#fatty 5-ever
fatswaps · 7 months
Party Body swap weight gain
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Kevin had always felt somewhat out of place in university. He was one of the only foreigners in his class, and was a pretty short guy so he often found it difficult to make friends with other people. He thought attending a party in the next-door dorm would be a good way to hopefully come out of his shell and befriend a few people so he put on some of his nicer clothes and went along with a few classmates.
The party itself wasn't particularly wild, but one guy specifically stood out among all the college students. He was a pretty hefty fellow, and Kevin recognized him as Brian- the guy who'd repeatedly failed to graduate and had pretty much made the college his home. It seemed his family was quite rich and the guy was pretty spoiled, so he never got any punishment for his continued failures. Worst of all, Brian was extremely loud and obnoxious which made him even more unpopular than Kevin.
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Seeing as how the people at the party were all tired of Brian's annoying behavior, Kevin thought this might be an opportunity to finally make himself known to the student body and so, he walked up to the fat guy and spoke,
"Hey Fatty, why don't you go to a Wendy's or something. There's no more food left for you here."
"What'd you say to me, little guy?" Brian roared
"I said, waddle your fat ass out of here and stop ruining the night for everyone else, fatso!"
Brian muttered something under his nreath and stormed off, and as the crowd was cheering him on- Kevin, in a moment of boldness, followed after the guy he'd insulted.
Stepping out into the hallway, Kevin smugly walked towards Brian who seemed to have entered his own room. Shamelessly following after the man, Kevin was just about to insult Brian's weight again when a bright flash of light practically blinded him and he found himself losing his balance, and soon drifting off as he fell to the floor.
Coming to, Kevin groaned as he tried to push himself up- but found it was much harder to do so than usual. Rubbing his eyes, the young man finally managed to push himself up into a sitting position only to be met by a horrifying sight. There stood, his body- smirking at him. This wasn't a mirror's reflection... no that was Kevin standing right there at himself... or, more so- staring at whatever Kevin had now turned into
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"You know, dude. I was gonna have you have your moment but you just had to follow after me, didn't you?"
"What... what the hell did you do?"
"I took your god damn body and out you in mine. So, who's the fatty now, shithead?"
Kevin took a moment to look down at his body, and immediately a scream followed his realization that he was now Brian, the fat failure! Pushing himself up, Kevin felt his disgusting body and turned to his old boy
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"Turn you back? Fat chance.. hahah, get it, fat!"
"You're never getting this cute ass asian body back, enjoy your life as a 28 year old fatass!"
With that the new Kevin walked away, leaving behind a crying mess, which was the new Brian. To any observer, it just seemed like Kevin had put Brian in his place and made him cry like the man-child he was, but in reality- Brian had taken everything Kevin had and left him in a ridiculous body, which was 10 years older.
It had been 5 years since the swap now and Kevin had had a pretty hard time adapting to his new body. Despite his multiple attempts to get his body back, Brian had ridiculed Kevin publicly and left him even more hated, while Bruan grew more and more popular.
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At the very least, Kevin was much better at his classes than Brian ever was, so he had actually managed to graduate and even lose a few pounds of weight in his time in Brian's body. He was about to move out of the dorms, and was just getting more comfortable with himself when he saw his old body... in a ruined state.
His beautiful hair had been shaved off on the sides and was shorter than he'd ever let it be, and his gorgeous fit body was now even fatter than the body Brian had left him in. And on hisface was the nastiest smirk Kevin had ever seen.
"Hey man. Heard you graduated in my body... I was thinking, you learned your lesson sooo"
That was all Kevin could say when he saw the flash again. In a few hours, he awoke in his old body, fat, sweaty and with a terrible haircut. 5 years of his life seamlessly taken away from him while he lost his only chance at studying at the university of his dreams...
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richiehugs · 1 year
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Some of you might have been wondering what has happened to Giorgos and his updates.
On the one hand, I didn't have much free-time to organize. On the other hand, there was really nothing to give you an update about. But here is a little update with some more "successfull" screenshots.
So, he reached his peak of 95 kilos / 210 or so pounds in mid May. But, he was planning to do a trip to the monastery on the Athos Peninsula. He had the trip on the last days of May, walking for hours under the scarching Greek sun, with little food and no alcohol near. Looks like he rapidly lost 5 kilos / 10-12 pounds, reaching his "ideal" weight of 90 kilos / 200 pounds. The first four pictures are from early June, around this weight.
Then, he found himself a new job and passion - construction. That's right, he started to work at his father's housing company, building houses and apartements with his two hands. He also had to move to Athens, but he keeps visiting home back to his village on the Peloponnese. Pictures 5-6 are from this time, late June-early July. New environment, without mama's cooking, and the little time to eat made him lose another 5 kilos / 10 pounds, falling back to 85 kilos / 188-190 pounds. Then he vanished from socials (I thought he had a love affair, but he stayed single whatever happened).
The last four screens are rather recent (mid July). He seems to have accomodated to the new environment, seems to have figured things out, and I'm positive he got confident enough to "care about his body" some more. He is allegedly still 85 kilos, he looks kinda proud of his weight loss (he brags about him to anyone calling him fatty - 10 kilos in less than two month is still quite impressive - I'm afraid he gets too cocky about it and will keep up "dieting"), but he still won't give up on the belly.
To be honest, his ten kilo weight loss hardly shows. Of course, that belly would look a lot softer and a lot more like Giorgos, but he still has a lot of it. He has finally found himself a passion, and hopefully it's just a question of time till the late-night gyro-runs start to show. It's also the middle of the hottest summer ever recorded in Greece, and don't forget that he is a physical worker now - I actually find it surprising he didn't go lower than where he is now, and that he is still looking out of shape. Somehow his muscles don't seem to develop, maybe because of the inappropriate diet he is following.
And you know what this means? Instability. He has no balance. His body knows that it can't go lower and has to keep storing the amount of bodyfat he is having. And I'm counting on that as soon as summer is over, his hunger will grow (as people are bilogically installed to craving less energy during the summer and more in the winter). As we know him, he won't probably be able to hold himself back, especially during the holidays. You remember how he ballooned up to 95 kilos before Christmas? And he didn't even care.
Anyway, this might mean less updates until something interesting happens (e.g. no more constructions for a while / going back to a sedentary lifestyle, getting homemade meals, probably a girlfriend who can cook for him?). I still have some "material" to post if anyone is interested but it would take some time and patience to make it publishable.
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corruptedcaps · 8 months
Fake Week
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“What kind of sicko are you Kane? I will not wear this… this butt plug. Its bad enough I have to pretend to be your girlfriend for a month so you’ll stop bullying Kevin but I’m not going indulge you in this sick game and wear some lewd sex toy of yours. I don’t care if this is what all your exes did! You’ll knock it down to just a week if I do? Alright fine but I’m cleaning it first. Maybe cleaning it more than once.”
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“Are you happy now Kane? No you don’t get to check it! No wonder you’re single, you’re such a creep! Oh sure you wanted to see it was fitting fine and not hurting me? Yeah right how stupid do you think I am? And besides it fits perfectly, like really perfect actually. I uh got to go.”
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“Yeah so what if I’m putting on makeup? I figured if I’m going to sell being your girlfriend I should probably start looking like those vapid bitches you are used to dating. Plus this is so easy, don’t know why I didn’t try it before. It’s just an act, you’re still a creep and once today is done I’ll be one day closer to not having to pretend to be your girlfriend!”
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“It’s called yoga Kane. All you exes are flexible, athletic bitches so I thought I might as well act like I care about this stuff. I have to say though I’ve seen such a crazy improvement in just a few hours. It’s like magic! I can stretch and twist like never before and I’ve seen improvements in other areas too. Areas I see you’re checking out you cheeky bastard. I guess it is a pretty amazing ass now so I’ll allow it but don’t get any ideas, I’m just your fake girlfriend for 5 more days.”
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“I never noticed how long my hair had gotten lately, it was getting in my face all the time during yoga so I decided to put it into a high ponytail, you know like one of your exes, and it’s so freeing. I used to think it was so bitchy looking but now honestly I think it’s sexy like this don’t you think? Of course you agree, I can see that bulge in your pants ‘babe’. Hmmm it’s kind of hawt seeing someone other that Kevin be turned on by me. Even with him it’s so few and far between lately. Maybe in four days when I’m back to being his girlfriend he’ll like this new hairstyle.”
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“Ugh why are my so called friends so annoying today? They were complaining that I was saying mean things about Margo. All I said was if she wanted to ever get a guy she should maybe lay off the ice cream once and awhile. It’s not my fault the fatty started to cry. She should thank me for being honest with her. I should be more honest with the lot of them and kick them to the curb but they’re the only friends I’ve got. You’ve heard Amber and Mercedes want to be friends with me? The two biggest bully’s in school, but they are pretty cool and fashionable unlike these other dweebs. Maybe I’ll give them a text, thanks for the encouragement…. babe.”
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“You were right about Amber and Mercedes. We texted all day yesterday and met up at the mall and went shopping. They convinced me to throw out all my lame clothes and buy a totally new look. It’s mostly pink and tight and sexy as hell. They also convinced me about something else. About you. I’ve been such a brat to you these past few days and you’ve been nothing but a gentleman to me. It’s time you got some sort of reward for your troubles. I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t going to be a reward for me too. Just stand there looking handsome as hell and I’ll do the rest.”
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“Hey baby, last night was mmmm really hawt but don’t tell anyone ok? I don’t want Kevin to know that I cheated on him last night… or this morning… or in your car later today. I can’t help it if you can’t keep your hands off me. I mean who can blame you? Plus you are MY boyfriend for two more days. Of course I told Amber and Mercedes though, they’re my besties, I had to tell them. Plus they were so impressed by what a bitchy thing my cheating was that they made me their new leader. Wasn’t your ex their old leader? Well I’m going to being even badder and bitchier than she was. Mmm that’s making me so horny. Fuck it let’s go to your car now.”
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“Last day of our ‘relationship’. It’s only right that we get all the fucking in that we can. Glad to see your stamina is up to the task. Kevin wouldn’t last a fraction that you are capable of. What a fucking loser, can’t believe I have to go back to him tomorrow. Why am I doing this again? To stop you bullying him? He deserves to be bullied and you’re soooo hawt doing it. I never admitted since putting in the butt plug I’ve been touching myself at night thinking about you wailing on him. You’re so much more of a man than he ever will be. You know what? Fuck him. I deserve a strong, mean, and hot as hell boyfriend and you deserve a bitchy queen bee of a girlfriend. Kevin deserves to be the victim. Forgot our deal, I’m yours for good now and Kevin is all yours.”
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“Oh the jacket? It belongs to my boyfriend, Kane. You know, your bully? Me date you? As if loser, I’ve always been Kane’s girl and always will. It’s like I was made for him. You’re just some simping creep who’s wanted in my panties for years. Everyone knows it, because my beta besties Amber and Mercedes are telling them right now. Those two can spread news like wildfires. You’ll be a pariah by the end of the day. Kane will be cheered on for bullying you. Mmmm speaking of which here he comes. Don’t forget to cry, it makes me so wet when you do.”
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ash5monster01 · 9 months
Learning to Love Part 6
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Pairing: Rafe Cameron x FemReader!PlusSize
Warnings: 18+, langauge, angst, fluff, mentions of bullying, body image issues, fat shaming, fake relationship, eventual smut, minor enemies to lovers trope.
Summary: It's not uncommon for you to be shamed for your size, it is however uncommon to be told that no one would ever date you because of it. Rafe on the other hand is used to being called a jerk, that is until he is accused of seeing people for only what's on the surface. It's purely coicidental you two meet right after these accusations are thrown your way. So even though you two don't know each other, and probably never would've looked the others way before this, now you're both going to prove a point. It's simple really, prove others wrong and don't fall in love. Easier said than done.
word count: 2.6k
Part 5 ←→ Part 7
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Rafe had done a great job at avoiding Matt and Levi since dating you. He was afraid if they started asking questions he wouldn’t be convincing enough. Thing was he couldn't avoid them forever, which is proven true when the client he had met with abruptly left lunch early leaving the three men left to discuss more than just work. So Rafe is sat in the same position he was the day he met you, some beach club during lunch hours, bourbon in his hand, and two assholes sat across from him.
"I should probably get back to the office" Rafe says after one more sip of his bourbon, he had no plans to finish it. He hadn't really needed to numb feelings since meeting you.
"Woah, why such a rush? We have at least twenty more minutes" Matt says with a smirk and Rafe sighs. If he wanted to spend time with these two he'd still be an active member at the country club. He hated when Barry called him country club, he was trying to leave that life behind.
"Meeting is over, I have work to do" Rafe says and a low chuckle escapes Levi's mouth and reverberates into the rim of his whiskey glass.
"He just doesn't want us asking questions about his little girlfriend. Or should a say big girlfriend" Rafe's hand instantly tightens around his glass at Levi's words.
"That's right, Rafe has a new lady" Matt smirks, leaning back in his chair and Rafe does everything he can to not roll his eyes.
"You guys have no right to talk about her" Rafe says with a cold and sharp voice. The boys know they've gotten under his skin, struck a nerve with the hot tempered boy in front of them.
"Listen all we're saying is it's pretty suspicous you start dating big girl right after we say something about how you never date unattractive girls" Levi says leaning forward, his arms crossing over the table.
“Well that’s not the case” Rafe says leaning back, standing his ground. He had grown far too fond of you to let some bitter assholes say anything or assume anything. Even if they’re right.
“If I didn’t know any better I’d say our Rafe here is using the poor girl to prove a point” the sentence makes Rafe stomach churn. Before he had gotten to know you that was the case and he hated how bad it sounded out loud.
“Well you never have known any better Matt and what do I have to prove to you two idiots?” and Rafe had a point. It never was about proving himself to these jack offs. It was to prove it to himself and anyone who ever saw the worst side of him and never thought he could come back from that. His sisters, his Step Mom, all those Pogues he harassed for so long. He had killed someone and it was a burden he had to live with every single day. The least he could do is start seeing people for more than what’s on the outside.
"Nothing, just a little weird you started dating a fatty" Rafe's hand slammed the bottom of his glass so hard on the table both boys jumped at the noise, wild eyes looking at Rafe who seemed far to calm for what he just did.
"Let's not forget who controls your employment status, on top of that you have no right to talk about my girlfriend and her size. Actually anyone’s size for that matter. Considering that it's coming from big nose and pimples over here" and both boys sit there shocked for a moment as Rafe stands, rebuttons his suit jacket, and heads to his truck where he can go back to work and not be bothered by those idiots. He should've fired one of them for the hell of it.
Yet he couldn't shake what they were both saying about you at lunch and they were right about one thing, he did have twenty minutes left. Actually he had all the time in the world left because he was the CEO, he'd pull a late night if it meant seeing you and getting whatever those idiots said out of his head. So his direction changed and he found himself pulling into the empty lot of the bar. He was actually surprised the doors were unlocked when he pushed through them and even luckier he was met with the sight of your back. You leaned over a table, wiping it down for the upcoming shift. You wore your usual outfit, jeans and a T-shirt, this time with the logo of your bar across the back in neon. The door slams shut behind him just as he begins admiring the curve of your ass.
"We don't open for another twenty minutes" you call out without turning and he grins, arms crossing over his chest.
"Damn, because I was really hoping for a drink now" he watches as you perk up to the sound of his voice and he's met with a wide smile when you turn around and face him.
'What're you doing here?" you grin and he chuckles, walking forward and spotting Mila and Randy who watch you both from the bar. Mostly because he wants to and the audience you have, he wraps his arms around you and pulls you close.
"Had some time left on my lunch break, I wanted to see you" he says and that's when you spot the pain in his eyes and you need no explanation as you hug him close.
"How bout a drink on the house, mainly because we haven't put the new drawer in yet" you tell him and he laughs loudly before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"I'd like that" he says and you nod before locking your hand in his own and leading him over to the bar where Mila and Randy jump to look like they were working and not watching the two of you interact.
"Hey, can you get Rafe something to cheer him up?" you ask when you hit the bar and Mila chuckles as Randy nods.
"Rafe having a bad day?” Mila teases lightly, now more comfortable with him since he had been coming around the house. They had reached a new level of friendship when she dug into Rafe about the hickey he had given you. You hadn't realized how carried away he had gotten either and your neck looked like a crime scene opposed to the small mark you had before. She had bitched about how much makeup it would take for her to cover you up when he had told her not too, that he wanted everyone to know you were his. You had felt that sentence in places you shouldn't of and Mila finally accepted Rafe was in this for real.
"Just some idiot coworkers, my revenge was leaving them with the lunch bill today" Rafe returns as Randy sets the brightest drink in front of him. Rafe's eyes widen at the vibrant red color of the liquid and you can't help but giggle.
"What, you said something to cheer him up. This cheers me up" Randy defends and Rafe tilts his head before lifting the drink up.
"Here's to red dye I guess" he says before taking a sip. You all watched curiously as he gulps the the liquid down.
"Not bad Randy, a little too sweet for my liking but good" Rafe says and he grins victoriously as Rafe takes another sip from the drink.
"Don't listen to him, he likes things sweet" you tease and the minute the words leave your mouth you blush a deep red because you know exactly what it sounded like. Mila snorts out a laugh as Randy wears a mortified look.
"I didn't need to know that" he says and you know your flushed cheeks burn visibly for the whole crowd to see.
"I didn't mean it like that" you mutter out and Rafe feels his heart soar over how adorable you look in this moment.
"Don't worry baby, I know exactly what you meant" Rafe says in a proud way, arm wrapping around the back of your chair, and pressing a chaste kiss to your lips. He pretends it's real, that you're really his girl and can kiss you as much as he likes. After trying to finally turn his life around for the better and allowing someone like you so close he realized how lonely he truly was, it creeping in like a bad cold.
“God, I need to go on a date” Mila groans out and Randy chuckles beside her.
“What happened with that guy from last night? What was his name? Paul? I thought you were trying to get his number?” Randy asks, continuing to clean the glasses for the upcoming shift.
“Pope, and turns out he was with that gorgeous girl with him the whole time” you don’t miss the way Rafe freezes against you.
“Not really a surprise, that whole group was some of the most good looking people I’ve ever seen. No surprise they were all dating one another, they’ve probably swapped before” Randy says as your eyes look up to Rafe who suddenly looks like he doesn’t want to be here anymore.
“They were the ones who found the road to El Dorado, hence why it would’ve been amazing to get his number” you recognize the look on Rafe’s face being one of panic, so you furrow your eyebrows together and put your hand on his thigh.
“Rafe, what’s wrong?” you ask and as if he’s brought back to reality he stands and begins to shake his head.
“I have to go, good luck tonight guys” and he’s rushing out of the bar before you can even process what’s happening. That doesn’t stop you from chasing after him though, pushing open the doors to find him in the empty parking lot, gripping his hair, and breathing heavily.
"Rafe, whats going on?" you call out after him but he starts to pace, not turning to face you. The worry you had for him when he showed up now heightens as you see him experience something similiar to a panic attack. So you do what you know best and rush over to him, arms stopping his movement and locking him in your space. You'd never willing press yourself so closely to him, allowing him to feel the curves of your large stomach pressing against him, making him aware of your size, but you know with the panic in his eyes he won't register what was happening. "Hey, talk to me"
"I have to get to work" he say's trying to pull away but you squeeze your arms tighter around him so he's not allowed to escape. This brings his attention to you, eyes finally locking on your own.
"Listen to me Rafe, we may be fake dating but that doesn't mean in the last few weeks I haven't gotten to know you. That being said I know you're upset about something and there is no possible way I can allow myself to let you get in that truck and drive off knowing the mental state you are currently in" he freezes at your words, not quite expecting such a speech to come from you but he also feels his heart rate slow to a small thrum. You had calmed him down. Nobody has ever been able to calm him down. "Talk to me, I'm a stranger, remember?"
"You're not a stranger" he says with the shake of his head, his own arms coming to wrap around you. He takes a beat, allow himself to collect his thoughts and consider sharing this with you. "Those people they were talking about, those are my sisters friends. Considering she doesn't go anywhere without them it meant my sister had been there. I haven't seen my sister in over a year. It just freaked me out"
"The sister you dont talk to?" you ask and he confirms with the nod of his head. "She's the one that found the treasure?”
"It was almost me" Rafe whispers and you feel your heart break for him. This showed that the issues with his sister was much more than resentment, it was the high of the chase. Willing to do and sacrfifice anything for something as beautiful as ancient treasure.
"It wasn't just resentment" you whisper out and Rafe squeezes his eyes shut, clearly trying to push away memories he doesn't want to recall. It's when your arms loosen around him his own heart breaks.
"I've done things I regret. Things that I wasn't even in control of. My whole life all my Dad wanted was that damn treasure and I wanted to be the one to give it to him. To make him proud and instead he sacrificed himself for Sarah's safety and she got the treasure instead of me. She got everything and all I got was the stupid company he didn't even want me to have" then to your surprise a tear slips free from his eye and he steps away from you to hide it.
"Hey, stop" you grip his wrist, tugging him back. His heart flutters as your free hand reaches up and brushes the stray tear away. "Come here"
And just like that he falls into your embrace. Head landing on your shoulder and hugging you tightly. He hadn't had someone comfort him like this ever. At least since his Mom has passed, you're embrace warm and a reminder of all those time's he came to her with scraped knees and misty eyes. The thought alone makes him cry silently against you because maybe for the first time he was realizing how broken his family had become. He was technically orphaned and he didn't even have his sisters to rely on anymore.
It was crazy how fast they went from sharing bowls of cereal at the kitchen island, teasing each other like siblings should, to picking sides of a hunting war, faking deaths, losing lives, and hurting one another for real. A year of hatred and blind rage had changed the entire course of his life and now he was left all alone with the one thing he never truly wanted. At least he had you, even if it wasn't real. Then again how sad is it that the one person he can rely on is one he had to bargain to spend time with him. His entire life was a sham.
"Take the day" you say and he pulls back, sniffling and looking at you with teary eyes.
"What?" he asks curiously and you give him a light smile, hands gripping his own.
"Take the rest of the day, Mila and Randy can handle it here. Let's just go back to your apartment, watch a few movies and order some pizza" you tell him and his own smile cracked across his face. He took a moment to consider it before nodding and brushing his damp cheeks away.
"Okay, yeah. I do have to stop into the office quick. Then we can go" and you nod, willing to agree as long as he was okay.
"If we stop at the office I get to drive" you tell him, holding you hand out, and he furrows his eyebrows before you give him a stern look which makes him comply, dropping the keys into your hand.
"Goodluck reaching the pedals" he mutters and you roll your eyes before walking towards the bar to tell Mila and Randy you were taking to day with Rafe.
"I bet I drive it better than you"
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a/n: sorry it’s been a while my loves, the holidays always keep me super busy. hope you enjoyed!
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holylulusworld · 11 months
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Summary: Cookies make everything better.
Square filled for @anyfandomfluffbingo: Square 5: Free space - Sharing food
Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Warnings: fluff, implied bad date
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“Whatcha doing, sweetheart?“ Dean strolls into the library, grinning from ear to ear. He’s carrying two paper bags filled with his favorite poison. Booze, sex magazines, and fatty food. “Oh…” He licks his lips. “COOKIES!”
He inhales deeply, almost purring. His mouth waters when he catches the scent of your freshly baked cookies.
“Dean, you are drooling.” You grin. “What did you buy?”
“Can I have one?” Dean places the bags on the table. He steals one of your cookies, immediately feasting on it. “Damn, that’s the best cookie I ever ate. Why did you bake them? Is it a special occasion?”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” you huff, and take another bite of your cookie. “My mom always said cookies make everything better. I didn’t want to get upset with that douchebag asking me out, and decided it’s better to bake cookies.”
“I’m not complaining,” Dean munches another cookie. “But who do you want me to kill? Give me that bastard’s name and I’ll break his face.” 
“How do you wanna know it’s a guy?” You smirk as Dean opens his mouth. He licks his lips, swallows thickly, and goes back to eating cookies. If he tells you what’s on his mind, you’ll strangle him. “Dirty man!” You scold, knowing Dean is confusing porn with reality again. 
“It as a dude…right?” He dips his head. His Adam’s apple bobbles, and he rubs his hand over his crotch. “Or was it a pretty dame?”
You giggle at Dean’s hopeful expression. “You are a fucking perv, Winchester! Even if it was a girl, you are not invited to watch.”
“But…” Dean bites his tongue. “Why the cookies?” He asks.
“If I’m mad, or sad,” you sigh deeply, “I bake. We only had the ingredients for cookies. I would’ve baked a pie but…”
“PIE? Wait…Did you want to bake a pie? Why didn’t you do it? Where is my pie?” Dean stares at you, looking offended as you didn’t make pie instead of cookies.
“I didn’t have the ingredients for pie!“ You point out. “We need to restock first.”
“What do you need?” He grabs the next best book and a pencil. “Let me write it down. I’ll get the ingredients and you can make my pie.”
“Dean,” you snicker as he expectantly looks at you. “We can’t use the book! Sammy will get mad and…uh…I need to check on my recipes first.”
“Recipes,” he nods thoughtfully. “Alright. We will bring the food and cookies to the Dean Cave. You’ll get your recipes, and we will write down what Sammy needs to buy.”
“Yeah?” He looks at the remaining cookies.
“Nothing.” You don’t have the heart to tell Dean you’re not in the mood to make pie too. “We can make the pie tomorrow. I've got two more baking trays of cookies left.”
“Two. More. Trays.” Dean’s eyes widen. “I’ll be right back…”
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“Apple pie. Pecan pie. Cherry pie,” Dean thumbs through your receipt book. “Hmm…we will start with cherry pie. Next is pecan and then we will go for some good all apple pie.”
“Dean…” You watch your friend munch on your cookies while reading another recipe. “What about blueberry.”
“Oh, yeah. We will make blueberry pie too,” he hums. “Do you want to watch a movie or something? I thought about Caddy-“
“Caddyshack!” You end Dean's line. “A classic.”
He slams your receipt book shut and looks at you. “Tomorrow we will make some pie.”
Dean gets comfortable on the sofa, patting the spot next to him. You scoot closer and rest your head in his lap. “Caddyshack it is.”
“So…who was the douche making you sad and do you want me to kill him?”
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chubbycelebs · 3 months
My Chocolate Factory Experience (pt 4 -final part)
The doors open back to the world. We hear shouting and cheering and cameras flashing. We take a step forward and the crowd gasps. “What happened in there?” “My goodness they are huge!” “Is that Declan? Bloody hell he was so skinny. Look at that belly!” “Wow Jamie has packed it on. I’m surprised he can still fit into his clothes.” The audience reactions made us both laugh. 
3 months later…
*ding dong* The doorbell rings to my apartment. “Just leave it by the door!” I shout out. I hear the rustling of paper bags as the delivery man puts down by the front door. I don’t like to be seen much since leaving the factory. It’s propelled me and Jamie into fame and that’s not what either of us want. Inescapable fame. At the start after a week or two of us leaving, I would be walking around town and I’d have paparazzi following me everywhere. Snapping photos making the front page of the next morning magazine: “Declan fattened beyond belief” “That’s what you get when you gobble down sweets!” “New clothes, same waistline”. It was relentless. Didn’t help that I hadn’t heard from Jamie at all. I thought after I’d become some lazy fatty for him he’d stay with me but turns out he didn’t want any of it. I was walking around to try and lose some weight, possibly go back to my skinny twink body but that’s gone to shit. Due to all the paparazzi and the name calling and the shaming and the ignorance of it all I decided I’d just stay in my apartment. I was cursed with now having a diet of fast food that was delivered to my doorstep 3 to 6 times a day. Obviously this didn’t help my body. As I walked to the front door I caught a glimpse on the mirror by the stairs of my body. I was stood in my underwear as this was the only item of clothing that fit me now and even then dig deep and hard into my hips. My face looked like it had melted as my jawline was now one with my fat neck. My arms were thicker and jiggled if I moved them too fast. My chubby fingers which were only good for shoving food into my fat face now. My chest was soft and slightly dropping now, my nipples growing wider and more sensitive as my chest was becoming huge moobs. My belly was really rounding out now. It stuck out far and even started to sag round the top band of my underwear. My belly button was deep and my love handles were wide and wobbled at every move. My ass and thighs filled my underwear to the point they were pretty much see through, not that there was much to see now. My fat pad had grown and my huge dick was getting smaller by the day. my thickened legs held up my fat body as I plopped around my apartment. I slapped my belly and shook it as I turned round to get my food. “Fuck me” I thought. “What have I done to my self”. Obviously once the food was in my fat piggy hands, I spent the next few minutes stuffing my face full of it all. I got enough food to feed a family of 5 and yet my belly still yearned for more. That was something I had noticed leaving the factory: never being full since. I had spent so trying to make my self full again and nothing is filling me up like it used to. It was like the food at Wonka’s had transformed me into an ever eating machine, constantly wanting to stuff my face. As I finished my meal I gave my greasy belly a good shake and let out a deep belch that made my double chin shake.
As I was laying on my sofa, sausage fingers down my underwear trying to please my self, I noticed a pink folded under my tv that I hadn’t seen in ages. It was my photo book of all the people I used to stuff before I went to Wonkas. My heart skipped a beat with excitement as I reached for it. I had completely forgotten I had this little project. I opened it up. There were photos of so many fat men that I had stuffed right here in this apartment. I would get them to pose showing off their expanded bodies. My dick pushed tight against my restraining underwear. I could feel the pressure mounting. I flicked through them and noticed a few where I would get in the photo, both of us naked and showing the contrast between my twink body and their hog like bodies. I saw how tight my skin was over my abs, my neat pecks and toned arms and legs. I looked at how my belly rolled over onto the top of my thighs and my chest now sat atop my bulging belly like a tier cake. I really had become one of my hogs. I had a mix of guilt, sadness, embarrassment but also intense proudness, so turned on and satisfied that this is what I had turned into.
*ding dong* The doorbell? It was 12am and I hadn’t ordered any food. Or I don’t think I did. It was probably some journalists who wanted to talk to me about how I’ve let my self go and what happened how did I get to be so fucking huge. I decided to ignore it. *ding dong ding dong* there was a sense of urgency now. Not only was the door bell going but they were banging on the door to be let in. Usually journalists are much more polite, like to act sweet before they poke fun at you. This was someone different. I started standing up when I heard a huge rip in my underwear. “Oh shit. My last pair” I said reaching round to feel the damage. I had split them right down my arse and round to the bottom of my balls which were now starting to fall out of my underwear and on show. I started looking around frantically looking for something that would cover my body. All there were was old clothes that were split and covered in food. That’s when I notice the huge paper bag my food came in. I sighed as I realised what I had to do. I ripped a hole in the bottom of the bag and stepped into it. I wriggled it up until it got to my ass. I had to be careful here. I didn’t wanna rip it. I sucked in and clenched my ass as slipped the huge greasy paper bag over my fat body. It barely fit my body. I knew I couldn’t breathe out or the bag wound burst. The knocking and door bell ringing was getting more inpatient. “Alright I’m coming I’m coming shit” I said waddling to the door, trying not to rip it. I unlocked the door and was met with a familiar face. “Jamie” I said with a sigh. I let go of my breath. My belly fell forwards and the bag split right down the middle. My huge fat naked body was now on full display to Jamie. “Fuck I’m so sorry come in come in quick” I said rushing to cover my nob with my hands. I was fucked now. Nothing to cover me. But as Jamie came into the light, I noticed that all he was wearing was a huge sheet of black material and it was a large sheet as well. Now in the light I could see the two was bigger than when he left the factory 3 months ago. 
We made our way to the living room where we both sat down on the sofa. I felt I had to be the one to break the ice as I was the one sat naked across from him. “To get it out the way, yes I have put on some extra weight. I don’t like leaving the house and I’m always hungry so yes that’s why I’ve got tits now and sat naked across from you. How bout you then huh?” I ask not hiding the fact I was pissed off that we hadn’t spoke for 3 months and then he arrives at my apartment with no notice. I can see him fiddling with his fingers before taking off the large piece of black material. I thought I was fat. Jamie was huge. That chubby boy I met over 3 months ago was no more, I was in the presence of a hog. Jamie’s chest sat comfortably atop his huge gut which stuck out far and wide. It dropped over where his waist band would be. His ass was huge and covered in cellulite that carried on down his huge legs. “Well this is me Dec. I’m huge. And I can’t stop eating.”
“Oh my god” I say my mouth agape as I’m left to look at Jamie’s huge naked body on full display. My dick almost goes instantly hard and it was on show for him to see. I can see that even Jamie was getting turned on at this encounter, even though his dick was buried under all his fat. He truly did enjoy me fat. All those nights of me stressing about my expanding body was all for nothing because he still liked me fat. I felt a weight lift off my shoulders and a smile cracked across my face. 
“I didn’t get in contact because I was scared. I was scared that whatever happened in the factory was just gonna stay in the factory. I didn’t realise that you actually like me big. But as I kept eating and growing uncontrollably because of food in the factory well I knew I had to come see you. I must say though I thought you would’ve lost some of the weight so it’s nice to see you all soft and jiggly.” Jamie moves forward towards me. I feel my heart pounding as our bellies touch, the hairs on our guts stroking each others. 
“You’re such a fucking stupid pig Jamie” I say as I wrap my arms around him and make out with him. We spent the whole night eating, rubbing, jiggling, teasing, moaning, groaning and fucking. By the time the sun started to rise we both were covered in sweat, making out jiggly rolls glisten in the sunrise. We both laid on the floor panting and rubbing our very very full guts. Yet we still could eat more. “I’m still hungry Jamie” I say between gasps for air. 
“Me too. I’ve never been full since leaving the factory. Oh what I would do to go back there.” Jamie starts to rub his belly in circles. We sit in silence for a bit before an idea comes to mind. 
“Jamie. Why don’t we go tonight when it gets dark. Wonka said we could go back whenever we wanted and if it’s dark we don’t have to worry about people seeing us.” 
Jamie rolls over and looks at me, his belly spilling forward on the floor in front of him. “I’m down.”
We thought it be best to at least have clothes to wear as we wandered the streets to the factory. We ordered some to be delivered to our house in the biggest size we could get. Once they arrived we tried them on. My clothes fit me fine maybe even a bit big in places. The round shape of my belly could still be seen and my ass still made it clear it was there but other than that I was concealed. Jamie’s clothes were filled up a bit more. His shirt covered his huge belly but didn’t hide it. He was very clearly fat still. 
Nightfall came and we left the flat. We walked through the town and to the factory at the edge of the village. We got to the front gates. We didn’t really know what to do at this point. Didn’t know how to get in at this hour but then the creaking of the gates started sounding. They both opened and lead us through to the front door. The same happened here and the front door opened for us. Here was the familiar corridor we walked down before just now without any lights on. There was no one to be seen. Not any of 
Wonka’s workers or even the man him self. We decided just to let ourselves in. We walked down the corridor that 5 of us walked down before. I thought back to the others. How they were so fat and out of shape before and now they were even bigger. It felt like I had now taken their place. I felt my body jiggling with every step and thought back to how their bodies never stood still. I had really become one of those greedy fatties. My heart started to race as we got to the end of the corridor. If I had become one of them then what could happen to me on this room now. Would I blow up to be 1000 pounds of lard. Would I expand into a juicy horny blueberry begging to be touched and squeezed. What awaits me past these doors. 
Again as we reached the end of the corridor, the doors opened. The sweet filled meadow was dark, hard to see what was inside. Me and Jamie squeezed through the door, it being a much tighter fit than I remembered. We looked around the room. We could see the trees, some bushes and rocks, hear the sound of the chocolate river that filled the room with its scent. I felt my belly shake as it rumbled with hunger and heard the same happen to Jamie. As we moved forward into the room, a large mound started to appear right ahead of us. A huge mountain it seemed like. As we moved forward and the mound came into light it was clear what it was. It was all food. It was a huge mound of just sugary food. Cakes, waffles, cookies, chocolate, rolls, pastry’s, cream and more. It was huge. Me and Jamie looked at each other. We both grinned and ran towards the huge mound. 
This is what heaven must be like. I rolled in the thick cream as I took bite after bite of the soft moist cake I rest my body on. Oh everywhere I look there was food I could fill my belly with. Finally an endless supply of food that could satisfy my hunger. I kept chewing and swallowing and stuffing my face full of the food. I laid to rest for a second on a particular soft cookie and look over at Jamie. I see the joy in his face as he stuffs his face full of food. What I also see is his brand new clothes not fitting his expanding body. Right before my eyes I saw his belly swell forward and his shirt be unable to fit anymore. His ass pushed forward and the seams were stretched thin. Whatever food we were eating it was making us fatter and quicker. I looked down at my own body and it was true. My body filled my clothes to the point they were right on me now. I grabbed a handful of cream filled cookie and shoved it in my mouth and watched my stomach as I swallowed. I saw my belly push further out slightly and felt a breeze on my lower belly as the shirt rode up displaying my gut. “Oh fuck” I thought to my self. I looked around and saw how much food we had left to eat. I felt the hunger pang in my stomach. “Holy shit we are gonna be massive” I thought as my dick got hard at the thought. I dive back in head first and carry on filling my body with creamy fat. 
“DEC DEC HELP!” I heard shouting from across the mound of food. About half an hour had passed now. I poke my head out of a donut I was stuffing and look around for Jamie. After this long of stuffing my clothes had been reduced to scraps. I was now about 450 pounds of pure lard. My belly hung down onto my huge fat thighs. My chest was soft and my nipples huge and sensitive. I had grown to a size I never thought would be possible. I waddled over to where the shouting was. I turn a corner and see Jamie. 
“Jesus fucking christ” I say in shock. There lay Jamie. Now around 650 pounds. He was a huge mound of fat now. His limps waved in the air as he tried to move around but his belly was so huge and round filled with food that he couldn’t move at all. 
“Declan help. I’m so huge I can’t move please feed me. I need you.” I heard the pleading and  pain in his voice. He needed to be fed. My fat boy needed feeding. I waddled over and started feeding this hog with all the food I could. I of course kept on stuffing my face too. Couldn’t let Jamie have all the fun. We spent hours feeding each other every food there was. The mound got smaller and smaller until the last few crumbs were left as the sun started to rise. 
The main door to the room creaked open. “Right then workers. We’ve got a lot of food to get through today so best be… holy fucking shit…” Wonka had walked through the door with a few of his workers and saw what me and Jamie had become. Jamie was definitely 1500 pounds of pure fat. His body was round it was so filled with fat. He was truly the biggest guy anyone had ever seen. And my self well I was surely 1000 pounds if not more at this point. I too was propped up by my rounded fat figure. I’m sure it was a sight to see two huge fatties sat naked covered in food inside his factory. “No fucking way. That can’t be. Can it? Jamie?” Jamie grunted in response. “And no way that’s Declan” Wonka said walking towards us. I gave him a little wave with what mobility I had left in my body. “Holy fucking SHIT GUYS. You guys were the skinniest ones here a few months ago and now look at you lard arses. SHIT you greedy fuckers.” Wonkas mocking made me so horny and I can only imagine what Jamie is feeling too. “Well to be honest you saved the job of these workers. Bought them in today to eat all the food as I was getting rid of it but turns out you pigs did it for us. Saved these workers from a similar fate to what you now have.” The muscle clad workers looked slightly disappointed that their roles of eating and getting fat like me and Jamie were no more. “Oh don’t worry boys there’ll be more food.” Wonka said noticing their sad expressions. “Right well there’s only really one place for you two. You can be our big fat taste testers. You’d like that wouldn’t you. Stuffing your face with food all day long. Sounds good doesn’t it piggies.” Just then I felt hands on my soft body as I was rolled away. 
The trip to the taste testing facility was long and I was dizzy from the spinning. I let my eyes shut as the workers rolled my huge body down long corridors followed by Jamie. I could hear on multiple occasions the workers panicking because Jamie kept getting stuck he was so fat. This made me giggle to my self knowing that I would follow his same fat eventually. 
We finally made it to the huge vast room that was the taste testing room. I opened my eyes. The room was filled with huge fat people. All these huge orbs of lard were scattered across the room with a funnel attached to their mouths with food pumping inside of them. It was insane to see the scale of this room. How many people had Wonka causes to become so unhumanly fat. “So here we are my boys. The feeding room! Because you boys have spoiled your appetite and now will be hungry for the rest of your lives it’s best just to hook you up and feed you for life. Of course side effects do include getting fatter by the second but I have a hunch you boys won’t mind that.” My cheeks plush as I realise I will spend the rest of my life becoming one of the fattest people in the world. “So first Jamie let’s get you hooked up.” I see Jamie get moved into position and a funnel gets strapped into his mouth. A worker gives him a firm slap on the arse and the food starts pumping into his body. I can even hear a moan of satisfaction as he is filled with sweet food. “Right then Declan you next. I must say I never expected you to make your way down here.” I started to get moved into position. “You were so skinny before and loved feeding up fatty over there.” The funnel was out into my mouth. “But I guess you enjoyed being fed by that fatty too much and now look where you are. I hope it was worth it lard arse.” Wonka presses a button and the food started pouring into my mouth. 
I sat and thought about all the fat boys I’d fattened up. All were so desperate to be huge and fat. Some I grew to 250 pounds others I pushed to 500. I thought how jealous they would be to see me now. How after all that fattening they could never be as big as me. I had gone from a feeder to a huge fucking feedee and I loved it. Forever fattening up for eternity. 
Well this is the end of this story series. I have spent so long doing this story. Every part I put loads of effort in to make sure there was loads of details and nothing was missed so I really hope you all enjoyed it and can see the hard work I put into it. I know it’s taken a while to do but I do hope it’s been worth it. Let me know any story ideas anyone wants to see. Might just do short stories for a while now. Thank you guys for the support!
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shortcakesturns · 4 months
Hi!! It’s totally understandable if you don’t want to do this request but would you be willing to do a Chris x reader but they start off as best friends and they both decided to get high together and they both are horny highs and end up fucking?? If that makes any sense. Thank you
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫, 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡.
𝐀/𝐧: 𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐧 𝐢 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐮𝐫 𝐚 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐔𝐒. 𝐀𝐇 𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐈 𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐄𝐍𝐉𝐎𝐘 <𝟑𝟑
𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫: 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐚 𝐮 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐚 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐩𝐮𝐬𝐬𝐲, 𝟏𝟔+ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐲, 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝟏𝟖, 𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐢-𝐩𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜 𝐬𝐞𝐱, 𝐜𝐚𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐱, 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐠𝐬, 𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐱 (𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐠𝐨 𝐢𝐫𝐥!) 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐤 𝐚 𝐬𝐥𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬...𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭
My phone dings
*wanna smoke a fat blunt in my car at lunch?* from my bestfriend chris, chris is the popular dude who can basically get away with anything. you could say he’s well known with the girls.
*yeah but i’m not tryna be seen going to ur car, we all know what goes down there christopher.*
*okay it was like what a couple times, desperate times y/n..i’ll see u there*
the smile creeping on my face
I look at the time and see 5 minutes till 11:30, god can this class hurry up?
Finally the bell rings and I grab my things and shove them into my backpack and spray 2 sprays of sweet tooth perfume. I push my ways through the halls trying to get to the exit, as soon as I reach the door I scan the cafeteria to make sure the principal isn’t looking and quickly slip away from the crowd of people and head to the familiar black car in the back of the parking lot.
“if it isn’t y/n l/nnn” I whip my head around to meet with the piercing eyes of christopher sturniolo. “chrisssss, can you unlock ur door?” I tug in the handle. He shrugs “ugh I guess” he sarcastically says.
The click of the car and I yank the door open. Eager to feel that high. He pulls out the blunt from his dashboard cupboard. “look at this fattie” he holds the blunt against his face with a stupid smile plastered on his face with his finger pointing at the giant blunt. I pull out a lighter “gimme gimme” he snatches the lighter and lights the blunt before taking in a huff
“shit this is strong, here”
he hands me the blunt and I take a long drag and by the second I feel myself feeling higher and higher we rotate the blunt out to each other and the silence is interrupted by Chris.
“Not to be a snoop, but what was your first time like.” he tilts his head to the side smirking.
“Wouldn't you like to know fuck boy,” he looks taken aback “Well damn, someones a bit grump calm down squidward and spill it.”
“Imma need the blunt for this one Christopher,” Chris hands me the blunt with a giggle. “Fucking terrible Chris, I haven't fucked anyone since. He couldn't make me cum, he couldn't eat me out, IT FUCKING HURT WHEN HE FINGERED ME.” Chris shakes his head “disappointing, I don't even remember mine y/n”
“Yikes.” I make a scared face, because who forgets their first time? Of course, the fuck boy of the school does. Quite embarrassed for him I must say.
“what you got an issue with that?” he asks
“well yeah, who the fuck forgets their first time. nobody forgets their first time.” I take a long drag from the blunt.
“touché. I don’t know no girl had ever been memorable.” he looks up at me, taking the blunt from my hand.
I wasn’t sure if it was the blunt or the way his eyes met mine that made me feel like I could ruin this friendship. “I would.” shit.
“you would what?” he smirks.
“I would make it memorable” he chuckles, “what? you don’t think so christopher?”
“prove it, get in the backseat ma.”
chris gets out and I climb to the back of the car laying in the seat as chris opens the door I see a whole new look on his face I had never seen before. Was I really about to become just another one of his bodies? Chris gets on top of me and begins kissing my neck, “mhm you like that mamas?” he groans out. I feel his crotch grind against mine.
he makes his way up to my lips and begins to aggressively kiss them, he licks my lips and bites my bottom lip before entering his tongue into my mouth and exploring the crevices of my mouth. All while grinding against my clothed pussy that's already started to get that unfamiliar fuzzy feeling.
his lips began to go down further, to my neck, to my stomach to the insides of my thighs, he starts pulling at my pants “let me take these of for you ma.” I push my hips up and nod so he can get easier access to taking my shorts off and in one swift motion my pants and underwear are down to my ankles.
“Can I baby?” he looks up at me innocently, I nod, slowly. “Words baby.” he waits patiently. “Yes, Chris please” Without any hesitation, his face dips down and his tongue makes contact with my wet pussy lapping my clit over and over again. His fingers tease my entrance and suddenly he adds two fingers stretching me out preparing for his thick cock, as soon as I start to clench on his fingers about to cum he pulls away.
“Not so fast ma, still gotta take this dick,” he smirks and begins to fumble with his belt, he frees his dick and it slaps his stomach, how would that fit inside you? It surely had to be around 8 inches. He spits on his dick and begins Stroking it slowly and rubs the tip along your clit making the pleasure stronger by the second.
“You ready f’me doll?” he plunges into me before an answer can be formed within my cock drunk head, I could barely form a word and it had only been a little bit of time
His cock hits my cervix and my plush walls began to pulsate against his veiny cock, his pace quickens, and sweat forms on his forehead making his hair shiny as tiny moans slip out of the both of us. Chris quietly whimpering and throwing his head back.
“Fuck baby I'm not gonna forget this, it's so fucking good.” Chris was pussy drunk and you could tell, his thrusts were getting sloppier by the second, and the wet slapping sounds and the smell of sex were intense. The car windows were all fogged up, giving even more pressure to cum grow.
Chris groaned out as he shot his hot spurts of cum deep into my pussy walls and pulls out, “damn baby your so fucking perfect.” he kisses my for head and grabs a rag to clean myself up.
Surely he wasn't going to forget me?
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feyburner · 5 months
tumblr user feyburner, i have a confession. i don't know how to roast a chicken, or do anything with a chicken, and at this point i'm afraid to ask.
I can tell you're afraid to ask bc this isn't really a question. But I will answer it anyway. I'm always happy to talk about chicken.
You’ll be pleased to learn that roasting a chicken is so easy. The below explanation is quite long bc I am including all the information I can remember, to set you up for chicken roasting success. But, essentially, you’re rubbing a chicken in oil and seasonings and putting him in the oven for like an hour. Done.
Remember that people have been roasting whole chickens since the dawn of time using whatever they had around bc it’s the most low effort, high reward meal ever. You could say the word “salt” in a chicken’s general direction and toss him at a candle flame and he would still turn out great.  
To roast a chicken:
Buy a whole chicken, however big you want. 4-5 lbs is enough to feed 3-5 people with leftovers.
Prepare a workspace with a plastic cutting board (not wooden bc raw chicken juices) and paper towels. 
Remove the giblets, pin feathers, extra flaps:
1. Stick your hand up his primary orifice and pull out anything loose. There is usually a handful of little organs like heart and gizzards and sometimes these strings of pale bean looking things (tbh not sure what those are). Save these for stock, except the liver (super dark squishy organ) which will disintegrate. You can eat the liver separate if you want.
2. Trim off any sticky-outy bits that have pin feathers on them, and the flaps of fat/gristle over his orifice. Save the fatty bits for stock. Leave the triangle of fat directly above the orifice (his tail). 
Pat the chicken dry with paper towels inside and out. Get him as dry as possible. 
Spatchcock: You don’t have to spatchcock/butterfly but I like to, bc it maximizes outer surface area for that good good crispy skin. Also easier to get breasts and thighs done at the same rate.
All you have to do is cut the backbone out of the chicken with poultry shears or kitchen scissors if you’re desperate. Then push down hard to crack the breastbone so he lies super flat. Save the backbone for stock or jus. How to spatchcock step by step guide.
Dry brine: Prepare a bowl of coarse kosher salt. More salt than you’d think. Like 1 Tbsp per lb of meat. Rub salt over the whole chicken inside and out. Don’t skimp on the salt especially on the inside. It will not make your chicken crazy salty, it doesn't penetrate the meat that deep. Also some will be wiped off before you cook. 
Put the chicken on a wire rack on a baking sheet and chill uncovered in the fridge for 2-24 hours. The point of this step is the salt draws moisture to the surface of the chicken, which then evaporates in the circulating fridge air. It helps you get crispy chicken skin.
Dry brine + resting isn't 100% necessary, if for some reason you must produce a roasted chicken on a time crunch. But it's a good practice.
Roasting time:
Pat excess moisture off chicken inside and out. If you did not spatchcock you can stuff the inside with a halved lemon or garlic head, herbs, whatever you want. 
Seasoning rub: Prepare a small bowl with olive oil (maybe 1/4-1/3 cup?), salt, freshly cracked black pepper, and whatever dried herbs and spices you want. A good starter is: salt, pepper, parsley sage rosemary thyme, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder. I love me some Cajun spice mix like Slap Ya Mama. Start with like 1-2 tsp of each (1 tsp spices, 2 tsp dried herbs) and build from there. Don’t be shy. Recipes on the internet are like “Use 1/2 tsp herbs for this whole recipe” because they’re heading off 1-star reviews from annoying people who can’t handle a molecule of flavor. Season with your heart, your pussy, and your balls. Don’t be ashamed to use a store-bought spice rub. It’s not lazy, it’s efficient. Also, who gives a shit.
Rub the oil all over Mr. Chicken like he’s an Ancient Greek warrior-prince you’re preparing for the Olympic Games. 
Some recipes tell you to use butter, or slip butter under the skin, but butter has higher water content than oil and might not get you the ideal crispy skin. You can do whatever you want though. It’s your chicken. 
Preheat the oven to 425°. People will tell you a billion different temperatures—screaming hot, low and slow—but I’m here to tell you that it is so hard to fuck up a roast chicken, you can experiment and the results will always be great. 
I like to start at a high temp for 30 minutes to get the skin crisping and then reduce to 375° for the rest of the time to avoid burning. Sometimes you’ll have to cover him with foil if the seasonings start charring. That’s fine.
General cook time: 20 minutes per lb of meat, give or take 20 depending on oven temp. A 4-5 lb chicken at 425° -> 375° generally takes me ~1 hour 20 minutes. If you do low and slow at like 325° it might take 2+ hours. Just check on him periodically. Tbh it’s harder to overcook a chicken than you probably think. 5 minutes, or even 10-20 minutes, is NOT the difference between beautiful tender juicy chicken and a bone-dry tragedy. Chicken is not turkey. He is versatile and he can take it.
Pull the chicken when a meat thermometer inserted into the thickest part reads 145° or above. (160° is the “safe temp” but 1. The temp will continue to rise for a few minutes after it leaves the oven, and 2. 160° is the temp at which bacteria dies immediately. 145° is fine for eating. Disclaimer: I am not a scientist just a guy who makes a lot of chicken.)
If you don’t have a thermometer, pull the chicken when you insert a knife into the thickest part and the juices run clear. Gorgeous.
Let him sit for 10-20 minutes before carving. When carving, find the oysters and give them to your favorite person or take them as the Cook’s Bounty.
Again, this explanation is quite long because I included lots of detail. If you do it even one time, you'll realize it's incredibly easy and intuitive and doesn't take much time at all.
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cowboycharmac · 1 year
iasip seasons by who i think should have won cunt of the year that season
season 1: mac <3 convincing the gang its their moral duty to serve alcohol to children. what are you like bulimic or something. what if jesus was aborted. season 1 mac my everything. he is like a morally reprehensible girlfriend to me
season 2: also mac. its more evenly tied but honestly i have to give it to him bc season 2 is a great season for mac, cunt-wise. making fun of the twins crack addiction, banging their mom, and then leaving dennis to get stabbed in that alleyway? he earned it. technically dennis starts most of these by betting against mac and making fun of mac for having a meth dealer for a dad but honestly hes more of an asshole then a cunt here i think. mac was serving us cunt on a silver platter and i for one am thankful
season 3: dee. the gang finds a dumpster baby. aluminum monster vs fatty mcgoo. dennis looks like a registered sex offender. her entire relationship with cricket. need i go on
season 4: its between dennis and frank here i cant decide ok... wait yes i can. frank wins. waterboarding your illegitimate daughter and taking away her health insurance. shitting the bed on purpose as a joke. giving your bastard son stigmata with a nailgun. tricking dee and charlie into thinking they ate human and giving them parasites. really good season for frank
season 5: dennis reynolds misogynist swag it was almost frank again but the dennis system really truly is awful i hate him so much <3 also he broke up with mac he made mac SAD!!!! >:( and he was annoying to dee which is also misogynistic because i say so. happy cunting dennis. also ummm he served some insane cunt in that gay ass thong.... im wearing these because i wanna turn you on bro. do you think s5 macden ever explored eachothers bodies.
season 6: maureen ponderosa. she lived she died she served CUNT the end !!!!!!!! shes only in two episodes but she really truly marries this loser bitch kicks him out of his OWN HOUSE and then dumps all her debt on him and hes STILL giving her alimony checks to fund her transition into a cat until she dies over half a decade later. and he deserves every bit of it!!!!!!! i love her sooo much and those kitty sweaters.... ok!!!!!! maureen i want you back i could treat you so right
season 7: dee and dennis tie for this one sorry.... chardee macdennis and highschool reunion and sweet dee gets audited.... what is wrong with them <3
SIGH ok im bored now maybe ill do a part two later anyways you guys discuss with the class i have to go think about maureen some more <3 catgirl of ever
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eating-whole-cakes · 1 year
I want us both to constantly be gorging ourselves. I want to spend our evenings and weekends naked with 10 big comfy duvets stacked on top of each other on the floor, surrounded by our favourite desserts and cakes and food and wine.
I want you to watch me eat, I want to watch you eat. I want to feed you and guide more food into that greedy mouth. I want you to shove calorie dense, fattening baked goods into my mouth and use your hand to move my mouth up and down when I chew. I wanna fill our bellies until they’re throbbing and we can see new stretch marks forming. I want to have lazy, hedonistic, fat, animalistic sex. I want to taste the sweat on your body because you’re getting so heavy you overheat so easily now.
I want to squeeze and jiggle your belly, ass and bite your back rolls gently, I know it makes you tingle. I want to squeeze and massage your fat thighs. I want you to put your hands around my fat belly and move and shake it. I want to tell each other how huge we’re getting and how we look like completely different people because we just got so, fucking, fat. Eat. Fuck. Eat. Fuck. Drink. Eat. Eat. Fuck.
I want us to put on at least 5 pounds a week. I want to take turns on top, it’s not fair to make a fatty do that exercise every time. We can’t burn too many calories so we’ll have to alternate. I want to cum inside a fat, squishy, hot, warm pussy. How could I ever experience anything else after my cock has had your fat, obese, lazy, soft, delicious pussy.
I want to have to lift your giant belly, so that I can rest my huge, swollen gut on your pussy and use it to press again your clit when I penetrate you.
They say personal growth is important in a relationship but I guess I had a different definition darling.
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oscconfessions · 3 months
i wonder what algebraliens taste like
i'd imagine depending on who/what they are they'd taste different
four most likely tastes really gamey because he most definitely is a wild animal. if we go on the headcanon that algebraliens are more animal-like than other objects, it's possible he'd taste like venison (deer), because i see him as thin and gangly but still has enough muscle on him for meat.
x is probably mostly fatty. say what you want to say, but his shape even in canon, is, for lack of a better term, rounded. it's not worth it to eat x unless you want to fry him up like chicharonnes (fried pork skins[god i am hoping i spelled that correctly i am a hopeless gringo i apologize]). otherwise if you cook him normally he'd taste like rabbit but there'd be little to no meat on this dude. personally i think of him like this because x is passive and would need a thick blubber layer (like a real life whale, the animal, no i am not calling fat people whales, even if i was i would be calling myself a whale because i AM fat fuck you) to protect himself. i mean how else does this little guy take a beating from others? additionally, i think x is really fuzzy, maybe he's like a seal??????? do people eat seals?????
2. what does two taste like. personally i think they're different from the other algebraliens in makeup- they have an affinity for cake and other sweet foods, so maybe their diet consists of sugars, not too unlike some insects. maybe they're insect-like? bee? bee. that being said, they wouldn't have too much flavor on their own. say if you fried them up like a cricket, and put some seasonings on him, you could get something that tastes good.
yes i am continuing with xfohv algebraliens.
seven and one (what we have seen of one at least) i think follows two in 'is insect' category. mayyyybe 14 is also insect? but i also don't wanna find out what 14 tastes like. i really don't.
six and nine both inexplicably taste of mint toothpaste and wintergreens respectively. that being said, i am allergic to mint toothpaste, so six is safe from being eaten by me.
8 tastes like tofu. following six and nine, idk how this would happen, but 8 probably would be good in a stew or soup. miso soup
i don't wanna find out what five tastes like. i know they're probably meaty but the purple color reminds me too much of grape flavored candies and i'd be too disgusted. also i don't think 5 has ever taken a shower
i would never eat 10. never in a million years. i like 10 wayyy too much. but if i absolutely had to guess what 10 tastes like, i think 10 is the porky-mutton contender. probably leans more towards a rack of lamb. i say this with the most absolute affection. 10 is my favorite idk why
15 tastes like 15. if we are talking fusion 15, mint overload, i am not touching it. if we are talking red 15, they taste like beef. and the number 15. you take a bite and you see the number 15 appear before your eyes before you swallow. i guess
does 3 exist? idk
i think this is the end of the algebraliens- no wait i gotta do exclamation mark who i will shorten the name to ! bc i am not typing that over and over again
! unlike 5 has a lighter lavender color. since they exist in a different universe and is much more kooky than beefydie algebraliens, i think they'd exist on a different logic. ! probably tastes whatever that juice tastes like, and i think that juice is probably really herbal tasting, with mostly floral lavender notes. what i am saying is ! tastes like if you were to eat a spa. i do not want to eat a spa.
this has been; super technical analysis of what numbers and variables and punctuation tastes like
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kitchenwitchtingss · 1 year
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They've got witches at the barbeque now????
I rarely ever see witchy grilling recipes for summer, so when in doubt, make your own!
The witchy part comes from the seasonings mostly, but also the intentions. Any food cooked with good intentions goes much farther than that with none.
That being said, sage, rosemary, black pepper, and thyme are kinda like the go-to bad vibes be gone type herbs lol.
I use bok choy and yellow squash in this recipe, but you can totally use whatever vegetables you have on hand at the time.
Oh! You could also try to spice the recipe up by subbing the butter for some sort of BBQ sauce. Sounds yummy.
INGREDIENTS (seasoning measurements are just suggestions):
4 chicken thighs, skinless + boneless (can be substituted for pork, tofu, or any fatty meats)
1 yellow squash, washed.
1 bunch of bok choy, washed.
1/2 tbsp Dried Sage
2 cloves Garlic, Minced
2 tsp Ground Thyme
1.5 tsp Black pepper
1 tsp Onion powder
1 tsp brown sugar (you don't need it if you don't really want anything too sweet)
1 tsp honey (or more brown sugar)
1 tsp salt (plus more for the chicken)
0.5 tbsp Paprika (plus another half for the butter)
1 tsp Dried Rosemary
1/4 cup (4 tbsp) Unsalted Butter
Zest of half an orange (if you don't like orange, you could use lemon instead.)
1 tsp orange juice (or more to taste)
You can add lemon juice if you like a little more tang along with the orange juice
PREP: Mince garlic, soak wooden skewers, wash veggies. Slice yellow squash vertically into thin slices, along with bok choy, slicing vertically across the center. Set aside.
Cut chicken thighs into about one-inch pieces. Season chicken thighs with salt, pepper, paprika, brown sugar, ground sage, and onion powder. Massage chicken until coated nicely. I like them pretty seasoned but really it's up to you!
Soak wooden skewers in water for at least 12 minutes so they don't burn on the grill.
In a bowl, combine mix melted butter, minced garlic, onion powder, salt, paprika thyme, black pepper, honey, and rosemary together in a bowl. Add in orange zest and a tsp of orange juice. I also added a little bit of lemon juice. Set aside.
Toss chicken thighs, bok choy, and yellow squash in olive oil.
To assemble skewers, string on a piece of bok choy, gently folded over itself a couple of times, and pierced through to keep it folded on the skewer. Then, string on a piece of chicken. Next with your thinly sliced yellow squash fold that over just like the bok choy. You could also cut it into bite-size pieces and pierce right through it without needing to fold it over itself. Repeat this pattern until the skewer is full.
Heat the grill, clean the grates, and oil them. On medium high-ish heat, cook the skewers on each side for 5 minutes. Each time you flip the skewer, brush on your sage butter sauce. Make sure the chicken is done before taking it off the grill. It could take more than 5 minutes on each side to cook. To be safe, I cook them for another 3-4 minutes after flipping both sides.
Take off the grill and brush with more sauce if desired!
Enjoy! I made these with some herb-crusted potato wedges and grilled peach salad. They were delightful.
I love skewers because you can put any fruits, veggies, and meat on it, and it works. A fun lunch idea is to skewer some peaches, cook them slightly on the grill, and throw it into some sort of salad. Very tasty lol.
I like using Bok Choy because it's very absorbent, and any marinade you put it in, it will soak up all the flavor. Just be careful not to share it on the grill.
Yellow squash is also what I use in this recipe, but the good thing about skewers is that you can use any vegetable. The more colorful, the more fun!
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reashot · 1 year
Jaune Is A Bad Boyfriend Material... Wait, Hear Me Out.
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1) He will treat you the way you want to be treated.
Despite knowing deep down that you probably don't deserve it. Making you feel awful sometimes.
2) He likes to cuddle and hug.
But you yearn for the cold embrace of death...
3) He will motivate you to be better.
Don't kid yourself. You will never amount to anything. And having a boyfriend like Jaune will ever change that.
4) He will learn to cook just so he can make your favorite dish.
And then you will get fat because of it. Not like you need him to do that. You're already fat right now, ain't ya fattie?
5) He will always ask for consent.
Which will get annoying real quick....
Ruby: Noooo!!!
What was that sound? Anyway moving on...
6) He will always be loyal to you.
Making you more likely to cheat on him.
7) He will support you no matter what.
Making you more likely to cheat in front of him.
So if anyone want to add something go right on ahead.
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Lessons learned from my double poll experience yesterday:
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1. I was worried people wouldn’t vote if all the characters were relatively minor, and that wasn’t true. But more than twice as many votes were cast in the major character poll vs the minor characters, so the little guys still have some work to do to get the notice they deserve.
2. Given the Rohan-centric nature of my blog and the strong Rohan enthusiasm of many of my mutuals and followers, I thought Éomer would make a better showing in the major character poll. But he got his clock cleaned not just by his little sister but also several non-Rohirrim.
3. Speaking of that, if you put a pony in a poll, people will vote for that pony even over several very hot guys!
4. In the minor character poll, there was a strong plurality for Théodred, and I love that for him and for us.
5. I severely underestimated the support for Fatty! I adore him, but I hardly ever see anyone talk about him. So I was pleasantly surprised to see the affection for the Shire’s first freedom fighter/partisan of the resistance!
6. Even after putting my thumb on the scales for Háma, he still came in next to last. Sigh.
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chubbycelebs · 8 months
Big Fat Boyfriends (pt 5 - final)
“Look what you’ve done to me.”
“You?! Look at me. I’m fucking huge.”
“You’re so sexy fat though.”
“And you’re sexy obese my piggy.”
Harry and Louis had fully changed now for the better. From starting off as two slender in shape men who anyone would want to get their hands on, they had fully transformed into two massive fatties. That first night when they laid outside the fridge after raiding it, little did they know that in a year’s time they would be struggle to cover their hugely expanding bodies. Their once toned legs had swollen into thick sausages that trousers struggled to contain. Their perky asses ballooned into globes of soft flesh, threatening to break through any item of clothing that claimed to contain it. Their once’s impressive large dicks had now started to shrink into their bulging fat pads, turning their once 6 inch monsters into just over 3 inch chubs. The most shocking change was displayed on their once tones stomachs. Their abs had been ruined by their fatty appetite and left them with huge large guts that jiggled and wobbled with every movement. Their chubby chests laid atop of their bellies, their fattened nipples sensitive to touch. Even their faces had blown up, their cheeks filling out, their jawlines gone and double chins thickening. They truly had ruined their once perfect bodies but they couldn’t help it. Once they got a taste for being full, for fucking on a full stomach, for encouraging each other to be fatter and fatter, they couldn’t stop and they wouldn’t ever stop. The two pigs were unstoppable in their life goal of becoming huge.
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One evening Louis and Harry were in the kitchen, both stood just in their underwear (as all clothes were either too small, uncomfortable to wear or had broken) and slowly munching on some left over sweet treats; brownies, cookies, cupcakes and so on. Louis looked at his boyfriend’s figure and actually could believe what he had turned into. “Harry you’re so fucking fat” he said with a grin on his face.
“Damn alright you’re not slim your self fatty” Harry said throwing Louis a shady look, putting down his brownies he was eating.
“No babes I don’t mean in a bad way. It’s just shocking to think how slim you once were. And now you’re unrecognisable.”
“Really? Does it turn you on?”
“Oh beyond belief. Nothing makes me hornier than fucking my fat boyfriend.”
“Well I must say that you aren’t the slim figured twink I was once dating. I mean look at this gut you’ve got going,” Harry said grabbing Louis hanging belly and shaking it, causing his whole body to jiggle.
“It’s your fault I’m like this. You said what you wanted and I made it reality. You should be proud of my devotion to ruin my body for you.”
“Oh I’m more than proud. I want you on display at all times. Showing off how much you ruined your self for me.”
“And same here. You were so sexy and fit and now you’ve turned into a hog for me.”
Louis was smooshed up against Harry at this point, both of them feeling their huge fat bodies. Harry reached down and slipped his hand into Louis tight underwear. He started playing with his fat ass cheek, squeezing it and fondling it. He moved his hand closer to Louis ass crack, slowly starting to wiggle his fingers deeper and deeper into his hole. Louis reached over to the kitchen side and picked up a can of whipped cream. Harry saw and took it off Louis chubby hands. Harry pushed Louis against the side, getting him to lean over the counter top. As if on queue this caused Louis tight underwear to give way and split light along his ass crack. Harry giggle and slapped Louis fat ass, then ripping the rest of his underwear off. Harry squirted the cream around Louis ass, and then proceeded to lick him clean of it. Harry then concentrated the cream around Louis hole, followed by slowly cleaning it with his tongue. Harry then slowly inserted the can lid into Louis ass hole and squirted. The cream filled up Louis ass. Harry carried on squirting it into the hole until the can was empty. Louis ass was leaking cream. Harry got to work cleaning it up. He dug his tongue deep into his hole, licking around the rim and deep inside. Harry kept going until all the cream had gone. Louis was moaning as he felt Harry deep inside him, his cock leaning cum all over his hanging belly. Harry then slowly started to push his own cock inbetween Louis globe like ass cheeks. Louis couldn’t hold in the loud moan they this caused. As Harry pushed deeper, he grabbed a cupcake that was on the side next to them. Harry picked it up and shoved it into Louis fat face. Harry then started to pump harder and harder into Louis, causing Louis to muffle his moans into the stogy cake. Harry was going harder and harder, unable to stop, driven by his dick to fuck his obese boyfriend. Harry dug deeper and deeper pushing harder, making Louis moan even louder. Louis couldn’t hold it in anymore. He exploded all over the underside of his gut, even squirting onto the cupcakes, covering them in his seed. Harry wasn’t far behind, soon releasing his hot sticky eruption into his hogs ass hole. Harry pulled out whilst Louis caught his breath. Louis was panting over the kitchen side when he saw the cupcakes he had came all over. “Stuff your face with these fatty. Every last one.” Harry looked at what Louis was talking about. He saw the cupcakes and almost instantly got a boner again. He picked up the first one and licked the frosting clean off, then stuffing the rest of the cake into his mouth. The followed a second and a third and before you knew it he had polished off all 6 cupcakes, all covered in Louis sticky cum. “You're such a pig” Louis giggles rubbing his boyfriends belly. Harry smiles before leaning in and making out with Louis. These two had a long life ahead of them filled with fucking and feeding. They are going to be two very fat, very happy piggies.
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Last part of this story. Hope you guys enjoyed I loved writing it. Let me know about request for new stories. I might struggle with getting images for new stories from now on however as I have no way of making new photos (see my post “Updates” for info on this). Anyways thank you for the support!
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starlightshadowsworld · 7 months
Agency informant Izaya
I don't want to bring up the characters of Durarara because they don't really play apart in this.
Despite all the events taking place, this shit happens in the mysterious time and land of post canon.
It's very much a Izaya in the world of Bungou Stray Dogs AU.
However I felt like I should mention what happened when he left.
So the final fight with Shizuo and Izaya happened. And practically everyone thinks Izaya is dead.
There's a great deal of scepticism, and for good reason it is Izaya Orihara after all.
There are 5 people who all know for certainty that he's still alive, other than those that saved him.
Shinra, Shizuo, Mairu, Kururi and Simon.
Shinra and Shizuo just have a gut feeling. They know him well enough to be able to survive just about anything. That and a body was never found.
Shinra, to himself hopes that wherever Izaya is he's happy. He knows more than anyone how human his old friend is.
Mairu and Kururi know because Izaya has always taken care of the house bills, phone bills and anything else they needed money for.
And those payments never stopped. Could just be some auto thing, but now every month they get a certain amount of money.
Every birthday, every time there's a Yuuhei Hanejima meet and greet there's the exact amount + travel fair in their bank accounts.
It's always anonymous but they know who it's from.
Simon knows.... Because it's Simon and Simon knows everything.
Somehow when Izaya was recovering in hospital, one of the nurses handed him a box with his name on it.
And inside was some Fatty Tuna.
Thing is they all know Izaya is never coming back. Again, it's mostly a gut feeling at first.
But than all the information on Izaya Orihara vanishes over night. If you search his name you will find nothing.
Any information the Dollars or other gangs have on him, purged from their systems.
The Awakusu have only their payments and emails between Izaya on record as the only proof they did that they ever did business with him.
His phone number is no longer in use. Kanra leaves the chat room, and the account is deleted. As does every other account ran by Izaya.
It's like Izaya never existed.
He's burned his essence from the city, only remembered in the stories and memories of those around him.
It's poetic in a sense.
And Izaya will never return, because along with the PTSD from his final fight, there's nothing left for him in Ikebukuro.
He's with the Agency, he's happy and more alive than ever. Trying to change, to be better.
And to truly atone, he will leave Ikebukuro in the dust. Erase himself from it's streets and let it move on peace.
In a way Izaya did die in that final fight. But he's reborn, he's someone the old him wouldn't recognise and that makes him smile.
"Izaya? Are you coming in?" Asks Atsushi, walking over to him. Izaya looks back, smiling warmly and nods. "Yeah, yeah I'm coming." Atsushi hesitates but Izaya gestures for him to continue.
"Are you okay?"
Izaya nods "I am, just reminiscing I guess. But back to work, right?" Atsushi nods, smiling "yeah, we've got a new case and could really use your help."
Izaya grins, intrigued "lead the way" he follows Atsushi inside, and he doesn't look back.
And he never will.
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