#ffxiv Falling Snow
candycryptids · 5 months
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Vierapril day 27 - Past/Set
"Oh! Thank you my friend, this will keep me going through the rest of these reports. But please, don't over-extend yourself, you're my guests!" The first experience Tuesday had with Haurchefant was being handed a cup of hot cocoa, which he couldn't personally drink, but he understood the sentiment; you came out of the cold, so come have something warm, to bring your core temperature back up. It was thoughtful, and kind, and the heat was something he could feel. Ser Haurchefant was always nothing but kind and welcoming to him. It left a... lasting impression.
Shaders are Neneko's [Neneko Antique] and [Neneko Jolt]
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keoll-y · 10 months
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estinien x aymeric winter date ❄
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ponyartistbrainiac · 9 months
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A logo I made for my final fantasy xiv static/team
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misswarrioroflight · 5 months
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Like final fantasy xiv and ponies? Ever wanna squish em together? NOW YOU CAN. I made an AU for it have fun! Warning Spoilers sadly the quality on the second one is being demolished it seems so sorry if its hard to read ;w; I hope its not too awful
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picturesofashe · 9 months
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A couple of dorks off to look at people's Starlight decorations
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roegadynroost · 1 year
FFXIVwrite 2023 - 11 Once Bitten, Twice Shy
It felt like it had been an eternity since Thyn'a had last returned to the Fallen Snows. The heart was as warm as she remembered, but his missing presence rendered the room in a terrible cold. Haurchefant had been a gift, a friend she'd wished she'd appreciated so much more when she had the chance.
Alas the looming threat of the dragon Nidhogg lingered heavily, making her impatient. She couldn't sit an wallow, nay, at the moment she was pacing the stone room. Alphinaud had asked her there 
Speak of the devil.
"Forgive me, that took longer than expected." The young Elezen paraded through the doors, managing to open and close them gracefully despite his hands being full. Thyn'a raised her brows at the mugs he toted in, she couldn't couldn't help but gawp at the steaming vessels.
"...You seem puzzled." Alphinaud noted, eyes looking up at her from beneath his neat bangs before finally following her inquisitive gaze. "Oh, these? I thought something warming might not go amiss." 
Thyn'a found her chest twisting at the gesture, she'd not yet gotten over the tampering of her drink in Falcon's nest during the conference and it gave her not shortness of anxiety to think of someone else preparing her food and drink.
"It was not all that long ago that we sat here, you and I. In our very own “Falling Snows,” as Lord Haurchefant called it. I still struggle to believe he has gone. ..." Alphinaud began to chatter as he was wont. Lamenting the lost of Ysalye, regretting his foolishness, all the mistakes that were made along the way. She as at a loss of what to say, but thank the Fury, the boy had no shortness of words for when she was left with nothing positive to say. Her eyes held a bitterness as she listened, faces of her allies in their final moments flashing through her minds eyes, their memories almost tangible as she imagined them before her.
"Ser Aymeric and his forces will do what they believe must be done. That is their choice to make. Yet even if Ser Aymeric is willing to forsake Estinien, I am not. We must fight for him, for he is our friend and ally. We may struggle, we may fail, but we must try." Alphinaud spoke with determination, and even in her solemn mood, she was pulled from the ghosts before her.
"We will find a way to save him." Thyn'a spoke at last, mirroring his conviction. "We must." She would not see another of her companions lost to this war. Not while she she could yet save them. To do less would be a disservice to those they had lost.
Thyn'a moved from her spot standing, taking a seat and motioning to another as she grabbed one of the mugs and slowly swishing the liquids around. Tentatively she took a sip, the warmth of the hot chocolate spreading through her. It was comforting, and she let a soft sigh leave her through her nose, as a familiar coziness set in. Her two-tones eyes watched as Alphinaud too sat and took a drink, also seemingly finding comfort.
After sitting in silence for half a bell, finally Alphinaud spoke up again, sharing his anxieties. It was sometimes easy to forget he was still so young for all his lofty goals, but not here, like this with them both spilling their souls.
"Thank you, Thyn'a." Alphinaud looked a bit sheepish. "It is unfair of me to unburden myself in this manner, time after time, but I am glad that you permit me nonetheless. You are my true friend and ally."
"Anytime my friend. We will get through this, together." Thyn'a promised. 
Authors note: Note 100% happy with this and didn't edit, but it's done so yay. Based on the CS in the quest "Causes and Costs".
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snow-system-wol · 10 months
Fluffcember Day 8, Fall
You'd been constantly waiting for S'ria to tell you to tone down your enthusiasm – but somehow he still hadn't.
You'd gotten off to a weird start with S'ria, and you stood by all that commentary and praise you'd said to him, but perhaps you should've realized he was the Warrior of Light before Cid let it slip several days later. It was nearly… mortifying to realize.
But S'ria wasn't so scary as he sounded. By the fire, dressed down and casual, he was just another man. Just another man, whose hair lit up with the firelight, whose smile was a bit rare but so soft…but not the first who'd ever caught your eye.
No, the devastating part was how S'ria acted with you. You swore that even other researchers got tired of you if you went on long enough, but he wasn't stopping you.
Even as you reminded yourself at various intervals of social convention and tried to brush off how much you've talked, he'd simply shaken his head and urged you to continue, should you wish.
Should you wish? You could stay up all night, speaking with this man who seemed so interested in what you had to say, if he'd let you.
You'd made a dry little joke in your ramble, the kind that oft fell flat, and he'd actually laughed. You'd never heard the sound from him before and you felt a falling swoop in your stomach and a warmth in your face unlike the campfire – and oh no.
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dawntrailing · 2 years
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yafaemi · 2 years
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In other news, have an Amandine
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gunlukhizmetleri · 9 months
Selam Nasıl keşfede düşmeyi mi? Pilanlıyorsunuz?
Ulaşım Hatlarımız;
Numara ; 536 626 43 80
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sasslett · 23 days
FFXIV Write 2024 Day 2: Horizon
It was with all her courage that Jess placed her foot in her stirrup, hoisting herself up onto her trusty steed and clutching his reins, vehemently pushing down the fear rising in her chest. 
She trusted Helios, of course - he'd never done her wrong, in the year since she'd bought him from Bentbranch, through all the crazy adventured she’d put him through across Eorzea. But, well… that was on the ground.
But flying? In the air? Hundreds of fulms above the safety of the land? 
“Are you ready?”
The Highlander glanced aside to find her Elezen friend grinning at her. He was, of course, the picture of confidence, just as he always was, his smile warming his deep, golden eyes… and warming her heart, as much as she hated to admit it. But it was, perhaps, the onze of confidence she needed. And so she nodded, taking a deep breath and settling herself into her seat…
Only to yelp as Helios flapped his wings and lifted off behind Varrus and Angel. Jess quickly scrambled for whatever grip she could, leaning forward and tightly wrapping her arms around her bird’s neck - earning her a chuckle from her fellow dragoon. 
“Just relax,” she heard Varrus call over the whistling of the winds around them. “Don’t look down, and if you fall, I’ll catch you.”
“Like hells you will,” she grunted through gritted teeth; as kind as the sentiment was, there was no way, should she slip, that he could swoop beneath her and prevent her from plummeting into the bottomless chasm surrounding Ishgard below. 
Ever-so-slowly, she cracked one eye open, then the next… peering down at the churning mists and crying out once more. Perhaps she would have admired the view, the snow-capped mountains around them, the rising sun tinting the skies a deep pink, with naught on the horizon but new lands to explore and new adventures to be had, were she not practically paralyzed by fear.
Why, oh why, had she allowed Varrus and Haurchefant to talk her into this? 
Because, she knew, as she opened an eye once more to eye her best friend, she’d do anything for that damned Elezen. 
And damn him, he knew it, too, as he met her single-eyed gaze once more with a grin. 
“Don’t think too hard,” Varrus encouraged. “Trust in your seat and your steed, and let yourself enjoy the thrill of the air.”
Well, seeing as she hadn’t quite died yet, she slowly opened her other eye, pointedly not looking down as she pushed herself up in her seat… And she had to admit, as per usual, he was right. It was nothing short of exhilarating, finding herself soaring through the frigid Coerthas air, snowflakes gently hitting her face, the only sound the flap of the chocobos’ wings and the wind whipping through her hair. 
She felt a smile slowly creeping onto her face, and she set her reins down upon Helios’ shoulders, throwing her head back and her arms wide as she embraced the freedom of the skies. She couldn’t help but laugh, a feeling of pure joy overcoming her. 
She was flying. She was flying! Up there, she was free… only her and her best friend, all their troubles left below and their eyes set upon the horizon, upon new adventures. And in that moment, that was all that mattered. 
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the-sycophant · 24 days
FFXIV Write 2024 - Prompt 01 - Steer
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Words | 682 ——————–
She could imagine it, the bite of wind at her cheeks and ears, the cold at her toes. The sound of snow crunching underneath as she paved her way through it, molding the terrain to her command like she was a god. A god rushing down a smooth, untouched hill on a sleekly polished sled. Her knuckles ached from squeezing the rim of it, her elbows. A bumpy ride regardless, she hit roots and stones. Almost tipped each time. Almost.
Calyx was a professional at this, even with just his one arm. He had said it was a different creature that had taken it each time she would ask, and always had a different, but elaborate story to go along with it. A morbol, a wolf, a chocobo, a wooly yak that had suddenly been bestowed with the mad desire for human flesh. He had said it was another person, once, too. That interested her the most. He never said that again.
“Watch out! It’s a bear!!”
“I see it.”
His voice was soft, as it always was. She had never heard him speak above a whisper. It helped reign in her delighted screeching. 
“A BEAR!! I’m gonna jump over it…and it’s not gonna get me!”
Wicker creaked as she tugged on its handles, trying to pick up speed, trying to BE speed. She was going to fly over it, she could see it in her mind. She could make the jump! She bent low in her sled-
“Oh, but what reach it has!”
“It’s gonna get ya!”
She did fall, then, as the arm holding the basket she sat in made her fall. Made her tumble to the ground and squeal. The stone was not as fluffy as she imagined snow to be. It wasn’t at all like falling into a cloud of iced cream. “Waaaaah!” A loud, albeit playful, wail as said bear did get her. Her laughs were shrill, hiccuping, face red as she was tickled, as he *chomp chomp chomped* at her. “W-wait! My…my dress! My…you’re getting it dirty!”
He sat back, apologized, murmured that it was ‘just life’, that bears ‘had to eat too’.
But he had gotten her this dress- a coat, really. Powder blue and fluffed with so much fluff, balls of fur puffing out and swinging on woven strings. Pretty wooden buttons and shiny, pearlescent stitchings. She dusted herself off, stood. It was her most favourite dress. The prettiest. He had seen it while he was away, said he thought she would look cute in it. She did. She looked very cute, felt very pretty. “I wanna go again!”
“I wanna…I wanna…the bear- I was gonna fly over it. I was going so fast. Did you see!”
“And I almost made it the whole way down this time.” She picked up her shiny sled, the wicker basket. Hoisted it over her head and held it high. “And I almost made it. And I couldn’t get around the bear.”
“I know.”
“I wanna go again, Cal! I wanna-”
She jumped, shrieked. Dropped the basket on her head and started running before she was grabbed. The basket grabbed. She wriggled, fought.
She was held.
“Mother would be displeased.” The masked man rumbled, eying the pair. Eying her dress.
They were to be reprimanded for ‘slacking’, for being caught outside of prayer.
“P-please, Cal…can’t I keep it? It’s mine!”
She was wailing proper now, blubbering into the pretty sleeve of her pretty dress as she held his hand. “It’s mine and you…and you got it for me! Please don’t let them take it away! It’s mine! I like it! I’m sorry- please don’t take it away!”
It was dark where they were going. It only made her cry harder.
“I-I-it’s mine and…I just wanna…go sledding I...I’ll let you steer this time, It’s…I just got it- it’s mine and…and…”
And he only said that he would get her a new one. When he could take her to see real snowy hilltops, feel the real wind and cold...then he’d get her a new one.
One of many lies.
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abysswalkersknight · 8 months
Bloody finally finished a fic! It might just be the longest one I've ever done and it certainly felt like it when writing it. This is the first fic for my twst x final fantasy au so I did a lot of research with ffxiv and ffxvi I hope you like it, I did my best to keep the Eikon names out because I have know idea what to call them if anyone has any suggestions? I might eventually decide to put it on ao3 as well if anybody was interested.
Apologies for the rushed ending though, it was much longer then I intended for it to be and I was running out of paper. But other then that please enjoy!
Where did his little one go?
Was what was spiralling through the old general’s head when he returned home to an empty house, there were no soft greetings from his precious dear or even his cute pale face peeking around the corner. ‘Silver? I’m home!’ He calls out, wondering if his son was simply playing outside with his animal friends. There was no answer. He was met with a heavy silence, my, how odd.
Normally Lilia wouldn’t have minded his son’s absence as the boy had often the habit of falling asleep in the most random of places and would need a bit of encouragement to wake up, but Lilia’s checked in all the cupboards, the bathroom, their bedrooms and closets, hell he’s even dropped down onto the cool wooden floor to peer under the beds themselves. But there was simply no sign of his boy, perhaps he’s just having some alone time, while that in itself was just fine, the silence furrowed Lilia’s brow and stirred something deep and restless within his chest, he glanced outside the window, thankfully the snow that day was only light but the darkening clouds above spoke of a daunting blizzard approaching, I should go look for him, the storm could be here by nightfall. Oh well, an extra walk wouldn’t be much of a bother and the racing in his heart will only be quelled with his darling boy either nestled within his arms or safely within his sight.
And all because of his blasted heritage.
Silver had hardly experienced a few years of a normal life, only for those few short years to be shattered the moment it was discovered that Silver was a Dominant… And in possession of a very special Eikon.
Typically it was rare for a kingdom to possess even one Eikon, their Dominants often dying off too soon from overuse and the Eikon vanishing into thin air until they chose another poor soul to haunt. 
Briar Valley, on the other hand, knew how to take care of their Dominants and has had the pleasure to lay claim to two Dominants, soon to be three with the strongest being their very own prince and future king. Many would foolishly dream of receiving such a privilege, to be ‘blessed’ by a being akin to a god, Lilia had always loathed this high ‘honour’. It was no blessing, nothing to gaze adoringly at, this curse was nothing more than a fancy name for the tight chains shackled upon all who were burdened with such power, he should know, he himself owned a very old pair. Earlier on in his life Lilia had quickly discovered that a Dominant nothing more than a mere shiny weapon to use at their kingdom’s disposal, they were not seen as a living, breathing being but something only meant to slash, cut and chop at the enemy until their blade shattered into tiny, brittle pieces, and even then those pieces were used until every granule was worn down. And now to Lilia’s horror, those very same shackles were suddenly clamped around his precious little one’s tiny delicate  wrists.
But cruel as it was, that was not the worst of it.
Growling deeply in his throat Lilia quietly shrugs on his weary cloak and stealthily slips out into the cold, making sure no one was around despite living in the middle of nowhere, just as they liked it.
A year ago within the Black Scale castle’s throne room, the senate had not at all been pleased when their eldest Dominant had announced that he would be moving out of the castle, and taking the newly found Dominant with him. In fact they had been quite furious, spitting curses at him, as he remained kneeled on the stone floor with his little one clutching onto Malleus’s clothes while trying to hide under the prince’s comforting arm and cloak.
‘How dare you forsake the privileges that were so graciously given to filth like you!’ They screeched and so forth. Lilia hadn’t cared for a single inane word they spewed at him, but then those harsh insults were instead suddenly thrown at a petrified Silver, ‘as if we’ll let you run off to let such a dangerous creature roam freely!’
‘It must atone for the sins of its kind! Did you forget what it did to our beloved princess?!’ 
‘Get that vile human away from the prince!’ as they yelled and shrieked all of these accusations and scorn, his poor darling little Silver trembled and whimpered as frightened tears silently fell from the child’s cheeks. Malleus even had to hold back a grunt of discomfort with how hard those little fingers dug into his hip, Lilia saw red.
He couldn’t remember much of what happened next, only how it took several guards dogpiling on top of Lilia to hold him down as Malleus, with wide eyes, suddenly pushed Silver back behind his legs fully as he tore into the senate ‘you dare question my judgement!’ he snarls, forcing the senate back with a hot plume of green flame ‘it is with my authority and blessing that Lord Vanrouge has permission to live elsewhere, opposing such is akin to opposing House Draconia itself. Need I remind you of your place, senate?’ In the end, before Malleus could set the senate aflame in Silver’s honour, it was thanks to Malleus’s grandmother Maleficia, who had made sure that Lilia was able to leave the capital safely. Along the way it had taken all of Lilia’s willpower to ignore all the hateful looks and scorn that all of a sudden seemingly spurred from every noble citizen he’s passed, it set Lilia’s blood ablaze as they were all directed at his stunned child, what utter fools! How dare they blame such a small child for all the wrongdoings of their kin! For the seven’s sake, Silver wasn’t even old enough to have been born during the war against the silver owls, let alone play a part in it! It was not as if the fae were free of guilt either. His poor little one had been so frightened from earlier that he stiffly hid inside Lilia’s cloak while keeping his wet face buried in his neck and had refused to move a single muscle until they had arrived at their new home. Lilia even worried at some point in their journey that Silver had stopped breathing with how tense and still he was. 
Lilia sighed, had he known the full extent of Silver’s ancestry, he would have never brought him to Briar Valley in the first place. If only I hadn’t killed his father.
At that thought Lilia shook his head, dislodging some snow particles. No, he didn’t have time for the past, what's done is done and he still had to find his son. The cool winter air nipped at his nose and ears, numbing them as his long dark hair lashed out with the gradually drifting snowflakes. Ever since the calamity five years ago, Briar Valley has been thrown into an eternal state of dark winters, harsh though it may be, the townsfolk have adapted well enough that they could still live comfortably. With every few steps he takes Lilia passes by warm braziers, dancing with green flame as he enters the city. 
‘Oh! Lord Lilia!’ a woman suddenly called out as the old general made his way through the rapidly falling snow. Cupping above his eyes and squinting, it was getting hard to properly identify anyone within the plaza, but thankfully with signature flowing locks as green as the richest of forests and a voice as boisterous to match, it wasn’t hard to tell who exactly was calling him, and wasn’t she a sight for sore eyes. He sighs in relief as Baul’s daughter cheerfully waves him over to the stall she was currently at once he was in clear view ‘how pleasant it is to see you down here my lord, are you out shopping as well?’ She chirps, paying the merchant as they packed her purchase, Lilia smiled tiredly and waved off the merchant when they gesture to their wares ‘no, no, not today at least, I’m just looking for a wayward son of mine’ he suppressed a rush of worried fear that threatened to wash over his whole being, he could still hear those heartbreaking wails and pained whimpers as his little one cradles a spasming hand close to his chest. For the past year Lilia hasn’t been without Silver clutching to his side for more than a day or two, and even then he’d make sure that his boy was in either Malleus’ or the Zigvolt’s care, for good reason as well.
It was part of why they had to move. While there was the fact that the castle was already a pretty little cage for Briar Valley’s Dominants, the sole reason they moved was because of the Eikon Silver possessed, and all the abhor and scorn that came with it.  
If anyone had ever thought the rough treatment Lilia received for being an ‘unworthy’ Dominant was bad, then his sweet little one had it even worse, he was already ridiculed for being human, and then to add fuel to the fire it was found that he bore the very Eikon that had ultimately slain their late princess who had been the prince’s predecessor… And his mother. Thus writing in big bold letters where and who exactly Silver’s lineage were.
Lilia frowned, he’d always had his suspicions but to have this as confirmation. He’d rather have stayed blissfully ignorant, thankfully Malleus didn’t give a chocobo’s arse who Silver’s Eikon was or what it’s done with his predecessor, it’s only a burden either way one that we now both share, he claimed when the senate had so viciously revealed the truth, the prince had solemnly looked down to the small child, in that sense he is just as cursed as I am. Lilia suspected they did that to further Malleus’s dislike for humans, only to have the opposite reaction to Lilia’s tremendous satisfaction.
Unaware of Lilia’s harrowing thoughts, Mrs Zigvolt’s sharp eyes narrowed into furious slits ‘you mean they haven’t told you yet? Those blunt headed fools!’ if he weren’t for his training, Lilia would have jumped at the sudden volume though he did back off a little, just in case. She then turned to him ‘apologies my lord, I’d thought that the boys would have told you by now but it seems I had too much faith in them,’ she shook her head ‘you needn’t worry about Silver, he’s actually gone off with my father and Sebek to the training grounds, father said he’d send a bat for you but it seems it didn’t show’ did he hear her right? Baul took his son to the training grounds? The castle training grounds?! Has the old crocodile gone senile? Baul better pray to his gods right now because Lilia’s going to bite his face off! Or at least he would if he wasn’t so confused as to how Baul managed to convince Silver to leave the house at all, it was hard enough for Malleus to get the boy to leave the forest’s safety. Before he could blink Lilia was already teleporting to the castle where he flies past the guards who were left stunned in the disturbed snow, clutching their polearms with bewildered expressions. He’s eventually stopped when a strong yet delicate hand suddenly grabs him by the shoulder ‘Lilia!’ exclaimed Malleus, he seemed shocked to see his guardian so frazzled as being compared to his usual carefree nature, coming at such a speed that his long hair was all over the place and damp with melted snow, his eyes soften with understanding though when Lilia ignores him in favour of frantically looking around for his dear Silver ‘don’t worry Lilia, he’s safe and just over this way’ he leads Lilia to peer around the corner where, in a secluded area that was usually abandoned came a barrage of determined youthful yelling.
‘Come, have at thee!’
The shouts came from the middle where two young boys clashed together, their wooden lances slashing and faking fatal jabs. Snow sprayed and danced at their swift movement, either aiding or hindering them. From the sideline stood Baul Zigvolt, watching with an unconcerned yet stern eye, he waves over the prince and general while barking for the boys to continue ‘how has he been?’ Lilia asks, watching as the boys fought with precision and reckless abandon, just as he taught them. He was unable to take his eyes off his boy, as those beautiful silver locks spun in the cool air, that pale skin that made him seem gracefully spectral but it was those exquisite auroral eyes that captured Lilia, ever since the discovery of his Eikon Silver’s eyes have been dull, full of guilt and fear, but now as he parries another blow from Sebek, they were determined, a light returned to those big eyes that were once full of wonder. ‘How did you get him out?’ he breathed, Baul nods knowingly, after all he was there when every with the senate happened ‘don’t ask me, ask my grandson’ he grumbles proudly gesturing to the younger Zigvolt who blocked a hit from the side ‘he saw the boy training alone then brought him over demanding that they spar together, I honestly don’t know what he told Silver but it was enough to convince him to come’ he then looks sheepish ‘ah, apologies as well general, I did intend to let you know about this as soon as possible but we couldn’t have just waited around without risking anything.’
‘Baul.’ He was smiling but there was something chilling in Lilia’s tone. Baul blanched and sweatdrop ‘ye-yes general?’
‘While I appreciate what you’ve done, know that after this I’m breaking your old legs.’
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paintedscales · 14 days
FFXIV Write 2024 :: Day Twelve
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Prompt: Quarry Characters: Nomin tal Kheeriin, Enebish Angura Word Count: 1,065
Master List
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There was a hush upon the mountains as Nomin followed close behind Enebish, the Angura woman who had been more than happy to welcome her to their village. The crunching of their boots in the snow filled the air, as did the sound of the sled being dragged across the powder behind them. Nomin simply did her best to bite her tongue when it came to handling the extreme temperatures of the Tail Mountains, the cold seeping into her bones, even with the protective layering. After all, they were out to see if they could find success in a hunt.
Enebish paused, holding up a hand to halt Nomin when she looked through the brush. When she stopped, Enebish then brought a finger to her lips, a smile growing upon them. She then grabbed her bow, and Nomin did the same…just in case. After all, Nomin volunteered her efforts versus Arik or Jargal, who both stayed behind in the Angura village to haul stone or wood, and clean vegetables.
Nomin saw it, though. Their quarry.
Enebish had them tracking a goat, all while teaching Nomin her own tracking skills. They followed the tracks in the snow. Apparently this goat was valuable. Their bows were not drawn to kill, but to capture. The tips of the arrows were swaddled with small phials that carried an alchemical concoction. Supposedly, it was to put creatures to sleep once the concoction was broken and released.
Enebish lined up her shot, as did Nomin. Better to have two arrows going out in case one missed.
“Three…” Enebish started, her voice a gentle whisper.
Nomin closed her non-dominant eye, ensuring that her shot was lined up.
Fwip! Fwip!
Both arrows were released, and both arrows struck the goat. One arrow struck the side of its cheek before bouncing off, the other its shoulder.
Clearly and understandably spooked, the goat made a bleat of surprise before starting to hurry through the snow. It did not get far, however, before buckling and falling into the snow. Nomin only stared in shock, surprised that the concoction really worked.
“Use that scarf I gave you to cover your nose,” Enebish instructed, already covering her face with her own and making sure it was tied tightly. She looked back at Nomin, the proof of a smile reflected in her eyes. “Can't drag you and the goat back to the village.”
“Got it,” Nomin replied, pulling the scarf up and then also reaching back to tie it a little tighter around her face after securing her bow. While she took care of that, Enebish already started walking, pulling the sled along behind her.
Once Nomin fell back into step behind Enebish, she glanced back at the goat that they had put to sleep and considered why they wanted it back alive. Initially she assumed that they were going to hunt it for meat, pelt, horn, and bone. But taking it back…alive?
“Why does the Angura want this goat?” Nomin finally asked as they trudged through the snow.
“Though we value our sheep…” Enebish started, leaning down and picking up one of the arrows as they passed. “These goats are rare. They normally live in the valleys, but sometimes they're chased into the mountains by predators. When they are and we catch wind of them, we go out of our way to bring them back to the village, because we can use their hair to make even softer clothing while retaining that insulation that we value to combat the cold.”
Nomin thought about this and then frowned as she recalled her own experiences. “The goats I've seen don't normally have fur that feels good to touch. But then again, I don't know goats that come up to the mountains.”
Enebish could be heard laughing from under her scarf. “These ones we call ‘kashmir,’ and their hair is cleaned and woven into wonderful threads and textiles by our weavers. As way of thanks for helping our tribe these past couple of moons, I'll see about gifting you and your friends some scarves made from it.”
“Oh…we couldn't possibly… I-I mean, if it's so valuable…” Nomin thought of several things Enebish already told her as well as the consideration to bring the goat back alive. They wanted to use the goat for several summers if they could.
“The three of you have helped more than we expected. It's really the least I could do as the daughter of Guyug Khan…” Enebish replied. They got to the goat and hoisted its slumbering form onto the sled. “Though my father doesn't express himself well, he's been grateful for the help you've provided. He's just been even more impressed that you're all from different tribes; Sagahl, Dotharl, Qalli…”
Nomin supposed she, Arik, and Jargal made an interesting trio to say the least.
“I'm surprised you seem so knowledgeable about the other tribes,” Nomin commented.
“We don't travel down from the mountains that often, but the Steppe is still our home. Our khans and khatuns over generations have often gone down with our traders and merchants to learn of the people so that we might make goods for them to better secure ourselves food and supplies more bountiful on the Steppe versus the mountains,” Enebish explained.
“... And these kashmir goats let you trade for even more or higher quality supplies from tribes like the Sagahl for fruit or vegetables…” Nomin thought aloud. 
“The Sagahl aren't keen to trade with us when it comes to our beastkin-based goods. But I suppose you were merely drawing a comparison,” Enebish scoffed, a good-natured tone to her voice. She started pulling the sled again, this time heading back to the village now that the goat was secured. “We've traded for dried fish from the Haragin, or Mankhad. We've also gotten good quality medicines from the Qestir.”
“Makes sense; hard for me to think of much that is easily obtainable up here…but I don't need to consider it often if ever…” Nomin could see the value in what Enebish mentioned, but she still had a hard time wrapping her head around much else that would need consideration.
Enebish allowed a giggle to bubble. “Well, stay with the Angura a little bit longer, and I can teach you more of our ways before you and your friends find your way back down the mountain trail to the mainland.”
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chidorisjournal · 19 days
FFXIV Write 2024 - Day 6 - Halcyon
Took some inspiration from the original Halcyon myth. It was fun to convert it to FFXIV.
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Trae stretched, feeling the slight overabundance of heat against her skin that meant she needed to move, even as she was loathe to do so. Long, sun soaked days, where the snow was almost golden in the light and the wind was, well, as gentle as the winds were in Coerthas anymore, were a rarity anymore. She was loathe to move and break the spell, the soft reminder of a time before the calamity when more than trees carefully tended and magiked were green. And yet she also had no desire to need to see a healer because she'd burnt her nose. That had been an unpleasant afternoon. Grumbling, softly, she shifted, sitting up from the hanging swing she'd been more than half asleep on, setting the book that had been covering her face aside.
This must have been some sort of signal, as she found herself suddenly surrounded by the littles. Orphans from across the cobbled street and dragonets from where ever it was they spent their evenings. Trae suspected Ehll Tou had a nest somewhere she hadn't bothered to inform anyone of, given the number of younglings that seemed to just conveniently show up at the Brew for snacks, stories, and 'socialization' that involved learning crafts and cooking and other mortal foibles. Not that any of the dragonets would call it that. No, it was all just fun and games. Still, their piping voices and play with the orphaned children of Dangoulin's Devotion benefited both sides, and taught each group both patience and the intelligence and creativity of the other. If nothing else, she thought, even as they begged her for a story, this generation would be less likely to fall prey to the manipulations and outright lies of the long war. Dragons, Trae mused, even as she carefully set her book aside and started to think through her litany of stories, had long tails and longer memories. Hopefully the mortals could keep up their side of the bargain this time.
The soft scent of coffee nearby told her she had one extra audience member, curving her lips in a soft, secret smile, even though she did not look away from the children before her to greet the tall shop owner. His presence, though, changed her story choice. Humming, softly, she beckoned two of the dragonets a little closer, tapping her toes until they picked up the beat. Dragons were creatures of aether and song, and it was barely an effort for the claws to pick up the rythmn her feet were tapping out. A few of the children caught on, clapping along, with varying success, and yet Trae smiled anyway. Somewhere, she hoped, Shiva was watching and smiling too.
Humming a few notes, she was delighted to hear the dragonets not keeping the beat pick up both a soft bass line and low harmonic, the bones of the song fleshing out quickly as the various groups figured out how they were supposed to work together. Once the start of the song had settled into a self sustaining cycle, she started her story, told in the old way.
"In the time before there was time, Before the warm wakening of spring Before summer's halcyon afternoons Before autumn's color riot and fae rings.
When Oschon's mountains rose and fell, Thaliak's rivers ran reckless as colts in sunlight Llymlaen's seas devoured whole places still unnamed And the glitter of Nymeia's stars spun brillant night."
A dragonet, recognixing the song, piped up, adding it's voice, a trilling soprano against her lower contra-alto, and they continued, the history of the star, though the smaller voice fell away as the story turned to the creation myth she'd been intending to tell. Still, she smiled at the youngster, nodding her encouragement.
"and so, Oschon, who masters the cold wind, saw the mourning, the depth of grief from Alcyone, and whispered to his own beloved, his own forever parted, Llymlaen, whose depths caught the pair in their misfortune
and thus was born the Halcyon, the bird who dives and swims who flies free, he who sings to his mate, she who lets him chase and the days when they are safest, when Oschon stills the winds and Llymlaen's oceans rest to keep the lovers safe."
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chitsuu · 8 months
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OC Kiss Week 2024: Lost
Doing this little challenge this week, with my FFXIV character and his husband (@kitshunette's son)!
I actually forgot that the paper of this watercolors sketchbook is not really forgiving when it comes to multiple layers, so that should help me not overthink the sketches
Also, I'm not much of a writer, but I decided to write a little something for each drawing, little windows in their story (which is also why I'm using the @ockissweek prompt list but not in order)
Jisul was walking fast, almost slightly running, as he did not want to be late to his meeting with the Viscount Jannequinard de Durendaire. Getting accepted in the Athenaeum Astrologicum had not been the easiest task, considering he was not from Ishgard in the first place, and Ishardians were still a bit wary of foreigners. But Jisul was highly motivated, and he really wanted to make sure they would not regret their choice. So getting to the school late was simply not an option.
In insight, what happened was totally predictable. Just as he was about to reach the entrance, there was a loud thump, a collision, and astrology cards went flying everywhere amidst the falling snow as both the Au Ra and an Elezen lost their balance.
“Are you alright?”
Hearing the voice, Jisul’s heart went strangely still and the world tilted.
The city was burning. Smoke rose everywhere, the sky was red, intermittently illuminated by flashes of light, and ashes were slowly falling like snowflakes. Jisul somehow remembered how the city looked before - large paved streets, city lights, the muted noises of long robes fluttering around. Now the only sounds left were the fires raging all around, and soft cries.
He felt an infinite amount of grief piercing his heart. Grief for what had been, what was happening and what was going to happen next.
Yet, in the midst of all the chaos, the only thing that felt right was the man standing in his arms. Jisul reached up to cup his lover’s face in his hands, and the grief he felt suddenly seemed tiny and laughable when faced with the clear eyes looking straight at him. The sense of loss brought by looking into those eyes was being deeply engraved into his very soul, as if willed into existence by creation magic itself, while the world crumbled around them.
“Let’s make a promise. No matter what, we will find each other again. In every live.”
His lover spoke in a low voice, unfaltering in his conviction, and yet the pain was lurking just below the surface, a pain mirroring Jisul’s.
“We will. I promise you. We will find each other again, no matter how long it takes. I will stand by your side again.”
“So will I.”
They both smiled, but the sadness contained within was overflowing. That vow was made on burning, empty grounds.
His smile is so beautiful, even now.
Jisul was unable to stop the thought from forming.
Without thinking, without a word, their lips found each other, as if to seal the promise. The kiss tasted like ashes. The feeling of losing a part of himself was overwhelming. The world was lit ablaze.
“Are you alright?”, the man repeated, a touch of worry in his voice.
As Jisul drew his gaze to the clear eyes looking straight at him, the world tilted back in place, and his heart started beating again, albeit a little faster than usual. The eyes belonged to an Elezen with tan skin and darker hair. The very image of the already disappearing memory he just experienced, except for the pointed ears. Then again, in that particular vision, Jisul had neither scales nor horns.
“Ah, uh, yes, I’m very sorry about this, I hope I didn’t hurt you…”
Jisul offered his hand to help the man stand, suddenly feeling shy.
What was that memory?
As they got back on their feet, the Elezen smiled, saying there was no harm done, but maybe they ought to pick up the cards before they could get damaged by the snow? Flustered, Jisul agreed and started collecting the stray cards, pondering on the already fading vision, just like a dream leaving in the morning.
Jisul would have doubted his brain entirely, if it was not for that quiet sense of a promise fulfilled swelling in his heart, filling the hole of having lost something he did not even realize he had before, along with a part of his soul contentedly humming, deep down.
Found you.
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