#feel like im swinging a bat at a hornets nest with this post
redrreign · 2 years
if they make h*ntlow real in s3 im blowing this whole building up
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valentinoappreciator · 9 months
people in this fandom who love alastor but hate valentino have exactly one (1) setting:
"i can excuse serial killing and cannibalism but i draw the line at sexual assault"
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downsteepy · 1 year
i made a post abt leon so i want to make one abt ada now . this will be even more incoherent than my leon post bc my thoughts abt ada are a lot less organized lol.
mainly just talking abt how ppl mischaracterize her despite ... literally everything. i'll probably mention re4r spoilers if that matters to you! i'll only make brief mentions to separate ways, so please be wary of that stuff :)
i feel like a lot of resident evil characters get mischaracterized, but ada seems to get it the worst imo. a lot of people seem to just take her at face value and they're so stuck on portraying her as manipulative or that she just doesn't care abt leon which is. not even true LMFAO
ada's been shown to care very much abt leon! she's saved his ass a lot despite the fact that she literally doesn't even need to. she could see him in trouble and just leave, but she doesn't because she.. cares about him? like i don't know why people like to close their eyes when it comes to this stuff.
i would like to bring up the umbrella chronicles, specifically ada's side story, death's door. death's door shows ada's escape from the NEST, and after she escapes from the sewers, she goes to meet with one of her contacts, who she finds dead. a computer powers on to show wesker, and as soon as he mentions her having aided leon, she seems to tense up almost. ada isn't really outwardly emotive for the most part, but the way i viewed her tensing up in that moment was something maybe close to anger?
obviously it could be me reading too much into it or reading it wrong, but she definitely didn't seem too happy as soon as leon's name left his mouth lol. yes it could also be because of him saying that she betrayed him, but ultimately it could've been a mix of the two.
i do want to try and tackle re2r now which is going to be kind of messy so bear with me if i word something weird.
i think re2r is where a lot of people grab on to the idea of ada strictly only ever manipulating leon and using him. and i'm not going to type out this big long thing and act like ada definitely didn't use leon for her own goal, because she did!
THAT BEING SAID, she does also express care for him. when leon gets shot in the shoulder, she patches him up and uses her trench coat to cover him up. did she have to? absolutely not. she could've just left him there without helping him, but she did!
ada really is not as cold and emotionless as some people like to portray her as, and i think acting like she's incapable of actually caring abt leon is genuinely just. dumb?
i'll jump to re4r now because the dogshit takes i've had to see abt ada even to this day kills me. a lot of them do seem to center on how people viewed her in 2r, but hopefully with the release of separate ways people start opening their minds abt her a little more.
i think 4r does a very good job showing how ada cares about leon! i don't want to dip too much into separate ways since i haven't played it yet and i've only watched a handful of things abt it, but like. she does do a lot of things to help leon during the story of 4r. she gets saddler's attention so that leon can help ashley. she does a LOT of things for leon very willingly! she very willingly helps leon and it really isn't just bc she's wanting to use or manipulate him lol.
there's so much to ada's character that people just don't understand and don't seem to want to understand, which does suck a lot. a lot of people do seem to think she's a bad person because of the work she does, and i have seen some people say that she Obviously Doesn't Care about this or that. not to bring up the ending to re4r but the moment wesker mentions that there would be billions of casualties, you can see her change in body language, and she immediately takes control of the chopper. yes, ada is morally grey, but ada isn't inherently a bad person. the point of morally grey characters is that they aren't supposed to be viewed as 100% bad OR 100% good.
ada's moral greyness seems to be a very weird point of contention for people, and while i do get preferring characters that are more direct about their motivations, i feel like having characters that are morally grey bring a lot to a story. if you have a cast of characters that are always 100% good or 100% bad and there's no hint of moral greyness, it's.. kind of boring?
like idk, personally i like that ada is more morally grey. i think it compliments how leon is very much hellbent on helping and saving as many people as he can.
i do think a lot of the dislike or outright hatred towards ada is bc of how people view + treat leon, which sucks. really ultimately, as naive as leon may be sometimes, he's not a baby. i think a lot of this also comes from general mischaracterization of leon, but that's a post for another day since this is already incredibly long LMFAO.
tl;dr: ada isn't a bad character just because you don't like her. ada isn't a bad person because of her being morally grey. i think watering her down to "bad and manipulative" without looking at the rest of her character is doing her a disservice. i'm not really saying all of this to be like "you HAVE to like ada NOW" but i do just want people to understand her a little more 😭
also really ultimately capcom is like. very bad at writing women so that doesnt really help.. anyway. thanks for looking at my long ass post abt how ada isnt bad and a bunch of other stuff
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pixlostinatos · 2 months
oh hey now that the well and bitter medicine have gotten official releases can i say it now? The Well is a nosy neighbors song and Bitter Medicine is sooooooo dl!pearl
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crazyw3irdo · 2 years
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and when they say "in a good way" they always mean "in a slightly less bad way"
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friendofcars · 1 year
thank you so much for the response to the mask adam mention ask, i feel like that cleared up a lot of things for me but i do wonder what it means to ronan to be somehow aware of 'lowkey' being attracted to gansey when cdth tells us he's been pulled towards adam since the moment he first saw him?
also since you talked about gansey and kavinsky i also want to mention that when ronan brings the dreamt camaro to gansey he also puts on a dreamt white sunglasses on gansey's face and i feel like that's such an important detail after "it was never going to be you and me".
you're welcome. thank you for asking in the first place!
so re: ronan being attracted to gansey vs adam, firstly, i think it's an entirely plausible situation given that a) ronan's second secret is his attraction to adam, not attraction to guys in general b) he and gansey have such a strong bond that (at least to me) sort of transcends 'relationship categories' like romantic, platonic, fraternal, etc. so if ronan, who fancies himself Captain Monogamous, was concerned about having feelings for both of his friends i think he could easily convince himself that his love for gansey is entirely brotherly because it's so profound that it could be anything - but at this point in the series, he doesn't even let himself understand his feelings for adam, so i don't think that would even be an internal conflict for him until bllb onwards- maybe a subconscious thing that he'd experience as anger, but not a conscious 'problem.' and even if ronan only wants a monogamous relationship for himself, that definitely doesn't preclude being attracted to multiple people simultaneously. he might not have fun figuring that out though lol so to directly respond to your ask, i think all it means to ronan in this present chapter is that he is thrilled that gansey-on-fire is making an appearance and is too riled up on adrenaline to be particularly worried that this version of gansey reminds him of adam.
to be completely honest i haven't started to think too much about the sunglasses (at least in the scene ronan puts them on gansey- in general i think it's fairly accepted that they symbolize kavinsky's secrets, particularly his vulnerability, how he uses brash language and behavior to obfuscate insecurity and instability; i also think they're a nice foil to gansey's wire frames that tend to appear in vulnerable, honest moments.). i think you're so right to consider them on gansey right after ronan leaves kavinsky though! it's as if he's imagining kavinsky in the camaro, or perhaps a more kavinsky-like version of gansey, shrouded in rumor rather than legend... not sure what to conclude from this. do you have more thoughts on this scene (when ronan gives gansey the new camaro)? i also think the reflective nature of the sunglasses (they're mirrors!) is relevant, which i think gives us the opportunity to discuss not only how ronan and other characters perceive kavinsky, but how kavinsky makes them perceive themselves.
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jefferythejelly · 1 year
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tentechbiolognostic · 3 months
weve all seen and heard about posts that look like this
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but what about all the comments that look like this
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trollocs-ooc · 4 months
Guys. I'm going to be serious with you. I try my best to be nice and understanding of everybody. I do. but when you bottle shit up it's going to spill eventually . Amd i know this is probably going to lower somebody's opinions of me, but i think i raised the standards a bit too high with how patientni try to be. But I dont care, i have to say something or i feel it will get worse.
I. Do not want. You vagueposting about me. Or what happens to me.
Either say something concrete, or don't.
This was pissing me off yesterday, but now the poll has crossed the line for me. It really has.
And I'm not mad at anybody except the original proshipper, but what i AM mad about is the attitude this fucking community has over these things.
Almost None of you said anything to me. NONE. the amount of times you rb the "guys can we be normal to ooc blogs" post will do NOTHING. it does absolutely NOTHING. your vagueposting does NOTHING. And you acting like you're the ones affected when absolutely nothing happened to you, while refusing to actually say anything concrete is incredibly irritating.
And let me put that poll into perspective for you. That's like if after salty got the incest asks, someone made a poll "WHO HERE SHIPS INCEST?". it is stupid. It is insensitive. It is inherently discourse. You are swinging a bat at a hornet nest for no reason and making everyone irritated in the process.
You are allowed to be uncomfortable. You are allowed to not want to express your opinions. But if you don't have anything smart to say then don't say it at all, for the love of god.
Your actions affect others, and i think it actually irritates me more that you're all talking about this in this way, than the proshipper arguing with me. Because at least they have opinions. Instead of going "whats WRONG WITH PEOPLEEE" or "uhm" or "im taking a break-" NOTHING HAPPENED TO YOU.
I. Was the one that got the weird asks. I. was the one that had my boundaries broken. I. Was the one none of you wanted to say anything to. So i think i have the right to ask that you all stop treating this like some sort of hush hush rumor and not something incredibly cut and dry. If you don't want to say anything THEN DON'T.
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tmnt-obsessed-ace · 1 year
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I feel like Im swinging a bat into a hornets nest
Lmfao lets see if I get banned after posting this
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dropoutparty · 2 years
this post feels a bit like swinging a bat at a hornets nest but does anyone else feel like the common interperetation of yellow guy being a child is kinda abelist... like wasnt he literally confirmed as an adult in the pilot (and imo he doesnt seem like a child at all to me in the show)?
edit: im aware that the pilot isnt really considered canon, but i still feel the same way regardless. idk it just squicks me out
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valentinoappreciator · 10 months
if the "Addict" music video is no longer canon, we basically have no evidence that Valentino is, in fact, a rapist
checkmate antis and haters 💅
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daforged · 2 years
& another disco elysium thing that keeps kind of like. gnawing at me is that it honestly feels like the devs forgot women should be like. part of the game. and feminism could be more than a funny haha dialogue option. like i think there were ways to interrogate hdb’s misogyny deeper than just stating “i alternate between deifying and demonizing my ex and her entire gender and also have this sort of fundamental belief that women are an Other” like ok cool. and then what. why can we get paragraph after paragraph of geography or political discourse or revolutionary history but not delve into how men love to put women up on a pedestal and then damn them to hell when they don’t live up to the ideal & how all this relates to men tending not to see women as fully human, seeing them as objects for sex, stability/nurturing, and/or not capable of the depth of feeling and variety of emotions they themselves are.
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fleetwood-cheese · 2 years
Why do people keep insisting that jiang cheng is asexual when hes such a perfect example of ‘guy whose bi but nobody wants him’ rep
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squaretablehold · 2 years
My essay is (mostly) finished, I am moved back home, and it's five am so I have to go to sleep cause my circadian rhythm is shot to all hell, but tomorrow I return!
Shit I wanna do so yall should pester me about it: Write up my meta about Unalloyed Gold being a textile not a metal, write up what I think happened to Miq and Mal's shadows cause I'm absolutely convinced I've figured it out, write some starters maybe, ponder a workshop on character bleed and boundaries (putting my game design degree to work lmaooo), set up a thread tracker, update my verses pages, and maybe even figure out wtf is going on anymore.
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bettercallslur · 3 years
just gonna put this here. 
but i’ve been watching TWD recently (i’m almost fully caught up, about half way through season 10) and like... i have been casually partaking in some of the fandom related stuff. perusing tags and vibing. but im confused as to how ANY one could still ship Daryl/Carol? are we watching the same show?
bc, in my eyes, their friendship hit its stride in and around the prison arc right. but ever since then it’s been an actual nightmarishly toxic situation? they enable one another’s emotional outbursts and poor decision making. and i never liked the way their partnership started... like carol, this survivor of domestic abuse, approaching daryl and just allowing him to scream at her like she was some kind of verbal punching bag. just offering herself up to be the target of his misplaced anger never sat right with me. but now, daryl is the more level headed one. and thats fucking SAYING something. they just bring out the worst in each other and the only way i can see them ‘ending up together’ is if its in the after life bc they fucking got each other killed. 
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