#fi vents
sjonni33 · 1 month
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hurt (click for better quality)
ko-fi☕️ shop🎣 redbubble🪲
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mosslingg · 2 months
called my uncle who's an IT guy
i asked about the laptop he's fixing for me.
here's how it went:
Uncle: uh yeah. it's not really uh. working.
Me: what do you mean
U: i mean that it worked fine after i booted it up for the first time but 2 hours later it uhhhh. died.
M: so. what you're telling me. is that it pulled a plug on itself for a second time.
U: yeah. essentially.
how am i supposed to draw toxic man yaoi without a puter in any shape or form. am i asking for much. am i really.
anyway this is a cry for help. if you have 10 bucks to spare PLEASE go to my kofi, i can't get the money for the laptop in an amount of time that would allow me to buy it on my own and ANY amount helps. im stuck at my grandma's for the time being with essentially only my phone, sketchbook and my brother coming over occasionally, which gives me temporary laptop access. this sucks.
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thepenultimateword · 1 year
Prompt #177
Henchman slides down the embankment to the river where a soggy figure drags themself from the sludgy current. It’s dark and hard to see, but that hair, those shoulders… It has to be.
“Supervillain!” Henchman grabs their old boss by the arms, clammy and slick from the contaminated water, and heaves them further onto the muddy slope.
“Get away.” It’s low and throaty, more aggressive than usual too, but Henchman is doubly sure of their identity now. Everything gushes out at once.
“Where have you been? Why are you here? It’s been months! How come you didn’t—“
Supervillain’s face flashes up, revealing a short amphibian snout, green slitted eyes, and a pair of gills, just behind their jaw. “I said. Get. Away.”
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In regards to these Ko-fi uploads…I need to be real for a moment. I don’t have a therapist right now so I’m venting it here so I can just get it out.
…*sighs* I’m not exactly good at moving. I hate change to the point where it worsens my fatigue into immobility or extremely limited mobility. Even if said change is good for me. I don’t exactly have a space where I can just hide and nest for awhile.
I’ve been suggested to go to a crisis center in case things worsen. It’s free walk in but-
It’s…not the cost. I’m moving on the 15th. A lot of my trauma stems from psych wards, hospitals, and crisis centers. I’m…not exactly the most willing because of that. But I appreciate the sentiment this person was looking out for my sake.
My housemate (who owns the place I’m currently residing) didn’t see me here in June. Which meant I needed to find a place to go. It’s fine. I knew this wasn’t home. But I was subconsciously hoping it would be one day. Despite my housemate making it clear a couple times that he didn’t see me here in June. When he said that, I realized this wasn’t home. I feel so displaced that…anywhere I go, I have that hope. So it hurts to be disappointed in that hope.
However, I did. But…it meant leaving where I am and back to the county where my abuser and ex-friend who SA’d me is. Not the same city. But still, my partner is in the vicinity I’m moving to. I trust them, and I know that if I’m not staying indefinitely at the place I’m couch surfing to, I’m not getting kicked to the curb.
She said she’ll ensure I have another location to stay safely that I won’t be on the streets again. Which I am grateful for.
I’m exhausted, I haven’t packed much but-…I might start tossing shit in the garbage at this point. …. There’s a lot of things I’d rather give away to better homes but I’m not certain anyone’s going to take them despite my situation. Plus these are things from people that no longer…are in my life. For various reasons.
I’d love to give them new homes…a lot of em are useful and cute mini plushies…because I don’t got a lot of space.
All this to say…if none of these get taken.. then they’ll be tossed. I hate to do that, but it is what it is.
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ohbo-ohno · 4 months
i made the horrendous mistake of watching the start of an old rdr2 playthrough while taking a break from writing and it was possibly the worst decision i've ever made
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heir-of-the-chair · 8 months
You know, when they said “you never stop learning things about yourself” I don’t think they meant five consecutive years of having a new identity crisis.
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hififotos · 1 year
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71 Plymouth Cuda
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artmolonara · 12 days
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Stress Birds.
I've been sick for the last few days, a lingering fever that has prevented me from going to work. And given that I've pretty much been living paycheck to paycheck, this has put me in dire financial trouble. I'm going to need some assistance if I'm to pay my upcoming student loans.
Please consider either commissioning me or donating to my Ko-Fi. This month only, I'm doing a two for one commission, where you will be able to request a digital work of equal or lesser value to go along with your first. And if you simply donate a small amount of at least 3 dollar, I will to a timed sketch request depending on the amount you donated (1 minute per dollar).
💜💙Please Help Support me on Ko-Fi 💙💜
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dragoon-faeren · 1 month
Does anyone know where the CEO of Microsoft is? I need to inbed my bass guitar into their skull.
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god-mouths · 2 months
im tired im TIYARDDDD im tired of taking gummies pills powders etc it would be nice instead if my body worked naturally goodly
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dndidiots · 1 year
Man. Fuck Hasbro.
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of-the-faerie-folk · 2 months
Small vent
I thought it’d be fun to wear my pride pin tote bag to school because it’s lesbian visibility week and I haven’t really tried to do anything like that before and instead of feeling proud and brave, I instantly became so aware that I’ve never really been visibly out like that in any capacity really. And it made me feel so small and weak that a little pride pin on my bag was making me hide so much more. I know I’ve come a long way and the fact that the list of people who know I’m queer is in the double digits means something to me shows a lot, but god it hurt to know that even that made me so afraid.
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darkcanid19 · 4 months
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attention seeker
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ghcstcd · 6 months
when your computer monitor breaks
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swoodthis · 9 months
Why the fuck is it that in fantasy and sci-fi media, there are almost always themes of “science/magic/etc is Bad”?! What the fuck?!
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nvzblgrrl · 5 months
Your girl is a canon high school drop-out trailer trash 'sucker for love' who's tendency to make life decisions based on her dating interests has backfired and paid off to different degrees of 'live ruining' for both her and her various exes. At no point would it be realistic for anyone in her community to have considered her the Best And Most Talented And The Only Person Who Ever Had Any Potential, let alone all of them. Her success story is that of an underdog - and one that in canon is achieved by falling into wealth almost by accident and then erasing everything that she used to be to become someone else. She lives in a mansion now, nobody in her new community knows where she came from or what her background is, she reconfigures everything about herself from her fashion to the very way she talks, and yet, she's still stuck on the one that got away, and is willing to potentially destroy everything she has to get him back. ...Rose Tyler is Jay Gatsby.
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