#feeling bad for the next esper already
seasidesketches · 29 days
Cherry Blossoms was beyond disappointing, as expected (spoilers, I guess)
I already went in to this event with 0 expectations since I've already heard things about it that weren't good, but holy shit-
I was expecting it to be bad, but not THAT bad 😭
It was short, rushed, boring, and overall felt like a waste of time, just like Farrah's.
Actually, scratch that: WORSE than Farrah's. At least hers had actual parts and chapters to it 💀
If yall thought any previous story events were rushed, this one will literally feel like flipping a light switch: I literally read the entire thing in less than 10 minutes.
The only compliment I can really give Cherry Blossoms is that the art is still flawless (look at me talking like Sakura now, omfg 💀) like usual. But to me, it wasn't enough to save the story
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And what sucks is that there IS good potential here! They could've easily turned this into something interesting, it could've been a 4-5 chapter mystery story like Sea of Sorrow was.....but devs have once again put in 0 effort into esper stories, and it honestly breaks my heart. Why can't we just have 1 good, developed lore already.....
Sakura fans, I'm so so sorry: yall deserved better than this. SHE deserved better than this 😭
I don't think I'm gonna make another post like this until we get a good story again tbh. I'm tired of complaining, and I'm mainly a fanart blog anyways🚪 🚶‍♂️
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Find the word
Thanks to @loopyhoopywrites here and @dyrewrites here!
My words: broken, whole, together, crane, sweetly, smirk, bite, fall, red, black, shrub, street
Your words: provide, surface, cream, road
Tagging @badluck990 @andyswritings @rickie-the-storyteller @cat-esper @winterandwords @reignofartonline-blog @pertinax--loculos @leahnardo-da-veggie @elsie-writes @writernopal @little-peril-stories @mysticstarlightduck @thegreatobsesso + anyone else!
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
Keep reading for:
Ash struggles with her locker
Alium forest description
William's experiment worked!
Noelle and Hye-Jin's height difference
Liam is concerned about Maddie
Ash wants to join robotics
Unibison burger
Carmen is annoyed
Color analysis with Robbie and Akash
Maddie shapeshifts
Ecology with Lexi
The moms talk
Don't worry the excerpts are much shorter this time due to length
Broken - from The Secret Portal Part One (Lexi POV)
My locker was in the math hallway, right next to Ash’s and her Pre-AP class. I came up to her struggling with her broken locker again. “How was your birthday?” I asked as I spun my lock. “Alright,” said Ash, spinning hers. “God, I hate this thing. In band, Mr. Taylor had everyone play ‘Happy Birthday.’ He had a score and everything.” She pulled up on the handle. When the locker didn’t open, she pulled in rapid succession. She swore under her breath and set her binder on the ground. She used her now-free hand to push against the locker and began to input the combination again. I laughed as I slammed my locker shut. “How’d Gwen like that?” Ash scoffed. “She loved it.” She pulled the handle again. “Ha-ha!” she said when it opened. “Doing that from now on.”
Whole - from The Secret Portal Part One (Lexi POV)
I blinked my eyes until the spots disappeared and they adjusted to the normal light. A piney scent hit my nose, but it was interlaced with some fruity smell. I now surveyed my surroundings and realized I now lay in the middle of a forest—a pleasant juxtaposition to being in the middle of nowhere. Well, maybe I was still “nowhere,” though the variety of plants was nice. Woah, a big variety. There were ferns of all sorts of colors with a wide variety of leaf shapes. I lay in a cluster of magenta flora I didn’t know the name of. I noticed the humidity was back, but the air was cool enough to where I didn’t remove my hoodie. A soft rustling of leaves above my head with interesting bird sounds gave the whole place a magical feel. It was… venerating. That was a good word.
Together - from The Secret Portal Part One
The snakefly’s wings continued to rapidly beat together, then slowed as if stuck in treacle. It froze midair, dropping to the ground by the forces of gravity. William let out a sound that would have caused him to flush if anyone was around to witness as he abruptly shot out of his seat. He cleared his throat, though still vibrating from excitement, then called his wife on the comm. “Atsila! Atsila! I did it!”
Crane - from The Secret Portal Part Two (Noelle POV)
“Well, in that case, maybe we should sit down?” “Why?” “So neither of us hurt our necks,” I stated. Most of the time when people talked to me they took a couple steps back so they wouldn’t have to crane their necks too far back. Hye-Jin was not doing that, and opted to stand pretty close. Maybe she didn’t know much about personal space. Regardless, she had to bend her neck practically all the way back, and I had to bend mine all the way down, and my neck was frankly starting to really hurt. I already had bad posture from doing that my whole life. “Oh, yeah, duh, um, sure.”
Sweetly Gently - from The Secret Portal Part Two (Maddie POV)
Liam bit his lip like he was trying not to laugh, but he looked angry about it. He sighed, pressing his palms together and resting his forehead against the tips of his fingers. “I did this so I could see where your gaps were in my teaching. You have shifting down very well. Now, you need to assess yourself and how you’re doing. And Sam is right. You’re done for today.” “It’s not even lunch, though.” “Then the morning, but no heavy stuff after this, okay?” I ran my tongue over my braces. “Alright.” “Go take a shower,” Liam said, more gently than he usually spoke. I nodded, then slowly headed toward the elevators.
Smirk - from The Secret Portal Part Two (Lexi POV)
I looked around to see if anyone was nearing us, and my eyes landed on Greyson Buchan. He took the eye contact as an excuse to quicken his pace toward us. “Hey, Lexi!” He handed a flier out. “Wanna join the robotics club?” “Robotics club?” Ash repeated, taking the flier before I could. “Hm. That actually sounds kinda interesting.” “What happened to not having any time?” I asked, smirking slightly. Ash matched my smirk. “I’ll make time.”
Bite - from The Secret Portal Part One (Ash POV)
George walked over to an array of buttons on one of the walls. In a streak of orange, he pressed some of them, faster than the naked eye could have seen. Below the buttons was a small alcove, from which he pulled out a meaty sandwich that resembled a cheeseburger, but I sensed wasn't cow. “Metabolism,” George explained again. “Sorry. But hey, you should try our program’s unibison meat. To die for.” He took a bite of the unibison burger and sighed. “Unibison?” Lexi whispered to me. “I assume it’s a unicorn. But a bison.”
Fall - from The Secret Portal Part One (Maddie POV)
“This is stupid,” I said, crossing my arms. “You’re messing with me because you think I’m a child who can fall for this. Well, I’m not.” “Well,” said Dr. Asghar, “you are a child.” “I’m an adolescent.” Dr. Asghar’s jaw clenched so hard it looked like she was biting her own teeth off.
Red - from The Secret Portal Part Two (Robbie POV)
“I feel like I’d have to include the word ‘scarlet’ in my name somewhere.” “Why?” “Because it’s the color of my powers.” “Oh, I thought it was because it was the color of your jacket.” I looked down to see I was, indeed, wearing a red jacket. “Nah, this isn’t the exact color. It’s more… hold on.” I pulled out my phone, typing in “shades of red” into the search bar. “Um, uh… vermillion.” “What the hell is vermillion?” I showed him. He nodded. “I’d actually say your powers are more vermillion than your sweater. Your sweater is more… la—” He squinted at the screen. “La-ter-i-tious. Lateritious? That’s a color?”
Black - from The Secret Portal Part One (Maddie POV)
Orange and white fur tore out of the follicles of my skin, with high-frequency black stripes coating my body. My skull squatched and stretched and crunched into a new form, ears and muzzle rearranging themselves into a feline structure. My spine and hips warped and elongated into a longer torso, stretching into a tail, contourting until I had no choice but to put my hands, morphing into padded paws, on the ground. My nails grew alarmingly quick into claws I could retract, my teeth burst out of my gums into fangs. My entire body tensed in the exhilarating pain. Once I was comfortably in the complete form, I almost collapsed out of relief. I opened my eyes, looking up at Liam, who smiled down at me. “For a small tiger, you’re pretty big, kiddo.”
Shrub(bery) - from The Secret Portal Part One (Lexi POV)
A movement in nearby teal shrubbery caused me to jump, but even more shocking was the creature that emerged: a bright blue hedgehog. Wait, hedgehogs aren’t native to America, right? Was this someone’s pet that got loose because it was mad it was dyed blue? That was the only rational explanation, unless I was somehow in Australia. It seemed like the type of place to have blue hedgehogs.
Street - from The Secret Portal Part One
“Is it supposed to take this long?” Mrs. Morgan shrugged. “I’m not sure. I left Alium before Lexi was born—I’m not sure I even like the idea of her joining the Aequales, even as a self-defense course.” She paused. “Was Hannah this long?” “Hannah….” Mrs. Hathaway tried to remember how long her stepdaughter took on Alium a few years before. “A while, but not four hours.” She looked up at the brick wall of the school, only illuminated by the street lamps. It was hard to believe that her husband and daughters were from a dimension secluded behind that wall. Why, if she hadn’t seen Dean show off his powers, she likely wouldn’t have believed him. It did explain why he was always eating. “I hope we don’t get arrested for trespassing.”
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secretkittywolf · 4 months
More Unawareshipping incorrect quotes
Thought that these two deserve more!
Ryoga: What do you want to be for Halloween? Astral: Yours Ryoga: Ryoga: …yeah, that would be pretty scary
Ryoga: I'm so cool. I'm a badass. I am the epitome of coolness and awesomeness— Astral: Hi Ryoga: *melts down in a flustered heap of softness*
Ryoga: Hey, random question, what are your favorite flowers? Astral: Peonies, why? Ryoga: Astral: Were you going to get me flowers? Ryoga: Astral: Ryoga: ᶦᵗ’ˢ ᵃ ᵖᵒˢˢᶦᵇᶦˡᶦᵗʸ
Ryoga: Cause your pretty and your smart, and your ignoring me so your obviously my type Astral, who was distracted: I'm sorry- what were you saying? Ryoga: Perfect
Ryoga: Are we fighting or flirting? Astral: I'm pinning you against a wall with my hand around your neck- Ryoga: Your point?
Ryoga: Talk dirty to me~ Astral: Inflation is a serious problem and lumber prices are at a high Ryoga: Wha- Astral: The economy is in shambles
Astral: That was so hot, Ryoga Ryoga: I literally called the person who just flirted with you a degenterate dog and told them I hope they get dragged through the streets Astral: I'm so in love with you
Ryoga, throwing their head into Astral lap: Tell me I'm pretty! Astral, lovingly stroking his hair: You're pretty fucking annoying, that's what you are
Astral: Look at me straight in the eyes and tell me the truth, Ryoga! Ryoga: You can’t expect me to look into your eyes and be straight
Astral: I think I just figured something out. I got to go Ryoga: Aren't you forgetting something? Astral: Uhh...*hesitantly kisses Ryoga's forehead before flying out* Ryoga: No, pay your bill! Damn, who raised you?
Ryoga: I have feelings for you Astral: Why? What's wrong with you? Are you sure you're okay?
Ryoga: Valentine’s day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos- Astral: I wrote you a poem Ryoga, already crying: You did?
Astral: Are you sure Ryoga's even gay? He barely even looked at me
Ryoga: Crushes are the worst. Whenever I’m near mine, I start acting stupid Astral: You always act stupid Astral: Astral: Wait...
Ryoga: I think I'm falling for you Astral: Then get up
*Astral and Ryoga are in Paris.* Astral: I'm...moved. I...I don't know what it is I'm feeling right now. I feel...destiny? Ryoga: But... Astral: I don't know what it is. I feel like... I just never thought I'd see it with my own two eyes. And here it is. It's just there. It's right in front of me, and... Ryoga: This is what you wanted to see? The bridge from the ESPer Robin movie? Astral: Yeah Ryoga: But the Eiffel Tower is behind us, babe Astral: Yeah, but this is the bridge FROM ESPER ROBIN'S MOVIE! Ryoga: Okay, alright
Astral: I want to kiss you Ryoga, not paying attention: What? Astral: I said if you die, I wont miss you
Astral: Is something burning? Ryoga, leaning seductively on the counter: Just my desire for you~ Astral: Ryoga, the toaster is literally on fire
Astral: Do you want to know your gay name? Ryoga: My… my gay name? Astral: Yeah, it's your first name- Ryoga: Haha. Very funny Astral- Astral: gets down on one knee And my last name Ryoga: Oh- oh my god…. Wait- Since when did you have a last name? Astral: Don't ruin the moment
Ryoga: This date is boring! Astral: This isn't a date. I said I was going to the store Ryoga: Then why did you invite me? Astral: I didnt, I specifically said "don't come with me," then you said, "fuck you Astral I'll do whatever I want!"
Astral: How much did you spend on this date? Ryoga: $1400. But all of it's on credit cards, so it's like $5 a month for the next 2,000 years
Astral: The stars are so beautiful... Ryoga: They're just giant balls of gas Astral: You know what, if you're just going to ruin this, then- Ryoga: And yet none of them are as huge as my love for you Astral: Oh...
Ryoga: *angrily presses Astral against a wall* WHERE'S THE MONEY?! Astral: ... Astral: Are we about to kiss-
Ryoga: Two brooooos! Astral: Chillin' in a hot tub! Ryoga: Five feet apart 'cause we're not gay! Astral: Ryoga: Astral: *tearing up* Ryoga: Babe, c'mon... Astral: AND HERE YOU REALLY HAD ME THINKING WE HAD SOMETHING! Ryoga: Babe...
Ryoga: Stop doing that Astral: Stop doing what?
Ryoga: Saying things that make me wanna kiss the hell out of you
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crystalv01d · 1 year
i just thought of a(n interesting?) mp100 AU concept
(good LORD this got WAY LONGER than it was supposed to,,., my bad)
so basically,, about a year before mob would have originally met regien, and a few weeks after suzuki recruits serizawa to join him, a young sho catches his dear old dad toichiro wiping blood off of his hands after beating the soon-to-be newest claw member(s? others could possibly have possibly been involved) in a psychic battle. after seeing the bloodied and now scarred bodies on the ground at his feet. after witnessing the true nature of his fathers actions, he fears for his own life, as well as the lives other claw members. as such his ideas and conceptions he previously had about his father, and the thought of wanting to be like him, are put into question. what would happen if he follows the path his father already walks?
unsure of what to do, and unsure of who he can trust among the upper echelon of claw that follows his father, he seeks out the newest member, katsuya serizawa, hoping he, as an adult, can shed some light on the situation. he begs for serizawa to help him. to help him understand what’s going on, and what he should do. serizawa can’t entirely understand the situations, and he doesn’t know what to think as it’s happening, but he sees innocent people, hurt. and he sees suzuki at the center of it. and he sees the man’s son, scared. alone. unsure of what to do. and at risk of being hurt too. and so. with what little knowledge and experience he has as a recluse. he makes a quick decision. he takes sho. and runs.
and runs.
and runs.
serizawa takes out his umbrella (it had started raining), and continues on, carrying sho in one arm.
they eventually end up in a place known as seasoning city. far enough from the current claw base of operations to feel somewhat safe for the time being. unsure of where to go, they end up looking around for anywhere that could be suitable for a couple of stray espers. a hotel, or somewhere they could find food, or a map. or something. anything. they just wanted to get out of the rain.
as they’re looking around, they see a sign.
“Spirits and Such Consultation Office”
they enter the building, entering into the office, a man introduces himself as reiegen arataka (he was in the middle of having a smoke break, thinking about where he’ll be after another year in the psychic business, how he’ll probably job hop again, thinking about what his next job will be,, maybe he’ll be a PI for a little while.) but before he can ask how he can help them, he’s caught off guard by the state the two him are in. he tells them they seem like they’ve ha a rough day. serizawa attempt so to speak but is too nervous. sho introduces the both of them, and asks if they can tak to him. reigen decides to humor the two.
sho tries his best to explain that him and serizawa are both espers, and that based on the sign outside, they thought reigen might have the same abilities that they do. reigen is incredibly suspicious of this claim, asking if this is some sort of elaborate prank they’re trying to pull. sho denies this, and does his best to explain to reigen vaguely about how they came from a place with some scary people, and that they’re both really scared, and not sure what to do. sho explains that to him they don’t want to be bad people too, and asks reigen if he can help them.
so reigen, still dubious of their claims, gives them advice the best advice he can think of on the spot. (pretty akin to what he tells mob in canon)
reigen decides to get up and grab them fresh (hot) refills of their tea, as he doesn’t have anymore clients for the day, and was simply waiting on walk-ins. reigen then loses his balance for a brief moment, and lets go of the cups of tea in his hands by accident. to his surprise, this prompts the two to each catch a cup with their psychic abilities, as well as keeping reigen from falling on his face. reigen looks at them with surprise, and asks if they are able to see spirits, and also if they’d like to learn how to exorcise them, offering to teach them how. sho looks at serizawa who nods, and sho agrees for both of them. reigen tells them that he’ll teach them how to use their powers in a way that won’t be scary or bad for anyone.
reigen also takes it upon himself to asks serizawa if he’s sho’s father, to which he shakes his head no, and sho proclaims he has no father. reigen decides against asking about any other possible parents. once their tea, and conversation, have been finished, reigen asks them to head home and come back tomorrow, the same as he’ll be doing. they glance at each other, and then glance at reigen, and then glance back at eachother. he asks if they actually have a place to stay for the night, and the two admit the have nowhere to go. reigen (after a bath and changing into some clean, non-damp from rain, clothes, allows them to stay at his apartment for the night, staring they’ll work on proper living arrangements later.
(he also buys them takoyaki in the morning)
so,, basically reigen and serizawa basically end up raising sho and sho ends up mentoring under reigen and working at spirits and such (reigen also ends up enrolling sho into school so he can get a proper education). meanwhile serizawa, while also doing his best to help reigen with sho, is also being mentored under and helped by reigen to reintegrate into society and adjust to living a non-reclusive life, while he also works at spirits and such alongside sho! (he eventually decides on going back to school, but that’s much later, and also the idea of going to night school specifically was reigen’s)
meanwhile, at the claw headquarters, a few weeks after the disappearance of sho and serizawa, and the aftermath of a search for both individuals who fled with no turn up of either, Suzuki decides it would be best to find a replacement for serizawa if possible (he has no reason to believe he’ll share what little information he had) and ask his wife of sho’s whereabouts (even though they hadn’t spoken in some time), assuming she had something to do with his disappearance specifically.
eventually, about a year (or perhaps a bit less than a year) later, his search leads him to seasoning city, where he digs up old rumors about a young child that once displayed the possession of substantial and rather impressive psychic abilities in kindergarten. eventually he is able to find the whereabouts of this child, and thus finds himself on the lageyama’s doorstep.
under the guise of an “esper councilor” he offers the parents of the young boy, shigeo kageyama, his expertise, in order to assist his growth into a stable, healthy, and powerful esper. to which they eventually make an agreement. an agreement allowing shigeo to visit mr. suzuki every other weekend, a timeframe that eventually shifts into every weekend, to which he eventually offers to be the boys teacher, having more than enough of the proper credentials and skill sets.
seeing how much happier shigeo is thought suzuki’s involvement, shigeo’s parents agree wholeheartedly, but ask one for one request to be fulfilled in return. to help mentor and nurture the growth of their youngest son as well. they explain to suzuki that, as far as they are aware at the moment, that he does not posses any psychic powers, however, he has been incredibly lonely, and misses his brother dearly when he is away from home. they expressed a concern that, although this private schooling could greatly benefit shige, they didn’t want it to negatively impact his little brother, or their relationship, and that perhaps being mentored together would benefit them both much in a much greater way than one being mentored alone.
suzuki agrees.
under suzuki’s guidance mob’s powers grow and flourish, having been gifted an umbrella by suzuki originally for comfort, it becomes a useful tool for harnessing his powers in a satisfying way.
ritsu also unlocks his latent abilities under suzuki’s influence. however they are much more unstable. as such, suzuki gifts him an umbrella to use as an outlet to use his powers in a safe, and controlled manner.
time passes, and after much nurturing training
the highest group among the upper echelon of claw, and the group working the closest with suzuki.
becomes known as the Ultimate 6.
(ALSO WHAT THE HELL THIS WASNT SUPPOSED TO BE SO LONG AAAAGFHRGRAH,,,.,., thank u for reading all of that if u somehow actually managed to get to the end. and maybe drop a reblog if you'd be interested to know more.,? dbsifbdi u don't have 2 obvi, but it'd be super nice!! i plan to make more mp100 content anyways so maybe even follow while ur here?? jk jk,, unless? okay i'll stop rambling now OH and thank u again for reading ^^ <3)
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whumpclaw · 1 year
Hungry Mouths Show No Bias
Word count: 2.5k
Summary: A journalist travels to a rural, cut-off town, to report on their short supply of food. Needless to say, they jump at the opportunity of meat. (Tw: Cannibalism, dead animals (not in detail) mentions of starvation.)
The township was cold and unforgiving, the bitter and raw feelings of snow cut into his skin in a way he'd never felt back in the city. He rubbed his gloves on his face, trying to regain some feeling.
two weeks prior, Joseph Esper Nils had been assigned to investigate a small town in the middle of nowhere, and he was already starting to regret taking the offer. It took him ages to get there, taking several trains and buses to reach the destination. Finding the right stop was even more challenging, considering some of the not-so-local maps didn't even have the name marked down.
He sighed, his manager would kill him if he heard him complain so much. he just had to get the job down so he could get out of there.
His first remark when entering was the place definitely hadn't been kept up to date with modern technology. There were tiny, dark-colored little houses tightly nit over the span of several acres, most accompanied by some kind of fence or pasture, which he assumed used to hold livestock.
His next step was to find this place's bureaucrat, or mayor, whatever the hell they had here.
If his manager was doing his job correctly, they should know he'd be arriving soon, if not a bit late. So he rubbed his shoulders and got walking. His eyes flickered up at every house and building, checking for an indicator of where the person of authority would be. Until his eyes laid on a (slightly broken down) bronze plate. It was set in plain view, fastened tightly to a column on the porch.
'Bernard Clifton'
Despite the name not having an exact title, he knew this was where he'd want to go.
He hurriedly ran up the steps and knocked on the door, rushing to get out of the cold. there was a creaking inside before the old wooden drifted open, and a grizzled man opened the door. He was older, which somehow assured him that this was the right person.
"Joseph?" He said, a small rasp in his voice. "Yes sir." He stepped to the side to allow him in, and he obliged immediately.
The house itself was rustic and served as both an office and home to the other. He was led to sit at the table while the other brewed a hot drink. He'd taken off his coat and other obstructive wear, the hearth was blazing enough to keep the room warm, and he was finally feeling a semblance of normalcy.
He sat there awkwardly waiting for the other to come back, he'd come up with a vague list of questions to initiate the interview, leaving a bit of his study for improv. If he was going to make the article good, he'd need to get some inside information, the clockwork of how this town actually functioned. He wasn't going to get that without probing around.
He was jostled out of his thoughts when a heavy mug was sat in front of him. The other man sat down opposite to his own, fidgeting with his hands a bit, he was nervous about something. He must've had a lot on his mind with the town's current struggles.
Joseph picked up his notepad and pen and began.
"The food shortages, how did this all start?"
The other looked away for a minute thinking. "There had always been a... small decline in eatin's. But the past few years we—We just—" He let out a shaky breath, "We didn't think the winters would be so bad."
"The pigs went first, 'n one of our prize winners ended up freezin' out in the barn, same with her piglets. by the time we found 'er she was too rotten to eat. Then cows n... none of our livestock have been able to survive, always found frozen over, never lasted more than a month..."
"And what about your vegetation?"
The man let out a loud laugh at that, making the journalist jump in his seat. "You been outdoors? couldn't break the ground if we tried." Joseph nodded, writing with as much detail as he could.
"I see... And how has-" Joseph gestured with his hand, "All this, impacted your town's lifestyle?"
Bernard shook his head, crossing his arms and bearing an expression of grief. "Your askin' the wrong person y'know, if you wanna hear about hard livin' you should go down to colleen's place, she's been one of our fundamentals, does a lotta the huntin' y'know?"
Colleen, he thought to himself, "And where's that?"
. . .
After another twenty minutes of trekking through the snow to the outskirts of the town, he finally reached where he was told. He prayed the old man knew what he was saying, if he had to be out here for five more minutes he'd suffer the same fate as the pigs.
The door opened before he even knocked on it and he was greeted by the sight of who he assumed to be colleen. It was hard to see anything about her, she was wearing a thick brown hunting suit, and her hair was draped over her face. He was rendered speechless for a moment, before clearing his throat. "Excuse me, you're colleen correct?" She nodded. "Clifton sent me out here, I was wondering if-" She stepped aside as soon as she heard bernards name. He must hold some significance to the people around here...
He stepped in, it was similar to the previous, but a bit smaller and definitely colder. She slammed the door shut and went over to the fireplace. "Just got home, sorry it's messy." He brushed it off, watching her as she lit a match a d threw it into the wood. when the fire lit up the room his eyes glided down to the red blotches on her suit. She was a hunter, he shouldn't be surprised. "Was it successful?" Her head snapped up to him "...What?" "Your hunt."
She blinked at him, her eyes were dark and thin, glazed with drowsiness from how busy she'd been. "Oh, Yeah I guess you could say that." She stood up and brushed off her hands. "Im gonna change. make yourself at home." and with that, she left the room. Baffled by her odd way of greeting guests, he examined the room itself. There were several 'trophies' Deer heads, raccoon tails, and skin of other, smaller animals. He assumed she lived alone, the house wasn't decorated for two.
The fireplace was accompanied by a single armchair and a long, furry rug. It looked well lived in, however. He caught a glance of the kitchen, and a small tarp laid over the counter, a large bump lifting canvas. She must've been busy with it when he came around. It looked too small to be big game, like deer, and his curiosity got the better of him.
In such hard times, what were they really eating?
Cautiously and quietly he went over to the counter, the linear LED light shined on the back of his coat as he slowly lifted the tarp, letting a long winding tail fall out. He flinched and stepped back.
What the hell were they eating here, he grabbed it again, trying not to touch it as much as possible, and saw a possum lying lifelessly on the surface. The fur had been partially taken off and stopped midway, he guessed that was when she had to stop. He heard footsteps approaching the door and he quickly scampered back to the main room and pretended to idle at the decor.
"Sorry for the wait." She came back, and although dressed more casually, she still looked ready for the winter. A long overcoat, thick pants, and... her hunting boots.
"You're that big-time city dweller yeah?" Bigtime was an overstatement. "Sit down, I'll make ya a cup of cider." "Oh, no need, Mr. Clifton already-" "Im being generous here. It's cold out there, your guts must be freezing too... Lemme make ya something." She squinted at him, and he felt obligated to comply.
What an odd woman, maybe it was the flaked blood he'd seen before or the 'prey' she had caught but she left him uneasy. He just wanted to finish this and go home. home where it was warm and where his friends would be waiting for him at the bar. Home where people were normal.
When he looked towards the kitchen, he saw the tarp had been moved out of view, and the sound of her shuffling, opening and closing lids anxiously filled his mind.
"You must've come a long way to get here." She shouted from the kitchen. He laughed nervously, trying to present professionally. "Yeah, it's uh, kinda hard to get here."
"Hope it didn't cause you any trouble..." She mumbled. "Well once I had found the right map, it was much easier, yknow you guys aren't marked on a lot of our local guides..." She stayed quiet, shit did he say something wrong? Maybe it hit a nerve. Regardless he didn't speak again until she came back out.
"Sorry, it took a minute." She came out holding a single cup of cider and extended it toward him. "It's really no problem." She looked expectantly at him, and he took a small sip. "Great, it's great, uhm... Let's sit." She nodded.
The two of them sat at a rather small round table, and he drew his one down the line of questions, starting where he left off with Clifton.
"How has the shortage of food impacted your lifestyle?"
She froze for a second, taking a breath in before quietly starting her statement. "It's been just terrible... Hunting gets harder and harder when you lose strength, I don't think anyone here has eaten anything in the past week."
He noted all of this, it would be good for the tear-jerker section. Maybe he could add a little of his own writing in there too, just to make it perfect. "There used to be only a few deaths a year. People now are just dropping like flies, they can't leave their house because of the terrible cold but their cabinets are long since empty."
"And..." She ran a hand through her hair, looking down at the table. "Stillborns. Not enough food to keep them alive even in the womb, and the mothers-they-"
"Someone out there, someone from your big city needs to help us. We can't just keep doing this." He nodded, the corners of his lips tightening. He reached over for his mug and took a long drink of it.
"Thank you, I'm sure all this is difficult to speak about."
He slid his pen to the next question, "And," He furrowed his eyebrows, trying to read it, but there was a blurriness to his vision and a numb buzzing in the back of his head. "Excuse me, I'm just losing focus..." He shook his head slightly before putting a hand over his stomach. "I don't know if-if I'm well right now."
"I know." She said, a somber one coating her voice.
"What...? What did you-" He began to slur his words and his head couldn't seem to stay up. Before he knew it, the ground came closer and closer, and his brain went completely blank.
. . .
The buzzing was still there, but there was aching tiredness behind his eyes. A bright light is sown down on him, and he turned his head away from it. As much as the sluggishness took over his body, and as much as he'd love to close his eyes and go back to sleep, he needed to pull himself up and get out of this poor woman's house. so with some effort, he tried to move his arms to prop himself up, but he couldn't. maybe his body was still numb from whatever hit him.
"Shit." He heard from the corner of the room, alongside rustling and the sound of metal hitting metal. Footsteps rushed towards him and the light was pushed away. "What's happenin'.." his tongue still felt swelled, and he struggled to get anything out.
A cloth pressed to his nose and mouth. "Breathe this in." He gagged at the burning chemical smell and violently thrashed to get away from it. "Trust me!" She grappled with him, firmly grasping his forehead and pressing it tighter to his face, "You need to go back to sleep. You don't want-"
A name was called from upstairs. "Colleen!" She sighed defeatedly, and left for the other side of the room, "Down here!"
heavy footsteps came down the stairs and the door opened. "He's awake?" The man whispered to her, "I know, I know, we were runnin' low on Rohypnol 'n..." The man sighed, regretfully "I know..." The footsteps came closer to him, and through the still blinding light he could make out the figure was Bernard Clifton. His eyes widened slightly. "Y-You- you gotta help me! What happened, I can't- I can't move-" His voice cracked and he struggled weakly against whatever force was holding him down.
"Listen, kid, this ain't anything personal it's just... we're all really hungry." The sound of bottles shuffling in the background was interrupted by the sound of colleens voice. "Gimme a second, I might be able to make another mix of somethin'"
Colleen hummed in confusion, "The meat will take e long enough as it is to cook, we need this now. if we don't then-" "Understood." She cut him off, not wanting to hear the ulterior.
He turned back down to Joseph, "Now we're gonna try and make this quick okay?" "No... No, you can't be serious..." A cold chill ran down his spine and for the first time since he woke up, he realized he was going to be eaten.
"N-No! I promise I can bring you food- just please let me go- I can't- I don't want to be-" He looked at him sadly, "It's too late already, if we waited any longer we'd all rot."
A cold metal was pressed to his stomach. "Hold tight." And with no extra warning, The sharp, blade-like object slid under his skin and took off a well-portioned slide of meat. He let out a terrible scream before a washcloth was put in his mouth. "Bite." He did, and his chest heaved up and down, bile threatening to come back up.
"It's plump..." Colleen already sounded like she was drooling at the sight. "Stay focused, we'll need more than that."
"Just like a pig, it'll make a great meal." The blade came back to his skin, this time his upper arm. "Even though your fat pads are in different places, the meat looks exactly the same..."
With a quick slice, another chunk was gone. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, and he threatened to faint. through his vision, he saw a pair of gloves exchange two slabs of meat, both varying in size. "Cook these, I'll bring more up to you soon enough." Bernard nodded, leaving the room afterward.
"Just a bit more..." She whispered, the thought didn't reassure him. He was going to be a stick if he even survived this, but his limbs were going cold, and he was shivering. Blood had to be everywhere, so much had been taken out of him already...
He didn't even notice when another chunk was cleanly ripped out of him. His vision got blurry again, and all he could produce was a weak groan.
"Thank you for coming. You're helping more than you know."
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mingmingbats · 1 year
I saw your poll on Twitter about Billy but I only have a private account so I couldn’t answer “Other”. But I’ve read both the original and redone comics of OPM and I don’t think Billy fits as a hero. I think that he’d more be like Orochi, where he was once human but an esper discovered his deep hatred and decided to use that for their own gains. They turned him into a monster and puppeted him behind the scenes, using him to turn other humans into monsters so that they could form the Monster Association. Which is kind of like what happens with Billy and the Mind Flayer. Obviously he could sacrifice himself in the end or something if you want to keep his canon end, but I just feel like it fits. Then Vecna would be “God” (the scribble dude) who is manipulating everything behind the scenes. That’s just my opinion, though! Thank you for drawing Steve and Eddie as Bat and Garu! It honestly made my day when I saw it!
Hi! Ooh, this is awesome. I agree, he does fit more as an antagonistic type than a hero. Orochi makes so much sense. 😳 I was trying to find a way to let him have both positive/negative interactions w the rest of the cast based on opm. I like a good side redemption arc! but Hero Hunter is already taken. Amai made the most sense next with his looks while being monsterous behind the mask, but I don’t really like him. also couldn’t figure out Max as Steve’s sister if Billy was technically still alive…like, trying to replace the bad brother figure with a “never meet your idols” dynamic. But it felt flimsy. Tbh, I need to do another read through of the manga.
I like the Orochi idea a lot tho. and yess. Vecna as the insidious “god” being. I had him in mind for Eddie’s corruption and starting the Kasifying of Eddie from the beginning. Trying to mesh st3 + 4 together too bc screw canon. But this, hmmm, I’ve got some ideas now hehe. Thank you so much!!
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fillinforlater · 2 years
What are your top 10 K-pop songs of 2022 so far?
Damn, someone's a mind reader! I actually wanted to this on my own accord, but now I can just use this ask to tell you my Top 10 K-pop Songs of 2022... so far.
10. Still Life by BIGBANG
I was superbly hyped, because this was my first BIGBANG comeback ever since I became a k-pop fan. I really enjoy this song, although it never found it's way into the songs I listen to on repeat. It also suffers from another song, but more to that later. All in all, good song.
09. ESPER by Eunbi
The music video and outfits were already hype/hot af, but the actual song is really enjoyable and I found myself jamming hard to it. It's a blast during car rides, which is an important "stat" for me. It's also easily better (imo) than her other releases, which is saddening cuz it got not that much attention.
08. Can't Control Myself by Taeyeon
Fantastic mv, exceptional song, a beginning of the year gem! Taeyeon delivers with a song that I couldn't get enough of months ago and even now, it's just soooo good! While everyone was talking about INVU, I was still totally engaged in this beauty. Love it!
07. WILDSIDE by Red Velvet
No cap, this is one of my Top 3 favorite Red Velvet Songs, next to Bad Boy and Psycho. But Smite, it's japanese I was really surprised that it was actually great and interesting, because I'm not that high on RV TTs it's not k-pop, cmon! Most of the outfits were awesome as well and when you listen to it on full power... DAYUM
06. Everyday by PSY
I know that you don't know this song. So listen to it! For me it's nostalgia and freedom combined, a great feeling that makes me want to travel back in time and be at one of those water festivals... sigh
05. TOMBOY by (G)I-DLE
I saw this song live. It's f------ awesome, and I couldn't care less about all the hate. From my second listen till now, my opinion has stayed the same: TOMBOY perfectly fits in Idle's discography in terms of my enjoyment. Fantastic song!
04. Blessed-Cursed by ENHYPEN
I saw this song live as well. It slaps hard from the moment it starts, and continues to stay in my head till now. Easily fitting into an on-repeat playlist and I never regret clicking on it. ENHYPEN really being very good but getting a lot of hate, huh?
Yeah. I laughed when I first read that title. And then I listened to the song. And again, and again, and again. This song is enticing, it's on loop. I love the calm vibe, the hook gives me a calming chill (does that even make sense?). The MV is also awesome, reminds me of I NEED U by BTS. This will probably remain my favorite VERIVERY Song ever, they randomly struck gold in my heart lol
02. JIKJIN by Treasure
If it weren't for No. 1, this would be the car song of the year. Driving around at any time with this on half to full power feels incredible. Treasure came back strong with this one, and I'll pay closer attention to them now. Randomly, YG can still have something good happen to them, huh?
But tbh, No. 1 is so far ahead, it ain't even a competition.
I loved ELEVEN and after my first listen, I though LOVE DIVE was not as good. Boy, was I mistaken! If not for some absurd miracle, LOVE DIVE will easily be my SOTY. It makes me feel beyond everything. The anti-drop, although expectable, is great, the second part of the hook god-like, the dance enchanting, Yujin is STUNNING; GORGEOUS AHHHHH. I will even say this: It is one of my Top 10 favorite K-pop songs ever right now!
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This maybe a dumb question, given there’s are 10 Years After movies series for Super Sentai, what is your ranking of them?
I guess we can go over all four of the official "10 Years After" movies and see how they hold up.
Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger: 10 Years After
One thing that I like about this movie is the intrigue the first act sets up. While Nanami, Kouta, Ikkou, and Isshu have mostly settled into their new lives in addition to being heroes, the fact that Yousuke is working with the bad guys adds a lot of intrigue.
I also like how they don't really drag out the whole "Yousuke is evil" thing for too long. Towards the end of the first act, it's revealed to be an act so the villain doesn't hurt his new student, named Tenkai, only for said villain to immediately double-cross him as soon as he has the Shinobi Medals (the things the heroes use to transform), so the next ten can focus on the team reuniting after ten years.
The new kid, Tenkai (real subtle naming there) is an okay character. A lot of his scenes are connected to the story, and how he's the reincarnation of the Evil Will. The Evil Will was already a very vague threat in Hurricaneger itself, and it's not really explained how it became the more noble Sacred Will or how be became the next Shurikenger. There's nothing offensive about the character, I just feel like the concept behind him needed more work.
Also, even though he become his successor, they don't really talk about Shurikenger that much, if at all. I get he died ten years ago, but you would think since he acted as a mentor to the team, he would at least get a few mentions, seeing how Yousuke is essentially now in his role.
Hell, Mugensai and Oboro barely get to do anything in the two scenes they get. For a reunion movie, a lot of characters were really underutilized.
The final battle was honestly pretty underwhelming. While it was really cool to see Yousuke and Tenkai using the same technique together, there was less action and more focus on comedy. While Hurricaneger was a more comedic season, you would think for a movie where the team wasn't able to transform for most of the runtime, we would get more scenes of the actual Hurricanegers fighting instead of scenes where the team deals with the footsoldiers using techniques related to acting and dancing. The final attack was pretty cool too.
Overall, the movie was just okay. Nothing too special, but if you're a Hurricaneger fan, I'd at least give it a shot.
Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger: 10 Years After
I love how much effort is put into worldbuilding and how SPD has evolved over the past ten years. Not only was the new base (obviously meant to justify the fact that the old sets weren't available) created as a result of how Agent Abrella's final attack involved hijacking the DekaBase, so it was moved underground, but a big part of the plot involves traveling to this planet where time moves differently to explain why all of the Judgment Time scenes are so short.
While it's a pretty cliche idea, I still like the way the Dekarangers have been estranged, as it's mostly in-character for all of them. Sen-Chan and Umeko are still on the original team, Ban is with the Fire Squad, Hoji is slacking off on the job (it's explained later on), Jasmine is a mother, and Tetsu is the acting chief of the Earth branch after Doggie was framed for murder.
In spite of that, the cast all does a great job with their roles, and while Hurricaneger's 10 Years After special didn't really do a lot, there are plenty of scenes showing the characters reunite, and they feel so genuine, showing how close friends they all are.
There's also plenty of fanservice here too. They explain stuff like Jasmine being an ESPer or Sen-Chan's thinking pose like in the show, and they also play with some running gags like Hoji's "I'm not your partner" line. This is a special that really sets out to pay tribute to Dekaranger after all these years.
The climax is just so much fun. Each of the Dekarangers is revealed to have their own plan to help prove Doggie's innocence, and it's so exciting to see how they play off each other, and the resulting battle is also really cool.
Overall, it's just a really fun movie to watch, and feels like a love letter to one of the most popular Sentai seasons.
Engine Sentai Go-Onger: 10 Years Grand Prix
Right off the bat, I don't really think this movie does as good a job at maintaining the tone the season its based off had compared to the previous two movies. The plot is more serious, with the Go-Ongers essentially being made criminals by the government. Go-Onger was arguably goofier than Hurricaneger was, yet a plotpoint early on to explain why the Go-Ongers themselves are outlaws involves the fact that Hiroto was framed for a suicide bombing. Yeah, it was obviously not true, and there are still goofy moments scattered through the film (they even make a joke about how dumb the actual circumstances behind the alleged bombing were), but it's strange that they even mention stuff as serious as suicide bombings and terrorism in the first place.
That's not to say the plot is bad. After all, the Go-Ongers arguably had one of the strongest senses of justice out of any Sentai team, so the idea of the law itself turning against them leads to an interesting idea on how to achieve peace, as the villain tries to use his political power to bring his own twisted form of peace to the Human World.
In my opinion, this special does a really good job at showing how things have changed in the ten years after, as it points out how technology has changed. When we see the return of the reformed Gaiark generals, they point out how electronic waste has become a concern in recent years, what with smartphones, computers, and video games becoming more mainstream.
Hands down, the dumbest part of the movie has to be that it takes way too long for the Go-Ongers to realize that they're being tracked thanks to the advanced microchip devices the main villain developed for citizens to use while he was disguised as Japan's Prime Minister. You would think that since the Go-Ongers are being hunter down by the government, and since everyone was using these, including the obligatory kid who got tangled up in this mess, that maybe that's how the government is tracking them down. They don't even realize this until about halfway through.
Also, the main plot twist that the micro is pretty much the same as what Plankton did to the citizens of Bikini Bottom in the SpongeBob movie, down to turning Saki into a mindless drone.
Thankfully, the final battle more than delivers, with some well-edited flashbacks to the events of the show, Kegareshia temporarily becoming Go-On Yellow, and seeing a giant robot crush the main villain for a change. It was pretty fun.
Overall, while I think this is my second least favorite of the four, it was still a pretty decent movie to watch.
Also, for some reason, the ending where the kid the Go-Ongers helped learns to fight back against his bullies references Jin's death from Gosei Sentai Dairanger, down to the coin flipping and the sunset. Yeah, they don't show anything happening to the kid, but... why would you reference that scene of all things to close out your Go-Onger anniversary movie? I'm sorry, that just really bothered me.
Kaizoku Sentai: Ten Gokaiger
YEAH, BABY! Gokaiger, the first Sentai I ever saw finally gets a fancy reunion movie! Sorry, had to get that out of my system there.
But yeah, while structurally, I think Dekaranger's 10 Years After was better, this is my personal favorite, if only because I love Gokaiger so much.
What really makes this movie stand out to me is that it avoids a lot of the pitfalls and overused cliches you expect from tokusatsu movies. Right after the opening scene, we see some past Sentai heroes fighting each other in a battle royale game called "Super Sentai Derby Colosseum". Instead of making this the main conflict by focusing on infighting or revealing that the veterans are being forced to fight, we soon learn that not only did they all agree to willingly relinquish their powers for the game on the condition that they get them back when the Earth is in danger, their lives aren't in danger because the Ministry of Defense reverse engineered Basco's technology to create clones to use their powers, and even most of the money earned from people placing bets is used to finance the Earth's defenses. It's only later on that it's revealed to be a front, but it's still a welcome change of pace from the stereotypical death game that's become far too common in tokusatsu this past decade.
This extends to the main villain, the Minister of Defense. Like with Go-Onger's 10 Years After movie, you'd think he's really an alien in disguise, but nope. He just works with some aliens and plans to create an army out of the Ranger Key clones because after seeing the Earth get invaded by aliens for so long, now the Minister wants to be the one invading, a unique take on how humanity would see the events of the past Sentai seasons.
The Gokaiger fanservice is, of course, on point as well. One of the workers for the Ministry of Defense is revealed to be the kid who inadvertently inspired Captain Marvelous to start seeing the value in a planet like Earth in Gokaiger's second episode, and seeing the Gokaigers all play up their roles as part of their shared plan is a welcome treat. Seeing the Gokaigers fight to return the Ranger Keys back to humanity is a great way of showing how far they've come to value their predecessors and successors. They even acknowledge the fact that they accidentally left Navi behind during the events of the Zyuohger team-up.
The one thing I'm not a fan of is the ugly powerup the team gets at the end thanks to the fragment of the destroyed Gokai Galleon. They say it's the Galleon's "Ultimate Power", but it just comes out of left field. It's a decent idea to show the Gokaigers' ship contributing to the action, but it's not as impactful as something like the Going Merry saving everyone on her final voyage.
But overall, it was a really fun movie to watch, and a good way to cap off this little marathon.
I'm probably going to make a post about the Hurricaneger and Abaranger 20 Years After movies once those come out with fan subs.
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limitlessgojo · 3 years
Blood Bound: Red Strings of Fate (Ch 13)
Warnings: Action, Coarse Language, Fighting, Descriptions of Blood
Previous Chapter: Goldenrod
Next Chapter: The More You Know
Next SFW Chapter: Big White Lies
Tags: Soulmates AU, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Fem!Reader
Taglist: @lessie-oxj @rizzo-nero @whoreuc @fkngkumiko @isl3t @gojoussunglasses @onepotatostand-blog @s-t-f-u-b-i-t-c-h @sunaswife @lordguameow @track5enthusiast
Notes: If you want to be tagged for every update, specify if you're okay with nsfw posts or not, and please mention it in the comments below ty ❤
Chapter 13: Home Sweet Home
That weekend you went back home. It was so refreshing to see everyone. You yelped out with joy as you ran over to your cousin “Hiroki niichaaaan~” You jumped into his arms.
He hugged you tight. “How have you been doin lil sis?”
“Very good! I missed you all so much, especially you Hiroki nii." You pouted up at him.
You caught up with your family, had meals with them, and trained with Hiroki. They were most curious about your soulmate, as you have expected.
“What’s he like? Aren’t people from the big 3 clans so stuck up all the time? Even Satoru is full of himself at times, ey?”, Hiroki asked you with a mouthful of food.
“He isn’t too bad to be honest. He’s a gentleman and sweet with me. Decent man. Just, seems a bit like the private type? I mean… Doesn’t talk much about his family even though we are soulmates. Oh I’ve already talked to him about you guys.” You added.
Hiroki tilted his head, “Ehhh… mysterious huh.”
“Give him time. The Kamo Clan aren’t the most open minded people. They’ll feel you out before allowing you in.” Your dad said.
“Even though I’m his soulmate?!” You exclaimed.
Silence. “We don’t know what they’re thinking so we can’t say for sure.”
“Heh, you’ve gotten better lil sis,” Hiroki dropped low and thrusted out his spear. You jumped and immediately shifted your stance to land a kick on him. He easily parried and slipped out of your range.
Your family specializes in dealing with reverse cursed techniques aside from the occasional esper. Hiroki was only a semi-grade 1, because he trained his ass off for years.
Now that he’s built, he uses cursed tools to help him fight. A strong 185cm man can definitely handle close combat well. And in terms of healing abilities, he was number 1 in the clan.
It was only the women in your family that were able to inherit psychokinesis for some reason. But usually it only applies to a specific thing. Like how your mom can control plants. And your other aunt does with small metallic items like coins and darts.
Mother approached you after your sparring session. "Does he make you happy my dear?" Your mother asked you. Hiroki drank quietly from his water bottle.
You thought about it. The past few months were not easy but really colorful with Noritoshi. Minus the nagging feeling of him covering up his family affairs from you.
But… "He does. I feel so safe with him ma. Like I do with all of you. He is family to me now. I think I really like him and I trust him with my life." You whispered out.
"Then next time, bring him here. We will gladly welcome him with open arms." Hiroki smiled at you and leaned into your side.
You went to visit your dead older sister’s grave just before you went back to Kyoto Jujutsu High School.
It was just you and Hiroki. You both cleaned the grave, trimmed the weeds, changed the flowers, burned fresh incense, and said your prayers for Sora. It was such a clear day with barely any clouds. The sky was so blue.
Just like her namesake.
Hiroki left you to give you some privacy, saying that he’ll pick you up in 2 hours.
You took a deep breath. “Sora neechan. It’s been a while. Sorry I couldn’t come to see you as often, because I’m currently a student at Jujutsu High.”
“I met this guy. He … So he is my soulmate. The first time I met him, I thought he was pretty. As I got to know him more, I felt as if there was a reason as to why the heavens chose him for me you know? He is really cool, but so warm and sweet with me. I think I’m a little bit in love with him.” You admitted.
“I’m really scared to lose him. After I lost you, I just… it was hard… I try my best to be cheerful and helpful really. But it gets tiring at times. I’m glad I was able to make a lot of friends who understand the life of a Jujutsu sorcerer at least. I tried to open up to Noritoshi a bit more. But it’s hard because he seems so closed off at times.”
You had mixed feelings, because you promised Noritoshi you would trust him more. That means working on anything that bothers you regarding your relationship with him. But can he accept it if you tell him that you want to know more about his family? He already clearly stated he needs more time.
“Am I being too greedy and hasty Sora? I want to support his clan affairs, even if it's just a tiny bit as his soulmate. He seems so troubled with it all the time. Like he wants to carry the burden all alone. I want to help, but he doesn’t really let me. I don’t know. I wish you were still here with me.”
“Last time I asked him about his parents, he snapped at me. Of course he apologized. … Maybe it’s all just in my head. But I do want to meet his family. Eventually. Though at this rate I have no idea when. Everytime I ask about them he just shuts up.”
“Falling in love is way too hard….”
The wind blew as if to agree with you. The leaves rusted in a circular dance just around the grave. You smiled.
You bid farewell to your family after the weekend. Hiroki hugged you tight and whispered, “I hope it gets better for you and Kamo kun soon enough.”
You looked up at him, “Yeah, thanks bro.”
You texted Noritoshi and let him know that you were on your way back. He said he was free for the evening and that you could come over to his room.
You knocked on his door with anticipation. You opened the door, “I'm back, Toshi!” He pulled you into a tight hug and closed the door behind you. “I missed you. Come in. How was your family? Sorry I couldn’t go with you again.”
“It’s fine! They’re all okay and excited to meet you next time.” You looked up at him. He looked a bit regretful, “Next time I’ll make sure to properly clear my schedule with my father so I can go meet them okay?”
“Ah, okay.” You both walked over to his table and knelt down on the floor.
“I’ve been wanting to tell you this for a while,” you started. Noritoshi looked on intently. “I’ve already told you about my family right? Mom and dad and my other male cousins. Ah, what I didn’t tell you before was… I used to have an older sister. I - uhm. Well she died after being attacked by a curse. I … I hope to bring you to her grave one day.”
Noritoshi’s heart dropped. He pulled you in close. “I’m so sorry to hear that. I��m sure she is proud of you. Of course I’ll go with you to see her next time.” He was now highly regretting choosing to do some useless tasks for some of his clan’s elders instead of spending the weekend with you.
You gripped his clothes tighter. “Thank you, that really really means a lot to me.” You started tearing up, but you blinked your tears away.
"Oh! My family and I have gifts for you. I'm not so sure if you'll like it. It's a Coral and gold bracelet. Everyone in my family has one. It's almost like tradition for us, and we believe it to have a layer of protection. I also brought Jade here for you." You presented the bracelet alongside the Dragon carved Jade Pendant hanging on a thick white gold chain.
Noritoshi's eyes widened. The jewelry was stunning and looked expensive. He may have been favoured as the heir to the Kamo clan, but even he didn't own so much expensive jewelry.
He sputtered out “I appreciate it but I can’t take something so expensive and precious-”
“Noritoshiiii,” you whined out loud, making him stop talking. “You don’t want to accept such a precious gift that I picked out for you?” you whined with the largest puppy eyes.
“No, I- I am grateful. Thank you, I’ll accept it.” Noritoshi conceded.
Got him. You grinned madly as he shook his head. “You’re a dangerous one,” he muttered under his breath. “What was that?” you asked him absentmindedly as you worked on unclasping the bracelet to put it around his wrist. “Nothing, nothing at all dearest.”
You narrowed your eyes at him before grabbing his wrist and putting it on for him. It was a perfect fit. You thanked yourself for loving to hold his hand so much that you knew his general hand measurements.
His hands down to his wrists were so pretty. You didn't realize that you were playing with and smiling down at his fingers until he opened up his hand and linked his fingers with yours.
Slowly, carefully. Falling in love with you was the easiest thing Noritoshi had experienced. Now that he had embraced his emotions and tried to open up to you, it was a bit better now.
'Is this what love is? I don't know since it's my first time experiencing it.' Noritoshi wondered to himself.
It was in the smallest of things with you. He loved the way you would call out his name with loving eyes. The way you would always greet him first before the other senpai. The way you give him coffee and kisses on late and cold nights of studying.
The way your hair smells. Your perfume. The way your eyelids flutter shut when he kisses you. The tightening of his chest and shortness of his breath made apparent whenever he was with you.
The way you don't ask for too much from him. Just that he shows his love to you either by his actions or words. The comfort he simply feels when he is beside you.
He really just needed some time, and seeing you around more often really made up for it.
He ticked the inside of your palm which made you shiver and yelp. He laughed out loud at this and pulled you into his lap, hugging you tightly.
Staying quiet, you buried your head in his chest. You could feel his heartbeat, and it was faster than you expected. But soon it went back down to a steady rate.
"Your heartbeat is so steady, but mine is always wild around you. Noritoshi I feel kinda embarrassed to be honest." You admitted, fingers curling into his kimono.
He smiled and his heartbeat quickened to match yours. You looked up at him in confusion. "Did you just…" He just leaned down to rub his nose against yours. "I am a blood manipulator. I can manipulate my pulse rate darling." You huffed out a laugh, feeling warm and fuzzy.
"I love you." You said suddenly. He stared in shock at your words. You realized that you said it without intending to. But you didn’t take it back.
"Kamo Noritoshi I'm madly in love with you." It wasn't a sudden realisation of being in love. You slowly fell for him again and again each day.
Noritoshi’s brain short circuited.
Suddenly he was kissing you. Tongue slipping into your mouth and playing with yours and rubbing along the roof of your mouth.
You tried to fight his tongue for dominance, but you ended up surrendering, your back bent back with your face turned up towards him.
You clasped your hands around his neck as he pressed deep kisses against the top of your chest. Your face was flushed as you fell limp against him, gasping out heavy breaths. "I'm not going anywhere angel." Noritoshi whispered against your neck, hands tightening possessively against your waist.
‘Please wait a little longer for me. Until I can confirm that these feelings for you are indeed true love.’ His thoughts went unsaid.
The one thing Noritoshi promised to himself is that he would never lie about his feelings for you. To him, the worst he could do was to confess his love without actually being in love with you.
Blood Bound: Table of Contents
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ladyrivia · 3 years
Spitfire (Chapter Two)
Previous Part
Summary: Anya settles into her new environment, Carrillo and Pena continue to pine over her.
Warnings: Google Translate Spanish, guns, sexual thoughts
Anya gently shut the door, laying down and finally allowing herself to rest after hearing the click of Carrillo’s door down the hall. She closed her eyes, listening to the faint sound of the shower starting from the master bathroom. Getting comfortable she--
“Fuck,” Anya groaned, remembering her sleepwear was in her bag, in Carrillo’s car. Which was locked, and his keys with him in his room. He said I could get him if I needed anything. Plus I wouldn’t mind the sight of him shirtless.. Maybe more than shirtless. She smirked at the thought for a moment before clapping her hand over her face, dragging her hand down and holding her jaw. Stop it. You’re going to be working together. You can’t make it weird. Releasing the hold, Anya took off her jeans, folding them and setting them on a chair in the room before wrestling off her bra from under her shirt, throwing it on top of the neatly folded jeans.
Anya eventually sprawled out under the blankets and comforter, the warm embrace of the bed soothing her aching muscles. She found herself quickly succumbing to sleep, but she could’ve sworn she heard footsteps approaching her room and the door creaking open.
Carrillo couldn’t help himself, his mind completely taken over by the thought of the woman sleeping down the hall. He found his mind lingering on her big brown eyes, the blush that would creep up on her face, the way her jeans hugged her curves, the cut in the shirt being the perfect length to reveal her cleavage. Para. Stop. He felt blood rushing to his newly formed erection, fist clenching in an attempt to regain composure.
He rushed to finish scrubbing the sweat and grime off his body, then cranked the water temperature to as cold as it could go. His muscles tightened in retaliation, but he accomplished his goal of getting rid of his erection.
Changing into his sweatpants, he realised that he had left her bags in his car. Cursing under his breath, he stalked to the guest bedroom, quietly opening the door. He found Anya already asleep, her hair forming a halo around her head on the pillow and her face looked so peaceful. Espere. Wait. Carrillo found himself standing in the doorway, watching her sleep like a creep. ¿Para qué estaba aquí de nuevo? What was I here for again? His eyes focused on the dimly moonlit chair, seeing her jeans and bra sitting on top.
Carrillo felt a bit guilty about forgetting her bags, but she seemed perfectly content in her stripped down day clothes. He softly shut the door and returned to his room, shuffling into his bed. Normally he would have trouble falling asleep, the constant pressure from his job keeping his brain from shutting off, but remembering the soft features of the new agent, sleep found him quickly.
Javier didn’t stop cursing himself all to the store around the corner from the apartment building. Idiot. Fucking forgetting to set up her furniture. He continued mentally kicking himself as he picked up multiple cartons of his, and seemingly Anya’s, favorite brand of cigarettes, along with a couple bottles of whiskey. Least he could do is prepare her a DEA Agent welcome basket.
Returning to his apartment, he searched for the notepad which he had written down the storage locker number, lock combination, and her apartment number. Shit. Her apartment was the one right next to his, which had been empty for as long as he had remembered. The storage locker was close to the embassy, Anya having shipped her furniture down to the Southern Americas long before her arrival in Columbia.
Javier sat in his bed for a moment, formulating the plan of how he was going to move her furniture while smoking yet another cigarette. Satisfied, he kicked off his clothes and quickly fell asleep, dreaming of his new partner.
Anya ran down the hallway, sweat running down her face even though the cold air whipped around her in the abandoned warehouse. Her gun was drawn, pointed at the ground as she continued to run to the last door, kicking it down. A gasp left her throat when she saw her partner, Ethan, tied up to a chair, badly beaten and bleeding. She quickly ran towards him, kneeling before the chair he was bound to. “Ethan, oh Ethan.” She set her gun on the ground and brushed the bloody and matted hair away from his face, looking into his almost dead eyes. He opened his mouth to say something, but the only thing she heard was the cocking of a gun behind her.
Anya gasped and sat straight up in bed, a sheen of cold sweat covering her entire body. Her eyes darted around the room, confused by the new surroundings. Memories of the previous night flooded back to her. Flight. Embassy. Bar. Carrillo. Anya looked at the alarm clock, 07:00. 7AM. She sighed, the nightmare had jostled her nerves. A shower would be nice.
“No bag, no clothes. Of course.” Another sigh escaped her lips as she shuffled out of bed, her bare legs being exposed to the morning light. She felt bad for going through his things, but she really didn’t feel like putting yesterday’s clothes back on to go ask him to get her stuff for her. Bingo. Anya found an old pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt in the closet.
She was pleased to find the guest shower already filled with toiletries, taking the extra time to scrub the remnants of long travel off her body. Exiting the shower, Anya encountered another problem, she had no clean panties. She shrugged. Guess we’re going commando for now.
Carrillo woke up shortly after Anya, hearing the shower from the guest room turn on. He quickly got out of bed and got dressed, mornings were always easy for him, whether it was years of conditioning from in the military or just naturally being a morning person. Today was a rare day, having the morning off. He shuffled to the kitchen, deciding to make breakfast for him and his new favorite agent.
“Steve, wake your ass up!” Javier pounded on his partner’s door.
“The hell do you want?” Steve muttered as he opened the door, his appearance disheveled by sleep.
“Need your help moving Donato’s stuff in.” He cut off Steve’s groans of protest. “You accused her of being a prostitute yesterday, the least you can do is help me get her stuff set up.” Javier purposely said this part a bit loud, so Connie would hear.
“Steve!” Connie came up behind him, swatting him on the shoulder. “You didn’t tell me that!” Steve muttered something of an apology to his wife. “Quit whining and help Javi move her stuff in.”
“Alright, alright. I’ll help you Javi, just give me a damn minute.” Javi snickered after Steve shut the door in his face, boy was he whipped.
“Don’t forget your keys! We’ll need to use your truck!”
Anya smelled something delicious cooking when she exited the shower, following the scent, she left the guest room and found Carrillo in the kitchen. Her footsteps were quiet, quiet enough he didn’t turn around when she stood in the doorway of the kitchen. She took the sight of him in, his uniform tight over the muscles of his arm and his back. After a minute, he finally turned around to grab something from the kitchen island, noticing her.
He had to stop himself from dropping his jaw open, and suddenly all the guilt from leaving her bags in the car was gone. He would do it again to see her in his clothes again. They were definitely too big for her, his t-shirt reaching her mid thighs and the extra length of the sweatpants pooled at her feet. Carrillo chewed the inside of his cheek when he felt his erection return.
“Morning,” Anya played it off as if she did not stare at him for a minute. “Smells fantastic, what are you making?” She sat in a chair opposite of where Carrillo was standing at the island.
“Huevos revueltos con tomate y cebolla,” Scrambled eggs with tomato and onion. He pointed to one pan. “And arepas.” He pointed to another pan, switching back to english.
“Anything I can help with?”
“No, just make yourself comfortable. Coffee?”
“Yes, please.” He poured her a cup, leaning over the island to set it infront of her. The creamer and sugar were already on the island, over to the side. Anya fixed her coffee the way she liked it, extra cream and regular sugar.
“That is a disgrace to coffee.” Carrillo commented when he saw the milky color in her mug.
“Bite me.” Anya took a long sip of her drink. “I suffer with the shitty coffee at the office, at least let me enjoy it the way I like it here.” Her accent slipped again, rolling her eyes when his lips twitched up in amusement when he heard it. A moment of comfortable silence passed between the two.
“I like your clothes, where’d you get them?” Anya gaze fixed on him with a glare, but with a hint of amusement sparkled in her eyes. Last night he was so serious, she wasn’t sure if he had a sense of humor. Well, at least until now.
“Had to find something to wear after I took a shower, I didn't want to strut around in a towel.”
“Podemos recoger su bolso después de comer.” We can get your bag after we eat. He bit his cheek again, his erection making itself known again after the thought of her walking around his house in just a towel. He plated the food, walking around the counter to set her plate in front of her before taking the seat next to her.
“Thank you,” Anya gave him a big smile before digging into her food. “Damn, you really can cook, this is very good.” She praised him.
“Mi mamá me enseñó todo lo que sé.” My mom taught me everything I know. He returned her smile, taking a bite of his own food.
“We have to move all this?” Steve complained when they opened the storage locker.
“We were supposed to move it before she arrived.” Javier placed his hands on his hips as he analyzed all the items in storage, Steve shuffling inside to get a better look.
“Wait.. if her bed is here then where did she sleep.. Don’t tell me you--”
“I didn’t sleep with her,” Javier practically growled. “She went home with Carrillo.”
“Carrillo?” Steve’s eyes widened. “You let her go home with that asshole?”
“Don’t remind me.” Jealousy grew in his chest. “He asked me if I would rather her sleep in my bed where.. You know.” “Well, he isn’t wrong. I’m glad you kept your hands off our new partner.. I hope it stays that way.”
“What?” Javier was surprised Steve was being so blunt with him.
“She’ll eat you alive man, it takes a particular type of woman to survive the boy’s club. There ain’t no way she’d put up with your bullshit.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Javier started to get defensive.
“C’mon man, don’t act as if you don’t know,” Steve raised an eyebrow. “You have commitment issues, you fuck prostitutes for inform--”
“Okay, okay, I get it.” Javier harshly cut him off. “Let’s get this shit in the truck.”
Carrillo and Anya took their time eating breakfast, sharing stories from previous assignments and raids.
“So your partner, what happened to him?” Carrillo asked what he thought was an innocent question, but immediately regretted it when he saw her freeze, her smile fading from her face.
“Transferred.” She muttered into her coffee, both of them knowing she was lying, but he didn’t push the subject further. They finished the rest of breakfast in silence, Carrillo feeling guilty yet again. He wished he could formulate the words to tell her that he could empathize with her, lord knows he could with the amount of good soldiers he lost in the field, but with years of shutting off and building a wall between him and his emotions, the words never came.
Anya finished eating shortly after Carrillo, wordlessly picking up both their plates and moving to the sink to clean them. She let her emotions wash down the drain along with the dirty water, replacing the shield that Carrillo had slowly whittled down. Damn him. She finished washing the dishes fast, waving him off when he came over and insisted he helped.
“We should grab your stuff.” Carrillo glanced at the clock, grimacing when he realized there wasn’t a lot of time left before they would have to go to work.
“I don’t need to bring everything in, I just need a change of clothes.” Anya followed him out to his car, leaning into the back seat and rifling through her bag to grab a fresh set of clothes. Her ass was fully on display, Carrillo not too subtly staring at it while she was bent over, but quickly looked up when she turned around.
While walking back inside, Anya tripped on the excess fabric of the large sweatpants, falling into him. He whirled around and caught her, hands firmly grasping her shoulders, one of her hands were braced on his chest.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” Her face flushed bright red.
“You’re okay.” He couldn’t help but give her a small smile, she was really adorable when she was flustered.
Anya’s heart raced, she thoroughly enjoyed his hands on her far too much. She practically ran to the guest room, trying to regain her composure while getting dressed. She dressed in a fresh pair of jeans, a short sleeved button down with a tank top serving as an undershirt. She tugged her black boots on, very similar to what members of the Search Bloc wore. She pulled her hair back into a loose ponytail, letting a few pieces fall to frame her face.
Re-emerging from the guestroom, Anya noticed how Carrillo stared at her, his eyes committing every piece of her to memory. They stood looking at each other for a minute, before Carrillo broke the silence.
“Ready to go?”
“Morning fellas,” Anya greeted the pair as she and Carrillo entered the bullpen. “How was your evening, Murphy? I hear you have a lovely wife at home.”
“That I do, speaking of which, she has invited you guys over for dinner tonight, you coming?”
“Of course, Javier here has told me that apparently we’d get along well.” She nudged Javier in the shoulder.
“You know I’d never miss a chance to eat your wife’s cooking.” Javi chuckled.
“Wish I could but, I have a date with some narcos tonight.” Carrillo placed a hand on the small of her back. “I’ll come by after I do my initial rounds to get your Kevlar and gun.” He stalked off towards the Search Bloc’s part of the building.
Carrillo’s touch did not go unnoticed by either man, though Javier’s mind quickly went to jealousy. He wondered if anything happened between the two last night, Carrillo wasn’t known to be a physically affectionate guy, especially towards people he just met. His fist clenched as he returned to facing his desk, trying to distract himself from the workings of his mind.
“Great, we’ll just head there after work. I’m sure that’ll be around dinner time anyways.” Steve fidgeted with the pen between his fingers, also returning to the papers he was pouring over. Anya popped the lid of the tub again and dove into the ESCOBAR files once more.
“Anya,” Carrillo returned almost an hour later. “Ready for the armory?”
“Yeah.” She glanced up from where she was reading, mentally marking where she was leaving off.
“Right this way.” Carrillo started to lead her to the armory, Javier staring at her ass while she followed him. The fabric of the jeans perfectly hugged her curves, her gait naturally having a little swing to her hips. A slight erection was forming under his desk.
A pen hit the side of Javi’s head.
“Dude, what the hell?” He grabbed the pen, lightly tossing it back to Steve.
“She’s our partner, Peña. Not eye candy.” He rolled his eyes.
“Let’s try this one first.” Carrillo looked through their extra Kevlar vests for one that would fit her best, this would typically be easy but they also had to consider, well, her boobs.
Anya lifted the vest over her head, sticking her head through the hole and settling the heavy vest on her shoulders. She strapped the Velcro tight at her sides, wiggling her arms to test the fit.
“Verdict?” She asked as he grabbed the vest, tugging it a bit to inspect.
They were extremely close, she could feel his breath hot on her face, smelling strongly of cigarette smoke. They stood for a moment, neither of them knowing what their next move was.
Abruptly, he stood back, giving her a quick nod. “It fits,” He took something out of his pocket. “Here.” He handed her what she realized to be her name tape, DONATO being embroidered in black onto the green fabric. She slapped it onto the velcro space for it, then quickly got out of the uncomfortable Kevlar.
“Thanks.” She gave him a smile. Carrillo turned to the gun locker, unlocking it and handing her S&W Model 39 pistol and a box of ammunition. Anya tucked the gun into the back of her waistband, and put the box in her back pocket.
“You’re now fully equipped.” He shut and locked the gun locker once more.
“Thank you again, Carrillo.” She picked up her Kevlar vest.
“Of course. Can’t have my favorite agente underprepared in the field.” He gave her a warm smile, patting her on the back. “I have to go back to my rounds, adiós.” Carrillo left her in the armory, returning to his demanding job.
While Anya walked back to her desk, she allowed herself to blush over the fact that he called her his favorite agent.
“All suited up?” Javier looked up as she approached, she lifted the heavy Kevlar.
“Yup.” Anya opened the empty bottom drawer of her desk, shoving the Kevlar in. She unholstered her gun, and took out the magazine, placing the body of the gun in the bottom. She took out the box of ammo, quickly counting out 8 bullets and loading them into the magazine, placing both into the bottom drawer as well before closing it.
Anya sat down and returned to the evidence box, a heavy sigh escaping her lips as she dove into the realm of Escobar again.
“That’s it, I’m calling it.” Steve announced as he got out of his chair.
“Me too, Donato, why don’t I drive you home? Steve and I moved your furniture and boxes in this morning.”
“Oh! Thank you guys,” Anya stood, stretching her arms over her head, her shirt riding up slightly. Javier took a quick glance. “That’d be great Javier, we’ll just have to stop by the secretary, I left my bags there this morning.”
“Here’s your apartment, and your keys.” Javier gestured to the door before dropping the keys in her hand. “My apartment is the one right next to yours.”
“Can’t even escape you outside of work.” Anya chuckled as she unlocked the door, tossing her bags in before shutting it and locking it again.
“You make that sound as if it’s a bad thing.” She responded with a light punch to his shoulder.
“I’m starving, where’s Steve’s place?”
“Couple floors up, c’mon, his wife makes fantastic food.” A few flights of stairs and jokes later, they arrived at the door, Javier knocking-- more like banged-- on the door.
“Hey guys, come on in!” Steve answered the door with a large grin, clearly being at home with his wife made him a happy man.
“Hi Javi, oh and Anya!” Connie quickly greeted them, giving Anya a big hug. “It’s so good to meet you!”
“Nice to meet you too.” Anya returned the hug.
“I made some lasagna, is that alright?”
“Oh, yeah, definitely!”
“Wine or whiskey?”
“Wine please, is there anything I can do to help?” Anya followed Connie to the kitchen.
“No, it’s almost done, here, go take a seat.” Connie handed her a wine glass and the bottle of wine, gesturing for her to sit at the dinner table where Javi and Steve already sat, sipping on their whiskey. She sat next to Javi, leaving the seat next to Steve for Connie. A few moments later, Connie followed with the steaming dish of lasagna.
Dinner was very pleasant, Connie asking all sorts of questions about New York and the work Anya did up there. Javier listened intently, wanting to learn everything he could about her. He loved the way she talked, especially when her accent would slip, showing her New York heritage.
As Javi predicted, Connie and Anya became friends quickly, the evening was filled with their squeals of excitement when they found another thing that both of them could relate to. As the night finally came to a close, and many promises to have a dinner party again, Javier and Anya returned to their floor.
“Wow,” Anya yawned. “I am tired.” She stretched her arms over her head.
“Well, in that case, you should head to bed.” Javi leaned on her door frame, basking in her presence.
“I’m planning on it, thank you again for moving my stuff in.”
“Not a problem.” He rubbed the back of his neck, wishing he could use his usual methods of charming women on her, but he couldn’t bring himself to it. He wanted more than just his usual one night stand with his informants, there was something about her that made him feel… he couldn’t find a way to describe it.
“Oh,” Her face scrunched in realization. “Could I ride with you to work in the mornings? I’m still working on getting a car down here. License transfers and all that.”
“Of course, though if you wake up late, I’ll leave your ass here.” Both of them let out a laugh.
“Goodnight, Pena.” They retreated into their respective apartments, Anya flicking on the light and looking around her new apartment. She pulled out a couple of essentials, mostly toiletries, and placed them in the bathroom. She quickly found her “BEDROOM” box and dug out her bedding, making her bed so she could sleep as soon as possible.
Anya was getting ready for bed, shuffling to the kitchen to get a glass of water. She was surprised to find a bottle of whiskey, a couple cartons of cigarettes, and a zippo lighter with “to new beginnings” engraved. She ripped open the carton of cigarettes, pulling out a carton, and returned to her bedroom. She laid down, lighting a cigarette, letting the nicotine relax her further.
Anya knocked against the wall behind her headboard, and was pleasantly surprised when she heard a knock back.
“Thank you for the housewarming gift, Javier.” She heard a chuckle come from the other side of the wall.
“Javi. Call me Javi.”
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fuckyeahisawthat · 3 years
Have you been asked yet to rank Trust eps? Cos I'm asking! But your the criteria for ranking I leave to you to decide.
Ahahahaha I’ll have you know I put way too much thought into this. :-D
Ok so first of all, there is no such thing as a bad episode of Trust. The whole thing is really tightly written, every character and plot thread has a purpose, and even the episodes that I haven’t watched over and over again are important to the overall story. And a lot of the impact of the show comes from things that are cumulative over multiple episodes.
That being said, I do have favorites. Since the definitive ranking of Primo’s outfits has already been taken care of, here is my ranking from least to most favorite based on some nebulous criteria of artistic/narrative effectiveness and emotional impact, my judgement of which is obviously highly subjective and also correct.
Under the cut because this got ummm unbelievably, ridiculously long.
10. The House of Getty (episode 1)
Sorry Danny Boyle and Simon Beaufoy, the pilot is my least favorite episode. Still think it was the wrong choice to open with a flashy (and, I can tell, expensive) sequence showcasing the death of a character we literally never see again. And, look, I’m an impatient viewer. If I don’t get someone to root for/emotionally identify with/otherwise catch my interest early on in a narrative, I’ll tune out. And Old Paul is not only unlikeable--far from a mortal sin in dramatic storytelling--he’s boring. I don’t care about any of his rich people problems, and I’m not the kind of viewer who can be kept engaged just by hating someone and watching them be terrible.
Some of the secondary characters in the Getty household do have interesting plotlines, but we don’t get to learn very much about them in the first episode. And I do think things get interesting once Little Paul shows up (although I maintain that the whole episode is more interesting if we understand what the stakes are for Paul getting the money), but if I had started watching this show with no context I wouldn’t have made it past Old Paul’s pre-coital erotica listening routine.
If this had been anything other than the first episode I might not have ranked it last, but extra penalty points for leading with your least interesting characters.
9. Lone Star (episode 2)
This episode is, I think, saddled by the fact that it has to do a lot of heavy lifting in terms of exposition and setup. It mostly works because Chace is an entertaining narrator, and once we get to Italy with Gail I think things zip along at a pretty good pace. Opens with an attempted rape to show how Bad the Bad Guys are, which is...not my favorite trope.
Once again, I think a lot of the information in this episode would have worked better if episode 3 had been episode 1. (We’d already know who Berto was when Chace meets him; we’d already know about the box of guns in the apartment; we’d know when certain characters are lying.) This whole show runs on the suspense of the audience being the only party who knows what’s going on with all the characters at once; I think trading mystery for suspense here was the wrong move. I also can’t help thinking there was pressure to front-load the well-known American actors in the beginning of the show at the expense of the strongest narrative choices.
Imo the best thing about this episode is the sort of...multiple competing images of Paul that emerge. His mom sees him as an innocent victim who couldn’t possibly have planned any of this. Chace sees him as a spoiled rich kid trying to swindle his granddad. Neither one of them has the complete truth.
Next we get into some episodes that are certainly not bad, but their greatness is more on the level of some bangin’ individual scenes than a whole package.
8. John, Chapter 11 (episode 6)
Again, this isn’t a bad episode. The main reason I put it near the end of the list is that the first time through I got sort of impatient during the first half. We, the audience, by virtue of our extra-textual knowledge, know that Paul can’t be dead, and we spend about half the episode before we know what really happened to him, which felt a bit too long to me.
This episode does have some fantastic individual scenes including: Leo talking Primo down in the farmhouse, Leo and Paul’s conversation about Angelo’s death, Gail being an absolute badass, and the meeting between Salvatore and Old Paul. A lot of these scenes are essential on a thematic level, but I don’t think the episode as a whole is the most streamlined.
7. Consequences (episode 10)
I debated for a while where to put this episode because the overall feeling of 57 Chekov’s guns going off in the space of one episode is SO satisfying, and the resolutions of some of the individual plotlines are delicious. Ultimately I would have liked more space for Paul and Gail and less Old Paul being grumpy about his substitute child museum’s mediocrity (although the scene with the bad reviews is hilarious). Once again I feel like the show creators felt they had to pull the focus back to Old Paul to wrap things up and I just. don’t care.
That being said. The resolution of Primo’s storyline? SO SATISFYING. And tbh I don’t dislike the scenes that exist with Paul and Gail; even the happy scenes have this poignant tone to them. I think they were trying to deal with the fact that his irl story is just...incredibly fucking tragic, and you can see a bit of the strain showing.
6. Kodachrome (episode 7)
I know episode 7 is not one of your personal favorites, but it’s the one where I think jumping between multiple plotlines/sets of characters is used to the most satisfying dramatic effect. It has this sense of dramatic irony that feels like some Shakespearean family tragedy. The whole episode, we are hoping that Paul Jr. will finally do the thing we want him to do, which is stand up to his father. And he does it--but at the absolute worst, most selfish and destructive moment possible.
Paul Jr. may be the literal worst, but I do have compassion for him in the flashbacks, mostly because it seems painfully apparent that no matter what he does, he will never be able to please his father. But he doesn’t seem to realize this, and he keeps trying, even as it’s destroying him and his relationship with his family. Credit to Michael Esper for his performance for making me feel a smidgen of compassion for this bastard.
I think the other thing this episode shows is how both of Paul’s parents keep putting him, a child, into roles and circumstances that he shouldn’t really be in. He’s wandering around through what seem like very much adult environments with his dad and Talitha in Morocco. In the Trust version of events he’s there when Talitha ODs and is the one trying to revive her while his dad is having a breakdown in the corner. Gail seems like the more responsible parent but there’s something about her bringing Paul as her “date” on a night out, and the understanding that this is a thing that happens regularly...to me the disturbing part is not so much bringing a young kid to a party with adults but the unspoken expectation that Little Paul will fill the void of companionship that his father has left empty. (Gettys expecting Little Paul to step in to cover for the failings of his father is a repeated theme, and it even plays into the ear thing. His family has failed to pay the ransom, so this is now a problem he has to solve himself.) Combine this all with Leonardo going, um, excuse me but what the actual fuck is wrong with your family? and I think it makes a very effective episode. And the last couple minutes had me yelling NOOOOOOOO GODDAMMIT because you can see what’s going to happen and you’re just watching it unfolding like a car wreck. Also has one of my hands-down favorite scenes, of Paul and Primo in the car waiting for the ransom.
5. White Car in a Snowstorm (episode 9)
The ~ D R A M A !!! ~ This episode is an opera. I mean this whole show is dramatique but episode 9 really leans into the vivid imagery--that snowy highway in the mountains above the sea, the all-white ransom exchange, Paul clinging to the pole at the shuttered Getty gas station, some Very Serious Mobsters throwing the ransom money around like idiots in a moment where you’re encouraged to be happy along with them.
This is also one of my favorite episodes for Primo and for Primo and Paul’s weird sometimes-alliance. Primo walking away from Salvatore to go tell Paul “they always pay in the end”? Primo and Paul teaming up to argue with Salvatore about why Paul shouldn’t die? Primo being all threateny to the doctor treating Paul because somewhere deep down he is worried (that’s my take and you’ll never convince me otherwise)? Primo dressing up to fake-scab on a postal strike in order to find a misplaced severed ear? All gold.
Fun fact: the letter Gail writes to President Nixon did happen in real life, but as far as I can tell the phone call did not. The real details of who convinced Old Paul to finally pay (some) of the ransom are considerably less cinematic. They’re the same amount of sexist though!
Ok now we are getting to the top tier...
4. That’s All Folks! (episode 4)
This is definitely the episode that took me from “ok this is fun” to “oh holy shit I’m invested now.” It’s the episode where we get introduced to most of the Calabrian characters and their world. It’s also the episode where we start to realize that Primo is not just a fun antagonist but is really a parallel protagonist to Little Paul, with his own set of relationships and motivations that we start to see from his POV. (I’d argue that, with the exception of his very first scene, we’ve mostly seen Primo through other characters’ gaze up until episode 4, and this is the point where we start watching him as like, the character whose pursuit of a goal we’re following over the course of the scene.)
This episode ranks high for capturing so much of the weird mix of tones that makes Trust work. It can be very funny. (I never fail to fuckin lose it when Fifty is on the phone with Gail the first time and when he’s talking to the thoroughly unimpressed newspaper switchboard operator.) It has this weird unexpected intimacy between characters you wouldn’t think would connect with each other. (Primo and Paul, Paul and Angelo; in retrospect the arc of the relationship between Primo and Leo gets started in that scene in Salvatore’s kitchen.) And it has one of the show’s absolute best record-scratch tone shifts when Primo gets the ransom offer. I remember saying “oh FUCK” out loud the first time I watched the end of that episode, when Primo comes back to the house, visibly drunk and clearly furious. We’ve seen him be violent plenty before now in the show, but always in a controlled, calculated way. This is the first time we see his potential for out-of-control rage-fueled violence and he’s terrifying!
3. La Dolce Vita (episode 3)
I stand by my claim that this episode (with a few minor continuity adjustments) should have been the pilot. Can you imagine a title card that’s like “Rome 1973” and then away we go with Paul snorting coke and taking racy photos and jumping on cops and fucking his girlfriend in what is definitely not proper museum etiquette, and then the smash cut to Primo intimidating and robbing and murdering people? And that’s the opening of the whole show? And you’re like how are these characters connected and then they meet each other and it’s the fucking sunflower field scene??
Anyway aside from the fact that I think knowing the information in this episode would have made episodes 1 and 2 more interesting...it’s just a great fucking episode. It’s kinetic and propulsive and funny and tense and violent and features Primo’s sniper skills and his ass in those cornflower blue trousers. I rest my case.
2. Silenzio (episode 5)
I’ll be honest, I went back and forth on the top two a bunch. Silenzio is definitely my personal favorite episode, and I’d argue that it’s the best written, in terms of what it accomplishes narratively, which is to keep you emotionally invested in both Paul and Angelo trying to escape with their lives, and Primo and Leonardo hunting them down. That’s so fucking hard!! And yes some of it is great acting but it starts from the foundation of the writing. It’s just such a perfect little self-contained horror movie, and it has this profound sense of fatalism to it, because you know from the beginning (if only by virtue of only being halfway through the series) that Paul is not going to escape, and you sort of know that there is only one way this will end for Angelo. And yet they escape by the skin of their teeth so! many! times!
It’s also the episode where you see how much power the ‘Ndrangheta has over people’s lives in this community: Salvatore is like God, calling his servants to him with the church bells. Combine that with the visuals of two characters running for their lives mostly on foot through this unforgiving landscape, and you really get the sense of this environment as a harsh place where most people have a very constrained set of choices, and the claustrophobia of that. You get the sense in this episode that everyone is trapped in these expectations of violence and duty and honor. Angelo did what anyone with compassion would do, and saved Paul from what seemed like certain death, and he’s doomed for it. At the same time Primo is doing exactly what anyone would expect him to do in response to a subordinate who disobeyed him. In some ways the end of the episode feels inevitable, unsurprising, and yet they do SUCH a good job of winding up the tension until the literal last seconds of the episode, and then releasing it with a big dramatic bang. It’s so good!!
1. In the Name of the Father (episode 8)
Ok I’ll be honest the ONLY reason In the Name of the Father edged out Silenzio for the top spot is that it is really clear they pulled out all the stops in terms of making this episode feel extra heightened in a show where everything is already heightened. Like, the cinematography is different? They still use handheld a lot but I swear there are more still shots and more extreme, editorial camera angles like that shot of Francesco looking upward in church where the camera is looking down from above him. I can’t tell if they actually tweaked the color grading or if the bright white and blood red just stand out against the Calabrian color palette which is mostly earth tones, browns and greens and blues.
There are just. So many layers to this episode. The imagery! The literal sacrificial lamb at the beginning, Francesco being guided by Leonardo through an act of violence against an animal, something that I’m sure they don’t even see as violence but just part of farm life, part of survival and in this case part of a celebration, but something that fathers teach their sons how to do as part of becoming a man in this world. Paul as the metaphorical sacrificial lamb later, drawing parallels to Jesus (the lamb of God), Isaac (a father sacrificing his son), any number of martyred saints, pick your Catholic imagery. The blood of the lamb on the tree stump and Paul’s blood on the stone. The communion wafer (the body and blood of Christ) and Francesco at the end with Paul’s blood and a literal piece of his body held in his hands the same way.
And then there is like, the suspense of watching everyone marking time through the steps of this community ritual that’s supposed to be a joyful, communal celebration, while we know that there is a secret ticking away under the surface. The slow unfolding of the lie told to one person spreading to everyone in the village, and then the knowledge that Salvatore knows spreading to all the people who’ll be in trouble for that. The relationship arcs between the main Calabrian characters...not resolving, but sliding into place for the final act. Primo finally being done with Salvatore. Primo and Leo’s alliance being cemented and Leo physically stepping between Primo and Salvatore, to protect Primo. (No one ever protects Primo!! Still not over it!!!!) The confirmation celebration as a mirror of the Getty party in episode 1, the parallels drawn between the 3 Pauls and Salvatore-Primo-Francesco and how Primo reacts to being passed over as heir vs. how Paul Jr. reacts. Little Paul having two whole minutes of screen time and managing to break your heart with them. Regina! Just...Regina’s whole everything. The music going all-instrumental for an episode and having this haunting, dreamlike but still tense quality to it. And the fact that we never cut away from Calabria to another plotline gives the whole episode this hypnotic, all-encompassing quality. It’s just. SO GOOD!!!!
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bestbakubros · 4 years
can you write a fic/scenario where the reader is new to the bakusquad?
a/n: hello @lmaoashley-blog!!! thank you so much for the request and apologizes for releasing this in july!! anyways i hope you enjoy!!
warnings: crackhead energy, platonic, cursing bc bakugo, introductions to characters so a little slow hehe
summary: gn!reader that’s new to the bakusquad, quirk: esper (heavily inspired by mob psycho 100)
Welcome to the Squad!
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It was a bright, sunny morning as you approached U.A. for your first day. Moving to Japan for hero school was a difficult decision since it was a whole transfer to a completely new country. You weave your way through the busy hallways, passing various students and staff members. Your walk was stopped short as you arrive at Class 1-A, you peak your head inside to see the room buzzing with activity. Your eyes scan around before you felt a presence behind you. “Move out the way extra.” 
Your face meets a rather angry looking blond boy and a spiky red head. The blond pushes his way through you, making you stumble a bit, the red head catches you before you could fall. “Sorry about him! He didn’t get much sleep last night from studying!” “SHUT THE HELL UP SHITTY HAIR!” You let out a soft chuckle before turning your attention back to the red head. “It’s okay! I can get grumpy in the mornings too!” 
“So are you like looking for your class? I could help you if you need it!” The boy flashes a toothy smile as he scratches the back of his neck. “Oh! That’s okay! This is my class actually!” “Your class? OH! Are you the new transfer student??” “Yeah I am! I’m (y/n) (y/l/n).” “It’s great to meet you!! I’m Eijiro Kirishima!!” 
“Please get to your seats, class is about to start.” You turn your head to see a clearly sleep deprived man, who you recognize as Mr. Aizawa. Kirishima gives you another toothy grin before making his way to his assigned seat. Mr. Aizawa makes his way to the podium, motioning towards you. “This is your new classmate (y/n)(y/l/n).. They will be joining our class.” You awkwardly bow to the class as your eyes scanned the room of the multiple faces staring right back at you.”Would you like to introduce yourself?” 
“Oh yeah! Well my name is (y/n)! My quirk is called Esper, basically I have psychic powers where I can summon spirits and move objects with my mind nothing to fancy!” You look back to signal that you were finished. “Alright you’re seat is next to... Mina. Mina raise your hand.” A pink haired girl waves her hand excitedly, motioning to sit in the desk next to hers. You beam a smile towards her, walking to the empty desk and sitting down. Mina excitedly takes your hand in hers and shakes it. “I’m happy you could join our class!! Sit with me during lunch okay!” You nod, turning your attention to the lesson that was already starting.
Lunch finally came around as Mina happily locked arms with you, leading you towards the cafeteria. The two of you grab your lunches and walk to a table filled with your classmates. “(Y/n) is sitting with us!” Happy greeting were heard from the various boys sitting at the table except for the blond that pushed past you earlier. A scowl sat upon his face just like earlier.
Mina realized who you were looking at, and quickly whispers in your ear. “Don’t worry about Bakugo!! He’s not bad at all once you get to know him haha!” She pulls away giving you a reassuring look before turning her attention to the table. “Okay! Let’s introduce ourselves!! Obviously I’m Mina!!” A blonde boy with black streak in his hair speaks up. “I’m Denki Kaminari!!” A guy with longish black hair peeps up next. “I’m Hanta Sero!” You wave to the both of them, shifting your gaze towards the Bakugo and Kirishima. “We met earlier but I’m Eijiro Kirishima and this...” Kirishima wraps an arm around the annoyed blond. “This is Katsuki Bakugo!!” “I can introduce myself dumbass.” Bakugo grumbles.
Lunch continued with exciting discussions of each other’s quirks and your life back in your hometown. Coming to U.A. made you feel super anxious that people wouldn’t talk to you or be friends since your quirk was considered quite villainous, but being with this group made you feel like you’ve known them for years and that you belonged there. Your friendship quickly blossomed with bakusquad even though Bakugo was stubborn and ‘insulted’ you all the time. You knew he didn’t really mean it and that’s just how he showed his affection. 
The strong connection you had with everyone lead to shenanigans with Sero and Kaminari, really relaxing self care days with Mina, and hilarious study sessions with Bakugo and Kirishima. That fateful day of sitting together at lunch turned into a life long friendship with the best people in the world and you were so thankful.
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project-rebirth · 3 years
A Certain Irregular Mental Academy
Prologue - Reality Assimilation: New_york_disaster.
10 years ago, May 2nd, New York City, 3:27 PM
May 2nd was nothing more than an unremarkable day.
In the ever busy city that was New York, this day was as normal and average as the previous, and there was the expectation that the proceeding days after it would be the same. Every one was living out their own lives, free of the dangers that were lurking in the shadows.
Several children were playing in Central Park, a business man was getting off of work early, several politicians were in a meeting inside a building talking about public security, and a traveling business man had just gotten on a plane which took off and was now on its way back to japan, all so he could return to his wife and son.
It truly was an unremarkable day.
But within the next instant, that all changed.
A tremendous sound resounded through the air, followed by a blinding flash of light. The light was so radiant, it was even brighter than the sun itself. But those who were not in the immediate area, safe from such a light like the japanese businessman realized one thing and a fitting term for such settled on their minds before it was even revealed through the smoke.
A section of NYC had been utterly devastated by an explosion of great size. From that alone, one could already tell the number of casualties was going to be tremendous. There were not that many people that could have survived such an event in the immediate area.
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The man, one Kamijou Touya was thankful that he was on a plane heading back to japan when he did. He had almost missed his flight and even though the airport he had gone to was away from the blast site, there was no telling what could have happened to him if he remained there for any longer.
The children that were playing in central park was not that lucky.
They were caught in the blast, but did not suffer a instant death like those in the epicenter. Those people had had their bodies burned by the flames, charred to a crisp while some were fortunate enough to only get a fatal burn, others were hit by shrapnel from buildings and other objects that pierced through their bodies, and then there were those who were completely blown away, landing on a tree or other object that either fatally injured them or had killed them on the spot due to the nature of the injuries.
A girl, age 7 and Japanese as well, probably was the lucky one out of everyone there. She had burns, cuts and bruises all over her body, but she had not suffered extremely severe wounds or died instantly. She laid on the ground, unable to comprehend what had happened, unable to even scream in pain as her mind had not been able to process the event that had occured so suddenly.
Only a few moments later did she scream, but not out of pain from the state of her own body, but rather from seeing the state that her parents, her friends and their parents were currently in.
Their bodies were unrecognizable.
Her screams were loud and haunting, but it was only one of many that were crying out for someone to save them.
The businessman that got off work and the politicians were all killed in explosion, as they were in the immediate area. At the end of the day, this was a great disaster that New York had not seen since the fall of the World Trade Centre, a fact that many thought would not have to live through again. At the end of it all, over 678,000 people were killed in the explosion, and 1,010 were injured, however most of those people had died as well due to blood loss.
But this wasn't just an accident.
At the end of the day, American politicians on both the Liberal and Conservative parties blamed the disaster on Syria, who they believed had planted a bomb to kill the politicians who were meeting at the time in Ground Zero, which not only led to their deaths but the deaths of many others who were unrelated.
Some felt that World War 3 would have started then and there, however in the end, the result was a war constrained only to the United States and Syria which was devastating in its own right. The results of that war was still being felt in that region to this very day.
But in reality, this had nothing to do with Syria. They were merely the scapegoat for such a disaster because the relations between the two nations was rocky at the time.
No. This event had far more reaching consequences than what was told to the public.
On that same day, an incident occured on the other side of the world. Over in japan, there was Academy City, a landlocked sovereign city-state whose territory consists of a walled enclave within the Tokyo Metropolitan Employment Area. It is a city of several schools and institutions of higher learning from kindergarten to university level that learn side-by-side along with the scientists who research on psychic powers and higher technology, the latter being one of the primary reasons for its establishment. It is the most advanced city in the world and its technology is said to be 20 or 30 years ahead of the world. It stood at the top of the world of science and technology as a result and has remained virtually unchallenged, even with the Romefeller Family and their many private institutions among others being competitors.
But Academy City had not avoided its own disaster.
This was not as bloody or destructive as the event in New York, but it was concerning in its own right. That day to Academy City had been known as Dark Thursday.
It was an event that caused the city to enter a citywide blackout, causing all systems to go dark, and to add on that, every esper who was in the city, regardless of level or status had entered a coma that lasted for 24 hours straight. To this day, officials had no idea how this happened and as a result, urban legend enthusiasts and conspiracy theorists had talked about both incidents on the internet. Some believe the NYC disaster and Dark Thursday were unrelated, that they were two separate incidents that happened at the same time, but some believed that there was a connection.
And although that was the case, no one was closer to the truth whatsoever.
Except one person.
The disaster was not caused by Syria as the world believed, and Dark Thursday was not just a random spontaneous event that happened at the same time. The disaster was caused by one person who lived in Academy City,
His name is---
"Kihara Eiichiro-kun."
The cute looking teacher in a classroom of Nagatenjouki Academy called out, the name of the student garnering recognition from those inside. They of course knew who he was --- who didn't? As far as everyone there was concerned, he was a genius in every sense of the word. He was technically brilliant enough that he did not need to go to school, however he chose to do so anyway.
But that genius student was no where to be found.
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"Eh? Where's Eiichiro-kun?"
The teacher asked, using a less formal way of addressing him. That would have raised some eyebrows in other classes, but this was normal here.
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"Ah! Y'know, he did say something about taking the day off! Something about working on a project?"
"Is that so? Haaa, I suppose it's fine then..."
The red haired girl's comment caused the teacher to sigh. Of course, the boy in question did have excused absences due to projects he was undertaking, so this was not out of the ordinary as far as he was concerned. Still, it couldn't be helped and the class continued about its day.
But speaking of which, where was Kihara Eiichiro?
The genius was currently in his laboratory in District 19.
It was where he undertook more of his experiments which primarily consisted of himself as a test subject. He was a bit strange as far as espers went and even stranger as far as Kiharas were, partly due to his nature as a humane scientist. He refused to take part in experiments that violated the rights of other human beings, and it was because of his stance on this that he was shunned by most members of that twisted "family". Only those like Kihara Noukan were among the few that could tolerate him.
It was currently Janurary 25th, a Thursday. Indeed, thursdays gave Eiichiro a sour feeling due to the event it was linked to 10 years ago. He was the cause of Dark Thursday and the Cataclysm of New York due to an experiment he was undertaking at the time. Of course, no one save for the Board Chairman, the Board of Directors and most of the Kiharas knew that it was Eiichiro who had done this, but even so, it didn't matter that much.
Since that day, he had sworne that he would never experiment on anyone ever again, that he would only experiment on himself and himself alone. He didn't want for anything like that to happen again.  
Of course, Academy City had been recently rocked with incident after incident, the more notable ones being December 23rd, or the Red Moon Sky Event, an incident that resulted in many deaths, injured civilians and personal, and trillions of yen in damages. It was officially explained as an Esper going rouge but the similarities between that and the  Cataclysm of New York was stark. It gave Eiichiro a bad feeling.
And then there was the event that happened on the 21st of this month, ust a few days ago  where bizarre creatures were rampaging about, along with a tremendous explosion that had been felt throughout the world, another event that shook the world to its core. The fact was these sorts of incidents on the scale of what was happening 10 years ago and in World War 3 did not sit well with Kihara Eiichiro at all. Something was coming, and it was only a matter of time before that something made itself known.
But perhaps the most startling thing for him was the fact that something within him was...changed. To put it simply, he had something he did not have before.
A strange power in his right hand.
This power had the ability to send things somewhere, but where he did not know. All he knew was that he had this power and he had to learn how to use it, to understand it before doing anything else. One wrong move, and this power would send someone to a place they could never return from.
But despite not knowing of its origins or nature, one name came into his mind. It was a name that he felt was fitting for such a power.
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"....World Rejector. I've read about a similar power confined in the right hand of another, but this is on a completely different level."
Kihara Eiichiro remarked, staring at the hand which held such a power.
These were not normal times.
There was much to be done in terms of researching and investigating.
So he would do it. As a researcher of his own standing, he had to look into this.
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"I suppose this is where my secondary role as an investigator also begins."
A Certain Irregular Mental Academy
@tetsuwan-atom​ @xbloodsoakedx​ @musexcongregation​ @graceful-cure-swan​ @strykingback​
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inventors-fair · 3 years
Three Cheese Commentary: An exercise in utility
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I really shouldn’t complain about contests being popular with people.
Still, what a way for the year’s contests to start. A heckuva lot of entries for a very hard prompt makes me feel good, in an odd way. I have a hypothesis that the clarity of directions and the examples provided were enough to make it feel as though there was a low barrier to entry. It’s interesting and kind of my fault that a lot of mythic legendary creatures found their way in. Ah well. Lessons learned.
If you’re reading this, I want to give you a little hint: we love hard decisions. If your cards really are brilliant, if you do your best to improve with each and every entry, if you listen to the commentary and submit the best possible card, then our jobs as judges would be nail-bitingly hard. And I love that. I love having to sigh wistfully and move a card from “winners” to “runners-up.” I love praising cards that contest for coolness in their spaces. In short: you don’t have to listen to us specifically because, well, we’re not professionals, but if you tweak the tweaks and polish on your polish, then—well, the goal is that you grow as designers and in your understanding of the game. And that you’ll have fun along the way. 
For every card, I’m going to converse with the intent, talk about where improvements can be made and what might have gone wrong, and then go through wording nitpicks (another part of what makes cards hard, heh. You gotta do design AND cost AND flavor without committee). Cards with JUDGE PICK are personal favorites that for whatever reason either didn’t meet the criteria for winners or just tickled my fancy despite being some kind of not-there-in-certain-ways. Or maybe they just got pushed out of runners-up because of space. See? Hard decisions.
Let’s talk about some cards:
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@aethernalstars — Anurid Matriarch
Intent: The Matriarch feels like a casual build-around-me keyword card with some connection to the Anurids of Dominaria. There are only two frogs with reach (and none with first strike) to date but this isn’t supposed to be a tribal card, is it. Not like that, anyway. Giving keywords those ups makes sense. Token generation is pretty solidly GW, giving them flying is WU, sure. First strike to double feels distinctly white. I imagine this card as a casual build-around-me or a token generator. Five mana for a 1/1 token ain’t bad.
Improvement: I have no idea what this card really wants to be. First strike doesn’t see anything outside of white, and reach doesn’t see much inside white. Or blue, for that matter. The flying makes sense for blue but this whole card doesn’t feel cohesive in terms of colors or identity. I did my Anurid research and I don’t see any precedent for this. Frog beasts are cool but… Well, this card answers the question of “why” with “just because.” I don’t fully understand the niche it’s trying to fill or the environment in which it wants to exist. If you’re gonna make a Frog build-around-me, lean into that. If you’re gonna make a keyword tribal card, focus on just one. If you want to make it color-balanced, look at what everything could do together for a flavorful feel.
Nitpicks: Flying comes before double strike.
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Amarinthe — Rashmi, Enlivened Artificer
Intent: Temur has a pseudo-foothold in Kaladesh mechanically, so I’m not surprised that Rashmi’s here doing her thing. Giving your cards Jump-start is interesting, as UR has a sort of flashback mechanic, plus the lands from the graveyard work into green quite well. What I really like is the way that the Crucible effect interacts with jump-start. That’s pretty cool design chops. I can see this in a supplemental Commander sphere or even as a Standard mythic for a three-color archetype. It doesn’t seem exceptionally broken on either front. From a purely mechanical perspective, I think you made an awesome card.
Improvement: This card perhaps feels RUG, but it 100% doesn’t feel like Rashmi or a druid. Elves can be artificers on Kaladesh, and that’s not an issue, but you call her an artificer, you type her as a druid (which yes, was her original type when she was more druidic), and you give her a primary ability that’s got basically nothing to do with artifacts or druidic principles. The lands work great with the druid part, but the flavor could be sorted out. I would take out “jump-start” as a keyword and just work in the wording “you may cast from your graveyard” etc., make a new character, and flavor them appropriately. The flavor text should complement the mechanics; as it is, I’m not certain.
Nitpicks: “jump-start” should be lowercase, but it doesn’t really matter if you do end up taking it out. 
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@arashisann — Yurlok’s Conflux
Intent: With Yurlok being a new commander hotness, I can see the intent of this card as a Jundian standard/supplemental addendum. The lava flow makes mountains, then the second ability...represents something predatory? And the last is Jund destruction. The R>B>G makes sense there.
Improvement: I don’t know if this card is necessary salvageable as-is; you might be better off making two or three separate cards if you want to show this character. When making a saga, you have to tell a story in a limited form, and it’s hard, absolutely! You represented the lava flow in the first ability quite well, and I do like that a lot. The creature and artifact sacrifice isn’t indicative of anything that I can follow story-wise. Reading the wiki I understand the way that you might want to represent the Thrash dying or Esper being invaded. I don’t believe this is the way to do it. With the very last sentence not doing anything when you’re sacrificing anyway, I don’t believe the best card for you is a saga at all. How could you tell this in an instant or sorcery card, perhaps? The moment that Yurlok comes over the Esper border?
Nitpicks: “non-Mountain;” the land type should be capitalized in both parts, see Quicksilver Fountain. The ability should also be one word. As I mentioned, removing the counters doesn’t do anything mechanically because it’s sacrificed after resolution. Check the MSE Discord if you want to get your text fixed, BTW. I know how frustrating that can be.
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@askkrenko — Etherium Restoration
Intent: You know, even without Ed being there, I’m getting a Bruna-ish feel. That’s not a bad thing, it’s just that UW expensive returning stuff kinda has those associations. The fact that the creature is being restored with etherium though is pretty awesome, and you know what, that alone (the return plus the re-artifacting) is a great way to convey what Esper does and wants to do. 
Improvement: The aura and equipment stuff doesn’t grab me, honestly. What do auras have to do with Esper? And the only equipment that I could find that fit was Mask of Riddles. So I’m going to stop here because the obvious answer is that you’re exploring new story design space for what Esper might be. I respect that. With the information we have now, it’s middle-of-the-road. My vote would be to make this (3)(B/W)(U) and make an argument for UW reanimation to artifice overall, then completely drop the aura/equipment part. Plus, gotta say, I know the flavor text is a pop culture thing but you’re messin’ with my favorite plane! Show some respect! /j
Nitpicks: If you do keep that second part, “Aura” and “Equipment” should be capitalized.
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@bread-into-toast — Krofor, Corpse Hauler
Intent: It’s a nightmare insect? I’m down. Even without that particular piece of art I can see how people might be afraid of a giant bug. This is pretty evidently a Commander-geared card although I can see how casual brewers might want to throw it down in a combo match and do some graveyard hate. GW graveyard exile and black ability scavaging is pretty cool, so I can see where your intent was with that. Good catch putting “Nightmare” first, too. I almost suggested mixing it around. I like how aggressive this card can be.
Improvement: Firstly, Corpse Hauler is literally another card which already had a self-evident mechanical ability to get creatures back to the hand. Even if it’s an homage, I would distinguish it; besides, it’s not so much “hauling” corpses as it is eating them. Presumably. “All abilities” is a bit of a slippery slope, too. Activated abilities is one thing, but all abilities whatsoever? I’m uncertain if that’s design space you want to tap into, but don’t pull the trigger. My main issue is that you have the activated ability cost “X and W, B or G.” I understand what you were trying to do but that that point you might as well just have it be “1X.” There wouldn’t be anything stopping you from making that mana already. In short, rectify the name to fit flavor, change the ability cost, and be wary of weird interactions with abilities.
Nitpicks: “Lifelink” and “Vigilance” should be lowercase ‘l’ and ‘v’ respectively. The X in the rules text of the activated ability should also be spelled out and not a mana symbol. You can change this in MSE by highlighting, then going to the star next to the bold/italic toggle and turning it off.
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@col-seaker-of-the-memiest-legion — Sevala, Exiled Naturalist
Intent: I read up on what happened with Selvala after the events of the first Conspiracy set, and I see how you set off to mimic that, but then I saw the note about the Timeshifting, and yeah, I guess that works.. The green landfall, the red flashback and the white Path come across well. I suppose this is more of an eternal-themed card, although I could be wrong.
Improvement: Yeah, technically there’s nothing stopping you from having a noncreature card as a partnerable card. I’m trying to be diplomatic about the implications, though. Okay. So Selvala’s white aspect was introduced in the first Conspiracy set as she was heavily connected to the citizens of Paliano and worked as a community diplomat against the establishment. She forged a stronger connection to nature and thus became more green in her overhaul of the city. Path to Exile is not in her wheelhouse. She does not exile; she parlays, communes with creatures, seeks out new futures. What exiling magic does she have? What judgement? It doesn’t exist in her character, nor does the redness. Frankly landfall doesn’t really fit her character as well. The point is that even if a character could have a partner that’s a concept (which is antithetical to the mechanic as a whole), the spell you have chosen contrasts with Selvala instead of complementing her. And what does she have to do with flashback anyway? To improve this card, completely restart the conceptual process.
Nitpicks: The character’s name is misspelled. 
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@deafeningsandwichpeach — Ilharg, the Craze-Boar
Intent: Ha, I get it. I’m going to go out on a huge limb here, because I mean as much as I like all of this I get the feeling that either the name or art came before the full concept. Nothing wrong with that, because ultimately the card is good. SO. Either this is designed for a Timeshifted set where something really awful happens to our poor Boar God, or, well, something really bad DID happen to him somehow. I’m not sure what the land return represents flavorfully but it’s fine mechanically. The creature return as well is BR and I’m down for that, strong as it is. This card evokes the colors in a way that makes it slightly different than Jund; maybe it’s the art but I’m getting Innistrad vibes from him, the madness returning, the pain going on inside his head. It’s neat. Again, massive stretch though, let’s be real.
Improvement: And with that in mind, I wouldn’t have made him Ilharg. Honestly, this should’ve been a new character, and I would have been a lot more generous. I don’t really get what Ilharg as a whole even in an alternate timeline has to do with lands returning considering that he’s a big ol’ nasty city destroyer. Mechanically, this card needs to cost like EIGHT mana. The card you return from your graveyard to the battlefield stays there, and with a big enough graveyard you don’t have to worry about getting things from your hand anymore. Turns 1-4 dump all your creatures, turn five get the best of them if not earlier? Pretty busted in any format. For eight mana I wouldn’t complain.
Nitpicks: “up to two land cards,” not “lands.” Question: why isn’t he a God?
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@deg99 — Radiant Return (JUDGE PICK)
Intent: Black reanimation, white attachment, red hastiness. All the colors are definitely there! There’s something Mardu-not-Mardu about this RWB card, and I think I like it. I could see it as a standard card, definitely, or as a commander staple for a really interesting commander. I’m honestly not sure exactly what kind of deck would really appreciate this card right now! Keskit/Akiri? The Auras part is a little more interesting. Ardenn/Vial...Smasher? The fact that it defies current archetypes but still makes sense is very cool to me. I also wonder what a standard expansion in which RWB auraquipment is an archetype would look like now.
Improvement: A little flavor text could make this work one degree better. It’s really on me that  you went into the future with this card, isn’t it. There’s no major improvement to be made besides that. Consider contextualizing for future contests, perhaps? When necessary, anyway.
Nitpicks: “Return target...to the battlefield, then attach any number of Auras and/or Equipment you control to it...etc.” Don’t need the trigger.
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@demimonde-semigoddess — Seaglide Whaler
Intent: A pirate’s life for me! So we got an aggressive tempo-y pirate person with a decent couple of sharpshooter abilities. Blue sirens are certainly reasonable, as are Grixis pirates. I like the notion that it has to attack to “survey” and then take whatever shots it makes. I don’t think Ixalan could have had this card but honestly the future is a place where anything could happen.
Improvement: The problem with these colors is that in practical terms, the second mode is strictly black and yet can be played in an Izzet deck. Hybrid is a weird mistress. As much as these abilities might neatly tie into the three colors, hybrid makes deck construction nearly impossible. You can have a pinger in UB or a Fatal Blow in UR, both of which are either severe bends or breaks. Making this a straight UBR 3/1 flier could have been okay, perhaps, or having on-color activations, but as it is now, hybrid makes things hard. Consider looking at a Venn diagram between UB and UR to consider more appropriate abilities?
Nitpicks: Kathari Bomber implies the second mode to be “...damage this turn and sacrifice Seaglide Whaler.”
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@dimestoretajic — The Dark Tendril
Intent: Sultai skulk-lord could be a fun card to open and build around in limited, and a BUG defender-y deck could have some fun application. I like how you’ve made the new character and sort of done another take on treefolk.
Improvement: For this contest, I don’t feel a strong color balance in this card. Skulk was a weird black/blue centered mechanic, sure, and green assigns the toughness, but… This feels like it’s trying to make skulk look cool rather than address the issue that skulk was just plain not a good mechanic. I get where the color weight is supposed to be but the whole thing is shadowed by that underlying desire. If this card had just been “Creatures you control can’t be blocked by creatures with greater power” and the other stuff, on a name/type that was more resonant, then I think it could have been a stronger contender. I don’t understand the world in which “The Dark Tendril” lives. I don’t understand why it’s a treefolk. I would get rid of naming skulk, make the type more apparent, and give the character some character.
Nitpicks: Three-colored cards really should have a gold border, not a hybrid one. Also, promo frames tend not to have flavor text (with exceptions for cards with no rules text like Memnite).
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@driftingthruthecosmos — Ulti, Sudden Conjurer
Intent: I like that triggered ability because it’s got some smooth flow over it. GU has its flash aspect, but black also likes destructive instants, and then the Disentomb-effect fits nicely into a payoff that feels black for sure. I also like how you’re using the three colors to push the card into a really neat 3/3 aggressive creature. Flash and deathtouch literally only show up together in these three colors but not together—and here you are changing that on a powerful legend!
Improvement: But the fact that she can only return creatures with flash is kind of a bummer. Sure there are plenty of cards that could work with her, and having some Ambush Viper casual tribal wouldn’t be too bad, but it’s still limiting. I would have implied that she works with flash, or let players work with flash, without being so specific about it, and I feel that the card would be improved with implied flash tribal over explicit in this case. Additionally, what on earth is that last ability doing? Each end step, you have to sacrifice a creature or lose one of your potential targets for her trigger? I have the feeling that you may have been too cautious to push power levels here. If you want to limit her, have it be “Whenever you cast your first spell during each opponent’s turn…” or something, and axe that last part.
Nitpicks: “unless you sacrifice a nontoken creature.” Full stop, you can never sacrifice creatures you don’t control so adding “you control” is redundant.
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@dumbellsndragons — Gorvax, Lich of the Horde
Intent: It’s a Mardu zombie orc wizard. At this point, you’re already doing something right for the Timmies out there. The first ability has Tainted Remedy plus some crazy draw after that, and oh man, it’s begging to be punishing. “I’m gonna Heliod’s Intervention you. Deck yourself. Runeflare Trap. Molten Psyche.” But also, that second ability? You can Bolt during an opponent’s turn and turn it into a one-red-mana Ancient Craving. For mythic, to build around? I honestly think that that’s perfectly fine. And insanely powerful.
Improvement: There’s weird stuff going on, but the hard part is that I don’t know if there’s things to improve. Giving your spells lifelink has Jeskai precedent, but it’s not NOT black. Doing a little digging, I can see that there are indeed zombies and even liches on Tarkir, but only in Sultai… But there’s no reason that the Mardu wouldn’t have them, right? Hm, maybe “Victory or Death” gets muddled here. Wizard, though, that’s a sticking point. And frankly, the whole “Lich” thing. I don’t see the lichiness in the abilities or the wizardry in the Mardu. You know what would be dumb fun? Ditching the Mardu aspect and making this WUBR. Wouldn’t fit the contest but what a friggin’ commander.
Nitpicks: None!
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@emmypupcake — Knight of Summer’s Vigor
Intent: I was surprised to see that there are actually quite a few green Knights. It makes sense, of course, considering both Eldraine and Bant and Selesnya. So yeah, an elf knight who makes more knights? This is a powerful card with some crazy abilities if it gets out of control at all, but the color restrictions and the lack of substantial evasion ensure that it’s not busted out of the gate. The name’s pretty good, too! Oh, Knight of New Alara...
Improvement: For this contest, I don’t feel color blending as much. Tokens with GW and knights with R(W) are fine, yeah, but aside from that, the colors of the tokens and the general feeling of the card isn’t enough to really excite me. I do want to see a set in which this card could exist, perhaps, with multicolored knights and elves and whatnot. I don’t have any real improvements for this card; I just don’t think it stands out against some of the weirdness. Keep it around and add some flavor text. Consider: what would you like for this set to be? In what world would these knights exist? Why is summer important?
Nitpicks: “Whenever,” not “when.” See Pollenbright Wings
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@evscfa1 — Estrid, the Unmasker
Intent: The Commander sets with shard Planeswalkers did give us a lot to work with but not a lot of extra stuff, so it makes sense that people might pick up on them for the contest. White auras, exile, and taxing all make sense mechanically. I feel that this is more standard than supplemental, a little weirdness for the way that the specific tokens and all would want to work. I don’t mind that part, honestly. Bringing Estrid back would be fine by me, even as monocolored. 
Improvement: Because, well, this is a mono-white card. The +1 creates white Auras (that don’t do anything, so that’s an issue), the -2 is close to Generous Gift, and the -8 is an enchantment-oriented Hum of the Radix, like a twist between Sphere of Safety and Aura of Silence. None of these abilities feel anything but white. The emblem is arguably UW, but not by much. With Auras that don’t do anything and a color identity that doesn’t mechanically contribute to the card, I feel that you can either keep her and buff some of the abilities or try to make her feel more in line with the contest, which you don’t really have to do at this point. I’m also worried about the name and the ability tie-ins. Estrid doesn’t “unmask” at all, does she? She’s a mask user, not a revealer of truth or any of the things “unmasking” would imply. Why would she make a False Mask? Is this some alternate storyline? If so, I don’t really understand what changed, or why.
Nitpicks: “*Its controller” in the -2, “*get an emblem” in the -8.
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@fractured-infinity — Rhythm of Death (rare)
Intent: Red (/black) gains first strike, black (/green) has deathtouch, green (/red kind of) has lure. Everything’s coming together in a kind of keyword soup, so that’s all well and good! In limited someone who opens this will be very, very happy to make people cry. In casual Commander, it’s sure to help make negotiations.
Improvement: In terms of this contest, yeah, this isn’t really buttering my radishes. It’s there, it’s pretty standard, and it makes sense. There are two cards that have first strike and deathtouch and four more that can gain it naturally and all but one are in those colors. And that wouldn’t be a problem if this card was presented differently. I’m ignoring the art for now because it’s actually distracting here. What is the “rhythm?” Is something being given the rhythm? What’s repeating, cycled, constant? What about a rhythm gives the creature these abilities? Change the name, flavor it up, get some text in there, and use blank art. 
Nitpicks: “Enchant creature (lowercase) >> Enchanted creature has first strike and deathtouch, and must be blocked if able.” Take that with a grain of salt, though. Protective Bubble might have it say “Enchanted creature must be blocked if able and has first strike and deathtouch.” Or you can cut the middleman and make it two lines: “Enchanted creature has first strike and deathtouch. // Enchanted creature must be blocked if able.”
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@gollumni — Exotic Wings
Intent: It’s interesting that we have two back-to-back “must be blocked” cards (hm, no shorthand?) in a row, both Auras no less, but very different. I like your flavor use with the wings being a status symbol, bright and glittery, and therefore turning the creature into irresistible prey of sorts. Aura colors are good, and the solid green effect is in there as well. The mechanics fit a pretty standard-ly powerful draft uncommon that can be used for beating down when necessary. 
Improvement: I’m 90% sure that right now GW doesn’t get flying by itself anymore, or at least very rarely. Pollenbright Wings and Shield of the Oversoul exist, so I’m on the fence. Maybe I’m biased with recent printings, but for two mana I’m not sure it’s what GW would need. That said, I’m sure there’s dissent and arguments to be made, and yes, I know its full color identity includes blue; this is pragmatic. I think this could have been solidly WUG with another buff, perhaps, but that just would have made it favorable for this contest and honestly it’s up to playtesting to see if those colors need a cheap flying aura. But the wings. The flavor. I… So these wings belong to birds, naturally? Who is summing this enchantment for mating? This is some kind of buff or boon that most any creature could have so in what world is some enchant-o-mancer giving “do me” wings to Mx. Passerby?? But, this may be just a quirk of the game, yeh?
Nitpicks: None!
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@hiygamer — Etherium Replicator (JUDGE PICK)
Intent: Major kudos for making my look up Prototype Portal and seeing that my gut was wrong and that you DID use the right wording! This is a super-Esper card, more than any of the imprinted cards and honestly a great use of the art. Thopter Foundry is a great card but this one isn’t a bad use and would kind of make sense. Now, I’m not going to put this in improvements, because I want to ask a question: could this card be just plain UW? Possibly, but also consider: this card could be just a straight-up artifact as well, and it feels better how it is now. Why? Because the black invokes a different feeling. It invokes consumption, recycling, progress, larceny, calculation. It’s a very blue side of black. And it also feels, well, Esper! Its an established use of theme!... Honestly it’s probably more that. But I like it anyway. I’d say my bias was showing but none of the winners necessarily invoked Alara straight-up so thpt.
Improvement: There are mostly just wording errors. To be honest, if you’re getting something big, could this card be three mana? That’s probably pushing it, but worth testing. Multicolor custom cube time.
Nitpicks: “enterS the battlefield” (tense), “artifact or creature” (instead of the other way around), and most importantly: “Create a token that’s a copy of A CARD exiled with Etherium Replicator” etc. Because you can copy the ETB trigger and/or use shenanigans to exile other cards.
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@hypexion — Ferrari, Sharp Scrapper
Intent: Well if my eyes don’t deceive me, it’s another Esper card! And an artifact-y card? Hm, artifact-enchant-y card. It’s easy to see the designation between colors, with self-mill and the lifegain going into black but leaning towards all three colors, the second ability being straight Disenchant, and the last one being an interesting UB pseudo-reanimation on the cheap, which is super interesting and aggressive. I can see this card intended as either a standard staple or being used as a supplemental planeswalker face card. There’d be a heavy amount of artifacts and enchantments for sure, probably artifact creatures.
Improvement: Did I miss something? When did WUB start caring about enchantments as a multicolor wedge identity? Alela and Zur have their thing, sure, but are those the baseline now? I’m more head-scratching and 0% mad, honestly. As a flavorful card, though, I’m not sure what you’re conveying exactly. So they get rid of stuff and they’re happy when they find garbage, but sometimes they want to scrap things they don’t like, but then they can recreate some of your garbage? Let’s back up and say that this card isn’t a Scrapper and that they’re an artifact/enchantment person. In the most general sense, I don’t really feel a harmony of ideas. The card feels one-note, like there’s very little to do besides abuse the -2 ability and maybe the -1 to get rid of some big thing on the table. The +1 exists to serve the -2, and the -1 feels like it’s trying to be protective for protection’s sake. I don’t know why this character does the things they do through the card. As utility planeswalkers become more abundant, the things they do have to be more resonant; imagine a fully-built world and put your card in the middle. No card is a metaphorical island.
Nitpicks: I think (maybe) that the +1 could be: “Mill up to three cards, then you gain 3 life for each artifact and/or enchantment card milled this way.”
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@i-am-the-one-who-wololoes — Corpse Spell
Intent: I think you made this very apparent. As a counterspell, it does the job well, and then it lets you get an idea for free! The choice of casting a noncreature spell is particularly interesting, as it plays into this weird and not-really-that-common theme of transfiguration. Obviously polymorphing appears in blue and red but it feels black because of the flavor you’ve chosen to convey. That’s a great job.
Improvement: The big mechanical thing is that I would 100% make this let you case an instant, sorcery or creature instead of just a “noncreature spell.” These colors don’t really feel like they could transmute a creature into something that’s not an idea or, well, a corpse, and it really seems as though that’s the idea you’re going for. The big flavor thing, though, is the name. I really and truly don’t know what you’re trying to convey. Now, I’m aware that English isn’t your first language, and that’s a barrier that I’m not sure how to cross for this kind of criticism. “Corpse Spell” seems like a playtest name. As a concept, this card is great. As a submission, I’m still having to extrapolate a lot; most importantly, it doesn’t tell me how the caster is using the magic to turn a creature into something else. Work on telling that story, and when possible, use native speakers to help get ideas across.
Nitpicks: I think the wording would be: “Counter target creature spell. You may cast target noncreature card with converted mana cost less than or equal to that spell’s converted mana cost  from your graveyard without paying its mana cost, and if that card would be put into your graveyard this turn, exile it instead.” Because if you exile it as it resolves and it’s, like, an artifact or planeswalker, what’s the point? Hence my note about instants/sorceries and maybe other creatures.
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@ignorantturtlegaming — Draxys, Scourge Eternal
Intent: This card absolutely fits the elemental shell. It feels to me like a standard or CMR-style bomb mythic that hits the table and kinda goes nuts. I mean, it wouldn’t be your commander probably, but in Conspiracy-style? Man. Multiplayer draft, that’s what I mean. It gets cards, it gets counters, it deals damage, then Blitz Hellion-s away. It does indeed feel like a blend of all the crazy things that come in these colors, and you did that much very well. It’s not broken, but it’s powerful, and it’s repeatedly monstrous (not the mechanic, lol) with the fear that it’ll return (until someone Doom Blades it, but that’s the game for ya). Great feeling of a massive beautiful monster.
Improvement: Really, the one thing I would do to improve it would be to consolidate the second and third triggers into “When Draxys enters the battlefield, draw four cards, put four +1/+1 counters on it, then it deals 4 damage divided as you choose among any number of creatures and/or planeswalkers.” No, wait—why not make it an 8/8 and just have it draw cards and deal damage? Because of its massive cost, you’re not gonna play it and then activate Wheel of Fortune in the same turn unless you’re playing some crazy massive game, and then it just shuffles away anyway! So, my suggestion would be to make this one massive bomb when it hits and really get the Timmy out of it.
Nitpicks: None!
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@jsands84 — Quarrel, Tariff Enforcer
Intent: The colors are obvious enough, right? A sphinx (blue) based on taxing and punishing (white) to make your opponents lose life (black). Couldn’t be simpler. The color weight is reminiscent of standard cards like Ultimatum cycles but heck, we’ve seen weirder commander cards in the past. I like the fact that even though the color weight is really heavy, the keywords support that kind of aggression without being too overbearing like we’ve seen in other chase rares and mythics.
Improvement: That said, I don’t think it needs that weight at all. 3WUB would have done the exact same and it wouldn’t have looked awkward. Why would it need that weight in the first place? Well, perhaps if it entered the battlefield with an amazing immediate effect. And this card, well, it doesn’t. You have a great eye for flavor and the fact that a legendary (read:uniquely adept) sphinx is enforcing the tax laws of the universe? 10/10. But it doesn’t need that kind of punishment, especially considering, like, the effect really doesn’t come up outside of vintage. So yeah, reduce the weight.
Nitpicks: In the flavor text, “their” referring to the universe is kind of an odd pronoun. With most cases IIRC the concept is objectified instead of personalized, see Aether Adept. (Also there aren’t many cards with ‘universe’ in the flavor text, surprisingly.)
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@justincase-1012 — Startling Wisp
Intent: Illusions are almost entirely blue (and one of only two illusions with zero blue in its box is Esper-centric, funnily enough) so that’s all interesting, but this is definitely breaking from the artifact theme and going for color flavor. The fact that it is the one doing the startling is somewhat black, but the discard definitely is. Because of the narrowness of this ability, I feel that it’s intended to be a draft/standard oriented card as opposed to eternal breadth. A 1/1 flying indestructible spirit in these colors is honestly pretty fair and ghostly!
Improvement: This card is too narrow to be common but definitely too specific to be rare, and that narrowness really is...weird. It doesn’t just require noncombat damage, but it requires noncombat damage from creatures. Why? “The next time a source would deal noncombat damage to you or another creature you control this turn” would be perfectly reasonable. Also, why the next phase? Just have it say “Then, if ~ is on the battlefield, return it to its owner’s hand.” The timing doesn’t feel necessary. And honestly, I don’t find this card “startling” much. It’s alluring, certainly, but not startling. Consider renaming and tightening the focus. Too narrow and things just get ugly.
Nitpicks: So you do need “this turn” as I said above, and then looking at other printed oracle text: “that damage is dealt to ~ instead” etc. etc. 
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@kytheon4-4 — Surrak of New Atarka
Intent: Surrak was a three-color monster the last time we saw him, and he’s back in action now and reclaiming his colors. This is definitely meant to be a commander of sorts, hyper-aggressive with some awesome combat to boot. The first ability’s Gleam of Battle is really aggressively costed here but it makes sense in a timeline when he’s reclaimed some kind of new unity. And of course, the callbacks to both Tarkir timelines is there and well and good. Color-wise, your choice to then go ahead and make a future new timeline is really interesting and I can feel that sort of “new ‘Naya’” blood pumping in Surrak’s veins.
Improvement: The first damage trigger is great, if pretty pushed for Naya colors. The second clause is… Well, call it a “winmore” if you want, but it really is a winmore. Big creatures are big and that’s okay, but if they’re that big and dealing damage, then an indestructible counter is kind of adding insult to injury. And frankly, why not combine these all into one trigger, so that the Gleam ability is just a little less pushed? Whenever the creature deals damage, THEN it gets a counter, and IF it’s four or greater THEN you draw a card, and THEN if it’s eight or greater, something weird happens.
Nitpicks: None!
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@mardu-lesbian — Contentious Pair
Intent: A white Soldier, a red Goblin, and a deathtouch counter, and yep, the gang’s all here. Token-making in red and white is pretty standard, a little less for BR and more heavily in the white part of WB, but all the same there’s nothing wrong with that appearing in the three-color combo. It’s interesting you went for a post-Conflux kind of deal with Alara...wedges? Really unique. This is most definitely designed to be a common card for a standard expansion, meant to be drafted and whatnot. It implies a lot about the potential future!
Improvement: I’m unsure how you came up with these colors and creature types. Bant, the shard of soldiers, and Jund, of Goblins, do have one shared color: green. But then this card would have been what, white-green-red? And that’s problematic in another way, and I get that. As it stands, though, this feels heavily weighted towards BR and less towards white, and honestly, this feels definitely uncommon. You get two bodies at instant speed, one of which will most likely destroy an attacking creature. Instant deathtouch isn’t necessarily a bad thing, and it’s been in standard for a bit. The bodies and potential permanent deathtouch when you have an empty board is what raises the complexity. My flavor question: why are they contentious? Makes me feel like we’re seeing the start of the story more than a split-second moment; this card might feel better as an uncommon sorcery.
(Also, I’m just imagining them coming over a mountain at instant-speed during combat, and the soldier and the goblin are just talking about their differences and the goblin is showing off their poison dagger when a beast just WHAMS into them and they both instantly die as the soldier looks on in shock and horror. I do love it when cards tell weird stories.)
Nitpicks: None, I don’t think.
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@misterstingyjack — Galtiber, Segovian Titan
Intent: Ah, the memes. Well, still, 1/1 tribal is an interesting take on the whole build-around-me dealio. I can honestly say I’m unsure where this card would fit, but that’s not a bad thing. It feels build-around me, but could it work in a limited environment? You’d need a higher as-fan of 1/1s or tokens, and that’s not a bad thing. Honestly, this card doesn’t feel too bad. He’s a protector and he makes them all work together. It’s a neat little design that captures the diligence, unity and edification of these citizens.
Improvement: I really can’t think of a place where this card would see play, though, and the issue is? There’s no real way to improve that past putting this in a pretty bonkers set where it can either go nuts or be mediocre. There are a lot of cool things you can do with this card, but where does he fit? Segovia is a weird plane and designing for it is hard. I love this card and would love to build with it but the fact is that it’s just going to be weird. I’ll put this in nitpicks, but there’s wording issues. Additionally, talking about the character by name in the flavor text is a little off-putting to me. I’m sure it’s happened before but the story feels like a moment being described more than a character.
Nitpicks: “Creatures you control with base power and toughness 1/1” is the correct way to word these things, Iiii think.
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@morbidlyqueerious — Ricantha, Ribbon-Dancer (mythic) (JUDGE PICK)
Intent: As much as this technically could be someone’s general, I like this card as a standard-legal mythic, like Kethis or Yarok. It’s surprisingly easy to understand while being quite powerful in its own way. I wouldn’t call it a Voltron card so much as I would call it a control bomb, certainly for limited. The white-blue deals with the tapping, more the blue with the freezing, and the alluring aspect and keywords fill in the green. It brings a lot of the multicolored feel even with a monocolor activated ability. 
Improvement: You know, the flavor almost outshines the color aspect. Looking back I do see the intent, but I’m also mostly seeing an interesting take on the dancing and the enchanting aspect. They’re vigilant, they ‘tie down’ the creatures, and they make other creatures follow them. Honestly, this is a case of “right card wrong contest,” where you made a great card to convey the specific act of ribbon-dancing and a dance leader so much that it overtakes the intent of color. The jokingly biting way of saying this is that you didn’t pander to me as a judge enough (/s). I don’t know about reach; first strike, maybe, to show their agility?
Nitpicks: The combat trigger should be one sentence, see the oracle on Kamigawa snakes.
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@mtg-ds — Majak, Revival Instigator (JUDGE PICK)
Intent: Now I wouldn’t call this a gimmick card but I would say that there’s a lot going on here, again, with the flavor. Sacrificing each other creature actually feels white in a Cataclysmic way but with a black edge of making all the zombies. Hasty zombies fills in the red and plays into the instigative aspect, and man, getting everyone out onto the dance floor? I’ll admit that this card is kind of silly with the art, but there’s something unusually cathartic about it. He enters, turns them all into zombies, makes them dance, then whenever someone else dies they join the dance, and when he leaves the music stops. Like, it’s kind of brilliant, how the zombies can’t dance without him. As a flavorful card for a supplemental set I think that you did a fantastic job.
Improvement: My first small note is that the art is again really distracting, and like, I understand that that might’ve been the purpose but “zombie dance party” out of context feels a little unusual, and the name “Revival Instigator” is a touch on the nose. But those are small concerns next to the fact that this card really could have been black/red and wouldn’t have made that much of a difference. Could’ve even kept the Cleric typing. Again, I need to also say that this card is downright fantastic mechanically, but just not quite white there for the purposes of this contest. Keep this card as-is, maybe make him a Human IMO. I don’t have any significant improvements.
Nitpicks: None!
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@naban-dean-of-irritation — Tamakoma, Spectral Shiver (JUDGE PICK)
Intent: Clever clogs, I looked up that name and it is indeed fitting! Very clever you are, just as clever as giving the UB flash ninja ETB feeling that strikes fear into the heart of those who don’t know she’s coming. White’s got the spirit flash and indestructible, black’s got deathtouch, flash, AND indestructible, and blue’s got the ninja feeling. Something tells me this would totally be a supplemental card unless Kamigawa goes three-colors, but to be honest I get a MH1 vibe more, and that’s okay too. Major kudos for making me double-check cards like Ambuscade Shaman for this weird wording.
Improvement: I can see how this card would be white flavorfully; I think its just precedent working against you. Because of the way that black has been encroaching upon indestructible in the past couple years, this card could just be blue-black and fit into the ninja feeling just as well. I personally like the white spirit aspect. It’s just not as present here as I would have liked for this contest. Great card, no mechanical improvements.
Nitpicks: I don’t know if “the hollows of the night” are, like, a thing? I don’t know, just as a writer it reads weird to me. One day I’ll be accredited and that won’t seem like such a jackass comment too.
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@nine-effing-hells —  Llanlaia Rywh, the Inmost Eye
Intent: I like your take on elves here, using the focus and mood to turn the ordinarily green elves into some warrior monastery funky stuff. I’m getting the sense of a cave world, or some kind of twisted plane where expectations are thwarted and the different races of Magic have to find their own kind of way around. Definitely a face card for the tribe in whatever set it’s based in. 
Improvement: There’s no blue and black here, or at least I’m not feeling it mechanically, and for this contest that’s the most important thing. Giving a Runed Halo effect on a pump is really darn powerful, and to have this dismiss any damage or removal at instant speed is definitely powerful and definitely white. The concept of looking within for meditation is a bit blue, sure, but I don’t see that expressed on this card as much. I do have some major presentation issues. The name is almost completely unpronounceable, so consider shortening it and cleaning it significantly. The flavor text is also in need of shortening and edits. “Look within to look around.” With a hint that the elves are blind, boom, you’re golden. So: name change, flavor paring, and consider that this card feels overall white. That said, for flavor and balance reasons for this card, keeping those colors is fine. Also consider that this is a really damn powerful beater.
Nitpicks: None that I can tell.
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@partlycloudy-partlyfuckoff — Everlasting Forefather
Intent: Here’s the thing: I’ll get to stuff in the ‘improvements’ section but mechanically, this card is really interesting for a number of flavorful reasons. Three-mana 4/3 with mentor is perfectly powerful in these colors, that’s great, flavorfully fine as a forefather. Creating two spirits upon death, awesome, those are the embodiments of his students and ideals, and most importantly, play into the embalm, where his zombie can teach the spirits after death and makes for great flying beaters, AND that Zombie token will make more spirits in remembrance. The use of flavorful mechanics gives it an interesting edge even if all these individual mechanics could be in mono-white.
Improvement: One, I would personally make this a warrior, but that’s super minor. Two… I can’t think of any reason outside a custom set where you’d have three non-evergreen mechanics from three different sets and two different planes on the same card. It feels like a custom card, not in the sense that it’s at all thoughtless or amateurish, because it’s not, but because there’s no way of making these pieces come together in a meaningful way; it feels like you’re removing the restrictions on what can go together for the sake of it. MH1 did have some mechanical mashups and we’ve explored that before. This feels like a bit too much for what we’re looking for. Honestly, for a custom multicolor cube or w/e, keep this card. But you might also want to consider MSE or having someone render for you, because with the VERY necessary rules text, this one takes up a lot of text; no room for flavor, and no need, ‘cause you do it all naturally anyway.
Nitpicks: Mm, none, I don’t think!
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@reaperfromtheabyss — Glorified Minddrinker (JUDGE PICK)
Intent: This is definitely asking to be in a standard/draftable set as a tribal beater. You give it evasion, you use other vampires/warlocks to mess stuff up, you get in, and you drink. BW vampire lifegain meets the milling, and there you have it. What I really like is the fact that it’s “any card,” like Bloodchief Ascension, but that feels blue, because they’re drinking from the mind and not just the body, and I dunno, I REALLY like that kind of neat flavor niche. I also love how this makes a really roundabout already-exploited infinite combo with Sanguine Bond and Mindcrank, both of which are halves of other better combos.
Improvement: Mechanically, there’s nothing to improve here, except you might want to consider some kind of evasion. I think there’s just the nitpick of having “Glorified” in there without any understanding of what makes this creature glorified or why. A snippet of flavor could have helped with that, and with only two abilities. I don’t know, this one just didn’t pop to me for some reason. It’s a perfectly fine submission, and it just needs a little more pop.
Nitpicks: None! Nice and clear.
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@shootingstarhunter — Storm Key
Intent: I find it interesting that the mana made from sacrificing is red but the abilities have a central Riku-like fascination. This feels like a supplemental card for sure, although I’m sure there are standard shenanigans. It would require a set in which RUG/Temur has an artifact theme and in which giving things storm is on the table. I have the feeling that in a genuinely competitive Maelstrom Wanderer deck that this card could turn a possible win into a guaranteed win. It’s there to help big things be bigger, but without a win-more feel, and I like that.
Improvement: In terms of this contest, it lacks elegance in its cohesion. The flavors don’t necessarily blend as well as they could. There’s a lot of rules text that emphasizes the separation rather than blending it together. My suggestions: Make it just cost RUG, no generic, reword the first ability to be: “When ~ is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, add R for each spell you’ve cast this turn,” and the second ability to “5, T, Sacrifice ~: When you cast your next instant, sorcery or creature spell this turn, copy it for each spell you’ve cast before it this turn.” And then add reminder text about targets and permanents. A tiny bit more flexible and less text, and you can add in some flavor. Personally I don’t really get the “Key” aspect. It feels more like a big machine of sorts.
Nitpicks: Remember to capitalize “Sacrifice” in the ability costs. Second reminder text should be “You don’t choose new targets for the copies.” I think, there’s not much precedent. Check the MSE Discord for tech help in getting your name/type text straightened out if you’d like.
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@snugz — Erratic Polymorph (JUDGE PICK)
Intent: This does feel very wild, more of the Temur frontier or even the Ketria triome. Either one of those sets getting a return could have this, or a supplemental draft set on that world, or a commander product aimed at those timelines. This card’s pretty flexible in that sense! The red lack of control over twisty magic is definitely evident, with the green bear and the blue otters as representative of those sides of the wild. I like how you took blue’s natural sense and made it river/forest oriented. Big boys and little boys do different kinds of cool damage. I can dig it! (Although I’m more inclined to bears than otters myself…)
Improvement: I wouldn’t call this “elegant” as a primary adjective for its color balance, even though it’s very neat still overall. The obviousness of green being bears and blue being otters doesn’t take away from the fact that both of them make sense. The long and short is that I don’t have card improvements, and this card’s just for a different contest.
Nitpicks: None-zo
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@starch255 — Dopplicant
Intent: Very clever, I see. You used white’s enchantment base for the card type even though it’s a strictly red and blue ability. Copying any spells is on the table now with Lithoform Engine so that makes sense. This could be in just about any set with these colors, and you know what, that’s perfectly fine. Jeskai, Raugrin (ugh), or otherwise, there’s cool stuff happening.
Improvement: With a vague name and flavor, it’s easy to have this card be a thumbs-up mechanically, but what...exactly is it? It’s name makes me think of the creature Duplicant, which is fine, makes sense, although it’s not a creature here like any of the other “-cant” cards. I just can’t place it, which is obviously a presentation thing over a mechanical issue. For the Fair, presentation is somewhat important, and also contextualizes your cards. It might just be a “me” thing to keep in mind for when I’m judging, so don’t take it personally at all. I think the idea is sound and all we need is polish.
Nitpicks: None~
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@stormtide-leviathan — Jeskai Confluence
Intent: Like the confluences of C15, this is a charm-like modal spell with three pretty standard modes for the colors: blue draw, red damage, white erase. I can see this being part of either a standard return to that other timeline or as part of a “clan clash” supplemental set for sure. 
Improvement: In the main post, there were examples like Shattergang Brothers that were posted as technically fine but not elegant. Totally separating your colors and abilities was part of that, breaking the cohesion. Unfortunately, charm effects were most definitely part of that area. I know that Magic design space isn’t eternally open, and I hate to say this, but because this card uses 2/3 abilities already found on the printed confluences and only minorly changes the damage, this feels somewhat derivative. I would go back to the drawing board and look at overlap rather than individualization, what the colors could have done together to make a card that creates something unique.
Nitpicks: There should be a period after “once” instead of an emdash.
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@thedirtside — Twisted Design
Intent: I think that with Tezzeret being who he is and with the cool trend of colored artifacts, this card could absolutely find play in a variety of places. It feels almost like a story card, someone’s terrible (well, twisted) creation. That much is absolutely apparent. The counter/exile is definitely blue and black-ish but I like how the theft kind of ends up being red as well and the artifact typing helps with that. Flavor text is pretty okay too. Short, simple.
Improvement: That...second ability. Are you choose a card as part of a cost? I’m no rules guru but I’m almost certain that you can’t do that. And it doesn’t specify the speed, so you can basically pay the (very fair) cost to exile the spell, but then very unfairly get it back anytime you want. Why random, too? What if that spell has other random restrictions or no legal targets? There’s a lot to unpack from that with no printed precedent because, to put it bluntly, it doesn’t work within the rules. I really like the idea of having a card where you can somehow steal, twist, or morph their spells into new nightmares or futures. Work with that idea to make something URBy that, well, works rules-wise.
Nitpicks: It took me a bit to find your source photo with your source link (X), and I don’t even think that blog’s using proper permission. Here’s the gist: if you can’t find the original photographer, either go stock or don’t use art, OR find a source that’s more easily traceable. Pretend that you’re someone who has to find the source working backwards.
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@walker-of-the-yellow-path — Ziziphus, the Lotus Eater
Intent: I could never be like him, I could never talk like that. Also, thank you for making this explicitly commander-based, heh. Food tokens are interesting, and I can see the token art already as well as the kind of person you might imagine Ziziphus to be. Oddly enough, they feel Therosian, considering the “lotus eaters” in the Odyssey, and that’s not a bad thing I suppose. Food’s sort of in the green area, with blue-white profiteering, and the general combat lull sort of encapsulating the whole GWU-ish control feeling. Turbo-fog ahoy.
Improvement: Competitive commander gets shut down pretty easily and casual commander becomes almost instantly unfun. It’s an instant-speed everyone-gets-it nigh-uncounterable Pacifism array that’s flavorfully understandable but puts a target on you as the one person to kill if anyone wants this game to ever end. I understand the top-down design but it’s impractical and I don’t see a game where this being your commander would make the gameplay better. So like Gwafa Hazid, consider your design: what would entice people to take the food? What’s the payoff? How often do you want this to happen to improve gameplay without causing staleness? Is food where you want to go, using lifegain to then further prolong the game?... Oh. Oh, someone can also just lorus-ify Ziziphus itself and then nothing happens in this version. That’s something to consider.
Nitpicks: The name’s really similar to “Sisyphus” in pronunciation. I was distracted.
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@whuh-oh — Tainted Lightninghorn
Intent: Some day, I think we’re gonna get a five-color Lightning Blankemental kind of card, and I can’t wait for it. So yeah, it’s an aggressive predatory insect elemental with nasty sauce, and I feel this in a supplemental set for sure. 
Improvement: So as an uncommon, it’s already pretty pushed, too much so. Ball Lightning set a precedent, and it’s a rare for a reason, honestly. That much power even for four mana with the abilities you’ve given it is a but much. For this card, most importantly, I need to be as clear as I can: The interaction between deathtouch and trample is an unintuitive quirk of the game. They do not belong on the same card with zero restrictions, especially not on an uncommon. Sometimes it’s okay to just make a cool card because it’s cool. I like my weird cards, I like my weird interactions. Forcing them feels like choosing indulgence over good design. I’m not feeling the uniqueness of the colors, I’m not feeling the flavor (why does lightning leave decay?), and I’m not feeling the gameplay. Where do we go from here? I think this general concept is fine for a personal set or a supplemental concept. Contextualize it for that area, look at environmental answers, and then see if you want to play with what the colors do.
Nitpicks: I’m 90% sure it’d go “Deathtouch, haste, menace, trample.” Also, I’m sure someone pointed out the whole flying-without-flying thing for the art, that’s very mildly distracting.
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@wolkemesser — Murmurs of the Bosk
Intent: Yeah, this is very much a Lorwyn-inspired card, and I’m happy for that. Both the treefolk flavor and the permanent return are green, returning to the battlefield is white and black, and the white enchantment plus toughness matters (also in green) gives this card a magnificent flow of feeling, the trees returning. I can see this in any set, but especially a standard return to Lorwyn, and yet it could have a home in several cool recursion decks! It’s a nice little addition for both lovers of slow return and for treefolk fans.
Improvement: This card was going to be a runner-up or even a judge pick, but the severity of nitpicks grew until I realized that there were just too many problems to give it full commendation. I’ll put the revised wording in the ‘nitpicks’ bar and get to the big ones: the name, and the flavor text. The name is obviously an homage to Murmuring Bosk, right? That’s understandable, but the name is literally so close that I can’t think of anything else. The difference between being honoring and being derivative is enigmatic at times. This particular case is more evident. And the flavor text is almost completely ripped off from Doran’s card itself. Literally, it keeps the order and adds four words that don’t add sense or depth to the character. For future submissions, keep that in mind. As a mechanical suggestion, you could just have it be the greatest toughness without targeting, and it does need to target the card in the graveyard.
Nitpicks: “At the beginning of your upkeep, you may return target permanent card with converted mana cost X or less from your graveyard to the battlefield, where X is the greatest toughness among creatures you control.”
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Join us tomorrow, for a new contest, and a brush...with DEATH.
- @abelzumi​
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tiredofeverythingtm · 3 years
An Esper in Romania Part 2
Hello Guys! How are yall doing? i came here so i can make an continuation from my last one, the warnings are the same, what will our Esper Boy do Now? let's find out!
The Boy and the Maiden in Black walked together ahead the mansion, walking through the front door, entering the house they found themselves looking at one strange creature, lurking through the ceiling... well, only one of them could actually see the creature, Saiko saw it easily and could already know what to do, the Maiden only could feel that something was there, the Quiet women then said, calmly
"Here is one of the places that i write off for you, i have a feeling that there is something here" - after her claim, the Doll spoke - "Yeah Yeah! there is some strange crap going here, but i can't figure it out"
The Boy didn't say anything, just looked directly in the eyes of the creature, only for the creature to be pulverized by the next instant, like it was never there in the beginning
"Done it.... but there are more... shall i remember you about our contract, yes? I Will not only make sure to get rid of all spirits in your domain, but also make sure that you are not hurt in the process and make sure that all traces of the spirits are gone... to make sure that all spirits are truly gone i will stay in the area for about a whole month as it says in our contract" - The Boy said in an monotone, but added in the sequence - "i must add that i feel something unusual here, some wandering spirits that should not be here, much likely people that died here, those i will simply let them pass on... about the payment, Miranda already settle that with me" - He said, finalizing his sentence "S-so fast? o-oh, yes yes, i will make sure the contract is fully accomplished, i will have a room for you" - The Maiden said, with the doll in sequence "Eh?! Whazzat? so fast? what? how? why? anyway, what can you do besides exorcising those thingys?"
The Boy pointed his finger to the Doll and she started to float, till it got in the ceiling, a few seconds later she was put in the Maiden's Hands again.
"Wha? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?" - The doll said while it was on the air - "So coooooool, you're like an Evolved Heisenberg!"
... It's the first... the first in a long time that didn't got scared of his powers... interesting, what Salomanis said whas right... the Lords are indeed different from normal humans... maybe his stay will not be that bad like the others...
"... Heh" - The Boy gave a little smile, his percentage grew again
"Anyway, please, show me the way, contractor" - Saiko said in a little less monotone voice
The Maiden nodded in an 'yes' and started walking, getting followed by the Boy. Suddenly, tentacle-like tendrils came from the walls and tried to pierce Donna , but they were stopped by the boy's hands, that has holdem them in place, in the sequence, he destroyed it just like the creature from the ceiling, just as easily... but something different happened... his hands... there where blood on them... HIS Blood...
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cheswirls · 3 years
[ i rly wanted to write smth for them that was short n quick n then i thought ‘oh bt what abt this small supporting cast’ and then it grew a lil but its still a short oneshot tho longer than intended.. anyway, heres kurosemi. no knowledge of to aru is necessary for comprehension. ]
“this plant smells good.”
semi knows exactly what plant kuroo is referring to, because it’s the only semblance of one in the quad. “what? that plant is fake.”
“oh?” kuroo pauses, bending down to sniff again, semi doesn’t know. “did you spray it with something or . . ?”
he stops writing when his hand jerks, a stray line of red ink stretching two centimeters farther than it should. his head snaps up away from the offending mistake so he can direct his anger in a glare at his research par- affiliate. “stop joking around!”
kuroo’s expression properly adjusts. the slant on his eyebrows is heavy -they’ve become so straight it would be possible to balance small objects on them. semi’s not entirely sure where the analogy comes from, or why he thinks it’s appropriate to the situation, but he doesn’t bother to take it back, even if he’s the only one hearing it.
anyway. kuroo deadpans. complete with a deep frown. he reaches a hand up to pluck one of the daisy’s petals, and it comes off easy, much to semi’s utter shock. “this,” he says, with as little inflection as possible, “is not plastic.”
semi devolves into panic, but it’s the first time kuroo has seen the plant, so a bit of explanation is necessary to garner any sympathy. unable to concentrate on anything else, semi moves the thick notebook he’s been scribbling in for the better part of an hour until it falls on the floor, half-buries his face into his ink-stained hands, and starts rambling just loudly and just coherently enough for kuroo to understand.
semi is a workaholic. his one-track mind is on his research. he can’t take care of anything but himself, and barely manages that at times. he’d acquired the house plant as a gag gift, because he couldn’t kill something that was fake. and, true to form, he’d had the daisies for five months without lifting a finger to their care.
five months.
but they were alive.
they were alive in perfect condition.
understandably, after hearing all this, he garners kuroo’s sympathy.
kuroo panics.
kuroo tetsurou is born in tokyo. academy city piques his interest, but he can’t see himself being a test subject. he works hard at school, and works hard at university, and only then does he apply for a graduate school inside the walls. purely for research. he is in no way a subject, nor does he desire to be.
semi eita is born in the northern tohoku region. academy city was constructed in the capital of the country before he was born. his interest was fleeting, but a chance encounter his third semester in undergrad changes that. he applies for a research position inside the special ward and is granted the transfer his fifth semester of undergrad. he is not interested in subjecting himself to strange drugs or practices, or in trying to raise his level at all. he’s not an esper.
and yet, somehow, he’s kept a small houseplant alive for five months with absolutely no conscious care. he thought it was fake, for crying out loud. the thing was only good for looking at, and that was only on particularly bad days.
semi eita is stressed.
“of course they found out,” kuroo grumbles, looking up to cast daichi a particularly scathing gaze. he reaches across the counter to wrestle the espresso from daichi’s fingers and downs the shot in one go. (the wrestling is not necessary, nor is it true; daichi had been handing him the shot to begin with; he simply took it with a minimum amount of nervous fumbling.) “i haven’t seen him all week.”
daichi retrieves the shot glass and holds on to it, reluctant to refill it. again. “won’t that hold up your research?”
“it already is,” kuroo admits. “not like it matters; not like they care. semi’s an important specimen. they’ll do what they want.”
“and what he wants?”
kuroo casts him another dull look and makes grabby-hands at the shot glass daichi has regrettably refilled. again. he passes it off.
“doesn’t matter much anymore,” kuroo mutters, chucking his shot right after. the words aren’t necessary to say aloud, and yet he does anyway, so daichi figures he must feel a particular sort of way about the whole thing.
“i don’t think it’s that bad,” yachi tells him, a couple weeks later. “sure, it can be intense, but it’s a lot of fun, too!” she smiles, sunny, as if contrasting kuroo’s deep-seated scowl. 
but here was the thing about yachi hitoka. she had been here the longest out of any of kuroo’s friends. she went to middle school here. she was level two. her esper powers were, to an average person, out-of-this-world impressive.
here was the thing about yachi hitoka. she’d grown up here. she was a success. she wanted it.
(kuroo thinks about semi, coming home to kuroo’s place instead of his own, eyes rimmed with red and hands shaking and teeth chattering, unable to fathom being alone in the dark and alone in his own thoughts and alone with all the shadows that could morph around him and alone to dwell in the negative emotions and painful memories and dreaded terrors of what was next, next, next-
semi, alone with the daisies to watch him from the corner.)
semi had kept a plant he thought was not real from dying, somehow. being an esper was not a dream of his. developing esper powers was not a desire. subjecting himself to what the city deemed necessary was in no way part of his plan when he showed up several years prior.
yachi hitoka started the power development curriculum at eleven.
semi eita was forced into it at twenty-four.
semi had kept a plant alive; some nights kuroo wished he had never mentioned it.
nine knocks come at rapid succession on his front door. kuroo knows this, climbing the stairs to said door, because only one person knocked like that these days.
also, because he had stopped near the top step to watch semi do it, surprised to see him there before kuroo himself, surprised at a lot of things and not surprised at all, all at once
semi is barefoot. today, he’s not breathing in odd intervals. his natural hair is more pronounced at the roots than the last time kuroo had seen him. he appears to be clean-shaven, unlike the last time kuroo had seen him. his eyes are wild, when he finally catches sight of kuroo behind him; his eyes fade to calm, when he finally catches sight of kuroo behind him.
he steps forward, bare feet loud on the floor, and kuroo has him wrapped in a hug before he’s even made it the rest of the way up the stairs. 
(he marvels at how, for just a brief moment, they stand at equal height)
semi never wants to talk about it. kuroo isn’t a therapist, and on some level, doesn’t think he can handle it. doesn’t think he can withstand the boy he loves breaking apart in front of him.
but sometimes semi writes. just as a release for his thoughts. to keep from having them pent up. and it helps, he tells kuroo.
sometimes kuroo reads them. sometimes, even rarer, he’ll read them all the way through.
it’s more of the same, usually. needles and strange drugs and pain pain pain that they insist will fade. electrodes and wires and brain experiments and nerve tests and practical experiments and live tests and plants and small animals and human cells and
semi collapses into kuroo and cries pathetic tears for someone suffering so much. kuroo feels helpless. all he can do is pull the boy he’s in love with close and whisper in his ear things he thinks are comforting. all he can think is that he has to be brave, for them both.
there’s not a name or classification for eita’s esper power.
eita. kuroo pauses on that thought. ah, i see.
kuroo runs his callused fingers through eita’s two-toned, choppy hair. he skims over fresh raises in the skin, tries not to tread too close to skull anymore. eita stiffens but relaxes quicker, burying his face more firmly in kuroo’s chest.
kuroo gets brave, bending close.
“eita,” he whispers. “you’re safe here. no one is taking you from me. you don’t have to grip so tight.”
eita’s grip grows slack, then tightens over the course of kuroo’s words, then releases entirely. he lifts his head, eyes huge and wet and fixed on kuroo and kuroo alone.
“eita,” kuroo says again, raising a hand to cup his face, run a thumb under dried tear tracks. 
eita bends closer, sucks in a breath, releases it against kuroo’s lips.
kuroo acquiesces.
“this is a dream,” semi mutters, glancing up from the results again. across the way, kuroo lifts his face from the microscope.
“this is dull.”
semi scoffs. “i meant overall. being here. doing this.” with you, he doesn’t say. “being here,” he says again.
“you’re running out of words.”
kuroo looks up again. semi has that look. the one that makes kuroo want to draw him close, call him ei-
“come over tonight. you haven’t seen my new place yet.”
kuroo hums, pretending to think it over. “got anything exciting?”
“no.” semi snorts. “i’m here all the time. no use in exciting. you’ll be the best thing there.”
the turn of phrase does something to kuroo’s heart that has him agreeing.
kuroo has never called eita eita. 
kuroo is an only child. the one other person he’s ever addressed by their first name is daichi. semi eita is semi eita. research partner. assistant. what have you.
but it brings eita comfort, in a world of suffering, to be called such.
so kuroo calls him eita, and some days he lies and says it will all go back to normal. some days he believes himself when he says everything will be okay.
the daisies sit, unblemished. fresh. alive and well.
eita festers in kuroo’s arms.
semi nudges him on the way there. “actually, i have a couple decorations. housewarming things. flowers.”
“oh! that does sound interesting.”
“don’t get your hopes up. it’s all plastic.”
one day, eita’s esper ability gets a name:
kuroo laughs. what irony.
eita laughs, and bends close to suggest a synonym.
kuroo near chokes when he says tetsurou so easily.
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