maxxione · 5 months
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I am in desperate need of a fic for her
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salem-witch-slut · 2 months
My Kryptonite
Kara Danvers x Masc! FemReader
SYNOPSIS: Kara wants to take things to the next level with you, but she is terrified to hurt you. Not to mention, you keep getting shot at!
WARNINGS: Canon typical violence, stitches, blood/gunshot wounds, Kara being horny for you, fingering, eating pussy, misuse of superpowers, reader is described as muscular with lots of tattoos
Author's Note: A continuation for "This Is What I Know of Life". I have several in the works for this, I love these little fics (little my ass, each one is over 7K)
Dividers made by @cafekitsune
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It had been three months since you met Kara in the bar where you used to work. Three months since you started dating Kara(Supergirl) and quit your job to join the DEO. In the club, you could only protect people inside of the area. But in here? You had more power than you ever thought possible.
You got to carry a gun at all times, and there was a gym at the agency where you got to work out to your heart’s content. Whenever Kara didn’t know where you were, she usually found you there doing whatever it was you decided to do that day. Sometimes you were practicing your hits, and other times it was just simple weightlifting.
It’s how Kara found you today. Normally you wear some loose t-shirt and sweatpants to work out at the DEO in your free time, but not today. There was a small problem with the air conditioning and the temperature was stuck at about 78 degrees Fahrenheit. And that meant you were in the least amount of clothing possible while still being considered modest.
“Hey, Alex was looking for…” Kara’s black heels paused on the steeled floors of the gym where she saw you hanging from a bar attached to a 360 machine. Her heart stopped… or did it speed up? Whatever it did, it made her face turn red!
Kara knew you were strong; you were ex-military for Rao’s sake, and she had seen you in your bra and boxers that one time when you first asked her to be your girlfriend. But there was something… something almost surreal about seeing you wearing a Nike sports bra of all things, and compression shorts that clung to you in an almost sinful way. Your skin was glistening in the lights overhead, and your dog tags hung loosely around your chest as you dropped to the floor and turned yourself around to face her. It took a lot of Kara’s willpower to not reach out and trace that V line in your abdomen that vanished under the waistband of your shorts.
“Hey,” You said, out of breath as you reached for the towel on the bench. Kara tried not to stare as she admired the way your muscles bulged when you lifted the towel up and wiped the back of your neck near your hairline. “Kara?”
“Huh?” The Kryptonian looked up from where she was staring at your defined abs and felt her entire face turn red with embarrassment. “Sorry, uh… yeah, Alex is looking for you and… I mean— obviously I said you would be here, but she still insisted that I come to tell you and I just—”
“Babe,” You stepped forward and pressed a hand against her shoulder. You felt so… so warm right now that Kara tried to not lean into your hand with all of her might, but you made it impossible. Very quickly, you bent down and captured her lips in a kiss that lasted for a few brief seconds, making Kara hungry for more. “Let me go get cleaned up and I’ll go find Alex, okay?”
“Y-Yeah,” Kara stuttered, her thoughts traveling to very… not okay places. You were about to go shower. What did you look like under the spray of the water overhead? With soap sticking to your skin and rolling across every single soft curve and sharp edge of your body? Did you tilt your head back and lean into the water or did you simply stand right under the showerhead and let gravity do its job? And the more inappropriate questions that Kara would never ask.
Kara watched you go, hand closed around your duffel bag as you headed for the bathrooms, and she immediately began walking away. Her heart was racing, and she felt like one wrong step and she could fly away in an instant.
Of course, there was only one thing on your mind. If you had asked Kara to join you… would she have said yes?
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The mission that you had been sent on was more eventful than you expected. You had been in an undercover situation as you tried to look not suspicious and walk around the crowded area, looking for the threat that the DEO was mentioning all afternoon. The only problem? Kara was too busy looking at your ass instead of focusing on the task at hand.
Kara had gotten so distracted with you, and how you looked with the rain coming down from the dimly lit sky that the sound of a gunshot brought her out of her senses. It wasn’t until she saw you on the ground that she finally sprang into action and attacked the perpetrator a lot harder than she had to. It was just a human, and his arm was now broken because of how hard she had hit him… but then she saw you laying on the ground with a hand on your side and she wished that she had hit him harder.
She brought you back to the DEO in her arms and you were laughing the whole way as she kept telling you to keep your hand on your side and apply the pressure.
“Babe, it just grazed me,” You rolled your eyes as she continued to carry your body towards the medbay. “I can walk there, you know—”
“Absolutely not,” Kara snapped, nearly lasering the panel on the door to get it open. Alex was the first one to help you down onto the table and she slowly began opening up your shirt. “Is she okay?”
“She’s gonna be fine, Kara,” Alex reassured her, looking at your wound and gently touching the bruising flesh around the bullet wound. It was just a graze, and you would need stitches, but it was an easy fix and you wouldn’t even need blood this time! “How’s this feel? Does it hurt?”
You laughed at feeling Alex’s fingers against your skin and looked up at her with amused eyes. “I got shot, Danvers… yeah, it hurts.”
The two of you laughed as Alex went to put a pair of gloves on and properly clean your wound. And for a moment, you saw Kara and how she was looking at you. Your eyes fell for a second and you attempted to reach out for her hand. “Baby, I’m sorry if I wasn’t being as serious as you wanted me to—”
“It’s fine,” Kara said coldly. She backed her hand away from your touch and you frowned. She’s never refused physical contact from you like that… What was wrong? Did you do something wrong, well other than getting shot? She seemed more upset than you wanted her to be over this. “Just be careful next time.”
And just like that, Kara was leaving the medbay, her red cape swishing as she walked away. An even deeper frown textured your face as Alex returned with a suture kit and began to get to work on your stitches. You flinched a little every time she made a new stitch, but you were sitting still for the most part.
“Alex,” You asked, looking up to try and meet your superior’s gaze. “Is Kara okay?”
“Why do you ask?” Alex finished up your stitches and placed a patch over your side to keep the wound clean.
You slowly sat up, stripping off the remains of your bloodstained shirt and pulling on a gray t-shirt. How do you phrase to your girlfriend’s sister that you were worried about how she was acting? She’s been funny all day since she found you in the gym this morning.
“She’s been a little off today,” You rub the back of your neck, already looking forward to heading home so you could finally lay down. “I don’t know, I figured if anybody would know, it’d be you, right?”
Alex removes the gloves stained in your blood and tosses them in the sanitary bin, aggressively washing her hands before she looked over her shoulder at you. “Why didn’t you wear the Kevlar?”
“Uh,” You thought it was obvious. “A bulletproof vest isn’t super under cover, you know—”
“Kara’s worried about you,” Alex states, running a damp hand through her dark auburn hair to move it out of her face and she approaches your bedside. You frown as the agent sits next to you and carefully grabs your hand in hers. “I’m worried about you. I get that you’re ready to prove yourself to J’onn, but you have to remember that you’re not an alien, and you’re not bulletproof.”
“I’m not trying to—” But then it hit you… Wasn’t that exactly what you were doing? Signing up for missions left and right, going out at every possible chance to show the DEO that you aren’t just some stray off the street and you belong here with everybody else? Fighting side by side with a literal alien that actually is bulletproof?
It was making more sense now; you actually were trying too hard. And in doing so, you were going to get yourself killed somehow, and Kara would be… who knows how the Kryptonian would act if you died on the job somehow.
“Okay, maybe you’re right,” You stood up from the bed, letting out a sigh and rubbing up and down the back of your neck, almost like you were trying to soothe your headache away somehow. “I’ll try to calm down… Maybe I’ll do some in-house stuff instead of jumping at the field work?”
“I think Kara would really appreciate that,” Alex smiled as you headed out of the medbay to go get your stuff from your locker. You ejected the magazine from your pistol and checked that everything was okay before putting the safety on and tucking it into the holster that you strapped to your side.
As you were pulling on your coat jacket and you headed for the exit, you caught a glimpse of a red cape near the analyst lab and decided that talking with your girlfriend was way more important than heading home and wasting your night away.
Your boots hit the ground hard as you turned a corner, just trying to catch up to Kara who moved at inhuman speed (pun intended). “Hey Kara! Babe, wait up!”
The blonde stopped in her tracks, whipping around at high speed and you immediately stumbled on your feet to try and not fall into her. And yet, gravity had other options. Your left toes smacked against the back of your right heel, and you stumbled forward, hands slamming against the lab door as Kara stumbled backward and into the glass pane, taken by surprise at your movements.
You huffed, cheeks turning a soft pink as you looked down at Kara and watched her face tint a soft red just like yours. Her chest was rising and falling hard, almost painfully quick as you could feel the heat of her body through her supersuit. That cute red and blue outfit you loved so much with the House of El crest on her chest, the short skirt and the sheer black tights to somewhat cover up her pale legs.
Oh, why was she so beautiful? Her eyes were so blue, and you adored that strawberry flavored pink lip-gloss she wore all of the time that you loved to lick off of her lips whenever you got the chance… She’s so gorgeous and so perfect and—You were just staring at her! Oh, maybe she was uncomfortable now!
“Shit, sorry,” You stepped back, only to feel her hands had curled into the sides of your jacket and you stumbled forward, arm going over her head to stop yourself from hitting her body. Kara was quiet, and the only sound she was making was the sound of her breathing. “Kara...?”
You wish you knew what was going on in her head. What was she thinking? What was happening behind her eyes that you couldn’t seem to comprehend?
It wasn’t until you heard the sound of someone clearing their throat did you finally take a step away from her, face turning even redder than before as a lab analyst stepped around the two of you and into the room.
“I should probably head home,” Kara cleared her throat, chewing on her bottom lip with a nervous smile on her face. “I’ll uh… see you tomorrow?”
Before you could even kiss her goodbye, she was gone out of your sight. A frown was on your face instantly at the loss of contact and the miniscule words exchanged with her. Why was she pulling away like this? Have you done something wrong? Well, you did get shot but was that why she was being so cold with you?
So many questions raced around in your mind as you packed up your stuff and headed home for the night.
You could hear your cat meowing like crazy before you even opened the door. As soon as it was open, the orange tabby jumped onto the table near the entrance and started pawing at your arm, making you smile as you put your stuff down and lifted him up into your arms. “There’s my baby, did you break anything today?”
Tigger pawed at your face and began wiggling in your arms, a signal that he did not want to be held right now. You complied and put him down on the floor before heading to the kitchen to prepare his food for the night. You were basically moving on auto pilot as you mixed up the wet food with the dry, put it on the floor by his food area, and headed to the bathroom to get ready to relax for the rest of the night.
Wash face, comb hair, change clothes, put on slides, it was all so mundane and routine for you. Even grabbing the glass out of the cabinet and grabbing the bottle of alcohol in the liquor cabinet. You poured a heavy glass of whiskey, lifting the glass up and looking down at the dark amber liquid. You needed this, badly.
“Kara, why can’t I figure you out?” You muttered, seconds away from lifting the glass to your lips when it completely shattered in your hands. A look of complete shock went across your face as you looked down, the liquid coating your countertop and the glass in pieces all over the marble surface.
Tigger hissed and looked over at the window that was now fractured with a bullet hole straight through the glass. Almost immediately, your heart rate sky-rocketed as you dropped down and hid behind the couch, mere seconds before your entire apartment was riddled with gunfire.
Unfortunately, you were more focused on not getting shot and saw your cat tearing off towards your bedroom to avoid the bullet storm coming in the direction of your apartment. What the hell was happening?! Why were you being shot at?!
The momentary reprieve of fear was beginning to vanish and now you were just pissed off as your hands slid under the countertop underneath you and you grabbed the mounted pistol on the bottom of the surface, pressing your back against the couch and waiting for a second. They were using AR-15s and you waited until they were reloading to fire back. You had about 2 seconds before they reloaded the guns, and you counted in your head before you jumped up and began firing back at the assailants on the other roof of the building across from you.
So busy with taking out your attackers with assault rifles… you had forgotten about the sniper that had initially shot through the window. In seconds you were going from pissed off, to full on pain as the sniper fired a round and hit you directly in your left bicep, knocking you against the counter and back onto the ground.
Well, you were pinned down with no safe way out now… what the fuck can you do?
“Goddammit!” You had to get out of your apartment, but how? How would you get out without getting taken out by the sniper? And the couch will only hold up for so long before it begins to break, and the bullets actually start hitting you. And you had to get your fucking cat before he was shot to death too! Poor Tigger, he must be terrified…
You thought of easy exits, but none of them would be applicable without running to the bedroom first and finding your cat. And you weren’t just gonna leave him here to be riddled with gunfire… So busy thinking of a way out that you almost didn’t notice the gunfire had stopped… Completely stopped.
Your heart was racing as you looked over the side of the couch for a second, and you caught a glimpse of a red cape. No fucking way… Of course, of course she came to save your sorry ass! Kara was a wonder and you owed your fucking life to her, so many times over.
Very slowly, you dropped down to the floor and pressed your hand into your bleeding arm, the red quickly oozing from the bullet wound as you huffed and steadied your breathing. This was one of the worst nights ever…
The sound of heels hitting the hardwood floor on the other side of the couch made you relax as Kara jumped over the remains of your sofa and got down on her knees in front of you.
You smiled weakly. “Hey, Supergirl…”
“Your arm—” Kara immediately began fussing, grabbing at your shoulder and looking down at the wound and feeling her blood boil with rage. The one time she isn’t around, and you almost get killed! Why did danger always find you when she wasn’t looking? Why were you always getting hurt? Why couldn’t she fucking protect you!?
“Baby, I’m okay,” You reassured her, resisting the urge to touch her and smear blood on her super suit. Kara shook her head and before you could react, she was picking you up and lifting you back into her arms like she had done earlier that night. “Wait, wait, Tigger’s in my bedroom! He’s scared and—”
“I’ll come back for him, we need to get you somewhere safe now,” Kara reassured you as she took you through the shattered window and off into the sky. You kept constant pressure on the bullet wound, closing your eyes and trying not to look down. You’ve never been too good with flying, especially when not in an actual plane…
You knew Kara wouldn’t drop you or anything, but it was still terrifying. But before you knew it, Kara was setting you down on the ground inside of an apartment before she kissed your cheek and bolted back off into the sky, most likely to retrieve your pet.
It didn’t take a scientist to realize that this was Kara’s apartment. It was very aesthetically pleasing, and everything had a designated place to be in. Not to mention the framed photos of her and Alex on the coffee table.
In almost a blink of an eye, Kara was coming back with the orange tabby in her arms. She carefully put the cat on her floor and Tigger immediately began freaking out and tried to crawl under her couch. When he saw that he was too fat for it, he ran to her bedroom and hid under her bed.
“How did you know I was in trouble?” You questioned, pulling off your sleep shirt and grimacing at the bullet hole in your arm. Kara frowned before she grabbed the extensive first aid kit under her kitchen cabinet… why she had it, you’ll never know. Kara doesn’t get hurt.
Kara pulled out a pair of long tweezers and put her hand against your shoulder as she looked extremely hard at your arm. She was using her x-ray vision to see the bullet lodged inside your arm… Considering it was the only thing that was lead in your body, it wasn’t hard to see.
“I could hear your heartbeat,” She said softly, looking up at you as you grabbed the tourniquet from the kit and wrapped it around your arm. You pulled it tight, holding it with a steady hand as Kara reached in with the tweezers and used her expert alien precision to extract the bullet from your muscle and drop the lead onto the table. You felt tears track your face as she immediately began to apply pressure to your wound, and you let out a heartbreaking cry of pain.
“I’m sorry,” She said softly, looking up at your eyes and seeing your other hand shaking as you held the tourniquet strap. Your blood stained her hands and her super suit as she kept pressure on the wound, still whispering apologies. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry…”
“S’okay baby,” You reassured her, smiling weakly as tears covered your face. When the blood finally stopped, Kara quickly wrapped up your arm and pressed the gentlest kiss against the white bandages, looking up at you and watching as you released the tourniquet and almost fainted as the pain began to overtake you. “Fuck… Christ, I got blood all over your apartment, I’m sorry—”
“No, no, don’t apologize please,” Kara begged, grabbing your face with both hands and smearing the warm red blood on your skin. “You’re safe. You’re here, and you're alive and that’s all that matters… I’m just sorry I didn’t get to you sooner.”
“You have done nothing but save my ass since we met,” You chuckled, leaning down and pressing the softest kiss against her lips. Kara let out a whimper before she wrapped her arms around your neck and basked in the sweetness of your kiss. You muttered against her lips. “My guardian angel…”
Kara was always looking for new ways to display her strength as she lifted you up off the table and carried you in the direction of her bathroom. Very gently, she set you down on the side of the tub before she was running a wash rag under warm water.
“So, uh… who were those guys that shot up my place?” You tried to show that you were unbothered by what happened, but it was clear that Kara was focused on what happened. Her hands were seconds away from ripping up the towel as she got down in front of you on her knees and began wiping the blood off your arm. You tried not to flinch as she cleaned off your skin, but she noticed it. Her eyes fell and she began to move slower and gentler, her fingers twitching and her hand shaking as she did so.
“You uhm… You remember that guy I went on a date with when we first met?” Kara bit her lip, avoiding your gaze. Almost like she was ashamed of the answer. “Turns out he’s running this… anti-alien gang in the underground. He’s targeting alien sympathizers.”
You chuckled. “Something tells me that this one was personal.”
“Yeah,” Was all Kara said in response as she finished cleaning off the blood from your large muscular arm, quickly cleaning your face and tossing the rag in the sink, then looking down at the patch on your side. You frowned at her dismissive attitude, reaching down and gently taking her chin between your fingertips.
“Kara,” You breathed softly. The Kryptonian shivered, never getting used to how softly you said her name. “Something is bothering you.”
“It’s nothing,” Kara stood up from the floor and washed her hands under the faucet. It was clear she was in her head about something and the way she was shrugging it off was not sitting well with you. Kara left the bathroom and you followed behind her, carefully stripping off your sleep pants that had blood splatters all over them. You folded them up and placed them on the bathroom floor as you raced after her.
“No, it’s not nothing,” You stated, nearly slipping in the hall as Kara pressed her hands on her hips and began walking around in that signature superhero pose that she always did. Only this time, she looked more distraught than regal. Her cape swung behind her all pretty like and the way her hair went down in golden waves never failed to make your heart race. “Baby, you have to talk to me, please.”
“No, I don’t,” Kara said defensively. She began to pull off her super suit, removing her cape and laying it down on her bed before she unzipped the back. You tried to focus, but watching her literally strip in front of you was doing things to you… “It’s not important. Don’t worry about it.”
“How can you say something that’s bothering you isn’t important?” You frowned, stepping closer to her and wrapping your arms around your bare abdomen as Kara pushed the suit down her body. You inhaled, trying your best not to look at the way her tights looked against her rear and how you could see the clear outline of her panties through the sheer material.
Kara stayed silent as she pushed the tights down her legs, now standing in her bra and underwear as she sat down on the bed and began unzipping her boots. Your entire face was a deep red as you tried to calm your beating heart but knew there wasn’t really a point. She could hear your fucking heartbeat. Instead, you chose to look away.
“I’m not going to be upset if you…” You rubbed your nose, looking at the wall. “If you tell me the truth on how you’re feeling, Kara. I just want you to know that you can be honest with me… I care about how you’re feeling—”
You couldn’t even blink before Kara was jumping off the bed and wrapping her arms around your neck, slamming her lips against yours and curling her hand into the front of your sports bra. Your entire body went stiff as you were taken aback by her response but quickly melted into her like she was everything you needed to stay alive.
It didn’t take more than a few seconds before Kara fell backwards on the bed on top of her cape, pulling you down on top of her and making sure the kiss wasn’t broken for even a second. You reached up and slid a hand into her long, beautiful blonde hair and felt your heart going absolutely insane inside of your chest.
But you needed answers. You broke the kiss and huffed, brows pulling down in confusion as Kara gave you a look of disdain and reached for your face, her fingertips brushing softly against your cheeks and pressing kisses all over your neck and shoulders. She was trying to distract you.
“Baby, baby, stop for a second—” You gently slid your hand from her waist to her wrist and pulled her right hand away from your face. She looked upset. “I need you… to be honest with me. Right now.”
A moment passed between you two where Kara looked away from your face and frowned, a single tear leaving her eyes as she avoided your gaze. You frowned and brushed her blonde hair away from her face. “I’m scared, okay?”
“Scared of what?”
Kara pressed her lips together and she laughed like it was the most ridiculous thing ever. “I’m an alien… I can stop cars with my bare hands, I can break bones without even trying… I hurt people; I’m dangerous! I’m scared of hurting you…”
You pressed the softest kiss to her face and tried to stifle her sobs that she couldn’t hold in anymore. You kissed all over her face, trying to calm her down. “No, Kara… baby, please just listen to me… I’m not fragile; I was in the army! Yes, I keep getting shot at, but that’s different… You would never hurt me—”
“How do you know?” Kara demanded, trying to rationalize her thought process.
You let out a soft breath and pressed a kiss against her face, and then slowly trailed your lips down her neck. She was still so warm against your cool skin, and it always made her shiver when you grabbed at her body. You could get lost in her warmth if she allowed you to.
“Because I know you, sweetheart…” You started gently, almost like the wrong word would scare her away forever and you’d never see her again. Your hands shook with slight anxiety as you pressed your palms into her sides, pulling her as close as possible and feeling her hot skin against your own. “And I know you wouldn’t hurt me. But if you’re really scared… let me take the lead with this.”
“Wh-What do you mean?” Kara stuttered at feeling your teeth gently graze her neck and you all but purred in response to her soft little whimper.
“Here, let me show you,” You gripped her waist and lifted her off the bed, making her gasp as you readjusted the way she was laying. Very carefully, you moved her cape down onto the side table and rested her head on the pillows, looking down and almost drooling over her.
Your hesitation made the super feel insecure. Kara bit down on her lip and her instincts screamed to cover herself, her heart pounding as she brought both arms over her chest and avoided your eyes. Almost immediately, you grabbed at her arms and tried to coax her into moving them away.
“I need you to relax, sweetheart,” You cooed sweetly, trying to calm Kara down to the best of your abilities. Your arm was screaming, begging for you to relieve some of the pressure so you didn’t reopen the wound, but you were determined. Not the first time you’ve been shot so you can handle it, better than anyone else could. “I’m gonna take care of you… Just breathe, yeah?”
The blonde nodded and let out a breath. Her superpowers began to shine through and you saw the ice crystals dance in the air and you smiled, leaning back down and reaching her lips for a gentle kiss. Every new one felt better than the last and Kara simply lost herself in what she knew was your sweet, and gentle presence. Never a day to go by where she didn’t welcome the place you took in her heart. 
Your heart raced as Kara reached for the hooks on her bra. You carefully slid both hands from her sides up along her bare skin, pushing them under her and finding what she was reaching for. Almost like you were born to do it, your fingers unhooked the metal clasps flawlessly and you pushed the straps of the fabric down her arms and then removed it all together. 
This was the first time you were really seeing Kara, without any clothes whatsoever. She could no doubt hear your heartbeat get faster and faster, and your body heat was rising with every passing second. You ignored the throbbing in your shoulder and the ache in your sides, focusing all your attention on the flawless Kryptonian in front of you.
“Oh my God, Kara,” You whispered like you were out of breath, eyes darting all over her pristine skin. Your fingers twitched, and you bit down on your lip so hard that you almost ended up drawing blood. Very slowly, your hands slid across her waist, sending shivers across her nerves and making the blonde whimper underneath you. “Can I touch you?”
“Y-You have been touching me,” Kara breathed, her voice shaky with a laugh that seemed almost forced. You gave her a look, one that she was very familiar with when she was joking and you were not having it. Of course, it was in a playful manner because this wasn’t something that should be super serious. “Please… please touch me.”
You reacted to her like she was a spell and you were being drawn in. Your body fell down and you pressed kisses across the blonde’s sternum, making Kara inhale sharply and arch her back off the mattress. Instead of touching with your hands, your tongue trailed across her hot skin and you pressed soft kisses and licks to the underside of her breasts, taking your time and basking in every single sweet sound she made.
It wasn’t until you felt her hands in your hair that you began to dive deeper, one hand squeezing at the soft mound of flesh on the left, while the right was drenched in kisses. You made eye contact, gazing into those beautiful blue irises before latching your lips onto her right nipple, your teeth slightly grazing her flesh and making her gasp. 
“Ahh,” Kara released a breathy moan that made your toes curl with delight. You wanted more of those sounds. Your lips moved a bit harder and you pinched her left bud with your fingertips, pulling lightly and looking up to see her eyes fluttering as they rolled back in her head. 
The superhero whimpered out your name. It was soft, gentle, but screamed inside your brain and it just spurred you on in your hunger for her. Your lips continued to venture down, licking a stripe between her ribs and across her abdomen before you curled your fingers into the fabric of her panties and looked up. “May I?”
Kara laughed again, in that breathless way that made you dizzy. “Unbelievable… you have me in my bed, almost naked, and you are still asking for permission?” Her laughter rang throughout the apartment and you kissed over her belly, resting your chin on the soft skin and rubbing your thumbs under the elastic of her underwear.
“What can I say? Manners to a fault, darling,” You cooed sweetly and Kara could only stare in pure wonder as you grabbed at the fabric of her panties with your teeth and, without using your hands, pulled them down her legs and tossed them over your shoulder. 
The Kryptonian kept her legs together, shaking like a leaf in the fall wind as you slid your hands across her inner thighs and kissing at her bare knees. “Don’t be shy, Supergirl…” The blonde slowly opened her legs. “That’s it, good… Just like that…”
Kara reacted out of instinct and covered her face with both hands, hiding the only way she felt she could. You were staring her down, almost breathless as you stroked your hands across her inner thighs and seeing her legs tremble. It was one of the most vulnerable states you have ever seen her in. “Oh, Kara… You are so beautiful…”
“W-Why do you sound s-surprised?” Kara stuttered, removing her hands from her face and leaning up on her elbows to look down at you. A chuckle left your throat as you slowly crawled up the length of the bed and reached behind her head. 
Kara watched as you carefully pulled her forward and stacked two more of the pillows on her bed behind her to keep the blonde sitting upright. “Well, you are an alien, babe… I mean, shit, I half-expected tentacles–”
“Are you kidding me?” Kara started laughing, her breath tickling your face as she felt her face go pink under your gaze. You laughed with her, pushing her blonde bangs away from her blue eyes and loving every passing second with her. “I can assure you, I do not have tentacles.”
“Oh, I know now… You have something I’m pretty familiar with,” You cooed sweetly, leaning down a little more and pressing a kiss to Kara’s neck as your right palm caressed her taut abdomen and between her legs. “And something I will enjoy… devouring to my deepest desires.”
“Ahhh, Rao yes…” Kara cursed, her fingers curling into the pillows as her eyes rolled back in her head. You watched with pure fascination and love at her beautiful reactions, seeing her chest rise and fall with each deep breath as your fingers gently stroked between her slick, beautiful folds. 
She was so warm, so soft, and so… so everything you were addicted to. You were gentle, and you didn’t pay too much attention to a particular area on her cunt, exploring what she liked and what made her tremble and turn to putty in your hands. You pushed her legs apart a little more and looked down, watching how her body reacted. 
“Wow,” You smirked. “Someone’s excited, huh?”
“Y-You’re mean,” Kara whined, hips jerking upward whenever your fingertips brushed over her clit, begging for you to touch right there. “T-T-Teasing me like th-this…”
“Oh,” Your other hand reached for her chin, slowly turning her head so she could look directly in your eyes. You bit your lip and watched her eyes dilate before focusing your fingertips against that bundle of nerves that felt so human against your hands. “This what you want?” 
For the smallest second, you saw her eyes glow with heat vision before she blinked it away, forcing herself to calm down and relax. If she wasn’t careful, she would shoot lasers right through the ceiling. 
“Yes! Yes, yes, Rao yes,” You loved it when she used her God’s name in vain. It proved she wasn’t as pure and innocent as people made her out to be. You rubbed at her in tight circles, watching her muscles tighten and her back arch off the mattress underneath her. “Feels so good!” 
You were basking in her sweet words, enjoying the way Kara said your name, and followed it up with a soft curse word that swiftly rolled off her tongue. You were focused, watching and enjoying her wiggling on her bed before your fingers left her clit and began to dive down deeper. Kara felt your pause and looked up at you, eyes wide and toes curling against the covers around her feet. “Wh-Why did you–”
A soft grin spread on your face and before Kara could question you further, you slipped two fingers past her warm walls and inside of her tightness. The Kryptonian let out an embarrassingly loud cry of surprise melted with pleasure and her right hand went from under the pillows where she was containing her strength, to grab at your wrist and squeeze. 
You instinctively flinched and stilled your movements. “Too much? Could just say so…” 
“W-wait, wait,” Kara panted, her inner muscles contracting around your fingers and making you shiver at just how strong every single inch of her was. “B-Before you… keep going, we need a… a, uhm… uhh–”
“A safe word, baby?” You said, leaning down and kissing at her cheek, nuzzling against her skin and admiring how you managed to make her shiver every time. “I have something you will be able to remember… If I go too far, I want you to say ‘Kryptonite’. Think you can remember that, baby?” 
Your fingers gently pressed against all her inside walls and Kara yelped, releasing your wrist and grabbing at the sheets under her body. “Y-Yes! Yes, I can remember th-that. Now pleaaaase keep going, please?” 
The poor blonde looked close to tears and you decided she had enough torture. Very carefully, you set a soft and gentle pace, observing Supergirl like she was a test subject in a lab. Your eyes trailed across her facial features, how the crease in her brows would crinkle slightly, how her nostrils flared and the way her chest moved with each harsh breath in her lungs. 
You had never seen Kara get winded before, never seen her truly tired. But in this moment, you could see sweat forming on her brow and dripping down her face. Kara was using so much of her strength to hold back… It was beautiful, but you couldn't help the guilt you felt. 
But it didn't look like Kara had that thought process. The superhero was willingly submitting to you, which is something she's never done with anybody. Even with the miniscule information you learned about her past partner, she never seemed like the girl to submit like this… To willingly offer up control to you felt like the most intimate offering she could ever give you.
You were drawn into her like she was a livewire and you couldn’t let go. Your fingers stretched her out, relaxing her muscles from the inside and leaning down to wrap your lips back around her nipple and licking at her sensitive flesh. 
Kara snapped again, her hands releasing the sheets from her grasp and curling her fingers in your hair as she voiced her pleasure out loud. You didn’t flinch this time, so entranced with her sounds and the way she showed her desperation for more. Your tongue trailed over her hot skin, and down across her sternum, going lower and lower until you were laying down between her legs, watching up close and almost drooling at the sight.
“Hear that, baby?” You pressed your hand against her lower belly and without warning, sped up your finger motions and listened to the squelching sounds her pussy made against your fingers. Kara cried out, her spine arching and her inner walls clenching down. “Such a messy girl, aren’t you? God, so sexy…”
Kara was drinking your praise up like it was water. It felt like she was feeding on you as she writhed and squirmed on the bedsheets, looking down and watching your eyes glimmer with something that she could only define as mischief. 
Before she could ask what you were thinking… The Kryptonian let out a loud shout of pleasure and her entire body jolted towards your awaiting mouth. Kara swore she saw stars behind her eyes as your tongue met her clit and you gave it a soft, experimental lick while curling your fingers upward and pressing them against what you knew was a sweet spot. 
“Fuuuuuck,” You stared in wonder as your tongue began working faster, drooling on her pussy and fucking down into her as deep as her muscles would allow. You had never heard Kara swear like that before, and now that you had? You wanted more. It was like you were deriving pleasure from this too, just like she was. “Fuck, fuck, shit, th-that feels so fucking good!”
In your pussy-drunk state, you had this sinking suspicion that Kara Danvers has never been eaten out before. How dare someone strip this woman bare, spread her beautiful legs, and not wish to feast upon her like she isn’t the most delectable thing in the entire galaxy?! 
Your efforts doubled, wrapping your lips around her clit and experimentally sucking on the bud. Kara cried out, sitting up a little further and looking down to gaze into your eyes. Her own were glowing, and for a minute, you thought of stopping but decided against it. 
Is that what Kara did when she was about to cum? Did her super powers start to act up? Her fingers dug into the bedsheets and you heard an audible tearing sound. Her breath came out cold, panting like a dog in the sun as she rolled her hips against your skilled mouth. She was practically fucking herself down on your fingers and you carefully slipped in another one, making her shamelessly call out your name. 
“D-Don’t stop,” Kara begged, her teeth clenching as she lifted her hips upward and began grinding on your tongue. You persisted, your mouth keeping pace and moving your fingers faster as your other hand gripped her hip and held her as still as her super strength would allow. You twisted your tongue at just the right angle, and your fingers hit the right spot inside of her, and Kara was screaming. “Don’t stop! Oh Rao, right there! Please, please don’t st–” 
Her voice cut off with a deep cry of euphoria as she fell backward on her mattress and you could feel her inner walls contracting around your fingers. The glow in her eyes got brighter and before you could realize what was happening, her heat vision activated and did exactly what you thought she would do, which was burn a hole through her ceiling. 
You didn’t care. You kept fucking her through her orgasm, drooling on her cunt and hissing at her left hand going to your back and digging her nails into your flesh. She made cuts, but you endured, loving how she marked you in her own special way.
Kara’s cries of bliss faded to soft whimpers as you slowed your movements, lifting up off the bed and grinning. Her face went pink at the wetness dripping from your chin and all you did was lick your lips and wipe your mouth against your uninjured bicep. 
The blonde whined as you removed your fingers from inside of her and sobbed at seeing you bring them up and lick them clean. “Fuck, you taste like cosmic bliss, babygirl.” 
You didn’t get to flatter her anymore before Kara was yanking you down and pressing kisses all over your face and on your lips. She didn’t seem to mind the taste of herself as she pulled back to breathe and wiped at your nose with her hand. “Are you okay?” 
You laughed, tossing your head back for a second. “Kara, baby, I’m fine… Your roof isn't though.” 
Both of you looked up and saw the smoking hole in the ceiling, her face turning red and her heart beating fast enough that you could feel it if you concentrated. You chuckled, leaning down and kissing her once again before you laid on her chest. You knew she could handle your weight, and you didn’t mind basking in her warmth as you nuzzled against her bare chest and enjoyed hearing her heart. 
But the second was short lived as Kara gasped and shot up straight. “Oh no, no, no,” Kara muttered, her eyes widening as she looked down and ran her fingers across your back where the blood was ever so slightly beading at the surface where her nails cut in. “I hurt you… I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to–”
“Kara, hey, hey it's okay…” You cooed softly, reaching for her face and gently rubbing your thumbs across her cheekbones. Kara couldn’t keep the tears at bay as she held you by the wrists. “It’s okay… I liked it.”
“Y-You liked that I hurt you?” She frowned.
You simply smiled and kissed her forehead. “I did. You didn’t know this about me, but I’m a bit of a masochist… A little pain during sex? I like it a lot.” 
“Oh,” Kara blinked a little before she smirked and leaned back in, kissing at your neck. “Then I think I will have some fun with you too…”
“Just remember our safe word, babe,” You mumbled, practically melting in her hands as Kara started to remove your sports bra with nothing but her bare strength, tearing it at the seams and shredding the fabric to pieces. 
Kara gently bit down on your neck and you gasped, bucking against her. “Kryptonite…”
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Alex hadn’t bothered knocking on Kara’s door for a long time now. It used to be her apartment, and it wasn’t like Kara had super hearing to sense whenever Alex was in the hallway… oh wait, yes she did.
“Kara!” Alex shouted out from the front door as she closed it behind her, a box of breakfast pastries sitting in her right arm. “I have a present!”
Alex was so busy setting the box down on the counter and opening it up that when she heard someone stumble out of the bedroom, she did a whole double take at seeing you in one of Kara’s massive shirts that she would sleep in. Of course, it wasn’t that big on you due to your muscular build. 
“Uh… Hey Alex,” You anxiously rubbed at your neck and Alex was practically gaping at the sight of you. Just from here, Alex could count at least seven hickies on your neck. You had a fresh set of bandages on your arm, which was shocking to see because Alex doesn’t remember you getting shot in the arm, just the side. 
Your hair was a total mess, and Alex saw even more bite marks on your thighs. What in the actual hell did Kara do to you? She never saw Kara make those kinds of marks on any of her partners before. The blonde was deeply terrified of hurting others,so for her to bruise you and so openly? It was so bizarre!
Kara called out your name from around the corner and you looked just in time to hold out your arms. The super stumbled for a second. “What? What is it?” 
You bit your lip and looked at Alex before seeing Kara use her x-ray vision to see who was on the other side of the wall. Almost instantly, she started shouting at her. “Alex! Why didn’t you knock?!” 
“How did you not hear me?!” Alex chirped back, biting into a muffin on the counter and sighing. “Not so super right now, huh?”
“Honey, you should uhm…” You looked at the blonde and how she was completely bare in the hallway, much to your enjoyment. You didn’t want to tell her, but it was needed. “Put something on?” 
The Kryptonian felt like dying in that moment, running back towards the bathroom and slamming the door shut harder than intended. You flinched and looked at Alex, nervously shuffling over to the kitchen island and rubbing your hands down over your face. 
“Whatever you are about to say,” Alex started, making you look up. “Keep it to your damn self.”
“Wasn’t gonna say anything Agent Danvers,” You teased. “But I will tell you that my apartment was shot up last night…”
“Wh-What, why didn’t–” Alex sputtered, pushing the muffin away on the countertop and reaching for the bandages on your bicep. You simply allowed her to do whatever she liked, knowing damn well that she would pull the superior card like she loves to do whenever you get injured. Very carefully, Alex began to snip away at the bandages with her personal trauma shears that she kept on her person at all times, exposing the bullet hole in your arm. “Why do you keep getting shot at?”
“Woman, I am a lead magnet,” You said, flinching a little at the cold air touching the exposed, puckered and bruised flesh with the gaping wound on full display. Alex rewrapped your arm with the bandages sitting in the open medkit that Kara left out the night before and let out a deep, uncomfortable sigh. You frowned. “It wasn’t my fault this time.” 
“Don’t bullshit me, Agent,” Alex snapped, making you blush with embarrassment. “Who was it?”
“Remember when me and Kara met? And I beat that guy up in the bar? Well, he’s targeting alien sympathizers, but I think he just had it out for me as some form of payback for getting him arrested again.” 
Alex made a face of disapproval and immediately pushed the box of pastries in your direction. You immediately reached in, taking a chocolate croissant from the pile and smiling with gratitude. “If you had the night I think you had, you definitely need sugar.” 
“I thought we weren’t gonna talk about it.”
“We’re not talking about it, I’m just stating something rhetorical.” 
“Alex,” Kara demands her sister’s attention, wearing a tank top and sleep shorts, much to your disappointment now. “Stop embarrassing my girlfriend, please?” 
You immediately felt your face turn a deep pink and pretended to be very interested in the croissant in your hands, biting into the pastry and shifting your weight back and forth between your feet and refusing to look up at either of the Danvers sisters. 
“Is this my life from now on?” You muttered.
Kara snorted, picking up her own muffin and rubbing her fingers across your upper thigh making you shiver. “I didn’t hear you complaining last night, or this morning–”
Alex gagged. “Kara, gross! Stop!” 
Well, if this is my life… You thought with a smile. I could definitely get used to it. 
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flowerakatsuka · 3 months
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hey, guys, have you heard of this new utau? i think he's called a kusoloid?
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pigeonp0st · 6 months
Wow, I just finished reading your most recent piece with Kara and it was really well done. You mentioned the idea of immortality in that and wondered how that could be used in a different piece perhaps. Kara (Plus Alex and the others) possibly finding out that reader is immortal and has been for a long time. (As a sort of headconnon or what not. I’d presume reader would be running a personally owned company, as big if not bigger than L-Corp. What with having a long time to amass wealth)
Kara Danvers X Reader
Reader reveals she’s immortal to the super friends. Kara comforts her.
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Thanks for the request! Sorry for taking so long. It being shorter is the sacrifice I’ve made to return to writing, but I hope you enjoy anyways!
It’s game night that the super friends find out about my immortality.
It comes out when Lena says she’s been looking into my company, wanting to buy it. She mentions curiously that it says I’m the founder, when it’s well known my company has been around for nearly a hundred years.
And, well…It comes out then, because you’ve stopped being secretive about it when it stopped being something you had to be secretive about…
They know now— of my immortality, and though I should feel relief at the being known, of the truth I’ve not done much to hide revealing itself, all I feel is discontent. Discontent and unsatisfied, unsatisfied because the agony and empathy in their eyes is lackluster. They know now, and even as they try to understand they’re incapable of it.
I am immortal, and yet I have lived a thousand lives in my one everlasting one. There’s so much devastation in every end when you’ve had countless of new beginnings. I do best in the in between where l don’t have to face either beginning or end. It’s in the start of something new that every fiber of my being screams for stop.
Getting used to something doesn’t mean it gets easier, in the same way grief often works. I am constantly grieving my lives, and it’s become a heavy burden they could never understand.
It hurts in a way I hadn’t accounted for. With the coming of Superman, the rise of aliens, the new acceptance of them—there’s a rise of difference, and in that alternative community. It makes you feel better, this new life. It’s given you more hope of being understood than ever before, but to be faced with your friend’s sympathetic eyes, it all feels lackluster.
Even more so when Winn makes a nerdy comment about wanting to know the truth about history. Everyone laughs, laughs and leaves me alone in the same instant.
I laugh along, searching for connection and finding none. Disappointment was the backside of the renewed hope this life has given me. I felt intensely that there was no point in explaining any of anything that had ever happened for me. To reject them that would allow me the dignity of being not understood on my own terms.
It is better to be alone by yourself, than to be alone surrounded by people after all.
Karas eyes meet mine. She’s sitting by Alex and Lena’s feet. Her and Lena the only ones not laughing, trying to lighten the mood. Lena gives me an apologetic smile, on behalf of the others. There’s connection there.
Kara…Kara just goes distant. Goes distant then, and then goes distant the rest of the game night. It’s when everyones leaving and she stops me, I understand, or accept really; it was because of me. What I said.
I’d been hoping I wouldn’t have to speak on it ever again, regret like acid still in my stomach.
“You…” Kara pauses, searches my eyes—for what, I don’t know. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
She must sense the way this kills me from the way I wince, because she pulls me into a hug. A hug full of emotion. It shatters me in a way, because it feels like permission. Permission to fall apart.
I can’t, I’ve learned. Know now that if I start, I’ll never stop. All I can do is use logic as avoidance from my heart, and move forward with something resembling acceptance.
I pull away.
“Superman, you, all the aliens, the Meta-Humans, all of you have stretched the definition of what we call ‘humanity’, what we call ‘heart’, and yet still I feel like it escapes me.” It aches as I admit it—feels like a terrible, stupid thing.
Stupid because I have lived so long and yet still, here I am, so agonizingly affected. There are things I know, things I’ve learned, and they all mean nothing.
Kara shakes her head, eyebrows furrowed. She rejects it all. “That very thing inside of that feels different, alone in your experience, that is the very thing that actually connects you to humanity,” Kara says, her eyes soft and understanding.
Understanding in this, in this that she can understand. My heart quickens, I watch Kara, think of hope. Think of her.
Kara who has lost her whole world, her whole culture, who has taken her past and her aloneness and had become a hero, instead of something much darker. “Is there anyone like you, Kara?” I ask. It’s perhaps the question that has tormented her, the way it torments me— “is there anyone like me?”— but I say it like a gift. With reverence.
She is different, inexplicably so. It’s the best thing about her. Kara smiles shyly, looks down, fixes her glasses. “There’s you,” she whispers, “with an aloneness not anyone in this world could understand.”
There’s something about her saying it as it is that settles something inside of you.
“To feel so alone, and have it be the very thing that connects me, and in actuality makes me not alone,” l muse, somehow impressed. There’s not a life that has taught me more than the one with Kara.
There’s a gratitude inside me larger than all the life I’ve lived.
Kara grins, she pulls me in again. Hugs me tight. “I’m sorry about Alex asking to recruit you,” she whispers after a while. I let her words be the thing that has me pulling away, despite Kara’s pout at it.
I smile hesitantly, waving away Kara’s apology. “When Superman showed up it had me thinking about it, but my immortality has been taken advantage of before, and not being able to die isn’t as strong of a power as you might think,” I admit, “I’m not as strong as you’d think.”
Kara gives me a disbelieving look. My defensiveness looks like guilt to her, I know. It is. It’s guilt and fear. I’d want nothing more than to make this forever mean something, but I’m plagued by all of its consequences.
She lets me get away with the things left unsaid, thankfully. In my gratefulness I decide not to ask about her own prolonged life, despite my ongoing curiosity.
I know it’s a sensitive topic. There’s almost all of me that hurts for her, and then there’s a small part of me that thinks; I can live with her longer.
Supergirl, Kara Danvers, Kara Zor-el; my love.
I cough, adjust my bag over my shoulder, and step away. I know I have to before I kiss her in the dim lighting of her apartment, in the body that gets the honor to live alongside her. “See you tomorrow, Supergirl?”
Kara nods, eyes dark. She bites her lip, looks away with a flush. “Yep. One hundred percent. Lunch, right? Right. Yeah. I’ll be there,” Kara confirms, turning an even darker red at my responding eyebrow raise.
“Yeah,” I say, amused. “I’ll be there too. Wouldn’t miss it for my life.”
Kara laughs. Fills your heart for lifetimes with it. You leave with the hope of tomorrow, and the sound of her laugh.
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goldenempyrean · 1 year
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A Quiet Day In
〚 Day 3 - "What happened to your phenomenal immune system, huh?" 〛
〚 Pairing - Kara Danvers x Reader〛
〚 Summary - You and Kara share a quiet day at home. 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙〘 Sicktember 2023 Masterlist 〙
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“I’m home.” The sound of your wife’s voice called out from the entranceway followed by the swift clicking of front door closing. Kara sighed as she finally kicked off her heavy boots, today was exhausting 
“Welcome home babe.” You called lovingly from the small home office the pair of you shared, “Is that the door I just heard, how come you didn’t just use the balcony?” 
It was a reasonable question. With Kara being Supergirl and all it made sense - it was faster after all. 
“Yeah… flying isn’t really on the table right now.” She mumbled as she shuffled into the living room, flopping down into the comforting touch of the soft couch. 
Wait? No flying? That caught your attention. You frowned as you closed the drawer, you’d been previously reorganising and came out to the living room, “What do you mean? What happened?” You asked, worry and concern seeping into your words at the sight of your obviously tuckered-out wife. 
You came to sit down beside her, a much-welcomed action by the blonde who laid her head against you as she sank into your arms, “Stupid alien had kryptonite weapons, they got me pretty good.” She mumbled. 
Ah. Now it made sense. Kryptonite was the one thing her otherwise invincible body crumbled to. “Then I went to walk home but this suit is freezing and the only ‘normal clothes’ I had was that stupid work dress, so I changed into that and then my legs hurt from walking because my stupid powers are basically useless right now so then I had to carpool here with random uber strangers.” Kara whined as she finished her ranting all-while you were running your hand down her arm comfortingly. 
“I’m sorry Kar’ that sounds like it sucks. Did the DEO say when your powers will be back at full…er.. power?” You asked, struggling to find the correct wording.  
She shook her head against you, “Alex said possibly a few days, but they don’t know because it was ‘high potency’ whatever that means.” She finished with a wide yawn, another obvious sigh of her fatigue. 
It was rare for Kara to be in such a vulnerable state, and you couldn’t help but feel protective of her. “Alright then, how about we call it a night. I mean it's pretty late anyway and you could use some sleep darling.” You offered, extending both hands to help her up. 
Once inside the bedroom, you helped Kara remove her suit, carefully unzipping it and peeling it off her tired body. She sighed in relief as the restrictive fabric was removed, her muscles finally able to relax. You fetched a pair of comfortable pyjamas for her and handed them over, watching as she changed with a grateful smile. 
As she settled into bed, you made sure to pull the covers snuggly over her and tucked her in gently. She nestled into the pillows, closing her eyes wearily as you leant down and pressed a tender kiss to her forehead before climbing in right beside her. 
You gently stroked her back, soothing her with your touch, as she drifted off to sleep. The events of the day, the pain and exhaustion, were temporarily forgotten in the safety of your love and care. 
The next morning, Kara slowly opened her eyes, feeling groggy and disoriented. Her head throbbed with a dull ache, and her nose felt stuffy. You woke a few minutes later up to the sound of soft sneezes coming from beside you. Gently opening your eyes, you turned to see Kara sitting up in bed, her nose slightly red and her hand holding a crumpled-up tissue. 
"Goodmorning and bless you," you mumbled sleepily as you slowly woke up and you reached out to brush a strand of hair away from her face. "Do your powers feeling like they’re getting stronger now you’ve slept?” 
Kara sniffled and shrugged, her voice sounding audibly congested. "Not really and I think I'm catching a cold on top of everything else." 
“What happened to your phenomenal immune system, hm?” You asked curiously, the only time you’d ever seen Kara sick was years ago back when she was assistant to Cat Grant so seeing her all red-cheeked and sniffly wasn’t something you were used to. 
Your wife groaned as she sank back down into bed and sniffled into her pillow, “Well without my powers at full capacity my immune system has the strength of a dying battery.”  
“Well then, if you powers need a little boost do you think it’d be a good idea to go to the DEO and sit with their solar lamps for a bit, see if that recharges them? Alex will probably know how to take care of you a little better there too.”  
To your surprise though Kara shook her head and instead curled up into you, prompting you to take her into your arms, not caring as she sniffled against your neck. “I don’t want to go to DEO today.” She mumbled, her voice muffled from the way she refused to lift her head from your body, “I just wanna be with you, no agents, Alex or J’onn fussing.” Her voice hitched off as she turned away from you to sneeze and the small adorable noise of annoyance she made afterwards made your heart melt a little. How could she be so cute? 
“So, you just want a quiet day in then?” You murmured, receiving a subtle nod in return, “Well then, I think we can manage that.” 
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infernalodie · 1 year
“𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘣𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘍𝘦𝘦𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘢 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘩 𝘉𝘢𝘣𝘺, 𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥, 𝘸𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘴𝘭𝘰𝘸 𝘥𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴, 𝘸𝘰𝘢𝘩 𝘖𝘩, 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘩, 𝘐 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘺𝘦𝘵 𝘐 𝘸𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘧 𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘦𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘞𝘦𝘭𝘭, 𝘪𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘥𝘦𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘪𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘹𝘵 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘩“
Inspo: Chase Atlantic - PLEASEXANNY Chase Atlantic - Tidal Wave
Pairing: Kara Zor-El x Black!Fem!reader
Summary: Kara knew this wasn’t right, but she needed you...
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Warnings: Faint angst, kidnapping, branding, stockholm syndrome, mindless smut, praise kink, fingering and overstimulation.
Words: 1194
“So fragile for someone who promised me you would be strong. So disappointing.”
Tears streamed down your cheek, eyes puffy with the crimson complexion to them. Body quivering under Kara’s twisted gaze that didn’t shed a single ounce of mercy. The smell of burnt flesh plugged your senses as you fought the cold sweat. Still very aware of the ache between your legs that Kara wouldn’t help you deal with.
“I-I’m doing m-my best, Daddy.” Kara could only scoff at such a statement. You’d been sobbing since she plunged her fingers into your cunt. Fingers curling and pulling you skillfully toward the high you’d been begging her for.
But the moment she lasers her name into your name, that’s when you give up. It left a sour taste in her mouth that she fully expected you to fix. Which explained why she wasn’t going to give you any more of her help.
Kara ran her thumbs over the raw etchings of her work. Smirking at the sweet cries that echoed past your lips, wiggling beneath her vice grip. “Your best is not good enough, petal. I expect much more from you,” she said, “and I am waiting for you to prove yourself.”
You managed a whimper, shifting in her hold. But her thumbs continued to trace the wounds, enjoying your pitiful state. “Come on. Show me why you deserve to cum.”
Being under her calculated and judging gaze left you unsure of how to prove yourself to her. A month ago, you’d been fighting with her and paid the price for expressing the clear lunacy she displayed by kidnapping you. But now, you were trying to please someone who wasn’t afraid to hurt you. Clinging on to promises that she made that some small part of you knew wasn’t true. Because there was another part of you that loved her dearly.
Sitting up carefully, you pressed soft kisses along her neck. Eager to taste more of her skin on your tongue. Kara could feel your hands tremble, hesitant to grasp her forearms. She could hear your uneven breaths simmer to a steady labour.  Likely feeling the heavy exhaustion of the burns taking their toll on your state. But you continued to try and please her. Defiant to not let this night be full of disappointment.
So, you did more than you knew you were capable of in this state. Hoping that would get Kara interested in giving you what you needed.
She tilted her head, allowing you to press further against her. Her hands explore your sides. Letting you rest on her thighs and run your hands through her short strands of hair. Nails gently digging into her scalp with your teeth nipping at her jaw. And her eyes rolled back, hands slightly clenching on your sides and kneading at the flesh gently.
“So good for me. Such a good girl.” Her lips curled into a grin feeling you pressed further against her. “I’m never letting you go again, baby. Never again.”
Kara tried to step away—letting you live your life. She tried to focus on her powers and put them to use. But seeing you move on with someone new hurt. So, she promised herself that she would keep you to herself and that even if you are allowed the chance to leave her home, you would be known as hers. No matter how far and who helped you get away from her, they would know by the brand across your stomach that a storm was coming their way if they aided you in hiding.
She knew what she was doing to you wasn’t right. But acknowledging that; did it make her insane? If she recognized her problems, did it ultimately make her a bad person? See, she believed it didn’t. As long as she was honest, she believed this was just who she was. And she would eventually do what she could to change for you. But that wouldn’t happen until you gave yourself to her entirely.
One of her hands slid between the two of you, fingers slipping through your slick folds. Her smooth palm pressed against your clit, making you inhale sharply. Seizing the faint rock of your hips as you held her tighter.
A soft laugh fell from the Kryptonian’s lips, her other slightly patting your side. “You earned it, sweets. Go ahead.”
Her permission turned you into a puddle of eagerness. Rocking your hips without a set rhythm with your face mere inches from Kara. Eyes swimming in her twisted loving gaze that you remembered used to be pure.
Pushing thought away, you peppered her skin in kisses. Thriving off the fact that her little hums of approval were gifted with a faint delve of her fingers into your cunt. Ever so slightly pulling and tugging at the knot that slowly became increasingly tangled with each roll of your hips.
“Good girl. Keep it up.” Kara kneaded at the fat of your hips. If she had the choice, she would have your sable skin pressed against hers each moment of each day. And seeing you this desperate only made her wish upon it more. Drop everything superhero related to just be near you. Put you in this state constantly and have you for herself. She never wanted anyone to see you or ever have a sinful thought of you.
She wanted you for herself.
Eventually, your hips began to move roguishly. No deadset rhythm. Just desperation is found in your movements. The sweet little noises that fell from your swollen lips. And no matter how sore your hips were, you chased after the high.
So, Kara indulged herself by dipping two fingers deeper into your entrance. Gently prodding the soft spot that made you shiver against her. Each thrust was accompanied by a gentle press, slowly tugging you toward the summit you sought out.
And eventually, the knot snapped and the way your eyes clamped shut and muffled moans filled the plain cage was enough of an indicator for Kara who thrust three fingers into your dripping cunt. Ripping a sharp gasp from you as her fingers fucked up into you at an unimaginable speed.
Kara took amusement in the way your eyes rolled back and your cries of pleasure were sent directly into her ear. Barely able to comprehend or focus on what you felt. Bliss, numbing, overstimulation–they were all so much at once. And any chance that you tried to speak, it was full of incoherent cries as you drooled on her shoulder. Your nails embedded into your skin and pulled at her suit ruthlessly.
By the time Kara was done, you were a twitching sobbing mess. Your mind is barely able to formulate a thought not related to the constant shivers running down your spine. Or the inside of your thighs tensing and squeezing around the woman in front of you. Sharp and choked breaths fell from your mouth as you rested your head against Kara’s shoulder. A thin string of spit hits the woman’s chest as she gently caresses your hips.
“I’m never letting you go, Y/n. You’re mine till your last breath.”
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daisy-thetoxic · 9 months
wRoNg | Kara Danvers
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Fem Oc g!p- Phoebe Petera (spider girl)
Warning: MINORS DNA (or smt like that) 18+, praise link, breeding kink. pnv, unprotected sex (wrap before u tap it yall), (Skip don’t read this!)
Phoebe zipped through the city, her web allowing her to get a flying feeling as she flung herself into the sky, diving back down and repeating.
She swung past building to building, it was freeing, liberating. Until she remembered she was on her way to help the cities national hero, Super Girl, to help defeat a monster.
“You know, I’m starting to think your putting yourself in danger so I can come save you.” Phoebe muses as she lands next to Supergirl, smirking.
“No- I-“ Supergirl stutters, a faint blush on her cheeks at the flirting.
“Cat got your tongue, sweetheart?” Phoebe teases, shorting a web at the mister before zipping around it to ties it up. She shoots another web at its other
Hand before doing the same, locking it in like they would a psych ward patient.
“I will-“ the monster begins to bellow before Phoebe shoots a web at its mouth before kicking it in its chest to push it over, successfully detaining it.
“I had that.” Supergirl tells her, furrowing her eyebrows.
“Your so cute when you pout.” Phoebe smirks against, walking over to the stuttering women.
“I am not pouting.” Supergirl shakes her head, backing up a little noticing how close Spidergirl was getting to her.
“Whatever you say, princess.” Phoebe smirks at her before shooting her web to repel her into the sky before she swings away.
“We really got to stop meeting like this.” Phoebe smirks down at Kara, as Phoebe replaced Snapper. Kara kept bumping into her wherever she went. That’s how they got in the situation, Kara didn’t look up form her phone when she entered the elevator, bumping right into Phoebe.
“If you would-“ Kara furrows her eyebrows, frustrated by the raven haired women.
“Talking back to your boss?” Phoebe raises an eyebrow, cutting Kara off as she clicked the top elevator.
“No. I-“ Kara stutters in frustration, allowing Phoebe to have more power over her. The elevator dinged, signally they were at the top floor.
“Danvers, I need your help to carry boxes from the supply room.” Phoebe smirks as Kara went to walk off to her desk. Kara stoped in her tracks, holding in a groan as she turns around to see her boss smirking at her misery.
Phoebe leads them down the hall, into the storage closet. She closes the door once Kara walks in.
“Which boxes?” Kara asks as Phoebe walks behind her, making the intern turn around.
“I don’t know, supergirl, you tell me?” Kara looks up at her surprise showing on her face.
“How do?” Kara stutters.
“How do i know? You aren’t exactly subtle, Sweetheart.” Phoebe tilts her head as she corners Kara to one of the desks.
“Spidergirl?” Kara tilts her head confused.
“Took you long enough, thought I was going to have to spell it out for you.” Phoebe tells her, watching as the Kryptonian blushed as she hit the desk, an inch distance between the two.
“I-“ Kara stutters as it seemed the distance between them only disappeared, Pheobes lips hovering over hers but not fully committing, almost teasing Kara.
Kara growing frustrated like she usually did in the woman’s presence, she pushed forward slightly, connecting their lips.
The frustration and tension was taken out by the kiss as it grew heated. Kara groans as Phoebe parts her lips, invading her mouth with her tongue.
“Jump.” Phoebe commands, wrapping her hands at the back of Kara’s thighs so when she jumps Phoebe picks her up. Setting her down on the desk as standing in between her legs.
Kara moans lightly into Phoebe mouth, suffocating the sound. Phoebe fiddled with the buttons on Kara’s shirt, not trying to rip it but it was opening, so she rips it in half, degrading it on the floor.
“That was my favorite shirt.” Kara pouts, looking at it on the floor.
“I’ll buy you a new one.” Phoebe tells her before reconnecting their lips. Kara only nods into the kiss and takes of Pheobe’s shirt also, their super hero suits.
Pheobes unbuckles Kara’s pants pulling them off in one swift move, leaving the Kryptonian in her superhero suit. Phoebe stepped out of her pants after unbuckling her belt.
She stepped back in between Kara’s legs, pressing her bulge against the super hero’s clothed private part. Kara could on moan as being her closer as they engulfed in a sloppy kiss.
Phoebe moans into the blondes mouth as Kara grinds into her, impatient as always. “Please.” Kara whimpers as she becomes sexually frustrated.
“Since you asked so kindly.” Phoebe breaks the kiss, pulling down her pants enough to let her cock spring out. Kara clenches her thighs at the sight.
“Open.” Phoebe taps the superhero’s thighs making them spring open as commanded.
Phoebe let’s her hands guide themselves up the blondes thigh, onto her clothes parts. She uses on of her hands to guide her cock to the superhero’s clit, moving the piece of clothing to the side.
Kara bucks her hips, moaning at the feeling. “Please.” Kara begs, gasping as Phoebe guides her cock into the woman entrance. She knew Kara could take the the sudden intrusion as her wetness lubed the raven haired woman’s cock.
There was a knock on the door, making Pheobes shoot a web at the door for it to be stuck closed. “Hey is Kara in there?” James calls out, trying to open the door but it wouldn’t budge.
A smirk dances on Pheobes hips as she shallowing thrusts into Kara.
“Yeah she’s helping me go through boxes, we need old articles for a project.” Phoebe calls out. “Sorry there’s a ton of boxes in front of the door.
Phoebe thrusts sharply making Kara gasp loudly.
“Kara be more careful, you gonna end up breaking your foot.” Phoebe pretends to warm her as she smirks down at the helpless Kryptonian who could only cling to her.
“Kara? Are you okay?” James asks worriedly, his not so secret crush on her showing.
“Be a good girl, and answer.” Phoebe whispers in her ear, smirking against her skin.
“Yeah!… I’m.. fine.” Kara calls out, trying to not make any other sound.
“We’ll be done in an hour, if you want to talk to her later.” Phoebe tells him, continuing her thrusts as she covers Kara’s mouth with her hand as the other one fell to her slit, rubbing circler motion.
“Okay.” James replies walking off, as Phoebe’s took her hand off of Kara’s mouth.
“So good.” Phoebe praises, as Kara could only moan back, taking in the rough, deep thrusts.
Phoebe uses her super speed to take Kara on the desk and flip her around, pushing deeper into her. “Be a good girl and cum for me and I’ll think about breeding you, sweetheart.”
Kara clenches her walls around Phoebe’s cock at the words, thrusting herself back into Phoebe, chasing her release. Phoebe matches her thrust.
Phoebe pulls her closer, turning her around so she faced Kara once more, connecting their lips as Kara wrapped her legs around her boss.
“Don’t stop” Kara gasps, as Phoebe reconnects their lips, less sloppily as she swallowed Kara’s moans. Kara squeezed her eyes shut as her climax washed over her like a Tsunami once Phoebe started rubbing circles on her clit.
Phoebe’s thrusts got quicker as she felt Kara release on her, moaning as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She thrusted one last time, all the way in before cumming in Kara. She kept thrusting lightly before coming to a slow stopped as she brought Kara down from her climax.
“Who would have thought the girl of steel had a breeding kink?” Phoebe laughs lightly, as she pulls out of Kara, leaving her to clench her legs together as the cold air hit her.
“I-“ Kara looked like a lost puppy as her words were caught in her throat. Phoebe started putting back on her clothes, helping Kara into her own as he legs shakes lightly.
“Been awhile before someone could keep up?” Phoebe asks, helping the blonde.
“Haven’t met someone who could.” Kara tells her, looking at her a upped shirt.
“Here take this.” Phoebe tells her, handing her the black silk shirt as she put on her coat, buttoning it till she could get back to her office and get one of her spare shirts she has stashed.
“I’ll want to get lunch?” Phoebe asks, knowing she developed a appetites. She watched as Kara’s facial features soften like a kid in a candy store.
“Yes!” Kara smiles, reminding Phoebe of a golden retriever.
“Let’s stop by my office first.” Phoebe opens the door, using her super strength. She let Kara walk out first, her hand on her back as she shut the door behind them.
“Here.” Phoebe walks to Kara’s desk, handing her a box. Kara looks up at her boss confused, scrunching her knows making Phoebe smile.
Her facial features turned happiness as she saw the four shirts that laid inside the box. It was the exact same as her blue one that got torn but I’m 3 other colors.
Blue. Red. Black. White.
“I’m was heading out for brunch. Want to join me?” Phoebe asks her, raising an eyebrow as she subtly smirked, hearing Kara’s heart beat faster.
“I would love to.” Kara got up, setting the box on her desk, closing it before walking with Phoebe to the elevator.
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stayevildarling · 3 months
Supergirl Masterlist
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You're safe darling Lena Luthor x Reader ✩,✾,❆
✩ = mental health, ✾ = angst, ❆ = fluff
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froottalks · 1 year
Healing Hearts - Kara Danvers x fem!reader
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[summary: where reader is a new doctor who works at the DEO and is a huge fan of supergirl, unknown to the reader, kara has a crush on the reader and finds her really beautiful and cool. They soon become friends and kara hangs out with the reader in the med bay and keeps her company while she's not out saving the world. kara tells reader her true identity and later shyly asks reader to go out with her, reader finds kara's behavior really cute and amusing and says yes.]
{Part 1} {Part 2}
The DEO was a place of extraordinary individuals, each with their own unique abilities and contributions to the mission. Dr. (Y/n) (L/n) was the latest addition to the team, a brilliant physician with a heart as big as her drive to make the world a better place. With a warm smile and an enthusiastic spirit, she quickly found herself embracing the responsibilities of the medical bay.
On a particularly eventful day, Dr. (Y/n) was tending to Agent Alex Danvers, who had just returned from a tough mission. They had formed a bond over shared laughter and friendly conversations, but one topic never failed to come up—Supergirl. Dr. (Y/n) was a huge fan of the superhero, gushing about her heroic acts, her strength, and her unwavering dedication to the city.
"Come on, (Y/n)," Alex teased as Dr. (Y/n) chattered excitedly while treating her minor injuries. "You can't deny that you have a little crush on Supergirl."
Dr. (Y/n) blushed furiously, her cheeks turning a shade of pink that matched her doctor's coat. "N-No, Agent Danvers! I just… admire her. She's amazing."
Alex chuckled, clearly enjoying the reaction she was getting. "Sure, sure. Just remember, I've got my eye on you."
As days turned into weeks, Dr. (Y/n) continued her work at the DEO, always ready to patch up agents after intense missions. Her dedication and compassion didn't go unnoticed, and her interactions with Alex only grew stronger. Yet, despite her friendly demeanor, Dr. Y/n remained blissfully unaware of the deeper secrets that the DEO held.
One fateful day, a mission went awry, leaving Supergirl injured and exhausted. She had pushed herself beyond her limits, using up almost all of her solar energy in a daring rescue. The wounds were minor, but her energy was depleted, leaving her weakened and in need of medical attention.
As they returned to the DEO, Dr. (Y/n)'s eyes widened with a mix of excitement and concern when she saw Supergirl being brought in. Without hesitation, she took charge, guiding the hero to the med bay.
"Wow, I never thought I'd get to treat Supergirl," she muttered to herself as she worked, her hands deftly tending to the superhero's wounds.
Supergirl observed the doctor, her lips quirking into a small smile. She had seen Dr. (Y/n)'s interactions with Alex, how her eyes would light up whenever Supergirl's name was mentioned. It was endearing, and Supergirl couldn't help but find the doctor's enthusiasm contagious.
As Dr. (Y/n) worked, she felt a presence behind her. Turning, she found Supergirl watching her with a gentle smile.
"You're doing a great job, Doctor," Supergirl said softly, her voice warm and reassuring.
Dr. (Y/n)'s heart skipped a beat as she met those blue eyes, the realization hitting her that she was treating her idol—Supergirl herself.
"Th-thank you, Supergirl," she stammered, her cheeks flushing as she continued her work.
Supergirl's injuries were minor, but the energy depletion had taken a toll on her. As (Y/n) finished her treatment, Supergirl's hand brushed against hers, sending a jolt of electricity through her veins. Their eyes met, and (Y/n) saw a mixture of gratitude and something else—an unspoken connection.
In the days that followed, (Y/n) and Supergirl's paths continued to cross. Supergirl found herself hanging around the medical bay, keeping the doctor company and engaging in light-hearted conversations. (Y/n)'s excitement was infectious, and Supergirl found herself opening up more than she had with anyone else.
One evening, as the sun set and bathed the DEO in warm hues, Supergirl found herself alone with Dr. (Y/n) in the medical bay. The silence was comfortable, the air charged with unspoken emotions.
"(Y/n)," Supergirl began, her voice slightly nervous. "I have something to tell you."
(Y/n) looked up from her paperwork, curiosity evident in her eyes. "What is it, Supergirl?"
Supergirl took a deep breath, her heart racing. "I'm not just Supergirl. My name is Kara Danvers. I wanted you to know who I really am."
(Y/n) blinked in surprise, her mind racing to process the revelation. "You're Kara Danvers?"
Kara nodded, her gaze never leaving (Y/n)'s. "I trust you, (Y/n). And... I really enjoy spending time with you."
A blush painted (Y/n)'s cheeks as she met Kara's gaze, her heart fluttering with a mixture of shock and delight. "I can't believe this. And I... I enjoy spending time with you too."
Kara's smile was radiant, her eyes holding a depth of emotion that spoke volumes. "(Y/n), would you… um, like to go out with me? Maybe for coffee or something?"
(Y/n)'s lips curved into a grin as she observed Kara's shy demeanor. It was both endearing and amusing to see the confident Supergirl acting like this.
"I'd love to, Kara."
The relief that crossed Kara's face was palpable, and she chuckled softly. "You have no idea how nervous I was."
{Part 2}
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mud-muffin · 2 years
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Super Genderbend !
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salem-witch-slut · 2 months
This Is What I Know Of Life
Kara Danvers X Masc! FemReader
SYNOPSIS: After saving Kara from a horrible date in a bar, you can't keep the blonde out of your mind no matter how hard you try. You just had to know her.
WARNINGS: Canon typical violence, lesbian reader, reader described as muscular with many tattoos, mentions of blood and medical procedures (stitches, needles, etc.), shameless flirting
Author's Note: So this was on my old blog and I just had to bring it back. It's exactly like it was before, so if you missed it, here it is! I will be adding more of my old fics back to this account, but let's start with my favorite!
DIVIDERS MADE BY @cafekitsune
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This is what I know of life: Love fiercely, even recklessly; Laugh loudly, even raucously; Risk everything, at least once; Live openly, without abandon; Build trust, be honest;
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Kara had no clue what she was thinking when she considered this.
Internet dating? It reminded her painfully of when she first came out as Supergirl. That was the worst date she had ever been on… until tonight. The blonde Kryptonian had chosen a black skirt this time, and an off-shoulder pastel blue blouse to try and accentuate the definition in her collarbones and shoulders, which Alex had suggested she show off more often.
Almost as soon as she met the man at the bar, she was uncomfortable. But it seemed that no matter what she had been able to say, he wasn’t backing down, moving away, or taking no for an answer. The bar was incredibly crowded and if she ended up using her powers on him, she would be seen and that would be a very, very difficult thing to talk her way out of.
Kara couldn’t look at her phone, or text Alex 911 to get the hell out of there. Kara felt stuck, and she was not a fan of this feeling. This guy was the worst, and he was getting far more intoxicated than she was comfortable with.
“Don’t you think you’ve had enough?” Kara asked, watching her date down another shot and watching him sway slightly against the bar counter.
The man chortled, which made her extra-terrestrial skin crawl. “Don’t you worry ‘bout me, baby.”
She wanted to throw up… And then, things got ten times worse.
Kara may have had superhuman abilities, and could fly at the speed of sound… But nothing could have prepared her for the feeling of the man’s grimy hand against her rear. The blonde tensed so hard that she almost lit the countertop on fire with her laser eyes.
Kara was about to snap. Exposure be damned, she was going to break this man’s fingers until he could never even hold a glass again. Her blood was boiling and she turned to look up at him and destroy him, but paused at seeing a hand tapping her “date” on the shoulder.
Kara watched him turn around and before he could even ask “What do you want?” A fist went directly across his face. Kara gaped, her eyes widening in shock as she saw someone knock the drunk flat on his ass. He stumbled from the bar counter and onto the ground as the someone stood over his body, shoulders squaring aggressively and brows pulled down.
What does she do about this?!
“Keep your filthy fucking hands off of her,” You snarled, grabbing at his collar and kneeling down low enough to seethe in his face. For a second, Kara was worried about the guy laying on his back, but then her eyes ended up drifting to the hand curled into his shirt… you were wearing rings on almost every single finger, and you had a tattoo of a moth on top of your hand.
You may have had more tattoos but your arms were hidden behind the button down black shirt that was rolled up to the middle of your forearms… Forearms that were massive and veined, clearly dripping with power. That hit must have hurt like hell.
Kara found herself blushing. Whether it was from embarrassment, or flattery, she didn’t know.
The man on the ground groaned, looking up at you with a dizzy expression and immediately started smirking, blood on his teeth. “Ain’t scared of you, dyke.”
The entirety of the bar let out a gasp as you hit the man again. There was no doubt his nose was broken, and Kara made a face of terror as you stood up, seeing your knuckles bruising and covered in the man’s blood. Most were his, but the first punch had left a cut on your finger from the guy’s teeth.
“Are you—” Kara watched you stand up straight, having to look up to meet your gaze. She pushed her glasses up on her nose and her brows pulled down in distress. “Who are you? Are you out of your mind?”
You reached out for a napkin on the bar and wiped the blood off your knuckles and cleaned the rings on your fingers. You didn’t respond to her initial questions, but instead, asked one of your own. She blushed all over again. “Are you alright, sweetheart?”
Kara gaped, giving a remarkable impression of a fish out of water. “I-I’m fine! I could have handled him; I can take care of myself!” The super went on the defensive immediately. She wasn’t about to let you put her into the persona of a weak, innocent girl that needed protecting. She had lived her entire life with other people taking care of her and she didn’t need random women at the bar taking pity on her and fighting her battles for her.
All you did was smile, which made her stomach twist uncomfortably. You looked so nice when you smiled like that. “I didn’t say you couldn’t.”
Kara watched as the bouncers of the bar were dragging the man out of the building, not even looking at you or acting against your demonstration of violence. “Then why did you just—”
“I’m not a fan of assholes who take advantage of pretty girls in crowded spaces where they can’t say no,” You cleared up immediately. “He wasn’t backing down and you had been uncomfortable since you got your first drink… I wanted to knock his ass out for a while.”
Kara tried to focus on the entirety of your words… not that you just called her pretty. “Were you watching us?”
You smirked, not meeting her eyes before you reached down to your hip and tapped the pistol holstered on your side. Kara suddenly felt uncomfortable. Why did you have a gun? Why were you allowed to carry a weapon in a club? Who were you?
“It’s my job to watch everyone that comes in, sweetheart.”
A shout of your name across the bar had you looking up and you saw the bartender approaching you with a first-aid kit. “Why didn’t you just restrain him and call the cops?”
You smirked, grabbing an alcohol wipe and rubbing it across the cut on your knuckle. “Needed a harder lesson, Rick… Did Tommy call the police?”
“Yeah, pulling up in five minutes. They’ll want a statement from you and her, you know,” Rick pointed at Kara who immediately went pale in the face.
“I’ll handle it. Thanks buddy,” You sighed, sitting down on the bar stool and wiping off your own blood and the blood of the asshole’s that’s currently bleeding all over his cheap blazer. Kara was beginning to understand what your role here was and she sat down on the bar stool next to yours. The slice on your knuckle just kept bleeding and you tore open a gauze patch with your teeth.
“Here,” Kara immediately grabbed your hand, much to your surprise. Almost immediately, her cheeks were tinting pink as she placed the gauze over the cut and began to wrap it up. Your hands were so warm that it was making her shiver. “Are you alright?”
“You don’t need to worry about me, sweetheart,” You smiled, and Kara rolled her eyes.
“My name is Kara, not sweetheart,” She corrected as she released your hand, making you chuckle and lean against the bar’s counter with a smile that she couldn’t not respond to with her own smile. You called the bartender back over and looked at Kara one more time before saying what to get her.
“Get miss Kara here anything she wants to drink, and close out her tab,” You gently reached out and Kara almost flinched away before you slid your uninjured hand through the blonde hair framing her face and pushed it over her bare shoulder. She shivered at your touch. “Anything you want, its on the house. Just don’t get too drunk, alright?”
Before Kara could protest, you stood up from your seat and walked back into the crowd. Kara watched you walk away, biting her lip and then looking back at the bartender who was simply waiting for whatever she wanted. Kara couldn’t keep her thoughts away as her brain teased “Are you sure that the thing you want didn’t just walk away?”
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It was 3 AM by the time Kara was leaving the building. Everyone else had gone and she was one of the last patrons to exit. What made her linger for so long when she had no reason to stick around? Well, she was waiting for you…
The police had already come and taken your statement, but they never talked to her. When you said that you’d take care of it, you must have taken care of everything because her “date” had been arrested and you actually waved when they drove off with him in the car.
She wanted to talk to you again, but you were busy and she didn’t want to distract you… Three other people had been escorted out of the building that night by you, but none of them had gotten hit like her date had. You were polite with everyone else, even with them being belligerent… It didn’t make sense to Kara. She needed to know what was happening in that head of yours.
You were taking the walkie off your hip and passing it to the other bouncer as you removed the pistol from your hip and ejected the magazine. Kara watched you check to see if it was still loaded before you clicked on the safety and handed the gun and holster over to your coworker.
When you turned away, you came to a stop at seeing Kara standing there at the door, looking at you with a nervous expression on her face.
“Hey,” You approached her, rubbing the back of your neck and smiling. “Didn’t know you were still here. Are you okay?”
“Oh, I’m fine,” Kara reassured you, a smile growing on her face and showing off her pretty white teeth. “I was just uhm… Do you want to take a walk with me? I live about 8 blocks away, and you can just…”
“Walk you home?” You smiled and held out your hand for her to go forward first. “Lead the way, miss Kara.”
The two of you fell into a comfortable silent walk, enjoying the warm night air of National City. Kara held her jacket in front of her while keeping her steps slow to have them sync with yours. She took a nervous glance over at you and saw that you were smiling, both hands tucked into the pockets of your trousers that just looked so incredible on you.
“Why did you hit him?” The question seemed to catch you off-guard. When you looked up, Kara clarified, adjusting her glasses. “I saw you throw others out… You didn’t hit those guys. Why’d you hit that guy?”
 You took a long moment to consider why exactly you hit him. Kara was getting worried, like you didn’t really know what made you snap and attack a patron in such an unprovoked way. The way your fingers rubbed at the skin on your cheek and how your stride seemed to slow to almost a stop. Kara frowned, waiting patiently for your answer.
“He didn’t deserve to be near you,” You stated coldly. “Saw him four nights in a row with four other girls… Each time, he wouldn’t keep his hands to himself. I guess seeing him do it to you really pissed me off.”
“But you don’t even know me,” Kara said.
You sighed. “I don’t. But pretty girls like you have always been one of my weaknesses. I guess I got a bit protective—I don’t know,” The confession felt like vinegar on your tongue and Kara came to a full stop in her walk as she stared up at your face. “I’m sorry, miss Kara. I was in the wrong. I took matters into my own hands instead of doing the right thing.”
The silence was no longer comfortable around you two. It was tense and Kara felt almost uncomfortable… Not because she was upset with you or scared of you. But because she seemed to almost like how you defended and fought for her at the bar. She had friends that would defend her, and her sister would always be by her side… But no one had displayed this level of protectiveness over her before.
You looked down at her and cautiously stepped forward. When Kara didn’t step back, you decided that she wasn’t going to pull away and you reached down, tracing your fingertips across her forehead and brushing her blonde hair away from her face. Kara blushed, watching as you tucked the blonde locks behind her ear around her glasses.
Kara reached up and held your hand against her face, leaning into your palm and basking in the cool of your soft touch. You stroked your thumb across her cheekbone and smiled, pulling your hand back and leaving the blonde to pout a little at the lack of contact.
“We should get you home, sweetheart. It’s getting late.”
Why did the idea of leaving you make her so sad?
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The chaos that flooded the top floor of CatCo was very familiar to Kara. Only this time it had nothing to do with Supergirl, and everything to do with the bar last night. She saw on the dozens of TV screens her date being hauled out of the building covered in his own blood.
“Kara, wasn’t that…” The sound of Winn’s voice didn’t surprise her, but she still stepped to the side trying to avoid his questions. “That was the guy you—”
“The guy I went out with, yes, I’m aware,” Kara sighed, pushing her glasses on her nose and trying to relax her emotions. She chose to listen to the broadcast, but normally she’d tune it out to ignore the words that the news said.
“-Richard Hendrics was apprehended outside of a nightclub just off of 45th Street, guised under a fake name ‘Ivan Neward.’ Authorities have Hendrics in custody after the club’s security guard took down the perpetrator; we have her words from the scene last night.”
Kara felt her face heat up when the screen changed, and your interview pulled up.
“I’ve seen this guy five times this week. He shows up, brings another girl, and gets drunk. We do what we can to protect everybody that walks through those doors, but things are chaos during these nights. We need everybody to be vigilant, and if you see someone being uncomfortable and they look as if they are in danger, you have to speak up. Protect each other.”
Your voice carried throughout all of the office room and Kara felt her heart pound inside of her chest. You cared so much for others, and it was so sweet to see your concern for everybody—for her.
“Was there a woman here tonight that you protected? Where is she now?”
The camera attempted to pan over to the club and try to find Kara inside before you grabbed the camera and yanked it away. “She is not part of this interview. That is all I will say on this, no more questions!”
Chaos erupted as you began walking away. Kara bit her lip, watching you walk away. You looked so good going back inside of the building and away from the scene outside. Winn looked over and saw just how bad Kara was blushing at seeing you on the screens and bit down on her bottom lip… She used to look at James like that. What was she thinking?
“You got that weird little smitten face,” Winn said, nudging Kara with his hip. “Who is she?”
“Who?” Kara looked up. “Oh! Uhm, sh-she’s just a… some girl from the bar. She kind of p-protected me from that guy and uhm… It-it’s a long story.”
Kara just brushed it off, trying to ignore the feeling of shivers going over her spine as the interview freeze framed on you looking like you were about to knock the reporter’s lights out. Evidence of blood on your fist was a dead giveaway that you were the one that beat up Hendrics.
“Was she the one that—”
“Kicked his butt? Yeah.”
Kara immediately turned away from the screens and sat down at her desk for a grand total of five seconds before she heard Cat calling her name… or, not exactly her name.
“KYRA!” The Kryptonian huffed before she stood from her chair and aggressively walked into Cat’s office.
“Ms. Grant?”
“You see this woman?” Cat stood in front of the TV screens. Your image was plastered on every single one of them. Kara felt her stomach twist. “She is… inspiring. She is an everyday hero and inspired thousands of women to speak up and defend each other. The internet is exploding with confessions of dates that have gone wrong, and countless sex offenders have been arrested in all but twelve hours.”
Kara was speechless, but in Cat’s presence, that happens very often. The woman was a legend, and she was calling you inspiring. “I want that woman.”
“You—you want her?”
Cat turned around slowly, staring at Kara like she was an idiot. “I need an exclusive with that woman. She’s the height of the media; the face on every news station. As violent as she may be, she is someone that deserves to be heard.”
“Oh, you want to interview her—” Kara took a deeper breath, like she couldn’t believe that the idea of Cat Grant wanting you carnally even crossed her mind.
“Kyra, I could not have been clearer. My days of experimentation are over after drinking all night with Madonna,” Kara blinked a few times, trying to comprehend what she just kind of haphazardly admitted. Cat Grant had experimented with women—no, she experimented with Madonna! What the actual—
“Get me that woman. I want an interview today! Go, now!”
Kara nearly stumbled out of the room to escape from Cat’s hungry gaze. It made her uncomfortable for a whole new reason; one she didn’t truthfully like. There was one thing she had on her focus now, and she wasn’t sure that she was up to the task.
Winn ran up next to Kara’s desk as she went into her phone and scrolled through the contacts inside of it like her life depended on it. “What did she say? What are you doing?”
“Cat wants an interview,” Kara clicked on one of her contacts and stood up, slowly stepping in a circle and waiting.
“Interview with…”
“Hi! Hello, hi, I don’t know if you remember me. We met last night at the club? Kara Danvers?”
A soft chuckle sounded on the other end and Kara shivered at your voice. “How could I forget? What can I do for you, miss Kara?”
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Two hours went by. Two full hours of Kara sitting at her desk like one wrong move would make the building explode. Every few seconds she would look at the door and wait for you to come out of the elevator, but she couldn’t hear or see you… You were unlike Cat when she was in her elevator. She always talked to herself. You were silent.
But there was one thing she did hear… a very, very fast heartbeat. It was definitely yours. She recognized it from the night before. Oh, you were nervous?
The elevator doors dinged, and you stepped off and rounded the corner. When she saw you, her heart almost exploded, and the sound of crunching could be heard across the room. Kara looked down and saw her computer mouse in pieces.
You were wearing a custom-made suit in Kara’s favorite color. The navy blue accentuated your skin tone flawlessly and you had your hair styled in a way that could make the straightest girls falter in their steps. Silver rings decorated your fingers, and a silver chain was wrapped around your neck in a light choker. You looked… holy Rao, you looked incredible.
“Hey, uhm…” You stopped at one of the desks nearby and looked down. “I’m looking for Kara Danvers?”
The blonde stood from her desk and walked a little too fast over to you, almost tripping to get to you along the way. “Hi! I’m so glad you could make it,” Kara looked you up and down, from your coat down to your dress shoes. “Wow, you look amazing!”
You blushed, a hand running through your hair. “Well, if you think I look good, you look amazing. Lavender is definitely your color, really brings out the blue in your eyes.”
Her entire face went red, and she had to look away for a second just to calm her heart down. For a second, she thought she was going to fly away and had to force her feet to stay on the ground. Why is it when you said things like that, it made her stomach twist?
“Kyra,” The Kryptonian heard Cat’s voice and turned around hard enough to whip you in the face with her ponytail. You made a face of disgust and peeled a piece of blonde hair from your glossed lips. “Do not crowd our star… Cat Grant, it is so nice to meet you.”
The smile that radiated from your face was enough to make Cat blush. “Oh, it’s an honor to meet you, Ms. Grant. I love the work you’ve done with Supergirl! Every time I read one of your stories, I’m starstruck with her all over again.”
Kara gaped for a split second. You liked Supergirl? Wait, your heart rate was rising again and she could hear all of the blood rushing to your face and down… You had a crush on Supergirl!?
“Understandably, all men and women adore her both as a hero and as an attractive woman,” Cat shrugged like it was obvious, stepping towards her office and beckoning for you to follow. You did, without hesitation, waving at Kara and stepping into the office where the interview of a lifetime would be taking place. Not for you, but for Kara specifically.
Almost immediately she sat down and began to listen to you with her super hearing.
“What happened last night? Well… there was a girl. She was being harassed at the bar by her date and I guess I had enough of seeing him take advantage of women to last me a lifetime. I reacted on instinct and protected the girl.”
“Cameras saw blood on your hands,” Cat said, looking down at the recorder on her desk. “Did you hit him?”
You hesitated for a second. Kara almost expected you to deny it.
“I did,” You said. “It was more instinct than thought, Ms. Grant. Fear of that girl being hurt set in, and I went on the offensive. I’ve seen the men who have my job do much worse, and they carry guns just like me.”
“But we are women,” Cat stated. “We are expected to keep calm in the face of terror and hold it together no matter how scary the world is. Speak up, but don’t be a bitch. Defend yourself, but don’t be aggressive. Protect each other, but don’t travel in groups.”
“I’ve never really been like other women,” You said without letting her fully finish. “I’m sure you can see that, Ms. Grant?”
Kara heard Cat hum, and she knew she was looking at you all over like she wanted to eat you alive. “Yes, your aesthetic is very butch, it’s not that hard to see how very non-heterosexual you are.”
A very odd silence carried within the walls of the office before you cleared your throat. “You have something you want to ask me, Ms. Grant.”
“Who was the girl you protected?”
Kara tensed up, and she felt for a second that you might actually tell her that she was there, and she wouldn’t be able to stop you even if she wanted to. But just like last night, you surprised her. “I don’t know her name, Ms. Grant. If you only wanted me to come in here to find out who I was fighting for, I’m going to have to disappoint you.”
Kara let out a breath of relief, dropping her shoulders and relaxing in her seat. She finally stopped listening to the conversation going on in the other room and about seven minutes later, you stepped outside of the interview and removed your phone from your pocket.
“How did it go?” Kara pounced on you. “Did you mention me? Did you say anything about what happened?”
Before Kara knew what was happening, you grabbed her by the arm gently and led her out onto the terrace to avoid prying eyes and unworthy ears. The Kryptonian looked so confused and somewhat shocked by your actions. “Was it that bad?”
“No, it was fine,” You defended. “I kept my promise and didn’t involve you in it.”
“Yeah, uhm… why are you doing that exactly?” Kara adjusted her glasses for almost the thirteenth time that day. You noticed she fussed with them when she was nervous or overwhelmed in some way. “I mean, I have no reason to hide or anything. I can take the heat from the interviews and things, and I mean, it was me that he tried to—”
“I know you can handle yourself, miss Kara. That isn’t what I’m afraid of,” You leaned back on the bar of the balcony and Kara watched the veins in your hands flex. “I’m afraid of the media treating you like some victim, which you wish to not be. The second I tell everybody that it was you he was after, you become the front of sympathy tabloids. I guess… I am trying to protect you, but in a different way.”
Kara took a few moments to truly process what you said and looked deep into your eyes. So deep that she almost x-rayed you. Her fingers flexed against the bar she was holding, and a soft, tense breath escaped her chest.
“Well, I can… take care of myself?” Kara stumbled on her words, and you simply chuckled. Before she could stop you, once again, you were reaching out.
“I see that,” You slowly ran your fingers under a stray lock of blonde hair and slowly tucked it behind her ear, your strong hands lingering against her skin and gently stroking your fingertips across her cheekbone and down to her jaw. Kara felt as if you stole her breath away. “And you… have the prettiest smile I have ever seen.”
“I…” Kara was beginning to shake, almost like she was vibrating in place. You smelled so nice, and you felt so cool against her warm Kryptonian skin. And in five seconds flat, Kara was gone out of your sight with a simple “I have to go!”
All you could do was frown at her running away, looking down at your hand and wishing her warmth was back against your calloused skin. You sighed and leaned back against the rail, rubbing at your face and attempting not to smear your eyeliner. “Sweet moments never last, I guess…”
You headed back inside and noticed that Kara was nowhere to be found. With a deep, disappointed sigh, you began walking towards the elevator with your hands tucked into your trouser pockets. Wherever the blonde went, she was doing a damn good job at avoiding you.
You texted her, making sure that you didn’t overstep in any way.
“I’m so sorry if I made you uncomfortable, sweetheart. It was never my intention. I hope you have a good rest of your day.”
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Kara was staring at her phone screen for almost a full day. Every spare second that she had, she looked at the text you sent her, and her stomach began flipping all over again. She was so engrossed with how she would respond that even Alex was noticing. Her sister saw that she was simply staring at the screen, not typing or responding… she didn’t recognize your name.
“You plan on responding?” Alex teased, pausing the movie in front of them. Kara flinched, almost dropping her phone and looking over at her sister like she was just caught watching an R-Rated love scene. “Who is that?”
“N-No one! She’s nobody— n-not anybody,” Kara attempted to tuck away her cellphone, but Alex was faster, grabbing the device and reading what was on screen. “Wait, Alex, come on!”
“ ‘I’m so sorry if I made you uncomfortable, sweetheart.’? Who is calling you that?” Alex teased, looking at her sister and smirking as the blonde sighed and dropped her face into Alex’s leg.
“She’s just… the security guard from the bar the other night,” Kara admitted, her face burning the deepest shade of pink. For a second, Kara remembered how good you smelled and how chilled your skin was against her face, and it sent a very vicious shiver down her spine.
Alex noticed. “How’d you get the security guard’s phone number?”
“It’s a long story—”
“Well then start from the beginning?”
And so, Kara did. Kara told Alex everything that happened, not sparing a single detail and not leaving anything up in the air for guessing. She needed Alex to know every single detail and every single emotion that was passing through her in that moment.
“I don’t understand Alex,” Kara sighed, looking down at her hands. “It’s like I can’t think when I’m near her… Like my heart is about to leap from my chest and my hands feel like they’re vibrating! It was like that first time I was Supergirl… when I first saved the plane? That… adrenaline, that feeling of—”
“You like her.”
Kara had to stop her words, staring at her sister like she had just told her the biggest secret in the world. Her entire body started vibrating and Alex put her hands on Kara’s shoulders so the Kryptonian didn’t accidentally fly away. “I like her? What are you—”
“You acted just like this with every single crush you’ve had before, Kara,” Alex reassured. “And it’s okay… You are allowed to like this girl. She sounds great; I’d love to meet her someday.”
The blonde was silent for a good long while before she looked down at her phone and nearly threw it out of the window when she saw that you were calling her. The phone slammed on the coffee table and Kara jumped up, hiding from the device like it was a bomb about to explode.
“OhmyRao! Oh no, she’s calling— Alex, what do I do!?”
Alex rolled her eyes before she answered the phone, much to Kara’s horror. “Hello?”
You were so tense that the sound of another voice didn’t register. No, all you wanted was to talk to Kara and explain yourself so you couldn’t drive her away or scare her off.
“Kara! Hi,” You didn’t expect her to answer. “I uhm… Sorry for calling you so late and unexpected, I just… I don’t know, I need to explain myself? I’m sorry about today, and I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable this afternoon. I don’t know what came over me.”
Alex smirked as she held her foot out, pressing it into Kara’s chest. Kara could stop her if she wanted to, but a part of her wanted to hear you out on this. Without interrupting you.
When Kara didn’t respond, you feared that she may have hung up on you. But against your better judgment, you started talking again. “I feel like I got the wrong impression from you. So, this may sound absolutely insane but… If you are willing, I would like to have dinner with you? Tomorrow night?”
The silence was almost deafening. Kara looked at Alex and the blonde seemed like she was about to throw up or pass out, maybe even both. Alex grinned from ear to ear and decided to respond for her, much to Kara’s complete and utter torture. “Tomorrow night sounds amazing.”
Kara could hear you sigh a breath of relief, almost like you had been holding it waiting for her answer. “Oh great! Great, uh… I will text you all of the details then? 7:30?”
“7:30, I will be there,” Alex chuckled and looked at Kara who looked like she was about to start screaming. “Goodnight… Sweetheart.”
When Alex hung up, Kara immediately dropped down behind the couch and curled into the fetal position like she wanted to do nothing but vanish into the floor and scream until her breath ran out. The DEO agent started cackling and tossed the phone over to Kara, laughing even harder when the device smacked her in the head.
“What the hell is wrong with you?!”
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You had spent the entire day pacing in your loft, looking at all of the clothes inside your closet and trying so hard to decide on something to wear like your life was on the line. All you wanted to do was impress this girl and show her the best time of her entire life. Kara was unlike anyone you’ve known… and you wanted to know even more.
Deciding to keep things semi-formal, you chose a black long-sleeved turtleneck with a delicate silver chain and gray trench coat. The black boots completed the look, and you tried very hard to not overthink things as you stepped out of your apartment, only to stop and gently pet your orange tabby cat on the head. “Stay put, Tigger. Love you.”
You triple-checked the address on your phone, standing outside of the restaurant that you and Kara picked out together. Asian was your idea and Kara leaped at the opportunity. You tried not to fumble with the box inside your jacket pocket, biting down on your lip and doing your best to calm your beating heart.
It had been years since your last date… work had always got in the way, and you tended to scare off a lot of “candidates”. Your hands were shaking, and you wanted to kick at the wall but then you’d look semi-psychotic.
Of course, your train of thought was completely derailed when you looked up in time to see the most beautiful thing you’ve seen in your entire life…
Kara Danvers, wearing a lavender dress with a white cardigan overtop, the skirt reaching just above her knees, matched with white heels. Her hair was held back with a ribbon braided into her blonde locks, complete with those turtle shell glasses that you thought were so cute on her that it made your heart flutter.
How did you get this lucky to be out with her?
“Hi!” You chirped, stomach tightening as you looked at the most gorgeous female that’s been in your vision. “Uh… wow, you look beautiful, Kara.”
“Thank you,” Kara blushed, looking down at her heels for a brief moment and biting her lip. “And you look… I don’t even have the words for it!”
Now it was your turn to blush, heart fluttering as you gently twist your fingers together. Kara noticed the bandages on your knuckle, but it seemed underplayed by all of the rings on your fingers. This was the first time in a long time that Kara had been on a date, and she actually had hopes for this one. All of the other ones? They were a huge letdown.
Kara was now keeping score in her head. What she didn’t expect was for you to open the door for her. Wow… one point for you!
“Ladies first,” You held out your hand for her and she could tell that you were more charming and polite than any man she has been out with in her entire life.
The hostess led you both to the table in the very quiet restaurant that had live music playing softly nearby. The dining area was dimly lit, and the only light was from a very soft glow of the light above the table. Kara was about to approach her seat when you jumped forward and pulled the chair out for her, smiling and gently pushing it in once she was sat down.
“Well, you certainly know how to make a girl feel special,” Kara chuckled, sitting down and removing the cloth napkin from the plate and laying it over her lap.
You stripped off your jacket and draped it over the back of your chair, sitting down across from her and folding your hands overtop the table in front of her. “I find it hard to believe that you are treated any less when you go on dates.”
Kara chuckled, shrugging her shoulders. “Yeah… the dates I’ve been on? Not exactly anything to write home about.”
You make a face of complete horror, doing a remarkable impression of a fish out of water. Kara simply took a sip of water to try and break the tension, but you weren’t breaking eye contact. Maybe you wanted her to explain?
“Okay, most of the guys I’ve been with? They are too focused on their phones… and they ditch me after twenty minutes at most,” Kara sighed, adjusting her glasses. “Maybe I’m just not that interesting?”
You sat back a little, rubbing a hand across your jaw and sighing deep in your chest.
“Kara Danvers,” You reached out for her hand, and she blushed at how cold it was. “You have not been treated like the lady you have deserved… it will be an honor to show you a time that you won’t ever forget.”
A single moment passed as Kara smiled and leaned forward, almost challenging you. “I’m keeping score.”
Challenge accepted.
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The night was absolutely perfect. Kara had literally never felt more heard in her entire life. At one point during the evening, Kara heard your phone chirp, and you removed it from your pocket. Kara was about to deduct a point for that, but you immediately turned it off and put it face down on the table, apologizing for the interruption.
Surprise was all over her face as you simply cut off all communications with everybody just to listen to her silly story about something that happened at CatCo. And you were hanging on literally every single word she uttered and every syllable that tumbled from her lips.
You had ordered a beautiful bottle of wine to go with the food she ordered, which consisted of pork potstickers, crab fried rice, and a beautiful plate of scorpion roll sushi. You didn’t even bat an eye as you listened to every single word she said and when she would ask you questions, you were happy to answer with honesty.
“-After the army, I was just feeling a bit lost,” You admitted, pausing to take a sip of the wine and leaning back in your chair. Kara leaned forward, almost like she wasn’t close enough to hear you. But in reality, it was so quiet that it was easy to feel like you two were the only ones in the entire universe. “I bounced around from place to place, looking for a job where I felt like I was making a difference. And don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with working retail… but the night life called to me? The club reached out to me, and it was easy for me to be security.”
“Ex-military,” Kara smiled. “No wonder you’re so strong…”
“Well, I do work out every day,” You shrugged like it was no big deal, but in reality, you were flexing and trying to impress her. Kara giggled at seeing you put your hands behind your head and leaned back in her chair herself, allowing a moment for her dinner to settle.
The moment was comfortable as the music played inside of your own little world you two created together. “This is actually really nice…”
You smiled. “I promised a night to remember,” You glanced up at the musicians and then at Kara. “Would you like to dance with me?”
“Here?” Kara giggled, eyes wrinkling with humor as you stood up from your seat and held out your hand. “In the middle of the restaurant?”
All you did was keep your hand out for her and Kara thought about it for a few seconds before deciding screw it and placed her hand into yours. The cold of your rings bit into her warm skin as you lifted her from the seat and placed a gentle hand on her waist. When Kara’s hand met your shoulder, you two began swaying gently back and forth to the soft music inside of the restaurant… It really felt like it was just the two of you in the entire universe.
Kara felt so warm against you… So gentle and so sweet, almost like she was an angel in your presence. You couldn’t help it. Very slowly, you leaned your head down and rested your cheek against the top of her blonde hair, breathing her in like this was going to be the last time you ever got to feel her against you.
Kara bit down on her lip and pressed her face into your chest, feeling the soft swell of your breasts against her face and realizing that she didn’t hate the feeling… In fact, you felt comfortable and cool and all of the things that she loved in the world. But the best part? From here, she couldn’t just hear your heartbeat… she could feel it.
“Your heart is racing,” She whispered against you. Almost comically, your hands began trembling as you slid one through her soft blonde hair and twisted it in between your fingers.
Kara could feel it. You were terrified. “I… Don’t want to mess this up,” You pulled back slowly and looked down to gaze into those beautiful blue eyes. “How’s my score?”
The Kryptonian smiled, her eyes twinkling. “One final test for you?”
“Name it,” You begged.
Kara smiled, hypnotizing you with those pretty glossed lips of hers. “I would rather show you.”
The blonde slid one hand up to the back of your neck and then you felt those warm fingers through your hair. Oh, she was so beautiful, and she felt so perfect in your arms, and you wanted nothing more than to kiss her… but you weren’t going to move until she did. Kara needed to do this first.
She inched closer and closer, and you could feel her breath against your face. It was almost chilled… You waited patiently, hoping she would continue—
The entire restaurant trembled around you both and on instinct, you grabbed at Kara’s waist, preventing her from falling over. The pounding in your chest went haywire as you looked out of the window and saw the street was literally on fire! “What the hell—”
Patrons in the restaurant went crazy and began to run for the exits. But in doing so, you couldn’t have held onto her even if you tried. “Kara? Kara!” You called out her name, fear rising at the idea of losing her within the crowd of terror as patrons shoved you outside and into the streets that were blazing alive.
Standing on the street now, you could only look on in abstract horror as a blue-skinned, horned face alien was breathing literal fire and setting the streets ablaze. You took the smallest step backward and realized that was your mistake. The alien sent a very powerful blast in your direction, and you went from your feet to the air.
The blast lifted you from the ground and your entire body slammed into the windshield of a truck, glass shattering all around you and slicing your sweater and into your skin. You would no doubt need stitches now.
The impact didn’t knock you out, but it made you slightly dizzy as you crawled off the remains of the truck and stumbled against the concrete, bracing yourself against the hood and rubbing at your forehead. “Fuck…” You only had one thing on your mind… “Kara, where are you?”
Another blast was about to hit, and you had no time to brace for impact. The alien seemed to hate you for some reason because he kept targeting where you were standing. You slowly stepped back and your body pressed into the steel of the truck, waiting for the next hit. You crouched down and attempted to shield yourself… but it never arrived.
You looked up and let out a surprised gasp at seeing the red cape in front of you, and beautiful blonde hair that flowed down in waves down her back. It was unmistakable who it was. “S-Supergirl!”
The hero turned to look at you, smiling a little but the grin dropped as soon as she saw the blood seeping into your clothing. “You’re hurt—”
“I’m okay,” You said, trying not to look weak in front of the Kryptonian. Your heart pounded in your chest as you began to look around even more frantically, desperate to find your date in the sea of terrified residents of National City. “Where is she? God, please—”
“Kara Danvers sent me,” Supergirl placed a gentle hand on your shoulder. Your eyes widened in surprise at her statement. Kara sent her? “She’s in a safe place… I hear you are ex-military. Can you help me clear these streets?”
Supergirl was asking for your help? Suddenly the wounds in your skin seemed so minor as you stood up and paid attention to the superhero that began to rise from the ground and look as regal as inhumanly possible. She really was incredible… “You can count on me, Supergirl.”
“Ms. Danvers speaks highly of you,” Supergirl said and bolted away.
You immediately jumped into action and began to direct people away from the threat of the alien terrorizing the city. You helped them down into the subway stations to avoid the dangers of the fire and the battle between whatever that creature was and Supergirl herself. But the more you moved and the faster your heart raced, the more your wounds began catching up with you.
Blood was dripping from your sweater and onto the stone steps of the subway. Sweat dripped from your forehead and you nearly stumbled down the stairs and onto the concrete below you.
“Hey, hey,” The new voice resonated in front of you and all you could do was look up and see a woman with short brown hair and a soft look, almost like she knew you. She was dressed in all black and had a gun on her hip. “Eyes on me? Are you okay?”
When you didn’t respond, could only blink slowly, the woman was getting concerned with your state of health. You very faintly heard her say “Can you hear me?” but then you could only reach for the railing before falling to the concrete stairs.
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The horrible sensation of needles pressing into your skin woke you up from the deep unconscious state you were in. It reminded you of the tattoo on your upper back and you just couldn’t stop yourself from hissing in pain and flinching at the stab.
“Ow,” You twitched, opening your eyes and immediately wanting to close them with how bright the lights were. But something was off… This did not smell like some hospital? Isn’t that usually where someone ends up when they hit the windshield of a truck?
“Try not to move,” A voice said from above you. It was the woman from the alley… for some reason, now her voice was recognizable but not when she was impersonating Kara on the phone. The pain of the needle resonated in your back again and you grabbed the table with both hands to force your body to sit completely still.
“Where am I? What is this?”
“Can’t tell you that,” She said. “Just know that it’s somewhere safe. What do you remember?”
“Uh… I remember an ugly-ass alien setting the streets on fire? And then I hit a truck and I was looking for—” The needle in her hands went directly into your shoulder as you jumped upward and almost fell off the table. A tube was in your arm, and you saw a slow stream of blood flooding into your veins. “Kara! Fuck, where’s Kara? Where is she?”
“Hey, hey!” The woman from the subway jumped up and held out her hands that were gloved but covered in your blood. You were frantic, looking around the room like a terrified bird in a cage too small for it to be considered humane. “Hey, you need to calm down. You lost a lot of blood and—”
“I’m not—” You ripped the tube from your arm and the blood splattered to the floor as you began to run at the glass, not fully realizing you were in just your black skin-tight boxers, sports bra, and dog tags hanging from a chain around your neck. Everything else had been torn and drenched in your blood. “No, I… I gotta get out of here, I need to find Kara! Kara Danvers! We… we went out together tonight! I have to go- I need to know that she’s okay!”
“Okay, okay! Calm down, please, relax…” The woman grabbed your forearms and you breathed hard enough to start hyperventilating. Very slowly, she led you back over to the bench and removed the needle from your shoulder. “Look… my name is Alex Danvers. Kara is my sister, okay? And I can promise you that she is fine.”
Your brain skipped like a needle on a record, blanking out for a few painful seconds and trying to make sense of it all. What are the odds that Kara’s sister is the one stitching you up right now in some secret medlab? “A-Alex, like the… special agent Alex that she talked about?”
The woman smirked a little. “Yeah… and you’re the ex-military nightclub guard that she can’t shut up about?”
You simply rolled your eyes and tried to stay upright. Blood loss was definitely getting to you again and you placed both hands on the gurney underneath you. “C-Can’t shut up about me? It’s only been a day.”
Alex was quiet after that as she continued your stitches, meticulously closing you up and removing a piece of glass from your skin in the process. You were so engrossed in the procedure that the soft swishing of the door was almost missed. “How is she?”
You looked up and your cheeks turned a deep pink. It was Supergirl… and she was standing there like the typical hero she was, hands crossed over her chest and looking at you with the most intense blue eyes you’ve ever seen… well, the second most intense blue eyes you’ve seen. Thoughts of Kara surfaced, and you felt nervous all over again.
“All things considered, she’s doing okay,” Alex said, placing a gauze patch over your final stitches and removing her gloves. You sighed and leaned back to sit up straight, rolling your shoulders and attempting to relax. “Just try to calm down and relax, you’ve been through a lot today.”
You nodded and attempted to not look embarrassed at being almost half naked in front of National City’s hero, heart thumping at high speed and your fingers twitching like absolute crazy. “Agent Danvers… I know that this will sound dumb, but can I talk with Supergirl? Alone?”
“That’s not a possib—”
“It’s okay, Alex,” Supergirl held out a hand, attempting to calm the agent. You blushed and began to chew on your thumbnail waiting for Alex to leave the room and stand on the other side of the door. When it slid closed behind her, but she stayed within sight of the glass room, you met Supergirl’s eyes who moved both fists to her hips in the classic hero pose. “What’s wrong?”
“You know, it's funny- I keep playing the… the way we met in my head?” You stood up from the bench and rubbed the back of your neck to try and relax your sore muscles. “And there’s just one thing that doesn’t really make sense.”
“You were in danger, I saved you,” Supergirl stated in a nonchalant way. But she looked slightly twitchy.
“Not that,” You approached Supergirl, noticing that you were slightly over her in height… Just like her. “You said Kara mentioned I was ex-military… I didn’t see her texting during dinner, and she didn’t have any time to tell you about that before the attack.”
“What are you—” You gave the Kryptonian a look and tilted your head.
“You look just like her… Even without the glasses, your eyes are the same. And you…” You reached out and the hero didn’t know better, and you were able to touch her skin before she stepped away. “Are just as warm as she is.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I know that it’s you, Kara,” You stated, much to the woman’s shock. “You vanish and then Supergirl shows up? Supergirl tells me something that only you found out ten minutes before? Your sister shows up at the most convenient time to save my ass from bleeding out on the stairs?” You stepped forward, and the super stepped back, spine hitting the wall behind her. “You can’t fool me…”
“You are… just delusional from the blood loss. I’m not Kara Danvers, I don’t—”
Your hand reached out and pressed against Supergirl’s cheek, stopping her words in their tracks as you breathed slowly and stepped infinitely closer. She was so warm and so beautiful, and you knew it was her, but she was so in denial. You knew it was to keep herself safe, but you just couldn’t help yourself.
“If you aren’t my sweet Kara,” You sighed, watching Supergirl’s bottom lip tremble. “Then that means I can’t kiss you…”
Supergirl breathed. “Th-That’s right…”
“But if you are,” You leaned closer, heart racing in your chest. “I still have one point to gain for the best date ever.”
A moment of silence passed between both of you, and Supergirl breathed hard against your face. You felt her cold air again, and now knew it was from her ice-breath. “Final test…”
In seconds, you dipped down and captured her lips in the most intense kiss of your entire life. Supergirl—Kara wrapped both arms around your neck and held you close, her strength now showing from her Kryptonian powers as you placed both hands on her waist and pulled her as close as humanly possible.
The moment was so intense and full of heat between you two that the noise you made when Kara jumped up, wrapping both legs around your hips made you stumble backward and hit the steel wall behind you. A hiss of pain left your lips as you felt your torn skin strain on the stitches. “Fuck, fuck, shit, wait…”
Kara jumped off of you, gasping and realizing that her strength was too much for you. She stepped backward and you turned around, glancing at your back and trying to see if you had accidentally burst any of the stitches. “Okay… okay, I’m fine. Don’t worry.”
The hero looked at you and you could see tears brimming in her eyes as she reached forward and gently placed both hands against your cheeks. “I’m so sorry… I’m so, so sorry I left you! I wasn’t fast enough, and you got hurt and you—”
“Hey, hey, hey no, none of that!” You said, grabbing Kara’s hands and gently rubbing your thumbs across the veins in her hands. Kara whimpered, tears tracking her face. “No, you saved me Kara… You did everything you could and from where I’m standing, you saved everybody, not just me… I would’ve been dead had you not shown up.”
Kara giggled, sniffling through tears. “Heh… guess I owed you from the other night, huh?”
“Yeah… Guess you did,” You brushed her blonde hair away from her face and kissed the space between her eyes, right over the small crease in her brow line. “People are gonna get hurt, Kara… I’m not immortal. I know how dangerous this world is. But I’m strong. I went through war and still came back. I can take a few stitches. Don’t you worry about me.”
“I will always worry about you—”
“And I’ll respect that. But only if I can worry about you… I must protect what is mine.”
“Y-Yours?” Kara blushed from the tips of her ears down to her neck. “Wh-What are you?”
“Be mine, Kara Danvers… Supergirl, I’m asking you to be my girlfriend.”
Your answer was another desperate, fiery kiss. And for a moment, both of you felt like you were flying… But when the kiss broke, you saw that Kara had accidentally lifted you both off the ground. 
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writingbylee · 2 months
hi hello i think it’s time that i actually introduce all of my OCs? because i truly have so many and i never actually talk about half of them. so below you will find all my OCs! along with short bullet point explanations of their characters. if they have an OC sheet, that’ll be linked— as well as any fic i have posted about them. i’ve also included links to my vibes page (@vibesforlee) where i’ve got tags for each of my OCs.
Fandoms Below Include: Star Wars, A Song of Ice and Fire, Percy Jackson, Marvel, Chronicles of Narnia, Critical Role, Avatar The Last Airbender, and Top Gun: Maverick
so uhhhh yeah i hope this is helpful for at least my own brain but also anyone else who is interested!
dividers by: @saradika-graphics
banners by: me
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Lyra Amidala Naberrie
General Knowledge
Younger sister of Padme Amidala
Jedi Healer during the Clone Wars
Served as Medic General of the 104th Legion, Chief Medical Officer of the 104th Company known as the “Wolfpack”, and as Medic General of the 501st Legion
Fic: @abandoned-by-destiny
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House of the Dragon
Aemma Velaryon Targaryen
General Knowledge
Firstborn child to Rhaenyra Targaryen and Laenor Velaryon, before Laenor’s premature death three years after the marriage
Older sister to Jacaerys Targaryen Strong, Lucerys Targaryen Strong, Joffrey Targaryen Strong, Viserys Targaryen Strong, and Visenya Targaryen Strong
Bonded to the dragon Vermithor
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Game of Thrones
Lyanna Stark
General Knowledge
Eldest child of Catelyn and Ned Stark (by approximately seven minutes)
Twin sister to Robb Stark; believed half-sister of Jon Snow; older sister to Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Bran Stark, and Rickon Stark
bonded to a red and brown direwolf called Scarlet Shadow
Fic: screaming from a crypt
oc blog: @princess-lyanna-stark
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Ceara Murphy
General Knowledge
daughter of Neptune and Emma Murphy, a legacy of Fortuna and daughter of Irish immigrants living in Portland, Oregon
inherited the power from her father to start earthquakes, and eventually manipulate seismic waves into concentrated blasts
brought down Mount Othrys after helping Jason Grace kill the Titan Krios
one of the demigods of the prophecy of Nine
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Emmalee Miller
General Knowledge
inherits the spirit and powers of the mythical Scarlet Witch when Wanda Maximoff is killed during her torture and experimentation at The Raft prison
is brought in by SHIELD after her powers emerge, and is initially assumed to be an Inhuman— and is therefore recruited by Daisy Johnson to join her Secret Warriors
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Edme Pevensie (female!Edmund Pevensie)
General Knowledge
Younger sister to Peter and Simon Pevensie, older sister to Lucy Pevensie
gains the power to manipulate ice and water after being stabbed with the shattered wand of The White Witch during The First Battle of Beruna
is crowned as High Queen Edme the Just, alongside her siblings; High King Peter the Magnificent, King Simon the Gentle, and Queen Lucy the Valiant
returns to Narnia twice after The Golden Age, both times to assist Prince, later King, Caspian the Tenth
Fic: A Reminder
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Campaign 1: Vox Machina
Alythea Vance
General Knowledge
Level 1 Druid/Level 11 Cleric (Death Domain) when hired by Vox Machina
is hired by Vox Machina to be their temporary healer/cleric during their mission to Whitestone, after Pike Trickfoot leaves on her vision quest
helps liberate the town of people of Whitestone, and returns to Vox Machina after the arrival of the Chroma Conclave in Emon
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Campaign 2: Mighty Nein
Kara Dean
General Knowledge
Level 7 Bard (College of Valor) when she meets the Mighty Nein
is Captain Avantika’s first mate/navigator when the Mighty Nein meet up with Avantika after stealing The Mist in Nicodranus
betrays Avantika and helps the Mighty Nein steal her journal
leaves The Revelry and Darktow with the Mighty Nein after The Plank King kills Avantika
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Xia Beifong
General Knowledge
Older sister to Toph Beifong, and heir apparent to the Beifong fortune
a nonbender who has trained extensively in swordplay
assists her younger sister in escaping, both to the fighting ring and to leave with the Avatar
in retaliation, is essentially sold by her father into marriage to the much older Earth King in Ba Sing Se
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Major Taylor Gardner
General Knowledge
28 year old Marine pilot
first Marine to ever be allowed to attend Top Gun, and the youngest female aviator to ever win Top Gun
callsign “Wasp”; due to the fifth generation fighter, colloquially called a Stinger, that she stole while escaping the uranium enrichment plant after being undercover there for several weeks obtaining vital intel
fic: Hangman and The Wasp
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goldenempyrean · 1 year
i have a supergirl request for sick alex at the deo with prompt “Goodness, you look like your about to pass out.”   “Don't come too close. You don’t wanna catch this.”   And “It's chaos here. I can't just stop working because I have the sniffles.”  if thats okay? x female reader please
Wintertime Woes
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〚 Notes - I am loving these Alex requests recently :D Also the amount of content I'm feeding you all with lately damn, I'm in my "let's write 95 stories in a day and don't sleep" era. Enjoy while it lasts :,)〛
〚 Pairing - Alex Danvers x Reader 〛
〚 Summary - During a flu outbreak at the DEO, Alex falls ill and tries to push through her responsibilities despite her worsening condition. 〛
〚 Wordcount - 1200 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙
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Winter had always been Alex’s favourite season. The crisp, cool air and the occasional pile of unmeted snow that covered the curbs somehow always made her feel calm. She loved it all. However, there were inconveniences to the wintertime, namely slippery roads, frigid hands, and most prominently, sickness. 
The flu had been sweeping its way through the DEO - it was bound too this time of year. With so many agents working in such close contact it was almost impossible to avoid. Not matter their rank or importance, it eventually made its way round the squad’s and not even the Director herself was spared. 
Alex stood woozily in the control area, her hand clutching a crumpled-up tissue as she leant over the main desk, her other clumsily rubbing at her temple. She looked awful. Your soft hand came to slide round her waist from behind and the exhausted woman sank into your touch. 
She coughed into her tissue, “Don’t come too close, you don’t want to catch this.” Alex warned through her croaking voice, yet she made no effort to move away. 
“I’ll take that risk. You weren’t sick this morning, what happened?” You mumbled worriedly, burying your head into her neck, prompting her to rest her head against yours. 
“The flu is characterised by a rapid on-set of symptoms. It’s been spreading like wildfire around here, you know that.” Alex whispered before her voice broke off into a hitch. 
You felt her body tense up, and you quickly reached for a nearby tissue box, pulling out a fresh one and handing it to her just in time. Alex sneezed loudly, and you could tell she was trying her best to suppress it, but her body couldn't hold it back any longer. 
“Bless you!” Kara called out as she came flying into the building (she’d just finished assisting the fire department with an accident downtown) 
“And again, my my, bless you love.” You repeated her sister’s words, gently rubbing Alex's back as she sneezed for the second time. Her body felt warm against your touch, and you knew she was hopelessly fighting a fever. 
"Thanks," Alex rasped weakly, her voice flooded with congestion as she pulled out of your hold to grab some tissues to blow her rapidly reddening nose.  
"It's chaos here. I can't just stop working because I have the sniffles," Alex replied with a weak smile, trying to maintain her composure despite feeling so unwell. She knew her responsibilities at the DEO were crucial, after all, without her there to manage and dispatch agents who would keep things running smoothly? 
She was stubborn, that was sure. It took another hour of misery before Alex reluctantly gave in and gave shuffling into the room where you were training some new recruits. 
“Alright guys, that’s enough for today.” You dismissed the group, letting them leave the room before opening your arms and letting the feverish woman fold into them, “Your breathing sounds awful y’know.” You sighed, at the small raspy breathes coming from the woman in your hold. 
“I’ve been told.” She muttered, keeping herself close to you, sniffling against your shoulder. 
You shook your head lightly, “We should get you laying down. Come on.” 
She continued to sniffle and sneeze as you gently guided her towards the infirmary. Her steps were slow and unsteady as the two of you made your way. Though you practically had to carry her up the stairs the two of you finally got her there, being met at the door by Kara and Lena. 
“I called her,” Kara explained as Alex curled herself onto one of the medical beds. 
Lena approached with a concerned expression, placing a hand on Alex's forehead before scanning a thermometer along her brow. "39 degrees, you're burning up, Alex. You should’ve rested when you first felt this coming on.” She said softly, glancing at you with gratitude for bringing Alex to the infirmary. 
Kara hovered nearby, her super hearing detecting Alex's irregular breathing and rapid heartbeat. "I'll grab some water and a cool cloth," she suggested, zipping away and returning quickly with the items. 
You stayed by Alex's side, gently wiping her forehead with the cool cloth as Kara handed her a glass of water. "Try to drink a little,love. It might help with the fever," you encouraged, giving her a reassuring smile as she held your hand, rubbing her thumb over your own. 
Alex took a few sips, but it was evident that she was struggling to keep herself composed. "I... I hate being so out of commission," she admitted weakly, her eyes showing a mix of frustration and vulnerability. 
Lena spoke softly, her caring tone trying to comfort her friend, “You need rest to recover properly. I’ve seen how hard you work yourself here, nobody’s going to forget that if you take a few days to look after yourself for a change.” 
Kara nodded in agreement, sitting by Alex's side. "We'll take care of the DEO for now. You just focus on getting better," she said, giving you an affirming nod. 
With concern etched on your face, you gently squeezed Alex's hand. "They're right, Alex. The DEO will be okay, and we'll handle things while you rest. You need to prioritize your health now." 
Alex's tired eyes softened as she looked at you, appreciating the support from her friends and you. "Okay," she finally relented, realizing that she couldn't keep pushing herself like this. "But promise me you'll keep me updated on everything?" 
"We promise," Lena replied, speaking for both her and Kara. "You can count on us." 
Kara placed a reassuring hand on Alex's shoulder. "And I'll keep checking in on you, Lena’s gonna write you a prescription for some Tamiflu, I’ll pick it up and drop it off for you tonight. 
With that said, you helped the shivering Director from the bed, letting her lean fully against you as you led her from the building. Where a DEO issued car was already waiting to pick you both up. 
During the ride, Alex gave into her exhaustion and fell asleep against your shoulder. You held her close, running your hand through her silky hair. By the time you’d reached her studio, Alex was completely passed out. Nothing short of a city-wide invasion would be waking her now.  
Carrying her up to her room, you made sure to tuck her safely into bed, gently pulling off her uniform and changing her into some softer, more comfortable clothes before climbing into the open space beside her, smiling as even in her sleep she snuggled up beside you. 
“Sleep well baby.” You whispered, pressing a soft kiss to her head, “and you will be definitely taking a sick day tomorrow, Director Danvers.” 
〖 Join My Taglist! 〗 @natashamaximoff69 @lovelyy-moonlight @santana1437 @kljhsong @inluvwithfictionalwomen @shamelessbearunknown @kathleenmikaelson @bloomingflowersthings @observeowl @scrambled-brain-eggs @natashamyl0ve @somber-sapphic @lexasaurs634 
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richardazer · 1 year
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Jordan CaptainSparklez and Karim Corvus sketches
Hairstyle inspired by this:
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Idk I think it suits her, the bows are specifically for Ravi to enjoy teehee (I now add bows to designs specifically for him xd)
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daisy-thetoxic · 9 months
DESERT ROSE | Kara Danvers
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Fem gip spider girl- Phoebe Parker part 2
Part one
(I might make this into an actual Fic.)
Fluff, mentions of intimacy, possessives, golden retriever x black cat.
Phoebe grabbed the glasses from the cabinet as she helped Kara prepare dinner for her and her annual friends night.
When she started dating the blonde superhero, she didn’t realize how different her and Kara actually were, but that’s what made them perfect together.
Kara’s golden retriever energy lightening up the room, whole Phoebe black cat energy threatens anyone who dare disturb Kara.
“You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to.” Kara tells her, walking to her as she came back from the living room.
“This is important to you, babe, I’m fine. Just your friends.” Phoebe muses as she was her won boss anyway, her and Lena going 50/50 on the company due to both of them being billionaires and well Phoebe loved working, especially photography. Reporting just came with the job.
Phoebe rolled up her sleeves, revealing the tattoos she had prior to getting bitten by a spider. Her black silk shirt matching her dark aesthetic as a silver necklace hanged from her neck. It was a matching one with Kara.
She had supergirls symbol while Kara had a spider. And the some of the many rings Kara got her her littered her fingers.
“You get the door, I got the pasta.” Phoebe tells her as her hair was in a lose pony tail, her black curls showing off.
Kara stiffened for a second, signaling she was listening to the footsteps walking towards her door.
“Just a sec.” Kara tells her, grabbing her face and pulling her in for a lingering kiss knowing Alex would be too over protective to let her kiss her girlfriend. Older siblings were a pain in the ass.
“Your cute.” Phoebe muses, watching her walk off before taking the Pasta out the oven, mixing the salad in a giant bowl with a salad grabber thing? Phoebe didn’t really pay attention to what Kara told her it was. Too busy staring at the blonde.
She brought it all the to the table as Kara greeted her friends, opening the door for them.
“It smells great, Kara!” Winn hums as the smell hits their noses.
“Thanks!” Kara smiles widely, proud of herself even though Phoebe had to make 99%, the on 1% helping put the cheese on the pasta. Phoebe didn’t mind as long as it made Kara happy.
“Hey Miss. Patera.” Winn greets her, still not used to seeing his boss outside of work.
“Please, Phoebe outside of work.” Phoebe tells him, giving him a brief smile before walking back into the kitchen.
“Damn.” Kelly mumbles to Kara as her, Lena, and Alex gawk at the woman who was currently grabbing wine from the cabinet.
“I know.” Kara tells her, starring at her girlfriend as she could practically hear the cocky smirk she was wearing.
“Babe? Could you bring the ranch in here?” Kara asks her as she walks towards the table, setting the napkins out once she breaks her trance.
“On it.” Phone calls back out, grabbing the sauce before walking into the kitchen. The wine bottle in her other hand as she sat next to Kara.
“Uno!” Kara calls out as she leans back into Phoebe, sitting in her lap as she played Uno with her friends.
Phoebe on her phone as she went online shopping, buying more things for Kara, who could see it.
“Attached to your phone, much?” James comments, narrowing his eyes at Pheobe. His comment creating unwanted tension.
“Have something to say?” Pheobe looks up at him, raising an eyebrow in a challenging way.
“It’s friends night.” James laughs, although no one laughs with him. “Phones aren’t typically allowed.”
“James-“ Kara glares at the man, annoyed with his constant jealousy.
“It’s fine, he’s right.” Pheobe hits order on her shopping cart which was really a bunch of stuff for Kara before putting her phone down.
Lena looks at Pheobe knowing the woman well enough, hiding her smirk.
Pheobe grabs the cards, shuffling them through her fingers, slightly showing off.
“Reverse. Reverse again, plus four, change the color to red and uno.” Pheobe calls out her cards as she sets it down before setting her last card down, winning the game, and leaving James with about 24 cards.
“Should have warned you she was a pro at Uno, banned her from playing.” Lena laughs, as James looks at his cards and back up at the woman who kicked his ass.
Kara stiffens as she hears something in the distance, police sirens and crashing. “Babe. could you help me get the mail?” Kara turns to her.
Pheobe focuses on her hearing, hearing the sirens too. “Of course.” Pheobe smiles, allowing Kara to get up before following her out.
“Are they?” Lena turns to Kelly who smirks. “Go little Danvers.”
“Hey hey hey, they did not sneak off to…” Alex shivers in disgust.
Before she could get up, super girl flies past the window, with Spidergirl swinging behind her, showing off as she flung past the window.
“That explains a lot.” Winn muses, putting two and two together.
“What? How?” James rushes to the window, watching them swing and fly off.
Pheobe lands on Kara’s balcony, roses in her hand as she takes off her mask, walking into the building.
“You didn’t-“ Kara walks over to her, bringing her in for a hug, making sure not to smoosh the flowers.
“Here, my love.” Phoebe’s Russian accent showing as she grabs a box from her pocket.
Kara’s eyes widen in pure happiness, making Phoebe smile at her. “Open it.” Phoebe tells her, setting the flowers in a vase.
Kara opened it to find a rose ring, decked out in diamonds as a sapphire sat in the middle.
“Babe- I-“ Kara’s words got stuck in her throat as she put the ring on her right ring finger.
Phoebe walks up behind her, wrapping her arms around Kara’s waist.
“You deserve the world, Mon amour.” Phoebe kisses her neck, her black of her suit contrasting to Kara’s pastel clothes.
Phoebe pulls Kara back into her as Kara lets her head fall back onto her shoulder, enjoying the attention.
Kara gasps softly, turning around so she was facing Phoebe. “I love you.”
“I love you more.” Phoebe smiles, pulling her in for a kiss, her hands trailing down to the blondes waist, gripping it.
“Show me.” Kara tells her softly against her lips. Getting a smirk from the spider superhero.
“Jump” Phoebe mumbles against her lips as Kara wouldn’t let them part for a second. Following the command Kara jumps, Phoebe grabbing her thighs for her legs to wrap around the superhero’s waist as Phoebe walks them into the bedroom, not disconnecting their lips for a second.
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marshmurmurs · 1 year
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some more funny lil gem hunters
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