#featuring his parfait
imelht · 3 months
Happy Belated Birthday to Meta Knight. 🎉
Made some art for the occasion.
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nieceeee · 7 months
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W/C: 1.9k
A/N: Yes I’ve been gone. Can I explain why? Life been lifeing fr but aye what can you do but make some shhhhh shake. So we byke! I have so much to write ngl but here is the FU from this fic. It’s not much that goes on in here, some things are suggested but nothing too explicit
Pairing: bestfriend!ony x black fem reader.
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That night Ony tossed and turned, his mind playing tricks on him, still reeling from the whirlwind of events that had occurred. The consistent cycle of forcing himself awake each time he felt his dreams shift to you made him physically and mentally exhausted. After several jolts from jumping up in cold sweats he gave in, knowing that it was wrong and hoping for forgiveness when he woke up. Unfortunately the only thing he woke up with was a wet stain in the crotch of his sweat pants and a horrible case of blue balls. Ony groaned to himself, dropping his head back into the pillow. I havent had a wet dream since I was fucking 13 he thought, dragging his heavy hands down his face.
He forced himself from the bed, stripping down and making his way to the bathroom to clean up the embarrassing mess. “Okay Ony, think.” He says to himself, washing away the evidence of his filthy thoughts from his body. He took a little bit more time than usual running through his morning routine, or better yet taking time to try and build up the courage to face you. Your morning routines always blended into each others but this time was so different for him. I mean it wasn't like he could tell you what happened. What the fuck would that look like? “Oh hey bestfriend, how’d you sleep? Just to let you know I heard you moan my name last night and I nutted over and over again to the sound of it. Have a great day” Ony groans again as he steps out of the shower and dries off. Ony just hoped he wouldn't make it so obvious.
“Good morning Onybunny.” You say hearing him walk into the kitchen like normal. “Hey.” He croaks, clearing his throat slightly. Your brows furrow slightly in confusion as you let out a little giggle. “You ok?” You ask him, opening the fridge to reach in for a quick breakfast. Ony averts his eyes from your bent frame, shifting his gaze down to his hands. So much for not making it awkward he thought to himself. He rolled his shoulders back to ease some of the tension. You grab a carton of vanilla Greek yogurt and some fruit out of the fridge, settling on a parfait and toast for your morning meal.
Ony took a moment to look you over as you worked your way around the room. It was like something inside of him has been awaken. A new sense of being, everything around him was like staring through a different lens. His eyes roam your body and he notices things that he never appreciated before. His brown irises took in the rise and fall of your breasts, the curve of your hips. The way your body was perfectly mapped out and he wanted to explore it all. Lost in his own thoughts, he missed your look at him. “Ony?” You call again. He shook his head slightly, pulling himself from the trance you unknowingly put him in. “Huh?” He asks. “Are you okay?” You ask him, walking up and pressing a hand to the side of his face and running it gently against his jaw. He knew this was one of your tactics for him when he would space out and his heart tugged at that thought. Ony melted into your touch, his bigger hand coming up to hold the back of your hand. He felt energy swim through his body.
“Ony, talk to me. Are you okay?” You look at him, concern morphed into your features. “Y-yeah. I’m good.” He says softly, his fingers gently caressing the back of your hand. You felt a bundle of nerves ignite in your belly as the memories from last night flood your mind, recalling those very hands doing something else in your dreams. You intake a sharp breath of air before slowly pulling your hand from his grasp. “You talking about me, look at yourself.” he teases, giving you a small smirk. You playfully roll your eyes at him, pulling your hand away. “Boy bye. I’m not checking on you no more. You play too much.” You go back to the other side of the counter and finish up your breakfast. Ony watches you carefully this time, his eyes raking over your body. He takes note of the way your jeans hug you at the waist and wrapped firmly around your hips. Your cropped tank showing a sliver of your belly.
Ony really loved your body shape. He would always say that. He loves the smoothness of your skin. Whenever you would lay up under him, he always found his fingers grazing against whatever skin was showing, whether that was your arm or the sides of your thighs as you lay together watching movies. No matter the occasion, Only always has his hands on you but it was nothing sexual. He simply loves his best friend. He never fails to compliment you and shower you with affection. You were his best friend after all. But now, thinking about last night he was imagining your body in a totally different way. And those thoughts caused him to shake his head quickly, trying to get back to reality. You quickly finished up your meal, completely oblivious to the turmoil that your bestie was going through behind you.
“So what do you think?” your voice perks up as you turn to face him. “Uh yeah.” he said, trying to scrape together the bits and pieces of what you had said. You tilt your head at him, a blank stare on your face as you watch him try to put an answer together like he always did when he zoned out on you. “Okay it's settled then. I'm shaving my head and joining the cult.” you say shrugging and sliding him his plate. Only’s head snapped back to you, “What the fuck? Wait, I didn't agree to that-” he starts but your laugh interrupts him. You doubled over, gripping your side, amused by the utter shock and confusion on his face. “That's what the fuck you get for not listening to me.” you tease. His eyes roll as he grabs the plate that you made for him and sits at the island. You enjoy your breakfast and casual conversation, continuing your morning with each other as usual.
“Okay so we are still meeting E and them for lunch later right?” you say walking towards the door, phone in hand as you close out your messages. “Yeah, they’ll send the reservation later.” Ony says meeting you at the front door. You both stood at the front door, your eyes watching him with expectancy. His brows pull together slightly. “What?” he asks. You hitch a brow at him, “You bump your head or something?” His confused expression scrunches his features more. “Since when have you ever let me walk out the door without my hug and kiss? What's up with you?” you try not to sound hurt by it but the emotion still coats your words. You and Ony have a system when you leave the house. It's been like that from day one. Fuck. he thinks. “Sorry, I’m just not in it today.” he admits to you softly. You give him a forced smile as the breath leaves you body. “Don’t worry about it. It’s all good. See you later.” you whisper before turning towards the door and gripping the nob. “Shit…wait.” Ony says before you have a chance to open the door. His heavy hands grip your wrist and turn you back to face him. You look at him, doe eyes glistening. “I’m sorry prettygirl. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night.” he says stepping close to you, his hands sliding from your wrist, up your arms and to your shoulder blade then gliding down to your lower back. Why didn't you come to me you want to ask but then your cheeks heat as you realize what he would've walked into if he did. Instead you swallow heavily, lips slightly parting as you take in how close he was to you.
Ony’s face flashes with emotion but he masks it quickly. Because he knows that you would’ve wanted him to come to you, which he did, but he couldn’t tell you. Not after the things he heard. Honestly he doesn't know if he will ever be able to sleep next to you again with everything he heard and how his body reacted to you last night. You’ve slept in the same bed on multiple occasions but there would be no explaining him waking you up with a wet stain in his bed and him standing at full attention pressed against you. Even thinking about you in his bed in one of his big t-shirts, brown legs bare against his sheets was not helping his current situation.
Pushing arousal aside, he takes a deep breath and pulls you into his arms. Your arms wrap around his neck as his tighten around your waist. He breathes in your familiar scent and it heats his body to the core. Ony buries his face into your neck, the bridge rubbing gently against your skin. Fuck she smells good. Has she always smelled this good? The way he held you close to him made you feel every sculpted muscle in his body through the cotton fabric of his t-shirt. Your breath quickens as your head gets lighter. The air in the room seemed to shift, thick with an intensity that wasn't present before. Ony, pull back his head was screaming at him. That familiar heat surging through his body. He reluctantly loosens his grip, lifting his head from your shoulders. His eyes find yours as you glance up at his face. “Ony,” you whisper, his name coasting from your lips. “Yeah, prettygirl.” he lets out. Your chests are touching and his arms still wrap around your waist. “W-we gotta go.” you explain. “Right.” he starts, letting his hands slip down your waist and off your sides. “Sorry.” he says, eyes still fixed on yours. You take a step back to offer yourself room to breathe. The air was heavy with anxiousness, neither of you sure of what to do next and unsure as to why the other was uncertain. Thoughts plaguing your mind if he actually heard you last night calling out to him makes your cheeks heat. Ony being tormented by the sound of you calling out to him over and over as you pleasured yourself and wondering why he didn't walk in and coax more sounds out of you.
After another deep breath to calm your senses, you finally manage to break the staring contest. You take a small step back releasing your breath as you do so. “Well…” you start. “I’ll see you there?” He stared down at you as he ran his tongue across his bottom lip. The action sent a tingle running through your spine. “Yeah, I got to grab something so I’ll be there in a little bit.” You give him a small nod and walk out the door. Ony’s eyes trail after you as he follows the movements of your hips. He waits until you’re in the car and pulled out forces driveway before he walks back towards his room, dropping his bag and keys by the door. He locks his room door before heading back towards his shower to get another release.
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Don’t ask me how I feel I swear I don’t know. I feel like I lost my mojo but I’m getting it back. Anyway hope yall like this one.
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highlandwhackamole · 3 months
A Grand(ish) Theory of What the Heck
I love the utterly unhinged, super detailed theories about what's going on in Good Omens, especially in season 2. I hope one or more of them turn out to be true, as some kind of glorious puzzle-box-hidden-code monstrosity. And also I think that there has to be a simpler explanation for things, for the people who are at least Somewhat Normal (tm) about this show. (... I assume such people do exist somewhere...) This is what I have been pondering recently.
The thing that started me thinking about this was this post, containing some promotional materials for season 2 that feature main characters with scenes in their heads. Like this:
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Seeing this created a very similar situation in my own head, but with a nice shiny lightbulb.
All the weirdness: the car, the sideburns, the clock, the behavior of the folks of Soho, the vanishing storefront signs. The absence of God. I think this is all because everything we see is in their heads.
I don't mean it's made up. At least not entirely. Memory is already a plot point. Why not explore it on a deeper level? I've read theories emphasizing the minisodes' stories being retold by Aziraphale and Crowley. I think the whole season is like that.
You know that sort of conventional-wisdom-fact-concept that you can only dream faces of people you've seen before (or variations therein), because your brain can't make new faces up? So it just fills in what it thinks is close enough? I think that idea, applied to remembering or recollecting things, could explain so many things that are wonky in this show.
Wonky Things
Crowley parking in an impossible London location? He definitely remembers it was in London, so his brain just stuck some obvious London landmarks in there.
Awkward clattering happening when Crowley throws the stacks of books he's inexplicably carrying around the bookshop? He wouldn't actually throw Aziraphale's books! But he'd like to think he's cool and nonchalant enough to do that, and if he did it would definitely make Some Kind of Noise.
Jim walking toward the bookshop from somewhere mysterious? Maggie and Nina saw him first, and he came from that direction, so he must've walked all that way. They don't know about the elevator in the Donkey.
Aziraphale remembers tartan hills and the Loch Ness monster because he was having a jolly time driving through Scotland, so obviously the scenery must've been whimsical Scottish things.
Nina put the Honolulu roast sign up, so she remembers its presence, but perhaps the occult/ethereal visitors to her shop do not.
Maggie really did text Aziraphale about the rent, but a note through the mail slot is a much more dignified way for a scholarly angel to imagine he received a message.
On the Fallibility of Recall
This season is loaded with unrealistic inclusions. The colors are turned up to 11. Some of the scenes are more caricature than believable interaction. Remembering things never copies or reproduces them with what one might call high fidelity.
Scenes recalled by separate memories will inherently vary. One person's hefty jigger might be another person's dash. Who knows for sure where the sun was that day? You and I might recall an event having different lighting or a different color palette, sort of like viewing something with different lens filters.
According to Neil, Crowley is an unreliable narrator of the story of his Fall. He labels the variations in clock times as a continuity error in a show where Everything Is Meant, but he doesn't say whose continuity error it is. He insists that the Bentley is the same through the whole season; maybe it was the same, but remembered differently. Maybe this is part of why there's more CGI but it's harder to spot.
So What?
Is this all there is to it? I sure hope not. I like my Good Omens with enough layers to put to shame an onion wrapped in a cake and covered in a parfait.
Is this possibly the fancy footwork that's distracting from the real magic trick? I wouldn't put it past Our Gaiman. There are a lot of things one could hide in the narrative of unreliable memory.
Is this going to stop me from rewatching and repondering and remaking theories for the next couple years? Not even at gunpoint.
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diasomnia ice-cream parlor au doodles
[Referencing this post!]
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Hello, yes, I’ve been thinking about the Diasomnia ice-cream parlor AU again 🍨🍦 I guess I must have been really hungry lately www
I see them as offering not just ice-cream, bur also variants like gelato, shaved ice, milkshakes, etc. (They can afford it with support from the Draconia royal family’s funds 😂) The focus here will be ice-cream though, just because that’s Malleus’s favorite.
Imagine walking in and not knowing what to order (there’s so much to choose from!), so you ask the staff to pick something for you… (Yes, I’ve thought about this way too much and now I’m going to shovel this at you—)
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Malleus strikes me as a very traditional and old-fashioned guy, so I’d see him falling back on ol’ reliable. You can’t go wrong with a classic sugar cone and a healthy scoop on top!
He recommends mint chocolate chip because it adds an additional pleasant cooling sensation to the actual coldness of ice-cream. Malleus is fond of the flavor himself; it’s great for cooling down a mouth that’s hot from breathing flames!
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You’re brave if you accept anything Lilia hands you… You ask him what this is (the ice-cream looks… discolored in some places, and there’s all this weird stuff jutting out from it; is that a piece of lettuce???). He just winks at you and calls it “Lilia-chan’s Super Cute ⭐️ Special”, featuring a bunch of “unique” flavors he created himself.
It comes served in a cup because it’s easier to eat it while walking that way. For Lilia, who is a well-seasoned traveler, foods that are able to be eaten on the go are a plus!
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Silver picks out a waffle bowl (it resembles a sturdy bird’s nest) and encourages you to try a lot of different things. It’ll help you to gain an appreciation for the new and unfamiliar! With how wide the waffle bowl is and how many flavors and toppings are in there, this can be good for sharing with friends from all over.
The particular version featured in the doodle has three kinds of ice-cream, each one representing one of the three Good Fairies. A pink flavor, a blue flavor, and a green flavor—maybe rose or strawberry, blueberry or cotton candy, and pistachio? It’s a very naturey palate.
His animal friends have helped with the ingredients; there’s honey drizzled on top, as well as crushed nuts. Freshly picked berries and edible flowers garnish the bowl too—oh, and we can’t forget a generous chunk of honeycomb!
… I don’t know much about Kingdom Hearts, but I’ve heard that Silver resembles Riku from KH?? So maybe Silver can offer some sea salt ice-cream too as a throwback 😂
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… Was anyone surprised by this? No? No.
Sebek chose a tall parfait glass for serving so that the dessert can be as tall as possible. It’s a matcha and ube soft serve, swirled high. The green is Diasomnia’s color, and the purple is meant to be the color of the underside of Malleus’s cape. (Sebek wanted to include black ice-cream to for the Draconia royal color, but couldn’t find a good flavor.)
Art isn’t his forte, but Sebek did his best to “recreate the imposing, elegant image of wakasama” in his dessert. The cherry on top, flanked by two conical chocolate pieces, are meant to be Malleus and his horns. The wafer poking out is supposed to “enhance the young master’s presence”. All the other things are extra details in an effort to make the ice-cream larger than life: candied fruit peels arranged in a line (to resemble the spines on a dragon’s tail), mochi balls (“magestones”) piled to one side, and a chocolate biscuit stick + wafer that, together, look like Malleus’s staff.
Sebek tried really hard! … He will aggressively try to sell you on this item.
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If you’re really hungry or with a large group, why not go for the Diasomnia Family Fundae? It’s their take on a sundae, served in a glass boat. There’s a whole banana, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and three maraschino cherries! The bramble is made of dark chocolate.
Each student is represented by one scoop and a little candy or chocolate that helps to characterize the boy (horns, bat wings, lightning bolt, or sword). Sebek is a lemon-like sherbet, befitting of his loud, in-your-face personality. Lilia is a bright red berry flavor (strawberries, cherries, cranberries, etc.), like his favorite red juices, deep and complex. Silver is vanilla bean, pure, simple, and earnest. (He could also be a subtle lavender flavor, since that's a flower known to ease you into sleep.) And Malleus… well, that scoop is a pitch black, but the flavor is something you can’t quite place your tongue on. It’s a mystery, just like he is! (Maybe the shop changes the flavor every now and again. They can run a promo where if you guess the right flavor combo for that particular week’s Malleus scoop, they give you a discount or a free cone.)
A lot of chocolate sauce is dripping down from the Malleus scoop; this is because the sauce is supposed to be his “blot”. The bottom three scoops—Lilia, Sebek, and Silver—are blanketed by the chocolate thorns as a reference to how those three were sentenced to sleep.
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r0semint · 1 year
hey! let’s talk about teru’s relationship with food!
all three of us get the feeling that food is a love language for teru, or at least, we feel like it’s important to consider how food plays a role in his story arc when doing a character study of him.
okay so first off, right from his introduction he is a foil to mob.
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[ID: four manga panels featuring teru getting ready for school. from right to left: the first panel shows his hand and a pan frying an egg. the second is his hand holding a remote. the third shows a tv of a meteorologist saying: “today’s weather.” The forth panel is teru pulling on his school blazer, watching the tv. the meteorologist continues: “a lot of sunshine through the country, though the air is a bit unstable. /END ID]
when teru first appears, we as an audience don’t know it yet, but he lives alone and has been living alone without his parents for several years. here he is cooking his own breakfast and getting himself ready in his apartment by himself.
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[ID: five manga panels of mob being woken up for school. from right to left: the first panels is a shot of the roof of the kageyama house. the second is mob, asleep on his futon. his mom is talking from off screen. she says: “shige, get up! you’re gonna be late!” the third is mob yawning and stretching his arms about his head. the forth panel is ritsu opening the door to mob’s room. he says “bro. mom said breakfast is ready.” the fifth panel shows ritsu looking at mob. mob is putting on a pair of pants saying: “yeah ritsu. let’s go.” /END ID]
meanwhile mob, is woken up by his mom and is checked on by his brother to make sure he was up in order to get a breakfast that was more than likely made by their parents.
when mob plans on confessing to tsubomi, teru brings up how homemade things tend to make him feel happy when someone confesses to him.
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[ID: manga panel of teru being offered a gift from a girl. it reads: “I tend to be on the receiving end of confessions, but…when someone gives me a handkerchief, or a letter, or homemade cookies or something, it makes me kinda happy, so…I was just thinking, there’s that kind of thing too.” /END ID]
also we see teru tend to overindulge when someone (reigen) is offering to buy food for him
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[ID: panel from yakiniku omake. teru is ordering food. he says: I’ll have have 4 orders of top ribs, 2 orders of sakura yukhoe, 2 orders of choice salty beef tongue, the extra special zabuton-cut beef, the offal sampler, 3 orders of rice, a tomato salad, and the naengmyeon…and a green tea.” /END ID]
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[ID: cropped screencap of official art. teru has finished two ice cream parfaits. the empty glasses sit in front of a third one, which he is using telekinesis to float the toppings near his face. /END ID]
this often played for laughs, but stick with us here…
in the fanbook teru is asked if he cooks for himself and he says yes, and mentions that he’s confident in his pasta making skills.
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[ID: cropped screencap from the fanbook that reads: “Q1: do you make your own food? What are you good at cooking?” Teru answers: “I cook lots of different kinds of things! but what I’m confident in is my pasta.” /END ID]
at first this may seem like a very 14 year old answer…I mean, pasta is fairly easy to make. But knowing teru and how he tends to become and expert at the skills he learns, odds are pasta started off as something simple to throw together on a school night. Pasta is easy and convenient and kid friendly, but it is very easy to experiment with and eventually become a speciality.
and one thing we know about teru is that he has too many specialities to list.
this kid has been needing to make his own food 100% on his own since the start of middle school. we can infer he’s getting money from his parents, and we aren’t exactly sure how much or how he spends it regarding food, but the only time we seem him eating alone, he is making a meal for himself outside of something premade or takeout. he said it himself, he makes lots of different kinds of things! he knows how to cook!
but with all things teru something simple and silly comes with tragedy. while it’s nice fore a kid his age to know how to cook, he NEEDS to know because he doesn’t live with his parents. if he didn’t know how to cook he would be relying on others, and that’s just not what teru does. He is fully capable and learns for himself out of necessity. teru is responsible for all of his own meals.
so what happens when he is no longer responsible? it could be an issue with humbleness. it could also be just normal 14 year old boy hunger, but when reigen takes him out to eat there’s no limits. but here’s the thing…when’s the last time teru has had a home-cooked meal that was made for him by someone else? not from a restaurant, but someone making something for him?
this is why we have the omurice scene in backdraft. there’s a comfort in the domesticity of having food prepared for him in a familial setting that he has not realized he has been missing from his life.
we’ve focused on the fear of him getting cut off from his parents and how money scarcity turns into food scarcity. he’s always been in survival mood, it’s just that money was the breaking point for him.
going back to mob. he and his family are normally seen sitting at the dinner table together. a normal domestic setting.
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[ID: screencap of the kageyama family eating omurice together]
something teru doesn’t have. he eats alone at a table in his apartment…one with multiple chairs around it.
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[ID: screencap of teru in his apartment. In the background, he is getting ready, looking in a full length mirror. next to him is a tv showing the weather. in the foreground is a table with an empty plate, mug and saucer, and a basket with a single roll. two chairs are seen at the table. /END ID]
teru has not invited anyone into his apartment until mob got attacked by koyama.
who are those chairs for teru?
of course, in backdraft we have the restaurant scene that mirrors this. empty chairs for absent parents.
back to food being a love language and specialty to teru…imagine once he’s no longer in survival mode due to trauma. food as a comfort, not only receiving, but making it for others as well. tying into him wanting to be a teacher, sharing his skills with others…the fact it feels good creating and sharing something. no longer taking care of himself out of necessity, but learning what his skills and hobbies are and genuinely sharing them because they make him feel accomplished and happy! it just ties everything together with this dude.
in short, cooking is more than likely another speciality teru has developed due to needing to live on his own. since mp100 has themes that involve human connection and relationships with others, we feel food is something that brings people together and our boy teru here should experience that firsthand.
that is why it plays a big role in what we have so far in backdraft!
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sneasedtomeetyou · 3 months
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//Eventually these guys will get their own dedicated references but for now if you ever wanted to know what the Sneaks and Souffle family looks like here you go!
//As a bit of a reminder as to who is who!
//Sneaks is Casi's first partner Pokemon! He is very old but still going strong! He's a Mt. Coronet Weavile with some Hisuian lineage, though this doesn't manifest in any particular way and is actually pretty common for Mt. Coronet native Sneasels. Casi may have issues around the color red but she loves her Weavile so much and insists that his feathers are a deep cranberry color. His identifying features include the symmetrical facial markings, orange colored gem, and alternating crest colors.
//Gelato is Lissie's prized Absol! Former battler, former mega Pokemon, and he still can be in a pinch. These days his main job is to be a service Pokemon, alerting for potential health issues or PTSD episodes. His identifying features include his long nose, larger than average claws, long and straight horn, and curly mane fur.
//Souffle is a former show Absol. At a glance people believe she's a shiny, but in actuality she is simply a standard Absol with albinism. Her albinism leaves her hair thin and gives her a gradient color. Souffle has more distinctly cat-like features, larger rounder eyes and a shorter snout than Gelato. She has anxiety, leaving her a trembling mess that tends to alert to danger more frequently than necessary, but Casi and Lissie are making progress in easing her stress. Growing closer to Sneaks has also seemed to help.
//Parfait and Mall Goth are the result of Sneaks and Souffle growing closer than either of their trainers realized. Each took after their parent's coloration in rather odd ways. Unlike most Sneasels, Parfait's feather is on the same side as an Absol's horn. His spotted pattern will likely fade as he grows older, but it's unclear by how much. Parfait doesn't appear to be a true albino Pokemon, he's just pink. Maybe he really is shiny... Mall Goth's horn is still growing in, being regularly capped with a pool noodle so that she doesn't accidentally hurt herself or someone else. Despite the thick fringe over her eyes, she seems to be able to see perfectly fine.
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jessamine-rose · 1 year
✿ Sweeter than Honey ✿
I am still not sane after reading Barbatos’s new UR. Honey’s Sweet Allure was rlly good so I wrote a spicier continuation. Enjoy this sweet treat of our favorite butler (๑ᵔ⤙ᵔ๑)
Devilgram spoilers ahead!! Story context:: Barbatos wants to promote common varieties of honey in the Devildom. His plan is to make several honey desserts then share the pics and recipes on Devilgram with help from Mc.
♡ 0.7k words under the cut ♡
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“...and that is the final dessert.”
In Barbatos’s Devilgram post, the honey yogurt parfait couldn’t look more delectable. The video shows the demon butler mixing plain yogurt with richly-colored honey. A spritz of lemon juice causes the color to fade from bold amber to pale yellow. The finished dish is a glass cup filled with colorful layers of honey yogurt, berries, and granola.
You glance at the real dessert on the kitchen countertop. The parfait is half-eaten, too scrumptious for only one bite. Asmodeus will be thrilled with the leftovers, judging by his comments.
“Once again, thank you for your assistance.” Barbatos puts down his DDD and turns to face you. His poised smile is tinged with satisfaction. “Thanks to our efforts, the Devildom will gain a better appreciation for our ordinary varieties of honey.”
“No problem!” you reply. “Thank you again for letting me taste-test your sweets. Everything was absolutely delicious!”
“I am pleased to hear that. To that end, I would like to ask an important question: Which dessert was your favorite?”
“Hmm, that’s a difficult question. And a subjective one at that. Why are you asking me?”
There is a faint twinkle in his viridian eyes. “I’d like to know your personal favorite so that I may recreate it for you in the future.”
“Aw, thank you.” Looking away, you reexamine the assorted desserts on the countertop.
The roll cake. In addition to a light honey cream filling, the cake features an intricate pattern of honeycomb and flowers.
The patterned hard candy. It doesn’t have the magic trick of the candy sticks you shared at the park, but the swirly design is far prettier.
The honey shortcake with extra honey. After the initial excitement of having a cake all to yourself, you settled for two slices to make room for the other desserts.
Your gaze returns to Barbatos. He is sampling the souffle pancakes drizzled with floral honey. A spot of honey glistens on the back of his bare hand.
You blush, recalling your previous accident. Barbatos had been so unfazed as he wiped the honey splatters off your hand and commented on your flustered reaction.
“Oh? You seem to be blushing,” he observed, a knowing smile on his face. “Were you hoping for something else, perhaps? How adorable.”
“I beg your pardon?” Barbatos puts down his fork, eyes widening by just a fraction.
You flash him a bright smile. “My favorite dessert is you, of course! Don’t you get it, honey?”
A short pause. “Are you referring to the use of ‘honey’ as a term of endearment?”
What a cheesy line. Nonetheless, your smile doesn’t waver.
There is a drop of honey on his lips. Barbatos must’ve missed it when he heard your sorry excuse for a pickup line. The sophisticated butler is totally oblivious to that imperfection.
Was your poor flirting attempt that effective? This day keeps getting better and better!
The corners of his mouth tilt upward. “You certainly have a unique way of picking favorites. However, it would be rather inappropriate of me to promote myself to the Devildom masses.”
“In that case, does that mean only I can indulge in you?”
His only response is an enigmatic smile. You help yourself to another slice of honey shortcake, savoring the heavenly sweetness
Barbatos taps the corner of his lips. “There is some honey on your lips, ______.”
“Oh, really?” you ask innocently. “Could you please clean it up for me, then?”
He picks up a napkin. “Certainly.”
You shake your head. “No, not with that. With your lips!”
“Oh? That method sounds rather ineffective and improper,” he shoots back.
Now he is just teasing you. Already, Barbatos is caressing your cheek and looking at you with half-lidded eyes. His tongue darts out to slowly lick the honey off his own lips. An immodest, purposeful gesture.
“As you wish. Be careful what you wish for with an attitude like that.”
I enjoyed all of the Devilgram stories for the Beware the Bees?! URs but Barbatos rlly takes the cake for leaving me wanting more. How dare he make me crave honey and romance....
A big thank you to @diodellet for peer-reviewing this and witnessing my brainrot. I hope I was able to satisfy everyone's cravings for Barbatos (っ˘ڡ˘ς)
Tag a Barbatos enjoyer!! @haru-kichi @whoretaglia @paradisoperdita @luyo-mi
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fashionbooksmilano · 5 months
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Christian Dior
Francoise Giroud, Sacha Van Dorssen
translated from French (Editions du Regard)
Thames & Hudson, London 1987, 342 pages, 25x33cm, ISBN 978-0500014301
euro 120,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
The English-language edition of a beautifully-illustrated monograph on Christian Dior. The book begins with an essay on Dior and his fashion house, accompanied by archival photographs of the designer, the fashion shows and his world. A collection of photographs of Dior's creations - the clothes, jewels and drawings - reveal the grace and beauty of his post-War designs. Photographers featured include Horst, Cecil Beaton, Irving Penn, Louise Dahl-Wolfe and many others.
Il aura suffi de dix ans pour que Christian Dior prenne place parmi les cinq personnes les plus connues au monde. Le 12 février 1947, Christian Dior présentait sa première collection. Le New Look était né qui offrait à la femme, au sortir de la guerre, les délices d'une silhouette délicatement féminine vêtue d'interminables métrages de riches étoffes. Le génie de Christian Dior tient sans nul doute à son amour de la femme, qu'il habilla peu à peu de la tête au pied, à son exigence d'un travail parfait rarement égalé, à son intuitive compréhension de l'époque dont il précédait les désirs. Dior prit très vite l'ampleur qu'on lui connaît aujourd'hui et qui reste la griffe parisienne de la Haute couture par excellence. Ce livre se veut l'image même d'une légende dont Françoise Giroud, d'une plume vive et cursive, nous relate l'étonnante histoire.
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arrowsnapples · 1 year
Rook Hunt - Ceremonial Robes
Vil had graciously invited you to Pomefiore under the guise of aiding you with your ceremonial robes, seeing as it was your first time having to take on the garments alone. Made enough sense in hind sight.
“My, my what seems to be the issue, if you furrow your brow any further you’ll crease the concealer” he sighed, smoothing his finger across your lips for a final time. “He’ll love it, don’t you worry” a soft smile of sympathy gracing his features.
“And now for your escort”
The door to his dorm room swung open someone was clearly enthusiastic to say the least.
“Parfait” he waltzed over, sweeping you up onto your feet. Vil raised a hand in dismissal and he was off, linking your arm through his. “Your beauty never ceases to amaze me, mon amour. I’ll be by your side the entire time, don’t worry.”
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my-plastic-life · 7 months
New doll diorama is up! This one took a while because there are lots of props, plus I had to decide on the perfect design. :D
Have you ever been to a themed cafe? They're very common in Japan, ranging from anime to video games to role play. Some are permanent, others are pop up (temporary). The interiors are always completely decorated in the theme, and the food is also designed in accordance with the theme. Most of these places also have gift shops where you can purchase exclusive items ranging from stationary to clothes to figures to plushies, all revolving around the cafe's theme. So fun!
I tend to always do things in themes, so this was right up my alley. I just knew I wanted to make my own Japanese themed cafe diorama. There is no shortage of options, but I decided on a Gudetama cafe. Gudetama is a Sanrio character, and his name literally means "lazy egg." This adorable little egg can be seen in a variety of scenarios, usually being prodded to not be lazy. It's quite amusing! I looked up actual Gudetama cafes so I could make my design as authentic as possible. Almost all of them featured bright yellow walls in a variety of patterns with huge wall decals of the star character on them. Smaller wall art was also common, and the wood floors even had a yellowish hue to them to finish off the look. Statues and figures were also prominent, so I placed a white cube shelf in the scene to hold some of my mini Gudetama items I've had for a long time (didn't even have to buy new stuff for this scene!), as well as the menus and place mats that I made. I also painted all the chairs yellow (they were originally purple) and painted the table base white (they were pink). The booth is borrowed from the Licca-chan revolving sushi set.
So here we have a group of dolls enjoying the themed goodies! All the food items are from Re-Ment, and the sets included a lot more - I just couldn't fit any more dolls in there LOL. And of course, this being Japanese themed, I had to use my Azone dolls. They're a better fit for these chairs and tables anyway since they're not as tall as Barbie, so they fit her size furniture better than she does LOL. Plus - interchangeable hands! YES!
Overview of the diorama showing all the wall art and designs:
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Left plate: Curry. Right plate: Ramen.
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Of course ani-ME is on the dessert :D
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Left plate: Cake & ice cream. Right plate: Parfait.
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Cake & ice cream:
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Left plate: Hot cakes (aka pancakes). Right plate: Kanitama (crab omelet).
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Hot cakes (aka pancakes):
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Kanitama (crab omelet):
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Left plate: Ramen, fried egg, & salad. Right plate: Butatamadon (pork rice bowl).
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Butatamadon (pork rice bowl):
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Ramen, fried egg, & salad:
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Cube with various Gudetama figures/merchandise, plus the menus and place mats I made:
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Menu (two-sided) Fun fact: Every single item on the menu is a genuine Re-Ment Gudetama product. I don't have every set, but I included them on the menu anyway:
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kazuyummy · 11 months
"i'll take you to my favourite café!" he suggests - so where will he end up taking you and what will you be doing?
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modern café ✣ people watching
"no, he's definitely the type to join a crypto pyramid scheme." you drawl, the man beside you snickering at your comment. "like, the kind to have 'sigma grindset' in his bio unironically, right?" the two of your burst into laughter, and you continue, "it was the vest for me, i think. nobody else wears those kinds in the summer except for matching old couples." the waitress passes by your table at the window, placing down your drinks and pastries as you give her a sweet thanks. the chocolate is practically melting off your fresh croissant, making you drool. "here, try my drink. it's a taro latté." your date pushes the purple concoction toward you, which you gladly take. "y'know, it's really easy talking to you. interesting, too." you muse, watching for his reaction. it's a small nod and a breathy laugh - he's shyer about compliments than you expected - but the crinkle in his eyes shows he must appreciate it. hours pass in the blink of an eye, talking about anything and everything so effortlessly - so much that by the time it's over, you're both already planning your second date.
these observant, analytical baseball players will enjoy an unusual but easy-going date where they get to find out more about you.
➤ miyuki kazuya, watanabe hisashi, kominato ryosuke, takigawa chris yu
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themed café ✣ taking cute pictures
"did you see this latté art? it's so good!" you stare in awe at the details of your favourite cartoon character painted onto the drink in front of you. your date's parfait looks quite tasty too, and he feeds you some of it off his spoon. he even treats you to some merch from the shop, including matching plushies and a keychain, absolutely spoiling you before signalling the mascot over and an employee to take a picture of you. after some cute (and some silly) shots, he thanks the staff and fiddles with his phone. "there!" he beams proudly, setting one of the pictures as his new lock screen. "aw, you're almost as adorable as our big, plushy friend in the middle there!" you give him a quick kiss on the cheek, to wish he blushes - now that's something you'd want to get on camera.
for these adorable, sometimes-hyperactive guys, a themed café is the perfect place to spark conversation, eat yummy food, and enjoy an upbeat atmosphere.
➤ narumiya mei, todoroki raichi, umemiya seiichi, sawamura eijun
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french café ✣ pastry tasting
"i'm not sure about asparagus macarons, but the lemon chiffon ones do sound tasty..." you tilt your head at the menu as the boy across from you watches intently at your every gesture. the way your cheek squishes on your hand when you lean on it, the upturn of your eyebrow, the small pout of indecision that makes its way to your face... "cute..." he muses, only aware that he's accidentally said that out loud after you a giggle escapes you. he turns as red as the strawberries on the fraisier sitting in front of you, murmuring out an apology. "nothing to apologize for. that's really sweet of you," you wink, bringing a finger to flick his nose at the pun. though he's still a bit embarrassed, you've loosened him up enough to get a small smile out of him. "now, how about these pistachio and orange éclairs?" "order whatever you want..." he hums contentedly, "it's my treat, after all."
a simple date but with a fun twist for some of the more classic, romantic men in the bunch that love to spoil you.
➤ isashiki jun, shirakawa katsuyuki, furuya satoru, yuki tetsuya
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beach café ✣ brunch & drinks
"so - mimosas or sangria this morning?" you ask - the menu features a selection of typical drinks but infused with fruits you've never heard of, their entrées similar. "what about, like, when they put alcohol in coffee? kind of need my caffeine this morning..." he ponders. not a bad idea, but with the fresh sea breeze flooding your senses, you feel the need to opt for something tropical. when you've finally made your decisions and later receive platters abundant with colour and tantalizing smells, you inquire, "so? what are these plans you've got for us the rest of the day that you're so excited to tell me about?" "i was thinking of checking the boardwalk out. there's an area for dogs along the path that we can see, and maybe check out the little market at the end. if you want to, of course." you agree eagerly, noting the sparkle in his eyes as he describes your day to come - and with him and his handsome smile by your side, you know it's sure to be a fun one.
something a bit more unique and adventurous for this fun-loving group - driving out to a beach for good eats and going for a nice boardwalk stroll and splashing in the water afterwards.
➤ sanada shunpei, kamiya carlos toshiki, amahisa kosei, kuramochi yoichi
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off-the-wall café ✣ study date
someone walking down a car-free cobblestone road covered by the shade of blooming trees might see you and your date sipping italian sodas if they looked through the window of a hidden, cozy café with ivy on its walls. books, paper, and your laptop are spread out in front of you - but something catches your eye instead as you chew on the end of your pen. "y'know, those board games over there are tempting me." your date shoots you a shy smile, "i was thinking that too. nothing wrong with a small break, right?" a "small break" turns into an afternoon of both competition and cooperation in the array of games you play, getting lost in each others' company. his face goes red after an accidental brush of your hand during a particularly intense game of connect four - how adorable. by the time the sun is setting, you've both accepted that no more work is getting done today. after all, who'd want to study instead of having fun with the amazing guy in front of you?
a thoughtful and quaint date for the more quiet and reserved boys of daiya - a low-pressure date where you can still have fun and get to know each other.
➤ kominato haruichi, hideaki tojo, kawakami norifumi, okumura koshu
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let me know if i missed anyone you want to see next time! love doing these mini-moodboard kind of drabbles. doing multiple characters is something i've seen as well and wanted to experiment with!
images from unsplash or pokemon cafe tokyo official website, dividers by ribboniel and cafekitsune
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Claude Clawmark (クロード クローマーク) is a male Virtual YouTuber affiliated with NIJISANJI EN's 9th wave TTT ("These Three Troublemaking Adventurers from Another World are Actually a Comedy Troupe?!") alongside Kunai Nakasato and Victoria Brightshield.
A cleric who studies magic while providing healing to visitors. His gigantic magical gloves are the tools of his trade, which he wields with great skill.
He has shiny white hair with a very subtle green tint and light purple highlights tied in a low ponytail with a dark green bow wearing a sharp purple mask resembling a bird’s beak. He has magenta to aquamarine gradient eyes. He wears dark purple gold lined gauntlets with long, sharp bright purple glowing nails/claws. He has a beauty mark below his mouth and a tongue piercing. He wears an attachment onto his upper shirt with seven deep violet coloured foxgloves dangling down from it.
His YouTube channel was created on 11 October 2023, his Twitter was created in the same month in 2023.
On 25 October 2023, NIJISANJI announced the 9th wave consisting of Claude Clawmark, Victoria Brightshield and Kunai Nakasato.
On 27 October 2023, Clawmark debuted on his YouTube channel, and was the last member to debut. During the stream, he released his first solo cover song "In The Back Room" by syudou.
On 27 October, Claude released his first solo cover song "In The Back Room" by syudou.
On 23 November, Claude opened YouTube membership feature.
On 30 January, Claude reached 100,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel.
On 28 February, Claude hosted his first Off-Collab Karaoke stream supported by DAM.
Claude's fans are called "Outclaws." They do not have an official design yet, but the fan-made design resembles griffins. They start out as small birds, and with time evolving into griffins. They have abilities including; shrinking and growing into any size they desire, and being able to change their color at any time. Fan-made scientific name: Aquila Leoclaw.
His members are called "Clawdience/Clawdian."[5]
The Outclaws may have no official catchphrase, though they are very commonly found saying the line: “CLAUDE CLAWMARK WHEN I GET YOU.”
TTT (These Three Troublemakers)" - Claude, Kunai Nakasato, and Victoria Brightshield.
"Clawmino" - Claude and Shu Yamino. A ship name coined by Petra Gurin, Elira Pendora, and Rosemi Lovelock.
A funny confusion with this duo came from Pomu Rainpuff during her Da Pomky Drawing: The Final Masterpiece stream, when adding Claude's trait on to the Nijisanji EN Beast™. Referring to him as "Clawmino" thinking it was a nickname prior to finding out it is actually a ship name, later bringing it up again during the stream Fix-It-Frogbert: The Hero We Never Knew We Needed.
“Team VAC” - Claude, Aster Arcadia, and Vezalius Bandage. Coined as the team name for the trio when participating in the TSB HoloNiji Apex Custom.
"Krisisis" - Claude, Yu Q. Wilson, Vantacrow Bringer, and Vezalius Bandage. These four are also jokingly referred to as "Zuttobros". Made as a spin on the name of the Zuttoღo sub-unit.
"Niji Purple Boys" - Claude, Shu Yamino, Uki Violeta, Aster Arcadia, and Vantacrow Bringer.
Shanta Claws” - Claude (Shu Yamino 2), Vantacrow Bringer (Shu Yamino 3), and Shu Yamino (Shu Yamino 1). Coined from the WarioWare: Move It off collab stream with the three of them.
“NIJI Static” - Claude, Kyo Kaneko, Millie Parfait, Elira Pendora, Finana Ryugu, Yu Q. Wilson, Vantacrow Bringer, and Uki Violeta. Also may be referred to as “Final Fantasy XIV Homies”, this group usually stays up late night all the way to early morning without sleep just having fun and chilling playing Final Fantasy XIV: Online together.
“Clawson” - Claude and Yu Q. Wilson. A ship name coined during Claude’s DAM off collab karaoke stream when the pairing took turns feeding each other chips pocky game-style. May also be referred to as “Markyu”, “Clawyu”, or “Hitmark".
“Smash Boys” - Claude, Luca Kaneshiro, Shu Yamino, Yu Q. Wilson, Uki Violeta, and Vantacrow Bringer. #SmashTheHomies #SmashWithBros
“Team Yappers” - Claude, Finana Ryugu, Vox Akuma, and Vantacrow Bringer. Coined durring a spontaneous impulse Overwatch 2 collab stream.
"Here to make my mark." Claude’s official debut line from TTT’s teaser.
"Lets start the experiment." A second debut line, used in a short posted on the official Nijisanji EN channel.
"Meow." Shantaclaws off collab batsu.
"I’m just a guy" A phrase that is commonly said by Claude.
"Guys… am I a twunk?" From an early morning little hour chat/zatsudan.
"Banana bread" From "???".
“delete gamee jett” An often referenced iconic phrase originating from a message sent in chat by someone with a blacked-out profile picture. This was during Claude’s Valorant stream titled ‘when will my aim come back’.
"Born to yap, forced to speak. HUR HUR HUR HUR".
His official color code is #7D3CAF.
He can speak English, a little bit of Japanese, and just a few things here and there in Chinese.
Claude’s lore video starts off with a memory of himself back when he was a child alongside a friend of his, energetically striking a pose making Claude laugh. In the memory, his friend appeared as a young boy having messy light brown hair with a black streak above a subtle undercut, a bandaged nose and cheek with a deep scar on his right eyebrow, and vibrant emerald green eyes. As they grew up, the two are shown working hard to pursue their own separate future dreams and goals. For Claude, these goals would be related to his Cleric studies, while for his friend, aligning into something more combat based. This often caused his friend to frequently become injured and can be seen being helped up by Claude while in a bruised, weakened state. Despite the differences of ideas in future paths between the two, they didn’t seem to let this stop them from remaining very tightly knit to each other. As time went on, they continued to meet up to spend time together in the in the same specific spot, a quiet and secluded grassy hillside with a large tree casting shade down below, per usual. But for unknown reasons, Claude’s friend passes away. Alluded when Claude is standing alone on the same hillside beneath the tree holding many memories of their time together beneath, gently laying down two flowers tied by a thin ribbon down on a gravestone.
Some time after the passing of his friend, a young wounded patient under Claude’s care waves to him and for a brief moment fades to appearing as a past memory resembling when he used to take care of his childhood friend, quickly fading back to the patient and a smile on Claude’s face.
On the golden attachment to his upper shirt, Claude has mentioned that the flowers dangling down are specifically foxgloves. It is notable that foxgloves are very dangerous flowers with extremely poisonous chemicals that are fatal if ingested and in rare cases can have it’s toxins even be absorbed just through touching or inhaling the plant. Despite its dangers, it has medical purposes that are typically used in the drug Digoxin to treat cardiac conditions and most commonly in heart failure, though it can have potential toxic side effects. Claude has not confirmed why he wears them or their purpose and the reason currently remains unknown.
Likes: all kinds of soda, magic (tech, audio, computers, etc.), cold drinks, audio mixing, and voiceover/voice actors.
Putting his liver color aside, Claude’s actual favourite color is #B3CEA9, a light and faded pale olive-like green.
Claude’s favourite kind of cake is vanilla ice cream cake.
His favourite 2 scoop ice cream combo is honey lavender.
Diet coke is his favourite soda.
Animes: Bleach, Bungou Stray Dogs, Yowamushi Pedal, Durarara, SK8 The Infinity, Chihayafuru, Bleach (Again), Beastars, Golden Kamuy, Blue Period, Blue Lock, Horimiya.
Claude also has many BL faves not included on this list, and enjoys the romance genre in general.
Bleach is Claude’s favourite anime.
Games: Valorant, Apex, TF2, Quake, ULTRAKILL, GTFO, Risk of Rain 2, Megaman, Persona.
He is the type of guy who will do endless runs for hours at a time.
Music: Listens to anything (literally including a blender on high speed), with opinions only on a select few things.
Vocaloid: Karasuyasabou, r906, FUSHI, Aoris, Youman
Anisong + J-pop/J-rock: Luck Life, frederic, UVERworld, SCREENmode, millennium parade, Bump of Chicken, Asian Kung Fu Generation.
His guilty pleasure music is listening to super generic eboy playlists, and also hard rap.
Voice Acting: Both English and Japanese voice actors/seiyuu.
English Voice Actors: Kyle Hebert, Steve Blum, Johnny Yong Bosch, Yuri Lowenthal, Aleks Le, Alejandro Saab.
Japanese Seiyuu: Miyano Mamoru, Nobuyuki Hiyama, Enoki Junya, Tsuda Kenjiro, Suwabe Junichi, Hosoya Yoshimasa, Daisuke Ono.
His favourite voice actor is Nobuyuki Hiyama. He voices Ikkaku in Bleach which is also one of Claude’s favourite Bleach characters.
Dislikes: aggressive heat, tomatoes, fruits, ball sports, breakfast foods, sparkling water, graphic design, and his voice.
Despite Claude’s dislike for his own voice, it is notable that he is extremely talented in both singing and voice acting.
The reason he dislikes breakfast foods isn’t so much due to the actual flavor, but instead because of how eating them usually used to make him really sick when he was younger, ruining the taste for him.
His goals include voice acting, paying back his academy research loans, reaching 50k subscribers on anything, and getting comfortable being uncomfortable (hosting and producing different events, tournaments, radio shows...; doing something special every month like cover songs, fun projects...), and beating Minecraft, once.
He sometimes watches certain animes not for the plot but for the ships. (ex: Bungo Stray Dogs)
Some of his oshis within Nijisanji includes Inui Toko and Watarai Hibari. He also enjoys playing Sophia Valentine’s minecraft or work streams in the background while doing things.
Claude is talented and skilled in voice acting, he can do quite a few different impressions very well.
He is a kusogaki. (Confirmed by his Mane-san)
He is a Cypher main in Valorant.
His lore is written by himself and Elira Pendora while they were brainstorming ideas for the story in call.
When he plays League of Legends (rarely/if other EN members play) Claude usually only plays Ezreal.
It is a running gag that Claude is the honorary 4th member of Krisis. Created by a misunderstanding from Finana Ryugu that he was officially apart of Krisis due to them hanging out often and collabing as Krisis(is). This was later brought up again when one of Claude’s 2023 birthday merch tags included "Krisis" accidentally by staff.
He knows how to play both the clarinet and guitar, although he usually only uses the guitar to hear pitch.
Claude is a part of NijiCanDrive and enjoys driving.
Claude enjoys cycling as a hobby, he’s mentioned that a part of what drove this hobby are the animes Wind Breaker and Yowamushi Pedal. He currently owns one road bike for racing, and one fixed gear bike.
Yes, he washes his rice.
He’s been watching and following Nijisanji since around the middle of Niji JP, and has been watching Niji EN since it started aswell. This is the reason for why he understands a lot of references and Nijisanji En culture.
His best Halloween costume is a hot dog/glizzy as he still owns this costume to this day, and wore it on his Doom: 2016 stream for Halloween.
He currently can’t roll his R’s.
Claude has a dakimakura of a random catgirl but realized it works better than an actual pillow and uses it as a normal pillow to sleep on now.
Claude didn’t know how to use chopsticks properly until friends showed him in high school. (Previously used to cross them instead of having them separate)
The only pair of sweatpants he owns is the Kuzuha Anniversary Merch sweatpants.
He is a crocs enjoyer and enthusiast.
He’s not a big fan of warm water or room temperature water, he prefers cold the most.
Claude met Kyo in person for the first time at a party before he debuted, both of bonded over not really knowing anyone at the party that they were at.
His favourite Genshin Impact character design is Alhaitham.
He uses and recommends the Ichikami smoothing shampoo and conditioner set.
Claude’s first ever manga that he read as a kid is Shaman King.
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Mayoi Ayase x GN!reader - Comfort
Characters: Mayoi Ayase
Genres: Fluff
Smaller “tags”: Drabble, Cuddling, Comfort, Kisses, Mayoi being Mayoi
TW: A bit of Self-depreciation (on Mayoi's side)
Word Count: 350
A/N: I know I have a bunch of requests stacked up (there are 10+ of them, I’m slowly getting through them!) but I just. Needed to write something for myself and get this out of my system. I love Mayoi so much it’s not even funny at this point orz
(If you think I’m projecting on only the reader here, you’re sorely mistaken. I’m projecting on BOTH Mayoi and the reader. I want to hug and comfort Mayoi and I want to be hugged and comforted. Life is like that, sometimes. /sobbing/)
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MAYOI AYASE 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
“I don’t deserve this…”
“Shhh, just close your eyes.” You plant a kiss on top of his head, nuzzling your face further into Mayoi’s grape-coloured locks as he mumbles into your chest.
“Don’t-! I’ve tainted you enough already… I’m such a horrible person…” He wails in your grip, trailing off with a whimper when you run your fingers through his hair, ghosting over the scalp and running down to tug the ribbon loose, freeing his braid.
You say nothing, stroking his back languidly with your free hand and continuing to intertwine his hair in your fingers, still pressing your lips to his head. His rambles and protests peter off, drowned in your silent affection, and his arms wrap tighter around your waist, seemingly never wanting to let go.
“... Better?” A whisper slips out of you, not wanting to break the spell. Mayoi nods slightly, a small sigh escaping him as his chest heaves against you, clearly in a better mood now. “Good, good.”
“Can we stay like this? Just a little longer?” Teary cerulean eyes begged you when you pulled back to let him look up - how could you ever say no?
“Of course.” The distance between your faces disappeared, your hand buried in his thick hair as you welcomed the taste of Mayoi's favourite grape parfait. Your heart swells when you feel him getting bolder with his kiss, kitten licks against your mouth, the back of your shirt being tugged on by his hands.
You return the favour, lightly nipping at his lips with yours, free hand settling around his lower back to pull him closer. Just gentle kisses, nothing more, nothing less. That could wait for another day.
"I'll always be with you, as long as you want me here." Your foreheads bump against each other when you separate, breaths mingling in the small space between you and your beloved.
"Because I love you, now and forever."
Surprise melts into certainty in his ethereal features, hands moving to grip your shoulders and, hesitantly, pull you in for another kiss.
His smile presses against yours, as it always should.
"Fufu~ If you can accept even a creature like me, then there is no reason I shouldn't love you too… Till the end of time."
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celamoon · 1 year
HIIII!! I just saw you're new event and couldn't not send an ask (sorry if it's not to clear, english is not my first language)
So, may I have a medium soy candle with coffee scent??
Also, sorry if im doing it wrong, it's my first time requesting ╥﹏╥
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"Two iced lattes, one with oat milk, please," Komaeda pulls out his card to pay, nodding as the barista starts on the drinks. "Oh, and one strawberry parfait."
It's strange. It's been strange. He was meeting with you for the first time in god knows how long, and he's nervous. Do you still like the same coffee? Did you hate him? Hopefully not. You had told him you'd come back for him when he had been left at graduation. You have his second button. Since you didn't mail it back to him, surely it means you still like him?
He sits at the booth, the drinks in hand, and stares as you rush through the cafe door.  
He grins at you, and you rush over, throwing your bag onto the booth, sliding next to it.
"I got you an iced latte."
You look the same. There's very little change in your features, even in the way you call him. Everything is familiar to him. Well, not like he would be surprised if you had chosen to change.
"Thank you!" You beam. "So? Anything new? Sorry I haven't been able to meet up with you lately. I've been busy."
"No," Komaeda shakes his head. "My office job has been the same old."
"Mm," You pout. "You like it?"
"Yeah. There's... not much to account for in an office environment."
"True, huh?" you mumble. "That's good."
"How 'bout you?"
"Same old," You blow a raspberry mindlessly, stirring your coffee. "Though, I finally found a job."
"A reserve course student has a job?"
"Ey, Hope's Peak has more than just sending ultimates off to prestigious universities." You roll your eyes. "Besides, you had a crush on me."
"I still like you, you know." Komaeda stirs his coffee, staring to the side. "I didn't stop."
You pause, staring at him. "Not at all?"
You pout. "You need someone better than me."
"You need someone better than me," Komaeda frowns. "I told you."
"Well I only want you," You shrug. "We should just date."
"You need-"
"I need a lot of things, and a better man isn't on the market right now," You start drinking, chewing on the straw. "Besides, I told you I would wait for you."
"Ah, but there are much better people for you." Komaeda swallows. "Hinata-kun, the other reserve course student, he still likes you too."
"I thought you hated him."
"He's doing better than me-"
"That's hard to compare. He got surgery." You pout. "Is it because I used to be part of the reserve course?"
"That's not-"
"That's what you're implying."
Komaeda pouts, stirring his straw mindlessly. He doesn't know why he doesn't want to date you. He still likes you, but it's a rollercoaster of emotions in him, his stomach churning. Butterflies? Something. You deserve better than him. He'd be fine with just watching you from behind. You should stand with someone better than him.
"I want you, you know?" You frown. "If you don't want to date me, then I'd prefer you to tell me outright."
"That's not it." Komaeda's voice shakes. "I want to date you, but I really think—"
"I'll die single then," You shrug. "It's either you or no one else."
"Are you threatening me?"
"Is it working?"
"... kind of." Komaeda mumbles. 
Komaeda's pretty. He's got pretty lashes and pretty white hair. He's far too proud to date you, and you wonder if he realizes it's because of his pride. You were a reserve course student who made it big. He's a main course student who's working an ordinary office job now. It feels like the two of you have flipped. You wonder why you had told him to wait back then, and he didn't believe you.
"If it's no," You rummage through your bag, pulling out a small Omamori and then his second button from it. "You can have your button back."
"You carry it around?"
"Well, it'd be strange not to," You pout. "After all, you gave it to me as a symbol of your love for me."
"A-ah," Komaeda mumbles, hiding the bottom half of his face. "I didn't realise it was so... meaningful to you."
"I said I would wait for you."
A server slides a parfait onto the table, and you blink slowly.
"You got a parfait?"
"You like parfaits," Komaeda mumbles. "I figured it'd be-"
"Ko," You mumble. "What's stopping you other than your pride?"
"Then why won't you."
"I want to be the one to ask you," He pauses. "If you'd let me?"
"You want to ask again?"
"Yes." Komaeda exhales, rummaging through his pocket for something. "Um, I found this clover the other day." He slides a laminated four-leaf clover to you. "It reminded me of you, and, um, I still like you. So, please go out with me."
"You sounded nothing like this when you asked me out back in high school," You laugh. "But yes. This little, pathetic reserve course student will go out with you, oh, powerful main course student."
Komaeda hides his face from your remark, embarrassed at his words from the past. 
Though, he's glad you agreed.
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Something rather curious I noticed about the Curious Cat...
One of my favourite moments from today’s new fifth episode was the scene where RWBY are attacked by one of Neo’s Jabberwalkers only to be rescued by the Rusted Knight on the back of his faithful stead. As I mentioned in a previous post, I felt that scene was rather cool and I absolutely love the new theme that was featured in it.
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However; in rewatching this particular scene, I noticed something rather interesting in respect to the Curious Cat.
As some of ya’ll may recall---while RWBY were in the strange Lotus Market gathering ingredients for the parfait, there was an anthropomorphic bird vendor. When we’re first introduced to this feathered salesman, he was just innocently trying to sell his mud cookies to passersby, RWBY and Cat included.
But when we next see the salesman, he suddenly becomes this fearsome warrior, eyes ablaze, as he suddenly charged bravely into the fray to fend off the Jabberwalker; protecting RWBY. A farcry from his original gentle demeanour at the start.
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It was during this scene where Ruby turns to the Curious Cat and questions it on why the Cookie Salesman was suddenly there fending off the Jabberwalker, only for Cat to reply that it “gave the salesmen something new to do in the moment”?
“Run!” “What’s he doing here?”
“I gave him something new to do for a moment, now go! Your friends need to get big again or we’re Jabberwalker dinner!”
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What did the Cat mean by giving the Cookie Bird something new to do?
Early in the episode when the Curious Cat was explaining the workings of the Ever After, he mentioned that the denizens of the Ever After each have a purpose that they live out until they either ascend or are called back when they stray too far from their original purpose or something like that.
Throughout previous episodes whenever the Curious Cat was around, I noticed him doing something peculiar---giving a piece of his heart to other Ever After beings like the Red King and the Herbalist who weren’t acting like their usual selves.
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In giving his heart to them, the Curious Cat was able to help the other characters, turning them back towards the right path.
So…the Curious Cat has the ability to alter one’s heart and change their purpose?
Is the Curious Cat some kind of guardian angel type of character---a being whose sole design is to ensure that all denizens of the Ever After discover and fulfill their given purpose, only intervening when they stray away and run the risk of falling or not ascending?
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What would happen if the Curious Cat was the one to stray away from its original purpose?
In today’s episode, we saw the Curious Cat use its power to help RWBY by “altering” the Cookie Bird. Kind of like hacking into a computer program and making it work differently from its original programmed functions.
So basically the Cat hacked or possessed the Cookie Bird to use him as a weapon for his own benefit. And while his intentions were just as it was only doing it to aid the helpless Team RWBY, I’d like to believe that that is NOT how the Cat is supposed to use its abilities.
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So I’m thinking, what would happen if the Cat ended up in a similar position as the Herbalist and the Red Prince?
What would happen if it somewhat starts to abuse its powers further for the sake of helping RWBY; unintentionally straying from its original purpose as a “helpful guide” despite its best efforts to aid RWBY throughout their journey in the Ever After?
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What if…much like the Red Prince and the Herbalist, the Curious Cat will end up needing to be called back to be fixed and it will be all RWBY’s fault that it ended up in such a position?
Or what would happen if the Curious Cat fulfilled its purpose and undergoing its own ascension?
I have a theory that at some point, Ruby is going to end up falling deeper into damnation and it will be the Curious Cat sacrificing itself to save her in some way by giving the last piece of itself to mend her broken heart and forcefully remind her of WHAT she is supposed to be! A hero. A warrior. A protector of humanity. A huntress.
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What will become of this Curious Cat should it do this?
What will be the next phase of life for it if it were to ascend after fulfilling its purpose of aiding others in realizing theirs?
And an even curiouser question:
What would become of the Curious Cat if it were to be eaten by the Jabberwalker?
The age ole saying is that it was curiousity that killed the cat, right?
So imagine if...this episode foreshadowed the eventual death of the Curious Cat and when that time comes, it will be all RWBY or rather Ruby's fault?
Let that thought sink in.
But yeah, these are just some further thoughts that came to mind for me after today’s episode that I wanted to share.
~LMS (2023)
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 1 year
including miscellaneous content that isn't exactly fic but sure are thoughts. author's commentary can be found at the bottom of the list
✧. ┊ rules ✧. ┊ masterpost ✧. ┊ ko-fi
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
💔 angst
💝 fluff
🖤 nsfw/sexual, features content not intended for minors
(parentheses): brainrot/thoughts that relate to another fic i wrote
[will add more if needed]
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
lazulight 。・:*˚:✧。
⛅ elira pendora
🐠 finana ryugu
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
obsydia 。・:*˚:✧。
🌹 rosemi lovelock
🐧 petra gurin
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
ethyria 。・:*˚:✧。
🕊 enna alouette
🪄 millie parfait
👻 reimu endou
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
luxiem 。・:*˚:✧。
༻✧༺ 4402 reacts to luxiem 2.0
🖋 ike eveland
༻✧༺ i got fanart of ike and his 700-dollar 3 foot tall miku! | original fic 💝
༻✧༺ hotel california (in pursuit to and from the sun) | original fic 💔
༻✧༺ ike realizing his feelings (pliskinverse) | original fic 💝
༻✧༺ first time with ike (pliskinverse) | original fic 💝 🖤
🦁 luca kaneshiro
🦊 mysta rias
༻✧༺ twitching while dreaming 💝
👟 shu yamino
༻✧༺ worldbuilding and magic (trading a heart) | original fic
༻✧༺ pale blue by kenshi yonezu (trading a heart) | original fic
༻✧༺ playing with shu’s hair | original fic 💝 🖤
༻✧༺ winter cuddles | original fic 💝
༻✧༺ thoughts on shu’s ponytail before 2.0 reveal 💝
༻✧༺ infinity thoughts
👹 vox akuma
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
noctyx 。・:*˚:✧。
༻✧༺ 4402 reacts to noctyx 2.0
🎭 alban knox
༻✧༺ twitching while dreaming 💝
🐑 fulgur ovid
༻✧༺ prosthetics 💝
🔗 sonny brisko
༻✧༺ warm towel 💝
༻✧༺ infinity thoughts
🔮 uki violeta
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
iluna 。・:*˚:✧。
༻✧༺ weebcon 2023 moon bros q&a (non-verbatim)
༻✧༺ weebcon 2023 iluna girls q&a (non-verbatim)
🐰 maria marionette
💫 aster arcadia
👼 aia amare
🛸 ren zotto
༻✧༺ alien features + thoughts after wanderer 🖤
💅 scarle yonaguni
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
xsoleil 。・:*˚:✧。
🐣 doppio dropscythe
🌂 meloco kyoran
❗️ hex haywire
⚡️ kotoka torahime
♦️ ver vermillion
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
krisis 。・:*˚:✧。
༻✧༺ inexperienced krisis brainrot 🖤
༻✧༺ i swear zali is the real menace of krisis 💝
༻✧༺ krisis is happy to be here 💝
༻✧༺ krisis as men of the night 🖤
🧻 vezalius bandage
🔪 vantacrow bringer
🥽 yu q. wilson
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
these three troublemakers 。・:*˚:✧。
🍡kunai nakasato
🧋 victoria brightshield
🧤 claude clawmark
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
tempus hq 。・:*˚:✧。
🎇 regis altare
⛓ axel syrios
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
tempus vanguard 。・:*˚:✧。
🎩 gavis bettel
🪫 machina x flayon
🔅 banzoin hakka
🏹 josuiji shinri
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
avallum 。・:*˚:✧。
🍻 gale galleon
🌿 cassian floros
🌙lucien lunaris
♈ zander netherbrand
🕹 rosco graves
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
#ao3 wrapped 2023 questions
༻✧༺ most comments and favorite line/passage
༻✧༺ most proud of, longest time writing, and most troublesome character
༻✧༺ feedback comparison between tumblr and ao3
༻✧༺ most hits and biggest surprise
༻✧༺ favorite fic title
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
fic commentary and notes
༻✧༺ worldbuilding and magic (trading a heart) | original fic
༻✧༺ zombie au notes (in pursuit to and from the sun) | original fic
↪ explaining luca's characterization and breaking down shu snapping
↪ reader as an unreliable narrator and luca as an ignored character
↪ ike and reader: where are they now
༻✧༺ stars above your skin notes (pliskinverse) | original fic
↪ reasoning behind the title and star symbolism
↪ thoughts on reader as a vtuber and limits as a fan writer
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