#fem danzo
someonesart-png · 1 month
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Reincarnated fem naruto during introductions.
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rayshippouuchiha · 9 months
I saw "9/10th with Fem!Naruto" and immediately thought "okay but platonic"
Because this is a village full of ANBU and jounin and That Bitch Danzo. So, being a stalker yandere would be kinda hard. BUT Tiny!Naru has ANBU guards and ROOT was still legally operating when he was smol so there probably was ROOT in his guard.
What I'm saying is that Tiny!Sai thinks Fem!Naruto must be the will of Amatersau Hi no Kami walking or her daughter or something because there is no other way she's that warm and bright in both personality and complexion otherwise. But the important thing is that he thinks she's one of the divine.
I'm also saying that the reason of Danzo "dying of old age" being Tiny!Sai heard Uchiha Shisui say "she's adorable" once would be hilarious. Instant trust. Like I can just imagine the wheels turning in both of their adorable little heads.
Shisui "he can't advocate against the clan if he's dead" Uchiha
Sai "I heard him talk shit about the Little Goddess one time and it will be his last"
I mean there are plot holes because Sai didn't graduate until later for one but. Just imagine. After Danzo's death many younger ROOT children just get shown into the academy/genin corps and suddenly Naruto has a following because they're easily manipulated if something is presented as a fact and Sai can't shut the fuck up.
I'm sorry this ran away with me but this got me really excited I might even write it but also everyone else is welcome to write this because I find the whole thing hilarious
Oh god this would be great platonic like you said, it'd be great as Naruto/Sai, or even a Naruto/Harem kinda of thing because yes ye yes to it all
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rkaln · 2 months
I remembered how it went a few years ago I want it again
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I don't mind if any versions are added to the request (!fem, !anbu, !akatsuki, !waterfall, !<insert the necessary> lol)
otherwise, there will be six AU!Lee LOL last time I came across a young danzo, because of which I remembered about the challenge
and one of Kakashi's dogs
Hawke!Lee (dragon age crossover im in love) Tenten Hidan Maito Gai Karin Izuna Uchiha
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mrs-barnes-library · 1 year
That's Right I Win Or I Thought I Would || Naruto characters x fem!Light!reader
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Including : Kakashi Hatake, Shikamaru Nara, Naruto Uzumaki
A/n : Okay now this is really interesting, I'm affraid it'll turn angst but I love angst so tha'ts cool ahah. Also dear and everyine please if you have request I prefer to receive them on @moumouton4 which is my main account where I post my fics whereas @mrs-barnes-library is just a library where I gather fics of hundreds of amazing writers. That being said thank you and let's go
A/n 2 : Also dear @pinkienoobie I'm sorry I wrote a LOT but I got inspired I hope you'll like it
A/n 3 :  The quote from Light should have been in red but Tumblr didn’t let me post it this way I’m sorry for this
Warnings : Death Note graphic scenes of death, angst, betrayal, extreme sadness, mistrust, god complex, reader is a brain, mention of loss and grief, death of reader only in one, spoiler for a character death in Naruto Shippuden season 4 for Shikamaru's part, chronology not respected for Kakashi and Naruto's part, Shikamaru and Naruto are the same age as in Shippuden S12
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Words count : 4086
Kakashi Hatake :
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You were very close to the Uchiha clan and you were devastated by the events of that famous night which had deprived you forever of your two best friends Shisui and Itachi.
It seemed to be a twist of fate when you stumbled upon a strange black notebook that you had found in the forest under a bramble bush - ouch
Once you got to know the God of Death, whom you discovered was called Ryuk, you decided to use the extraodinary power of this find to avenge the death of your friends and the Uchiha clan
The first person you used it on was of course Danzo Shimura, the one who caused the situation to go wrong
Of course you didn't do this in the normal way, you could have just written his name down and made him die of a heart attack but you made a show of it, you made him go to the public square, explain his crimes, show the eye he had stolen from Shisui and the eyes he had grafted in his right arm, after that you made him tear out his eye and cut off his arm before cutting off his tongue, the tongue that had caused so much harm before he stuck the kunai in his lung and let him die of asphyxiation
Of course everyone - or almost everyone - had witnessed the scene and was almost more shocked at what he had done while he was alive than at the violence of his death
Kakashi had noticed that day that the atmosphere in the village had changed, a climate of fear reigned
All thought it was made by a Genjutsu but Sasuke had disappeared, only Kakashi remained, who of course knew that he had done nothing. However he noticed that you didn't seem to be really upset, dare he even say that you seemed happy about it. After all it was legitimate but still
So he decided not to worry but to keep an eye on you, not because he suspected you but in case the author of this act tried to come after you
But if only he knew
After that you started to go on missions for the Hokage, without telling him, you always took missions that would allow you to be in the same area as the enemies that you wanted to get ride of with your Death Note and thanks to the power of the Shinigami eyes
No one ever made the connection between your missions and his unexpected deaths
Well, nobody except Kakashi, who noticed that the deaths were taking place during the same periods as your absences, he just didn't know where you were going or where the enemies you were killing were
He had also noticed a strange change in your aura, a kind of melancholy associated with eagerness but what he didn't know. It also seemed that on the rare occasions when you were in Konoha and he came to spend time with you, you refused to go out all the time and even did everything to get him out of your house as soon as possible, as if you had better things to do
He would have advised you to sleep, because of the dark circles under your eyes that showed your lack of sleep
But EVERYTHING went wrong one evening, when he was walking in the forest to clear his head, he stumbled upon a familiar figure lying on her stomach on the ground behind a bush, writing frantically and laughing psychotically
His eyes widened and he stepped on a branch that cracked making you stop moving before whipping your head towards him
"Y/n what are you doing here ?" he asked his voice shaking as if it knew something more than he did. He held his hand out to you to help you up, but it didn't have the desired effect at all
"Don't touch it ! Stay back !" you yelled clutching the Death Note against your chest, he took another step in your direction, resuming in you throwing a kunai at his feet made him stop his advance
"Y/n what the hell are you doing ?" he asked surprised in his voice clear and noticeably out of breath
Another noise was heard and Anbus ninjas, which obviously took you in tailing for a while already, unfortunately your measures did not allow you to escape
"L/n Y/n you are under arrest" one of them shouted at you but you didn't listen to anything
You quickly wrote their names while avoiding their attacks, they all started to fight again one another and the last one fell down dead of a heart attack in the next 30 seconds under the frightened eyes of Kakashi
"I'm ridding the world of evil and creating a utopia. No matter how much time I have, it won't be enough. I have no time to loose on you"
He couldn't believe his eyes, his legs were shaking slightly and his breathing was shallow "Oh no not again" he thought, he felt like the day he had seen Obito again after all those years thinking he was dead
Your wild eyes locked on his, and he took a step backwards for fear that you would decide to attack him if you felt rushed by his proximity
"Please Y/n put that down we'll settle-"
"No ! I did this for all of us ! I have avenged the village and I will continue to purify the world as a vengeful and protective deity-"
"Protective deity ? Can you hear yourself talk ?!?" his brain was working at full speed, how should he handle the situation, should he arrest you or let you execute criminals at all, should he go as far as killing you- no no it's impossible, he already lost everything, he can't afford to lose the person he cares about the most to die, not by his hand, not again ( I'm not saying that he loved Rin only that he killed her with his hand )
"Don't you find life in the village better now that I have blessed it with my power ! Don't you feel the serenity of the place ?
"Y/n..." he said sadly, his voice low, "You are rambling. You are not in your right mind. Let me help you-" he took another step slowly towards you
"Not one more move or I'll have to clean the village of your presence as well !" your trembling hand holding your pen, holding it perpendicular to the page of the notebook, your voice echoed in the moonlit forest in a frightening manner
Kakashi couldn't believe his eyes you were going to coldly kill him, but he couldn't let you do that, however he couldn't bring himself to kill you either, but little by little he realized that it was either you or him, and who knows what you would be capable of doing after killing the man you had shared your life with for all those years
Suddenly you saw him put his hand in the pocket of his bag and you rushed to write his name on the notebook
"Kakashi Hata-"
Too late, an erasure coming down from your "A" scratched the bottom of the page as your hand jerked uncontrollably as the pen - your weapon - slipped from your hand, as the kunai in your throat made you choke, so that you spat blood on the open page of the notebook and dropped it to the ground
Kakashi had acted without thinking, out of survival, he didn't think either when he set fire to the damned book he thought was cursed
He took you in his trembling arms, tears forming in his eyes, he uttered apologies expressing all the regret that consumed him secondes after what he did, but nothing reached your ears which could only hear a white and continuous sound, like a whistle
You continued to flail frantically in his arms as you watched your Death Note burn, until exhaustion forced you to close your eyes
You wondered if it was the kunai that would take your life first or if it was the burning notebook that would have the upper hand, but wasn't it you who started it all ?
"It was the right thing to do... you'll be more useful to them than me" you coughed blood on his chest leaning over you, as if the old you wanted to speak one last time
"Don't wear yourself out, I-I'll take you back to the village, you'll be fine, I-I love you please stay with me" he was talking so fast, but yet he was slowly realizing what was happening and that maybe you wouldn't make it
You closed your eyes in exhaustion, feeling his love surround you, it almost didn't hurt anymore with his warmth against you
He panicked as he felt your body relax in his arms, he repeated your name over and over frantically like a mantra, tears flowing from his eyes like streams
And just like that it was over, after a lifetime together with each other, you were going separate ways for the first time
Kakashi would continue to curse himself for the rest of his life for not knowing how to handle the situation in a better way and for not realizing it before
However what was done was done and he would have to live with it, he just hoped that once everything was over he would be able to find you, in heaven or in hell
During his next battle he will be informed that his pupil has changed, thanks to you he developed the Mangekyō Sharingan
Shikamaru Nara :
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Let's say that if you found the Death Note and got the Shinigami eyes 5 months ago, well he was suspecting it since the first month
Actually you knew each other since your first year at the Ninja school and you were dating for almost 3 years now
His intelligence helped him a lot but contrary to what we can think it's not a change of your behavior that made him have this intuition
In fact, your intelligence was neck and neck with his, so you always pretended to be less intelligent than you were, so that those who thought were manipulating you would be caught in their own trap
However in this case you got caught in your own trap, at first you only used your eyes to know the names of the people you had to kill for the sake of the Ninja World - you were convinced of that, after all who could have done it if you didn't
But it only lasted a month and soon you turned to bigger and bigger criminals, which of course attracted the attention of Konoha's intelligence services
It was Shikaku, Shikamaru's father, who realized that the killer had to be from Konoha, because the deaths happened just after the said criminal had harmed Konoha in any way
Of course to complete your mission you had to infiltrate the Intelligence Service to keep up to date with everything that was going on and so you know about their progress on the investigation
Shikamaru noticed the dark circles under your eyes, or the twitch of your eyes the moments when someone made you angry, you could really look mad in those moments but being the relaxed boy he is he didn't pay more attention to it but he smtill kept it in a corner of his mind... just in case
The moment you got caught was the moment you let your feelings show the most
Indeed, Azuma sensei had been killed by Hidan's hand with the assistance of Kakuzu his Akatsuki companion. Shikamaru, Ino and Shoji were devastated
Shikamaru's eyes were full of sadness and hatred, which made you do what would start the process that would end your reign
Just two days after this tragic event you returned to your room and retrieved your Death Note which you had cleverly hidden in a wall in your room. You had been on the said mission which had ended with the death of your boyfriend's sensei, so you had thanks to your Shinigami eyes been able to see the first and last names of Hidan and Kakazu, and it was a piece of cake for you to remember them
You began to smile unhealthily as you wrote down the little story you had prepared for their grand finale
You made sure to manipulate Naruto ( sorry bro but I had to ) so that he asked the 3 ex-team members of Team 10 to go near the Konoha village gate
As you expected, Hidan and Kakazu arrived, all your friends who attended the scene mouth agape for some and jaw clenched for Shikamaru, he tried to use the Shadow Possession Jutsu to stop them but nothing happened for the good and simple reason that the power of the Death Note was greater
The two men continued to walk with ease, in an almost robotic way until they reached the group. Once they were at a decent distance, they bent down to 90 % and in a monotonous voice apologized for what they had done. Kakazu gave a kunai to Hidan, everyone jumped backwards but Hidan turned the weapon towards Kakuzu and pierced all his hearts and he died in a pool of blood. Then Hidan ( I'm so sorry baby T.T ) took the kunai and after apologizing one last time he stuck it in the throat, under the astonished eyes of everyone
Of course you knew that because that's what you had written, for obvious reasons you couldn't risk going to blow your cover on the field
Of course this was hidden from the other members of the village and the Intelligence Service started to do the necessary research to find the origin of what had just happened
After this eventful night, Shikamaru went to the Intelligence Office reluctantly, he went to get the information about the serial deaths. Of course it didn't take him long before he was caught by a colleague of his father and was thrown into his office. His father half-heartedly made it clear to him that you were the prime suspect and Shikamaru reluctantly explained what he had seen change in you over the past 4 months
And so in the same way that L found out that Kira was living in Tokyo, it was broadcast on your television that Shikamaru had died, killed by the same cold hand that had perpetrated all these murders, and you had run to his house, losing all notion of your plan, forgetting that it could only be a crazy scheme, and you had screamed that you it wasn't possible, taht something else must have killed him and that the killer was going to pay from your hand
But as you were about to go home to think, you felt that you had lost control of your body and you were completely frozen in place
"Shadow Possession Jutsu now complete"
When you recognized him you burst into tears, not only out of relief but also because you realized that you had they must have found out
"No I-I-I did everything for the good of the village y-YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME ! NOT AFTER ALL I'VE DONE !" as you started to scream your voice had changed in a frightening way and you started to shout to - it seemed to someone that nobody else could see - to do something
Shikamaru was frightened and disconcerted by the situation, he grabbed you in his arms as if he suspected that it might be the last time he could hold you like this, he understood why you did it but he couldn't validate your way of doing it
"Shhhhhh Y/n please don't make it anymore difficult" Shikamaru's voice slightly broke which made you look up at him, your crazy eyes staring into his, a pang in your heart was felt when you saw the tears rolling down his cheeks
You tried to bring your hands to his cheeks but you couldn't move any more "I did it for you Shikamaru, for us, for the village" as you spoke you thought of everything, maybe you could give up the Death Note and get the Shinigami eyes back until the division of your life expectancy would be not enough to keep you alive but unfortunately it was impossible the Death Note was still in your house
You were thrown into the dungeon, of course they tried to make you talk, but nothing happened as they expected, it seemed that you had found a way to get a piece of a page of the Death Note with which you proceeded to assassinate Ibiki, his screams were almost hidden by bursts of voice as you stood over him "I am righteous ! I'm the Hero who's liberating people from fear. I'm the Savior who's going to be like a Goddess of this perfect new world !"
Then everyone agreed on the fact that you were a threat to Konoha and they chose to end your life as quickly as possible
Of course back in those days no one knew what had happened to you and Shikamaru didn't learn this until years later when he was hired as the Hokage's right hand man.
The news took him back to that very dark part of your childhood and he was once again devastated
But did he know that you managed to escape just in time ? How could he ? Konoha had been so ashamed that they preferred not to mention anywhere this important information In any case you were still there preparing your return. Oh yes, it was going to be a blast "That's right. I win !"
Naruto Uzumaki :
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Naruto is a smart boy but in this case it's not him who will realize it, not by himself, maybe Shikamaru will tell him or he will realize that Tsunade is hiding something from him, if for example she would ask him to keep an eye on you for your safety, when he is already doing it, or if she would ask Yamato or Sai to follow you
You used the Death Note to get rid of the Akatsuki members who were stealing their lives ( except Itachi  because he deserves the world )
Of course nobody understood and everybody was chocked when they learned the news of the death of the powerful nunkenins who formed the Akatsuki
Your behavior had also changed a lot, dark circles had appeared under your eyes, you fidgeted a lot, but most of the time you managed to keep the act of the happy girl you used to be, wonderfully foolinganyone who crossed your path
Finally the only problem was that you didn't think that Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Fox spirit that Naruto had just befriended, would have the ability to see the God of Death that had been with you since you had found the Death Note. And of course he had told his host
Naruto couldn't believe his ears, how could he believe that you, his sweet and compassionate girl, would be able to kill in such an arbitrary way
"They say that love makes you blind Naruto, not stupid" Kurama had warned him and his words were still echoing in the head of the blond after 3 good days
Naruto being Naruto he didn't bother to think about it and just confronted you
Of course he didn't lose sight of your objective and refuted everything he said with a big smile painted on your lips
Of course convinced that you would never do any harm in this way he left your house reassured and serene
While you quickly went back to your room to add some names in your Death Note
But if you thought you were alone now that Naruto was gone, you didn't count on a ninja sent by Tsunade who had totally disappeared his presence to spy on you
Of course you were caught, and taken by force to the office of the Hokage, your Death Note forgotten on your desk, too bad Tsunade should have taken an Anbu rather than a vulgar jönin
Of course your screams had alerted many people and Naruto had found himself in less time than it takes to say it in the 5th Hokage's office
"Grandma Tsunade ! Where is Y/n ?!? Why did you take her ?!?"
"That's none of your business Naruto !!" she roared at him
He immediately understood that if she didn't want to tell him it was because you were in a bad situation
He rushed into the dungeons, once in front of it he stopped dead in his tracks when he heard your screams, he panicked thinking that you were being tortured, he moved forward discreetly to be able to hit from behind whoever was hurting you but when he arrived in front of your cell he only saw you and he could hear clearly what you were saying, and it was as if his world had just collapsed
"I order you to let me out of here you subhuman. I've never been so humiliated in my entire life"
"Y-Y/n ?"
"Naruto ?!? Please come and help me ! I'm the only one who can save the village !"
He didn't understand what you had to save the village from and obviously his lack of action made you snap at him
"Naruto write her name in my notebook ! Don't listen to anyone and write her name ! Don't let her keep us apart like this !"
He shook his head as he took a few steps towards you "Y/n what are you talking about-"
"I'll tell you how to do it ! Just get me out of this cell !"
"Sorry I can't-" you didn't listen to the rest of his excuse and invoked your Death Note ready to manipulate anyone - even him - to get you out of that damn cell
"Hey no ! Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu !" a clone of Naruto caught you in his arms and kicked the notebook out of the cell
Held in his arms you were fussing around like a wild animal "Don't you dare touch me I'm your Goddess !
"Dattebayo Y/n calm down ! What's wrong with you !"
You started to shake and suffocate in his arms, he was going to ruin everything you've been doing all this time just like that with a stupid clone when you had the power of a God of Death on your side
"Y/n ! Oh fuck ! Dattebayo breathe !" he prayed as he ran his hand reassuringly over your back "It's okay we'll get through this together ! All is not lost !"
And finally by dint of talking you were forced to listen to him and breathe calmly, his words gave you hope, but not like he would have wanted
 If you were thinking well the Death Note was not the only way to come to your ends. There were great ninjas out there who had left the village to try to become more powerful - cough cough Orochimaru - that you could try to find and try to be the student of
You looked up and met Naruto's eyes, he had succeeded in making peace with Kyubi, the Nine-Tailed Fox spirit so why couldn't you succeed in leaving the village and following the teachings of these great ninjas
You couldn't give up on the Death Note though because if you did you would forget the fight you had now decided to lead
"Fine" you let your body clamor in the arms of his clone as he brushed your hair with his fingers, far from thinking that now and with half of the life you had left you were going to do everything to reach this divine power in another way than with the help of Ryuk
Whether you like it or not, you will get out of this cell, you will leave this village and you will become powerful and you will purify the world of the filth that poisons it
And they would fear the wrath of a Goddess, they would fear you
Cut to Naruto following you all around the country like he did with Sasuke
A/n : I hope you liked the angst 😏 Again my requests are open 😘
Taglist : @foxxymunson, @cl0vr, @ilovemanypeople, @glossy1pearl, @jane57sstuff
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tides-eddies · 3 months
snippets of naruto aus from my notes app i'm sharing them so they just don't rot in there since i've kinda moved on (it will come back) i clearly have tropes i like lmao, if anyone feels inspired take them but like credit/send it to me
clans are good for wars and sitting pretty. whores will give you what you desire for half the price -founders era or red light district centric
"i had to sand myself down to survive" "will your family fault you for that?" "no, she paused thinking, they will be glad that i lived" - fem!naruto in the founders era, time travel, married to kakashi
do you know what uzushiro made of? no? it's made from the ocean of salt and water. and its salt can poison the deepest of roots - kushina's era danzo trying to break to barrier to uzushiro
you are of trees, they will rot and wither with time, your branches will break with the force you will receive from those who oppose you, your leaves fall in gentle sway of the wind, not i, i am of whirlpool, storms, i will not break, i am of the ocean and i will endure - naruto leaves konoha au i think?
your bones will have become trees before i falter, his eyes (windows of death) looked at him clear for once not the dead looking through him, he has never been more aware of his own morality - naruto with ghost seeing abilities talks to neji
battle with zetsu she fights alone her limbs organs blood are slowly replaced with water as they are damaged in battle she eventually kills zetsu but not without extreme damage she will die
she was a strange sight to see in the aftermath. body nearly gone, the only living pieces of her left on this plane of existence were her ribs and shoulder and some chunks of her leg left hanging on to the bone. her heart was burning blood red of fox fire and [the red ocean sun]. surrounding her were the bijuu freed from their eternal doom
her red hair burning like a dying sun, she proclaims, "the age of shinobi is over. the blood that has descended from the mother of chakra has died out. you will learn peace and join together to usher in this new age. the cycle of hatred that has plagued our forefathers will be no more. - fem!naruto the final showdown
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renmedys · 3 months
calypso, hatake kakashi / masterlist
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pairing: hatake kakashi/fem!oc status: ongoing / crossposting in progress! chapters: 3/? warnings/content: descriptions of blood and violence. child abuse/grooming/manipulation.
summary: killing is easy, living with it isn’t. (or: the vengeful ghost of konohagakure, raised under the brutal tutelage of shimura danzo, must learn to live in times of peace despite having never known it. it turns out to be a difficult task, she finds, when the blood of thousands stain her hands.)
extended: tucked away in the shadows of twisted underground roots, she was molded into a doll meant for nothing but slaughter. under moonlight she turns from tangible to translucent—the ghost of vengeance, she is called, yet beneath the mask she is driven by no such thing. only obedience. in a new era of peace, what place is there for a puppet with no puppeteer? with her master dead and no sense of purpose, she believes it is best to rot beside the corpses of her creation. but hatake kakashi, as he ascends the position of rokudaime, is of a different opinion.
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chapter list !
01. she who bears witness
02. reverence
03. for konoha, of konoha
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tarithenurse · 1 year
A sneak peek
Fandom: Naruto Pairing/starring: Uchiha Itachi x fem!reader Word count: 1006 Content: Smut without plot, kind of voyeurism, getting off in public, maybe out-of-character behaviour, probably something I’ve forgotten. A/N: Drabble-esque. Inspired by a random thought from Maladaptive-Ninja-Returns so blame her.
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A sneak peek
... Itachi ...
He knows that he ought to stay away from Konohagakure. Anytime he shows up, it’s a risk to him and in extension to the Akatsuki. But he has too many arguments for why he must come and why no one else can do what he does in Konoha and so he has returned “home” once more.
Idly wandering through the city, Itachi adjusts the simple disguise while ticking off his accomplishments on a mental list:
- Get in through the hidden path that none of the other Akatsuki know about. Check. - Confirm that Danzo is still up to his usual business. Check. - Listen in on assignment distribution with the Hokage. Check.
And the more personal ones:
- Check out the old Uchiha neighbourhood, spending a few minutes in the room where he sealed his brother’s fate. Check. - Follow said revenge-hungry little brother for a while, watching him train with a fury reserved for those fuelled by hate. Check.
Now there’s only one more thing left to do and he’s well on the way to accomplish that too which is visiting a specific little tea house where they make the best jasmine tea. Self-indulgent, maybe, but he thinks he deserves a bit of a treat.
It’s a busy little place but he’s fortunate to get a seat in the corner where he has a nice view of the interior with the comings and goings of patrons. Glancing around, his eyes meet those of a woman sitting in the corner near the entrance but he quickly averts his gaze, knowing better than to risk leaving a lasting impression. He’s seen enough to know that she’s gorgeous, though. If circumstances had been different, he might have tried his luck with this beauty but as things are, he has to be discreet.
That’s why he’s concerned when he glances in her direction again and finds her openly staring at him. Well, not staring at him...more like through him. The pretty mouth slightly agape, her chest is rising and falling faster than would be expected, and Itachi worries that this stranger somehow has recognized him.
Thankfully, a skilled Uchiha can deal with this situation without creating a fuss and he fixes his gaze on hers. Even in the dim light, he can see colours in her eyes that most people would miss and he allows himself to enjoy it before diving deep into her mind.
Under normal circumstances, Itachi would imprint his own visions into the target’s mind, ensnaring them in a world of his creation where they could be trapped for what could seem like days on end. This time, however, he doesn’t get as far as to do anything because he’s taken aback by what he sees:
It’s the tea house...but there are no other patrons left to witness what is going on. Clothes haphazardly pulled aside, the woman is lying on a table with her legs wrapped around the waist of Itachi himself as he rails her – there’s nothing tender about it and so it’s the only appropriate term he can come up with. Each thrust of his hips makes the woman groan and babble. She’s keening and begging fore more. Her hands are scrabbling for purchase and with the power behind Itachi’s trusts, he knows that it’s only the grip on her hips that is preventing her from careening off the table and onto the floor.
Baffled by the display, the real Itachi simply watches, acutely aware of the growing need that he’s true body is starting to feel.
Never once do they use each others’ name, not even as she spasms around her Itachi’s cock, making him stutter in his ministrations and grit his teeth. The real Itachi knows that he must be on the verge of cumming and is surprised to see the dream him pull out and get on his knees to lap at the woman. Slow and careful, he cleans her like this and coaxes her down until her breath evens once more.
“More, please,” she whispers and Itachi sees his own smirk on the figment of imagination.
Merging with her daydream, Itachi’s point of view changes to be looking down at the ruined woman. Breasts spilling out of clothes that are askew. Puffy lips. Eyes that are swallowed by lust.
He wants to feel her, have her.
Leaning down, he plants a languid kiss on her mouth before whispering: “Come with me, when I ask you.”
And with that he enters her in one swift thrust.
... Reader ...
Shaking yourself back to reality, you’re first hit with a wave of satisfaction. Your core is throbbing, so close to the edge like you’ve never been before from a simple daydream. No...this isn’t being on the edge, you realize. This is from coming down! Imagination has made you climax? Oh, but what a daydream.
Blinking, the world is brought into focus once more and you notice the handsome stranger looking right at you, a smirk on his lips. You must have been staring! For how long? It feels like a long time, but you know that time is an illusion when it comes to the games the mind can play and so you try to brush the nagging thought of having stared creepily at a stranger for hours aside.
With shaking hands, you reach for the remainder of your tea only to find that it’s gone cold.
Something makes you look up and there’s the stranger, standing right next to you. Your heart begins to race now that you can pick up his scent and you recognize it from the last half of your daydream.
He bends, lips brushing your ear, to whisper: “Thank you for your lively imagination...how about we go elsewhere so it won’t only be a daydream?”
You’re stunned at the offer but even more so at how perfectly it fits with what you’d imagined might happen and you find yourself putting the teacup down and accepting the stranger’s hand.
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autocon23 · 1 year
I’m Literally In Hell
I have so many goddamn work in progress fics that I have quite a bit of work done already (though, I’m not ready to post any of them, other than the multipart series that many of you already know about). So, you know what? You all get to know what I’m doing and can tell me I’m a psychopath bc I think I need to be put in the incomplete fanfic shame corner or something.
So, here we go….
Boondock Saints/The Walking Dead crossover: I’m not even going to attempt to explain this bullshit. If you’re curious, feel free to head to my AO3 to read it and tell me that I have no life (I will agree 100% bc I almost NEVER go out and socialize). It’s a Darly/Connor/OC/Murphy series that I’ve been writing since the end of 2020. I’m actually really happy how the series has turned out and I still have so much planned that I can hardly wait for you to read. And the fact that all you awesome people have consistently given it such an amazing amount of love for it that I hope that I will always continue to make you all excited everytime I post a new chapter.
Naruto: So, I actually have two fics being written for it. Both I really like and wrote quite a bit for them. Still working on it as I keep bouncing around to different areas of the timeline.
A. I Will Carry This Burden So You Don’t Have To: this is actually the second Naruto fic that I’m writing. It’s an Uchiha OC who’s Sasuke/Itachi’s older cousin and had been the next head of the Uchiha clan. Her father was the head, but died either before or during the Third Ninja War (still trying to figure out timeline stuff for that area) so after her father’s death, Fugaku (her uncle) takes over as temporary head of the clan until OC is ready. She even ends up as the 4th Hokage’s personal assistant for a short time period. Of course we all know how things actually happen. OC ends up adopting Naruto (despite the 3rd’s and Danzo’s attempts to prevent her). She’s close with Itachi and Sasuke and when the Uchiha clan is massacred, she adopts Sasuke as well. It’s lots of angst in this fic specifically at how helpless and furious OC is about what happens during the story. I’m still debating on a ship. I’m stuck between Kakashi/OC, Gai/OC, or Kakashi/OC/Gai.
B. Kitsune Uzumaki: this is the first one and I’ve got lots of fun stuff for this one. OC is the twin sister to Naruto and is a jinchuuriki as well. They both have the nine tails sealed in them. I changed some parts of the timeline here as well, but it’s mostly just lengthening the time between the Chuunin exams and when Sasuke left the village to join Orochimaru. Basically aging all the characters up a little by a couple years before Shippuden. This is an OC/Kakashi/Yamato fic.
3. Supernatural: I’ve got two fics for this one as well.
A. RW: this is a sister!Winchester fic. Got lots of fun stuff going on with this one.
B. Fuck You, Chuck: this one I recently came up with a couple months back. OC is a girl from our world in the year 2023 to SPN in 2005. She knows everything that’s going to happen in the show. At first she plays along, but then she starts trying to figure out ways to change things.
4. Mass Effect: oh, I had so many goddamn ideas popping up into my head every time I pull up the game to play. It’s a fucking menace, but I love this series greatly.
A. The Saviors of The Galaxy Were Raised By A Krogan (Fuck The Council): I got three Shepard OCs (male twins and their adopted younger sister) who are all working together to save this shit galaxy from the Reapers. As the title suggests, they were adopted by a Krogan. Wrex specifically bc he’s the best and deserves all the love. It mostly follows the fem!shep OC of the story, but I do try to give the older brothers plenty of attention in the story.
B. Haley’s Comet: this takes place in Mass Effect: Andromeda. Alec Ryder actually has three kids in this story. First is Sara and Scott Ryder, the original protagonists of the game that the audience usually follows. Then, there’s OC, who’s the younger sister of the twins that I named Haley. She’s 15 when she’s put in cryo to head to Andromeda and is the one who ends up the new Pathfinder. I’m debating on whether to keep Alec dead like he is in the game or maybe change it up and have him survive Habitat 7 and just give him hell since he can’t be Pathfinder anymore due to the injuries he’d received during the mission on Habitat 7. Really heavy on the found family trope and quite a bit of angst as it follows Haley who struggles to be Pathfinder while trying to not have some kind of resentment or anger towards her father and even her older siblings due to how they all ended up in the Andromeda program.
5. DC Universe: I’ve got two fics for this one. Both with the same OC, Amelia Ryder, and ship, OC/John Constantine. This is mostly because I ended up getting really attached to freaking John Constantine. I apparently have a weakness for accents and blue eyes (kill me please). She’s also a badass sorceress (well, she becomes one eventually) and can use magic.
A. Legends of Tomorrow: Amelia becomes a member of the Legends. She’s picked up at the start by Captain Hunter with the rest of the crew in Season 1. There’s mention of her past in season 1, but after the Time Masters are dealt with, her past is left exactly where she wants it: in the past. So, it’s really more of Amelia ending up finding the family that she’s truly yearned for while also getting confidence in herself and her own agency/independence. Of course, lots of drama between her and Constantine when he finally pokes his head up. Lots of fun moments and angst. Smut too.
B. DC Animated Universe: this uses Amelia as well, because I really had a lot of fun coming up with her character background. Except instead of being a time traveling badass, she ends up becoming the Justice League’s secretary. It mostly follows the animated movies, but I’ll follow certain arcs. This actually delves more into Amelia’s history and she does a lot of healing once her past catches up with her.
6. Haikyuu: I’m working on only one for now, but I have a couple that I want to do. Only one is probably going to be a bit on the long side while the others will probably be a bit shorter, but follows the main story quite a bit. The one I’m working on is called “Our Coach is a High School Student”. Lots of fun stuff planned for that one. I had to change my OC’s name bc a Haikyuu fic that I read god knows how long ago had updated and it turns out that that they used the same name as me. So that was fun.
7. My Hero Academia: I got two fics for this one too (geez almost every fandom I’m doing as two fics I think I need help)
A. Sakura Midoriya: sister!Midoriya fic. She’s Deku’s twin sister and quirkless as well. That’s currently what I’m working on bc I recently binged MHA and have been rabid with my writing. I’m stuck between a couple ships to do, but I’m leaning towards OC/Todoroki or maybe OC/Todoroki/Bakugo. Though, I do really like KiriBaku, but I also really like KiriMina.
B. Untitled: I haven’t started actually writing this yet. Mostly bc I haven’t gotten around to it again. It’s another sister!Midoriya fic, but it falls under the Inko Midoriya Adopts Everybody. I even have a general timeline. The biggest thing I’m struggling to figure out is how to continue the OFA/AFO stuff. Who will be AFO’s successor? Do I keep Izuku as the OFA successor? I def have a few things planned, but main storyline from MHA is what I need to figure out.
8. Marvel: I had an idea for a MCU fic. It’s similar to the DCAU where the Avengers get a secretary. Though, I had thought of having them get a therapist, but I don’t know if I can write therapists/therapy sessions very well. So, it might lean towards secretary. Though, this is still benched for now.
Please for the love of god or whatever put me out of my misery lol
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ao3feed-ds9 · 2 months
Uzumaki Among The Stars
https://ift.tt/wQLDlHP by Rowen6 Kushina barely survived the Kyūbi attack but thanks to Danzo's root she is forced to run with baby Naruto in her hands. Being surrounded by Root she is forced to use a prototype version of the flying Thunder God technique in the hopes of escaping. But instead of Landing where she wanted to, she is teleported onto a federation Starbase. Can her knowledge of Fūinjutsu compensate for her lack of knowledge of The Wider Galaxy as she attempts to carve a path through it for her and her son? - Expect Fūinjutsu shenanigans among other things Words: 2725, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Naruto (Anime & Manga), Star Trek, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Uzumaki Kushina, Uzumaki Naruto, Fem Kyuubi | Nine-tails | Kimiko, Hetalia Original Character(s), Original Non-Human Character(s) Relationships: Uzumaki Kushina & Original Character(s), Fem Kyuubi | Nine-tails | Kimiko/Uzumaki Kushina, Uzumaki Naruto & Original Character(s), Uzumaki Kushina & Uzumaki Naruto Additional Tags: Uzumaki Kushina Lives, Good Parent Uzumaki Kushina, Jinchuuriki Uzumaki Kushina, Fuuinjutsu User Uzumaki Kushina, Smart Uzumaki Naruto, Kid Uzumaki Naruto
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kedrthetree · 4 years
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thinking about fem danzou for a hundred hours
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expressive-bread · 4 years
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full version here
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
Naruto Fic Rec
Handheld Harmony by Anonymous I just finished it and need to scream about it to people who get it. Fem!Naruto time travel that fixes so much. Naruto/Sakumo so you know what that means? Our favorite little silver haired genius gets a mom. Obito is saved, no Uchiha massacre, Sarutobi slap down before he does dumb shit, Danzo debunk, Jiraiya is likeable, no run away Orochimaru. It just hit everything you needed in a do over with only smidgeons of angst for flavoring. Highly suggest if you just need to clock out for some feel good. 
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perelka-l · 5 years
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I inktobered a fem!Danzo. Why? Why not!
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mysticalaurorasblog · 3 years
This contains links to all the fanfictions that I've be written, as well as all the NSFW Twitter links I've posted on tumblr. All Content includes 18+ material. MDNI.
Warning ⚠️: These links contain material that is strictly 18+. It may or may not involve hard kinks, random character pairings/non canon pairing, age gap, cheating etc. If you are not comfortable with this, do not interact. MDNI.
Archive link : the stories are also available on my ao3. Please do check it out!🥺❤️
Started date : 09-03-2022
Updated date : 13-05-2022
Total number of links : 17
1. Hinata Hyuuga x Male! Reader: Meeting his mother ❤️🌸🌼
2. Uchiha men, Kakashi, Shikamaru, Genma x Fem! Reader : Eating out reader 👅🥵🔞
3. Sasuke Uchiha x Fem! Reader: Rough sex NSFW twitter links. 💦🥵😍🔞
4. Madara Uchiha x Fem! Reader: Soft and Rough sex NSFW twitter links. 🔞😍🥵😩
5. Uchiha men, Kakashi, Shikamaru, Genma x Fem! Reader : Clumsy Assistant 😩😩🔞
6. Kakashi, Naruto, Obito, Hashirama, Minato, Sasuke, Madara, Genma, Yamato, Itachi x Fem! Reader : A Kiss Under The Starry Sky. ✨🥺🌼❤️🌸
7. Madara Uchiha x Fem! Reader : Madara Rough sex 🔞🔞🥵🥵😍
8. Hinata, Mei, Tsunade x Male S/O : NSFW/Kink Headcanonns. 🌚😩🥵👅
9. Uchiha men, Kakashi, Shikamaru, Genma x Fem! Reader : Brat. 👅🥵😩
10. Danzo x Fem! Reader : NSFW Headcannons. 🥵👅🔞
11. Sasuke Uchiha x Fem! Reader : NSFW Twitter Link. 🔞🥵🥵⚠️
12. Obito Uchiha x Fem! Reader : NSFW Twitter Link. 😩👅🔞
13. Genma Shiranui x Fem! Reader : Riding Genma Headcannons. 💦😍🔞😩👅
14. Indra Otsutsuki x Fem! Reader : Indra rough headcannon. ❤️🥵🥵
15. Itachi Uchiha x Fem! Reader : Itachi nsfw links. 🥵❤️
16. Shisui Uchiha x Fem! Reader : Shisui NSFW links 🔞🔞
17. Hokage Obito x Fem! Reader : Hokage Obito 😩😩
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sakinotfound · 3 years
Yoo how about Naruto x female Akatsuki reader ? Who was once his bestfriend but something tragic happened to the reader which made her rethink about justice and the shinobi world so she joined the Akatsuki to follow Pein's plan ? Like she doesn’t have any bad intentions, she just wants to change the world ?
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Pairing: Naruto Uzumaki x fem!reader (platonic)
Genre: Angst. Sad :(
Synopsis: In the request
Warning: A very very long post ahead. Not proof read. Mentions of torture, nothing too descriptive.
A/N 1: Yoooooo that was a cool one there. Also forgive me for posting it so late. I needed to be in the right headspace to write this and that required time and efforts. Thanks for the request, I appreciate it :)
A/N 2: I fucking hate this. I hated writing this. I can't bear watching Naruto be sad or get hurt and you asked me to write it? I hate myself right now :')
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You were one of those unfortunate kids who had the horrific fate of being recruited in The Root.
You were five years old when you were snatched from your foreign parents and thrown in a secret institution known to very few higher ups.
A perfect age to brainswash someone who's brain, cognitive skills and thinking abilities were raw, easily manipulatable and still developing.
You were told you were an orphan, born in Konoha and loyal only to Konoha, The Root and most importantly Danzo. Which was far from truth.
At fifteen year old now, your life was messed up. At the age where normal teenagers enjoy their pre-adult life and learn how to handle themselves in the adult world, along with living the "best years of your life" you felt stuck. You had just started learning basic human behaviour, understanding and trying to feel and handle emotions, learn about how real life, people and relationships work and how to be a productive, functioning, healthy member of the society.
Most of these things, were already known by your peers and comrades. Everyday you saw how easy it was for them to interact with each other, understand, make and laugh at jokes, express their emotions, make bonds and relationships - be it platonic or romantic, work their way around the world while you felt like a child. It was so overwhelming. One of the first things you felt and it hit you like a bullet train.
Your parents fled to Konoha because of poor and dangerous conditions in their own village but as soon as word went around about you having a special kekkei genkai, it didn't take too long for you to be deprived of your childhood and innocence and to be burdened with the shinobi world. Your parents fought as much as they could to protect you but the members of Root were some of the most powerful shinobi of Konoha.
They didn't win, instead they were murdered.
As soon as Tsunade Senju, the Goddaime Hokage came into position, the Root was disbanded and they were set free. Which was definitely a good thing but no one could even begin to understand how painfully difficult life was gonna be for these people who were brain washed, moulded and groomed into what robots they were today.
Fortunately for you, you had made best friends with Konoha's number one unpredictable ninja, the loudest, most buoyant and the most friendly ninja, Naruto Uzumaki.
Frankly he was a blessing in your life. He made life so much better if not easier. He took it upon himself to help you and make you enjoy whatever happiness and fun life had to offer.
And he was true to each word. From crazy pranks to adrenaline pumping adventures, from Ramen sprees to relaxing days at hot springs, from non stop training to spending time with his - your - friends it was a beautiful experience. And and even beautiful friendship. You had so much fun being with Naruto and your other friends.
Slowly but surely you were understanding and feeling emotions. Your sense of what is right and what is wrong was developing and you were beginning to understand society.
That was both a good and a bad thing. For some.
A few days ago, while working in the records office you came across a file which had your name written on it. Curious as you always were, you opened the file. Your soul shattered that day.
You were lied to. Everything that you had known about yourself was a lie. Down to your name, it wasn't even your name. Your parents named you something else.
Detailed and graphic description of how your parents were tortured and brutally murdered for even daring to come between Danzo's plan. For the first time you find out, you had a little sister about three years old and a baby brother growing in your mother's womb at that time. Your baby brother, seven months in was forcefully delivered. He was pre-mature, leading to him having a brain disorder. He lived for a few years. They tried to groom him as a Root child from the start but it was impossible for him to adjust to such a lifestyle. They still went on with it only for your brother to die because of it. As soon as your little sister went to ask for help after your parents were taken away, she was murdered too for she had witnessed the kidnapping. She was just four years old. She was just a kid. That man went to any lengths to get what he wanted.
All because he wanted you only because of your inherited powers to make you into a blindly loyal robots to increase his and eventually the village's power. That's it. All you as well as the other Root members were mere pawns to use and throw for his benefit.
You stood frozen as you read the contents of the file. Not being able to believe your eyes. But what angered you the most was that Hiruzen Sarutobi knew about The Root but he didn't do anything.
And even till this date, that man - Danzo walks around freely.
You decided to talk to the authorities about it, to get the justice you and your family deserved. But were told to not talk about it with anyone. One of the ninjas' working there even said that had your parents not been from enemy village, they wouldn't have been killed. They would have simply been given some money and asked to shut up in the fear of death or being thrown from the village.
That night you didn't sleep at all. Thinking about everything Naruto told you about how amazing Konohagakure is and how it is one of the best villages. How the village takes care of it's citizens and provides justice for everybody.
That was ironic, coming from somebody who was discriminated against, ostracized from society and bullied since the day he was fucking born. You never thought you could hate somebody as much as you hated Danzo, but Hiruzen Sarutobi was full of surprises.
You were glad that he was dead now but that wasn't enough to quench your thirst for revenge, for justice.
How many more families were torn apart, murdered, lied to?
☁︎︎ ☁︎︎ ☁︎︎
"Why do you want to become the Hokage?" You asked.
You and your longtime best friend Naruto were sitting on the Hokage mountain, legs dangling off the head of the Fourth. The sun was setting right in front of your eyes and you could see birds flying back to their homes.
"Eh?" He looked towards his left at you, bewildered. "I told you before. I want to become the Hokage so that everyone in this village respects me! So they all look at me like I am something important and not how they have always done. I wanna prove myself to everyone -ttebayo!"
"But why do you want to prove yourself to people who never cared about you? Didn't they always treat you like- like you were some sort of pest? Why do you want to protect people like them?"
Naruto didn't reply to that. He was silent. And his silence annoyed you. But you continued on.
"And why is the third hokage your favourite? Don't you realise how pathetic he was? He didn't give one shit about you. Your childhood was cruel Naruto, no one deserves to live like that let alone a literal child. Aren't you mad? If not for yourself have you ever thought about how Sasuke was left to live in a place, and that to alone, where his own clan was slaughtered? Doesn't it bother you? Have you ever even thought about all this?" You were yelling at this point.
Naruto looked at you, stunned. Big blue eyes just staring at your now standing from. Anger, hurt, betrayal, pain written all over your face.
You felt bad for him, for Sasuke, for yourself and every person who had been a part of The Root. You hated the village for treating your best friend like they had.
You didn't get any response from your best friend, it only helped in irritating you more. So you stormed your way out of the situation.
Deep down you felt good about how you were able to understand and feel so many things. You were on the right path. Always being the smart one, you caught on quick. But the anger still flared inside of you.
You weren't just gonna sit down and tolerate this bullshit. You were determined. No matter what, you would avenge and change this broken system. Your goals had changed, they were much bigger and broader than the simple minded approach you had borrowed from your best friend, Naruto.
☁︎︎ ☁︎︎ ☁︎︎
"Have you guys seen Y/N?" Naruto asked Team 10.
"Naruto? When did you come here?" Ino asked, blinking her eyes as the bright blond appeared out of nowhere.
Shikamaru rolled his eyes and replied, "No, we haven't. Why?"
"Oh, it's just I can't find her anywhere." He looked confused.
"Did you check her house?" Ino asked.
"Of course he did, right Naruto?" Choji asked to which Naruto nodded.
"Oh did you check the restaurant down the street? The one which is her favourite?" Choji asked excited.
"I did, she isn't there."
"Did you check the training grounds she usually goes to?" Shikamaru questioned.
"It's 10 p.m. Shikamaru, she never trains at night. But I still checked for a good measure. She wasn't there either."
"Hmm... Strange. Did you ask Sakura or Hinata or maybe Tenten? She maybe with them." Ino suggested.
"I did ask Sakura, she said she hasn't seen her the whole day. When I went to ask Kiba, Shino and Hinata were with him and they didn't know either. Also Tenten is on a mission so not possible."
"What if-"
"No she isn't on a mission. Granny Tsunade always sends her with me, Kakashi-Sensei or Yamato-Taichou." Naruto cut Choji off before he could ask.
Now they all were definitely concerned. It was very strange for you to just vanish from existence. You were nowhere to be found. None of your friends knew where you were and Naruto promised he had almost searched the whole village.
"Which parts of Konoha have you not checked?" Shikamaru enquired.
"Go check there. That's the only thing we can do. If she's not there, I think you should talk to Lady Tsunade. This is a matter of concern. As far as I remember, Y/N never goes anywhere without informing anyone. I hope she is safe." He said.
"Yeah, I hope she is safe wherever she is. Do you want us to accompany you Naruto?" Ino asked, her lips furrowed.
"No no! It's fine. I'll find her." He smiled but deep down with each passing second he was becoming more anxious.
"Let us know if you find her Naruto. And if you or she needs any help, we are always here." Choji offered to which Naruto gave a grateful smile and ran off.
Y/N, where are you? Please please please be safe.
☁︎︎ ☁︎︎ ☁︎︎
It was a pleasant night. Cool breeze filled Konoha, a much appreciated relief for the summers in Konoha were brutal.
Your hair flew with the flow of the wind as you stood near the exit of Konohagakure. You stared at the night sky.
This was it. A couple of steps more and you would be declared a rogue-nin by your village. You knew your plans won't be liked by anyone around you. You knew people would hate you and call you a traitor. But they didn't understand what you did. You couldn't bear to stay in this place anymore. It physically hurt at this point. You couldn't do it anymore.
You have always been the mature person, fighting for justice and what is right. You never took bullshit against anyone not deserving of it so why yourself? Konoha wasn't going to give you what you deserved. No village could. They didn't understand what you did. They couldn't see what you did. Nobody did. You felt alone and hopeless. You thought you couldn't do anything. How were you supposed to fight against a system that was being followed for years and by so many people? You couldn't possibly fight and change it on your own. You needed help, back up, assistance.
That was until you found out about The Akatsuki. The Akatsuki....intrigued you. So you researched about them, their plans, their motives and what their goal or motto was. It felt like the Gods up above were on the same page as you, as if they supported you and your goal if nobody else did. Finding about the Akatsuki was a blessing.
You knew it wouldn't be easy. You knew it would be very dangerous. But you still contacted the Akatsuki, asking them if you could please join their organisation. You have honest and legitimate reasons for your request. Fortunately Konan and Pein were impressed by your opinions and ideals. It aligned perfectly well with what they had in mind.
World Peace.
But you weren't interested in any criminal ideals or evil plans, all you wanted was to change the Shinobi world and bring justice for everyone. You wanted revenge. And you would do anything for it. No matter what.
After following the steps required for them to determine your loyalty to them and that they could trust you as well as if your were useful for them which you very much were, you were recruited. That day was the day you smiled widely after so fucking long. Things were starting to look good. You were happy.
"Y/N!" A yell from your behind, caused you to turn around.
Oh fuck.
"Naruto? What are you doing here?" You asked, eyes wide and panic settling in.
The reason you were about to leave without telling anyone was so that no one came in between your plans and so that you didn't have to deal with hurting anyone. But here he was, none other but your best friend running upto you.
Now how do I explain this?
"I have been looking for you everywhere. Where have you been? I was so worried! Ha! At least I found you now. You're okay right? Everything fine? For a moment I thought something happened. I was so scared but I knew there couldn't be anything that would get past you. You are so strong, you can do anything. So I knew you'd be just fine." He laughed. "But still- wait what are you doing near the exit?" He frowned.
"How much do you speak in a single breath Naruto?"
He laughed out loud, showing his sparkly teeth and his boyish grin.
"Well?" He dragged the word.
"Well what?" You played dumb.
"Oh c'mon. What are you doing anyways?"
"I am leaving Naruto." You deadpanned.
"Eh?" He looked at you, confused. "For a mission? Alone? That's strange. Granny doesn-"
"NOT on a mission Naruto." You cut him off, sighing.
This is so difficult.
"I- I am... I am leaving the village actually. For-forever."
Silence. Pin drop silence. Deafening silence.
"... what?" Naruto's face dropped and then he started laughing out loud. You were concerned if somebody would hear you two. You didn't wanted to deal with more people. "Nice joke Y/N. You looked so serious, I almost believed you, you know?"
"It's-It's not a joke Naruto. I am being serious."
"Wh-what? Why? What- what happened?" He decreased the distance between you two as he now held you by your shoulders.
"You wouldn't understand Naruto. Leave it."
"It's about the other day, isn't it?"
"The talk. That we had on the Hokage rock."
You were surprised that he remembered and pieced it together so quickly.
"Why?" His voice shook.
"GOD DAMN WHY?" He yelled.
"Why you now? Why does everybody leaves me? First Sasuke, now you? Why Y/N? Why?"
"I told you, you wouldn't understand."
"What wouldn't I understand? At least try to explain it to me? What's so bad about Konoha that you and Sasuke both want to leave it?"
Letting out a sigh you replied, "I can't reveal my plans now Naruto. But I promise, one day you'll know."
"Please don't go. Please Y/N. Please don't abandon me." He cried. Tears starting falling down your own eyes.
"Please please please." He chanted. "Please."
"Naruto..." You choked.
"I can't. I have to go. It's necessary. It's needed." You tried to reason but Naruto wasn't in the headspace to understand.
"Then. Then let me go with you." He begged.
"That's not how it works Naruto. Besides I can't risk you in this. It's not safe."
"Because it's the only way I can achieve my goals." You smiled sadly.
Both of you didn't say anything for quite some time. The wind blew one more time. After a couple of minutes, Naruto spoke, wiping his tears away.
"Heh?!" You asked, shocked.
"I said, okay. Go. Go if you really want to. I won't stop you. If you know what you're doing and if you believe in it, then who am I to stop you? Sasuke went too and he thinks he knows what he is doing. You know you two are the smart ones. Maybe I am the one who doesn't understand." He laughed. "But I will always support you. I am always here for you. Wherever you go, whatever you do, don't you ever forget that you have a best friend in Konoha who loves you a lot and would always be there for you. You aren't alone. If I can't go with you, then I'll support you from here."
You could see the pain in his eyes, how he was trying to mask his hurt through the smile. It pained you to watch the boy you had sworn to protect and to always keep him happy, be heartbroken because of you.
But you smiled. Smiled through your own pain. It was a genuine smile. "Thank you Naruto."
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renmedys · 4 months
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— masterlist !
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— chapter/multi-part works !
inkblots ! gojou satoru/reader. implicit nsfw.
it's just jealousy well hidden. (or: in a physical relationship devoid of intimacy, gojou satoru shows a weird interest in the bottom feeder of the jujutsu hierarchy.)
calypso ! hatake kakashi/fem oc. descriptions of blood and violence.
killing is easy, living with it isn't. (or: the vengeful ghost of konohagakure, raised under the brutal tutelage of shimura danzo, must learn to live in times of peace despite having never known it. it turns out to be a difficult task, she finds, when the blood of thousands stain her hands.)
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— oneshots !
say hello to the angels ! higuruma hiromi/reader
higuruma hiromi has killed for the first time and it makes him think of you. (or: now that higuruma has killed, he realizes that his condemnation of you those many years ago was, perhaps, wrong.)
nameless soldiers ! erwin smith/levi ackerman
erwin smith is a man of many regrets. levi ackerman is a man of none, or so he says. (or: in one last ditch effort, erwin smith recalls the many moments he and levi spoke of regrets.)
emptiness one longs to fill ! macht (frieren) & reader
there is nothing more tragic than a soul which longs to feel. (or: macht of the golden land lets you through to the center of the city of weise, hoping for change.)
backs turned, faces forward ! sakura haruno
haruno sakura is tired of being left in the dust. (or: sakura throughout the years, chasing after people who might be too far gone.)
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