#far east duo
aph-japan · 11 months
{Hetalia} World Stars {+World Series} Kiku Honda {Japan} x "IDOL" Direct Link: {HERE} (Go to the link to view in high quality!!) {NOTE: This A.M.V. may display wrongly at times. If it does not display above with the embed, Please feel free to check the direct link, Which should work at most times!!} Anime Music Video / A.M.V By Me / @aph-japan {Do Not Repost or Reproduce My (+Video) Editing without my Permission} {Do Not Remove Caption} Featuring various dynamics of Kiku's starting in earlier history, also partially based on the stories implied more within the strips {such as "Black Ships Have Come" with Alfred, "Mr. {Holland}" with Netherlands, and "{Alliance} between two Lonely People" with Arthur} going into the modern era {Herakles}, but others {Feliciano + Ludwig, also Yao} - appear briefly in between too. (It's partially complete, but most of it is there.)
Short Summary:
"You, perfect and {a liar},"--
Short Summary {Continued}:
"You, perfect and {a liar}, are 'like' a {genius idol}…"
"I don't know anything about 'falling in love' 'with someone'."
Original commentary and lyrics source under 'read more'!
Long Summary:
There are people who "wear their hearts on their sleeves", and those who "mask" their feelings.
"Aishiteru", in Japanese, is not something that can be said easily.
"There are lies that hurt people, and lies that can {save} people." - Kido Jō, Digimon Adventure 02 (Japanese version); Ep. 16 "You, perfect and {a liar}, are 'like' a {genius idol}..." "I don't know anything about 'falling in love' with someone." For lyric{s}, check the following!:
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apieceofyoungcheese · 6 months
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angelsleepinggurl · 2 months
𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙨𝙤 𝙗𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙪𝙞𝙩𝙚.
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· · ────── ꒰ঌ·✦·໒꒱ ────── · ·
Listen for best experience:
↻ ◁ || ▷ ↺ Die For You - The Weeknd ('70s James Bond Style Cover) starring Tatum Langley
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒. Dawn and Twilight. The unstoppable duo. But what dit he past lovers do when they’re stuck in a spy predicament?
wc . around 1,529
tags . agent twilight. loid forger. twilight x reader. loid forger x reader. angsty. mentions of d3@th. mentions of su1c1d3. mission. reader is a spy. forbidden love. reader is called dawn.
The clock creeps towards midnight and the both of you, Twilight and Dawn, take careful steps down the dark alleyway. The moonlight casts ever-moving shadows that dance underneath the stars on the rocky pavement. The air seems to be thick with the pressing tension of the mission, urgent to capture the targets. With guns positioned in front, the both of you continue walking along the path, staying close to the walls. Another explosion goes off, this time closer to your location, frightened you jump slightly.
Twilight, ever the silent professional, gestures ahead, eyes narrowing at the sight of two guards patrolling the perimeter of the target building. You nod, understanding the unspoken command. It's time to split up. You take the left flank, pressing yourself against the cool, rough surface of the wall. Your breaths come shallow and controlled, each one a conscious effort to remain undetected.
The earpiece buzzes softly, and Twilight's voice, calm and composed, fills your ear. "Two guards at the east entrance. I'll distract. You infiltrate."
"Copy that," you whisper back, fingers tightening around the grip of your silenced pistol. Adrenaline surges through your veins, sharpening your senses. You wait for the signal, watching as Twilight steps into the light, drawing the guards' attention with a well-placed diversion.
With the guards distracted, you slip through the shadows, each movement precise and deliberate. You reach the door, a rusty, heavy thing that creaks ominously as you push it open just enough to slide through. You move quickly, your footsteps barely a whisper on the worn linoleum floor.
A quick glance at the blueprint in your mind guides you down the narrow hallway. The target room is just ahead, a secure vault containing the intel you and Twilight have risked everything to obtain. You pause at the corner, listening for any signs of life. The faint hum of machinery and the distant murmur of voices reach your ears, but nothing immediate.
"Twilight, I'm in," you murmur into the comms, your voice steady despite the pounding of your heart.
"Good. Stay alert," comes the response, a note of concern slipping through Twilight's usually stoic demeanor.
Suddenly, Twilight's voice cuts through the silence, a note of urgency you've never heard before. "They're setting explosives. We don't have much time."
Your heart skips a beat. The mission has taken a deadly turn. You push forward, entering the central hall to find Twilight crouched by a device, his face illuminated by the harsh glow of the timer counting down.
From yoiur building you see him inthe distance, far into the opposing building,a t the top of the tower. Without thinking you rush out of the building, desparate to save your love. Twilght.
The two of you have had your forbidden share of each other, in past when the two of you were new and naive and let your feelings cross your job. As a spy, feelings are not a part of the contract. You got caught by your superior fraternising on the mission, causing the target to go free, and causing great calamity. The two of you got separated for years, on different missions across the world as a price of your selfishness. Through all the time you’ve spent apart, you’ve never had a night, where the image of him doesn’t appear. He seems to be the focus of your life and you can’t seem to rid him. The n came the day they announced you’d be sent back, working in the same division, and every second counting down to that flight back had your skin itching in anticipation, anticipation to see your Twilight. If he reciprocated those feelings were unbeknownst to you, after all, years have passed, new people have been met, expertise and professionalism have increased and one lesson has been learnt between the two of you. Now Twilight seems like a man of lacking a heart and the ability to empathise, almost as if the two of you never happened, like it was some big slip-up, messing up his career. You didn’t care. Sure it was detrimentally crushing when the truth was learnt and faced, but you’re professional. These silly feelings will die away and you can carry on with your life.
The sound of your shoes on the fire escape near him causes him to lift his head.
"Dawn they've rigged the place," he says, looking up at you, his eyes betraying a flicker of fear.
“I know.” you respond, though Twilight not quite catching on to the reason why your face is still, he doesn’t process.
"We can disarm it, but it’s too risky. They’ll escape. The only way to ensure they’re captured is-” you kneel next to him sielntly, keeping your eyes on the grate the both of you are supported on, suspend in the air, beneath the the ticking ball of death.
“Twilight.” you start, looking up at him, the only glimmer in your eyes is that of the moon reflecting from it, and the only twinkle is from the tears pricking them. “I can’t let you live this life knwoing I haven’t died telling you this.” you begin. “I love you. Since the day I met you, the day I laid my eyes on you, I’ve loved you unconditionally ever since. No matter how many oceans they spearated us I still hedl you dear to my heart. This isn’t professional and you may not even reciprocate but I still lvoe oyu endlessly, and I know emotions shouldn’t come in the way of the mission but I’m willing to stay behind as you go the gates and lock the guards.” you say, tears running down your face in a consistent stream, your voice not quivering thought.
The air seems to thicken as you swallow thickly awaitign his response, awaiting the bomb to explode, awaiting the failure of this doomed mission.
“I love you.” he states bluntly at first, but when you look up at him you see his face melt with fear, relief and regret all at once. In an instant, his demeanour has cracked. “I haven’t gone a night without thinking about us, what if we never got split up, where would be be now. My heart has been yearning for you the second I woke up to you gone and it’s never been reassured since.” he places his hand in yours, which rests atop the pattern of the metal grate. It is magnetic, its attraction, the way the both of you pull together from your core, lips fitting together like a lock and key. The kiss is sweet and sharp, sweet with a solid resolution, a kiss shared between the fact both of you share a mutual love. But the sharp, acidity of your kiss is mingled with your tears, the both of your rue and regret, the both of your longing for more time.
Pulling away, you take a shaky exhale, the both fo you locking eyes, finding comfrot in the midst of of the chaos.
“Dawn,I can’t die without asking you, to be mine again? If you wish.” he asks, his blond locks are disarranged and beautifully fall on his face.
“Listen there’s just no other way.” he explains, stroking the hair beside your face to consolidate you as the tears reinvite theirselves again.
“Not here has to be. There-there has to be. I-”
He shakes his head sorrowfully, a small smile on his lips. “There is no other way.”
“But it doens’t end like this. It doesn’t end like this in my dreams. in my dreams we-we get married and live in a beautiful white house, with a dog and kids and-and-.” you’re breaking down again, in his arms as you place your head on his chest as he cradles you. You sobbing profusely, scared to lose the only connection you’ve ever made, taking the moment shared together for granted, not truly appreciating the importance of them. Failing to comprehend the ephemerality of human life. Though you calm down, you don’t have any other choice and the man seems set on his decisions, no matter how much they twist your heart.
“Well then, Dawn, do you take me Agent Twlight, to be your lawfully wedded husband?” he asks you as you seprate and slowly, slowly, you nod, pressing your lips into a tight line.
“I do.” you mutter, deppenign the phsycial connection from your cheek to his hand that caresses it.
“And will you, Dawn, all me to take you as my lawfully wedded wife?”
“You can.”
The two of you share another haste, kiss, almost as if, if the both of you don’t hold each other any higher then the other will slip away into the air, only to be remembered as a memory. The both of you pull away, resting your foreheads together.
“I love you, Dawn.” he whispers, keeping it a precious fondness between the both of you.
“I love you too, Twilight.” you respond.
Without another second to waste, he urges you to enter the tower, throguht the widnow beside you. Biting back your sobs, you forcefuly smile at him. Watching as he rertuns the warm smile, before falling back into the exploding flames beneath.
Love so bittersweet.
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this was very impulsive. i know yall don't really dig up angst the same way yall do smut. (horndogs) but i had to write this anyway.
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piratefishmama · 10 months
Beware The Thorns | Part 9
Robin Buckley made it her job to know things about people in Steve Harrington’s life. That was something she’d always done. Ever since they’d been bound to chairs back to back in a basement, ever since Steve had goaded, pushed, and insulted their captors, spitting vitriol, forcing them to focus entirely on him leaving her with barely a scratch, a sore jaw from where one of them had slapped her across the face but that was it.
Steve had been hospitalised for over a week with his injuries.
And in that time, the senior Harringtons had laid waste to the entirety of the group that’d held them captive, and had forged an odd little friendship with Buckley&Buckley, a P.I husband and wife duo who were endlessly grateful for Steve’s sacrifice to ensure their daughters survival.
A friendship that continued for years after the senior Harringtons passed their empire onto their son in their passing.
She wasn’t even supposed to be there, she’d taken it upon herself to investigate something to prove that she could. To prove that she was ready to join her parents in their work. Wrong place, wrong time. But it gained her Steve, he was worth the nightmares.
Which was why she spent her Monday morning going to a coffee shop she didn’t actually enjoy on the east side of the city, drinking overpriced black ‘artisanal’ sludge, which usually she’d be an advocate for, fuck Starcucks an all that jazz, but this place?
Dumpster fire masquerading as a ‘hip new coffee joint’, ran by a douchebag in a beanie with a moustache that didn’t fit his somewhat misshapen potato sack face shape.
All to meet with one very pretty young lady, who seemed to actually enjoy the coffee the shop served.
“I need to know where he’s going to be.” A very pretty lady, who held her coffee cup to pursed, painted red lips, bright blue eyes on Robin’s face. “And I need to know if he’s already locked down a new client, I’m assuming these are things you’ll know… as his friend.”
“Mmnnn, I mean. You’re not wrong.” She took a sip then placed her cup back down on the cork coaster provided. “I do know where he’s going to be, and I do unfortunately know his hook up schedule, but what makes you think I’m going to tell you any of it? As his friend, it’s kind of my job to keep that information on lockdown, isn’t it?”
Robin liked Chrissy. She’d always liked Chrissy, same as Robin always liked Eddie, they had similar vibes. Wearing a mask of thorns to protect the pretty petals from those who’d do them harm. She didn’t know how they knew each other, didn’t know enough about Eddie to make assumptions as to where they’d met, but Chrissy was the closest thing Eddie had to a best friend, as far as Robin knew.
Chrissy was the only friend that Robin could get to without it immediately getting back to Eddie. Eddie’s little game friends, Gareth, Jeff, and Dougie? They’d tell him the second she reached out, would sound an alarm and she’d never get anywhere near him, claiming they were ‘being good friends’, but Chrissy was smarter by far. Chrissy was just enough of a best friend, to know when Eddie happened to need something that he didn’t want to admit to needing.
Just enough of a best friend to be able to tell him he was being an idiot, and not just immediately side with him.
Like Eddie’s very own Robin.
“It is, but I’m hoping that I’m right in the fact that he’s probably been miserable since he ended things with Steve, right?” It all kind of hinged on that. On Eddie’s real feelings behind his little mask. “Steve’s pretty miserable… it’s depressing”
“So miserable he’s sent you out to track Eddie down? Or are you doing this sniffer dog bit on your own initiative?” Robin opened her mouth to reply, but Chrissy continued as if she hadn’t asked a question, asking another instead, “what makes you think he’d be miserable?”
“Which question am I answering here?”
“Mmmmm second one please.” Chrissy took another sip, so nonchalant. She had an energy about her that Robin felt strangely familiar. A countenance Robin had only ever seen in one other person.
“I know he was acting, I know there are sides to Eddie that Steve never saw, that Eddie never let Steve see—”
“Like all the sides of Steve that Eddie never saw?” Robin tensed, brow furrowing “oh unclench, Robbie, the Cunninghams and the Harringtons go back generations, pretty sure Steve and I would have wound up in some stupid arranged marriage had the Harringtons not been against it.” Robin didn’t like not knowing things, why did she not know that? How had she missed Chrissy of all the potentials to have told Eddie about Steve’s life? How did she not know that Steve ought to know Chrissy? “I never said anything to Eddie and I don’t intend to, but… why should I let Eddie be dragged into such a messy life? There’s so many fish in the sea, Robin, why should I let my best friend be dragged down by a shark?” At least now Robin knew why Chrissy’s personality, her eerie calm felt so familiar.
She was Steve in prettier packaging.
“I’m at a disadvantage here, aren’t I?”
“Oh very much so, but you’re very cute so I’m letting you off.” Robin blinked once in surprise, then did her best to quell the pleasant buzz that thrummed through her veins at the not-so-subtle compliment “Please answer my question, why should I give you what you want?”
“He… Steve… He loves him, Chrissy… Steve has done bad stuff, don’t get me wrong, he’s done awful things to people, but I’ve never seen him like he is whenever Eddie’s around. It’s like he’s drowning in the dark and Eddie’s just… a light at the end of the tunnel, an if Eddie loves him too, which I think he does… why should they be apart?”
“And now the real reason, not the Hallmark movie one?” Chrissy raised a brow in boredom.
“I… I don’t know, Chrissy. I don’t know. I don’t. I’m running on best friend fuel. Steve needs him, or at least needs closure from him, and as his best friend I’m duty bound to try and get that for him. I’m sure you don’t love Eddie’s job. Right? He wouldn’t have to do any of it if he just—”
“Gave up his freedom and all the work he’s put in to establish himself in his field for a slim chance at happiness with one of the most dangerous men in the city?” Chrissy leaned back in her chair, one leg crossing over the other as she crossed her arms over her chest, coffee cup left to rest on the coaster.
“Better the devil you know though, right? Wouldn’t you rather him be with someone you know won’t hurt him… than with someone you don’t?” Chrissy’s eyes finally left Robin’s face, dipping down to the right as she thought about it.
Eddie wouldn’t be alone for long, he’d find a new client, he’d be on someone else’s arm, and he’d continue his life unchanged with a risk of being hurt.
Or… or he could have what he wanted.
Chrissy knew what Eddie wanted. They’d spent more than enough evenings on his couch with ice cream mooning over Steve Harrington and while she’d have loved to tell him that he was trash, he was a monster in sheep’s clothing… he just wasn’t. So she’d kept quiet.
She let Eddie pine away for a life he could have if he took a chance, never telling him why he shouldn’t.
“What if this new client wouldn’t hurt him?”
“Let’s be real Chrissy he’s probably already planned on reaching out to Tommy to fill in the gap in his schedule, you and I both know what kind of trash heap Tommy Hagan is.” An easy cash grab that’d probably make Eddie feel like shit. “Do you want to risk Eddie’s happiness on a what if, or do you want to tell me where he’s going to be so Steve can be there and sweep him off his feet?”
In retrospect, Robin should have probably been suspicious when Chrissy sat up straight, when she looked at Robin as if she was assessing her, and she definitely should have been suspicious when, with a short “Alright then,” Chrissy plucked a pen from her bag and a little notepad, and jotted down an address and a time. But with a small victory in her hands, and a front row seat to Chrissy’s perfectly perky… ponytail retreating for the door with their business concluded.
She really wasn’t thinking all that hard.
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distant-velleity · 5 months
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SSR Dorm Uniform - Yuhua Wei
(voicelines and taglist beneath the cut, ft. groovy lines bc no way am i drawing the groovy for this lmao)
I’m no hero, but if that’s the role you want me to play…
Hmm? You’re here for my help again? Haha. You really know how to make a guy feel needed.
Groovification: Am I doing this out of the kindness of my heart? 
Set to Home Screen: I can’t guarantee anyone anything, you know.
Home Transition 1: I ran into Yue’er again last night. Although he kind of looks like a cryptid, he really isn’t subtle about his entrances. I mean, green fireflies? Does no one else see them?
Home Transition 2: Sometimes I regret opening up the guest room. The other day, yet another brawl started in there… ugh. 
Home Transition 3: I don’t usually like to let my hair down in front of other people, so consider this a treat for you. 
Home, after login: I’m exhausted… Let me recharge for a while, or I’m going to lose it.
Home Transition (Groovification): These clothes are based on a legend from the Far East. Can you guess what it is?
Tap Home 1: ‘Haunted’ is a strong word. I think we can call Ramshackle… ‘otherwise occupied.’
Tap Home 2: Honestly, I can’t believe some people are so reliant on me. Take Ace and Deuce for example… Haha. I guess it’s cute how some people will trip over themselves for a sense of companionship.
Tap Home 3: Three cardinal rules: if you’re with a figure of authority, defer to them. If you’re with a nobody, act casual. And if you meet a respect-less idiot, don’t be afraid to play dirty. 
Tap Home 4: This System usually notifies me if there’s an upcoming event of some kind. The downside? Sometimes I’ll wake up at ungodly hours because someone did something stupid.
Tap Home 5: Huh?! D-Do you need something? …I’m sure there’s better ways to get my attention… 
Tap Home (Groovification): I wonder if Crewel would give me a pointer like his if I asked nicely. Having a tool on hand would improve my working efficiency a lot. Heh.
Duo Magic:
Davis, I’ll need you to back me up.
Rest assured that I’ve got you, Yu.
taglist (ask to be added!): @thehollowwriter @elenauaurs @theleechyskrunkly @casp1an-sea @nahelenia
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decarabiandivorce · 3 months
Day 5: Flowers / Summer Breeze
Summer was horrible no matter how many years passed by. Despite wearing a rather breezy outfit, Venti felt like he was going to die.
So there he was, laying on the ground underneath Vennessa’s symbol’s branches. The newly planted tree provided a bunch of shade, the delicious smell of home laid within its leaves. Sweeter than honey and warmer than nectar, but the dastardly heat destroyed any hint of serenity. Curse whatever god thought this was a good idea.
The anemo god summoned a breeze, but even the winds around Mondstadt did not want to move. Understandable, but the archon was suffering here! The squire- now Lord Ragnvindr was busy today, his kin were busy harvesting and he had banned the wind wisp from bothering them today!
Venti wanted to sob. He was alone! Alone and Suffering! It’s toooooo hot!!!
He can’t even summon the strength to strum his strings! Nor words could form in his mind! Nothing but emotions rising like the heat.
Yet salvation smiled upon the bard, as he felt the breeze of wings flapping down near him.
“Dvalin!” Venti smiled at his friend.
“Barbatos.” Dvalin said back.
Venti complained, “It's so hot! Why are summers so hot! Why can’t it be spring or fall! Heck! I think even winter would do me well!”
Dvalin snorted, his tail wrapping around the giant tree. Venti moved from the grass to the stones near his friend’s snout. “I don’t see why you can’t fly to somewhere colder.”
Venti put his arms around him, “Tired… I’m going to die here… I’m going to melt into a little Venti puddle. Woe! W-Ahahaaa!” Dvalin flapped his wings, sending a nice cool breeze towards the archon’s face. Falling down from the strength of his winds, Venti looked up at the aqua dragon with nothing but familiar love.
“Get on my back.”
Dvalin rolled his eyes, and lowered his body ever so slightly. Eyes full of sparkles, Venti hopped on top of the dragon, barely having enough time to grip the azural feathers before the dragon leaped. Venti laughed and screamed at the sudden acenseion, the winds of Mondstadt saying goodbye as the duo zoomed.
Before long Dvalin’s pace slowed, allowing Venti some grace to lay on his back.
The clouds looked peaceful. The sky looked lovely. The heat may be killing him at the moment, but with every second he flew side by side with his east wind, it was pure bliss.
With the falcon of the west having ascended, he should make plans for the three of them to fly like this.
Looking down and holding Dvalin’s body by his legs, the endless ocean beyond Mondstadt looked refreshing.
“Inazuma is over there.” Venti muttered.
“I know!”
“…?” Where was he taking him.
More water greeted him.
Creatures of all sorts lived in these depths- far away from any boat. What was in this area that Dvalin was so eager to show him?
Then he saw it.
The peaks of land- no. An Archipelago.
“Woah!” Venti called out. There was no map in the nations he visited of such a place! A brand-new section of land only known to Dvalin? That’s so cool!
Then he felt it.
Something… was…
“Those trees are only grown in Mondstadt.” Venti muttered as Dvalin approached the islands.
“It smells like home here.” Said Dvalin. “Also, the sea mist grants such a nice coolness to the area.” Venti hopped down from his friend’s back, the beaches of this place was much cooler than Mondstadt’s- while being warm enough to make him want to lie down like a cat. Practically on cue, Dvalin rested on a large section of rock as Venti explored the area.
Flapping his wings and closing his eyes, he called out to any winds living in this area. Nothing. No… only faint traces of wind- like messages carved on wood.
The summer breeze was friendly, greeting him like an old friend. “Don’t you remember, newborn god?”
He kneels down to the edge of one of the islands, the rock too smooth for natural erosion. Windcut. Windcarved. Windswept.
A being with anemo made these islands...
A being with anemo used Mondstadt’s geography to make-
Venti’s face turns redder and redder, wishing to sink into the dirt as a memory of his youth pops into his brain. The sea breeze laughs in his head as the anemo archon collapses. These were no ordinary islands! These were mountains! His mountains!
“Ugh….” He is never going tell Morax this.
Wait no.. he probably should. Get them called neutral land or something. It’s not like anyone in Mondstadt is going to use them with them being so far far far away. Perhaps he could name them something like “Haar Islands” and be done with it.
As the anemo archon recovered from the heat in his face and from the sun, he looked towards his close friend enjoying this sanctuary. Perhaps this heat wasn’t so bad after all.
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salt-clangen · 2 months
Moon 4 part 1
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It’s just after dawn when the duo sets out, trying to avoid the sweltering heat that signaled the start of greenleaf. Wolfpaw had been reluctant to bring Lynxkit with her, the journey was long, likely a few days. But she couldn’t leave the kit alone in the camp, who would feed her, what if there was a storm? Or she got sick?
They’d been fortunate to avoid any major illness or injury so far, but Lynxkit’s recent…. Herbal lesson had reminded her how close they were to disaster. They had to take the risk and make the journey to the High caves. It had taken some time for her figure how to get there while avoiding Duskclan, but she was confident in her plan.
She’d been teaching Lynxkit about borders when it’d hit her, she’d traced a basic outline of the clan’s territories, showing her where Saltclan met Honeyclan and Duskclan. That’s when it clicked, they could go around Duskclan. By following the coast west until they reached the water two-leg place they could avoid Honeyclan. Then they could follow the thunderpath north, opposite of Oakclan, until it veered eastward and passed over the high cave.
Before leaving, Wolfpaw wrapped her tooth necklace around her tail, smiling as she showed it off to Lynxkit. Chatter filled their morning as the clouds wilted under the sun, Lynxkit surprisingly animated as they walked.
“Next moon I’ll be old enough to be an apprentice!” She cheered, bumping her head against Wolfpaw’s shoulder, big enough to almost knock her over.
“Yeah, you are, not sure who your mentor will be, but uh I guess that’s why we gotta visit the Moon spring.” She chuckled, nerves making her stomach twist.
“Do you think they’ll give you your warrior name?”
“I don’t think so, um but maybe.” She said, voice wavering again, Lynxkit wisely changed the subject, talking about her last herb lesson. Wolfpaw felt relieved and a little impressed, she doubt she’d been so mature when she was 5 moons old.
The walk up the coast was uneventful, the tide still high so they had to dodge waves a little, but the cool water a relief for the heat that was slowly growing. The water two-leg place wasn’t busy, Wolfpaw had watched them for a few days recently, she knew they had to be quick before the flood of two-legs that would show up closer to mid day.
They had to climb up a steep hill to duck under the tall ocean bridge, the wood creaking and old, smelling of fish and salt. Waiting for a clear shot, they trotted quickly past a group of chattering two-legs and into some brush beside the giant nest. They were officially in foreign territory, relying on instinct and awareness.
“Do you remember our signal lessons?” Wolfpaw asked, voice hushed. “Tail up straight means stop, tail hooked means danger run, and tail rippling means go forward.” She demonstrated each move briefly, Lynxkit mimed along.
They wait as a group of young two-legs exit a monster’s belly and stomp past their hiding spot. Both cats tensed, hackles raised as they watched. Wolfpaw had seen two-legs from a distance, her mother and mentor Jaggedstar had made sure to show her their most dangerous enemy. But it was different up close, she could smell their strange scent, a mix that could only be called predatory, dangerous.
A break in the noise, a quick glance around, and the pair darted forward across the dark thunderpath the monsters were resting on. The ground beneath their paws was hot, nearly burning them as they ran. The smell was overwhelming, choking back bile they pressed on until they reach the long grass on the other side.
“Ok, ok.” Wolfpaw coughed, her eyes watering as she fought to catch her breath. “We should head north now and follow the thunderpath until it splits east.”
“Will we need to cross again?” Lynxkit couldn’t help the whine in her voice, she was fighting a wave of nausea.
“No, not until we come back.” She shook her fur out, settling into a loaf a little further away from the thunderpath. “Let’s catch our breath, then we’ll go north.”
Lynxkit was grateful for the break, her stamina was easily depleted by the trip along the coast and then the adrenaline of navigating the two-leg place.
As they head north, the sun blazed hotter on their backs, the dry grass providing poor shade to the heat. The winds shifted and Wolfpaw took a moment to check, nose in the air as they paused. It was hard to tell, with the thunderpath so close, but thought she could smell cats. Signaling to pause, she scented again, slinking forward she could see a large figure before her.
A monster.
She shuddered, there shouldn’t be a monster off of the thunderpath. Wolfpaw creeped a little closer, tail puffed up.
“Hey there tadpole.” A voice called from above.
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Wolfpaw leaped back with a hiss, stepping on Lynxkit as she did, a yelp escaping from both of them.
“Woah, settle down. Didn’t mean to scare you and the runt there.” It was an old cat, a black and white molly, she was lounging on top of the monster. She had a price of cloth tied around her neck.
Wolfpaw had heard of loners that traded with clan cats, but she hadn’t thought she’d ever meet them.
“Um hi, I’m Wolfpaw.” She called walking a little closer with Lynxkit, the older cat smiled as they approached and she could see the scar covering the side of her face. It reminded her of Burnpaw. “This is Lynxkit.”
“I’m Capri, this is my post.” She chuckled. “I imagine this is your first time here?” The pair entered the small clearing surrounding the monster. “Well don’t worry, this thing here ain’t run in ages. We use it to keep our goods.”
“We?” Lynxkit asked tentatively.
“My granddaughter and I.” Capri gestured down, to the belly of the dead monster, a large red and white cat lounged. Watching them with lazy green eyes. “That’s Jade.”
As Jade stretched and stepped out of the monster, Wolfpaw shrunk back a little, watching the huge cat unfurl. She had a rich, cardinal coat, heavy jowls, and a thick, bushy tail. Like her grandma also had cloth around her neck.
“Y’all clan cats?”
“Yeah, we’re uh heading north.” She paused.
“Oh? I thought you’d be here to trade.” Jade said. “What’re you doing north?”
“Now Jade, don’t be rude, you know those clans like their privacy.” Capri laughed, she jumped down from her perch. “Here, it’s hot have some water.” She nodded towards a weird, shiny bowl.
As the young cats took turns Capri dug around inside the dead monster, Wolfpaw snuck a glance surprised to see clan made pottery inside.
“Don’t be shy now, you can browse.” Capri joked, winking at the young cat over her shoulder. Wolfpaw flushed with embarrassment and ducked her head as an apology.
“Wow! How’d you get those to look so good?” Lynxkit gasped, coming closer to look at the jars.
“Hell if I know, I got those from some Oakclan cats.” The older cat laughed and beckoned the kit closer, all of Lynxkit’s fear of the monster gone as she stood on her hind legs to investigate.
“Ya seem a little young to be out of your clan.” Jade eyed the pair, especially the kit. “I thought untrained cats- uh what’s it- apprentices had to be with an adult.” It wasn’t said as a question, Wolfpaw glanced at her nervously. It was odd being around cats again after so long with just Lynxkit, it was unnerving.
“Jade.” Capri warned again. “Leave them alone, I’m sure they’ve got a reason being here.” She seemed to know more than she should, Wolfpaw wondered how much more.
“I think we should know if a clan cat’s gonna come huffing and puffing because these two snuck out for a walk about.” She shot back, her grandma ignored her finally fishing out what she’d wanted.
“Here!” She dropped some dried minnows on the grass. “Lil snack for ya before you go.”
“Oh thank you, Capri!” Lynxkit purred.
“Thank you, ma’am, but we don’t have anything to trade.” Wolfpaw said, tail blocking Lynxkit from going for the food.
“Nonsense, it’s nothing we’d miss. Plus I’ve got a soft spot for kits.” Capri smiled, eyes closing pleasantly with a purr. “But if you don’t like gifts, then you could trade something else.” This got Wolfpaw tense, ready to spring, neither loner reacted to her display.
“What would that be?” She asked, tugging the kit closer to herself.
“You could tell us why you’re heading north.” Jade offered. “That way you get the food but don’t owe us anything and I get to be nosey.” At this she finally cracked a grin.
“I think we should tell them.” Lynxkit piped up, butting her head against Wolfpaw’s chin. “I think they’re nice.”
“Aw thank you darlin’.” Capri’s purr was loud and rumbling. “I think you’re nice too.”
“Alright, I guess that’s ok.” Wolfpaw said, feeling a little relieved for the first time.
Capri pulls out two jars, one has a cooled herbal tea and the other a reddish jam. She takes a sip of the tea then offers both to the others. Jade also takes a drink while Lynxkit inspects the jam.
“It’s jam, Honeyclan makes it with honey and flowers, I don’t know if you can taste sweet stuff but I heard it’s very sweet.” Wolfpaw explains to her friend, Capri dips a piece of dried meat into the jam. Lynxkit mimics her with the minnow, the excitement in her eyes dies when she doesn’t notice the flavor.
“Sorry runt,” Jade laughs. “I can’t taste sweets either.”
“So, what clan are you from?” Capri asks, eye bright with curiousity.
“Um well that’s why we’re going north. We’re going to the Moon spring.” Wolfpaw bit into her fish.
“Oh that’s a long journey, it’ll take you at least a full day of walking. You won’t get there until well after sunset even if you leave now.” Jade said.
“Why don’t you go through your clan’s territory, I imagine it’d be much faster?” Capri asked.
“Well, we aren’t really….part of that clan.”
“Well if you just asked I’m sure they’d let you through, I know the Moon spring is important to y’all so I bed they’d understand.” Capri offered.
“We aren’t apart of any clan, not technically.” She said sheepishly.
“What do you mean? You smell like clan cats, you talk and act like them. Hell you got clan names.” Jade asked, head cocked.
“We used to be in Duskclan, but uh we left and now we’re in a new clan.”
“Which one? Oakclan? Honeyclan?” Capri asked.
“Saltclan.” Lynxkit cheered, mouth full of fish.
“Saltclan? Never heard of it.”
“Me neither and I been around a long while.”
“We just started it, we’re going to the Moon spring to get blessed by Starclan.” Wolfpaw felt a little proud saying that out loud.
“I didn’t know you could just start a clan but I guess it makes sense.” Jade shrugged.
“So this brand new clan decided to send two youngins on a days long journey? With no supplies?” Capri suddenly stood, fur puffed up with indignation. “Who’s the leader of this clan? I’d like to give them my two bits.”
“Umm I guess I am.” Wolfpaw wanted to melt. “It’s just us two and I didn’t think it would take more than a day. Kinda thought we’d be back by sundown.”
“Well that settles it, Jade you’re going with them. Make sure they make it safely.” Capri announces with a huff before settling back into a loaf.
Jade just grunted, her grandma was a big softy for kits.
“Oh that’s ok you don’t have to, we don’t have anything in exchange for it.” Wolfpaw argued.
“Listen tadpole, sometimes a cat just wants to do a nice thing because they’re nice.” Jade waved her off. “Gramma here is a nice cat, not everything has to be a trade.” Capri blinked lovingly at her granddaughter.
“If I weren’t so creaky, I’d take ya myself but I can’t go to far nowadays before I need to rest.” The elder grinned at the young cats again, the small meal finished she began cleaning her face with a broad paw.
“Alright, if you’re sure it’s ok.” Wolfpaw relented, licking Lynxkit’s head to ease her nerves.
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The patrol set off again, trying to make up for lost time. Jade walking confidently at the front, she knew the territory best and could signal with her tail if there was danger. She even signaled just how Wolfpaw had learned in duskclan.
It was odd being around an adult cat again, she’d forgotten how small she still was. Though she suspected that Jade’s size outclassed most of her clan cats, she may even overshadow Jaggedstar and Greyclaw, her biggest family members. She took time to admire the cat in front of her, feeling flushed as she did, little bits of nerves rustled in her stomach.
Jade walk with a smooth gait, brisk but not running, head held not too high or low. Her cat had only one scar and otherwise was shiny and thick, her paws were massive though she stepped lightly. Wolfpaw tried mimicking her stride, hoping to glean a bit of her confidence.
Lynxkit would’ve giggled at Wolfpaw’s ogling if she wasnt busy trying to keep up. Her legs were shorter and her stamina limited. She’d likely need a break soon or to be carried.
The spent most of the walk in a peaceful quiet, only interrupted by the occasional monster or Jade notating a landmark. Eventually she took Lynxkit on her broad shoulders, allowing the kit a break, which she took to ask questions or tell stories.
As the sun got lower and the patrol finally reached the east bound thunderpath, Wolfpaw explained more of their story. Leaving out some details for her own sake, she briefly summarized Saltclans meager story. Jade didn’t contribute much verbally, but she did ask questions and seemed interested in the answers.
Finally, Jade slowed the patrol, allowing Lynxkit to climb down from her perch. With the scent of the thunderpath choking her, Wolfpaw had a hard time scenting, but Jade seemed used to it.
“We’ll need to cross up ahead, at the rock outcropping there.” She gestured up ahead to what Wolfpaw assumed was the High cave. “Then we’ll climb down and the entrance is right there.”
Waiting for a moment, Jade signaled when to cross, her line of sight was clear and she knew how to spot monsters. The stinky, slick stone of the thunderpath still felt hot under paw but didn’t burn like before. Once across the trio clambered down the rocks and Wolfpaw was able to scent and gather her bearings.
She could smell the boards of Oakclan and Duskclan, but very strong at the edge of the neutral space. But she couldn’t smell any cats approaching, as long as the stayed down wind they’d have an advantage on any unexpected encounters. The stream leading out of the cave was loud a littler further down so it would help cover any sounds they make.
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“I’ll stay out here and keep watch.” Jade said.
With her mouth dry, Wolfpaw only nodded her acknowledgment. She and Lynxkit peered into the cave, they could hear the gentle bubbling of the spring was soothing, though she suddenly missed the ocean waves. Odd how such a short time changed so much.
Picking her way over the rocks, she signaled for Lynxkit to hold back. The cave was wet and slippery, hard to get her traction, she fell a few times trying to navigate her way. The day was catching up with her and she felt like her entire body was sore and pulsating.
Eventually, she found the flat banks along the water, she followed it deeper into the cave. The sliver of moon wasn’t quiet enough to light up the entire cave, but the water did hold a strange luminescence she’d never seen.
Once all light aside from the water was gone she found that the tunnel ended with a proper cave, the ceiling was high, at least 6 tail lengths and she could hear the rumble of the thunderpath. In the center she saw a pool of glowing water, bubbling up from a large crack in the smooth rock floor. Wolfpaw approached the pool, reaching down to drink.
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Her paw slipped.
She hit the water.
She couldn’t breathe.
She couldn’t move.
A cry barely making it past her lips.
She had no energy left.
She couldn’t paddle.
She sank deeper into the water, air escaping out of her slack mouth.
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respectthepetty · 8 months
Non is either dead, he's dead and now an evil spirit terrorizing the boys or he is alive and the main killer. Thai horror films leans heavily on ghosts and supernatural but the creators of DFF seemed to have also taken inspiration from western horror/slasher films like I Know What You Did Last Summer, The Blair Witch Project, Scream and Friday the 13th.
If they are following western horror tropes then the obvious killer(s) or accomplice(s) would be Phee, Tan or both. If that is the case then Jin is clearly the classic final girl.
White has no personal stakes at this point or role in the story. He would be a pretty underwhelming final girl because I think hes boring so far. He's either cannon fodder to be slashed or he only survives because the killer is defeated. I would love if they changed my mind but we are already on episode 8. So unless we get more backstory on White that seems to be where his storyline is headed. Tee has been the more interesting character of that duo.
If they actually want to "surprise" the audience then revealing White as the killer or an accomplice would be a cool twist.
Anon, have you realized that I'm being UNREASONABLE about Dead Friend Forever? You've seen my Wild Ass Theories, so you must know I'm losing my mind with my little whiteboard and red string trying to connect the dots, right?
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I'm prepared for all outcomes because I'm unhinged about his show, but . . .
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"I think [White's] boring so far"
White slander? In my inbox? On a Tuesday?!
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White is either an innocent bystander like his name implies caught up in this fuckery because his boyfriend Tee SUCKS, or he is a killer whose big doe eyes and kind demeanor tricked all these boys into believing he was there for love and not for *murder*, but either way, White will survive.
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White realized there was no cell service.
White found the walkie-talkie.
White got the walkie-talkie working.
White found the knife.
White found the gun.
White saw part of the video.
White keeps dragging Tee's ass back when Tee wants to run.
White saw a rash on his skin.
White didn't know Tee's uncle was going to jail.
White wasn't supposed to be there.
The boy is propelling this plot forward, and it could very well be because he is Non's brother and is lying about not knowing anything about Non or Tee's uncle, which is why he swindled his way onto this trip so he would be the least suspicious and take Tee's ass down!
But what keeps me stuck is he is actively dating Tee. White is having shower sex with a man who roped his brother into money laundering, watched him get beat up, and possibly left him for dead?! Is Non's brother actually that crazy?!
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In my mind, Jin could be a killer before White! But Jin is being extra creepy about Non, and I think it is being easily dismissed. Too easily.
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Jin keeps touching Non. Jin keeps staring at Non. Jin convinced Non to stay with his bullies. Jin took a video of Non and planned to upload it, so regardless if the upload happened or not, the boy is still not Final Gay status.
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I have not liked Jin or Tee since the first episode. Tee told White he was being disobedient and Jin had too much attitude to be on a trip with his buddies. In the words of Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz, "if yo ass wanna act, then you can keep your ass where you at."
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So if Jin was sooooo upset to be on this trip, why did he come? As a killer? Possibly. But as the past as shown us, Jin does what the group does. He might protest and make side comments, but Jin is always going to do what the group wants. That's not Final Gay behavior.
This is Jin's going away celebration, so he really could be a killer and planned this entire ordeal to get everyone back together before he kills them all and peaces out to America.
But at this point, I'm completely biased.
Jin is my #1 enemy
Tee needs to die by White's hands
Tan and Phi are in this together
Non is alive
White will be the Final Gay because Phi and Tan wouldn't take out an innocent boy who wasn't even supposed to be there
And I'm quickly losing my mind
White lives.
Or else.
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quaggyday · 3 months
Undertale yellow au fic
-Shoutout to @s0ckh3adstudios for allowing me her au! Make sure to check out Undertale gold au first for context.
-I have no idea when I'm updating this cause of other things but when I finish this I'll post all the chapters on ao3 all together and with links here.
-Feel free to ask questions about this in reblogs or comments!
-Possible updates in the future too.
-Like Father like child, Goldstar solves all his problems with gun and hat.
Anyway enjoy!
This is it. This is the end of the journey. Standing on the desolate cliff of New home all Kanako sees is yellow leaves drifting far away and hears only the silence of the underground. She takes one final breath and keeps going.
“Hey kid look! It's them!” Mo exclaims and just up ahead beneath the yellow leafed tree are two figures. Kanako and Mo both run up ahead and only stop to listen. Both of them let the atmosphere hide their presence for now.
“Star, I’m telling you right now this can’t possibly be the answer. Let’s just go back” Ceroba pleads, not as Sheriff Fireheart- just Ceroba Ketsukane.  
“Ceroba, there’s nothing left to go back to. All that’s left now is to find Rover”. He takes a breath. “You can’t stop me”
Both monsters enter a stare down and for a beat no words are spoken. “Well I can still try” Ceroba almost whispers. It leaves some sort of regret on her friends face.
“Alright look”  Mo finally says, paw keeping Kanako behind him- it startles the duo standing at the center of the cliff. “The kid knows the truth and so do I. Frankly I barely get any of this weirdness but it has got to stop now” he demands. 
Ceroba is the first to respond, her voice in a sort of panic when she looks at the human and yells “Kanako why are you here? You were supposed to stay back at the dunes!”. Starlo doesn’t say anything, a terrifying normality.
The kitsune turns her head back and faces her friend once more, eyes determined to get through this. “Starlo, please I know everything’s gone wrong but I swear it can be fixed. Rover can still be out there and we can find them some other way”
Her words have no effect. Starlo only stands with an unreadable gaze and Kanako has no idea what to do. Everything she has found, the pages, the purple crops, the idea of a kid already gone- none of it helps now.
“All of us know what fallen down means Ceroba. There’s no hope here. Nothing matters now then what needs to be finished. The monster's words have never felt more hollow- more empty of anything but a mission. “Let me finish this”.
It's a quick realization but Mo catches on what will happen next. He grabs Kanako’s hand and shouts “You can’t have Kanako! Sheriff, I'm getting her out of here!”.
“Move then!” is the response Mo gets. The raccoon monster rushes away, shielding his friend and heading back the way they came.
But it's too late.
There’s a bang of a weapon and Mo is stopped in his tracks and falls to the ground, bringing Kanako down with him. “Dammit!” Ceroba curses and quickly she finally goes for an attack.
Kanako can hear a fight from her blurred vision, but as she wipes the dirt from her eyes she finds Ceroba kneeled with claws around her staff. Both of them have been taken out.
Even still Kanako gets back up, facing the monster in front of her like a hero in a comic book. Starlo stands with his revolver grasped in his hand and his cloak billowing to the east. He looks like a villain she saw in a movie once- but not really.
“It’s just us now,” he says and there’s sorrow and remorse in his voice. But there's also something that wasn’t ever killed either.
“You're a good person Kanako. You’ve earned my respect, truly. But right now things aren’t right and you probably know that too.”
“This has to be done. Farewell”.
Nothing left to say.
There’s no going back now.
Starlo is quick and his revolver fires with a white light at a blistering speed. Kanako dodges each attack and only nearly avoids every tiny pellet that flashes and bombards her. A whirlwind of bullets flash and rip past again and again, then the attacks change to dynamite that explodes in circles far too close.
The fires of shots only continue with each one keeping Kanako on her feet. Compared to her numerous other fights through the underground this should be easy but it's only a ticking clock. Her words find no way to convince Starlo and each time he shoots or throws it’s not enough for either of them to stop and give up.
For what feels too long Starlo says nothing and Kanako keeps moving. She tries to say anything at all, tries to heal with the things she brought for the end, tries to show what justice means. She needs to find the answer, find it now. But she can’t, not yet and certainly not when dozens of little stars are dashing and shooting across the battlefield. She’s afraid, and yet she’s still here.
And then Starlo stops and only stares- and then he shoots. His final bullet is so fast and so bright it catches the hero off guard. There’s no way she can dodge, no possible way for her to even do anything at all. It will end things all at once.
But something finds itself within Kanako. Something pulsing deep within herself, something hero’s find in their greatest struggles. She takes a breath and only lets her SOUL fire.
A yellow ball of glorious justice rushes forward and breaks the lightspeed bullet, and hits Starlo in the process. He falls back and a silence fills the air- but he still gets up like nothing happened. This time he stands with more than just determination.
“Guess there’s no other choice now” he says, baring his teeth. He takes from his pocket a pin- the moon, the sun, and the stars circling each other like a family. Photo’s alone cannot describe the memories that must live in those pins.
“I will not Dalv’s death be in vain” he utters with a shattering fury. “I will not let Rover’s sacrifice be for nothing”. 
“Your soul is mine”
With that, the pin is placed onto his cloak and everything becomes dark.
The ground shakes and groans, everything moving and rushing all at once. Kanako’s vision is entrenched in black, the only thing she can find is the formation of four blue stars slowly blink to life from the depths of the void.
And then levitating ever so slightly is a monster, cloak now a shade of blue light and stars dancing upon the fabric. The pin is glowing with the vibrance of fierce power and a fire hotter than any planet grows behind the star, the monster.
It’s time for justice to be served.
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chewbokachoi · 8 months
My Writing
-confetti and fanfare-
At the moment, it's all Mortal Kombat. UPDATE: There's, like, one Babylon 5 in there now!
Song Challenges - As the link explains, I write to a song and that's that.
Ask games - Always open/have no expiration date
Completed Works:
Friday Nights - A weekly ritual between the two, Johnny finds tonight's session is bringing up something he's tried to not think about. AO3 Rating: E Chapters: 4/4 Notes: Johnny/Kenshi piece and the piece that dislodged me from my writer's block and I more or less haven't stopped since (aside from a few hurdles but ya get me)
Good Dog - Shang Tsung has gathered far more enemies than allies. Realizing that he needs somebody to keep an eye out for him, he decides to hire a bodyguard. By chance, Shang Tsung arrives just in time to hire Bi-Han, a down on his luck man-for-hire. What Shang Tsung didn't expect was for this man of ice to be immune to all his usual tricks and charm. He doesn't want to admit this draws him to his guard. And on the flip side, Bi-Han didn't think he'd ever break his no-attachments rule with the likes of such a fragile mad scientist. Inspired by the amazing art of @eo03o AO3 Rating: E Chapters: 5/5 Notes: I liked their dynamic too much and am too proud of all the random Easter eggs.
Sublimation - Five years since Bi-Han's betrayal and nothing has gotten easier. Earthrealm continues to need its defenders and everyone's starting to feel the strain. But Tomas is feeling another type of strain--he's been treated like a child more than the second in command of the Shirai Ryu as of late. When Liu Kang tasks Tomas and Hanzo to return to the Lin Kuei library, destroyed during the schism, they are ambushed by Bi-Han and Shang Tsung, who offer Tomas up to an Enenra with hopes to control it.
Things, of course, do not go according to plan. Tomas is saved by Hanzo, but Tomas is once again thrown into a life altering experience he never had a say in. Now he and his friends must learn to live with this new version of their friend. AO3 Rating: M Chapters: 5/5 Notes: Part of a series (that'll get renamed). Part 2 already in the works for it. Commentary
Works in Progress:
But a Patient Wolf - Sequel to Good Dog Shang Tsung gifts "Sai" a chance to exact revenge on Quan Chi, the ringmaster of the traveling circus he once belonged to. With that done, the two flee to Chicago. But their time in the city is cut short when Shang Tsung finally figures out where the strange and mysterious island in the East China Sea is. Bi-Han, the ever-loyal bodyguard, follows his beloved mad scientist to their new destination. There, the two discover a suspiciously preserved library full of secrets and wonders that will push the two and their relationship to the limit. AO3 Rating: M Chapters: 1/5(?) Notes: I fell in love with their dynamic. They're too hard to resist. This story will likely have a different tone than Part One/Good Dog itself, but I hope it's still enjoyable!
The Great Duo: Shang Tsung is woken up one morning to find an ex and six-year-old at his doorstep. She leaves Shang Tsung with a girl who is no doubt his daughter. Initially, he takes her in, knowing it to be wiser to have somebody as smart as him on his side. Soon enough, Shang Tsung finds he not only enjoys having the kid around, but he enjoys teaching her and training her to be just like him. AO3 Rating: T Chapters: 1/3(?) Notes: This one is very much a 'I'll update as the ideas come to me' kind of thing
To Be Haunted: Johnny and Kenshi's relationship has gotten more serious with marriage in sight. Johnny's showing his commitment by welcoming Takeda, while Kenshi still struggles to feel like a good enough parent to Cassie. What should be the next step for the growing family is hamstrung by a strange entity that has made their home its own. Their lives are quickly thrown off balance as Cassie and Takeda grow ill from the creature's presence. Johnny, Kenshi, and their friends scramble to solve the mystery of the entity before it's too late. AO3 Rating: M Chapters: 13/? Notes: I am trying to update it :(
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milramemo · 6 months
Some lore rambling. I copied this from my twitter thread so the continuity might be a bit weird pspsps:
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This is mainly going to be about Noelle and Caiden's story which is kinda like a prequel to Fallout New Vegas, spaning around 2278-2282 I'll try to stick to the details that are already confirmed but some pieces might still shift.
It was inspired by (aka rewritten from) one of her old alt routes where she went AWOL and became a fugitive. Both Noelle and Caiden started out as NCR soldiers from different units Noelle was a First Recon sergeant and a famous war hero who was used as a political puppet.
Meanwhile Caiden was part of the NCR black op unit, which is a headcanon detail we added. They utilize a lot of stealth gear including salvaged stealth boys and Hei Gui stealth armors. An internal party attempted to assassinate Noelle and Caiden who had been on edge with his superior for a while betrayed his unit and helped her escape. However her "death" was still made public as a propaganda move. Her memorial can be found around the NCR camps.
Most people believed Noelle actually died, including Manny and Boone who were her closest friends at the time. She couldn't contact them because there were influential folks in the NCR still actively hunting for her and Caiden.
o support themselves while keeping their low profile, the duo started working with a merc company at an HQ located not far from Freeside gate. If you remember the Colleague OCs from last timeline, they are the proprietor of this establishment.
Noelle and Caiden's main goal is to clear their names while trying to decide what they want to do with their lives, and over time they just became inseparable. The story still has some serious part but since it spans over a few years there are also a lot of relaxed time.
I still wanna make comic for this one but I'm planning to do more like separated one-shots or miniseries from different points of their journey, as well as our usual silly skits. ♡
Going back to Manny and Boone a bit. The three were best friends back in the service and also part of the same team and will meet again later by chance in Novac around 2280. I love this trio so much. I really want to draw them again both in wholesome and angst moments.
Like other worlds, in Fallout Caiden and Claire are also half-siblings. They share the same mother. Claire was experimented on which resulted in her mutation. She later teamed up with Quantum and their adventure circulates around the east coast. But that's for another time.
I'm still working on a proper introduction for the Fallout version of my OCs. This is more like a rambling thread lol. Still thank you everyone for reading! I'll be going back to work now. 🫡
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dxrkcorpse · 1 year
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Rocketeer- Far East Movement
Here we go, Come with me
There’s a world out there that we should see…
Love the fact Ian said he’s very happy now with Anthony back as the duo together 🥺💗
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apieceofyoungcheese · 6 months
0 notes
brian-in-finance · 10 months
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The actress Caitríona Balfe, center, taking her seat at the table. Photo: Rich Gilligan
In Belfast, a Celebration of Art, Community and Pizza
In October, on the second floor of a former spinning mill in east Belfast, the visual artist and author Oliver Jeffers, 46, hosted a candlelit dinner for a group of Irish and Northern Irish artists and friends. The Portview Trade Centre, as the building is called, stopped producing textiles in the 1970s and is now home to 54 artists’ studios and creative businesses, including Jeffers’s, and his neighbors made up a large portion of the guests and the organizers. The occasion was a personal one — the launch of his 20th book, “Begin Again” — but he also wanted to celebrate his wider creative community. Accordingly, the evening combined tributes to both Belfast, where the artist has a home in the Holywood area, and Brooklyn, where he lived until recently and still has a studio.
VIDEO 📹 The author and illustrator Oliver Jeffers invited friends to toast his new book at a dinner in a former textile mill.
Jeffers is perhaps best known for his philosophical, understated children’s books, including “The Book Eating Boy” (2006) and “The Heart and the Bottle” (2010). And true to his style, “Begin Again” is curious, warm and quietly profound. “Not for kids, but not not for kids,” Jeffers says, the book is a vibrantly illustrated exploration of the climate crisis that attempts to lay out a hopeful future for humanity. “It offers an idea of slowing down, of using what’s near us — of starting over,” says Jeffers, “with the realization that we cannot do anything until we start to act with a sense of unity, to tell ourselves new stories that are defined by what we want.”
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Jeffers, center (in tan jacket), sat beside the film director Lisa Barros Da’Sa, at left. Photo: Rich Gilligan (and Caitríona Balfe, at right… BIF)
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Pearson Morris, the head chef of the Belfast restaurant Noble, pan-fried wild halibut in a makeshift kitchen set up not far from the table. Photo: Rich Gilligan
While guests gathered for drinks, the sun could be seen setting over the city; on the north side of the building, hills rolled down toward the sea. The food too — a collaboration between the local bistro Noble, known for its unpretentious ingredient-led dishes, and Flout, an American-style pizzeria on the ground floor of Portview — was unmistakably rooted in Belfast. Despite a limited power supply and a lack of running water in the room, dishes were assembled and cooked in situ using three portable pizza ovens and a small stove. The table was lit with clusters of white candles and, after the sun finally went down, said Jeffers, it glowed with “the warmth of a hearth at home.”
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The dinner table stood at the center of the 10,000-square-foot room. Photo: Rich Gilligan
The attendees: Jeffers celebrated with his wife and business manager, Suzanne Jeffers, and a group of Irish and Northern Irish artists, including the actress Caitríona Balfe, 44; the portrait artist Colin Davidson, 55; the electronic musician and composer David Holmes, 54; the husband-and-wife film director duo Glenn Leyburn, 54, and Lisa Barros Da’Sa, 49; and the writers Glenn Patterson, 61, and Jan Carson, 43. “Everybody at this dinner,” said Jeffers, “was interested in the power of narrative, the impact of what they do and how it makes other people feel.”
The table: Guests sat at two long tables — pushed together to create a more intimate arrangement — in the middle of the otherwise nearly empty 10,000-square-foot room. The events stylist Rachel Worthington McQueen, 30, sourced an Irish linen tablecloth in the same navy hue as the book cover’s background. Mismatched dishes in traditional Blue Willow patterns (originally bought from secondhand websites for Worthington McQueen’s wedding two years ago) held squat candles, and food was served on simple white plates brought over from Noble. Seasonal blooms — including deep burgundy dahlias and pale pink spray roses — echoed the rich palette of the book and were provided by the local, sustainable flower farm Sow Grateful. Each display was tied with bright pink twine, sourced by Suzanne Jeffers to match the exact Pantone color (number 812U) of the book’s title.
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New Haven-style mussels pizza by Peter Thompson, the founder of the pizzeria Flout, was served alongside Noble’s halibut. Photo: Rich Gilligan
The food: To start, Noble’s co-founder and head chef, Pearson Morris, 34, served crab and lobster from nearby Bangor Bay dressed with homemade mayonnaise and his Bloody Mary tomatoes (heritage tomatoes steeped overnight in a mix of vodka, celery and Tabasco sauce) on Flout’s blackened focaccia. “I bake things so you think they’re burned — that’s flavor for me,” said the pizzeria’s founder, Peter Thompson, 45. Next was a take on the classic New Haven-style clam pie made with steamed Galway Bay mussels, alongside which Morris served pan-fried wild halibut with a fish head sauce. Then came Flout’s Detroit-style pepperoni pizza and a salad featuring locally grown baby gem lettuces. Dessert was Noble’s chocolate delice — jaconde sponge cake topped with salted caramel, dark chocolate parfait and a chocolate mirror glaze — accompanied by a salted caramel ice cream with Flout’s sourdough chocolate cookies tumbled through.
The drinks: Noble’s front-of-house manager and co-founder, Saul McConnell, 38, oversaw the drinks, which ranged from a vibrant Blanc de Meunier champagne for arriving guests to an amber passito-style Liastos wine from Lyrarakis, Crete, for the dessert course. The Boundary Brewing Company, Belfast’s first tap room and one of Jeffers’s neighbors in the building, provided an alternative aperitif: a full-bodied English bitter called A Certain Romance, a favorite of Jeffers’s studio team.
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Jeffers illustrated the evening’s menus. Photo: Rich Gilligan
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Noble’s chocolate delice, a jaconde sponge cake with salted caramel and a chocolate mirror glaze. Photo: Rich Gilligan
The conversation: Many artists talked shop, swapping notes on the production problems they encounter in their respective industries, and conversation also turned to global events. “There’s always been a comparison between the conflict in Northern Ireland and the conflict in Israel-Palestine,” said Jeffers. “We talked about the divisive rhetoric that’s going on right now.”
The music: Jeffers enlisted the Irish producer and D.J. Marion Hawkes, who runs the record store Sound Advice in Portview, to create a playlist, which ranged from classic folk to contemporary electronic tracks.
The recipe for Noble’s mayonnaise: It’s hard to beat fresh, homemade mayonnaise, says Morris, and it’s a quick, thoughtful addition to a dinner at home. But despite its few ingredients, it’s deceptively difficult to make. He recommends starting with equal parts white wine vinegar and egg yolk (approximately 2 teaspoons of vinegar to two yolks), which prevents the eggs from splitting as you very gradually beat in 250 ml of oil, then season with 5 grams of sugar and 5 grams of salt. Morris likes to use extra-virgin rapeseed oil for its neutral flavor, and an electric mixer for ease.
The New York Times Style Magazine
Remember… there’s always been a comparison between the conflict in Northern Ireland and the conflict in Israel-Palestine. We talked about the divisive rhetoric that’s going on right now. — Oliver Jeffers
Anon: Thanks… didn’t see your message until 10 minutes after posting. 🙁
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mariacallous · 3 months
Hurricane Beryl’s record-shattering intensification into a scale-topping Category 5 storm has stunned even the most seasoned experts. This storm is the nightmare scenario that meteorologists were worried about heading into the 2024 hurricane season.
All the warning indicators were blinking red in the weeks and months leading up to Beryl’s formation. The ocean is a veritable sauna ready to support any tropical disturbance that can get its act together this year.
The storm slammed into the islands of Grenada and Carriacou as a high-end Category 4 on Monday, July 1, bounding into the Caribbean, where it quickly grew into a Category 5. Forecasters expect Beryl to hit Jamaica as a major hurricane on Wednesday, July 3, before trekking over Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula by July 4. The storm’s future is uncertain once it emerges into the Gulf of Mexico by this weekend.
Beryl’s litany of records would be impressive during the peak of hurricane season, but that isn’t even close yet. The hurricane was the Atlantic’s earliest Category 4 and Category 5 storm on record, beating out the historic duo of Dennis and Emily, respectively, from July 2005. It was also the farthest east in the tropical Atlantic we’ve ever seen a hurricane form so early in the season.
It’s a grim sign that something is seriously amiss in the Atlantic when a storm sets these historic milestones before we’ve even reached the July 4 holiday.
Fueling the storm were some of the warmest sea surface temperatures ever observed during the months of June and July. Beryl traversed waters that were 28 to 30 degrees Celsius, providing more than enough energy to help the storm reach its full potential. This is the kind of heat you’d expect to see in the tropical Atlantic during the peak of the season in late August and early September.
Hot water provides the energy hurricanes need to grow and thrive. Gusty winds evaporate a tiny bit of water off the sea’s surface. This warm water vapor rises into the clouds and releases its heat, which powers the thunderstorms that drive a hurricane’s intensity.
The Atlantic Ocean has been running a fever for the past year and a half. Sea surface temperatures across the ocean were the warmest on record for almost all of 2023 and continuing into 2024.
It’s not just that sea surface temperatures are running historically hot—that heat also stretches hundreds of meters deep beneath the surface.
Scientists use ocean heat content (OHC) to measure the depth of the heat through the ocean. A hurricane’s intense winds churn the ocean and force cooler waters from below to rise to the surface, leaving behind colder waters in the storm’s wake.
Higher OHC values limit the amount of cooling left behind by a storm, which allows the ocean to more easily support high-end storms later on down the line.
OHC values across the tropical Atlantic and the Caribbean far outpace normal values for this point in the summer, and that’s unlikely to change much as we inch closer to the peak of the season.
All that potential energy is what has meteorologists so worried heading into the rest of hurricane season. NOAA and Colorado State University both released aggressive seasonal forecasts calling for as many as two dozen named tropical storms this year.
Experts knew that the ocean would be capable of supporting frightening storms this year. The only surprise is that Beryl formed so soon. This early-season storm could serve as an omen for any storms that form later this year.
Water temperatures are only part of the equation. A tropical cyclone is an exceptionally fragile structure that also requires vigorous and organized thunderstorms, low wind shear, ample moisture in the atmosphere, and few obstacles in its way in order to grow into a formidable beast.
Plenty of those ingredients are also expected throughout this hurricane season as forecasters watch the potential for La Niña to develop later this summer. La Niña patterns can make conditions more favorable for Atlantic storms by decreasing wind shear over the region.
It’s not just the number of storms that could form this year that has experts concerned, but their nature. Beryl just proved that any storm that takes root in a favorable environment could use those exceptionally warm waters to swirl into the record books. Any one of the many storms expected this season could have the opportunity to grow into a destructive hurricane that warrants extra attention and preparation.
Folks who live along or near the coast should use the relative quiet of the early hurricane season to prepare for whatever comes your way later this summer. Make sure you’ve got an emergency kit packed with supplies to deal with long-lasting utility outages. Plan what to do and where to go if your area is told to evacuate ahead of a storm.
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dorokora · 3 months
Chapter 15 Episode 6 Part 3
We start with narration about Bael and King Solomon. Bael was once called Baal. A higher being of the former world of Canaan. However, Canaan was destroyed by an attack from Eden, and Baal fell into Gehenna and became known as the demon Bael. Eventually he was summoned to Tokyo. Above the stars, to heights that no one else can reach, he can feel the respect for the person who reached there, King Solomon. He is just a human who Bael serves. A man who was told by his Lord to ``make any wish come true,'' and instead of seeking gold, power, or love, he sought omniscience. In honor of this, the Lord gave him a sacred artifact through Michael, who succeeded his brother as the highest angel. With the knowledge entrusted to him along with the wisdom of Kabbalah, he created a great mechanism made up of 72 familiars. King Solomon's true value lies in his excellence and innovation as a designer of the world system. It is a system that thoroughly reuses those who have fallen from the outside "mechanism" and incorporates them into itself. Furthermore, his reign developed automatically by creating a pecking order based on the dual hierarchy of a good and evil system and making them compete. One of the familiars asked him how he was able to accomplish such a great feat. He simply answered, “Because I saw the future as I was meant to see it.” As the king of men, Solomon rose to a height that no one else could reach. However, no one could explain the king's actions. They had no idea why he was doing it. The people thought that there was no way anyone lower down could understand someone who saw the future and acted based on the results. However, the system worked well. His reign was even compared to the Millennium Kingdom. However, as a man, Solomon was not eternal. He will grow old and the time will come for his body and spirit to perish. The last thing Solomon to complete his role as a human was to went on a journey through memory. He entrusted his "memories" to the vessel of another human being. He let go of his sword and gave it to Arsalan. One by one, he entrusted everything he had to each place he went. And then, Solomon's "memories" as a human, along with the last ring he left behind, flowed to the far reaches of the east. So he entrusted the rest to a part of his tribe, the Mononobe clan, which means ``those who carry things'' and who are the bearers of the records of the Stars. It is said that the Urabe clan (Furufumi’s family), a branch family of the Mononobe, have continued to watch the stars falling from the sky from the ground. Solomon now exists only as a "memory". However, as long as the system he created remains, it will be immortal. As long as the system remains up-to-date and useful, the world will never forget his name. He has entrusted his ``role'' to the descendants of the Mononobe clan, and I have continued to watch the radiance fall.
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Back to the present, The Nyarl duo showed up to timeleap MC and Oscar out of the lab. MC was able to reunite with Toji and Maria. Maria says that everyone is rescuing the captured humans with Sanzo in the lead. Thanks to the Nyarl clones multiple people did the same thing as MC. By using the same space jump to jump to the enemy's center and immediately escape repeatedly. There are more than 10 or 20 Nyarlathoteps who came from all over Tokyo. We cut to Sanzo and others as Sanzo used his sacred artifact to release everyone from the future memory brainwashing. While Toji used his saved artifact to free transients from future memories. They still haven’t found Shiro, Kengo, or Ryota yet. The damage from the future transplant rejection seems to be severe but with some rest they should fine.
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We cut Uzume as Amaterasu enters the room. Amaterasu ask Uzume if she’s okay. Uzume says she did something unnecessary. Amaterasu tells her it’s fine, even if she did nothing the Entertainers still would’ve gotten involved. Losing the locals was unexpected but fine since they were used as bait to lure MC. We then cut to Bael entering the center after he received instructions from Amaterasu. Bael knows Michael’s group have control over the Rule Makers but that doesn’t mean they’re strong. Michael is a person who guides the people he considers good. However, he believes that it is only natural that those who disobey ``God'' be punished. Amaterasu would also accept sacrifices if it was the best solution overall. Onyankopon is known for his unparalleled love for humans. The rule of this Tokyo ``game'' is that the minority has no place to lead the rules. The only reason they can move the other Rule Makers executives and soldiers like this is because they are in the majority. However, if you do anything that harms the local people, you will lose Onyankopon's support. That's why Michael and Amaterasu can't hurt the locals directly, especially in front of Onyankopon's subordinate who also loves human (Baphomet). Back to Michael, Michael knows that Baphomet works for Onyankopon and can’t use rough methods against Kokopelli who is human in front of them. Kokopelli points his gun at the ceiling and fires and hits a key point. Kokopelli says the will place will collapse soon. If Michael survive, he’ll see him again.
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We cut elsewhere to Onyankopon and Daikoku. Daikoku is trying fish for info that will help his revenge. Elsewhere eleswhere, we see Oscar and Raven. Raven knows that Oscar was the one who leak info to Daikoku. Raven knows Daikoku’s plan is to break up the Rule Makers using their memory implants against them. We cut to Bael as he and some others confront the Alliance. He announce himself which shocks some of the other Ars Goetia demons. He says the old "mechanism" is about to disappear and a new "God" will be born to be replace it. Yoshito and Yasuyori are back to fight the Nobumichi and Masashi again this time switching opponents. Battle start.
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After battle, we see Yoshito whispering he knows everything about Nobumichi. A simple way of life that always follows the will of the majority. Therefore, he has dedicated himself to being the strongest. But is it okay to live without a purpose, Nobumichi? We cut to Marchosias vs Bael. Bael says he knows about Marchosias. How he’s concerned about his former position as an angel. Marchosias sided with Shaytan during the rebellion and fell to Gahenna along with him. Marchosias says after coming to Tokyo he started to investigate the underworld. He learns that behind the scenes of Tokyo's game is an old organization called "Laboratory", which is said to have disappeared. It is said that they performed many experiments on the local people in Tokyo, including body modification. The former operation of the Prototype Death Game, which pitted the locals against each other using the Sacred Artifact without a "mechanism" for rewinding. It is said that the old management was destroyed by the members of the Otemachi Guild. So Kokopelli, the human half, is also from that same Cult School that Arc is from. But did they really become completely extinct? There are still survivors of the "Laboratory" in the upper floors of that Babel Tower. Just then the Exters rain down on the Future City setting it ablaze.
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