#fandom make him autistic in your fics please
allmyhomieshatelawns · 7 months
if y’all want fic recs for the Trolls fandom i’ve got so many. like i tend to skew more for the feral stuff but i’ve got variety, i promise lol.
now, idk most of the ppl’s handles here on tumblr since i’m assuming most of these ppl have tumblrs. if your story is on this list and you want me to link to your tumblr, please don’t hesitate to ask i will do so immediately.
also if y’all have fic recs, 👀👀👀 i’d love to see them. links are easiest for me to use, but if you’ve got the name of it and the website it’s on i can manage, probably lol
i’m not reading stuff that’s positive abt Creek tho. i just can’t, i hate him too much. y’all get on w yo bad selves if you do love that disaster gay, it’s just not for me.
recommendations are beneath the cut bc it started getting really long lmao
a “bergens are only in history books” fic— Complete
a what-if of if Clay got the letter about Floyd, instead of John Dory —Complete
the ever-famous “what if JD came back to raise Branch?” AU —Complete
probably my favorite atm? John Dory is Branch’s dad, and the OC that JD is shipped w… it’s so good y’all i can’t even. the first two parts of the series are complete, and the third part is updating regularly.
a “what if Branch AND Poppy were feral” AU this bitch updates like, every day??? idk how tf some of these authors keep up. it’s just about to get to the events of the second movie i think. y’all. it’s so. GOOD.
ok y’all, THIS FIC, GOOD angst. so far it’s a two part series, and the angst. oh man. John Dory has some ISSUES, and he is not dealing with it well. it’s so good. the first part of the series is complete, the second part is updating regularly.
this series is a mashup between The Eldest And The Youngest and Out The Train Wreck AUs. y’all. making me go all-in on the John Dory x Hickory train wtf. i think the first three parts are complete? or almost complete? idk
YALL THIS ONE GIVES ME SUCH LIFE AS AN AUTISTIC PERSON. basically Barb mistakes young grey Branch for a rock troll and accidentally kidnaps him. it’s SO GOOD. also i DO know the tumblr handle for this one! it’s @rocksibblingsau !!!! give them some love this fic is AWESOME. not complete yet, but oh man if you can read WIPs then definitely check this out!
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killershrike · 4 days
ok guys here's a tiny sneak peek at a section in chapter 7 of dark suspension. just because languages are one of my autistic special interests lol I thought this might be fun to share to the fandom. I finally figured out how I imagine yautja to speak to one other, outside of human translation or you're reading two yautja converse in my fic. This is a COMPLETELY UNEDITED SECTION please do not think this is the final draft lol this is just the bare bones I thought would be neat to share
Han-e'sain's POV:
"Can I ask a question?" So-yin hums from his side, and the yautja rumbles in approval. He nods. "How did you get so good at English? No offense, I know you're smart. You just picked it up so fast-"
The warrior laughs, reaching out to rub her back in an easing way. "No offense, little one." Ghost assures her before continuing. "This device," He gestured to his gauntlet. "combined with my bio-mask allows me to trandlate any language to yautja. I can also search for specific things, translations, whatever I want." The woman looks astounded.
“While you slept and I could not sleep, I would study the ooman language." So-yin nods.
“You said it was kinda easy, right?” 
Ghost chuckles. “Yes. Now, no offense to you, little one, but there are species out there that do not even use words to communicate. Only facial expressions, gestures, sounds. Your ooman language is not so hard.” She considers the thought, looking intrigued and interested before getting herself back on tack, pretty green eyes focused back on Ghost.
“Too me, that hardest parts were identifying the correct region. And translating my language to you. It was.. very difficult. I probably sounded very stupid at first." The yautja even clicks, looking down at ground in embarrassment.
So-yin reachs out to teasingly tug a long dreadlock, smiling. “No, you didn't. You sounded better than a lot of other humans ive spoken to.” She giggles. “What was so hard about the translation?”
Ghost had to think for a long moment, trying to find the right words that weren't overly complicated for his sweet human. “The structure of your language versus ours. Very few ooman languages operate like yautja. We have an.. usual word order if i attempted to directly translate from my language, without added context or interpretation.” The woman looks even more curious now, and the yautja rumbles with humor as they walk.
“How's the structure different? I'm no writer or anything, I know plants more than I know language. But I'm curious.” A soft hand reaches out to grab onto his, managing to grip only three thick fingers in her small human hand.
Her lover rumbles on, "Yautja place the object of a sentence first. Then the verb, then the subject.” When So-yin tilts her head in confusion, Han-e’sain chatters in amusement. Her scrunched up button nose with a thick gold ring hanging from it was just too adorable.
Leaning down to pluck a vibrant pink and white striped flower, he holds it out to her. So-yin takes it, closing her eyes and inahling deeply before tucking it behind her ear, meeting Ghost's gaze again.
“Flower to her gave I.” He rumbles. “You would say something like, I gave the flower to her." Ghost clicks, with a little annoyance. "In my head, I kept switching the words around. It took me time to sound out the correct ooman sentence, in my mind."
So-yin understands, giggling now. Raising his hand and pressing a warm, soft kiss to it, she murmurs. "Love to him gave I?" The look of unsurity makes the yautja burst into deep, loving laughter.
"Very good, little one. You will speak yautja in no time." The rumble ends with a deep kiss.
Anyways, I entirely based the structure off of Klingon! Object first, then the verb, then the subject.
So if you wanted to say something like "I gave him a book." It would translate to "Book to him gave I."
As we place the object (book), before the verb (gave), and then the subject (I.) Hopefully that makes sense and is interesting for any of my other language nerds lmao I know it's not that deep or complex or cool but I just thought it was Kinda Neat
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It’s come to my attention I don’t have an intro post (could’ve sworn I did but it’s disappeared somewhere) so here it is :)
NOTE: Fam FAQ under the cut :D
You can call me Arthur
He/him 🏳️‍⚧️ (pronouns.page)
Peppa pig was not my sexual awakening she just made me sound British. Yes I’m the guy who gave the Good Omens Mascot dad issues. No comment.
I’m aroace but it’s all a bit hand wavy, autistic, trans masc (ish???), and overall a bit of a mess. Enjoy my flailing.
I write fics sometimes
Multifandom (Good Omens, EPIC, Sherlock Holmes, etc) blog with a hefty serving of shitposting and family drama.
DMs and asks are open, I’m always up for a chat. I mean it. Tap on the glass. TAP ON IT.
Send me writing prompts!
More info under the cut (fandoms, other sites, tags)
Fandoms I’m into right now:
Good Omens (primarily)
And various other random stuff if I feel like it
Other things I post/rb about:
Adoptive family drama (under #the fam)
And shitpostery.
Other sites I’m on:
Discord - DM me for that if you’d like it
The Fam FAQ
It terrifies me that this is at a point that I must make an FAQ, but I will.
"Arthur, what the fuck is the fam?" you ask.
I don't know either. All I know is I've managed to amass several adoptive children, a mother, a brother, multiple niblings, a wine aunt, and a reputation.
I'm your dad. Your cishet deadbeat dad. That is the extent of the information available to my bewildered brain.
"How can I join the fam? Do I need to be good friends with you?"
Just send me an ask!!
Good news, the fam is like a subway sandwich: there are so many options available to you and you don't need to know the names of any of them to point and go "hey underpaid customer service worker, I want that one". Point is, I love you, welcome to the fam.
"But Arthur, what's my role?"
*Commercial voice* To chose from, you have...
adoptive child (very popular option. i will call you champ whether you like it or not. and bonus: chat with me over games of catch or golf like a true cishet dad does, and permanently be a better child than @weirdly-specific-but-ok will ever be)
nibling (general version of niece/nephew) (join @queermarzipan and @hoarder-of-dragons, i will still call you champ even though im your uncle)
grandparent (aka one of my or my (absent) wife's parents, this is @hell-hath-no-fury-like-love, my disapproving mother)
sibling (be the weird aunt/uncle to, like, seven or more strange and traumatised children)
by request, you can also become an in-law if you find a willing maggot to marry (@random-doctor-on-the-internet happy now)
i can't think of any other relations but if you come up with one YOU ARE COMPLETELY FREE TO CLAIM IT
you can be anything -- in the end of the day, you'll always be better than @weirdly-specific-but-ok :D
My tags:
#let me tempt queue — queue tag
These others I really should implement but half the time I forget. Good luck.
#arter speaks — my own posts
#arter writes — any sort of writing or prose I end up doing
#arter flails — long reblog chains, general idiocy
#arter gets needlessly patriotic — I somehow seem to post a lot about australia. I don’t even like it here.
#the fam — I have somehow managed to adopt several children, I try to tag our shenanigans with this for Memories, feel free to block it as they often take the form of very long rb chains
#arthur's snazzy gomens teacher au -- what it says on the box. Tags for my good omens teacher AU: "Love As A Hallway And Several Novelty Mugs".
#arthur’s numerous adoptive children #and niblings — adoption records
Don’t really have any others. This blog is as unorganised as my thought process.
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ladysternchen · 3 months
Alright. Now, this is gonna be long. And passionate. And the second rant I've written in an unusually short time. But today, I just about reached breaking-point.
Why the hell does the Silm-fadom do to Elu Thingol what it does to Elu Thingol. To be fair, it's not solely him, Elwing gets it far worse (what for????), but that's a post of its own. No, honestly. What the fuck is going on in the minds of people who demonise one character so much while totally glossing over EVERY character fault of others?
Now, don't get me wrong, as much as he is my favourite character in all I ever read or watched in my life, I know full well that Elu's no saint. He makes terrible mistakes, and he behaves at times in ways that make me want to forget that he's my fave. I also admit to reading/interpreting him a little differently from most people in the fandom (you know, being autistic sometimes comes with having a different view on people's motives and behaviours), but my opinions and headcanons are still canon-based. That's kind of the beauty of the Silmarillion with its very shallow character-descriptions, that it allows for various interpretations. That some are more apologetic than others is a result of that, and what in truth makes this fandom so very interesting. So being critical towards him is not at all what I am ranting about here.
But there is a difference between being critical and demonising.
I read a fic today that honestly shocked me to the core. And just in case author should come across this post and recognise their work in this text, please know that I am in no way criticising your story- on the contrary, it was a very good read, I found Elu as the narrating character to be hugely in character and perhaps in other circumstances, I would have quite liked it. I would have written that to you directly on AO3, but I know that critical comments are usually not well-received, and I also really didn't want to pester you about it. After all, it's don't like don't read. So to cut this short, my problem lies NOT with the fic, but with the reactions to it. And it really only was the final straw.
AND, had it been intended as a parody on fanon regarding Elu Thingol , it would have been spot-on as spot-on can be. It was basically saying that each and every thing that went wrong in FA was Elu Thingol's fault. The second and third kinslaying his fault, the deaths amongst the Noldor his fault and so on. And he drew the appropriate conclusions at the end. For which he was called a coward in the comments. And the thing is, that story is fanon on him in a nutshell. The Noldor are always depicted as the victims. And while I'm totally fine with that, be the fuck as apologetic to all characters, fandom.
Like, I'm totally fine with excusing the actions of the Noldor by mental health or just mistakes made or curiosity or hot-temper or a specific view on things. Yeah, great. Compassion is such an important element in all Tolkien's works that I am always in favour of displaying it also in the fandoms concerning his legendarium. But you can't just do it on one people. You can't depict Maedhros as the tragic hero while at the same time condemning Elu Thingol for naming the Silmaril in a flash of impulsivity, when he was telling Beren to begone. Yes, that was idiotic, yes, he was in the wrong there, yes, what happened after was totally a result of that mistake. But still I daresay that he was punished for that in the most terrible way possible, which was the death, the ultimate death, of his only child.
You cannot pass over the Noldor invading Elu's lands and then claim that the ban on Quenya -a language that had by then already been replaced with Sindarin in mixed settlements because Sindarin was easier for the Noldor to learn than Quenya was to the Sindar and Nandor- is cultural genocide.
you can't claim that the kinslayings were caused by Elu and Dior and Elwing's refusal to hand over the Silmaril, that they positively forced the Fëanorians' hands, and at the same be very understanding about the dwarves murdering Elu (yeah, he insulted them, is was an absolute arsehole there, but that still is no excuse for murder)
You can't go saying how the Oath drove the sons of Fëanor to all their actions and then be convinced that what made the Silmaril such a trap for Elu to be nothing but greed.
And just so I make my point completely clear, I am all for being apologetic. About Fëanor and his sons, about Eöl, about the smiths of Nogrod, be apologetic about Sauron and Morgoth even if you can find that in canon for yourself, or if you just happen to feel those characters. Be open and curious about the apologies other people have for their favourite characters. But apply those rules to ALL characters.
Honestly, please stop. Please, if you want to hate Elu, to which of course everyone is entitled, hate him for what he canonically does. Don't make up stories about him just to make him look worse. You know, you can love your faves without having to demonise others.
And please, if you need to vent your feelings about Elu Thingol... tag it as such. It's so so so annoying to try and find content about your character and then get nothing but bashing or the same half-truth repeated again and again and again without further evaluation.
(Even better, stop hating all around. Yeah, it's just fictional characters. But you know, courtesy to the internet, real people look a whole lot like fictional characters. Judging, demonising, bashing, scapegoating, that all works on real people (or peoples!) just like it works on fictional characters. And the trouble is, real people might react in real life just as Elu reacted in the aforementioned fanfic and take their own life. Only that in real humans, dead is dead.)
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screamingmandrakes · 2 months
meg | they/she | voldemort centric
welcome to my blog! i’m a multi shipper but i write voldemort centric fics. i’m autistic and LV has been my hyperfixation for years now, so here i am writing about him. the original post i had for this was accidentally deleted so let me reintroduce myself 🫶🏻
i write mostly dead dove content, so let that be a warning to proceed with caution when reading my works. I always appropriately tag and put warnings on my fanfiction, except for this blog. I don’t make a habit of reblogging/posting NSFW content but please be aware it is a possibility. this blog is 18+ and does not welcome minors.
I’m always open for new mutuals and fandom friends. come say hi to me! below the cut are my fics and other works created for me :)
Side Blog: @onesixerplease
Miss Granger
Hermione Granger/Tom Riddle | Voldemort
(Dead Dove, Do Not Eat.)
After finding herself trapped in an era not of her own, Hermione manages her survival by hiding in the Hogwarts’ library.
Unfortunately for her, it does not go without notice.
(This work of fiction depicts non-con. Please proceed with caution.)
Clever Little Mudblood
Hermione Granger/Tom Riddle | Voldemort
“You very nearly escaped Lord Voldemort,” red eyes peered upon her, furious, insane, obsessive. Hermione blinked back at her reflection in them, her hands searching the rubble behind her for any hint of an escape. “You very nearly fooled me, for you were smart, little Mudblood. You were quick, but never again will you run.”
and i feed on the fear that's behind your eyes
Hermione Granger/Voldemort
(Dead Dove, Do Not Eat. Please heed the warning on this one, it’s very graphic and was written to push the limits.)
“Death would have been a kinder fate,” she said.
A shrill laugh echoed her words, this time of his own. She winced, fingers clenching around the bed sheets. This wasn't Voldemort's wrath—no, Hermione knew that all too well. The red of his eyes flickered, lit with humor she felt no need to be privy to.
"You remain precisely as my memory recalls," he smiled as if it was a comfort shared between them. Hermione’s grip on the sheets tightened and she could feel her knuckles go white with the force of it.
“I know nothing of death, my dear. And neither will you.”
(A sequel to 'Clever Little Mudblood')
all is fair (in love and war)
Harry Potter/Voldemort
Despite the calm that comes with Harry’s rest, Voldemort’s anger lingers heavily between them. It is something entirely unmoored: His Boy, resting tenderly in his arms, an infatuation opposed by the fates themselves. Harry, the vessel of his broken soul, condemned by a prophecy Voldemort refuses to submit to.
Lord Voldemort has no master. Harry Potter has only one.
Happy House
Hermione Granger/Tom Riddle | Voldemort
(Dead Dove: Do Not Eat)
Lord Voldemort cries.
No, not Voldemort: Tom cries. Swaddled in grey blankets, a battered baby mobile spins idly above his crib as he shrieks. Chipped, faded yellow stars dangle from it, doing nothing to soothe the wailing infant. The windows rattle as thunder booms on the horizon, and the world around them kisses the day goodnight as the sun descends from sight. Pitiful attempts of joy fill the room: cracked paint peels from poorly painted rainbows on the wall, and the distant chime of a lullaby bleeds in from the hallway.
This is no place to hope, yet Hermione does anyway.
(AKA: Hermione raises Tom, and then fails miserably.)
testosterone boys and harlequin girls
Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort
This must be karma, some kind of punishment, some form of purgatory. Tom is meticulous, never wrong, never out of place. He eliminates anything — or anyone — that threatens to usurp that. Tom Marvolo Riddle, by all means, does not spend his time in broom closets, crammed against a shelf while the Gryffindor seeker holds him by his hips.
“Is that what this is about? You…you like…” Harry’s sentence remains unfinished, but the implications are clear. Disgust curdles in Tom’s gut, putrid.
“Like,” Tom enunciates as if the word is poison on his tongue. “What a stupid thing to say, Potter. I admire your delusion.”
(AKA: Tom's a bratty virgin.)
Fan Art
Art for and i feed on the fear that's behind your eyes
Art for Miss Granger
Ukrainian translation for Miss Granger
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thiefbird · 5 months
E, n, u for the letters ask please! 🖖
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
Yes, but not recently! These were back in early early high school. I wrote a very short, very bad Draco Malfoy/Apple(as in the fruit) fic once. I hope to god it has been lost to time. I will not tell anyone what my fanfiction dot net username was. I also wrote a Doctor Who/Supernatural/Sherlock/X Files/Star Trek: The Original Series/Warehouse 13/The Yellow Submarine(not Beatles RPF because the only character was Jeremy Hillary Boob, PhD aka The Nowhere Man)/Invader Zim crackfic extravaganza in collab with @gabrielnovakgoestomyschool (there may have been another fandom that I forgot). I do not know if it has survived the passage of time. I almost hope it did. They were all in this incredibly Escher-esque grocery store trying to get milk. I guess recently I accidentally wrote "Loghain Mac Tit" instead of "Loghain Mac Tir" when starting a post, took one look at it, and just posted it without further elaboration. I don't know if anyone ELSE thought it was funny, but I definitely did.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Anders - I love an underdog, I love a revolutionary, I love a pathetic tall man who looks like he hasn't slept in a month, I love a man who will make Those Sounds when he kisses me. Also he loves cats and complaining; same, Anders. More seriously, I think he's a deeply misunderstood character by both those around him in canon, by his writing team and Bioware as a whole, and by the general fandom(not any of my beloved mutuals, we are all in the Right About Anders club); despite this, I do think he is a cohesive character. I just don't necessarily think that he is a cohesive character on purpose. I love the implications of his bonding with Justice, and the avenues it opens up for writing. I fully believe that Anders believes that he corrupted Justice into Vengeance, and that Vengeance is a demon; I just don't believe it's true.
Stephen Maturin - Ohhh, Stephen, my beloved. Patrick O'Brian cooked you up in a lab specifically to make me insane (nevermind the fact that I was three years old when he died) - mine is a fated obsession, to the point that I actually had a crazy-dramatic, toxic relationship with an autistic Trinity College naturalist for four and a half years directly out of high school; my brain simply had not fully learned that Stephen Maturin existed (I'd seen the movie once or twice and listened to the soundtrack ad nauseum because of my mother but never payed much attention), and fixated on the next best thing. Here is my Stephen Maturin propaganda: He's a tiny, angry little man who calls animals and friends and his wife alike "honey" and "my dear" and "acushla/a chuisle" (I will never forget the "awwwwwwww" that came from my mouth the one time he called Tom Pullings honey). He calls his best friend "soul" and "joy", and his other best friend "honey-bun". He's an International Super Spy, one of the most effective in the British service, and refuses to be paid for it because he hates tyranny so much (he does not like English colonialism either, but he has decided that England is the best way to beat Napoleon). He's an Irish and Catalan revolutionary (I did say I love a revolutionary), who is somewhat in hiding in the first book because of his associations with The Society of United Irishmen, and therefore connections to the Irish Uprising of 1798. Despite this impressive resume, this man has never met a boat or ship he is not in danger of not falling out of - he has been at sea for the better part of twenty years by the end of the series, and he still must be Carefully Watched to make sure he does not drown, or get soaked through to the skin. He is an acclaimed surgeon, with a miraculous success rate. He is also a renowned natural philosopher who has discovered multiple species, including a giant tortoise. He is the least tidy or fastidious man in all of creation, and is constantly covered in blood and/or winestains and/or crumbs. He pours alcohol over surgical sites not because he knows of germ theory, but because he thinks it'll help with pain. The only non-familial friend he's had longer than Jack Aubrey(who lives longer than the first book. Sorry James, ily) is Adhemar de la Mothe, a known and flamboyantly queer Parisian. He regularly says that he does not see the harm in sodomy so long as no one is harassing the ship's boys, and that anything that adds more love to the world seems a good thing. He loses his mind over a woman, and the more awful she is to him the more he loses it.
Speaking of Diana Villiers - Oh, Diana. I am fully in understanding with Stephen over you. A beautiful, headstrong woman who can ride better than most men, stuck in the most boring atmosphere of Southern England with her aunt and cousins after the death of her husband and her father both made her leave India - I cannot blame her for many of her actions. Diana is a fascinating character, and to me she is proof of Patrick O'Brian's writing ability. Most authors of Men Go To War books don't really seem to know how to write women very well (C.S. Forester I am looking at you. I do not know who Maria is outside of her fawning over Hornblower), but Diana is a fully fledged person from the moment we meet her setting her horse over a gate, despite the fact that we never see any of the events of the twenty books through her eyes. Not only is she a fully realised character, but she is one that shows his understanding of the setting he writes in. Diana Villiers is coping with grief - not only grief for her husband and her father, but for her independence. Her life in India, keeping house for her father from her mid-teens, would have been almost as different as one can imagine from the life of a poor relation take in on charity by a widowed aunt. She feels stifled in the English countryside, forced to play second fiddle to her cousins in order to keep the peace and a roof over her head. I cannot blame her for toying with men's hearts as a source of entertainment. Going into keeping with Canning is Diana's attempt to regain at least some measure of independence, and it is successful, to some extent. She has money, she is back in a country she finds familiar and exciting - but she also has a jealous, suspicious lover who employs their servants as spies to watch her activities, and little company because she is herself a scandal. Stephen's proposal offers her a way out of her situation; it also, to her, seems like a loss of freedom, not only because Stephen loves her, but also because she loves him, and that terrifies her. So she instead runs away with Johnson to America. Johnson, of course, is worse than Canning, and she leaves him temporarily, but then her freedom in England is threatened, again, this time by suspicions of intelligence work (I always wonder just how she got tied up so tightly in Mrs Wogan's subterfuge; did Johnson have something to do with it?), and surprise! Johnson is there to whisk her away from the danger. But he's worse still, and Stephen manages to intervene(yay Stephen) and get her away and back to Europe. This just keeps happening. Diana wants something that is almost entirely impossible for a woman in the period she lives in: liberty. Anything that could interfere with her freedom and independence is avoided at any cost - even her own feelings for Stephen. Especially her feelings for Stephen. She also, to me as someone with BPD/cPTSD now pretty well in remission, reads as a very empathetic and accurate portrayal of someone with BPD/cPTSD. Personally I think Being A Woman In The Late 1700s is enough reason on its own to have it(and we don't know enough of Diana's life before the Peace of Amiens to speculate on other Sources Of Trauma other than the death of her husband and father), but a lot of her hot-and-cold feels so familiar to me. She can be so cruel, and mean it fully in the moment she's saying it, but almost immediately regret her cruelty while still doubling down because she feels she has no other options.
Wow. This got really long. I hope everyone enjoys my Aubreyad Opinions Of The Day
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iheartgod175 · 4 months
Some Thoughts...
While I've still got some Zula Patrol brain rot, I've been rediscovering some old shows from Playhouse Disney (the fact that I called it that versus Disney Junior should tell you how old I am, haha XD). Special Agent Oso was one of them, and I remember watching an episode because Phil Lewis was in the series. But I didn't care for it, even though the theme song is a total bop. Then I started rewatching the episodes. And then I stumbled upon that lore video by Athena P. And then I realized I'm in too deep XD
Watching the show, I understand why folks initially disliked Oso. On one hand, his incompetence is not something a secret agent should have. On the other hand, he's a cinnamon roll. He just needs a little extra help, that's all. Not to mention that during season 2, he gets a lot more independent and competent, with his overconfidence being one of his main flaws. He's a himbo, plain and simple. That's probably why I like him.
I read that the show's creator, Ford Riley, has a son with autism and that his son's autism therapy was the main reason he implemented the "three special steps" into the show. As an autistic woman myself, I just wanted to say kudos to this guy for creating a show geared to teaching autistic children, and sorry for my initial criticism.
I also discovered that there were ships for this show: Wolfie/Dottie and Oso/Dottie. After confirming their ages (because for some reason, the Disney Junior wiki's got Dottie as an eleven-year-old while Oso and Wolfie are in their twenties--which is, uh...SUPER WEIRD O.O), my general consensus is this: Oso/Dottie is a solid "nah" for me. To me, they're more like siblings rather than a couple. Wolfie/Dottie, though...I see the vision. You've got me, folks. (I totally didn't come up with that after seeing the "One Unique Pair" video xD) If you enjoy Oso/Dottie, that's cool! I won't bite your head off for it, lol XD
If I had to pick a character I liked aside from Oso, I'd say that Wolfie is my favorite. And not just because Phil Lewis plays him. He's just too darn cool. Oh, and he has the patience of a saint.
Those dark theories are something else, though. And of course, I now want to write a story with my own spin on those dark theories. Yesterday, I spent about two hours writing up page after page of a proposed fan fic where Oso uncovers the true purpose of U.N.I.Q.U.E. and, uh...doesn't take it well. And he messes up everything for everybody so badly that outside forces (aka the Super Readers) have to get involved. To put it simply, he becomes this fic's Origami Tobiichi. (@0range-flames, this is why I had that Super Why: Infinity War joke XD)
I decided that in this story, Jack is gonna be heavily involved. Playing Revue Starlight gave me an idea of how Jack could be a fighter, heavily inspired by Fumi's Orpheus card.
Speaking of Disney Junior, I'm thinking of writing more Callie/Peck. As of last night, my Wattpad story, Time After Time, is now the number one Sheriff Callie story. That filled me with such indescribable happiness, that I felt inspired to work on a Callie/Peck one-shot for the first time in forever.
That being said, while I haven't forgotten the Disney fandom or the fans who've read this story, I'm writing this purely for free. Badgering me about updating this story (or my Wattpad story collection) will not make me write it faster. Please show some consideration for your fellow authors!
The response to the Bula/Firestorm WIP has been really heartwarming. 12 notes already?! You guys are awesome!
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uselessmicrowave · 2 years
-• Rules + Other Information •-
DNI if: homophobic/transphobic, racist, ableist, a minor, a genuinely problematic person
-• Transformers Masterlist •-
-• 2nd Transformers Masterlist •-
-• The Legend of Zelda Masterlist •-
-• Call of Duty Masterlist •-
-• Kink(tober/cember) 2023 •-
-• Pick-a-Fic Masterlist •-
Pick-a-Fic events will take place on the first to second day of every month except for January, April, September, October and December.
-• Q&A will always be open! •-
All Requests Opened -> June 1st
Oneshots- closed
Headcanons- closed
Nsfw Alphabets- closed
Matchups- closed
Love Letters - closed
Doodles- closed
Call of Duty fandom requests are open- please ignore the space above if you'd like to request that! I will try to write for every character and not just my favorites I swear. (major brain rot wuh oh)
Want an answer? Just ask, this is a judgment free zone. Don’t worry about if your question is stupid.
Interact with me! I love it when followers or mutuals ask me something unrelated about writing or about opinions.
-• Rules for Writing Requests Below •-
Matchup Rules -> send the continuity and faction or fandom you want to be matched up with and some basic information about yourself (hobbies, favorite foods, smarts, bad habits, pet peeves, ect). You'll get some headcanons in return.
Love Letter Rules
Doodle Rules
Absolute No’s -> r^pe/noncon (dubcon is fine), beastiality, ped0philia, incest, crossovers, character x oc, female readers (all readers will use they/them or he/him wether afab or not), pregnancy/breeding (you can ask for it but it’s an iffy subject), religious topics, Q+/minority discrimination
I’ll say this one again: I Do Not Write For Female, Fem or Femme Readers at all. Your request will be deleted if it mentions a female reader. Afab readers are fine, female presenting and/or identifying readers make me uncomfortable to write and read.
Unless I know you personally, I will not be writing neutral readers anymore. Anonymously submitted requests will be male readers whether described as or not.
(The rule above is going to be enforced once I open and get new requests.)
Fandoms I write for -> Transformers (TFP, TFA, RB, RBA, RID15, G1, Cyberverse, MTMTE [Issues #1-#27], ROTB, War for Cybertron, ROTF, All AUs), Undertale (All AUs), BOTW/TOTK, Hasbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, Supernatural, The Dragon Prince, Breaking Bad, JJBA, Inside Job, Nimona, The Barbie Movie, Call of Duty
4 characters maximum per headcanon request.
I’d love to write for -> (TFA) Sentinel, Ratchet, rarepairs, angst, coregasm, degradation, stepping, sounding, (CoD) Soap, König, Ghost, Graves
Please include the fandom/continuity and themes/kinks you want in your request! If it’s just an ask with characters in it it’ll probably be discarded.
I may tend to write the requests that are not anonymous instead of the anonymous requests or doing the requests in order. The best bet to have your request finished first is to not be on anonymous.
-• Info ‘bout Me •-
I am transgender (female to male) and autistic. @gay4ratchet is my other SFW and TFA/RBA themed side blog. I’m fluent in English, I am currently learning German and need lots more practice. I have a lovely girlfriend (EEE @cyberrose2001 LOVE U POOKIE<3) and am quite happy with my cards in life, so to speak.
-• Tags •-
#valveplug -> where the nasties are.
#micro talks -> random thoughts, anons talking or asking questions, rambles or opinions on ideas.
#reblog wednesdays -> art or the occasional fic I reblog on wednesdays (CDT time).
#pick a fic -> where all of the Pick-A-Fic polls and fics are.
#micro matchups -> where all of the matchups are. they’re very personalized to individual people/not meant for every reader.
#love letter -> all of the love letters.
#nsfw alphabet -> all of the nsfw alphabets.
#micro’s kinktober -> where you’ll find all of the kinktober (and the kinkcember extension)event posts and fics.
#micro doodles -> where you'll find all of my art
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 4 months
To everyone criticizing or complaining about this incredibly talented author addressing the comments on their work: please understand that you don't have to engage with content you don't wish to see.
It's unbelievable and childish that some of you are losing it over how an author reacts to criticism of their work. Consider this: you're going out of your way to attack someone who has dedicated time and effort to create something for your enjoyment, just because you can't recognize that the story is about a grown adult who doesn't need coddling and can handle some harsh words. Grow the fuck up.
Spencer is not a child. Has he gone through some pretty messed up stuff? Yes! But that doesn’t mean we need to baby him and shield him from all the terror out there. Many people in the fandom have gone out of their way to tear apart an incredible character, stripping away his autistic traits and infantilizing him.
Believe me when I say this: a few harsh words won’t destroy him to the point where he needs to be wrapped in a blanket and coddled because his feelings got hurt. Have any of you considered how absurd that is, especially given that he works in a field where he’s constantly exposed to corpses, crime scenes, and serial killers?
The point is, some of you need to start appreciating the effort writers put into creating something for your entertainment. A story doesn’t write itself; it has to be thought through, written, revised multiple times, and published before it reaches you. No writer, unless specifically requested, writes with one person in mind. Some stories might catch your attention, and some won’t. If you’re not interested in one, move on and find one that does interest you. If you liked a story but didn’t enjoy certain aspects, find another one. If you can’t find anything you like, write your own. Stop bothering authors just because they write for themselves and the fandom, and not specifically for you.
Lastly, if you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything. Your input is neither necessary nor asked for.
To the author: Thank you for providing us with multiple incredible stories, and I’m very sorry you have to deal with this stupidly childish behavior.
While I hate to see you go, I’m glad you’re doing what’s right for you. Sending lots of love!
I have been doing a lot of moving chores today so I am too tired to do a very in depth reply to this - but I just wanna say: yeah. You are very smart. Everything you said - applause. Good job.
People in the fandom have literally said that Jason Gideon is a "predator" for luring Spencer into the FBI and "forcing" him to do that job, when it's a job that Spencer clearly cares about a lot (and Spencer is a certified fucking genius with multiple doctorates and big big credentials - so he could get any job he wants and he CHOSE the FBI)
Also people have said that Derek leaving to raise his son (after he named his son after Spencer and called Spencer the best little brother ever) - was him "abandoning" Spencer. Derek Morgan making the right choices for his family was him ABANDONING SPENCER
Spencer is not a baby. He is a grown man
And people either approach fanfiction with the attitude that he's OOC - a completely allistic neurotypical Daddy (borderline sociopath) hard dom with 0 emotions who doesn't give a fuck about anybody else's emotions who is only there to have very rough sex and that is it. OR - he is a puddle of tears and trauma who is a big baby crying all the time and he needs to be wrapped in soft blankets and if anybody looks at him the wrong way or says one bad word to him, he will crumble, at that person is Evil. If anybody in the BAU (like JJ) says something bad to him - they are evil incarnate and they are as bad as every single UnSub that the team has ever taken down.
When my fics take a mid level approach - that Spencer is allowed to be emotional and be yelled at, and his intense emotions get out of control and also hurt other people - the fandom cannot handle that take at all.
Anyway - thank you for saying all that you have said even if I have only managed to respond to one part of it 😂
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Hello, I hope this is okay for me to send. I'm one of the blogs you blocked. (First off, this is your good right, and I completely understand and I hope this isn't a breach or invasion of privacy to send this from a different blog)
I always made sure to only tag content of Nolanverse Crane when it's really him and not any other Cillian role because I understand the frustration. And like I said, I absolutely understand that he's not a proper Scarecrow in your eyes. But it kind of hurts to get lumped into a group where I don't feel like I belong (if that makes sense)
Scarecrow in general is my favorite character in any comic related media. Arkhamverse Crane and Audio Adventures are at the top for me, and I also have a deep love for Fear State and little fan interpretations where he's just a funky little freak. My blog is Nolanverse centric atm because I just haven't gotten around to writing fics for the others. (And I'm worried I won't write them well tbh)
But all of that aside, my reason for actually sending this was because I was genuinely missing your posts and opinions on my dash. I was honestly a little worried that I didn't see anything from you before I realized what happened.
This isn't me being angry or petty and please don't think I feel entitled to seeing your posts (I don't want to be THAT person)
I guess this is just me saying goodbye to a pillar of the Scarecrow fandom, and it makes me a little sad
From the bottom of my heart, I hope your mom's recovery goes well and you have a great rest of the day/week/month. And a happy early birthday, Moffy
A couple of things </3
I THINK I knew who this is. I blocked one person after I made that post. Looking back, that was probably a stupid mistake. I'mma unblock to check when I post this, and you let me know? (I was thinking....oh god I'm gonna get hate from the fangirls and taht legit clouded my judgement. I still fear anon hate)
See, that post was mainly about people I blocked weeks/months ago. I often only block the fangirls, for lack of a better word. I actually made the Cillian post on a whim. I needed some content for the day. (you probably know I upload daily) And sometimes, a little anger is okay. it's a valid emotion. Again, the people I block are more fans of the actor than the character. My main complaint was seeing Cillian stuff, which was not from the movies, in the tag. It just sorta....clogs it up?
Anyway, I can clearly see you're not one of them. If some reason , within the next ten minutes, you're still blocked. Send me the url. I am human. I understand. Mistakes and stupid shit happens. (especially with all I am dealing with irl) (I've been so stressed I think it clouds my brain)
You clearly love the character behind the actor, and I respect that. I think you may have been following me, cus my count went down after I blocked ya. So yeah, I did think that was WEIRD.
I'm sorry if you felt lumped it, it was just an error on my part. I hope you can forgive that.
and ya know, just because I'm not a fan of nolancrane, doesn't mean it's bad. I should reiterate, it brought so many into the fandom. That's great! I still reblog fan content of him. I suppose, the truth of the matter is my autistic brain doesn't do "live action" -- I can't think of one human who could play Jonathan Crane to my expectations. Voice actors yes, Dino Andrade forever lmao
But I just...live of art/comic/animation/games
and anything else feels uncanny. Like now. I dont imagine Crane as a real person. I have no image inside my head unless it's a comic illustration or game render. I Hoooope that makes sense
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graygiantess · 9 hours
Hello, love your cam Daniel fic! A quick question, just curious: Armand reads as autistic to me as an autistic person myself (who is also into management games haha) , I was just curious if it was intentional or just Armand being Armand hehe. Anyway, sending lots of love ❤️
Hey Nonny,
Thank you so much for your ask and all the love!
I was definitely going for autistic with this version of Armand.
A large part of 'Armand being Armand' in the books and the show is of course tied in with his backstory and the fact that he’s 500+ years old, but I feel that there's a lot there that also supports reading him as autistic in canon, and I know that many of my autistic fandom friends do interpret him as such.
(I'm allistic myself, so I don’t want to be too definite about anything I didn't write myself, but, yeah, Camboy Molloy!Armand was very much meant to read as autistic.)
I'm also a big proponent of leaving things open to the interpretation of the reader/people interpreting my fic in ways that work for them even if something may not be intentional on my part, so please feel free to 'headcanon' him as autistic in any of my fics, if you've read anything besides Camboy.
I think he's probably autistic in A Line Is a Line/Spawn and potentially in Pearly Whites, as well.
His choice of video games was also partly a bit of self-insertion, lol. I think management sims make sense for him, but I personally also just really love a good farming sim and recently started getting into city builders (currently playing Fabledom, which is super cute, would recommend, though it's still a bit buggy on the Switch, and I literally never have enough coal omg).
Thanks again for your ask and I hope my rambling answer is useful to you!
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abysshare · 3 months
I saw ur reblog about William's fanfic and I gotta admit you are so REAL!!!
The lack of gay + trans fics in Afton's fanbase is criminal. This man was made for the gays. I have seen a pattern where a lot of Afton's lovers are trans (both fem and masc) and I think thats beautiful.
oh man, i don't remember what post that is 😭
But THANK YOU !!!! i just ???
I just woke up so words are going to be hard. But like, i genuinely get so tired of going to any x reader and its mainly ( cis ) woman based for any fandom.
I know i could make it myself but, i also feel like i shouldn't always have to? Its not even like I'm asking for a very specific personal thing.
And i love women !!! But please, i just want some transgender, queer ass shit between me and that hot villain. As an aroace person i would love more aroace fics that are both "i don't care about romance and/or sex" AND romance and/or okay with sex aspecs etc.
Also Intersex as well!
I feel like the problem of William Afton is a lot of people- mainly cis and/or straight women, when the movie came out, a lot of fics were good but most were, what i call, "daddyifcation", where its just the most cookie cutter m x f where she calls him daddy and all these other things and calls it a day. Its basically coquette /neg
its fine if you / others enjoy that, but not everyone does. And its so true, he is a dilf, but he's not going to make out with you like he's 20 years old ( unless you're writing him around that time ), especially when he becomes Springtrap later.
Give that old man some aspirin before doing his pride make up, give him some arthritis cream before making out, etc /lh /silly
Sorry i probably could talk about this a lot I'm also gay and autistic.
To any Transgender, Nonbinary, Intersex, MOGAI, Aspec, etc who loves William Afton ( even those who don't share f/os etc ), he loves you and he will be happy to indulge in your fantasies and dreams, he adores you.
Also shout out to she/her william aftons and they/them william aftons, mine uses he/she and neopronouns <3
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kitcatttt · 4 months
Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Kitcat or Ayah!
Pronouns: She/He, don’t mind They or It
Sexuality: Panromantic, Asexual but not sex repulsed. No NSFW please.
Birthday: June 12
My Carrd!
Open ask game!
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Project Arrhythmia
Project Muse
Mario & Luigi games
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Before you interact
I need tone tags. I’m bad at picking up sarcasm irl, and there’s like, no way to tell if someone is being sarcastic over text.
Please tell me if I do make you uncomfortable. I’d like to know so I can stop doing so.
Continuing from the above, PLEASE ESTABLISH BOUNDARIES WHEN WE FIRST START INTERACTING. I’ve had too many instances where I’ve accidentally made someone uncomfortable because I didn’t know their boundaries. I feel guilt easily and it lasts for a long time, I basically never get over it. So it would be nice to not have to feel said guilt at all.
I do occasionally make dirty jokes, and I jokingly say smash to a lot of things, specifically characters. Tell me if this makes you uncomfortable and I won’t do it around you.
I am trying to teach myself how to draw! I had been scared away from drawing for a few years, but I’m finally trying again. They might not be that good as of now. Please don’t make fun of me.
Please do not say my characters are “literally you” unless we are mutuals, and even then please ask for permission first. It does not sit right with me.
Self diagnosed AuDHD. Please don’t attack me for this. I’m only self diagnosing because my parents aren’t supportive of me getting evaluated and not only me, but several friends, peers, and adults in my life suspect I’m AuDHD, or at least autistic. Maybe I’ll get the diagnosis one day :(
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Racist, homophobic, transphobic, or any other discriminatory people.
NSFW blogs and darkship/proship/profic people. So many terms jfc so I’ll just say this. If you support any kind of pedophilia, irl, fictional, whatever, get the fuck off my blog.
Cintagonisupset and his supporters. (Update on this one! I’m fine with his supporters as long as y’all aren’t here to start shit :])
People that just want to stir up drama.
DNI’s don’t really do anything but if you fit the above criteria and you got blocked don’t be surprised, I mean, I warned you :)
Please don’t mention around me (Ships)
TPC Cube x anyone other than Lythorus (Tied to a certain someone, but I’m kinda ok with it as long as it isn’t forced? Idk what would count as forced but Cube x Marcle feels hella forced- and just TPC versions of him. I ship HOPE Cubiris.)
Pyrare x anyone (canonically Aromantic)
Circubit x any female character/oc (canonically gay)
Blixer x Wave (don’t know much about the ship, but there’s apparently something wrong with it???? Idfk-)
Circumuscle x Cirtunda (Cirtunda adopts Circumuscle in my au, plus I don’t even think they’re close in age anymore. If you find past posts of me shipping them, it was BEFORE S2 Ep 1 of TPC came out, in which my au changed)
Marcle x Squadril, Marcle x Purpex, Squadril x Purpex (Purpex adopted Marcle and Squadril in my au)
Quintagon x Cubic (Literally just DNI. Why is this a ship.)
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Friends list!
@comet--crusaders/@love--and--corruption - <333
@thatonepurpleshape -Silly ass goober, one of the first friends I made on this hellsite
@mfbees - Dumbass irl I dragged into the JSAB fandom /aff
@trash-jsab - Moderates my discord server, is da server parent :]
@anonymously-night - Also moderates my discord server, helps keep everything in check (THANK YOU 🙏🙏🙏)
@mugzymiik - cheese boy /j I’m fucking eating all your aus
@ebony-silly-zone - Hit it off with them when they first joined and now I blab to them about my aus :3
(if any of my mutuals wanna be added just ask :3 I know damn well I’ve forgotten some people)
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Other blogs!
@jsab-pa - Art blog! (Run in character by Sen, one of my sonas)
@corrupted-chaoss, @corrupted-chaoss-fic An askblog and fic blog for my JSAB au, Corrupted Chaos
@lil-robo-idiot - Rp blog for my TPC oc, Penl
@coho-chat - Rp and ask blog for my ocs for the Bossfight album Caps On, Hats Off
@tpc-rp-blog - General rp blog so I’m not reblogging to my main
@sins-n-sinners - Ask blog co-run by Milo and Ebony
@uprises-on-your-grave - Askblog for Uprising, and band based on a Teminite album by the same name
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Important links (to be updated)
Drama post. Don’t read if you don’t wanna get into it.
Addressing important allegations. More drama.
TPC headcanons
Sexual content and my ocs.
Pyrare and shipping.
My HOPE au vs my TPC au
Pink Heroes infodump!
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My tags! (New as of this post)
#kit is on her shit again - rambling tag
#oh shit kit got a pencil - art posts
#why do you tolerate me :] - friend tag :3
#fuck me dude - vent tag, drama tag
#yay blood! :D - gore tag, art or writing
#kit focus on English class - fic tag and lore tag
#kit forgot how to draw - gacha tag
#kit go to sleep - anything I post in between 12am -6am my time (EST)
#kitty cat yaps - ask tag
#😭❓❓❓ - random thoughts
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My aus + their abbreviations
Magenta Decedance - My TPC au - MD
Wilted Roses - TPC au, name subject to change to an actual one because it just has the name for the Cintasphere fic currently. Once name changes I will update the description - WR
Mistakes Were Made - An au focused on Circumcannon, where he snapped and killed his family - MWM
School Love Chaos - A college au focused on Cintagon and Circumsphere, Cintagon being the yandere - SLC
Iris Insanity - An au where Iris cracked under the pressure and corrupted - II
Adler’s Experiments - An experiment au focused on my Flowers Of Antimony, Addicus or Adler, who is experimenting on shapes with the corruption - AE
The Contract - An au where Zinnia, Dub’s successor, made a deal with Rot (the tree), and everything went to shit - TC
Lovebug - Penl, a pink hero like Cyanide, got a virus! And now the corruption makes you a yandere???? - LB
Triple Star Shoppe - Cintagon, Purpex, and Pirene (oc) started a business together! Cinta is a dollmaker, Purp is a chef, and Pi is a blacksmith. Something feels… off, though. - TSS
Sins and Sinners - An au focusing on the 7 Deadly Sins’ kids, who took over after they died. (Co owned by Milo and Ebony) - SnS
House of Horror - Come on in! We don’t bite :) - HoH
Not Of The Machine - One of my ocs, Penl, is the only human in a world full of robots. Thus he’s forced to stop the corruption since he’s immune (it’s a virus!) - NOTM
Crystalline Hivemind - An infection au with Amethyst :] - CH
Robotic Necromancy - The Chipzels died, but had their souls trapped in animatronics! What do you mean this is a FNAF au? - RN
False God - The Tree killed Circumsphere out of hatred for Cintagon, so he decided to rebel - FG
Hope - My version of the scrapped Hope series by Brittney Robinson - Hope
Corrupted Chaos - My main jsab au - CC
Purity. - A tree cult was started after the corruption event in CC, and its just as bad. - Purity
Neutralized Nemesis - Another jsab au, where all of the bosses are dating a hero (includes the beta heroes) - NN
Failed Opposition - A bad end jsab au - FO
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My ships (and the au’s they’re in)
Pentellow x Iris (both poly) - All except Hope
Cube x Lythorus - All
Cintagon x Circumsphere - All, one sided in SLC
Rincle x Circumuscle - All
Polyhedron x Cirtunda - All
Pentellow x Ajaceare (also poly) - All
Quintagon x Ajaceare - Not in any due to age differences
Dub x Barracuda - All
Iris x Circubit (Poly once more) - All
Hexagram x Circumsphere (exes) - All except Hope, dominant ship in SLC
Cube x Iris - Hope
Cubical x Iris (exes) - All, not together
Cubical x Circubit (also exes) - All, not together
That’s it (for now)! Hope you enjoy your time on my blog!
Dividers made by @trash-jsab
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nxll-n4m3 · 12 days
Welcome to the void everyone, so lovely to see you all.
Let's establish a few things, shall we?
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My info
I'm a writer and artist, I do both in my free time
I go by he/him and some neopronouns
I am autistic
(Probably more to be added, I'm not sure what else to say yet)
My rules for requests (subject to some changes)
I will write X reader and ship things, though I'd prefer if you ask me in my comments before requesting a ship. (I will not do minor x adult, or anything like abuser x victim. When it comes x reader specifically, I will not do yandere. Any and all teen characters will be aged into adults.)
I will write for
Some COD content (I don't know all of the characters well, unfortunately.)
Dead Boy Detectives
Gravity Falls
(more to be added as I get into more fandoms)
Things to remember (important!)
I will not write fem!reader content (You all have your spaces.)
I am allowed to deny a request for any reason, though I will usually explain why if I do.
If you need a comfort fic to be expedited because it's urgent, please put "URGENT" or "EMERGENCY REQUEST" at the top of your request.
I am alright with writing darker subjects such as depression, anxiety, S/H, suicxde, trauma, or past experiences of rxpe//SA, but I will only do it in a negative light. I refuse to romanticize or glorify these things.
I will write for disabled reader, but I may ask for many details on how it affects a person.
I will write POC reader if it is asked for.
Trans (Ftm, Mtx, Ftx) are all welcome, and I will write for them if specified in a request. ( "x" meaning neutral gender//non-binary)
Minors are allowed to interact with my sfw posts, but I ask that they do not interact with my NSFW posts, follow me, or make NSFW requests.
I will write either poly or monogamous relationships.
Sometimes I will draw something to go along with a story request, but it is not guaranteed and cannot be expected.
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Welcome to my Cartoon Blog!
Torra | she/her | 1992 | Autistic | Fan Artist & Author 
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Hello! If you’re reading this it means you’ve found my blog! Just a few things before we get started that you should know about me and what I do here. 
I post about whatever cartoon is tickling my brain at the moment, and I flit between hyperfixations like I’m playing duck-duck-goose. Ed Edd n Eddy is the only fandom I have major projects in, but I partake in a lot of other fandoms too. So just know, if you follow me for one fandom, it’s bound to change.
I ramble a lot. I tend to voice my thoughts out loud randomly into the void that is tumblr just because I like to talk to whoever may be listening. If that’s not your thing, you may want to block the #torra rambles tag! Don’t worry, it won’t hurt my feelings. I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea and I want to do my best to make this blog enjoyable for all kinds of people.
My askbox is open, but I no longer take requests or answer head-canon related questions, but I’m happy to say hi. No Anons anymore, sorry.
If you’re just here for my art, I suggest looking for #torrasart. For any art I posted before February of 2024, I used #my art, #my doodles just FYI, but mass post editor was too confusing to change it, so I left it as is.
I try to be generally sfw, but I might still post/reblog suggestive text posts occasionally, tagged #suggestive, so minors beware... 
I don’t want to have to block anybody but I will if I have to... 
Please keep in mind that I have a full-time job that takes up a majority of my time and energy, but in spite of that I’m working as hard as I can to bring these projects to life. I also have pretty bad ADHD, which effects my ability to stay focused, but I’m trying. All I ask is for your patience and understanding. 💖
Ed Edd n Eddy Stuff
At the moment I have a few serious projects that I’m working on: My fan-comic, “In the Ed,” my fanfiction, “In the Sky of a Million Stars” and my most recent venture is just my unnamed Torra AU where I unleash my weird furry self-insert/OC into the cul-de-sac like a lunatic because I can’t make normal human OC’s.
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Horror AU, Supernatural Themes, Trigger Warning for blood and possible gore, Content Warning for language and violence.
"Nobody knew it existed. In fact this was the first time anyone had set eyes upon this hilltop manor for quite some time..." Four years after the events of the Big Picture Show, the Eds and friends find themselves in a brand new, death-defying adventure that's sure to shift the genres.
tags: #in the ed comic, #wip shot, #in the ed refs
This fan-comic is also on Ao3 for slightly easier readability! 
Introduction Page! 
CHAPTER 1: Peach Creek Manor
[1-5] [6-10] [11-15] [16-20] [21-25 (coming soon)]
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Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Trigger Warning for Suicide Attempts, Content Warning for language and blood
Eddy has always been a man of many fears, but above all else, his greatest fear has always been the inevitability of growing up. Now, with adulthood staring him in the face, he just can’t take it. Why couldn’t things have stayed the way they were? AU where the BPS never happened, and Eddy struggles with the changes happening around and within him. Loosely based on the song "One More Light," by Linkin Park.
tags: #a million stars fic, #a million stars art
Follow it on Ao3 to get the latest updates!
Torra AU [not official name, and no banner image yet]
Comedy, OC, Content warning for language but overall trigger-safe, I think. Unless you have a fear of tigers
tags: #torra oc, #torra au, #torra and the eds
The Isaac Saga [no banner yet]
Comedy with some hurt/comfort themes. 
A collection of comics and drawings about the cat I made for Double Dee named Isaac. 
tags: #isaac the cat, #small things with great ed
Small Things with Great Ed Part 1
[pages 1-5] [6-10] [11-15]
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theblogofdavyjones · 1 year
Davy Jones request
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Pairing: Davy Jones x reader
Warnings: None
Requested by: @autistic-solar-fandom
Hello, my lovely! I wish to request some headcanons and/or a fic based on Davy Jones and Reader and he take them to swim in the ocean - they meet a family of sharks and Reader bonds with the mother and Davy is just giving heart eyes! I'd love to see what you do with this! Thank you, and happy writing!
Fun fact: Bull sharks are the only species of sharks that can adapt to fresh water ;)
• Everyone needed to find some way to understand that sharks have just as much right to live as do all mankind rather than jumping into assumptions based on society’s harsh judgments towards the magnificent creature; the shark
• That is one of the things you believed in, it’s something you thought was one of the most important things to do
• At the start of a young age, you started studying sharks, you would read anything you could get your hands on about them almost immediately after hearing about the next available thing about them
• You would stop at nothing to get a hold of anything speaking of the subject
• You had always been quite fond of sharks and wanted to protect them
• There isn’t one specific shark you favored of the whole shark species, you loved them all equally
• The moment eventually came when you decided you wanted to take diving lessons so that you could swim with the sharks under the sea. From that point on, it’s always been a dream of yours, and you held onto it until one day, it finally had come true
• Before you were about to take diving lessons, that’s where you meet Davy Jones and he took quite a liking towards you and wanted to know more about you, which you were more then willing to share the current moments of your life
• When you would be together, topics were mainly focused on sharks. After filling Davy in on everything you know about them by far, he was quite impressed and pleased of the fact that you truly do care for them with a tender heart
• Just by the fact alone that you don’t see them as man eating monsters of the sea like a lot of others do without actually getting to know the shark first
• Davy stood by you and was a big supporter after telling him all you ever wanted to do was to find ways to keep the magnificent creatures safe and protected before they go instinct
• The last part had him confused, asking you what you meant by that while having a hard time even thinking of the possibility of sharks going instinct
• You regretfully walk him through the cruelty of other humans, mentioning a few things you’ve heard of people doing to sharks all over the world, you mentioned shark fin soup and again, he was confused so you go onto explain
• You tell Davy that you worked as a lifeguard once and sometimes, as you would take walks by the shoreline, you would run into shark fins washing up on the beach and that made Davy just as upset as you were when you first heard of it
• About a year later since you both met, you finally achieved your dream of diving to swim under the sea alongside your sharks
• Although Davy knew and trusted that you knew what you were doing before and during the first dive, he couldn’t help but slightly worried of something happening to you where he can’t really reach you on time
• You reassure Davy multiple times
• One day, the skies were a beautiful clear blue with no signs of oncoming clouds or storms and that’s when you had gone out with some coworkers for a dive
• Of course, Davy tags along but no one minded that
• The water was crystal clear as the sun reflects just enough light you could see through the waters with no trouble at all, making it easier for Davy to watch you make some new animal friends
• Several more dives later, he was above and beyond impressed when you started learning the best way to communicate with the sharks using sign language. Each time you use it, Davy watches and is amazed that you can easily communicate with sharks
• Once you return to the surface, you begin to explain each sign language he saw you use and what each of them mean
• “This one is asking the shark if they would like a tummy rub and this,” you hold up your other hand as you continue
• “And this means I love you.”
• About a week later, you go out to visit a family of sharks you got to know so well
• Of course, Davy follows along once again. Davy watches from the side of the boat as you interact with your shark friends. You than notice one that looked to be a tiger shark, swimming up to you and you know right away that something wasn’t right
• Right away you knew this beautiful creature was about to give birth at any given time and you were determined to figure out what was going on
• You decide to call the mother shark, Coral
• As Coral got up closer to you, you than notice she has a fishing hook stuck in her mouth, poor thing was in a lot of pain and you felt helpless for a brief moment before you hatched an idea
• The first step was to gain a sense of trust from the mother shark and wait on her terms and when you did, Davy watches in concern as you were able to stick your arm in Coral’s mouth, pulling out the hook as she swims away from you
• Just when you thought that was the end of it, something remarkable happened, a certain event that really involved you and Davy seeing this as a blessing
• As if to say “Thank you” Coral swims around you before stopping still in front of you, allowing you to pet her head as the blessing grows
• What came next was not what you expected, but you weren’t complaining, you were quite proud of yourself for this achievement
• Davy continues to watch as you decide to take a seat on the ocean floor through the clear waters and he nearly worried himself a little too much the second he sees Coral swimming to come back to you
• Before he could process, Coral not only swims back around, but swims to allay on your lap as you were sitting like an Indian
• Coral the tiger shark/the mother shark does nothing after resting on your lap, allowing you to pet her somewhere just before you knowing it’s time to go back to land
• You felt a bond between you and Coral so strongly, that you didn’t want to go back, but you had to. However, you left with the feeling you would definitely see her again
• Once back onboard, Davy approaches you with a dry towel, handing it over as he goes on how impressive that was to see a shark resting on your lap, allowing some kind of contact as a reward for helping to end her pain by removing the fish hook moments ago
• You brought the hook with you, showing it to Davy as he begins freaking out
• Once calm, Davy shakes his head in disbelief of how cruel people can be to animals
• Davy was just thankful that you weren’t one of them
• You couldn’t help but think and feel the same way about it as he did
Tags: @royisrandom @always-on-hiatus @imalittleoutthere @marsswann @princessofthornsandroses @justafairytailofinnocence @mypookiebeardavyjones @friendlynova
Requests: open
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