbian from next door? Union and non-union actors are welcome to audition. Stay tuned for more details.
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Hello all, I am happy to introduce my next multi-chap fic “Lovers Live and Die, Fortissimo”.
Are you interested in a modern theatre AU featuring an entirely overworked and overwhelmed stage manager Lucien? What about retired actor and now stage husband and father Rhysand? Featuring Azris (literally and figuratively) center stage, and a scandalous backstage polycule Feytamsand. Nessian, Elucien, Helion/LOA will also all make an appearance. Buckle up folks, this is going to be a ride. 
Why did famed union actor Eris Vanserra have a very public onstage breakdown? What happened between Rhysand and Tamlin to make them hate each other so much? Where the hell did new kids on the block Cassian and Azriel learn how to act? For answers to all of these questions and more, stay tuned for my next fic, which will include one chapter per song in the show for a grand total of 43. Will you be able to find all of the song quotes? Keep an eye out!
Given the amount of research and number of interweaving plots this fic will take a while to write, and will not have a regular posting schedule. I’d rather give you good content than rushed content. But I'm incredibly excited for this, and I hope you are too.
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phierecycled · 1 year
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