#feeling good about the idea of being 30 ngl
inverse-problem · 5 months
oh shit I turn 30 within the next two weeks lol. I keep forgetting. gonna fudge the day of my actual birthday by a few days though for Privacy Reasons (will update my age on my blog soon but not necessarily on my birthday lol)
don’t feel obligated to send me birthday wishes, since I don’t know a lot of you very well, but if you are so inclined, feel free to send me “approximate birthday” greetings within the next 2 weeks or so!
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lexsssu · 7 months
NGL, you mentioning Leon Kennedy is now making me think he's clingy af to everyone who loves him, 'cause I've been getting the urge to replay RE2R/RE4 recently just because of him.
To, uh, gaze at him respectfully. Very respectfully. 👀👀👀
Bro yesssssssssssss
I swear that bby boi is so affection-starved after everything that happened to him that the moment he finds real love, there's no way he's holding back <3
And with that, here's what I came up for Leon so far because he decided to invade my dreams-- HAHAHAHA
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TAGS: Older!Leon (late 30s-early 40s)/F!reader(early-mid 20s), age gap, pervy thoughts, affection-starved!Leon, headcanons Ko-fi | Commissions (OPEN)
Older!Leon who'd all but given up any semblance of a normal relationship after everything he's gone through. He lazes about in the coach of the cheap apartment he sentenced himself into living in (despite the swanky and secure government housing freely provided as one of the top agents) with a cold beer while some random series was playing on low volume on the TV
Older!Leon who hears knocking on his door and begrudgingly answers it only to be met with the prettiestcutestmostgorgeousmouthwatering person he'd ever seen in his life
Older!Leon gets a full whiff of your strawberries & cream scent even before you opened your mouth and has him thinking of everything that is innocent, good, and worth protecting in this world. He then realizes that you'd already introduced yourself and that he'd been staring at you like a creep this whole time
“Kennedy…Uhhh…Leon S. Kennedy,” he half mumbles and states as he tries not to look too deeply into your eyes lest he finds himself lost in their depths. He doesn’t need to look more of a creep than you might have already thought he was
 And when you don’t immediately run for the hills, he internally sighs in relief. It’s a foreign feeling to him, because after all the horrors he’d witnessed and experienced, the last thing he ever worried about was how other people perceived him
That he was actually worried about what you thought about him despite having only met is both alarming and yet somehow…comforting? It tells him that despite how broken he thinks he is, he’s not so broken as to no longer care at all about anything
…It also helps that you’re such a cutie that it’s impossible for him not to care about you. Especially when you keep bringing him your homemade food all the time
The animal part of his brain rumbles with pleasure at how you were already being such a good mate by making sure he’s well-fed when he’d yet to properly bond you to him. It reinforces the idea that some part of you unconsciously knew that he was the one for you
“It’s the first time I’ve lived on my own, and I guess I’m just not used to making only food for one. I don’t like letting food go to waste either, so I thought maybe one of the neighbors might appreciate it. Safe to say that I never get to any of the other neighbors since you’re always gratefully accepting my cooking, Mr. Kennedy”
Had he been a lesser man, your playful teasing would have resulted in you pinned to the floor as he loomed over you, covering your naughty little mouth with his. He could already imagine the tiny squeak you’d let out in surprise or the delicious whimpers he’d coax from your plush lips that he’d only swallow up
“I think we’re more than acquainted enough to get past our surnames, don’t you think? Just Leon is fine with me, doll.” 
The first time he hears his given name spoken from your lips, his traitorous brain conjures up an image of you with your eyes practically rolling to the back of your head as he fucks your pretty pussy open with his cock 
Was he getting too attached because you were the first person outside of the dangerous world he lived in who showed genuine care without expecting anything in return?
But did he really care? 
Honestly, no
If anything, it’s only a matter of time until he no longer had to imagine waking up next to you in the morning or getting back home from a mission or the office and having you wrapped in a pretty little apron without anything underneath waiting patiently for him
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eggedbellies · 6 months
This is an idea I’ve RPd with people (and would love to again if anyone wanted to…) and i just cannot stop thinking about.
The idea of men, instead of carrying seminal fluid and sperm in their testicles, carried eggs. They’re small and unfertilized, but must be spent every month or they’ll grow larger and potentially cause complications. Public sex and public laying of these eggs has become acceptable.
You meet a guy on a dating website, purely for sex. He comes over, and soon thereafter you’re making out on the couch and he comes clean. He reveals a massive set of testicles, full of eggs, likely from 3 or 4 months of build up. He came over with the intention of filling you up with them. It’s the hottest thing you’ve ever seen, and before you know it you’re being bent over your kitchen counter with his cock in your pussy.
It’s not long before he pauses, a groan on his lips as eggs start pouring out of him. You can feel them, one by one, as they stretch you passing through him. Your hand cradles your belly as it slowly grows with the eggs being placed inside. By the time he’s done (and you’ve cum a time or two) you have the belly of a 4 month pregnancy. You exchange numbers and he walks away.
About a week or two later, the eggs have grown and grown. You’re waddling around with the belly of a 10 month pregnancy with triplets. You feel the sexiest you have ever felt. But, the time has come to lay your eggs.
You go to a public park, set up underneath a tree in the back, and strip. You’re completely naked, legs spread open, and start to push. The eggs come one after one, much larger than when they went into you. By the time you’re done, you’ve laid 30 unfertilized eggs. A small crowd has gathered to watch you, some men slowly rubbing their cocks. And among the crowd is the man who put the eggs inside of you in the first place, ready to put another clutch in you right then and there.
(I held onto this one a while just to keep reading it ngl. god.)
I'd heard of men who did this. It had never held much interest to me, before; sure, I'd been tempted, now and again, in a few relationships, to take their eggs - but I was always a little shy. And I always had work, or maybe personal hangups... maybe that was why I'd never held a relationship for long. And those strange guys, the ones who liked their balls being packed and tender, who wanted to stretch people out... I'd never really understood until I met him.
And they'd looked so good on him, so heavy and full. Slapping against my clit with each thrust. The stretch, god, I'd never felt anything like it, and with the noises he and I were making, it felt like animal breeding. He must have loved it as much as me. How my shirts didn't fit quite right, forced to wear loose jumpers until I could get some maternity wear, the fascinated stares of people clearly wondering how I could possibly be so late term and yet not have them already...
I'm glad it's summer, because even my normal tops are rapidly becoming crop tops. It's hard work to heft my body about. Everything has widened to help with the weight. People come over and ask how far in I am and I try to be vague but not moan whenever they ask to rub and feel the clutch (and I can't help but say yes.)
As the last egg is popping out, and bystanders come to help scoop up the clutch, offer to call my partner, take me to the hospital, whatever I need, I shake my head. I know what I need. Call him from the crowd. There are murmurs, of course, but my body is still shaking with pleasure. We drop the clutch off. Waddle home. Pin him to the wall, all mouth and tongue, biting at skin and clutching at each other, drag him upstairs... and grasp his cock firmly.
Before clipping the cage around it.
Because these last few weeks, I realised just how good that felt. And I grin, even as his eyes widen in alarm. "How long did you wait last time?" I whisper against his neck. "Four months." he murmurs back. "I think we can wait for six." I grin, stroking his balls, before stepping back and admiring how good the cage looks on his thick cock. "Then we can see how big I can really get, hm?"
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ranposgirlboss · 1 year
~late night car drives with bsd charas~
this is an idea i got while listening to depressing vocaliod songs, SO HERE WE ARE!!! these are just some hc i have about how it would go, some charas are COMPLETELY platonic!! (this is mostly platonic in the 1st place tbh) this is my first time writing on this app, and i haven't written anything online in a few years, so if the formatting is weird, PLEASE TELL ME IDK WHAT IM DOIMNHG
chara list: dazai, chuuya, poe, ranpo, and yosano
GENRE: fluff fluff fluff and sillies
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-he would probably be going to some weird ass convenience store with you at ungodly hours in the morning 💀
-i feel like he would mess with you and fucking drift the car when yall turn
-lets just say you get close to dying more then once 😁
-one time when yall tried to sneak out, kunikida caught yalls asses (your ears still hurt to this day from the mouthing off you got from kunikida)
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-ok so i know i said late night CAR rides BUT CMON WHO DOESNT WANNA RIDE A COOL ASS MOTORCYCLE WITH CHUUYA!??!?!?/1
-i hc that when chuuya gets really pissed and the person is super rude to him, he fucking makes their car float...LIKE FULL ON 😭
-but other then his road rage, its honestly pretty chill
-i know that he has a BANGER playlist, I JUST KNOW IT
-i fell like he'd also play around on the motorcycle a bit, BUT AT LEAST HE WOULDNT NEARLY KILL YOU UNLIKE DAZAI (눈‸눈)
-id say its pretty nice and balanced, with enough calmness to make it enjoyable for the most part, but enough thrill to keep asking him to take you out <33
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-just gonna let you know right off the bat, his ass is NOT driving 😂
-there is a high chance that he JUST woke up and started banging on your door because he had cravings and well, he ran out of his snacks...so OBVIOUSLY he had to bang on your door, its important!!!
-and even if he was completely awake...he would get yall lost so fast
-so you were driving him
-honestly? its kinda funny to see groggy ranpo walk around and try to grab what snack he wants at the convenience store when he's barely awake
-bro literally drops the bag like 5 times (you picked it up all 5 bc you kinda pitied him rn 😭)
-he basically ends up sleep walking his ass outta there
-the ride is mostly quiet, mainly because ranpo falls asleep on the way back
-imagine if you played heavy metal and woke him up
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-these car rides would be so peaceful
-ngl he would probably sometimes take you out just to drive with you (its not like gas is a problem for him anyways 😭)
-doesnt seem like a talker tbh, he might ask you if you want to go anywhere specific, but you guys mostly just listen to music together (he saves the story telling for another time <3)
-you hold karl in your lap and pet him like you're an evil villain (cannon)
-very calming and relaxing drive <33
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-ngl she kinda gives dazai vibes, in terms of playlist
-there has been more than one occasion when she just drunk-drove you
-shes a small talker, OR A GOSSIPER WHILE YALL DRIVE
-yall just have so much fun talking about the ada and everything that's going on there <333
-would scream the lyrics to any 2010's throwback song, while having a (hopefully) safe dance party
-very fun to be around, and even though she drunk drives, shes def safer then dazai
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ar4chn333 · 2 months
“One More Night”
Michael Bluth x fem reader
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Smut ahead!!
Fem reader, p in v, explicit consent (very seggsy), soft dominant Michael
Probably my best work, ngl
“Don’t stay up talking too late, guys! Good night!” You chirp as you give George Michael and Maeby a soft smile before turning off their bedroom light and shutting the door. Letting out a sigh of relief, you find your shoulders dropping at the thought of finally being able to return to your own house. Though you loved spending time with George Michael and Maeby, you were ready to sink into the warmth of your covers. Michael had left on a business trip five days ago and needed someone to care for George Michael while he was gone. God knows he couldn’t rely on any of his siblings to do so. You offered to look after Maeby, too, though she was plenty used to being without a guardian. Your family was quite close to the Bluths, having designed cabinets for their homes for over twenty years.
Though you’d met Lucille and George plenty of times during their business meetings with your parents as a child, you’d never seen Michael until a couple of months ago. God, was he gorgeous. Overcome with butterflies, you’d only spoken a few words to him in your first meeting and felt a twinge of guilt for fawning over a man so many years your senior. But the way he smiled at you sent waves of tingliness through your chest, words oftentimes failing to form at the sight of his devastatingly beautiful blue eyes. The tension between you could practically be cut with a butter knife as you two saw each other more, but neither was bold enough to make a move. Naturally, when he called you in need of a last-minute babysitter, you were more than happy to help him.
10:30 pm? Michael was supposed to be home by now to relieve you of babysitting duties. Looking over at your phone, you see a text from Michael.
“Got off the flight a tad later than expected, will be home around 11:00.”
“No worries!” you reply.
Drained from the day, you flop on the couch in the living room, quickly drifting off to sleep. Cuddled up with a blanket, your hair splays delicately along the pillow. Resting dreamlessly, you await Michael patiently. Suddenly, you jolt sharply at the sensation of Michael’s hand on your shoulder, waking you. Inhaling quickly, you look up at him, surprised for a moment, but your face quickly softens. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” he says sympathetically, carefully removing his hand from your shoulder. You wish it had stayed. “I’m so sorry I’m late; my flight was delayed,” he says. “No worries! I was practically passed out, so I barely noticed,” you reply mid-yawn. “I better get going if I’m going to make it home before I pass out again. George Michael, Maeby, I had a ton of fun.” you chirp.
He pauses, mouth opening as if to form a sentence. He hesitates, but eventually his words come spilling out. “Why don’t you sleep here tonight? It's dangerous to dive tired. You can use my room like you have been, so you don’t have to move your stuff, and I’ll crash out in the living room.” You lived around thirty minutes away and were certainly not looking forward to the drive. Admittedly, you were a bit giddy about spending more time with Michael, even if it meant simply waking up and seeing him and the kids briefly before you left. “That’ll probably be a good idea, I’m absolutely exhausted,” you reply groggily. “I can imagine–they’re a handful,” he sighs knowingly.
You walk up the stairs to Michael’s room, where you’d left your things from sleeping there while babysitting, and begin to change into your sleeping clothes. Your body tingles with adrenaline from the conversation you had not one minute ago, suddenly awake. You wonder if he feels the same. Sitting on the bed, you promise yourself you’ll confess your feelings in the morning–or at least hint at them. Just then, a knock comes at the door.
“Hey! So sorry, I just need to get something from my dresser. Are you decent?” He calls through the door.
“Oh! Yes! Come on in!” you say instinctively. Though perhaps you should have covered up first as your bottoms were quite short, and the shape of your nipples showed through your cami in plain view as you sat upright on the bed.
Walking in, you caught his eye, provoking a split-second wide-eyed look before he respectfully turned away and went about fishing clothes out of his dresser. “Did George Michael and Maeby behave okay?”
“They were wonderful! I think I finally got Maeybe to like me! She only rolled her eyes at me thrice.” you chuckle.
“That’s got to be some kind of record,” he adds, smiling toward you, eyes shining in the warm yellow light of his bedroom.
His gaze lingers, the tension growing thicker before he somewhat abruptly turns away and says, “Good night! See you in the morning!”
“Michael…” you call out softly, his hand on the bedroom doorknob. Lifting yourself off from the seat of your bed, your body rages with adrenaline. His eyes widen as you walk slowly toward him. You search for something–anything to indicate he wanted you as much as you wanted him. You reach out an arm to touch his shoulder. “Good nigh–” you begin, but before you make contact, he lunges towards you, one arm wrapping around your torso, the other on your cheek, pulling you against his hungry lips. The feeling of his warmth next to you is enough to make you melt, his taste so delicious you feel like you’d been a woman starved. He pulls back briefly to make eye contact, his face flushed. Smiling, you pull him into another kiss as he locks the door to the room. His touches grow deeper and heavier, and his breaths against your mouth ring distinctly in the tone of his voice, making you grow wetter by the second. His hands make their way about your waist, caressing and pulling you flush against him. They wander down to your ass, and you instinctively jump onto his hips, arms wrapping around his neck, your lips never losing contact for a moment. Sensing the ground moving beneath you, you soon feel the pressure of the bedroom wall on your back. Michael presses his hips closer to yours, and you let out a desperate moan, hand tightening its grip on his hair.
Michael feels the heat radiating from between your legs, your entire torso burning with want for him. Your whimpering sounds testify to your desperate need for him, making him feel like an animal, subtle growls escaping his lips as his tongue meets yours. Pulling back just briefly, “Do you want this?” he asks. You tighten your grip on his hair, pulling his ear toward your mouth with a firm but gentle force. “I want you to fuck me, Michael,” you coo, inhibition having left your body long ago. He didn’t need to be told twice. He spins around, now facing the bed, and you fall back onto it as he climbs on top of you. Lifting your shirt off your head, he grips your breast while leaving sloppy kisses on your neck and collarbone, moaning at the taste of your skin. Head trailing down, his mouth makes contact with your nipple, causing you to arch your back, pressing your chest closer to him. The texture of his soft lips and rough stubble send chills down your torso. Writhing beneath him, you feel his cock rock-hard beneath his pants. “I want you inside of me,” you whisper impatiently.
Sliding a hand to your shorts, he places a hand over your lower stomach, just above your underwear, savoring your lewd expressions, brows furrowed, mouth agape. Teasing you, his fingers slide along the upper hem of your panties, watching intently as you yearn for him to touch you. Your hand trails down to push his closer to your heat, but he catches your wrist mid-travel and, with the same hand, grasps your other wrist, pinning them singlehandedly over your head. An impish look spreads across his face as you struggle against him, unable to find your release, its potential energy building by the second. “Be patient, baby, I’m gonna savor you.” Biting your lip, your eyes lock, and his hand slowly slides beneath your underwear, where he slides a finger through your folds, eliciting a breathy moan. With your arms still hopelessly pinned, he begins to circle your clit, your hips bucking involuntarily at the sensation. Looking down at his hand, you see the muscles in his forearm moving, overlaid by his watch glittering in the light as he continues to pleasure you.
You groan as he takes his hands off of you to stand and undo his belt, your legs spread open for him, palms lining the inside of your thighs, which begin to tremble slightly in anticipation. He practically rips off his shirt, hair flying messily over his forehead as his belt clinks on the floor. He looks down at you–you’re doe-eyed, fully exposed, and ready for him to fuck you. Hard. Freeing his throbbing cock, he slides his torso between your legs, placing one atop his shoulder. “God, he’s fucking perfect,” you think to yourself. He slides the tip of his member up and down your folds, a shuddering breath escaping his lips. You gasp in unison as he presses his tip into you, sliding himself forward. He’s sizeable, to say the least, eliciting a whimper from you as you adjust to him. “Fuck, Michael,” you wince in a tone of half pleasure, half pain as he fills you up. “Shh, baby, you’ll wake the kids,” he coos, putting a firm finger to your lips. Before he finishes the sentence, his hips begin to rock against yours, cock sliding against your walls. You don’t want to wake them, but you can’t help the sounds you make as he thrusts inside of you, each movement building the knot of pleasure in your stomach. You whimper pathetically and uncontrollably as he fucks you. His fingers trail along your neck and to your jaw, index and pointer making their way into your mouth, your lips wrapping around them. Sucking gently, your moans are reduced to high-pitched hums, making way for you to hear more of his delicious sounds. “You feel so good, y/n,” he groans in a sultry voice, his eyes locking with yours.
Removing his hand from your mouth, he places it beside you to leverage his increasingly powerful thrusts. “Oh, Michael!” Moans escape from your lips in rapid succession as he pounds your throbbing pussy, hips crashing into yours. “Good girl, take it.” Hand traveling to the headboard to keep you in place, your body begins to shake uncontrollably around his cock. Eyes rolling back, waves of hot electricity force their way through your body, the strings comprising the knot in your stomach pull like a ripcord against it, unraveling it fully. Yelps escaping from your mouth, you grasp desperately at Michael's back, nails clawing at his skin as he fucks you through your orgasm. He follows shortly behind, moaning into your open mouth as he comes inside of you.
In the afterglow of your releases, Michael lays down beside you, holding your body close to his. His breathing rings warmly in your ears. “I’m glad you stayed for one more night,” he whispers. “Me too,” you reply, gazing into his perfect eyes. Smiling, he coos in your ear, “I’d love for you to stay for more–and days, of course.” Your face lights up, beaming at his suggestion. “I would love that too. Though I might need some help getting to the bathroom. I get the feeling I won’t be able to walk if I try to stand,” you chuckle.
💕I hope y’all liked it!! Author’s note in comments💕
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spopsalt · 6 months
Ngl, I fucking HATE ND’s Perfuma. She’s annoying, ableist, whiny, always finding something to whine about, two dimensional, ableist, contributes nothing, static throughout the series. Oh, and did I mention ableist?
I know she was literally only in the one episode of the OG, with a few cameos. But that episode is everything, and is a million times better than all of her appearances in ND’s dumpster fire. She was frilly and girly, and not shamed for it. She was kind and sweet to everyone, no matter what. She was chill af, and genuinely liked making friends, a bit spacey, but by no means meant to be seen as dumb. Also, looking at her character retroactively, with all the profiles, characterization through the 80s media (comics/radio/books/toys) including the one episode, I’m pretty sure she’s on the spectrum.
Girl doesn’t seem very aware socially, is too comfortable with people she doesn’t know that well, special interest is flowers and scents (we stan a cottagecore chemist), and is a bit spacey (like she’s a bit ditzy, but I don’t think she’s stupid). So idk, I feel like it’s a possibility. (I’m autistic, so all of these examples are from experience).
So while it pisses me off to no end that on top of being a shit character, she’s ableist. And to piss me off even MORE, I wholeheartedly believe OG Perfuma and ND Entrapta would get along so well, and not just because of their shared neurodivergency. I think they’d just vibe.
Yeah, the remake really knew how to destroy every character, I actually really like Perfuma in her premiere episode but then hated her as soon as she thought it was a good idea to put a 30 year old austic woman on a leash!
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mattsdae · 7 months
hide and seek
tags: matt stone x afab reader , primal play , fear play , blood , do not recreate , safe and sane sex , pain play (m receiving) , fingering (f recieving) , references to sub!matt , sadomasochist!matt , dacryphilia , like he literally licks your tears , he’s kind of a sicko in this ngl , referenced choking , more like long term holding of the neck
synopsis: the internet and power is out, now matt wants to play a game
word count: ~2.8k
a/n: matt is lowkey crazy in this but that only makes me like him more <33
“hide and seek? how old are we again?”
“do you have any better ideas?” you think for a moment before huffing. you didn’t have any better ideas. with the internet being out and the weather being horrible, you were forced to come up with ways to pass the time. you were the one who brought it up, but when you suggested playing a game, you were trying to imply sex, not an actual game.
“i’m asking if you want to fuck, not play hopscotch.” he rolls his eyes, a smile starting to form.
“okay, then i’ll come up with some rules. i’ll give you 30 seconds to hide and if you stay hidden for 10 minutes, i’ll fuck you however you want, but i catch you, i get to do what i want. that sound good?”
your cheeks flush, the room suddenly feeling warmer. “uh, yeah, sure.” the idea did sound good. it was a win-win, sex being the ending no matter what happened, bug you kind of wanted to beat him. the idea of having your way becoming more enticing as you glanced over his body. he leans back onto the couch, reading your expression to see if your stuttering was uncertainty or excitement. he figured it out once he saw your legs cross.
“you wanna do it now?” you nod, standing as he covered his eyes and counted out loud. you quickly exited the room, thinking of everything you could possibly do. maybe you could tie him up and edge him for making you play such a stupid game. you could also ride him until you feel satisfied, even if he already came. you glanced around his office, finding it was void of hiding spots.
maybe you could finally pitch that pegging thing you’ve been asking him about for the last few weeks. he always acts apprehensive, but he did say you could do anything. as you passed the last room in the hallway, you started to panic. shit. there aren’t any good spots.. you somehow got lost in your little fantasy and was now stuck trying to find a place to hide within 10 seconds. you tried searching the house for somewhere matt would never think of, but couldn’t settle.
“29.. 30!” you heard him shout. you sprinted into your bedroom, the one that you just happened to be next to. shit shit shit! you jumped into the closet, shutting it behind you and wiggling behind some clothes. even with fabric covering most of your vision, you could just barely see a crack of light between the doors where it briefly went dark as matt passed. for some reason, you actually felt a little scared.
you could hear things moving around, him checking multiple spots before passing the closet door again. his shadow returned, pausing right in front of the slit. your heart raced, manually breathing to try and calm yourself down. eventually, you saw the shadow disappear again and he left the room.
the door shut behind him, giving you an opportunity to find another hiding spot. creeping out from between the clothes, you slowly opened the closet door. you waited a moment, assuming matt would already pop out if he were waiting for you, and fully stepped out.
you screamed when arms wrapped around you, lifting in the air. adrenaline filled your veins as matt placed you on the ground, trying to find a position to pin you. you squirmed and kicked as if you were actually fighting. you were excited to get to be dominant for once and if you had to fight to get that fantasy to come true, you would.
“you were in the closet!” he boasted happily. “and i thought you were too smart for that..” his hips planted onto yours, holding your body down as he grabbed hold of your wrists. for a second, you start to panic. you know it’s matt and he’d never really hurt you, but it started to settle in your mind that you couldn’t get away.
what’s worse is the excited look in his eye, similar to a puppy when you play with it. you pushed and squirmed harder. the pin was still unstable as you wiggled out of his grasp a few times, but he’d always grab you before you could even think to get away. his eyes glimmered in a way you hadn’t seen before. he loved this.
“come on, you got it!” he teased, his dimple showing as he grinned. “if you get away, you might win.” you already lost, you knew it and so did he, but you fought as hard as you could as he pinned you. his hands adjusted every so often, your wrists slipping as you thrashed. his legs maneuvered, his ankles now pinning your calfs as his body weight held down your thighs. just as he finished adjusting, he went to goad.
“giving up already? but i was having so much f-“ you punched him, hand slipping out from your restraints and fist cracking against his nose and lip. he jumped back, covering his face. “fuck!”
“oh my god, i’m so sorry!” the words usher out as you realize what happened. you reach for him as you see his hand pull away, blood pooling in his palm. “are you okay?”
he pulls away from you, showing another grin, now reveling in the ache. in all honesty, it scared you for a moment as he pins you back down, his bloody hands grabbing your wrists again. “do it.”
“what?” you pant, still tired after wrestling him for however long. his fingers gripped harder even though they were already drenched. you could slip away if you wanted, but you were honestly scared to.
“keep going, baby. do it again.” he presses down on you, eyes glimmering as he saw you flush. you shuddered as he slowly rubbed your sides and hips. “no more fight in you? i thought we were just getting started.”
“are- are you okay?” you ask again. he nods, blood now pooling between his teeth. you should be grossed out, say the safeword and finally end this, but you couldn’t. you watched as blood dripped off his chin, landing on your shirt. it soaked in, your chest dampening under the fabric. you hated it, but god did it turn you on.
“you give up?” he asks, almost disappointed you couldn’t fight anymore. you took a deep breath and squirmed, a giddy smile on his face as he watched. he looked insane, blood covering the bottom half of his face as he told you to keep fighting. “just a little more, baby. just a little more!”
now, you really couldn’t move. his legs held you still and his grip nearly bruised. his free hand pressed lower and lower before slipping under your shorts. you gasp as he rubs your clit over your panties. it was overwhelming. his body weight pressed against you, holding you down even as you tried to squirm. his middle finger circled your clit, bloody teeth showing as you whimpered.
“you like it? you like being pinned down like this, completely helpless?” you nod pathetically, which matt can’t help but laugh at. “i can tell, you practically soaked through your panties. we should do this more often, huh? maybe you’ll find better a better hiding spot than the closet.”
you whimper again as he pushes your panties to the side, just brushing your clit before dipping into your cunt. your eyes clinch shut as two fingers enter you. he curls them, watching your face closely as you moan. you opened your eyes and looked down, your shirt now soaked in blood. you should be concerned, but decided he must know his own limits. if he was in too much pain, he would have stopped this by now, but he was actively encouraging it. he kissed at your chest over your tank top before grabbing the hem with his teeth, pulling it up to expose you.
matt had done the same motions hundreds of times, but this situation made it so much more humiliating than it usually was. while he used to do it with admiration and respect, now he was actively degrading you and exposing you. there wasn’t much fight left in you either, both exhausted by the wrestling and losing hope in bringing that pegging fantasy to life.
“you finally give up? have any fight left?” you sob, shaking your head. “you gotta say it, babe. i wanna hear you admit that you lost.”
“matt-“ he attached himself to your nipple, quickly interrupting your protest. his tongue flicked, biting down a bit to draw out a moan. “ah! you win! you win, matt, just please fuck me?”
you weren’t one to beg, at least not by choice. that was matt’s favorite pastime, though. he loved teasing you to the point where you beg, no matter how degrading you think it feels. he likes when you’re desperate and yearning for more.
“good job, honey. good job. if you keep being this obedient, i might let you cum.” you whimper again at the statement. the idea of him denying you an orgasm scared you straight as you followed whatever orders he gave, no longer fighting back. he watched as you willingly spread your legs for him after he unpinned them. “trying to make amends, huh?”
“please,” you whine. tears welled in your eyes as you asked, desperate for him to get inside you. he liked this position, though, so he kept teasing.
“you sound so pretty when you beg, you know that? you must know that’s my weakness since you keep doing it. good thing i have more self control than that.” he spoke casually even as the taste of blood filled his mouth, fingers curling and thrusting as you moaned. “get the tears rolling and i’ll fuck you sooner. that’s what you want, right? for me to finally fuck you like a toy?”
“please,” you sob. you weren’t sure if he were just teasing or not, but you started crying in the hopes he’d take pity. tears started to stream down your cheeks as his fingers moved faster. he bit his lip as he watch the desperate display in front of him. you gasp as you feel his tongue against your cheek, licking the tears up. you squirm, but didn’t make enough effort to get away for him to stop.
“so good for me..” it was like he was a completely different person. you were used to sweet, almost vanilla matt, not whatever creature this is. he pulls back and looks at your face, appreciating the streak of his blood and spit mixture along your cheek. it almost felt depraved how he was treating you, the act far more intense than anything you’ve done with him before. it was a completely different situation than anything you’ve tried with him before, but you started to realize how much you want that to change now that you got a taste of how dominant and rough he can be.
“can you fuck me? please?” it shouldn’t be something to beg for considering you can feel his cock against you, almost rutting for more friction. still, he had too big of an ego to let you get what you wanted first try. he said he’d have his way with you, but now he was just doing the opposite of whatever you said to make you more frustrated than you already were.
“you know all that begging isn’t gonna get you anything. just shut up and let me do what i need to do.” you nod as he says it, a rush of heat filling your core. you thrashed again in defiance knowing you couldn’t fight him off. he rutted against you again, now fully proving that he wasn’t doing it to get himself off, he just wanted to tease you.
he pulled his fingers out, drawing a deep moan as he haphazardly pulled his cock out from under his boxers and sweat pants. the tip rubbed against your hole, collecting some of the wetness before he started spreading it, working himself for just a moment. you watched, unable to beg for more knowing he’d pull away just to upset you. he leans close, nose brushing against your neck.
“can i be rough?” he whispered, tip pressed against you but not penetrating. he made eye contact, showing his break in character. you nod with a whimper.
“please.” he smiles earnestly, contrasting his injury before he plunges inside, thrusting rough and quick. your moans were perfectly timed with his thrusts as he practically dragged them out of you. he kissed your neck, blood once again coating you as he made contact.
he adjusted you, pulling your legs over his shoulders before leaning in, stretching you open for him. you tried to free your wrists, desperate to grab onto him and scratch but he held you still, taking what he needed and ignoring your wants. as degrading as it was, letting your boyfriend use your body like it were nothing, you loved it. he gripped harder at your waist, pulling you closer.
“so good for me,” he grunted. his fingers started to dig, nails threatening to break skin. “taking everything i give you. so good for me, aren’t you?” he leaned back, pushing his weight into the hand holding down your wrists. his free hand wrapped around your throat, holding. he didn’t put any pressure against it, choosing instead to hold you in place with it.
you opened your eyes again, glancing up at him as a drop of blood fell from the tip of his nose. he noticed you watching, smiling down at you with a prideful grin. “you like this? look at all the damage you did on me, baby. put up a good fight, huh? you lasted a whole minute!”
your core tightened around him as he verbally degraded you. everything about it, the greediness he showed, the cockiness in his gaze, the direct insults he threw your way, you ate it up. you were close and considering the little gasps and moans coming from him, he was too.
“kiss me?” you asked in a borderline pathetic tone. he smiled, moving his hand away from your throat so he could use his forearm to hold himself up. you connected, barely kissing back before you tasted his blood. you moaned against his lips, strangely loving the taste.
“fuck, i’m gonna cum-“ he mutters against your lips, thrusts becoming more irrational as your walls tightened as well. you nodded, knowing you were in the same spot. you leaned forward, licking a stripe over his lips and collecting some of his blood. he quickly buried his face in your neck, pulling out before cumming on your stomach and tank top. you whined, just on the edge as he stilled.
“please, i’m so close.” he chuckled at the admission, letting go of your wrists. he started kissing down your body, hands caressing every inch. you whined, unamused by his teasing.
finally, he ended up exactly where you wanted him. his fingers quickly pushed inside as he attached himself to your clit. you clawed at the carpet above you, back arched and moans spewing from your lips. his free hand held you by your hip, holding you close and tight. he also moaned against you, whimpering against your clit as he took in the taste. you let go of the carpet, pulling at his hair and causing another moan against you. he pulled away for a second, panting as he teased you with the tip of his tongue. you looked down.
his chin and chest still had blood on it, but his mouth was nearly uncovered, most likely rubbed off on different parts of your body. his lips glistened, cheeks a little flush as he caught his breath. before he could even take a full inhale, he went back down, thrusting his fingers quicker than before. instead of just tasting you and playing with you, he now focused on making you finish.
it was working, since you were nearly drawn to tears with how quick your orgasm snuck up on you. you tugged at his hair, making him whine again and getting you closer. you kept tugging, the extra hum of his moans tipping you over the edge. you trembled, fist clinching in his curls and hips rutting against his face. his fingers slowed, eventually pulling out completely as he gave your inner thigh a kiss.
“you did so good for me, thank you.” he kept kissing, gentle and tender as he muttered praises through the last waves of pleasure. your grip on his hair finally loosened and he pulled away. “is it bad?”
you looked at him, seeing the blood that streaked down his chin and onto his throat and chest. his shirt was stained just like yours was, but he wasn’t bleeding anymore so that must be a good thing.
“yeah, it’s pretty bad.” you confirm. he huffs and goes to the bathroom, washing his face and grabbing a warm rag to wipe you off. once he returned, he cleaned you with little comment on what happened, which shocked you since it’s all you wanted to talk about. he wiped off your chest and your thigh quietly as you watched. “i liked it.”
“you did?” that’s why he was quiet. for some reason, he thought he went too far. yeah, he did go a little too far, but you loved it. his eyes glimmered as you nodded. “i liked when you punched me.” you laughed.
“it was kinda hot seeing you all bloody.. and knowing that i did it?” you groaned as punctuation. he chuckled, pulling your clothes all the way off before grabbing something to change into. “i’m exhausted, though.” he nodded.
“me too.” he got you dressed, helping you to the bed before changing himself. you watched quietly.
“i didn’t actually hurt you, did i?” he thought for a moment before responding.
“yeah, you did, but that’s why i liked it.” you smiled a little at that. “oh and right when you went off to hide, the internet came back on.” you laughed.
“perfect timing. i’m too tired to do anything anyway.” he crawled into bed, covering himself in the blankets before pulling you close.
“yep. i need a nap.”
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angel-bruises · 9 months
Initial opinions on the suggestions I was given for songs that feel like Twin Peaks & Laura Palmer (including some I was suggested on Instagram) Under a read more because it ended up being quite long
Les Revenants Soundtrack album - Mogwai  I did sort of skip through each track since this was an entire album suggested, but I agree it sounds like Twin Peaks. Like the town's grief after Laura's death. Will definitely be giving this album a proper listen later because I really like what I heard.
Otterley - Cocteau Twins I'm already a massive Cocteau Twins fan tbh. And I totally see the Twin Peaks vibes here! It's Agent Cooper having dreams about the case. It's owls flying at you in mysterious caves.
Midnight Cowboy - Faith no More This is so Cooper-core. And the brighter side of Twin Peaks in general. Love it.
Painless Steel - Bohren & der Club of Gore Oh I completely hear it tbh! It's giving traffic light in the wind at night. It's giving Twin Peaks soundtrack. The low hum sounds right out of Laura's theme, but then it also gets a bit jazzy like the rest of the soundtrack. Really like this one
On The Sea - Beach House I really enjoyed it. The lyrics definitely fit Laura's story.
A Warm Place- Nine Inch Nails Oh my god I love it. Gorgeous. AAAAAAAGHHH
La Mer - Nine Inch Nails Ngl I had no idea Nine Inch Nails made music like this and I'm really loving it??? It's so good!! And definitely get the Twin Peaks vibe with this, moving from beautiful to chaotic.
Ghosts I - 1 - Nine Inch Nails  Well I'm definitely going to start listening to Nine Inch Nails. And yeah, it absolutely gives a Laura & Black Lodge vibe to me. Like, all the darkness of Twin Peaks.
An Angel Held me Like a Child - Yeule Yeule can play at The Roadhouse like a modern Julee Cruise. It reminds me of Laura's happy ending getting her angel. Or when she's created by Dido in The Return.
Laura - Bat for Lashes I see the connection to Laura with the lyrics. I'm not sure it feels like her to me though. But maybe I'm wrong because two separate people suggested this one
Ptolemaea - Ethel Cain Very black lodge. This is what they're listening to in the room above the convenience store. Sounds like Laura's heartache. I also love it (although the outro is kind of long)
Laura Palmer’s theme - Xiu xiu Kind of cheating imo since it's a cover of a track off the soundtrack but I did like it. Nothing beats the original one though, Angelo Badalamenti is on another level and you can't improve on perfection.
Caroline - Concrete Blonde Makes me want to just get on my bike and go with this playing. Very 'giving a little lap dance in the Fat Trout trailer park' (I may have been influenced by the music video)
Redlights - Salem I'm already a huge Salem fan so I already know this track well and love it. Definitely get the Twin Peaks feeling from a lot of Salem's tracks, though I think Asia fits the vibe the most personally.
Better Off Alone - Salem Another track I already love. And I very much agree it has that feeling. It's Laura Palmer high out of her mind having a breakdown at James before running away. It's the darkness of the Lodge. It's dopplegangers and pain. Which is kind of funny when you remember what it's a remix of
Cocteau Twins Like I mentioned, I'm already a big Cocteau Twins fan and agree that most of their stuff feels very Twin Peaks! Or just Lynchian in general.
Fast moving cars - Carla Del Forno I totally get that Twin Peaks vibe from this one too. I'm running out of things to say lol. But yeah I like it and whoever suggested it is right.
Sarah Missing - Should This is so Bobby and Shelly. This is exactly what their romance sounds like and you can't convince me otherwise. I like it!
Rough Song - Beach House 30 seconds in and I love it, I love the bright sound Beach House have & will def be listening to more of them. The lyrics here are very fitting of Laura's story and the song itself sounds like Twin Peaks as a whole and very Laura.
Shadow - Chromatics I mean it's literally a song on the show. I would argue it's the song of The Return, much like Falling the song of the original show. Of course it sounds like Twin Peaks, it is Twin Peaks The Return!! And it's great
You Wish You Were Red - Trailer Trash Tracy I could see them playing at The Roadhouse! I feel like I've heard this song before but idk if I have. Feels like Cooper's journey?
I'm so glad for all these suggestions, I def have some new music I'm gonna listen to more!!
Also I know my writing is cringe as hell but you know what they say, I am cringe but I am free ;) I wasn't expecting to write as much as I did lmao
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As I wait for my beta to get back to me...
Okay I've never had a beta before and I love him but I'll never have a beta again bc i'm IMPATIENT but anyway I messed around with the sourceless incorrect quotes generator and I'm dying over here so. have these ig
including some things with peter as spider bc guess what! they'll also interact. yes i have three fucking fics planned
Jean: Where did you get that tomato soup? Peter: It’s actually a bowl of ketchup I just microwaved.
Peter: What goes up but never comes down? Jean: The amount of stress you're bringing me.
Jean, shooing Peter away: Can you go be depressed over there? You’re bumming out my whole area.
Peter: Ah, Hello again. We really need to stop meeting like this. Jean: Maybe we would, if you would sTOP ILLEGALLY ENTERING MY FUCKING CRIME SCENES!!!
Peter: So I can either do something dumb that could very well get me injured or I can listen to Jean and not do the thing, Peter: Well there’s a clear right answer here. Peter: *proceeds to throw five packs of mentos into a barrel full of diet coke*
Jean: So I have made the decision to trust you. Spider: A horrible decision, really.
Peter: I'm tired. Jean: You slept for three hours last night! Why are you surprised?! Peter: I'm not surprised. I just wanted to complain about it.
Jean: They don’t make them like me no more. I’m the last of my kind. Peter: Thank god.
Spider: And then they ran into my knife. They ran into my knife ten times. Jean: You mean you stabbed them? Spider: They ran into my knife.
Jean: Do you have any idea what you’re doing? Peter: Why start now?
Peter: I love hearing Jean shouting at someone else. It makes such a nice change.
Peter, getting a full nap with a warm blanket for the first time in literal years (i WILL make it happen): You know I think my life has value. Jean: Who are you and what have you done with Peter?!
Jean: You use humor to deflect your trauma. Spider: Awww, thanks- Jean: That’s not a good thing. Spider: All I’m hearing is that you think I’m funny.
Jean, to Peter: All right, let’s tell each other a secret about ourselves. I’m going to go first– I hate you.
Jean: Why are you on fire? Spider: This is just how my day is going.
Jean: I'll offer you some friendly advice- Peter: I don't want your advice. Jean: Well, then consider it unfriendly advice, dipshit.
Jean: I've met a lot of pricks in my time, but you, Parker, are a fucking cactus.
Jean: That’s illegal, right? Peter: Why do you care? Are you a fucking cop? Jean: Kinda- Peter: Just shut the fuck up.
Jean: I should've left you on that street corner where you were standing. Peter: But ya' didn't!
Jean: Don’t go picking a fight with me. I could make your life difficult. Peter, sarcastically: Wow. I wonder what it’d be like to have a difficult life.
Kidnapper: We have your child Jean: I don’t have a child? Kidnapper: Then who just told us to fuck off and that he doesn't have time for more stupid problems? Jean: Oh god, you have Peter
Jean: Who hurt you? Peter: *snorting* What, do you want a list? Jean: ...Yes, actually.
Spider: Something’s off. Jean: Maybe you’ve finally developed human emotions and feel bad for hurting people. Spider: No, but that’s funny.
Jean: Peter, no. Peter: Peter, yes.
Peter/Spider: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated. Jean: Killed without hesitation.
[that second part would work for either tho ngl but i can't NOT have pete say the first line]
Peter: I'm bored, any suggestions? Jean: Sleeping is nice. Peter: I acknowledge your suggestion, and I’m deciding to ignore it.
Spider: It’s nice to be wanted, you know? Jean: Not by the law!
Jean: I never tell people off the bat that I'm gay. I wait. I wait until they say some homophobic shit and then I laugh and am like "you know I'm gay right?" and watch the look of terror on their face. Peter: Peter: I like you.
[Jean if he was not living in the 30s were being gay could get him fired and killed :D]
Jean: You have an impressive pain tolerance. Peter: Thanks, it's the trauma.
Jean: Where have you been all day? Peter: Oh, just dealing with things way beyond my maturity level.
Peter: Jean, I sense hostility. Jean: Good, because I hate you.
Spider being an edgy bastard: I could kill you if I wanted. Jean: Yeah? So could any other human being. So could a dog. So could a dedicated duck. You aren't special.
Jean: You're alive. Peter: No need to sound so disappointed.
Peter: You read my diary? Jean: At first I did not know it was your diary. I thought it was a very sad handwritten book.
Jean: I can't imagine what Peter is planning. But I can tell you two things. We won't like it and it won't be legal.
Jean: Ayo, what the FUCK is this?!? Spider, sitting down, surrounded by corpses: I won Mafia, that’s what.
Jean: What are you doing here? Peter: I could ask you the same question. Jean: I work here. This is my crime scene. Peter: I should probably ask you a different question.
Jean: You saved me! Why? Spider: People would think I murdered you if I didn't.
Jean: Can you pass the salt? Peter: Can you pass away? Jean: Too much salt.
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dandelion-wings · 9 months
deep in my extremely specific and self-indulgent gender headcanons this morning
I keep thinking about. Kaeya knows being trans is a thing. He shows up at the Dawn Winery just as Crepus is starting to arrange fantasy hormone potions and shit for Diluc. And as he starts figuring out Mondstadt gender roles, which are a bit different from Khaenri'ahan ones, he knows he doesn't quite fit into their idea of A Boy any more than Diluc fits as A Girl. But the problem is, he doesn't fit as A Girl either. He's something different, and when he thinks about going through everything Diluc is just to end up playing another role that only sometimes feels good and right to take on... that's a lot for an endgame he isn't even sure he wants. So he'll just. Stuff all of that in a black box in the back of his head and pretend it doesn't exist. He has a lot of such boxes and he's good at ignoring them! And if he leans flamboyant as he gets older, that's fine, no one minds (make assumptions about his sexuality, but don't mind), and beside, he's a knight so some gender deviance is allowed
(because Jean is the first model he's introduced to for knighthood, even more certain of her destiny than Diluc, and the first binary Jean ever internalized was "knight" vs. "lady," later extended out to "knight" vs. "civilian." Eventually she finds out there's another binary and she's assigned one half of it by other people, which is sometimes annoying and inconvenient but mostly fine, but it doesn't matter half as much as her self-identification as a knight. Which is 100% fine with her mother and thus never gets countered by someone she considers an authoritative source)
and Kaeya's feelings only get reinforced when Lisa shows up. She makes her own hormone potions and she seems very happy with her gender and presentation, and he actually steals some of her mannerisms because he's 19 and still trying to figure out the right role to play now that "Diluc's shadow" is out, and she's a cool almost-30-year-old whose confidence in her own identity he envies. So he does have a moment of, maybe he could ask her--but she is extremely feminine in presentation in ways that, again, he only sometimes wants, so. Back in the box that goes! No point in opening that up
(meanwhile Eula got told she was A Girl simultaneously with being told she was A Lawrence--her own character stories imply that "oldest daughter of the clan" has some kind of significance--and therefore learned How To Be A Girl alongside How To Be An Aristocrat and gives them the same weight. Which is to say, from her own voiceline: "I was forced to learn all of the rules by heart, but even I don't take them that seriously." She is not particularly concerned about her own self-identification, because she trusts the people she cares about to take her as she is beneath the show, and that's all thar matters)
and Jean mentally genders both Kaeya and Eula as knights (Diluc was so emphatic about being A Boy that she accepts that comes first for him, he's just a knight too in the same way she's a woman too, and Lisa is unquestionably a lady), and ngl it's probably how she thinks about Amber too, and that's really what matters, isn't it, in the end. Which both of them would find acceptable if she said so aloud, if for different reasons
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outsidereveries · 5 months
current energies of the upcoming usa presidental elections (2024)
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as promised i decided to ask who might be the republican, the democratic candidates, will there be a one who might be important, how americans will vote and who can win these elections.
republican candidate: whoever that is, they really care about the americans and their happiness. it really feels that it's their fate to try for a president. very stable person who has all the money in the world (metaphorically of course). they're well-known outside of the country with .. i'd say good things? even if they do get more hate than love, the good things they're known for seem to be more prominent. they won't lie to your faces.. unlike someone else. i feel trump's energy here, ngl; they were president in the past..
democratic candidate: well, that's the "someone else" i mentioned in the previous paragraph. they'll really try to "steal" the ideas and plans from the republican candidate for the audience they have to collect just to brainwash them and even more. i personally am unsure what democrats' intentions towards trump really are as of now but i sense they'll continue with them as they want to (literally) fight trump and repress him? they'll try to brainwash everyone with the usual tactics such as celebrities supporting the democratic candidate, i do see taylor swift supporting them whoever they'll be and possibly some other ones who might be forced or willing to show their support. their actual intentions to make america greater are similar as biden's current management such as creating more wars, chaos and so on. i feel that they weren't president before however the current energy regarding who that can be is sort of messy as i sense the current vice president, kmala harris and someone else whose energy isn't familiar to me even with their possible names. i certainly don't feel biden as i saw he might give up to be candidate again for health reasons.
is there another impactful candidate who isn't from republican/democratic party and if yes, who: even if there's a one, they won't be mentioned as much as expected. i do sense some talks, related to some people who can candidate in the future who can be viral due to saying something that's true or relevant but up to there, at least as of now. there can be some shifts that can be related to "oh look at person x, he can do this and that, you should vote for him" but i doubt they'll be listened to that extent and seemingly will be ignored by most people.
how americans will vote: they seemingly have trust issues to both sides and might actually want to break from the two-party system they have. similarly to bulgarians, most of them don't believe at the politics at all, impactful amount of americand are hopeless because of biden's management. however, they might want to "settle" for the republican candidate no matter if that's trump or not not because he's geniunely better but because they don't have choice. i do sense that vibe from 2020 when the americans genz people tried to educate that both people are bad but should settle for biden. well, how the tables turned.. big majority for the republican candidate, possibly trump. maybe 60% of the states? like 30 out of 50?
who might win: it's still the republican candidate no matter whether some people like it or not because the winner will be isolated from the media, like tvs and the popular censored platforms/shows. i do see some new memes here and there though, lol; i still feel that there won't be cheating in a way or another because of the winner being isolated from basically almost everywhere. i cannot deny there will be attempts but will be unsuccessful.
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Scythe chapter 11-15
You know the drill!! Cmon!!!
Chapter 11!!
-I always forget the conclave’s have names,,,
-The thing is, you can never blame these people for fighting back, it’s human nature, but OUGH the consequences of human nature are so devastating
-But just imagine the guilt you’d feel, your husband got killed and you get immune from the same fate for a whole year. That’s just prime for survivors guilt
-Also the fact that Faraday told the family the man didn’t resist is just testament to his kindness and compassion
-“The sanctity of the law…And the wisdom to know when it must be broken.” *Stares at Goddard*
-MILK SCENE, I unironically love this scene even tho I think it’s really funny
-Also I genuinely don’t know how ppl drink milk b4 bed, is that even a real thing? How does that make you sleepy??
-Also good on Faraday!! Don’t waste shit!!!
-Apparently all the Scythe Rings are white but I refuse to acknowledge that, they’re all multicolored and each color relates to the scythe in some way <3
-That ring security system Faraday has going on is sick as fuck tho ngl
-“Now let’s see how long it takes Rowan to go for the ring.” I love himmmm, he’s fun!!! He can be fun!!
-Tonist mention!! I love the Tonists <33
-Nice chapter!! Gives more depth to Faraday!!
Chapter 12!!
-Rowan and Citra’s test are approaching!!!
-The idea of having to hold yourself back in life because you’re afraid of being killed is actually terrifying—
-Also same Rowan, I hate studying too
-“Rowan concluded that not knowing was more terrifying than knowing.” If I remember correctly what the consequence is then that is CERTAIN true
-I LOVE Citra and Rowan’s banter here!! You can see their chemistry early on!!
-Cute chapter! Lots of Citran moments!
Chapter 13!!
-“I’m a human being, not a mole.” Faraday is soooo fun sometimes like so fun and endearing???
-I too hate walking at 6:30 am (I go to public school in America)
-“I have found that with the Scythedom, it is better to ask for forgiveness than permission,” He is iconic yall
-“What’s the worst they could do?” Things said before disasters—
-“Running the gauntlet” Like walking the red carpet!
-“Scythes wished to be seen as the many faces of light, not of darkness.” And soon they will be! Yk, just right after the plague—
-OO now they’re seeing scythe goddard ohoho I LOVE HAVING FORESIGHT
-Citra would cringe at the fact she at one point dazzled by goddard
-Rowan don’t be fatphobic /j
-I like that the conclave’s are pretty boring for the most part, makes it feel more realistic
-I love how only when Citra becomes a Scythe does she begin to understand these rituals, shows how much she grows
-OHOHO we got goddards fuckin note bullshit! Citra is gonna hear allll about that when she becomes a scythe
-Love how Chomsky is basically described as “as white as anyone could be” lmaoo token white man
-also gun lobby, nothing to say about it just…Gun lobby
-Rowan starting to talk like faraday is GOLD
-Again I love Citra and Rowan’s banter
-The idea of the weaponsmaster being a infomercial salesman is SOO funny i need to use that in my scythe oc shit
-Also that digital poison sounds fucking TERRIFYING
-The Scythes not liking the term ‘victim’ is rlly interesting to me, shows they really think of themselves as these faces of light
-Neal I don’t think you know what feminine hygiene products sound like—
-Hand of midas shit but even MORE horrifying!!
-I am terrible with names I saw Scythe Mandela and thought he was Scythe Possuelo and I have no idea why
-Who names their child Ransom??
-VERY good and long chapter!! Two more to go!!
Chapter 14!!
-OOO the test scene!! One of my favorites!!
-Again what is with the shit names??? Jacory??
-OHH you do NOT interrupt scythe curie girl you are FUCKED
-Oh Citra you’re gonna revisit the worst thing you’ve ever done REALLL soon
-We all want a relationship with the thunderhead Curie
-Very good chapter that adds to the stakes of the story!! One more to go!!!
Chapter 15!!!
-God the shock and confusion and how upset they all are really captivates this conversation
-And you see that eventually Rowan is very willing to die at the hands of Citra, that’s how much he loves her like UGHH
-“Scythes were supposed to be above the petty,” oh citra you have no idea bby girl,,
-Hash pales!!!
-Ive already went in depth about why I love this scene in my Citran analysis post but UGH I LOVE ITT
-Liar!! You are totally in love rowan!!
-God he is such a fucking dick i hate himmm
-Very good chapter :)
AND THATS THE NEXT 5!!! Next time we’ll do chapters 16-20!
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themaskstayson · 5 months
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Part three of the Wyll origin run
Ah man, this is a lot. I haven't had Gale so excited to talk to me since my first playthrough 500 hours ago it's kind of cute ngl
I'm thinking about Wyll being emo during the party cause the little scene is one of my favorites, and trying to cheer him up from his body dysphoria(?) but I also really, REALLY, enjoy the idea of Wyll stuffing his feelings down to make everyone happy since he can't be emo by the river since he's the party lead. Wyll is trying to keep the team morale high and then when he's alone in his bed he just cries to sleep. Cause, let's be real, no one is mentally capable to help each other when the player is the therapist.
Also, his funny lines are pretty good and I have been picking every single option to have Wyll just laughing the pain away.
So, we saved Karlach, asked her if she had any advice on horn care since I feel like that's a WAY better route to go instead of Wyll being depressed during the party when you are Tav amd makes more sense since Wyll is gonna mingle.
(Side rant: People say Wyll sucks because he's insensitive but like, come on. He's a DEVIL not tielfing! I think he's allowed to express how he feels uncomfortable in his new DEVIL body. "But tielfings have horns!" yeah okay but they straight up saw Wyll as a human like two days ago, they know something is fishy with the sulfer smell coming off him. You gonna say there's no difference??? Now THAT is insensitive /hj lol)
I also went to the Rest and Counsellor Florrick asked what the hell happened and once again Wyll joked that he was running with the wrong crowd. Unfortunately that backed fired and she said she knew since his father informed them which damn. Ulder is talking mad shit about his own son, that's crazy. Felt bad and then she had the audacity to demand my help???? Like I was gonna give it but damn.
Anyways, I was hoping to get to level 5 before the Goblin Camp but I didn't. So, we gambled it. Had Gut give me the sleep potion and got assistance for that. Knocked Minthara out cause I'm STILL trying to get that girl without being a bad guy. Then fought Ragzlin which.... that was rough. Gale did die but luckily his deas body did some damage to a goblin and Ragzlin. I usually cheese the fight but idk I decided not to this time around for some reason.
STILL not sure who imma romance. Flirted with Gale at the party, which was cute. I am leaning towards him cause I gotta stop romancing Astarion and Wyll all the time. And despite being a huge wyllstarion fan, Gale is doing something to my current need for a cute romance. Plus my other game I am romancing Astarion and Wyll (two Tav game yippee) so I should romance someone new. Karlach did not try to put the moves on me and I am not putting the moves on her so rip. First time ever Shadowheart and Lae'zel are meh about me, which is weird. I'll figure it out the next time I play but might be joining the Gale/Wyll club. I should find some fics to get into the mindset.
Also if anyone is reading these I should mention this is a modded custom game. Meaning I am using the mod honor feature unlock so i can have the playstyle with multiple saves, playing in a custom game that I cannot see the NPC HP, gave the NPC 100% more HP compared to the game 30% more. I want the multiple saves for story stuff cause I'm still trying out new lines but also I need the combat to be harder.
Honour Feature Unlock
Tactician Plus (best for party limit begone tbh this file I'm doing just 4 to a party tho but in other files with everyone, I use the 150% HP)
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candy-crackpot · 1 year
So I finished Sailor Moon anime, manga and what is out in the Crystal adaptation and some thoughts:
- while I usually don't like it when anime studios change around stuff when they adapt a manga, Sailor Moon might be the exception for me. I think it benefited the anime greatly that Usagi as the focus of the series got decentralised and had her "reluctant to take on her role" part extended. Seeing her in such despair an distress, have her friends be frustrated with her and chastise her really made her feel like the child cracking under pressure she was and that only made her finding her courage the more compelling. And thanks to Usagi taking a bit of a step back from being in the spotlight the other characters got better fleshed out as individuals. From a mainly romance focused battle shojou female friendship came to the front and I have to say I had no idea I was so starved to see that
- the changes though made some parts and connections were a bit thin on the ground but I may be unbothered by it because I watched the anime first and then read the manga when I discovered that there are some alterations.
- ngl I binged through the manga so that may be one of the reasons why I feel a bit meh over it? For a classical and beloved series it appeared to have a lot of generic stuff I seen other places but that is precisely because many were inspired by this work and elevated it to mainstream
- Crystal is as close to 1:1 as possible and from season 3 on the animation is beautiful, fluid and bouncy, the music is nice - but damn the 90's anime was so damn good with its animation, its palette and the music just hits better?? The emotional parts feel much better delivered?? Each season had different music for the transformations, there was a sung theme song, how cool is that??
- Hoshino herself appears to be a fan of Sailor Moon, based on the Sailor Moon Timcanpy doodle and now I can see some inspirations she took for D.Gray-man: from the Death Busters arc the concept of levelling up, the Daimon Eggs, crystallisation and in the grander scheme of things Lenalee design and personality wise feels like a nod towards Usagi
So in the end it was a super fun ride and I can very much see why about 30 years later it is so well known and beloved. Hope D.gray-man gets to be that too one day.
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(I hope that I didn't send in this ask in the past, I am a little dissociative rn).
TW for self harm mention, panic attacks, dissociation
My therapist wants to work on "my connection to my body". I am pretty cut off from my emotions, body signals etc. For example, in the past I had panic attacks "out of nothing and for no reason" and sometimes in hindsight I could say "Well, that could've been expected". So she gave me some papers on which I hourly should note my "stress level" as a kind of first step. I think I saw these papers in the past on friends who had BPD and were supposed to write down their stress and urge to self-harm, but in my case it is rather a chart that ends in "panic attack" or "dissociation", I don't self harm.
And I have to be perfectly honest, I have barely felt that overwhelmed by anything in the past weeks. Even if I think about it, my mind races. I hope it is fine if I write my thoughts down and maybe you could give me some ideas and comments about them? My therapist is on vacation the next 4 weeks and I really regret having agreed on that...
For some reason I need super much clareficiation on this thing and so many details to understand it, I honestly don't know what my problem is.
My therapist said "You should strive for something between 30%-50% stress level, that's the growth area" but tbh 1. I never feel like I am growing, 2. All the time 30%? Or X hours a day? 3. If I use my one dopamine to panic clean my kitchen in 5 hours, that might be 50% stress level but certainly no growth. 4. I never feel like 30-50%? In my mind I use as an example "I lay in bed and read a good non-fiction book, which sadly isn't written for a non-academic, so I have to google a lot of stuff" (which is very specific and I haven't yet finished that book). I hope this is even a good example. But this doesn't really feel like "medium stress". It feels like "No stress, while reading the paragraphs I understand" and "Much stress when googeling stuff". Like a wave. 5. Who says you always need to be in a medium-stress area? Forever? Or during your young and growing years? Is my dream of a farm far away from human civilication so wrong, from a therapists viewpoint?
So far (and I have overthought this nearly every second the last week) I have made this list (please tell me if you think it is right):
10% - Almost falling asleep (that's what my therapist said); 20% - reading a fiction book or maybe crocheting while watching a movie; 30%-50% - ???? ; 60% - (the first number above the "growth zone") curling up in bed crying, 70%- panic attack/ or mild dissociation; 80% - aggressive "????" (aka overwhelmed and everything at once); 90% - bad dissociation, 100% severe dissociation, non-verbal, potentially with amnesia.
Is that ok? Idk I think it is maybe to much to already start with "crying" just after the "good growth zone" but, as an example: I visited my therapist, which means I had to take the train, it takes a long time and I come hope so exhausted that I fall asleep immediately. I can rationally maybe say, that's growth. But it only takes one delayed train, or tripping over my own feet, one too loud and rowdy passenger on the train, or something else so small, and I won't fall asleep immediately but break out in tears immediately.
Which brings me back to "I don't feel growth". In my past I was pushing my limit everyday (my limits in this case being, leave the house and go to university). And it never gotten any easier in 3 years. So idk how growth feels, when to feel growth, am I unable or did I do something wrong etc.?
I thought this chart was too small and limiting, so I made a notebook in which I (tried) to write down what I feel emotionally and in my body, at least three times a day (and try to stick to the percentage thing). Ngl many entries are "too overwhelmed already to open up the bottle of "what do I feel rn"". But I also felt much worse the days I used this notebook. Which can be coincidence, or maybe I lived in peaceful bliss until now, and maybe that's something I am not ready to open up yet? I don't know what the right way is tbh, and I am very afraid of sabotaging the therapy.
Any help, ideas, suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Hi anon,
I can understand how that kind of format can feel much too rigid to categorize your experiences. I've never heard of stress levels being tracked in that way, or that a moderate amount of stress is the only way to grow, although it may be somewhat related to the concept of eustress. But it's absolutely possible to be productive without any stress whatsoever, and the spectrum of stress provided sounds more like a spectrum of mood from positive to negative.
If you feel that this way of looking at your ability to grow is unhelpful, I encourage you to tell your therapist. They should be more than happy to tailor their approach to something that makes more sense to you. It might even be better to try and document what you did immediately before a panic attack to see if there's a pattern and potentially identify a trigger, although some triggers take hours or days before a reaction, especially if you experience dissociation.
If anyone has any other comments or suggestions, please feel free to add on. Otherwise, I hope I could help and please let us know if you need anything.
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nobodysdaydreams · 8 months
Sorry for the delay, but I did warn you my schedule would be very inconsistent. Thank you everyone for your patience.
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that and for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @herawell @commsroom
Episode 29: Pan-Pan
Minkowski doing the intro because Doug is gone 🥺
Our boy has been gone for 100 days?!?!?
If the others knew about WHAT? Minkowski? Hera?
Ngl, the arguing and bickering subplot is getting a little old. I understand tensions are high due to the Doug situation, but where is the main plot?
Over one hundred critical failures and y’all are still fighting?
“It should be habitable” “But not comfortable”.
I love how Hera and the crew will do things to try help each other feel comfortable even though Hera can’t feel human sensations and the humans can’t feel AI sensations.
Are they gonna have to cuddle for warmth? Snuggle time! 🥰🧸
“Distress calls? Who is gonna pick up?” Why the characters I saw my mutuals posting about before I blocked the wolf359 tags, of course! I can only assume that why they’ve been so excited for me to start season 3.
No, don’t go to a corner. You guys need to snuggle and feel better.
“Why do I have to go?” Hilbert you tried to kill everyone. So yeah. It does have to be you. It should always be you.
Lovelace that’s too far, Cutter probably put some malware in her.
“Whose fault is it?” CUTTER’S WHO DO YOU THINK.
Oh my gosh this is going WAY too far.
All the bad stuff you did was out of desperation or impaired thinking due to the stress of space, which is, again, BECAUSE OF CUTTER! So stop blaming each other.
Minkowski… oh she misses Doug. 💔
…cracks? The end of operational life? We can’t fix it?
Um. No. Not this hopelessness. I need them strong enough to punch Cutter in the face.
Call command? No. Don’t do that. I don’t trust them. Bad idea. BAD IDEA. The only idea, unfortunately, but that doesn’t make it good.
Episode 30: Mayday
Um. What’s with the weird noises?
…I say as if there aren’t two seasons left with him as the main character.
Oh no that was a rewind. This is a flashback. So maybe Doug doesn’t live.
Yikes that scream. Me too Doug me too.
Minkowski’s voice in his head 🥺
Haha… mocking him about not reading the manual Cutter worships.
And she put it in there just for him. 💕
Reliant Robin? Interesting name. I like it.
“Ignorance makes death inevitable” well put our heroes sure are ignorant of a lot no thanks to Cutter & co.
It’s okay Eiffel. I like your action plans.
“That’s dead boy talk” 😂
“Find someone else” …interesting. There are others…
…I wonder what they’re like.
I’d hate being frozen like that. Yeah. This is gonna be rough Doug…
I love how he keeps renaming the ship.
Oh gosh. It’s killing him. Poor Doug. Oh dear. Oh Doug.
“USS Peace of Crap”
Oh he lost his hair? Well. At least he matches Hilbert now. Maybe they can bond over that if they ever see each other again.
“Please respond” Doug sounded so broken.
Oh but now there’s whistling 🎶🎶🎶
He doesn’t have nails?
6,000 years? “How do you know there will even be anything there?”
“Nevermind”. Oh that was dark. Doug have you been freezing yourself incorrectly?
What about Hera’s voice? Or the voices of that family he won’t talk about? 👀
You tried Doug. You tried your best. Wait, “never get to talk to who?”
USS Horrible Unending Nightmare, what a name.
DOUG THEY WANT TO HELP! Yes! Or maybe no… depends on who it is…
How does he know who he is?
“We’re here to take you home” why do I not fully trust you random man?
Episode 31: Sécurité
Urania? Who is this? 👀
“They’re there”. YES THEY ARE.
JACOBI! Before I blocked the tags, I remember seeing your name. A few other names too in fact.
Well, well, well my friends. I’ve paused the episode to announce that the moment is finally here. You see I wanted to go into this spoiler free, so I dutifully blocked the Wolf359 tags on tumblr. But before I blocked the Wolf359 tags, I saw a lot of angsty Wolf359 fan art from my mutuals heavily implying that the Hephaestus crew gets betrayed by someone they come across. Now I’m going to assume that this is true, maybe I’m off base, maybe I’m not, please don’t confirm or deny anything. But working off this assumption, incorrect or otherwise, is very exciting because I just remember the art, nothing about names or context other than what I stated previously, which means it’s time to play everyone’s favorite game show:
✨Who Is Gonna Betray Everyone? ✨
Welcome to the show ladies and gentlemen. We’ll be checking in later to review our options, but for now let’s see what we got. In one corner we got Jacobi. I recall my mutuals posting about him, but were they doing it affectionately or with anger… ooo… that detail escapes me. And as always we have the “Bods… no one is gonna betray anyone except Cutter and maybe Hilbert again. They’re the bad guys. You already know this. I don’t know what fan art you thought you saw but literally what are you talking about?” And if that is the case then… uh… just ignore this sorry guys.
Ohhhh… never mind! Option 3 has arrived: Wareen Kepler. Works for Goddard Futuristics which already puts him high on the traitor suspect list. But of course Kepler and Jacobi could be working together, come to think of it, I think I might have seen a ship tag of them before blocking the general Wolf359 tag. Is it because they’re a canon couple? Good space buddies? Or a pair of sneaky Judases united by the atrocities they’ve committed? Only time will tell.
SI-5? Okay I have FOR SURE seen that mentioned before.
Kepler knows Hilbert? Oh yeah… yeah Kepler is moving right up that suspect list. Red flags out the wazoo.
Okay Kepler. Respecting Hera’s name. That’s nice, but the red flags are still waving. What do you want to know about Hilbert’s work?
DOUG IS BACK!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳
“Maybe the fact that we brought Doug back is proof we don’t mean you any harm”
Besides, Cutter still wants to know about the aliens. He’ll keep them alive. For now. But what happens when they run out their use?
They have alcohol on board? Quite a luxury. And the rescue mission is very… nice of Cutter. Creepily and very suspiciously nice. I wouldn’t drink anything he offers you.
Another one? That sounds ominous. And I don’t like that Hera can’t see inside. If this guys are making Hilbert of all people suspicious, clearly things about to go South.
SI-5 agents? Black operations work? Top men? Kepler… the most dangerous man you’ll ever met? Don’t like that.
Don’t like you either scary lady. Oh. She was addressing Hera. I like that, but Dr. Maxwell? So far we haven’t had good luck with science people working for Cutter. And if she’s an AI specialist, she could very well be Cutter’s version of Garrison (@ my TMBS mutuals). Looks like detective Bods has sniffed out another suspect.
Well. She seems very helpful. Suspiciously helpful. And… my AirPods are out of juice.
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Thank goodness AirPods charge quickly. Now let’s see… Maxwell is an AI specialist. Oh Hera sounded a bit nervous when she realized Maxwell developed AI. Makes you wonder how AI developers treat their creations. And yeah, why would command send you?
“Who said anything about a rescue mission”?
I knew it. They aren’t leaving.
“Your boss is an insane psychopath” THANK YOU DOUG. TELL THE TRUTH.
“You’re whisky” Guess what Kepler? Guess what Jacobi? What happens when you’re whisky? WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU ARE EGGS THAT NEED TO BE CRACKED TO MAKE AN OMLETE?
Maxwell did that to Hera? Oh I might just hate her the most. She needs to keep her hands off of the AI. I know people like her, I recall seeing her name in posts, people have usernames with her in it, but look, right now, I really can’t stand SI-5. Cutter’s little errand boys have got to go.
I love how Hilbert is just back with them now 😂
Yeah, I don’t think knocking them out will work. Never thought I’d say this but Hilbert has a point. Wait, personal interest? I don’t want Cutter taking a personal interest in anything. And I don’t just mean anything involving the mission or space or AI, I mean literally anything. He can’t even take a personal interest in knitting or bowling or historical trivia. He doesn’t deserve hobbies.
Kepler was the one who lied about Lovelace. Well, well, well. Seems like someone has a motivate to kill. 👀
Oh no. They really got to Hera. But if you want to be subtle maybe DON’T change her language like that.
“you won’t see them coming” sure I will Hilbert I saw that fan art. I think they shoot one of you? Maybe I’m remembering it wrong. Well. At least a common enemy is bring the team together. Cheers for that at least. Mini Episode 4: Meanwhile
Mini Episode Time! 🥳
Who is talking? Why…why does that sound like female Cutter? Oh it’s Rachel. Wasn’t that the girl Cutter threatened to throw out a window? I feel less bad for her now.
Cutter please get past the BS.
“The Black Archives” well that doesn’t sound ominous at all. “Things that aren’t supposed to come back, they shouldn’t have a paper trail. They could get us into legal trouble”.
Oh I certainly hope they do Rachel. I hope you get your butts dragged to court: you, Cutter, Jacobi, Kepler, and Maxwell. I hope they throw you in cells without toothpaste and feed you nothing but the frozen mush you gave your astronauts. I hope, just like poor Doug, they force feed you enough cigarettes to get you addicted and then take them away to prevent your from dying faster, but still make you to feel the cravings Doug felt. And if you’re wondering why Hilbert isn’t on my jail list, his recent actions have struck a comical and benevolent chord in my soul. I sentence him to a lifetime of community service that involves surrendering his free will to his creation: the blessed eternal.
What does Blessie think about all this? No one has mentioned him. SI-5 either hasn’t noticed or doesn’t care. But Blessie is a very capable plant. A good ally to have in a time like this.
Omega contingency? “Last resort”. I don’t like that.
“something big is coming” Indeed it is Cutter, and I hope it involves your death. Pretty please it would make my Christmas.
Thanks for reading friends. Sorry for the delay. I hope you enjoyed!
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