#fantasy hood
adinelleggreeo · 1 month
Danny Phantom Crochet Fantasy Hood- Part 5
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Here
It's complete!
It didn't take long at all, I just procrastinated in taking pics for the update.
The capelet turned out perfect! I consulted some tutorials because I thought it was going to be some sort of math problem to solve, but I just crocheted a few rows to the bottom of the hood and it worked out!
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And here it is flat with a close-up of the capelet and the green ribbon I used for the tie. I would have rather a thicker ribbon, but I already had this one as I plan to use it for another part of the cosplay.
I'm cutting it shorter though.
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I'm so happy with this project! My most perfect crochet creation so far!
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blumineck · 1 year
For when you just need to get rid of as many arrows as possible...
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fir3flytv · 2 months
JASON TODD didn't want a dog. He lived in an apartment with you, with one bedroom, a tiny kitchen and a living room that looked like the furniture decorated in it would fall apart at any moment.
But one day, he comes home to you, sleeping in your bed with a little bull mastiff puppy on his side of the bed. He stares at the dog for a few moments, before going to take off his Red Hood outfit, as though that would make the situation disappear. When he comes back, the dog was still there. Of course.
Gently, Jason shakes you awake, giving you a pointed look. "Got anything you want to share with me, babe?" He asks, eyes trailing down to the dog, still asleep on the bed. A sheepish smile crosses your face. "I can explain?" You say, though it comes out more like a question. "I was volunteering at the animal shelter and found him. He didn't like being with the other dogs in cage but they didn't have enough space to isolate him." "So you thought the best plan was to bring home a dog that can grow to be 150 pounds?" I scoffs lightly. "No, no! I'm fostering him. Just for a little bit," You say quickly. "I thought since he's still a puppy he would be adopted quickly, right? So we won't have to make space for when he gets that big." Jason lets out a soft sigh and pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead before speaking again. "You're too good," He murmurs softly. You smile up at him and return the kiss onto his cheek. After a few moments, Jason clears his throat and looks down at the puppy, still sprawled out onto his side of the bed. "So where am I going to sleep?" ... JASON TODD sucks at being a foster. He's terrible, horrible, even. If you were to look up 'How to not foster a dog', they would just show his face. It wasn't that he neglected the dog. He could never. He took him out on runs, fed him good food, washed him, played with him. Everything a dog owner could do. No, the reason Jason was so bad was because his first ever foster dog turned out to be a foster failure. Every time someone came by interested in adopting the puppy, Jason would be in your ear, whispering to you that it didn't seem like they knew what they were doing, or that the puppy wouldn't like living with them. Every. Single. Time.
It wasn't till the three month mark of fostering the pup, having moved to a more spacious apartment, that Jason popped the question.
"You know," He starts suddenly while the two of you were on the couch, eating Chinese take out with the dog resting on the floor nearby. "No one here seems to be right for Buster." Buster, his name for the dog. He's used it so much he actually started responding to it. "There's someone, I'm sure," You counter, taking a bite of your food. "I know there is," Jason counters. Just as you open your mouth to tell him that makes no sense, he cuts you off. "Us. We're right for Buster." "Think," He says, reaching out to grip your hand. "For three months, we've had him, we've moved with him. He has his spot in the bed, we've worked him into our schedule. He's happy. Why ruin that?" "So you want to adopt him?" You ask, making sure you understood just exactly what he was saying. It felt too good to be true. "Yeah, I do," He says with a small smile. As soon as he finishes speaking you practically lung at him, tackling him into a hug while whispering small 'thank you's. The action makes Buster jump up and want to join in on whatever is going on, leaping onto the couch and sniffing at the two of you, his massive head bumping you both. In that moment, Jason knew he made the right choice. This felt right. It felt good. It felt like home. You, him, and your giant dog.
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asgardian-angel · 3 months
I was trying to put together something cool with this Aragorn and Geralt you know some kind of crossover universal tavern and found this last gif and it fits too perfectly someone help me.
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thermojam · 11 months
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if you stray from the path, i must ask that you know,
that you may find the wolf of the wood,
so fear not this slug - he is fat, blind, and slow,
but the little red girl in the hood.
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onebadnoodle · 1 year
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red hooded hunter 
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ex0skeletal-undead · 9 months
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Necromancer Red Riding Hood by Iren Horrors
This artist on Instagram
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discopaws · 5 months
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making more friend for Theo's retinue! this guy's called Marco
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lil-bby · 6 months
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he is the standard, idc 🥱💞
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asyayordanova · 6 months
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I'm gonna mess you up
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adinelleggreeo · 2 months
Danny Phantom Crochet Fantasy Hood- Part 4
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Here | Part 5
Woooooo! Things are looking goooood!
The length is much better, the holes look cool, I got the cute little point at the back with smooth seams because I sewed the panels together instead of slip stitching and the back looks nice and sturdy!
And it only took me two days!
The next thing I want to do is make a little capelet (a very little one) I want it to look like it was ripped and torn and just this little piece was left attached to the hood.
Well, as ripped and torn as crochet can look. I think I'll consult a tutorial for this part though 🫣
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zuoji · 5 months
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red & the wolf ⚔
I'm making a graphic novel! Set in a post-apocalyptic fantasy world, the story follows the hunter Red as she grapples with her humanity when she meets a wolf girl in the woods.
I'm currently in the middle of penciling, and it's been so rewarding seeing this project slowly take shape 😭 Can't wait to share more artwork sooooon
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aulerean · 6 months
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Scarlet Pearl is like evil red riding hood. To me.
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most of you will not understand the agony of this outfit. but hey here's fantasy au Howdy!
yes. i know. he looks like a gunslinger. but I think it'd be funny if Howdy shows up and he minorly tweaks the genre simply by Existing! plus, he has to make himself useful beyond being a traveling salesman - he doesn't have a scrap of magic in him! so! alchemist gunslinger!
due to much of this "final" outfit design being Miguel's (@indigopoptart <3 thanks for your help homeslice <3) influence, i have less to say than usual! i'll talk about the things i Kept from the first terrible, terrible draft!
i wanted him to have full-coverage gloves because One, gloves fuck, & Two, shooting gloves! plus, he regularly works with dangerous materials! gotta keep his hands as safe as possible! speaking of his guns, they were a Ton of fun to draw. i wanted to make them ornate... Howdy seems like he'd enjoy nice things? fancy stuff perhaps? anyway the guns have his tavern "logo" on them!
the "second safety" mentioned triggers a magic-oriented mechanism that allows him to piece the guns together! they "unfold" into a big ol clusterfuck of a powerhouse weapon! unfortunately, using this immediately breaks the guns and they have to be repaired, so it's a "break glass in case of emergency" ace up the Neighborhood's sleeve!
i like to imagine that his bandolier, while cool, stresses everyone out a little bit. each bullet is full of pressurized weaponized magic. If they break while on the bandolier, well! Howdy would probably be very much Royally Fucked! i also drew the bullets too large here, so imagine that there's a lot more than shown and they're a lot smaller. I didn't realize this mistake until right now! oopsies!
i want to keep elements of the canon outfits in these fantasy ones. hence why his vest is striped and blue, he's still got the reddish brown pants, and! why his cloak clasp is shaped like a tie! and why the inside of his cloak resembles his apron!
i like to think that Howdy got his magic pack by swindling some poor soul out of it! when the buckles are undone, it unfolds into a vendor stand that looks Much different than the tiny scribble provided! said scribble is there to ah... what's the word. Demonstrate? get the point across? it's actually quite a nice stall! he has space to sell, and a workbench to tinker on! the pockets on the bag actually do function as pockets, though.
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honeyhauntart · 1 year
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i met death and death wants me to live 🌙
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mammutblog · 1 year
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i made a very obscure au that is not important what is important is jason stabbing tim
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