#feminism is rad transphobes are not
immabitqueer · 2 months
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Do you have 2.5 kids? No? But don't you want kids? How can you be sure you won't want kids in the future?
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I’m reading Tell Me I’m Worthless by trans author Alison Rumfitt and, while I knew it would be bad, I didn’t realise it would be one of the most disgusting books I’ve ever read. It’s not ‘transgressive horror;’ it’s just sexualised gore.
(Example under the cut)
Here’s a passage from the book, where husband Edmund punishes too-young wife Emily for her curiosity (women keep disappearing in his study and she wants to know why) (he ties her up in the middle of the room and leaves):
Emily was frightened. The most frightened she had ever felt. She opened up her eyes again, and began to try to scream, but the gag was tied too tight around her mouth to even breathe properly, let alone cry for help. Her eyes registered something undenable. It blotted out the light that shone down hot from above her, it cast a shadow across her face. Was it Edmund? It was dark and faceless and red, the red of it dripping all around her, lling up her eyes and her mouth, investigating between her legs, pushing into her, waves of red owing up inside her cunt like cum, but so much more cum than could ever have been produced by a man, ballooning her useless womb until it was ready to burst inside of her. Red tore the fabric of the gag and slid down her throat, into her lungs and her stomach. Albion reached inside her, all around her, nestled against her, gnashed its teeth and ripped at her esh. You’re useless, you’re useless, you’re fucking useless, it screamed close in her ears, so she could feel its hot breath against her skin. This was what happened. That was what it felt like.
They found Emily’s body a week later beneath one of the pine trees near the house. Her womb and vagina had been surgically removed, although where the organs had gone was not clear.
I’d like to say it’s the only graphic description of a woman being ‘punished’ for something, but... it’s not. In one scene, a ‘lesbian terf’ rapes and chokes another woman with a strap-on (which makes her realise she’s actually trans too!); in another scene, the ‘lesbian terf’ is molested by a gender critical woman in a pub bathroom after a gender critical rally.
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tbh i think real radical feminists should be more aggressive in reclaiming radical feminism from whatever terfs have made of it
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littleradfems · 11 months
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Felt the need to post this but didn't want to expose myself to my other normie/libfem moots. Goodbye to the first person I ever followed on Tumblr, back when you still went by she/her and Draco instead of Lars (it was something else before that too but I've forgotten) and posted about Artemis Fowl. Kinda weird to think about how nearly identical starting places diverged so completely. You'll be gone but not forgotten. Goodbye❤️
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bikini-kill-pilled · 2 months
to an extent..its become a privilege to think rad feminism is unnecessary. "the 4b movement is transphobic!! why do rad fems have to be so exclusive :,(" listen. no matter how you identify in afghanistan, afab means woman means no rights. no matter how you identify in korea, afab means woman means a target on your back is just another "secondary sex characteristic". 
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max--phillips · 4 months
Hey, @staff @support @wip @engineering @changes @humans it’s me again. Do you have a second? I would like to draw your attention to something.
So, you know how when you start typing in a tag, it’ll list tags to choose from based on what you’re typing in? Y’know, you start typing “star” and the list will populate “Star Wars” and “Lego Star Wars” among a few other tags you can tap on to auto-complete what you’re typing if you want? Yeah, it’s about that function.
I assumed that these tags populated based on popularity or number of uses. But when I saw some weird shit populate that read more like a clickbait article headline than a tag an actual human being had used at some point, I did some experimenting.
To preface, the tags that I'm about to list here have never once been used on my blog, and are not suggestions from my history. They are purely on tumblr's side.
Did you know that if you type in simply “I need,” the following tags auto-populate?
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“I need to lose so much weight,” “I need to lose this weight,” and “I need to ⭐️ve.” Yikes. Knowing this, out of curiosity, I typed in "I want" next. Guess what I found?
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"I want to ⭐️ve," "i want to cvt," and "i want to be skinnier." Again, yikes.
But perhaps this is a bit too leading. What if I just type in "I w" instead?
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It auto-populates with some repeats, PLUS some more concerning shit. we got "i want to ⭐️ve," "i wanna lose weight," "i will reach my ugw," "i wanna be skinnier," "i wanna be tiny," "i want to cvt," "i want to be skinnier," "i wanna be perfect," "i will lose weight," and "i wish i was weightless."
Let's try just "i n" too, for fun.
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We get "i need to lose so much weight," "i need to lose this weight," "i need to ⭐️ve," and "i need to be weightless."
With this in mind, I typed in "ana" because I recognize all of this as stuff people struggling with anorexia have historically said on this platform. Once again, we have some concerning things auto-populate:
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"ana meal," "ana bllog," "ana tricks," "tw ana diary," "ana trigger," and "ana rant."
Here's my question: how and why are these auto-populating? This kind of thing literally goes against your own community guidelines. Here's a screenshot from those community guidelines:
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I highlighted the text that reads "Don't post content that actively promotes or glorifies self-harm. This includes content that urges or encourages others to: cut or injure themselves; embrace anorexia, bulimia, or other eating disorders;"
I realize that monitoring tags like this isn't going to be perfect, some things inevitably slip through the cracks. But this many tags? Someone somewhere is dropping the ball.
That also leads me to another point.
I, as with many other people on this website, the self-proclaimed "queerest place on the internet," occasionally tag posts with something to the tune of "terfs do not interact" because... well, being a terf is to be inherently transphobic and anti-queer. I noticed something peculiar recently while tagging a post as such.
I'm willing to bet real actual money that the tag "terfs dni" gets used significantly more than the tag "terfsafe," so... why does the auto-populated tag list look like this when you type in "terf?"
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We get the auto-populated tags "terfblr," "terfsafe," and "terfism." But not a sign of "terfs dni" or "terfs don't touch." Why is that?
So, again out of pure curiosity, I typed in "rad."
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"radblr," "radical feminists do interact," "radical feminist safe," "radqueer" (which isn't radfem related but also shouldn't be on that list), "radical feminism," and "radical feminist community" auto-populate. Considering radical feminism and being a terf are literally the same thing, this is further concerning.
For shits and giggles, I typed in "lgb" to see what I'd get.
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Why on EARTH is "lgb drop the t" the second auto-populated tag?
Let's try just the word "gender."
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"gender critical" is the second auto-populated tag. Another transphobic term.
I'm sure this has nothing to do with the fact trans women can't post entirely safe for work selfies on this website anymore without their post getting flagged as mature content, or the swath of trans women who have had their blogs entirely terminated for no reason recently.
Also, interestingly enough, in your community guidelines, under the hate speech guideline, you have written "Don't encourage violence or hatred. Don't post content for the purpose of promoting or inciting the hatred of, or dehumanizing, individuals or groups based on race, ethnic or national origin, religion, gender, gender identity, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, disability or disease." You may be interested to know that terfs and other transphobes do, in fact, encourage, promote, and incite hatred of, and dehumanize, individuals or groups based on gender and gender identity.
Perhaps what you have auto-populate for tags should reflect things that are popular and inclusive on this website, not... whatever this is. If this is truly the queerest place on the internet, and you want to continue to cultivate it as such, you should probably at least act like it.
Anyway, it'd be cool of you to address these things. Toodles.
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xxlovelynovaxx · 21 days
Oh lovely, the transandrophobic "trans inclusive" rad/ical feminis/ts are now calling te/rfs "twerfs" (trans woman exclusive radi/cal femin/ists).
Hey, you know how terfs "soured" a lot of people on genuine, intersectional feminism?
You're just them but trans, regardless of your gender. You're JK Rowling and Dave Chappelle in blue white and pink. You're writing essays on the evil predatory (trans) men invading (trans) women's spaces and mutilating their bodies with testosterone and cutting off perfectly healthy organs and rejecting the only good gender as traitors.
That last part is just verbatim, even.
Add trans in front of the genders in any transphobe's horrific ranting and you get your own posts. You're cruel, you're class traitors, you're feds in binders and gaffs too pathetic to even demand pay for the work you're doing for our oppressors.
Trans unity means I never give up fighting for your rights, even as you're throwing them to the wolves just for a taste of what it feels like to have your boot on someone else's throat. You justify it because of who you say has faced the "worst" pain, has been hurt the "most" by (trans)misogyny, because don't you know that women have the right to speak over any other marginalized person on their own oppression because only women really know what it's like to be oppressed?
Merlin's unwashed nutsack, do you fuckers even hear yourselves? You're indistinguishable from ter/fs!
Yeah, I'll keep fighting, because I can understand that even the most sniveling narcs who think they're "saving" people by betraying them, even the people radicalized enough that they actually believe in the bullshit they're spreading, don't deserve oppression.
Quite frankly, this post isn't FOR them, no matter how much it's worded like it is, because rage is not a tool of deradicalization and I refuse to judge even bigots every bit as taken in as your average Jehovah's witness or Amish person for doing harm while being victims of the group they're doing harm for.
(All the same, the accusations of trans people being indoctrinated and taken in by "MRA shit" are not only blatant projection, but also in the rare cases that they are true, pale in comparison to the quantity and scope of harm done by this actual significant growing group of radicalized trans people .)
Since I've mainly seen people with some form of "baeddel", who call people "transandrophobia truthers" or "transandrodorks" doing this, perhaps people need a reminder that baeddels were a group who took that name themselves (after it had fallen out of usage for several hundred years, claiming they were "reclaiming" it) who did a shit ton of harm to transmascs, nonbinary people, intersex people, and transfems.
These trans-woman "inclusive" radic/al fem/inists who actually are dangerous and violent towards every transfem that doesn't agree with you. TWIRFs are not a fucking joke. And to be exceedingly clear, there's a reason I hyphenated trans-woman in the acronym spelled out, because it's an adjective modifying inclusive; trans people of every gender make up "twirfs".
There's a decent chance they'll either take "twirfs" and wear it like a badge of honor, like some t/erfs do, or claim it's a slur, like... oh, like some terf/s do. I've read the playbook, and if there's a play I haven't laid out, I'm sure it'll be just as uninspired and plagiarized from te/rfs. But who knows, maybe they'll come up with something new and horrific and surprise us - every so often, ter/fs do that too.
Anyway, if you see this post and wanna tell me, an intersex transneufemmasc, what a horrible awful transmisogynist I am for acknowledging all forms of oppression I face and not just the single one I share with most of you, fuck off and block me. I've got no time for the usual suicide baiting, florid violent fantasies of me being raped and/or tortured and/or killed, and the like.
Besides, while you are fucking dangerous, I've got worse danger to deal with than you on a daily basis, for being a visibly genderqueer fat disabled person in a place where everything from gender roles to medicine is stuck in the 18-fucking-hundreds. I truly do not have time for your bullshit.
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animentality · 1 month
… the post with the terfs on it is the 4b feminism post, because 4b is a radfem movement with self identified terfs in it. terfs are eating that post up because it’s literally what they’re all about, and the 4b crowd continue to screw over and exclude korean trans women and progressive korean feminists. there’s some great articles of the history of this growing transphobia in the korean women’s lib movement for free on jstor
ok I just checked that post and the version that's getting spread around is literally the anti terf anti rad fem version, like what the fuck?
the replies aren't even bad bc only people who follow me can reply to my posts anyway.
it has 18,000 reblogs.
you guys really think I have the time to go through every reblog to block every single terf who might be reblogging it???
like listen I'm sorry. people have complained about me not blocking every single terf before.
but with all due respect and this is not a fucking flex...
I literally do not have hours to just spend going through my reblogs and blocking every single person who might be a terf.
I can maybe go and block people who add tags.
but not just every single person who's reblogged it.
it's really not feasible, and I have other things to do than fight with stupid ass terfs who just have a million alts anyway.
now if you have someone you want me to block... feel free to tell me and I probably will.
but you don't know every single terf blog on Tumblr either, id wager.
so maybe calm down and remember that you don't have to engage with terfs on this site.
they thrive off making people angry.
sometimes you ignore people who are perpetually online.
sometimes it's better to support trans people, not just rail on transphobes all day.
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m00n-and-m3 · 10 days
hot take terfs don't exist because radfems wanna eradicate patriarchy and transphobia can correlate with patriarchy so by being transphobic it doesn't relate to rad feminism like literally all we do is criticise gender roles within transgenderism if that makes sense
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nothorses · 3 months
I have a question related to terf ideology and you're the only person I know who was involved with rad feminism and left. Are you willing to answer my question? I don't want to put you in a position you're uncomfortable with. Or even send my question directly without confirming first. If you don't feel comfortable, but know someone who is willing to talk about this stuff, could you point me in their direction?
I wouldn't say I was "involved with rad feminism and left" so much as like, radfeminist ideas- which are still currently popular today- were also popular among a lot of the queer & trans feminists I was surrounded by as a teen around 10 years ago. The difference for me is that I've become more aware of what it looks like when it isn't blatantly transphobic, as opposed to then, when I couldn't recognize radfeminism unless it was specifically and vocally trans-exclusionary radfeminism.
I'm still happy to talk about it and answer your questions, I just want to be clear where that line is for me. Folks who have been more directly involved are going to have a very different and uniquely valuable insight, and I don't want to mislead anyone or misrepresent what kind of perspective I can offer.
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jodistorian · 1 year
hi im jj & im here to vibe w rad womyn of tumblr 🧚🏻‍♀
i got into radical feminism by reading jkr’s “hateful” essay out of curiosity & not understanding what was transphobic about it. i was a terfs dni kind of teen without knowing what “terfs” actually believe, many such cases lol. so after reading the essay i read into radical feminism to see what else the gender crowd lies about. which is a lot.
my fav blog are @radfemfox4 , @radfae , @kronkk , @normallesbian , @owls-garden , @opabiniawillreturn AND PROBABLY MORE but i would feel ridiculous tagging so many ppl😭love u all, thank you for being here
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stillflight · 8 months
Checking people's blogs, installing Shinigami Eyes, and "learning dogwhistles" isn't enough. You actually are going to have to unravel rad-fem rhetoric from your feminism. Easiest way to stop "accidentally" reblogging te''r''f posts is to actually read the post and think maybe you shouldn't be agreeing with awful gender essentialist takes about men and bisexuals and nb people. Because you're sitting at a table with ten transphobes and you know what that makes.
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sheepradish · 9 months
The way that radfems on tumblr talk, so intelligently and backed up with sources. Versus the way that TRAs on tumblr talk, just using insults or trying to be funny when debating
Once I saw a PSA post cautioning about radfems, and OP said, “There’s nothing rad, there’s nothing cool, about being transphobic” not knowing that the name “Radical feminist” comes from the “root” of feminism
Another PSA post saying “Let’s stop calling them TERFS and start calling them FARTS!!!” With a new acronym that I don’t remember. “It’ll make them so mad!!” Like. Okay
I got a DM from someone that just had a trans pride flag and said “You’re mad, aren’t you?” … No? In fact the message was much, much tamer than what I was expecting
… They’re children, right? Like not as an insult, but actual under 18 children
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butch-reidentified · 1 year
I notice a lot of radfems claiming that trans community is a cult now that I'm in gender critical spaces and I guess I can see why because they silence dissenting opinions and keep engaging in their homophobia, ignorance of sex based oppressions, supporting problematic people and etc. When I was in the trans community, they say that radfems are a cult. I don't know why that is though. Do you know why they say that radfems are a cult? I just think radfems don't want trans people to promote misogyny, homophobia and whatever bigotries they keep spouting
I've seen that once or twice when I was in trans spaces too. It doesn't make sense to me either, but I can't say I'm surprised since every single other thing they believe about radical feminism is also laughably inaccurate.
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Looking at these images, and going through each point in context of radical feminism vs transactivism, there's a lot that's interesting. Where we encourage critical thinking, doubt, questioning, and dissent, TRAs actively discourage and punish it. They no longer even tolerate trans people who disagree on very minor matters - I remember when it was generally agreed upon in trans spaces that dysphoria was a defining aspect of being trans & everyone made fun of "tumblr genders." Now, the "truscum," "transmed," and old-school transsexual types are also called transphobic bigots and told they aren't welcome.
We have no involvement or desire to interfere in other radfems' family or personal lives; transactivism often encourages people to cut off family members for minor infractions like questioning anything about the person's transition or identity, not adjusting quickly enough to new pronouns/name, and the like. TRAs have often claimed parents who do any of those things are transphobic and abusive. TRA culture also frequently encourages trans people to socially engage primarily with other trans people (but only the ones who share their views!), date other trans people, live with like 7 other trans roommates, etc. Most trans people I knew who subscribed to the full gender ideology package rented a place with 2 or 3 other genderist roommates. They also discourage relationships of any kind, including friendship, with anyone who doesn't fully share the genderist perspective.
TRAs certainly view "any outside criticism as proof of persecution." I don't know any radfems who have an issue with criticism of radical feminism (that isn't straight up misogyny ofc). "Outsiders who question the group are hostile enemies or inherently evil" is transactivism to a fucking T. Radfems don't claim anyone is inherently evil, and idk any radfem who thinks that outsiders who question or disagree with radical feminism are hostile enemies. I doubt many even feel that way about TRAs; we just don't tolerate misogyny. I don't think they're inherently evil or anything lmao. In fact, most radfems I've known actually have a lot of empathy for people who struggle with dysphoria, gender nonconformity, mental health issues, etc.
"The leader's transgressions are explained away or ignored." In many of these quotes, if you swap "the leader" for "trans women" or male nonbinaries, you'll notice it's pretty dead on. Eli Erlick for example, or Sophie Labelle, and so many more. They will defend a serial rapist transwoman over a gender critical MTF transsexual any day, and that's pretty culty behavior to me - not to mention it proves that this isn't about literally being trans, but about the ideology. Though they will usually take a trans woman's side in any situation, if the trans woman does not subscribe to gender ideology, they'll demonize and attack instead. In rad spaces on the other hand, I see women consistently held accountable when they do something wrong, and if it's a serious moral transgression, they'll be kicked out of the space no matter how popular or influential they were.
"Unquestioning commitment" to the ideology and "practices are the binding truth and law" (insert binding joke here). Extreme "polarized us vs them mentality" and "black-and-white views and right-or-wrong thinking with no gray areas." All of this is accurate of transactivism. I have not experienced or witnessed this type of thinking in rad spaces.
"Leaders use deception both to the public and to its own members." I mean the entire ideology is based on deception and denial of reality. Gaslighting is fundamental to convincing people that sex isn't real/can be changed, that sexual orientation is based on attraction to people's invisible internal identities and is inherently fluid and has nothing at all to do with sex or really any physical traits, that women/girls are oppressed because they identify as female or because patriarchy hates femininity (I've seen them claim "masc privilege" is a thing and butch lesbians benefit from it wayyy too many times) - or that women & girls are not oppressed at all. Flaunting that you've had sex with someone without disclosing that you're trans (aka deception) is fairly common in some of the more extreme genderist spaces as well. I'm not sure how this could possibly apply to radical feminism. We are generally pretty committed to accuracy and reality, and deception is not in line with those values at all.
"Members are discouraged from getting information from non-group sources." This one actually lowkey gave me chills bc it's really true. We all know they don't understand what radfems actually believe, they have block lists and block radfems/gender critical people on sight, even in the absence of any negative interaction. A whole lot, if not most, of the statistics and data they like to cite are from their own organizations, or even from information someone spread on social media years and years ago and everyone just doesn't question its authenticity or origins. "Non-group sources are held to be liars with sinister motives." That's practically word for word how they react to statistics, info, etc., from non-trans organizations. And gender critical people certainly know how often they call us liars and insist we want trans people dead. These especially don't apply to radical feminism. We encourage engaging with all kinds of people and content, and we don't rely on or use data/information from other radfems or radfem organizations much at all.
Now, regarding the point about special vocabulary/shorthand/buzzwords. Both TRAs and radfems use such things. However, radfems do not use them to "substitute for rational analysis." But a mantra like TWAW is exactly that. Even "TERF" and "transphobic" are thrown around extremely quickly and easily, in situations where they often don't really apply, and the intention underlying that is putting an end to any doubt/questioning going on, shutting it down by claiming bigotry.
Using "shame, guilt, and/or fear to influence and control members" absolutely doesn't happen in radfem spaces. Not that I've ever seen or heard about. It was definitely something I experienced a lot of in trans spaces, though.
I don't have the energy to do any more of these breakdowns of the points, sorry. But you get the idea. Additionally, TRAs tend to make it their entire identity and lifestyle. It's all-consuming. Not to mention there's no such thing as wrongthink in radical feminism like there is with genderism. I don't constantly monitor and police my own thoughts and feelings for "problematic" ones like I did when I was involved in all that gender stuff. Plus, they actively seek to recruit people, especially young, mentally ill, traumatized, and/or otherwise vulnerable people. Radical feminism doesn't really recruit at all; women and girls tend to find it themselves most times.
I hope this more or less answers your question
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madam-melon-meow · 11 months
This is Homestuck canon. She is a transgender woman. This is Pesterquest canon. If you can respect the one you can respect the other.
A (transphobe, if you cant figure this out from the rad fem rhetoric) proponent of the belief that all women can be lesbians regardless of sexual orientation by identifying as a “woman-identified woman”, aka thst the woman’s focuses are on the needs and emotions of other women. This belief is A core component of the lesbian separatist movement began in the 1970s, which should be pinging alarm bells. This is the organization that believes women’s bisexuality , MY sexuality, is inherently anti-feminist because of the implied desire for penetration, sexual dominance, and submission. This woman stated that women due to their socialization could not ever freely “choose” to enter a hetero relationship, that coercion was ever-present. Her words imply bisexual women (and others socialized as girls while growing up) have inherent lack of agency, erasing the freedom and truth of our love for what can be perceived as straight relationships. Ti Grace Atkinson said “ feminism is a theory, lesbianism is a practice.” Lesbian separatists take this to mean Feminism is the theory and lesbianism is the practice, reflecting an assumption that lesbianism is the purest and most desirable manifestation of feminism, and that bisexuality thus is sullied and impure. Compulsory heterosexuality was coined by a TERF for the inherent purpose of invalidating bisexual and transgender women, as both run up against the terf ideology that all men are bad, that all relations with amabs are bad, that amabs are rapists in disguise and abusers on the prowl and to sleep with a man or anyone that could have been a man taints you. Bisexuality has always been transinclusionary. Those who exclude the one tend to exclude the other. terf theory should not be your bedrock of queer or feminist theory. What hurts one letter hurts us all.
S. Young’s “ Breaking silence about the B word“ has a fantastic paragraph about coming out as a lesbian and learning from other lesbians that my sexuality was considered a copout, that bisexuals were treasonous and would run back to men and leave the lesbians behind, that only lesbians had an anti-patriarchal sexuality, that we were buying into sexism by being bisexual. while gay men do not seem to view bisexuals as sleeping with the enemy as strongly as lesbians view us, there is still the presumption that a bisexual man is just trying to hold onto heterosexual privilege.  these views are not absent from fandom spaces.
Bisexuality is treated as a transitional category, as experimenting, as promiscuity, as being a liar and a cheat. To reduce every bisexual character you come across, to force them to “pick a side”, to comment on ship art of characters like John and Vriska as “generic boring and straight”, to similarly comment on art of characters like Vriska and Terezi as “lesbian favs”, to insist it is homophobic or lesbphobic when people push back against this categorization- this is cruel. This is biphobic. This is bisexual erasure. Andrew Hussie, no matter what you think of him, was very clear. They wrote a story in which an entire species is bisexual “by default”- where Kanaya is the only troll in a set of 12 to have a mono sexuality (albeit, while still displaying biromantic tendencies, at least in the ashen quadrant). Whatever issues you have with Vriska and Eridan viewing relationships with eachother and others (Terezi, Tavros, Kanaya) (Feferi) via the lense of their ancestors, that does not erase their bisexuality. (Vriska) canonically dated killed-by-Terezi!John , and followed it up with an albeit unhealthy relationship with Meenah. Vriska had a celebrity crush on nic cage, implied she was attracted to Karkat, and had a relationship with Terezi. Eridan flirted indiscriminatorily with most of his friends of both genders. Gamzee’s infamous flirtations with Tavros and relationship with Terezi exists. So does Roxy’s pursuit of Dirk and her insistence that Jane is hot. Dave pursued relationships with Terezi and Karkat, Davesprite dated Jade. Karkat caught feelings for Jade, John, Dave, Terezi. I could go on but i will not- there are many bisexual characters in homestuck, after all.
Many people view bisexuality as not committing, as not picking between “us” and “them”, as having “passing privileges” by finding an opposite gender partner. We are experiencing a time of great unrest. Do not return to the days of isolating aspects of the community, of infighting that weakens us. You see what rhetoric is being used against the transgender community, against anyone who dares to do drag, to break the binary boxes. Bisexuality breaks boxes too, by daring to love our own gender and other genders. By being unapologetically attracted regardless of sex. Fandom biphobia is nothing so serious as real world oppression, sure. You could say it is just another pin prick. But each pin prick makes me bleed. And I only have so much blood to give.
I see many musicians irl reduced to straight women or gay men when they have repeatedly expressed bisexuality. This is cruel. This is biphobic. This is not the move from inside the community i want to see. For young queer kids online, those experiences will shape them as much as bisexuals being kicked out of the gay organizations does those who are old enough to join one. Homestuck helped me understand I was allowed to be bisexual- i thought bisexuality didn’t really exist, especially not for women, when i was 13. If my first experience with homestuck had been being told vriska is a lesbian and is only compulsive about perusing boys, i would have never understood what i was feeling, because my crushes on boys as a kid, my relationship with men as an adult, those were not and are not a sign of being coerced by society. These feelings do not deminish or delegitimization my attraction to women. To say such a thing is to take away my agency, to reduce me to either an experimental straight girl or a lesbian who is “just confused”- the latter of which is rhetoric transmen and asexuals have aimed at them. This is a biphobic world you have been raised in. All i ask is that you do not impose the rheotric of a biphobic transphobic “feminist” on characters and people like me. This a shitty rant, but i needed to say it.
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roadhogsbigbelly · 22 days
similarly to how i don't think all ter/fs are feminists (not even by the most surface level definition of feminism) not all rad/fems are like. transphobic? like alot of them do ATTEMPT to be trans inclusive and some of them are even trans themselves, but even than that doesn't mean you have to suddenly agree with them, because alot of rad/fem ideliogly (like actual rad/fem ideliogly not just thinking that women are oppressed or that men have privilege) is still kinda bad. like thinking that porn addiction is real or blaming sex workers for men's hatred of women, or assigning morality to attractiveness, or thinking it's good when Palestinian men die in wars because at least that means theirs less men. or some bullshit like that.
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