#fau germany
jockifotopress · 8 months
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HCE-Rückrunde startet
Der HC Erlangen freut sich am Donnerstag (19 Uhr) auf einen packenden Rückrundenauftakt gegen den TBV Lemgo Lippe und auf eine spektakuläre Kulisse in der ARENA in Nürnberg.
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index-of-imagination · 7 months
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Thunderdell, the Most Iconic Giant You've Never Heard of, and a Brief History of Fee Fi Fo Fum
Did you know the giant who said "Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell the blood of an English man" had a name? Well, sorta.
The first known instance of the phrase was found in the pamphlet (a cheap, unbound book more or less) entitled Have with You to Saffron-Walden in 1596 by playwright Thomas Nashe. However, the pamphlet remarks that the origins of the phrase were unknown. Quote:
"O, 'tis a precious apophthegmatical pedant, who will find matter enough to dilate a whole day of the first invention of Fy, fa, fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman [...]" pg. 20
The first known and documented instance I could find of the phrase being uttered by a giant was in the 1711 Newcastle-on-Tyne text The History of Jack and the Giants, one of the very first "Jack tales." If you're not a folklore geek like me, you may not've paid much mind to the name 'Jack' appearing damn near everywhere in fairy tales. You got Jack and the Bean Stalk, Jack-o-Lantern's, The House that Jack Built, and more modern urban legends like Springheeled Jack. He even has cognates all across Europe, such as Antonio in Italy, Hansel in Germany and Ivan in Russia. Anyway, back on topic, the Newcastle text, though once more not the original version of the story and instead a "modernized" take on it, features the iconic phrase.
"Fee, fau, fum, I smell the blood of an English man, Be alive, or be he dead, I'll grind his bones to make my bread."
The giant that utters this is Thunderdell, a two-headed giant who attacked Jack at his own banquet to avenge the deaths of all the other giants Jack has slayed up to this point, those being identified as Cormoran, whom Jack kills with a pickaxe, Blunderbore, whom Jack kills by hanging and stabbing and an unnamed female giant. Thunderdell was the penultimate of the giants Jack killed, with the final being Galligantus, who is the only of these giants that lacks a Wikipedia article.
I'm unsure if any noteworthy version of Jack and the Beanstalk identified the giant he killed, unfortunately.
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dailyanarchistposts · 1 month
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UGL: Ok, let us start with the basic things like the project itself. What is it?
TSU: Okay, well, the scarlet underground’s got three parts of the project—the first part of course is the immediate mutual aid that we need to be using as a direct action for the rural community where we’re based. So what we’re doing is 1. spreading awareness, something the state shoould have done long ago aand because of which most people dont get why they need masks, etc 2. making and giving out free masks and 3. delivering products like rice, daal (lentils), soybeans and sanitizers etc to the poorest of the villages here, who are Lodhas and Santhals, indigienous peoples of India. After the lockdown is over and by the time it’s december we’re planning on building a community centre which will a ct as a school for permaculture, and also as a health clinic and legal aid that would be built in a land that the collective will buy together, and we’re planning to figure out the contours and dig swales to hold the rainwater and basically practic e permaculture there and the idea is that once the locals see the difference between permaulture and monoculture, they’ll be changing the way they grow plants too. The other bit is the other plan is to build a shallow well during december (or maybe even later, but before summer) because if the rains dont come then the farmers lose all their paddy and shallow wells will help them be able to harvest rice all year round. Okay, the last thing is to build another community centre in calcutta which is around 3 hours away, a sort of part library and part free hostel and soup kitchen, for the unemplyed and the homeless. It also gives us space to bring in volunteers let more people know about our permaculture project in jhargram, among other information that would be more political. Like there’s a sponge iron factory here and we’ll need to begin organising people here to fight them. The last time the leader of the protest was found hanging from a tree in the jungle. So yeah, it’s pretty dark. Now the thing is we need people to contribute as a show of solidarity and not charity—which most people obviously don’t get, so international groups like FAU from germany are helping us, and then there are comrades here who helped us too but they can’t really afford so much (even 10,000 rupees is a lot for us). I haven’t added the Calcutta plans there because we’re planning to do that once Flo and other comrades from abroad get here in december. Most of the TSU right now is just farmers, local workers, students and anarchists: all in all i would say 10 people, out of which 3 are in Calcutta right now. Hence everything is being done by the 7 of us at the moment, and another farmer, who’s a commie, wants to join so we’ll be talking to them soon about it. Next week we’re hoping to get enough funds go to Aulgeria which is an adivasi village, and begin our work with them.
UGL: So pretty much you are building a commune from the start and it’s a pretty good start. My second question is, how did you folks came up with this project? Did you have land from the beginning or had to purchase?
TSU: My family used to be liberal land owners until my grandfather became a commie, so we have land here which we bought from anglo-indians who were leaving during india’s partition and since my whole family is leftist, we’ve kept that praxis alive, which is why my mother wants to be a part of this too and doesn’t mind us working from here—in fact she’s full of ideas The land that we wish to turn into the commune is a literal forest—-it’s next to a forest reserve and is full of sal trees among other fruit trees etc, so there will be a lot of work to be done once that begins. But the main, immediate work right now is the covid-19 mutual aid drive, for which we’re raising funds. Yesterday the cops beat up and humiliated locals in the village for not wearing masks, for example. So right now it’s imperative that we give out free masks to as many families as possible and spread awareness about covid—--one of our comrade’s already made posters for it so that’s what we’ll be doing this week, printing up the posters and pamphlets and spreading them around along with the masks By next week if we get enough funds we’ll go to aulgeria, where we basically buy the rice they harvest and distribute it to thepeople and then also get them the rest of the products and soap and sanitizer, etc. We’ll document the whole thing too, so you’ll get to see the aid work once it begins
UGL: What is the name of the town your project’s taking place?
TSU: It’s actually a village, but it’s close to Jhargram. It’s within the jhargram district. This place is called Niribili, you can find it on google, my mother and father used to run it as a homestay (father died of covid last november). The village is called Garh Salboni. Anyway, until we get enough money to buy our own acres of land, we’ll have to use this land as our base, which is fine by the collective as well as the “owners” because of the similarities in ideologies
UGL: That’s pretty nice. How do the locals think of what you’re doing. Have you recruited any new members yet?
TSU: Well out of the 7 of us working here, 3 are locals and there’s another one joining. The local folk are pleased regarding our project—it’s the political parties within the villages that often try to say that the mutual aid work was done by them etc but this sort of direct action always seems to have a positive impact in my experience. There’s also another man called kabir who will possibly join us—i’m waiting to meet him once his work gets over in a few days. So yeah, we’re really trying to make this as local as possible, found that to be the best way to promote solidarity and the idea of autonomy.
UGL: Seems like your project is a flame of hope in a world of darkness. Do you cooperate with other collectives? Both on national and international level I mean.
TSU: We cooperate with FAU germany who has helped us a lot. IWW England hasn’t really helped, but when have the British ever helped Indians? Many anarchists, on individual level, cooperate with us, but it’s mostly been FAU who helped us a lot with funds; and on national level there are individuals that contribute through either work or funds but they aren’t many. We’re trying to be more in touch with Araj and BASO which are based in Bangladesh, but that’s still in its embryo as it were,but we haven’t had the opportunity as of yet to cooperate with anarchist collectives from Greece or Spain or Latin America.
UGL: Glad to hear the FAU is helping, do they plan on making a visit down there? As for the Bangla comrades, please tell me more about them. I know nothing about autonomia and anarchism in Bangladesh.
TSU: I don’t know much to be honest, but there are way more anarchist groups in Bangladesh (BASO is a syndicalist union), Araj I think is an anarchist co-op. Araj basically means Stateless in Bangla.
UGL: We should confederate and help each other. With this interview I plan on making Greek comrades learn of you. However geography also plays it’s role and it’s a good thing you came in contact with Bangla comrades. How about Pakistan though? All of us here would love nothing more than to confederate with your group! We’d love to know more about it too, and maybe we could visit and learn from each other in the future. Well I’m not very well versed with Pakistani anarchist groups—-the demonization of the people there is enough to shield what is really happening there. I’m sure there are groups there, but I’m guessing they have to be very secretive because of the State and also religious fundamentalism. A Pakistani anarchist once wanted to meet me, he had even arrived here but he was made to go to the police station every day and was basically harassed so much that he literally cried for a long time and just left for Pakistan. I’ve been in touch with Food Not Bombs in the Phillipines though, they’re very very cool and really figured out their own way of reaching out to peoplethrough punk concerts for example.
UGL: how will you proceed after completing the Kolkata project? Do you plan on creating a network of communes based on solidarity within India?
TSU: Yeah that’s our basic plan. So in much the same way we try to influence different people in cities through agitprop, seminars and volunteer work what anarchism and mutual aid really means, and then help them organise their own co-op or commune, which i think is important because doing it the first few times, you’ll fail for sure. But you’ll still learn so many things iut of it and bit by bit you can perfect your flow. If everything works out well then i’m hoping that by 2040 (when climate change will most definitely become extremely destructive, something we can’t even fathom as a species) that we will have these communes set together as a federation where we’re always cooperating and figuring out problems autonomously instead of hoping that the chief minister notices that your whole village is starving and devoid of any paddy. But yeah that’s just a dream until we manage to stick to our own plan to make a commune. I think once we start the community centre both in Salboni and in Kolkata, things will start flowing. We’re still trying to figure out where we can make money (as a co-op, to support ourselves) or if our production isenough. We’ll figure something out. Up til december none of this is going to happen, we’re only going to be working in villages in the jhargram district with food and supplies, free masks and hold awareness campaigns, etc.
UGL: I see a lot of similarity between yours and ours project, especially now that you’ve mentioned climate change. You earlier talked of co-ops farms and permaculture as far as I know Indian plains are pretty suitable for farming. Do you plan on starting more farms?
TSU: We love permaculture. That’s what we’re trying to do in the forest here! I’ve obviously never learnt it anywhere but I’ve been trying to learn about it and read about it, and I’ve practised with companion plants and some other tactics, it’s amazing how different permaculture can make your forest. Flo only told me that you’re green anarchists, so I gathered you were probably practicing permaculture, so yeah, I got pretty excited. I’d love to know more about what you do and about your farm and your experiences.
UGL: Well, I’m not an anarchist, I’m an autonomist that has been influenced by the anti-civ and green anarchists currents. The rest of the folk is mostly composed of green anarchist comrades. We’ve started working on the farms from early November and have good progress since then. Right now we’re waiting for the crops to be ready and a portion of them will be distributed among poor proletarian folk. Permaculture saved us a lot of cash and we’re working also on food forests and wood cabins where people can be hosted. We also practice animal herding, what about you?
TSU: I’m an anarchist, I’ve been heavily influenced by kropotkin, camus and goldman, and bhagat singh, who was an indian revolutionary. I’ve always been torn between red and green anarchism, because to me climate change has always been the biggest cause for radical change and the ones responsible for it are the capitalists. so i’ve worked wth MLs, maoists and we had our own zine and collective called Eyezine, after which there was Kaloberal Collective, which failed again, and then in 2020 we started People’s Solidarit Collective, which was a mutual-aid collective, which basically turned into The Scarlet Underground. So this project is a mixture of black and green and black and red, one could say. We’ve had some cows before, now we have lots of chickens and dogs. And elephants; Lots of them here now, to eat the mangoes and jackfruits.
UGL: That’s pretty cool. So you’ve got some past from which you can use the reputation to have the project grow in numbers and quality. Eggs, milk and cheese can be good and nutritious source of food for the poor folk. I see that you activities are pretty much like ours, rural-based. However, since you plan on expanding towards urban centers, how will you proceed there? We thought of creating vertical gardens on squats, but nothing more than that. How about you?
TSU: Unfortunately here in urban areas it costs a fortune to get a house with land to use. At best I think it will have to be an indoor community garden where we practice permaculture but on big plastic or clay circular vats. That way whoever enters the community centre leaves with some idea and maybe curiosity about permaculture.
UGL: What about squats?
TSU: Squats are difficult in Calcutta, they’re usually taken up by homeless people, however we could cooperate it with them and provide them with food. Problem is that it’s much harder to do your daily work because the police here will beat you up.
UGL: I see. Those squats in Calcutta, are they located in the slums? Is there a lot of police in the region?
TSU: Loads of them. There are a lot of protesters in the region tooyeah but they make those houses themselves in the slums the state does fuckall for them or any NGO.
UGL: We hope your project goes well. We will proceed with the confederation and let us hope that more collectives will join us into creating a global network of solidarity. Cheers to you comrade!
TSU: Cheers to you!
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bpod-bpod · 1 year
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Team Defence
Teamwork, as everyone knows, makes the dream work, and it may be key to tackling a particularly slimy health issue. Gastrointestinal worms are a threat around the world, and anyone who has been infected once may be reassured that the body develops methods to prevent a second attack. Immune cells called alternatively activated macrophages trap worm larvae in the intestine (pictured, red and green showing molecules released by the immune cells, enveloping a larva). Researchers hoping to understand the mechanism used by macrophages to tackle the worms investigated the action of various molecules produced by macrophages. They discovered that the macrophages alone weren’t enough to quell an infection, and instead the defence operation relies on additional help from products of other immune cells, T cells, and the activation of genes in the intestinal lining cells. This teamwork keeps secondary infection at bay, and could point researchers towards new treatment approaches.
Written by Anthony Lewis
Image from work by Stefanie Westermann and colleagues
Department of Infection Biology, University Hospital Erlangen and Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Erlangen, Germany
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in PLOS Pathogens, April 2023
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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jobrxiv · 2 months
PhD position in cell division and microscopy Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg PhD position available in the Zanin lab at #FAU. Join us to decipher the molecular mechanisms of cell division in animal cells! See the full job description on jobRxiv: https://jobrxiv.org/job/friedrich-alexander-universitat-erlangen-nurnberg-27778-phd-position-in-cell-division-and-microscopy/?feed_id=79586 #biochemistry #C._elegans #cell_biology #cell_division #confocal_microscopy #ScienceJobs #hiring #research
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linguistlist-blog · 3 months
Jobs: English; Cognitive Science, Historical Linguistics, Linguistic Theories, Syntax, Text/Corpus Linguistics: Post Doc - Akademische Rätin / Akademischer Rat auf Zeit (A13), Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
The English Department at the Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany (FAU) is filling a non-tenured, full-time, post-doc position in English Linguistics (A13 Akademische Rätin auf Zeit, m/f/d) for 3 years (with the possibility to extend the contract for 3 more years). Starting 01 October 2024, the candidate will be working in the team of the newly appointed Chair of English Linguistics (Lotte Sommerer). The candidate should have a strong background in Usage-based Cognitive C http://dlvr.it/T9KxHq
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RNA that doesn’t age.
Certain RNA molecules in the nerve cells in the brain last a life time without being renewed. Neuroscientists from Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) have now demonstrated that this is the case together with researchers from Germany, Austria and the USA. RNAs are generally short-lived molecules that are constantly reconstructed to adjust to environmental conditions. With…
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evoldir · 7 months
Fwd: Conference: OnlineSeminar.ESEB_STN_Speciation.Mar5
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Conference: OnlineSeminar.ESEB_STN_Speciation.Mar5 > Date: 23 February 2024 at 06:20:04 GMT > To: [email protected] > > > Dear colleagues, > > The next instalment of the online seminar series organised by the > ESEB-funded STN network � Integration Of Speciation research � ( [ > https://ift.tt/BQqWcSo ] ) will be held on 05 > March 2024, 9 am CET. > > The upcoming session addresses the topic of "Paleontological views on > speciation". We welcome speakers Erin Saupe (University of Oxford, UK) > and Rachel Warnock (FAU Erlangen-N�rnberg, Germany). > > The session will last 1.5 hours, with the first hour dedicated to > talks from our speakers followed by questions. The last half-an-hour > is dedicated to a more general discussion. > > To attend the session live, please use the following link: > https://ift.tt/3wzjSoT > > Talks (but not the discussion session) are recorded and made available > here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClEkDdE_5sDw70SQq78DIAA. > > The IOS network aims to promote scientific integration and also > integration of the community. A main objective on this front is to > foster diversity and inclusion across the field. The seminar series > and subsequent discussion is open to everyone, from students to > established researchers and non-scientists alike. In order to maximise > the geographic diversity of attendees, we will alternate between two > time slots every other month: 5 pm CET and 9 am CET. Please help us to > circulate this email to anyone who may be interested, especially those > in countries that are typically underrepresented in scientific > discourse. > > The programme of the seminar series is announced by email, on Twitter > (@Speciation_net) and on the IOS network website. People who wish to > automatically receive the programme and other news from the IOS > network can sign up to the network mailing list from the IOS website. > > We look forward to seeing you there! > > The STN IOS organising committee: > > Jonna Kulmuni (chair), Chris Cooney, Sean Stankowski, Carole Smadja > (co-chairs), Sonal Singhal, Liz Scordato, Joana Meier, Richard > Merrill, Konrad Lohse, Nick Barton and Roger Butlin > > > NERC Research Fellow > School of Biosciences > University of Sheffield > www.cooneylab.co.uk > > > Chris Cooney
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nitsan · 1 year
Recap of TYPO3 Developer Days 2023
The most awaited event in the TYPO3 community, began with excitement in Karlsruhe, Germany.
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This Year NITSAN Not able to participate in #T3DD23 , but..but .. NITSAN Always Bring something new to All TYPO3 Enthusiastics . Here are Some Unforgettable Moments from TYPO3 Developer Days 2023.
Similar to two previous editions this year’s Developer Days were hosted at the GenoHotel in Karlsruhe. over 350+ attendees are attended #T3DD23 this year.
Curious about what happen in TYPO3 Developer days 2023 ,Right ? 🤔
Let’s Dive in ..!
Benni Mack and Daniel Fau’s Inspiring Keynote
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The TYPO3 Developer Days 2023 began with a powerful keynote from Benni Mack and Daniel Fau, setting an enthusiastic tone for a weekend of collaboration and innovation within the TYPO3 community.
Sussane Moog’s Session on TYPO3 Performance & Sentry
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Moog’s session provided an in-depth guide on using Sentry for error monitoring in TYPO3 applications. She covered setup, performance optimization, and simplified complex concepts with actionable insights.
Captured moments from Coding Night at TYPO3 Developer Days 2023
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TYPO3 Coding Nights 2023: A dynamic event uniting brilliant minds, fostering innovation, and building camaraderie. Illuminated by TYPO3 developers and dedicated GmbH members, the night embodied community-driven progress and boundless possibilities through collaborative coding.
Sessions and Workshops From Day 2
Oliver Hader delivered an engaging presentation on Content Security Policy (CSP), shedding light on the importance of securing TYPO3 websites. Another session focused on enhancing Custom Table Configuration (TCA), offering valuable insights into optimising and customising this integral aspect of Typo3 development. The event provided a platform for attendees to gain knowledge and expertise in these key areas of interest.
T3DD23’s Lasting Moments
The event ended on a bittersweet note with “Goodbye T3DD23,” reflecting on the memorable experiences shared. The “Best Talk Awards” celebrated standout speakers and sessions that left a mark on TYPO3 Developer Days 2023.
And it’s Wrap Up !
TYPO3 Developer Days 2023 concluded with a focus on innovation, networking, and knowledge-sharing. The event featured engaging sessions, meaningful conversations, and a strong sense of community. Participants left with fresh insights and energy, paving the way for an exciting future in TYPO3 development.
If you Want to More insights about TYPO3 Developer Days 2023 ,
👉Read Here full Blog : https://nitsantech.com/blog/typo3-developer-days-2023
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rnewspost · 2 years
Exploring the positive aspects of caring for relatives at home
Distribution of the BBCS scores. Credit: BMC Geriatrics (2023). DOI: 10.1186/s12877-022-03650-y Fatigue, stress, scarcely any free time or feeling unappreciated: Those caring at home for relatives suffering from conditions such as dementia often feel overwhelmed or under great mental strain. For the first time in Germany, a team of researchers from Universitätsklinikum and FAU have now…
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jockifotopress · 8 months
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HCE-Frauen gewinnen
Die Frauen des HC Erlangen brauchten eine Weile, drehten aber zum Ende hin auf und gewannen mit 30:26 (16:15) gegen den TuS Steißlingen in der Hiersemann-Halle
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mysowa · 2 years
3 godziny temu
Dymitr Miedwiediew S NOVYM 2023 GODOM Do Przyjaciół Moskali do Klubu Moskiewskiego przesłanie Stefana …
 Dymitr Miedwiediew S NOVYM 2023 GODOM Do Przyjaciół Moskali do Klubu Moskiewskiego przesłanie Stefana Kosiewskiego na 2023 rok PDF:
7.2 MB file on MEGA
PAR AVION P.R. CHINA - NIEBOPOLITYKA - Polski Komitet Narodowy GERMANY - Stefan Kosiewski
Do Przyjaciół Moskali, do Klubu Moskiewskiego i wszystkich sprawiedliwych ludzi dobrej woli w byłych państwach-członkach Układu Warszawskiego tudzież NATO jeszcze póki co nie pod wodzą koalicyjnego kanclerza Scholza uzurpującego sobie w porozumieniu z innymi przywódczą rolę w Unii Europejskiej Von der Leyen nominowanej przez IM "Erica"!
31 grudnia 2022 W Imię Boga Najwyższego!
Polski Komitet Narodowy życzy Wszystkim Państwu w nadchodzącym 2023 roku szybkiego i szczęśliwego zakończenia specjalnej operacji wojskowej całkowitą denazyfikacją obecnej Ukrainy z gwarancjami pokojowymi dla obywateli euro-azjatyckiej wspólnoty państw suwerennych!
Tak nam dopomóż Bóg w Trójcy Przenajświętszej Jedyny i Maryja Matka Jego!
Szczęść Boże/ Glück Auf! Amen/Amin. Szalom/Shalom.
Stefan Kosiewski – Strona 3. – sowa
sowa fee ODżYDZANIE · 07. März 2021
4.1. Temat: gdzie jest? Stadt Frankfurt am Main Der Magistrat Stadtschulamt 10.09.1999 Herr Vogel, Leitender Magistratsdirektor: „Eine städtische Zuwendung an den Polnischen Schulverein „OSWIATA” in Frankfurt am Main e.V. ist nicht vorgesehen.Auskunft erteilt Herr Faulhaber 40.P-Fau
gazety – sowa – album na Rajčeti
Arystoteles przechodzi do czerpiących zyski z głoszenia mądrości pozornej, nie rzeczywistej Obowiązkiem kulejącego Bergoglio, Goebbelsa czy Rosy Luxemburg jest nie wypowiadać się fałszywie o tym, co się wie oraz umieć palcem wskazać tego który popełnia błąd, aby kulawi zdążali do swego celu Doprowadzenie przeciwnika w dyskusji do bredzenia o maseczkach jest dobrym złem, bo to, co musi być jest złem koniecznym, aby mogło zaistnieć dobro a chory by wyzdrowiał bez szczepionki na nieznane argumenty erystyczne wnioskują z tego, co nie jest choć wydaje się wiarygodne, albo pozornie wnioskują Micha Brumlik wyciąga wniosek, że syjonizm przeszedł do postsyjonizmu 60 lat po drugiej wojnie światowej Bezbłędna mądrość sofisty roztacza zapach migdałów Prof. Faustus wyciąga wniosek, iż człowiek żyje dobrze Rosa wychodzi za mąż dla uzyskania obywatelstwa, bo taka wie, co należy czynić, a czego nie, wydaje rozkazy Jaśmin we włosach dziewczyny tej nocy głosi mądrość pieśni kochanka wiedzie go intuicja mądrości sądzącej
Szef SPD w Warszawie: „mądre przywództwo” Niemiec w Europie | DW | 28.06.2022
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May 2020 - Romanian seasonal workers at the asparagus farm Spargelhof Ritter in Germany have gone on strike against exploitation and are demanding full rights as they work in the fields during asparagus harvesting season, supported by members of the Free Workers’ Union (FAU). The workers who are flown in to harvest vegetables and fruits in Germany are paid extremely low wages, given mouldy food to subsist on, provided with bad accommodation and get no protection from COVID-19, and in this case are being illegally underpaid. [video]
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the kwama should unionise
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jobrxiv · 2 months
PhD position in cell division and microscopy Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg PhD position available in the Zanin lab at #FAU. Join us to decipher the molecular mechanisms of cell division in animal cells! See the full job description on jobRxiv: https://jobrxiv.org/job/friedrich-alexander-universitat-erlangen-nurnberg-27778-phd-position-in-cell-division-and-microscopy/?feed_id=78977 #biochemistry #C._elegans #cell_biology #cell_division #confocal_microscopy #ScienceJobs #hiring #research
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radicalgraff · 3 years
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"Luxury for All! / Freedom, Solidarity, Class Struggle" FAU sticker seen in Hamburg, Germany
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