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Guys look what was added to Urban Dictionary
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"Progress for progress's sake is a cancer" -Thursday Next, The Eyre Affair
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bibliophilecats · 17 days
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Currently reading: The Last Dragonslayer by Jasper Fforde
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ffordefans · 5 months
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sailormoonsub · 8 months
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Naturally there's a vast well of potential metaphors that apply here, superimposed on each other and difficult to isolate, but I've been enjoying the interpretation that Mirror Sheriff posed last episode: MT is not a main character and therefore does not get an arc or growth.
Through that lens, this book is a story about stories. The traditional narrative structure would have us believe ALL obstacles are there for conflict, ALL characters exist for a reason, and the story ends when something is learned or changed.
within this framework, MT is the Very Special Episode Guest Character, who exists to act out a marginalized story for the sake of the characters who get their names in the credits, leaving behind nothing but William Shatner idly speculating "but what of Lazarus?" as we pan to an exterior shot and the credits roll.
MT rejects that role. Obstacles and foils aren't there FOR you. Narrative utility is a useful myth. Stories don't end when a comfortable status quo is attained; they continue with a different lead.
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highladyluck · 4 months
I regret to inform you all that I am tentatively adopting another evil woman
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potato-lord-but-not · 2 years
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You may be asking: what why? And the simple answer is this,, I binged the natm movies with my sister and finished reading Early Riser (7.5/10 pretty slay) and I draw too much so :/
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employee41512 · 29 days
💤 Go on, make people mad hehe :p
💤 Which character is overrated in the fandom, in your opinion?
the literal definition of overrated is to be given an undue amount of credit for quality or merit in a field -- not necessarily to be high in popularity.
i could talk about gary smith — however, i believe some individuals simply misunderstand him. here's the brief: he's seen as a pure person who's enmeshed under insecurity and vulnerability, and thus he carries himself with vituperative machismo. y'know that whole "take your meds" thing? yeah, well, he's not just a nice guy who needs a little tender love and attention — pete right there. but pete can't control nor dissuade gary because once gary has an objective, nothing gets in his way, and he will spiral into destruction blinded by the allure of his grand scheme. yes he's a kid but his hyperbolizing selfishness makes him a dangerous entity —— but, uh, this post isn't about gary because there is a lot to say about him, so i can talk about him another time lol.
another character i believe to be "overrated" is johnny vincent.
okay, i could be completely wrong here since i don't really know what the fandom thinks of him, but from what i see, he's this foofy who got manipulated into an obsessive, volatile relationship. yes, his relationship with lola is not healthy but he's also not innocent. lola's dialogue ("he's so mean to me sometimes…i don't know what to do!") heavily suggests that johnny's anger outbursts hurts lola as well, and he likely doesn't yet recognize this abusive behaviour because he's sooo infatuated with lola (can I get an amen? just me? okay). so they both use each other, but remember, lola left HIM, not the other way around. lola didn't just drop him because she was just using him for influence; she genuinely loved johnny and saw the potential in him. at some point lola recognized that johnny's strong fear of abandonment, self-destructive behaviour, mood swings and paranoia was hurting her. yes, lola definitely feeds off attention — she overdramatizes and exaggerates, and i think johnny took advantage of her sexual forwardness and craving for excitement and they became entangled and contorted into this mess of a relationship.
johnny is misunderstood; he can be a good friend to others but his own emptiness and insecurities become dangerous to himself and others. lola and johnny are complex individuals who, unfortunately, feel a vast void within themselves. johnny lashes out, but lola seeks him for love. lola wanders, but johnny seeks her because she's his World, and holding onto that gives him a sense of purpose. but that's awful. finding one's solace in One Person is an awful, pathetic circumstance, and lola had the right to cut him off, even if he lashes out and tries to hurt himself or others — he's not her problem, nor is she his.
or maybe im just projecting!
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abuddyforeveryseason · 4 months
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Early Riser is one of my favorite novels.
It's about a person working as a Winter Consul, an office responsible to keeping the peace during the winter months, while most of the general population is hibernating. Also, humans hibernate, that's part of the story.
Although there are other people awake during winter, like essential workers, bounty hunters, crazies and criminals, there's still a sense of camraderie between them and the Winter Consuls. So, in that sense, it's the perfect book for night people.
Because, really, all night people kind of get along, even if they're enemies. Cause we're all living in the morning people's world, aren't we? That's one of the things the novel talks about - there are no heroes during winter, only survivors.
So I know that, in spite of what 10,000 Maniacs said, the night doesn't belong to lovers, and in fact it's quite dangerous... but, still, there's a kinship there. I might not be the type of guy who goes out much at night, but, even if I was and I happened to be murdered out there, I'd be thinking "Yeah, man, it's okay, I get it. I don't like waking up early either."
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bethanydelleman · 2 months
Working with those versed in the Mystical Arts was sometimes like trying to knit with wet spaghetti: just when you thought you'd got somewhere it all came to pieces in your hands.
The Last Dragonslayer, Jasper Fforde
I remember loving this book and it might be for the excellent metaphors.
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nightlightpoets · 2 months
hi, welcome, this is mostly just a space for us to post the shittier disability and mentally ill stuff we can't put on our main for various reasons
feel free to send vents, rants, and stories by the question box
as jasper fforde said in the eyre affair: poetry bypasses rational thought and goes straight to the limbic system and lights it up like a brushfire. It's the crack cocaine of the literary world.
this is the space for all of our crack cocaine of the literary (tumblr) world.. and creepy, unnerving and uncomfortable imagery like liminal spaces
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feltpool · 10 months
I just realised that Jasper Fforde has finally finished writing the sequel to Shades of Grey and it's coming out in Febuary.
I've waited 15 years for this!
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talistheintrovert · 1 year
convincing you to read my favourite books by reading their best quotes
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