#feel like this in the pottery studio a lot
raskies456 · 2 years
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(Image description in alt)
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vampiricgf · 15 days
lil drabble of satoru n reader on a cute pottery class date because I haven't been able to stop thinking about them sobs gimme loverboy satoru pls pls (credit @neptuneblue for this sweet idea ilysm)
0.8k. sfw. set in the same universe as this frat boy gojo fic
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You drove past the place weeks ago, nearly getting into an accident maneuvering through traffic to pull into the parking lot and furiously take down the info in the little sign on the window.
Now offering couples pottery classes!
It was perfect and that night you'd spent hours giggling on the old futon in Satorus room talking about going in next week to try a class together. It made your chest feel full and tight, like a million bufferflies were fluttering their wings around hearing him chatter excitedly to you about making the cutest bowl for you.
Just watch, mines gonna be the most adorable one!
You can hear it now in the back of your mind as you stare at your forlorn lover with wet clay splattered all over his hands and smeared in odd patches on his nose and cheeks and you try to hold in the building storm of giggles that threatens to burst like the snap of bubblegum popping.
"What's wrong, baby?" You ask, glancing between the thick, wobbly bowl sitting in front of him and those jewel toned eyes.
"Nothin',' he says and you bite your lip as the laughter threatens to spill over once more.
"It's not nothing, tell me what's up, please?" You implore, reaching across the table to grasp one of his hands, feeling the clay smearing against his and your skin.
His eyes look anywhere but at you for a moment, flicking around the studio before he heaves a particularly dramatic sigh and presses the back of your hand to his cheek.
"I was supposed to make the cutest one for you. Look at it, it's awful."
He sounds so morose you can't help the way you want to get up from the table and cradle his face in your hands, press him against your chest and smother him in affection.
What a big baby.
You can feel your eyes softening before you speak. "Toru you know anything you make me is adorable, right?"
"Aw, don't do the mom voice please baby I can't handle it."
That makes the flurry of giggles erupt, which only serves to deepen his pout and he lets go of your hand abruptly with a hmph before playfully looking away from you. That makes it even harder to catch your breath against the stream of laughter but eventually you do, rising to come around to his side of the table and placing a sweet kiss to his cheek that isn't marred by drying clay.
"I'm serious, I love everything you give me or make for me 'Toru. Because it's from you. But-" you cover his mouth with your hand before he can interrupt, ignoring his exaggerated sounds that threaten to derail your thoughts entirely, "what if we finished it together? Then they'd be like a matching set, like me and you."
You smile at him, removing your hand and for a moment you wonder if maybe you said the wrong thing because he looks so... dumbstruck. It only lasts for a second though, quickly replaced by that familiar, comforting smile.
"Yeah, just like me and you."
It's so soft you almost miss it over the din of others around you in the studio but you don't miss the way your heartbeat picks up, pounding against your ribs as he brushes your knuckles against his lips before turning his attention back to the clay in front of him.
You've never felt so gripped by the urge to tackle and kiss anyone like you do with Satoru.
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harufluff · 7 months
enhypen on your bday /ᐠ - ˕ -マ Ⳋ
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warnings - mentions of food, lots of skinship :))
genre - fluff, enhypen x fem!reader, established relationship au, non-idol au
wc - 3.9k words
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happy birthday to me and sorn 🥳💕
lee heeseung
honestly he wanted nothing more than to make you feel special. he had a hard time figuring out what to do with you cause you’re never specific about what exactly you want.
hee ends up making you a cute handmade card with a bunch of kisses that he used your lipstick to make 🫠🫠
ends up accidentally sleeping over at your place the night before and having to run back to his apartment before you wake up, to which you thank him for when he comes back :))
more undercut !!
park jay
another who just has a need to make you feel special. but jay’s love language is gift giving, so obviously he was a little flashier.
wakes you up in the morning with breakfast in bed and cuddles with you until 1 o’clock, when he makes you get ready and go shopping with him. he gets you everything that you are even remotely interested in cause he wants you to have everything you want :DD
at the end of the night, jay takes you to a nice restaurant and you end the night with a movie night together in the comfort of your shared home 💕💕
sim jake
wants you so see quite literally everyone who you care about. jakes such a sweetheart that he plans everything and anything for the day months ahead of time.
he makes all the calls to your family, friends, and even just the girl at the grocery store you like talking to lol. the entire day gets him kinda stressed out, but he’s just happy you’re having fun and enjoying your special day.
the two of you end up just laying in bed and falling asleep at 9 o’clock to some old movie in the background 💞
park sunghoon
another one who thinks a handmade gift and a good meal are the perfect thing ⭐️⭐️ he gets to your place around 9 o’clock cause he wanted to let you sleep in, but he also wanted to be the first person you see when you woke up.
he made you one of those cute little ‘boyfriend coupons’ that you see on pinterest, and was considering putting his on pinterest himself.
sunghoon spent the whole day with you in his arms and he quite literally would not take his hands off you urgen after both of you were sleeping peacefully in bed with the love of your lives.
kim sunoo
more shopping to make his birthday girl feel special!! his main focus of the day was just to spend as much time with you before you were whisked off by your friends at night time (that he planned to have them do)
he made sure that you were having fun every second of the day, to which you answered with yes every time. sunoo with his fluffy personality shinning through, pre-ordered cute matching hoodies with his and your own initial ❤️❤️
after picking you back up from hanging out with your friends, he drew a bath for you and you ended the night with some good snacks and your perfect boyfriend.
yang jungwon
also wants your birthday to be perfect, but also wants to be a little selfish for once and keep you to yourself. he had asked you what you wanted to do weeks prior and you had both agreed that you wanted to just stay at home together on the day of, and then have some fun the day after.
he was completely ecstatic. he started off the day with waking you up with sweet words in your ears and a cute stuffed animal given to you by wonnie. throughout the day you lounged around the house together, in the kitchen, living room, bedroom, honestly even the bathroom.
a calm day with your sheep was all you wanted and much more needed for your special day :))
nishimura riki
part of him wanted to stay home and cuddle with his birthday girl, but the other side of him wanted to have a cute little date day. he decided that he wanted to bring you to pottery studio and glaze some cups. he had jay help him plan the scheduling
if he’s being honest, he thought you looked adorable focusing on painting with your tongue poking the side of your cheek.
when you got home, he literally tackled you into the couch, which is where you stayed for hours and letting some show fade into the background as you basked in each other comforting presence.
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©️harufluff 2023
hope you liked it!! comments and reblogs are highly appreciated.
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skellymom · 7 months
"Cup Of Caf"
The Bad Batch CROSSHAIR One Shot
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Crosshair x NON GENDERED Reader (PLEASE put YOURSELF into this story! <3)
Background: Crosshair makes it to Pabu with all of his brothers and sister. Will he open himself up to another? What's his future there?
Word Count: 2.1K
Warning: Really none. This is sweetness, some angsty fluff, and character growth. Purposely wrote this piece for ANY reader! You can take this tale as friendship or the start of a blossoming love relationship. And, I purposely wrote NO GENDER/NO SPECIFIC SEXUALITY/POSSIBLY EVEN AGENDER into this story. It's about healing, sharing, growing, and decisions at one of many crossroads in life. Sometimes it's painful, but growth can be.
This One Shot is dedicated to Crosshair Fans, those of you struggling with hard decisions in life, loneliness, and to the amazing @lightspringrain whose art was one of my inspirations for this story.
(Her Etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LightSpringRain Just placed my order for the holidays!
(Credit: Dividers by the talented @saradika)
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The leaves of the Cascade Tree rippled lazily in the ocean breeze.  Its boughs lifted just enough to reveal a man with a scarred head sitting under its canopy at the picnic table. 
You were surprised to see someone sitting there at... “your” table.  Not really yours, but no one else ever came down this far from the cliffs to watch the surf foam and roil against the shores of Pabu.  Every morning walking down to enjoy your cup of caf before starting the day.  Today, you were testing out a new mug, fresh off the pottery wheel: Jet black clay with metallic silver phases of the moon depicted in striking detail across its surface.  Debated selling this piece, hardly ever keeping anything for yourself. 
The man’s back was facing you at quiet approach.  He side-eyed you suspiciously, scowling.  Immediately recognized him as the newcomer to the island that arrived with his brothers and one sister.  Phee Genoa gushed about the one named, “Tech”.  She called him “Brown Eyes”.  This was the “Grumpy Brother” and was already gaining a reputation as anti-social. 
Silence and unchanging side-eye.  He didn’t move from the spot and clearly wanted to be left alone. 
“Ok, leaving.” 
No reply.  He turned back around to stare at the crashing surf. 
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The next morning you arrived with your fully vetted new mug of caf to find...The Grumpy Man back in “your” spot. 
Kriff...what to do?  This was awkward.  While feeling rather put out and wanting to sit alone, you kind of felt for the guy.  The gossip around town was he had been through a lot before arriving in Pabu. 
Looking down at the untouched cup of caf:  How many people, yourself included, came to this planet looking for solace and safety?  How many of the residents of Pabu arrived with baggage before they healed and found community here?  How long did it take to be comfortable with others again? 
Your heart went out to the man all by himself sitting there.  It was an amazing view and perfect place to be alone. 
He turned, almost like he had heard your brain humming.  Again, scowling over his shoulder.  You stepped closer, but he didn’t budge and kept the suspicious side-eye.  You approached the table and set the steaming mug next to him. 
He seemed briefly surprised, with his features softening slightly. 
“Good morning, have a fresh cup on me.” 
You awkwardly walked away, leaving him alone with the caf.  Heart hammering in your chest.  
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After closing the pottery studio, you decided to stop by “your” spot on the way home.  The Grumpy Man was gone, but the mug was in the same position you left it.  You assumed he thought it a weird gesture and refused to touch the mug.  But you realized the coffee was gone and there was something in the bottom of the mug.  Turning it upside down, a seashell fell out.  A very pretty one too. It brought a smile to your face. 
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Next morning, you looked forward to engaging with Grumpy Man again.  The black and silver mug was washed and filled with hot caf for him.  Stopping at the local bakery you purchased a large cinnamon pastry on the way. 
Grumpy was there.  He didn’t turn when approached.  You set the mug with the pastry perched on top of it next to him. 
“Enjoy.” Walking away. 
“Did you like it?”  His voice was low, raspy, snakelike. 
“What?”  Stopping in your tracks and turning slightly to answer.  “Oh...yes.  Thank you.” 
That was all.  He said no more and kept his eyes on the crashing surf. 
You left and walked onward to the studio. 
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After close, you walked back to retrieve the mug.  It was empty of coffee and now and contained freshly picked flowers. 
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This carried on for several weeks.  Every morning you brought him fresh caf and something to eat.  After all, he was skin and bones.  Every day something different: a fat muffin, breakfast sandwich, fruit, grain-meal with honey, meats, cheeses, brunch cookies.  It was a culinary journey of Pabu, as you picked up things from local shops, or even threw together items from memory of family recipes.   
It was almost an obsession to keep this man guessing the food he would be eating.  Local shopkeepers noticed you out and about more, enquiring about your sudden social spree.  Tongues were starting to wag on the island.  You didn’t pay attention to gossip and could care less.   
Grumpy seemed to have a decent appetite.  You were quite sure he was indeed consuming the food. Of course, he could have thrown it down the ravine to the fish and sea birds, and you would be none the wiser.  It was obviously evident his man was thriving as he filled out, less bony, skin no longer a sickly pallor, and his hair was growing back.  Hair as silver as the moon. 
Every evening he would leave something in the mug as a gift.  An unspoken thanks for your kindness: 
The split egg of a sea bird, a marine fossil stone, polished sea glass, a cascade tree seed, feathers, bleached bones, a preserved Pabu Butterfly with striking iridescent wings.  He even left odd items that suggested a sense of humor.  The persnickety land crab attempting to fight you for the mug as its new home. The small octopus bobbing in the salt water filled cup...who inked you in the face. 
Every day was a welcome surprise.  
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You sat the mug and Meiloorun next to Grumpy. There were two covered plates on the table. 
He turned around to look you square in the eye.  “Sit with me.”  It wasn’t a question, but not an order either.  “Please.” 
This was surprising and you settled in next to Grumpy on the bench. 
He slid over a plate and uncovered it: Two stacked grain cakes with a whipped dairy smile and two berry eyes.  They were doused in rainbow candy sprinkles, sitting in a huge amount of sugary syrup. 
“Wow...uh.  I didn’t take you for a happy face kinda guy.”  Suddenly regretting the remark and holding your breath. 
He rolled his eyes and exhaled. “My sister made them.  SOMEONE in town tipped her off that I’m not alone during my ‘Alone Time’.” 
You burst out laughing.  How could you not? 
“Gets better.”  He uncovered the second plate: Two cooked sea bird eggs sunny side up with strips of cooked meat centered below them.  The “food face” was doused in ketchup to resemble a bullet hole to the head hemorrhaging blood.  “I’m more on board with this design.” 
You howled with laughter.  Grumpy cracked a small smile. 
“YOUR sister did THIS???  THAT innocent child?” 
“Mhm...” He snickered.  “Never.  She breathes and farts rainbows.  This is my brother's masterpiece.” 
The rainbow remark had you roaring again.  Wiping away tears.  His delivery was so unexpected.   
He handed you a fork.  Now that ALL his face was visible, you noticed the tattoo. 
He produced his own fork.  “Let's stab out the eyes and feast upon their faces.” 
“Wait!”  You lifted the mug of caf.  “First, we must drink the blood of our enemies and share the names of the victors.”  You were feeling giddy now...never considered maybe taking this Imagined Breakfast Massacre too seriously. 
It didn’t seem to matter to Grumpy.  In fact, he was smiling.  
“Y/N” You took a healthy sip of the caf and passed the mug to him. 
“Crosshair” He gulped the caf, giving you a mischievous look. 
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From that morning on you brought the cup of caf to share and HE brought the food.  His sister and brother would cook or bake for Crosshair and “his friend”.  According to him, they were overjoyed that he had not been spending his quiet days alone.  Then started incorporating his own ideas into the recipes.  Crosshair would regale you with “Tales of the Kitchen” interactions with him and his siblings as they cooked.  He shared secret ingredients, always asked your opinion on the recipes, and how they could be improved. 
However, after the food was eaten and the chatter died he would stare wistfully at the ocean.  Deep in thought, mulling over something.  You would ask and he would deflect with another topic.  Not wanting to push things, you let it go. 
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This sharing of food and caf carried on for several months.  Sometimes you were able to get bits of information out of him:  He was a military man before coming to Pabu and was in a special highly trained squad.  You asked about his mother and father.  He shrugged and said his parentage didn’t matter and that only his sister and brothers were important.  You carefully asked about the scar on the right side of his head, now fully covered with thick, unruly silver hair.  He glossed over it as an injury and no big deal.  He deflected by asking you about yourself.  This man was perfectly happy to talk less and hear you speak more.  He listened intently and threw brief tidbits in and sometimes his signature “Mmhmm.” 
Still, he seemed haunted by something and absolutely refused to talk about it.  You sensed it never really left his mind and constantly grappled with something deep.  Something he regretted with all his being. 
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You both sat at the table watching the surf, taking turns sipping from the mug of caf.  The breakfast platter was eaten and empty.  He was unusually quiet.   
Then he finally spoke. “I’m leaving Pabu.” 
“What?”  You, shocked. It seemed so sudden.  “Why???” 
“I...”  He sighed and looked down at the table.  “Need to make amends for certain...things.”  His expression was one of thinly veiled shame. 
“Don’t know what to say...” Struggling for words.  “How long will you be gone?” 
“I’m not coming back.”  His brows furrowed sadly.  There was a lot of emotion, and you could see the difficulty he had expressing it. 
Speechless, you stared ahead and watched the surf pull away from the shoreline.  There would be no more shared caf and breakfasts with this man.  The days of looking forward with anticipation to the mornings would end. 
You both sat for some time in silence, listening to the waves.  In...out...in...out...as if the island was breathing. 
Finally, you felt his gaze.  Turning to meet the saddest, deepest brown eyes.  Such a pitiful yet touching display that hit you even harder in the gut. 
“I’m...grateful to have shared the time we had together.  I don’t say that lightly.”  His hand slowly advanced palm up on the table begging to be joined with another. 
You slid your hand in his and squeezed.  “I’ll miss you.”  Tears forming in your eyes. 
He squeezed back, nodded, then let go.  Getting up from the table he whispered “Goodbye.”  
“Take this!  I made it for you...even if I hadn’t known it yet.”  You handed him the empty mug. 
He took it with a look of surprise.  Then he turned away before you could see the tears in his eyes. 
But you saw them.  You will never forget that.   
Then he was gone.   
You sat the rest of the day listening to the ocean breathe.  Watching the sun make its progression across the sky, finally dipping below the horizon.  You walked home under the stars of Pabu...one of them a low fast-moving light: A ship departing the planet. 
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Sleep was fretful.  Finally frustrated with tossing and turning, you got up, dressed and walked to the studio.  Firing up the lights, set the holo on your favorite “create playlist”, and sitting down at the potter’s wheel.  Tonight, there would be a new design even if it meant staying up all night to mold, dry, glaze, and fire this creation.  You threw yourself into the task, singing, and occasionally wiping away a stray tear. 
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The sun rose over Pabu.  You washed out the new creation: A mug of blazing crimson red, raised relief of the sun, with a magnificent metallic gold corona.  Fresh caf brewed in the studio.  You poured it steaming hot into the mug.  Then closed the studio for the day, leaving a message in the window when it would reopen, and proceeded down to “your” table. 
You expected to be alone once again...however...there was someone sitting under the Cascade Tree. 
She was blond, dark skinned and looked to be a young teenager.  You could tell she had been crying. 
“Sorry...Just wanted some privacy.  My brother would come here to sit and be alone.”  She moved to get up. 
“You don’t have to leave.  Please stay.” 
She spied the mug in your hand, and the pieces fell into place. 
“You’re Y/N!” Her eyes widened.  “He talked about you a LOT.  He’s never done that with anyone before.” 
Warm intense feelings welled up inside you.  They spilled out across your face in a smile. 
“What’s your name?” 
You set the mug of caf down in front of her. 
“Well Omega, looks like I made this for you...even though I hadn’t known it yet.” 
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hyunfilms · 6 months
blue side of the sky (lmh) | sixteen.
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♡ spotify playlist | series masterlist
—summary: waking up after 3 months with no recollection of your past, your friends do what they can to help you remember. except, they omit an important piece to the puzzle - afraid you would remember the heartbreak and hurt all over again.
—pairing: lee know x f. reader
—genre: (18+) exes to lovers, bestfriends to lovers au | fluff, angst, smut
—word count: 5.0k
—chapter content/warnings: cussing, minho x oc have a big conversation and everything gets laid out, flashback to the hospital, flashback to that night, crying, yelling, arguments, brief mention of the accident but nothing too descriptive, this chapter is big sad and i'm truly sorry in advance 😞
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You sit at your desk and look at the pictures hanging on the wall above, everything finally settling in your head and clicking for you.
You don't have pictures of Minho because of this falling out. 
Because of whatever happened.
You still don't know the details, and you still feel a bit afraid. But, after a few days, you feel like your head is clear enough to talk. You shift your attention back down to your phone, reading the unread texts from your friends. Your heart drops a bit when you see Jisung's texts, reassuring you that they never meant to hurt you. He apologizes time and time again for not pushing on this right away, and he promises he'll work to fix everything.
It's the next text that gets to you, making you let out a soft sigh as you slowly grab your things and mentally prepare for your day ahead:
jisung: i know minho hasn't texted you, but he's only doing that because he wants to respect your space until you're ready. i know he's worried about you, and he wants to fix this however he can. we all do, cielo.
When you gather the courage to step out of the house, you find your uncle watering his garden— picking at a few cherry tomatoes and blueberries. He tosses them into a silver mixing bowl, completely turning over his shoulder when he feels your presence behind him.
"You're home?"
"I'm just working from home for a bit."
"To watch me?" You tease with a playful tone. Your uncle chuckles and shakes his head, slowly setting aside the hose in his hand.
"Yes and no." He chuckles.
"Well, I'm glad you're home for a bit." You give him a small smile, holding your bag close to your side.
"Are you heading out? Pottery studio?" You shake your head and sit on a nearby chair.
"No. Not today."
"Mrs. Pak?" You shake your head again.
"I see her tomorrow. She closed up shop to attend a wedding." You subtly nibble on your bottom lip before following up. "I'm gonna see Jisung and them. To talk." He nods slowly and places his hands on his hips.
"Well." He sighs. "I'm glad you're going to. I just want you to know that they never meant to hurt you by doing this. It might be a lot for you, but take your time with it, okay? Your friends care a lot about you, and I know they will understand."
"Mm, yeah." Uncle Adrian watches as you comfortably look up into the sky, daydreaming while the clouds drift by. He remembers the night this happened, the night that Jisung came to him— basically pleading for him to just give you time with this, all of this.
That they would help you and take care of you.
He was hesitant. But, he let it happen.
Jisung steps outside and takes a breath, letting the cold air seep into his bones. He digs his hands deep into his pockets, sitting on the closest bench right outside the main hospital entrance. It's been a few days since you woke up, but Jisung still hasn't been able to process everything that's been happening.
You don't remember him.
You keep him at a distance.
You want nothing to do with him.
And it hurts. He knows it's not your fault, but it hurts. It hurts to see you this way, it hurts to see how much everything has changed in the blink of an eye. 
He sits, quietly watching the people that pass him by— wondering what their stories are like, and what they could possibly be here for.  Who were they here for? What were their loved ones here for? Were they okay? Jisung could ask all the questions plaguing his head; anything, really, to keep his mind distracted.
"Hey." Jisung is pulled out of his own mind game when Uncle Adrian takes a seat next to him on the bench, also letting out a small sigh just as he gets comfortable. "You doing okay?"
"Uh, yeah." Jisung looks at him with a tiny, toothless smile. "Sorry. I just needed to get some air."
"That's okay."
"I'm trying to process everything, truthfully." Jisung rubs his hands together, staring ahead. "It's alot."
"I know."
"She doesn't remember me. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to move forward with her." His head falls, and Uncle Adrian can't help but feel his heart drop. He can only imagine what he's going through and how lost he might feel— Jisung was glued to your hip, and knew you better than anyone [even more than your family]. Having his bestfriend be his other half to suddenly having a severed connection; it must be awful, painful.
"Give her some time, she will get there."
"But, what if she doesn't?" He's afraid to ask because he would never doubt in your ability to overcome this, but he does have to fairly consider every path here. What if you don't? What if this just remains the same and you will continue to treat him differently? The last thing Jisung wants to do is force you into anything that will make you uncomfortable. 
"She will. She will take some time, but she will. I know she will." 
"I don't know what I'm supposed to do." Jisung digs his face into his hands when he feels the tears beginning to prick his lids. "I'll be there for her every step of the way, but I don't know what I'll do if she doesn't want me there. She's the only thing I've known, you know? She's my bestfriend and I feel so stupid for letting her leave." He mumbles but Uncle Adrian is able to catch on. Jisung finally looks up at him as the tears continue to stain his cheeks, eyes tired but soft. "I'm sorry. This is all my fault."
"It's not your fault, it's not Minho's fault. It's no one's fault. Unfortunately, this is just life. Things happen, and it isn't easy."
"Still." He says softly. "I'm sorry. We never meant to hurt her."
"I know."
"I'm going to do everything I can to help her get better."
"I'm sure she'd really appreciate your company either way." Jisung shifts his attention to the night sky for a moment, wondering how else he could really be of help to you. The last thing Jisung wants to do is hurt you, so he plans to avoid it. He plans to make sure that doesn't happen. 
"Uncle Adrian, I don't wanna hurt her more than I feel like I have. I really don't. I feel like I didn't do enough to protect her or anything, and I need to do better." Jisung returns his attention to him. "I don't think I should tell her about all of this right away."
"All of this?"
"Her and Minho. Their fight, the accident. Kat." Jisung sighs and runs his hands through his hair. "Everything about them. I just don't want to hurt her. Not when she's adjusting and getting used to the world again." Uncle Adrian sighs and slowly nods, his attention now on the two children being playful and walking alongside their mother. It almost reminds him of how sweet you and Jisung used to be, how attached, fun. He knows Jisung means well, and he knows he would do anything to keep you safe. But, he wasn't sure if this was the way to go.
"I understand. But, don't you think it would be easier for her to know earlier than later? I mean, I know you mean well. I'm just afraid that it'll be harder after she's gotten used to you guys again."
"No, I know. We'll tell her eventually, I don't plan to keep it from her for a long time. I do plan to tell her. I just—" Jisung sighs. "I just want her to feel okay right now. That's all." Uncle Adrian's hesitancy continues, he sees the way Jisung is pleading through his eyes and he knows he can trust Jisung to help you, take care of you.
Chan, Seungmin.
Even Minho, though he has his reservations with him after everything. He would never hold a grudge against him, and he knows he is only human. He hopes he will learn from this and do better with you overall.
They will take care of you.
"What about everyone else?"
"I'll tell them."
"Okay, Ji. But, please take care of her. I'm trusting you to take care of her. All of you. Don't wait too long."
☁︎ END
"Need a ride?" Your uncle chimes in again, pulling you away from your daydream.
"No." You smile. "I'll be okay. I think." You stand to your feet and shrug. "Should probably get going."
"Text or call me if you need me to pick you up."
"Okay. Love you!" You call out as you turn on your heel and start walking out.
"Love you too." Uncle Adrian continues to watch you until you walk out of the side gate, letting out a worried sigh as he tries to imagine how everything will go down. He knows you'll be hurt, there's no doubt about that. He knows you'll be hurt because you had just been settling with everything, everyone, Minho. He knows you'll be hurt because of the love you have for him, because of everything you two have been through.
He hopes the only answer from here on out is growth.
He knows you'll navigate this well, though. And he knows Minho will, too. As with any guardian, he was upset with Minho for hurting you. But, he too, doesn't hold grudges. And he knows how much Minho means to you — accident or not. He believes in the opportunity to grow, he believes in the opportunity to learn from mistakes.
It will all be okay. Even if it takes time.
He knows it will all be okay.
To give yourself a little more buffer time, you take the bus down to Jisung's place. It's a bit of a ride, quite the detour, but you figured it could help you gather yourself together before arriving to their place. You plug in your headphones and silently listen to the music for the entire ride over. No matter what, you promised yourself you would give yourself time to process everything alone. You promised yourself you'd put up your boundaries until you were ready, you promised yourself you would let things fall into place how they should.
But you also promised yourself you'll cry, you'll feel the sadness, anger. That crying was okay, that your feelings were valid— no matter how many times you'd go through the cycle.
Once you've reached your stop, you hop off the bus and head further down the street before turning the corner and spotting the house. All cars seem to be out front and it suddenly makes you feel anxious. Maybe you shouldn't have told Jisung you were gonna come and talk about everything. Maybe you needed another day—
You needed to do this instead of pushing it off. It was time to rip the bandaid, time to deal with re-opened wounds.
You dust yourself off before knocking on the door a few times. You hear Jisung coming down the steps, doing a light jog to the door before swinging it open. 
"Cielo." He says softly with a smile. He welcomes you into his arms and you take the hug— admitting that you did miss your bestfriends. 
"Hey." He gives you a silent nod.
"You okay?"
"I think so."
"You sure?" You nod.
"Mhm." You look around the house. "Where's Minho?"
"He's out back." Jisung looks at you. You give Jisung a tiny smile of acknowledgment before walking out to the backyard. Minho is sitting on the outdoor couch, leaning onto his knees as he looked out into the backyard. He's pulled out of his thoughts when he sees you step beside him, giving him a small smile.
"Hey you." He reciprocates the smile.
"Hey." You say lowly as you take a seat next to him, legs brushing against each other and Minho continues to lean onto his knees.
"You doing okay?" He shifts in his position and keeps his eyes on you, patiently waiting for your response. 
"Mm, I'm not sure. What about you?" He shrugs.
"I'll be alright."
"So.. can we get to the bottom of this and what Kat meant? Can you tell me what happened between us?" He lets out a heavy sigh before nodding. You silently sit as Minho begins telling you everything— starting from when you guys met in high school and got close through Jisung. He talks about how he started really developing feelings for you during your junior year in high school, shyly chuckling when he rencounters how he blurted it out and told you at the mall. It starts off sweet, and it really becomes difficult to imagine Minho hurting you. When that part finally comes, you feel yourself crumble— bit by bit, piece by piece.
"And then came a time where I thought we had run our course." He looks at you, shaking his head as he bites his bottom lip. "I was wrong, clearly. But we had been arguing and fighting about so, so many things. The smallest of things that never used to matter, mattered. And I was so confused, we didn't feel like we were going anywhere except backward. For the longest time, I wasn't sure how to fix us. And it frustrated me to the point where I gave up trying to figure it out. I got tired. You seemed tired. It all went to shit really quickly." He returns his attention to the grass, the tree. "I got close to Kat and—" He shrugs. "Truthfully, I was infatuated by her. I caught some feelings for her when we were going through it. And I just.. ended up leaving without thinking much about us. I called you and asked if we could talk. I told you I felt like we ran our course at first, but then you knew something else was up. So, you asked and asked about Kat until you finally got it out of me."
"Oh." Is all you say, your head dropping a bit as the information settles. Yeah, you were not expecting Minho to hurt you this way. 
"After that, we broke up. Kat and I had a thing going on for a bit. Jisung was mad at me for a long time, rightfully so. I stupidly realized how much I couldn't be with her, no matter how hard she tried to keep me there. I tried to give it time, but I couldn't do it. She ended up being someone who was there for me,  but that's all it came to. Someone who filled the void, I guess." He shakes his head. "I ended things with her, we slowly worked on us over time and we got back together after you felt like things were okay between us and until you were ready."
"Hm." You hum, fiddling with the hem of your top. You're not really sure what else to say right now. But, it sucks. It sucks because this entire time, Minho has made you feel like you were his number one, his top priority; his main priority. Which, sure. That's probably how he feels after everything. However, there was once a point in life when you clearly weren't— when you were second choice, the next best option; a priority at convenience.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I could tell you all about how I was wrong and how shitty it was, because it was wrong and shitty of me. I'm still learning from it, but you also needed to hear everything as it happened. Without any bias whatsoever."
"Yeah. It does hurt, I'm not gonna lie. And I can't even imagine you being the one person who could hurt me like that, who could treat me like that after all those years. I just.." You sigh. "I opened myself up to you, I laid my feelings out. I gave myself to you. You were safe, like home. And I'm not sure what I feel anymore. That's probably what hurts the most now." The tears are stinging, pricking your eyes, as you stare at him. Minho feels like a dark, cloudy day, and it hurts to look at him. You can't even imagine all the things you felt in that moment, how Minho could easily dispose of you [and Kat] like nothing. "What happened that night of the accident?" You ask him, quickly wiping at your tears. He lets out a shaky breath and licks his lips, not responding to you right away. "What happened that night, Minho?" You repeat more sternly. Minho feels the tears pricking his bottom lids the more he stares at you, but he licks his lips and lets out a sigh— tackling this head on.
"We got into a big argument over Kat." His voice wavers. "You saw her name pop up on my phone and asked why Kat was still texting. I tried to tell you that we weren't really talking, she was mainly asking for advice on something. I—" He pauses before he rambles on. "We blew up on each other, and it didn't help that we had been disagreeing again recently. You pretty much told me you were done. Which, at the time, I didn't really understand why it was a big deal. I let you leave even though I knew I should've tried harder. I'm so sorry, Y/N. I shouldn't have done that knowing how you felt about her. I was stupid for it, and I'm sorry. I never meant to make it seem like I chose her, and I was so stupid for it." He repeats.
"Were you officially seeing her after I woke up? I remember seeing her in the café upset, and it's all starting to make sense now."
"We weren't officially together, but I had been seeing her."
"Since when?"
"You were in the hospital." You nod just as he pauses, letting out a shaky breath just as the tears continue to heavily flow. "B-but, I cut her off for good. I'm done with all of that—"
"It doesn't matter because you're still wrong." You pause to barely look at him. "You're still wrong because you did choose. You did choose her, Minho. You don't even realize how loud your actions speak." Before you know it, the tears are steadily streaming down your cheeks and your first reaction is to cry into your hands.
You cry, you cry, and you cry.
You sigh as you finally plop onto Minho's bed in his shirt, fresh out of the shower. You cross your legs and begin to scroll through your phone, with Minho walking in shortly afterwards— running a towel through his wet hair. He tosses his phone onto the bed near you before grabbing the remote to flip through the shows on Netflix, internally debating on what he could put on for the rest of the night to keep you two occupied.
"Anything you wanna watch?" Minho continues to flip through Netflix while he sits on the edge of the bed.
"Mm, nothing that I can think of. I'm down for whatever." You continue to scroll through your phone, eyes shifting to Minho's when it lights up. Of course, you can't help but pay a bit of attention especially after Minho and Kat had their fling. It still leaves a little sting when you think about it, but you've finally found it in your heart to forgive him, them. Though, it doesn't mean you'll forget.
You won't.
But, all that growth, all that slow healing, entirely goes out the window when you see her name pop up in his notifications again. You immediately see red, your palms instantly getting sweaty— anxiety bubbling in your gut. It doesn't matter what she says because you feel sick, and it doesn't help that you two hadn't been on the very best terms lately.
You want out.
"Baby, did you hear me?" Your eyes slowly flicker and meet his when he turns over his shoulder to look at you. Minho instantly catches onto the shift in your mood, the vibe in the room suddenly feeling cold, distant. His eyes dart to his phone when another text pops up, making you stand from your place on the bed and dash over to his closet where a few of your own clothing items sit. "Babe, what are you doing?"
"Don't talk to me." Minho quickly grabs his phone and glances at the texts, letting out a heavy 'fuck' when he realizes why you're acting the way you are.
"Hold on." He stands, gently grabbing your wrist just as you grab a change of clothes. "Wait, listen to me. Please. Y/N."
"No." You snatch your wrist out of his grip and brush past him, changing in another corner of his room to create some distance.
"I can explain—"
"Can you?!" Your tone slightly raises as you turn to him with a glare. "Kat is texting you and you think you can explain that?"
"Yeah, I can." Minho matches your tone, following by a low groan. "I swear, it's not what it looks like. She was just—"
"You sound really fucking pathetic right now."
"Just listen!"
"I'm leaving. I don't have time for this." You grab your things after throwing on your jacket, rushing out of his door and into the hallway.
"Y/N, don't jump to conclusions right now—"
"I don't care!" You turn, raising your voice even more. "You know how I feel about her, Minho! Why the fuck is she still coming up on your phone? After everything that we've been through, you think an explanation is supposed to make me feel better?"
"She's the one texting me because—" 
"You didn't think to block her? Cut her off completely?" You cut him off again and scoff. 
"Can you stop cutting me off? You're so fucking stubborn."
"I'm stubborn?" You chuckle. "Yeah, okay. I'm done with this. I'm not doing this again. You told me all this shit about trying and fixing—" You babble on, incredibly angry to the point where you just want Minho away from you, to the point where you don't want to be in a relationship where your anxiety is constantly bubbling because of her. 
You want out.
"What the hell is going on?" Jisung comes out of his room, confused over the two of you getting into an argument in the hallway.
"I need to get out of here."
"It's storming outside, Y/N."
"Can you not be like that? It's not safe."
"Don't really care." Minho sighs again and runs his hands through his hair.
"Alright fine, whatever. Do you then." Minho throws his hands up in defeat.
"Of course." You scoff again as you slip into your shoes.
"Y/N, he's right. Can you just stay? It's raining pretty hard. You can stay in my room if you want, I'll sleep downstairs." Jisung adds.
"I don't think so."
"Why are you so angry?"
"Why don't you ask him, Ji? Maybe him and Kat can tell you more." Jisung gives Minho with a certain look before turning back to you.
"Let me at least drive you if you really wanna go home."
"It's fine, Uber is already outside." You throw your hood over your head, not sparing the two another look as you swing the door open. "I'll just text you tomorrow, pachi." You lowly respond before slamming the door shut.
"Dude, seriously?" Jisung turns to Minho. "What is she talking about?"
"Kat texted me but it really wasn't anything. She was just asking for help on something."
"Okay, but doesn't she have friends she can ask? Why is she still texting you?"
"I swear I never initiated it or texted her first. Y/N wouldn't let me explain. I wasn't going to respond." Jisung sighs heavily.
"Look, just give Y/N some time to breathe."
"Maybe I should just go to her house."
"No, give her the night. You two need to talk with clear heads. I'm sure it'll be fine once you explain to her, but for real. Do better and just delete her number. Block her. Anything is better than nothing." Jisung replies just as he pulls his phone out to try and text you. 
jisung: text when you get home pls. it's really bad out there. you should've just stayed.
You sigh at the text even though Jisung played no part in this. Truthfully, you're just mad at Minho and projecting it on everyone and everything right now. You're almost home, and the driver has been taking good care of you on the ride home so you don't find yourself being too worried in the storm. 
But, you do feel like you should have stayed.
You bring the phone back up to text Jisung back. You start typing away until the driver starts to obnoxiously honk his horn before swerving. 
"Sir, i-is everything—" You try to ask when he swerves, the oncoming headlights blinding you and cutting everything to black.
☁︎ END
"Y/N. I'm so sorry." Minho tries to reach out for you, but you shake off his grip and step back; not wanting to be in close proximity to him right now. "I should've told you sooner. I should've done so many things differently. I shouldn't have let you leave. I should've just been honest about Kat from the beginning." He repeats as he continues to race after you.
"That doesn't matter now. Why didn't you just tell me?"
"I was afraid to. I was afraid of losing you again. But I know that was—"
"Minho." You cry with a slight whine, hands going up in defeat. "Did you think I was too weak? I could've handled this, you should've thought about me first." You point to yourself. "I wouldn't have thought of you any differently if you had just been honest with me from the beginning. Things might have played out differently, but you are still my bestfriend. We don't do things like that to each other." You look at him, then Jisung. "You should have told me. I should've had the chance to move on, on my own."
"Y/N, you just woke up. I didn't want to ruin it for you.. I-I-" Jisung stutters a bit as he feels the panic settling in. "I don't mean to add onto it, but I just wanted you to be okay, I didn't want too much to be thrown at you at once."
"Jisung, you don't get to make those decisions for me—"
"Y/N, please. This all happened because of me and stupidity, Jisung was just—" Minho tries to chime in.
"No." Your eyes shift back to Minho when you cut him off. "None of you get to make these decisions. None of you. You don't get to hide things from me. Not when they matter the most. Don't you get it? I've trusted so much of myself into the both of you— all of you— after the accident." The tears start flowing again and you feel like the ground is about to cave in below you; like you'll continue to fall into a black hole, continue to sink to the unknown depths of the ocean water. "I trusted you because I felt safe." Minho feels deja-vu hearing you say this because it's not the first time you've said it.
And it's not the first time he failed you.
"I'm sorry. It's not his fault. It's all because of me." Minho's eyes are red even though he's been trying to hide the fact that he's been crying. "I'm sorry that I couldn't keep you safe, and I'm sorry I put you through this. Y/N, if I could go back in time and change all of this, I would. Just know that I would do anything to fix this, no matter how much time and space you need." You shake your head, bottom lip trembling as the tears threaten to spill again.
"Maybe I really can't do this at all. I can't be here, around you two." You respond before rushing out the front door. Now it truly feels like deja vu because this reminds everyone about that night in particular. The only thing that's different is the fact that it isn't raining, and Jisung rushing after you once you've stepped out of the door.
"Y/N, no. No." He gently grabs you by the wrist. "You're my bestfriend and I'm not letting you slip away again." You look at Jisung and somehow, some of the anger dissipates. Part of you truly does understand why Jisung might have done this, but the rest of you wishes he could've given you a chance to learn and grow on your own. Who knows what you might've felt in the beginning? Maybe you would've been a bit upset, but you don't think you would have looked at Minho any differently. Or, maybe you would've, but you would've been able to act appropriately, figure things out on your own. At least [in a sense], you would've taken the proper time to grieve and say your peace to that part of your past— move on accordingly, however that looked like.
Instead of this. A mess.
Now, you don't even know what you feel for any of them.
For Minho.
Maybe it was a sign from the universe that you two didn't belong together after all, and that kinda fucking sucks. You have so much love for him that runs deep; you're not even sure where to begin processing this.
Minho was the last person you expected to hurt you like that.
"Pachi." You say close to a whisper. "Please let go of me. I need some time away from you. From all of you. Please let go of me and at least give me this." Jisung pauses before you feel his fingers unwrap from your wrist, head dropping as he lets out a defeated sigh.
"You know I'm only a text or call away if you need me." He says. "I really am sorry, cielo. I never meant to hurt you or make you feel this way." You don't really respond to him. Instead, you tug on your bag and run to the bus stop— one that can take you to the only safe place you know of right now.
"Hello?" The voice on the other end picks up after 2 rings, the tears still streaking your cheeks.
"Can you meet me?" Your voice trembles as you try to keep your sobs to a minimum in the back of the bus.
"Let me know where. I'm leaving right now."
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⇢ 16.5 [cloudy days]: here
♡ taglist: @ppiri-bahng @jihanlovic @meloncremesoda @sweetlikecherry @asjkdk @hoes4lino @skzddicted @skzho @edgaralienpoe @harui-zen @bestleeknowstan @havenwithleeknow @septicrebel @heesdazed @borahae-reads @yoontaethings @pearbunny @bintificreads @lukeys-giggle @ajxreads @everglowdaisies @allaboutsan @endzii23 @leeknowsramen @heres-your-ramen2000 @morningstardada @mal-lunar-28 @downbadreading @lilysophie @feelikecinderella @urmomma0324 @ddazed-lhs @djeniryuu @melanctton @i8rsie @maru-matt @sleepyleeji @taerifin @nattisbored @jisunglyricist @m111nho @drhsthl @nixtape-foryou @arminseas @guiltycoco @syuuji @sulkygyu @cadihyo @reianagarcia @leeknowyah @smndjdufuehr @dprkbyn @xxibreinaxx @mxnsxngie @reiheis @mellowmentalitydragon @vixensss
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alltimefail-sims · 1 month
IDK about ya'll, but now that we have the jewelry skill that came with so many create-able assets it made me want even more interactive gameplay skills in future packs. I will say it until this game is dead; we can never have too many interactive activities for our sims, and that's where The Sims 4 has always struggled in comparison to its predecessors.
I would love to see skills/activities such as:
Bands. A whole "Making Music" GP would be amazing, one that adds in just more instruments in general, not just "rock band" instruments. There are so many jazz artworks, signs, and statues in this game so I have no idea why we have 0 brass and 0 woodwind instruments. Also, harps!! Harps would be amazing to use with the wedding pack!!! Also no marching band in High School Years? Wild! Fumble after fumble that could still be remedied with a music-themed GP. They could add a jazz band and/or marching band after school activity with this pack and maybe a band career that starts with being a garage band that is compatible with Get Famous... it could be so good!)
Rug Making. This is a super trendy art/craft activity right now and it is super cool to watch. I would love to see this done in the sims, especially if we could make cool funky custom pieces and sell them! With GTW you could literally make your own store just for your rugs like come onnnnnn!
Pottery. Again, the selling possibilities and maybe even a new art studio lot type would be sooooo awesome for our creative sims!!!
Basket Weaving. PAIN because this should have been included in Horse Ranch or even For Rent and I'll die on that hill. It's unlikely it will fit in future packs, but I'm putting it on here nonetheless.
Sewing. Especially for quilts and stuff, how cute would it be to make baby/toddler/child clothes, quilts, etc.!!!
Skateboarding. Oh how I know we'll probably never get this... but I'm holding out hope.
Adding on to skateboarding, just some more group sports and games in general like tennis and pool.
If we get cars - a mechanic skill. They could even just consider this a part of the handiness skill and create an object like from TS2 Freetime when you could buy a junker car from buy mode and fix it up!
Obviously they might not do any of these, but these are just some dream elements that I would personally love to see in game.
Please feel free to share your dream skills/activities/game additions!!!
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gooeyringtown · 3 months
Can you do a head canon on Barbie/Gloria in the same verse as the movie? Like they are a couple because OBVI, but with your interpretation on...
who wakes up first?
who is most protective?
who is quick to jealousy?
who is the big spoon?
yes absolutely!! i did quite a lot LMAO so i'm gonna put a little cut-off
*slight nsfw warning for some
who wakes up first? : gloria, usually. barbie is a HEAVYY sleeper and snores very softly and gloria thinks it's very cute.
who is most protective? : both. gloria primarily because barbie is new (at first) to the world and she knows how unnecessarily nasty some people can be. barbie is protective in the sense that she carefully watches how everybody speaks to and treats gloria, especially considering the fact that she knows how futile gloria can sometimes feel.
who is quick to jealousy? : both. but more-so barbie. she has big feelings and they're quick to get the best of her (gloria thinks it's hot)
who is the big spoon? : i love this one and i think barbie would be, even though she's the more gentle one. she loves the idea of being big and strong and protective over gloria, and gloria would adore it sm
who is more affectionate: barbie in public. gloria in private. (she's a huge softie for barbie and 100% always seeks her out for cuddles or a kiss on the cheek, or hand-holding, etc. especially after a day at work and EXTRA when barbie is being cute. which is always.)
who's most likely to apologize after an argument: gloria. i think they're both very rational, but barbie is a bit more stubborn and also an overthinker, so it can be tough to gather up her thoughts and feelings. by the time she wants to apologize, gloria already has.
who makes the first move and how?: both. but gloria starts it. she gets home from a really long, tiring day at work, remembering that sasha had mentioned a project she needed help on, and she's just exhausted. she walks into the house, though, to see barbie at the dining table helping sasha with said-project, nearly finished. dinner's also made on the stove. barbie beams at her and welcomes her home, giving her a big hug and gushing excitedly about how she and sasha worked so hard. sasha goes upstairs to put her stuff away, and barbie has pencil stains on her hand and face, her hair a little windswept, and she looks so simple and so perfect, and gloria says "kiss me." so barbie does.
who is the most insecure and what makes them feel better?: gloria. she doesn't mean to be; she just has some of those days once in a while where everything can feel so difficult. she usually feels better with some alone time. barbie is very understanding of that and loves to set up gloria's home studio with some art supplies and candles and books just in case gloria wants to spend some time in there. she'll also make her some tea/coffee if gloria feels like it
who is the most romantic?: barbie. she is very silly at first as she gets the hang of it (she nearly gets arrested again for trespassing on private property to pick some of gloria's favorite flowers from a garden) but that woman is a LOVERBOY
who can’t keep their hands to themselves?: depends which way… if u mean generally touchy, barbie. if u mean in the saucy way, GLORIA.
who says ‘I love you’ first?: barbie. she says it very passively bc she thought it was obvious, and gloria cries. barbie is kind of like 🧍🏼‍♀️
what do they get up to on a night out?: i feel like they'd love to go to a pottery class where they make stuff for each other. or an arcade. but mainly i think they'd LOVE to go to one of those places where they give you a cake that's already made/baked and you just decorate it. they'd have so much fun and afterwards they'd probably stay up late at home, eating it in the kitchen and just talking for hours
who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings?: barbie
who cried the most at graduation?: BARBIE LMAO. SHE WAS SOBBING.
who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law?: barbie bc she's like 'i've been there, girl.'
what do they like in bed?: barbie likes to be rough sometimes. she also has a thing for gloria whimpering/moaning right into her ear. little bit of a thing for size. and riding. gets super turned on when gloria gets off on her stomach. gloria likes a bit of dirty talk. queen of giving head. lovessss whispering against barbie's lips while she fingers her slowly. has a thing for marks/bruises, espeically leaving them. teasing/edging barbie is her favorite thing, to the point where barbie gets insanely frustrated (sometimes it results in her getting extra rough and flipping them over)
did any of their friends or family want them to get together?: yes. pretty much everybody. gloria's family thinks barbie is absolutely adorable and they could see how much happier gloria became with her around. sasha, ofc, is barbiegloria's biggest shipper but has to be cool about it
who felt romantic feelings first?: ok i think the obvious answer would be barbie, but i hc it as both. though gloria's were much more level and she was like "fuck." and internally panicked and tried to approach it reasonably, whereas barbie was like OH MY GODDDD IM IN LOVE 😭🥹🥹💘 SHE'S THE LOVE OF MY LIFEEEEEE
did either of them try to resist their feelings?: yes. gloria mainly because she feared the change would be too drastic for sasha and couldn't help but imagine if things didn't work out, how messy it could become
what would their lives be like if they had never met?: barbie would be that packaged box of perfection, but without substance and completely superficial. she would have never known imperfection and the joys of being human and the immeasurable beauty in all the mundane things like reading a book, trying a new food, hearing a pretty song. gloria would be lost to the feeling of those impossible standards and spend her life never being free. never feeling good enough. they truly do liberate one another
were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?: gloria was barbie's first everything. barbie was gloria's first love, and the only true one. also the one that outlived and outshined all the others
what’s their height difference? age difference?: gloria is 5'1 and barbie is 5'10 idc. barbie is like 34/35 and gloria is 37
who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?: gloria into barbie's ear, all the time. but once barbie starts doing it, she LOVESSS it. she's so cheeky. and gloria is always death staring her bc she knows damn well they can't do anything
what kind of nicknames do they call each other?: gloria calls barbie honey, mi amor, baby. barbie calls gloria love/my love, babe, and baby also.
who remembers the little things?: barbie mostly.
who’s the stricter parent?: gloria
who worries the most?: gloria. because barbie can be very not careful with some things (like she's still understanding the concept of fire being very hot)
who kills the bugs in the house?: barbie. but she feels bad about it later on and stays up thinking about it sometimes
how do they celebrate holidays?: with gloria's family!
who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?: barbieeeee. gloria can't resist that pout and sleepy face
Who’s the better cook?: gloria. her cooking skills are AMAZINGGGGG
who likes to dance?: gloria!! she loves dancing and is great at it omg. that woman can MOVE. she always makes barbie dance with her at family events or any parties where there's music and a dancefloor
bonus random hcs i have written down:
barbie is very athletic and plays beach volleyball and does karate. she works CRAZY hard to get her purple belt, all so she can let sasha have it because that's sasha's favorite color
barbie grows her own roses to make gloria a bouquet for mother's day
gloria teaches barbie how to swim. (barbie has to wear those little kid floaties)
barbie takes her youtube videos very seriously and will be up at like 1am watching a 45 minute video on some shit like how a gecko hatches or something. she'll bump gloria like 'babe look' even though gloria is asleep
they have a little thing they do where they get those paint-by-number sets and do them together. they're collecting them<33
sasha makes barbie do the fire noodle challenge (barbie is sick for like a day)
when barbie gets her first cut/scab, sasha gets her a band-aid and barbie tears up and is all like 'thank you so much sasha. it's beautiful' while petting the band-aid
sasha is like wtf
barbie learns about mood rings and thinks they're actually magical and is so excited to wear it
sasha is like 'i'm gonna tell her it's all based on temperature.' and gloria is all 'no you're not!!'
sasha is a d&d fiend on the dl and barbie asks her about it one day
they proceed to nerd out together
barbie becomes ENAMORED with dragons
barbie and gloria have a shared journal and they take turns writing in it every night before bed
they also have their own book club where they read a book together (barbie especially loves it bc gloria usually reads a chapter or two for them before bed while barbie lays hugging gloria's stomach and gloria plays with her hair.)
ok that's all for now... if i think of any more hcs, i'll make a separate post/pt.2 ☺️
thank you sm for the ask! i hope you like these!!🩷
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ghostbeam · 9 months
empty til she fills | fuyumi todoroki x reader
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You’re beautiful, really. It’s truly no wonder why they chose you for the job, every line and curve and fold. They’ll never be able to capture you the way you really are. Nothing compares to the real thing.
Her eyes gaze over your neck, down your chest, over your stomach, your thighs. That familiar hunger sits in Fuyumi’s stomach, aches in her jaw. She wants to bite you everywhere that she can, really make you bleed. But Fuyumi doesn’t feed from anything but animals, and it’s not like you’d satisfy her hunger anyway. She’s given up on that feeling a long time ago.
Notes: Hiiiii everyone!!! This is the first installment of vampire empire and it’s all about fuyumi!!! It’s much shorter than I thought, but when it was done it was done u know? I love her I think she should be allowed to go apeshit and drink blood and not hold back if she wants to!!!!!!! Let her fuck!!!!!! Anyways yeah thanks for reading!! (title from vampire empire by big thief) u can listen to the playlist for the whole anthology here! Also I made a Pinterest board!
Warnings: 18+, minors dni, f! reader, explicit content, dark content, angst for like the briefest moment, violence, vampires, detailed descriptions of blood and gore (on both reader and another person), murder (u kill someone! It’s offscreen tho), blood kink, biting, drinking blood (fuyumi drinks from reader, u both drink from the dead man), biting and drinking from already open wounds, fingering, oral (reader eats fuyumi out!!! Yay!!!) (bloody), bloody sex, reader is sort of a masochist, soooo many commas, a line completely stolen from fascination (1979) cause I had to ajsjsjsjs, perspective changes between u and fuyumi like a lot idk I’m sorry she spoke to me<3
words: 4.3k
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Fuyumi has always been a little unsure of what to do with her hands. When she sits, when she walks, when she kisses, while she waits. Where does she put them? Where do they go?
It’s the same, squeezing porcelain clay through her fingers, molding and shaping and running a wire through the middle and cursing when it doesn’t topple over. She’s bad with her hands, but she loves it, lumpy mugs and all. 
And her mugs are lumpy, most of them break in the kiln, but whatever she’s proud of, she sends to her brothers. 
She’s never been much of an artist, and all the years she’s lived (many, many years), none of it ever interested her. But when you’ve done everything, there’s no harm in trying. And so even though her pots and bowls end up twisted and misshapen on the wheel, she tries and tries until they’re at least a little bit useful.
The truth is that there, in the studio, surrounded by people who do all the same things that she does, mess up and try again, break things when they don’t turn out, or smash fragile wet clay held together by careful hands, Fuyumi feels human. She makes mistakes. She screws up. It’s something she’s never been allowed to do before. 
Plus, you’re there. 
The anatomy class pays you to model. Sometimes, she sees you run around in your long robe, buying snacks from the vending machines or remembering something you left in your car. She’s completely enamored with you, with your humanity, how free you seem. She’s envious, in a way, but really she just likes you, wants you—wants to bite you. Which is dangerous for Fuyumi because she stopped feeding from humans ages ago. 
You collide on a Saturday night, left alone in the studio, separated by one wall. Fuyumi works late because she doesn’t sleep, and one of the owners of the building had given her a set of keys to lock up when she leaves. When she opens the door to the pottery studio, you’re out in the hallway, slapping your palm against the door next door and murmuring soft no’s as you peak through the glass. You have half a mind to just bust the thing down, except now you’re not alone in the hallway. 
Fuyumi. The pretty vampire with streaks of scarlet through her ivory hair, cute glasses perched on her nose, and hands you think about way more often than you should steps out of the pottery studio. You’ve caught her staring at you before, and you can’t tell if it’s because she knows of the similar condition you have in common, or if she’s as interested in you as you are in her. 
You both pause, caught staring at one another. The only thing on Fuyumi’s mind is that you’re probably completely naked under your robe. 
“I—um, got locked out.” You say, finally, blowing air you have no need for out of your throat like a breath. It must be nerves. “My clothes are in there. My everything is in there.”
“Oh!” She shakes her head free of the thoughts of your bare body. Then a realization, “I have a key!”
You move out of her way and let her unlock the door, jiggling the key in the lock and pushing it open. You grin, press your hands into her shoulders and let out a squeal of delight. “Thank you!”
“Yeah, no problem.” She speaks, willing herself not to melt at the feeling of your fingers digging into her flesh for a moment. She turns to leave, satisfied with the interaction, enough to hold her over for a lifetime, maybe. Your hands on her shoulders, your robe against your skin, your neck. 
“Fuyumi!” You call, and she feels like maybe she’s dreaming, or maybe she’s hearing things. But when she turns around, you’re looking at her expectantly. “Would you wait for me? I don’t really wanna walk to my car alone at night.”
It’s a good excuse, you think. Fuyumi’s got that bleeding heart (or lack of one). She won’t leave you alone. 
“‘Course! Yeah, I’ve gotta lock the front, anyways, so—yeah, I’ll wait.” She nods, stepping back into the room and letting the door fall shut behind her. She watches you untie you’re robe at the middle, and she spins on her heel, facing the door again. She hears you chuckle, and it makes her feel a little silly. You’re naked for, like, four hours every day. It’s not like you would care if she watched. 
But Fuyumi cares, because she doesn’t want to see you naked for the first time like that. She doesn’t want to see you naked and know she won’t be able to touch you. 
“Okay, you can turn around, now.” You speak now that you’re dressed. She turns and you walk toward her, locking elbows. She leads you outside, locks the door with your hand against her arm like she’s yours, and walks you to your car. 
“Guess I’ll see you next week.” She tells you, pulling away from you to walk to her bike. You call her name and it’s deja vu.
“Do you want to go get coffee?” You ask, stopping Fuyumi in her tracks yet again. She turns.
“It’s eleven o’clock at night.” Fuyumi says like an idiot. 
“I just—I wanna keep…hanging out.” You say, and well, so does Fuyumi. Of course, she does. “Your bike’ll fit in the trunk. I’ll drive you home after.”
So, she says yes, stuffs her bike into your trunk with the back seats folded down, and ducks into your car. 
You drive like a maniac, and you listen to your music way too loud, and Fuyumi hopes she doesn’t look as terrified as she feels despite knowing she can’t die in a car accident. But you can, she thinks, so yea, she’s terrified. And you drive like this all the time?
But you both make it in one piece, skirting into the parking lot of a diner with a yellowing neon sign out front. Everyone knows you inside, greeting you with happy smiles and asking you questions about your life, details Fuyumi hopes to know after tonight. 
You take her to a booth in the corner, sliding in next to her instead of across, thighs pressed up against each other as a waitress brings you both a mug of hot coffee. You order apple pie with ice cream, and Fuyumi envies the fact that you’re even able to eat it. Since becoming a vampire, she’s lost any appetite for anything that isn’t blood. 
“So, when were you turned?” You speak, licking vanilla ice cream off the back of your spoon, head resting on you fist as you stare at her. If Fuyumi had a working heart it would be beating out of her chest right now. “I don’t think you’re all that old. You actually seem pretty young. Tell me, maybe in the mid nineties, early two-thousands?”
Fuyumi opens then closes her mouth, unsure of what to say. How could you have possibly known (besides the fact that you got the decade way off)?
“I was turned in ’87 by an old boyfriend who couldn’t control himself.” You shrug, revealing the information like you hadn’t just told her that you, the little human she’s been so fascinated by lately, are a vampire. 
“You’re a vampire.” She says—a statement—not a question, because of course, you’re a vampire. 
“You didn’t know?” You ask, softer. She shakes her head, stares at the booth in front of her. She feels your fingers underneath her chin, and she’s not sure how she never noticed it before, but you’re hands are freezing. She lets you guide her to look at you. “Hey, are you okay? Did I freak you out?”
And it’s not that you’re a vampire. It’s not even that you’re a vampire that she was convinced was human. It’s that she wanted to bite you, wanted to feel that pop and gush, drink from you what’s not actually even being pumped through your body anymore, blood that’s lying dormant in your veins. And the thing is, she still wants to. 
“I think I’m just shocked.” She speaks, willing herself to calm down, accept the situation, adapt. “I haven’t met another one of us here in town. It’s new, but it’s…good. I’m actually a little excited about it.”
“You don’t sound excited.” You observe, letting your hand fall to her thigh. 
“I am—no really. I am.” She grins, leaning toward you. “How come you can eat real food?”
You think maybe she still hasn’t processed everything yet, the smile on her face a little unnerving. And there’s something in her eyes, raw, dangerous, hungry. It makes you shiver. “I never lost the appetite.”
“It tastes good to you?” 
“So good.” You nod, unknowingly moving a little closer. Two girls pressed up against each other in a booth in a dark corner. Two vampires. Two monsters. 
You’re there later than either of you expected to be, fingers intertwined, hands brushing away stray hairs, and words whispered against ears, tucking your face into her neck when you laugh at something inappropriate. 
When you leave, Fuyumi tugs on your hand, interlocks two fingers as you walk to your car. You drive just as bad, but she doesn’t think she minds it this time. To die by your side, and all that. 
When you drop her off at home, you scribble your number on her wrist with a green glitter gel pen and resist the urge to do something drastic like kiss her or invite yourself in. 
Fuyumi realizes she’s left her bike in your trunk, her only mode of transportation to the studio besides walking. She eyes the green glitter on her skin and opens her phone. 
left my bike in ur car:/ pick me up to go to the studio tmrrw? Read 2:22am
be there at 10 sent 2:24am
u can sit in on my class sent 2:25am
She does sit in on your class the next morning. You hold her hand and show her where to sit, a view of both the artist’s sketches of you and the actual you draped over a couch. It’s probably inappropriate to sit there all horny in the middle of this art class, but you won’t stop looking at her. You know exactly what your doing, mimicking the rise and fall of your chest like you’re breathing when she knows you’re not. 
You’re beautiful, really. It’s truly no wonder why they chose you for the job, every line and curve and fold. They’ll never be able to capture you the way you really are. Nothing compares to the real thing.
Her eyes gaze over your neck, down your chest, over your stomach, your thighs. That familiar hunger sits in Fuyumi’s stomach, aches in her jaw. She wants to bite you everywhere that she can, really make you bleed. But Fuyumi doesn’t feed from anything but animals, and it’s not like you’d satisfy her hunger anyway. She’s given up on that feeling a long time ago.
When the class ends, Fuyumi leaves to make more misshapen mugs, taking a few out of the kiln she thinks she’ll give to you. As the sun sets, both of you get ready to leave, and you’re at the door to the pottery studio by the time Fuyumi is done cleaning her space. You’re a little disappointed you missed watching her on the wheel, her pretty hands shaping the clay like you’ve seen her do many times before. You knock on the door frame, and she looks up at you, grins. Her hair is tied up, pieces of hair falling over her face, her cardigan falling down and exposing her right shoulder. You can’t get over how pretty she is, a little messy.
“Hi.” You speak.
“Hey. You ready?” She asks, throwing her bag over her shoulder and walking towards you. You always want to watch her walk towards you—never away.
“I’m ready.” You nod, intertwining your fingers with hers when she makes her way towards you. You drive Fuyumi to your house, your arm over the console and your hand on her thigh. 
Your place is small, really just big enough for you. The walls are a mauve color that Fuyumi decides she likes, tiny star shaped twinkle lights hang over each window instead of curtains, a bundle of violets stuffed inside a beer bottle sit on your coffee table, books and dvd’s and records all stacked against one another with what seems to be no sense of organization in your bookcases. It’s really not much for a vampire.
She sets her tote bag carefully on the counter, red and white checkered, pulling two of her signature misshapen mugs from inside. One painted blue with tiny yellow stars and the other lined with terribly drawn strawberries. 
“These are for you.” She tells you, turning to face you as you’re bent over your stereo, looking for a station you like. Bits from the past stick with you like a refrigerator magnet. Fuyumi wants to remember the look on your face when you turn around and see her gift for the rest of her life. 
“I love them!” You gush, rushing over to pick both of them up. “They’re perfect. One for me, and one for you. We’ll drink blood from them with our pinkies up and cheers to LeFanu.”
Fuyumi laughs, says nothing about the blood. “I’m glad you like them.”
You turn around, opening one of your cabinets open with a finger, setting the mugs down on the counter and moving two snoopy holiday mugs on one shelf towards the back. You set the gift down in their place and wave a hand over it like your presenting them on a gameshow, “I’ve replaced the snoopy mugs with them. That’s a big deal, you know.”
“I’m honored.” Fuyumi grins, moving around the counter to stand near you. 
“You should be.” You lean a little closer to her, let her hand brush against your hip, hook her fingers in your belt loops. You nudge your nose against hers, and she takes that as a sign to kiss you. 
Chapped lips meet yours, hungrier than you expected, much less soft than the girl before you. There’s a burning in your gut, her hands, those hands you’ve payed so much attention to, pressing into your hips, pulling you flush against her front. You let out a moan when she swipes her tongue against your lip, your bodies pressing closer and closer like you’ll become one person. She moves her leg in between your thighs, pressed up against you, and your mouth falls open in a gasp, one she wastes no time taking advantage of, all tongue and teeth, all her, her, her. 
The two of you end up on your couch, unable to make it to the bed. If you had to wait any longer, you think maybe you’d both explode. She eats you out, there in your living room, makes you come three times in a row, familiar hungry eyes never stray from your own. 
She doesn’t talk about the vampire thing. Ever. She goes quiet when you bring it up, busying herself with something else like washing the dishes in your sink or trying to find something to watch on tv. You mostly let it go because you know Fuyumi. You know how fascinated she is by humans, how she envies them, how that envy and fascination is the very reason you’re together now. 
And maybe it should hurt you, the fact that believing you were human was the one reason she’d been so interested. But you know her, bleeding unbeating heart and all, she loves you. She loves you and your monster, she just doesn’t love her’s.
It’s difficult to drag the body through your house alone, vampire strength being something you hadn’t been blessed with once you’d turned all those years ago. Fuyumi sent you a message that she’d be at the studio late and would probably just end up going home instead of coming over. You figure you have time to drain this guy of all he’s worth, pack him up into little tupperwares in your fridge and be done with him by morning. 
You’ve done this a million times before, dragged a body out to your back yard, fed from it until your satisfied before saving the rest. It’s enough to last you a couple of weeks. It’s a good system. 
You don’t hear the sliding door open, you just hear Fuyumi say your name. You look up at her, blood on your mouth, your neck, your hands, fangs poking out underneath your top lip. You’re sure you look terrifying, but it’s the look on her face that scares you. 
It’s disgust, and betrayal, and anger. It’s tears welling up in her pretty, gray eyes and her mouth falling open and closed at the sight of you. 
But Fuyumi, well, Fuyumi wants to join you. It’s taking everything in her not to fall to her knees and sink her teeth into the neck of this possibly innocent man. She wants to drink and kiss you, and drink, and touch you, and then drink some more, this time from your neck. But Fuyumi doesn’t kill for blood, and she thought that neither did you. 
“I can’t believe you.” Her words are quiet. If you both hadn’t been outside on a completely silent night, you don’t think you would have even heard her. 
“Fuyumi…” You begin, standing up from where you’d previously crouched down, blood on your hands falling against the concrete in sticky splatters. She takes a step back like she’s scared of you. 
“You killed him.”
“Fuyumi,” another step.
“Stay there.” You stop. It’s not supposed to be like this. She’s supposed to love you. She does love you. You have to tell yourself that. 
“I’m a vampire. What did you expect? This is who we are.” You try to explain. 
“It’s not—it’s not who I am.” She shakes her head, flashes of red appear behind her eyes, the teeth of her brothers, her hands covered in blood the same way yours are now. Laughing, hollering, arms tangled together, the last time they’d all been with each other, the last time they were happy. 
“It is. It is who you are. Fuyumi, you’re starving.” Your words seem to do something to her, her mouth falls closed. A decision is made, and her feet take her closer and closer to you and the body on the floor. 
She wraps her hand around the back of your neck, thumbs through the blood you’re covered in and kisses you. She licks the blood on your lips, moaning from either your tongue or taste, you’re unsure. You pull her close, blood smearing against her white t-shirt. She pulls away from your lips, kissing your jaw and your neck, poking her tongue out to lick up the mess. You place your hands on her cheeks, pulling her back to look at you. 
“Come here.” You whisper, pulling her down as you crouch to the ground. “I want you to drink—I want to share.”
She lets you pull her down, taking your hand in hers, slippery, slick. You move away from his neck, leaving it open for her, urging her. This is what she wants. There’s something about drinking from your bite in the man’s neck. You’ve been here, you’re bite is her bite is her blood. 
And, god, is it delicious. She drinks, lets it fall down her throat in large gulps, dripping down her chin and neck. A sound escapes her throat, guttural, everything she’s deprived herself of having, here in between her teeth. She watches you while she drinks, eyes looking up through white lashes, reaching a hand out to hold you by the wrist, grounded. She pulls away, heaving, even though she has no need for breath. Her lips, saturated in red, begging to be tasted.
“You’re beautiful like that,” You speak, squeezing her hand, “with his blood on your mouth.”
She kisses you, all tongue, her fangs catching on your bottom lip. She pulls away and pushes you down, lets you bite the other side of the dead man’s neck, pets your hair as you drink. It goes on like this for a while, kissing, drinking, touching, whispers of please and oh, god and both of your names over and over until you’re a jumbled mess of words and sounds and blood and guts. 
You stumble, half naked through the door, Fuyumi’s hands and lips all over you. You don’t make it to the bed, a habit the two of you have seemed to form, falling down on the hardwood, limbs all tangled. With her shirt already discarded outside, you thumb the hooks of her bra open, throwing it to the side. Blood has dripped from her throat down between the valley of her breasts, and you lick it up, feeling her back arch as she hovers above you. 
She kisses your neck, almost frantic. Her fangs brush against your skin like she might sink into you, but she doesn’t, just kisses you so sweetly. 
“Can I bite you, please?” She moans. “I need to—I’ve wanted to—”
“Yes.” You interrupt her, throwing your head back against the floor and baring your neck to her. She wastes no time sinking her fangs into your flesh, blood pouring into her mouth. Coppery and sweet, a hint of licorice and cherry—Fuyumi thinks she can’t get enough. You gasp, hands grabbing at her waist, fingers digging into her sides enough to leave a mark. You’ve never felt pain like this, all agony and bliss. 
She smiles at you, bloody, when she pulls away. A part of you is her’s now, nestled between her ribs, living in her stomach. You taste yourself on her lips, hands pulling at her jeans, your leg moving between her thighs to grind against her cunt. 
You flip her onto her back, sucking on her neck, venturing down her body. You pull her jeans from her legs, along with her underwear, spreading her legs. She’s so wet, thighs sticky with arousal as you run a finger through her folds. A whine escapes her lips as you thumb over her clit. With your eyes on her, you press your tongue to her entrance, watching how her face contorts in pleasure. It reminds you of the way she’d stared at you while drinking from the man, hand clutched to your wrist, not once daring to look away, With one hand, you reach up to do the same, bloody fingers circling her wrist as you devour her. 
She writhes, arching her back and grinding against your face, a mess of slick and blood pooling in your mouth as you bring her closer and closer to orgasm. 
“Please!” She cries, “please! Oh my god!”
Her moans only spur you on as you speed up the movement of your tongue, squeezing her wrist as you let her move her hips against your mouth. She comes with a strangled cry of your name, legs shaking around your head, falling limp against the floor as you lick at her swollen clit. You pull away, rising from your place in between her thighs to hover over her.
“Like that?” You ask her, placing soft kisses against her jaw. She manages a soft mhm before moving her face to kiss you.You run your hands up and down the sides of her body, “so pretty…”
“Let me touch you.” She begs, pushing herself up onto her elbows. You nod, letting her maneuver you so you’re on your back again. She kisses you again, swirling her tongue against yours, tasting herself. In a way, part of her is yours now, too.
She slips her hand into your underwear, gasping at the feeling of how wet you are. You take the opportunity to lick into her mouth, moaning against her lips as she slips two fingers inside of you. She pulls away from your mouth and eyes the open wound on your neck. You lock eyes with her, nodding in approval, allowing her to bite you again. 
She bites and curls her fingers inside you at the same time. A choked scream escapes your throat at both sensations. You move your hips as she pumps her fingers in and out of you, her throat bobbing with each drink she takes from you. It’s overwhelming, and so satisfying, being the consumed for a change. 
Her thumb brushes over your clit and you jolt, gripping her waist as she brings you closer to the edge. 
“Kiss me!” You cry, “Fuyumi!” 
She pulls away from your neck, watching how the blood flows from the wound, continuing her movements against your pussy. You pull her down to kiss you as you come from her fingers. You’re both moaning against each other, passing your blood between your tongues. She pulls her hand from between your legs, stares at the pink-tinted slick and how it webs between her fingers before wrapping her lips around her fingers and sucking them clean off. 
She smiles down at you, hair a mess, glasses-less as they’d fallen off much earlier. You press your palms against her cheeks, admiring her. This Fuyumi is hungry, and bloody, and the furthest thing from human. You love her like this. You’ll be her’s forever, if she’ll have you. 
You pull her into the shower with you, washing the blood from her hair and her back, taking turns and watching the blood swirl down the drain. She cleans the wound on your neck, and places a bandage over it, though you know it’ll be healed by morning. You place her glasses back onto her face. The two of you fall into bed, finally, arms and legs tangled together, huddled closely. She rubs over the bandage on your neck. 
“Next time, I wanna bite you, okay?” You ask, nudging your nose against her. She lets out a laugh you’re excited to hear for the rest of your immortal life and nods. 
“I can’t wait.”
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bleubrri · 2 years
۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ ᴍɪᴅɴɪɢʜᴛ ᴍᴜsᴇ - ᴀʀᴛɪsᴛ!ᴊᴇᴀɴ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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༄ؘ ˑ contains: 2.5k of artist!jean, shower sex, creampie, pottery clichés, black coded!reader being a nude model bc i forgot to explicitly mention that oops, hc format + a lil oneshot<3
༄ؘ ˑ a/n: not proof read T^T
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artist!jean who insists that you’re his muse. he’d been in a rut for what felt like aeons but in reality was probably only a couple of months before he met you. still, the way jean describes it as a transformative spark of inspiration sounds so poetically exaggerative that you find yourself with an involuntary grin whenever he mentions it.
artist!jean who uses oil, the first time. oil paints in fiery coppers and springtime golds to capture the exposed skin of your body. the flick of a wrist, the turn of a waist. the curve of a pelvic bone. he wasn’t lucid when he painted you, he swears. swears he still feels fuzzy working on some pieces even now. you were artwork. artwork that inspired artwork. that made him frantic to smear carefully calculated streaks of colour across his canvas in a lustful burst of creativity.
artist!jean who you approach after the class, slipped into sandals and a silk robe and trotting over to ask to see his work. he’d been sheepish, adrenaline from his fervent work wearing off and leaving him with the feeling of hummingbirds in his belly. you’d modelled a few times, never really interested in any of the students work, they were all either creepy, indifferent or desperate for a passing grade. but he’d made you.. beautiful. captured a playful sensuality that you didn’t even realise was there.
artist!jean who hangs the piece in the entryway to his studio—even if now he has the real thing to inspire him everyday. his studio smells of woodsy canvas paper and earthy terracotta clay, usually. sometimes it’s the headache-pine of lingering turpentine seeped into scattered rags. other times its simply his own sweet scent. in the summer, he foregoes a t-shirt and unbuttons his paint-stained overalls to hang loosely around his waist. (you love watching him work in the summer).
artist!jean who likes to use you as a canvas. and he’s never told you that, but it’s obvious in the way that his tongue feels like brush strokes against the silky depths of your cunt. in the way his strong hands mould the flesh of your ass with deft fingers. in the way he frantically pumps his cockhead, head thrown back and panting to send himself over the edge and paint your pussy with the milky globs of his seed. you’re always a little oversensitive, twitching when his lithe fingers trace the puffy lips of your cunt, ghosting over your swollen clit to fully coat you in the pearly mark of his arousal. you call it fingerpainting. he says you just look good covered in his cum.
artist!jean who often gets the insatiable urge to just fucking make something at the most inconvenient hours. his fingers will twitch against their place on your stomach, his brain far too awake for well past midnight. he always relents, reluctantly leaving your orbit and quietly padding downstairs.
tonight, you find him hunched over on the kitchen floor, caked to the elbows in drying terracotta. there’s a gentle hum from the pottery wheel and the vaguely soil-like smell of unfired porcelain.
the sound of your bare feet padding across the tile floor makes him glance in your direction. you’re a rough sleeper—a few braids have slipped from the satin of your scarf and are framing your tired face. jean gets the sudden urge to smush your sleep-puffed cheeks and kiss the sleep from your eyes.
you give him a dreamy smile and a kiss on his head as you pass him to grab a glass of water.
“can’t sleep?” he asks softly, as if any remote volume will disrupt his work and disturb your peace. you mumble something that sounds a lot like not without you and jean feels his insides heat and liquify inside of him.
he pauses his ministrations with his partial vase and dips his arms into the bucket of water next to him, sloshing off the dried clay and re-slicking his hands.
you’re craving the cloak of unconsciousness, resigning yourself to a lonely hour or two in your shared bed. you do sleep better with him, but you’ve been together long enough to know that you’ll always wake up with the weight of his arms draped around you. but jeans making impatient, semi-clean grabby hands in your direction.
“baby. c’mere.”
you groan around the glass and shake your head in defiance.
“babyyy.” he sings.
“jean, it’s 3am.”
“c’monnn.” he pouts.
“aren’t you tired of this yet? you do this every single time.” you’re huffing, trying to fight the smile that manifests over stupid, fond, repetitive memories.
when jean got into pottery, he made the completely predictable and cliche move of dragging you in between his legs and guiding your hands along the damp clay. the patrick swayze to your demi moore. he had even started humming the chorus of that godforsaken song, unchained melody, that had you booing and fighting off giggles. but it was cute, in a sickeningly romantic way.
and yet jean had kept on doing it. every time you walked into his studio and saw him sorting through bricks of clay or re-dipping his hands, you’d bolt for the door only to be chased down by jean who’d drag you back with soiled hands and a wicked grin. he called it ‘ghosting’ you.
“it never gets old!” he insists, waggling his fingers at you. “c’mon you love it.”
“goodnight, jean.” you say, putting away your glass and rushing to sidestep him.
nimble fingers wrap around your wrist just as you pass him. damn his long ass limbs.
you groan and writhe in his grip as he stands to embrace you. “ugh you’re all wet!” he ignores you, grin dripping with mirth as he buries himself in your neck and shuffles you both in front of the vase.
“i just showered right before bed! i can’t shower again this late.. you’re so annoying you know that?” you’re grumbling as jean drags you down to sit with him, you’re mildly irked but revelling in his blanketing heat behind you. jean punctuates the kiss to your pulsepoint with the glide of his hands over yours. air haults in your lungs as long fingers slip between your own and the clay smooths beneath your palm.
you huff again. “i hate you.”
jean breaths a laugh through his nose, tickling your neck, making you smile.
you give in. melting against him and letting him guide your hands to smooth out the sides of the vase, making dips and curves with the clefts of your palms. all the while making a wet trail of his lips across your skin. suctioning behind your ear. blowing along your collar bone. fucking teasing.
“don’t start.” you warn him.
“hm?” he feigns innocence, resting his chin on your shoulder and turning a fraction to peck the side of your mouth.
you scoff, slipping your hand from his and smearing a streak of clay on his nose.
“forget it.”
“hey!” he gapes at you “that was uncalled for.” he grumbles. your remaining hand caged around his own suddenly feels crushed under his increasing weight. clay starts to collect between your fingers, thick globs of rust caking your digits and jeans.
you raise a brow. “don’t you dare.”
but oh he dares.
his filthy hand shoots up the expanse of your forearm, making you screech into the night. jeans laughing as you recoil, almost elbowing him in the ribs. “you started it.” he states with a loud, wet kiss to your cheek that you try to swat away.
“i’ll fucking finish it you asshole.” you grunt, dipping into the water and flicking it at him.
jean yells at the unexpected attack, quickly recovering and grabbing your retreating wrist. “oh so now you wanna make a mess?” he asks, guiding your hand back to the sad excuse for a vase.
your bubbling laughter dies into nothing as jean claws his fingers around yours. “then let’s make a mess, baby.” he rips a chunk of clay from the side, cradled in your fingers and in a flash it’s smushed against your clavicle.
an incredulous, breathy laugh erupts from you. the cold smear of sienna on your body definitely warranting a shower now.
“you’re dead, kirstein.” you say calmly, a menacing smile on your pretty face as jean tries to cage you further between his legs to hinder your movements.
the next few minutes are a flurry of attacks. jean nearly knocks over the bucket in his attempt to scoop up the gross, soggy remnants at the bottom of the water and smear it on your cheeks. you’re both yelping and laughing as clay gets smeared along your exposed skin. you even manage to drop some onto jeans plaid pyjama bottoms in the ultimate revenge ploy. eventually you scramble up from the floor and jean relents, hands up in surrender as the misshapen blob of clay spins aimlessly on the pottery wheel.
“truce.” you smirk, offering a hand to your temporary foe and dragging him up from the floor. he’s got that stupid horny look in his eye as he reaches full height and stares down at you. soft eyes droopy under the weight of his arousal and pupils blown in lust.
you resist the urge to roll your eyes, whether over his blatant neediness or your feathery resolve to give in to him, you aren’t sure. being pressed against his broad form for so long hadn’t exactly been satiating enough.
on your tiptoes, your arms circle his neck and you kiss him, uncaring of the dot of clay that somehow ended up on his perfect little cupid’s bow. “how ‘bout that shower?” you mumble as you pull back, lidded gaze boring into his.
the lifting of your body serves as his answer. reflexively your legs lock around his trimmed waist, and you indulge in the taste of him as he blindly makes his way to the bathroom.
the journey from the kitchen to underneath the spray of the shower is full of tongue and teeth. lips on his neck. a flurry of clothes shed. the cool slate of the wall against your back makes you shiver, but they’re swallowed into the heat of jeans mouth almost immediately.
“you sure you don’t want head or something?” he muses against your lips. jean always tends to be unabashedly direct when he’s in a dizzying state of arousal.
“i’m good.” you assure him, scratching lightly at the sensitive spot above his nape and watching him shiver. “jus’ go easy.”
he hums, taking the plush of your bottom lip between his teeth as he pumps himself to full mast under the scalding stream. you’re propped up between the wall and his body when his thick tip traces your clit. his skin is flushed, pink cheeks and swollen cock dancing around your engorged nerves and down to your slit. he’s got one palm gripping the meat of your ass, the other lining himself up with your hole as he props you open with one knee.
instinctively, you clench and try and snap your thighs shut when his tip sheaths inside of you, hot and heavy and splitting you open. his thumb settles on your dripping clit, drawing slippery circles with a delicious pressure. he couples it with sucking on your tongue, you like to be distracted at the preface to pleasure that comes with taking his girth.
“ngh—i f-forgot that water makes the worst fucking lube—shit—” you’re moaning into his mouth, but not in the way that he wants.
“complaining a lot tonight, aren’t we angel?” he teases, nipping at the velvety flesh of your jugular.
“i’m not complaining, i’m jus—fuck!” he cuts you off with the snap of his hips to bottom out into the welcoming heat of your gooey walls. he shudders as you clench and flutter around him, brain already foggy with desire.
“you’re complaining.” he repeats, slow drags of his cock melting into a steady pistoning of his hips. “you were impatient weren’t you? wanted to go straight for my cock.” you think you mutter something in agreement, too focused on the way you can feel every fucking ridge of his shaft swelling and trailing against your pocket of nerves as jean shifts his angle. that gorgeous twisting vein along his shaft pumping with blood and throbbing against your sensitive flesh. he knows what he’s pressing against. you can feel the bump of his pelvic bone against your hips with each precise thrust as he relentlessly aims for your g-spot.
being with jean is a fucking sensory experience. the friction from the trail of hair below his navel. the constant flutter of his fingertips across your slick skin. heated breaths. washboard abs that pull taut with each ravenous connection of your sexes. full balls churning with his load that slap against your ass from the force of his hunger. he’s broad and firm and soft and everywhere and everywhere—
“shit, shit right there, baby. ‘s so good, you’re so good.” he can taste the sweetness from your mewling coating his tongue and sliding down to his stomach. the feel of your skin under his hands, god, he could swear you were made for him. moulded from divine clay, or made from his rib. that’s how the story goes, isn’t it?
as quickly as the foamy white ring of your cream forms around the base of his cock, it’s being washed down the drain under the constant stream of water. a waste, he thinks. there are so many possibilities when you cum. still, he can’t really focus on that now, the frayed rope in his stomach coiling tighter by the second, the blissful feeling of you reaching your high spurring him on to the peak of his own.
familiar fingers tug on the hairs at the base of his head, punching a serrated breath from his lungs and jean practically hauls you against him as thick spurts erupt from his twitching member.
adoration manoeuvres your bodies, afterwards. the careful combing of fingers through his tawny strands, melded together with clumps of dried clay. the smooth sweeping of suds over the peak of your chest. hushed apologies for the fingertip-bruises that pepper your hips, for the crescent scratches that decorate his nape and shoulders; we’re even, like you always are.
and when you finally crawl back into bed, dark streaks of lilac in the sky signalling an invitation for dawn, jean ponders the way you fit so perfectly against him. the way your back curves against his chest and his arms settle into the soft flesh of your bare stomach. he can barely feel your gap in his ribcage.
you drift off easily in his arms. peaceful, dreamless sleep beckoning you. when daybreak peeks through the cracks in the blinds, you smile at the feeling of jeans comforting weight firmly draped around you. you wriggle around to face him, one side of his face squished against the pillow and boyish serenity dousing his handsome features.
and in the virtuous light of the morning, you can’t help but think that he’s artwork.
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#: @luvkun4 @sheluvzeren
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fairyhaos · 1 year
seventeen and pottery
the struggles that svt would go through during a pottery class masterlist
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accidentally presses down too hard on the foot pedal, almost sends his lump of wet clay flying into hansol on the other side of the room. kneads the clay so thoroughly that the instructor tells him that if there were any air bubbles in there then he's probably destroyed them twice over by now. makes little sounds of surprise every time the wheel goes a little too fast for his liking. creates a very smol and thick vase that looks like a large cup more than anything, but is vv proud of it :) 
almost died trying to get the air out of his clay. complains that his arm is too weak to do this and he shouldn't be doing this with his injury. manages to convince the instructor to do all the kneading for him n also gets him to throw down the clay onto the wheel after seeing how much seungcheol struggled. likes the feeling of wet clay in his hands a lot, and probably spends half the time just playing with the clay as he builds it up and presses it down and builds it up and presses it down and builds it up and—
makes exaggerated noises of effort as he's kneading the clay. compliments the instructor's sexy arms as he's giving a demonstration. laughs at seungcheol's clay almost flying off the wheel, gets distracted and almost has his lose balance too. also somehow his vase ends up looking crazy good???? finishes early and tries to help save dokyeom before he goes even further down the path of wet misshapenness that he's found himself lost in
has So much fun playing with the pottery wheel. loves the feeling of wet clay too, enjoys the act of building it up and pressing it down. didn't enjoy the kneading as much, saying it hurt his forearms too much :((( laughs at the wonky shapes he manages to make his vase, ends up going with a cool contemporary look that was definitely intentional and didn't happen bc he almost slapped it off the wheel in his excitement
was lost from the start. enjoyed the kneading maybe a bit too much, wasn't paying attention when the instructor was explaining the next step. his clay was sitting wonky on the wheel and ended up splattering him with muddy water every time he tried to shape it before the instructor came around and fixed it for him. tries to paint everyone's faces with his dirty hands. keeps rambling about how handsome the instructor is, has to start the building up process a total of 4 times bc he keeps getting distracted
honestly, using his hands in this way isn't his forte. was pretty good at the kneading thing and could center the clay pretty well, but getting the right pressure on the foot pedal was a bit difficult. his wheel's movements were rlly jerky bc he didn't want to send his clay flying into the wall (unlike some people's). gets too worried about making the walls thin and having it rip, ends up with a rather chunky looking vase but he's still so so proud of himself
all the members tease him about how kneading the clay must be a piece of cake for him. jokes that this is about all the exercise he'll need for his forearms that week. is one of the members whose clay somehow manages to fly off the wheel and splatter against the wall, has to start the kneading process all over again. somehow makes a bowl instead of a vase, but he's not too fussed bc at least it means he can actually use it
watched tons of pottery videos before their session, but had never even touched anything like a pottery wheel before. severely underestimated the amount of strength needed to knead the clay, was bullied by the members bc his spindly arms probably couldn't do it. manages to make a rlly fancy looking vase with a bulbous bottom and a narrow, tall top. is really pleased with his creation, has already booked another session in the studio
complains that his arms hurt as he's kneading the clay. keeps having to build up and press down his clay constantly bc he can't get as narrow an opening as he needs. blames it on his fingers. is in a competition against all the members (for some reason??? and he's the only one who even knows they're competing) and tries to make the best looking vase. ends up with a slightly lopsided vase, but is so pleased with himself bc it looks perfect in his eyes
struggles The Most. knows he'll get lost easily, listens to the instructor so intently that he feels like his ears will detach from his body. accidentally presses down on his clay too hard and presses the pedal too firmly, ends up with a pancake of clay on the wheel that he has to peel off with his fingernails. the instructor is almost Permanently hovering above him before he has to go attend to hoshi's mishap n so he ends up with a joshua Permanently hovering over him instead. gets clay water all the way down to his elbows. and on his cheeks. and on his canvas shoes. it's everywhere, really. 
tries his Best™. gets stressed out whenever the wheel starts going too fast, apologises to his clay when he feels like it's going out of control. has to do the building up and pressing down process several times bc he keeps accidentally wrinkling the clay while pressing it down. is in awe of joshua's perfect little vase, whines for an entire ten minutes and then strives to make one as pretty as that. doesn't feel like he gets anywhere near to that standard, but is still pretty happy for it being his first attempt
the only member to have actually done pottery before. but like all of these weird experiences that he's somehow had in his life, he doesn't remember a thing about it. is another person who accidentally makes it fly into the wall, is a little flustered but overall rather chill about the process. makes a knobbly looking vase that kinda resembles a pickle, is infinitely pleased w himself
honestly is just there to Have Fun. looks around the studio in utter awe, makes small talk with the instructor while he's going around and observing them all, n manages to learn everything about him from his education to his inspiration to everything that he's ever made in the studio. is pretty good with the wheel, maybe a little wobbly in pulling up his vase but still rather confident. manages to get clay on his cheek, which seungcheol's points out to him and proceeds to 'help' by smothering his face with his own clay-covered hands
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currently taking requests
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hobaworld7 · 1 year
BTS Reaction - Love language
DISCLAIMER : this is how I think they would react in love. I'm in no way saying they are exactly like that. They do not belong to me. This is just an imagine.
I'm a baby army, please be nice in the comments and send request!
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-He would be all five of love languages
-Acts of service? Cleaning the kitchen after you cook.
-Physical attention? Always his hand on your back. In public his hand will always be looking for yours.
-Gift giving? Before coming home, when he knows you had a bad day, he would be bringing you flowers and your favorite coffee.
-Words of affirmations? Your biggest supporter. Always. All the time. You were more precious than a diamond for him.
-Quality time? If you needed help studying, he would quizz you all night. He will take time to celebrate every little realization.
-He will never be mad at you, even when you would be driving him crazy.
-Always patient, always caring.
-Crying because of your period and you saw him being a little too nice to the barista? He would never go back to the coffeeshop, even tho it was more your hormones then jealousy.
-You text him at 1am because your belly hurt, his cellphone was always open for you. He would go to the 24h drugstore and get you all the thing you could need. Even tho he didn't know why you were hurting. Always all the options, stomach bug meds, sanitary products and three options of pain meds.
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-He express his love by music and by his actions
-He rarely say that he love you, but he loves you more then anything. He shows it to you in a lot of other ways than words
-Texting you lyrics of different love songs
-If he could writes a thousand of love song for you, he will do it
-In front of the camera, he's always kinda cold and with his members always so caring but you were the one handling him when he would be with you
-He will be your little baby and you were the only one to see this side of him
-He would sometimes cry in your arms and openly talk about his struggles and his mental health
-You had to be stroking his hair every nights so he fall asleep
-And if he was away, he will call you on face-time and you would both fall asleep, still on face-time until the morning
-But he will do self care night with you every week
-Always letting you choose the restaurant
-He would only let you wears his shirts and hoodies when you were at his place
-Or naked, he would be a fan of every parts of your body
-If you say that it was a difficult day today and you don't really love your body, he will cover every mirrors and remember you how beautiful you are, kissing every parts of your body
-He would love your presence, even if you were just chilling on the couch in his studio all night and him working on his album. He would be so happy
-He would take breaks and go lay on you and ask for attention like a little cat
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Nam Joon
-He would give you a lot of his free time
-Always calling you when he is in his car, or facetiming when he was away
-''Good morning beautiful'' ''good night, i love you princess'' Every. Fucking. Day. since you first went on a date. Never missing a day, no matter how busy he was.
-A lot of art date. Museum, Bookstore, Paint date. Even a pottery date
-What you want, you'll have
-You go shopping, he will just give you his cards because he knows you'll be responsable with his money
-If you go grocery shopping. His card. He will say 'don't forget to buy something for yourself'
-The most gentlemen ever, in every sphere of your love life.
-I feel like he would be so gentle with you, like you are a fragile little teddy bear
-But not in bed. Definitely not in bed. But still really respectful.
-He wants you at every BTS or solo show, in the back, because he wants to kiss you after performing
-If you call him because you're hurt, he would leave the studio and rescue you like a prince
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-I think J-Hope would be a lot of Acts of service and Words of affirmations
-Like, he would text you ''Hey pretty, don't forget your coat, it's cold outside.'' ''You can take mine''
-But you would be so scared to take his expensive clothes so you were always wearing yours
-Except when he was literally clothing you, when you were going on a date, he was the one wanting to match with you
-He loved seeing you with his clothes or matching
-He was always so proud seeing you that pretty with the clothes he picks.
-He will also text you a lot of little remember through the day
-'You got this' 'You were so pretty this morning yeobo'
-And when you would be coming home, it will always be clean because he loved reorganizing and clean your place
-If one day you happen to say you love matcha ice cream, he would buy one pot every week so you never get out of your favorite
-If you say you need more pens for school, he would buy you some.
-You say you love that books, at your birthday, he would be buying you the entire autographed collections.
-And flowers. SO MUCH FLOWERS. Always with the meaning.
-And he would have a funny nickname for you. Like little beary cutie bear or something like that lol
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-Words of affirmation, always, all the time
-He knows he's cute, but do you know who's cuter? You.
-He will tell you everyday, never missing an opportunity
-You will always be sharing each others cute picture, doing finger heart or ayegos
-One of the member saying "hey Jimin you're cute today" he will answers ''You know who's cuter? My girlfriend, look at her in this dress''
-I feel like he would love to be near you and showing you his yours and that you are his
-Like sitting on his lap. He would enjoy it so much, hugging you with his arms around your hip and his heads on your shoulder with a little smile
-Lot of hickeys too. But not on him, he didn't like it. But he would marks all of your body if he could.
-I feel like he would be kind of savage in bed lol
-And if you were scratching his back, he would love it
-He could be a little rough so sometimes you end up with bruises BUT ALL WITH YOUR CONSENT.
-And you were both laughing all the time, until your body hurts
-He would be telling you every day how lucky he is to have you
-The 'i love you more?', he always had the last word. Because if you say that you love him more, he will be angry that you think he love you less.
-You're his world
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-And little passive agressive comments
-Like : ''You're so fucking gorgeous. You shouldn't be wearing that dress"'
-But not in a bad way obvi
-I feel like Tae is very healthy in relationship
-Always listening to you
-He would always sleep with you in his arms
-You're his personal coussin literally lol
-Like you can barely move if you are in the same bed as him
-And when you're watching tv too
-He always want a physical contact with you
-He's driving, his hands is on your thigh
-But not like just resting on your thigh, he will hold onto you like his life was on the line
-Your body is his possession and he show it to you all the time.
-He'll buy you clothes too, when he see something that will suit you well he would buy it. No matter the price or if it's a designer clothes
-A lot of gift giving too
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-I feel like Jungkook would be reallyyy physical
-Hugging you and kissing you whenever he has the chance
-Cooking? His arms would be around your hips
-Putting makeup? He would sit near you, gaming on his cellphone and looking at you every time he finish a game
-He would also text you a lot
-Seeing your favorite dog's breed, he would take a picture for you
-"SARANGHAE YEOBO'' ''I love you so much babe'' ''can't wait for you to get home''
-''I got you your favorite kind of chips"
-"miss you" when you left an hour ago.
-He would love when you were working out together. He was never judging you and was always glad to help you with your form
-And after your workout he would accept to do some yoga with you bc you love it
-And it would be so funny seeing him do all the yoga poses
-He would be a needy boyfriend
-But i mean, JungKook, so you were never mad about his attention.
If you want to read more, here is the link of my masterlist : https://www.tumblr.com/kimtaehyung-taetae-writing/710423978560421888/masterlist?source=share
thank you army!
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the-roo-too · 1 year
você escreve para o blackpink? se você fizer isso, posso solicitar o alfabeto rosé fluff
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candy -> park chaeyoung ver
aka the fluff alphabet
admiration (what does she absolutely adore about you)- how much you trust her <33 she finds it so incredible that you know you can tell her anything and that you share everything with her 🫶
body (what’s her favourite body part of yours)- because rosie dyes her hair so much, she’s got a lot of hair damage. therefore, she adores your hair! buys you all them expensive conditioners 💯 also i feel like matching hairstyles with rosie is a must
cuddling (how she likes to cuddle)- it’s not about the position, it’s about w a r m t h. rosie needs you both to be warm and comfy while cuddling, no exceptions
dates (what’s her ideal date)- somewhere quiet, preferably away from others. honestly, you can take her to the middle of nowhere and go stargazing, she’ll never forget that <33 will bite you if you forget blankets tho
emotions (how does she express her emotions around you)- being honest with each other is a fundamental part of a healthy relationship 👹 rosé lives by that rule, so you usually know what’s on her mind (usually)
family (does she want one)- yessss 🙏 rosie deffo wants a mini me, especially with the love of her life (you)!
holding hands (does she like to hold hands)- yess! especially in public settings, when she’s busy on her phone or something, she makes sure to be holding your hand <33
injuries (what would she do if you got hurt)- rosie would c r y and panic </3 you’d think she’s the one who got injured
jokes (does she like to joke around)- ye 🦧 rosie is a prankster not a single serious bone in that body
kisses (how does she like to kiss you)- softly <33 you’re her baby! she’s a very gentle soul nonetheless, but for you? with you she’s a little cuddlebear
love (what’s her love language)- spending late nights together. rosie as a idol unfortunately often misses some dates, or needs to get out of bed way before you and you don’t see her in the morning :(( because of that, she makes sure to always be with you at night!
memory (what’s her favourite memory together)- when you first came to her practice and she introduced you to her members 🤭🤭 she’s so grateful for the fact that they like you too
nighttime (how does sleeping with her look like)- like i said, rosie always spends nights with you, but for none of you matters what you do together <33 sometimes she just holds you in her arms while you sleep, other nights you wake up when she arrives and you watch a movie together
oddity (what’s a quirky thing about her)- what isn’t quirky about her? but hear me out, she sometimes dedicates covers to you. when she uploads a video of her singing and/or playing, there are your initials hidden at the end frame
pet names (what does she like to call you)- darling, pretty girl, cutie! all them cute things she can think up on the spot basically. your contact name in her phone is little princess because she’s your rosé <33
quality time (how does she like to spend time with you)- rosie is a sucker for those lil couple activities, like going pottery together or something! she also loves when you’re with her in the studio, especially while recording after a long, tiring day
rush (does she rush into things)- kinda? not in the sense that she wants to get married three days after confessing, but she definitely starts planning things like that long in advance
secrets (how open is she with you)- open with emotions, open with other stuff! tho that pancakes she makes on the weekends? you’ll never get the recipe.
time (how long did it take for her to confess)- a long while 😭 poor baby was so scared! her members were so fed up with it they almost confessed for her lmao
upset (what’s her reaction when you’re upset)- immediately tries to find the cause? was it her? was it someone online? will comfort you to the best of her abilities! i feel like she sings to you to calm you down too <33
visibility (is she afraid of the public opinion)- out of all the bp members, rosie is the chillest when it comes to coming out to public. her fan base is especially fruity and she isn’t that afraid of the people’s opinion. and if anything would happen, miss rosé will fight for you! 🫶
warrior (how often do you fight)- depends on the season, really. if you’re busy with your work and rosé has a comeback coming up, it’s normal that you’re both more on edge. but when life is peaceful, you don’t really fight. she hates rising her voice at you :((
x-ray (is she able to read you)- d u h. she does it better than you do. especially when it comes to being sick! it’s like she knows two days in advance before you start coughing and having a fever
yes (how would she propose to you)- definitely would do it in a overly sweet and a bit cringey way, like dropping to her knees in the middle of the restaurant and kinda making it obvious for everyone (don’t worry, the restaurant owner will probably give u a free cake or smth)
zen (what makes her feel calm)- huggies! when you’re both fighting and rosie doesn’t know what to say anymore, she kind of deflates and walks up to you to envelop you in a hug. a couple minutes in silence, you both apologise and talk it out like responsible adults
part of [the fluff series]
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lnmei · 1 year
How I Approach Figure Drawing
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Got asked about tips for figure drawing and...I have a lot to say! I thought to just catalogue what I’ve been doing to build up my figure drawing knowledge and habit, so hopefully this is a useful reference for anyone interested in figure drawing :)
make it a habit (but take it easy!)
This is probably the most important and most annoying tip ever lol I’ve been figure drawing for 7-8 years (on and off! I don’t pressure myself if I have other things to do) so it really just takes time. Given that, my biggest tip for figure drawing is to figure out how you can have fun on this forever journey, so everything below is what I do to have fun and maintain the necessary enthusiasm to persist at it.
warm-up before a figure drawing session of myself figure drawing at my desk:
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be bad at it on a regular basis
kind of just the principle of drawing....but with figure especially you draw so many of them that it’s important to let your drawings be bad to free yourself of pressure, and good ones will come out just from the brute force repetition of the skill.
Whenever I feel myself hitting a wall I intentionally revert to letting go of the desire to make a good drawing and try drawing in different ways even if it looks or feels bad in the moment. Some of my favorite drawings are the result of this, it’s awesome how that works out lol
For example, if I’m frustrated by my line work, I’ll start drawing thicker lines than usual and more cartoony (by my standards at least...) to loosen up:
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set small goals for figure drawing
The main thing with figure drawing is that to get good, you have to draw hundreds and thousands of figures over time...so to keep that from being repetitive I change up my goal regularly so I can exercise different ways of thinking and keep it fresh, and my drawings look different based on what I am aiming for
Goal of practicing for cleaner lines and using line variety (5 min each):
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Goal of drawing the lines neatly to color after (10 min each):
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A typical progression I’ve seen is to build from drawing nude models to clothed models which is what I did, but honestly just start with what you want to learn the most and you’ll figure out what you want to work on.
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copy other people
When I used to go to live figure drawing, I’d peek at what people sitting all over the studio were doing and copy their method or look. I look at artists online and pull up their work while I draw. I like sessions where there’s an artist demo because I can see what they’re doing (zeet does this). Figure drawing is great because everyone draws the same thing in their own way so it’s cool to see the variety, and it goes so fast that no matter what your references are, it still retains your habits so it’s actually your drawing even when you copy lol
Figure drawing done with heavy reference to Greco-Roman pottery art (4 min for lines):
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traditional vs digital media
I switch between drawing on paper and drawing digitally for variety. The material constrains how you draw so it makes each session different from the last and you’ll gain different techniques and discover effects you like over time.
Colored pencil figure drawings with the prompt to draw the model as an animal (5 min each):
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Brush pen, ballpoint pen, and felt tip pen figure drawings (1-2 min each):
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Also draw at different scales. Try drawing on big paper, try drawing a single pose big, or compose a big page with many small figures.
drawing time
again, variety! Switch up how long the figures each take and how long the overall sessions are. See how your approach and outcomes change based on how long you have to draw. I do long sessions of 3 or more hours less frequently with short 20-30 minute sessions more frequently (I like these short ones lately).
I think persistence and stamina are important for figure drawing, so building up your tolerance for long sessions is a good goal if you are looking to improve. Also, long poses and short poses present different problems to solve, so try them all.
I tend to treat super long poses as paintings so sometimes I’ll color them live (this is a 25 min pose):
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short poses I color after the pose ends if I even color them (3 min poses)
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line quality
try drawing with a soft line like pencil vs a hard line like pen, different brushes, etc. 
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Also try drawing with the constraint that you cannot retrace a line
try drawing with and without an under sketch
how much anatomy do I need to know?
I hate studying anatomy lol I would say you only need as much as you feel like you need so don’t stress over it, but pick up little bits of knowledge and apply them whenever you can.
That said, I thing the biggest help to anatomy for me (other than directly studying it) is to attend nude model sessions in person. Seeing the figure in real life and having to translate the 3D form to paper clarifies what the important forms and connections are to make a clear drawing. These are studies of live models from 2020 after I’d been doing nude models for ~6 years
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My figure anatomy big 3 concepts have been
1) construction/proportion – how and where different body parts connect and overlap to form the whole
2) balance/weight – where is the figure applying force, stretching vs. compressing? if the model is stationary, how is the poses stability maintained? If the model is meant to be in motion, what are the directions of force?
3) anatomy from top down – start with very basic anatomy forms like cylinders for the upper and lower arm, egg shape for head, ball and socket for shoulder joint, etc. and build your understanding of anatomy up from there. I get tied down by too much detail so it’s worked out better for me to start with a very dumb anatomical understanding and learn to add nuance over time.
Here’s an example of points 1 and 3 using Teen Titans Slade Wilson (homework for a class I took lol). Break down the proportion, how parts connect, and the basic shapes of body parts and assemble them like a doll. You can do this for any style you want to learn from, and for realistic human figures. This is the basics of “figure construction”.
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Internalizing a model that you’ve deconstructed and can reconstruct from memory is the basis for building a “general model,” which is just a generic human body that you can use to figure draw so you don’t have to think about how the body is constructed and can focus on expressing the pose, character, gesture, while maintaining accuracy to a human figure. Here are poses I constructed from imagination once I broke down and understood how to draw Slade.
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A lot of this stuff is specifically applicable to animation character drawing but it’s been helpful towards figure drawing for me.
how things look vs. how things feel
I like to switch my focus between drawing for accuracy/correctness (studying the pose, anatomy, etc.), and drawing to capture how the figure physically feels even if it breaks the anatomy. I like to do the pose myself to feel how the model feels, where the stretch and compression of the pose is, and how it feels to exaggerate the pose, and then drawing from that experience.
Some of these legs don’t work anatomically but they feel right and look cool. These drawings came out very twisty and fluid after I copied the model’s pose and exaggerated how the shoulders, waist, spine, etc. were tilted based on how they feel in my body.
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drawing the model vs. drawing a character
Sometimes I get bored of drawing just what the model looks like, so I will use the figure drawing as a live reference and draw something based on the model but as a different character instead and make up new clothes, appearance, etc. It exercises your decision making about what’s important to grab from a pose reference and also trains you to design instead of copy.
These are Gallery Girl LA sessions where I drew the model with a new design:
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invent another character to draw a character dynamic (left chara is invented):
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Random tips
I tend to prioritize the pose and full body and leave the head for last or after the session is over so I can spend time making it look nice. 
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Avoid drawing a perfect vertical or horizontal unless it is important as a design element (if the model is stand straight up and down for example, try to re-balance the pose in your drawing so it has some variety of line direction)
Be choosy about drawing straight lines on the body, save those for silhouette lines, and for internal lines figure out which way the body is bending, moving, or twisting and express that.
Like in this sketch, I tried to add subtle tilts and leans to the model who was posing upright with a mannequin (which I drew as a character):
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If you wanted to know about my color process for figure drawing, here! I color after I finish the drawing session and picked out a few drawings to color.
That’s all I got for now! Have fun and draw lots!
a traditional colored pencil sketch where I changed the model’s clothes and expression/body language while drawing it, then photographed and digitally colored it after:
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349 notes · View notes
aberrantceramics · 11 months
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I feel like my pottery has been too bird-centric recently. Returning to the world of cute mollusks with this Dumbo octopus cup. Lots of fragile protrusions means the little guy has a long and perilous journey ahead since I fire at a community studio and won't be the one loading the kiln. So pthphoughts & thphthbbbtrayers for the little slimeball!
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jbbartram-illu · 8 months
Do you have any advice for someone taking their first ever ceramics class soon? Are there any beginner tools you'd recommend? Your art is super inspiring and incredible!
I think my main advice would be to go in with enthusiasm & put aside any fear of screwing up -- clay can have a mind of its own & sometimes you have to make some shitty pots (or creatures) before you figure out how to listen to the clay and have it listen to you back!
This advice is particularly important if you're starting with wheel throwing, as there's a lot more going on/a lot more obscure hand positions/physics going on in the learning curve. Handbuilding/sculpting is a little less intense from the get-go, but still requires a willingness to futz around & learn the feel of the medium before you can get good.
In terms of tools, the studio should have everything you need, but if you do latch on to pottery like I did & decide to set up a home studio (or start doing your own outside-of-class work at the studio where you're taking classes, as some places do offer open studio time), I made a post a while ago going over my most-used tools.
These are specifically for sculpting, as I hadn't started making my mugs yet, but I use a lot of these for handbuilding the mugs as well...the only things I'd add for vessel-making are a full-size rolling pin (I have the most basic wooden one, purchased from a home hardware) & this scorer that makes scratching the joints of the mugs faster vs. a pin tool:
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All my tools are handbuilding-oriented, as I don't work on the wheel right now, but I can tell you that some of the tools you need for wheel throwing are a pin tool, a wood tool to do the base, a sponge, a trimming tool, and maybe one or two other things I've forgotten?? I'm sure the lovely people where you're taking classes can also help out with tool suggestions (I generally find potters to be some of the kindest, most excited-to-share-techniques sorts of people)!
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n7punk · 4 months
“Embrace the Blame (Love the Fall”) Fic Notes
EtB(LtF) is done! For what feels like the first time in a while, a fic managed not to get away from me lol, it just got a little epilogue continuation but otherwise was all good.
Epilogue Life:
I have so many thoughts it’s hard cutting them off.
Adora’s trip home is hard, but it is good overall, and she realizes during it that the reason Hope hasn’t mentioned church when talking is because she doesn’t go a lot anymore (more details lower down). Adora certainly wasn’t going to go with her — Shadow is guaranteed to be there, and Adora can’t be held liable for what she does the next time they meet — but church is pretty much never brought up during her visit. Hope still isn’t perfect, but she’s trying her best, and though Adora discovers bad memories around town along with the good, it turns out to be a lot easier to process now that Catra is back in her life. She kind of tells Hope that she’d like to see her again at Christmas, but in a noncommittal way since she really doesn’t know what that will hold for them.
The rest of the summer is just good. Catra’s internship is hard but valuable, as is Adora’s job assisting Netossa, and they both still have more time than they would during the school year to just be together and have fun with their friends. It’s great for bonding and falling deeper in love, and for integrating their friend groups properly in a way they just didn’t really have time for before.
Catra isn’t ready to go home that Christmas — isn’t sure she ever wants to — and when Adora regretfully informs Hope she doesn’t want to leave Catra alone for Christmas, they take another big step and Hope comes to visit them for the first time. It’s a little weird, but Catra is more comfortable seeing Hope again on their turf, and it turns out to be a good Christmas even around the bittersweet parts. Hope expresses approval for Catra to the best of her ability and that kind of takes Catra out for the afternoon. She doesn’t cry, but that doesn’t mean she’s not emotional enough to.
When they do finally visit home again, it’s a year later, after they have both graduated, Catra a few months established in a role at the company she interned with and Adora freshly moved to a job at a pottery studio, which isn’t exactly where she wants to be, but hey, it’s in her sector. They aren’t visiting because of work, though — they’re engaged and planning their wedding, which absolutely isn’t going to be back home, or be traditional, but they come back for the visit to celebrate and to get some of Adora’s old things from Hope. It’s just a few days, but Catra doesn’t have a bad experience like she feared and she’s more willing to come back for occasional visits to Hope after that, even if their hometown is never going to be her favorite place.
(Like I said, I can keep going, so I’ll just put Shadow’s reaction to that news lower down because I need to at least break this up)
Also I fully planned for Glimmer and Bow to get together in this but then they needed to not be together up until chapter seven and there just wasn’t room to fit it in at that point BUT know that they get together over the summer and everybody ends up laughing about how dumb they were lmao.
Chapter 1:
⦁ Title is from “There’s People Watching” by Jade LeMac.
⦁ I had to edit the fic disclaimer because uhhhh a lot of things happened in this fic I didn’t initially plan. I went into this fic pantsing everything past like, chapter one, so I didn’t know the flashbacks were coming up or any of the partying stuff. Some of this stuff is things I generally avoid, but ideas adjacent to them have come up before, so I decided to just go all in on All The Stuff for this fic.
⦁ Originally this fic opened with a (very brief) flashback scene of the night Catra left, and then I moved it to the opening of chapter 2, but that just wasn’t right so I included Adora remembering that line and that was it.
⦁ The food/dining halls/library/dorms in this fic are just straight up the ones from my own college.
⦁ For non-Americans, Title IX is basically our diversity/inclusion act so like if someone is discriminating against you based on gender or whatever (in a school setting) it protects you.
Chapter 2:
⦁ Title is from “So What Now” By Renee Rapp.
⦁ There was a while there would I would spin the wheels of my little Lego tuk tuk whenever I was in a virtual appointment and that’s where the car thing came from.
⦁ Shoutout to my freshmen year neighbor who would shout “papi” while having makeup sex.
⦁ “Catra flashes her a smile, the innocent one that has always pulled on something inside Adora she never understood but somehow makes her very aware of her tongue in her mouth.” Gee it’s almost like you want to stick your tongue down her throat or something.
⦁ Adora talking about how Catra didn’t change here was explicitly to set up the slow realization that she did. The  theme of this fic is change and growth, really — both when it happens and when it doesn’t. No matter how they change, they still were those little girls and that’s so important to how they are now and they can’t let that love they had go. They can’t change in a way that makes them not love each other and even when Adora didn’t change and it was hurting Catra, Catra loved her then, too.
⦁ I mentioned it in my notes here, but I’ve written some of these story beats out of a lot of fics. Tip of her tongue was initially a hiding sexuality story, with Catra running after kissing Adora because the girl who interrupted them called her a dyke and she didn’t want Adora to have to deal with that. Catra cut her hair and everything to put the “blame” on her, it was a whole thing. I had a high school AU dealing with Adora pretending to be straight for a while that never went anywhere too. I finally “got” to do my comphet story here, by which I mean I could have done it at any time but I both didn’t and just got in my head about not wanting to when I kind of did, so I’m glad to have finally gotten it out of my head.
Chapter 3:
⦁ Title is from “There’s People Watching” by Jade LeMac again.
⦁ “Send me something cute” with a wink means “send me a selfie” but Catra’s too resigned for that.
⦁ Catra did NOT buy her sweater, it was her Castaspella Assigned Sweater her first Christmas with Glimmer’s family.
⦁ By complete accident a video about video game elevators came up and played while I was in the middle of writing the elevator scene. As Adora was trying to awkwardly say she didn’t look the narrator went “You can use elevators to force characters into awkward conversation” with a shot of an anime that I swear looked like RGU but I’ve never seen that show and don’t know if elevators exist in it, it was just a hell of a coincidence.
Chapter 4:
⦁ Uhhhh this wasn’t supposed to be here. There was a single paragraph in the last chapter talking about times they had kissed before, and then I went to do a fic note expanding on it, and I… just couldn’t stop. So this happened.
⦁ Here’s an abbreviated version of what that note looked like: Times Catra and Adora kissed: - 1 We definitely need to know how to kiss for this party - 2 I’ll show you how to kiss for your boyfriend (please like it better with me)  - 3 Weaver was being homophobic and Catra kissed Adora out of nowhere when she was comforting her, which Adora interpreted as Catra coming out to her. For two days afterwards Catra thought there was a slim chance, despite Adora’s clueless responses on the night of, that they might be dating before a Very Straight comment from Adora brought Catra down to earth. - 4 Actual spin the bottle in the hallway during a school dance. - 5 :) Wouldn’t you like to know (This is the drunk makeout scene, which I didn’t actually write because I wasn’t comfortable doing it for consent reasons. Drunk makeouts can be agreed on and fine (see Glimmer and Catra) but with all the shame Adora felt from it and with her being shitfaced, it didn’t feel good to actually outline, so I skipped to the aftermath instead, which I think better showed Adora’s internalized shame and how it caused her to reject Catra anyway.)
⦁ Whenever I need a random background NPC I just pull up the He-Man wiki and look at the characters list for something that fits enough from the original She-ra. Yes, it’s not a reliable source of information, but I’d hope it’s base character names are at least correct. Aliases I’m less confident in lol.
⦁ “He’ll want to impress you. That’s what I’d do.” That’s what you’d do? Something you want to share with the class, Catra? It seems like you’ve thought about this a lot.
⦁ Catra’s insistence on teenage boys sucking is partially the gender norms Shadow perpetuates, partially her own repulsion to the entire idea of heterosexuality she doesn’t quite have a handle on yet, and part of her trying to convince Adora of all those ideas so Adora will just ignore all those boys and only be her friends for tooooootally normal reasons <3 Definitely.
⦁ Catra was not invited to Caleb’s party, btw, it was just a (pretty obvious) condition of Adora’s attendance that Catra would be there too. Because besties don’t let besties miss out on parties or leave the other alone for their first “real” kiss. Obviously.
⦁ I just find these freshmen being sure high school is like on TV and all sophomores must have done ton of kissing hilarious, but it’s a very Kid thing to believe.
⦁ When I was a kid the game Trace Memory taught me the word crud because the protagonist Ashley said it whenever, you know, you would normally say a swear word. This led to me saying it a lot because it was something I could “get away with” before my mom informed me I could not, actually, get away with it. To this day my mom (who isn’t religious, by the way) insists that crap, damn, and hell are all Swear Words, which I disagree with. I mean those last two, sure, I just don’t ascribe to Christianity. “Crap” though? What the fuck? That is not a “swear word”. It might not be an innocent word, but it is not a fucking swear by any means. You do not have to bleep it out or limit the number of them that appear in a movie to maintain a PG-13 rating or whatever (rumor is you get one “fuck” btw).
⦁ My dark elf lore comes from Knifepoint, with Shadow Weaver’s appearance generally matching her Mystacor look and “dark elves” dubbed so because they are a race of elves with a high degree of photosensitivity that must either cover up or avoid the sunlight to avoid burns and a greatly increased risk of cancer. More info in my “Races” fic extra if you’re interested.
⦁ Shadow’s “reminders” for Adora to bring Catra are both because she thinks Catra is more likely to listen to Adora, and to reinforce for them both what a model daughter should look like. She makes Catra see Adora following expectations every time they see each other, later telling Catra that is what she should be like and slowly driving an uncomfortable wedge between them, reinforcing that Catra will never be Adora and never be good enough for her.
⦁ If I remember the puritan crime severity ranking right, it goes like Blasphemy > Adultery > Murder, which is why Adora brings it up in reference to Shadow’s own sin ranking list. That, and the rumor is that the reason Shadow’s life is how it is is because her husband left her (true) for committing adultery (ehhh it was mostly just because she was a terrible person) so she has dedicated the rest of her life to making herself appear “upstanding” by society’s standards after she “failed in her duties as a wife” (the way the church sees it — she doesn’t feel she has duties to anyone but herself, but she wants them to perceive her as capable), which is actually why she ended up fostering Catra, to appear as close as she could to the vision of a woman put together. She also… has the whole fucked up thing where she “relates” to Catra and wants to make things as hard for her as possible because she thinks she sees herself in her and life was never fair to her (she says in her $800,000 house).
⦁ The coming out scene takes place following one of the incidents Catra alludes to later at the party.
⦁ Adora vision: Oh, she’s kissing me so that I know she’s gay and for no other reason. I will not examine this further.
⦁ I’m convinced spin the bottle isn’t real tbqh, but this fic is me finally doing all the high school &college tropes I haven’t done or have only brushed against over the years, so yeah, it gets thrown in there.
⦁ Alright the spin the bottle scene I wrote in the car so the names just got pulled out of my ass.
Chapter 5:
⦁ Chapter title is from She’s Pretty by Beth McCarthy
⦁ Scorpia is watching “She Loves To Eat”, a lesbian manga/TV show that my friends have loved. It’s actually about all kinds of food but “cooking” just felt weird in that sentence (like it implies some kind of Top Chef thing) so I went with baking.
⦁ Lesbians will literally hide under the bed and call it romantic instead of admitting their feelings.
⦁ It was honestly hard to type Christmas in a fic instead of Winterfest lmao. Making Christianity exist is really antithetical to my usual views. Winterfest is a stand-in for a number of holidays, including New Years traditions, but new years is secular so I usually still leave mention of it as the name for the final day of Winterfest.
⦁ The Dean’s Spotlight is like, another version of a thing we did have at my school, shifted to the left. For this fic the spotlight is basically the faculty nominating the student they think is the best showcase of their school (academics, extracurriculars, and standards wise). Fall highlights one senior and spring nominates one junior, so you only ever have two chances of being picked, but it’s a great networking opportunity.
⦁ Hope doesn’t mention church here because she stopped going every week. She still does it a lot, but while she could go and punish herself with guilt for the rest of her life, there came a point where she just couldn’t keep doing it to Adora once it started to cost her their relationship. Adora brought a little of Mara’s glow back into her life and she couldn’t lose that joy again She did go to church the next Sunday after their phone call though, and made a point of sitting next to Shadow, who of course noticed and struck up “polite conversation” (digging for information as to why she’s approaching her since she usually doesn’t). Hope wasn’t fooled and told her she was just thinking of her because she spoke with Adora that week and she was thinking how much more they used to see each other when they were coordinating their daughters’ playdates. Shadow’s response was “Yes, that will change when your daughter goes off to college and stops speaking to you in favor of a life of sin”. No matter how coolly it was spoken it was the exact opening Hope needed. “Yes, I suppose she has been busy”. This immediately piqued Shadow’s interest because while it wasn’t the first thing Hope ever said about Catra post Catra cutting Shadow off, it was the first in a long time (she said it was not her business to meddle in family at first and barely said anything even before the fallout. She might not have hated Shadow — at the time — but she also didn’t wholly agree with what she saw of her parenting philosophies). Shadow’s response was something to the effect of “What has she gotten herself into now?” to which Hope responded “Nothing bad, making Dean’s Spotlight just takes a lot of work. It’s not an honor lightly earned. Adora could use learning some of her discipline”. Hope wasn’t actually trying to shit on Adora, just make the conversation seem more natural. It’s something she might have said back when Adora was in high school, which was the last time she and Shadow really spoke frequently. Shadow said some stuff about Adora having discipline in other important areas (unaware she came out) and tried to lightly pry for more but Hope got a lot more reluctant to speak after that.
Chapter 6:
⦁ Chapter title from Not My Fault by Renee Rapp and Megan Thee Stallion
⦁ Adora’s whole thing about Bow wanting in a different way than she does is just from how the idea that sometimes it feels like everyone else must be fine on the inside or feeling some pure ideal of emotion instead of everyone just being fucking messy like you, but when you assume everyone else is feeling the Pure™️ kind of sadness with just yearning and no Problematic Jealousy™️ you’re just setting yourself up for disaster because everyone’s emotions are messy.
⦁ Man I miss the art studio I did my freshmen year art project in. Sure, working in it was fucking miserable when it was hot out, but all the light was so great and despite the noise having a fume and particulate hood was really handy. I’ve been doing a lot more crafts project recently and I just do them in my “office” which is a tiny bedroom with a single window that’s on the side of the house that never gets any light it’s sad.
⦁ Lonnie picked up everything Catra was putting down and found it hilarious considering she and Adora were just friends. She wasn’t surprised when Adora started gushing about her girlfriend not long after.
Chapter 7:
⦁ Title from “Friendship Bracelet” by Beth McCarthy
⦁ Adora started freaking out as soon as she got on the phone with Catra for obvious reasons, but she was also internally worried that Catra had attached to someone else there who might not have her best interests.
⦁ They are having two entirely different conversations while Adora is trying to get Catra home. The second Catra says she wants something and Adora stops, her drunk mind assumes Adora knows what she wanted (her) and when she says she can have it when they get home, Catra just goes yayyy make out time! Meanwhile Adora is just like work with me here and you can get as bitey as you want okay. They are living in two different worlds as usual.
⦁ So the original outline of this scene was uh. A little darker. I’ll be honest, I find the final version of the drunk Catra scenes very funny because I love sloppy Catra, but the original outline of the scene called for her getting further in trying to kiss Adora and then crying more than she did and kind of rambling all her insecurities and outright asking Adora why she was toying with her. The final version is the right version.
Chapter 8:
⦁ If I have to tell you this chapter’s title is from “Curious” by Hayley Kiyoko I really don’t know why you’re here.
⦁ Adora does eventually convince Catra to visit the student counseling center, but it isn’t until the next semester, and Catra doesn’t make it a long term habit, just going in for a few sessions to work through some stuff and moving on. There’s processing to do, but she is also one of those people where talking about it only helps so much until it hurts instead.
⦁ Adora got that hopeful smile because Catra’s eyes blew out when she stepped into her view, just like she did the night before, and then she slow-blinked at her immediately after not denying she wanted the things she asked her for last night, but Catra as freaking out a little too much to be that self-aware.
⦁ Not to be NSFW for a teen fic but I do think this Catradora take a little longer than normal to get intimate, but once Adora is comfortable and ready she’s all in.
⦁ The kiss motivation method is an actual thing me and my girlfriend did freshmen year and yes it helps the ADHD but it also makes it worse because you’re thinking about getting the next kiss instead of the dumb textbook lmao.
Chapter 9:
⦁ Title is from “I Think I’m Growing?” by Fletcher.
⦁ This was supposed to be the end of chapter eight, but it felt more right to split it off and make it its own thing, even if it makes for a very short epilogue. It keeps chapter eight the same length as all the rest of the normal chapters (minus the 5 + 1 shoved in the middle of this fic) too, so I decided to split it off even though I was hoping not to increase the chapter count on this one. I have a really terrible habit but my policy is always what’s best for the story and not what’s best for a number so splitting off these “looking forward” scenes was right.
⦁ Entrapta’s relationship with her parents is largely transactional and they just aren’t close at all, so she has to consider the scenario where they deem the transaction “isn’t worth it” anymore. It’s not actually something that would happen, but they just have a weird relationship overall. They aren’t bad people (I mean, they aren’t Shadow), just busy and kind of neglectful, so Entrapta finds a lot more support in her friends, and wanting to be with those friends and have community she didn’t experience growing up is why she likes to share an apartment.
⦁ The waterpark is based on an actual park I used to visit that could hold (and usually did hold) thousands of people at once. The pools would just be seas of bodies, it was insane. I haven't been in years and probably won't ever again because swimming and masking don't exactly mix. It was often manned by college students in the summer rushes, though.
⦁ Okay continuing from the epilogue section: Shadow’s reaction to them getting engaged. True to the protocol of the first few years, Hope doesn’t really tell Shadow anything that’s going on in their lives after that time Adora drops hints for her to, and she sees her a lot more rarely as Hope starts to fade in her faith, so she goes back to just brushing her prying off for years. The engagement is big enough to break that form, especially because Catra drops hints again when they visit that maybe Shadow should know about it. Hope goes back to church the weekend after they leave (her first time in a month — listen, going a few weeks between visits is “falling off” for her. She visits once every month or two at this point, but she is still involved in certain initiatives she deems important, like the annual toy drive). When standing around with a bunch of the older ladies afterwards talking — Shadow included — they’re talking about their “joys” that week and Hope says that hers is that her daughter just got engaged. Shadow is immediately alert as the church ladies offer Hope congratulations and Hope is just quiet and gracious about it. When asked about Adora’s suitor, Hope just says they visited together that week and it’s good to see her so in love. She’s lucky to be marrying her best friend. The ladies just aww and talk about how it’s a shame they had to leave before Sunday so they couldn’t meet them, but Shadow know what that means, and she’s quietly seething. Honestly it’s mostly impressive that she waits until she can catch Hope in semi-private out in the parking lot that she asks if she’s allowing that, which like, wicked not her choice dude, but it’s more like is she enabling it and acting like it’s okay. The answer is just “yes” and Hope ignores her protests otherwise, continuing on to her car. Shadow definitely considers outing them to hopefully have the rest of their congregation exert pressure on Hope for Hope to exert pressure on Adora and Catra to “correct”, but ultimately it would expose her own “failure as a parent” when it came to raising Catra “right”, so it just becomes a “painful secret” for her to bare.
Original Outline:
Since I was wicked winging this one, there really wasn’t an original outline to deviate from. Basically I had the entire first chapter outlined and then… nothing else. Sometimes it’s fun to do a fanfic off the cuff like that.
The one “big change” was my original idea had Catra living in an apartment with the BFS, but I wanted one of them to live on campus.
I also had this vague idea (inspired by “I only smoke to feel bad” by KiNG MALA) where Catra would have another friend group and they would kind of be stoners. She would have someone in that group who she sometimes kind of hooked up with (I went with Glitra instead) and after reconnecting with Adora, Catra goes to one of their hangouts, gets high with them, and then freaks out when that girl gets flirty with her because she’s in a weird frame of mind and suddenly all she wants is Adora again and this just feels very wrong. Because she’s anxious-high she doesn’t do the logical thing of “hey I’m not feeling this” and instead leaves to call Adora to come pick her up. She doesn’t explain much other than “I’m high and I want to go home” at which point Adora is immediately out the door and not leaving her to navigate the bus system. It was supposed to help push them a little more towards being vulnerable with each other as Adora takes her home and tries to take care of her, because I was envisioning their relationship as still being kind of antagonistic at that point.
You can see how that idea became the party scene. There were  some things with that I just didn’t want to write, and I think the party version is way more fun, more logical with the set up of the world and characters (which didn’t exist when I had that first idea), and more fitting for where they were in the story.
Aside from that and stuff previously mentioned, it was all off the cuff.
To be 100% honest next I’m going to work on my SPOP Big Bang fic which y’all aren’t going to see for months, but then I’m probably going to do the ******** AU. Not saying exactly what that is because a certain subset of people are going to be feral for it  and I know it’s at least going to be a bit before I’m ready for it, but since there’s a whole fic between here and there my whims could change too. We’ll see! Updates on my Tumblr as always.
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