#feed him all your candy because he deserves it
midnightmusings06 · 2 months
Valentine’s Headcanons- SDV Bachelor Edition Pt. 2
summary: What the sdv bachelors would do for you on Valentine’s Day!
pairing: sdv bachelors x gender neutral farmer 
category: fluff
word count: 865
a/n: these are inspired by some of the heart events + personal headcanons <3 and a continuation of my previous post!
Alex knocks on your door early Valentine‘s morning, a small hand picked bouquet of flowers clutched in his hand and a blush tinting his cheeks.
“Happy Valentine’s Day! I know it’s early but I thought maybe I could take you for a walk this morning?” He puts an arm behind his head, looking a little nervous.
The two of you enjoy a peaceful morning beach walk, his hand clutched in yours, as the cool ocean water washes over your feet.
As you walk, you find several beautiful shells, handing them to Alex to put in his pockets as you walk.
“Darling just what do you intend to do with all these shells?”
“They’re for keepsakes of course!” You grin, placing more shells in his pocket.
He rolls his eyes, but you know he’s only teasing you.
When you return back to your house, you decide to make ice cream together, despite it being quite cold outside.
The two of you make a huge mess of cream and sugar, but it’s all worth it when you spoon feed each other your homemade creation.
The weather clears for a bit, so Alex proposes playing football together, which results in the football hitting you in the head due to your lack of hand eye coordination. 
“Y/n! Are you alright? I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you!” He rushes to your side, and while it only hurts momentarily, he treats you as though you’ve suffered a grave injury.
He wraps you up in his hoodie, now devoid of your shells which now lay on your counter, as you holds you from behind on your couch, threading his fingers through your hair as the two of you eventually fall asleep.
You hadn’t expected Shane to do anything special for Valentine’s Day, as he’d expressed discontent with the idea of the holiday before, claiming it was “just another Hallmark holiday”.
You also hadn’t expected Shane to invite you to his place for, in his words, “a special movie night”. 
When you arrive, you find his room clad with comfy blankets and pillows, where you sit next to him on his bed, making yourself cozy.
“Before I show you my surprise, I have a gift for you.” 
He pulls out two matching sets of pajamas, covered in blue chickens.
After you put your pajamas on, he leads you to sit on the bed as he connects his laptop to his mini tv.
A small film montage begins to play, as he nestles up next to you, laying his head in your lap.
Clips from dates and candid photos and shots he took when you weren’t looking, stitched together with your favorite song playing in the background.
You comb your fingers through his hair, tears beginning to brim in your eyes watching this film made of love.
The film ends, and Shane looks up at you, a small smile on his face, “Do you like it? I know it’s kinda cheesy but I thought-Mmph!” 
You cut him off, connecting your lips with his in a tender embrace, moving in tandem.
“I love it darling, it’s perfect.” You smile down at him.
“Thank you, for always staying by my side. I know I don’t deserve you, but thank you. I love you with all my being.” He whispers, a sweet utterance kept between the two of you.
Sam made sure to give you an idea of his plans several days before Valentine’s Day, telling you brimming with excitement, 
“It’s gonna be the perfect day! We’re gonna go to Stardrop for an epic gaming sesh, you should wear your comfiest pajamas because why not! Oh and bring blankets, snacks and all the good vibes to my place! I can’t wait!”
You show up at Sam’s house that morning wearing your favorite pajamas, with your favorite candy and blanket in hand, where he greets you in his own pajamas.
You walk to Stardrop Saloon together, and compete in several rounds of Junimo Kart, Journey of the Prairie King, and pool.
“Ugh not again! You win y/n,” Sam sighs, having lost another round of pool against you.
Throwing your hands up in victory, you exclaim, “Victory is mine once again! Have you finally given up yet?” 
He pouts, until you wrap him in a big hug.
After heading back to his house after a few more rounds of arcade games, you walk into his room which is completely decked out in pillows, and a small pillow fort sits in the middle of the room, battery operated lights haphazardly strung about them.
“Tada! What do you think? I worked all night last night to make it, but then I fell asleep and it fell apart, so I had to rebuild it this morning!” He rambles, a small blush growing on his cheeks.
He grabs your hand, leading you into the small fort, where your snacks and blankets await for maximum comfort.
He moved his family’s tv to his room for the occasion, where he had a stack of the best 90s and 80s movies you two loved ready to watch. 
Eventually, the two of you fell asleep watching The Breakfast Club, wrapped in each other’s warm embrace. 
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spaceumbredoggos · 7 months
There has been a criminal absence of recent Yandere Bill Cipher x Reader headcanons, so I made some. Also, the tumblr folks eat this shit up. It’s hilarious. No one cares about my Kenz fic that I pour my heart and soul into, but when it comes to Yandere Bill, you thirst for the man. I am currently only taking headcanon requests (will elaborate later) because art takes forever to make.
All these HC’s also apply to Bill’s Relationship with my self insert OC. Just if they didn’t exist, like tumblr thinks they don’t. Please give So Much for Stardust the love it deserves. I’ll appreciate it.
Bill is very touchy feely to a criminal degree. (That’s as far as I’m gonna go because I don’t wanna have to put a content warning, and I don’t wanna come across as triggering. In my mind, it’s in line with Bill’s character to be that free candy van uncle.)
Does Bill possess Y/N? Does grass grow? Does a bear shit in the woods? That’s one of his favorite things to do. And he’s really good at covering his tracks. You bet your ass Y/N will wake up fucking wounded and sore from frequent possessions.
If Y/N dies, which would be pretty rare given Bill’s obsession, they’re gonna end up as a sinner in hell with their soul owned by Bill. Bill is higher than god himself on the hierarchy of my headcanoned Hellaverse if he did exist (which would be fucking hilarious, but given how much I hate Vivzie for various reasons, I doubt Hirsch would accept a collab since Vivzie has a heinous track record. My recent hyperfixation of the Hellaverse is clearly showing.) Bill would act almost like an overlord this way, and it’ll be sorta like a Val and Angel Dust relationship that’s written better. (I’m skirting around the most taboo parts of this to avoid triggering people including myself.)
Odds are, Y/N wouldn’t die. Bill has plans for them after all. So good luck avoiding his agenda of building a portal. Also, he’ll probably leave Alex Hirsch alone a lot, which may or may not lead to a drought in his Gravity Falls content. Bill’s likely to start a cult at this point to hunt Y/N down, specifically out of all those down bad fankids who’d let him do unspeakable things to them.
Bill will resort to all sorts of psychological torture. Maybe even projecting himself into your video games and other media that you delve into, with various alternate versions of himself (I’m glaring at you, Volo from Pokemon Legends Arceus.)
With every single fandom you hold dear tainted (and he’s gonna do a lot of unspeakable things to fandoms), you will be molded into serving him. If his interpretation from character AI taught me anything (which I no longer support) it’s that he needs total obedience from a slave and would stop at nothing to have that.
Good luck going off the grid to avoid him, because that’s when shit gets 100 times worse. With no contact with those you care about, he’d start driving you crazy. And if you managed the injuries he did to your body when he possessed it successfully, you won’t be able to manage any further injury that happens from your eventual insanity.
Bill has a blood kink times 11. He’ll do anything to make you bleed, but not bleed out. Blood and pain is what he feeds on.
He’s going to be speaking in Y/N’s head all the fucking time. He’ll be mixing his voice directly into Y/N’s own thoughts, taking over their entire fantasies, and quite possibly drive them to the point of dissociating in a psych ward for any sort of relief if they don’t build a portal for him to cross over.
This isn’t a scenario where Y/N is blind to all the red flags, and if it were, there’d still be nothing they could really do. Y/N is powerless, riddled with fear, and trying to flee and fight at any turn. Bill truly has them trapped from the moment he laid his possessive eye on them.
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jaebeomsbitch · 1 year
All I Want Is You (R.R.)
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Summary: Roman learning to heal through the pain and eventually realizing he’s capable of so much more than just being a Roy. He learns to love and laugh and eventually gets married! 
Warning: Mentions of Logan's death, Roman's insecurity, and one mentions of his eating disorder. GN! Reader except literally one line just hinting.
A/N: I had this idea of calling Roman "Roro" and it turned into this. I just love him so much, he deserves the world.
Nicknames had been spilling from your mouth all day, you loved to annoy Roman. Calling him any and everything, “Pookie, honey, Romey bear,” especially in front of board members. You loved to rile him up, he’d sometimes lash out but for the most part he’d play it up. Following you around calling you equally embarrassing nicknames, it had become a game of sorts. Trying to see who could embarrass the other worse.
You’d have a sickening display of affection as you feed him an hors d’oeuvre at some company party.  Whispering how “sweet your love bug was for you,” Gerri would clear her throat asking to pull Roman aside. They’d talk in hushed tones as he sighs and comes back to you. Muttering a half-assed apology but he has something urgent to take care of. You usher him away, knowing he’s here on business and not to entertain you even though he promised you’d have his undivided attention. 
You muck around taking a champagne glass joining Willa and Connor in a conversation about cryogenics. You pretend you’re interested, nodding your head as you tip your head back gulping the alcohol. It was going to be a long night.
You drink a couple more glasses before leaving them, walking toward a window to watch the view. You couldn’t even remember where you were. Roman had told you to pack a bag and an hour later you were shoved into a private plane. He was too busy talking logistics to inform you of where you were going or what you were doing. 
Cousin Greg tries to make conversation, asking some absurd question you’d probably see in a “how to make friends” blog. You relent because watching Greg squirm is entertaining. You answer asking him an equally absurd question, watching as he juggles the question in his head as he stumbles over his words. Your gaze unlike most people doesn’t move from his face, you like the way it makes people nervous. He gives you a non-answer mostly just stuttering noises as his eyes dart around the room for an escape. His eyes landed on Tom before excusing himself. 
You can’t help but chuckle, Roman walks up to you. What the fuck was that all about? Was Greg trying to put the moves on you? He laughs but a piece of himself feels uneasy. He never likes the feeling of falling which is why he never allows himself to feel it. He’s always surrounded himself with faux relationships, ones he could pull around the room as arm candy to appease his father. Not that he was ever happy with Roman’s endeavors or conquests.
But you were different. You had this ability to pull him apart like a lobster at dinner. You broke him limb from limb, throwing the pieces of shell in the garbage as you exposed the soft tender meat of his heart. He’s panicked, panicked that you can be ripped away from his hands like his favorite toy. Panicked that he’ll have to watch his dad stomp on the piece of plastic destroying you into a million little pieces. He doesn’t think he’d recover if you left so he stays cowering in the back of his cage. 
Slowly you unravel Roman, even when he asks stupid questions. You let him win on most occasions, you want seafood for dinner but he wants steak? Steak it is. Something about being with you is everything he’s ever wanted and not just because you let him win. You made him feel something he’d never was allowed to.
His father never had high hopes for Roman’s partner. However he didn’t feel any particular way about you. Didn’t say some mean comment, didn’t embarrass you in private, he watches you with a scrutinizing gaze but you don’t buckle. You had nothing to hide because to the Roys you were just another fling. 
To Roman however you were everything. You were the reason he wanted to wake up in the morning, you were the reason he stopped counting calories as he joined you in a midnight ice cream snack. Laughing as he smears ice cream across your face because you called him your “precious little prince.” He tells you to fuck off, rolling his eyes as his ears turn red. Blood rushing up his face at all your praises. He was so unused to it, unused to the feeling of someone being proud of him. 
You were never shy with Roman, always showing him off. Calling him your trophy husband as you twirl him around. Slapping his ass on the airplane, joking that his was better than yours.You show him off with pride to your parents, after you’d mentioned they were at the same restaurant as you were. He noticed their judging gazes, recognizing his face from the newspaper but you beamed. Holding his hand tight, teeth on full display as you press yourself into him, cheek resting on his shoulder as your parents say something you’re not paying attention to. 
Roman doesn’t know how to act, he’d never made it to this stage. Most people weren’t willing to accept someone with sexual trauma, always leaving him because he was too emotionally scarred. They’d always give him the line that they weren’t fulfilled but you were always willing to wait. So he nods, cracking an occasional joke until you’re waving goodbye on the sidewalk and you follow him into the Escalade. 
You help him through the after effects of a panic attack. He’d never done that, never really cared what people thought of him unless he could benefit in some way. So teary eyes, that he tries to pretend is caused by the window cracked open, he asks how that was. He looks away afraid of what you might say, afraid that you might end it right there because your parents hate him. 
“Roro, I could give a flying fuck what they think. All I want is you, okay?” You try to reassure, reaching for his hand. He blinks away the tears, silently nodding. Someone wanted him? Even when he’s wholly broken, even when he can’t fulfill every boyfriend duty, even when he has to abandon you at boring parties? He’s afraid of the feeling in his chest, it feels like he just jumped off the balcony of his penthouse, free falling, waiting to hit the ground. He shoves away the feeling of doubt and plays those words over and over again in his head, a small smile forming as he stares at the city passing by. 
He lets himself grow attached to the silly nicknames, attached to the feel of your skin under his hand, the feeling of his fingers running through your hair, the way you massage his scalp, the way you hold him in bed. Your sleepy eyes blinking at him as you whisper a new nickname before cuddling into his chest. 
He liked the domesticity of you in his apartment, he’d usually feel disgusted only ever liking the feeling of being alone. But somewhere he grows accustomed to the way you leave your shoes at the entrance, seeing your toothbrush next to his, and even though he complains, the way you take half of his closet. He liked seeing your clothes together, promising he’d either upgrade the closet to fit both your needs fully or buy a new penthouse. He wanted you to have a say in the building, he was ready to let go of his “bachelor” pad, wanting you in every trace of the new home. Wanting you to be in the fiber of the new apartment so even if you left he could never forget what you shared. 
Soon enough the Roys lump you in with Roman like you’d always belonged. You were practically married without the certificate, Logan would give Roman shit about it. Telling him you were a fine piece of ass and that he should lock you down before you realized the mistake you made. 
In all of Roman’s sureness the doubt creeps in but you’re there through his fathers death. You’re there to console him and let him cry. You let him be vulnerable in a way he was never allowed, never judging, just reassuring. You’re there when Gojo buys Waystar. You’re there to enjoy him even when he’s lost. When he realizes that all his sacrifices were for nothing and that his entire being was bullshit. 
“But you’re not bullshit to me,” you whisper. Forehead leaning on his back as you hug his abdomen. He lets himself be held, no quip on his lips as he leans into your hold.
“Roman… it’s just you and me forever and always,” you finalize. You knew in your heart it was always Roman. You were two broken puzzle pieces that somehow fit together and in your brokenness you made each other better. In your time together he transformed into the phoenix you knew he was. He opened his eyes to the abuse he endured and refused to continue the cycle. 
You spent almost a year on a self healing journey, traveling the world together now that he had stopped nipping at your hand. He let you pull him out of the cage and he was free, completely free. He was fearless to love, you both relished in your time together even though his smart mouth got ahead of him sometimes. You find ways to be intimate figuring each other out. You live in the ups and downs of the relationship. Realizing that he never needed to be in a loveless marriage like his parents. 
He proposes unsurprisingly to everyone. The Roys finally have something to look forward to in the life of mundane nothingness. They Pat him on the back for ‘finally not being an idiot and making the right decision.’ He surprisingly offers to take your name, says he’s ready to shed the Roy name and try out a new skin. Kendall calls him a cuck for even suggesting it, that was his legacy after all. They might not have the company but they’d always have the name and blood. You knew Roman wasn’t serious, knew that calling you a Roy would elate his little heart so you deny him. 
The word fiancé is always at the tip of his tongue, he loves the word. Loves that he’s finally able to say it. When you become his wife he becomes unbearable but you’re the same. Going to restaurants and talking about the “ole ball and chain” making him late when in fact, it was him fixing his hair that made you late. Nonetheless you whip your hand around showing off your wedding ring set at everyone that glances at you, holding your head high as you walk with him. Roman was yours and you were his and somewhere you forgot where he ends and you begin. 
—side story—
You notice the way his eyes light up when you call him ‘Roro’ because no one has ever called him that, so it was special to you.  Also because he remembers the day in the Escalade when you didn’t outright but basically admitted your love for him. His siblings take to jokingly calling you Scooby Doo because he was 
“Roro Roy” to you. It starts after you ask him to pass the salt, “Roro, pass me that please.” The Roy siblings turn to look at you and Roman. They were used to your nickname antics, sometimes jumping in with their nasty names but this was new. Seeing Roman beat red as you kiss his temple, unaware of Shiv and Kendall’s knowing smiles. Connor looking at Roman with a small smile before turning back to Willa.
“Roro raggy, Roro shit the bed” Kendall would joke in a fake accent, that just sounds horrible. The table laughs, including you.
Roman quips back something stupid but you were happy. Happy that you had a nickname and that you were a part of their lives. That Roman gets to be an uncle to Shiv’s little boy. 
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so, I read the whole "House Tour (not the house we wanted, but the house we have)", and I loved it so much, and I asked a question after reading it because of the ending, so what was everyone's reaction of toys eating pizza for the first time?
Your First Ever Pizza Night
Synopsis: Angel has to teach the toys how to eat pizza. It's confusing.
James' eyes were so wide you thought they would pop out of his head. You nervously smiled at him, feeling the eyes of the toys staring at you from inside the house. "Thank you for your work", you tell him, money in hand. "I, uhm, am sorry for how Catnap tried to scare you away".
"I-it's okay!", he shakes his head. "No big deal, don't worry, Angel".
You eye the group from behind. Catnap tilts his head, still not very trusting of the stranger. You figured that would be the tenth human he talks to in more than a decade. "Take care, okay?"
"You too", he takes the money, counts, and then sighs. You also sigh, giving him a pat in the back. "Man, you really scared everyone out there. I thought you had... You know".
"I've been clean for years. I wouldn't do that", you reassure him. "And now I have those guys to look out for".
Your friend chuckles. "Feeling the weight of parenting on your shoulders already?"
"Urgh, don't even let me start talking about it", you smile. "Okay, I'll head inside now. I don't think half of them know what pizza is".
You tell James your goodbyes, watching him leave. You feel guilty for having him deliver so many pizzas to you, but it is what it is, the kids (your kids) must be hungry. You prepare yourself mentally before entering the house, closing the front door:
"So! Who's hungry?"
Dogday adjusts himself in the sofa as most of the mini toys yell "me!", rushing towards you, including the mini huggy that was using him as an oversized pillow. You laugh as they swarm you, and you pick up Driver and Bunzo on your arms. The little green huggy stims her hands, while Bunzo climbs on your shoulders: "Show us what that pizza thing is! Show us!"
"Bunzo, you're going to fall if you keep like this", Long Legs warns him, stretching all the way from the other corner of the living room to shoosh the crowd away. One catbee blows a raspberry at her, annoyed. "Get away from them! They're going to fall if you guys keep on like this!", the same catbee from before repeats the gesture, but now a candy cat and a bron imitate her gesture. "Angel!"
"You heard her", your warn the little ones. "C'mon, guys".
They coo away, and you watch Catnap proudly looking after the mini critters, most of whom didn't swarm you. He really is their big brother, uh...?
"Okay, guys. Are you ready?"
Driver stims again as you enter the kitchen, piles of pizza boxes distributed in the counters. Delight is counting them, muttering numbers under her breath, and stops when she notices you: "We have 26 boxes for 80 of us! They may last up to a week if we are careful".
"... What?", you chuckle. "Delight, no. The Prototype gave me enough money to feed everyone for years to come, we don't need to ration our food. You can eat as much as you want to".
You grab the first box you find. Bunzo tries to climb your head to take a look, and you laugh. "Eat as much as we want to? I'm going to explode, then!"
You bring the box to the living room, knowing well the kids are waiting for you to take the first slice. You show the box to Dogday, currently incapable of leaving the sofa thanks to his surgery stitches still being fresh. He deserves to see the first slice, you figured.
"You seeing this, pup?"
"With my two eyes!", Dogday nods. Catnap has approached you, and, with a smile, you open the box: "Behold: Pizza!"
"OOOO!", Bunzo yells. Huggy, who was following you around like a shadow, claps his hands, surprised. Kissy is still holding Poppy, who copies Huggy's clapping.
"It's been so long since I saw a real pizza!", the doll smiles. "And it smells even better!"
"This one is pepperoni pizza. There's 8 slices in every box - you guys should all take one. Eat as much as you want to!"
You take a piece, offering it to Bunzo, who grabs from your hand and shoves it on his mouth. You try your best not to accidentally drop him or Driver thanks to your chukling as he tries to deal with the cheese hanging out from his mouth. "Is elishious! Wha is disss?"
"You're going to get food on Angel's hair", Long Legs politely lifts Bunzo up from your head, using her arm to hold him. "And that's called... Cheese".
"Elishious!", he jumps.
"Please try not to choke!", you offer the next slice to Dogday. The big puppy's eyes go wide, and he shakes his head.
"Give it to the others, Angel..."
"There's enough for everyone, dummy, now eat" you take another slice, giving it to Long Legs, who stared at Bunzo in horror as he was still trying to deal with the cheese. "Theeere you go".
The pink spider stares at her slice with a strange look. She eyes Bunzo, then Dogday, who was holding his own as if it were a delicate piece of ceramic, then opens her mouth, then closes it.
"You eat pizza like this, Long Legs", you grab a slice of your own, biting it and using your teeth and fingers to free yourself from the cheese. Still chewing, you add: "Use your hands to deal with the cheese, everyone, you guys don't want to put too much into your mouths or you'll end up choking on your own food!"
You offered the next slice to Kissy, who stared at it with sparkling eyes before taking her first bite. Huggy bites his in one go, and Driver takes the last one before Delight appears, giving you a new box, still of pepperoni.
"Thank you", you give her a nod. "C'mon, take a slice! You too, Driver".
The mini wuggy jumps from your shoulder, and Delight gives a slice to her first before taking one herself. She blinks many time. "Ooh... This is very... Interesting...?"
She gives it another bite.
"Lots of different tastes... And it's so warm and soft!"
You sigh, noticing Dogday had given his slice to a catbee. "Pizzas aren't exactly soft, but I guess they look like it, considering what you guys had to eat..."
You offer a slice to Catnap.
The feline lowers his head. "Savior, please feed the others first...", he asks. "They're hungrier than me".
"You and Dogday have a lot to learn, uh?", you shake your head. "Okay, kiddos, you heard your boss. There!", you put the box in the ground, watching as the critters stare at you, hesitant. "One slice for each, don't fight each other for more, we have a lot of boxes. Speaking of which, can someone grab the other box... Oh!"
Delight chuckles, one box in each hand. She's polite in the way she gives it to everyone, despite all her isolation. Huggy, on the other hand, is less careful thanks to his lack of proper coordination, but he manages to feed all the mini huggies with some help from Kissy.
Dogday only eats after he's sure every single other toy is doing so. By that point, you're sitting on the sofa, Poppy using a plate, knife and fork to each her own slice of pizza. Catnap merely stares.
"Oh... Ooooh!", the orange dog mutters. His tail is wagging. "A-Angel, this is incredible!"
"Nah, it's just pizza. You're going to have fancier food as soon as I get more groceries".
"Fancier food? Are... Are you sure?"
"The doctors are going to kill me if I don't give you all the nutritients", Dogday stares. "Not literally! It's just a joke!"
"Ah", he sighs, forcing himself to laugh. "Even fancier food, uh...?"
"More!", Bunzo yells, jumping up and down. "I ate two slices already, but I crave more! I think I'll explode!"
"Please don't explode", you mutter. "It hurts".
The bunny mischievously laughs, running towards the kitchen. You eye Catnap, who eyes you back with a head tilt.
"Aren't you going to eat?"
"I... Ate yesterday, savior".
You hear a growl coming from his stomach. "Your 'savior' wants you to eat. Go on, you gotta get those calories. No one should starve".
For the first time since the confrontation agains the Prototype, Catnap lowers his ears and fidgets, nervously looking away from you. Around him, the small critters all eat their own slices, some trying to comfort him with a headbonk or by cuddling next to him.
"Catnap", Dogday calls. "You need to set up a good example for... Them", he points to the critters. "They aren't going to eat more if they see you aren't doing so".
"You know well how our rules work, Dogday. They eat first. Me, second".
"And now you are outside PlayCo. and playing by my own rules, kitty", you bite another slice of pizza, before offering the box to Catnap. "Go on, even Dogday and Long Legs are doing so".
Catnap's stomach once again growls. Using his hand, he takes a single slice out of the remaining three, eating it in one bite. You patiently wait for his reaction.
His eyes become brighter. His tail curls and moves left and right, and his ears go up as well. He stares at you, asking for permission, and you nod. He eats his second one almost immediately, now using both of his hands so he can take more bites and savor the taste more.
You chuckle, grabbing another box next to you and opening it for him and Dogday to share. The two bigger critters have the same sparkle in their eyes, and both go to their next slice almost at the same time.
This... Feels nice. All of this "family" stuff. Seeing them light up and talk about how this ordinary pizza is the best thing in the entire world, how they are eating so much when only at their second slice. It feels nice. They really are acting like normal kids would.
Maybe we can indeed become the parent they need...?
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peachy-pink-princess · 11 months
The Crown
Pairing: Prince!Jungwon X Commoner! Reader(fem)
Basic plot desc: Royalty AU/ Jungwon is the most suitable bachelor but he wants somebody he can't have
Warning: 18+ content (this is my first 18+ piece) Also not proof read because I was afraid it was cringe.
WC: 1.2k
A/n: feel free to give feedback just please don't be mean
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The prince sat on his throne and rolled his eyes as he watched his mother pleading with him to meet with more suitable bachelorettes. She would never be able to convince him because he already knew who he wanted and figured since he was the king, he should get his way. Before his mother could continue, a particular person—jungwon's love—enters the room. Naturally, the servant girl was unaware of the prince's affections for her. She was almost too pure to understand his emotions.
"I'm sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to make you aware that dinner will be waiting for you in the dining hall when you're ready" then you bowed turning to leave. Oh, his heart was barely able to handle it. You deserve to be a queen, not some servant, and he only wanted to protect your innocence. He must have you.
As The Prince and his companions ate their dinner, you stood by the back wall, ready to help if necessary. Despite the prince's favorite cuisine being spread out on the table in quantities sufficient to feed an army, something seemed amiss. He appeared to be focusing on you. This was no normal gaze, no not at all. He was practically ravaging you with his eyes. It made you feel so dirty yet also slightly excited. "Get a grip of yourself Y/n, he's a prince! You probably just didn't make the food to his Likings" you tried to shake off his stare but no matter what you could feel him looking deep inside of you.
Later that evening, you returned to your servant quarters, although you could hardly call them that anymore. Gifts have been mysteriously appearing in your room. It began with little gifts like a new pillow or blanket and developed to include larger presents like cash and specialty candies that were only available to people of wealth. You feel someone suddenly hovering over you, which is really uncomfortable, but you don't turn around until you hear the voice. "I see you've gotten the gifts that I have given you, is everything to your liking?" It was him. The prince himself standing mere inches away from you. "Your highness" you immediately bow to him, it's what You've been told and trained to do your whole life, it's also something the prince loathes, seeing the love of his life someone who views as is equal being forced to treat him as if he was better. "Don't bow, it's unnecessary." He says simply. "But your highness-" you begin to say but quickly get cut off. "Jungwon. Just call me that." He says.
You could hardly believe it. Not only was the prince standing in your room in the middle of the night but he was telling you not to call him by his Royal titles, it was unheard of... Almost scandalous.
"Your highness, Jungwon, you shouldn't be here heaven knows what people will assume if they find out" you say softly. "Let them find out. I've spent months admiring you, my dear. Let the other servants find out, for all I can even my parents can find out, if it means I have you." He retaliates. He hands find a way to yours as he looks you in the eyes "I would give up this crown for you, I would give up the world for you. Please, let me stay the night with you" he spoke. "Ok... Jungwon, I want you here." Your voice is soft there is still a bit of uncertainty in your words. But the prince wastes no time.
Before you know it a pair of lips find yours, your lips dance in sync with each other and you finally realize how serious the prince was, the amount of passion truly showing in this kiss. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." Jungwon says flashing his signature grin. "If I may...can I remove this?" He says regarding your clothes. Your heart begins to beat fast, but it seems your lips moved faster than your brain. "Yes please jungwon" you say. Before you know what the two of you are standing together; skin on skin, completely exposed.
"You're even more beautiful than I imagined" he tells you. "you imagined what I looked like naked?" you couldn't help but chuckle at that, how was it that you adorned in commoner clothing made more of an impression on The Prince than the princess counterparts who wore corsets made of whale bone and the most expensive jewels imaginable. "You really don't understand how long I've been in love with you, please, y/n can I take you, right now?" He tells you there was more than a hint of desperation in his voice, he was completely desperate. "I'm all yours, jungwon." And with that the prince is pushing you down on your small mattress, hovering over you and spreading your legs. You didn't really know what to expect, but the feeling of him pushing in was both pure bliss and pure pain. You had never experienced something like this before. You couldn't help but let out moans of discomfort and pleasure. "Shhh... My princess the pain will go away soon I promise. I-if it makes you feel better to know, this is my first time doing this as well, I wanted to experience this with someone I love, not some random rich girl. I could only imagine doing this with you." He spoke. His heart was swelling up with joy finally being able to say the words that were on his chest for so long.
As the pain started to subside the yearning for more took over. "Jungwon, I can't wait, please more." You speak softly staring up into his bobba eyes. He gives you a smile before kissing your forehead. "Anything my princess wants, she gets" he says before thrusting into you brutally. You had not expected to go so fast but you would be lying if you said it didn't feel good. He hands on your hips and your legs wrapped around his waist as he continues to pound into your pussy at an almost inhuman rate. "Fuuuuck your pussy was made for me I swear. You take me so well Princess" he praise, whines leaving his mouth with everything thrust. "Jungwon it feels so good, you're so big" you muster up the courage to say. Oh how your words filled him up with so much confidence. He began to snap his hips into you even harder than before, sharp thrust after sharp thrust all hitting your spongy walls just right. "Gonna cum soon princess? Gonna let your prince cum in you?" he asks in a sweet but also teasing Manor. He already knew the answer to his own question. The feeling of you clenching was a give away that you were close and how could you say no to your prince? You wanted him to fill you up, you needed it. "C-cumming" you moan, probably a little louder that you should. Feeling you clench around him, jungwon's orgasm hits him hard, filling you up to the brim with his seed.
The two of you pant, trying to regain your breath as he pulls out of your sopping hole. There's a silence between you two but it's peaceful, no words need to be said, yet the prince still speaks. "I mean it y/n, you are my world, this crown means nothing compared to you." He says softly. Your mind is already too far gone to fully understand his words but a smile still spreads to your face. You expected him to leave, but the prince never did.
He stayed the night with his princess, just like he said he would...
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Lost bet. Prologue
Platonic! Yandere! Mythological Creatures AU! BSD Characters x Child! GN! Reader x Platonic! Yandere! Mythological Creatures AU! Genshin Impact Characters
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Description: Your village was located near really weird place, "Cemetery of Shrines", huge chunk of forest territory, littered with few dozen of old abandoned shrines.
A welcoming place for a test of courage. And paying a debt.
You lost a bet and have to spend seven nights in an abandoned shrine. You must be alone, but you are allowed to go prepared. You also can choose the shrine you must stay in.
It's just an old building. There is no way something is hiding here.
Warning and tags: OOC. AU. Platonic Yanderes. One Shot series. Forced adoption. Chosen creatures are loosely based on real myths, their behavior can be different from the one depicted in myth.
A/N: Inspired by games "Wick" and "Five nights at Candy's 2". Names of Reader's friends are taken from "Wick" Characters.
All coincidences with real people are accidental, and do not serve the purpose of offending anyone.
This series might be more or less always running on this blog. The one-shots will be put into "seasons". Each season will include 5 fics (5 shrines/youkais/creatures).
Same creatures can appear in different seasons, but characters will be different.
I will prefer choosing characters for myself, but, if you have a proposal or an interesting idea for a youkai, you can send it, and I will consider adding it to a next season.
In a future, I might use the same characters in different seasons as different youkais or beasts. We will see.
"[Y/N], are you sure, that you will be okay?" your Grandma sounded concern. Of course, her grandchild and their friends were working on a hard and important school project. It was so hard, that they have to stay overnight for a whole week in Caleb's, one of their friend, house. You put a blanket in your backpack, trying not to look at her. You mumbled.
"I will be okay, Granny. I promise."
Old lady wasn't convinced, but dropped the subject.
"I will prepare a lunchbox for you. It is the least I can do, so Caleb's mom won't worry about feeding you."
She left your room without another word.
You felt bad for lying to her. She raised you, while your father was busy working in the city. She doesn't deserve to be lied to.
But, you can't tell her the truth. You can't tell her, that for a week you will stay at some abandoned shrine, because you lost a stupid bet. And, if you don't follow the conditions, the bullying with became even more unbearable.
You finish packing your little backpack (blanket, favorite plush toy and flashlight) and went to kitchen. You will take something to eat. And then, you will wait for a few more hours before going to Caleb's house.
And then to "Cemetery of Shrines".
You always wondered why there were so many shrines around the village. Teachers in school didn't know the answer, and your grandma can only tell you fairytales about youkais and mythological creatures.
Caleb's house was chosen for a reason.
First, the house was the closest to the Cemetery of Shrines.
Second, his parents, currently weren't home, and his older brother can't be bothered to count all kids in the house or look after them.
And he wasn't bothered, that a bunch of kids decided to go for a walk.
Caleb and his friends were flocking around you, while you were slowly going to the border of the forest. Of the "Cemetery of Shrines" border.
When you reach your destination, Caleb took a stack of small papers. Bad drawn maps were scribbled on them.
"So, what shire you chose, [Y/N]?" Caleb gave you an ugly grin.
You ignored him and his friends snickering and point at...
Season I (coming soon)
Shrine with a fox statue (Platonic! Yandere! Kitsune! Chuuya Nakahara x GN! Child! Reader)
Shrine with wooden birds on top of torii (Platonic! Yandere! Tengu! Dazai Osamu x GN! Child! Reader)
One of the four shrines with stone tablet with constellation on it. The Eastern one. (Platonic! Yandere! Seiryū! Akutagawa Ryunosuke x GN! Child! Reader)
Shrine with almost faded rooster's painting on one of the walls (Platonic! Yandere! Basan! Ranpo Edogawa x GN! Child! Reader)
Shrine, where you can often spot a lot of raccoons (Platonic! Yandere! Tanuki! Edgar Allan Poe x GN! Child! Reader)
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bettyfrommars · 1 year
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Candy Necklace
biker!older!Steve Harrington x fem!reader
⚠️/tags: 18+Only, oneshot, smut, dry humping, mutual masturbation, biker!Steve, bit of oral, pet names, dirty talk, ejaculation, teasing, slight mention of what reader is wearing, mention of being in a biker MC. Word count: 2k
This is a companion piece to my older!biker!Eddie series I'm on Fire because we all deserve some biker!Steve. Can be enjoyed as a stand-alone smutty piece, but I do reference some of the details of his life from the series that might seem irrelevant to porn. It's the mid-late 90's, Steve is early 30's and reader is 21+.
A/N: When I initially envisioned this piece, I figured biker!Steve would be yanking someone's panties to the side in a dark alley (which he still could do) but, idk, patient, adoring, slightly sub Steve really does it for me.
Steve’s above you, arms braced on either side of your shoulders, his head dipping down to suck and nibble a bead from your candy necklace. You’re both fully clothed, but your shirt has a low neckline, and he is still wearing his Coffin Kings leather biker cut over his t-shirt. Pieces of his hair flop against your chin and stick to your lips as you giggle, fingers hooking down into his belt loops.
“It tickles,” you say, wiggling, his tongue darting into the hollow of your throat to curl around another sweet, round morsel, slurping gently, patiently taking one at a time. He pulls the elastic cord with his teeth, crunching down on single one of the candies, still chewing as his plump mouth returns to your salty wet skin, tongue twisting and flicking to scoop up another.
“But I’m hungry,” Steve breathes on a chuckle, his hips grinding against you, almost involuntarily. He crunches into another one and his low moan of pleasure makes your nipples hard as he plants kisses up the length of your throat, until he gets to the base of your chin, and then he returns to feeding.
Your cheeks got hot as your pussy fluttered, and one hand went to his head, sliding your fingers into his thick head of hair, initially unaware of the affect this playful act would have on you.
Without any real conscious knowledge of it, just a body acting out of need, your hips buck up to meet his and a whimper parts your lips.
Your physical response made Steve lift his head, back teeth still chewing on a bead, breath hot and sweet, his chin glistening wet. He presses all the way up so that his face is in line with yours from above, elbows locked, and you cup your hands around his forearms that are covered in tattoos, gazing up at him.
His hips rotate against yours and the bed squeaks. “Yeah? You like that, sweetheart?”
This bad boy biker with the baby face and deep, chocolate eyes had finally worn you down after months of flirting and got you to go on a date with him. A few sporadic days a week, he worked the front door as a bouncer for a bar called the Velvet Hammer, a place you walked by on your way home from work. At first, you thought he was obnoxious. He’d stop whatever he was doing, or cut off whoever he was talking to when he saw you coming to ask if he could buy you a drink, or to tell you that he noticed that you changed your hair, and he thought it was pretty.
He was harassing you, basically, but he did it in this wholesome, genuine way that was almost awkward, and it made you smile despite of yourself as you turned the corner each time, out of sight.
One night, when he pushed a guy out of the way just so he could say hi to you, you called his bluff and went over with your hands stuffed in the pockets of your coat and agreed to take him up on that drink.
Flustered, he stumbled in to get you a stool at the bar that was close to him, so that he could still talk to you while he worked the door. While the jukebox played Sex & Candy by Marcy Playground, you learned that he had a son named Oliver that he was over the moon about, and a best friend named Robin who he co-parented with since Oliver’s bio mom left when he was a baby.
The pride in his face when he talked about his son was what helped you turn a corner on your opinion of him.
You accepted his invitation to dinner a few days later, and that’s when you told him that you hadn’t had sex since your last relationship, in which you had been cheated on and hurt ruthlessly, and the idea of sexual intimacy too soon made you nervous. To your surprise, he respected this and never tried to push you.
So, there the two of you were on your bed; three dinner dates, one coffee meet up, and two make-out sessions later. He was such a dominant force in the streets---rolling up on his beast of a Harley to pick you up, covered in tattoos all the way up his neck, a cigarette pinched between his lips. But, in private, for the most part, he let you be in control; craved it, even.
“Yeah? You like that, sweetheart?” He asked, rolling his hips against yours, the use of the pet name making your core throb.
You didn’t have the words for how powerful your attraction was to him in that moment, but you blinked a few times as you met his gaze and nodded, pupils blown, lips parted.
Steve’s eyes searched your face, enamored with you more every day, and then he lowers his mouth to yours, tenderly sucking your bottom lip, nuzzling your nose, mumbling sweet words against your mouth, his cock aching as it strained against his denim. Your cores are locked together, each of you arching your pelvis in to meet the other, bodies wordlessly begging.
This was new for Steve. He could count on three fingers the amount of times he hadn’t jumped right to getting his dick wet within the first day of dating a girl. You made him want to savor the moment, you made him want to make it special, even as his balls bleated their joint discontent.
The elastic candy necklace you wore as a silly gesture was all but forgotten as you slid your hand down to touch yourself over your clothes, maintaining eye contact with him.
“Do you want to...watch me?” You whisper, unsure, feeling the outline of his huge cock on the back of your hand, rock hard in his denim, as it dawns on you that you’re not dealing with an average-sized man, and some of his “cocky” personality is explained.
Steve gulped: were you suggesting what he thought you were suggesting? “Oh god, fuck yes,” his voice trembled a bit, the need to bury his cock inside of you was making his vision blur, but to have the honor of watching you pleasure yourself? He’d never been so ready.
He moves over so that he is sitting next to you on the bed, eagerly taking his leather kutte off and tossing it on the chair in the corner. He’s propped slightly up against the headboard, legs long, and he takes your chin in his hand to lean down and kiss you again. You catch a glimpse of the Coffin Kings MC insignia on the back of his leather where it hangs on the armrest, realizing the caliber of bad boy you had in your bed; his knuckles criss-crossed with scars to show that he was no stranger to violence. There was also a scar cutting into his eyebrow, and one on his chin.
He watches intently as you push your pants down your legs and kick them to the ground. You’re just in your t-shirt, candy necklace, and underwear now; you cup your fingers down over the cotton material to feel the soaking wet spot that has developed there, rubbing the pads of them in slow circles.
Steve whines deep in his throat, biting his bottom lip, one hand clamping down to palm his erection, the tip of his cock already juicing with pre-cum. God, at this rate, he worried it wouldn’t take much; he might just cum right there in his jeans like he was 14 again.
You look over at his bulge, and then you tilt your head back to meet his eyes. “You too, if you want,” you say as you bypass your underwear and dip two fingers down and curl them inside, your back arching a bit. “I think it would be hot if you did it with me.”
“Yeah?” He leans down to kiss your forehead and then your lips as he jerks the buttons of his jeans open, freeing his cock with a groan,. “You want me to cum with you, baby?”
“So bad,” you gasp, soaking wet fingers coming out of your warm hole to rub your clit again.
Now it’s your eyes that are locked on him: fist wrapped around his whale of a cock to spread a few fresh pumps of pre-cum down his shaft to wet it, two of his chunky, silver rings clinking together. He spits in his palm and lubricates the rest of the length, and then he stretches it down before his eyes return to you.
“Fuckkk, baby, your panties are soaked,” the sight made him stroke his tip a little faster, shivering, breath hitching in his chest, bracing one hand on the bed between the two of you, metal jean buttons folded open, jingling on his wallet chain.
The way his cock was so ready, so swollen for you, made your hand swipe faster on your clit, taking sharp breaths, eyes flicking from his cock to his face.
The back of Steve’s head hit the headboard as he watcheed your fingers paw at your sweet spot and then dive back down inside, curling in and fucking yourself making sloppy wet sounds that have his hips fucking the air.
“I love watching you baby, you’re so fucking beautiful,” he said on a moan as his hand went from long, slow strokes to shorter yanks at the tip, milking a rapidly approaching release.
You bent your knees and planted your feet on the bed, bringing your hips up to meet your hand, fingers fucking deeper beneath your underwear as you met his eyes. “Tell me how hard you want to cum inside of me,” you mutter with sticky lips, pale pink saliva juice from the candy necklace dripping over your clavicle on a mix of saliva and sweat.
Steve convulsed a bit at the thought, swallowing hard, making himself slow to longer, slower strokes. His head rolled back and forth on the headboard before finding your eyes again. “I wanna cum so deep and hard inside of you that I drip out of you for days,” he hissed, edging the tip of his cock, watching your fingers work your core, wishing it was his mouth.
“I want to taste you so bad,” he breathed in a strangled cry, throat muscles flexing as his leg jerked. “Fuck, I know you’ll taste so good.”
It was then that you felt the wave coming and your fingers latched to your clit, working faster, cursing as you exposed your throat, concentrating, head sinking back into the pillow.
Steve could’ve cum then, but he edged himself a few more times, groaning, balls aching, not wanting to miss your release, heels digging into the bed.
You peeked over at Steve’s red tip, aching to explode, thinking of how bad your hole throbbed for him, and then suddenly, the velvet walls were crashing around you, jolts of orgasmic electricity bursting, making your limbs jolt.
You were mumbling, “Stevie ba-by...cum-cumming so har-r-r-r-d.”
Nothing could’ve prepared him for “Stevie baby” rolling off your tongue like that and, just as you arched back in your ecstasy, Steve’s grip raced to meet you, grunting, tip exploding with bursts of cum, milking it with his fist as he cursed, yanking out every last drop with the whimper of your name on his lips.
Twitching in the aftershock, moans ebbing in your chest, you looked over as Steve finished, squirts of his seed pouring over his hand, leaking onto the tufts of hair below, his head tilted back.
That was when you rolled towards him and took hold of his hand, pulling it close to lick at his fingertips, around his rings, tasting him, cleaning him up. You met his eyes before you took the glistening tip of his cock in your mouth, and he nodded, so you sucked him in, drinking him clean while he moaned, hovering on the edge of the precipice, about to fall hard for you.
“Clean me up?” You ask as you put your head back on the pillow, licking your lips, stretching the candy necklace into your mouth like a tiny, sweet, pastel gag. Steve’s mouth watered as he slid your underwear down so he could bury his face between your legs, greedily sucking every last drop of your cum.
You bit down on a candy and crunched it, letting the bits melt in the back of your throat as his tongue darted inside of you, owning you, clutching your thighs, growling, hungry for more, his cock getting hard again in the process.
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miyasi · 1 year
Hi! Could I request yandere venti, aether, xiao and diluc's reaction with a reader who is on hunger strike? :> (like, she is being hostage and whatever and she refuses to eat unless they get freed?)
Also, welcome to our comunity! Glad to be ur first request :D
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hello! thank you for being my first req!
Warnings: Yandere, stalking, murder(slightly, not described), hunger strikes (it’s not that serious except for Diluc), locking up, lmk if I missed any!
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(p.s I got super out of prompt 😭)
Xiao is a stalker yandere. A lot of people said they don’t even see Xiao at all, even though you see him quite frequently. You barely know him, most of the time you pass by each other and give some simple greetings. But he would time his work right and arrive just at your window when you come home, he watches your step by step, he knows exactly what you do to your itty bitty habits like always making extra food and finishing it the next day, randomly cutting your hair or not drinking clearly enough water. You drop your bags down tiredly, he peered through your window and see you just doing things like everyday, cutting the meat and vegetables but you look way more agitated today?? Anyways, you cook your meal like always, plate it messily and left it on the table..? You didn’t even touch the spoon, mixing around or play with your food. You just left it there, right at where he can see it clearly. Xiao was very confused, did he get caught? But why would that stop you from eating? He snapped back by you glaring straight at him, then acting like nothing happened and just walking back in to your room. You didn’t notice him right?
He’s the oblivious type but wouldn’t accept it. Aether sees you all the time, somehow knows all your hobbies and would bring it up in a random way.
“Would you like a candy?” You brought out a bag of candies that you bought yesterday.
“I thought you didn’t like this flavor?”
“…How did you know?” The flavor you liked had ran out in the store yesterday, you settled for another flavor but didn’t really like it.
“Yeah I’ll have one.”
He knows your favorite food. Aether knows when you crave for a certain dish, so he’s confused when you instead just order a drink and leave. You even just leisurely sipping on your drink, instead of finishing it immediately and getting to work. He walks behind you and catches up, striking a conversation but you replied with casual one word replies, he offered you some snacks you liked but you didn’t accept, you would have already eaten all of the food he brought by now but you aren’t even looking at the food. Days went by and the exact same thing happened, to the point that you lost so much weight and seemed so tired. Aether had to find another option to get you to eat again. Locking you up, force feeding, making you eat while you are unconscious
He’s super obvious, he even says it from time to time. If you call a mountain annoying he would probably cut it off for you and still be ( ^ω^ ) while saying “you said it was annoying!” He’s super clingy, every time he sees you which is planned he will cling on to you until you literally have to tell him to get off. Venti doesn’t know a lot about your habits since you do keep it a secret quite well, but he does know what you dislike very well, the moment you say you hate something it’s gone. As he’s clinging on to you again, you seemed very annoyed,
“Is something wrong?”
“Fucking hell Venti, stop it! You can’t just destroy everything just because I don’t like it!”
“Why not? If you don’t like it, then it simply doesn’t deserve to be there! Anyways, let’s go eat something!” Venti looks at the restaurant you always go for when you need comfort food.
“I’m not eating anything until you stop.” You said with a sigh.
“What?” He stops smiling immediately
“You heard me.”
He starts making a fuss, yelling and screaming about if you don’t eat he’s gonna make you eat, clinging on to you even harder to the point that your arm starts to feel numb. Each day goes by that you don’t eat, Mondstadt is suffering with wind and crops dying, Venti clings on you even harder and gets desperate for you to eat, he promises that he’ll do anything for you.
Now he’s the Yandere people think of, locking up his lover and killing people just to please them. He keeps it really well hidden though, everyone just assumes that you two are just a couple that fights a lot like any other couple. He gets you the finest of the finest products you want, but you have to always be where he can see and never run off. He definitely has killed people before because they looked at you wrongly. You slumped down to your seat and lay your head on the counter, to which Diluc didn’t steal a look since you were always tired. He put a plate of the meal you asked for yesterday, but you didn’t want it. He got confused, then frustrated, then mad.
“What’s with you today?”
“What’s wrong with you?” You rebutted to which he seemed even more mad.
“I give you the best of the best and you act like this?!”
“I don’t want you to give me these fancy shenanigans. And definitely not to kill someone.”
“So this is what you’re fussing about?”
“Then fine! Don’t eat all you want and see how long you can take it!”
Diluc didn’t expect you to actually not eat for that long, it’s been a week and your health is severely disclining. He now has to lock you up, force you to eat himself, how annoying of you.
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I’m sorry it took so long!
Thanks for being my first req! It’s my first time writing and English is definitely not my first language 😓
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chuuyasheaven · 2 years
❤️💐 Happy Valentine's! 💐❤️ Can I resquest fem!reader telling Ranpo 7 and 11 because you are his first and you want him to feel loved? Maybe one of you gets jealous and it gets spicy?
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Prompt/Number: 7: “Nervous? No need to be.” / 11: “You're mine, and I'm only yours, got it?”
Summary: Being Ranpo's first and showing him how much he's loved by you! <3
Warnings: Petnames, Sub!Ranpo, Dom!Fem!Reader, Teasing (if you squint), Cowgirl position (basically riding him, while he's sitting), typos, etc.
Notes (from me): Never wrote for Dom!Reader, but I'll give it a shot! Also, if you read my Ranpo imagine, it's loosely based off that, otherwise enjoy! 🤭
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They say, dating the world’s greatest detective would be a blessing, and they’re right.
In this case, You’re dating Ranpo Edogawa.
Of course, many people are curious how it is, and seriously? It has his own perks, actually.
In public he’s all stubborn and confident, scared of nothing and knows everything.
But in private?
He can be very clingy and if you’re being honest, sometimes a bit annoying.
Ranpo keeps teasing, talking just about himself, not that it matters so much, and rarely shares his candy.
You still love him regardless, and tonight, you’ll show him how deep love can go.
For the first time, it’s the first time Ranpo gets to experience deeper and sweeter love.
~ Ranpo is violently blushing, but also awfully quiet. What happened to his loud mouth, hm?
Well, it’s being captured by your warm lips.
Kissing him so hungrily, yet still gentle. Ranpo lost the ability to speak properly.
Letting go for a quick breath for air, Ranpo avoids your gaze.
Seeing this made you amused, this made you smirk, confident enough to tease him.
“What’s wrong, dear? Nervous? No need to be.”, still, no response and no eye contact.
You grab his chin to kiss him, “What happened to the world’s greatest detective? Going shy all of the sudden? Come on, tell me, you really want this? Speak up if so, Ranpo.”
Gathering the last of his remaining confidence, he spoke up to his need.
“I..i want you, darling, please..do whatever you want, as long it feels as good like you promised.”, poor Ranpo. He was feeding your ego so good.
But just like he requested, you started to open his belt, to letting his boner out of his boxers.
Ranpo let a whimper slip from lips.
You stroked his hard cock before inserting it into your wet cunt, this had Ranpo moan in bliss.
Waiting for it to adjust, you ask Ranpo how it feels, as it’s his first time afterall.
“How does this feel, baby?”, “F-feels good..never felt t-this much..pleasure-” just when he finished, you started moving your hips.
You both moaned in pleasure, you kept rocking your hips to find a Rhythm, you found yourself distracted by Ranpo’s face, your darling was drooling from the overwhelming bliss.
“You’re doing g-good, baby..let me hear you, such a good boy, hm?”, knowing how much Ranpo loved being praised, this made his cock violently twitch inside your pussy.
“You like it when i-i talk to you like that? Does my pretty boy love when i praise him? C’mon, answer me..”, Ranpo skipped a heartbeat as you gained more confidence to praise him.
You were literally draining his last words.
“I-i do..nobody praised me l-like-..this..”,
“T-that’s right, because-..you’re mine, and I’m yours, g-got it?..F-fuck, I’m close!”
Ranpo could’ve sworn, that he just ascended straight to heaven.
He just moaned and whimpered through the whole process.
As you both took a few minutes to calm down, Ranpo grabbed your waist to keep you seated.
“A-again, this was s-so good..”, Ranpo whispered, you heard him clear enough though.
“W-well, we have to still clean you and your cock up, y’know?”, you reminded him, as he groaned.
“But i don’t want to get up! It’s to much work for me.”, you giggled sweet and quickly.
“Who said anything from getting up, silly? You’re the world’s greatest detective, you deserve a better treatment that this, aren’t i right, dear?”
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Rushed and imo it sucked. I need to get better at writing dom!Reader fr. But hope you enjoyed it babes! 😋
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strangstdesires · 2 years
bubble baths [s.s x reader]
warnings: 18+, fluffy bathtime, fluffy massages, bottom!stephen, stephen’s a good boy u heard it here first, he’s really exhausted from DSMOM, post DSMOM! no spoilers i think, blowjob (stephen receiving), lots of kisses, badly written smut, smut with minimal plot, no use of y/n
The best thing in your opinion about being a master of the mystic arts was being able to sling anywhere in your universe. And right now, that place was the New York sanctum. The convenience of it was great; especially now that your muscles ache and your body wanted to do nothing but run a hot bath. 
Stephen had collapsed in his favorite chair, while Wong and America sat on the couch. You, on the other hand, opted to stand; you had no intention of staying and chatting with the three of them. Still though, you moved to sit on the edge of Stephen’s seat, resting your head on his shoulder.
“What do you want to do for dinner?” You mumbled, voice muffled by the cloak. He pulled himself from Stephen’s shoulders and wrapped around you, providing you warmth with just a simple command in Stephen’s mind. You weren’t hungry, but America was your responsibility, so you had to feed her. 
“I’m not hungry,” Stephen sighed back, Wong disagreeing with a shake of his head. America made a noise of agreement with Wong. “This is coming out of my wallet, isn’t it?”
“Pizza. Most definitely.” America sat straighter now. You lifted your head to smile softly at her. You nodded and pulled out your phone. 
You ordered two half cheese, half pepperoni pizzas. One for Wong and one for America. Wong wanted to get back to Kamar-Taj, to get America settled in, and just because he was exhausted himself. So much energy and magic was used today between everyone that it left you all feeling depleted. 
Once the pizza got there, you all stood. Stephen took your hand, squeezing it as he disappeared to your room. You could feel the exhaustion coming off of him in waves, his energy spreading to you. He deserved a nice rest. Maybe a bath together, if you could convince him. A massage for his back and hands and wherever else he hurt. You could do that for him. 
You bid a farewell to Wong with a side-hug, careful of the pizza boxes in his hand. You opened a portal to your room, being greeted by the sound of the bath running. He must’ve felt the desire for a bath, because the smell coming from the bathroom was strong. It smelled of your favorite cotton candy incense and your favorite lavender soap. He had run you a bubble bath, and your heart melted at the thought.
You peaked your head through the door, already peeling off the outer layer of robes. “Stephen,” You cooed, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. You planted a kiss on his nose. “You didn’t have too.”
He smiled down at you, placing his forehead against yours. He placed his hands at the hem of your shirt, pulling it over your head. He ran his hands up your back, hands stuttering as they moved. He planted a kiss on your head. You helped him remove his shirt, and your both peeled your pants off. He got in the tub first, extending a gracious hand to help you inside. You slid in and leaned against his chest, letting your eyes shut briefly. Stephen’s hands wrapped around your frame, holding you close. 
“That was terrifying,” Stephen murmured against your head, turning it so he could lean against your shoulder. 
You hummed in agreement, though trying not to let the images flood your mind. You flexed your bruised hand under the water. Your fingers were already yellowing from where he had held on for dear life. “They came out of your eyes. Your chest. Of course it was terrifying.”
You took one of the hands placed around your stomach and held it up. You massaged the back of his hand first, providing special attention to his fingers. You deftly traced the surgical scars on them, enjoying the wave of contentment that washed over you both. You made sure to provide the same comfort to his other hand, rubbing circles into his palms. His hands were so pretty despite the scars - he was so pretty. The way his eyes closed whenever he was thinking, the way he was absolutely buzzing right now with relief, the way his hair after a long day started to fall out of place. 
Stephen must’ve felt what you were thinking, because he made a small noise of pleasure against your neck. “You think I’m pretty?”
You laughed in response, deciding to lock your fingers together. Of course you thought he was. He was the prettiest man alive, and there wouldn’t be a time that you’d not admit that. He planted a kiss on your neck, and turned your head so you could kiss his lips. It was a sweet kiss that was over as soon as it had started. Full of love and compassion and caring. Being here and his arms relaxed your sore muscles, melting away the stress and tension of the last two days. It made everything better.
“Thankyou,” He whispered, placing another kiss against your neck. “If not for you, I think I would have lost myself.”
“You didn’t. You did so good today, baby.” You praised, smiling at the way his chest swelled at your compliment. His energy buzzed through you and you were sure he felt yours just the same. 
His chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm, calming you. If you wanted, you could fall asleep right there in the bath. The smell of your incense was long gone, having been out for a while. The water was turning cold and you could feel goosebumps rise on your arms and legs. So you pulled away from Stephen and let the water out. This time, you helped him out of the tub. Stephen wrapped a towel around your shoulders, planting a kiss against your hair.”
“I laid a change of clothes for you on the bed. Your favorite sweatshirt is on top.”
It was your turn for your chest to squeeze tight. You wanted to reward him for being so good, so strong when he didn’t deserve to be in those tough situations. But he was a hero, your hero, and you loved him for it. The two of you left the bathroom, opting to barely get dressed. The thought of having clothes on, the tightness of it hugging you was unpleasant. So, you just put on your underwear. 
You sat on the bed, patting the spot in front of you to call Stephen over. He complied, scooting between your legs, letting you wrap your arms around his torso. You planted kisses up his back, around his shoulders. You knew he had his eyes shut, relishing the tenderness of your lips. You knew because you could feel it. If he could, he would lean more into your touch, closer to you, but there was no way he could; the two of you were already so close. 
You whispered for him to sit up, and then slid your hands out  from underneath his arms. You ran your hands up his back, nails scratching ever so lightly. You stopped at the top of his shoulders, rubbing circles into the tight, aching knots. He practically melted into your heads, letting his head drop so you could massage his neck better.
“Baby,” He purred. “You don't have to.” Even despite saying this, he made no effort to stop you. He was enjoying it. He was reeling, his head spinning with your thoughts. 
You’re such a good boy, you thought, you did so, so good.
You focused magic into your fingertips, warming them so that Stephen’s muscles could relax further. He made a noise of pleasure, a low, quiet moan slipping past his lips, You moved your hands down, massaging his lower back now. You were working your way down his back, going back and forth between his shoulders and lower back. It felt good, the feeling of your hands ghosting over your own back. You planted a series of kisses up his spine, wrapping your arms back around his torso. 
“Thank you,” He whispered, planting a kiss on your neck. You chuckled, peppering his face with a thousand and one kisses. He shut his eyes softly, laying in your grasp.
“I want to reward you,” You said, breaking the silence. “You such a good boy, will you let me?” You ran your hands up his chest, stopping just below his nipples. 
He sighed into your grasp, his whole body practically collapsing atop of you. The pace of his breath quickened, his breathing hitching in his throat. Stephen loved it when you would call him good, call him pretty and strong. God would he reel, melting at those sweet words. It wasn’t all the time you took control, but both of you loved the change in dynamic. Stephen loved how you would praise him, whispering sweet nothings in his ear between kisses. You loved seeing the man grow so, so hard at just your words alone. 
Stephen shifted to face you, a soft tired smile crossing his lips. You smiled back, placing a hand on his cheek, the other on his chest. You leaned in and kissed him, moving your lips against his. They fit perfectly. It was slow and sloppy, neither of your caring about a hard, needy kiss. It was passionate still, and the way Stephen's hands got lost in your hair caused your belly to tighten. But this wasn’t about you. It was about your good boy; about Stephen. 
You pulled away, your hands now around his neck, forehead against his. A hand rested just slightly above the growing bulge in his boxers, feeling how hard he was for you already. “You’re so hard for me already,” You mused.
His cock strained against his boxers, and he laughed sheepishly. “That sweet voice of yours,” He admitted. “drives me wild.”
You sat your hand atop his bulge, palming his hard-on. You worked your hands around, a moan slipping from his lips against your ear. He pushed his hips up against your hands, wishing for more friction. You couldn't help but chuckle, fingers dancing on his hips now. His breathing quickened.
The pleasure that eradiated from him was almost overwhelming. It caused a ripple of pleasure downstairs, and you let out a small moan. His cock twitched at the noise. You slid your hands up his chest, stopping when they landed on his cheeks. 
“You’re so needy for me already, baby.” You placed a kiss against his lips. “Can you take those boxers off for me, pretty please?”
He nodded eagerly, lifting his hips as you pulled them off. You placed a hand around his length, slowly starting to stroke. His hips followed your hand while a moan fell from his pretty lips. It didn’t take long for the tired Strange to fall apart at the seams. You moved your hand faster, running your thumb over his tip each time your hand came up. Each time his hips stuttered and his breath hitched. 
“Baby,” He moaned, his lips on your neck now. He planted kisses anywhere he could, and it caused you to laugh. Your hands stopped momentarily, your own brain reeling at how he whined for you to keep going. You felt the heat spreading to you, and you knew he was close. “Need more. Pretty please? For your pretty boy?”
You smiled into a kiss, teeth clanking loudly, but neither of you cared. It was a much longer, much needed kiss. His hands carded through your hair, holding your close. It was passionate, Stephen hungry for more. Anything. It had been such a stressful few days, and this was such a good, much needed distraction. He was chasing a high that was so close, that you’d give him. His sweet, pretty partner. You smiled, pulled away and kissed his cheek. You backed up on the bed until your mother hovered over his straining cock. He placed his long, slender fingers in your hair.
You planted a kiss on his tip, peppering them all the way down his shaft in a teasing sort of way. In a way that had him pushing into you. You took him with a moan, your fingernails digging into his thighs. You gagged around his heavy cock, bobbing your head with the help of his hands. 
You swirled your tongue around his shaft, lifting your head to pay special attention to his tip. His head fell back in ecstasy, moans spilling from his pretty pink lips. He was getting desperate, rutting his hips up each time you came up. You knew just how close he was, not by how his thrusts were becoming sloppy and how desperate he acted, but by how you pulsed between your legs, ready to cum yourself.
You swallowed around his cock, bobbing your head with the help of Stephen’s hands. You pulled off just to pull him down into another sloppy kiss, whispering against his lips to: “Be a good boy and come for me.” 
You were right back on his cock, the moans that fell from his lips was like honey to your ears. He was obscene and loud, unabashedly yours. No one was in the sanctum besides you, and right now, even if there had been, you were too full of his cock to say it. 
A loud moan left both of you. Stephen’s head lolled back, pushing your head down all the way, his hips stuttering upwards as he came. Your hips rutted against the mattress, cumming as you moaned around his cock. You swallowed around his cock, swallowing as much of his cum as you could. His breathing was ragged as he carded his hands through your hair. You sat up, straddling his hips. You placed your hands on his chest, breathing just as heavy as him. 
“You did so good, Stephen,” You praised him, looking at him with half open eyes. 
“Thank you,” He whispered, hands resting atop your hips. 
You pulled away to pull the blankets back and crawl under them, patting Stephen’s spot next to you. He complied, though not without a kiss from you. He pulled your head up to meet his lips, hands so gentle with you. You sighed into the kiss, and for a second after, you two just stared in awe at the other. 
“Lay with me?”
Of course he would. He pulled the blankets over the both of you, wrapping his strong arms around you as you laid on his chest, listening to the beating of his heart. You shut your eyes, falling asleep to the sound of it. You were relieved that you were home now, with Stephen, and that you both were relatively okay. What was important was that you were together here in the Sanctum.
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dyns33 · 2 years
Flufftober 13 - Vulcan Michael
Vulcan Michael Langdon x reader 
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For Michael, Halloween was totally illogical.
But most of the things humans did were totally illogical, so he shouldn't be surprised by this weird party where people pretended to be someone else, sometimes other species than their own, or even worse, beings which did not exist.
For several days, Y/N had tried to explain to him why it was important, a kind of custom, that you shouldn't look for logic in customs, just see that it was a good time, to share, to relax, during which people could have fun and forget their worries for a night.
           "Yes, okay, the way of having fun is not logical, and it's also ridiculous to ignore your problems instead of trying to solve them but... But that's it !"
           "But that's it ?" he repeated, raising an eyebrow.
           "Yes, that's it !"
           "Very well, t'nash-veh ashaya."
           "... So you agree to dress up and come go candy hunting with me ?" she asked with a small pout, knowing that he was illogically having a hard time resisting her when she was doing that face.
           "I don't see why I would refuse, as long as the costume is not offensive."
"          I had thought of an elf."
           "... That's a bit offensive."
           "A vampire then. And I'll be a young princess, under your spell and totally at your mercy."
           "But that's it !"
           "Yes ashal-veh." he sighed, trying not to smile, even though smiling wasn't as illogical as the Vulcans thought. It showed that we were happy.
It was just better to be happy inside, in a controlled way.
It was therefore filled with discreet joy that Michael accompanied Y/N in the streets to collect sweets. Of course, he didn't dare hold her hand in public, it was highly inappropriate.
And he repeated to her that sweets and other delicacies were not good for her health.
He also noticed that there weren't many disguised adults knocking on doors.
           "Michael." Y/N said kindly looking at him with wide eyes. "You know very well what I'm going to answer you."
           "Hmm. That's this is what this celebration is about, so you won't be logical, you will do whatever you want with regards to holding my hand, eating, and going out in costume, and that's it."
           "Just promise me not to eat everything too quickly, I don't want you to get sick."
Despite his grunts of protest and the fact that several people were watching them, Y/N kissed him on the cheek, saying that he was cute, and promising to be reasonable.
It didn't really convince him, because he knew that his human and he didn't have the same definition of what was reasonable.
So he wasn't really surprised to find her on the sofa, still wearing her big dress, her face covered in sugar and chocolate. Using her little pout, she tried to avoid his criticism.
           "Whether I eat them now or later, it's almost the same."
           "The nuance is in the 'almost', ashal-veh. You promised me."
           "I only ate five ! Well... Maybe seven. Or more. But there's still plenty left. You can take some if you want. You chased them too, you deserve them. Oh Michael, come on, try one !"
           "No, it is not..."
           "Michaaaaael ! For me, please !" she begged, holding up a candy to him, waiting for him to eat it straight away.
It was illogical, but he couldn't refuse it. He could never deny her anything.
And he didn't realize at all that he was eating chocolate, sitting next to her, letting her feed him again and again.
Since Michael had never told her about the effect of chocolate on Vulcans, he couldn't blame Y/N. She hadn't really forced him to eat it either.
He was the only responsible for this situation, which his mate did not understand right away.
It was a real surprise for her to see him smiling and laughing like it was perfectly normal, moving oddly.
           "Your cheeks are all green. Are you sick ? Oh, I hope you're not allergic to something ! I can call a doctor, I..."
           "It's all right, ashal-veh." he chuckled, taking her in his arms. "I'm fine. I've never felt so good. My love. My life. I'd like to take you far away, to a cave, where no one can take you. I'll build you a house and we'll have plenty of children."
           "... What ?"
           "I don't like it when other people touch you. Or when they look at you. You're mine. You're mine, aren't you ?"
           "Yes Michael, I'm yours. But you're not in your normal state, you... Are you purring ? And you...  Are you biting my neck ? Michael ?!"
           "You smell so good, t'nash-veh ashaya. T'nash-veh ashal-veh. T'nash-veh ta'hal. Nash-veh ashaya du, weht do kanok-vei. Worla trasha nash-veh, sanoi . Wuh panu tor gu'gelik heh herbosh rik' du."
Vulcans having a denser mass than humans, it was not easy for Y/N to drag Michael to the bedroom. He didn't really help her, before falling asleep in the middle of the bed.
The next morning, his head hurt terribly. With great difficulty, he prepared tea and meditated for several hours, until Y/N woke up.
Despite his meditation, he behaved slightly illogically by "sulking", refusing to talk about what had happened and decreeing that they would never again participate in Halloween, which was a holiday as dangerous as it was illogical.
He later tried to banish several other holidays where chocolate was present, such as Christmas when Y/N served him hot chocolate, or Valentine's Day, before accepting that he could not escape this toxic product, and that anyway, Y/N found him so adorable when he was drunk that he could eat some from time to time to please her.
But only if there were no other witnesses to see it.
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chinesegal · 7 months
My thoughts on Mia Schem
Gonna get hate for this, but here's my thoughts on Mia Schem, the Hamas hostage who was held captive for almost 2 months in Gaza:
While I don't doubt that she's had a harrowing experience as a captive of Hamas, and her fear during that time was very real, nothing justifies saying "there are no innocents" in an entire population that's currently being subjected to genocide.
For good reason, I feel skeptical of some parts of her testimony. One example of torture she mentions is a little kid holding open a bag of candy in front of her then closing it in front of her. Honestly that sounds more like a child being a little kid.
She says she was starved, yet its entirely possible that the family didn't have food enough to feed themselves; Gaza was reported to be on the brink of a famine within ten days of her capture: https://thehill.com/homenews/sunday-talk-shows/4328169-cindy-mccain-says-gaza-on-the-brink-of-famine/
"His wife would bring her husband food, “and not bring me food, A day, two days, three days, I wouldn’t eat… She was so terrible, she had mean eyes. She was a very evil woman.”
Ma'am, they're more than likely don't have enough food to properly feed themselves and their children. I can understand that you didn't exactly have a good time, but it would do you very well to try understand their situation as well.
As for "she had mean eyes", that sounds like such a reach.
Second part under cut. TW for SA ment:
By her own admission she was never raped during her captivity. She claims that the only reason the Hamas fighter didn't rape her is because his wife and children were in the next room, but if he was really nothing but a bloodthirsty, violent rapist then you would think that such a thing wouldn't stop him. She also claims that he told her he hates his wife, and these statements are contradictory.
If he hates his wife then why would he care about her feelings on sexual assault?
Sis, if he never raped you during the entire duration of your 2 month captivity then he probably never wanted to. I suppose that fearing being raped in such circumstances is understandable, but use some common sense, please.
To sum it up, any sympathy I might otherwise have felt for her is getting tanked by her blanked demonization of all Gazans, they are just as human and deserving of compassion as Israelis and anyone else in the world, as well as her questionable statements in general.
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safetycar-restart · 2 years
aftercare methods with sub!charles! 💯
away with the chilling ice tub and cryotherapy. charles doesn’t like the cold! a warm bubble bath is more like it. before he’ll attain his WDC eventually, at least he wears a foam crown: you’re lathering up the lavender shampoo on him like there’s no tomorrow. it makes charles burst into laughter, he’s kicking his feet, it's so adorable. a nose boop on top — happy sub, happy life. drying off, you both sleep soundly afterwards.
to amp up the protection factor and extra warmth, of course you bought a heated aftercare blanket and red fluffy socks for his birthday. anything to spoil your little one, he deserves and needs to feel safe.
since you recently got one: playing with your pet dog!
after handing him a glass of water: lots of revitalizing nutrients in bananas, why not feed him one? very on brand. 😆
for times when you play in the living room: because he’s so interested in architecture and art, his domme simply putting on a documentary is just right. watching and commenting together is calming and educational instead of putting on dull tv noises in the background. charles has a tendency to insist watching what you like, so you just do both.
you most definitely prepared a specific music playlist for days when you just wanna lay there and do nothing. not moving a singular inch, just breathing, giving him forehead kisses. 
charles has a fondness for being buried in your chest. need i say more? he won’t suffocate, don’t worry. he might be sweet, but he’s not made of cotton candy. the man’s job literally consists of holding his breath in every 6G turn… a little TLC beyond the light of day won’t hurt him ;)
piling on the compliments. sincere ones! charles’ eternal praise kink needs refreshing after he’s fucked-out and tired. it’s not like you’d ever run out of nice things to say about him, anyway. it comes naturally. you love him so. fucking. much ❤️
checking random text messages from friends. this might not sound romantic, but it’s fun! charles likes himself some humor. and you won’t do it for long, sex is usually a no-phone activity. for privacy and focus.
applying lotion on him. you are looking respectfully.
pillow fort: he already thinks of his car as a nest. why couldn’t your bed be, too?
whenever you get even the slightest dom drop, he will notice and hurry to reassure you, hold you, give you personal attention, make you food. for energy and a mood boost. chef leclerc slowly became a master of the italian cuisine during the course of your relationship. expect the crispiest pizza dough and world class penne. if it’s december? he’ll bake you a fucking panettone! italian culture is so important in your household, you love it.
holding hands and snuggling, just napping endlessly while curled together. as you said: he’s particular about touching. but his domme can do whatever she wants! it’s ridiculous, you sleep so well with your face in his hair.
- george’s long legs anon 👕 with the soft mood, hope you enjoyed 😌
I… once again I would like you to know that I would die for you. This is immaculate. Incredible. 11/10.
Aftercare with Charles can take on many different forms, and I think that’s because he tends to need a lot of aftercare for a long time? He’s not gonna be fine after twenty minutes of cuddles and a quick bath.
Of course he needs those cuddles immediately after a scene and then to he held in the bath when you clean him up. But he needs more than that. He’s gonna be needy and subby for the rest of the day, sometimes even into the next day.
When you’re with him during this time then he’s the happiest little thing ever. He’s all soft and subby, plaint against you and happy to be with you. He can even manage to go outside just fine, as long as he can hold your hand the whole time.
I think that he has a very specific schedule for the first hour or so after a scene? His little mind is completely offline then and he needs to do very familiar things, needs to be able to predict what’s going to happen.
First, he gets about twenty minutes of cuddles immediately, and I mean immediately. You can’t first wipe the cum off him or put the toys away. It’s cuddles immediately. Yes you’ll end up getting covered in his sweat and cum but he’s your good boy and he deserves it.
Then it’s time for a bath. The lavender bubble bath is a must and is only used after scenes. He can smell it from the bedroom while you run the bath and he just smiles to himself, feeling so warm and safe cause now he’s gonna have a bath with you!!
At first it’s very soft, just holding him in the bath and cleaning him up. When he relaxes into your arms, a big smile on his face, then it’s time to have fun!! Time to boop his nose and time to make him a crown out of bubbles. Of course you dry him off afterwards, making sure he doesn’t have to lift a finger.
He also doesn’t have to lift a finger while you clean up. You put him on the comfy armchair in the bedroom (it’s your reading chair and his aftercare chair, no one else uses it), and fetch him his special blanket and fuzzy socks. He’s literally completely naked wrapped in his blanket and then his fuzzy socks. You don’t know why that’s what he likes, but does.
He’s in his happy blanket cocoon while you change the sheets and clean the toys and whatnot. He eats his snack and drinks his water from the chair too. He stands up for all two seconds so that you can sit down and then plops down on your lap, eating from your hand and sucking from the straw of the glass you’re holding.
Once he’s finished eating, he’s done with the more structured part of his aftercare. He’s comfy and safe and warm and now he doesn’t need to do the same thing every time. Now you can change it up.
And you do, all the time. Charles is always happy to just be with you, pleased with whatever you decide to do.
Sometimes it’s laying in bed and listening to a playlist, usually with his head on your chest. He’s very happy there, nice and safe (and naked except for his fuzzy socks). You sometimes listen to the playlist two or three times, just laying there.
I think he’ll often ask you to talk? He doesn’t have any particular topic in mind. He just wants to hear your voice, so you just tell him about your day, about plans, make up random stories, whatever. You don’t even have to speak in a language he understands to be honest. He just wants to hear your voice. If you’re studying, you could literally just say your coursework out loud. It’s your voice so he’s happy.
Sometimes, if you don’t feel like talking, you’ll take him to the living room to watch a documentary. You always ask him if he wants to pick. If he does say yes, he’ll almost always pick an architecture documentary. Sometimes he’ll tell you to choose something and then you’ll pick something random.
He doesn’t say much for the first half an hour of the documentary, and then he’ll slowly start to speak. First he just mumbles things like “that’s pretty…” or “don’t like that…” “what’s gonna happen?” You always kiss his hair when he speaks, making sure to respond to him to help him slowly come back up from subspace. By the end of the documentary, he’s making comments the entire time.
I love the idea of checking messages? I think that’s mostly done towards the end, when he’s pretty good but still too subby to answer his own messages. He’ll come cuddle under your arm, handing you his phone (you know his password by the way, you know all his passwords, he likes that you know) and then you two go through and answer some people. It’s calming when you’re there, and it’s relieving to have all his messages answered.
I also love the idea of putting lotion on him? You’ll often do that after the bath, asking if he’d like some lotion and he almost always agrees. Mostly because he knows it means he’ll get loads of kisses and cuddles.
He’s got the dumbest little smile on his face as you rub the lotion onto his skin. He’s so happy there.
He also insists on putting lotion on you by the way. Don’t even think about saying no. He will cry if he thinks you’ll say no, cause he’s still far too sensitive to be functional on his own yet.
To be honest he doesn’t do the best job at putting lotion on you, but he’s happy so it’s worth it.
The underlying thing is just having you with him? Charles wants to be in your space, to be close to you and to feel safe and sheltered. Even in a normal headspace Charles has no concept of personal side when it comes to you, but after scenes it’s even more so.
He wants to be with you at all times.
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zutraeumen · 1 year
The First Course
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Adele stared at the small plate before her while the others dug in, she expected a serving of salad, and not this... this, what was that again? Something with cucumber?
Ah well, she wasn't supposed to be here for the food anyways but a small bite did seem tantalizing. It wasn't every day that you'd end up at a super-exclusive island restaurant where one evening cost about as much as a Rolex.
The sheer ridiculousness of the price!
Grabbing a fork, she carefully picked at her food, the heavy curtain of her raven hair falling in around her head, perhaps Madam Elsa would stop pinning her with icy stares for once in a while and focus on the other guests. If her hearing didn't fail her with old age, then somebody was snapping photos.
Bet you a hundred bucks it was Tyler.
Guess what, she was on point, and oh, the withering gaze Madam Elsa silently sent his way was delicious as it deserved to be. That kid should really have some basic understanding of respect for a chef's work.
The Sommelier was also someone she needed to be on the lookout for, constantly prowling behind the guests' backs to refill their wine, his smile was as fake as the candy man from her hometown neighbourhood. 
Nevertheless, she averted her attention from those two and tuned in to the conversations going on around her. 
The food critic Lillian Bloom and her editor Ted were already busy nitpicking every goddamn thing without having gotten through the very first thing on the plate! It was a different kind of torture hearing him agree to her every opinion, stupid pick-me boy. 
The movie star George and his assistant Felicity were going through a divorce here of all places, nice of them to discuss it so openly. 
The finance bros were the worst though, talking about their relationships outside of work and how they failed because they couldn't just give a flying fuck about anything else than making money. They even made a toast on it!
The Liebrandt couple was pleasantly quiet in comparison, but she guessed Tyler made up for that. Speaking of him, he seemed to be going through some spiritual journey from tasting alone.
The fiery redhead, bless that woman, seemed to be the only one not swallowing all that bullshit. If things went sour, she would be Adele's first choice of ally. The Chef seemed to also have a merit of interest for her, so she could use that to her advantage.   
Ugh, somebody shoot her out of this place.
A clap made her jerk in her seat, sounding thunderous against the soft chatter of the room that immediately got everyone's attention. Adele turned slowly to witness what was about to happen.
"Good evening." 
The Chef greeted them with a tight upturn of lips, swerving his gaze at his customers with unexpressive eyes.
"Welcome to Hawthorne. I am Julian Slowik and tonight will be our pleasure to feed you."
The diners applauded. Adele scrunched her face and played along. Lillian and Ted exchanged proud, possessive looks. 
His voice was rich and his ramrod-straight posture commanding, demanding absolute silence from the audience that were his customers, "For the next few hours you will ingest fat, salt, sugar, protein, bacteria, fungi, various plants and animals and at times entire ecosystems but... I have to beg of you one thing, it's just one... do not eat."
"Is he serious?" 
Adele scowled at George for interrupting, but the chef merely continued with a pointed raise of his brow that silenced the actor promptly. 
Smoothly, her eyes glided over to her client who held quite the unusual expression of reserved surprise on her face as if it was the first time the Chef had given such a... encapsulating speech. Her husband was very much the same, cross-armed with one good eye suspiciously narrowed at the Chef.
Something was different this time, if the regulars were raising eyebrows, or maybe she was just reading too much into it. 
"Taste. Savour. Relish. Consider every morsel that you place inside your mouth. Be mindful, but do not eat. Our menu is too precious for that. And look around you, here we are, on this island. Accept... accept all of it and... forgive... and on that note: FOOD!"
With a large smile that the assassin was supposed to be friendly enough to fool most, the Chef took a step back to allow his sous-chefs to march onwards in perfect formation, once again in pairs. This was either very well choreographed or...
Adele used the commotion to observe the Chef in the meantime as he assumed a neutral position. The customers were excited but Adele remained very much on edge. It would be impertinent not to forget that there had been an attempt at her life just about, let's check the watch, roughly two hours ago. 
The man in question was about the same height as Adele, mind you for a woman, the assassin was among the very few unconventionally tall, standing at around 5'10". He oozed the confidence and authority of a chef who would not be questioned in his own kitchen regardless of the person who asked, and possessed a gathering of incredibly loyal people. Not much could be read from his visage alone, even though his way of speaking was full of small gesticulations, but from experience, Adele knew there was something dark underneath his eloquent words and polite smiles.
A wolf that entertained the sheep before the slaughter. 
Humans were known for having a sixth sense when it came to being stared at, and it was proven to Adele when he suddenly, for the first time, locked eyes with her and the question of her killer was answered - it was him; he wanted her dead by nightfall.
"Our first course is called 'The Island'. On your plate are plants around the island placed on rocks from the shore, covered in barely frozen filtered seawater, which will flavour the dish as it melts."
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Her plate arrived just in time for her to have a reason to look away in a gorgeous, slow-motion CU product shot. Perfectly curated bits of flora and jewels of scallop meat rest artfully atop a smooth, icy rock.
Adele was as thankful as a beggar until she realized there were more rocks on that plate than edible food.
Ah, the unnecessary intricacies of fine dining: ridiculous preparations with ridiculous intellectual speeches times evil chef equalled no food.
Well, the math was clear, there would be no proper food for her at this esteemed establishment. At least none that would be enough to satisfy her hunger. And she was a relatively unfussy eater. You could throw basically anything down her throat if it wasn't anything too spicy, or had olives, or mushrooms...
Tyler in the meantime, held his phone just so and snapped a shot of his plate. Elsa clocked it. Simmering with rage. Someone get the lady butler a shot of vodka before she gutted that inconsiderate boy.
O-oh, the food critic put on some glasses, did she think it would make all the bullshit from her mouth sound more reasonable? George was spectacularly failing at grasping the basic vocabulary to describe taste and she couldn't begrudge Felicity for deciding to leave him, how did this man become a movie star was simply beyond her. It must be quite frustrating to work with such an unoriginal person.
The finance bros were so openly discussing how they showed no real interest in Slowik's food that Adele could see a small vein pop out on Madam Elsa's forehead if one looked closer, knowing that she was also listening to these kids disrespecting their Chef at his own restaurant, eating his own food - unbelievable.
The Liebrandts were discussing something but she couldn't properly hear it because she sat at the opposite side of the room, though it seemed to hardly matter as they didn't meet the eyes of the other, talk about a lovely evening. 
Tyler was blissfully silent but it did help her put things into perspective. 
Each of these guests was not here to eat the food exclusively prepared for them, but for the sole purpose of furthering their own agendas. 
Lillian and Ted were here to suck the pleasure out of cooking by using it to advance their careers. Hunting for the next scoop by inventing new words, finding minor faults and reading into everything the Chef did. 
George and Felicity used this experience to help the movie star transition to a new phase in his career as a TV presenter of a washed-up cooking show.
The finance trio were there simply for the prestige of having been there as if it would bring them extra points to their status. Embezzling money into their own pockets instead of supporting Slowik and his staff - the ones who were actually producing value.
The Liebrandts were here because they could, not eat the food. Probably to maintain their status as elites.
And Tyler, well, he might just be the Chef's biggest fanboy in the whole world. And not the healthy kind. It bordered on fanatical obsession. Using Slowik's fame to uphold his identity as a man of wealth and taste who supposedly knew everything about fine dining.
Man, to be honest, the food sucked up until now... but the customers sucked as well.
And with the Chef looking at Margot's untouched plate the Chef strode to the back of the kitchen, "I want plating in five!"
Nobody expected the collective 'Yes, Chef!' from the staff as they prepared the next course.
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crowwritesaway · 2 years
Thomas Shelby Best Friend XXI
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Zoey sighed, shaking herself awake. The sun was out. Another restless night.
She shrugged her shoulders. Ahh, nothing like looking at the night sky until the sun rises. A bloody gorgeous sight there.
She moved without knowing where to go. After passing block after block, she stopped in front of a house. Great, I’m losing it. My mind has officially lost it.
She was standing in front of Jade’s house. If only I was normal? If only…she loved me for me.
She shook her head in disbelief. Despite how she thinks of me, my heart still beats for her. Despite everything, I still wish to be by her side.
She bit her lip. But, our love was bound to end. Her mother hates me. My mum can’t even handle us being together. And I-I am not the one she wants. She wants someone normal and peace..she wants peace. I am far from peace.
She walked away from the house. I need to forget her. Not because of what my mum thinks of me or us, but because I don’t want her to get hurt.
She put a hand on her head. Stupid headaches. I guess pain is what I deserve to feel. Is better than nothing..I guess.
Thomas slammed the phone down. He gripped his hair. Where is she? Where’s my Zoe?
He put on his coat and walked out his aunt’s house. He slammed the door behind him. He had heard about Zoey’s mum. He hasn’t slept since he got a call from Zoey’s twin. Zoey could be anywhere.
He stumbled. Someone bumped into him. “Who the fuck?” He snapped at the person. “Good morning to you.” Zoey said, pulling the lollipop out of her mouth.
He looked at her and immediately embraced her. “Woah, watch the candy.” Zoey exclaimed, making sure the lollipop didn’t stain his coat.
“Where the fuck have you been?” Thomas shouted, pulling away checking over Zoey.
“Well…I—” Zoey began. “Are you alright?” Thomas asked in a softer tone. He glanced at her, looking for any injuries. “I’m fine. Really. Aside from not sleeping. I’m fine.” Zoey said, feeling bad.
He nodded. “I was around. Didn’t get in any trouble. I minded my business and just watch the sun rise. It was beautiful. I’m sure you already heard of my mum. I’d rather not talk about it.” Zoey said, putting the lollipop back in her mouth.
Thomas nodded. “Alright. Come one. Let’s you to bed.” Zoey shook her head. “No, too much work for me to be sleeping. Let’s go to your office.”
He sighed. There’s no point in arguing with her. They began to walk. Side by side. He glanced at her as they walked. Eating candy early in the morning. She never learns.
He snatched the lollipop and threw it. “Hey!” Zoey said, watching him toss his lollipop. “Candy isn’t breakfast.” Thomas said, looking down at her. Zoey clicked her tongue. “So you can smoke early in the morning but I can’t have a lollipop.” Zoey mumbled, walking ahead of him.
Thomas smiled. “Don’t pout. I’ll buy you all the lollipops you want. But after you eat breakfast.”
“Then feed me breakfast.” Zoey said, putting her hands in her coat.
“Let’s go in there.” Thomas pointed. Jades mum bakery. Zoey frowned in distaste. If she refuses then Thomas will question her even more.
“Sure. Let’s go.” Zoey said, agreeing. Thomas opened the door and waited for Zoey to go in. They entered and looked around. “Welcome.” Jade greeted them behind the cashier. “Fuck.” Zoey thought to herself.
Zoey along with Thomas nodded at her. “You pick. After all, you want to feed me.” Zoey playfully told Thomas. Thomas grinned. He glanced at the bread and picked a few for her.
“Jade, who’s out there?” Jades mum shouted from the kitchen. Zoey rolled her eyes. “Why not come out if she’s so invested in her customers?” Zoey mumbled.
Thomas put the bread on the counter. “Ohh…it’s you.” Jades mum said, glancing at them in distaste. Zoey noticed her look and glared at her. Thomas ignored her.
Jade looked at the bread and said, “Zoe, there’s the chocolate muffins you like.” Zoey bit the inside of her cheek. So thoughtful…
Thomas glared at Jade. “Here. That should be more than enough for the bread. Come on, Zoey.” He snatched the bag of bread. Zoey followed after him.
“Ohh, Zoey. I’m sorry about your mum. Send her my greetings. Must be so hard for her. Having a daughter like you.” Jades mum said, putting a hand over her heart.
Zoey stopped. She gritted her teeth. What the fuck is she trying to do?
“Hmm…my mum doesn’t need someone like you around her. How about you focus on keeping your family in your little play ground and leave mine alone? I’ve been good but don’t take my kindness as a weakness. I have zero patience for ignorance and no tolerance for stupidity. Take this as a warning. Stay away from my mum and keep your mouth shut when it comes to me.” Zoey said in cold tone and exited the bakery.
Thomas waited outside for her, smoking. He heard Zoey and quietly thought to himself of how he could make Jade and her family disappear.
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Stay around for more of Thomas Shelby Best Friend
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gricean-sphinx · 8 months
Lately, I’ve gotten the question a lot: are you involved with an animal shelter? Is that your job? I guess I talk about the cats a lot. I’ve been going to Berny’s house every day since Macaroni the Foster Cat arrived because I was helping him give Cotton Candy — that’s Macaroni’s brother — his probiotics, and he was helping me give Macaroni her whole medicine medley — at one point she had to take six different things the poor girl. I don’t understand how she’s still happy to see me. — Berny is the cat guy right now — el señor de los gatos — there seem to be a lot of strays around his neighborhood and they started hanging around his house ever since he started leaving food out for Tuna.
That’s how it all started, I guess. I got a call from Berny asking if I could come over and help him get some kittens out from behind his water tank. The tank was pressed up against a corner of the wall and a couple of kittens — one black and one white — had crawled into the small space between the round surface of the tank and the sharp angle of the corner, and they had been meowing up a storm since they couldn’t climb back up the mostly smooth surfaces. I was in the middle of DMing a D&D session, but after he explained the situation, I apologized to my players and ended the session early. I headed over to Berny’s.
When I got there, using the clothesline tubes, I swung myself up onto the tank — it’s a big tank; it’s taller than I am — and since I am a petite person, carefully slid into the corner with the cats, hoping that they wouldn’t freak out and claw and shred my ankles. They didn’t. They compressed themselves into the tiniest shapes to make room for my feet, and I began the rather difficult task of reaching down for them. I am a petite person, but the space was rather cramped, and I didn’t have enough room to bend down. I folded myself down as best as I could, reaching as low as my arm would go, I maneuvered a cat onto my foot, and I did my best to lift the — thankfully — limp and docile cat up to my hand. We got the black sibling out first, and it scurried away. We got the white sibling out second and Berny caught her and fed her. They hung around his house since he kept leaving tuna and food out for them. The black sibling stopped coming around, but the white sibling became Tuna.
Word of the food surely got around. After Tuna, came others. And after Tuna had kittens, Berny determined to start catching all the regulars to get them fixed. He kept one of Tuna’s kittens and named him Nova. Nova is the tamest and chunkiest of the lot. He likes me because I bring treats and play with him. He makes these big, spectacular jumps after the toy and lands with a sharp exhale that sounds like someone sitting too confidently on a cushioned chair.
Kenny came next. He was a sweet, violet point cat, and I think Berny’s favorite. He stopped coming around about a month ago, which is the raw deal with outdoor cats, especially because he was Nova’s favorite playmate. Nia and Morgana came together and came pregnant. Macaroni and Cotton Candy are Nia’s kittens. I helped re-home them, and thus I was going to help get them fixed, which was when we found out they were not feeding Macaroni well at all. I know it was due to ignorance and no malicious intent, but Macaroni deserves a loving home and all the care in the world.
Besides the regular lot, there is a colony of five feral cats that live in the abandoned house across the street from Berny — there are two adult orange cats, one long-haired black point adolescent, and two fluffy orange kittens. — He started luring them out with food, and last week we managed to trap one of the adults in a crate. We got her spayed, and we’re hoping to catch the rest before they demolish the house completely, as the landowners are rebuilding the whole place in a couple of months. The cat we caught was feral, so we’ll release her. We hope that if we can catch the kittens, though, they might grow tame enough to re-home. One of the orange kittens, Best Boy, likes to play with me when I bring the toy around.
So really, it’s not a job, proper, but it’s meaningful work. I enjoy it.
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