#feathered hat girl backgrounder
eahsayswhat · 9 months
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The sequel to Chicken Run comes out tomorrow, so this comic was made to commemorate that! And the idea of Baba Yaga's hut having an AI and a PA system was too funny for me to pass up. Raven's face could be a meme, it looks kinda like a chicken in this shot with that hairdo. And I missed this in the episode, but Maddie actually clapped for the hut while it rampaged! Gotta love a chaos gremlin.
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jrueships · 1 year
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theyre so beautiful bro
#i had to crop out bobby portis to say this#SORRY 😭#the unlikely to be a couple but become a final girl power couple in a horror movie#soft funny not fit to be in the clique but too good at sports to kick out jock who saves his asshole jock friends from the monster#and gives the popular mean girl cheerleader his coat when shes cold (shes cheating on him & just using him for status#but ultimately gets left to die by his friends giannis#and nerdy 'got invited as a joke' total virg jrue#he brought his boyscout compass and most fashionable single feather adorned hiking hat to the cabin by the woods#and cartoon dino bandaids he keeps in his fannypack where a trex says rawrsome on it#grayson one of the asshole jocks gets severely injured from a close encounter but refuses jrues dino bandaids bcs theyre lame#and he dies lol#giannis is covered in them and excitedly shows them off when theyre home safe to the reporters#pointing very happily at a giant gash in his arm desperately covered in dino & easter themed bandaids (YES jrue had to bring out the SPARE#'LOOK!!! LOOK :D!!! JRUE DID THIS!!@!! hes so talented <3 ! my boyfriend is so talented <33 i mean my BUDDY i MY BESTFRIEND!!!..boyfriend😼#hes gonna be a nurse one day THATS SO AWESOME i never heard of a boy nurse before HES BREAKING GENDER BARRIERS!!!!!'#cut to jrue with giant portis esque eyes smiling but also still anxiously patting giannis's arm ' UM.'#throughout the movie ( bcs they arent expected to be the ones living) small background events foreshadow their bond#b4 the whole monster climax where giannis and jrue go sicko mode on it#jrue stands up for giannis when his gf says shes just in it cus hes 'an exotic foreign guy' n infantalizes him#giannis thinks jrues hiking hat is the coolest shit ever and jrue helps him make his own to wear with mud and sticks#they both get left behind on the hike bcs others came to actually hike and take sunset heart photos#while jrue n giannis stop to oo and aw and watch random bugs n wildlife exist for five hours#giannis refuses to let the others bully jrue jrue refuses to leave giannis etcetc#horror movie powercouple 🥰#jrue#giannis#them emerging from the wreckage victorious then ends on them having started a beautiful family together#taking them out to a hike where they all stop to oo at a caterpillar with no one rushing them#fakeout monster return jumpscare while their backs are turned but it turns out giannis just accidentally punched a bear n scared it#the family mourns forgiveness together and it ends happily forever after <3
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chic-a-gigot · 4 months
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La Mode nationale, no. 23, 10 juin 1905, Paris. Bibliothèque nationale de France
Toilette de visite pour jeune femme ou jeune fille, en voile beige très pâle. Jupe courte à plis cousus, soulignée de deux piqûres en cercle et reposant sur un haut volant froncé. Boléro arrondi sur une haute ceinture drapée, en pointe, et de liberty vert Nil. Ce boléro se découpé élégamment sur un fond de taffetas blanc ou vert Nil ou ton sur ton. Un biais piqué semé de petits boutons suit les contours (voir le dos); on pourrait poser simplement le biais sur le boléro et simuler l'effet. Haut de manche ballonné, resserré par un petit volant. Bas de manche étroit, garni comme le boléro.
Visiting ensemble for young women or girls, in very pale beige voile. Short skirt with sewn pleats, highlighted with two circular stitches and resting on a gathered ruffle top. Rounded bolero on a high draped belt, pointed, and Nile green liberty. This bolero is elegantly cut out against a background of white or Nile green or tone-on-tone taffeta. A stitched bias dotted with small buttons follows the contours (see the back); we could simply place the bias on the bolero and simulate the effect. Ballooned top sleeve, tightened by a small ruffle. Narrow bottom sleeves, trimmed like the bolero.
Matériaux: 8 mètres de voile; 3 mètres de soie vert Nil.
Toque de paille beige ombragée d'une plume vert Nil.
Beige straw hat shaded with a Nile green feather.
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shirohige-pirates · 9 months
Birds of a Feather
CisFem Reader x Marco
CW: Violence, blood, language, adult themes and scenes. 18+ only
Summary: Life has not been kind to you. After a string of bad relationships, you're a little jaded and a little depressed in all honestly. The worst day of your life seems to be the turning point, but the roller coaster ride that follows could either throw you soaring free, or have you caged forever?
Tag List: @clumsyraccoon
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Chapter 29: Brotherly Deception
"No!" You exclaim in panic as the car sputters to a stop. "No, no, no, no, no, not right now. Not like this! Shit. Fuck. Fuck." You swear, bouncing your head off the steering wheel in frustration, making the horn activate with the last curse word.
Everything had been going so well, and now this.
Your private birthday celebration with Marco had been a smashing success, and you'd spent Friday relaxing and recovering. You'd made plans for today, specifically because of how everything was going to go, and - as planned - you were driving yourself to the manor.
With Marco working for the day, and you wanting to pick up a couple last minute gifts, the both of you had been existing separately for almost the entire day. The party was tonight, and you wanted to make a good impression. You were already running behind, not by much, but you weren't going to be late late.
Well, you weren't going to be late late, but now you certainly will be.
Your bird, your baby, your completely rebuilt 1978 Firebird that should've run perfectly for at least five years, had sputtered out. Out of gas, a bad connection for the battery, a dud battery, you didn't know. The whole thing was dead and your gauges were lifeless without the motor running.
You knew that you were a good distance from the manor. You hadn't been yet, but you'd written down the directions with the last few ounces of phone battery you had left. How Marco had done the drive every single day for the clinic was just inane. You could walk, but the sun was nearly down, it was cold out, and even if it was just five miles, you could be in serious trouble pretty quick. Clear skies, no moon, if the coastal winds were harsh, a good gust would cut through your jacket without any issue.
To make it all worse, your phone was dead. You were so sure you'd make the trip, and would be able to charge it once you got there. It was your own fault for letting a bunch of little programs run in the background while you'd run your errands, but the last thing on your mind was the power level of your phone.
Marco was going to chew you out.
Well, no, probably not. Kid would have, to hide his concern, but Marco was going to be nervous, and stressed out on his birthday, and it was going to objectively be your fault. His birthday day, and night, had gone really well, but the party tonight was with the entire family.
None of this was the impression you'd been hoping to make with him or his brothers. Even though you were sure you'd be forgiven, and maybe only teased relentlessly for a couple months at most, but that wasn't the point right now.
A soft click of boots on pavement catches your attention just before a pair of thick knuckles tap on the glass of your window. Despite hearing the approach the sound and gesture still makes you jump a little, but you turn to see a stocky man with an impressive, well kept beard, a few too many rings, and an apologetic, toothy grin that was missing a couple tooths from it.
"Sorry to startle ya' lass," he says in a voice with enough baritone you can hear him easily with your windows rolled up. "Oh, hey, your Marco's girl, ain'tcha?"
"And you are?" You question, cracking the window enough to be heard.
"One of a few dozens brothers. I heard about you from Ace an' Thatch. Yer car's even more impressive than I expected." He admits. "Teach Newgate, at yer service lass." He introduces himself with an overdone bow, tipping an imaginary hat he's not even wearing. It reminds you of how animated Thatch is.
"You wouldn't happen to have a cell phone or a gallon of gas on you, would you Teach?" You question, rolling up your window and stepping out of your car. You show him your dead cellphone. "I honestly don't know if gas is what I need, but it's the easiest thing to check."
"Eh, sorry Miss." He says, pointing back to a motorcycle. "I have my cell, but," he holds out the device showing No Service, and gives a helpless shrug. "I'm barely half a mile up the road, it'll be a cold, but very quick ride. Let's get you inside, you can charge yer box, an' warm up. Marco's got his car, it'll be a warmer ride up to the manor if'n we get him a call and get you a ride."
You take in a breath, considering your available options, and let it out slow. You don't want to leave your car unattended, but honestly, you'd have to if you'd decided to walk it anyway. A gust of wind tears down the right and reminds you of the impending winter.
And lack of sun.
"In a field of miserable options, your plan seems the least miserable. Let me turn on the hazards, if they'll even work, and lock the old girl up and I'll take you up on that offer." You admit.
After doing as you said, Teach handed you a helmet and helped you onto his bike. He was a big guy, but that worked out well for you. His size protected you from the wind on the quick ride from your stalled car to his house.
Even with him in front of you though, the ride was cold. You didn't have the right kind of gear for being out in the cold, never mind for being out in it at 30mph. You might have only been out in the sharp chill for a minute or two at most, and the ride certainly felt far longer than you expected for half a mile, but the cold was into your bones when he pulled into his driveway.
"It's ah good thing I was running behind to the party my own self," he admits, guiding you into the house, massive hands rubbing your arms to help put some warmth into them. "I needed ta' stop here and get some stuff anyway, but I'm afraid I don't have anything but the bike."
The warm wooden decor seemed to try and help warm you up, and Teach stoked a dying fire in the fireplace which brought more heat into the house. He offered a place for you to sit and tossed a blanket around your shoulders to help get you warmed up. It was all cozy, the house, the blanket, the small couch that was almost crowding the fireplace.
If it wasn't for how miserable you felt for putting more of Marco's family out like this, you'd almost be able to relax.
"Here, I'll plug that in for ya'." He says, taking your phone and hooking it into a nearby surge protector with a charger cable on it. All that was next to a large recliner. It looked like it was his favorite seat, considering how efficient the space around it was. "Want something to drink? I'm pretty sure I got some spare cocoa, help warm ya' up."
"Please, if it's not too much. That ride was a little more brisk than I'd expected." You admit sheepishly.
"My pleasure," he assures you. "I'll get that going, and once ya' thaw out you can give Marco a call on muh phone. Doubt he'll understand you with your teeth chatterin' like that," he points out, laughing as he heads into the kitchen.
You scoot off the couch and got a little closer to the fireplace, holding the blanket open and letting the flames warm you up a little more directly before pulling the blanket close again. Once your bones stopped shivering you shimmied back onto the couch. Teach brought you in some hot cocoa in glazed stone mug that was just insulated enough to warm your hands without burning them.
"Thank you," you say with a smile, taking easy sips. "This is much better than hiking the last five miles or so in the dark."
"Especially without a decent coat. Ya' ought ta' ask Marco to buy ya' a good one." He says, chuckling.
"Ah, no, I have one. I just didn't expect, well, this. My car had just gotten restored recently, by a mechanic I trust." You sigh in frustration. The idea of calling Kid was it's own bag of miserable, miserably worms, and you didn't want to think about it too much right now. He was going to keep your car for a month before he was done quality checking it a hundred times. "Woe to whatever manufacturer sold Kid a bad gas line. He's going to be so pissed."
"Ah, here you go." He says, pulling his phone out of his pocket, giving it a look before handing it over. "More bars'n the earlier no service crap. Lemme give you some privacy, I don't need to hear anyone cooing at that rotten old pineapple."
You grin, giving him a chance to leave the room. Muttering to yourself that you don't coo at your forty-two year old boyfriend, you dialed Marco's number.
One ring.
Two rings.
Marco really did pick up for you a lot faster than he did anyone else.
Five rings and the line connects finally connects.
"I told you not to call me again Teach," the anger in Marco's voice stops your own words in your throat. "There's no godsdamned treasure from the old days! I don't care what you threaten me with, I can't pull berries out of thin air!"
The smile on your face fades away entirely. You thought at first that it was some kind of brotherly spat, and Marco would be embarrassed to have been so irritated needlessly. But one word bounced around in your head at record speed.
You hang up the phone without saying anything, trying to calm your racing thoughts, or at least, wrangle them enough to not look as scared as you suddenly were.
Kid would've checked that line, millimeter by millimeter. He'd never trusted anyone else's work except for Killer, Heat and Wire's. When it came to your car you wouldn't be surprised to hear from Killer that he inspected everything himself, regardless.
You were only stalled out for a minute. Even if your phone hadn't been dead, would you have still ended up here? Probably. His phone clearly showed that there was no service. The offer would've been the same. The logic, the words, nothing would've had to change even if you hadn't let your phone dwindle into a useless brick.
He made sure your car was going to stop there. How exactly was a point that didn't strictly matter, but everything else lined up. Marco's anger was legit. Your eyes shifted to the barely touched cocoa.
- threaten me with,
"What'd he say?" Teach asks, coming back into the room. You can feel your entire body jolt, but you hope it wasn't nearly as obvious as it felt.
"Ah, nothing yet." You say, trying to look as unconcerned as possible. "Voicemail was full and he didn't answer. In a few minutes my phone will have enough juice and I'll try again."
"Bah, not surprising, he's not a big fan of the phone." He says, taking his cell phone back. "Are ye at least warmer?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah. Yes, thank you." You answer, smiling brightly, tugging the blanket a little more snugly around yourself.
"Alright, I got some work to do if we're stuck waiting for a bit," he turns and points. "I'll be in the den, if you need anything, just come get me."
"Certainly, once I get a hold of Marco, I'll let you know." You reply, raising your mug of cocoa a little before he leaves the room, moving as though you mean to take another drink of it.
You sit still for a moment, listening to Teach move through the house. Once he settles you start to focus on your more immediate surroundings.
Suddenly, everything feels wrong.
Getting up carefully and slowly from the couch you slowly tip the cocoa into the corner of the fire place. You don't want the splash to give you away, and you're certainly not going to drink anymore of it. The pounding in your ears and the tingle in your fingers could just as easily be your own fears and nerves, but it's not impossible for him to have laced the drink.
Cocoa has a strong flavor, it could hide a lot of things.
The problem now was - what were you going to do?
Even if you called Marco from your own phone, all you'd do is lure him here like Teach wanted. Whether it was for a heated argument, or something more sinister, didn't really matter. Something about Marco's anger toward Teach left you feeling like a simple conversation wasn't going to be how things went.
Teach had said it was a half mile up the road to get to his house. The Manor was maybe 5 miles from where you had been. You were most certainly on the back of that bike for more than half a mile, but he was so big and you were so cold you hadn't looked around.
You swayed a little, thinking of the turns you'd taken to get here. None of them lead you strictly away from the Manor, but you could easily be further west of your destination than you meant. Once your phone had some juice you could use the GPS to at least see where you were.
It was cold, but running would keep you warm.
Running, at night, with no moon, was not the ideal situation of the century, but it was better than the alternative. Once you got some distance between you and the house you could call Marco and have him come meet you, there was no reason to try and run the full distance.
You got up off the couch and went over to check on your phone's progress. You tap on the screen but nothing happens.
The phone is completely dark. There's not even a little battery icon popping up to show you progress.
Picking it up your eyes shift and you realize the surge protector Teach had the charger plugged into wasn't plugged into the wall. Marco's words about being threatened cool your blood again and you take a second to try and calm your heart when Teach's voice nearly leaps you out of your skin.
"Wondered how long that would take ya'." Teach says and you turn around quickly. You hadn't heard him move since he settled into the den. People could be stealthy, but your hearing was remarkable, and for him to move so silently at his size was disconcerting.
Your eyes shift around the room. "Why?"
"Pops was one of the greatest pirates of a bygone era." Teach starts, he looks relaxed, and kind of bored. You can feel yourself bristle at the implication, but having him under estimate you would be best. "He and Roger were rivals, friendly ones, for whatever good that did 'em. Both crews had riches, lass. Roger sunk his into changin' the world, for all the good it did. Pops didn't do anything like that."
Teach steps toward you and you bolt out of the room and into the hall, and then into the kitchen. You hear Teach moving this time, and once you see him you scramble back toward the living room. That room leads to the foyer and the faster you could reach a door you already knew about, the faster you could run away.
You hear Teach slip and swear behind you and keep your focus on the door. Even a deadbolt can slow someone down if they're too panicked to operate it correctly. Once your hand was on the knob you twisted it. The bolt hit the frame, so you left your hand on the knob and reached up with your other hand and turned the bolt.
With the knob still turned, and the bolt gone, you pulled and flung the door open. Cold night air rushes you, angrier than it was earlier, but you're not staying in this house.
Something pulls at you and before you can clear the porch, you're being pulled back into the house. You don't feel anything physical on you for a couple seconds until the unseen force yanks you right into Teach's hand.
Hauling you around by the back of your collar, he spins you swiftly, grabbing your collar and jacket in one strong hand, lifting you up like you weigh nothing, and shoving you roughly against the wall. The impact knocks the air from you and it takes you a second to catch your breath.
"Lucky for us both, that you have a devil fruit, little girl." The warm eyes and jovial demeanor of earlier are gone. Dark cold eyes bore into yours as Teach taps the barrel of a pistol against your shoulder. "Cause while I'm a good shot, I ain't no doctor."
Teach tucks the gun away and pulls out his phone.
"Smile for the camera, doll." He says, and you spit on the phone, covering the little lens with spit. It's a near useless act of defiance, but you're not going to make things easy for him.
Teach grins, and you feel your body go cold with fear. He pulls you away from the wall only to slam you back into it so hard you're hoping the heavy crunch is plaster and wood, and not your bones. The force is enough that you can't be sure, as pain sears your backside even with a couple layers of clothing.
Your senses reel as you try to make sense of his strength he pulls you away and slams you back into the wall a second time. The pain is like lightning through your back, and you feel something sharp break against your head. A nail, a sharp piece of wood, you aren't sure, but you can already feel the blood trickling through your hair.
His iron grip is on your dust-covered face and neck, and your focus in on trying to breathe. You can't be bothered about the phone's camera, you can barely even see the damn thing between the dust, and the warm disorienting feeling of hot liquid trickling down your face. The pain is almost comforting, because if you were severely injured you think you'd be too overloaded to feel it all so clearly.
"This time I'll help ya pose, lass." He says, squeezing your face and holding you still. It's harder to breathe like this, and he's so much taller your feet can't find any purchase.
There's a flash and a clicking sound, and you cough when Teach releases you, letting you fall to the floor in half a heap. Your whole body hurts worse than you think it ever has before, but even with the pain, nothing feels broken. Every breath tastes like dust and dirt, and the only other thing you can taste and smell is blood.
Broken, or not, you're not running in this condition. You're not even sure you could stand under your own power right now. At the very least you find you'd rather just stay on the floor, hand on your head. You wince at the sharp pain, but the cut on your head is already gummy, so it wasn't deep enough to be a primary concern right now.
"Look at my guest." Teach says, muttering while he types his message.
You growl in pain as a heavy hand grabs you by the back of your collar and picks you up without any concern. He's taller and broader than Marco, and massive compared to you, but it's still disorienting how he's tossing you around like a pillow, and not the full grown human that you are.
"Don't worry, little trinket, I'm going to make sure you're not dying, and then you an' me are gonna wait for big brother - oh, look at that. He's calling me for once. Let's use that fancy video chat option, eh?"
He shifts you until you're head's next to his, one big hand holding you in place. You can see the phone through one eye, but the other's gummed shut with blood from the cut on your head. You knew vaguely that wounds on your head and face bled worse than anywhere else on your body, even if they were only superficial.
You just knew, no matter what state you were in, you didn't want anyone else to get hurt, and certainly not Marco. But you also knew Marco wasn't going to leave you to your fate.
There's a tense moment of silence and you shake your head. "No."
"Strong girl you got here, brother." Teach says, squeezing you closer until you grimace from the pain. "Feisty, too."
"... What do you want, Teach?" The tone in Marco's voice almost scares you more than Teach's entire existence. You'd certainly never heard him angry before, and right now he was furious.
You were almost grateful you couldn't clearly see the video feed.
"What I'm owed, Marco." He answers in a long-suffering tone.
"I told you -."
"I don't want the company line!" Teach bellows, his grip on your tightening again for a second before he calms down again. "The amount's the same. Figure it out. You know where I am, and what I'll do if I catch a whiff of anything."
"W-wait," you force yourself to speak, smacking Teach's hand in case he doesn't hear you.
"Aww, got some encouraging words, poppet?"
"My... my boss can help." You explain, closing your eyes.
"And who might that be?" Teach questions, amusement in his voice.
"Ivankov." Marco answers for you. "I'll get you your money Teach. Then we'll resolve this new issue."
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snowwolflover · 10 months
A deal is a deal
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part 11
It was time for the show to start, We had two girls and two guys go out front and sell tickets. There sexy outfits caught lots of people's attention right away. As they would walk over to the tent to see what we were doing they were invited in to see the sexy show in the city and grab drinks from our bar. It didn't take long before the text started to fill up. About 20 mins after we opened the doors Kat walked out on stage along two back up dancers from each house. Kat took center stage as the host for the night and the others came over and got on the floor of the stage around her feet.
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Kat Grabbed her microphone and started. "Bienvenue, Madams and Monsieur. Welcome Lady's ....and gentlemen. Tonight it is our pleasure to invite you to join us for a little....FUN. Just remember the, You can look but you can't touch. You drool just not on the merchandise and you can dream all your dreams. For now though, enjoy the show." Kat says as she walks off stage laughing. The music hits and the first girls come on stage to start dancing. The show goes on perfectly. All the guys and girls looked amazing on stage all night. I have to admit that when Colt took the stage even I was frozen watching the stage. The moves, his body. he looked absolutely amazing. I can only hope he looked what he saw when I was on stage... or did he even see? My mind was racing once again. Grace did a small dance number as a background dance and then helped serve drinks. She was so cute walking around in her outfit.
As the show came to and end the last number was on stage and in the middle of the dance Kat comes out for the grand finale. She's dancing and tosses off her hat and let's her hair fall down. a little more dancing and she takes off her jacket leaving her standing in just a bra top. The dances goes on more and the last second of the dance a few of the dancers come on with large feather fans and at just the right moment the cover Kat and she pulls on her pants and tosses them in to the crowd. leaving the audience seeing her standing there In bra and panties covered by the fans. Someone walks over to Kat and hands her a microphone and well Kat being kat handed them her bra.
Kat again addressed the crowed. "Thank you all for joining us tonight and we hope you had as much fun as we did" The crowed went wild for her. "Now it's time to take all your dreams, fantasies and if your lucky a dancer or two and head back out to the real world. Enjoy the night air and we will see you again soon. Love you all"
Kat and all the dancers walked off stage and to the dressing room in the back. The lights came up in the.main tent and everyone started to leave little by little. In the back everyone was laughing and having fun, energetic from the show. I saw Grace sitting in a make up chair she looked like she was falling asleep at this point. I walked over to check on her and make sure she was ok. Grace assured me she was fine so I kissed her head and let her be. People started talking about after party's and such and it was decided that we were going to have the party in the main tent for a while before heading out for the night. Colt came over to talk to me "Are you planning to stay for the party, I would love to have more time with you". I smiled and looked back at Grace for a second "I am going to come to the party but I need to run back to the house for a minute." I let him know. "Would you like some company on the walk?" He asks. "Umm ya that should be fine. I just wanted to make sure Grace made it safe and went to bed, I know she's tired" I replied. I walked over and got Grace "Come on baby, it's time to get you to bed." She reluctantly got up and was complaining that she wanted to stay for the party. "No sweetie I told her, you look like your about to pass out right now". I walked her back out still complaining a bit and we told Kat we would be right back. We meet Colt and started to walk back to the house, Grace still complaining it's not fair she can't stay. "I know you want to stay at the party but you do look tiered and should probably listen to your big sister" Colt says trying to comfort her.
We made it to the house and up to the room. I asked Colt if he would mind waiting outside so Grace could change, which he agreed to with no issues. I took Grace in the room and helped her get out of her costume, as I was helping to get her undressed I noticed she had a small rash forming from the underwear she had on from the show. I go grab a night shirt and some rash cream from her nanny bag. I made her lay down and put the cream on her privates and laid the nightgown next to her. I looked her in the eyes for a moment and saw the lost little girl I knew she was. She looked helpless laying there. I turned to the dresser and grabbed a pull up from the drawer and put that on her. she was to tiers to even say anything then I slipped on her night shirt and rolled her the correct way on to the bed. she got settled and I gave her a good night kiss and told her I would be back soon.
I went to leave and opened the door. "Ok I'm ready, sorry" I told Colt. he assured me it was fine and as I start to walk away I realized I forgot my purse and phone. I opened the door and went to grab them. my purse was on my bed but I didn't see my phone. I took a minute but I found it. it had fallen off my bed.I picked it up and went to walk out. Colt was standing at the door waiting for me and we stepped in to the hall and I turned to close the door. As I did I noticed that Grace was not completely covered by the blanket and the bottom of the pull up was showing from where she had her leg sticking out. I hope Colt didn't see that, I don't want to explain it right now. We walked back to the party and talked, Colt never brought up the pull up but did say it was nice how i looked after her like that. We reached the party and joined in right away. almost surprised I saw Kat and she had all her clothes back on. well her costume clothes at least.
We had a great night and while we were dancing I leaned in and gave Colt our real first kiss. It felt amazing, The moment seemed to last forever. It felt like everything else around us had stopped. Then all of a sudden the crowd started to cheer and bring me back to reality. It looked like the whole party had stopped and was now cheering Colt and I. I turned bright red. Kat walked over to us and turned to the crowd, "Lady's and gentlemen, The star crossed lovers who brought you tonight's festivities. The presidents of both houses next year. The newest link in the bound between the two houses. I give you Colt and Tiffany!" she announced. I grabbed her in a hug and whispered in her ear "I'm going to kill you" as I laughed. Colt kissed me again and we raised our hands in the air like we just won a competition.
As everyone started to get back to dancing and talking and the focus was back off of us Kat asked me "How are little one doing?" "She fine, I got her back and in bed" I replied. Colt pipped in and said "She was passed out before Tiffany even made it all the way out the door, she looked cute". I gave him a look for a second, Did he see her? did he notice the pull up? No. he couldn't have. I dropped it. The rest of the night was a blast and Colt and I spent alot of time together. At the end of the night he once again walked me back and gave me a kiss at the front door this time before wishing me sweet dreams.
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cryptid-killjoy · 1 year
Father’s Day
It was a complicated day for Valerie. She wanted to celebrate Thomas big and loud for his first official biological kids having Father’s Day. She knew it was bigger than that though. Scout and the boys were plotting which touched her heart. Chip was having his own big day and meanwhile honoring the Jet’s memory with Dale. That was something the twins had in their hearts. The non-traditional family had a web of love they had strings still tied to. Even in death some even had access to. To say the family was delicate but strong was one Hell of a conundrum but oh so true. 
Not only that, but she’d been preparing for feelings of Flotsam as Father’s Day approached. She didn’t want to step on Thomas’s day and yet everything in her, Flotsam was clawing at her insides to get out for this. 
She herself always took a moment out by her altar for Dr. Facilier, the shadow man of a father Flotsam grew up with. Valerie would even take a moment to flip through pictures of Zeke and put some bacon and bourbon out like a small tribute. She felt the need to wear her top hat and carry around her cards in her velvet bag for much of the day just to feel close to her Dr. F. She stuck a card in the band instead of a feather like her daddy sometimes did too. She chose the strength card. It would sit there with a big drawing a lion on the side of her head all day. She’d explain it would always fascinate her to stare at whatever card her dad had on the side of his head for however long he wore it that way. Valerie felt like she needed some strength today. It was a good card. 
It seemed she needed it more than ever when Maddy’s gifts arrived. It jarred her emotions even more unexpectedly. After her heart attack and everything else, it was just a lot. She needed calm on such an emotional day for all she held inside her about this day. She needed Thomas’s support on this all while she was trying to make it Thomas’s day. She’d only take her top hat with her strength card off for Thomas’s special performance. 
Thomas did not get any traditional breakfast in bed or greatest dad tee shirts or mugs this year. He didn’t get any power tools. But that man best bet his family had something in store for him. Maybe it was a lucky thing Scout had a month more with no sight because she and Chip and Dale were able to plan for this day without him seeing it coming. He’d only be able to see them setting up the living room come Father’s Day morning, but they had it all planned. 
Valerie would get herself all dolled up in most “Valerie” fashion, very Amy Winehouse hair, the big poof, wings on her eyes, fuck me pumps and all. She threw on her dress she wore on their first date and oh boy did fit so much nicer with a real body. She hadn’t worn it since. 
All the dogs, Dug, Willy, Wanker, the whole sled team were in the living room which was difficult. Willy, Wanker, and Dug were trained. The sled team were more their “outside dogs” that were allowed in whenever they wanted and were still in training. Still Scout managed to get them all in there and behaving for this image. Rephrase. Dug was able to snarl them into submission until they behaved nicely and settled down.  
It was set up for band practice they way they used to do it before everyone moved back away only holy smokes Chip and Dale were up at the mics too, not Valerie. Valerie and Scout were set to play the music with guitars strapped on. The triplets were in bouncers in front of the older kids. The lines of dogs were on the left. Valerie looked like a doowop girl. Thomas must have known he was in for a show when he was told he could come in. They were ready. River appeared on the drums in the background when the music started transparent, but he held those sticks and tap-tap-tap when that old school music that fit Valerie’s aesthetic started up his Father’s Day.
 Scout stood up and sang the first phrase with a twinkle in her eyes, eyes that could see right back through his own: 
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 There's a man at my house, he's so big and strong He goes to work each day, and he stays all day long He comes home each night looking tired and beat He sits down at the dinner table and has a bite to eat Never a frown always a smile When he says to me how's my child I said that I've been studying hard all day in school Tryin' very hard to understand the golden rule I think I'll color this man father I think I'll color him love Said I'm gonna color him father I think I'll color the man love, yes I will
Then Dale steps up and says the next lyrics: 
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He says education is the thing if you want to compete Because without it son, life ain't very sweet I love this man and I don't know why Except I'll need his strength until the day that I die My mother loves him and I can tell By the way she looks at him when he holds my little sister Nell I heard her say just the other day That if it hadn't of been for him she couldn't have found her way I think I'll color him father I'm gonna color him love I've got to color him father I think I'll color this man love
Then oh yes Chip stepped up and sang these lyrics: 
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Our real old man he got killed in the war And she knows she and seven kids couldn't of gotten very far She said she thought that she could never love again And then there he stood with that big wide grin He married my mother and he took us in And now we belong to the man with that big wide grin I've got to color this man father I'm gonna color him love I've got to color him father I believe I'll color this man love He's just been so good to me I know I've got to color him love I'm gonna color him father I've got to color this man love He's just been so kind I think I'll color him love I'm gonna color him father
Valerie would be there doowopping little background oh’s and ah’s and swaying her hips as her kids did this all the way till the end when she pointed at the dogs and got them all howling for a final extra round of singing the chorus all silly and fun. River would disappear the moment the music stopped however, but he’d have his moments. He’d look Thomas right in the eyes smiling as he tapped away. 
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Valerie was so happy by the end she managed to get through it without crying. It was such happy dappy doop-doop-dee-doo sounding song, but with all their history she knew it was emotional strings they were strumming. 
Scout would break the ender with a run up to Thomas jumping up and down, “Did you like it?” 
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circifox · 1 year
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Cure Feather
Updated design from this: https://www.deviantart.com/circifox/art/AU-Yume-Yume-Pretty-Cure-943166007 "Pretty Cure-- Dream Charge! Power Up!" "The sweetest dreams from beyond the clouds! Cure Feather!" Angel, aka Cure Feather, is one of the members of Yume Yume Precure and the resident pink cure. I imagine he's one of the two midseason cures, or he appeared as a cliffhanger before the midseason. He took care of Omelet, one of the fairies trying to find the Precures who were to stop the Sleeping End. Omelet was stranded from Hat due to an attack on the pair by the antagonists, and he was found by Angel. He is also one of the high school students in the group, along with Penelope and Circi. Angel has been close friends with Penelope (Cure Comet) for years, and Peace is inspired by his dancing in ballet. However, Angel is the only child from a wealthy but restrictive family, and although he's also in archery, being in ballet is one of his few freedoms. He is allowed to be friends with Penelope, and Peace trusts him enough to walk her home from school when Penelope can't. Although sheltered, Angel is a very expressive and sensitive sort of person who cares deeply about those he is close to. His Dream Jar transformation mainly provides him strengthened ranged attacks, an ability to float and glide, and increased accuracy and speed. Although he is the only boy of the group, Angel does help a lot with supporting Peace and figuring out strategies for how to defeat the antagonists. He is also more perceptive than he tends to appear, similarly to Penelope. With Angel, his design just. Got more colorful and more extra when I was tweaking him. I do enjoy drawing Angel in pinks (its a contributing reason as to why he seemed more fitting as a pink cure to me compared to Peace). His attacks and background having elements from ballet was inspired by Princess Tutu, which is one of my favorite magical girl anime. Also, Angel and Omelet must be a duo and I can't just remove the pig from Angel. It's illegal. Pretty Cure (franchise)- Izumi Todo, Bandai, Toei Animation Angel- Me (@circifox)
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ladyaudentium · 1 year
Just Like a Crow Chasing the Butterfly
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: General Fandom: One Piece (Anime & Manga) Relationship: Trafalgar D. Water Law & Original Female Character(s), Fushichou Marco | Phoenix Marco/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Fushichou Marco | Phoenix Marco, Trafalgar D. Water Law, Bepo (One Piece) Additional Tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Found Family, Domestic Fluff, Everyone Needs A Hug, Plotting Murder, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, In which Law is adopted by a new auntie whether he likes it or not, Background Relationships Series: Part 2 of To Feather Your Nest Summary: Eight years since she had escaped Doflamingo and Arry had never felt more alive. A chance meeting with a boy in a spotted hat reminds her of the loose ends that she had left behind.
Browsing the vendor stalls that lined the street, a young woman with earlobe-length, pink-gold hair wandered down the way. A small girl with strawberry blonde hair up in two springy pigtails bounced along beside her. A small teddy bear hung from her free hand, clenched tightly between chubby fingers. They were dressed to match in a purple shirt and blue overalls.
Overhead, a swarm of seagulls circled, squawking, unintelligible. To anyone that didn’t know, the birds seemed to circle randomly with no greater purpose, but if someone were to look closely, they would see the cyclone of white and black centered over the young woman and her daughter.
To that person, their cries weren’t gibberish, the instinctual sounds of their species. They were short, simple words: “Queen! Protect! Queen!”
The little girl, with large, dark blue eyes giggled as she watched the swirling birds. “Look mama! They’re following us!” briefly letting go of her mother’s hand, she twirled along with them.
Stormy gray eyes crinkled with mirth as Arry watched her daughter mimic the animals. Her small arms flung themselves out. The bear in her tiny hand threatening to fly away.
“Come on, Mirai, we can’t dawdle. We have to get these items for uncle Thatch,” Arry held up a full laundry list of food items. As a member of the Fourth Division Whitebeard Pirates, part of her duties were helping her Commander stock up the kitchen to ensure no one ever went hungry aboard the great Moby Dick.
The little girl stopped twirling as she hopped up and down with excitement. “Will uncle make my favorite?” she asked, hugging her teddy tight.
“Maybe if you ask nicely, he will.”
Giggling, she continued to bounce with excitement, the stuffed bear gripped so tightly, its button eyes were sure to fly off its plush face at any moment. Once again, taking her mother’s hand, Mirai fell into step beside the pink haired woman.
As they continued down the way, stopping at stall after stall, the little girl patiently tagged along, running her bear along every edge she could find, making him do tricks as if he were an acrobat. They visited fruit vendors, vegetable vendors, the ever-necessary butcher and the most coveted of all, the ice cream vendor where Mirai got a special treat for being so well behaved. The ice cream stood almost taller than her head and didn’t last long under the little girl’s excitement.
Finishing her ice cream, Mirai properly disposed of her napkin as she lay eyes upon her next, unsuspecting target. “Look, mama! It’s a bear! He’s walking around in an orange jumper!” She cried, tugging at her mother’s hand.
...Continue reading on Archive of Our Own!
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imaginatorcreates · 1 year
Hold On, If Love Is The Answer, You're Home
09 May 2023 — 11 May 2023
Summary: The Neighborhood is beloved by each other, especially by a little necromancer. How far will he go for them?
Word Count: ~5.1k words
TW: Talks of death and corpses, and a mild bit of blood. This fanfic is based on a horror project, so just be warned overall.
Author's Note: The hyperfixation that this project has on me is strong. I chugged this out in 2 days. This is a Fantasy AU that was inspired by Discord chats about D&D and Welcome Home's cast. The cast are all living, breathing, bleeding creatures here.
Yes, the title is from "Touch" by Daft Punk. Yes, I listened to cottagecore playlists while making this. This is now my longest fic to date.
I'd also like to thank @/isleofair for helping me edit this! Your comments will forever feed my soul.
If there was one thing that was clear among the large adventuring party, filled with all sorts of beings from different lineages and backgrounds, it was that they stuck together through thick and thin. Despite everyone’s differences, they all somehow melded together into a coherent and admirable group. The Neighborhood, they called themselves. Certainly, they acted like good neighbors would, bound together like a family.
When they entered a town, eyes always swiveled towards the party. Whispers floated around and through them as people wondered about them. Where were they from? How did they meet each other? How many of them, hypothetically, were willing to stay behind for another? Conversations related to the latter topic usually died down when the flash of a metal ring around two of the party’s fingers became visible or when a quick peck on the cheek was exchanged, but they would almost always start up again when eyes became locked onto a voluminous blue pompadour.
There was something about that being with the pompadour. Maybe it was his perpetual half-lidded eyes, covered in eyeshadow that feathered outwards into his skin. Maybe it was his easy-going grin, one that seemed to always be on his face as he walked among his party members. Maybe it was his short stature, making him seem so much more precious. Maybe it was the way he interacted with his neighbors, going along with them as they talked with him, with nothing but a quick yelp as he was dragged along to explore.
This time, the party had walked into town for a quick shopping trip, but had instead gotten dragged into the festivities. After hearing from the citizens that they had to stay over for the big bonfire at the end of the day, The Neighborhood decided to book a few rooms at a local inn, if only to celebrate with the town (and for a moment of relaxation for themselves).
“Wally! Look at this!”
Wally looked up from his spellbook, its pages more so covered in doodles and artistic renditions of how to cast spells rather than written notes like most others might expect. He felt a hand gently place something on his head. His field of vision became smaller as the object atop his head shifted. A giggle rang in his ears as he blinked in confusion.
“D’aww! It suits you!”
Wally closed his spellbook and fixed the wide-brimmed hat so he could properly see. His eyes locked with Julie’s, a big grin painted on the taller horned girl’s face. “Really neighbor?” he asked, his voice soft and monotonous.
Julie rapidly nodded her head and shook her hands in excitement. “Yeah! Doesn’t our wizard need a hat fitting for his profession?” She reached over and adjusted the hat for Wally, balancing it so it wouldn’t fall yet not ruin his pompadour. “Now you look like a real wizard!”
“Oh, I see.” He rolled his eyes upwards as far as they would go in an attempt to look at the hat atop his head, but to no avail. “Was I not a real wizard before this hat?”
“Nooooo,” Julie said in a sing-song tune. “But you look more wizardly now! Oh! I have to find Frank and Eddie now! I found some things for their anniversary!” The sorcerer gave Wally a big hug before she ran off into the crowd, the occasional shriek from others being the only indicator that she was halfway to throwing caution to the wind.
Wally watched her retreat for a minute before removing the hat — Oh! It had a pointy top! And were those silver stars on the dark fabric too? — and placing it back on the stand. He looked around the crowd before slowly walking in a random direction. Maybe he’d run into some of his neighbors like he did with Julie.
He had already seen Howdy haggling the prices down on certain supplies that “were overpriced as hell!” He had almost never heard the quad-armed neighbor sound so irritated, and a soft smile quirked at the corners of his mouth. It wasn’t as if Howdy couldn’t just steal the supplies away, but he instead chose to pay fairly. “From one businessman to another, I endorse being civil about it,” he said when Sally asked him one day.
Poppy, on the other hand, easily accepted the prices given to her for healing potions. The easily-frightened avian of The Neighborhood said that after she collected enough healing supplies, she would be in the inn’s kitchen helping out with baking. “If there’s something that helps me relax a little, it’s when my feathers are covered in flour and the smell of freshly baked goods are coming from the oven.” Wally certainly found the baking process delightful to watch, and could feel the anxiety that normally radiated off their cleric fade away as careful measurements turned into a delectable dessert.
If he remembered correctly, Sally was also in the inn. The goal of the little star of a performer was to write out the script for her next big play, which was the party’s free pass to staying in the inn if it was well-received. She had wanted to share the story of their latest adventure, as fully embellished as she possibly could; laying out the characters and the setting, bringing it to life first on paper, then with her neighbors the next morning. She was originally conflicted about it, as she wished to explore the bustling market with the others. However, the promise of licking the mixing spoons and getting first dibs on the baked goods seemed to convince her to stay. At how quickly her quill flew over parchment at that agreement, Wally couldn’t help but think that she was probably already done by now and keeping Poppy company.
Frank and Eddie were most likely browsing the market together. It was a bit of a surprise when outsiders first laid eyes upon the married couple. Frank with his perpetual frown, furrowed unibrow, and almost endless knowledge on Lepidoptera, was happily married to Eddie? Eddie, who always seemed to have a polite smile on his face and had trouble remembering certain things? It could be hard to believe at first. But the soft looks, gentle kisses, and quiet understanding between the couple was undeniable. Eddie had all the power in his body to easily down a fully armored person, but also had the gentleness of a butterfly as he folded spare parchment into complex shapes for his neighbors. Frank’s exterior could be described as spiky as the thorns he could conjure from the ground, yet out of everyone, Julie was the one who first romped freely through it without a care in the world.
“Hey buddy!” a deep voice lazily called out.
Wally shook himself out of his thoughts and craned his neck upward. His grin widened and his pace quickened. After a few bumps into others, he was considered close enough for his bestest friend Barnaby to reach out, slip his large hands under his armpits, and gently throw the wizard into the air before wrapping his arms around him in a tight hug.
“Barnaby! Hello my friend,” Wally said as he rested his cheek against the other’s shoulder. It was damp, and a familiar wet dog scent entered Wally’s nose. “Oh, neighbor. What happened to you?”
Barnaby chuckled and shrugged with minimum movement so as not to disturb the party’s wizard so much. “Oh, just got caught in the butt end of a joke. ‘M not hurt Walls, promise.” He pressed his short snout against Wally’s shoulder and let out a throaty rumble of content.
Wally nuzzled into Barnaby’s shoulder at this show of affection. His grin softened when he saw how fast Barnaby's tail was wagging. It took everything in him to not drop his spellbook on the ground. He willed his fingers to stay curled tight around the spine, willed his grip to not go limp like the rest of him every time he was embraced in a hug.
“How have you been? Did you find anything nice?”
“Oh, not really.” Wally's tone might’ve reflected discontent over this situation from how monotonous it sounded, but the pair had been friends for long enough that Barnaby could read his friend easily. The combination of a sigh and the willing lean into the hug (however that may be like for the smallest being) led to there being no need to worry.
“Ahh, it’s alright buddy.” Barnaby released Wally from his tight hug and set him back on his feet. “I found a joke book written by an up-and-coming comedian here. Some of the jokes are pretty funny.” A grin slid onto his face and an eyebrow quirked upwards as he asked, “Do you wanna hear a few?”
Wally nodded. “I always love hearing your jokes Barnaby. They’re the most.” He slowly started to make his way back to the inn, the setting sun causing their shadows to elongate on the cobblestone ground. The canine neighbor walked alongside him and started to share some of the jokes he’s picked up, with the shorter of the pair giving a faltered laugh after each of them. His eyes showed more of what he shouldn't fully express though. They furrowed slightly as he processed the punchlines, then lit up as understanding hit. He made sure his shoulders shook to show that his laughter was genuine, and for the funnier jokes, he added the action of closing his eyes.
Wally was at home with each and every one of his neighbors. He loved how each of them came together and formed not just an adventuring party, but a family. He watched each interaction made with each other with close eye contact, his dark eyes following them carefully. He would give up the world if it meant that they could all stay like this. Happy. Together. A family.
A gasp. Air got sucked into his lungs. Out. In. Out. Breathing was so hard. Shouldn’t it be natural? It certainly felt natural if Wally thought about it. But the more he thought about how natural breathing should come to him, the more difficult it became. It was as if his lungs were stuffed with cotton.
Where was he? The ground was cold and hard. He willed his limbs to move, slowly awakening as if they had come out of a deep slumber. They were numb, and moving them felt foreign, as if he didn’t have full control over them. Wally slowly got up, checking his belongings as he did. He still had his spellbook, as well as his traveling backpack. Catching his appearance in a mirror, he felt his heart skip a few beats at the state of his appearance. His perfectly styled pompadour was halfway to falling over, his hair already leaning over and threatening to cover half his face. His eyeshadow was smudged and were those dark circles under his eyes? He inwardly grimaced, his smile not faltering just yet, save for the corners turning downwards.
He fixed his red ascot as an attempt to ground himself as he muttered, “Where are your neighbors? Find them first. They’ve seen you like this, even worse than this.”
He turned his head around to fully take in his surroundings. He seemed to be inside someone’s house. The walls were painted bright red, black and white accents protruding through the almost garish color choice. A large, almost equally red plush chair sat in the middle of the room Wally was in. Next to the chair was a table that reached up to the armrests, and on the table was a red contraption that he never saw before. It was roughly trapezoidal in shape, with a round dial on the front. Atop it, a curved shape lay in a cradle with a coiled cord that connected it with the base.
The wizard looked around him. Where was the exit? He glanced at the window with yellow panes in the shape of a cross. Outside it was pitch black. Oh. It was probably nighttime then. Was this a special room the inn gave them in exchange for Sally’s performance? He could still remember the little star’s flushed face as the crowd gave a standing ovation.
But, wait. That didn’t make sense now, did it? The performance was in the morning, so why give a luxurious yet tacky-colored room before that fact?
As Wally slowly made his way to the window to try to take a closer peek outside, he felt his shoe catch on a loose floorboard. He yelped as he tried to regain his balance. He ended up taking a few feeble, panicked steps towards the plush chair, to which he felt the floorboards shift beneath his feet and confirmed his destination was in fact, the chair.
He fell onto the chair, his back hitting the backrest roughly and one of his hands knocking onto the side table. Not a moment had passed before — 
Ring! Ring!
The contraption was ringing.
Ring! Ring!
Wally didn’t know what to do. He reached for the ringing device, then paused in midair. What would happen if he touched it, much less picked it up? He’s had his fair share of magical items end up being cursed or otherwise having unwanted side-effects. What if this was another one of those?
Ring! Ring!
It kept ringing.
Ring! Ring!
It wouldn’t stop until he did something about it, wouldn’t it?
Ring! Ring!
His throat felt dry. A heavy pit started to form in his stomach. Why was he hesitating so badly?
Ring! Ring!
A sharp, unseen object pierced through his hand. He cried out in surprise, then hissed in pain as he felt something like string wrap around his wrist. It forced his hand down, forced his fingers to curl around the curved part of the contraption, forced him to pick it up and bring it close to his ear and mouth.
The ringing stopped.
His breathing still felt heavy.
“Hel – ” He paused. Swallowed. Then, he tried again. “Hello?”
A pause.
Then, a voice on the other end. “Hello.”
The voice was smooth and deep, with creaks and thumps throughout the room almost accentuating it. Wally unconsciously curled inwards as the hairs on the back of his neck rose. The pit in his stomach grew heavier. It felt as if someone was watching him. If only some of his neighbors were here! While he wasn’t as much of a glass cannon as someone might make him out to be, it was undeniable that it was easier to land a hit on him if he didn’t give his full attention to a fight.
“Where am I?” he asked. He hoped that whoever was potentially watching didn’t see how his smile wavered, nor hear how his voice wavered.
“You died on my land.”
Wally’s heart nearly stopped right there. His hand gripped the talking device tighter, and his other hand curled into a tight fist. His eyes darted around the room, looking for any indication that this was a dream. He didn’t dream very often, for sleeping was a tough thing for him. He still remembered the first time he had to explain to the other neighbors that him murmuring “I’m sleeping, I’m sleeping” was to help him achieve sleep. Insomnia was never a good thing, especially when it would last for what felt like forever.
“Oh. Ha ha ha. That’s a funny joke.” It had to be a joke, right?
Clearly the being on the other end didn’t find this to be a laughing situation, as the strings around his wrist tightened. He cried out in surprise, but bit his tongue to prevent himself from crying out further. He mustn’t show weakness, even when the invisible strings around his wrist dug deep into his skin, drawing blood. As he felt the crimson liquid start to run down his arm, soaking into his clothes, he exclaimed, “Okay, okay! So, what if I’m dead? What about my neighbors?”
The strings stopped digging into his skin, but he could still feel them there. Waiting for him to misbehave again. A pause on the other end. “You all died on my land. Fifty years ago, you all died on my land.”
“That’s…not true, right?” Wally nervously chuckled. “We always make it out alive. Injured, cranky, tired. But alive.”
“Delusional fool,” the being on the other end spat. “How confused are you to believe your own lies? Must I show you undeniable proof?”
It didn’t wait for Wally’s answer. Before him, the floorboards flipped onto each other, parting and making way for a hole to appear. A putrid stench rose from the hole. Wally was deeply familiar with it, being a necromancer. Something was dead and rotting in there. Normally, it wouldn’t bother him. But the ominous way that the being spoke made his stomach churn, a cold sweat breaking out across his body.
Something — no, someone — rose from the hole in the room. It was humanoid, large. Wearing clothes fit for a jokester who could easily pummel someone with their bare fists. Light blue, slightly curly fur.
Their head detached from their neck, rising alongside the body.
Wally’s smile dropped.
Wally leapt out of the chair to reach towards his best friend, ignoring the way the strings dug into his skin. This was a bad dream, was it? It was only a bad dream, right?
His fingers brushed against Barnaby’s arm. It was cold.
His head spun. He felt nauseous. His knees buckled under the revelation setting in. Another sharp piercing through his other hand, more strings around his wrist. Wally felt himself being lifted up by the strings around his wrists, yet he had no energy in him to fight back. His mouth was contorted into a deep, forlorn frown. The ground blurred, but he rapidly blinked it away. No. He mustn’t show weakness here. Not now.
He was alive. Somehow. He was talking to someone. He was The Neighborhood’s necromancer! He could revive them all! That thought wormed its way into his mind and burrowed itself deep. It grew roots so ingrained within him that if someone were to try to remove it from his mind, one might as well be removing his entire brain.
“I can bring them back,” he whispered. The idea slipped past his lips and into the air. It sounded viable now. “I can bring my neighbors back. I can bring them back!” He thrashed against the strings, ignoring the pain and the blood. “I can bring them back!” He stared at Barnaby’s cloudy eyes, his own wide eyes with feverish energy. A smile wormed its way back onto his face. “I can bring you back, Barns. I can bring you all back.”
The room shook. The floorboards rattled and the walls creaked. Windows and doors opened and slammed shut. The voice from the end of the device laughed loudly, echoing through the room. It sounded closer, not restrained to the device. It sounded like it came from everything, everywhere, all at once.
“AH HA HA! What a delusion you live under!” the voice sneered. “This could be an illusion I’m showing you! Didn’t you hear me? You’ve been dead for 50 years!”
“Then why am I awake, talking to you?” Wally asked back. His voice was strangely calm. Gone was his initial panic, instead replaced with resolve for his goal. He tilted his head. “I would be dead too.”
The voice paused, as if contemplating what to share with the wizard. “The combination of your party’s magic, combined with the natural enhancer of my land, prevented your bodies from rotting normally. It prevented you from being found. It prevented your souls from departing. It prevented me from contacting what was left of you. It took fifty damn years before the magic had faded enough for me to contact any of you.” A slam of a door enunciated the being’s frustration.
Wally mused this over, then looked around the room. “So, my friend’s bodies are still relatively well preserved, correct?”
A creak. Wally hummed and asked, “So I could revive them. Then we would move off your land, and we won’t bother you again. How does that sound?”
“Your bodies and magic have already infected my lands. There’s no point in your offer.”
Wally’s smile dropped at the edges before rising back up. He wasn’t going to lose his second chance at life, at seeing his friends’ wishes come true. They died all too soon for that. They were all still so young. “Then you join us in our adventure. You become part of our neighborhood. You become our neighbor. You are welcomed here, you are home.” If he had inadvertently given this being a name, no one had to know but himself. He widened his hands as if offering a handshake. He widened his smile, put on as much charm that he had in his disheveled appearance.
One minute of silence lapsed into five. Five turned into ten. Wally’s smile started to drop, and his fingers slowly curled inwards. “Please. I’m begging you.”
Another minute of silence passed before he felt his feet touch the floor, then the strings around his wrists relaxed until he didn’t feel them anymore. He rubbed the thin cuts and wished that Poppy were here to heal them.
“I’ll allow it. However, you must hold up your end of the deal. I’ll join your little party, until you die again. And you won’t die again in the same way you died before, oh no.” This time, a more visible string formed and wrapped around Wally’s neck. It tightened, yet didn’t raise him off the floor. Just a threat. “Your magic will be supplemented by my own, but there’s a time limit on how long it’ll last. Slowly, your friends will rot again. It’ll be your job to make sure they’re unaware of that, for only you will be aware that you’ve died for 50 years.”
To be burned by such knowledge made Wally’s head hurt, or maybe he was getting tired. After all, he had woken up from a 50-year slumber.
But for his friends, he agreed. “Deal.”
The string around his neck disappeared, and Barnaby's body was lowered back into the floor, the floorboards flipping over the hole. “Deal. Never forget this,” the being said.
Wally felt his stomach drop, his head spun. He dropped to the ground and struggled to keep his eyes open. Between heavy blinks, he saw the room disappear, black fading over the red. The floor became colder and foreign. The last thing he remembered was staring at the window as a large black eye shook and stared at him, red running down its lower pane.
When Wally awoke, it took everything in him to not immediately throw up. Everything around him smelled like death and rot. He untied his ascot from around his neck, cleaned it with a quick spell, then cast another spell to make it smell like Poppy’s apple pie as he tied it around his nose and mouth. Cinnamon, apples, and warm pie crust filled his nose as he took deep breaths to calm himself down.
Fifty years.
He and his neighbors were dead for fifty years.
And only he should know of it.
He steeled his nerves and slowly got up. He had his spellbook, he had the help of the being. He just needed to trust in his magic. It was dark outside. Perfect. If he did this quickly enough, he should have enough time to revive them before the sun rose. It wasn’t as if he needed sleep anyways, his mind was too loud right now.
Julie. She needed to find her sisters again and see how they were all doing. She had three of them, right?
Sally. She still needed to have a play fit to perform for the galaxy. Something only fitting for a star like her.
Howdy. He needed to have enough funds to replace his destroyed shop. Then, he needed to send extras back to his very large family.
Poppy. She was looking for her cousin, right? She had mentioned him a few times as she baked, a sad smile etched on her face.
Eddie. He wanted to remember where he was from. He knew his mother was waiting for him, but where?
Frank. His greatest dream was to document a rare butterfly he’d heard about as a myth since he was a child. To prove it was real.
Barnaby. Ever since his mother died, it was as if his jokes were an attempt to connect to her again. He said she’d always loved and laughed at his jokes. So, his wish was to make the best joke ever, enough to make her spirit laugh from the afterlife.
And Wally’s wish? He just wanted more time with his neighbors. The time he already had didn’t feel like enough. He loved them all too much for their adventures to end so suddenly. He didn’t even have enough time to blow them all goodbye kisses.
He gently pulled his friends closer together, every one of them cold beneath his hands. Every one of them preserved unnaturally by magic, but nonetheless putrid-smelling. He occasionally retouched on his ascot when his mind couldn’t numb the sensation or when the smell of happiness started to fade away. His mouth tasted like metal, so somewhere in the process of preparing for his biggest spell he had bitten his cheek or tongue.
He took out his paintbrush, opened his book, and channeled his magic through it. It flowed from the bristles like paint, and he painted the magic circle exactly like in his notes. The complex insignia was next. The spell listed several rare and expensive materials for a singular resurrection spell for a singular being, but would it work with all of them?
He had to try.
Wally stepped into the middle of the magic circle, surrounded by his neighbors, his friends, his family. As he continued to paint his magic into reality, he started to chant the spell. It was long, and a singular mistake could result in tragedy. A few minutes into the casting process, his magic circle suddenly surged with extra power. His eyes widened but he didn’t falter.
More magic, more chants. Something felt as if it gripped his heart and squeezed it like a stress ball. He gasped in shock but he had to recover quickly. His throat was becoming dry, but he couldn’t stop now. Magic continued to flow from his brush, the strokes becoming wider and sharper.
His friends’ bodies were reverting back to their normal selves. Gone were their grave wounds, their limbs were being stitched back together. He could even see a bit of color in their cheeks. His grin widened. It was working!
Almost as if the being that was lending him its power sensed his excitement, his heart clenched again. Something dark was crawling up his body. Cold, thick, liquid. It edged around his eyes before digging itself behind his eyelids, behind his eyes.
It hurt. It hurt so badly. It was like lemon juice was being poured in. He wanted to stop and cry and tear whatever this was out. But to lose concentration of the spell?
At the crescendo of the spell, his friends’ bodies started to rise. He rose as well. He was reviving all of them. He would do it.
Then, it was over. He painted the last symbol, said the last word. Their bodies slowly floated down, the insignia and magic circle disappeared, and the second his feet touched the ground, all the extra magic that had flowed through him temporarily left him. His body, starved for energy, started to shut down.
Perhaps he should do this more often. It would certainly cure his insomnia. “Ha ha ha,” he whispered. Before his eyes closed, he remembered his neighbors stirring, a hand pressed against his forehead, and a cry of “He’s burning up!”
According to Poppy, he had used so much magic that he contracted a magic-induced fever for a week. Magic-induced fevers were a tricky thing, as the use of healing spells only seemed to aggravate them, especially in the beginning days. So each neighbor had to wait for their wizard to naturally break the fever.
“Oh honey,” she murmured between his waking moments, “it’s okay. I don’t know what you did, but shhh. Focus on healing up, okay?” A handkerchief dabbed at his eyes and cheeks. Was he crying? He couldn’t remember the last time he did.
When his fever finally broke, and he could handle walking around without looking as if he would tip over if he took one too many steps, The Neighborhood packed their things and set up to travel to their next big town.
Wally was quiet on their first few days of traveling. He smiled and nodded and laughed when his neighbors talked with him, but speaking actual words was difficult for a bit. It was as if the excess of magic he had to use had chased away his voice. Or maybe it was the shock of seeing, hearing, feeling, his neighbors around him again. Alive. Happy.
He couldn’t let them know. He could never let them know.
When he started to speak again, Barnaby was the first one to give him one of his bone-crushing hugs. Wally remained as limp as ever in them, but he nuzzled into them harder than before.
“Missed hearing you buddy,” Barnaby whispered to him.
Another thing that bothered Wally was that his eyes hurt. They starved for things. In private, he found that if he stared at something for long enough with the intent to consume it, almost comical bite marks appeared in the object and that craving was reduced. He could also blink to initiate the eating process, but blinking scared him. In the dark of the night, if he widened his eyes enough, yellow crosses appeared in them.
“Hello Home,” he whispered, when his neighbors were fast asleep and snoring. “We’re forgotten Home. It’s as if we never existed for 50 years. I don’t think they remember that either.” He picked up an apple that he had bought earlier that day. He stared at it, and bite marks appeared in the flesh. “Do you see our adventures? I hope that you enjoy what we do Home.”
In his head, he heard a creak, like a door swinging on its hinges.
“That’s good, I think.”
Wally placed the apple core down and curled up to sleep. He closed his eyes, and murmured “I’m sleeping, I’m sleeping, I’m sleeping” until his consciousness faded away.
He had his neighbors back. He had a new neighbor. And he would cherish them for as long as he could.
Until death did them apart.
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orion-mp5 · 8 months
Pokemon Nuzlocke
So, because I hate myself and my mental health, I've decided to do a Pokemon Scarlet Nuzlocke, but my rules.
I have to google a list of pokemon in a certain area, assign them a number, then use a number generator to see what I get. The pokemon also needs to a marked female, marked to make it harder, female because ~Women~. I am aloud to use my starter, but I made sure to have her as a girl. I can catch a shiny, but unless it's a girl, I can't use it, and I can't use titan pokemon, that makes it too easy.
I will be documenting my journey on Tumblr, partly so I finally finish a nuzlocke, secondly because it just sounds fun to do.
I will also be using elements of my own background for her that will slowly be revealed, like some Poketubers who do it to spice up their runs.
And without further a due, my journey begins.
-------Day one, 1/23/2024-------
I get up from reading a book and head down stairs, my chaperone's Skwovet nagging me to move faster. I get to the kitchen, listen to info about the school my parents enrolled me in, let the director in so he can have a chat with her about my dorm situation, and grab my bag and hat to head outside. There I meet my special little starter Sprigatito, who I named Spider Lily, which is my favorite flower. (It's beautiful, and I want some, but it's poisonous like most lilies T-T) I also met Nemona and become her friend, because I don't know how to make friends, and she's loud and weird, so I feel like we'll get along.
I then two hit K.O. her duck before heading over to Poco Path. I didn't catch the Lechonk, for it was male and likely unmarked. Instead, I rolled for a ..... Yungoose. I hate Yungoose, and it's a rare spawn, so I rerolled so the intro doesn't last longer than the original HOUR AND THIRTY. So with a reroll, I got Tarountula. I caught one with the unsure mark on my first try (So my time thing was a good idea) and named her Crochet. Sadly, she's pretty weak, so leveling her up just resulted in A LOT of visit heals with Nemona... Still alive, but she gave me a couple panic attacks.
After having her kill her own kind and a bunch of pigs, I head towards the light house, but slip and fall off the cliff because I'm a clutz. My phone stops my fall, making my hands ache in the process, and see a giant red feathered lizard being harassed by a bunch of mean fire puppies, which were then scared off with a big roar bEcAusE iT's a BiG sCaRy LizaRd-
I gave it a sandwich my chaperone gave me -sorry Debby- to make it feel better and watch it power up and head into the cave. After trecking through, reassuring Nemona we're not dead, and running from Houndoom, we get outside and head for the light house. We meet Arven and I IMMEDEATLY want to be his friend, because look at him! He's cool! He then challenges me to see if I deserve Koraidon, who I will be calling Dr. Pepper.
I three shot his Skwovet quickly, earning Dr.Pepper's pokeball easily. He runs off and Nemona and I climb the lighthouse to look at the scenery. Seeing it makes me grateful my parents decided to send me here of all places, it's absolutely beautiful! We head over to South Province Area One, which means I can get a new pokemon! I roll for encounter and I get.... Magicarp!
I head to the water and start fishing to get a marked girly, after catching 16 Magicarp I caught one with the Thorny Mark and named her Kitty and finally went to Los Platos, healed up, and got some more pokeballs. After leveling Crochet a little more I went to the South Entrance of Messagoza Nemona chalanges me to a battle and I wipe the floor with her using Spider Lily. And with that, I enter Messagoza, ending day one of my adventure. Thank you for reading, I shall post again tomorrow.
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lovelyllamasblog · 2 years
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Inspired by @childofmattel's posts (1 | 2) about the EAH background characters. Also, kudos to @eah-backgrounders for even more inspo!
Not all of them are completely accurate to the original art. These are also my name ideas, but some are taken from others as well (they will be credited).
Black and Red Haired Girl
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Octavia Raben ("eight" in latin and "raven" in German). Her family story is The Sevens Ravens.
Princess Wearing Blue and White
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Sandra Castle. Her family story is The Glass Mountain.
Feathered Hat Girl and Black, White, and Red Haired Girl
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Petra Pan, daughter/heir of Peter Pan, and Jamie Hook, daughter of Captain James Hook from Peter Pan and Wendy. (I wasn't able to get her hat, so I improvised.)
Tulip Dress Girl
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Rosalie Peyton, daughter of Princess Rosette and the King of the Peacocks from the story, Princess Rosette. (Name from Catlin in Boots from Instagram)
Girl in Grey and Grey Haired Girl
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Birch and Maple Spinner. Their story is Mother Holle. Birch is the next Pitch Girl and Maple is the next Golden Girl.
Golden Haired Girl
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Mildred Goldstraw, daughter of the Miller from Rumpelstiltskin.
Orange Haired Girl
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She's a daughter of one Robin Hood's Merry Men, either Alan-a-Dale or Will Scarlet. Her name could be Alanna Dale or Wilma Scarlet.
Blue ad Gold Dress Girl
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The daughter of Yeh Shen from the Chinese fairy tale of the same name. I named her Yeh Jia Li, "Yeh" means "petal" and "Jia Li" roughly translates to "beautiful".
Girl In Orange
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There are several stories that she could have. Either a Hindu story like Princess Sita and Prince Rama or a story from One Thousand and One Arabian Nights. I've also seen people refer to her as the daughter of King Midas (Amber Midas, Catlin in Boots on Instagram).
Unicorn Girl
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Uniqua Cornia, daughter of the Unicorn from Through The Looking Glass and What Alice Found There.
Butterfly Girl
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Cari Pillar, daughter of the Caterpillar from Through The Looking Glass and What Alice Found There.
(Just for fun)
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Lilly Bo-Peep, daughter of Little Bo-Peep (without her bonnet and cane. I didn't know how to include those.)
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chic-a-gigot · 7 months
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La Mode nationale, no. 9, 6 mars 1897, Paris. No. 14. — Toilettes d'intérieur et de visites. Bibliothèque nationale de France
(1) Costume de visites en lainage vert amande. Corsage plat, orné sur le côté par un large galon ouvragé descendant jusqu'au bas de la jupe, même galon sur le dos, forme princesse; sur le corsage, grand col de guipure de Bruges, col montant en galon avec ruche au-dessus; manches Empire. Jupe princesse, ornée de galons. Chapeau rond en feutre noir garni par une draperie de satin, montante, du milieu de laquelle s'échappe une plume d'autruche en aigrette.
(1) Visiting suit in almond green wool. Flat bodice, decorated on the side with a large ornate braid going down to the bottom of the skirt, same braid on the back, princess shape; on the bodice, large Bruges guipure collar, high braid collar with ruffle above; Empire sleeves. Princess skirt, decorated with braids. Round black felt hat trimmed with a rising satin drapery, from the middle of which escapes an egret-shaped ostrich feather.
Métrage: 9 mètres lainage grande largeur.
(2) Toilette de satin bleu pâle Liberty. Corsage bouillonné recouvert par une dentelle blanche pailletée, avec nœuds de satin à l'ouverture et sur les épaules; manches Empire, ceinture de satin; jupe boutonnée sur le côté, tout unie et plissée derrière.
(2) Liberty pale blue satin toilet. Bubbled bodice covered with glittery white lace, with satin bows at the opening and on the shoulders; Empire sleeves, satin sash; skirt buttoned on the side, all plain and pleated behind.
Métrage: 15 mètres satin Liberty bleu pâle.
(3) Toilette d'intérieur. Corsage formé d'entre-deux de valenciennes et de chantilly noir, mis sous ceinture rose; col semblable avec ruche au-dessus; manches Empire formées d'entre-deux; transparent de taffetas rose sous le corsage. Jupe de velours noir forme nouvelle.
(3) House dress. Bodice made of valenciennes and black whipped cream, placed under a pink belt; similar collar with ruffle above; Empire sleeves formed from in-between; transparent pink taffeta under the bodice. New shape black velvet skirt.
Métrage: 10 mètres velours noir.
(4) Toilette d'intérieur en faille bleu bluet. Corsage plat recouvert par un boléro en broderie de jais garni par un volant plissé et coquillé en mousseline de soie rose; manches petit ballon retenues par un nœud semblable, col montant avec nœuds de velours derrière. Jupe princesse remontant devant en pointe sur la poitrine.
(4) House dress in bluet blue faille. Flat bodice covered by a jet embroidery bolero trimmed with a pleated and shell ruffle in pink silk chiffon; small balloon sleeves held in place with a similar knot, high collar with velvet bows behind. Princess skirt rising in front to a point on the chest.
Métrage: 13 mètres faille bleu bluet.
(5) Toilette de visites. Corsage en mousseline de soie noire plissée, sur transparent vieil or sous empiècement de soie brochée vieil or avec petit volant en mousseline; bretelles semblables, col de satin noir, ruche de mousseline. Manches Empire avec jockeys de soie brochée. Jupe de satin noir unie. Toque de satin vieil or, composée d'un fond mou et de choux faisant la passe, et surmontés par une grande plume et une aigrette.
(5) Visiting ensemble. Bodice in pleated black chiffon, on transparent old gold under yoke of old gold brocaded silk with small chiffon ruffle; similar straps, black satin collar, muslin ruffle. Empire sleeves with brocade silk jockeys. Plain black satin skirt. Old gold satin hat, composed of a soft background and cabbages making the pass, and topped by a large feather and an egret.
Métrage: 10 mètres satin noir.
(6) Toilette d'intérieur (jeune fille). Corsage de mousseline en soie paille plissée. Boléro en lainage vert grenouille brodé en galon à plat et faisant grand col. Jupe tout unie avec galon sur les côtés, manches Empire.
(6) House dress for a young girl. Pleated straw silk chiffon bodice. Frog green wool bolero embroidered in flat braid and making a large collar. Plain skirt with braid on the sides, Empire sleeves.
Métrage: 9 mètres lainage grande largeur.
(7) Toilette de visites. Corsages cuirasse en satin blanc recouvert d'applications blanches; sur le côté, volant coquillé en application en point d'Angleterre, manches Empire en velours gris souris, jupe semblable. Toque de velours gris souris composée de coques doubles sur le devant, fond mou et double oiseau de Paradis en dessus.
(7) Visiting ensemble. Plastron bodices in white satin covered with white applications; on the side, shell flounce in English point appliqué, Empire sleeves in mouse gray velvet, similar skirt. Mouse gray velvet hat made of double shells on the front, soft bottom and double bird of paradise on top.
Métrage: 12 mètres velours gris souris.
(8) Toilette d'intérieur en lainage, genre tailleur. Corsage-veste en tissu à carreaux beige et marron; grands revers de drap beige, boutonnés sur des jockeys semblables encadrant un gilet brodé en appliques, col drape montant, jupe unie plissée derrière.
(8) House dress in wool, tailor-made. Corsage-jacket in beige and brown checked fabric; large lapels of beige cloth, buttoned on similar jockeys framing an embroidered applique vest, high draped collar, plain pleated skirt behind.
Métrage: 9 mètres lainage beige grande largeur.
(9) Toilettes de promenade. Robe princesse en drap satin suède, corsage croisé à la taille, revers de drap blanc entourés de velours dalhia, encadrant une chemisette brodée, col montant rabattu, manches Empire, jupe plissée derrière avec bas garni par un feston de drap blanc. Petite toque de satin bleu formée par une passe bouillonnée, et grande aigrette sur le devant.
(9) Walking ensembles. Princess dress in suede satin cloth, crossed bodice at the waist, white cloth lapels surrounded by dalhia velvet, framing an embroidered shirt, turn-down high collar, Empire sleeves, pleated skirt behind with hem trimmed with a white cloth festoon. Small blue satin hat formed by a bubbled pass, and large egret on the front.
Métrage: 7 mètres drap satin.
(10) Toilette de fillette en lainage bleu pervenche. Corsage bretelle ouvert sur un empiècement brodé en drap paille, ruche autour du cou; manches Empire, petits velours bleu foncé sur les hauts poignets, ceinture drapée, jupe courte avec broderie dans le bas.
(10) Little girl's toilet in periwinkle blue wool. Strap bodice open to an embroidered straw cloth yoke, ruffle around the neck; Empire sleeves, small dark blue velvet on the high cuffs, draped belt, short skirt with embroidery at the bottom.
(11) Toilette d'intérieur en satin aubergine. Corsage cuirasse, avec col montant et ruche au-dessus; sur le corsage, trois rangs de guipure blanche coquillée jusqu'à la taille. Même guipure sue les épaules; ceinture de satin paille, nouée en longs pans sur le côté; manches Empire, jupe unie plissée derrière.
(11) House dress in aubergine satin. Breastplate bodice, with stand-up collar and ruffle above; on the bodice, three rows of white shell guipure up to the waist. Even guipure sweats on the shoulders; straw satin belt, tied in long sections on the side; Empire sleeves, plain pleated skirt behind.
Métrage: 14 mètres satin aubergine.
(12) Toilette d'intérieur en lainage orange. Corsage court, mis sous ceinture de soie orange et verte, grands revers et draperies au-dessus, en soie verte encadrant un plastron rayé orange et vert, et retenu par un nœud sur le devant, ruche de dentelle autour du cou, manches Empire; jupe plissée derrière, tout unie et cerclée dans le bas par vingt-cinq petits galons de laine noire.
(12) House dress in orange wool. Short bodice, placed under an orange and green silk belt, large lapels and draperies above, in green silk framing an orange and green striped bib, and held by a knot on the front, lace ruffle around the neck, Empire sleeves; skirt pleated behind, all plain and circled at the bottom by twenty-five small braids of black wool.
Métrage: 9 mètres lainage grande largeur.
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nachos-and-movies · 1 year
Watching Peter Pan & Wendy, here be my thoughts as I’m watching.
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(Literally this poster does the movie wayyyy too much justice, the actual poster looks like a war movie in the dunes)
Background info: I’m Peter Pan crazy. While my sister got the lil princess dress in Disneyland, I got the Peter Pan green hat with red feather, and I looked freaking adorable. I love the live action film with Jason Isaacs, it slaps and continues to slap to this day, despite dated effects it still looks absolutely amazing. Comparisons will be made. My obsession with this movie was so strong, it annoyed my classmates. I love the Hook movie, it is a wonderful different look to the classic story and despite it’s problems, really speaks to the hearts of every child-adult. Also Rufio.
I love this story with all my heart and I expect nothing but empty feelings after watching this movie so I don’t give myself a haemorrhage. Let’s go.
- So far this movie is dark and depressing green. This is a reoccurring issue with disney live action films where they think ‘live action’ is Latin for ‘suck out all the saturation and contrast cus this kid movie isn’t for kids’ or smthn.
- I don’t know about Wendy’s change of personality to the original. Animated Wendy was always a little boring because she’s Edwardian British girl incarnate and therefore you must be boring, but she was still protective and had a bit of a temper. Wendy from the Good movie was unorthodox and creative and adventurous but clearly a girl on the cusp of wanting to grow up. This Wendy is adamant about not wanting to grow up (mood) but she’s once again naive British Girl incarnate that has to question everything but she’s also kinda really mean? For some reason? I think this is Disney’s attempt to have a more varied girl character, which noice, but why is y’all’s idea of a strong female character also often a bitch?
- I do like Wendy’s blue coat and peak Edwardian undies, that’s very nice.
- Man, these kids are acting their asses off and are doing such a good job, I wish they were in a better movie
- Peter so far is very meh. It’s like all his personality is sucked out and put into Wendy instead somehow. Where his cheekiness yo
- why does Tinker Bell move like Will Smith genie?
- Okay, doing a Peter Pan adaptation, there’s a few points you really gotta hit and I’ll refer to this often. The first one is the kids’ first time flying has GOT to SLAP. Everyone who saw the Good movie, even if they forget most of the movie, one scene they all always remember and they remember the music of, and it’s the flight through London. The animated movie had a whole song to have the kids introduced to flying. In both movies they had to practice a little to build up towards the eventual flight. Hell, even in the animated sequel “Return to Neverland” (which I still think is the better animated film tbh) had an entire sequence of the first time Peter and Jane go flying. You HAVE to nail this part of your Peter Pan movie, or else, why bother.
- Why do you even have Nana in your movie jfc.
- Okay real talk, the clock part and the slowing down their flight and then having it be that they’re flying over water: that’s so fucking cool, well done.
- The Good movie had, I think, only 1 shot where it was obviously CGI instead of the actual kids flying. I think this entire flight scene was 70% CGI and it’s not subtle. If they could do it in 2003, you can fucking do it 20 fucking years later. HAVE SOME PASSION GDI.
- Island looks boring. Listen, I love the flowing hills of Wales and Southern England but Neverland in every other adaptation has waterfalls, tall mountains, jungles, cliffs, huge trees, sprawling fauna and it wasn’t all vomit-green.
- Pirate ship would be cool if it wasn’t the colour of diarrhoea.
- Another thing you always gotta nail when doing your Peter Pan adaptation: Hook. What. The fuck. Is this Captain Hook. Nah, not even Captain Hook, more just…. Drunk Uncle Hook who was in the Vietnam war and has weird rules to help his anxiety? He’s not intimidating, he’s not funny, he’s washed out and BORING.
- Also like, reveal your Uncle Hook like he deserves it, yanno. In the Good Movie, you piss your pants with how slow they reveal him, you see his severed hand, you see him put on his hook with that CLICK, you see him and Smee talk and you immediately know what kind of man this is. In Hook, his hook is literally the first thing we see of him, and that magnificent hat. Get your Hook a giant hat or go home.
- Also should be played by the same character as Mr Darling. Just. You have to, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t.
- the hook doesn’t even look right, that looks like the thing they used in ‘I know what you did last summer’ not Captain Motherfucking Hook’s Hook.
- How do you make Smee boring, seriously, how do you do that
- Okay. I love these Lost Boys. Lost Boys of different colours, Lost Boys with tiny tempers, Lost Boy with glasses who’s that exact kid we all had in class at one point, Lost Boy with DOWN SYNDROME, HI, I LOVE YOU, Lost Boys that aren’t boys cus you’re literally 7 and at that point gender doesn’t matter to kids unless you’re Edwardian British. Good. I love it. Baby me appreciates it!
- However was there no more clever way to introduce Lost Boys that aren’t boys to the world? I guess it’s a movie for kids and going “We’re the Lost Boys” “But not all of you are boys” “And?” “Huh, fair” is the fastest way to get that out of the way so I guess it’s fine.
- Actual Native American Tiger Lilly, fuck you, Pan
- Skull Cave looks boring. In the Good Movie they made it the ruins of a castle which was a 10/10 improvement. Even the skull cave in Disneyland Paris is more intimidating than Holes In The Cliffs. Are y’all okay? Are you tired? You seem tired.
- Who gave Uncle Hook the hat that Sasha Baron Cohen wore in Les Miserables?
- Kids not nearly scared enough of drowning
- these rules are making Uncle Hook less cool, I hope the writers know this
- These pirates are cool, I wish they’d had a cool introduction or smthn like… Noodles, the pirate with his hands backward, or the one with his entire body tattoo’d
- At least they got the ‘Pan and Hook spitting threats at each other like 10 year olds’ right
- Yeah this is really ugly and boring, I’d like to stop watching now
- Wendy and Peter Pan aren’t… friends…? They should at least like each other…. Right???
- “Hook wasn’t always Hook” oh boy, we’re doing this huh
- Dayumn, 45 minutes into the movie and we’re FINALLY seeing inland Neverland. What a surprise, it’s pretty boring and ugly. Piss-yellow, dirty, etc. remember in the good movie where they lived in the roots of a giant tree that was set up and looked like they had been living there for forever?
- Man, it seems like Wendy and Tiger Lilly could’ve had a badass friendship if they had had more scenes together.
- About 48 minutes into the movie, Wendy pretty much says the problem of most Disney live action remakes out loud: “Yes, we already know that part of the story, but tell us something different.” Aside from Wendy being dubbed ‘the storyteller’ in this movie even though she has yet to tell a single story, what exactly is new and interesting about this adaptation of Peter Pan? As a kid and sometimes as an adult, I broke VHS’ and DVD’s from the amount of times I watched a movie and immediately rewatched it again, again and again until they gave out. Every adaptation of Peter Pan I owned went through that treatment because I loved them so much. What is in this adaptation aside from more progressive Lost Boys that makes this movie worth rewatchable? What’s this movie doing that’s different from all the others? Wendy and Peter are insufferable or boring, the pirates are boring, uncle hook is boring, the world is ugly and boring, and it hasn’t managed to keep my attention long enough for me to not pause 1/3rd into the movie to make some fries. I don’t need to finish the movie to tell to not watch this movie. Watch something more worth your time, watch the better Peter Pan adaptations cus this ain’t it.
- but I am gonna continue cus I’m recovering from surgery and have nothing else to do.
- You can’t tease me with fruit bats and then not show them, Smee
- Tinker Bell is so boring, I keep forgetting she’s a character in this movie, fuck you.
- Peter’s personality has been ripped from him so hard, it only took Wendy asking him twice before he spilled his beans, huh. Gone is the cocky guy, gone is the ‘I don’t do feelings’ dudebro, gone is the boneheaded fighter. Instead we have “he was my best friend :c”
- I’m really sorry, I know I’m just a fan or smthn, but wasn’t the point of Neverland that it’s so fantastical and adventurous and a kid’s dream that children didn’t want to leave? This is a shithole with danger around every corner and none of the kids have any desire to stay, WHAT IS GOING ON.
- Pan dies within the hour of the movie starting, I hope this means the movie is mercifully short
- Man, remember in the Good movie where Tink dies and Peter becomes so depressed and anguished, he snows in the entire island, making the pirates think he’s dead? I forgot what a good metaphor for grief and depression that was, goddamn. Yeah…. I think I’m gonna watch actual good peter pan movies after this.
- Hook spilling that he was a banished Lost Boy because he missed his mother is very OG Peter Pan, OG Pan is def cruel enough to do something like that…… wish we could’ve uuuuh… seen that Peter Pan in this movie….
- None of these characters have anything to learn except for Wendy and maybe Hook. Everybody else is kinda just… there. There’s no arc for any of them, there’s no incentive for them to become better people.
- Pan just came back to life, I’m not even surprised or bothered about how, it just is, I guess, sure
- I appreciate this movie’s attempt to have songs that fit the vibe without becoming a musical. I wish it had a better movie to support.
- as it stands, none of this execution drama is earned. I like Wendy’s moment of realisation that she can grow up and grow up happy but that’s she’s losing that by getting killed but, like, also, going off the plank is one of the silliest pirate thing known to man, even Pirates of the Caribbean never really made it intimidating. In the other movies it was really silly and the pirates sang a silly song, or it was action-packed because the crocodile was there, but in essence, the plank is child’s idea of a pirate death. You could make it dramatic in the idea that a child would be devastated of being pushed off the plank if it had been more established that Neverland is the land of children’s dreams, and it isnt.
- Again, gotta appreciate the movie trying to make Tiger Lilly more cool
- Uncle Hook, mid-battle: just like old times
Pan: all your times are old
Uncle Hook: LOLS
That was good, that made me laugh
- do Tiger Lilly and this specific pirate have beef? What was that?
- you know what’d be a good peter pan battle? One where peter pan FLIES.
- it really says a lot about your peter pan movie when you’ve seen the dude smile only 10% of the scenes he’s in
- Man, for making Hook and Pan being best friends being like the whole plot of this movie, they got over his death (he fell in water, again, child’s idea of dying) real quick.
- I love the Lost Boys so much, they’re so cute and good
Yeah uh… not good. Don’t watch. Here my final thoughts on Peter Pan adaptations: It’s about adventuring in the child’s mind. Neverland is a children’s dream playpen, Peter Pan is the personification of the fear of growing up which means he’s immature, he has a temper, he thinks he knows everything but he has still a heart of gold, his moral compass hasn’t fully developed yet but he doesn’t truly want to hurt anyone. Captain Hook is the personification of impending adulthood, it’s the battle Peter always has to fight in order to stay young and immature, therefore Hook is charismatic (growing up seems like something good and desirable) but is ultimately lonely and miserable (the things we’re afraid adulthood actually is). Wendy is a character is supposed to be the edge between maturity and immaturity. She’s not ready to grow up but ultimately learns that no one really is and that she needs to defeat her FEAR of growing up rather than the idea of growing up itself. Peter learns from that that not everybody wants to stay young forever and to accept that fact. Those are usually the basics of a decent Pan movie, it’s an allegory for hitting puberty and how to deal with that. That’s why Hook and Return to Neverland are such good movies, because they play with the definition of ‘adult’. Both of them teach you that yes, growing up is important but that doesn’t mean you have to leave fun behind.
I dunno wtf this movie was trying to tell me. Don’t banish your friends? I don’t know what the fuck is happening in the live action remake writers room but take a break, please, i am actually worried at this point. Relearn why you love movies, rediscover why you love disney movies, maybe write a script about that and THEN make your next disney remake because the mousy lord dictates it. But take a break and relearn why you fucking love movies, please.
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thedreamparadox · 2 years
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Some BWW worldbuilding and things from my never to be completed fic below (focusing on the humans). Longpost warning.
I cut down the original cast of 14 humans (12 stages plus the protags) to 7 with one protag and six levels. Revised cast was Leo, Jose, Cass, Emma, Lucy, Sana, and Yuri. (I did not plan on the cast being heavily weighted girls it just happened.)
Leo was the only "protagonist." The other six were stages.
If I'm remembering right, stage order went Jose, Cass, Yuri, Emma, Lucy, and Sana. I kept waffling around the placement of everybody but Jose and Yuri who were locked in at first and third respectively.
Motivations and backstories were slightly altered. Jose was pretty much as canon but with an addition that the storm tearing up his fields pretty much tanked his plans to help put his son through college so he wouldn't have to take out any student loans. Cass' was slightly altered in that she ended up in the Wonderworld after the death of one cat and would have returned to the real world in time to save a second (at the cost of landing herself in the hospital because she's a kid and the through logic was there but she was fine, just a broken arm and some bruises). Yuri had her canon issues plus additional shyness because trans. Sana's motivation is the same (bird conservation) but her end solution was to work with her neighbors and bring a joint front against it, resulting in nature preservation via social pressure. Emma's story was changed from people whispering about her to being socially isolated due to being upper class because lack of friends that didn't care about money. Lucy's was unchanged because artistic burnout with the expectations of others is real.
Tims played an altered role as more direct assistants in exploring the wonderworld. I even found my old notes on them!
Maisey - Jose’s Tim. A cheery yellow Tim with a feather tuft resembling a rooster’s comb. Very loud.
Berry-Bean - Cass’ Tim. A pink Tim with darker spots under her eyes like freckles. A total sweet-pea. Has cat ears.
Moss - Yuri’s Tim. A mossy green with darker markings, the ones on their back looking like somewhat splotchy butterfly wings. Has two little feather tufts like antennas.
Ganache - Emma’s Tim. Chocolate brown with darker brown spots and ‘sprinkles’ (feather patterns) on her head (purple, blue, and pink). Smells faintly of chocolate. (Ngl this one is my favorite design-wise)
Cirrina - Lucy’s Tim. A white Tim with spots like splotches of ink in pink, yellow, and blue.
Lark - Sana’s Tim. A purplish-blue Tim with spot markings like a pair of bird’s wings.
Leo's Tims were Bruiser (starting Tim, red), OJ (orange Tim obtained partway through), and Tip (a white Tim in a Balan hat obtained in the last stage that would open up the final zone/the Lance boss fight)
Everybody was queer because it's my fanfic I get to choose the everything
Leo - trans man. And also a furry (this is a primary character motivation as him bringing up being a furry was what caused his best friend to break off the friendship, causing him to become socially isolated and not trust people anymore with a side of 'if they don't like that I'm interested in this how would they react to finding out I'm trans?'). Never decided on anything else but probably aroace given how I tend to write my main characters
Jose - Asexual with an adopted kid, a good dad trying his best
Cass - A kid, likes cats, maybe coded neurodivergent? Never got that far
Yuri - trans gal with undecided everything else. Also probably ace (it's my fanfic I'll make as much of the cast ace as i want to lol)
Lucy - pan (based on the colors on her dress)
Sana - I think i went with lesbian? I don't remember. It's not in my note doc. It was either lesbian or bi (I feel like I planned for her to have some background romo flirting with Lucy but I don't remember)
Emma - slight fashion disaster lesbian
Emma and Leo look at each other and basically did the "did we just become best friends?" "yep" thing pretty easily
The entire fic's premise was Leo's arc of learning to trust people and be himself after losing the one friend he trusted on top of all his life stuff. (Life stuff being that he was a kid in foster care and was pretty much ignored. Not traumatized, just lonely and sad.)
Fic would end with Balan adopting Leo with the caveat that he still had to go to school and would have to move out on his own once he was old enough to do so (and he had to spend most of his time in the real world, but the theater is magical so he could visit all his new friends easily and was pretty much proxy adopted by Lucy, Sana, and Jose anyway)
For the characters that didn't make the cut:
Cal's whole "I lost a game of chess and am having an existential crisis about it" didn't feel very relatable, so he was the first one I dropped to not have to even consider writing 12 stages worth of content
Iben's entire deal was far too serious of a topic for me to want to handle, I don't think I could do something like that well
Attillio's entire arc is just "tell a girl you like her!" which has potential but isn't compelling enough to fill an entire stage's worth of content
Bruce's entire story is just kind of sad and has nothing to do with personal growth and is entirely dependent on the people around him learning to not be so crappy to him
Haoyu's story had potential but flying machines actually working was just a bit too out there for the mostly realistic tone of reality outside of the Wonderworld I was trying to build
Eis' arc would have been better as a "face your fears" NiGHTS type deal, rather than the more internal issues focused things for the rest of the cast. Fear of running into a burning building is totally normal and rational and an extra little push was all he seemed to have needed (easily my favorite story out of the ones I planned to not use)
Fiona needs actual therapy because that was a near death experience. The Wonderworld's stages are built for helping nudge people along to realizing the truth of their situation, extended therapy is something the maestros could totally do but they wouldn't involve Leo or anyone else in it
Also Emma's stage was going to be based on candy and sweets, sort of a Candyland gingerbread house (Madolches from yugioh) aesthetic kind of deal, hence why her Tim has little sprinkle markings
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Lucifer VS. Isolde
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“Lucifer, sir, I have brought her. She came willingly and didn’t pose a problem.” A tall red-haired man says as he escorts a young lady up to the throne. Her hair is white as snow with blue ends, owl-ish eyes, wings, and talons. The wings have dark spots on the edge of the feathers. Some say she is elegant while others think some of her features are rather odd. 
She was quick to notice a child standing near her, looking up at her in bewilderment. “Hey, pretty lady. I wanted you to know, Lucifer is dumb. He can take him.” She little girl smiles and skips away to sit near a group that was already in the room. Isolde lets out a chuckle. 
The man on the throne looks up at her, his cold eyes looking at her with disappointment. Actually, he appeared rather irritated. Especially after the child talked to her. “Is this the one who wishes to be called ‘Isolde’?” He asks. Everyone hears a sigh in the background as one of the men with a hat covering his eyes in the background closes a file and mutters a “yes.” 
“Isolde, do you know why you’re here?” Lucifer asks. 
With a straight face, she says “no, I do not.” She crosses her arms and looks directly at Lucifer. 
Lucifer leans back in his chair, “oh really? You don’t? Heh. Isolde, you do realize being a rogue angel isn’t a good thing right?” He taps his fingers on his knee. 
Isolde lets out a laugh. “You’re kidding, right? Do you really think I am an angel?”
Lucifer, getting annoyed, “cut the bullshit. I can very clearly see your wings. How about you make it official and show me your halo.” 
The one holding the file sighs and shakes them in the air, “Sir, I tried telling you this. She doesn’t have-” 
“Shut the fuck up, Azerial.” Lucifer growls. Azerial shakes his head and continues reading the file. 
“Even if I had one, I wouldn’t show it to someone like you.” Isolde gives the man a cold look. 
Lucifer bolts up, his single wing shooting out. He grabs Isolde’s neck and hoists her up to force her to maintain eye contact with him. “Has anyone ever taught you to respect your elders?” His grip tightens. 
“Yes.” She licks his knee, forcing him to drop her back to the ground. “But you are not one of them.” Her sword manifests from fluttering snowflakes around her hand. 
Lucifer angrily makes his broken claymore appear in his hands, he then bolts at Isolde. She puts her sword up and blocks his incoming attack. He was coming at her with such force that they both slid across the room. “Do you know what happens when a rogue angel doesn't comply with either heaven or hell?” 
“Oh please enlighten me.” Her eyes narrow in on him. 
He puts a little more force into his blade, “they die.”
With the aid of her wings, she uses force to push him away. The man skids back a couple of feet. She waves her arm and casts a blizzard around them. She hides in the blizzard and launches herself at Lucifer. The blizzard starts slashing into his skin, then she attacks with her sword. Lucifer notices her for a split second and grabs her sword-fighting arm by the bicep. Suddenly a giant cuff appears around where he was gripping her and a tight chain intertwines around her arm, attaching itself to her sword. She lets out a scream of pain. 
Her wings and talons suddenly vanish. Little did she know her eyes were changed and she had normal irises and pupils. The pain in her arm nearly immobilized it. She tried to turn into an owl, but it failed. A slight panic starts to sit in. “WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!” She holds her right arm. 
Lucifer laughs softly, “I thought it wasn’t fair that you had both your wings and could fly. How unfair is it that I only have one wing and can’t fly? Exactly. Though, I do have to say how fascinating it is that you seem to be an angel that can turn into an owl. How does it feel not to be a little birdie?” He smiles creepily. 
Isolde’s arm shakes from pain, thinking to herself that she doesn’t actually need her sword to win. When she had gotten there, she noticed there was an everlasting blizzard outside. She could use that to her advantage. 
“What’s the matter little birdie? Can’t fight with your soul bound to hell?” He continues chuckling, then sees the amount of pain his opponent is in. “Oh? Are your chains a little tight? Oopsie.” He holds up his claymore and tries to smash it down at her, but she hops onto her feet and backs away. The claymore shatters the floor and pieces fly everywhere. 
“For a skinny man, you sure have a lot of strength.” She says, admiring the damage to the floor. “I know a lot of claymore fighters. They seem to be more in control of their weapons than you are. You seem to stand in one place, you lack movement. Are you clumsy or something? Or is it the lack of wings holding you back?” She then glances at his weapon. “Your blade is broken. The fact that you never repaired it proves to me you are weak of mind.” 
She then casts another blizzard into the room, hiding within it. With the chain around her arm, she can be spotted easier. She sends some snowflakes in his direction and it slices into him. He starts to get annoyed with his opponent.
“You’re not the only one who can use ice, little birdie.” He raises his arm, trying to summon some ice, but it fails. He didn’t realize that she had taken control of the blizzard and snow in hell. He breathes heavily, getting angry with her. “You’re really getting on my nerves, little birdie.” 
Still in her snow, “Let me ask you something about your claymore. Could it be you don’t move much because that weapon of yours is sooo heavy that it is making you slow?” 
Lucifer, getting super agitated, loses track of her in the blizzard. “SHUT UP!” He screams at her. He then spots her chains again, “I can see you, little birdie. It’s a mistake thing you can try this one me again.” 
Isolde, still hiding within her blizzard. “I am warning you. Stop calling me a LITTLE BIRDIE!” She yells, finding herself getting a bit more aggressive than usual. 
Lucifer is still following her gaze. “If you continue to get worked up like this, I’ll have to perma freeze you. That’s what happens to the aggressive souls who can’t calm down.” 
Isolde takes a deep breath, “No. I will not let that happen to me again. I will not lose this fight either. I will not lose a pointless battle again.” 
Lucifer snickers, “oh? Did you lose a fight before? Did you end up frozen for a long time? Little birdie, you should let this be a wake-up call. What do you say, little birdie? Be a good little angel and let me put you out of your misery already.” 
Time stands still a second, Isolde raises her left arm up. She senses a great force of wind and snow and forces it to crash into the wall. It blasts a hole into the wall, making a wicked storm enter the room. It helps her hide better from her opponent. “First off, I told you not to call me little birdie.” She sneaks up behind him, slamming her left elbow into his back. It causes him to lose balance. “Second, I am not an angel.” Isolde gets back behind him, then supports her right arm with her left, and thrusts her sword into Lucifer’s back. “I AM A GOD!” Ice starts to appear around Lucifer’s body. The chain and cuff around her arm shattered, leaving her in immense pain. She then yanks the sword out of him with her left arm, the ice has covered him completely. 
Isolde collapses to the floor, clutching her right arm, screaming out in pain. The man with red hair and the other with a hat walked over and got her up on her feet. They moved her away from Lucifer and placed her on his throne, having her sore lay on the armrest. 
The little girl runs up, practically vibrating. “WE FINALLY HAVE A QUEEN!”
“Hey, my name Azerial.” The main in the hat says, “I’m going to be healing your arm. But it will take a couple of days. If you’re worried about being a missing person any longer, you can leave. I will find you and continue treating you.” 
She doesn’t answer. For the first time in a long time, she found herself completely exhausted. 
“Isolde… Do you know what it means now that you defeated him?” Azerial asks as he hovers his hands over her arm, reducing the pain from the hell chains shattering. 
“No, I don’t.” 
“It technically makes you our queen. But since you’re the god of snow in your world, it means you’re the god of hell.” He says. 
Isolde leans back in the seat, taking a moment to think. She then has a major realization, a revelation really. She grins, “You know, I could take advantage of this.”
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Apples are my Family's Treat
Since I was a little girl, my dad has grown apple trees in the back yard
September is the perfect time to celebrate with Apples as we transition from Summer to Fall. You can bring on the cinnamon and nutmeg to make wonderful desserts that go well with vanilla ice cream that can cool you down during the day, and make apple cider that warms you at night. Best of both worlds as we can appreciate the warmth and the cooler weather at night. I remember those happy times during my elementary years learning about the usefulness of apples and I needed to help my family by gathering apples that had fallen on the ground. We had a lot of fruit trees, it felt like a little paradise
This year, my daughter, Sarah helped pick the apples that were harder to reach for my aging father. He is super independent and normally doesn't want any help, so this was a first for her.
I want to give also a little background here also that in the Mid-USA, after the revolutionary war, the land was given to those that helped protect our independence. However, the travelers needed a tree to ensure their ownership.
Filling that need, a young man named Johnny Appleseed sold apple trees across the Midwest to the travelers and was made famous by it. I didn't realized until later in life hat he was a real person and he is buried in my state of Indiana.
The photo below is of my dear dad standing by one of our apple trees.
Since I am a Daughter of the Revolutionary War, I now wonder if my family moved to Indiana with the help of one of Johnny Appleseed's trees. So I wanted to share his joy of his journey that is portrayed in a cartoon from my childhood; the video is below.
the Johnny Appleseed Song
The Lord's Been Good to Me. Johnny Appleseed in Disney film sang this before he went into the wilderness.
The Lord is good to me and so I thank the Lord, for givin' me the things I need, the sun and rain and an appleseed, Yes, He's been good to me. I owe the Lord so much, for everything I see, I'm certain if it weren't for Him there'd be no apples on this limb. He's been good to me. Oh, here am I 'neath the blue, blue sky, A-doin' as I please! Singin' with my feathered friends, Hummin' with the bees. I wake up every day, As happy as can be Because I know that with His care My apple trees, they will still be there. Oh the Lord is been good to me. (Another verse I found online, but not in the Disney movie) Every seed I sow will grow into a tree and soon there'll be apples there for everyone in the world to share. The Lord is good to me.
More information - Who Was Johnny Appleseed? (history.com)
Here is a little video I took in dad’s garden of my daughter picking apples -
I am glad my daughter, Sarah could pick an apple from her grandpa's tree, just like I did when I was a kid.
That's what I call being fruitful!
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