#fic idea: kingdom hearts
teecupangel · 1 month
I just had a random plot bunny attack me at work. What if Desmond Miles was reborn as Sora from Kingdom Hearts with no memories of his former life? He goes through Kingdom Hearts (the first game) as normal but once we hit Chain of Memories things start to change. The plot of CoM is Memories and what is and isn't real. As Marluxia (or was it Axel) put it, "To lose is to find, and to find is to lose." Rather than Namine, Sora begins to remember his life as Desmond Miles. Kinda scaring Donald and Goofy. However it kinda goes away for a bit when Namine restores Sora's memories, for Kingdom Hearts 2 and Dream Drop. Yet Kingdom Hearts 3 is where it can get interesting again. Change out one of the 13 vessels for either Clay or Lucy and have Sora start to have an existential crisis and by the time of the Remind DLC when Sora uses the power of waking to save his friends, it's such a Desmond move that both parts of him are at peace.
Then he wakes up back on earth near the Grand Temple 11 years later, as the sixteen or seventeen year old Sora, or is it Desmond?
I’m gonna be honest with you, my highschool crush was Roxas so I wanna keep him in this idea but, my god, it would be so fun if Sora’s ‘nobody’ turns out to be one of his Bleeds.
But… we can actually keep Roxas since his looks is based on Ventus who was resting in Sora’s heart but we hint at his connection with Desmond Miles by making the prologue of KH2 dwell on his family and it’s talked about how he has an older brother, younger sister and younger brother. Namine later admitted that she wasn’t the one who wrote that in. It was Roxas himself who added that ‘detail’. ‘DiZ’ suggested that it was Roxas’ subconscious taking a bit of ‘memory’ from Sora but that doesn’t make sense when Riku tells him that Sora was an only child.
The real reason why they needed Roxas to merge with Sora is because Sora’s memories and Desmond Miles’ memories are not stable. His experience in Castle Oblivion and Namine’s powers only served to widen the gap between the two sets of memories.
Roxas, being both Sora and Desmond as his nobody, is meant to cover the gaps to stabilize him.
When the time came when Roxas and Sora became one, Desmond Miles’ memories go to sleep to stabilize Sora.
It wasn’t what DiZ wanted. He believed Desmond Miles’ memories was necessary for Sora to grow and defeat Organization 13 but they have no idea why Desmond Miles’ memories refused to resurface.
KH3 happens and everyone remembers Xion.
Because sure, one of the 13 vessels turn out to be Lucy or Clay (or maybe even Cross) but the most they were able to do was tell Sora that he wasn’t the chosen one. Desmond Miles was the chosen one. He just so happened to be a vessel to the real chosen one and Xehanort’s goal had been to awaken Desmond Miles to control Kingdom Hearts because Kingdom Hearts was an ‘artifact’ from another dimension that appeared in their dimension.
And Desmond Miles was an otherwordly soul, the only being that can control Kingdom Hearts.
And the reason why Sora can’t fully remember his life as Desmond Miles?
Because he wasn’t the true vessel.
Desmond’s true vessel wasn’t actually Sora.
It was Ventus.
Sora was a ‘replacement’ because of what happened to Ventus.
And that was why Xion doesn’t have any of Desmond Miles’ memories nor did she ever take his face. She was an imperfect replica so she wasn’t capable of even trying to hold Desmond’s memories in the first place.
Cue Sora having an existential crisis of who he truly was because he was honestly getting on board with the whole idea of being Desmond Miles as well.
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justaz · 3 months
merlin au where merlin keeps excalibur and returns to camelot to serve under gwen as court sorcerer after she repeals the ban. merlin remains for years, unaging, even as gwen dons wrinkle after wrinkle and spouts grey hair after grey hair. eventually, gwen passes without an heir and since merlin holds arthur’s sigil, he ascends the throne and leads camelot for years. eventually invaders come and slaughter the people and burn the fields etc etc and merlin goes out to fight. he fights like a demon, which is what they call him with his unnatural abilities and golden eyes, and merlin chases them from his kingdom - only, they slaughtered everyone within the citadel. there is no camelot, not anymore, not without her people. merlin should’ve seen this coming as her one true ruler has been and will always be arthur. he waves a hand and puts out the fires and restores the buildings to their once gleaming glory then takes excalibur into the center and drives it into the stone. with the force and power behind it, merlin raises the earth around the kingdom and buries it away from further invasions.
he leaves the kingdom hidden beneath the earth and travels up to the surface to explore just how far the continent spreads. then theres new continents across the ocean and he explores those as well. he watches as the world expands and grows and learns and advances but humans go too far and begin to destroy the world and create weapons of mass destruction and threaten each other with war. merlin assumes arthur will come back considering the destruction of practically everything but he doesn’t. tensions rise and snap and in the blink of an eye, humanity is chased back to their caves. with the loss of technology and modern ideas, humans revert back to their roots and connect with the elements which means they reconnect with magic. it takes another few thousand years for these humans to achieve the level of civilization merlin grew up in his first few decades of life.
different tribes are settled across the land but, thats the thing, over the course of the last few millennia (lets pretend land moves super quick plsplsplsplspls) the separate continents have collided with one another and practically the entire mass could be considered albion. he’s not even sure where the original land resides now. sooo he’s not even sure where camelot resides now. he really should’ve set up some beacon so he could remember but its been thousands upon thousands of years. sue him for his memory being a little foggy. he wanders from tribe to tribe and learns from their new magic while acting as a physician which a lot of them consider him some sort of miracle healer considering his advanced medical knowledge. it’s a win-win tho, he learns new magic and they don’t die. everyone is happy.
then during one such visits to a tribe, he finds a man of twenty summers with a head of golden hair like a crown and sunkissed skin from working outside all day and bright blue eyes that look like the very sky was captured in his gaze. merlin stands for a while and watches him dig around in the dirt, sweat gleaming on his brow, and his muscles rippling as he works. merlin can feel the countless years falling from his shoulders, he feels lighter on his feet, and pure happiness bubbles in him. a grin wide enough to split his face pulls at his lips.
he can’t help himself from stumbling over toward his long lost best friend, his body awkward and gangly with excitement and when he calls out to arthur his voice seems younger than it has in millennia and he vaguely notices that his appearance of wizened old healer melted away to his twenty year old body. arthur looks up with a polite yet confused smile and greets him followed by a question and merlin is faced with the realization that arthur doesn’t know him, doesn’t remember him. merlin manages to keep a thin smile on his face as he reaches out with magic and finds an injury in his knee from years ago that must’ve been bothering him and excuses his use of arthur’s name as someone sending him to find him and help heal the injury.
anyways merlin and arthur become friends and set off on an adventure of gathering the knights of the round table from various tribes/villages and they eventually stumble upon gleaming white stone that merlin belatedly realizes camelot was built with. the knights all take turns tugging at the sword but it doesn’t budge, not until arthur reaches out and tugs as if expecting it to be y’know stuck in stone only it slides out like butter and he knocks the hilt on his forehead and knocks himself out it out. with the sword tugged from the earth, it rumbles and cracks and splits and a hidden kingdom arises from the dirt, gleaming white and shining in the sun. they stare in amazement and awe for a moment before they grow confused and distracted. then arthur turns to merlin and says his name in an all too familiar way and merlin starts sobbing bc arthur is finally back
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candyriku · 3 months
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I just posted my incredibly self-indulgent retired ballerina Soriku AU oneshot over on Ao3, so I drew this to celebrate! :)
Title: Pas De Deux
Rating: G
Words: 2,178
Chapters: 1/1
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wolfgirlboyjester · 2 months
KHOC Week Day 4 - Dream
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(Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3 - Day 4 - Day 5 - Day 6 - Day 7) ( @khoc-week )
Lamia has nightmares nearly every night, brought on by the curse of darkness in his heart—but lately, he's been having other dreams as well.
He's in the plaza in Radiant Garden, and someone is standing in front of him, asking him something. It's a different person every time he has the dream—Aerith, Arno, his parents, later even Xigbar shows up—and a different question: What do you fight for? What are you most afraid of? What are you most scared to lose? Who do you need to forgive? Deep, philosophical questions that aim at the heart of who he is.
He never knows how to answer. Even when he thinks about it, tries to look inside himself, really consider what he's being asked...no answer comes.
When he tells Xigbar about these dreams, the old man instantly recognizes what they are. Somehow, slowly, Lamia's keyblade is waking up, and he's starting to experience the first halting steps of his Dive into the Heart.
But it's not supposed to be this jumbled or confused, it's not supposed to happen more than once, and it's only supposed to happen around the time a wielder first holds their keyblade. All that could be chalked up to the keyblade not being at full power yet—but also, Lamia's supposed to know the answer to the questions. Is he that disconnected from his own heart, his own sense of self?
One night, what seems like a Dive into the Heart dream turns out to be a particularly nasty nightmare that ends with him plummeting through the air towards a massive stained glass floor. The glass depicts Hollow Bastion under the reign of Maleficent, a ring of Heartless symbols, the curls of smoke that appear with his curse. Major parts of the image are missing, shattered out, including his own face.
And in the center, smiling back at him, is the face of his father.
(closeups below the cut!)
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psychedslash · 3 months
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There's an essay comparing these two series that I could write if I was a smarter, better writer.
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strayheartless · 10 months
Strifehart story idea:
I love totally functioning and loving relationship Strifehart, but I also like 'worked really hard to get to that point' strifehart. I don't think it was easy for either of them to be vulnrable with eachother; they are both increadibly closed off and somewhat cold as people. So I've been formulating this slow-ish burn fic that I want on opinion on?
So it starts with Tifa and Cloud deciding to stay in Radient Gardens after the events of KH2. Cloud's been searching for Zack, which has led him down more dark paths than is strictly healthy and he decides to stay for a while and help Tifa set up her new bar.
Along the way he somehow gets pulled into helping with the RGRC (by Aerith and Yuffie) and via this has a proper introduction with Squall. They work together on some projects and get along well enough in so much as they like the fact that they can work in the same room together in silence and not irritate each other.
One night they are up late working on the new hydroelectric power generator for the city hall. When they finally finish Leon suggests Cloud crash in his spare room instead of dragging himself all the way to seventh heaven across town. Cloud accepts and when they get in Squall offers him a drink and they sit and chat for a while.
Niether of them know what led them to kiss. It wasn't the 'mood of the moment' and they certainly weren't drunk, but they do kiss, and then in a move neither of them saw coming they end up sleeping together.
Cloud is out of the house before the sun rises the next morning, and Squall doesn't feel bothered by it. But then it keeps happening. Never at work, and always in Squalls house, never Clouds apartment. Cloud is always gone before Squall is awake, and they never ever talk about it, or even reference it in passing.
Thing's start to get complicated however, when Cloud decides that he's spent enough time 'playing house' and needs to go back out to make sure Sephiroth is still discorporated, and to search for any signs of when happened to Zack.
Squall is...
Squall is bothered by it. Not by Cloud looking for Zack, He knows thats long and complicated and not his business anyhow. He's not the Jelous type, and he's certainly not going to be jelous over a relationship he doesn't even have! But he finds himself feeling strangly hollow when he turns around and Cloud is not there in his office, or on construction sights.
He starts thinking about it more and more; agonisisng over the fact that when he's alone in bed, while he knows Cloud is on a different world, he can feel Cloud's absence next to him. It drives Squall mad.
It takes a while for him to figure out that he's falling for Cloud and when Cloud finally comes back, waking up without him there after their nights together starts to hurt. He wonders if he's letting himself be used, and the voice in the back of his head that sounds an awful lot like Rinoa tells him 'if he feels like that he needs to talk to Cloud'.
In true Squall Leonhart fashion however he doesn't and it begins to fester. Until one night when Squalls at home and can't sleep, he is pulled from his brooding over the kettle by a knock at the door.
It's two o'clock in the morning, everyone in the city is usually asleep by now, yet when he opens the door he find's Cloud, glassy eyed and frightened. He immidiatly ushers the other man in, checking him over and getting him to sit on the couch.
it doesn't take long to realise whats happened. Aerith and Tifa had warned all of them that Cloud's mental health was delicate. Squall had seen him have episodes before, but they were usually short bursts of forgetfulness; moments where Cloud would become agitated by not remembering what he'd done with a tool. This was something wholey more frightening.
Cloud didn't know why he'd come to Squall or what had caused him to feel he had to seek someone out. There were lucid moments where he'd answer to his name and others where he would look straight through Squall when the man called to him.
Squall eventually gets Cloud to lie down in the spare room, but after about an hour Cloud is up and crawling into Squalls bed and Squall doesn't know what to do to offer comfort except let Cloud sleep holding his hand; letting him hear Squalls breathing and his heart beat.
The next morning Cloud wakes to the smell of warm coffee and omlette. He tries to emotionally unvailable his way out of the door but Squall won't let him get away with it. in hind sight he could probably overpower Squall but that irritating ache thats been in his heart since he started sleeping with the man makes him stay.
Squall won't let up on the hard stares over breakfast and Cloud refuses to elaborate on what happened. Eventually they come to a stalemate and have to go to work.
but something changes between them. There's still a distinct lack of communication. Squall still feels like he's letting himself be used and its beginning to hurt more than he is willing to admit. Cloud is still fighting against every molicule in his body over how fast he's fallen for Squall. However, there is no Denying things are different.
Their eye's linger on each other now, where they hadn't before. Cloud at least lets Squall wake up before he leaves. people notice that they move differently with eachother, and Aeirth thinks thier secretly dating and she teases a very distressed Cloud over it until she realises that he looks like he wants to cry, but doesn't
Their frequent meetings don't exactly "change". They still have sex, Cloud still leaves, and they still don't adress it even inside the walls of Squalls house.
The fact that some nights they have to stop because Cloud has started crying is new though. Squall is always the one who puts a stop to it because he can see quite clearly that Cloud is incredibly vulnrable. Its scary to watch because Cloud doesn't cry. It's scary for Cloud too because he doesn't cry.
the whole thing comes to a head when Cloud turns up one night looking badly beaten. He'd picked a fight with a hearless swarm while looking for clues on Zack and ended up having to crawl through a dark corridor just to escape. He's unconcerned for his own state of being and Squalls had it with him. He drags Cloud into the bathroom and rants and raves at him while cleaning him up and casting healing spells over broken ribs.
He yells about how stupid and reckless and dumb you have to be to go up against a swarm on your own. He yells about the fact that Cloud has spent too long being allowed to get away with all this stupid behaviour and that he's going to get himself killed and...
"And how do you think I'll feel huh? when you die and I'm just here waiting for you to come back like the stupid fucking idiot that I am! when I'm sat here fucking wondering why the hell I let myself fall in love with you. God I'm so fucking stupid, this is ridiculous, I'm just convenient for you and I should be fine with that, but I'm not and its just so FUCKING STUPID!"
The door to the cabinet gets slammed so hard it comes off of a hinge, and suddely Cloud is staring at Squall who has dropped to a crouch, hands still holding on to the counter above him, as he lets out a scream of fustration that he muffles betreen his forearms.
Cloud is so dumb struck that he can only slip off of the counter, and kneel on the floor to hug Squall from behind.
After that they finally talk about what they've been doing. Its not easy; both of then have never been masters of the spoken word, but they realise that they've both been hurting eachother without realising it. Cloud by leaving Squall alone to feel used, and Squall by not seeing that Clouds tears and vulnrability was a plea to be more to him.
They discuss bounderies and ways they can communicate better. They talk about moving past just sleeping together and attempting something like a relationship. They negotiate likes and dislikes, needs and wants, hopes and fears.
In short they start the long road to being a functional and healthy couple.
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chamomile-soup · 1 year
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thinking about legacy (aka who knew paternal instinct could override a crazy homicidal god complex) and it got me thinking. how is sora going to react to fighting riku's dad (245234 times) if this is the same dude who babysat them? this dude? who gets sunburnt after .000001 seconds in the sun despite living on a tropical island?? you're telling me it's the same guy who has a bigass god complex and the omnicide to match?? and then he just calmed down and peaced tf out to an island paradise? also ever crisis miniroth looks like riku btw.
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firestorm09890 · 10 days
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here's my take on zexion death scene. cheers
the explanation: Nobodies appear to be connected to their magical abilities in a very intrinsic way, with how their abilities manifest and how connected to their non-existences their signature weapons are. instead of their magic being like something that comes from a single source that could potentially be pulled out, it's infused in every aspect of their body down to the conceptual level, so Repliku stealing Zexion's powers was less like stealing a single vital organ and more like stealing his entire nervous system down to every neuron. the scar is there for fun
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the-au-collector · 2 months
Sora keeps collecting father figures
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razzledazzletrassh · 2 months
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no major fic updates just yet guys TAKE MY WOY OC I MADE LIKE. April of last year IM PLUGGING SOME INFO ABOUT THIS GUY IN THE TAGS.
I may also redesign her soon or something. Make her more bug-like with some stuff. I can cook guys let me cook !!!
#THIS IS VAL !!!! dubbed her as a he/she er..#I have lore about this guy and his homeplanet Amore and the Lovebugs..#all that’s really important to know is that ive based the worldbuilding for Amore around svtfoe’s mewni#design wise mostly. I’ll emphasize.#in terms of the societal parts of Amore the kingdom kinda flourishes in the arts of all sorts and trade within the kingdom it goes crazay…#they were pretty closed off from the rest of the galaxy though. like their tech and stuff is pretty outdated compared to most of the other-#planets with atleast escape ships and all that fun stuff.#foreshadowing#ANYHOW lovebugs are silly guys I think of them as like weird hedonistic freaks of sorts#they have very big dionysus worshipping energy to them just to give a perspective#and of course they prioritized relationships and the different forms of love#romance actually wasn’t even the big thing that built the kingdom#it was more like a love for community and friends#which is also kinda silly because of the monarchy aspect to Amore and all that#OH ALSO these guys go absolutely crazy with fashion and makeup. gender isn’t a major thing in the kingdom in my eyes#you WILL serve cunt!! /silly#WORLDBUILDING ASIDEEE Val was the prince to the kingdom and was set to be the heir to the throne#the designs are like three different route ideas ive had for Val#the first is just a baseline design so like. pre amore‘s destruction from dominator#the second is like a good ending design of sorts to my ideal lineup for a season three for woy with val continuing to embrace the lovebugs-#history and culture even with Amore gone and a good portion of her people#and the third. is a bit hard to describe because it’s more of an au but it’s just a concept idea I had of Val teaming up with Dom#(it would be short lived like probably a few months max so dw)#and silly note i joked about the idea of val being an ex to peepers BUT I WANNA DEVELOP THAT MORE BEFORE I SHARE.#tap into that this may be cringe but i am free mindset or something slash silly TEEHEE#BUT YEAH Val’s just a silly gal in my heart and soul no matter what. ive missed her a lot i wanna work on fics with him and especially to-#develop more stuff for Amore and the Lovebugs before Dominator’s destruction of the planet#BUT YEAH i wanna Val post more. go into depth for their dynamic with the other characters and all that#I may cook some more stuff with him once I get these stargazing fics all set and whatnot SO WE’LL SEE!#also /nf but if anyone would wanna ask questions about val/amore/lovebugs ask away I’d love to answer any questions! 🥺
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Solo Chorus/Kairi VS the Watchers Cover
Sometimes you gotta draw a cover for the fic idea you may never write.
Even if I haven't touched this au in while due to working on Chi saga World Revamp art, I enjoy a lot the idea of a Kairi centric game with light themed enemies. My Accord similar to her drakengard 3 original is her deuteragonist and a helpful outside pov to the challenges my favourite gal faces. My take on the watchers(see other posts I made about them) drawing inspiration from the Drakengard ones and FF14's shadowbringers helps explore the royalty of heart of her life.
Drakengard and Kingdom hearts belong to Square Enix.
Description in alt, do not repost on other sites.
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teecupangel · 2 years
Regarding the answer you gave to my previous ask, it looks great! It sounds like a cool idea! Desmond being one of the princesses of light sounds cool, as well :)
The KH x AC crossover idea that spurred this
And to elaborate on these tags I left in the og ask:
#if you want a full-blown kingdom hearts crossover let me know #just know that it would be more like the ac franchise being condensed in one world ala hollow bastion/radiant garden #and i will make desmond a princess screw it
So, in this setup, the entirety of AC lore would be condensed into one world like Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion did with the FF characters.
Sora, Donald, and Goofy will travel to this world while they’re looking for their next plot piece (or maybe their gummi ship needs to be repaired) and their interest is piqued when they notice that there seems to be some kind of organization (with hoods!) that defeats both heartless and nobodies with minimal problem.
When they get to the castle, they learn that Prince Desmond (who is a very chilled guy and clicks with Sora, Donald, and Goofy quickly) has been tasked in awakening the three great heroes of their world to ask for their aid as they have learned where the heartless and nobodies are coming from but it’s taking all of their manpower just to keep the castle and nearby towns safe.
So they go on a quest to request the aid fo these three heroes who, according to legend, could only be awakened by the prayer of one with royal blood.
Along the way, they get into some trouble.
The protector of the first hero, Altaïr, turns out to be colluding with the heartless and nobodies to control the people of the fortress where he laid asleep underneath.
The family in charge of keeping the second hero, Ezio, safe was busy trying to keep some asshole from invading their walled town using the heartless and nobodies.
And the location of the third hero, Ratonhnhaké:ton, had become lost and all they know is the general location. Supposedly, the people in charge of keeping him safe had been forced out of their homes by monsters (“Not heartless?” “No. Simply the worst monsters of all.”)
Every time Desmond tries to wake them up, they don’t wake up, instead becoming dust with their heart entering Desmond. Many believe this is a sign that Desmond is meant to be the hero but Desmond believes that he’s failing his task (no matter how much Sora, Donald, and Goofy try to console him).
Everything comes to a head when one of Org XIII takes Desmond captive and does an infodump on them about how Desmond is one of the new Seven Hearts but his heart had been incomplete. That they had been waiting for him to absorb the heart of the three heroes so he would awaken as a Prince(ss) of Hearts.
Sora, Donald and Goofy races to save him and Desmond manages to escape because awakening as a Prince(ss) of Hearts meant he had the power to summon the ‘ghosts’ of the heroes who helped him escape.
In the end, Sora receives the keychain with the insignia of their kingdom (a stylized A), getting the “Hidden One” keyblade which has the perk of making the first hit of a combo have twice the damage.
Desmond remains in his world to master his new found power but promises to help Sora, Donald and Goofy if they ever need it.
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blazernot · 1 year
They both have the vibes but in different ways I will explain. Someday.
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candyriku · 6 months
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So I've been thinking way too much about my ice skating Soriku AU....
Pose based on this video, I've been watching ice skating videos every night for the last few weeks because I can't stop thinking about Sora and Riku skating together.
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spicypepperjack · 1 year
Bear with me here:
Arcane, but it's a Kingdom Hearts AU with Ekko as Sora and Jinx as Riku.
Think about it: Jinx succumbs to darkness because she accidentally killed her family and is corrupted by Silco as Ansem, Seeker of Darkness. There could also be drama with Jinx becoming a Heartless, and Powder returning as Jinx's Nobody.
Meanwhile, Ekko maintains the light across the worlds, and tries his best to redeem his former best friend despite all the bad shit she did. He goes around with Caitlyn and Vi as his Donald and Goofy.
Of course, the EkkoJinx romance would be a slow burn as Ekko and Jinx rebuild their friendship and push each other to be better versions of themselves as they struggle against the darkness.
(I have no stand-in for Kairi because no one in the Arcane cast is similar enough to her)
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For the 1 Like=1 Fic I Want to Write Game (the post is pinned if you want to join) and @dustystarlite
Awhile post KH3 (4, whatever we are counting as KH "present") and the resurrection of Sora, the warriors of light taking on their own apprentices.
Sora has Goofy's son, Max, and Riku has P.J. ( Pete Jr). Ventus has Ian Lightfoot (from Onward). Axel has Denzel (FFVII Advent Children) who would probably be told he was too young to train by anyone else.
Kairi is doing something slightly different, not as concerned with training keyblade wielders, but, rather, running a training camp where newly discovered princesses of heart can be brought and trained to defend themselves when/if the forces of Darkness seek them.
Roxas? Well, Roxas is assigned Seifer after Seifer comes back from his soul-searching, world spanning journey with a shiny, newly manifested keyblade, and you can imagine how well master and apprentice get along.
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