#fanmade form
sarahkomik · 1 year
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gave Vibiru a king form, no regrets
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marinedragon · 3 months
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I made some ability forms for Porygon Z and Feraligatr for @n0rtist’s Ability Form Challenge!
Each of the Porygon Zs has a different color palette referencing the one it has in the anime (Download), Gen 4 sprite art (Adaptability), and the Sugimori artwork (Analytic).
Reasoning for each:
Torrent Feraligatr is more aquatic in nature and has a tail fin, large back sail, and its spines are more aerodynamic.
Sheer Force Feraligatr has put more energy into its physical power in exchange for losing some of the more extensive effects of its elemental power. This has made it unable to use statuses or secondary effects but has physically powered up those moves that normally rely on them.
Download Porygon Z is still loading its textures and is thus able to modify its physical properties to better combat its opponent.
Adaptability Porygon Z is able to change its appearance to its dimensional environment. Being more in tune with its different versions has led it to being more in tune with its own innate power.
Analytic Porygon Z is more calculating and tends to move after its opponent in order to gather and analyze their data to better execute its attacks.
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teawinx · 10 months
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Winx, The Roxy Chronicles: Kalshara's Champions
A fairy form unique to TRC, bestowed by Kalshara to those she deems loyal to her and her cause It's not really a legit Fairy Form, namely because it doesn't have the -ix suffix at the end. But also because of the generally nasty way it's powered. Kalshara absorbs magic from animals, empowering herself, leaving the animal alive but just. (these three don't know about this though)
To explain their visuals: They are visually similar to Enchantix, and the outfits worn are very similar to their Enchantix should they earn it Unlike Enchantix they don't have the big wings, gloves or sandals. Their normal MW wings are enlarged a little. And finally you get a veil somewhere on your head.
Ig in a way it's like an imcomplete Enchantix?
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weirdozjunkary · 2 years
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That’s it, this is literally how he is (pretending he did not spew death threats at a child for two minuets straight)
@smallpwbbles figured you’d want to see more of him
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babyitalianstay · 10 months
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segasonic1991 · 1 year
✨ スーパーオリビア ✨
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yuu3585 · 7 months
𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬. 𝐜𝐡.𝟏 - 𝐒𝐚𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞
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Backstory: A grave threat hages over a village run by the Ito clan, Sukuna the King of Curse… Either the village hands him a sacrifice or the village burns, with no way out Dai Ito the clan head sacrifices his daughter Tsumi to the King.
Pairing: …
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: Abuse, blood, family trouble, mention of murder, yelling, life being threatening, name-calling, ocxcanon!
Extra: This story takes places ten to fifteen years before anything in the manga happens! Plus this is an AU for my OC's
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“Worthless as always I see!” A young teen yelled, her dark purple eyes glaring down at women crying below her “Answer me Tsumi!” She yells, stepping closer to the woman called Tsumi, “Mao…move!” A young man orders stepping past her, a katana in hand
He crouches, grabbing ahold of Tsumi's chin as tears fall from her face, “You didn’t answer Mao” he says, brushing the katana against Tsumi's exposed arm, “I-I’m s-sorry, Yamato…it won’t happen again!” Tsumi says, her words barely audible, Yamato’s grip on Tsumi's chin tightened
“The fuck you call me!?” Yamato yells, the Katana in his hand slashing against Tsumi's arm, she cries grasping a hold of her cut and bloody arm, Yamato rolls his eyes, letting go of Tsumi's face, Mao laughs as she watches the scene unfold “Very nice, big brother!” she chimes as Yamato stands his blonde hair covered with snowflakes as the first sign of winter approaches, “Tsumi go clean yourself up now!” Yamato orders, Tsumi stumbles clutching her cut arm tight in her grip “Y-yes, my lord” Tsumi says, bowing her head before turning from the two
“Can’t believe this crybaby is my older sister…” Mao says, crossing her arms as she watches Tsumi stumble away from the two “half-sister!” Yamato corrects, turning on his heel, motioning for Mao to follow him back into the estate
Tsumi shivered as she walked the cold air hitting her harshly, and the gash on her arm causing her a harsh amount of agony, as she walked along the stone pathway, Tsumi breaths as she slid open the servant quarters door, the warm air hitting her faces as she steps into the room, it refreshing as Tsumi walks quickly blood dripping as she steps fast
Tsumi slides open another door, it’s colder but she steps inside. Sighing softly Tsumi Neils, sliding a blue box with yellow flowers over to her. Tsumi opens the box it’s filled with medical supplies and other things that must belong to her, a whine leaves her mouth as she carefully reaches for the bandages, setting them down on the cold floor
Tsumi let out a groan as she closed the box sliding it away, the blood from her arm stained her kimono, with shaky hands Tsumi wrapped her wound, she winced as the pull of the bandages caused discomfort as she finished, tightly wrapping the final bandage around her arm tying it… Tsumi huffs as she shakily stands up
Footsteps catch her attention, as they approach her room “Tsumi” the voice calls sliding the door open, it's another maid, she was young, seeming the same age as Tsumi “Y-yes…” Tsumi answers, holding her arm closely to herself “Are lord wishes to see you…” she says, sliding the door more
Tsumi sighed, nodding her head as she walked past the maid “He’s in the meeting room…” the maid said, a hum left Tsumi's mouth as she walked away, returning outside as the cold winter wind blew heavy as snowfalls, Tsumi moves her braided blonde hair to her shoulder hooking her arm around it…so it doesn't “fly” around, as Tsumi walks to the meeting room
As Tsumi approached the meeting room she could hear the sound of Mao yelling, she didn’t sound happy… she sounded distressed like there was a real reason for her to be yelling, Tsumi stopped at the door of the meeting room it was cracked slightly, Tsumi takes a breath before looking into the crack the scene that played in front of her hooked her to the core
“What do you mean the King of Curses is threatening our village?!” Mao yells, her black kimono swaying slightly as she yells, Yamato places his hand on Mao’s shoulder “Calm down let him explain” he says, Mao sighs rubbing her eyes “I’m sorry for yelling Father please explain!” Mao says, taking a seat on one of the three cushions in front of their Father…
Dai coughs, clearing his throat, “As I stated, Sukuna has given me an ultimatum… give him a sacrifice or the village burns.” Mao tenses as she listens to her Father explain, Yamato thinks for a moment “Who are you sacrificing?”, Dai coughs causing Mao to reach out for him “I’m fine Mao” Dai says raising his hand, stopping Mao
“But Yamato on that subject I’ve decided Tsumi will be the sacrifice…”
Tsumi's eyes widen as she listens, backing away from the door, her breath catching in her throat… Everything seemed to be spinning nothing looked right in Tsumi's eyes, her body shock at the weight of Dai's words, Tsumi knew he didn’t love her but sacrificing her to Sukuna seemed way too far for this sick man
A voice yelled it was Mao, the teen was standing in front of Tsumi, her dark purple eyes staring harshly at Tsumi, she said nothing as the both of them stared at one another “Tsumi come we need to talk…” Dai spoke, waving her over
Shakily Tsumi stands, Mao lets out a groan as she walks past her, Yamato glares at Tsumi as she bows to Dai before taking a seat on the cushion in the middle closest to Dai “Tsumi I assume you overheard me correct?”, Tsumi nods her head avoiding Dai cold purple eyes “Seems you know what that means correct?” Dai asked Tsumi's blue eyes met with Dai’s for a moment as she speaks
“Y-yes I understand Father…” “Good, I’ll have the maid bring you a new kimono…” Dai informs coughing slightly, Tsumi clears her throat before she speaks catching Dai's attention “Father what if, I were to refuse this…” Mao groans as she hears Tsumi ask this question, Yamato does the same causing Tsumi to fall quiet, “You’d either die by Yamato’s hand or…a curse” Dai says his voice low, causing Tsumi to tense up, he never lied about killing anyone
“I-I understand…”
Mao laughs a little as she hears the fear in Tsumi's voice, Yamato sighs looking away from his sisters. Dai waves for the three to leave, Tsumi bows before standing up, Mao rolls her eyes as she stands-Yamato stands as Tsumi reaches the door, sliding the door open, disappearing into the dark hallway-Dai grabs hold of his bamboo cane, standing up slowly Yamato grabs hold of his Father as he coughs
“Tea…?” Mao, asks smiling softly at her father “Yes tea sounds great.” Dai answers, as Yamato smiles at the two, “I’ll ask the maid to prepare it!” Mao says, running out of the room, Yamato stares at his Father waiting for him to move, Dai shakily starts to walk his greyish-blonde hair swaying as he walks. Yamato holds him close making sure he doesn’t fall. As they step outside the meeting room Yamato slides the door behind him the lights being the only light in the dark cold hallway
Tsumi listened as a few maids whispered behind her, their hushed voices loud in her ear “Have you heard” One said her voice soft “No what's happening?” another question, Tsumi sighs blue eyes staring down at her freshly bandaged arm, “Tsumi is going to be the village sacrifices, to Sukuna” Tsumi listens as the maid behind her gossip, they stop as the head maid slides open the door, she looks displeased with them but motivations, as she walks forward two other maids follow holding a dark blue kimono
The three maids step out of the way as the head maid steps behind Tsumi before she can say anything, Tsumi's blue eyes meet her brown ones, the maid clears her throat as she looks away from Tsumi, “We need to get you ready” she says, backing up as Tsumi stands up holding her arm “Shall we…?”, the maid nods motioning for the other two maids to follow the both of them
Tsumi shivered as she pulls off her black kimono, the head maid's brown eyes staring at the scar that liter Tsumi's body “Seems the rumors are true…” she said, folding the black kimono and setting it to the side…Tsumi hums to the maid’s question as she starts to put the blue kimono on, tying the obi tightly around herself “I’ve heard things about Sukuna…if you can be careful!” The maid says bowing before leaving Tsumi
“I’ll try”
Tsumi's blue eyes stared at her hands as Dai's bamboo cane came into view “Tsumi…” he said, his voice harsh as his cane tapped against the ground, the coldness of the winter wind crept up Tsumi's spine as she choked on her breath, nerves stressed as her fears creep into her mind. What would happen to her, will she even live or would he kill her just cause he can
The fears of what could happen clouded Tsumi's mind as Dai's bamboo cane tapped against the meeting room floor, he seemed to want to get this over with. Everything spun in Tsumi's head, tears threatening to fall as she sat there overwhelmed by fear
Tsumi felt something hit her back causing her to look up, it was a curse she was tall, her head seeming to touch the roof of the room, Tsumi stared shocked by the curse… she had dark purple hair that was long tied into a high pony if let down it would reach the floor, Tsumi felt something hit her back again she looked it was a tail seeming to belong to the curse it was black with pink fluff at the end and the middle of it
Her was face turned to Dai, towering over him, “Didn’t Sukuna ask for Mao…?” she asked, voice echoing in the room “He did but Tsumi, my oldest daughter, requested to take her place!” Dai explained, glaring at the confused Tsumi. The curse groaned before her to face Tsumi, she was tan and her face was covered in black marking two locationed on her checks, while two sets of others sat above and under her eyes, her eyes were pink with “x” pupils
She hummed as Tsumi stared at her, the curse bent down showing off more about her. On the top of her head were two black horns with pink highlighting them, and her hair was tied with what seemed to be pink flowers. Was that part of her technique? As Tsumi's eyes looked over the curse’s body, her hand caught her attention they were black and faded into her skin at the joints of her arms, she had long black nails that complemented the black of her arms
“Tsumi stand we’re leaving” the curse ordered standing back up, Tsumi’s legs shook as she stood eyes staring down at her hands… “Come”, the curse said, stepping away from Dai. Tsumi followed close behind her hands shaking harshly, the curse led the both of them outside, snow falling softly in front of them
Tsumi looks up, staring at the snowflakes falling. It's soothing, the curse sighs “Follow, don't fall behind!” she orders stepping into the crunchy snow, Tsumi nods following close behind her
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Divider credit - Sweetyparty
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realareturns · 2 months
If you're using Dolphin emulator, you can go into 2p mode, as long as you have a way of inputting two controllers - I've messed around in battle mode a bit. I don't recall off the top of my head if Reala can do acrobatics of not. I am fairly certain that he can't do persona transformations, as I tried to make him go into water at one point - neither he nor NiGHTS would enter the water in battle mode for me.
I didn’t think to do this 👀 I’ll try this soon, thanks for telling me!!
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knightlycrow · 2 years
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a drawing I did recently of Alice and the Bloody Twins from Heart no Kuni no Alice <3 I am quite happy with the result, no shading but still rather nice to look at.
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m-awile · 10 months
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i have not explained on here that in GTS, characters from Pokemon do exist but they’re just normal people without any Pokemon. and some of them are even friends with the Cons or Bots
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Decided to make something thematic
Here is gyras in omen form in a rather maniacal looking shot
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deimostes · 4 months
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leonid birth chart. she's born in 2205 but for this i made her birthday 11/15/2005 - release date of shadow 05 as we all know. birth time 12:30am - reference to sonic heroes release date/omega's birthday. and her place of birth? the sonic earth equivalent of memphis tennessee
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livewildlivefree · 11 months
Does Kaia have wings in her feral form?
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teawinx · 1 year
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Winx, The Roxy Chronicles: Kalshara's Champions (finished)
Made sure to not forget their wings this time lol
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neptuniadoesstuff · 7 months
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A pokemon I made but it's now a regional variant of the pokemon.
Prob gonna be my last post of today on here so imma log off.
Name: Amesplash but as a regional variant.
Character: Amesplash (Kamayaian Ver) (Mine)
Artist: Me
Program: IbisPaint x
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my Blog's pinned project clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PEASE CREDIT ME!
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duckapus · 1 year
Michigan Spletzer and the Gilded City
When she finds out that the Yiga are on the trail of a dangerous Garo artifact that was lost to the ages, Marcy asks her brother and some of his friends for help in retrieving it before it falls into Welony's hands. This results in an Indiana Jones parody starring her, Meggy, Mario, Luigi, Lil Coding and Bob, with Meggy in the leading role due to apparently being a semi-famous treasure hunter before she met Mario. She doesn't like bringing it up since she left that life for a reason. Between Meggy falling into old habits, Marcy being Marcy, and Mario being Mario, this trip ain't gonna be easy to get through even before you take the actual villains and cursed, abandoned city into account.
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