#feeling normaler already. also unlocked a new colour
genderqueeradrien · 2 years
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elvenbeard · 1 year
I've played Cyberpunk twice before but your posts have inspired me to go for my third playthrough and first as male V so I can try out the Kerry romance. Also attempting to learn my way around the AMM mod so I can play around in photo mode more, cause I'm loving the virtual photography stuff. I'm hesitant to share though cause I feel like I barely know what I'm doing (especially since photography is my actual job and I feel like I should know what I'm doing 🤦‍♀️) and you're the only person I follow that's even into Cyberpunk. Anyway, sorry for the rambling, I guess I just wanted you to know your blog inspired someone 😊
aöskdjfaödsjfdffj !!! I feel like I've unlocked a new fandom achievement :D that honestly means so much to hear that I inspired you like aaaahhh ;A;
Okayokayokay, but yes, first things first: I'm extremely biased obviously, but definitely go an play Kerry's romance! It's short (I'm just gonna assume you know his questline if you played the game twice before) but personally I found it so heartwarming and lighthearted and chaotic in a good way after all the horros V went through for the entirety of the game until then xD Also, Kerry is such a good, multilayered character and you're not gonna be in the slightest prepared for some of things he'll say to a romanced V (at least I wasn't, but I also mean that in the best way XD). Would love to hear your thoughts once you get there and I hope you'll love it as much as I do xD
Also!! Don't be shy to share your virtual photography stuff! Photography isn't my job, I do have a tiny bit of experience with it through uni (we had a half-year course once, with outdoor and photostudio shootings and all that, and I learned a lot and really enjoyed it). And it's true, there are some similarities, in terms of how to pick and frame your motives for example, but also: it's still very different tools you're using, so it's normal to not immediately get the hang of everything. I quickly went digging through my screenshot folder for some of my first pics I took in Cyberpunk just with basic photomode:
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I still genuinely like all of these (even though I think I didn't share all of them publically so far). But looking back with what I've learned since then (the oldest is the one with Vince on his bike, from Dec 15th '22, the newest is the one with Kerry and Nibbles, from February 22nd '23) I also know what I'd do differently to make them even cooler now xD
AMM also had a bit of a learning curve for me, still does in some regards XD But it really brought my VP to the next level, just for the immense amount of new poses compared to the 20-something or so in vanilla photomode, the nicer and more natural facial expressions, and yeah... the ability to spawn multiple characters xD You can do shippy stuff even with vanilla photomode, but with AMM there's... so... many... possibilities...
ALSO! What I'm still trying to get the hang of but which is so so nice and one of the main things I'd change about my old screenies: custom lights. Spawning different colour lights, basically having your own little photostudio setup wherever you want, however complex or simple you want, is amazing and makes a huuuge difference!!
An example of my learning curve with AMM and one of my favourite photo subjects: Arasaka!Vince
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Feb 2nd 2023: The first time I styled Vince to look like he did during his time with Arasaka, vanilla photomode, the only mod I had was one to enter full CC with a shortcut whenever and everywhere. Already pretty cool shot, but in hindsight, the lighting is so bad xD I think I have a version of this edited to death in Photoshop somewhere, but I can't find it atm. PS helped fix the lighting a bit, but yeh... it's still not ideal, but not much you can do about it in vanilla except play with exposure and contrast more in the effects tab.
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March 12th 2023: Spawned Vince with AMM, I think the pose is still a basic one that you also have in Photomode though. But his expression is an AMM one, there's custom lights, and I made use of AMM's awesome feature that lets you teleport to locations that are usually off limits (here the Arasaka Counterintel office you only get to see during the Corpo lifepath quest). Already so much better just with some red backlight and a bright frontal light that actually makes his face visible! XD This is also completely unedited!
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May 7th 2023: One of my recent faves, post-graphics update, which also made everything look so much nicer in general! I think I had three custom lights (pale blue from the front, bright yellow from the left, and a small white one from top). And I've become a bit less scared about getting up close and personal into his personal space XD
TL;DR: It's a process! We're all starting somewhere, and if you're not comfortable sharing your stuff yet, that's completely fine. It's a learning curve, too, but don't give up :D I think I've really discovered an amazing new creative hobby through this game in the shape of virtual photography (and unlike real people, silly pixel men will hold their pose forever without flinching and I can fly around them and take pics from every angle... but admittedly, getting them to do exactly what I want is definitely a challenge sometimes, cause I can only say "noo, go 20 pixels further in Z direction... noo, too far, 1 pixel back again!! noo, look at Kerry, don't look at yourself, that's weird, stop moving your head around so much!" but when you then get that one perfect shot it's worth the effort and fiddling XD patience really really is key though).
If you ever decide you wanna share some stuff I'd love to see :D and if you need help don't hesitate to reach out! Now I gotta apologize for rambling, but yes :D Have lots of fun with male V and virtual photography :3
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alln64games · 5 months
Quest 64
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NA release: 10th June 1998
PAL release: 30th September 1998
JP release: 9th July 1999
Developer: Imagineer
Publisher: THQ (NA), Konami (PAL) Imagineer (JP)
N64 Magazine Score: 71%
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There’s a lot of curious things about the Quest series. This game was given different names in different regions. In North America, it was the very generic Quest 64. In Europe is was the rather meaningless Holy Magic Century and in Japan it was Eltale Monsters (I think Eltale Book would have worked better). Despite being a JRPG, it also came out in Japan last.
Quest got a spin-off in the form of a Mr. Do clone on Game Boy Color called Quest: Fantasy Challenge in the USA and, oddly, Holy Magic Century in Europe (it wasn’t released in Japan) and then a remake of the original game on Game Boy Colour (with an expanded story) called Quest: Brian’s Journey in the USA and Elemental Tale – Jack’s Great Adventure: Satan’s Counterattack in Japan (this one wasn’t released in Europe).
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As for Quest 64, the game itself is also interesting as it seems like a great starting point for a game, but it feels like it isn’t finished. It works fine and isn’t glitchy, it’s just there isn’t a lot to it. The idea behind the story is interesting, but it isn’t told well. It’s very easy to lose track of what you’re supposed to be doing due to lack of context, and NPCs rarely have anything interesting to say.
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The combat has some interesting ideas, too. It’s turn-based but you move around in the actual game world. You can move around within a circle (which is more of a circle in the Japanese version) to position yourself and select an attack. When enemies attack you have a bit of movement to try and dodge.
You collect spirits in four elements: fire, wind, water and earth (no heart) and as you get more, you unlock more abilities. There are three “levels” of attack but in each new “level” you can mix in another element for a wide variety of spells. Unfortunately, there are just a couple of attacks that are far better than others.
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By far the biggest issue with the combat is the random encounter system, as the amount you get is extremely overboard. You can be drawn into a new battle immediately after one ends and, other than trying to break the game by hugging walls (or using a Gameshark code), there’s no proper way to avoid battles.
What doesn’t help is that a lot of battles won’t reward you with anything, as the game won’t give you an item if you already have one of them in your inventory. You’ll get tired of the random encounters before the end of the first area.
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There’s plenty to like about Holy Quest Monsters, but also a lot to hate about it. It feels like the developers had a lot of ambitions but had to tone it back during development. It has a lot of interesting ideas, it just doesn’t fully use them.
Packed with atmosphere, each populated area consists of lush green fields, glorious castles and lovingly-crafted thatched houses with gently smoking chimneys. The people, meanwhile, are happy to do that RPG thing of standing around like statues, but at lease they give you puzzles to solve. Or so you’d think. In fact, all the residents are content to say much the same thing, normally along the lines of “Ooh, if only someone would go and kill that big boss character!” And considering the town or forest where the boss lives is – gasp! – the next place on the path you’re following, you can almost get away without speaking to anyone
- Mark Green, N64 Magazine #23
Remake or remaster?
Quest 64 definitely deserves a fresh attempt. Refine the combat system, add more context to the story and give NPCs more to do with side quests and other activities.
Official ways to get the game.
There is no official way to get Quest 64
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dashawfrostart · 9 months
This Week In "Time & Again" #8: Achievement (Almost) Unlocked! And A Pre-New Year's Mess
Does it ever happen to you that you're so energetic, and hyper, and full of determination and all - and then you take a deep breath, sit down happily on your comfy couch, and you're ready to start writing a new and lovely blog post!.. ... but then you realize you have absolutely nothing to write about. Or - perhaps, to be more precise - you feel like there's nothing worth mentioning that would make an interesting, succulent, and informative post.
That happens to me once in a while - which is odd, considering how much of a babbler I tend to be when it comes down to self-expression in written form (it must be, Lothar affects me in a certain way and alters my usual behaviour, because normally in my life outside any artistic activities I am fairly quiet).
The aforementioned little hiccup on my way of the "ultra-completionist of the Pre-2024 To-Do List", unfortunately, hindered my progress, and the final number of the blog posts ended up a tad smaller. I don't think there are any complaints from the readers though 😎 I'll try to keep up next year. On a side note, one of the goals on the list has been removed and deliberately postponed until January. I have reasons, trust me 😁
But most importantly, Christmas season of "Time & Again" turned out to be pretty good! Just as planned, at this point of time, just a couple days short of 2024 (because I started writing this post yesterday), The Lineart is 98% done - it only needs a sparkle of perfection and and a short session of filling up the gaps and missing spots here and there on different pages. AND DONE. Moving on to The Colouring Stage right after all of that has been properly handled. (oops, unintentionally, I lied: I already started to partially colour some peculiar things... too excited; can't hold back, LOL!) I would say, this is truly a great achievement. Well... almost got an achievement anyway. Working on your grand project every day, little by little, and watching it growing, evolving, and getting fleshed out a little more day by day is hard to describe in a verbal form. I wonder about this sometimes... Perhaps, those who have never been in a similar situation will not understand this emotion very easily. But I'm telling you with 100% honesty, as usual - this emotion is priceless and really makes you feel that you're doing something important in life.
So, in short, everything goes steadily and as planned. Plans change sometimes - but that is totally fine. Currently, everything is indeed as planned - and I can't help but rejoice 🥳
As a treat for reading yet another one of my excessively talky talky longreads, I'll tease you with some rather unpredictable snippets now ;)
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Just who are those guys???.. And what's the situation??? They sure look feral! You will definitely find answers to all of these questions after Chapter 5 is released sometime in 2024 ;)
... In the meantime, as I've been working on a peculiar troublesome background, I have discovered a handy option in Krita's Assistant Tool that I believe has a possibility to make my life easier in the future. I used Assistant Tool before, and quite profusely. But thanks to a certain video I came across, I happened to find out that there's more to that incredible tool. I'm excited to cover this topic in the next blog post, so stay tuned!
I also made a horrible mess on one of the pages that currently looks this way:
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How do you like the funny lettering???!!! 😁 Those are not stickers, by the way (although that's certainly a good idea to turn those into stickers!.. That'd be a story for another day tho). Why those are needed - that I'll keep a secret for now. But I wanted to show you what they look like - especially when cluttered altogether, hehe. Also, obviously, this is not the final version of each one of those sound effects bubbles. There's more work to do eventually 😉
For now... let there be silence. In a bit over 24 hours, the calendar will show 2024 on this side of the globe. So I'll stop typing right now and I'll save more stories for later. ... I'm also wrapping it up for today with my ridiculous habit to scatter vaguely related song references across the text, so, yup - time for a small break 😅 (And I should also take a break from listening to Ultravox on repeat, otherwise my non-existent vinyls are gonna get non-existent holes in them... wait... how does that work exactly, again?..)
So, for a bye-bye, I'll say show this:
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Bah-bye, my friends! And see you next year! 👋🥳😁
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toy-blast-cheats-o2 · 2 years
toy blast cheats free 2A1X&
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 We have 5 cheats and tips on iPhone. If you have any cheats or tips for Toy Blast please send them in here. You can also ask your question on our Toy Blast. Toy Blast Cheats & Strategy Guide: 5 Tips for Three-Star Levels · 1. Use Time Lapse To Get Your Lives Back · 2. Get More Coins, Here's How · 3. If you think you already have enough similar colored blocks on the board, click on them to create a big explosion. You can do this each time you. Free CoinsToy Blast Hack Cheats f0d3f. 9 Sharpen your brain by solving countless numbers of matching puzzles in Toy Blast. The concept of the game is to help Amy collect more precious toys by matching two or more blocks having a unique colour. Once you do it, the level gets cleared and Amy receives his toys back. So help the boy with your skills and make her happy. However, this game is different from traditional Match 3D. Like other puzzle games, Toy Blast also offers power-ups, boosters and a lot more to help you pass the difficult ones. Have you ever questioned yourself how to win at Toy Blast easily and simply? If not, keep on reading to find the solution. The game has many more possibilities which help you cross the levels compared to other matching puzzles. Therefore, to finish all the stages one after another without having any troubles, all the Toy Blast tips, cheats and hacks described below will help you finish the stages where you feel difficult. Sounds great right. When done, fall back to the game. If you do this, all your hearts will be recovered. In order to regain all of your lives back, once again visit date-time settings and set the time back to normal. This simple adjustment recovers all of your lives and also your device will be back to normal time. There are no limits to this action, do as many times you want hassle free. To compete with the main objective of Toy Blast, you have to score more within the given number of moves i. To do it, first view all corners of the game screen until you find several blocks of the same colour placed relatively close to each one. If you figure out such kinds of blocks, try to connect blocks of the same colour and make a big combo with your skills by clearing the rest of the blocks between them. Before proceeding to connect a block, check out that there are any alternate possibilities left. So keep an eye on the moves and requirements at each and every level you play. Every time you enter a new stage, the progress bar on top of the screen shows you the stars you have to collect. Once check it and play better. Instead of creating combos and boaters, collecting the maximum number of stars is a bit easier task. If you fail to receive 3 stars in a level, try again and again until you gain the desired number of stars. For difficult levels, 2 stars are enough to complete it. This entire process depends on your imagination and the utility of time. Therefore, check for possibilities by using a minimum number of changes within a short span of time. But to earn the maximum number of coins without opting for any premium purchases, use Facebook as a source. What you heard is true. Therefore, link your Facebook and receive 25 coins instantly. As said above, every level has its own goals and requirements you have to reach. In Toy Blast, some levels ask you to unlock toys and others opt for a certain number of blocks. In order to reach a maximum score, you have to meet all these requirements. Moreover, the combo boosters should be the special blocks that you have to make for passing the levels. Check the goals in every level at the top left of the screen before starting the game or during the gameplay. So prioritize the goals at every level and reach all the requirements to level up. Try for the best ways and never run out of moves to finish the game. Just like other puzzle games, if you have any two of these tiles, combine them for special effects. To apply it, simply tap on the tile. Just leave them and they will explode automatically at the end of the level. This gives you maximum points and sometimes puts you over three stars. Checkout what those three will do. Out of the three, the Rotors are the easiest ones. However, receiving these tiles is not an easier process. But keep trying until the required one is obtained. To get some bonus tiles, make multiple combos between the special tiles i. Moreover, double puzzle cubes require two puzzle cubes for creating an explosion. This will wipe out all of the blocks on the board. Also, more coins will be added. So whenever you face difficulties, go for any of the options to finish the level. When you find multiple blocks of the same colour with a symbol of one of the boosters in the middle, tap on that block to place a special tile. Remember it and use tiles wherever you need. We suggest that you form those tiles next to each other. This is also one of the best Toy Blast cheats. Look for those symbols between blocks of the same colour to place special tiles to receive more benefits. Try to pick a booster while playing the game. These boosters will help you clear the levels and requirements easily and quickly without spending any moves. Find these at the bottom side of the screen and use them whenever required. Therefore, use boosters safely for higher levels where you face difficulties upon reaching more. When you choose to utilize it, your game then starts automatically. These will be useful like game boosters and can change the outcome of a stage. Until then keep on collecting as much as you can and save them for later. As said above, the stars you collect play a vital role in helping Amy earn lots of toys without much effort. There are no limits for collecting stars, get as much as you can. But to unlock the star chest, you need at least 30 stars. To earn the maximum number of coins in Toy Blast without opting for any premium purchases, use Facebook as a source. You can also check more combinations from the lines mentioned above. To score more within the given number of moves, connect more blocks of the same colour instead of 2. To do it, first find those unique blocks and make a big combo by clearing the rest of the blocks between them. One of the best Toy Blast hacks to recover lost lives is, adjust time and set it ahead by half an hour for each life that you want to recover. Like this post? Could you share it with your friends? All these are the best Toy Blast cheats, tips and hacks for you to clear each and every level without much effort. From coins to stars, stars to tiles, there are possibilities for getting the required ones. Collect as much as you can and use them very carefully whenever there is a need. They will help you cross the higher and toughest levels. Moreover, if you liked the article, share it with your friends and keep following our page everyday for attractive topics. There are a lot of different ways to cheat in the game, and they can all help you get ahead. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sign in. Forgot your password? Get help. Password recovery. Quick Navigation. Please enter your comment! Please enter your name here. You have entered an incorrect email address!
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slimgreys · 2 years
Skate 3 cheats xbox one
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This game is rated by 17666 users and followed by more then 14067 players around the world. This Third person game have got total ratings of 97.55 out of 100 and an average ratings of 94.27 out of 100. It is Rated ‘T’ by ESRB which means only Teens above the age of 13 can Play the game. It was released on and last updated on Jun 24, 2020. Electronic Arts are the official Publishers of the game. The game is available to play on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Xbox One. Skate 3 is a Wonderful Sport based game released on PC. The franchise also continues to raise the bar for user created content with the skate.Create feature suite, an innovative toolset that empowers gamers to truly express their skate style by creating their own graphics, videos, and skate parks. From rewarding epic bails and fails with a beefed up Hall of Meat mode to honing your craft with the all-new skate.School, players of all skill levels have multiple ways to “kill it” in the game. It is also a much more colourful and happier place than Skate 2's desaturated, grainy streets, although the skating still provides the overall feel given off by the first & second games.Skate 3 features an all-new co-op mode where teammates can complete challenges together while advancing each other’s careers. Several notable skateboarding pros appear throughout. The game takes place in the fictional city of Port Carverton, which embraces skateboarding, unlike the "skateboarding is a crime" mentality that permeated the second game's New San Vanelona. grind a ledge, flip-trick off a ramp) in a certain area that need to be completed by your team first to win. In "Own The Lot" there are six to twelve things to do (e.g. In "Domination", teams compete against each other to try to own as many spots that they can in a time limit. In "1-Up", players have a given number of seconds to get a point total as a team which the other team then has to beat, or "1-Up". The new skate.Create Pack expands on this feature with 2 new areas and over 30 pieces.ĮA introduced three new game modes to play online: "1-Up", "Domination", and "Own The Lot". According to the Skate website, players can build a variety of set-ups such as mega ramps and plazas. Skate.Park is also a feature in Skate 3 that allows the player to build skate parks similar to the stage builder in the Tony Hawk games and the "Create a Spot" functionality in Skate It. Hardcore Mode is for a more sim-oriented gamer-base.
It takes three pushes to get to full speed on Easy and Normal, while Hardcore requires five. Grinds are also much harder as there isn't as much "magnetism" onto ledges and rails (about a 10% pull). Hardcore Mode requires tricks to be performed precisely, use the "flick-it" system too slow and you will under rotate tricks, also flip-tricks are harder to do when flipping onto ledges. Easy Mode allow all tricks to flip faster and higher, more attraction to ledges & rails (about a 90.1% pull), and pushes generate more speed. Two new difficulty levels have been added along with the normal setting of classic Skate gameplay. You can also earn extra board sales through playing online. Every time you reach certain milestones of board sales, a new team member is added, totalling to four team members, not including you.Īdditional features are unlocked through board sales. The goal of the career mode is to reach 1,000,000 board sales through completing challenges and owning spots. After the first mission of each category, most missions in that category are opened. After a tour of PCU, the basic mission structure is up to you. This interests Reda, since you need a filmer. After completing the first two missions, you come across Shingo, who is considering film school. This means there are no sponsors whatsoever, including shoe and wheel. Since you have already reached superstar status twice, you and Reda decide to create your own board company.
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chaotics17 · 3 years
Thot Sh!t
Gender fluid Stripper Loki x pansexual/bisexual (any gender) reader
Summary: Your BFF invites you out to a club with your other friends, little to your knowledge it’s a strip club.. Let’s see where the night takes you
Part: 1
Warnings: 18+, slight dirty talk, implied smut, hair pulling
Tags: @lokisprettygirl
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Unlocking the door to your one bedroom apartment in New York you throw your bag to the side and kick off your shoes, you just got home from work and it was already just after 6:00 pm so you decided to order takeout instead of making dinner. After you ordered your food you went to take a shower
Turning the dials to get it to the perfect temperature you stepped in, feeling the warm water hit you breathed a sigh of content until..
*Ring, Ring, ringggg*
“Uhhh common I just got in the shower who the hell is calling” Peeking your head out the shower curtain you see It’s Erica calling, she’s been your BFF since grade 4, your ride or die. Quickly drying off your hand you pick it up “Hey Erica could I call you back later? I’m in the middle of taking a shower” you said “No no no, I’ll be quick, me and some of our other friends are going out to a club we want you to come y/n, we’re leaving in 2 hours can you make it?” She told you “Ooo a club? I’m in if you can pick me up” you replied “Of course, see you soon byeeee” then she hung up. After that you finished up your shower.
Drying yourself off you hear a knock at the door, wrapping the towel around your body you make your way towards the front door, opening it you see the food you ordered “Oh hey forgot about you” you sat down and ate quickly then started getting ready to go out.
Just as you were packing your little go bag Erica bursted through the door “HelloOoOoo” she sang walking over to you “hey I’m just making sure I have everything” you said “Well hurry up y/n let goooo” she said tugging on your arm “haha just one sec” you quickly checked your stuff, wallet, keys, pepper spray, and condoms yup that’s everything, then you checked yourself in the mirror quickly “alrighty let go” you said to Erica “Finally been waiting like ages” you both laugh as you run out the door to the car. Stepping in the car you were greeted by your other friends, Jake and his girlfriend Brooklyn, and Lucas.
“Hey guys!” You said towards them “Hey y/n!” They all say “I’m so excited to take you guys to this club I’ve been hearing about, the strippers there are apparently amazing” Brooklyn winks at you “Wait we’re going to a strip club? Thought this was just going to be a normal club” you said looking at Erica “Oh whoops I must’ve not mentioned it” she shrugged, you started contemplating going, you’ve honestly never been to one “Don’t worry y/n it’s an all gender strip club there’s someone for everybody we’ll all have a blast have some drinks, chat and maybe get a lap dance or something” Lucas said patting your shoulder “Okay but you guys gotta promise to not leave me alone or I swear” you said crossing your arms “Y/n it’ll be alright let’s just get going” Jake said and with that you were off to the club.. The strip club..
After finally finding a parking spot you all step out and head towards the entrance where the big burly bouncer stood guarding the door, his name tag read Heimdall. “ID please” he asked putting his hand out to you all, handing it to him he looked them over while also scanning your faces. “All good to go” he said unlocking the chain restricting the entrance letting you all in
As you stepped in you looked at your surroundings and wow this club wasn’t playing around, you saw a huge bar stacked with liquor some you haven’t even heard of with a few bartenders mixing drinks, there were some waiters and waitresses serving drinks at tables a little ways away from the bar as well. Lots of neon signs along the walls of the place, fun coloured lights along the dance floor with a DJ who looked like he was having a lot of fun, waving his long blonde hair around.., and then you saw them, all the pole dancers and strippers getting money thrown up at them with people woo’ing you blushed looking away as one lady took off her bra revealing her breasts to the crowd.
“Woah someone is already flustered and we’re still like 30 feet away from the pole dancers hahaha” Jake teased you “Y/n has never been to strip club before give them a break, and honestly this is my first too” Erica defended you “Lighten up everyone let’s go get some drinks to start off the night” Brooklyn said walking towards the bar. You followed behind but your eyes felt a magnetic like pull towards the strippers, catching eye contact with one whose raven like hair flowed down to their shoulders, they’re pale skin bare with just a black bow tie on and a gold spandex slowly gliding down against the pole, you couldn’t look away until they started dry humping the pole. Once at the bar you ordered a Malibu sunset, something sweet to start. Once you all got your drinks you made your way towards an empty table, one with a good view of the strippers despite you being slightly against it.
Conversation started irrupting while everyone sipped on their drinks, and after a few rounds of shots everyone was just booming, spilling drama, cracking jokes and looking back at some old memories all while you and the pole dancer kept stealing glances from each other while they performed their erotic dances and poses to the music. Its like your friends purposely gave you the seat directly facing the pole dancers. Slamming your 4th shot you gained a lot of confidence about being here, u felt like burning off some of the alcohol so getting up from the table, you grabbed Erica by the arms you started dragging her towards the dance floor and the others decided to join in too.
Stepping onto the dance floor the DJ just happen to put on one of your fav songs to dirty dance to
“So seductive.. I’ll take you to the candy shop, I’ll let you lick the lollipop, go head girl don’t you stop, keep going till you hit the spot, woah”
“Candy Shop by 50 Cent oh my gosh” you said “what are the odds! you know we have to do the dance!” you said towards Erica and with that she joined you. together you started performing this dance you two have been doing for years whenever you hear this song play and it doesn’t matter whose watching, you two put your backs to each other, arch your backs stick your butts out and start rolling your hips around then she turned around and made it look as if you were grinding on her. You weren’t attracted to each other thats just how your friendship was.
You completely forgot about your surroundings but in the moment you didn’t care and in your current state you weren’t aware about the specific individual staring at you for the entirety of the song. A man who you’ve been stealing glances with all night who was wearing some light makeup with sparkles of glitter all over his body their black hair slightly wet with sweat due to the heavy performance they were doing on the pole, they had just started their break when the song came on and noticed you left the table to the dance floor. Slipping on a sheer green robe she decided to get a better look at you.
You and Erica did your finishing move together as the song ended which was slapping each other’s butts then you two hugged while you furiously laughed about what you just did, which wasn’t different from the other times but this one was in a strip club and you could barely believe it. You and Erica were still laughing when the rest of the group walked closer “Hey y/n I think you have a secret admirer” Brooklyn winked at you, then you saw them from outside the dance floor near the strip poles you saw the person you were making eye contact with earlier “oh wow he’s cute” Erica said elbowing you in the side, you started blushing furiously looking away from them “Umm what the fuck do I do guys??” You said in a panick which they all laughed “I think you go talk to em” Lucas said pushing you from your back, you felt hardcore butterflies thinking about doing so “I am not doing that” you broke from his push and started basically darting towards the bar to get away.
You asked the bartender for a shot of vodka, as soon as they placed it on the counter you shot it back. You knew coming to a strip club would be trouble. As you’re stuck in you’re thoughts going through what happened you suddenly felt a big hand on your shoulder making you jump and almost scream but you stifled it back with a gasp
“Oh dear, sorry for startling you sweetheart you weren’t answering when I said hello” she said. It was the pole dancer who was watching you from afar, they were much more attractive up close, in fact they were really close to you, you were basically drowning in their scent and it was heavenly. “Uh it’s okay haha I scare easily not your fault, sorry I didn’t hear you” you said stepping back just a bit and sitting in a bar chair “Well that’s reassuring.. May I ask what your name is darling?” He said tucking a piece of hair from your face behind your ear and tracing their finger down your neck while sitting in his own chair. Shivering from the action you struggled to get your words out “Uh-umm it’s ah y/n..” they smirked seeing your reaction to their touch “what’s yours?” You asked shyly “well my stage name is God of Mischief, but my name is Loki” he said.
“Could I buy you a drink y/n?” She asked and you agreed ��Bartender 2 cum shots please” Loki didn’t take their eyes off you as they ordered the drinks “That’s one of my favs, I’m actually surprised I haven’t ordered any myself tonight” you chuckled “Well there’s still time left in the night to do so, although I have a better cum shot you could get” he said lightly grabbing your chin bringing you closer to his face. Your breathe hitched and you could feel your cheeks burning, a big smirk formed on her face. from here you could see the small details on their face of makeup a few small hearts, glitter and a tiny snake on one of her wings of eyeliner. You were silent just gawping at them.
Sipping on the cum shot Loki asked “I’ve never seen you here before, is this your first visit?” eyeing you up and down very slowing while awaiting your answer “Yes it’s my first visit here.. it’s um actually my first time being at a strip club” you said awkwardly looking away from Loki and they let go of your chin “Really? Well welcome I hope you’re enjoying your experience so far, but to be honest I wouldn’t have thought this was your first judging by the way you danced so sensually on the dance floor” you started blushing harder at the comment if that was even possibly, remembering how he was probably staring at you the entire time. “Oh gosh my friends were trying to get me to go to you they knew you were watching me, I ran off instead cause I felt nervous ahah” you admitted to Loki she chuckled at your confession “I was slightly wondering why you ran off but that’s why I followed you to the bar, hope I didn’t scare you” she said.
She placed her hand on your thigh and started rubbing with their thumb, that almost sent you over the edge.. Trying to control the growing sensation in between your legs you closed them but not tight to the point you crushed her hand “haha no you didn’t I just haven’t been with anyone for a while so any sort of thing like that can make me nervous” you told Loki “Well I think this is the best place to fix that, and honestly I would love to just ravish you right now.. I won’t deny you’re very beautiful and I know you had your eyes on me tonight too not just the other way around” with that comment Loki started moving his hand up a bit more “Wait” you said and they instantly stopped “What is it? I can stop entirely if your uncomfortable” she said “no no it’s just I’m sure you have a fee I’d like to know how much it is before we do anything” you said “Oh darling don’t worry about it, the first fuck is free” they said “First fuck free, how do you know they’ll be more?” You asked curiously “I just do” He sat up from the chair getting closer to you, slowly running their heads through your hair “I’m like an addiction” their hand gripping a handful of your hair “Most people can’t get enough of me once they’ve had a single taste” Loki finished slightly pulling your hair while tracing your neck with her other hand.
“Oh fuck” you breathlessly mumbled gaining a chuckle from Loki “Come see for yourself sweetheart I can smell your arousal and desperation” and with that he let go of your hair and started walking towards a hallway with multiple rooms. For a second you contemplated going with him “Fuck it why not I’m already here” you said and downed the Cum shot that’s been sitting there for you then followed Loki to the private rooms.
This is my first fic plz be nice.. if you notice any spelling errors please tell me I’ve been writing this for 4 hours and just wanted to post it already haha. Not sure if many will read but I hope whoever does liked it <3
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jaskierswolf · 4 years
An Ocean Away
Geraskier soulmate AU - A gift for my own darling soulmate @geraltrogerericduhautebellegarde.
Words: 3.8k
CW:  Big mutual pining, long distance friendships, and a lot of swearing, fucking the ocean is not advised...
Read on AO3
Jaskier stared at his phone and sighed loudly. Geralt was still asleep and really Jaskier should be working but he missed him. How that was even possible he wasn’t sure, they’d never even met. Geralt was all the way across the other side of the fucking ocean. Jaskier hated it. The soul bond had snapped into place on Jaskier’s birthday. He’d waited up until midnight, shaking with excitement. He’d known there was a chance his soulmate was younger than him but he didn’t care, his soulmate would be worth the wait.
Luckily for him, Geralt was a couple of years older. 
Unluckily for him, Geralt also lived in America. 
He sighed again and thumped his head against his desk, earning a withered glare from his boss across the room. God, he really needed to get out of his job. He was an artist, a musician! He shouldn’t be stuck in an office inputting data. 
‘Geralt….’  He called out mentally, hoping to reach his soulmate in his dreams but it was no use. Geralt was down for the count and probably wouldn’t wake up for several hours. 
Instead, Jaskier sighed loudly for the third time and remembered their first conversation with a fond smile. 
‘Helloooooo’ he called out, fidgeting with his bedsheets. ‘anybody there?’
‘What the fuck?’ a gruff response came and Jaskier could just about make out the image of some kind of restaurant if he focussed hard enough, but that wasn’t what had caught his attention.
‘You’re American?!’ he wanted to cry. He couldn’t afford to fly out to America, not unless he followed his sisters into the family business and regained access to the Bank of Dad. 
Ah so his soulmate was a man of many words. He grinned a flopped back onto his bed. ‘I’m Jaskier, by the way, I’m from England.’
‘I’m at work, can this wait?’ his soulmate growled. 
Jaskier’s heart sank. ‘Right, yes, yes… of course. I umm… well I need to go to sleep. I’m bloody exhausted. Wake me up when you’re finished?’
Geralt hadn’t managed to wake him up. Although he still maintained to this day that he’d yelled out as much as he could without actually yelling aloud, and Jaskier had slept through the whole damn thing. Geralt’s mind was pretty quiet. He didn’t often project his thoughts unless they were actively conversing. Jaskier on the other hand kept up a steady stream of thoughts, showing Geralt the pretty flowers that he saw on the way to work, or humming new songs just for his soulmate to hear, anything that he thought Geralt might find interesting. 
He pressed the home button on his phone again. Barely five minutes since the last time he’d checked. It wasn’t even time for lunch yet, let alone time for Geralt to wake up. He hoped they’d have time to video chat before Geralt had to go to work that evening but he was pretty sure that his soulmate was on an early shift. He groaned, and reluctantly started angrily jabbing at his keyboard. The endless stream of emails and shitty clients were not helping his mood. Why couldn’t Geralt be on a closing shift? At least then they’d be able to talk properly before Jaskier had to go to sleep. 
“Would you stop being so pathetic, Julian?” Valdo sneered from the desk opposite Jaskier’s. 
“You’re just angry because your soulmate hasn’t made contact yet,” Jaskier snapped back. 
They were both twenty-four and Valdo’s soulmate was either ignoring him or was still underage. Jaskier almost pitied the man; almost. 
“Just get on with your work, Julian and stop clock watching.”
Jaskier muttered a few rather inappropriate for work words under his breath and turned back to his computer. He managed to get one whole email dealt with before losing focus again. He shifted in his seat so he could sit cross-legged on the chair, and then tried again. After another few emails his feet started to tingle. 
“Oh bollocks,” he whined and jumped off the chair, hopping around the office. 
“For god’s sake, Julian!”
“My name… is Jaskier!” He snapped “and I’ve got bloody pins and needles!”
‘Jaskier?’ Geralt’s voice was bleary and slurred in his mind.
He squeaked and promptly fell on his arse, but it wasn’t enough to stop him from grinning madly. “Geralt’s awake!” he announced to the office. 
“Take your lunch early,” Tissaia sighed “God only knows you won’t get anything else done until you’ve spoken to Geralt.”
Jaskier beamed at his boss. Fuck he could kiss her. She was so understanding and wonderful and… 
And he still hadn’t responded to Geralt!
‘Geralt, darling, hello!’ he trilled happily in his mind, spinning his chair around so he was sitting backwards. 
‘Are you ok?’ Geralt hummed ‘Felt angry.’
Jaskier squeaked, unable to contain the swell of love in his chest. God damn it he just wanted to hug Geralt. It wasn’t fair. Priscilla and Essi had only lived two towns away from each other. Triss had grown up with Yennefer, and yet Jaskier was stuck with a soulmate on the other side of the fucking planet. 
‘Fuck the ocean,’ he grumbled
He heard Geralt’s laughter, echoed with a phantom feeling of mirth that wasn’t his own. ‘Fuck the ocean’ he agreed. 
‘I’m moving to America, I’m going to invent portals and I am never letting you go,’  Jaskier sighed. 
Geralt hummed again. He was tired, Jaskier could feel it. ‘Go back to sleep, darling.’
‘When’s your lunch break over?’
‘I have half hour.’
‘I’ll wait.’
Jaskier smiled dopily at his phone. There was a picture of Geralt and his horse, Roach, on the lock screen. He unlocked it quickly to check his clock app. He knew the timezone difference by heart at this point but he still needed to check. It was a habit that he had yet to break. ‘I love you.’
‘I love you too.’
Jaskier felt like crying. He just wanted to hold his soulmate. He wanted to know whether that love was platonic or romantic or what? He just… he knew he would love Geralt with every fibre of his being, and would be happy no matter what. That’s how soulmates worked after all. They were your match, and not everyone’s match was romantic. 
Oh but how he yearned.  He was pathetic. 
‘I miss you.’
‘I miss you too’ Geralt hummed and Jaskier felt an ache through the bond that wasn’t his. He smiled sadly. He wasn’t the only one being pathetic. 
They fell silent, Jaskier gazing longingly at his lock screen, trying desperately not to fall apart in the middle of his office. Maybe he should go for a walk. Maybe he should just quit his job and move to America. His soulmate was American so he wouldn’t have to worry about visas as long as he could prove Geralt was his. He just…. 
“Fuck,” he groaned and buried his head in his arms. He could feel the tears welling up in his eyes and there was a lump caught in his throat. “Sorry, Tissaia. I’m, I’m, well, I’m going for a walk.”
He practically launched out of his chair towards the door. Not even bothering to grab his coat. He closed his eyes and reached out to Geralt, feeling a phantom embrace as Geralt reached back. It wasn’t as good as a real hug but no real hug could soothe the ache of having to live so far apart from his soulmate. 
Jaskier practically ran away from his office, down the road towards the woodland that surrounded the campus. His hands were pulling at his hair and he muttered nonsense under his breath. He counted every step that took him away from the building. He liked to imagine that every step brought him closer to Geralt but really he wasn’t entirely sure. 
‘I miss you,’ he hummed again. ‘It’s not fair.’
‘I know.’
‘We’ve never even met… six years Geralt! Fuck it, fuck this shit, fuck this job,’ he kicked at the ground. ‘I don’t even want to work in an office. It was supposed to be temporary.’
‘Then quit?’
Jaskier snorted. ‘I can’t afford it.’
His father’s face flitted in front of him. He could afford it if only he weren’t so bloody stubborn. He could work in his father’s company and he could go to America to see Geralt. Why couldn’t he just accept that? Why was he insisting on making his own way?
‘Jaskier, no. It’s not worth it,’ Geralt’s voice wrapped around him like a blanket. ‘Don’t compromise on your dreams for me.’
‘But I love you!’ he whined pitifully. 
‘I know and I love you too, but you’ll only resent me.’
Jaskier huffed and slid to the ground, his back resting against a tree. He rest his forehead on his knees and began to cry. Soulmates weren’t supposed to live apart for this long, it was too taxing on both parties but destiny had been cruel to them. He sobbed helplessly, his body shuddering as he dug his nails into the grass, tearing up chunks and throwing them away. 
It was only when he heard his phone ring that he managed sort of pull himself out of it. He wiped his eyes and peered at the phone. 
Of course it was, Geralt. His soulmate was video calling him. He swiped the screen to pick up and sniffed loudly. He didn’t need to sniff as loudly as he did, and he didn’t need to pout pathetically at the screen as he picked up… but he was sad and dramatic. He wanted extra sympathy points from Geralt. 
“Hi,” he whined, still pouting and widening his eyes slightly for added effect. Geralt’s room was dark, just a small light turned on just out of the camera. It was a shame because he couldn’t ogle the other man quite as much as he would normally like. 
Still, Geralt looked adorable. Stubble was starting to grow on his cheeks and his hair was a mess, falling in front of his eyes like rays of moonlight. “Hi.”
“I love you,” Jaskier whined as if he hadn’t already told Geralt that a hundred times today already. 
Geralt, the bastard, just laughed at him. “I know, love.”
“I know. I know… but… I love you?”
“I love you too,” Geralt sighed, wiping the sleep from his eyes. 
Jaskier still hadn’t managed to work out whether Geralt’s eyes were really that colour or whether it was just some trick of the light. In all the photos and video calls they looked golden, but Jaskier had never met anyone with golden eyes before. He hadn’t even realised it was possible. It was like something out of a fairy tale. Then again, he’d seen Eskel and Lambert, Geralt’s brothers, and they also had the same molten gold eyes. 
Between Yennefer and Geralt’s family, Jaskier felt very plain. He was attractive enough but in such a normal way, nothing compared to Geralt’s silvery hair that made him look like he’d been blessed by the spirits of winter, and his swirling amber eyes that blazed like the sun, and then Yennefer with her locks of raven hair and piercing violet eyes. 
He chewed anxiously on his bottom lip. God, why was he surrounded by such beautiful people. Brown hair, blue eyes and a dead end job. 
“Hey?” Geralt’s gruff voice pulled him from his thoughts. “You’re important to me.”
Jaskier smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of his neck. He wasn’t entirely sure what emotions he’d been channeling through their bond but it was obviously enough for Geralt to be concerned. “I love you.”
Geralt tilted his head at the camera and smiled fondly, it was obscured by the darkness and the terrible quality of Geralt’s phone camera but it still managed to melt Jaskier’s heart. Stupid, dumb, soulmate. Why did he have to live in America?
“I have a plan?” Geralt said quietly, looking around his room and not meeting Jaskier’s eyes. 
“A plan?”
“The restaurant I work at has live music nights,” Geralt mumbled.
Jaskier frowned. He already knew that. Geralt had mentioned it before. Normally when he was complaining about the quality of the music. Jaskier adored him for that. He loved to judge other people’s music, and he rather smugly loved the way Geralt had only ever said nice things about his own songs. 
“Right?” he asked slowly, not quite understanding where Geralt was going with this.
“I spoke to Dad,” Geralt paused, licking his lips. Jaskier swallowed. It wasn’t fair. How could one man be so unreasonably attractive? He tucked at the sleeves of his jumper whilst he waited for Geralt to finish his thought. The cuffs had holes in and were fraying but it was soft and made the work day more bearable. If he gave a shit about his job he might wear nicer clothes but he’d rather be comfortable. 
“Vesemir?” Jaskier prompted gently. 
“He could help pay for the flights, a loan and we’ll have to pay him back,” Geralt mumbled, still not making any sense. “My apartment isn’t very big but you’re welcome to share until you find your own place? If you want your own place. I’m not making assumptions. I don’t expect you to share just because we’re soulmates but it would be cheaper and the restaurant wouldn’t be able to pay that much at first. You’d be playing music for a living though, and I know that’s what you really want to do,” Geralt cut himself of with a sharp sniff, letting out a low snarl. “Actually forget it, it’s a stupid idea.”
“Geralt?” Jaskier’s heart was racing. It almost sounded like Geralt was asking him to move to America? More than that, his own family was offering to help pay for the flights that neither of them could afford on their own. 
“I said forget it,” the phone snapped off and the screen went blank but Geralt was his soulmate and it wasn’t quite that easy to runaway. 
‘I don’t want to forget it,’ Jaskier told him, trying to push all the love he had for Geralt through the bond. ‘Are you asking me to move in with you, Geralt?’
‘Geralt,’ he admonished gently. ‘I can’t quit my job on a maybe.’
Jaskier grinned. ‘I’ll resign after lunch.’
Jaskier had been tempted to just grab his bag and leave the office for good, but Tissaia had been good to him. She’d put up with his moping for the last three years and even allowed him flexible lunch breaks so he could talk to Geralt when he was awake. Not all bosses would be so forgiving. So he worked his notice. She hadn’t been surprised in the slightest when he announced his plans, if fact she seemed more surprised that it had taken so long to make the plans. He supposed most soulmates did move to be closer at the first available opportunity and he’d been pining over Geralt for six long years. 
Valdo had been his usual grumpy self, sneering that Jaskier hadn’t been able to cope with the job, but there was something in his eyes, a sadness that Jaskier hadn’t expected. They had known each other since university and their rivalry was almost an act these days, but he’d thought that Valdo would be pleased to see the back of him. 
His friends organised a wonderful goodbye party for him. Yennefer pulling out all the stops to make sure he had the best send off. If it weren’t for the pull of Geralt and his soulmate, he’d almost be tempted to stay. England had been his home since he was born and his life was there, his friends were there. 
But Geralt was not. 
And there was the promise of a career in music on the other side of the pond. It was too much to resist. So Jaskier packed up his flat. He pack a rucksack full of his favourite clothes and picked up his guitar. 
Then he drove to the airport, leaving England behind for good. The flight had been almost unbearable. It was long and cramped. He spent most of the time wittering to Geralt, not that his soulmate had responded much. The lucky bugger had been asleep whilst Jaskier tried desperately to block out the noise of screaming children. At one point he started singing a popular Disney tune to try and calm the children but it had only made them more excitable and he’d earned several disapproving glares from their parents. He’d been more than relieved when the plane started its final descent towards the airport.
And then the nerves kicked in. 
Six years of talking through their bond, text or video call… 
What if Geralt realised he didn’t like Jaskier once they met in person? 
Surely some soulmates didn’t get along. Not everyone could be that lucky… could they? 
He was currently waiting for his guitar case to come round the carousel and he was panicking. He should have packed more clothes. He should have brought more belongings. He should have, he should have, he should have. 
‘Jaskier!’ Geralt called and the effect was instantaneous. The tension melted from his shoulders and his fingers relaxed by his side. 
‘Sorry,’ he shot back ‘just nervous.’
He’d feel a lot calmer once he had his guitar strapped to his back and Geralt in his arms. He chewed anxiously as he followed the pieces of the luggage belt with his gaze. He’d always enjoyed watching the way they shifted around as they trailed like a conga line around the airport terminal. His eyes kept flickering to the entrance of the carousel where luggage was pushing through the large rubber drapes. 
“Come on,” he muttered, hopping from one foot to another.
The anxiety began to rise again with each new suitcase that wasn’t his guitar, but he could feel Geralt’s presence warm and constant in the back of his mind. It was stronger now. He’d not expected that. No one had told him that the bond would be stronger with less distance between them. They could already communicate perfectly well from across the world but now he could almost feel Geralt’s heartbeat in harmony with his own, he could feel each breath that Geralt took if he focussed on it. He could even smell the stale scent of coffee from the shop that Geralt was waiting in. 
It was almost too much, overwhelming. 
He could have had six more years of this if he hadn’t been a coward. 
He was so caught up in the new sensations of their soul bond that he almost missed his guitar case travelling along the belt. He squeaked and had to push passed a family that was blocking his way. “Sorry! I’m so sorry, umm, excuse me!”  he yanked the guitar from the belt and ran to the nearest bench. He unzipped the case quickly and inspected his precious instrument. 
There wasn’t even a scratch!
He laughed brightly and hugged the instrument to his chest. One thing down, one to go. Next stop… Geralt! 
He zipped up the case, flinging it onto his back along with his rucksack and then ran as fast as he could through the airport. It gained him a few strange looks but he was done. He’d had enough of waiting. He stumbled a few times as the case fell down his arm but he was persistent. He bustled through the last security check with nothing to declare and then he was free.
“Geralt!!” He yelled, scanning the sea of people for a shock of silver hair. 
He saw himself through Geralt’s eyes and turned on his heels until he spotted his soulmate gazing back at him with open arms. He was here. Geralt was here. He stopped frozen to the spot for a second whilst the world seemed to slow to a halt. 
In the flesh.
And he could hug him. 
“Oh fuck,” tears were already falling down his face, a waterfall of emotions. “Geralt.”
The only word he had left, echoing through the bond, and then he was running again. His bag and guitar case dropping to the floor just in front of Geralt as Jaskier leapt. His arms flung around Geralt’s neck and his legs wrapped around Geralt’s waist. Geralt’s hands supported his weight with ease as Jaskier buried his face in Geralt’s neck, one of Geralt’s hands threading into his hair. God, he even smelled divine. That just wasn’t fair. 
“I love you,” Geralt murmured in his ear. 
The first words he heard his soulmate say in person, and fuck. If he hadn’t already been crying then that would have pushed him over the edge. He was a complete mess but he’d never been happier. He was here, with Geralt. He sobbed into Geralt’s shoulder until his soulmate lowered him gently to the floor. His legs felt weak and Geralt had to keep his arm wrapped around Jaskier’s middle to stop him from falling to the floor. Fingers brushed his cheek, wiping away some of the tears. 
Jaskier looked at Geralt through a sea of tears. “Hi,” he laughed weakly. “I love you.”
Geralt pressed his forehead against Jaskier’s “I love you too, fuck… I can’t believe you’re here.”
“I’m here,” Jaskier laughed. “Holy fuck, I’m actually here, and you’re here, and the world hasn’t fallen apart. Oh bloody hell, stop fucking crying, Jask!” he snapped, pulling away from Geralt just enough so he could wipe his face. He smiled sheepishly and gazed at his soulmate through his eyelashes. If it weren’t for the bloody ocean on his face, then he would have tried to be seductive, but that ship had long sailed. “Can… can I kiss you?” 
Geralt’s ridiculously gorgeous and actually golden eyes softened. He nodded, hand still cupping Jaskier’s cheek. Jaskier almost fainted on the spot. He hadn’t been expecting Geralt to agree but he was too weak not to ask. He couldn’t even close the gap to finally kiss his soulmate, too stunned that Geralt even wanted it. Luckily Geralt still had his wits about him. A rough calloused finger stroked Jaskier’s cheek and then they were kissing. 
It was magical. He felt everything, and more. Geralt’s lips on his, Geralt’s love in his heart and his own love weaving into the fabric of Geralt’s soul. It felt so strange, after all this time to actually be here. If the emotions weren’t quite so intense then he’d almost think he was dreaming. 
‘I love you’ one of them sighed happily as their lips moved together, breaths mingling, souls completely entangled. 
I love you, I miss you, I want you, I love you…. The thoughts never stopped as they clung to each other in the middle of a shitty airport terminal. 
It was the end of Jaskier’s life as he knew it, and the beginning of a new life with Geralt by his side.
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sixmapleleafs · 3 years
in your arms // frederik andersen
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Warning: smut, relatively soft but some graphic description and language, innocence kink (kind of), brief mentions of anxiety and a bad day
Tears threatened to spill as you headed out towards your parked car, today had probably been the worst day you’d had since you started teaching. For some reason the kids were bouncing off the walls all day, unable to stay focused on any of the tasks you had set and whenever you tried to get their attention they purposefully ignored you, which led to you raising your voice properly for the first time and having to give a few of the kids a variety of different punishments for their rude behaviour. Usually, you wouldn’t be so harsh, you often allowed them to talk whilst working or freely share their ideas and opinions with the class but the things you were trying to teach were very important and if they didn’t give it their full attention then they would really struggle with the upcoming topics. ‘At least it’s Friday’ you thought to yourself as you unlocked your car and got in, that meant you had two days where you could sleep in and relax, and also that Freddie would be back in the city before you woke up tomorrow morning. Your phone buzzed in your coat pocket as you started the car, a message from Fred lighting up the screen.
How’s your day going? I miss you
The first few tears escaped as you read his message over and over again a few times, you hadn’t allowed yourself to think about how much you missed him, honestly it scared you a little how fast you were falling for him, but knowing he missed you made you believe he might be feeling the same way. You knew things had moved fast between the two of you in terms of how quickly you had opened up to each other - though you had yet to be intimate in a physical way - you assumed it was because you were honest with him before you started dating, you had already told him about your anxiety and your previous relationship and the toll it had taken on you mentally and he had been nothing but supportive as a friend, so it shouldn’t have surprised you that when he became more than a friend he let you set the pace of things.
Not great :( can’t wait to see you tomorrow
Shutting off your phone, you threw it into your bag and started driving back to your apartment. As soon as you got there you headed straight to the couch, flopping down rather dramatically and letting out a sigh of relief knowing you could stay there all night if you wanted to. After a few minutes you pulled yourself up deciding to place an order for food from your new favourite restaurant, one Fred had taken you to a few weeks ago, the food was a little on the expensive side but you wanted to treat yourself. Once the order was placed you had a shower before getting changed into something more comfortable and putting on your Spotify playlist as you sorted through all the pieces of work you had taken home to grade over the weekend, then you cleaned up a few things in your apartment so you wouldn’t have to keep looking at the mess. Your food arrived very promptly and you settled on the couch with your plate, putting on an episode of the big bang theory to enjoy whilst you ate.
You weren’t sure how much time had passed when there was knock on your door, dragging your attention away from the episode you were currently halfway through. Your brows furrowed in confusion, who would be knocking on your door this late in the evening? Peeking through the peep hole you saw a delivery man so you quickly unlocked the door and pulled your cardigan tighter around yourself as you greeted him.
“Miss Y/l/n?” He questioned politely, and you nodded in response. He smiled and turned to his side picking up a rather large bouquet of flowers, you let out a small gasp as you realised they must be for you. “Where would you like them miss?” He asked and you stepped aside to let him in.
“Just on the counter please” you couldn’t help but smile as you knew exactly who had sent them to you, “thank you”.
“No problem, have a nice evening” he smiled and headed back out if your apartment as you returned the sentiment. The flowers were absolutely beautiful, the different shades of pink complimented each other and you admired how the colours fit perfectly with the subtle hints if dusty pink you had around your apartment - something Fred had undoubtedly picked up on. A little white card was nestled in between the roses and you picked it up carefully to read the small black font.
I hope these make your day a little better :) - F
You smiled at the simple but thoughtful message, such a sweet gesture that you definitely weren’t used to. Grabbing your phone you quickly found Fred’s contact and hit the call button, the game wasn’t supposed to start for a few more hours due to the time difference so you hoped he would be free to chat. Just as you hoped he picked up on the second ring, his soft voice greeting you through the phone.
“Thank you for the flowers, you really didn’t need to do that” you didn’t like him spending money on you but you appreciated the gesture nonetheless.
“Its no problem my love” your heart fluttered at the sweet name he had never used before, “I wanted to cheer you up a little, even if I couldn’t be there tonight”.
“Well they definitely made me smile, they’re so beautiful” you gently ran your fingers over the delicate flowers, “they’re my favourite you know - roses” you felt the need to let him know for some reason but his small chuckle told you he already knew that.
“Yeah, I remember you said your grandmother grows them so I thought they probably would be” your cheeks ached from how much you were smiling and you knew you were definitely screwed, you were too far gone for this man. “Do you want to talk about your day?” His voice interrupted your racing mind and you could tell what was going through his head - trying not pry too much in case you didn’t want to talk but also concerned enough to ask. It wasn’t often that you showed him you were struggling, you had gotten very good at hiding your feelings but when you did let him in he tried his hardest to prove he was there to listen, not judge. So you told him about your day, all the things that had gone wrong and how you felt like you were failing even though you knew maybe you were being a little dramatic. He listened through all of your anxious rambling, his steady breathing helping to keep you calm before he jumped in with his advice.
“Whenever I have a bad game you always tell me that the next ones a fresh start, a clean slate and I think the same applies here baby. When you go back in on Monday things will be different, you’ll have another chance and everyday after that will be a new day. These kids are usually well-behaved right? Today they were just full of energy and couldn’t focus, just like Monday will be a different for you, it’ll be different for them and you’ll be able to get through to them”.
The two of you talked for a while until you let out a rather big yawn and Fred chuckled telling you to head to bed and that he’d see you tomorrow. Your next request fell from your lips before you could stop them.
“Can you stay here tonight?” You bit your nails nervously as you waited for his response.
“Are you sure?” His voice deep and intense as he questioned you, you bit your lip at the sound, unconsciously clenching your thighs.
“I just want to see you, please Fred” you begged slightly over the phone and you heard his release of breath over the phone and how he had to clear his throat before telling you he’d be there.
You were already asleep by the time Fred made his way to your apartment. He had told you not to wait up for him since the plane wouldn’t be landing until the early hours of the morning, and you happily welcomed sleep after the stressful day you’d had. He let himself in and due to the late hour he headed straight for your bedroom, the game had been fairly dull, an easy win for the leafs and though he was tired from the trip he was glad you had asked him to spend the night at yours, something fairly new to your relationship but a sign you were putting your trust in him. He knew you’d be asleep so he tried to be as quiet as possible when he removed his suit, though despite his best efforts you still stirred in your sleep, eventually opening your eyes.
“Fred?” You questioned, yawning and rubbing your eyes as you sat up in bed. It was then that he noticed you were wearing one of his t-shirts and he smiled at your sleepy expression, you looked adorable.
“I didn’t mean to wake you, elskede”
“Its ok” you mumbled, another yawn following as you returned his smile. He continued to undress and your cheeks heated as you tried to keep your eyes off of him. “You played really well tonight” you mentioned out of nowhere and his own cheeks turned red at your compliment. He made his way over to the bed, leaning over to place a kiss to your forehead before ducking down and capturing your lips, the kiss was far from innocent but he pulled away before he could get lost in it, knowing he’d have a hard time controlling himself if he didn’t, you were irresistible on a normal day and now that you were wearing his shirt and what he could only assume would be a pair of panties underneath, his desire for you was something else - but he’d never rush you into anything so he pulled away and got comfy under the covers, opening he arms to invite you to cuddle into him.
You peppered a few kisses along his chest and up his neck, as far as you could reach from where you were tucked under his arm. His hand was rubbing up and down your spine, reaching a little lower each time until it ran over your ass, you let out a breath as he turned to face you. He leant over to capture your lips once more, the kiss holding as much passionate and pent up lust as the last. The two of you laid next to each other, exchanging kisses and running your hands over each others bodies until Fred pulled back to press light kisses against your neck. The moan that fell from your lips was so sweet and oh so innocent, and it made his cock pulse with need.
Fred would be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about having you laid out beneath him, breathy moans falling from your lips freely as he made love to you. He often imagined the two of you in various scenarios when he lay awake at night in his hotel room, or in the shower after a date, hand wrapped around his cock with thoughts of you on your knees for him, with his hands in your hair and your mouth on his cock, or what it would be like to hear you moan and whimper as he pounded into you. Sometimes he’d wake up in the morning with his cock straining against his boxers, leaking and begging to be touched after a particularly vivid dream of you spread out on his kitchen table screaming his name with his head between your thighs. He knew it was wrong to think of you that way, but he couldn’t help it. You carried a sense of innocence that drew him in and made him want to take it away, he wanted to be the one to show you all the ways a man could make you feel and so when you let his name fall from your lips in a breathy moan - he was hard as a rock without so much as touch to his cock.
You could feel him hot and heavy against your thigh and the thought brought a rush of heat to your cheeks, if it was anyone else you would’ve pulled away but it was Freddie and you don’t think you could ever pull away from his touch. He was the reason for the heat building between your thighs and you couldn’t help yourself as you pulled his body closer to yours. He used his strength to move the two of you until his muscular thigh was between your legs, allowing you to grind your pussy over him, his tight muscles creating the perfect friction and desperate whines fell from your lips as your clit got the pressure it had been begging for.
Freddie immediately noticed your movements and groaned deeply in your ear, shifting his weight slightly so it would be easier for you to grind against him as he reconnected your lips. The new angle allowed his cock to rub against your own thigh and the friction on his sensitive head had him rutting against your body desperately. You were in your own state of euphoria as his tongue continued to fight yours for dominance and your hips moved freely against his toned thigh, your panties undoubtedly soaked through - in fact Fred could feel the damp fabric and just the thought of you dripping wet for him almost sent him over the edge right them and there.
“C’mon baby, cum with me” his voice was deeper than you’d ever heard it and your pussy clenched at his demand. You knew Fred would be dominating in bed, he was dominating in many situations and just because you hadn’t ventured into that part of your relationship didn’t mean you hadn’t spent many nights imagining the things he could do to your body, with his hands, his mouth, his cock. For a split second you thought about trailing your hand down his body and stroking his length but your nerves got the better of you and so you kept your arms wrapped around his neck, gripping onto his shoulders desperately as he continued to kiss you in the way only Fred could.
“Freddie” you whined as his lips found the sweet spot on your neck, the added sensation sending you over the edge. Your orgasm was intense and had you writhing underneath him as his own release followed yours rather quickly. You could feel the deep rumble in his chest as he groaned deeply against your skin. His body fell against yours as both of you came down from your highs, closing your eyes as you tried to catch your breath. A few minutes passed, the only sounds in the room being your heavy breathing before Fred pressed a gentle kiss to your cheek causing you to open your eyes. He was smiling softly at you and you couldn’t fight the smile that spread across your own lips when your eyes met his.
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Under Pressure ~ HJS [Request]
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GENRE:  Stressed reader, angst with a fluffy ending, establish-relationship, Sweet boyfriend Jisung
PAIRING: Jisung x Fem!Reader
A/N: I hope you enjoy this sweetie! @crispy-chan
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The moment Jisung walked into the cafe he knew there was something wrong with you, normally you would rush over to him with a smile across your face ready to greet him and get him sat down but today you were nowhere to be seen. You worked in a small cafe just around the corner from the JYP building so whenever Jisung had a break or some free time he would dress up in a cap, glasses and mask to come and meet you, it had been that way since the start of your relationship. It wasn't often that you got to spend time alone together so you took every opportunity you could to get together.
"Take a seat, I'll be with you in just a moment," A new worker said as he took Jisung over to a booth, Jisung kept glancing around the cafe. It wasn't that large so there weren't that many places that you could have been hiding from him, you couldn't have been on your break since it was a rush time in the cafe. The time was busiest since everyone wanted to have something to eat before heading to their offices for the rest of the afternoon.
"If you're looking for Y/n, she's in the back." The manager said as she caught Jisung looking around, of course, she knew who he was since he came into the cafe frequently enough. 
"Go back and see her, she looks tired though." Jisung knew you'd been a little more stressed than usual lately because you had assignments and exam's coming up but you were smart there was nothing you couldn't handle. 
"Thanks," He mumbled heading through the kitchen door and towards the small office you were cramped inside of with books surrounding you.
"This is where they keep the princess?" He chuckled sitting down beside you on one of the chairs and staring at the books that were in front of you. You must have been so lost in the words as you hadn't even noticed someone sitting next to you until Jisung touched your cheek. 
"Shit!" You screamed out jumping back on the seat and looking at him, your eyes were wide with fear and Jisung laughed softly. 
"You didn't hear me?" You shook your head, greeting him with a quick peck on the cheek before looking back down at your book. There were five exam's you were crunching for this week and not one of them was going to leave you enough time to also finish four assessments that you had to write up. Everything felt as though it was piling up on top of you, Jisung reached his hand out and touched yours instantly making you feel calmer with the smallest of touches. 
"Relax, you're ready for these exams." He whispered encouragingly to you as he began to rub your knuckles softly, he knew how hard you were on yourself about things but he didn't want you to start beating yourself up over anything.
"When was the last time you got some sleep? I mean real sleep, not what you and Chan call sleep," He mumbled as he watched you, your eyes had bags underneath them so he knew you hadn't slept well for days. 
"I slept last night," You lied. He knew you were lying since you wouldn't look at him and you scratched the base of your neck it was your give-away sign. 
"Want me to come around tomorrow? I'll cook us something to eat and we can study together...I'll ask you questions," You smiled at the thought of him helping you study despite having no idea what you had to do for those exams. 
"That would be great...But can you get-" He kissed your lips to stop you from asking if he could get the time off, if it was for you he would do anything in his power.
"Consider me already there, no go home and get some real sleep." He begged you as he looked at you, cupping your face in his hands while he rubbed his thumb under your eyes. You snuggled into his touch enjoying the feeling of his skin on yours, 
"I have another shift, I only had a two-hour break to cram some studying into. I'll go home after," You promised as he got up from the chair to walk him out, Jisung knew from the wording of your sentence that you would go home but that didn't mean you would rest.
"Just promise me you'll get rest," You nodded at him, quickly kissing him before heading over to the till to help your manager take orders and serve the customers that were inside. 
Jisung sighed to himself as he watched you plaster on a fake energetic smile for people and he headed out of the cafe wondering what he was going to have to do to get you to sleep.
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The next day Jisung had text you non-stop to find out what you wanted him to cook and what time you wanted him to come around to the apartment but there had been no responses from you for the last four hours. 
"Maybe she's asleep or doing some studying," Chan tried to calm down Jisung's racing thoughts but he'd been worried about you since leaving the cafe yesterday. After seeing the state you were in he couldn't help but be filled with worry that you were going to end up crashing or passing out from exhaustion. 
"Babe, I got the ingredients for your favourite meal and Felix made brownies for us to share," Jisung announced as he unlocked the door to your apartment with his spare key but there was no response. He knew you were home because your favourite pair of shoes were by the door and your lights were all on, 
"Babe?" He called out, taking off his shoes and heading into the kitchen where he saw a cold pot of tea sitting on the side with some tablets that were open. Paracetamol and ibuprofen were sitting there with a half-drunken glass of water, he hated the thought of you having a headache as much as he hated the fact that you were staying awake so much.
"Y/N?" He whispered as he walked further into the apartment in case you were asleep somewhere you shouldn't have been and that was when he saw you. Fast asleep with your head laying on top of your textbooks, highlight in hand as you snored softly. He sighed to himself as he walked over to you, you were out cold.
"What am I going to do with you?" He chuckled to himself as he got closer to you, spotting that you had a sticky note pressed against your face and a bright coloured highlighter marker on your cheek. 
"Cute," He whispered making sure to snap a photo of the moment before he attempted to move you to your bedroom.
"Here we go," He grunted as he laid you down in the bed, carefully taking off your jeans so you wouldn't have to sleep in the horrible fabric, he pulled the sheets over your body before leaving a gentle kiss on your forehead. 
"Sleep well beautiful," He said before leaving the room to go and clean up your apartment. It was the least he could since it was in such a mess, you must not have had much time to clean between, work and studying and he didn't blame you. Beginning in the dining room where he had found you he started by collecting your notes together, sliding everything into the correct books before leaving to go and clean up the kitchen. 
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Waking up to the smell of cooking you sat up in bed, holding your head as the headache still hadn't left yet.
"Fuck," You whispered to yourself as you kicked yourself out from the bed only to remember the last thing you had been doing was waiting for your tutor to call you on the laptop at the kitchen table and now you were in bed with no pants on.
"Shit!" You yelled out running into the hallway and into the kitchen to see Jisung standing over the over stirring something in a large pot, he jumped when he heard you running to your laptop that was now shut down and everything was cleared away. 
"Where are my notes?! Did my tutor call?! Why are you here?!" Your voice was hoarse as you panicked at Jisung but this only filled him with more worry as he thought you were getting sick. 
"I came in and you were asleep so I cleaned up for you, I figured it was no big deal-"
"No big deal?! Jisung I had a fucking meeting to be at! Did you not think about that when you moved me?!" You snapped as you began trying to load your laptop up as fast as you could,
 "No, I was too busy worrying my girlfriend had overworked himself," He answered snarkily as he poured some soup into a bowl and brought it over to the table for you but you didn't even thank him or glance away from your laptop. 
"Great! Just fucking great I missed my meeting and now I'm going to be behind on the studying!" As you yelled out in frustration you went to pull your legs into your chest, knocking the table ultimately knocking the soup over and spilling it over your books. 
"Fuck sake Jisung!" You screamed picking up the books and trying to clean them before the hot liquid ruined the notes and books that you desperately needed. 
"Y/n, calm down." Jisung tried to take the books from you to help but you let tears roll down your face as you saw everything that was inside was ruined, notes smudged over that was unreadable, pages were sticking together. Everything you had been working so hard on was gone within seconds. 
"This is your fault! Why should I calm down?! Why are you even here!?" You snapped once again, throwing the books down onto the table as you cried to yourself. The stress of your exams, working and your lack of sleep all finally hitting you at once as you broke down into a pool of tears, Jisung let out a breath as he saw you. He knew you weren't mad at him so he wasn't going to get upset over you yelling at him, 
"For this exact reason, you're too stressed...You haven't been sleeping Y/n...I came by to help," You shook your head as you stared at the ruined notes, 
"Everything is gone, I'm going to fail my exams." You whimpered as Jisung pulled you into his embrace and kissed the top of your head trying to remind you that it was going to be fine but you kept shaking your head and telling him that everything was gone. 
"You're so smart Y/n, you already know everything that was going to be in the exam." He whispered, kissing the top of your head as he tried to get you to calm down but nothing was going to work. The tiredness you were experiencing with the small cold you were getting was making you overreact to everything and right now it was the end of the world as you knew it.
"You don't get it because you never had to do this! Not all of us can just get out of school and just go on to be famous!" You snapped at him, trying to push him away as you sobbed into your hands but he wasn't going to let you go that easily.
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When you woke up again you were curled up against Jisung in your bed, his arms were wrapped around you tightly as he snored and you whined feeling sweaty from being so close to him.
"You're finally awake?" You stared at Jisung confused as he questioned you, 
"What do you mean finally?" He sat you both up as he looked at you sighing, 
"You passed out after eating dinner with me and it's been a day since. You've been in and out of sleep since, waking up to pee and drink water." He looked at you with sad eyes, reaching up to feel how hot your skin was and smiling to himself as he realised you weren't as hot as you were the day before. 
"Your temperature's gone down so that's good." You looked at him with a frown and he kissed your forehead softly, 
"I'm sorry for yelling at you," You mumbled as you remember everything that had happened the day before, yelling at him for something you had done. 
"Don't worry about it. Your tutor called and I explained that you were sick, he's extending your assessments and allowing you to retake the exams when you're better." A wave of relief washed over you as you looked at Jisung, no idea how you were ever going to thank him for what he did. 
"I'll never stop thanking you," You snuggled into him, kissing his shoulder as he shook his head at you. 
"Just make sure you get enough rest, that's the only thanks I need." He told you as he held you closer to him.
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Tagline: @taestannie​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @acciocriativity​ @sw33tnight​ @that-anxious-bisexual​
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insomniumstella · 4 years
An angsty prompt of roommate!bucky? Like just imagine you’re two idiots who are mutual pinning after each other, but obviously y’all don’t know that you’re in love. I might need some angst there....🥺👉👈
bucky x reader
warnings: some adult themes, a bit of angst, can’t think of any others
word count: 3,279
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Their usually empty apartment is scattered with people tonight, soft sounds of music and chatter in the background.
“You didn’t tell me Barnes’s new girlfriend would be here.” Wanda and y/n are preparing drinks in the kitchen, because who wants to only drink straight vodka or beer. Other duties, such as setting up food in the living room were left to the remaining Avengers, and y/n sincerely hopes they can handle it because last time Sam tried opening a bag of chips he spilled them everywhere.
“She’s not his girlfriend.” She raises an eyebrow, finishing each Mojito with a sprig of mint “Besides, he forgot to tell me.” I do not have feelings for Bucky Barnes, she thinks after noticing Wanda’s apologetic look.
“Of course you don’t” She replies sarcastically, almost singing ‘of course’ for emphasis. Surprisingly the living room looks neat and peaceful when they come back, people sitting on every free space they were able to find, floor including.
“Might have to get you and Barnes a bigger apartment because this shoebox isn’t cutting it.” y/n dismisses Tony’s comment because this apartment is often empty anyways due to frequent missions. Still, it’s cozy; when Bucky suggested they live together, because it’s totally normal for two friends to do so, even if they can get separate places, y/n took up the decorating. While it was not necessarily fancy, multiple fairy lights, and about a million photos made the place feel inviting and safe. Bucky would agree too, having spent hours on the worn out couches, whether it was drinking with the boys or reading, something he recently took up. Steve removes his hand from the couch’s arm rest and nods his head as if saying come sit here, which y/n does, cozying up half on the arm rest, half against Steve’s body. He’s nursing a beer, and smiles at her when she finally settles.
“Truth or drink?” Natasha suggests, taking a shot of vodka straight from the bottle, using her Mojito as a chaser. Y/n turns her head to look at Bucky, whose eyes are burning holes in the side of her head, snickering when she turns her gaze to his new girl and notices her disgusted expression. Yeah, it’ll take her a while to get used to us. Sam’s up first to ask questions. He snatches the bottle out of Natasha’s hands, passing it to Tony, and thinks for a minute before asking  “Have you ever been in an orgy?”
“That’s one way to start the game.” Tony laughs before taking a shot. He doesn’t have to answer for others to know. “My sweet Natasha, who here do you think is packing the most?”
Somehow she has managed to find and open a bottle of tequila; it’s been a rough week for her. Taking a shot “Steve.” She answers. “Steve, when was the last time you had sex?”
“Do all of these have to be sexual?” He’s blushing hard; talking about things of this nature is still weird and uncomfortable for him, but so’s drinking hard liquor. “Two days ago.” There’s oohs and ahh’s filling the room, and y/n takes notice of how Steve leans into her, almost as if to escape people’s eyes on him.
“C’mon guys, Steve’s right, at least let’s ease into the sexual questions. Hey Bucky, who do you think is the sexiest person here?” That’s a good way for him to include his new girl more, y/n thinks, but to her surprise, Bucky’s taking the bottle of vodka from Tony and taking a shot. The teasing stares from Wanda, y/n tries ignoring for the rest of the game.
“Who do you think is it?” Natasha is still wandering about last night when Bucky decided to take a shot instead of answering who’s the sexiest. For a spy, she’s surprisingly unaware. It’s just the girls at the apartment, because y/n invited them over after James announced he’s going a date. It worked out kind of perfectly; girls nights are very important, yet neither of them can remember when was the last time it happened. Thanking the delivery guy and coming back into the living room with a pizza, y/n turns to Natasha.
“I think the real question is what made you think Steve’s packing the most, when our team has a literal God?” A deep crimson colour paints Natasha’s cheeks. She’s hangover from last night, so it’s one of the rare times anyone ever sees her blushing. y/n knows she’s got her; two days ago, after a mission gone wrong, she decided to sleep at the compound, and guess who was sneaking out of Steve’s room in the middle of the night? As the sun sets, the conversations get more open, and wine bottles, one by one, disappear from the fridge. It’s about 1am when Bucky comes home to find a messy apartment and his girl sleeping on the couch; Natasha and Wanda somehow managed to drunkenly call a taxi back to the compound. Not my girl, he corrects himself after the thought accidentally crosses his mind, I have a different girl, he thinks.
“You’re home.” y/n slurs, reaching her arms out to hug him.
“I’m home.” He chuckles, leaning down to pick her up, bridal style.
“Did you have fun?”
“Not as much as you, apparently.” He answers, walking up to her bedroom door, opening it, and gently places her on the bed. “You’ll have a lot to clean up tomorrow.” This is not true. Bucky Barnes will clean it up himself, the way y/n does after he has one too many. “Goodnight sleeping beauty.” And with a kiss on her forehead she’s out. Not my girl.
Winding down after a long day is one of life’s most simple pleasures, and with Halloween right around the corner, a spooky movie marathon was bound to happen.
“Beetlejuice or Hocus Pocus?”
“Neither of these names mean something to me?” Bucky’s answer sounds more like a question. Of course he wouldn’t know the names of the two classics, yes, life really has been rough on him, y/n thinks. She’s sitting on the couch with a bag of popcorn, legs comfortably placed on the coffee table, when Bucky comes out of the kitchen and puts their drinks down. “Also, you drink too much.” He points out her wine obsession.
Leaning her head on his shoulder after he sits down “You talk too much.” She answers. It feels weird to sit so close when he’s seeing someone, but hey, this is Bucky, the guy, she’s been living with and crushing on for months, she might as well enjoy this while she can. Besides he’s acting casual about it. Not, he’s not casual about it. From the inside at least, because yes, Bucky looks completely calm, reaching down to her lap to grab some popcorn from time to time, but his heart is skipping beats a little too much for his liking.
Maybe next time Steve’s staring at her with those love-filled eyes, I should just tell them to get a room? Bucky considers, this is too hard and at least that way, I won’t see her as much. He’s so still she wonders if he fell asleep, but the turning of his head assures he didn’t. His lips form a smile and she smiles back. I wish Bucky liked me back, like how Steve likes Natasha, y/n thinks to herself, they’re so cute together.
“I don’t like this Beetlejuice guy or whatever he is.”
“I think he’s charming in a way.” y/n lifts her legs from the table and places them over Bucky’s, so she’s sideways and looks up at him.
“You��re charming in a way.”
“Oh sergeant, thank you.”
“Said no one, ever.” Y/n laughs and playfully hits him with one of the many decorative pillows they have placed on the couch.
“You love me, Bucky Barnes.”
Oh you have no idea. That he doesn’t say.
Knife, gun, extra ammo; yes, pretty much everything she’d need she has on her. 
“Don’t die out there, pretty lady.”
“Okay, Birdman, shut it.” y/n teases as they both walk up to where Bucky’s standing. “This mission is like a piece of cake, right Buck?” But he doesn’t answer, lost somewhere in his own thoughts, face painted in worry. “You alright?” She asks when Sam goes to check on Cap, placing her hand on his shoulder. “This is an easy task.”
“It’s not the mission I’m thinking about.” He shrugs, but there’s no time for her to answer, because Steve is already opening the quinjet door, shouting at them to prepare for jumping.
“You’ve been quiet all day. If there’s anything, no matter how small, you know you can talk to me.” They’ve been hiding in some random bushes, the apparently quick and easy mission turning into something no one expected.
“Do you like Steve?” Bucky’s face is completely serious, no teasing eyes, no toothy grin he usually has when talking about guys with her.
“Of course I like Steve.” Like a brother or a friend. “This is what’s been bothering you?” y/n laughs, because it’s funny, surely he must know she likes Steve, otherwise why would they spend so much time together.
Yes, that’s what’s been bothering me. “No, just something that I thought of right now.” He manages to smile, but it’s the fakest smile y/n has seen on him yet. “Did you ask him?”
“Yeah.” y/n scrambles to get her phone out of her suit pocket. Of course she texted Steve, asking if they can pack up and go home already as the suspect they were after has not shown up all day.
“Cool.” It’s cool she asked him if he liked her back, James thinks, it’s for the better, “What’d he say?”
Unlocking it, y/n opens up the text messages app “He said yes, we should head back to the jet.”
Looks like they might be going on a first date tonight, Bucky takes a deep breath, that’s good, right?
Whatever has been bothering Bucky all day yesterday, y/n’s glad is gone. He walks into the meeting holding two trays of coffee, passing them out to those attending.
“Good morning.” He smiles at her, after sitting down and turns his head to look at Steve, who’s standing at the end of the table, ready to start the meeting. His hair is messy and he looks peaceful, a little too peaceful, considering last night’s failed mission. y/n laughs.
“Something you can say to all of us?” She shakes her head and they both share a look which makes Steve’s cheeks turn pink.
“Nothing, Captain.” They both know y/n is mocking him and Natasha, after overhearing her scream the word over and over in the gym’s locker room; the screams clearly cause by pleasure of them going at it.
Bucky shifts in his seat uncomfortably and speaks up “I think we should start, as me and Sam don’t have all day, right Sam?” Whatever Sam’s caught in the middle of, he’s not a fan.
“Actually, I’m not that busy to-“ He’s cut off by James.
“Well, I have a date so start talking lover boy.” He says casually, his words filling the room with an awkward silence, before Steve goes over the plan for their next mission.
“Are you sure you don’t mind if a couple of my old college friend come over today?”
Every free Saturday they like to go grocery shopping together. Bucky’s attitude is much better than it was in the meeting yesterday, which is good, except y/n keeps sourly wondering if the reason for that is the date he had.
He picks up a carton of eggs “I’m eggcited!” And places them in the cart. “Butter than ever.” Bucky says putting butter in there too. They’re at a different aisle when y/n notices him reaching for a jar of jelly.
“Don’t you dare-“
“Just don’t be jelly if they’ll give me more attention than they’ll give you.” He laughs.
“I should have never used a single pun in the grocery store around you. Hey, mango annoy someone else.” y/n laughs back, pointing at the fruit. She drags him away before he can grab the olives and say you know olive you.
There’s not much time left to set everything up when they get back, but as Bucky once called them, they’re a super duo. Y/n’s reaching for the wine glasses when the doorbell rings, and before she can make her way to the door, Bucky’s already answering. If he wasn’t into y/n so much, and if he didn’t have a girlfriend, he’d definitely go for her friends, he thinks and scolds himself right after.
“So you must the boyfriend y/n has been telling us so much about?” Wait, this is confusing.
“I’m n-“ Y/n quickly interrupts him.
“Yes! Guys, meet James, a man who is very much real, and very much my boyfriend, right?” Her hand wraps around his waist and she’s looking up at him with the act along or I’ll kill you kind of eyes. This is going to be fun.
“Yes ladies, please come in, it’s nice to meet you.” He gives them his signature smile, and as they pile into the living room, y/n pulls him aside to whisper “They can’t know I’m single.” Maybe if he wasn’t so excited about pretending to be her boyfriend, he would have heard the fact, y/n is not dating Steve.
The evening is hard to describe, because yes, the girls somewhat miss each other, however y/n can’t help, but notice the jabs they take at her for being an Avenger, and their wondering eyes at Bucky. He, on the other hand, is doing a great, too great, of a job at being her boyfriend. Anything she needs, he get up to get her, his arm tightly wrapped around her waist, before he’s pulling her onto his lap completely and to top it all, the language he’s been using is driving y/n crazy. She knows he’s enjoying this very much, but the phrases like would you like some more wine, darling? or is my baby comfortable on my lap? are affecting her more than she’d admit.
“So tell us, y/n, how did you score a man like this? I mean the constant fighting you’re doing can’t be good for that body. Does it look like a cutting board underneath the clothes?” Okay, maybe Natasha was right about them being bitches the first and the only time she met them.
“Believe me, everything is smooth and tight there.” Bucky winks, hands resting on top of her thighs; that evening he tries to say the most provocative words to keep her busy from noticing the thick bulge forming in his pants. She’s so busy at enjoying their jealous faces, it works.
It was the most beautiful morning October in New York had to offer yet. Last night was a lot; maybe it’s time y/n reconsiders finding new friends, because to say that was exhausting is underestimating. It’s almost like y/n is on autopilot, letting her feet take her wherever they want. For better or worse, she ends up at Bucky’s favourite breakfast spot, noticing him and his girlfriend through the window. She’s mad, stuffing her things into her purse, and storming out of here, yet James is weirdly unbothered, slowly sipping his coffee; he waves his hand at her to join him when he notices y/n outside. A big plate of waffles is bound to make anyone’s morning better; they don’t talk while they eat. It’s only when the waitress refills both of their coffee mugs that y/n speaks up. “So what happened?”
“Told her this was never going to work out.”
“I’m sorry.” She’s really not. This is one of the best thing to happen all week, and besides Bucky doesn’t look sad, so it’s not bad to feel happy about it, right? He doesn’t answer her. When the waitress comes up with their check, he quickly snatches it, so y/n doesn’t have an opportunity to pay, and they both put on their jackets before leaving.
“Would you mind if we go to the Central Park for a bit? I know we have to get to the compound by 12pm, but-“
“Yes, why not, I’m sure Steve won’t get mad.” Bucky forces a smile, he won’t because you’re dating? He thinks. This is y/n he’s thinking about, so why is it so hard to just straight up ask if she’s dating Steve or not. Could it be the fact, he’s too scared to heard the words, I am? Bucky doesn’t recognise where they’re going; y/n moves through many parts of Central Park before arriving at an area he’s never seen or been in before. It’s very secluded, but how has he never been there before still blows his mind. “I love the view here.”
“Me too.” Bucky isn’t talking about the park.
“Look, I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable last night, I should have told you, that they thought you were my boyfriend. I shouldn’t have been so scared to admit, that yes, I’m single, so what?” Wait what?
“What do you mean single?”
“Single, as in no boyfriend? Bucky, do you not know what single means?” y/n laughed. Oh, Bucky knew very well what that meant.
“So you’re not dating Steve?” He wanted to punch himself so hard at this very moment. What other parts of this has he missed, in fact, it totally wouldn’t of made sense for her to pretend Bucky was her boyfriend if she was dating Steve.
“No, I mean he is very attractive, but I don’t li-“ y/n turned her head to look at Bucky “why would you think I was dating Steve?” This was very confusing, however she couldn’t get excited just yet, so what that he thought she was dating Steve? It does not mean that’s the reason he never made a move on her; perhaps he didn’t even like her.
“The way you’re always touching, the looks you exchange. He’s practically undressing you with his eyes.”
“James, Steve is dating Natasha. Why else would she say she thought he was packing the most? Surely, she’s seen it.” They sat down on the only bench near by, y/n bringing her knee up to her chest out of nervousness. “Who do you think was the sexiest person in the room that night?” Bucky was avoiding her eyes.
“You.” Be a man James Barnes. “You’ve been the sexiest person in the room ever since we met.” He thought for a moment “That sounded better in my head, but you know what I mean.” Standing up, y/n pulls Bucky up with her; nerves always make her fidgety.
“Bucky, I like you.” He looks like he’s about to say something but y/n continues “I liked you being my fake boyfriend more than I should have.”
“To be honest, I was doing more than a fake boyfriend should have.” He chuckles. Taking his phone out of his jean pocket, Bucky dismisses Steve’s call, because whatever it is, can wait. “I like you too.” A comfortable silence falls between them, Bucky’s hands resting on y/n’s waist. In truth, the whole moment lasts about a couple seconds, but it feels like a lifetime to them both. Brushing the hair behind her ear, Bucky leans down and connects their lips together. It’s something worth waiting for; passionate, intense, and y/n cannot wait to run her hands through Bucky’s hair to bring him closer. “Perhaps next time they come visit, I’ll be your real boyfriend?” She does; lightly grabbing his hair she brings him closer.
“Perhaps you will.”
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simminglena · 3 years
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The Sims 4 Community’s 🍍 Fruit Legacy Challenge 🍒
– Hey! Have you already played LilSimsie’s NSB Legacy Challenge? How about DaniiPanties' IAL Legacy Challenge?
     Would you like to try another one? Oh, this one is super fun!
     This Legacy Challenge is very similar in structure to the NSB Challenge, and was been invented by Zoë Lennon over at Facebook’s The Sims 4 Community (original post is here, but can be seen only by group members) after she finished the NSB Challenge and wanted to make her own!
     NOTE: In order to fully enjoy the Challenge, you must own ALL PACKS!
The Rules:
You will be playing with your Sims up to the 8th generation. Lifespan must be set to normal;
Once moved into a lot, all 8 generations must live and be raised there;
You can’t use cheats to make the game easier (e.g money cheats, mood solving cheats, etc.)
You can match their appearance and house to the colour of their fruit;
You can join either branch of a career unless otherwise stated.
     In case you wish to share your Sims and homes on the Gallery, or just wish to share your progress with the Challenge, feel free to do so by using the #FruitLegacy tag!
Generations list under the cut!
Generation #1: BLACKBERRY — Color Black —
    ❝ You want to be famous, and that's all you ever wanted. You never needed a partner, a pet or a child, but that is until you retire and feel the emptiness of your home. So you welcome a child, and love them for the rest of your life. ❞
Reach the top of the Acting career;
Maximize Acting and Charisma;
Become a World Famous Celebrity;
Stay single;
Adopt 1 child after turning Elder.
Generation #2: LEMON — Color Yellow —
    ❝ When your parent passes away, you are all alone. So you marry your childhood sweetheart, and with no one to guide you you soon have a child on the way. Even so, nothing stops you from following your dream of becoming a painter, letting your creativity flow. ❞
Get married and have a child as soon as you age into a Young Adult;
Maximize Painting and Handiness;
Reach the top of the Painting career;
Become a Painter Extraordinaire;
Have at least 2 children.
Generation #3: APPLE — Color Green —
    ❝ Your parent was super creative, but you just... are not. You wish for a 9-5 job, and your real passion lives at home, with four fuzzy paws. However, after a one night stand you now also have a baby to care for... well, good thing you have stable employment. ❞
Reach the top of the Business career;
Maximize Logic and Charisma;
Always own at least one dog;
Only have occasional relationships;
Have only one child.
Generation #4: GRAPE — Color Purple —
   ❝ Babies, babies everywhere. You strongly desire a full house, and that’s what you get after you marry: six beautiful babies to care for. You don't have time for a job, but luckily your partner brings in the money so you can focus on becoming the best parent your children can wish for. ❞
Get married upon aging into a Young Adult;
Give birth to 6 children;
Never have a job;
Maximize Cooking, Baking and Parenting;
Become a Super Parent.
Generation #5: STRAWBERRY — Color Pink —
  ❝ You grew up in a busy household... maybe too busy. To get out more, you often went jogging or headed to the gym. Physical activity calms you, so you want to become an athlete. However, you still have 2 kids, as you miss a house like the one you grew up in, just... not as loud. ❞
Reach the top of the Athlete career;
Maximize Fitness and Charisma;
Unlock the Health Food Nut lifestyle;
Become a Bodybuilder;
Have 1 child and adopt 1 toddler.
Generation #6: TANGERINE — Color Orange —
 ❝ You know you’re funny. Even from cracking jokes with your sibling, you just knew you would be a comedian, and a good one. Your favourite thing? Showing cat memes to your 3 kids while your fuzzy one is curled up on your knees. ❞
Reach the top of the Entertainer career as a Comedian;
Maximize Comedy and Violin;
Become a Joke Star;
Have 3 children;
Always have at least one cat.
Generation #7: RASPBERRY — Color Red —
❝ You used to sit on your parent’s knee while they wrote their comedy sets. Fast forward 15 years and now you're going to university to become a writer. With your diploma in hand you begin working as a writer, but in the midst of all you become the dirty mistress in someone elses marriage... eventually convincing them to leave their spouse once there's a baby involved. ❞
Go to University and get a degree in Communications or Language and Literature;
Reach the top of the Writing career;
Maximize Writing, Charisma and Logic;
Become a Bestselling Author;
Have a child with a married someone, then convince to leave their spouse and marry you.
Generation #8: BLUEBERRY — Color Blue —
❝ Your parents have high expectations for you. You mostly live up to those expectations becoming a doctor, but not so much with a failed marriage and a child who resents you for it. But things turn around when you meet someone else, apart from your first child who hates your second partner and your new children. ❞
Reach the top of the Doctor career;
Max Logic and Handiness;
Unlock the Workaholic lifestyle;
Marry twice; the first resulting in 1 child, the second resulting in 2;
Have a bad relationship with your first child.
     Thanks for reading this far! And special thanks to Zoë for coming up with this incredibly fun Legacy Challenge. Hope you’ll enjoy playing it as much as I am!
Happy Simming~! ♢
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ginkgomoon · 3 years
Gavin’s Mini House In Detail 🏡
During the Mini House special events, I obtained all the furnishing items and had already unlocked all the furniture in the home so I thought for Gavin’s Birthday Week, I would share all of the little secrets it contains! 
Gavin has four sections of the house including-
Living Room
This post also includes MC’s commentary and quotes from special happenings associated with Gavin. Special furnishes will have the coziness points indicated next to its name.
Please enjoy! 
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Living Room
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Soft Stool 
The white soft stool next to the tea table.
This stool is a must when Gavin watches soccer games.
The leather surface is very soft, and its height is just right for watching TV on.
Want to know the trend of the soccer lottery recently? How about asking about it? 
It seemed to have won all the recent games, and is both happy and lonely.
If his favourite team loses, Gavin will sit here alone. (#sad) 
White Sofa 
With so many pillows, you don’t have to worry about having no support behind you.
Is the white sofa difficult to clean? 
The bolsters are very comfortable.
Curled up on the sofa with soft ginkgo aroma.
“Gavin, do you remember what you told me?”
“I just want to be with you, just like this...”
“You still remembered!” 
“I won’t forget what I’ve told you.” 
“Then... Do you have anything you want to tell me this time?” 
Gavin kissed MC’s forehead gently.
- This special happening (Starry Sky) refers to the Furniture City Date!
White Table 
“Gavin’s Pad is placed here too.”
(It has a photo of MC and she says she will change it into the both of them next time.)
“I can add a snack box, but Gavin doesn’t really eat snacks.”
Hallway Cabinet
“Gavin waters the plants regularly.”
“These are often loose change on the cabinet which we can take before going out.”
“The silver ornament is a souvenir I bought when we went to Disneyland.”
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The “Wavy Thing”
“I noticed a little “go for it” written on the most recently scrawled page of the notebook.” 
“I found a magazine that puts people to sleep in a second, which was necessary for insomniacs.”
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The black Zoombot.
Today I’m again busy all over the place saving Zoombot.
It’s a bit stupid and often gets stuck after hitting the furniture.
Makes a buzzing sound when working.
You threaten it: If you hang again, I’ll replace you!  
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Music Stand
The music stand bought by Gavin.
On it are sheets of music scores printed by Gavin.
It will sometimes think that the small black table next to it is a bit short.
Sometimes Gavin uses in in the hanging chair to record melodies.
Gavin will print the music scores and put them on it to practice.
Flowers on the Wall 
Each flower is carefully selected by Gavin.
The front wall stores a variety of flowers.
The flowers on the entire flower wall are all preserved fresh flowers. 
Black Table and Seat 
Looking at it closely, it is the song that Gavin played last time. (Music score sheet on table.) 
It is also very comfortable with the little black seat cushion next to it.
The soft black cushion stuffed with cotton.
My exclusive seat for Gavin’s recital.
I bought it with Gavin when we were shopping at the furniture market.
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Hanging Chair/Rose Hanging Chair (Coziness 88)
A great napping spot.
Here in the Leisure Time special happening, MC and Gavin talk about the swing they had in high school. MC is surprised that Gavin knew about the view of the sunset when being on it. He says he “passed by” sometimes. MC notes how the ginkgo leaves danced in the wind. He says, “they were gifts from another person”.
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Heart-Shaped Chair (Coziness 28)
A cute small stool and a convenient storage box.
Gavin’s expression was a bit subtle while he sat on it first.
Alternating blue and pink hearts, as it’s a Valentine’s Day limited edition.
Surfboard Cabinet (Coziness 42)
It’s a new surfboard. Bring it next time we travel.
There are also other surfboards. Guess where they are? 
It says fly on the surfboard, like I can leap through waves with it.
Blue Lamp
A lamp that always blows bubbles from the bottom to top.
It’s beautiful and dreamlike when switched on at night.
Black Table on the Left 
“This looks like the score that Gavin played on the beach last time. I suddenly feel a bit nostalgic.”  - This refers to the Slightly Drunken Date!
“I found a picture of an asleep Gavin. He was sleeping soundly.”
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Claw Machine and Carpet 
A dream-like claw machine. Gavin will add new dolls in it.
The inserted game coins can be taken out from the back of the machine and then reused.
A small black carpet in front of the claw machine.
I bought it together with the large carpet.
Red Bunny, White Bunny, Pink Bunny, Red Bunny, Grey Bunny.
The blue motorcycle sometimes want to compete with the opposite motorcycle.
The colour of the motorcycle displayed is sky blue. 
Maybe its name will be “Azure”? (because Gavin uses colours to individually name items.) 
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Spring Landscape Display 
The landscape has been embedded into the window, like beautiful paintings.
Maybe there is a new world inside.
I can't help stopping to enjoy the view each time I pass.
Is designed for a wider view, improving your mood even when you're tired.
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Winter Landscape Display (Coziness 61)
A corresponding landscape should be changed into winter.
Such heavy snow! Frozen river! Unfortunately, they are all fake. 
You can enjoy the red maple leaves and snow even at home, isn’t it wonderful?
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This is a word map that covers the entire wall.
Looking at it, Gavin and I have already been to so many places.
If you want to travel, you can find the destination on it in advance.
I'm willing to create memories with him in many more places.
The current iron style design is really cool.
Shines warm yellow when turned on, warming our hearts.
Display Cabinet  
It should have been a wine cabinet, but Gavin doesn’t drink, so it became a display cabinet.
The ‘little things’ between me and Gavin are displayed inside.
It looks empty now, but it will slowly be filled up in the future.
Black Tea Table
A black low table in front of the sofa.
I occasionally work here.
The star and moon deco piece is very beautiful, I picked it with Gavin.
You can put fruits and snacks on it while reading.
The wood texture had a matted quality with the black coat of paint.
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Looks cold but is artistic.
Seems useless, but also seems cool.
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A corner with blooming flowers all seasons, is warm and restful to the eye.
Outside the window is a huge ginkgo tree, and the fallen leaves are like brocade.
I feel like it’s always spring with all these flowers around.
It compliments the scenery outside the window. (They have a ginkgo tree right outside their home!) 
Photo framed have karmas from the Starry Date and the Romantic Date!
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Decorative Cabinet/Snowman Closet (Coziness 49)
The two little snowmen stared at each other throughout the winter. (Cute little reference to the CN Recovery ASMR.)
It looks like a window at first glance, but it’s actually a cabinet if you look carefully.
And you could open it. Didn’t see that coming right? 
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Starry Sky Wall (Coziness 52)
Today’s wish… I hope that Gavin…
I will accompany you to see the meteor rain which falls on this Earth.
Every moment a wish is realised, there will be a meteor streaking across the sky.
Dandelion Lamp (Coziness 43)
The lamp looks exactly like the grapefruit during Mid-Autumn Festival.
Like a burning sparkler, shining brightly.
Six light sources, not too dazzling nor too dark.
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Festive Decoration Table (Coziness 57)
Although there are two cups of drinks, we can still drink from the same cup.
The sofa in the corner always makes people feel safe. 
Although we are only two people, I still chose two long couches.
The letter under the ginkgo biloba leaf, writes a love poem.
All the shopping bags represent his most flawless love.
The wide view allows you to see the scenery in the yard.
The soft white mat was added afterwards.
But it’s always hot under the sunlight, so the curtain is often pulled down.
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Security Camera 
You are in a monitored area, please mind your actions.
Bulletproof Glass 
It’s not a normal screen, it’s bulletproof.
It's not often that one gets to see such a cool and HARD-CORE transparent screen.
Anyways, curious what’s in this wall.
Sci-fi glass wall in the movies.
The engraved badge is Gavin’s silent pride.
1-2-3... still shorter than it!
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Gingko Tree
Seasons slip by soundlessly.
No matter how small their wishes are, they will become seeds and eventually bloom in gold.
All life’s little joys turned into gold.
It guards the serene life here quietly over in the corner.
(Gavin makes ginkgo bookmarks with them for MC. CRIES.)
Corner Resting Area 
These action figures are actually pretty fun!
The puzzle is all grown up. It should be able to piece itself back together. (LOL)
(Puzzle) Maybe finish it while Gavin’s gone? 
(Table) It sometimes thinks the table is a bit short.
(Chair) It looks hard but it’s actually comfortable to sit on.
Very spacious, but looks a bit empty.
Some decorations should be displayed here.
Sitting on a blanket is also very comfortable. You can also lean on the small pillow. 
(Carpet) This is a carpet. You can’t tell, right? 
The advanced smart carpet that is warm in winter and cool in summer is awesome.
(The book on the table is called ‘Kritik Der Urteilskraft’- The Critique of Judgement by famous German philosopher Immanuel Kant. It follows after the Critique of Pure Reason and the Critique of Practical Reason- the First and Second Critiques, respectively. The Critique of Judgment constitutes a discussion of the place of Judgment itself, which must overlap both the “understanding” and “reason”.)
“You need to take better care of your health.”
“Who was the one working overnight over the proposal the other day?”
“Alright, we’re birds of a feather, so... so both of us should look after ourselves for each other!” 
“Rest assured, I will. After all, it’s different now. I have you by my side.”  -Harmonous Compa Special Happening
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Gavin’s Workspace
Accompany Gavin though every sleepless night.
This seems… No, I’m seeing things.
All folders are neatly organised and arranged.
A spacious table, with files and reports spread all over when busy.
I no need to worry about waking up from naps due to cold late at night.
I was reminded of some criminal investigation shows I have watched. Come on, Officer Gavin!
If this complicated case is made into a movie, it will be an exhilarating one. 
(Computer) A customised large-screen UHD model customised for work purpose.
(Computer) Work exclusive computer, only connected to intranet.
(Computer) The three auxiliary monitors can help keep the data safe.
(Chair) If you want to protect your waist, you should first have a comfortable cushion.
(Chair) if you work long hours, be sure to work in a comfortable chair.
(Board Area) What does it say? Ermm… Cats have nine lives? 
“Found a girl crookedly drawn next to a work record when he reached a bottleneck.” 
This airplane model was assembled by Gavin himself.
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The computer says-  Agent B-7
Team Operator S.T.R.I.K.E
Location Tracker 
S.P.Y Camera 
U4V Commando
Gunship Operation 
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Motorcycle Repair Area 
Every vehicle is so cool in its own way! 
Hello, you are... Little… Erm… Let me think… 
With the strength to lift mountains and the spirit to take on the world! Ha! 
The robot arm is actually a simple robot.
For your safety, please don’t linger below it
(Motorcycle) I would like to greet my seniors.
Electronic Control Pad
Responsible for controlling the rising, descending and switches of the entire area.
On Spring Festival, it will say: Happy New Year, Sir!”
Sooner or later, fully automated smart management will be achieved.
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Radio Office 
It’s an important communication device, and the only disadvantage is that it’s a bit heavy.
It’s actually a satellite phone, and it can receive signals everywhere.
Looks like the palm phone in the 90s. Oh no, I’ve exposed myself.
It looks like an electrocardiogram.
Don’t know how to use this weird device.
A thick laptop that it’s properly shut when not in use.
A cool eagle logo is printed on it.
Gavin used it only for special tasks and it will not be brought out.
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Corner Seating Area 
A courtyard in sunny or snowy days are interested in their own ways.
Sometimes the unfrequented bolsters will envy the knee pillow.
It's’ wonderful when two people are sitting here reading, even if they don’t talk.
Standing barefoot on the soft lawn is very comfortable.
There's nothing nicer than basking ourselves when its sunny.
The white binoculars which you can see things several miles away.
You can use it to watch the stars when it’s not too cloudy.
But star-watching is clearer mid-air.
Seems to be the same binoculars as those in the scenic area.
The binoculars in the scenic area require coins, but this one doesn't.
Outdoor Lounge Chairs 
The new furniture I asked Gavin to buy.
Can enjoy the sunlight spa comfortably when relaxing. 
Closing my eyes, I feel like I’m lying on a beach.
The soft breeze and warm sunshine. This is life. 
Lying on it and looking at the blue sky and white clouds, your mind goes blank easily.
The blue and white clouds-
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Leisure Table/Romantic Table (Coziness 52)
Lace tablecloth… I can’t imagine that it was chosen by Gavin.
The elaborately prepared dinner and roses, just for today.
A large sunshade on the balcony. (Black large umbrella.)
Bird Nest (Coziness 37) 
Once it was a pair of binoculars, now it’s a bird’s nest.
I bought it just because it was cute, but I’ll consider having pets in the future.
Birds flying by can also have a free meal here.
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seokmingiggles · 4 years
powdered sugar.
@ofrosesandteacups​ requested on 201220: "Would you do a fluff Yoongi one shot where he goes home for the holidays with his girlfriend for the first time (but he's previously met her family when they've come for a short visit) and although he's nervous, he finds that since his girlfriend is the youngest of her family with a wide age gap between her and her siblings (like 8 years older) she gets babied by them/gets them to do things for her by being cute/whining which he's seen bits of in Seoul but she usually independent and tends to take care of him and the rest of the boys so he teases her for it? Also I really enjoyed 'Comfortable' and I'm excited for whatever else you create!"
Pairing: Min Yoongi x female reader
Genre: fluff, established relationship, holiday season.
1.85k words
Warnings: brief mentions of alcohol consumption, (dialogue heavy).
On the drive home from your parent's Christmas Eve dinner with the rest of your family, your boyfriend enjoys hearing you whine as he reminds you of the way you're coddled by your older siblings. Later on, he continues to pamper you when you return home. Alternatively, Yoongi wants to baby you every once in a while because you're just so darn cute.
A/N: Thank you for the request (and for all the support you've shown for me so far)! This one was a bit tricky for me to think about since I am the eldest of my family. I tried to put myself in my step-sister's shoes (who is younger than me by nine years) to come up with how the reader would feel being the youngest. I hope it turned out okay! I kind of made it turn into something else near the end (it felt like I was around 600 words for a long time, and then it suddenly became 1.8k). Please enjoy :)
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•• "Wait, no, when Jun got hit when we opened the champagne! That was the highlight of dinner, I swear. My cousin is hilarious."
You laughed again just picturing your tall relative hiding in the corner of the kitchen behind your (much smaller) aunt, but still getting the cork to his head despite his efforts.
"Yeah, Junhui is something else, that's for sure," Yoongi grinned, keeping his eyes trained on the road ahead of him. One of his hands was on the steering wheel, while the other encased in yours. "Do you want to know my favourite part about seeing your family again?"
You glanced over at your boyfriend, interested in what his opinion was, "I bet it was the turkey my mom made. I know you love her cooking."
"Well, yes, that's a given," Yoongi silently thanked your mom again when he remembered the delicious care package she put together before you left, "but actually, I love seeing how different you act when you're surrounded by your siblings."
"I should have known." You rolled your eyes despite knowing he wouldn't see the action under the passing streetlights.
"It's true! I keep forgetting you're the youngest when it's just you and me. You always insist on taking care of me and asking how I'm doing, so it's funny to see your siblings pull that stuff on you when you're all together." Your boyfriend's face was illuminated crimson from the traffic light. He glanced at you, "You're the baby. The little, tiny baby-"
"Ah, stop it!" You smacked his hand situated on your lap.
"Be careful, (Y/N)-ie, that dish just came out of the oven!" Yoongi ignored your gentle warning and continued to tease, quoting what your siblings had said earlier, "Let me do it. You can go sit down at the table."
"Now you're just as bad as them, Yoon."
The light turned green.
"You just rile them up when you walk around all cute and pouty. I'm scared to open the champagne bottle. Can someone else do it for me, please?" Now he was quoting you.
"And I had the right to be scared of it! You saw how it hit Jun's forehead!" You still couldn't get over how the cork managed to find him. "Are you telling me that I'm not normally that cute around you?"
Yoongi scoffed, "You already know I think you're cute. It's just that you're so different around your family."
"Is that a bad thing?"
"No, not at all. But it catches me off guard. They're all so cautious about their youngest doing things on her own." Another stoplight. "But little do they know what a big girl their baby sister has become!"
He had the audacity to poke your cheek as he laughed; a cold sensation on your skin warmed from the champagne—you’d had both yours and Yoongi's portion as the boy knew he'd have to drive you both home afterwards.
"Yoongi," you dragged out, "please! I could be teasing you at how stiff you were when you first walked through the door tonight."
"That's not the same."
"Isn't it? It's nice to see you again, Mr. (L/N). I swear you corrected your posture as soon as my dad opened the door."
Now Yoongi was whining out a complaint.
"They like you already; my family has for a while. I don't know why you still act so proper around them."
"I'm only being a good son-in-law."
"Say that again after you propose, Min."
"Yes, ma'am."
You finally were met with silence, a nice change from your boyfriend's loving teasing. You leaned your head against the top of the passenger seat and watched the colourful lights pass by. The radio was quietly playing in the background; a Christmas hymn barely heard over the noisy car, crunching over the gravelled-down streets.
"Do you want me to propose?"
You almost missed Yoongi's words from your ears being tuned to the gentle orchestral arrangement playing from the speakers.
"Of course I do," you cooed. "I love you, so yes. Without a doubt, one day, when we both feel ready to take that step."
"You know we've been together for years now, (Y/N). It'll be our sixth in the spring. Maybe it was because I saw your siblings with their spouses tonight; it got me thinking about it all. Your eldest sister already has a daughter too." He paused, eyes still focussed on the snowy road, "It made me wonder if you'd want that too someday. With me."
You couldn't help the smile that formed across your face at picturing a lifetime with the boy next to you. You squeezed Yoongi's hand intertwined with your own.
"That sounds perfect, Yoongi. Any future with you sounds perfect."
The car finally reached its designated parking spot in front of your condominium unit. Yoongi put the vehicle in park and removed the keys, but you both remained in your seats with hands still laced together.
You turned your head to the side to see Yoongi already giving you a fond gaze.
"I love you," he whispered. Anything louder would seem deafening under the delicate snowflakes beginning to fall, instantly melting as they hit the glass of the car's windows. "Merry Christmas, (Y/N)."
"Merry Christmas, Yoongi. I love you too."
The two of you exited the car and collected the cards and small presents arranged in the backseat that your family so graciously handed to you after dinner. Of course, also not forgetting the leftovers your boyfriend was so enthusiastic about too.
You unlocked the door to your home as Yoongi had the assorted gifts held tightly to his chest with the oversized Tupperware of food in his hands, carrying it like some prized possession.
He walked over to the small decorated tree in your living room to add the few new additions of prettily wrapped boxes beneath the shrubbery after dropping the food in the fridge on his way. He plugged in the lights and admired the way the tree sparkled.
He found himself looking beneath the tree at one small box in particular. "Hey, could I give you a gift tonight, love?"
You were in the entryway hanging up your jackets and putting away your boots. Once finished, you made your way to see Yoongi sat on the floor next to the tree: his portrait glowing from the gleaming lights.
You smiled at the view; your boyfriend never failed to take your breath away. "I don't know, technically it's not Christmas yet."
"It will be in ten minutes."
"Hm, I suppose I can let it slide just this once."
You made your way closer to Yoongi, taking a seat in front of him on the carpet.
"Can you close your eyes for me?"
You obliged his request, but quipping, "Your idea of a gift that can't wait until tomorrow better not be a kiss, Min Yoongi."
You felt a soft peck on your lips.
"You know me too well, love."
But you also felt something small placed in your hands.
"You can open your eyes now."
As your eyes fluttered back open, revealed to you was a small box. It was no bigger than your palm; black velvet with a forest green ribbon decorating it, turning into a delicate bow resting on its top.
You looked back up at Yoongi, who only nodded his head to encourage you to open it.
Pulling at the ribbon, your breath hitched when you carefully opened the lid.
It was a necklace. In the shape of a heart, it looked even more golden from the warm-toned twinkling lights of the tree next to you.
"Yoongi, it's beautiful," you gasped, already removing it from its container.
"It's a locket," your boyfriend commented, taking it from your smaller hands so he could show you.
Upon opening it, you were met with two small photos on each half of the heart. The left side had a tiny family photo with you, your parents, and your siblings at your graduation a few years back, and the other side contained an old photo of you and Yoongi around the time you first started dating.
You almost felt like crying; the gesture was so thoughtful.
"Your mom found these photos buried away and gave a few to me. I know how much your family means to you, so that's why I chose this one," he pointed to the one with you grinning in your cap and gown and smushed in the middle of a hug by your siblings, "and I'm fairly certain that I also mean a lot to you, so I wanted to include a photo of us." Yoongi brushed his thumb against the right half of the heart housing your younger faces.
"This is the most thoughtful gift I've ever received, Yoongi." You released your grip on the velvet box and moved to embrace the boy, "I can't thank you enough. You're so wonderful to me."
"Merry Christmas, my love," Yoongi returned the hug, smiling into the top of your head. "Would you like my help to put it on?"
You reluctantly let go and sat in front of him once again. "I think you've spent too much time around my siblings, Yoon. You know you don't have to treat me like a baby the way they all do. I'm capable of doing things myself even if they say otherwise."
"I know you can, (Y/N), but you're my baby. I think there are different rules. Here, let me help you."
You sighed with a smile and shook your head at Yoongi's persistence, but turned around in your spot nonetheless. He carefully maneuvered the necklace around you, fiddling with the clasp until the sides hooked together properly.
You spent a little while longer in the gentle ambiance of the decorated tree and watched the dainty snowflakes fall from the sky. It was past midnight now; the world was quiet. Silenced by the powdered sugar fragments drifting down from the heavens and covering the earth in a blanket of icing white.
You fiddled with the chain around your neck, leaning back into Yoongi's warm chest, having moved from your spot on the floor and to the couch.
You felt him press a kiss onto the back of your head, his protective hold around you tightening ever so slightly. Maybe it was from the coziness being in Yoongi's arms, or possibly from the big dinner you had a few hours ago—you felt yourself beginning to drift off, not fighting the all-encompassing tranquillity.
It was only at the sound of your breathing becoming heavier when Yoongi realized the predicament he found himself in. He smiled, wanting to coo at how cute you looked asleep in his arms, but he chose not to wake you.
Instead, he planned on bugging you about it when you inevitably woke up, saying something about how his little baby didn't even make it to the bed because she was so tired.
Yes, like your siblings, you were his baby too. Until you had your own, and maybe even after then as well, you'd be his baby.
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dakarimainink · 3 years
Story Time
WARNING: fluff, cute, angst, awkward, alcohol, stranger meets stranger
Character: Pedro Pascal
Wordcount: 1.8K
Note: Not betad, all mistakes are my own.
Divider by me! 😊
Oh god, please let me know what you think of this. The way of telling it is new to me, but I kind of liked the flow of it. Keep in mind this is told in a vocal language as if I actually tell it to you. Let me know if you liked it or not, any feedback on this is very much welcome.
Okay, let me tell you about the first time I met Pedro Pascal. This was (I believe) right before shooting of GOT season 4. I was, at the time, not a huge TV or movie person, except I actually did watch GOT because it was so huge and my friends kinda got me in to it. And I also watched Breaking Bad, because let’s face it, it’s a brilliant series. Anyways, here is the story of my embarrassing first meeting with Pedro Pascal.
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It was a late night in New York. I had been to a comedy club with some friends of mine; laughing our asses off and drinking. Not gonna lie, I don’t remember the comedian (sorry), but I do remember he wore the cleanest pair of white Converse shoes I’ve ever seen on a person. I don't know why I remember that, but yeah.
Now, I had told my friends I would walk home, as I only lived a few blocks down the road. They had insisted on me taking a taxi with them, but I refused. Honestly, I didn't want to waste money on it and I had walked home alone before. Being the stubborn woman I was, they gave up and let me walk. Besides, I sober faster up and avoid a hangover with some fresh air before bed (or at least as fresh air one can get in NYC).
Walking home, I stumbled a little on the slightly uneven sidewalk.
Now let me point out that I am not drunk. I am however tipsy, but not so gone that I am not aware of my surroundings. If someone was to walk up to me, I could easily punch them and run off, if necessary. But I would run with a slight tilt, if you know what I mean. Not that I actually want to punch someone, because I am honestly scared of hurting anyone (raise your hand if you have childhood trauma), but I will for survival.
Anyways. Walking home, the nightlife was booming. I think it was about nine in the evening, so the streets were littered with people either already drunk or going to the club getting drunk. Basically a normal Saturday evening. I did not envy the people bending over a bush, begging for nothing to splash back onto them as they puked their guts out, just to go back into the club and start the process all over again.
Being a woman walking alone that late, in NYC anywhere, you can already imagine the disgusting men catcalling me, throwing comments thinking I would rush to them and beg them to take me then and there.
It honestly baffles me how men actually think those kinds of things work, because newsflash, it doesn't. It's literally disgusting and I have to force myself to not gag and throw up.
So walking home, ignoring the nauseating comments, I passed by the same buildings, stores, clubs and restaurants I had done probably a million times before. I did consider stopping by my favourite burger shop Greasy Joe’s (classic name, am I rite?), but knew my body rather wanted to crash down in bed.
As I was just about two blocks away from my home, I managed to trip on my own feet. 
Now I am not a person who often trip over or stumble at all, but for some godforsaken reason, my feet decided that, right outside - what I would call an exclusive restaurant - (mostly because it was too expensive for mere mortals to eat there) I fell to my knees, luckily embracing myself on my hands.
For a moment I froze, my body trying to assess what happened and what the damage was. I remember it felt like needles prickling into the palms of my hands and on my knees. I was just begging I didn’t ruin my jeans as I had recently purchased them. (Jeans are seriously expensive, especially when you are gifted with thighs of a goddess, ready to crush anything coming in-between)
I also remember it felt like the whole world went silent for a moment, as if my hearing was not important as my brain was trying hard to get an overview of my own state.
I heard a male mumble and then a hand appearing in front of my face. Then a little more mumbling until I finally caught some words. “... Help you up.” I instinctively grabbed the hand, supporting myself as it pulled me up.
And again, my legs wanted to be difficult tonight for some reason, so of course my knees gave in - not sure if it was because of the fall or if I just truly had bad fortune that night, or perhaps that I was in fact, more than just tipsy - and I tumbled forward and smacked my head onto what I didn’t realise at first, was a human chest.
I placed my hands onto the torso and carefully pushed back awkwardly. I stared at my hands as I realised what I was pushing against and winced and snapped my hands away from the person in front of me.
I felt my ears and cheeks burn, I mean like, seriously burn so badly it felt like a second degree burn. I looked up to - what I quickly realised was - a man’s face and he seemed to be a bit embarrassed as well, as he was also coloured in his cheeks (definitely not as bad as mine though)
I didn’t recognise him at all, but you can already guess who the person was (Yup, Pedro himself).
What really caught me off guard was his eyes. They were so dark I could actually see my reflection in them. There was also a spark in them due to the yellow lights emitting from the restaurant he had apparently just exited.
We were both kind of frozen and embarrassed and my brain was not going to help me even form a single “thank you” and or “sorry”. Luckily, his brain was working better than mine, so he was the one to speak up first.
“That was quite the fall, are you alright?” He actually seemed worry for my little tumble. I hadn’t even hit my head and he looked down upon me as if I was a hurt child.
I said of course I was fine, I wasn’t really hurt and that I was just on my way home. He asked if I needed a taxi, but of course I didn’t need that, I was just two blocks away from my home, so I politely refused.
He asked if he could escort me the rest of the way, but I told him no, because he was a stranger, but not only a stranger, but a male stranger. He really didn’t want me to walk home alone, but he understood my point of view. He insisted on calling for a taxi, but I told him it would be a waste, as it would probably take longer for the taxi to arrive than me just walking straight home.
As I explained this, I was already kind of backing away from him and towards home. He didn’t push it any further, but I swear I could feel him watch me as I continued to walk away.
However, two doors down, was one of the hottest nightclubs in NYC. Mostly higher middle-class and lower high-class would go there. Especially “kids” with their parents credit cards would go there frequently. (Now I use the word kid, even though they are probably in their early twenties and I am in my mid twenties, but to me, kids because of their behaviour)
As I passed, a self entitled kid with too much alcohol and self esteem approached me - I could smell the alcohol before he reached me - and stopped me in my tracks. I fisted my hands as he tried to push himself onto me, which was quite disgusting by the way. His perfume were oozing off him, and that mixed with the alcohol was making me gag.
He kept asking for my name, if I was down for a good time, if he could buy me a drink, if I wanted to come into the club with him, if he could have my number, if I wanted to go home with him and so on and so forth. I gently pushed him away, which seemed to set something off in him and he began spitting rude comments. Mostly stuff I had heard before come out of a rejected man’s mouth; so nothing new.
He began walking quite widely and wobbly towards me, as if he wanted to pick a fight me. However, half way towards me, he suddenly stopped and I noticed a presence next to me.
You guessed it, it was Pedro again.
He asked the man to stop and waved over the security guard who somehow missed the loud kid.
As soon as the kid was forced away by the guard, I thanked him once more. He turned to walk away, but I called for him (I didn’t know his name, so I casually just said “Hey!”) He turned around and I told him he could walk me home if the offer still stood.
I remember a smile crossed his lips as I told him and he jogged over to me before we strolled towards my block.
As we began our walk, he held out his hand to me and introduced himself and I shook it and told him my first name as well. Now, instead of talking about our jobs or family or whatever, we actually started talking about African animals, more specifically Elephants as we both considered them our favourite animal. We also had a friendly feud about coffee or tea, as I was (and still am) a tea drinker and he was a coffee drinker.
We were in the middle of talking books when I suddenly realised we were standing outside the entrance to my apartment building.
I'm not gonna lie, I was actually feeling a bit disappointed by this, as I had enjoyed our brief walk and conversation. A small part of me wanted to invite him in, just so we could continue our chat. I felt such a friendly vibe from him and knew if I didn’t get to know him now, I would probably never get to.
I had to, unfortunately, decide to end the journey here and smiled while thanking him. What I didn’t realise was my body slowly tilting forward and before I knew it, we were hugging each other. I had no idea why, but I sure as hell didn’t regret it.
Let me tell you, I have never, ever ever since, had a better or warmer hug ever. I seriously mean it, if you ever get the chance to hug this man, do it, because not only will it make you warm and fuzzy, but it seriously made me happy. Like I could feel the weight of the world seep out of my body and a light just burn within me. I am not kidding.
So we said our goodbyes. I unlocked the entrance door, stepped inside and we gave each other one last glance before I walked up the stairs to my floor.
What I didn’t know then, was that I would meet Pedro Pascal again.
(Wanna be added to my tag list for Pedro Pascal and his characters? Let me know and I will happily add you)
@cynic-spirit, @lililolli, @notabotiswear, @sara-alonso, @blankmooon, @xoxo-callie, @mamacitapascal, @thewaythisis, @greeneyedblondie44​, @stevie75, @mswarriorbabe80​
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dewykth · 4 years
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a @periminkle​​​ and @dewykth​​​ collaboration.
synopsis. for many, september symbolizes new beginnings. but for namjoon, this month never fails to send him back into the past. though this time, something seems different.
pairing. kim namjoon | female reader contains. fluff, angst, slice of life au, ballet instructor!reader, single dad!nj  word count. 7.5k+  warnings. death mentions, mature audience
dae’s note. surprise !!! this fic is dedicated to my favourite virgo karla @guklvr​​​​ !! happy birthday bae i hope you enjoy this lil thing me n vira whipped up for u!! (i stress wrote a lot of this ha.) also sry for lying & keeping you up but hopefully this makes u forgive me. but i hope ur day goes amazing ILYSM DUDE !!! <333 and a huge thank you to vira for hopping on board for this idea bc i cld not have done this without her !!! pls give her all the love !!!
vira’s note. KARLAAAA!!! i always gotta scream ur name it’s mandatory to start with a good scream ykno? bUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL 🥳  i already told u this too many times today but ILYSM !! like that full day without saying a single word to u felt so weird and i kept going into our chat and rereading our mssgs and wishing I was talking to u??? which is weird to admit?? but that literally how much i missed u idk how but im addicted to u so if you leave me I will literally die :))) aNYWAY have the bestestestest day ever and i hope u love the fic bc I ignored all my uni work to finish this !!! (also i feel reallyreallyreally bad about last night sO IM SORRY AGAIN BUT I HOPE THIS IS WORTH IT) 💖
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Despite the papers carelessly stuffed into his leather briefcase, the dark coffee stain on his black slacks, and his unkempt locks resembling that of a bird’s nest, Namjoon’s become accustomed to the hectic nature of his mornings.
The kitchen table is practically buried under stacks of files, yet he brushes them aside to allow one corner of the glass surface to peek through. He plops the toddler in his arms onto a high chair before racing to the counter and sloppily pouring some honey nut cheerios into a small bowl, handing it off to his daughter. 
“Daddy?” her voice squeaks, a patient smile stretching across her lips. Her brown strands are tied up into pigtails at the crown of her head with pink ribbons that flutter with the movement of her tiny head. 
“Yes, angel?” He scurries around to their bedroom, peeling the stained fabric off his body and threading one leg through another pair of slacks fresh from the laundry. 
With Namjoon’s focus pinned on checking off the mental to-do list in his head, he misses the gentle, reassuring smile that stretches across her rosy lips. The adoration for her father is clear in her gaze. “You forgot to pour the milk.”
At the reminder, he squawks and hops back to the kitchen on one foot as he maneuvers his other leg through the pant hole. Swinging the fridge door open, he grabs the carton and sloppily pours the milk into her bowl—white droplets leaping out with their newfound freedom and forming perfect domes on the glass tabletop.
Cleaning the mess falls to the bottom of his priorities at the moment, and so he speeds off to the bathroom to ensure that his appearance is presentable for work while Dasom reaches over to pluck a tissue from the box, swiping the milky beads away before diving into her breakfast. She shoves as many cheerios into her small mouth as she can, rushing because she refuses to finish her meal in the car with their wild driver behind the wheel. 
Despite her mere four years of age, she knows from experience that a bowl of cereal and a shaky vehicle is a recipe for disaster.
Namjoon races over to his briefcase with most of his hair sleeked back, only the locks of his bangs hanging out to frame his forehead. As he slips his dark blazer on to complete his form-fitting suit, Dasom scoops the last few brown rings into her mouth and slurps the remainder of the liquid.
“Did you finish your milk?” he questions while cramming the edges of the loose leaves that peek past the seam of his briefcase, hurriedly zipping it up and turning to face her.
Dasom flips the edge of the bowl up to display its empty contents, gulping the last of her breakfast down her throat. As per routine, she scans her father for any inconsistencies in his attire, landing on his odd fitting bottoms.
“Daddy, your pants are on backwards.”
His eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets, glancing down to affirm that the pockets at his sides are no longer at the front of his hips. Hastily, he shimmies out of his slacks once more and twists the fabric around to the proper orientation. 
Dasom hops off her chair, her bowl and wet kleenex in hand as she waddles over to the sink and waits for him to deposit the dirty dish into the sink and the sullied tissue into the trash. Although her short arms couldn’t reach over the countertop just yet, she’ll diligently drink every last drop of her milk in hopes of growing tall enough to take some of the load off of her father’s back.
He hoists Dasom up at the sight of the red car pulling up to the driveway, squeezing into the back seat. Namjoon doesn’t have to tell the driver to book it, as the calm man in front has learned to keep his foot pressed on the pedal. The car weaves through the morning traffic with concerning speed, snaking through the other vehicles littering the road as if they were no more than stationary pylons, simply there for practice.
Dasom remains on her father’s lap with his arms looped protectively around the seatbelt over her torso. She sinks into his embrace, fiddling around with his long, slender fingers as she watches the blurs of colour speeding past the window.
“Did you put your ballet shoes into your backpack, angel?” Namjoon loosens his grip on her, unhooking one hand to rummage through his own briefcase in order to confirm that he had indeed slid his laptop within the chaos inside. To keep her entertained, he playfully extends his digits out of her reach.
“Of course!” she chirps, a wide grin revealing the gaps between her teeth. The pads of her fingertips brush against his palm and tickle the sensitive skin there when she realizes that her arms lack the length required to latch onto his hand. “I can’t wait for class, we’ve got a new teacher coming in today!”
Humming absentmindedly, he sighs in relief at the sight of the silver device and packs the crumpled papers back in. “What happened to Ms. Kim?”
“She’s teaching the older class now.” The pout on her lips can be heard within the muffled lilt of her voice when she continues, “I asked her to stay until my birthday next week b-but she didn’t.”
Namjoon’s breath hitches at the reminder, but attempts to compose himself for his daughter’s sake. “It’s out of her control, angel, plus she’ll probably swing by anyway.”
His mind starts to fog up with the emotions he thought he buried last year–they swarm his every thought and nibble away at his sanity. He knows better than to believe that they would ever disappear. September will always be an insurmountable month for him.
“I might be a bit late to pick you up later, just sit tight and wait for Daddy, okay?”
She eagerly nods in response, noticing the dull red bricks of her school coming into view. “Okay, bye Daddy!”
Namjoon unlocks the seatbelt, wistfully watching his toddler bounce out of his arms and onto the asphalt below. No matter how many times he drops her off, it’s always difficult to be separated from her bright smile, but he reminds himself that it’s all for her; it makes things a little easier to bear.
“Have a good day at school.” He reciprocates her frantic waving through the window, craning his neck to watch her adorable form become smaller and smaller with the increased distance. Her full cheeks and crinkled eyes are engraved into the back of his mind.
Before long, Namjoon finds himself rushing into his office after an earful from his surly boss about everything from the late hour to the long list of meetings scheduled to all the work he’s got piled up. With his lips pursed and his head bowed, he somehow manages to make it past another lively morning.
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Namjoon has a habit of overthinking. He figures it’s normal when you have a stressful job and a four year old full of energy to balance all by yourself. Not that overthinking about his daughter does him any good, because that is far from the reality. If anything, it just makes him, what you’d call, a bit... overprotective (over worrisome if you asked Jin). But it’s something he can’t really help. Even when she had just entered his life, so small and so blissfully unaware of the awful and evil things in the world, all he wanted to do was hold her in his arms and shield her from it all as long as he could.
Though he’s very aware of the fact that it won’t be much longer, that won’t stop him from going over every single little thing that could go wrong in the meantime.
So, of course, when Namjoon’s asshole of a boss makes him stay two hours over his shift, all Namjoon can think about is Dasom. Is she okay? Has she eaten anything? Did she drink enough water today? She’s always dehydrated after her classes too. He usually calls Ms. Kim to check up on her, but his calls went straight to voicemail, which definitely wasn’t helping his hectic mind. Perhaps something had happened to her?
Oh god, maybe someone broke in and had injured Dasom?
The doors are thrown open, the sound of the doorknob hitting the wall reverberating through the room. The receptionist wearing her usual polka-dot dress jumps in her seat, eyes lifting from the intense scene on her phone to the entrance of the building. An unsure smile stretches across her ruby red lips at the familiar figure, though a bit disheveled and breathless. But before the customary ‘hello’ can even form on her tongue, the figure is rushing past her, leaving only a gust of air in his wake. The papers on her desk fall to the ground, and she sighs.
Namjoon is prepared to fight the (fictional) person who thinks breaking into a toddler ballet class is a good idea, but the scene in front of him once he pushes past the doors of the studio is one he is wholly unprepared for.
He sees Dasom first, and the relief that fills his body is indescribable. It’s far from the usual sight he’s greeted with when he picks her up late. She’s not sitting on one of the chairs in the far corner of the room. His heart doesn’t feel heavy, which comes with seeing his daughter so glum. This time it’s her laughter that greets him, not one provoked by him but by the figure standing in the middle of the room with her.
Dasom doesn’t seem to be aware of the presence of her dad yet, but the figure twirling her around turns, and her eyes land on Namjoon.
The reaction is immediate. The carefree smile that had been on your face slips off, a look of embarrassment and surprise overcoming your features. Namjoon only catches a glimpse, and somehow finds himself wishing that won’t be the last time he sees it. You let go of Dasom’s hand, quickly making your way to the stereo on the other side of the room. And that’s when-
Dasom wastes no time running into her father’s open arms, and Namjoon suddenly can’t remember why he was so worried in the first place. “Hi, angel.” he says, just loud enough for her to hear. She pulls back. “I’m so sorry for getting here so late. I promise i won’t do it again.”
But of course, Dasom holds nothing but forgiveness in her heart for her hard-working father. She does love teasing him, though. “Don't say sorry to me, say sorry to her.” she giggles, pointing behind her and Namjoon furrows his brow until he remembers they’re not the only ones in the room.
His eyes immediately move to where you stand awkwardly near the stereo, eyes moving around the room as if you hadn’t been watching the whole exchange. Namjoon sighs, realizing he definitely can’t avoid talking to you now. He stands straight, holding onto Dasom’s hand as he makes his way over to you. You only seem to grow more nervous as he nears, and Namjoon distantly recalls Jin telling him he came off as intimidating to most people. Something about his ‘beefy’ arms, in his own words. (“And that stupid and unfairly attractive face!”) He goes for a smile because it's not like he can control his physique.
“Hi, I’m so sorry about…”
Namjoon stops.
Maybe it was the overwhelming distress before, or the really shitty lighting of the studio, but he hadn’t realized how pretty you were before. But now he’s standing right in front of you and he can’t seem to form a coherent thought. Pretty can’t be the right word. He realizes how creepy he probably looks, running in here like a madman and then downright staring at the (very beautiful) woman who looked after his daughter? Not cool, man.
You clear your throat, before extending a hand to him. “Hi, I’m ____, the new ballet instructor.”
Your voice sounds just like honey.
Namjoon stares at your hand dumbly, before the sound of Dasom snickering (very discreetly) behind him snaps him out of it. But instead of introducing himself, or apologizing, or just taking your fucking hand, he says-
“What happened to Ms. Kim?”
He mentally face-palms.
Not. Cool. Man.
Your face falls, and Namjoon has never wanted the ground to open up and swallow him whole more than he does now. “Uh, she’s instructing the teen class now.” you chuckle awkwardly, dropping your hand.
“Daaaad,” Dasom's voice sounds annoyed, and perhaps it’s a bit silly of Namjoon to feel like he’s being scolded, but that is exactly how he feels right now. “I told you this. In the morning. Remember?”
He doesn’t. “Ah, right of course,” Namjoon scratches the back of his neck. It wasn’t like he meant to forget, he had just been too busy thinking about the other things every September would bring. “Sorry, I’m Kim Namjoon. Dasom’s dad.”
This time he offers his hand, and he thanks the skies above that you don’t seem to hate him because you fit your hand against his. Warm, like honey. How long had it been since he last made a fool of himself in front of a pretty girl?
Too long.
“I’m terribly sorry for arriving so late it’s just that my boss, who’s a huge-” Namjoon glances at Dasom, who is now in her own world, singing some song she learned in school, “jerk, decided to assign these reports last minute and the printer would just not work and then traffic hour-”
Your hand comes up to cover your mouth, but Namjoon can see the amusement bubbling in your eyes. He flushes a deep red, eyes falling to the floor, realizing he started ranting.
“It’s okay. Really.”
When he looks back up, there’s a smile on your face. Not like the one before, this one was more reserved, but genuine, reassuring. And just like that, he’s sure you don’t hate him.
Namjoon’s not sure he likes this feeling though.
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“Straighten your arms out, girls!” you belt over the classical music that floods the studio’s walls, scanning your army of toddlers in tutus whose arms immediately tense at your command. Making your way through the row, you poke and prod everywhere from their shoulders to their ankles. “Arch your back more, Somin.”
Their muscles violently tremble in response to the strenuous routine you’ve introduced, facial features scrunched in concentration and a resolute will to uphold their positions despite the hyperextension of their limbs. A mix of pity and pride swells in your chest at their effort. “Keep your chins up, the annual recital is only a couple of days away.”
Cheers erupt throughout the small room, disrupting the focus and spoiling their perfect form, yet you refuse to quiet excitement because of the renewed vigour buzzing throughout the room. The next hour depletes all of their built-up energy with demi-piles, pirouettes and sautés.
A glance at the analog clock in the corner informs you of the five minutes remaining before the end of class, so you pause the speakers and instruct the girls to stretch themselves out as they wait for their guardians to trickle in. They collectively sigh in relief before dropping to the floor like flies.
You snort at their dramatics with an amused smile playing at your lips. “I said to stretch, not to lay down and nap.”
“Can’t we nap and stretch at the same time?”
Strolling over to the source of the voice, you cluck your tongue at her limp form sprawled across the wooden floor and cross your arms, struggling to keep your giggles from breaking your angered facade. “And how do you suppose we do that, little Miss Dasom?”
She flashes her toothless grin up at you. “Like this!” With one leg bent over the other and her hands looping around to hold her twisted limbs to her torso, she shuts her eyes and exaggerates her snores.
At this point, it’s nearly impossible to withhold your snickers, and the rest of the class joins in your laughter. You pick up on Dasom’s tinkling giggles between each of her heavy breaths. The lighthearted jokes continue as kids are signed out with bright grins on each of their faces.
You wait for the rest of the toddlers to file out one by one, waving goodbye and checking them off your list until, as usual, Dasom is the only toddler left. Her tiny feet still clad in her faded ballet shoes waddle up to you, tugging on your blouse.
“Your pirouette was a bit wobbly today, do you want to go over—”
“‘M tired,” she interrupts, slouching her shoulders with an adorable frown marring her lips. Her exhaustion is justified, since the routine is rather exhausting, and with their recital right around the corner, you worked them to the bone today.
The odd timing of the switch between you and Ms. Kim left you with a little under a week to tweak and perfect their current choreography. A sloppy routine is not the way you want to present your skills to their parents for the first time, thus you were stricter with the kids than normal.
Your sympathy wins out, and so you gather Dasom’s lithe figure into your arms as you head to the closest wall. With your back supported, you spread out your legs and place her in your lap.
“My birthday is this Thursday.”
“Mhm,” you hum, bobbing your head to signal for her to continue her train of thought.
Her back faces you, but when her head tips down to stare at her hands, you know she’s contemplating her words carefully. Rather than encouraging her to speak freely, you wait for her to feel comfortable enough to reveal her thoughts; and surely enough, her shell cracks open just enough for you to peep through. “Do you wanna come?”
“I would be honoured.” A giddy smile splits across your lips. “Is Daddy picking you up again today?”
She flips around in your hold, wrapping her arms around your waist and snuggling her head to your chest. Her words are muffled into the fabric of your thin shirt, but her tone indicates her affirmation.
Suddenly self-conscious of your heartbeat—that Dasom can definitely hear with her ear pressed up against you—picking up pace at the mention of her father, you suppress your thoughts with a guilty conscience. You internally chide yourself for harbouring feelings for the charming, taken, man, defying arguably one of the most important fundamental rules of becoming an instructor.
Do not develop silly crushes on your student’s parents.
“Ms. ____?” her faint question snaps you out of your reverie, attention brought back to the present moment. While preoccupied, your hand took on a mind of its own, gingerly patting the space between the little girl’s shoulder blades at a slow rhythm.
She gazes up at you when you halt your rhythmic movements, sharp eyes boring into yours. “Are you gonna ask Daddy to come see me dance?”
The edges of your lips flip up in what you hope to be an encouraging smile as you nod your head. Subconsciously, you begin to stress over another encounter with Namjoon, formulating a script to hopefully avoid the stiff, tense atmosphere that lingered throughout all your previous interactions.
“Daddy’s always really busy,” she slurs, drowsiness coating her words and weighing down on her lids. Grumbling under her breath about her numb legs, Dasom crawls onto the floor beside you with her head resting on your thigh. “He’s always working hard for me.”
Your eyes soften at the fetal position she’s taken up on the ground; not only was Dasom lucky to have such a dedicated father, but Namjoon was also blessed with a caring daughter. “You don’t think he can make it?”
“It’s okay,” she whispers and you have to crane your ears to listen. You stroke the strands littering her forehead, gingerly caressing the crown of her head. “It’s okay if Daddy can’t come. I know him, he’s trying to do it all because Mommy’s not with us anymore, but it’s okay. I still love him even if I can’t see him lots.”
A knot forms between your eyebrows, a bittersweet ache forming within the creases of your heart. The painful constriction of your chest ebbs and flows with your shallow breaths that can’t seem to make it past your throat. You bite your lip to subdue the plentiful liquid gathering at your waterline.
No more than a croak escapes your lips before the door to the studio flies open, meeting the adjacent wall with a bang!
“I’m so sorry, my meeting ran late and I couldn’t—” the rest of his speech gets stuck in his windpipe at the sight of you, eyes rimmed red and sniffling, with Dasom, ostensibly dead asleep, on your thigh. “Did she…?”
You blink away your incoming tears, although your dignity has been completely thrown out the window, seeing as he believes that his four-year-old kid made a grown woman, who just so happens to be her ballet teacher, bawl her eyes out.
As you go to gently shake Dasom awake, she sluggishly lifts her head off of your lap and starts to scale your torso like a koala on a tree. Your confusion is vocalized through the high-pitched hum in your throat, but your efforts to pry off her limbs, tightly wound around the small of your waist, are futile.
“Uh, Dasom? It’s time to go home now, angel.” Despite his firm words, Namjoon’s tone is unsure and shaky; he can feel cold sweat build up in the lines of his palms. He knows his daughter, and she can be periodically stubborn and insistent the way children are at her age, thus even as you come to stand, she’s stuck to you like glue. “Would you, uh, did you need a ride?”
You mimic the sheepish smile on his face, hoping the flaming blush you feel on your cheeks isn’t as visible as it seems. “Sure.”
With Dasom latched onto you, both of you make your way to the red car outside after you lock up the studio. Namjoon courteously opens the car door for you, what with your arms supporting his clingy toddler; although, with the brute force he uses, you worry for the state of the hinges. Thankfully, they stay intact and he’s able to slip into the backseat after you.
Before an awkward silence can settle, you clear your throat and prepare to ask him about his day, but you’re interjected by Namjoon’s sudden stammering, “D-driving’s such a hassle for me so Jin drives us everywhere. Jin knows how to drive though, so, don’t worry.” He finishes with a deep chuckle that dies off nearly as quickly as it began. Oh, that’s unexpected.
“You don’t to drive yourself?” Rather than being processed in your brain and logically thought through, the question immediately enters your mouth without any prior scanning for dumbass-content. You instantly regret it, feeling as though it’s much too invasive. “You don’t have to answer that, I—”
The hearty laughter that meets your ears is “No, I do. Sometimes. But its easier raising this one like this.” His tone turns sweet at the mention of Dasom as he reaches over to pat her head, and you’re overcome with an intense desire to prod more into his personal life. Why does he have to work so much? Which shirt in his closet is his favourite? How does he like his eggs in the morning?
“I’m not sure if you already knew about the annual recital on Saturday, but Dasom’s been practicing really hard for weeks and the kids are all really talented, so it would definitely be worth your time...”
As he’s gazing at his daughter, galaxies of devotion and longing swirl within his cocoa irises. The cool light of the moon shines through the windows of the car, illuminating his sharp jawline and strong brows. You’re absolutely mesmerized by the sight in front of you. “You must be really busy, huh?”
“More than I’d like to be.”
You rip your entranced gaze away from Namjoon, willing yourself to steady your frantic breaths.
The remainder of the ride still drips with awkward tension, although with a definite lighter tone than before. Jin pulls up to your apartment with your direction and you dislodge a sleepy Dasom from your torso, which is much easier now that her limbs have gone slack with sleep. Handing her off to Namjoon, who practically engulfs her tiny form with his broad chest, you rush out of the vehicle with a quick, “See you!”
You slam the door closed before he can say anything, racing into the comfort of your home with your heart in your throat.
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The last thing you had expected to do on a Thursday evening was to go to a birthday dinner. Thursdays are your days off, your in-days. The ones you spend lounging on your couch with a face mask and some wine. And yet, here you are.
When you received a text this morning, the last person you had expected it to be was Namjoon. Much less Namjoon asking you to come over for Dasom’s birthday. You weren’t going to say yes, hell, you had thought of downright ignoring it. It was weird, wasn’t it? But Dasom had quickly carved a toddler-shaped hole into your heart. Truly, you had said yes before the message was even typed out.
And so now you stare at the tall apartment building in front of you, definitely feeling more nervous than before. You knew that Namjoon had to be well-off to afford a weekday chauffeur, but damn did you not expect him to be this well-off.
It seemed today was the day to expect absolutely anything.
You enter the opulent building, signing in at the front desk before entering the large, mirrored elevator. The beating of your heart picks up the more floors you pass, and you can’t help but fidget with your appearance. Namjoon had said it would only be you three, which you guessed was supposed to calm your nerves but really, it did anything but that. The mere thought of eating dinner with Namjoon was nerve-wracking. But now you were about to eat dinner and enter his home; you had no fucking clue what you were getting yourself into.
The doors slide open, and you step into the hallway. A single door could be seen at the end of the hallway, so you quickly make your way over. You stop right in front, taking a deep breath in before pushing the doorbell. A beat, a crash, another beat, then-
The door swings open, and your breath catches in your throat.
Namjoon looks heavenly as always, but seeing him in clothes other than his usual black slacks makes your heart do a cartwheel. God, this is dangerous.
“Ms. ____!”
Before Namjoon can form a hello, Dasom is running past him and wrapping her small arms around your legs. “You came! See daddy! I told you she’d come.” her tongue pokes out of her mouth, aimed straight at her father and you stifle a laugh.
“Did he think I wouldn’t?” you ask, eyebrow arched as you glance at Namjoon, who seems to have a permanent pink hue on his face.
“He said you wouldn’t!”
“Oh, really? What else did he say?”
“He said I had to help him clean either way!”
“Alright, Dasom. That’s enough.” He says firmly, clearing his throat and trying to act as unaffected as possible. His eyes shift to meet yours. “Why don’t you come inside?”
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As much as this day really sucked for Namjoon, today had been… different. Not all too much. Of course, getting up was the hardest part, but he had decided to make Dasom her favourite breakfast meal instead of her usual cereal. He had also made sure to get her all the toys she had been wanting, and planned their day out to do Dasom’s favourite things. Namjoon just wanted this day to be special for her. That was all he cared about.
But when Dasom had asked him to invite you, he had hesitated.
Dasom had never spent her birthdays with anyone else but Namjoon. Not that it was intentional, but Namjoon liked to have this day just for the both of them. Because that’s how it’s always been. He didn’t know what it was about you that made his daughter talk about you all the time. Or why she wanted to spend a birthday with you. But how could he deny her? And so, the text was sent.
And now, as Namjoon puts away the dishes while you sit on his couch, he realizes he hadn’t thought of her today. Not as much as the years before. Dinner had been so... nice. It felt nice to have someone else around. Namjoon loves Dasom, but he hadn’t realized how distant he had gotten from everything that had once seemed to be the centre of his life.
Namjoon closes the dishwasher, exiting the kitchen and making his way to the living room. He places the two glasses on the table before pouring the dark red liquid.
“I hope you like Merlot.”
“Oh, please. Anything’s fine.”
You take the wine glass, sending him a thank you before taking a drink. “So,” you lean back, “remind me how to play this again.”
“Ms.____ I told you. You have to take a block without knocking the tower over,” Dasom shows you by pushing a middle wooden block out, “then you have to place it on top, like this.'' She places the same block on top of the tower.
“Ah, right! I just need to make sure if I want to win.”
“You can’t! I’m the best!”
“Oh really? And what about you?” you turn, brow raised and eyes playful.
“Pshh,” he scoffs, leaning forward. “Who do you think she takes after?”
He doesn’t think he’s ever lost a game so quickly.
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Namjoon watches as you close Dasom’s door quietly from the hallway before you make your way back to the family room. “She’s out like a light. I guess all that tower building got to her.”
Namjoon snorts. He feels oddly disappointed as he watches you gather your things to go. Was it weird that he wanted you to stay? “Do you need me to get you a ride? I can call Jin to drive you home.”
“No, it’s fine! Really! I already ordered an Uber anyway.” You grab your coat near the door. Before Namjoon can unlock the door, you touch his shoulder. “Listen, thank you for inviting me today. I know you probably wanted to spend this day together instead, but I... “ you inhale, because you aren’t sure of what you want to actually say “thank you.”
Would it be weird to say how much better you made today? Probably. “You don’t… have to thank me. I think I should be the one doing the thanking. I really wanted this day to be special for Dasom and you… you definitely helped. So, thank you.”
The door opens, and the light of the hallway fills his dim flat. “Guess we’re even then.” you smile before turning, making your way to the elevator. Namjoon shuts the door once the sight of you is gone, but the smile on his face remains
“Guess we are.” he whispers wistfully
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Perhaps stopping at a flower vendor when you’re already running late was a bad idea, but Namjoon wasn’t thinking about time. He had seen the bouquet of flowers and imagined the huge smile that would stretch across Dasom’s face, and that was all he needed to swerve into the left lane.
Now, though, as he anxiously watches the cars in front of him move a foot forward after thirty minutes, he’s sure he should have just left the fucking flowers alone.
Namjoon doesn’t know how long he’s been shifting his eyes from the traffic to the watch ticking around his wrist, but by a miracle, the cars start moving. Slowly, then he’s speeding down the highway, praying to the skies above he’ll make it in time. Even if he arrives in the midst of the dance, he can’t miss this recital. He won’t.
He sighs in relief when he sees the familiar glass building, though it’s cut short when he sees the parking lot. No available place in sight. Fuck. Namjoon is sure he looks insane right now, swerving around the parking lot in search for an empty spot, or really just any fucking spot that looks like it could fit his monster of a car.
Then the clouds seem to open up, and right near the entrance is a vacant spot. Namjoon swears his mouth almost waters at the sight. Quickly speeding around the lot, he parks, but not before flipping off the angry parent who tries to beat him to it. Namjoon exits his car, quickly grabbing his coat and the large bouquets of flowers from the backseat. He runs to the entrance, practically throwing the shriveled paper at the ticket clerk.
Namjoon slows as he nears the theatre doors, taking a deep breath before calmly opening it. He had completely forgotten to book seats in advance, so he’s not surprised to see the velvet seats filled to the brim. When he looks to the stage, he’s relieved to see that there’s still time until Dasom comes on.
Now, Namjoon knows he’s not the most… balanced person. It’s common knowledge that he trips over his feet and knocks things over sometimes. (Oh, but definitely more than the average person.) Now, if you were to ask Namjoon if he pays attention to his surroundings, he'd say yes.
But if you were to ask Namjoon what he tripped over, he wouldn’t know. It doesn’t matter, because now there’s a furious mother with a horrendous bob cut glaring at him, and what he thinks to be a broken camcorder on the floor. The only thing he can manage is an awkward smile and an even more awkward apology. Namjoon offers to give her the cost for repairs, hell, even offers to buy her a new one. The woman snatches the bills from his hands but she doesn’t go back to minding her business like he thought she would. No, instead she starts to argue with him, in the middle of her child’s recital, no less!
Namjoon can’t do anything but stare at her as she blabbers on about how horrible he is for throwing her camcorder on the floor. (Not like it had much life left, that thing looked like it was from 2007.) She’s damn near spitting on his face, and causing other parents to turn around and glare at them. As if it was his fault. Who knew she had such an attachment to the damn thing!
A hand lands on his shoulder, and for a second he’s sure it’s security ready to escort him out of the building. But when he turns, he’s surprised to see it’s you. Like an angel had ascended from the clouds to save Namjoon from the wrath of a ballet mom. And just like that, you’re leading him away, taking a seat two rows before the stage. Namjoon’s eyes widen at the sight of the empty seat beside you.
It’s that feeling again, and Namjoon’s palms start to get sweaty as he takes a seat. “Jesus, thank you for that,” he whispers, relishing your quiet laughter that follows.
“Of course. She was probably a blink away from going full-blown Karen on you.” you tease.
“Oh, and that wasn’t?”
“Oh, Joon, you haven’t seen how angry ballet moms can get.” you both laugh, huddled together as if you’re sharing a special secret. It seems so natural. As if this is where he’s supposed to be. So much that Namjoon almost doesn’t catch the nickname, but how could he miss it when you say it just like she used to?
The stage lights darken, and Namjoon is grateful for the excuse to look elsewhere. He’s sure if he would have stared at you for just a bit longer, he would have done something completely and utterly stupid. “This is her.” you whisper, and Namjoon buries the thought away.
A blue hue shines across the stage before the soft melody begins to play, filling the room with the sounds of strings and keys. One by one, tiny swans begin to come into view, prancing around the stage. Namjoon catches sight of Dasom, looking adorable in her white tutu and he can’t help the proud smile that makes its way onto his face. He watches with adoration as she does her pirouettes, and maybe there’s some water overflowing in his eyes as they finish their dance, bowing towards the audience.
You both stand, clapping and cheering the loudest, uncaring of the stares from the snobby rich parents because you’re both too damn proud of Dasom to care. For a moment, Namjoon pretends that it’s different, simpler. That it’s not only his child on stage but yours. Ours. He thinks he likes the sound of that too much.
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Once the show ends, you lead Namjoon backstage where the buzz of dozens of girls talking fills the air. You tell him that you need to check in on the other kids and disappear through a hallway. He spots Dasom quickly, or rather, she spots him.
“Daddy! You came!”
Namjoon lifts Dasom with his free arm, twirling her around before placing a big kiss on her forehead. Her giggles fill him with delight, and he doesn’t care that his cheeks hurt from how hard he’s been smiling. “Of course I came, angel. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
He places her on the ground before he grabs the bouquet of sunflowers from his other arm. The sight of her favourite flower makes Dasom jump with joy. She takes the flowers, and Namjoon silently coos at how much smaller they make her look. Then she spots the other bouquet of flowers in his arm. She scrunches her brows together, about to ask who those are for before her eyes catch something behind Namjoon.
“Ms. ____!”
Dasom jumps into your arms, and you laugh at her enthusiasm. “You did so well! I’m so proud of that pirouette!” You twirl her around once her feet hit the ground, smiling as you watch her stumble slightly. Namjoon can’t help but smile too.
“Look what daddy got me, Ms. ____! Look!” Dasom lifts the flowers up, almost shoving them into your face.
“Wow, these are very beautiful, Dasom!”
“Look! He got you some too!” she giggles, and you look at her confusedly then at Namjoon. He sighs, looking pointedly at Dasom despite the cherry hue making its way across his cheeks. She giggles once again before running to her friends. “Dasom!” but it's futile.
If it weren’t for the consistent chatter, Namjoon’s sure there would be an agonizing silence to fill the space between you. You walk closer to him, looking down at your shoes bashfully. “Ah, these-” he takes the bouquet from his arm, “these are for you.”
You looked surprised to say the least. Eyes wide and glassy, your mouth falling ajar. “Wow, uh, really?” you ask, glancing up from the bouquet. He nods shyly.
Listen, he had only planned to buy Dasom her favourite flowers. But then he caught sight of these beautiful yellow roses, tips painted a light amber orange. Somehow they reminded him of you. And the way you had left him with his heart feeling lighter for the first time in years the other night. Maybe it was a way of saying thank you. He’ll admit, he didn’t think it all the way through, but the way you’re smiling at him right now makes him think it wouldn’t have mattered anyway.
There’s a moment where it seems to just be you and him, despite the tons of parents and children running around. He’s only focused on you, and the way your eyes drop to his lips, if only for a millisecond. Namjoon wants to say it. God, he wants to say it so badly. “Listen I… I’ve been meaning to ask you,” his voice fades away as his eyes catch yours. Hopeful. Beautiful. Glimmering.
Just like hers.
“Do you, uh, need a ride home?”
And the bubble bursts.
You step away, looking at anything but him and he hates it. He despises it. He wants you to look at him like that again. He wants nothing more than to pull you back and kiss you senselessly, like his mind is screaming for him to do. But he can’t. He can’t do it for some fucking reason and he almost wants to cry in frustration because why can’t this just be easier? Why is it so hard to move on? You don’t deserve this. You deserve so much better than what he can offer you. And that thought keeps him still.
“Uh, sure.”
Say something, idiot! Tell her what you’ve been dying to say! Just fucking say it!
Namjoon hates himself for the next words that tumble out of his mouth.
“Let’s find Dasom.”
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The drive to your house is just like it was before, except this time there’s no chatter to fill the emptiness. Dasom is sound asleep in the backseat. You've never seemed more distant than now, facing the window, body pressed against the door. You had almost begged to go in the back with Dasom, and Namjoon doesn’t know why he didn’t just let you.
How did it come to this? This wasn’t what he wanted. This night wasn’t supposed to go like this. Everything should have gone differently.
He doesn’t know how he’ll ever fix this. If things will go back to normal. If he completely ruined it. But he’s too afraid to ask. Too afraid to know.
Namjoon has never hated the quiet more.
The sight of your apartment complex fills him with dread. All he can think about is all he wants to say, all he should have said, all he wants to take back. God, Namjoon wishes he could take it back. If only there was a way to turn back the time. Why had he been so afraid to make a move? Why did it hurt so much? But he knows going back wouldn’t help. Not when he doesn’t know if he would have done it differently.
His car comes to a stop, and the doors unlock. He faintly catches the small thank you before the passenger door slams shut. Namjoon watches as you make your way up the pathway, feet moving briskly and it feels like he’s watching you walk away from him.
You’re shuffling through your bag, looking for your key. And fuck, is he really just going to this go?  Is he that stubborn that he can’t see past himself? He can’t. He can’t let you go. Not like this.
Well do something, dumbass!
The door of his car is thrown open, and before he can overthink it-
You still. You turn.
Namjoon shuts the door. He walks up the steps and stops a few feet away from you, but he feels like he’s miles away. You look up at him, questioning. Your eyes aren’t the same ones. Not like you looked at him before. Yet they’re still warm. Inviting. Namjoon is tongue-tied, and all those words he wanted to say are gone now.
“Are we… good?”
“Why wouldn’t we be?”
“I just…” he scratches the back of his neck. “That moment back at the recital. I… I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” you say, simply. When he looks at you, he can’t tell what you’re feeling. You’ve blocked him off. “Namjoon, really. It’s fine.”
But is it really? He wants to ask. But he doesn’t. It’s quiet again, this time the sound of the wind rustling the browning leaves above filling the space. Still.
“I… god, I don’t know why this is so hard. Ever since, you know,” you don’t. “I… I didn’t think I'd ever get an opportunity to…” he inhales, unsure of what he wants to say first.
“I just feel like I ruined it so carelessly.”
You don’t say anything for a few moments. You only stare at him, really stare at him. Like you can see through his mirage, through the walls he’s spent so long building up. You’re taking it all, but there’s nothing he can take back from you.
“You didn’t.” you whisper it so quietly, Namjoon would have thought his mind had taken pity on him. But a smile slips onto your face. Unlike the other ones. It doesn’t fill him with joy. It doesn’t give him butterflies. This one hurts.
And he knows you’re telling the truth.
“This… It might take a while.”
The wind picks up. The leaves rustle. The cold, biting.
“That’s ok. I’ll wait as long as you need me to.”
Your lips are bittersweet on his tongue.
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