#feel free to ask more I’d love to explain more about this au/ship
provincial-girl · 2 years
Gretson Fic Recs
I’ve been reading boatloads of great A League of Their Own fic, specifically Greta/Carson, so I decided to try my hand at doing some Gretson fic recs. It’s something exactly no one asked for, but I used to love the whole fic recs thing, so I figured why not? This is just a smattering of the dozens and dozens of great stories I’ve read, which means it’s by no means an exhaustive list. I’ll split them up by whether they’re one shot or multi-chapter, with multi-chapter fics labeled complete or work in progress. Each description will have a link to the fic, a bit of spoiler-free info about it, the length, rating, and potential reasons for the rating. Please note, I’ve not included an exhaustive list of every potential trigger, so keep an eye on fic tags too. Also, most of these take place in the 1940’s, so assume there’s bound to be at least a bit period typical homophobia.
Off-Season-A post season 1 Gretson reunion fic that’s well-written, very in-character, and clearly very well researched. The research makes this feel authentic, adds some depth to the fic in a way that keeps you engaged in the story. It’s complete, canon compliant, and gives all kinds of good Gretson feels. At just over 11,000 words, it’s a good fic if you want to spend some time with a story, but can’t make a huge time commitment. Rated M for sexual content.
Pizza with a Friend-I've really enjoyed everything I've read from Zulu, but this one here is a personal favorite. In one of the notes, the author describes the writing process as digging a comedy hole with an angst shovel, which is actually a pretty perfect way to describe it. There’s comedy and hijinks, often related to oblivious Baby Gay Carson, then there’s angst related to all of Greta’s Big Feelings, but it all manages to fit together really well, and the tone is somehow really consistent throughout. I’d say it’s canon divergent, but feels like it could fit within canon from a vibes perspective (don’t really know how else to explain it). It’s complete, and about 28,000 words, the kind of fic I might read over the course of 2 nights, though I’m sure it could easily be read in one evening. Rated E for sexual content sprinkled throughout, though the author carefully picks those moments.
‘Round and ‘Round We Go-Well written and cleverly plotted, this fic is kind of a time travel AU fic, but not in the way you’re used to. Carson lives in modern times, while Greta is from the 1940s. The fic is entirely Carson’s POV, and set in modern times, but I won’t say much more than that to avoid major spoilers. The inspiration for the fic’s version of time travel is apparently a novel called One Last Stop, though I haven’t read it, so I don’t know much beyond that. There’s some neat formatting at the start of each chapter that I really enjoyed. It’s complete at about 17,000 words, a great fic if you want something long, but not too long, the kind of thing I could  read in an evening if I wanted to sit with a fic for a little while. Rated T, not too much beyond kissing as far as sexual content. Though it takes place in modern day, occasional references to 1940’s homophobia.
Works in Progress
Just Put Your Hands on Me-The hurt/comfort fic to end all hurt/comfort fics. It’s all achingly soft Gretson, all the time. There’s moments of the Peaches shipping it too, but it heavily features scenes with just Carson and Greta, so there’s a lot of introspection and exploration of their feelings for one another. The author does a great job of using both Greta and Carson’s POV, often writing from one POV before switching to the other to describe the same events, but it never feels boring or unnecessary, because it creates a more complete picture of what is happening. If I had to label it I’d say it maybe drifts in the direction of slightly canon divergent, but I wouldn’t argue with someone calling it canon compliant. The fic isn’t complete, but has 19 chapters for about 48,000 words, probably a little over half an average sized novel, so there’s enough to keep you busy for a while. Rated T at the moment for mild sexual content (kissing and vague references to other things), though the focus of the fic is more on emotional intimacy.
Tinsel-An exceptionally well-paced, beautifully written AU that I absolutely cannot stop thinking about. It's a story in which Greta is a 1940’s movie star, and Carson is a secretary at MGM looking for an adventure before she settles down and marries Charlie when he returns from war. It’s really well-researched, which creates this amazing atmosphere that captures the dark underbelly behind the glamor of Old Hollywood. It’s also very in-character for everyone, particularly Greta, who I’ve found can be hard to pin down.  Not completed at the moment, but the first three of five chapters are up, and they average over 10,000 words each for a total of 37,000 words, which would be the length of a longish novella (short novel), so there’s plenty to read. Rated M, likely for scattered sexual content, pervasive period typical homophobia, general grossness of the studio system in Old Hollywood, and some heavy drug & alcohol use.
One Shots
Can this be a real thing? can it?-A gorgeously written one shot about times Greta and Carson dream about each other that perfectly captures the ethereal, otherworldly feeling of dreams. There’s some canon-typical angst, but it gets balanced out really nicely by some soft, happy moments. This is one of those 5 times +1 fics, and I’m weak for those, so this hit all my buttons. At 3,200 words, it’s the perfect length if you’re looking for a quick hit of some quality, canon-compliant Gretson content. Rated T, likely for kissing and references to the bar raid. 
She’s Like Us-A short, missing moment fic about the time Jess finds Carson asleep in Greta’s bed. It has the whole tone and vibe of the show captured perfectly, and you can really hear the character voices coming through. It’s from Jess’ POV, and, though they talk about Greta/Carson, it’s really about the budding friendship between Greta and Jess. At just over 1,000 words it’s a perfect fic if you want to spend a few minutes with the good vibes, queer friendship content that ALOTO excels at. Rated T, perhaps for allusion to period typical homophobia and smoking.
She is made up of more-A long-ish one shot from Greta’s POV. It’s a canon-compliant fic about Greta getting into a personal and professional slump somewhere around mid-season, and how she works her way out of it. It’s quite introspective and Greta-centric, but there’s a good dose of the rest of the Peaches in there too. There are sexually explicit sections, though this is definitely not PWP, as those sections are a key part of moving the plot forward. At about 6,500 words, this fic is great if you want something a bit longer than your standard one shot, but don’t have the time or inclination to read a multi-chapter fic. Rated E for several instances of explicit sexual content.
That’s all for now! There are some other fics I’m in the middle of reading that I was tempted to rec, but decided to hold off and only recommend stories I’m all caught up on. There's lots of other stuff I've read and loved, so I can definitely do some more of this sort of thing if folks are interested/looking for something specific in their stories. And if you read any of these recs (or any fic, really), don’t forget to leave some love for the story’s author in the fic’s comments!
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beastpyrate · 2 years
GENERAL. Hello! My name is Smith, they/them! I am an independent, semi-selective, OC friendly roleplay blog for Edward Teach from the HBO Max show Our Flag Means Death. I am over 18, but I am not solely 18+. Anyone can interact, even non-roleplay blogs, but there’s no guarantee that I’ll respond. Don’t panic!! I’m very chill and loose with almost all of my rules, just because that’s how I am. If you’ve done something I don’t like, I will tell you, and I expect the same from you. Communication is key, folks. 
 ACTIVITY. I have a tendency to disappear, sometimes for months at a time, with no warning. I have taken literal years to respond to threads and I will do so again. Other times, I will respond immediately. This is just how I am. 
VERSES. I can create whole AUs in about three minutes. If you have an AU you want to write, the answer is yes, please. 
 CONTENT. I typically write multi-paragraph responses in the third person, but my roleplay style is very adaptable! Generally, I’ll edit my response to match your style. I prefer responses to be more than a simple: “He nodded.” That’s not to say shorter responses aren’t welcome, (I am open to one-liner threads!) but please give me something to work off of. 
PLOTTING. I prefer to improvise over plot (i.e. you send a starter or we come up with a starting point and just follow the thread wherever it goes.) But I am open to plotting! Just be warned that my muses have a tendency of not doing what they are told. 
SELECTIVITY. I am semi-selective - this means I am open to roleplaying with whoever, but I retain the right to say no. I am open to roleplaying with multi-muse blogs as well as original characters, though I ask that they have a biography to read. Crossovers are fab. 
PLATFORM. I will not roleplay in DMs, and I do not roleplay threads with anons, as it gets hard to keep track. You are welcome to send questions in on anon, though, just don’t expect a full plot with multiple replies! 
STARTERS. My starters are always open, no matter how old they are! Feel free to send them in at any time. I don’t believe in reblog karma! Reblog as many memes from me as you want! (Just don’t touch any threads you aren’t involved in.) Also, let it be known that you don’t have to send in a starter I’ve posted! If there’s something your muse wants to say or do, do it!     
     Note: I use +reverse rules! That means with any starter I reblog, you can add +reverse for my muse to say it to yours!
     Another Note: you are welcome to tag me in non-negotiable memes (i.e. you tag me in a post replying to a starter as if I sent it when I actually did not.) For that matter, tag me in whatever you want! I don’t mind! 
SHIPPING. I love shipping and exploring alternate relationships between muses HOWEVER, shipping is based on chemistry. If I have no context for how our muses interact, then I’m not likely to want to roleplay romance just yet. Give it a thread or two. I’m also open to multiple relationships with my characters, as my threads are generally written in separate verses. 
NSFW. I may write smut. I will NOT write smut without a predefined relationship. I will NOT write smut with anyone under 18. I will NOT write non-con or incest. I will tag as   #explicit //  ,   #mature //  ,  and   #suggestive //  . 
WARNING. Any threads with possibly triggering topics will be tagged as #suicide mention //, #death //, etc. Please ask if you have anything specific you’d like me to tag! 
BLOCKING. If you softblock me and I refollow you, it’s because Tumblr is mean to me and often makes me unfollow people on accident. I’d suggest you either hardblock me or shoot me a message and explain, I won’t question or judge, I’m probably just confused.
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kittydemon9000 · 3 years
So I had a thought and it spiraled into a shipping AU so now yall have to deal with these thoughts too.
I call it AmberNecklaceShipping. aka, Zane x Pixal x Kai x Skylor
And because I can. I came up with a whole story for it, so buckle up.
Basically it starts with Chen deciding to send Skylor to Ninjago to spy and keep them up to date with all the news and technology to help with their invasion. Skylor mostly goes along with it and is just happy to be out in the real world for once.
But yeah, some way or another, she meets the ninja, specifically Kai and when she tells her father about the ninja and how they seem to be elemental masters he gets super giddy and tells her to get close to them so it’ll be easier to get them to come to the tournament.
Easy, she thinks
H a h
Surprising nobody reading this, she ends up getting really attached and by the time the Great Devourer is killed she’s dating Kai. It started as just getting close but then she found herself falling for him for real which gives her a bit of a crisis when she realizes she doesn’t want the help her dad take their powers.
Meanwhile the others just think she has a really shitty family life and….. well they aren’t wrong
Now, because canon is mean and dumb I’m changing it. Come the S2/3 timeskip Zane ends up visiting Borg tower much earlier, meaning he meets Pix earlier as well. But Zane never meets Mr.Borg one on one since either he’s busy or Zane and Pix are on a date outside the tower
At first it was just a double date, you know, like you do. But then Skylor saw these two beautiful nindroids side by side and internally went “oh dang they’re kinda hot” only to immediately go “where the heck did that thought come from???”
But for a while it’s pretty okay, the four go on more double dates and life is good.
Until one day, idk maybe some idiots try and rob a bank and she’s caught in the middle of a hostage situation or smth.
And Pix and Zane are in the area so they take care of it and are super badass and stuff and Skylor realizes “holy crap I like like them.” Only she feels pretty guilty because she’s dating Kai and she isn’t supposed to like someone else.
(yeah Chen and Clouse instilled some not great things into her, but they suck so it makes sense)
She a bit awkward around all three of them, especially Kai for a few days before Kai eventually pulls her off to the side and asks if she’s okay. She tries to brush it off but eventually explains how she really feels and what her dad told her
Kai’s ready to throw hands with her dad, Skylor mistakes it for him being mad at her and she runs off. And because angst, she berates herself for letting something as stupid as feelings make her like this.
But Kai feels super horrible about what just happened, quickly explains the situation to Zane and Pix and all three run after her. When they find her, Kai explains how he wasn’t mad at her, especially not because she liked Zane and Pix. I also have a lil dialogue bit for it so
Kai: I could never be mad at you for that…. *chuckle* if I did I’d be a hypocrite
Skylor: ….what?
Kai: I agree with you. Zane and Pixal are amazing, brilliant, beautiful people.
Skylor, very confused: But….but we’re in a relationship….and they…
Zane: We are in a relationship, yes. But that does not mean we do not share the sentiment.
Pixal: Skylor, you are an amazing individual. You are incredibly skilled, incredibly smart, and have become an important part of our lives
Zane: So we were wondering…..would you and Kai like to be in a relationship with us?
Skylor, very confused but very happy: ???????
They end up explaining to Skylor about poly relationships, which takes a bit but she’s very happy to have learned
Of the four of them, Skylor and Zane possess the brain cells most of the time and dedicate much time to making sure Kai and Pixal don't make any weapons too dangerous or crazy. The three also spend a lot of time caring for Skylor and helping her clear up what was genuine care from her father(almost nonexistent) and what was manipulation.
All in all, the four of them are very happy together
For all of 2 months :DDDDDD
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bobohu4eva · 3 years
Pink Lace - Chapter 8
Characters: Baekhyun x Reader (feat. EXO members)
Genre: College AU, stripper AU, fluff, smut, slow burn
Summary: Baekhyun, a philosophy professor with mysterious wealth, got himself completely fucked over a girl who can’t let him into her life.
Word count: 3k
Warnings: sex work, mentions of sexual assault, adult themes/situations, smut 
Tag list: @smolbeanmika @leave-me-in-the-summertime @totallynerdstuff @bbhmystar @nana-banana @kimyhappy @thegreatandi @geniusloey @deligxt @baekswifey @bbhyun506 @lovebuginlove @bellamendoza @baekyeonoreo @bobohumyonlyboo @wooya1224 @strawbaeri-s @xiuweetbbh
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For Baekhyun, the first half of the week was spent preparing. For the first date of all first dates. A first date that would be heart flutteringly romantic, yet private and comfortable. Exciting, but also intimate. Something where he could talk to you, where he could touch you if he wants, where nobody else could see and judge. But also somewhere where he wouldn’t be able to bend you over and take you if you decided to start teasing him again. That would need to wait until after the date, for which he also had big plans. 
 Endless phone calls were made. Flowers, chocolates, and champagne needed to be bought. His mind was set, this date would be nothing short of perfect. So perfect in fact, that you would have no choice but to fall for him the same way he’d fallen for you. The man was dedicated. 
First though, he needed to ask you in a way that would guarantee a yes Baekhyun, I would love to go on a date with you, and not just an ‘okay’. 
His first stop was the florist, owned by his friend Minseok. It was a quaint little shop where he knew he’d be able to get a perfect custom arrangement with all your favorite flowers. Little did you know Baekhyun had used his professor status to look up Mia’s school email, and had been in contact with her in order to make sure he got the best possible things to fit your preferences.  
“Lilies and roses, those are her favorites. As many of them as you’ll give me.”
Minseok ended up putting together a box, a wide white cylinder overflowing with lilies and roses in all shades of white, red, and pink. It was big, a bit extravagant, and quite expensive. But Baekhyun did not care, if anything he was trying to go as over the top as possible, to really show how much he cared and wanted to make this special. No purchase was too large, no gift too much. 
The chocolates were imported from Switzerland. A large box with endless flavor varieties, each one more delicious than the last. The last time he’d had them had been on vacation in Europe, and it was not so easy for him to get his hands on them outside of the EU. But after a few phone calls, he had them on their way over with 2-day shipping. 
Baekhyun wasn’t one to usually spend much money at all. Not because he didn’t have it, he just didn’t feel the need. He had a nice home and a nice car. There wasn’t anything he regularly bought, aside from food. Most purchases would either be related to movies and games online, or would be for his friends. 
But he loved spending money on you, because for the first time in his life there was a girl who cared about more than just his family’s wealth. You actually cared about him. He’d never wanted to spoil someone like this before out of fear that they might only stick around for the financial benefits, but that didn’t worry him when it came to you. He found it almost laughable that after so many years of dating ‘proper’ women, women his family would’ve liked, women who looked great on paper but brought him no excitement and used him for his money, he finally found someone who actually cared for him at a strip club. The universe sometimes works in mysterious ways, he told himself. 
Once the chocolates had arrived and he had acquired the flowers, it was time to get going. 
Wednesday afternoon you and Mia decided to put away your homework for a while and bake something together. Apple pie was the agreed upon project for the day. You were in the process of slicing up the apples when you started to wonder just what was taking Baekhyun so long, after all he’d already told you he was going to ask you out. Why couldn’t he just do it? 
“I wonder why Baekhyun still hasn’t actually asked me on a date yet, he said he was going to on Saturday and it’s Wednesday. Do you think he might’ve changed his mind?” 
Mia had to work to hold back her smile. Not only did she know when he planned on coming to ask, she knew the exact flowers and chocolates he was bringing, as well as the date and time of the date itself, all of which Baekhyun had carefully discussed with her. 
“He definitely hasn’t changed his mind, that’s for sure. He’s probably just taking his time to make sure it’s special.” 
“He’s only asking me on a date. He could literally just text me. It’s not like I’ll say no anyway.” 
At that, Mia couldn’t help but crack up. Maybe that was the norm for college guys, but Baekhyun? Ask you in a text? After everything he’d done? It was laughable. 
“What’s so funny?” 
“Nothing!” Mia said and put two hands up in the air in defense, but you’d known your best friend for long enough to tell when she was lying. 
“You know something. Tell me.” You demanded, taking your apple slicing knife and pointing it towards her. 
“Get that away from me! And my lips are sealed, sorry.” 
No matter how much you annoyed her about it, she wasn’t going to tell you. Not only was she sworn to secrecy, she wanted you to enjoy the surprise. 
“Come on, did he say something to you? Just tell me.” 
“I’m not saying anything. You’ll just have to see, but I promise it’ll be worth the wait.” 
“You are so evil.” 
“You still love me” 
The pie was eventually assembled and put into the oven, at which point you returned back to your own room to continue doing homework. Mia stayed out in the living room, since she knew there was a guest arriving shortly. 
It was finally time for Baekhyun to go to your house to ask. After approximately 30 minutes of just making sure his hair looked right, he finally grabbed the chocolates and flowers and got on his way. 
It was a pretty warm day, but even with the AC blasting as high as it would go Baekhyun was still sweating. He knew you would say yes, but his hands felt slippery on the steering wheel of his car anyway. It had been almost 5 years since he had last done this, since he had asked a girl out. It had been even longer since he’d asked someone out that he was actually excited to spend time with, and really hoped would say yes. 
The closer he got to your home, the more nervous he became. He couldn’t even explain to himself why. He knew you were home, he knew you would say yes, he knew you were free the day he was going to take you out, and he knew he had the perfect gifts. This was exactly why he’d interrogated Mia via email for days, but when it actually came down to it he couldn’t help worrying. What if you were mad that it took him so long to ask and wouldn’t wanna go anymore? What if something came up last minute and you wouldn’t be able to? He wasn’t sure if his heart would be able to take a response like that. Especially since setting up the date itself had been a whole other story, one that not even Mia knew about. 
Baekhyun could feel his heart thumping in his chest as he got the chocolates and flowers out of his trunk and started walking up to your front door. When he knocked, Mia was the one to answer. 
“Hi Baekhyun!” She said, looking him up and down, and then to the flowers and chocolates he was holding, a wide grin on her face. “I’ll go get her.” 
You heard your name being yelled from the living room so you peeled your thighs off your desk chair and made your way into the common space to see Baekhyun, holding the most enormous flower arrangement you’d ever seen. 
Mia went to her room, leaving you standing before him, slightly flabbergasted. 
“Sorry I didn’t do this sooner, but can I take you out on Saturday?” He asked, peeking over the mountain of flowers that hid the bottom of his face. 
You immediately grinned and nodded enthusiastically, pulling Baekhyun through the doorway. You grabbed the flower arrangement and set it down on the coffee table before sitting down on the couch with him. 
“I would’ve asked days ago already but I wanted to bring these too and it takes a little while for them to get shipped from Switzerland.” 
The flowers had distracted you so much you hadn’t even noticed the box of chocolates he was holding as well. 
“Baekhyun this is crazy, how much did all of this cost?” 
He only rolled his eyes. “You know none of that matter, I just want to make you happy, okay? And you like them right?” 
“Well of course I love chocolate, and the flowers are beautiful, roses and lilies are my favorites.” 
“I know.” He grinned at you.
“I never told you that?” 
“I might’ve found your friend’s school email...” 
Your eyes widened. “You did not-” 
“Professors have access to every students files and that includes school email addresses, and you mentioned her a few times so I figured I would ask her some stuff.” His hand made its way to the back of his neck and he looked down at the ground nervously. “Sorry if that’s weird, I just wanted to make sure I’d get the right things and that you wouldn’t already be busy or anything.” 
You smiled “It’s alright, this is definitely the most anyone's ever done for me for a first date, or any date for that matter, sorry if I don’t really know how to act right now.” 
“Nobody’s ever bought you flowers or chocolates before? Really? Are those boys you go to school with that dumb?” 
“I don’t really date around much anyway, and maybe once or twice for valentines day or something, but definitely never like this.”
“Well you deserve to be showered in flowers and chocolates all the time.” He smiled and grabbed the box and untied the fancy looking ribbon holding it together, and removed the lid. “Try one, this stuff is crazy, no other chocolate has been the same since I first tried it on vacation in the alps a few years ago.”
Of course he went on fancy European vacations. You wondered if someday you’d get to tag along. 
He picked a piece and held it up to your mouth and you took it between your lips. He was right, it was amazing. 
“Oh my god this is so good. Holy shit.” He was right, this would pretty much ruin all other chocolate for you. 
He watched you as you finished eating it and placed a hand on your chin, bringing your eyes to meet his. “Give me a taste.” 
He pulled you in for a slow open mouthed kiss, savoring the flavor of the chocolate on your tongue and leaving you breathless. You weren’t sure if you’d ever be able to get used to the way he kissed you. He was so good at making you feel like your insides were melting with desire it felt almost dangerous. 
“You’re intoxicating, I could kiss you all day.” He said as he pulled away from the kiss just enough to speak. You could feel his breath on your face and his eyes as they bore into your own. 
“Oh come on you’re just saying that because of the chocolate.” You laughed as you pulled away further, face now a bright shade of pink. 
“The chocolate is amazing, but your lips are even better.”
“God you’re so cheesy.” You rolled your eyes at him, but he still just smiled back. “So where are you taking me Saturday?”
“It’s a surprise, I’ll pick you up here around 3:00 and it’ll be a bit of a drive but I promise it’ll be well worth it.” 
“Can you give me a hint at least? Will there be food? What should I wear?” 
“Yes there will be food, and just wear something comfortable and weather appropriate.”  He considered it for a moment, trying to think of something that wouldn’t be too obvious. “It’s an outdoor thing, and something I’m almost 100% sure you’ve never done before, but that’s all you’re getting out of me. I don’t want to ruin the surprise.”
“You’re so mean.” You pouted. “You make me wait for days and now you won’t even say where you’re taking me.” You really wondered what was so special that he couldn’t just tell you. It was only a first date so it wouldn’t be anything that extravagant anyway right? 
“Once you see you’ll understand why I want to keep it secret, just trust me, okay?” You rolled your eyes again, “Hey, y/n, look at me.” 
He put his hand on your thigh before giving you a serious look. “I know this might not seem like that big of a deal to you, but it’s been over 5 years since I’ve taken someone out like this, and even longer since I’ve been this excited to. I just, I really want to make this special, so can you trust me?”  
You gave him a soft smile and a nod. “Of course, I'm impatient is all... And I haven’t really done this in a while either...” 
“It’s really shocking to me how someone as beautiful as you doesn’t have a constant stream on boys trying to take you out.” You chucked, and thought back to Lucas and how he’d asked you to a party. 
“Me and college boys don’t really mix well, I’m not someone who enjoys big parties and they usually aren’t really interested in getting to know me anyway, or once they do they realize I’m just a boring STEM major. You saw that guy Lucas, I’m sure he was just hoping I’d go party with him and get wasted enough to end up in his bed. No thank you.” 
“He was so pushy too.” Baekhyun said as his face fell into a frown at the unpleasant memory. 
“Boys will ask me out sometimes, sure, but it’s always just to a party or a movie or something, somewhere you can’t really have any kind of meaningful conversation anyway, so I assume they just want to sleep with me. And I’m not really interested in that.” 
“You seemed more than happy to let me rail you in my office last week.” Baekhyun laughed, making your face blush an even deeper shade of red.
“That’s different!” You said in defense, giving a light slap to his shoulder. “You’re not some college boy, and we have technically known each other for a while already.” 
Baekhyun had a wide smile plastered on his face again, “Doesn’t change the fact that I’m the one who had to keep it from happening.” 
“Which I still think was pretty lame of you...” 
He caught your eyes again, before leaning in to whisper in your ear, “Baby I’ll make sure that was worth the wait too.” 
You shivered, and as soon as he had pulled away you couldn’t help but throw your arms around him and pull him into another kiss. He quickly deepened the kiss and pulled you onto his lap. The two of you sat like that for a while, exploring each other’s mouths, enjoying the closeness and intimacy of it. Eventually you ended up laying down next to one another, still kissing lazily in each other’s embrace. You knew better than to escalate it into anything sexual now, so you just enjoyed the softness of his lips on yours and his arms wrapped around your waist. 
After some time Baekhyun had to go, and you thanked him again for the chocolates and flowers. As soon as he closed the door behind him, Mia emerged from her bedroom. 
“See! I told you he’d ask soon! Also, he’s even cuter in person.” She giggled and you laughed in agreement. 
“Did he seriously email you about me? What all did he say?” 
“He asked about your favorite everything pretty much, when you’d be home this week for him to ask you, when you’d have time over the weekend, all that. I assumed you wouldn’t mind missing work for the date so I told him Saturday night.” 
“Was there anything else? Any idea where he’s taking me?”
“No, I asked but he wouldn’t tell me either. It was really cute though, the way he was talking about you. He’s seriously whipped.” 
“You don’t say.” You laughed gesturing towards the huge flower arrangement and box of chocolates still on the coffee table. 
“You have to tell me where he takes you, I’m really curious. Did he tell you anything?” 
“Just that it’s outdoors and I don’t need to dress fancy.”
You could tell Mia was thinking, trying to figure what it might be the same way you had. “A picnic maybe?” 
“That feels almost not fancy enough for him, but I don’t know. I really can’t think of anything outdoorsy that nice.” 
“Well, I guess you’ll just have to find out! Come on, let’s cut into this pie.” 
The evening was spent eating pie, and with Mia showing you Baekhyun’s emails to her. They made you feel like your heart might explode from the sweetness and consideration he had when planning everything. He’d even made sure to get you milk chocolate rather than dark chocolate. There were a plethora of other seemingly unrelated questions as well, including your favorite snack foods, colors, and more. You felt a little bad for how much he’d asked her about. 
As the hours went by, you were looking forward to the date more and more.
 Saturday afternoon couldn’t arrive soon enough. 
Next Chapter
A/N: Sorry this one is late and a bit short, but the next update will be *much* more exciting I promise ;) 
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taeyongdoyoung · 3 years
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summary: you are a mermaid and you save a handsome man from drowning but little do you know it’s not his first rodeo when dealing with mermaids. seonghwa, a former prince, is currently hongjoong’s first mate and boyfriend. hongjoong is the captain, the pirate king of the most savage crew across the seas. and you want nothing to do with them. not because they’re pirates, but because they’re humans…
ship: mermaid!reader x prince/pirate!seonghwa x pirate!hongjoong
genre: little mermaid!au, pirate!au, angst, fantasy, romance
author’s note: demon!jongho x wizard!yunho let’s get ittttt
warnings: some swearing, mentions of demonic activity & torture, hell references (idk, just in case someone’s uncomfy with that), mentions of drowning, kissing
word count: 3.3k
chapter one ☠️ chapter two ☠️ chapter three ☠️ chapter four ☠️ chapter five ☠️chapter six ☠️ chapter seven ☠️ chapter eight ☠️ chapter nine ☠️ chapter ten ☠️ chapter eleven ☠️ chapter thirteen ☠️ spotify playlist
Jongho’s POV
"It appears your time is up," I smirked triumphantly the minute I snatched Hongjoong away from his ship. Humans were so foolish it would almost be amusing if a tiny part of me didn't feel bad for them. Key word: tiny. 
Collecting human souls and becoming more powerful was a far more pleasant activity than whatever sense of guilt had briefly visited me. As I was saying, humans: 0. Me: 8524. Or was it 8525 already? I began losing count of how many souls I'd acquired throughout my immortal life. 
And it's not like I wasn't a benevolent demon. I had warned Hongjoong what would happen if he achieved true happiness. It wasn’t my fault he found joy so quickly. It wasn't my fault he couldn't find a way to be miserable in order to prolong his life on earth. Or should I have said life at sea? Damn pirates and their weird habits.
"Please, I need more time," Hongjoong begged wretchedly.
"If I had a soul for every time I heard that line. Actually, nevermind. I do have a soul for every time I heard that," I shrugged smugly.
"So what's one more week to you? You can't die, right?" he bargained relentlessly.
"Fair point, but a deal is a deal. Any last words?"
"I just want to say goodbye to my friends. My soul will be yours for eternity, so what's the rush?" Hongjoong kept talking. 
Ah, humans and their never-dying hope. If it wasn't so pathetic, it would have been admirable.
"Hm, let me think...No," I rejected his plea without even bothering to consider it. 
And just as I was about to put an end to his mortal existence and absorb his soul, I felt a surge of faintly familiar power calling me. No, summoning me. Oh, what the hell?
Yunho's POV
"Hello, demon," I greeted Jongho reluctantly.
"What do you want, wizard?" he scoffed. "And why have you trapped me in this ridiculous circle?"
"I have my reasons," I responded vaguely. "Care to explain what you've been intending to do with that pirate's soul?"
"It's none of your business," Jongho rolled his eyes.
"I suggest you tell me unless you want to stay here forever."
Jongho laughed maniacally. Ever the narcissistic prick.
"You think this can hold me down?" he moved towards me swiftly, as if intending to break away from my spell. 
Once he realized there was an invisible wall preventing him from escaping, he eyed me with a mixture of confusion and curiosity.
"Now, I'm intrigued. How did you become so capable?"
"Answer my question first and then I'll decide whether to tell you," I suggested, fully aware of the fact I had the high ground in this situation. 
Maybe not forever like I'd threatened, but it would certainly be long enough to make Jongho speak.
"Very well. I was intending to devour his soul. I don't seem to have enough pirates in my collection. Too many corrupt politicians, which is kinda gross, don't you think?"
"When will you put this obsession of yours to an end? Aren't you already powerful enough down there?"
"Obviously not powerful enough since you've managed to entrap me."
I shook my head in disbelief.
"I can't let you take Hongjoong's soul."
"Like you said before, it's none of your business," I wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine.
"Humour me, wizard. What's so special about this pirate?"
"Alright. To put it simply, I've invested too much of my energy and magic to his loved ones' well-being. If he is taken away from them, all my efforts will have been in vain. It would be a waste."
Jongho's POV
"Who are they? His loved ones?" I asked despite myself. 
Even though I was furious at Yunho for summoning and tricking me into this circle, my inquisitiveness was growing by the minute. Wizards usually didn't meddle in demons' affairs. But for some reason, I kept running into Yunho every now and then. And though he was a bit annoying, he certainly wasn't boring. So, I kept playing along.
"A mermaid and a former prince. Satisfy your curiosity?" Yunho replied without giving too many details. Okay, I'll bite.
"Juicy," I murmured. "And what exactly did you invest in them?"
"Let's just say I have helped them transform in ways previously thought impossible."
"Aw, come on, you've got to give me more than that," I insisted.
"Maybe I will. But first, you're gonna have to promise me you won't take the pirate's soul."
"And what's in it for me?" I pouted. "You know I don't do things for free."
"Bloody demons," Yunho muttered under his breath. "I'll give you something that will make you as powerful as you want."
"As powerful as the devil himself?" I blinked incredulously.
"Yes," he confirmed.
"And what, pray tell, is that?" 
"A wizard's soul," No. He couldn't... "Mine, to be specific."
Idiot. Beautiful, impossible idiot.
"You dare compare yourself to the devil?" I cackled.
I didn't understand it myself but a part of me was actively trying to talk him out of it.
"Not right now. But in a few years, I'll be even stronger. With my powers in your collection, you'll be invincible."
"You're willing to give up your soul and yet you don't even know that pirate?"
"I don't need to," Yunho waved me off.
"And if you trick me? If you don't become powerful as you suggest you will?" 
I kept trying to change his mind. It was insane. He was presenting me with an unbelievably good possibility and I was attempting to dissuade him. What was wrong with me?
"Well, then, you'll have eternity to torture my soul."
"Hm. Tempting, I admit."
Yunho's POV
"Then, just agree to it, Jongho," I pleaded.
"You must be really desperate to call me by my name," the demon observed correctly. Damn, how I hated that he was right.
"Don't pretend you haven't made up your mind already. No other wizard would ever offer you something like that," I couldn't take no for an answer.
"So what makes you so different from other wizards?"
"I don't know. But the fact remains. You can't reject me. You're far too greedy to let go of your ambitions now."
"This is your last warning, Yunho. If I give up the pirate's soul and take yours instead, you will regret it. Human souls wither in time and their miseries become less painful. A soul like yours? It could last till eternity and beyond. And every second in hell will be agony. It will destroy you little by little. And even when you might think there is nothing left, it will still persevere against all odds. I wouldn't wish such a fate on anyone."
"Aw, are you worried for me, demon?" I teased him. "You don't think I can handle it?"
"Shut up and get me out of this obnoxious circle."
"I take it we have a deal, then?" I said confidently.
"Regrettably so."
"You'll let Hongjoong go?" I needed a confirmation.
"Haven't I made it obvious? What could I possibly do with him when I'll have you in a couple of years?"
"You didn't strike me as the patient type," I laughed, while undoing the spell trapping him.
"I can be patient for the right reason, wizard."
"The right reason being my immortal soul?" I joked, even though every cell of my being was telling me to run, even though I was already beginning to regret my impulsive decision. My love for humans would be my downfall...
"Can there be any other reason?" Jongho, now free, traced his finger across my jaw. "Hell, I can't wait to devour you."
"I'll take that as a compliment."
Hongjoong's POV
That damn demon just disappeared?! I had no idea what was happening but before I could waste any more time wondering, I decided to take advantage of the situation and try to escape from wherever his lair was. However, it was too dark to see anything and no matter how much I ran, I couldn't find a way out. I was beginning to panic, thinking about the demon's potential return when I felt a pair of strong arms pulling me. Not given the chance to protest, I could only determine that I was suddenly being taken away. Soon enough, I was greeted by a familiar sight that reminded me of the happiest memories of my life. I was back on the ship! I couldn't believe my luck and whoever my mysterious saviour was, I knew that I owed them everything. Letting go of me, I attempted to discern their features but in vain. The pitch-black night surrounded us from all sides.
"Who are you?"
"A friend. That's all you need to know for now."
"How can I repay you for what you did for me?" 
"You can't," the stranger replied sadly, obviously leaving something out. I was too terrified to ask what they meant by that. So, I asked something else, instead.
"Will I see you again?"
"At sunrise. I need to talk to all three of you at once."
"All three of us?" 
But before I could inquire what exactly my saviour was suggesting, they disappeared. Were they referring to Seonghwa, Y/N and myself? I groaned quietly and figured I'd just have to be patient and wait until the morning. Until then, I couldn't do much but see Seonghwa again (since I assumed Y/N was back in the sea during the night). I wasn't sure whether (and if so, when) the demon would return for my soul, so I hurried to our room. Imagine my distress when I didn't find Seonghwa there. Running a hand through my hair, I hurried to check my other crewmates' rooms. There was no trace of any of them. If something had happened to them while I was at the demon's lair...I would never be able to forgive myself. Even if I didn't have much time left, I was determined to spend every second of it looking for my friends. Eventually, I decided that checking Mingi's cell was the only solution. If he was still there, he might know something about my crew's disappearance. If he wasn't...then, I would have no idea where to go next.
"Mingi?" I yelled but in vain. His cell was empty. Fuck. Was this some wicked game? Had the demon taken all of them just to mess with me? Where was everyone? I couldn't think of anything but...No, this was too dangerous. But it's not like I had something to lose, right? I had already sold my soul. So, I abandoned my ship and jumped into the sea.
"Y/N! Y/N!" I started screaming while swimming further away from the ship. She probably wouldn't be able to hear me. But I was desperate, okay? And besides, what other choice did I have? To my utter disbelief, she appeared on the surface soon after I began looking for her. An involuntary sigh of relief left my mouth. But then, it hit me. It was a full moon. Which made Y/N more like a siren. Oh, fuck it. If I was about to go to hell, I might as well be drowned by her instead of have my soul absorbed by that demon.
"Hongjoong!" she exclaimed. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," I lied and swam towards her, completely disregarding the potential danger. "Where did everyone go?"
"They went looking for you, of course!" Y/N explained. "And I had to return here, because of...well, you know why."
I smiled nervously.
"And Mingi?"
"Yeosang let him go," she said.
"Yeosang?" I was shocked.
"I don't know, he said they would need more hands or something," Y/N chuckled at the cruel irony of it. "Yeo's been visiting him. He said Mingi's...different. Kinder."
"Why do I have difficulties believing that?"
"Everyone can change, I guess," she shrugged. Wait, when had she gotten so close?  Almost too close...
"Y/N..." I whispered her name in warning, but she didn't seem to hear me. Wrapping her arms around my neck, I felt unable to move. Completely transfixed by her, a small fraction of my brain was terrified of the fact I didn't feel terrified, at all.
"I missed you," she responded with a song-like voice. "Come with me."
"Okay," my mouth agreed even though my mind was still struggling to accept this. Then, she pulled me under. This was it, then? Surrounded by the endless water, her lips touched mine, giving me a breath of air. A couple of moments later, I realized something unexpecting. She wasn't trying to drown me. She was trying to save me. Her siren nature had made her take me beneath the surface. But her human nature was the one providing me with oxygen. After what felt like centuries of kissing, I felt Y/N letting go of me and pushing me upwards. What had just happened?
Reader's POV
Finally! Oh, how much you'd missed the sweet sunrise! You swam towards the ship. Memories of what had taken place mere hours ago flooded you. You wondered if Hongjoong would be angry with you. You had to explain everything to him and it couldn't wait any longer. You hoped he'd understand...And that he had made his way back home safely.
"Hongjoong!" you cried out, overwhelmed by guilt. He appeared soon enough, looking absolutely wrecked, like he hadn't slept at all. Knowing him, that was probably the case. You climbed up the ladder and the first thing you did was hug him. You were surprised he didn't flinch away. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."
"I know you didn't," he replied calmly.
"I thought I could control her. I didn't think she'd try to drown you. I tried my best to stop her but..." you were rambling before you could realize what he was saying.
"I know, sweetheart, I know."
"Wait...what?" you looked up at him in confusion.
"If you hadn't kissed me, I would have drowned. I could feel you struggling against your siren nature."
"So, you forgive me?" you mumbled nervously.
"There's nothing to forgive," Hongjoong unconsciously repeated your words.
You smiled at him gratefully and then, it hit you.
"Hold on, if you're not mad at me, why do you look so miserable?"
"Seonghwa and the crew still haven't returned. After our nocturnal encounter, I thought it sensible to come back to the ship and wait until dawn. I have no idea where to start looking for them."
"Oh, shit, I was so focused on fighting against my siren self that I forgot to tell you," you mentally slapped yourself. "They took the boats and said if they don't find you, they'll come back to the ship in the morning."
"So, why aren't they here yet?" Hongjoong asked anxiously.
"Aren't they?" you grinned and pointed towards the horizon, where a couple of boats were approaching the ship.
Seonghwa's POV
"Oh my God," I whispered as soon as I saw Hongjoong on the ship. Safe and sound. I ran towards him and enveloped him in a suffocating hug. "Do you have any idea how worried we were?"
"Relax, Hwa, I'll tell you everything I know," he promised.
"You better! We resorted to letting Mingi go in order to search for you!" I hissed.
"You know I can hear you, right?" Mingi complained.
"Yeosang kept saying some nonsense about how he was a changed man or whatever," I kept going.
"Still right here," Mingi announced awkwardly.
"As you might have guessed," Hongjoong interrupted us, completely unbothered by Mingi's freedom. I assumed Y/N had told him already. "I was taken by a demon."
"We figured," Yeosang confirmed.
"I told them about your stupid deal," I groaned.
"Hey, it's not stupid, Yeosang's still alive, isn't he?" Hongjoong argued.
"It is stupid. It's not like I would have killed my favourite pirate in the universe," Mingi intervened.
Yeosang had the audacity to wink at Mingi!
"Shut up, Mingi," Hongjoong said and continued telling us of his adventures. "Now, where was I? So, the demon told me he'd take my soul and like, I tried to talk my way out of it but before I could achieve anything, he disappeared. Naturally, I tried to escape from wherever I was but it was so dark I couldn't see a thing. Eventually, I was saved by some stranger who teleported me back to the ship. My saviour said we'll meet again at sunrise. That's when they vanished, as well, and I noticed you all weren't on the ship. I checked Mingi's cell and of course, it was empty. So, I decided to wait until the morning."
Hongjoong and Y/N exchanged a strange look that led me to believe that wasn't the whole story. I made a mental note to ask them in private what that was all about. But until then, we had more pressing matters to discuss.
"So, the demon just let you go? This doesn't make any sense," I pointed out suspiciously.
"I don't know why or how but I'm grateful I get to spend more time with you. All of you," Hongjoong clarified. "Even Mingi, for fuck's sake."
Mingi chuckled cutely at being acknowledged like that.
"You think the demon will come back for you?" I inquired.
"No idea, but let's hope not," Hongjoong said.
Yunho's POV
As I was a man of my word, I teleported myself back to Hongjoong's ship at sunrise. And apparently, my timing was particularly appropriate, because the crew had gathered around Hongjoong and he was obviously telling them of his recent experiences. Making myself invisible on purpose, I appeared in the most dramatic fashion, taking them by surprise.
"Holy shit!" Seonghwa yelped in shock but soon enough, remembering how I'd helped him, visibly relaxed. "Yunho!"
"It's the wizard of the lighthouse!" Y/N exclaimed gleefully.
"Hello again," I greeted them.
"Wait, I know that voice!" Hongjoong announced. "You're the guy who saved me last night!"
"In the flesh," I confirmed, a little too smugly.
"You said you need to talk to the three of us," Hongjoong repeated my words. "Did you mean Seonghwa, Y/N and me?"
"Aren't you a clever pirate?" I patted his shoulder proudly. "No offense but I'd like to keep our conversation private. For now."
"None taken," another one of the pirates shrugged.
Hongjoong led me, Seonghwa and Y/N to a room where I assumed we'd be able to have some privacy. As I informed them of the deal I'd made with Jongho, their faces lit up with a mixture of relief and terror. Relief, I imagined, because they were happy Hongjoong would stay with them. Terror, I figured, because humans and mermaids alike, were quite compassionate by nature, and they probably felt bad for me.
"I don't understand..." Hongjoong spoke quietly. "You don't even know me and you would give up your soul for me?"
"Funny, that's exactly what the demon said," I shook my head. "The truth is, I'm too invested in the three of you already to watch him break you apart. First, with transforming Seonghwa's face so that he can have a new life away from his parents. Then, with fulfilling Y/N's wish to have legs during the day so that she can be with you two. Now, this...I can't explain it myself, but seeing the three of you happy, I feel like it's worth the risk. If Hongjoong was taken away from Seonghwa and Y/N, all of the good magic I've done would go to waste."
They looked at me with so much gratitude and worry I couldn't bear it and told them something I probably shouldn't have.
"Don't worry about my soul. I have a plan that demon will never see coming."
"Do you need our help?" Y/N asked.
"I'm not sure yet, but if I do, I'll come to you."
"Please, do. We owe you big time," Seonghwa responded.
"Don't mention it," I waved him off. "But until then, enjoy your lives."
To be continued…
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daised-daisy · 3 years
My Star
Ship: Logince (Logan x Roman)
Summary: Logan’s dream of becoming an astronaut is going to come true in just two weeks. Roman wants to be excited for him, but it’s hard.
Word Count: 1,564
Warnings: human au, brief blood, concussion, most likely incorrect medical stuff
Ever since Logan Milgram was a young boy, his greatest wish was to be an astronaut. Every night he’d look at the night sky in wonder and curiosity, wanting more than anything to know what it would be like to be among the stars. He thought maybe he could catch one in a Tupperware holder and bring it home for his mother. You can imagine his disappointment when he found out stars only looked that small because of how very far away they were. Still, his yearning to go to space stayed strong. Logan studied hard in school, graduating as one of his year’s valedictorians. He went to college to get a degree in mathematics, and there he met the star he could keep for himself, his boyfriend, Roman Charming. Now, he was so close to his goal. He was almost there. He was a perfect height of six feet and one inch. He had over one thousand hours of jet pilot experience. He had 20/20 vision. He was scheduled to blast off on an eleven-month-long mission in just two weeks, and Logan was spending every free moment with his boyfriend, treasuring each second before they had to be apart.
Hand in hand, Logan and Roman walked along a trail through the forest in the late evening, the light of the full moon shining through the trees lighting their way. Roman was clinging to Logan’s arm, his head resting against it. Roman suddenly paused, forcing Logan to do the same. He followed Roman’s gaze to the starry sky above them. They had walked into a small clearing from the trees and could clearly see all the twinkling lights above them.
“That’s gonna be you up there soon,” Roman said, glancing up a Logan.
“Yeah,” Logan said, his voice quiet. As he continued to stare up at the sky, he heard a small whimper from beside him. He looked over and realized Roman had started crying. He frowned and pulled his arm from Roman’s grip, quickly wrapping both his arms around him instead. “Hey, hey, it’s okay, baby. You’ll be okay.” He brought one hand up to his cheek and wiped away his tears with his thumb.
“Will you?” Roman asked, his voice wavering as he looked back up at Logan. Logan stayed silent for a moment before nodding.
“Yeah,” he said. “I will. I promise.” He hugged Roman tighter. “And I’ll miss you every second that I’m away.”
“I’ll miss you too,” Roman said, pulling away. He smiled. “But… but I’ll also be happy knowing you’re living your dream.”
“Actually, about that—"
“Come on, let’s keep walking,” Roman said before Logan could finish. He turned and watched Roman walk away, a fond smile on his face and a hand in his pocket. He shook his head and started after him. There was plenty of more time to do what he’d planned, so he moved on. As he was catching up to Roman, he glanced up at the sky again, gasping when he saw a large chunk of rock falling from the cliff they were walking near.  
“Roman, watch out!” he shouted, dashing forward, passing Roman, and pulling him out of the way. Luckily, neither got hit by the rock, but as Logan was moving back, his head knocked against the cliff wall and he suddenly fell unconscious.
“Logan?!” Roman exclaimed, dropping to his knees beside his boyfriend and pulling his head into his lap. He gasped when he realized his hand was now covered in blood.
“I heard a loud crash. Is everything alright over here?” another hiker asked, running towards them. Roman shook his head, starting to cry.
“My boyfriend! He hit his head and he’s bleeding and now he’s unconscious!” Roman said, his eyes not leaving Logan. He heard a tearing sound, then saw two strong, hairy arms wrap a piece of cloth around Logan’s head. Roman looked up and realized the cloth had come from the stranger’s sleeve.
“Come on, let’s get him to the hospital. Call an ambulance to meet us at the entrance to the trail,” the hiker instructed, scooping Logan up like he was just a light strand of ribbon. Roman blinked a couple of times before processing what the hiker had said and getting out his phone.
~ ~ ~
“Thank you so much for helping us,” Roman said as he stood in the emergency room with the hiker that had helped him, waiting for news from the doctor.
“Not a problem,” the stranger said. “My name’s Patton, by the way.”
“Well, thank you, Patton. I’m Roman,” Roman said.
“Mr. Charming?” Roman spun around to see the doctor approaching him. “Your boyfriend should be waking up soon. You may go in to be there when he does.”
“Is he okay?” Roman asked.
“He has a concussion but should make a steady recovery. Unfortunately, there was some damage to the connection between his brain and his eyes, so he may wake up with blurry vision,” the doctor explained. Roman’s heart sunk.
“Blurry vision?” he repeated. “Will it be permanent? How bad will it be? Can it be fixed with laser eye surgery?” he asked rapidly.
“If he has it, it will be permanent. We cannot tell the severity until he wakes up,” the doctor told him. “Now, would you like to go to his room?” Roman nodded slowly, a feeling of dread bubbling up inside of him. He followed the doctor to Logan’s room and sat down in the chair next to his bed. He sniffled and hugged his and Logan’s coats. He stared worriedly at his lover until his eyes grew droopy and he began to doze off.
~ ~ ~
“Roman? Is that you?”
Roman’s head jerked up when he heard Logan’s voice. He lunged forward and took Logan’s hand into his, squeezing it tightly.
“I’m right here, baby,” he said. “Can you see me? Please tell me you can see me.” Logan squinted at him.
“Yes, but… you’re a little blurry. Behind you is very blurry,” Logan told him. Roman let out a sob. “What? What is it? What’s wrong?”
“I ruined your dream!” Roman said. “You’ll never be happy and it’s all my fault!”
“What do you mean? Roman, is this..?” Logan trailed off. Roman sobbed again and nodded.
“It’s permanent!” he said. “I’m so sorry, Logan! I ruined everything for you! I should’ve been paying attention, but I was too caught up in thinking about…” He stopped.
“Thinking about what?”
“Thinking about how much I wanted you to stay,” Roman admitted. “It was my own stupid selfishness!”
“Roman, please don’t cry,” Logan said.
“How can I not? You can’t be an astronaut anymore. You can’t live your dream,” Roman said, wiping his eyes.
“Roman, going to space may have been part of my ambitions, but you, Sunshine, you are my only dream,” Logan told him. “That’s why there was something I wanted to do tonight before I left earth. Now I guess I have a lot more time, but… I don’t think I can wait any longer. Where’s my coat?”
Roman had it in his lap underneath his. He sniffled and handed it to Logan. Logan smiled and searched through the pockets, eventually finding and pulling out a small black box.
“Roman Charming, from the moment I met you, you became my source of light in my darkest moments. You inspire and encourage me every day to keep pushing forward. I have no idea where I’d be without you but I sure as hell wouldn’t have managed to get this far. I want the rest of my life to be as wonderful as the past five years of knowing you have been. So, with that being said…” Logan opened the black box to reveal a golden, star-shaped ring. “Roman, my star, will you marry me?”
Roman slapped his hand over his mouth, his eyes filling up with a new wave of tears, these ones different than the previous.
“Yes!” he finally manages to squeak out. Logan slipped the ring onto his finger and pulled Roman onto the hospital bed, kissing him lovingly.
“I don’t have to say goodbye to you,” Logan laughed cheerfully after they pulled apart. “Oh my god, Roman, you have no idea—I had no idea how badly I wanted an excuse not to go.”
“R-really?” Roman asked. Logan nodded, then winced, his head hurting.
“Yes, really,” he said, kissing him again. “I couldn’t bear the thought of leaving you. Not for that long.” He pressed another kiss to his lips. “If we weren’t in a hospital bed, I’d be doing so much more to you right now.” Roman giggled.
“Logan! Calm down, you’ve got a concussion,” Roman scolded playfully.
“Alright, alright,” Logan said, lying back. “I love you, Sunshine.”
“I love you too.”
Roman stood when he heard the front door opening. He rushed over to it, excited to see how Logan would look in his first pair of glasses. He grinned as soon as their eyes met. He looked positively adorable!
“Oh, Logan, honey, you look so handsome!” he said, clasping his hands together in front of his chest. Logan just stared at him. “Well, how do you like them?” He continued to stare. “Logan?”
“I almost forgot how beautiful you are,” Logan whispered. He stepped forward, grabbing Roman’s face in his hands and kissing him.
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shoutaaizawas · 4 years
Hey I saw your Dabi fics and I really love it 💕💕 For the event, can I please have Dabi with fake dating au and “Look at you... Goodness, you’re so cute.”?? Thank you so much 💗
thank you for this, i hope you don’t mind i went for a touya dabi for the sake of the plot here. hope you enjoy 💖
↳ dabi/touya todoroki x reader → “not real”
event: au prompt event summary: touya wants to bring you to dinner to pretend to be his girlfriend to upset his father. it doesn’t go quite as planned. word count: 1,942 tags/warnings: -light angst a/n: so on top of fake dating this is an au where the todoroki family is more functional that in the show but still messed up if that makes sense. writing dabi as touya was really fun tbh. also i lowkey ship fuyumi x hawks if i haven’t mentioned that before  👉👈🥺 (it’s only mentioned in this story)
Touya Todoroki was your friend, you had known him a long time. You were very close, you not only did a lot together but you shared a lot with each other. You knew about his family life and why avoided home so often so you were shocked when he told you he would be going to dinner at his family’s house.
“Will you pretend to be my girlfriend?” His words caught you off guard, you almost spit out your drink.
“What?” You asked. It would have been shocking regardless but you happened to have a crush on your best friend as well.
“I’m stuck going to this thing I might as well have some fun with it.” He said putting his hands behind his head as he stretched out on the couch. “My dad will be pissed that your quirkless it’ll be hilarious.”
“Are you sure it’s worth it stirring up trouble?” You asked. Being quirkless was a bit of a sensitive subject, not that you talked about it a lot.
“Yeah. And it would be nice having my best friend there to keep me sane.” He said with a smirk.
“Okay, if you want me to.” You told him. You knew it might be a bad idea but you wanted to help Touya out.
That’s how you ended up standing in front of the Todoroki estate wearing the nicest dress you had in your closet even though Touya tried to convince you to wear sweatpants. You convinced him to wear something normal, telling him that he was trying to make his dad mad not upset his mother. That shut him up pretty quickly.
You were nervous, to say the least, his family was intimidating, not only their high-class standing but knowing their personal history added another layer.
Touya’s hand enveloped yours as you waited for someone to answer the door and your heart nearly stopped. You had to remind yourself in your head that this wasn’t real. You weren’t Touya’s girlfriend. You were just here to upset his Dad. How did you get yourself into this?
The door opened and Enji Todoroki stood in the doorway nearly taking up all the space there. You gulped silently. You had seen the man on TV but in person, he was far more intimidating. This was a bad idea.
Enji looked at you for a moment before looking at his son.
“Who’s that?” He asked not even directing the question to you.
“My girlfriend. Move.” He said, pushing past his father and pulling you behind him. Touya’s words sent your heart fluttering and you had to repeat your mantra. This isn’t real.
Touya lead you into the kitchen where his mom was working on dinner. You had met her once before, she was sweet. You had been at Touya’s house and she stopped by to bring him some groceries.
“Touya.” She said with a big smile on her face as she set down the knife she was using to chop vegetables. “You brought your friend, it’s so good to see you again.” She said before giving you both hugs.
“My girlfriend.” He corrected. This wasn’t real.
“Oh, how lovely. I thought you two would end up together.” She says with a smile. This isn’t real. You notice an odd expression on his face. He probably feels bad lying to her.
His sister, Fuyumi joins the conversation.
“Wow, Touya brought his first girl home. She must be a brave soul to face this family.” She jokes. This isn’t real.
Rei gives her a look that’s familiar to anyone who’s ever said anything that has annoyed their mother.
“Can’t say the same for your bird-brain boyfriend.” Touya shoots back at his sister.
“Keigo is a very busy man, he doesn’t have a lot of free time.” She says folding her arms.
“Good excuse.” He returns.
“Okay, that’s enough of that,” Rei says, giving you an apologetic look.
“Sorry, mom.” They said in unison.
“Do you need any help with dinner?” You asked Rei.
“Oh, thank you for the offering. But everything is almost done.” She said with a smile. “You guys can go wait in the living room with Shoto and Natsuo.”
With that, you followed Touya and Fuyumi to the living room.
“It’s nice to meet you, I’m sorry about that. Not the best introduction but I can never miss an opportunity to get on Touya’s nerves.” Fuyumi said giving you a smile.
“Understandable.” You joked.
The living room was large and fancy, you had a feeling the furniture in this room alone was worth more than everything in your apartment. Including the apartment. Shoto and Natsuo sat there watching TV. You had met Natsuo and Shoto before so they weren’t unfamiliar. You knew Touya and Natsuo were very close, in fact, Natsuo knew of Touya’s plans tonight. Not that he approved of them but he wouldn’t spoil it.
Natsuo gave Touya a disapproving look before smiling at you. Shoto nodded in your direction. All of you made idle conversation until Rei told everyone dinner was ready.
Stepping into the dining room was terrifying. Enji sat at the head of the table and Rei sat down beside him. You followed Touya sitting as far away from Enji as you could. You shouldn’t have agreed to this. You prayed the focus would stay off of you but you knew it wouldn’t. There was a reason Touya brought you, he knew his family well. Enji was predictable.
The conversation went well for a while. Rei asked polite questions every once and a while in between everything. Just when you thought you’d get through the dinner without anything happening Enji looked to you.
“What quirk do you have?” The man cut to the chase. You gulped before answering.
“I don’t have a quirk, sir.” You answered.
Growing up wasn’t easy being quirkless. You had other children bullying you, teasing you, saying horrible things all because you didn’t have a quirk. But most of the time you were your own worst enemy. It hurt watching everyone around you getting exciting quirks while you waited and waited only to find that you didn’t have one.
Not to mention you always dreamed of being a hero but that dream was quickly ended. It was bad enough what you thought about yourself, you didn’t need others saying the same things confirming the truth.
“Touya, you dare to bring this worthless girl into our house.” Enji started. “Do you think I’d ever allow you to waste your time with someone who would only make this family worse?”
It was pitiful, you weren’t proud but tears started streaming down your face. You stood up and ran to the bathroom, locking the door behind you before sliding to the ground. You covered your face with your hands, trying to stop the tears. You could hear the stunned silence outside the door before chaos broke out.
“What is wrong with you? How could you say that to a guest at dinner?” Rei scolded, sounding far angrier than you thought possible. “You made her cry!”
“What the hell!” Touya yelled and you could hear his chair fall over as you assumed he stood up.
“What the hell?” Natsuo chimed in. “You’re the one who thought it’d be fun to have her pretend to be your girlfriend. You really didn’t think this would happen? What kind of friend are you? Did you even think about her feelings?”
“What kind of joke were you trying to pull?” Fuyumi jumped in sounding upset.
It was hard to make out what was being said as everyone was talking at the same time. After a few moments it died down and you heard footsteps approach. You looked around the bathroom praying there would be a window you could squeeze out of. Sadly the only window was far too small to get through.
There was a knock on the door.
“I know you’re in there.” Touya’s voice was soft. “Please. Let me in.”
You considered letting him stay out there for a bit but decided against it. You opened the door from your position on the floor, just enough for him to get in. Touya looked at you with a sad expression before sitting down next to you, the side of his thigh against yours.
“I’m sorry isn’t enough.” He said.
“I agreed to this.” You said quietly.
“He’s my father. I knew how awful he was and I never once thought about how you could get hurt. I was being selfish.” He said with a sigh. “I was too busy being an idiot.”
“That’s nothing new.” You teased, giving a sad laugh.
“I didn’t know that it was a sensitive topic. I should have, you’re my best friend. I lo-” Touya cut himself off. “I should have been better to you.”
“I know you didn’t mean it.” You say. Touya could be an idiot but he had never been cruel intentionally to you. “I should have said no, I didn’t tell you.”
“Why didn’t you say no?” He asks.
“I just wanted to help you.” You say. Because I love you, is what you meant.
“I didn’t just ask you piss my dad off.” He says and you look over at him. He lets out a breath before continuing. “I guess I just wanted one night where I could pretend you were my girlfriend.”
That wasn’t what you expected him to say. Your eyes widen.
“I’ve liked you, for a long time.” He explains with an intense look in his piercing blue eyes. “You’re my best friend, you’re always there for me. You help me when I need it, you make me laugh and I love being around you. Most people I get sick of being around in a few hours but with you, I could spend every minute of my life with you and it still wouldn’t be enough.”
This feels like a dream, suddenly you feel like you can’t breathe and like your hearts going to beat out of your chest.
“Touya, I-” You start but he cuts you off.
“It’s okay if you don’t feel the same, I just hope we can still be friends.” He says.
“But I-”
“You really mean so much to me, I would hate to lose you because I-”
This time you cut him off, leaning in to kiss him, silencing his words. Touya catches on quickly and wraps his arms around your waist nearly pulling you onto his lap. You pull back when you need a breath.
“So I take it you feel the same way?” He questions, an eyebrow raised.
“If you stopped cutting me off I was trying to say that, idiot.” You scold.
“Sorry, you know me.” He said before leaning in for another kiss.
You sit there, arms around his neck staring at him with a goofy grin unable to contain the happiness you feel.
“Look at you… Goodness, you’re so cute.” Touya says returning your grin. “How did I get so lucky?”
“I could ask the same.” You smile.
The realization hits that you’re sitting in his family’s bathroom after running out of a family dinner crying. Touya notices your drop-in demeanor.
“Want me to sneak you out and we can get junk food and watch Avatar: The Last Airbender and cuddle till we pass out on your couch?” He asks.
“I sweat you’re the perfect man, even if you are an idiot sometimes.”
taglist:  @sugarmaplewings-fics @lilkiwisfinest @ewwis @kandy1410 @moonlightaangel @winnies-headcannons @bakugousidehoe @paintedr0ses1 @toobsessedsstuff @spellboundxizi @softkatsuki @x0doodlebug0x @katsuhoee
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siancore · 3 years
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Summary:  Rick did not like shopping at the best of times. He was happy to shop online. With just a few clicks, everything he needed was paid for, shipped, and delivered to the letterbox in his college dorm. He avoided a bunch of fellow shoppers, didn’t have to worry about finding parking, and did not get distracted with things he shouldn’t want or couldn’t really afford. Yes, Rick did not like shopping, especially during the holiday season. That is until he needs to buy something for his mama and meets a young woman who works in a giftshop.
A/N: Richonne Christmas AU one-shot. All feel-good fluff
Word: 3,788
Rick did not like shopping at the best of times. He was happy to shop online. With just a few clicks, everything he needed was paid for, shipped, and delivered to the letterbox in his college dorm. He avoided a bunch of fellow shoppers, didn’t have to worry about finding parking, and did not get distracted with things he shouldn’t want or couldn’t really afford. Yes, Rick did not like shopping, especially during the holiday season. Luckily, his friends Morgan and Shane went with him for moral support when he needed to choose a gift for his mama.
The sound of Mariah Carey’s voice coming through the speakers of the PA system in the mall wafted around the friends as they walked beside one another. Christmas garlands with lights hung overhead, and there seemed to be a plastic, decorated tree in every shop window they passed. People were everywhere, trying to find the perfect gifts for loved ones. Rick wouldn’t really say it was last minute shopping, as it was the first week in December. Normally, he would leave gift shopping until a week or so before Christmas, but wanted to get it over and done with sooner this year.
Shane nudged Rick’s shoulder and then pointed toward a novelty gift store that looked like it sold everything from those tuxedo t-shirts to marijuana paraphernalia.
“There,” he said, wearing a wide grin. “Bound to find something in there for your mama.”
Rick and Morgan shared a look that was somewhere in the middle of disbelief and disgust.
“Nope,” said Morgan.
“Nuh ah,” Rick added. “I’m not gettin’ my mama one of those bikini t-shirts or a bong.”
“Why not?” asked Shane, still smiling.
Rick rolled his eyes and shook his head.
“The fact that you even have to ask me that makes me question why we’re friends,” said Rick with no malice behind his words. Shane just laughed and clapped a hand to his shoulder.
“You’ve been stuck with me since third grade, asshole,” Shane replied. “Now, if y’all are too good to come in that store with me, there’s a classy lookin’ place over there. Let’s meet up in the food court at that burger joint you like.”
“Thirty minutes?” asked Morgan, checking the time on his phone.
“Alright,” Rick replied. “Sounds good.”
The three friends nodded to one another and then went their separate ways: Shane to the novelty gift store, Morgan to a quaint little hole-in-the-wall bookshop, and Rick to the classy lookin’ place.
One of the reasons Rick disliked shopping in public was that there was so much choice. He ended up overthinking most of the time. When the well-meaning staff asked if he needed any help, he normally gave a polite smile and told them no thanks. This time, however, he could probably use the help. The little shop had a wide variety of really nice gifts ranging from silverware to delicate looking jewelry boxes. Any one of the items would be appreciated and cherished by his mother. Rick was almost hesitant to touch anything because it all looked so pretty and nice. He wandered over to where the little glass figurines stood on a glass shelf. There were tiny little people, cars, monuments, and animals.
Rick’s eyes settled on a cute looking puppy figurine. His mama loved dogs. She would love the small glass one.  Carefully, Rick picked it up and placed it in the palm of his hand so that he could examine it more closely. It was very nice. Yes. His mama would like it. Smiling to himself, Rick made his way to the counter to purchase the figurine. He was met by a friendly looking older lady.
“Found something?” she asked with a warm smile.
“Yes, ma’am,” Rick replied as he placed the little puppy down on the counter.
“Ooh, these are really lovely,” she proffered as she searched around for the blue box that the item came with. “I have a bunch of them myself.”
“I like it,” Rick found himself saying. “Hope my mama likes it, too.”
“A gift for your mama? What a lovely boy you are. She’s gonna love it.”
Rick smiled and nodded his head as the lady continued speaking.
“Now, this box is fine and all, but we have a gift-wrapping service here, and it’s free for the whole month of December,” she explained. “Would you like it wrapped up all nice for your mama?”
“Yes, ma’am, that sounds really good.”
She gave Rick a smile and then said, “Alright, I won’t be a minute.”
The lady then walked to the curtain that covered a doorway that led to the back of the store and called out, “Michonne? Honey? Got a customer who needs somethin’ wrapped up.”
She returned to where Rick was standing and said, “If you wait at the end of the counter there, we’ll have our gift wrapper fix you up.”
Rick nodded, smiled, and said, “Thank you, ma’am.”
He then made his way to the end of the counter with the little box in his hand. He was busy looking out the shopfront window when his attention was drawn by a sweet-sounding voice. Rick turned his head and he swore his breath caught in his throat when his eyes fell on the young lady standing before him. He was certain he was staring, with his jaw on the floor, because she repeated her question.
“You needed something wrapped?”
Rick needed to look at her lips to make sure he understood what she was saying because, holy shit, she was stunning. She had the prettiest brown eyes Rick had ever seen. Her hair was pulled away from her face in a chignon. Her smile was so bright that it was blinding. Rick was awestruck.
“Sorry, yeah, yes. I uh, I’d like this wrapped, please,” he stammered, mentally chiding himself for not being smooth in front of the pretty girl.
He placed the box down on the counter and managed to smile at her. She smiled back at him and he swore his knees felt weak.
“Is it for a he, she, or they?”
“Pardon me?” asked Rick, still not able to function properly.
“Not that it actually matters,” she replied amicably. “But some customers choose wrapping paper based on if the gift is for a guy or a girl, so I have to ask.”
“Oh, yeah. Okay,” said Rick, while rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. “It don’t matter to me. I mean, it’s for a lady, but anything is fine.”
Rick glanced down at the nametag on her lapel, which read Michonne. A pretty name for a pretty woman, he mused, tempted to say her name out loud to see how it felt on his lips. He was drawn from his reverie by Michonne asking, “Is it a Christmas gift?”
“Yes, a Christmas gift,” he replied, kicking himself for malfunctioning in front of gorgeous Michonne.
“Awesome,” she replied with that brilliant smile. “I have some really nice Christmas wrapping here. Do you want foil or paper?”
“Umm, paper?”
“Great choice,” she replied as she reached under the counter and got out a few items: Three rolls of wrapping paper, a pair of scissors, and a roll of cello tape. “Which do you prefer?”
Rick had to force his gaze away from Michonne to look down at the choices. There was a roll of paper with multi-colored stars, one with tiny Santas, and the other with snowflakes all over it. The snowflakes one was the nicest, but he knew his mama would think the Santa one was adorable. He chose the Santa paper.
“Great,” said Michonne. “I really like this one. It’s super cute.”
“Yeah,” said Rick as he watched Michonne get to work.
Her long, elegant fingers made it look so easy as she cut through the paper, placed the box on it, and then began to fold the wrapping around the gift. She was done way too quickly. Rick wanted to stand there and watch her for hours.
Yeah, creepy, Grimes, he chided himself.
“Thanks, that, uh, that looks great. You make it look easy. You’re really good.”
“Thanks, it’s just a lot of practice,” she replied, somewhat coyly. “Did you want a ribbon or a bow?”
“Yeah, thanks. A bow would be nice.”
“Alright, any preference?”
“A gold one?”
“A gold one it is,” Michonne replied with another grin, before placing a small golden bow in the center of the wrapped box. “Did you need a bag?”
“Yes, please, that’d be great,” said Rick as Michonne placed the box carefully into a small, paper bag.
She held the bag out to Rick and their fingers brushed against one another slightly. Rick thought he was going to pass out.
“Thank you,” he said, still standing there.
“You’re welcome,” she replied with a beautiful beam. “Happy holidays.”
“Oh, thanks. Yeah, you too. I mean happy holidays to you, too.”
They both stood there smiling bashfully at one another until another customer cleared their throat behind Rick.
“Umm, thanks again.”
“No problem,” said Michonne. “Enjoy the rest of your day.”
“You too,” he said as he finally began to walk away. “Bye.”
Now, Rick wasn’t a weirdo creep or anything like that, but he was a little smitten. He could not stop thinking about Michonne from the giftshop. He may or may not have went back to the mall and walked by the shop to see if she was there. They may or may not have caught one another’s eye and proffered friendly smiles. He may or may not be a crushing hard on the young woman.
A week after first meeting Michonne, Rick found himself back in the giftshop. He was pretending to be looking at the small jewelry boxes while stealing glances at Michonne. It was ridiculous, really. He was a broke college student who had already chosen the perfect gift for his mother. He didn’t even like shopping. He had no business being back in the shop. He was about to leave when Michonne finished up with the customer, and their eyes met.
Shit, he thought. Have to buy something, now.
He picked up the least expensive jewelry box and made his way to the checkout. He paid the same older lady from the previous week, and then took the boxed item to the end of the counter for Michonne to wrap.
“Hey, back again,” she greeted with her dazzling smile that made Rick feel all gooey inside.
“Hey, yeah, so much great stuff here,” he proffered, much more smoothly and confidently than he had been the first time they met.
“What’d you get?” she asked, causing him to stand up a little straighter. She wanted to have a conversation, he realized, and he was beyond happy.
“One of those little jewelry boxes,” he explained.
“Oh, yeah. For the rings.”
“Yeah, a ring box.”
“They’re really pretty.”
So are you, he thought.
“Yeah, they’re real nice.”
“Pretty paper for a pretty gift?” she asked warmly.
“Yeah, sure. That’d be good. You choose.”
“Alright, well, let’s go with this silver foil wrapping,” Michonne said as she took out what she needed.
“Okay, looks nice,” Rick said, wanting to keep talking to her while she worked. “You, uh, you got all of your Christmas shopping done? I mean, if you celebrate Christmas. Sorry, I shouldn’t assume everyone celebrates this particular holiday. That’s just inconsiderate on my part. I shouldn’t go around assuming things –”
“Hey, it’s okay. It’s fine,” she said with a little chuckle that settled into Rick’s chest and made him feel warm all over. “I do celebrate Christmas, and I actually did all of my shopping online back in September.”
“That’s smart,” said Rick, reining his nerves back in. “I left it late this year.”
Michonne nodded her head. The gift was wrapped, and she was placing a little red bow on top of it.
“Is this the last of your shopping?” she asked, reaching for a paper bag.
“Umm, maybe? I don’t know.”
“Well, whoever this is for is a very lucky person.”
Rick smiled at Michonne and took the bag from her hand.
“Thanks,” he said as he slowly moved away so the next customer could be served. “I’ll see you around.”
“Yeah, I hope so,” she replied.
He was going to do it. He was going to go the mall, make his way over to the giftshop, and ask Michonne out on a date. If he was lucky, he mused, she would say yes and they would go get coffee, or whatever she liked to drink, and he would charm her, and they’d have an amazing time, and then they’d fall in love and have a cute story to tell their grandbabies. He was going to do it. He was. He walked into the giftshop and Michonne wasn’t at her workstation. Rick sighed and decided to browse a little in the hopes that he would see Michonne sooner rather than later. When she wasn’t at the counter after five or so minutes, he was about to leave when another staff member approached him.
“Can I help you with anything, sir?” the teenaged boy asked.
“Hey, no thank you, I’m just browsing –”
Just then, Michonne came from the back of the shop and went to her spot at the end of the counter. A line of customers formed, and more were entering the shop, and Rick saw his chance at speaking with Michonne slipping away.
“Actually, I might get these,” said Rick, pointing to a box of six silver-plated, embossed coasters that were probably out of his price range.
“Great choice,” said the boy as he took the coasters from the shelf. “Let me ring it up for you.”
As the line grew shorter, and Rick got closer, he felt his resolve falling away. This was actually ridiculous. He was there spending money he couldn’t afford to be spending so that he could talk to a pretty girl? Ridiculous.
“Hey, so you’re still shopping?” Michonne asked with sweet smile.
“Hi,” said Rick with a bashful smile. “Yeah, just a few more things.”
He placed the coasters down on the counter and Michonne glanced down at them.
“These are really lovely,” she said before meeting Rick’s eyes with her own. “Any preference for wrapping?”
“Nah, I trust you,” said Rick, causing her to beam more brightly.
“Aww, so sweet,” Michonne replied before she began her work.
He watched her graceful hands as she cut a gorgeous square of paper and placed the item in the middle of it. She then cut a piece of red ribbon and sat the paper over it. Rick looked on as Michonne carefully and skilfully folded the paper and bound it together with the ribbon which she then tied in a bow on top. It was perfect. She didn’t need to use tape to hold it all together.
“You’re so good at that,” Rick complimented her again.
“You always say that,” Michonne replied. “But thank you. Hey, did you want to add a gift tag?”
“Yeah, that sounds good,” Rick replied, eager to spend more time with Michonne.
“Cool, let me just grab one for you,” she said, fishing out a brown tag from under the counter. She took a pen out of her pocket and then asked, “Who do I address it to?”
“Oh, umm. It’s for, ah, Sheila. It’s for Sheila,” said Rick, not really thinking about who the gift was for, since he hadn’t planned on even purchasing it to begin with. He went with his mother’s name.
Michonne nodded and then wrote Sheila in beautiful cursive on the small tag.
“And it’s from?”
“Rick. It’s from Rick. That’s me. I’m Rick.”
“Rick,” she said, and he swore hearing his name on her lips damn near made him ascend. “There you go, Rick.”
“Thank you, ah –”
“Michonne,” she said. “I’m Michonne. Nice to finally be properly introduced.”
“Yeah, it’s nice. Thank you, Michonne.”
Wow, it feels great to say her name out loud, he thought before smiling at her.
“You’re welcome, Rick,” she replied as she handed him the bag with the gift in it.
“Rick? I need to borrow some drawers, man,” Shane called out as he walked into Rick’s bedroom and made a beeline to the tallboy.
“You don’t have any clean underwear?” asked Rick, as he glanced up from where he was sitting on his bed reading one of his textbooks.
“Nope, that’s why I need to borrow yours,” said Shane as he dug through the bottom drawer. “I’ll get ‘em back to you ASAP.”
“Ugh, no thanks. Keep ‘em.”
“Hey, man, what’s all o’ these?” asked Shane as he pointed to the gifts sitting atop the tallboy. “Hope you didn’t go buyin’ me anything.”
“They’re not for you.”
“Who’re they for then?”
“No one.”
“No one?” asked Shane dubiously as he picked one up and read the tag. “Sheila? As in your mama? You dumb enough to call her by her first name?”
“What? No. They’re not for mama. They’re just. I don’t know. It’s stupid.”
“Rick, you’re not makin’ a lick of sense. You wanna explain?”
Rick let out a sigh and then pinched the bridge of his nose.
“It’s stupid,” he repeated. “There’s this girl.”
“A girl named Sheila? You goin’ with some girl with the same name as your ma? That’s weird.”
“No, dumbass, there’s no girl named Sheila. Her name’s Michonne. I met her a few weeks ago. And she’s somethin’ else. I’m tellin’ you, man, she’s so gorgeous and sweet. And I’ve been meaning to ask her out, been buildin’ up to it, but I haven’t and I want to.”
“Okay, well, that’s cool, but what’s she got to do with all o’ these gifts? You gonna give ‘em to some girl you ain’t even asked out yet?”
“No, it’s not that,” said Rick as he took a deep breath. “She works at the classy lil’ giftshop I went to the other week. I got my mama’s gift from there, and Michonne wrapped it for me. I took one look at her and I was so gone on her.”
“Hold up. Hold up. So, you’re tellin’ me you’ve been goin’ back to the shop, buyin’ shit, and gettin’ this pretty girl to wrap them for you? Shit you don’t need, and probably can’t afford? Just so you can stand in front of this chick and not ask her out? And you’re callin’ me a dumbass?”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
Shane shook his head and then burst out laughing.
“Get your ass down there and ask the girl out, Rick. Before you buy the whole goddamn store out you dumbass.”
Shane was right, Rick was a dumbass because he was standing in front of Michonne with a little cat statue that she was calling gorgeous while trying to figure out how to wrap it. She sat it on some foil, drew it up around the figurine, and then tired it with ribbon at the top. It looked great.
“Sheila’s very lucky,” said Michonne as she placed it carefully into the bag filled with tissue paper.
“Sorry?” asked Rick, too distracted by the words running through his mind.
“Sheila, your girlfriend,” said Michonne, looking slightly deflated as she said the words. “She’s super lucky to have a boyfriend like you getting her all of these amazing gifts.”
Rick pressed his palm to his face. Yes, he was a dumbass.
“Oh, no, no. Sheila’s not my girlfriend. It’s my mama’s name.”
“You call your mom by her first name?”
“No, I don’t. I ah – shit. I’m sorry. It’s – damn it, let me explain. Do you go on a break soon, or?”
“Umm, yeah. Ten minutes or so. Why?” asked Michonne, with a questioning look on her face.
“Would you like to get some coffee with me?”
“Coffee? Like a coffee date?”
“What about your girlfriend who you’ve been buying all the gifts for?”
“I don’t have a girlfriend,” Rick explained. “I don’t even have anyone to be buyin’ all of these nice things for. Truth is, I’ve been comin’ in here trying to work up the nerve to ask you out.”
“Yes, Michonne, really,” he said gently. “I just wanna buy you a coffee. Or just spend some time with you. Would you wanna do that? Would you wanna spend some time with me?”
Michonne narrowed her eyes a little as she contemplated Rick’s request.
“Yeah, sure,” she said with a smile. “I’d like that.”
Christmas day in the not too distant future…
“Dad, I love it, thank you so much,” said Carl as he smiled down at the gift that his father had given him.
“You’re welcome, sweetheart,” said Rick with a warm smile.
“I can’t open this,” said Judith as she tried to untie the intricate ribbon.
“Give it here, honey,” said Sheila as she reached out her hands. “Let grandma help you with that.”
The small girl handed the gift over and leaned against the old woman’s chair.
“Why don’t you check the stockings,” said Rick to his daughter.
“Oh yeah, I nearly forgot,” said Judith as she made her way to where the stockings were hanging over the disused fireplace at Sheila’s home. Her gaze landed on the little glass ornaments sitting atop the mantlepiece. One little glass puppy, and a cat statue sitting next to some coasters and a ring box. “Grandma, these are so cute. Where’d you get them?”
“Those were a Christmas gift from your daddy. They’re very special to me,” Sheila said with a fond smile.
“They’re special to me, too,” said Rick, as Michonne, André and R.J. came back into the living room with a tray of steaming beverages. She set it down on the coffee table and took up a seat next to her husband.
“We got hot chocolate,” said R.J. excitedly.
“And marshmallows,” André added.
“Thank you, my babies,” said Rick with a loving smile.
“Why?” asked Judith, ever the inquisitive child.
“Sorry, honey?” asked Rick.
“Why’re they special to you?”
“Because,” said Rick, as he turned to Michonne and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “If I didn’t go shopping for them, me and your mama might not have met.”
Michonne took hold of Rick’s hand and leaned in to kiss his lips.
“Well,” said Judith as she watched her parents stare lovingly at one another. “That means that they’re special to our whole family.”
“That’s true,” said Michonne as she leaned her head on Rick’s shoulder. “But you know what’s even more special?”
“Our family,” Michonne replied happily. “Merry Christmas, Team Grimes.”
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caswellprmanager · 3 years
read it on ao3
Ship: Ricky Bowen/EJ Caswell
Summary: Snippets of EJ Caswell's life leading up to the mystery that is Ricky Bowen.
Notes: Hello. I decided to bite the bullet and post something here! This technically is in my Trans!EJ and Genderqueer!Ricky AU but I haven't properly written anything for it yet so consider this one to be the first official fic within that universe. Feel free to send some asks or other headcanons in my inbox about the AU! I'd love to hear what people think (but don't be unnecessarily mean. I will delete that very quickly.)
Disclaimer: I'm not an expert in all things transgender or genderqueer. I am writing from my own experience within the spectrum however so it's truthful to what I have been through, but will not represent everyone else's experiences. I also have friends within the spectrum who have given me great advice on how to go about these things but once again, it won't be accurate to everyone's experiences.
Warnings: Mentions of gender dysphoria, transphobia, and neglectful parents
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People always told EJ that he had the picture perfect family.
His mom and dad were successful corporate lawyers, they lived in the wealthiest suburb in all of Salt Lake City, and he was the kind of child other parents would compare their own children to saying, "why can't you be more like EJ?"
But EJ knows that's farthest from the truth.
He doesn't have the picture perfect life or the paragon of White American families that people think they do. His parents are affectionate and supportive only when there are people around to comment on it. Most of the time, they're not even at home, leaving all of the child raising to their maids and other house servants. EJ spends more time at Ashlyn's house than he does at home because at least his aunt and uncle actually treat him like a son.
Because there are days his parents would forget they have a son. Sometimes they'd slip and call him their daughter, which makes EJ want to disappear from this world altogether. He supposes he should be grateful that they even bothered to pay for all the things he asked for — binders, testosterone shots, and regular visits to the doctor to check up on him throughout his transition. And he is grateful. He knows so many kids like him that can't even afford a decent sized binder without going bankrupt. He used to be that kid until he gathered up all his courage to come out to his parents.
But what they told him?
"Well, if you're gonna be our son, you will have to work twice as hard to make us proud now."
Yeah. It's a lot to process when you're 12 years old and scared shitless that you'd be disowned for "disrupting the natural order." But he figures things could be worse. So he sucks it up and vows to become the kind of son that his parents could truly brag about.
When EJ was a kid, he loved mysteries. His parents were the greatest mystery of them all. He's spent so much of his time trying to figure out what makes them happy, or angry, or sad. He's put the clues together and has a cork board of pictures and red string at the forefront of his mind whenever he so much as tries to interact with them. Soon, he sort of figured out what makes his parents smile at him — when EJ is excellent.
So, he became excellent at all kinds of sports, took up piano lessons, studied until his eyeballs burned with the lowlight of his desk lamp — all so that he could maybe get a pat on the back from his dad and a small smile from his mom. Their versions of "good job" or "keep it up." He drank that all in, craved it even, and worked his whole life until now to get even an iota of his parents' affection.
So, when he meets Ricky Bowen, the lanky and extremely clumsy skater who seems to live in the detention room, he was met with a brand new mystery to solve.
"Who's that?" EJ whispers into Nini's ear, who just seems to be irritated by the new person's presence.
"That's Ricky," she says with the barest hint of affection but with a whole lot of irritation. "My ex."
"Huh," He says, intrigued by the way Ricky's movements stutter like a half-finished stop motion film and how their wide doe eyes scan the room like — unironically — a deer in headlights. They looked nervous, confused, and all around terrified and EJ wants to reach out to them and tell them that this was a safe space. That they could be whoever they wanted to be in the theater.
He glances at Nini when Ricky starts singing a song that she seems to recognize. The immediate tensing of her shoulders and the way she subconsciously reaches out for EJ's hand for support tells him that this song... means something. Or meant something. EJ's not quite sure but he squeezes Nini's hand in silent reassurance, bringing himself to half-glare at the guitar playing skater just a few feet before him.
He met Nini during theater camp. A firecracker of talent with a voice that could melt the heart of even the coldest man on earth. She was beautiful in the spotlight and even more ethereal beneath the stars. She was kind, gentle, and a mystery that EJ solved quickly enough. She wore her heart on her sleeve despite it being broken because she believes that broken hearts can be mended with time and patience.
Nini was patient with him. She was patient with him when he took her up the little hill next to the campsite just to watch the stars on an old picnic blanket he stole from the camp counselors. She was patient with him when he couldn't keep up with the dance steps. Her hand was warm in his own and the flush of her palm by his neck was a grounding force that kept his head from going in the clouds.
She was especially patient with him when he took her to an empty tent and told her about his life. Nini was kind. Nini was patient. Nini was safe. And if she were to walk away and tell him that she wanted nothing to do with him after what he told her, he would have understood and learned to not associate kind brown eyes and ukulele calloused fingers to what could be barely described as home.
But she held his hand in her tinier ones, a smile on her face that radiated warmth that seeped into the depths of his soul, and told him that she was proud of him.
It was the first time that someone was proud of him... for just being him.
He cried into her arms that night, knowing he's got a lifelong friend within the kind brown eyes and ukulele calloused fingers of one Nini Salazar-Roberts.
"She thinks I'm a Chad?" He asks, less incredulously and more with a burning curiosity.
Nini rubs his arm comfortingly but he keeps staring at the cast list like it was going to burst into flames any second. "You're still a Troy understudy! You could still go on as him in one of the shows."
"Shows only run for three nights, Nini." He says with barely concealed frustration. Great. If he can't even get the role he was technically destined to play, how the hell is he going to explain himself to his parents?
You're not the lead? Oh, then we won't watch. If you're not onstage the whole time, why be there?
EJ grits his teeth and slowly brings his gaze to the person who has just taken away one more way for him to prove himself to his parents. Ricky Fucking Bowen, who stands there once again with their enormous brown eyes, gaping like a fish. EJ wants to deck them in the face. But Nini's hold on his arm grounds him back to reality and he lets out a long breath through his nose.
This is gonna be a long next few months.
"Look, I'm just trying to make the best out of a bad situation."
"Don't try," He ends up saying, still wiping at the blood caused by the basketball Ricky hit him with only moments ago. "It's painful to watch you do something you clearly don't want to do."
"What makes you think I don't want to do this?" Ricky asks with furrowed brows and EJ throws the wadded up tissue paper stained with his blood into the trash.
"You hated musicals before you auditioned. You landed the part of Troy without even fucking trying. And now you think you can get through rehearsals without fucking trying? It's tiring to work with someone who couldn't give two shits about this musical in the first place!" He says, every sentence rising in volume as he steps closer and closer to Ricky. "You also need to stay the fuck away from Nini."
Ricky scoffs then. "Why? Cause you're her boyfriend?"
"What? And you are?" He retaliates, which effectively makes Ricky click their mouth shut. EJ smirks. "Yeah. That's what I thought."
"Nini can choose whoever she wants to talk to." Ricky ends up saying with tense shoulders and a glare that could murder if EJ weren't already a person who doesn't fear death. "You can't tell me what to do."
"Well someone has to!" EJ throws his hands up in frustration, grabbing his jacket and zipping it up angrily. "Because you don't listen to Nini though, do you? Have you ever listened to her? Do you listen to anybody?"
"EJ I—"
"You better listen to me right now Ricky Bowen," he laces every syllable of Ricky's name with venom. "Stop trying to make things right. Stop trying to become a person you're not. If you actually cared about Nini or – god forbid – the musical, you'd stop trying and just get your shit together."
EJ doesn't even bother to look back at Ricky as he exits the bathroom, unaware of the look in Ricky's eyes when he walked away.
It isn't until Ricky approaches him one day after rehearsals that EJ was finally starting to unravel the mystery that was Ricky Bowen.
"Hey... EJ?" Ricky asks, looking at anywhere but at him and EJ would have been annoyed if it weren't for the way Ricky was holding themselves in front of him. They were tense, eyes glassy and unfocused whenever EJ caught a glance, and their fingers were gripping their bag straps so tightly that he was afraid Ricky was going to rip it apart if they weren't careful.
"Hey Ricky," He says with a softer voice than he's ever used with Ricky. "Is there something you need?"
Ricky's eyes dart around the still full rehearsal room, at the dangerously close proximity Miss Jenn was, at the stage managers that were just behind EJ who were reviewing the blocking notes, and finally at Nini who was engaged in a conversation with Carlos and Seb. Ricky's eyes lingered on Nini for a bit before they reluctantly settled on EJ's pristine white sneakers. "I would have normally asked Nini for this but – and you can say no by the way I'd completely understand – it's just..."
Ricky looks around again before leaning closer to EJ and shakily whispering, "Do you have any tampons?"
And just like that, the walls that were built around a certain Ricky Bowen were starting to crack. And EJ was allowed to see the smallest snippet of the kind of vulnerability that Ricky was capable of.
And it was the kind of vulnerability that he could relate to completely.
"My emergency stash is in my locker," He says, hastily packing up the rest of his things while Ricky continues to stand there dumbfounded. When EJ turns back to him with his own bag over his shoulder, he could see that there are a few unshed tears shining in Ricky's eyes. EJ softens for a second, knowing how difficult it must have been for Ricky to come to him for something so private.
"Come on. I'll even guard the bathroom for you." Ricky eventually follows him after a few seconds of just staring at his back and they fall in step around the corner. Ricky stays silent, fingers all fidgety and eyes still darting around like they'll be caught any second. EJ, instinctually, wraps a comforting arm around Ricky's shoulders. Ricky doesn't relax immediately but they do lean a little closer, somehow finding the weight of EJ's arm around them safe.
They eventually reach EJ's locker and Ricky smiles a bit because it's directly across from Sharpay's famous pink lockers. "Did you choose this spot specifically for Sharpay's lockers?"
EJ glances behind him and chuckles, rummaging through his stuff. "Oh yeah. If you say Ashley Tisdale three times in a row while touching her locker, you're guaranteed good fortune for at least a week."
Ricky looks at him with a smirk. "Have you tried that before?"
"Every year during finals week. I'm telling you, that shit works."
"Or maybe you're just really smart."
"Maybe," EJ says, finally locating his emergency stash of period essentials. "Or maybe it's just Ashley Tisdale bopping me to the top."
That's when Ricky lets out a laugh — an honest to god booming belly laugh that makes EJ pause just to stare at him. They look... nice like this. Without the worry lines and longing gazes at a girl who won't give them the time of day. They look just like a little kid, carefree and alive despite the world crumbling all around them, and EJ feels a weird surge of pride at being the person who made Ricky laugh like that.
He wants Ricky to laugh like that more. He wants to be the person who makes Ricky laugh like that more.
And so the walls around Ricky crack a little further, and the drawbridge is opened for one weary traveler to come in.
EJ doesn't notice the cracks on his own walls, nor the knowing little princess who watches from the east tower, smiling.
"Hey, what are your pronouns?"
Ricky doesn't look up from their practice skateboard, concentrating hard on their balance. "I don't have any. I'm just Ricky." They look up though, giving EJ a warm smile. "But go ahead and use any pronouns with me. I don't mind if it's you."
"So would you mind if I call you your majesty?"
EJ doesn't miss the flush on Ricky's cheeks at that and definitely doesn't miss the way they say "I'd like that very much." with the barest hint of embarrassment.
"Okay," EJ says with his chin propped up in his hands. "Your majesty."
Ricky falls off of their practice skateboard then, soon glaring up at a cackling EJ still with a blushing face.
EJ forgot his binder today.
And his body loved reminding him every time he took a step.
Thankfully, there wasn't going to be water polo practice today and he could get away with wearing multiple layers to school. But even with the sports bra, the t-shirt, the sweatshirt, and the letterman jacket doing a good job at making his chest look flat, he still felt his skin crawl looking at the mirror. His jeans hugged him a little too tightly, forcing him to notice the still feminine curve of his hips. His sports bra was a tad smaller than the last time he wore it, so the pinch at his chest doubled in size.
EJ resolved that he was not going to have a good day today.
But today was tech rehearsals and he couldn't ditch that. He was starting to really enjoy rehearsals now that he and Ricky are on good terms. Even the stage managers ask him to hang out with them time to time outside of rehearsals. EJ actually felt like... he really belonged somewhere now. And he wasn't going to let this ruin it for him. Not today.
"Hey EJ," He heard Nini say to him as he got out of his car. "What's with all the layers? It's pretty hot today."
"It's one of those days, Neens." He says with a heavy sigh and Nini just grabs his hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze. Ricky rolls up to them two seconds later, their head suspiciously missing a helmet.
"How many times do I have to tell you to wear a helmet when you're skateboarding, Ricky?" EJ tries to scold the junior despite this weirdly overwhelming fondness growing inside of him every time he even looks at Ricky now.
"Haven't gotten into an accident yet," Ricky shrugs, smiling politely at Nini and changing it into a cocky little smirk the second they look at EJ.
"Yet being the operative word here," EJ rolls his eyes and opens his trunk for Ricky to stash his board in for later. "I won't drive you to the hospital if you end up getting a concussion for not wearing a helmet."
"Yes you will." Ricky says, knocking their shoulders together. "You love me!"
EJ freezes for a bit but before he could even respond, Ricky is already catching up to Big Red and Gina, waving back at EJ and Nini with a wide grin. EJ stares at him for a few seconds, not quite sure how to process the last few moments, until Nini waves a hand in front of his face.
"Hello? Earth to EJ?"
"Care to share with the class what's going on?" The little smirk on her lips says it all and EJ was not going to fall for that.
"Nope. There's nothing to share."
"Mhm," She says, looping her arm around EJ as soon as he closed his trunk. "Of course there isn't, EJ." Nini pretends not to see EJ staring at Ricky as they walk into school. EJ pretends to not notice that she's pretending to not see EJ pretending to not overtly stare at Ricky.
Besides, EJ has gotten pretty good at pretending.
Aaaannndd that's it for now. I hope you guys liked that! I really enjoyed exploring trans!ej and genderqueer!ricky through this au and it means a lot to me. Maybe next time I'll write something in ricky's pov but for now thanks for reading !!
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bular · 3 years
Welcome to Live Commentary
I had no one to talk to while watching the movie and I hate being alone with my thoughts so I wrote everything down in my notes app. It's not coherent! Enjoy!
Aw yeah 1.5 seconds of Bular that is all I needed! Might as well stop now I've seen my boy I'm satisfied.
Why is there a nearly 4 minute recap as if I haven't watched the show at least 50 times. I should be the one giving the recap.
The beginning felt a bit forced to me but maybe that's just me? Like they just tried to squeeze too many things into a small timeframe without any buildup, it just didn't really work. Congrats on the engagement! This is my OTP so I'm very happy! But it came out of nowhere.
Nari in Douxies body is so wrong and I love it and hate it at the same time (positive)
Eli is BIG. I knew he was gonna be tall but I was not prepared for that chiseled face. Or the fact that he stepped off the ship without glasses? I wear glasses and I would not choose to step off a spaceship blind.
OkAY who had mpreg on their bingo card?
AAARRRGGHH actually said a full sentence 🥺 there is no heterosexual explanation for this scene and I'm here for it
Arcadia being the center of the universe really does make a lot of sense. I hate how much sense it makes. Despise it.
Strickler in a Christmas sweater is something i didn't know I needed. Jim's jacket too but that's just adorable, Jim's adorable. Oh sweet baby you're about to get fucked over so bad.
Love seeing Barbara actively participating in battle too. Good for her! Power family!!
Where are the kids tho? Is NotEnrique babysitting? Either that or they hired the girl from the Incredibles movie.
Nomura is so talented I love seeing her fighting on the good side. I can't explain it but I love digitigrade legs they're just so pretty?? Aesthetically pleasing??? Fuck yeah, legg! I could watch Nomura run around and be badass all day.
Barbara does not deserve this I refuse to accept it. He's fine he'll be back they wouldn't kill two Changelings at once. Also Nomura is with Draal now I take no criticism.
So my favorite characters were Bular, Draal, Gunmar and Angor. And before this movie I always half-joked that everyone I love dies, how I still like Strickler and Nomura but apart from them all of my faves were killed in the very order of favoritism. AND NOW LOOK AT THIS. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I LOVE A CHARACTER. MY LOVE IS TOXIC.
It's great tho omg
I didn't realize it was Gun Robot when I saw it in the trailer this is amazing
Okay but imagine you're chilling in your trollmarket minding your own business when some misfit group of strangers waltzes in, steals your favorite shiny and celebrates your death before running off
Nana better show up at some point to reunite with her boytoy, I'll cancel this entire franchise otherwise
Something bad is going to happen to Toby isn't it. He's getting too much screentime
Jim's hand got DEEP FRIED
We can play Scrabble okay if they don't free them (which they must) I want an after credits scene of them playing scrabble
Douxie and Nari's bond 🥺🥺🥺
Nari pls just say what you fuckin mean the world is ending
Oh god is she going to remember killing Nomura oh nooo
Claire don't make the portal you will die again. Your hair gon be white all over
I love how Darci is just with the school bus. Civilian girlfriend. But also love how the world is ending and Coach is like "fuck that I'm gonna teach these kids"
Does he know his son is pregnant
"Going back to the city where it's safe" buddy have you been to that city
Whatever happens, Nari has the coolest looking titan. Giant four legged gremlin. I'd adopt him.
Me: oh i love that titan
The titan 5 seconds later:
Did Nari just fucking die what the FUCK
Oh of COURSE the pages are stuck together RIGHT THERE
Seriously tho how do you not notice an entire nougat nummy in a book
Wait so Arcadia has another heartstone? Or OH SO IT'S ALIVE. OKAY GREAT. GUNMAR COULDN'T EVEN DO THAT RIGHT HUH
Love how the Heartstone has been dormant/dead for months and apparently heard Blinky say it's alive and decided to wake up RIGHT THEN
Finally they're evacuating the city. This is like, the third apocalypse there. About time.
Okay so you can't pull Excalibur from the rock, but you CAN carve out the stone. Couldn't you just carve it off the sword as close as possible and like. Use that? Just swing the whole damn rock around?
God i can NOT get over Steve's pants. I mean I read a spoiler he was gonna be pregnant but I thought it was a prank or shitpost. I did not see this coming and I am never going to be over it. I love how he and Aja just roll with it and nobody else even cares. They've seen weirder stuff. So he's pregnant now. Whatever.
Jim's hand is bandaged and his ribs still hurt. I love that they're actually consistent with his injuries. I mean sucks for him but hell yeah for hero that doesn't always win!
Okayyy here comes the heartstone. Why not!
So if you kiss an Akiridion 7 times you will have 3-5 babies in a few hours. How are they not overpopulated?? Also Aja couldn't have WARNED STEVE BEFOREHAND?
Eli is so supportive omfg
So uh where are the babies gonna come out of? I'm not into mpreg how does this usually work
Oh good thing he happens to have 8 friends still alive. Otherwise this would've never worked. Nomura had to die otherwise there would've been 10 of them.
Why is everyone bowing to Jim? Did they rehearse this?
Stuart if you hadn't taken a bathroom break you would've thrown off the math and doomed the world. That was a poop of fate my man
Ahhh the signature quote. Where did Douxie and the Akiridions learn it? Did they rehearse this too? It's really cliché but I do like it tbh
If Strickler were dead we'd see more Barbara right?
Ah Jim just used she/her for Bellroc! Finally we're learning some pronouns. I've been wondering this whole time.
How are they not dying with all this lava?
She really just yeeted Varvatos
Did Claire just tell AAARRRGGHH to jump off the titan and he did it without question
I want to say I like Stuart and want him to have more screentime, but I won't say it because I don't want him to die
Jim's poor ribs
Toby can drive yoooo
Tobyyy you're scaring meeeee
So did they really need the different stone or was the amulet just waiting for Jim to choose death over giving up
I saw the armor before but it looks VERY COOL
Also I didn't mention this before but I love that they cut Merlin's name from the incantation. Good for them.
Toby you lost your helmet noooo
For real tho I'm terrified for Toby rn. I saw a comment somewhere earlier that just said "Toby no" with no context and I am AFRAID
So do Bellroc's eyes work after all? I thought she was blinded back in Wizards in the past.
Bellroc maybe screaming "i'm powerless" in front of your enemy isn't the best idea
She sploosh
How is he lifting Claire like that buddy you have bruised ribs and just got stabbed
This show really loves to give people more than the recommended amount of babies with no warning huh
She immediately knows which one is Eli Jr 🥺 okay listen I'm not the biggest fan of comic relief sideplot surprise babies, but I have to admit they're cute. Cute couple. Throuple. Eli is in on this. He even has a Junior.
Oh yea he better fuckin be alive I will commit murder
Unbecoming Part 2
So is Jim just gonna Groundhog Day it until everyone is fine? There's only 13 minutes left we're gonna need a bigger movie
Also I screamed so much about everyone's death and now everyone reading this after they already saw the whole thing is gonna shame me for clowning huh
The scene where Blinky is giving his goodbye speech, there are no babies and Steve has a round belly? Did he reabsorb them?? I mean I know Jim is about to un-birth them but he hasn't started yet
Oh they did NOT just do that. I though he was just gonna go back to like, the start of the movie maybe. Not all the way
Imagine being in your early twenties with as much trauma as this kid has and having to pretend you're 16 again
Somewhere Unkar is complaining because "oh sure NOW it's a good idea"
I know Jim is wondering where Toby is because he was there before. But before, he made an entire meatloaf AND did his homework before leaving the house, so honey maybe wait a minute
For a second I thought Toby wasn't gonna be there and Jim would return to the right time. But there he is!
Alright so they're in school now, did they take the canal and just didn't mention the amulet on screen or did they pass it as if the Unbecoming episode hadn't been that traumatizing? Jim you know what happens when you ignore it
Jim maybe you're being too obvious here lmao
Soooo. Anyway. These whole past years I've rewatched this show over and over and over again are cancelled now?
So we get the quote again. And Trollhunter Tobias is nice. Cool. Cool AU I mean, but I don't know. I don't knowwww. I've been way too invested in everything to just accept that it never happened?? So uh. Hm. How about this.
Strickler survived because fuck you, and Toby also survived and just has scars now. Maybe a wheelchair but he's fine, also he can use the Warhammer for super speed and make it awesome once he's used to it. Archie and Charlie get freed once they rebuild the bridge (and they were playing scrabble to pass the time). Nomura is still dead because she died on screen and I can't really deny that but she's with Draal so it's okay. Everyone is traumatized but they'll be fine. NotEnrique is still babysitting 500 babies and Steve is about to bring 7 more.
In summary, I reject Groundhog Day ending but everything else was great, as long as it actually happened. It was a good movie. But you can't just cancel years of passion. Having the prospect of a million "canon AUs" sounds great for writing but at the same time nooo you can't do that he didn't have to go back THAT far HHHHH
I liked the movie. It was a great watch and a satisfying end to a franchise, but I gotta say I do not fancy the ending of it so I will from now on be in denial. I honestly feel kind of betrayed that this show was my whole life for so long, I learned every smallest fact, and they basically deleted it from existence. I know what they were going for, I think, but no thank you I will be going with my own opinion. Still gonna rewatch it a few dozen times though ✌🏻
And that concludes my live commentary that was supposed to be a small handful of notes. Feel free to shame me for my opinions. See ya!
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eddiiediaz · 3 years
Bathena 7 and 82
Florist AU and Secon Love AU. Ooo I love this so much yes!
Okay so Bobby moves to LA for a fresh start sometime after his family dies and opens up a shop that's a mix between a flower shop on one part and a store that sells organic produce that's all grown in the big garden behind the shop.
The first time Athena enters the store is on official police business. The law practice two doors down in the same block calls in for a noise complaint. Turns out, all of Bobby's chickens in the back that he has for fresh eggs ran out and was running all over the place causing chaos. Athena arrives and Bobby quickly hands her one of the chickens he caught so he can quickly get another. Let's just say their first meeting doesn't go quite well. Especially since Athena was already annoyed just got handed her divorce papers from Michael that day. But before she leaves, feeling bad, Bobby decides to give her a bouquet of flowers free of charge for thanking her to help. At first she refuses but then accepts when he gives Athena her favorite flowers with her having to tell him. "It's a gift." He says.
The next time she visits the shop, is after her best friend Hen has her new doctor's office next door after Athena had saw that the space was for lease the first time she was at the flower shop. She comes with May before visiting Hen so she can buy her flowers for her new office space. When May is delighted to see the natural flirtation between her mom and the florist as they banter back and forth about what would be the best flowers for an office building (her mom would debate with a florist about flowers) she decides to do some matchmaking. So she interrupts their conversation as May asks if they can hire Bobby to the flower arrangements for sweet sixteen that was coming up in about a month. "I didn't even know you wanted flower arrangements." Athena says, eyeing her daughter suspiciously. May shrugs. "Now I do."
Once they both accept, May then adds that she wants to make it really elaborate so she'd want to come over a lot to go over the different designs. When they agree, she then asks Athena that since she'd be busy with school if Athena could go over the designs with Bobby. She's suspicious of her daughter and is about to protest when Bobby adds that he wouldn't mind so she accepts. His employee, Buck, then quickly asks where is the party being held. "At my house." Athena answers rarely. "Perfect!" He exclaims but then clears his throat and explains that maybe Bobby should visit her house "for research purposes" to help him decide on which flowers would be the best "you know, for the aesthetic." Bobby gives him a looks that roughly translates to "cut it off" but Athena just smirks and agrees.
"You should exchange numbers to decide a date." May suggests with a bright smile. Athena rolls her eyes bc her daughter is many things but subtly is not one of them.
After they exchange numbers and make their plans, a few days later Bobby arrives to "survey the house's aesthetic". What Athena didn't know was that May had ordered food from her favorite restaurant which not only conveniently arrived just shortly after Bobby did, but had his favorite meal as well as Athena's. They both then admit that they knew were being set up and laugh about it both apologize for their kids obviously working together for trying to make it happen. Athena is honest and tells him that she's just gotten off from a divorce and tried a few dates but just wasn't ready. To which he tells her that he completely understands and feels the same way. "Divorce?" She asks. "No." He looks away. "Widowerer."
He gets a far away look in his eyes and after she says her condolences Athena tries to soothe the mood and offers for them to still eat the meal since it was there and their favorite meals. She offers for them to just have a nice, professional meal without having it to be anything.
They end up making out on the couch like a couple of teenagers. (After the delicious meal and a few glasses of wine).
But they then decide that they shouldn't go any further because they weren't ready and to just leave it at that.
The next time Bobby is at her house (after asking to drop by to see if the arrangements he had in mind would look good) they sleep together.
And so became the routine of saying that was just a one time thing and more bc they weren't ready and then coming up with an excuse to see each other again and hooking up like couple of horny teenagers.
A few days before May's party, Bobby tells Athena that he's not one of those people who can just continue to hook up with someone without any feelings attached. She tells him that she's sorry but she's just not ready for jump into a relationship again so soon, to which he understands but is heartbroken all the same.
But ever since then, Athena feels an ache in her chest but tries to ignore it. When May's birthday comes along and they're getting ready for the party, Buck arrives with all of the flowers. Athena feel an ache in her chest that she hadn't ever felt with Michael at Bobby's absence. Noticing her mood shift, Michael talks to her and tells Athena that May told her about Bobby (who May had also seen quite a few times since they first met). He tells her that she is allowed to try to find happiness for herself, which help makes Athena decide that she's gonna give it a shot with Bobby, if it's not too late.
Noticing this, May tells her that they have time before the party so she expects her to "go your man" and come back with Bobby in tow because she really wants him to be there.
And so, with pure determination, Athena asks Buck to take her back to the flower shop, to which he happily complies.
When they arrive at the shop, Bobby is surprised to see Athena there but she tells him that she wants to give it a real try, if he'll have her. After he asks if she's sure, not wanting to rush her into anything she wasn't ready for. She smiles and says yes, asking if he's ready as well. As an answer, he proceeds to rush in to kiss her like there's no tomorrow.
Afterwards, both Bobby and Buck go to May's party and Athena and Bobby officially start the beginning of their second shot at a happily ever after.
Did not mean for this to be so long. Lol oops. But if I ever wrote this as a fic I'd def have more details and show more of the firefam still being close even in this au, but yeah here you go.
Thank you so much Kate!!
Rules: Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story. 
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jui-imouto-chan · 3 years
Hi again! Ok so I think I get the Miya twins aging and de-aging thing but I’d be really interested to hear about it more! (Possibly as a continuation with his and Kita’s relationship as well? Kitahina is criminally underrated)
And does Daishou ever come into the story? The au is really good and I honestly would love to hear anything new about it.
Part 11
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Ily thank you for the ask 🥺💕🧡 I did not watch any of the OVA but I will ten billion percent put Daishou in bc Season 4 had him and I’ve kinda really liked him.
(Snake boi,,,, 😳😳 this one got too long to put him in but if I get another request I will write him. He is,,, 👌🏾✌🏾🥺😍)
Tumblr deleted half of what I wrote even though I saved it so yeayyyyy rewriting time 😌🥲
“They’re a lot older than they were before! Do foxes usually age this quick?”
Kita held his tongue, observing Hinata ruffle Atsumu’s hair and swipe his thumb along Osamu’s cheek. The twins seemed very content with the contact, although every now and again they’d pass a look along that seemed laced with meaning.
“You guys are adorable though! I hope Natsu still looks this cute when she’s your age!” Hinata’s eyes closed as he grinned at them.
Osamu tracked Hinata’s finger as his face was rubbed, and after thinking for a moment, he glanced at Atsumu and bit Hinata’s thumb.
Everything was still for moment, everyone staring intently at the place where Osamu’s teeth were buried into Hinata’s skin.
Kita grabbed Osamu by the scruff, opening his mouth to tear into him (in a different way than how he just tore into Hinata’s goddamn thumb), but before he could do so, or even apologize to the redhead, Osamu’s weight increased drastically, his limbs lengthening and proportions adjusting.
Atsumu’s eyes gleamed, taking advantage of the panic to bite Hinata’s other hand, growing to assume the same age as his brother.
“His energy sure is something, huh, ‘Samu!”
Osamu smartly did not respond, Kita’s glare piercing Atsumu the instant he finished speaking. Atsumu gulped audibly, a bit more of the blood seeping into his system and aging him until he was about Kita’s age in appearance.
“Atsumu, you should have found a way to understand by now that your actions have consequences.”
“K-K-Ki-Kita-san???” Atsumu scrambled back and away, bumping into Hinata’s knees, as the ginger had crouched to hold his own arm with tears in his eyes and his bottom lip trapped between his teeth. Hinata sniffled, Atsumu feeling a guilt like one would get from kicking a wounded puppy—which was not a good feeling to couple with the pure terror one gets from earning Kita’s ire.
Said twin froze and began sweating profusely. Despite the increase in size, Kita dangled him the way one would hold a particularly rowdy cat.
He desperately tried to minimize the shiver of his voice and be as formal and thereby responsible as he could, though even as he managed a, “Y-Yes?” he could feel his life start to come to an end.
“I don’t care about nor need your explanation—I know why you did this, but Hinata doesn’t. Explain to him clearly, and then apologize, before I cut out your tongues and take each of your teeth out one-by-one.”
Kita’s threats were rare, but very effective.
Once Kita released Osamu’s collar, the twins scooted close to one another on the ground, whispering back and forth with their skin significantly paler than it was before. Eventually, after some muttering and a very pointed glare from Kita, the two composed themselves, sitting on their heels. Osamu coughed, earning Hinata’s watery gaze and faltering slightly.
“Um. So. I’m Miya Osamu, that’s Atsumu.”
“Hinata Shoyo. Nice to meet you,” Hinata murmured, bowing his head, cheeks a bit puffed up. Kita approached him to place a hand on his head.
“We used to be guardians of a shrine nearby here, but it fell into ruin as people stopped coming by and taking care of it.” Atsumu began.
“People would only come by during celebrations. We’d perform during festivals, and we required everyone to be completely silent, or else the performance would be ruined. As we’d do our dances on opposite sides of the mountain where the shrines were, we’d be offering mana to the forest to keep it flourishing.”
“That’s so cool!” Hinata piped, although he quickly stifled his impressed exclamations as Kita pet his hair.
“Usually after the performance, we’d be low on mana, but we’d hide in the woods for a little bit until we were back to normal—”
“—But people got greedy. They knew we were already weaker without offerings being made to the shrine, and they were ready to take advantage of our decrease in mana.”
“Kita-san’s grandmother would give us offerings and come to every performance at the festivals. Kita-san joined her, of course, but one year, she brought along some girls in hopes to help him find a bride—”
“—even though he was like, twelve!”
Hinata gasped and looked up at the silverette, seemingly in awe. “Kita-san, you had game from a young age?!”
“I don’t know, do I have ‘game’ now?”
The redhead struggled to answer, especially with the amusement dancing in Kita’s eyes.
Atsumu cut in before Hinata could embarrass himself, “Those stupid girls decided to be annoying during my performance, and ended up distracting me. Usually with the dance, we can steadily feed the forest mana and influence how much leaves us. Since it was interrupted—”
“'Tsumu lost a lot of mana, and I had to try to compensate it. Kita-san’s grandma tried to help me, but 'Tsumu was grabbed by some adults before Kita-san could get to him. When they went into the forest, I got away from Kita-san’s grandma to find them.”
“They sealed most of our power, but Kita-san managed to interrupt the ritual before they could force us into a contract. Kita-san was so angry, it was like watching the beast from Naruto.”
“Oh, the Nine-Tails!” Osamu corrected.
“Didn’t it have a name? Kuroomi or something??”
“Ah, Kurama!” Hinata blurted.
“Yeah, that!” The twins affirmed, snapping and pointing—or were those finger guns?
“He totally looked like Kurama when he was beating the shit out of those dudes!”
“I think he only turned back when his grandma started calling for him.”
“So, let me get this straight—”
Osamu coughed, “—Good luck with that—”
“—Kita-san can turn into a super gigantic awesome fox monster and you two keep getting younger? Except for when you get mana?”
“Pretty much, yeah.”
Hinata practically had stars in his eyes.
“We know it’s selfish to ask this of you after we, uh, bit you...”
“But, Shoyo-kun....”
The twins bowed, foreheads touching the floor. “Please form a contract with us.”
•• Part 11 of (?) ••
• A lot of this is influenced by Natsume Yuujinchou to some extent and I am not sorry. Also ykno how I reblogged Kindaichi with his hair down? I did so while looking for some KinHina, and now I’m a little tempted to write smthn. Or maybe KuniHina. Or literally anyone with Hinata because when I say hinata harem I mean Hinata HAREM. •
•• Send Asks for more! Feel free to ask about characters and send Headcanons! Or if u wanna just talk Haikyuu/ships, I’m good with that too! :) and for other parts, search the “summoner au” tag on my blog and you’ll find em! ••
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thxngam · 3 years
do u have any good donna-centric fics?
yeah! this was actually really fun :)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28259976--Send a Postcard From Down the Street by @cauldronoflove​: this is THE donna fic imo. donna on moving up in the word at the beginning of the santos admin/during transition, her friendship with sam, and also her musings on how stupid and also not josh and sam are. literally SO GOOD.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/30831602--through the looking glass by Anon: one of the reposted fics of windyink/cookiecrumbl. part 1 of the role reversal au, where donna is the one litigating ships and joey is working for hoynes. it’s in 2nd person, but that works really well for this fic. it’s such an interesting AU, the vibe i get is immaculate. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/29134296/chapters/71523372--you like her better (wish i were heather) by @singingaboutwishingx: so so good! also the first chapter is more amy-centric but the second is about donna. definitely read both chapters though, it’s a little weird to skip. donna and amy’s reflections on the other’s place in josh’s life. also with a cute sam and donna moment in the second chapter that i really love. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27167698--take the train to the top of the world, and i'm there, i'm home by @singingaboutwishingx: donna doesn’t go back to freeride. she packs her shit up and goes to new york to be happy and free and honestly the vibe i get from this is just...i wish i could be donna. it doesn’t have to do with bartlet, but more with donna embracing life and doing things that make her happy. so good. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27166588--you weren't mine to lose by @singingaboutwishingx: donna’s thoughts on her boss that she can’t date. her thoughts and her struggles and it’s just so good. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/30478647--touch my soul from the outside by cassieholliday: a soulmate au where physical hurts on your soulmates body translate to yours. donna’s soulmate is josh (obviously) and this during rosslyn with a side of comforting toby. the way this author wrote both josh and donna’s povs is so good, and both of their thoughts on their soulmates are just...so good.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/30475245--feelings im not used to feeling ‘cause, oh, they make me feel alive by annemeredithperkins: BEAUTIFUL POSSIBLY BI BLOND LADIES DESERVE THE WORLD. after the events of that episode with that really pretty red dress donna “borrows” (yall know the one I'm talking about right? bc i don’t actually know the name of the episode), donna turns to ainsley while both of their love interests are being stupid. maybe donna’s straight, maybe she’s not, but i can't see donna as anything less than self-aware of her own attraction to, at the very least, what genders she likes. i maintain that donna knew she had a crush on josh since the campaign and just never did anything about it (cmon she can't be that blind) and i totally think she knows what she wants and this fic is really about that.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/30382245--these feelings, they keep running the red by @hufflepuffhermione: i think we all wanted to know what donna was thinking during the santos campaign when donna and josh were being really awkward and weird around each other. donna’s thoughts while josh is running himself ragged. <3
https://archiveofourown.org/works/29860869--one the wires by an orphaned account: donna drives josh to the airport for his vacation during s7. very cute. the banter is *chef’s kiss* and donna talks/thinks about her relationship with joey which is very cute. 
 https://archiveofourown.org/works/29813229--Falling Apart by JOBrien42: donna’s thoughts when santos rejects the VP bid in s6. it’s really interesting bc where donna is is kinda where josh was pre-series, when he was backing a guy who was the frontrunner but also a shitty candidate and this is sort of donna’s thoughts on that and the fracturing of her relationship with josh. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/29740353--T-Shirt Weather by heliotropic: i’d explain the fic but spoilers. short but sweet. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/29305629--Inconsequential Details by violet_storms: honestly could be a companion to the last fic. it’s...the way donna’s inner monologue is so good. if you liked the last one, i think you’ll like this one. and if your not sure about the last fic read this one. amy and donna.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/66665--Ask a Scientist (it's quantum physics) by out_there: i don’t really know how to describe this one? it’s just...it’s a bittersweet or maybe just bitter ending if you think about it. so good. donna and sam, and her thoughts on all the relationships and jobs in her life. i REALLY suggest reading this, I'm not doing it justice. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28558515--Not Unspectacular Things by an orphaned account: the first of a series about the seaborn admin. so so good! sam and josh being idiots, do something stupid. this is donna’s pov. i don’t really know how to describe it but the way it’s written is just...it’s so good. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28761066--promises to keep by myrmeraki: a high school AU! donna and joey’s first date. you don’t have to read the first of the series but i rlly suggest, though it is samjosh. this is so cute and so pure. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27593960--beginning’s end by Spearquint: donna on her chief of staff duties when sam’s president. donna’s inner monologue is so good and the way the author describes the “learning curve” is fantastic. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15101804--The Taste of Everything by Michelle K: donna and joey, from donna’s pov. “She’ll think about the possibility of Joey loving her, and she’ll smile.” It’s such a pretty line and a really good fic about donna’s relationships and her family. the way the author wrote donna’s inner monologue is so good.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/687075--After Gaza by Speranza: i reread this fic just yesterday when i was going through bookmarks for sam-centric fics and i remembered why i love this. it’s short but it’s so sweet. as much as i love josh and donna being sappy and romantic, their banter was what drew me in in the first place, so this is a funny and cute exchange/scene after gaza, which is much appreciated bc things really went downhill after gaza in canon lol
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27139615--engraved upon my heart (in letters deeply worn) by @claudiasjeancregg: donna as campaign manager (ish) for the seaborn for America campaign, along with some musings on how far she’s come from an assistant to this (donna is a queen, i love her). literally...so pure. all of the feels. also donna and josh have such a cute relationship and i just...UGH. it’s so sweet my god. 
wow i have a lot more donna fics than i thought. a lot of fics i have are j/d fics, which i’d be happy to make a list for but this is the list of donna-centric fics that i’ve got. i hope you enjoy, anon!
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regulusblacksdiery · 3 years
I just want to say something...
So I just wanted to address a couple of comments/messages/asks I’ve received recently.  This is by no means aimed at anyone in particular, I just kind of wanted to explain a little bit about how this blog works.
I’ve had a few people comment on how “unrealistic” this story is and how “this doesn’t fit with canon events” and this is “historically incorrect” for the HP timeline etc.
I just want to clarify that this story is pretty much a fanfiction, just not in the usual fanfiction format. Instead of it being in chapters posted on AO3, it’s posted in short snippets as Tumblr posts. But I reiterate - it’s fanfiction. Things are allowed to differ from canon. 
This story in particular is based off of my very in-depth headcanon for the Marauder’s Era characters - most of which was established in my old (sadly deactivated) blog called Marauder-Texts. I’m going to write the story the way I picture it in my head, and while I definitely do throw in some canon events (sometimes they happen in different ways to canon), this is ultimately an AU.
Also Regulus is gay in this story. He doesn’t realise that yet (bless his little soul), but this is 100% where the story is going. And if that is something you aren’t comfortable with or you feel you don’t want to read then unfortunately this story might not be for you.
While we’re on the topic of LGBTQ+, I also want to clarify that this story definitely has an excessive amount of LGBTQ+ characters, like every other character is gay or bi or whatever, and I know this is unrealistic but that’s just how I intend to write it. In this universe apparently it’s extremely common to be LGBTQ+ and nobody will think twice about it. That’s just how I roll  😎
Other people have made comments about random things in the plotline that just don’t follow canon and I just want to say, I know, but this is how I want to write it. For example:
On this blog Lockhart started Hogwarts the same year as Regulus and in canon he starts Hogwarts a few years after Regulus.
On this blog Barty’s mother passed away when he was a child but in canon she was the one who took his place in Azkaban so he could escape.
On this blog Antonin Dolohov is in the same year as Regulus, but in canon I’m pretty sure I read he’d be like 15 years older than Regulus and most likely went to Durmstrang school (I could be wrong) - this one wasn’t exactly my choice but I made this mistake back on Marauder-Texts but by the time I realised my mistake, I’d built such a strong characterisation for him in my head that now I can’t NOT keep my headcanon for him, so hence he’s in Regulus’s year in this story too.
I’m sure there are many many other things in this story that won’t make sense canonically and may seem far-fetched to some people, and if that isn’t your cup of tea then please feel free to unfollow me (I won’t take any offence) because you probably won’t get much out of reading my posts.
Just one more thing I’d like to mention is that you’ll probably see some ships on this blog that you’ve never really seen before. Some pretty out-there ships, too, so just be warned and if you can, keep an open mind and follow the full story so you understand the context before leaving comments about how unrealistic it might be.
Anyway, I know this sounded like a rant and I promise it isn’t but I’ve wanted to say all of this for a long time and I just decided to get it all out there today for you guys.
If you have any questions about the story/questions for me in general then feel free to drop me an ask!
Thanks again everyone for all the likes, reblogs, follows and comments on my blog. I’ve said it before but this is a side-blog so I can’t reply to things but I love and appreciate all of you so much 💚
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the-fandom-fuckup · 3 years
Kirikacchako? Please
I'm not sure if this is referencing a specific prompt from like.. An older post or not, but I've been on a bit of an au kick lately so I'm gonna use this as a plug for some of the aus/ideas I've had, so I hope that's alright ^-^
(I'd offer a doodle for your troubles but... I don't have any to offer rn gjskfksjfkak)
One of the most recent ideas I've had is Kirichako sirens x hoh/ace pirate Baku, in which Kirichako are a mated pair of sirens that travel the seas together to prey on unsuspecting sailors and Baku is a pirate that spends a bit too much time around the cannons n explosives, resulting in hearing loss over time
Upon meeting Baku for the first time Kiri n Ochako are both fascninated and peeved. Fascinated bc no one's ever looked them in the eyes during their song and resisted them like he has, and peeved bc immediately after staring at them Baku tried killing them with explosives
Like sure, they've met people on the seas that have been resistent to either their song or bodies before, but never someone who was unaffected by both. They didn't know whether to be more interested or insulted honestly
((They go with interested, but tell themselves they're insulted bc it's easier to admit))
N honestly I don't have much here, but they end up following Baku's ship around bc it has some good benefits (provides them with protection from bigger sea creatures, food from all the ships they destroy/people they fuck up), and also they just like bothering Baku until they get a reaction from him
They don't sing to him anymore, but they chitter at him n throw pretty sea trinkets up against the ship/into open cannon flaps for him to find later
The last thing I have for this idea is the courting process probably starts bc Baku tripped on the sea trinkets one too many times while carrying out his duties n gets pissed, so he goes up to the main deck to get their attention before chucking some sparkly, garbage thing back at them hoping to distract them enough to get them to fuck off. But the sirens look at their new gift and go wait... Returned gift?? A courting gift?? Which goes to kickstarts a whole new wave of bullshit lmao, rip Baku's sanity
Another idea I wanna shoehorn these guys into is my EnjiRei/TodoDeku mafia bodyguard au, but I'm not too sure on how to go about it tbh like
One one hand, I could have Kiri in with the Todorokis n Ochako in with All Might's group, and have Baku be the unsuspecting civilian just trying to live his life but has attracted the attention of both gang members, who then treat it as a rivalry of who gets Baku first but end up seeing each other as more than just rival groups when the gangs actually start working together n they get paired to run jobs, and has everyone spiralling into a mess of feelings and highjinks before leveling out to smth manageable
On another hand I could have a similar idea with Kacchako as the rivaling gang members and Kiri as the unsuspecting civilian, or maybe even some other underground member like an underground ring fighter or a runner or whatever, who gets scouted by the groups bc his reputation in the ring gets him a gig as some extra muscle or smth for an outside job
And then on the last hand I could have pre-established Kiribaku as the gang members (in the same gang this time) and Ochako as the civilian making bad deals with shady people for extra cash to try and help her family out of their shitty finacial situation, taking jobs she has no business taking (probably from the rising group that's fucking up everything for everyone else tbh) n catching the boys' attention bc "what's a pretty little thing like you doing in the sleazy part of town? Don'tcha know shit gets dangerous around here?" And they're endeared by her spunk n unwillingness to crumble under pressure so they take her under their wing to show her the ropes but also gives them their kicks bc they get off on corrupting her innocent n naive moral compass, all while being hunted by the other group bc she ditched their jobs n now has to face the consequences or smth, Idk idk
It would help if I had any understanding of how mobs/organised crime shit worked or even watched those kinds of shows/movies lmaofnakfmdjs
I'll finish it off with the modern fantasy au I've been thinking about bc I love it dearly, staring alpha werewolf Baku, alpha dragon Kiri, and bamf witch Ochako
At some point or other Baku gets the entire Bakusquad + Deku, Tetsu, Camie, and Ochako living in his packhouse bc he takes a great deal of pride in caring for his pack members and it's actually really easy for his alpha to categorise people as pack, but you'd have to pull out all his teeth before he admits it
Some of them just decided they lived there now n didn't leave, but both Kiri (+Tetsu) and Ochako were brought in by Baku bc his alpha's love language is acts of service/providing and clearly they both benefitted from the move so "why tf are you making such a big deal about it?? Just pack your shit n get it moved in, you've got a week"
Kirikacchako dance around each other hardcore in this au, to the exasperation of everyone else. The alphas try to play off their urges to provide n scentmark as subtly as possible, and since Ochako isn't aware of the meaning it goes pretty well. But literally everyone else is rolling their eyes n making bets on how long it takes them to get their shit together lmaojdidudj
A scene I have pictured for them (and the first one I came up with for this au) is Ochako going out somewhere and Kiri n Baku both casually scent her before she heads out, thinking they're all slick n shit. But as soon as she leaves Deku levels them with the most deadpan expression he can make n says "that was the least subtle thing I've ever seen in my life", and as Baku snaps n goes "I dunno what you're talking about" Kiri replies with a smug "I wasn't trying to be😏"
And like. Realistically the alphas know Ochako isn't really an omega, but she does share some traditional omega qualities that have their alphas going wild (period cycle=heat cycle, round n squishy but will fight you=strength n size for providing healthy pups + the ability to protect them, etc.) so it's understandable that their alphas would slip up n refer to her as their omega, right? Right??
It also doesn't help that after taking Ochako with them on full moon runs, she's been chatting with some of the betas n omegas there and asking how to better communicate with the boys (to avoid miscommunication, she says). But they've both marked her so much that the betas n omegas think she's their courted omega, so they teach her vocal cues n what they mean coming from an alpha, and teach her how to purr and chirp in response.
They don't think to mention the significance behind some of the cues they teach her bc why would they? Smelling as strongly as she does, there's no way those alphas aren't going to give her their bite n bond with her. Why would they need to explain some of the more provocative noises they teach her? They're just helping her for when her alphas decide it's the right time to mate her, is all
I haven't gotten around to how their tension n dancing breaks, but it does eventually n they do get together n bond and all that good stuff, and eventually they have werewolf/dragon/magic hybrid babies bc I have quirkbabes design in another au n I'm obviously dropping them into every au I possibly can bc I love them n put a lot of work into them (and they're super pretty, so I'm showing them off where ever I can assuming I actually draw smth for this au eventually rip)
And wow, this is getting kinda long n rambly so I'm gonna end it here, but I hope that this was kinda what you were looking for landkwidjdkwbf
If you wanna know more about any of the aus just let me know, I could ramble forever
Or if you have any other kirikacchako ideas you wanna hear about feel free to drop them off, I don't mind!! ^-^
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tren-fraszka · 3 years
Fic in a Box 2021 Exchange Letter
Dear creator,
Thank you for taking your time to check my requests. I know my requests can sound a bit tricky, but please don’t be discouraged. I wish you will have good time writing first and foremost!
My AO3 is Tren, if you wish to check it out.
Likes: comedy, casefics, canon compliants, AUs, time loops, bodyswaps, roleswaps, “being hoisted by your own petard” plotlines, snark, pettiness, rivals, enemies to friends to lovers, violence, friendships, and character bonding,
DNW: explicit sex (makeouts and fade to black is okay), A/B/O, mpreg, rape depicted as positive (so no “it’s okay, because the other person enjoyed it/it was what they truly wanted”), trans headcanons, soulmate AUs, stories ending with surrender to fate/destiny, fourth wall breaking in canons where that doesn’t occur, character has cancer or other real-life terminal disease AU, word “queerplatonic”.
Also, I included what ships I’m okay with in each fandom. Please do not include any ships that aren’t canon and I have not allowed in those sections (if you feel really strongly about a ship I haven’t mentioned, you can always ask through mods just in case).
On a separate, but similar note, I’m okay with OCs as long as they don’t overshadow the characters I requested.
Additionally, while I almost never request fanart as possible medium, because I prefer my main gift to be fic, I would be very okay with receiving fanart treats. Also, feel free to peruse my old letters if you get your hands on them. I never stop being interested in fandoms, and if I requested something once I will still want it in the future.
Medium opt-ins (they are the same for all the fandoms):
Length Opt-In: Drabble Length Opt-In: Drabble Series Medium Opt In: Any - Any In-Universe Documents Medium Opt In: Art - Drawn - Comics Medium Opt In: Art - Drawn - Fanart Medium Opt In: Art - Excerpts from a Character's Sketchbook Medium Opt In: Art - Tarot Card Medium Opt In: Illustrated Text (Art & Writing) - Bureaucratic Paperwork Medium Opt In: Illustrated Text (Art & Writing) - Excerpts from a Journal/Notebook/Sketchbook Medium Opt In: Illustrated Text (Art & Writing) - Field Report Medium Opt In: Illustrated Text (Art & Writing) - Mission Report Medium Opt In: Illustrated Text (Art & Writing) - In-Universe Scientific Documents Medium Opt In: Writing - Unreliable Narrator Medium Opt In: Writing - Non-Linear Narrative
I read new manga chapters as they get translated so feel free to incorporate anything from the manga that’s available in English.
Kirio Amy/Suzuki Iruma
There are many good ships with Iruma, but this one just has a lot things I like. I love enemy ships with both sides being way too emotionally invested into each other so this was inevitable. I love how this relationship starts as this really wholesome friendship and school festival preparation, except Kirio turns out to be a bit messed up and wants to blow up everyone. But then they both accept the outcome and go on with their lives still thinking about each other. Iruma goes through a lot of trouble to keep the club operating even though Kirio has been pretty much expelled. And then Kirio is now obsessed with Iruma as his anthitesis and perfect enemy.
I’m okay with the potential story happening at any point in the canon. I would love both a story set before the festival while Kirio is still hiding his true colors or a story set after it. Maybe Iruma runs into Kirio somewhere after he escapes prison and instead of calling an adult, he tries to stop Kirio from causing trouble on his own. As for pre-festival story. Maybe some upperclassmen steal important parts from the club and Iruma and Kirio set out to get them back.
Naberius Callego & Suzuki Iruma
I love Callego for being a much better take on Snape than original Snape ever was. The second the series made Callego Iruma’s familiar I knew this was about to get good. And it was. I love how Callego slowly warms up to Iruma, even if he is still allergic to his and Sullivan’s antics. I love that Callego is actually a competent teacher who cares about his students, but at the same time he would rather eat a whole lemon than admit it out loud.
For prompts, maybe Sullivan ends up having an important business and Opera isn’t available so he dumps looking after Iruma on Callego for a few days. Or Iruma is struggling with studying since so many things are new for him, so Callego ends up forced to help him catch up with the material (if you are following manga inclusion of Balam is always welcome). Or maybe Iruma gets into usual trouble ends up stranded somewhere and the only one he can call for help is his familiar.
Crocell Kerori | Kuromu/Gyari
One of the last thing I expected to get this year was a canonical yuri romance in this manga, but here it is and it’s perfect. I love how it is pretty much built on mutual pining. I love how Kuromu loves Gyari, but refuses to reciprocate her feelings, because she knows that she needs to remain unattainable to keep their relationship alive, and I love how Gyari is never ever going to give up.
I would love to see more of the time when they worked together. We know it was love at the first sight for Gyari, but I would love to see how Kuromu’s feelings grew. Those hours they spent together practicing, maybe a not-date where they sneak together to scout a venue where they will be having their first big concert, or maybe a small contest that would sow the seeds for their future rivalry. I would love any and all of it. Also, Gyari doesn’t seem to be aware of Kuromu’s civilian identity, so I would love a story where Gyari meets Crocell Kerori rather than Kuromu. Does she recognize her? Or does Kerori manage to successfully trick her? Maybe Gyari makes a full investigation after hearing rumors that Kuromu is attending Babylys. I would also love any sort of future fic for those two.
AUs and ships
I love the worldbuilding around the demon world, so I would ask that if you decided to write an AU that it still incorporates demons. I would definitely love an AU where rather than getting summoned to demon world, Iruma accidentally summons either Kirio or Callego into the human world. Maybe Iruma’s parents try to use him as an offering, but instead he ends up bound to a demon. I would love to see Kirio excited to unleash suffering (even if his weak powers severely limit him in that regard) onto human world just to discover that he made contract with the biggest pacifist possible. Or Callego being torn between wanting to return home as soon as possible (he has classes to teach!) and wanting to somehow help the weird human child that just keeps getting into trouble. Any other demon-focused AU is also welcome. For Gyari and Kurmou, maybe one of them is a human who ends up summoning the other as a demon. How different would their relationship be then? I’m also fine with any sort of AU divergences scenario. Maybe Iruma keeps accidentally sabbotaging Kirio’s terrorist plans without realizing it. Or Iruma ends up summoning Callego more often as his familiar when he gets into trouble. What if Gyari also attended Babylys.
As for ships, I’d rather avoid any love triangle scenarios for this canon, so please focus on just one pairing per character (competing for Iruma’s attention is normal for this canon, I’d just rather not see outright romantic competition). It’s self-explainatory for Kirio request, but if you want to include some shipping elements into the other requests I also ship Iruma/Amelie and Callego/Balam.
Solo: Vivy
WB: Any
I would love a look into some alternate timelines or missing scenes. Feel free to go as tragic as you like for alternate timelines, or make a happy end, or anything in between. I just think the core concept of the show has a lot of potential in that regard. For a more specific prompts I would love an AU where Diva doesn't disappear, but maybe she and Vivy end up spliting in some way (I'm sure Matsumoto could find a spare body or something). Or maybe a story where one of the Sisters ends up dragged into Singularity project (I really loved what they did with Elizabeth in the show).
For more worldbuilding prompts I would love a more in-depth look of how Matsumoto as more advanced AI differs from the past eye and how that gap is slowly being closed with each case he and Vivy resolves. Or outsider POV on how Vivy’s and Matsumoto’s actions shape the world. Them turning off the plant producing new androids and the subsequent suicide would definitely get coverage. I would love to know how the whole thing was officially explained. Are there conspiracy theories on the Internet? Sisters are involved in every major incident, would people suspect something?
AUs and ships
I would prefer no setting changes for this story. Any other AUs are fine. As mentioned I would love any look for alternate timeline. I would also love an AU where Diva doesn’t recover her memories and keeps helping Matsumoto while trying to regain them.
Any canon pairings are fine.
I read new manga chapters as they get translated so feel free to incorporate anything from the manga that’s available in English.
I love how this manga is a slow-paced fantasy dealing with loss and inevitable passage of time. And I love Frieren for being one of the best depictions of an elf whose long life actually affects their outlook on life and actions.
I would equally love the insight into Frieren’s present with her charges and the past with hero party. What other shenanigans they get into on their journey? What kind of weird magic Frieren pursued? I would love to see more of her mentoring Fern and Stark. I also love to see her interactions with the hero party. Maybe some more insight into how they fought with demons, since Frieren seemed to have picked up a number of enemies during that time. For some more specific prompts: maybe Frieren accidentally stumbles ona cursed item that erases her memories (or just her memories of Himmel). How would it affect her? What would the party do to help her? Or maybe a demon kidnaps someone from Frieren’s party?
Feel free to include any other characters, they are a colorful bunch.
AUs and ships
I’m fine with AUs as long as Frieren’s long lifespan is preserved. Her perspective is very much shaped by how long she has lived, so I wouldn’t want that aspect to change. One exception would be, a roleswap where Himmel is an elf, while Frieren is a human, and exploration of how both of them would be affected by having a different lifespan. An AU with mythological creatures or similar could be interesting.
I would very much love Himmel/Frieren, though I also enjoy how the manga softly builds on their connection. I also enjoy the budding romance between Fern and Stark.
I like all the characters so feel free to include any of them in the story. Bonus points for Ennmusubi doing some subtle matchmaking.
I love both of them and how much Kusa looks up to Hakuro. I would love to see them have some adventures together. Maybe they help some other youkai? Or one of the onmyoji? I would also love a deeper insight into how Kusa became stronger after getting inspired by Hakuro. How did she try to improve herself? There definitely was some trial and error and I would love to see that.  
That pairing came out of the left field for me, but I absolutely love the interactions the two of them had so far. I would love to see them meeting more, their feelings growing each time they see each other. I also feel like a story where they keep meeting each other in a dream would really fit them, as they would long to finally meet each other in reality.
AUs and ships
I’m fine with any AU. A modern AU with archer Hakuro and gardener Kusa would be cute. Or a dancer Shiranui and a musican Kinnara. Alternatively an AU where one of the two is onmyoji could be very interesting.
I’m fine with Hakuro’s admiration for Hiromasa being present as long as it doesn’t overshadow her relationship with Kusa. 
Harry Dresden/Lara Raith
I was sceptical of this pairing all the way through Peace Talks, but then Harry and Lara had this intense falling out, Murphy had died, and suddenly this is a supernatural arranged political marriage and I love everything about this situation. I mean everything. Harry still being in mourning and absolutely not wanting to be forced into this arrangement, Lara still being distrustful of Harry, suspecting that Dresden is using their brother as a bargaining chip, Mab expecting both of them to present themselve as a couple for political reasons. It’s just terrible time for both of them, but so much fun for me.
I would love to see them forced to attend various supernatural events to present themselves per Mab’s wishes. How badly would Dresden handle it? Also it was confirmed that he was marked with true love which means he and Lara probably can’t even touch directly. How well do they hide that fact from everyone? How much guilt would Harry have once he realized that the mark has weakened or disappeared now that he started to develop feelings for Lara? How much chaos will ensue when the wedding does happen?
AUs and ships
I don’t want any setting AU for this fandom, because the existing setup is just too perfect. I’m fine with a divergence AU as long as Lara and Harry are still forced into arranged marriage.
I would want for Harry’s past relationships be acknowledged mostly because him being in mourning is part of what I find appealing about his situation. I don’t expect any scenes actually showing him with his past lovers, but I would be very okay with them appearing.
Feel free to include other Tales characters. My faves are the cast of Xillia, Symphonia and Graces, but I’m also fine with including other characters (I would appreciate proper introductions in that case, I still haven’t played some of the games, so I might not recognize everyone just by their name).
Solo: Lloyd Irving
I would love more insight into small, but murdeous Lloyd. Seriously I loved the idea of Lloyd originally being manipulated into killing Colette and would love to see Lloyd remembering his lost memories at some point (bonus points for also exploring the idea of Colette as an artificial construct). Also I'm always a sucker for Kratos and Lloyd awkwardly trying to rebuild their familial bonds. What if Lloyd went with Kratos after all? What would happen if they ran into each other again. 
Stahn Aileron & Leon Magnus
I would love more of Leon's utter suffering as he searches for a way to turn his best friend back into human, so people stop thinking he's crazy whenever he tells his sword to shut up. I would love to see him reunite with Crestoria’s main cast and getting annoyed at how chaotic they are. Or running into Sorey again. Honestly, I would love seeing him interact with pretty much anyone, and grumpily helping them kill monsters/do charity/etc. Or exploring Stahn’s and Leon’s past. I would love to see their childhood and how they grew to be such a good friends.
I haven’t played Destiny, so please give me context if you want to include any elements that aren’t in Crestoria.
Velvet Crowe/Milla Maxwell
I thrive on the twisted codependency those two have in Crestoria. I will take both good, tragic and/or ambiguous ends for this relationship. Whether Velvet decides to forgive Milla or kill her it will be great. Give me all those twisted emotions, the hesitation, and pain both of them are carrying.
For straightforward approach, maybe the two of them stop in a town while chasing the last Incarnation and Milla decides to throw a party (because it’s some sort of festival, or maybe she found out it’s Velvet’s or Laphicet’s birthday and wants to make some amends however small). Or maybe one of them gets hurt during the fight with an Incarnation and the other ends up nursing them to health.
For some more levity, maybe Velvet and Milla ran out of money and pick up some side-job to have enough money for an inn. Maybe they work as waitresses and are both great and terrible at it at the same time. Or they have to take care of kids. Any other amusing job is also good.
AUs and ships
I’m fine with any AUs, though for Stahn&Leon request I still want Stahn to be the sword. I’m okay with Stahn turning human (or from human to sword) in the course of the story or being human when showing his past with Leon.
I don’t want Velvet or Milla paired with anyone else or Asbel/Cheria. Other than that there’s too much ships. Please inquire through the mods about specific ones.
WB: Any
Please only include NA content, I want to avoid JP spoilers
I would love to explore any part of the setting really. I especially love the various interesting connections Servant have with each other that might not be obvious at first glance (like the fact that Iskander is also a pharaoh). I’m just fascinated by all the intricate historical connections. I would also love to see how some Servants would react if they were taken to Singularity/Lostbelt/Event they weren’t a part of. 
Alternatively I would love to see exploration on how different the protagonists upbringing is from other mages especially given how bad they are at magic. We get some of it with Crypters (I loved how frustrated Kadoc was at the fact that the protagonist is even worse at magic than him), but I would love to see more of it. Maybe some Servants try to teach protagonist magic or prepare them for interactions with Clock Tower mages.
I'm fine with both male and female protagonist. Feel free to do anything from a serious character exploration to zany antics. I love both moods FGO jumps between, you can't go wrong with that. Historical context always welcome. I'm fine for any usual suspects when it comes to plot ideas: be it training simulator shenanigans, "oh no we lost comms and are stuck in Singularity", Moriarty scheming, to someone wanting to make Master happy in their own special, dysfunstional and/or possibly destructive ways
Some of the characters I enjoy: Gilgamesh (any), Mordred, Karna, Medea, Saint Martha, Ereshikigal, Danzo, Jeanne D'Arc Alter, Mysterious Heroine XX, Sitonai, Moriarty, Goredolf, any character from pairings section solo. Though honestly I love pretty much everyone in Chaldea except Columbus.
AUs and ships
Obviously, no setting changes AUs, but feel free to Canon Divergence
Pairings: Amakusa/Semiramis, Izou/Ryouma, Kintoki/Fuuma, Romani/Merlin, Romani/protagonist. Also feel free to assume protagonist/everyone (except the "child" Servants). Feel free to ask about other pairings through mods, I’m definitely missing some
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